Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 30, 1868, Image 3

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    he gjr publican.
GkOKOE B. Goodlandek, Kilitor.
Thursday Morning, Jan. 30, 1868.
HaRnitlrlto, Pi., Jano&ry I, 1868.
Th Democratic State Committee of Pennsyl
vania have fiaed WEDNESDAY, lh FOURTH
(Jay of MARCH, 1608, it It o'clock, M., as the
time, and the IIill of the Home of Represent
fives, t Harrisburg, m the place, for holding the
annuel Convention of the party.
It ii ordered that thli ConTeolion be composed
ef one member for each Senator and Representa
tive, who ihall be elected In the uiual manner, and
the will meet at the time and plaoo aforeeaid, for
the purpose of nominating eandidatei for the offl
es of Auditor General and Surveyor General, and
ef teleoting Delegates to the National Convention
for the nomination of eandidatei for Pretideut and
Viee President,
The mcmbere and committee! of the organisa
tion and all eontervative citiiens who n nnite
with a in the eupport of eonititntional principle!
are requested to proceed to the election of the del-
fatee In their respective district.
By order of the Democratic State Committee.
0. 0. Dbtk, Bee'y. Chairman.
Organized for Crime. The Grand
Army of the Republic, in convention
at Philadelphia, elected Gen. Logan,
of Illinois, Commander-in-Chief ; and
Gen. J. Owen, of Philadelphia, for
Senior Vice Commander. Tho Grand
Army mast be hard up for material,
to take two of tho most notorious
scapegrace, in the country for its chief
officers. The very fact of theso two
demagogues and political harlots be
ing cboson to this position, portends
evil, and evil only. "Tho Grand Ar
my of the Republic" is a Wide-a-Wak
swindle, in tho intercut of army and
hospital bummers, and niggers.
Pardons. Tho pardon report of
Governor Geary, scut to tho Legisla
ture, shows that the whole number of
death warrants issued by the several
Executives since tbo year 1800,
amounts to 132, as follows: Governor
McKean, 10; Governor Snyder, 6;
Govornor Findley, 6 j Governor Ilies-
tcr,4; Governor Shultz, 7; Governor
Wolf, 8; Govornor Ritner, 6; Gov
ernor Porter, 14; Governor Shunk,
11 ; Governor Johnston, 3 ; Govornor
Bigler,ll ; Governor Pollock, 8; Gov
ernor Packer, 12; Governor Curtin,
18 being three each year while
Geary has issued 8 the first year.
TnE Reason. A Radical cotcmpo
rary,in lamenting over tho stagnation
in business, says :
"It ought to bo mor generally nndcritood In
thie time of enforced idleness and depression in
k. .hv., u.. iue young male ot Cfi
fornia stands ready to give employment and fair
wages to all who offer. Several railroad and man
ufacturing enterprises are in progress. Common
laborers are getting from thirty to fifty dollars
per month, in gold, and their board, and skilled
laborers and mechanics commanding from three to
Ara dollars per day."
Tho reason that every branch of
business and trade flourishes in Cali
fornia, is that tho pcoplo in that State
havo never adopted the Black Repub
lican system ol finonceoring. They
nso gold instead of Chaso sliinplaeters.
Hcnco evorylhing goes off ns merry
ns a niarriajo feVst.
Tni Rump. Affairs at the Nation
al Capital aro unchanged. Tho Dis
union leaders seem determined to
throw the country into Revolution,
and they will get it as sure as tho
sun rises and sets, if they continue
their strides towards despotism one
year longer. They seom to think
they have vanquished tho President
ignored the Executive department of
the Government and aro now assail
ing, assassin like, tho Judiciary, in
order to succeed with thoir infumous
pluns of reconstruction, as they torm it,
but In reality it is destruction. The
end of the French Jacobin leaders
should prove a warning to them,
but if they fail to profit by the
lesson, thoir-fate will bo tbo samo.
There are none so blind as those who
have eyes but don't see.
m e
TnE Legislature. We have but
little to rotate with reference to this
body. The only suhjoct, thus fur, that
sctms to have attracted the attention
of that body was the infamous Stan
ton, tho soldiers' murderer and gen
eral Jacobin leader. He was com
pletely ventilated last week. The
entangling alliances encounterod in
the House, at the opening of the ses
sion, still binder and retard business.
The Senato is slow and dignified,
and will get to work in a few days.
The Harrisburg correspondent of
the Tittsburg Commercial, alluding to
tho debate on the Stanton resolutions,
rays : ''Several speeches were mode
for and against them ; but tbo leading
ones wero made by Senator Wallace,
from Clearfield, against, and by Sena
tor Landon, of Bradford, in fatr tf
them. Wallace is a 'head and shoul
ders' shore any other Democratic
Senator io ability and tactics ; and
makes a rcry plausible argumen t, even
On tho wrong side of the question."
When our legislators get through
with other people's business recon
etrnetien ind attond to their own,
we wiJi notice Iheir doings more at
length. Will somebody bo good
r nongh to snd us the Recvrjf t
Tho National robbers, although
schooled lip to tho hlgln-et standard
of "grand moral Ideas," after a lupso
of nearly three yenrs, nro titint'lo to
agree as to tho number of men pres
ent at tho arrest of Jefferson Davis.
