1 THE HKl'UHUl'AN. ; Terms of Subscription. If Inndvancc.or v.lthiu thrve months.. 00 If pal I af'er three an.l briolv III mi.ulln ! eO If -wld after the ejpiratlon of ill tnoulhs... I 00 Vr. T. II. Wn.so, our forrrosn, is authorised to receipt for ttionev p aid iutu theonVe nn account of subscription, advertising, Job work, Ac, in our eo.vnoe. UtD. 3. UOODl.ANHKIt, Kditor tnl Proprietor. THCBsDAt::::::::::::::::Jttnury 1!3, 18158. r u - ir. A. M. Hills desires us to say that he will bo in Pbilipbburg on the first week of February, (3d to 8th in- clusirc,) to attend all calls in a Denial wrny. Rooms at Lloyd's Hotel. 3t Court. Last week, for tho first time uinco tbo days of Judge Knox, had a full week's Court. It open ed at ten o'clock on Monday, and closed at nino on Saturday night; during which time several very heavy causes were tried, and a largo amount of other Quarter Sessions business disposed of. The result is, that four men are sentenced to the Penitentiary three for one year and nine months, two of whom pay costs and a fine of five hundred dollars each, and the other costs and one hundred dollars only ; while tho fourth pays costs, five hundred dollars fine, and goes two j ears and nine months to Alle gheny; and a fifth was sentenced to pay costs and go seven months to jail. ' Judge Barrett moves a Court as rystematically as an engineer does his locomotive, and in his languago and deportment cannot be misunderstood. Give us the Bench we had last week, for one year, and we will guar antee that thereafter the Common wealth will be compelled to leave the Court room on Wednesday evening, voile the balance of the term can bo devoted to civil causes. Thousands of dollars can be saved to the tax payers of this count)', if the business of the upper and lower stories of the Court Houso is administered as it -ought to Jbe. Put tho machine in legal business shape, and causes can ie triod in proper season, with less than half the friction that is now pro duced. Thero is no act of the people's agents so highly appreciated, as that of attending to their business at tho proper timo and os speedily as possi ble. If this is done, a heavy decrease in taxation will food follow, to tbo mutual benefit of all. .Democratic Meeting. According to; previous notice, the Domocracy of this county assembled in the Court House, in Clearfield, on Tuesday cve stog.the 14th instant, for the purpose of electing Senatorial ond Represent ative Conferees, to meet those of tho other counties of this district, a After being culled to order by the Chairman of tho County Committee, Frank Fielding, Eq., offered the fol lowing resolution, which was unani mously adopted : ' Resolved, That James Pavare, of New W-h-Vagton, J. B. Walters of CleainaM, and II. W. Kerns, of Curwensville, be, and are hereby elected, Senatorial Conferees, to meet like Coofereel from Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest counties, and ewoose a Senatorial delegate to represent this dis ttict in the approaching 4th of March Convention, 111 that they har power to substitute. I Mr. Frank Short then offered the following : Resolved. That F. (5. Miller, of Clrirficld. L. 0. Lingle, of Osceola, and Eli Illoom of Tike town ship, be selected as Itrpreeentative Conferees, to aaeet those from Elk and Forest eountics. for the purpose of selecting a Representative delegate to the approaching Flats Convention, and if unable t attend the Conference, that they have power to appoint aubstitutos. it This resolution was also unanimous ly adopted. The business for which the mcoting was called having been transacted, it was, on motion, adjourned. Licenses. Tho Court last week granted licenses to the persons named below, who will bear in mind that if they are not lifted within fifteen days tbey will be forfeited : TAVERN LICENSES. James McPivitt Curwensville borough. ' John Fauts llcoatnr township. J. C. Henderson- Osceola borough. A. E. Thompson. Woodward township. ' Harry Ooss. Osceola borough. Oeorgo Knarr. Jlrady township. Oeorge N. Colbuurn... Clearfield borough. W. It. Thompson Chest tuwuship. Tsaae Ricketta I'tahvllle. Milo llayt ......Osceola borough. John Mulson ......Covington township. Isaac Bennett... Burnsid Matlhew C. Uamhle laneevillo. William Lifrhtncr....lleccaria towhship. Andrew tihulT (itihrh " Camper Lvipoldl Clearfield borough. A. J. Praurker Curwensrille " A-P. liuMen bloom township. SALOON LICEN8E8. A. W. Raymond ..Morris township. 