They have sworn that ho had high
top boots on, dressed in Mrs. Davis's
clothes, looked ptilcand much alarmed,
and a thousand other dotuils of this
gigantic event, yet, to tho present
hour, neithor ofllccrs nor men are able
to say whethor only fifteen mon wero
present or ono hundred and fitly
Tho report of Col. Fritehard, con.
manding the expedition, states that
at tho tlmo of the capturo thoro wero
present eight officers and twolve on
listed men, but their names aro not
given. Captain Hathaway, of the 4th
Michigan Cavalry, in a list subso
qucntly furnished, accounts for eight
commissioned officers and 145 enlistod
men present at said capture. Now,
if tho officers and men of this expodi
tion cannot bo bolieved in matters
relating to their own duty, why bo
liove thoir petticoat story f Either
Col. Pritchard and his gang of twen
ty, or Capt. Hathaway and his band
of one hundred and fifty-three, or
both, tell that which is not true.
At Their Work. Tbo "Father of
Lies" has been superseded at Harris
burg, for tho time being. John Cess
na, H. B. Swoopo and an Irishman
named O'ilara, have undertaken the
job. Tho subornation, perjury and
crimes of the Washington villains
Conovcr, Ashley Si Co., have been
out-dono by tho above worthies. The
efforts made by these men to cheat
Mr. Shugcrt, the Senator elect in tho
Centre district, out of bis scat, is in
strict keeping with the conduct of tho
Disunion leaders at Harrisburg and
Washington, for tho past five years.
No ono Democrat can hold bis scat
in either Congress or a State Legisla
ture when his vote changes the politi
cal complnxion of the body. This
fact is as well established as tho crimes
of tho Disunion leaders.
Tbo niggers and mean whites of
Alabama have nominated PowollClay
ton, a citizen of Delaware county, in
this Stato, for Governor, and a Massa
chusetts hospital bummer for Lieut.
Governor. Both aro loyal and lovo
tho "pet lumbs."
Intellectual Treats. Tho clti
zens of our towrf havo just bad tho
pleasure, of bearing two exceedingly
interesting lectures by John Mullaly,
tailor ot that sterling democratio
journal the New York Metropolitan
Kccord, who is now on a tour of ob
servation through the Southern States.
Mr. Mullaly lee tared on Saturday
evening, at the Presbyterian church.
taking for his the'ne "The Signs of
limes, which ho handled with mark'
ed ability.. He bado our people be of
, vi.uui, bii vii Democracy oi mo
.North ana v est wero with us, and
that the signs of the times indicato a
good time near at hand for the South.
On Monday cveninir, on -"Yankee
Character," he lectured in the Baptist
cnurcn; ol that character his delinea
tions were faithful and perfect, and
often very amusing. The proceeds of
these lectures were given to tho r au
quicr Momorial Association.
.uiiring ins stay in orrcnton nr.
Mullaly was thogucbt of Col. Mosby.
lie leu lor the houth on Tuesday
morning, carrying with him tho best
wishes of all who saw and heard him.
Longlifo and good fortune to all true
and brave democrats like John Mulla
ly. Warrcnton ( la.,) Sentinel.
A New Perplexity for Partt
Flunkies. We commend the follow
ing pungent paragraph from the
Snrinrrfiold Remthliam to tho nnrnaiil
of that class of Republicans who aro
constantly protesting against Radi
calism, and as constantly voting for
Radical candidates under protest :
"Those Republicans who havo thought
that fidolity to party required them
to defend tho Congressional scheme
of reconstruction, as a wholo and in
all its parts, find it "hard sledding"
about this timo. They hardly know
whero they are, or what they shall
bo called to swear by next. To make
everything sure and to cover all pos
sibilities they might well modify
their confession of political faith and
put it in a comprehensive form some
thing like this :
"Veare for tho Congressional plan
as it was, as it is, and as it shall bo,
world without end.' And, to make
all safe over night, Dr. Watt's famous
sleep inviter might be used in this
modified form :
"Now I lay rre down to sleep.
My reconstruction faith to keep
If it should ehange before I wise,
The latest sort I II try to take."
Stamping Deeds. Tho rovonue of
ficers of our State aro being instructed
from Washington to appoint special
officers to examino tho county offices
as to whether deeds, mortgages and
other official papers havo been proper
ly stamped. The penalty for omitting
to stamp, or for not stamping proper
ly, is $,")0 for each deed. In Bucks
county tho examiner, in going over
the first six dockets out of twenty,
found about one hundred dexids which
had either been improperly stamped
or tho stamps entirely omitted, mak
ing an aggrcgato of five thousand
dollars in penalties.
A New Yorker, traveling in Texas,
hi stripped Dy rouhcrs. Proposing a
game of "seven np," in which he start
ed with a promissory note as slakos,
he won back all his valuables, and
went on his way rejoicing.
A loiter hat boon safclv delivered
to the person to whom it was addresed
in Iowa, which had, bosides tho usual
superscription, these words: "There
is a ton dollar bill folded in this let
ter, and if you want it worse than
my mother, take it,"
The 'Isrsstoai Vonmi."
A correspondent of tho New Yoik
E.ipro says the secno in tho Hons
of ItrproM-ntiilives on tho tmssago of
the lust Reconstruction bill was ono
of moro than usual Interest. The
L'alleries wero tinclted with excited
spectators, tho itnmenso northern gal
lerv being filled almost exclusively
with American citir.ens of African do
scent who, as tho scene was viewed
from your correspondent s desk, turn
ished a dark buck-cround to the whole
picture. Tho Foreign Diplomatic Corps
.i .i -1 . i i .. , i. ..
exiituiica a ooep iiuerem in mu
ccodiii!:i, and tho western gallery
set apart for their especial accommo
dation, was bIno well ftllod. On the
floor of tho Hall, Senators, Cabiuct
Ministers and army officers crowded
nil seemingly anxious to witnoss tho
final proceedings oi tho iiousooi nop-
rcsentatives on this startling and fear
ful legislation pronounced by 51 r.
Wood "tho most infamous of tho
many infamous acts of this infamous
Congress." Just beforo Mr. Bingham
(of Ohio) who reportod tbo bill
roso to closo the delato,,lu8 colleaguo,
Mr. Caroy, (Republican,) propounded
to him lour questions, saying that
unon tho satisfactory charoctor of
Mr. Bingham's replies would dopond
his (Carey s) vote on tno pending bin
Those questions were
1st. If General Grant should fail or
rcfuso to execute this law, or should
execute it in a despotic and cruel man
ner, to what tribunal would ho bo re
sponsible for his nonfeasance or mul
feasance T
2d. As by tho terms of the bill
the President cannot intcrforo, can
the General be tried by court-martial
and if so, who can order, and who
shall constitute the Court r
3d. Not being a civil officer can be
be impeached, and if so, by whomaud
before what tribunal r
4th If he cannot be arraigned be
ioro any earthly tribunal, is he not
made an absolute despot f
Theso four inquiries, fell with
decided effect upon tbo Radical
sido ot the Hall, and immediately But
ler, Schenck, Boutwoll and others
rushed over to Bingham's desk to
prompt him in his replies, but that
gentleman deemed it more prudent
not to answer, and at onco called the
previous question, thus not only stop
ping debate, but cutting off Ben But
ler s amendment, winch ne so sirenn
ously endeavored to get before tbo
House, and which was intended to
pass the Stato governments of tho
South into the hands of the negro con
Tho vote on tho final passage of
tho bill, was, yeas Hi : nays 4a.
These four inquiries by Mr. Carey
should bo published tar and wide
They were propounded by a Republi
can, and were not answered by Mr.
Bincham. They tell the wholo story
of to-day's proceedings in a few words
and words which cannot bo misuuder-
' Tho country, however, will soon
learn that even this new bill will not
satisfy tho conspirators, who aro to
meet this very evening at tho call of
lhad. htcvens, tho chairman of tho
Committoo on Reconstruction, to con
sider still another proposition. Ste
vens, in this call, has again exhibited
his charactcrmtic cunning, and under
tho plea of ill health, notitics tho com
mittco to meet at his privatorcsideneev
well knowing that tho two Democrat
ic mombers will respectfully dcclino
the invitation, leaving himself and bis
Knmeal colleagues to concoct, in sc
cret, another diabolical schemo forop-
prcssing and harassing tho bouthcrn
pcoplo. it is understood that Jar.
Brooks, of New York a member of
tho Reconstruction Committoo ad
dressed a note to Stevens, protesting
against any meeting not held in the
room of tlio Committee, in the Capitol.
As thero is no power to hold nicotines
oi a congressional commiuoo oui-
. r. s: ...
sido of tho Capitol, unless by special
legislation or consent of the Commit
teo, Mr. Stevens will have again to
convert tho mooting at his residence
into a political caucus. Miould thero
be any attempt to transact Committoo
business, the mattor will ho brought
to tho attention ot the House as
quostion of privilege
The Government and Household
of the Grand Jacobin Empire. We
presume we shall not violate imperial
contldcnco by lorsbadowing tho char
actor of the government and house,
hold of tho now and magnificient em.
pire proposed to bo erected by tho
Jacobins upon tbo ruins of republican
liberty in the United Mates. Here
it is :
His Imporial Highness Ulysses I.
.Monarch ol all he surveys
Imperial and Keener of
tho Imperial Wore", and Conscience.
li. B. ashburne.
Minister of Confiscated Estates and
General Factotiiri of tho Imperial
Mansion. Thadf'cus Stevens.
Ministor of Mi'itary Injustice. Ed
win M. Stanton.
Ministor of the Radical Rack and
Political Joint Twister in Genoral.
George S. Boutwoll.
tslicr of the Black Rod. Fred.
Jjord High Chamberlain and Ticker
l p ot all tho Imperial Old Boots, Old
Hats and Old Clothes Goncrally. -John
W. Forney.
Imperial Soft I m pouch or and Knight
Commander of tlwi Order of tho Sul
phureous Bath. James M. Ashloy.
t i ii-- j -,, ,. . .. .
imperial w mum aim J hoi ol t in
Imperial Blowpipes. J. W. Hiinnicut.
court Watchman. Henrv ilson.
Court Hangman. Ben Wado.
Keencrof tho Imperial Bodchamber.