6ebastisn M.ndcroft... .Morris George W. W earns...... Woodward township. W. Entree. Clearfield borough. Jobs F. Rote Clearfield ' MERCANTILE LICENSE. A. Leeont tiirsrd township. A MlSRINO II C8RAND Tl'RNS TP. Mr. Joseph It. Cobb, husband of Mrs. Cobb, with whose name tlio Washing ton conspirators have taken so many 1 lierties, publishes the following card in the St. Louis Republican i "I denounce the Hon. .Inmei M. Ashler. M. C cf Ociio, a calumnious liheler, suborner, and an j " "sra- usty unscrupulous slanderer. I also brssd, l'i a coward. Iiisdaimiitg to avail mveels-eT . , . ,.. ,..,,, ,.. ,,,,,-, , tempting to pcrpetratee midnight assassination J "Co a soldier s clistscter. 'Jostru R. rmi. ''51. Louis, Jsnusry S, 16H." It is nselen for Mr. Cobb, or any olher gentleman, to call Ashley to an aoeount : because his associations with Couovcr, Stevens, and that class of political harlots, has rendered him t f.lloub to everything pertaining to the t Saractcr of a gentleman. Tho largest farms are found in Cal ;i'jrnia, whore the average i'.o of ;H reti thousan'l fnrm ii flflt arres .1 I. - " ' (frsTs-rlrM IVsmifv .lHrsf iirol At a meeting of tho Airrionltural Society, held at tho Court House, on tho evening of the 1 foil of January, A. 1. 1 KtsM, the following officers were elected, via: yVtoi.tViif lien- C. II llanott. Vice yVr.t(iiif. (i. W. Caldwell, Beccaiia ; John Orr, Dell; John Smith, Bloom ; lavid Adams, jr., Boggsj Daniel Stewart, llrailford ; V. Kohler, Brady; John Mehafl'ev, P.unisido; L. J. Hurd, Chest; Kolort Mitehell, Clearfield; John Hiter, Covington; James Tlumison, Curwensville; K. 1). Showalter, Decatur; V. M'Crack en, Ferguson ; (j. S. Hines, Fox; Alex. Murray, (iirard; Thompson Head, GohIicu ; Thomas II. Forcey, Uraham ; Joseph Fry, Gulich; David Tyler, Huston; Joseph Patterson, Jordan; Conrad Baker, Knox; L. Hertlino, Karthaus; Henry Gulich, Lnwrence; Amos Ililo, Lumber City; Leonard Kyler, Morris; J. M. Cuiumings,Ncw Washington; (i. M. Brisbin, Odceola; Elishtt Fenton, Ponn; J. A. Illoom, Pike ; Levi 11. Dicssler, Union; Thos. Henderson, Woodward. Executive Committee L. F. Ir in, A. C. Tate, Nathaniel Bisliel, J. A. L. Flegal, S. B. Jordan. Jlcccrding Secretary A. C. Flani gnn. Corresponding Secretary Kichard II. Shaw. Treasurer A. M. Hills. Librarian John II. Fulford. Board of Managers David Dressier, (Chairman,) Union; Itohcrt Porter, Lnwrence; J. B. Kylcr.Morris; Win. Hoover, Bradford ; F.G. Miller, Clour field ; E. K. Shirey, Goshen ; F. K. Arnold, Brady; Isaac Caldwell, Pike; J. P. Kratzor, Clearfield ; Elisha Fen ton, Penn ; H. W. Kerns, Curwens ville ; J. J. Pie, Girard ; Jacob Gulich, Lawrence; Thomas II. Korcey, Gra ham; Milo Hoyt, Osceola. MAtborlng .Woi's ,1oeiallon. Editor of Republican : Your neigh bor of the Journal attacks the cause of Labor Reform in a most mean, foul mouthed and cowardly manner, iu his issue of January l.ith ; as the real objects of iho Associations are, to organize the Sons of toil, to act in their own defence against tho all-devouring grasp of capital. True, some of their principles aro Democratic as woll as Republican ; but tho Labor Reform movement goes Jar above and beyond anything any other party has ever, as yet, dared to advocate ; becauso other parlies have, in a great measuro, been controlled by capital. Whon Mr. Itow tells his readers that these Associa tions arc under the caro and manage ment of Copperheads, ho tells them u bare-faced falsehood : for, as far as I am aware, 1 was the first, (or one of the first,) to introduce Labor Iserorm advocates in this county, called and addressed the first meeting on the subject of the Rights of Labor, and if he terms l.or such as 1, Copperheads, then 1 thrust tho lie arms-length down his black throat. Yours, for the Bights of Labor, ANDREW WILSON. LvTHERSBi no, Jan. 20, 18(iS. The Lancaster IntJligcncer made its appearance on tho 1st instant very considerably enlarged. Beforo this addition to its sizo, it rankod among the largest papers in tho State, and now it outstrips all its cotemporaries, with ono or two exceptions. The Intelligencer it one of the most ably edited papers in the State, and wo are glad to know that