Charley Sumnor.
J.ady in ailing Anna Dickinson.
JVcip York Jlrrald.
An effort is now bcinif made by tho
friends of Allegheny Mead-
villo, Ph., to mnko good the amount of
its recent financial losses by tho fuil-
ure of tho Crawford County Bank and
othorwiso. The proposition is to so
enre subcriptions of $20 per annum
each from at loast ono hundred per
sons, pnyahlo somi-nnnnally for five
years. This amount will meet all de
ficiencies and obviato tho present ne
cessity for vacating somo of tho pro
fessorships. Excessive loyalty hs
well nigh ruined this Methodist insti
tution. It3 friends had had better
invest more in religion and less in
New Your, Jan. 27, 1fr.H.
The recent arret of that erratic
Bohemian, George Francis Train, by
tho Cork authorities, for making
Fenian stump speeches in America,
attracts more or less attention of tho
journals. The whole affair is looked
upon ns a huge joke. It is believed
that Train purptmelv invited his own
arrest on his arrival at Qucotistown,
and sailed hence a fortnight with
that solo object in view, though it is
L'iven out that ho was on his way to
Dublin, as tho spocial correspondent
of tho Now York World, ho long as
thero is no ronl danger impending,
Train would be only tooglud to mnko
a martyr of himself, and by this moans
become a prolific subject for diplomat
ic correspondence, gratity bis hobby
for advertising himself into further
notoriety, and tangle himself up into
a test caso, domanding the prompt in
torforenco of our Government for tho
protection of American citizens abroad,
confined, meta phnricaiiy speaking, in
loathsome foreign dungeons. Nympa
tbising meetings havo already beon
hold in various parts of the city .where
the usual "Whereas tho timo has at
length arrived, &c, 4c,." and "There
fore resolved we demand, in the
namo of. &c, io.," It seems al
most impossible to get up I he noces
sary amount of excitement just at this
time to stimulate tbo collodion ol
further subscriptions for tho men in
gnp from poor Bridget and Patrick.
Train's diplomacy in thin matter is
very much like that of a certain Cali
fornia statesman who was uptor Con
gress a few years si nee. r ail i ng to go t a
respectably sited audience to listen to
his speeches, it was whispered around
San Francisco that a sanguinary duel
with bowio knivos, between two well
known prominent characters, hostile
to each other in politics, would cer
tainly take place at a given locality,
on such a day, between!) and VI A. M.
About three' thousand peoplo assem
bled at the appointed spot on tho day
named ; tho spoech was delivered, tho
bar-rooms done a rushing business,
the speaker received a purse of $200
from the saloon keepers for bringing
tho crowd togethor, but the duel, how
ever, never came off, or was any seri
ous ajj aired honneur ever dreamed of
by tho parties implicated. I rain, since
his releaso, is talked ot now for head
of tho F. B.'s, and' will probably bo a
candidate for Vine-President of the
United States. Till then, let the
English lion roar its au revoir to all
peaceful relations between tho two
countries, and the American engle
from Its lofty porch at Washington,
flap its wings in dignified yet danger
ous silenco. Train is a martyr at lust,
and Seward is aroused 1 1
Castle Garden, tbo hcad-qunrtcrs of
our Immigrant Commissioners, and the
landing place for all the fresh arrivals
from tho Old World, for this time of
the year presents an unusually lively,
bustling and animated appearance
The rush of foreign emigration to our
shores, notwithstanding it is the mid
dlo of winter, continues unabated.
Europe has contributed the past year
very liberally to the population of the
United States; but tho great flood of
emigration was not, as usual Irom Ire
land, but from Germany .. The Irish
used to far surpass, in numbers, tho
cnt; but tho late war in Germany,
and tho apprehension of another at
somo not very far distant period, be
tween Northern Germany and Franco,
has turned tho tide, and tho Toutonic
fresh t promises to bocomo a flood.
Last year tho foreign immigration
into tho United States exceeded
anything of tho kind witnessed
for tho previous eight vcars. This
year it promises to exceed in nnmboi s
anything ot the kind wo have cvor
witnessed before. Most of tboso who
arrive, however, appear to bo of a bet
ter class of small farmers and agricul
turists, who bringwith them no little
amount of worldly wealth to contri
bute thoir sliaro to our gonoral pros
perity. Tho rather snden demiso of John
JacobAstor,atlhoagoofC5yeors,a few
days sinco, divulges facts which seom
liko a romance. A bright, promising
boy, bo had boon sent to a collego"in
Switzerland, where his intellect do
came impaired in consequence of an
accidental injury, In 1XJ2 ho was
placed in an asylum in Cambridgeport,
Mass., under tho care of Dr. Dexter
Fairbanks. But his malady proving
incu ablo, he was brousrht to tho house
which his lute father had erected ex
pressly for him, on Fourteenth Street,
in this city a large, baronial, gloomy
looking structuro, surrounded by a
high wall, and the very existence ot its
nuf'ortunntc millionaire inmate was un
known to the present generation. Here
he remained until his doath, tbe sub
ject of unremitting attention on tho
part ot Ins medical attendant, who,
for forty-six yours, done all that skill
and sell-sacrificing efforts could do to
contribute to the comfort and relief of
his patient. The violence which at
times used to mark tho case gradually
disappeared, and of late years the
general health of Mr. Astor has been
comparatively good. Strangers who
mot him enjoying his daily exercises
could not have been roadily distin
guished him from any other infirm
old gentleman. But one other son re
main alivo, Wm. B. Astor, tho possess
or of forty-two million dollars' worth
of real and pcrsonnl property, and him
self quito an aged :i an.
ilio skating mania that seems to
pervado all classes this winter drew
together on Saturday, aided by tho
tempting atmosnhcro, thousands nt
tho ponds of tho Park. It is estimated
Miat ninety thousand poopio were
presont during tho day and evening,
and that at least sixty thousand of
both sexes skated. They comprised
all classes, and a better behaved assem
blage of peoplo could no where olso be
Tho man that said "Frailty" thy
nnme is a woman, fortunately died
somo timo ago. Had ho lived to the
present time, and been a married man,
and his tioblo disinterested spouse
held the "whin-hand" of him ami
adopt ed somo of the prevailing eccen
tric fashions we soc on Droad way every
day, he would scarcely have hoped to
escapo from the grim penalties of a
lunatic asylum.
The taxed value of the property Ic
the city is l?31,4!7,8n,
Senator Wallace, from Clearfield
County, lately read in place in the
body of wbicli ho is a member, a hill
declaring tin I stall genoral ami special
elections berenHer to ho held in tho
City of Philadelphia and the City of
Lancaster, the polls shnll no opened
at soven o'clock in the morning and
closed nt seven in tho cveninu . The
reason stated by tho Senator for this
cbango are, that tho law clotting tho
polls at six o'clock disfranchises many
laboring men, and is inconvenient in
practice by reason of tho hours of
daily lubor now in uso, cninpolling
them to remain nt their occupations
until tho polls aro closed, and that
facilities for tbo exercises of tho right
of suffrage by thoso legally and proper
ly qualified thereto should bo enlarged
and not restricted, Theso viows aro
plain and practical in their bearing,
and should induce tho Legislature to
pass tho bill as presented by Senator
Wallace. Thousands of workingmen
are not ablo to poll thoir votes under
tho present law. Ibis is unjust, lho
law-making power has no right to
disfranchise citizens, and any law
which has this effect should bo repeal
ed at tbo oarliost possiblo moment.
When the negroes of tho South atked
for time to deposit their votes it was
granted to tho length of two days.
Certainly the Legislature of this State
will not deny tho white workingmen
of this city and Lancaster the poor
boon of one hour in addition to tbe
timo during which they can now
vote. Age.
It is announced that Rev. William
R. Algeris writing tho"llistory of the
Devil." If Alger bo an accurate and
faithful historian, a large portion of
Ins history will includo the Congress
ional Globe and Appendix from March
4. 1861, to the death of tho Fortieth
Congress. It will without doubt be a
standard work
In tbo late municipal election at
Allegheny City, tho Democrats made
a gain over last year of ti4'J votes.
This is ono of the blackest localities
of theStato. The Democratic column,
like John Brown s soul, is still "march
ing on," but not to the same place.
On January i, 1 80S, in the Iiaptist Charch, at
Punxiutawnrr, by Her. J.. Eiorthill, assisted
by Her. A. 6nnaar, Mr. JOHN P. FEATH, of
New Washington, Clearfield eonnty, and Miss
CRTSSIE BENDER, of Punxsutawney, Pa.
On January i, 1 SSS, by the same, Mr. CHARLES
SWAIM and Miss SALLIE KNARR; both of
Clearfield eountr. Pa.
Qtvs di'frtisftnrnts.
SI.I.Kill FOR HUP Tho andersis;aed
baa a two horse SLK1UH, which he will sell
ebrap. E. W. ORAHAM.
Clearfield, Jan. 30-41.
Hotel for Sale.
TH E subscriber offers for sal a raluable Hotel
and sii Lola, with (nod stablini and suitable
out buildings thereon, sitoat In tb borough of
bomber City, Clearfield county. Pa. For terms
apply to tho subscriber on tha preen isee.
Jan3-lm I). W. HILE.
rpHB ettisene ef Clearfield and Tleinlty are
X hereby notified that tb undersigned keeps
onstantly on hand Bit HAD, PIES, CAKKj.
ROLLS and all kinds of CONFECUOXKklES.
K A I At K N
Ara notified that during the rafting teatoa a full
supply of Dread will always be kept on hand.
Clearfield, January 3(1, 1SII8.
To Raftmen.
"1 AFTMEN will be pies sod to learn that da
IV ring the coming season Lodging and Pro
visions oaa b had at
Th subscribers will hero ope nt that point
Iheir large Dotal, (eapable of entertaining two
hundred men,) wbrr tbey will mess It their
business to supply Waterman with Bread, Meat,
Ao on reasonable tortas.
THIS IH TO GIVK M)TI( r.l-Tbston
th Into day of January, A. D. 1 (!., a War
rant la Rftitbnini-w was lauAJ th c...
of Thomas Ralston, of th township of llopfs la
tne soanty 01 uearneia, ana Plat or Peoniyl
rsnii, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his
own petition ; that the payment of any debt
and delltery of any property belonging to such
Bankrupt, to him, or for his us. and th transfer
of any property by hire ar forbidden by Law ,
that a meettn nf the Crailitnra .r tha al fl.-b
rapt, to pro? their Debt, and to choose on ar
nuro Aisigoeoe 01 wis hum, win a aia at a
Court of Itanlrrunlr. tr, ka hMn ml 1
al tb office of 11. B. Swoop, Esq., before S. K.
Woodruff, Register, oi tb 1.1th day of March,
v. jooo, as 1 1 a ciock, A. M.
THOS. A. ROW LEV. V. S. Marshal.
By O. P. Dint, Dept. V. 8. Marshal.
January 80, lSftS-et.
fTMIE Reoond Term, of twenty-two weeks, will
-L commence on MOXDAV Fahman it laaa
Reading, Orthography, Writing Object I.e-.ons,
rrimary Ariinmetio and Primary Ueog
raiibr.ner half term, fnfeleren wiw-Va t no
History, Local aad Descriptive Geography
wnn map drawing, tirammar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic, a in
Algobra and tb Roieneee ., aa
CMarfield, January 10, lfins.
ar coming.
"VlflLL I.shibit at th Court House, CLEAR.
1 I I'IKLD.nn Friday and Hn.tiir.lnv ercnings,
January SI stand February 1st: PlIILlpMU'll!),
on Mem. la? and Tuesday, the S.I and 4th OSCK
OI.A, oa Wednesday and Thursday, tih and Sth ;
TYRONE, on Friday and Saturday, 7th and Sth.
Consisting of
Painted on S.00S square feet of canvass. Also,
The Pannrnma will conclude each areniug with a
thrilling illustration of tho
Also, the Diorama of tho
Tho only on on exhibition in th fnilrd futo.
Tb wbule to conclude each evetjing with
Mechanical Figures, In which amusing scenes of
Ventriloquism takes place.
Jf-r-For particulars ic descriptive kills.
CHILDREN ander l(l 14 ceoU.
January 30, lSfiS-lt-pd.
SOLIH liH imilNTIICM.-A recent act
ha pasted both House of Congress, and
signed by th President, giving a three years'
oldier $lfl and lw years' soldier .S0 bounty.
All persons who enlisted prior t July II, ISfil,
served on year, and war honorably discharged,
ara entitled to line boon t v.
!aT-BOl NIIF.3and PENSIONS collected by
"I- A fy at t , orSld, TV.
XtOTM I-' The Indcpendml Order of Oood
i. 1 Templets mil bold a Dirlilcl Ifiierterlr I on
vrnlion, fm tirarficM lli.IrM, In Curwi-nti ille, on
TiH-'dxy and V, Fiditiisiy 'ih and tih,
cniiimenclng at 14 Vlo k, p. m. Each Lo.lye Is
enlltlnl In four di-Hrnii a, put. lie meeting will
be held on tbe evening of each day, lo winch all
persons are irn lte-1. Aide speaker are avpeeted
lo Le sent by Ibe (irand li-lire.
Janl.i-Jl W. It. WHITNEY, Dist. Deputy.
Vi.r.Vi" A ST! '.I For two ol Ihe brat
selling subscription hunts ever published.
One entitled ".Mysteries of the Neapolitan Con
vents," by an E-llencdictlne Nun, a true account
of the Inner life of tb convents tho niot lltril
ling and Interesting work before tlia pulilio. The
other entitled "The Cottage Cyclopedia," a gem of
intellectual wealth, and wanted in every family;
complete in one large swlavo volume of over I.imiO
pages, Illustrated. Hend for circulars of terms,
which are very liberal. A. . H ALE A CO.,
jan23-3t pd Hartford, Conn.
AUTIOSi Tbe public are hereby cautioned
J against trading for or buying an ORDER,
given bv mo ti J. H. Brown, and endorsed by
Win. T. McCorkle, dated December It, I T.7, enll
ingfor thirty-seven dollars and thirty -seven cents,
as I have diacorerod a great mistake in tho matter,
and will therefor not pay it unlesa compelled by
law. DANIEL KlUr'H.
Uirard tp., Jan. 16, W7-ll:pJ
(i AtTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
J against purchasing or in any way meddling
with one bay Maro, one Cow, fivo bead of Vonng
Cattle, fifteen Sheep, eight Hog), two two-borse W a
gons, two Plows, ono Harrow, lot of Ohuirs, Hay
in tho harn, fir acres of Wheat and thirteen
acres of Ry in th ground, now in tb possession
of Alexander Donlap, as tha tarn belong to me,
and arc left with him subject to my order.
Brady tp. Jan. 16,
I.""lt HAI.I- A superior SLKIOH. perfect
j ly new, high finish and cushioned tlirongb
uU Apply to jan II. W, SMITH.
MJR WANTED. Th mtbirriber will par
th biffhciit nritwi. in CASH, for m kindi of
r ur suu vsci rsnis. i u, nbit.c.tDjiin
January It, IHttS-tf.
L 1 f Ul. T 1 11 t'HL" V'tTfl V
fOTICIi- Pmoni baring an t tied account t
XI linco July lnt with tbe underiigned, will
plrt4e bring in all their credit! and giva their
notet for turn balance duo January I nt.
janU-lm J. V. KHATZER.
uaMo publication is for tale at thii office, it
Uuuld be in the hands of ererv licmocrat. It
eontaini full election returns frutn all the titatci ;
betide), the number for IHf0 contain! a complete
lilt of tho namee of all tbe netr)afcr tupprtited
and mobbed during Lincoln's adiuitiintratiun ; and
that for 167 contains the names of all those civil-
fans who were imprisoned during the same period.
These two list, for future reference, are worth
more than the price of the publication. Any one
fending us fifty oenti, will receive by return mail
a copy for each year, free of postage. ti.
rilUE subscriber offers for tale a very YaluaMe
,1 property, situate in 1 nion township. C lear
field county, vis: TWO TKACTS OF LAND.
Containing orer 300 1cre$9
With good improTemrntf. a fine quality of
limber, and Loal io abundance, good Orchards,
a Saw-mill four lwelling-bonses, three Barns, Ac,
thereon. The two tracu will be sold together or
separately, to suit purchasers.
k'or particulars, apply to the subscriber on the
premise, or address him by letter at Kwkton P.O.
Janio .Ha JUll.N l-KhLkK.
Town Lots for Sale.
rTni subscriber will dispose of a nnrnber of
.A town lots, situate in th Tillage or Michaels
rule, opoa asy terms and at reasonable rates.
It situated on th West Branch of th f osqoe
canna rirer, in Hell township. Clearfield euuntr.
Pa.( oa the 8tata road leading from Indiana to
CurwensTill. 28 allies from tba former and it
from th latter, in th midst of an excellent
agricultural community. It Is a desirable loca
tion for mechanics. School house, church and
taw mill clot by, and arsl-elaa grist mill withia
two milos. Tho desirous nf auy further infor
mation can obtain it by applyin' to th under
lined, or by addressing bin at Cush P. O.,
Ciarald eooaty, I'a.
IffUfcaelaarNl. J.nss.rj , t-4e.
"1E will tell, at a low Cirure, one Tllandy
twenty-five horse power 1'OKTADLE fc.N
GISK, and heavy double SAW MILL, thirty fet
rarriaire, fifty-sii inch taw, steam Kuafa and
whistle, Willi all Ihe necessary arraniremruti for
shingle and lath milt, capable of euttingone thou
sand per hour; hat been run only about eight
months ; it in good order. Km- further informa
tion, address V. I). I'KYCK A pU.N,
ao 14-3ia:ud Ebcnsburg. Cambria Co, Fa.
Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws.
Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage,
For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shaping th
Teeth or ail Splitting Bsws.
te.8ad for a Descrlptire Circular and Price
jan-tf Osnsral Areata, CltarBeld, Pa
THE subscriber, contemplating going into oilier
businots. will !L al iirivale sale, bis antir.
stock of
Pottery and Stoneware,
At his Kiln, In Clearfield. Those who mey need
ware of this kind can secure it at a hoav r mlurtinn
on th asnal price, by calling soon, becaus he
inunut to clot It nut a soon as pneaiM.
Clearneld, October 14, IMfl7-tf,
Clearfield Nursery.
TflK undersigned, having established a Kur
aary en Ibe Tike, about hair way betwe.a
Clearneld and Curwensvllla. it nreriared to fur-
nith all kinds of FRl'IT TRKKS, (standard and
dwarf,) Evergreens, (Shrubbery, Urap Vines,
Uooseberrlea, Lawton Illackharry, Strawberry,
and Rasbcrry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees,
Quince, and early ictrlet hhuharb, o.
promptly attndd to. Address,
pl J y Curwensvillt, Pa
A 1)1 I s- H ltl
J AlulTs, Collar, Vlctorlnei, and Berthas.
A fin assortment, Jn.t received at
All P I T Oil. t.OTIIxl
A supply. In late styles, .lust received
and for sale at low (lrnr.. at th
It upply af Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins,
Fltnnelt, II loves, Hosiery, Shawls,
Hoods, Nubia. Prenkia! Shsals,
Ladlet1 Coata, Shoot, Dels and Caps,
Notlona.Trimmlngsand Fancy Goods,
at price that defy competition.
Keystone Store,
Kot. II, 1'67-lie Second SU, Clearfield.
NAN Kit FHCITof ,11 kinds. t
WAM K1.A SKRY ANT, to ook, wash
and iron. A-pIv to
J" W. W. tVTTn,
Wnolrn rnrfory. I nlon yti
t'Hlnn tnMHtll ICBlflcId fn , Pt.
UAVCVI pnrrbs-erl sn lMtr.( n th l'g
Mills, are pr ard torerd H -iiBl.
uu.'turn and Knih t'lih, and di !) Itinl ,f
work In our tin on ihnr nntire, In "rlim..tjik
m softer, and oa reasonable terms. A I no,
Manufactured and for salt. Terms Cash,
Wool Intended for car lirg can be I. ft st R
Moop's or J. P. Krmrer'i. wh-re wo will ga
and return it on Faturdeys of eoeti week.
Letters of Inquiry addraned to ut at Rock ton
P. 0. will roetiv prompt attention.
F. K. 4 J. K. ARN0L&.
Rockton, June 27, lf7.
i:VOM!TIO IX Tlt AI)l;l LALIig,
you Qua rrcc.Te iwr mr lum ui
Silk, Morinn, and A I paces Ilretses, Khawls, Ii.
morals, Linen Wood, Knib.iss.-d Table Corers,
Watches, Jowelry, diver Plated are, Sewing
Machines, Ac. Kcnd clubs of ten or more, wu
ten eents each dcscrtatii-ecbcck.snd the getter
up of the club will rceeir a present worth $'i t
l.tuO, according to number sent. Agents wsntcd
everywhere. Circulars' tent free. PAKKKH A
CO., S4 A 66 Federal Hi., Jloston. (drc2-3in:pa
IV. 31. fc A. I. SHAW,
(Second street, opposite Ih Court House,)
TIIE subscribers having entered into partner
ship in th Drug business, and purchased
the entire interest of Mr. C. I. Watson, woald
respectfully Inform th eillient of Clearfield
eounty, that they ara now prepared to furnish
Dy Stuffs, Tobaooo, Cigars, Confeotloasriei
Utatioeery. Ac.
Will And our ttack of Drugt FULL and COX.
PLETE, and at a very tligbt advaac an Easter
Teachers and other will b. furnished with
classical and micllanoat book by cxprst,ai
inert aoiiot.
Consisting of Oap. Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and
Perfumed Not Papert ; also, a very neat ttoek
of Mourning Note Paper and Envloptoa band.
Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac.
Will tnd a full stock of Pl'RE SPICES, ROM,
SODA ASH, Concentrated LYE, SGAP, .
Ar requested loexamin our stock of Perfumery,
Hair Oils, Fin Toilet Soap, Brushes, Coses,
Toilet fcetu, Ao, Ac
Will find a full supply of prim Chewing aai
Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Domtru
CIQAKd, Snuff, Fina-Cot, ate., Ao.
Of th best brands, always oa land.
The best quality of Liquor alwsyt band, fir
mtdical purposes.
nr-Pbjsiciaos' Proscription promptly aad
earcfully compounded.
Sepu 12, IboT. W. M. A A. I. 6IUW.
ItrugrUttK, l.rarflttd, Pa.
HAVING refitted and removed to th rtom
lately occupied If K'.ebard Moaeop, aew
oner, low for oath, a well selected assortment ef
Alio, ratttt I'cdicirel ef alt birds, Oils, 61
Patty, Dy Stuffs, Stationary,
CftleoT?( Ppiooe, and tbo largest 'stock f
rariatloa rer offered ie tbi place, and warraaa
(d to b ef th best th Market affords.
0 Maia St, en door west af TJippl tt Faust's
Hal bow oa hand a larga assortment f
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Patent Medicines,
Truaaea, Phouldcr-nrarca. EUaatlc Stack.
lii(ra and supporter.
Oiaaa, Putty,
Par umery. Toilet Goods, Con fectlonsries. Spies,
Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigar. Books,
Stationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink,
and a general variety
of Notioni.
Hi! stock smbraeei all articles aeded la a
eommunity. Is entirely aew, and nf tb beet
quality, and will b Id at reasonable price.
Ctll and eiamine th goods ; tbey cannot faO
te pleas. drs-tf
Jutt noeived at th Store of
Mrs. H. D. WELSH k Co.,
Tcftlcn In
Silk and velvet DOXSETS made for $1 0
Straw BONNETS made for T
All kinds of II ATS lor il
Materials furnished oa at reasonable tans as
they caa be had ia tb county.
Mrit door to First National Bank, CLEARFIELD. P.
Indics Fnnry Furs,
Old Established
Fur Manufactory,
No. TIS ARCH St., abov
Seventh, 1'hilaierlphia.
Hare now In my store, of
my own Importation and
,,.'a.---rp 4 -' .'talinlacturt.. one ol lie
4ai . - J ' largest and roost branmsi
' .. ; for Lailics' and Children 't
JTrfcir'"- wear in the city. Also, a
fine assortment of dent's Fur Hloves and Collsra.
1 am enabled to distmse of my goods at very rea
annablr prior, and I would I here fore anlicit a call
from my friends of ( l.artielil connt.r and viomity.
Remember tbe name, number anl street.
John fakk.ira.
No. tl Arch Street, abare 7th. anuthsi.le.
oei.1.4m Philaiblphia, Ta.
AND CLOAK MAKINO Ladies can ks
their Dresses, Suits, Coata, and Basquinrs htnd
aomely mad and trimmed, at th shortest at.
lice, at th old-established stand, 1M1 Cbesto
treet, Phllelelphl.
Fancy and plain Fans, Mintilla Orntmenai,
Prist and Cloak Buttons, Ribbons. Cluny tad
tluipnro l.eces. Bugle and Oimp Dress Triu
minga, with a large variety of Staple and Faery
Ooods.from 3S to 40 por cent, less than tlrewher.
Also, receiving daiiv. Tari rash ions iu tissue
piper. Tor Ladies' and Children's Dreesea Sen
f Palterni for merchant and lire, mnkersncw
reedy, at Mr. M. A. BIN DhR'fl,
)T If lfi?l Ohtnl it, Pblld'.rle.