it is receiving tho patronage it so well deserves. Bees a Nuisance. The Harrisburg Telegraph says : "By reference to our court proceedings, it will be teen that tho keeping ot bees has been decided to bo a nuisnnco. Some time ago Au gustus Banker cnlcrcd complaint be foro tho Mayor, churging John Young with maintaining a nuisanco in tho shape of a lot of bees. Tho honey makers visited Bankers store, and al most prevented the transaction of bu siness therein. They intruded in ev ery part of the store, and mado havoc of sugars, candies, etc., kept on hand. The case came up for trial yesterday afternoon, and was concluded this morning, when tho jury rendered a verdict of guilt)-. It is therefore a settled matter that bees constitute a nuisanco whon they intrude, on the premises of their keepers' neighbors. Frightful Scene in Court. In the Criminal Court of Washington City, on the 10th instant, a prisoner, while receiving his scntenco for burglar', drew a knifo and nllompted to mur der a boy who had been tho principal witnoss against him. By a quick ac tion tho boy saved himself. The would bo murderer was not subduod until several officers caino to tho res cue' Tho Judge had just sentenced him to two years confi'iomcnt in the Penitentiary; after he was secured, the Judge remanded him back to jail, and ordered the officers who witness ed the other affuir"to appour before tho Grand Jury, and bring in an in dictniont of assault and battery with intent to kill. Dr. Mendelssohn, son of tho illustri ous composer, and Professor of Histo ry in tho University of Ileidelburg, is about to publish the posthumous works of his father. They comprise a symphony namod "Tho Reform," a funeral march, composed for tho an niversary of tho death ofXorberl Berg muller, a sonata, and ballads without words (liedcr ohne xrorte ) Gen. Lee's Views. In a conversa tion with Gen. Preston, of this State, who ha recently returned from a vis it to Gon. Robert K. Lee, ho remarked that tho General has said to him that "the courso of General Hancock was tho first dawn of hope he had scan for the people of tho South since the ter mination of tho war." Louisville Democrat. Tho citizens of Forest county are remonstrating against tho erection of a now Court House at Tioncsla, claim ing that tho building in present use will answer tho purpose for ten years to come. Wooden legs oost the government last year I35,L'08 50. . Wooden beads cost tho government much mre than that IIfavv Roimmv The limine of John Hi nnehiiof, ot Venango count)', was entered about half pat seven oVh)ik,on tho liith instant, by four turn disguised by bandken hiels over their fin es, and robbed of over two hundred thousand dollars fort y thou sand ili 'I hi I' in bonds, and tho balance in currency. They presented revol vers at the heads of the inmates, when tbey proceeded to tio Mr. John llen iK'lioof. his wiie, and two sons, and also a hired man and girl. Taking tho keys from .Mr. llennchoof, they entered tho safe and extracted the above nmount, after which they sat down, and waited half an hour for tho return of Mr. Joseph Bennehoof, an other sou, who wus absent, and who bud in the houso a patent burglar safe, containing a largo amount. Ho did not return until they had left, taking with them llii'oo horses and a cutter. Mr. Bennehoof is a brother of Philip Bonnehoof, of Brudford township, iu this county. John Tyler, son of ex President Ty ler, is now sojourning in New York, llo represents his brother liobert as being engaged in editing tho Mont gomery (Ala.) Advertiser, in which of tieo bin beautiful and accomplished duughter, Lctita Christiana Tyler, is engaged in setting type. Warlift.5. Clearfield Market. Reported weekly fur the Ci rjsriti u Km iuun by J. P. Kmnea, Dealer in Dry Uoods, Uru cerics, Provisions, Ac, Market St., Ciearlield, Ji.tmriKLD, January 23, IS68. Apples, green, 1 Hogs, dressed 10 Hides, green.- 7 Hams, sugur cured, 24 r-houldiTS . M Fides.. 1 Lard 20 Mess fork.V bbl...2S 00 Dried, y to i AppUbulln,i;l, I Butter Beans $0 0((V$ 2 Buckwheat. 1 Buckwheat Sour lb, Beef, dried Beef, fresh Boards, M 1 0u(j,2(l Corn, ihellcd... 1 Cora, ear Corn meal, V sack, 1 Chop, V ewt 3 Clovcrsood. 00 Cheese Cherries, lb Chickens, drsd, lb, RfRS Plsxsced 2 Flour 12 00 f,v 1 3 liar 0(1 OOfcilJ Oats SO 1 60 1 00 Onions Potatoes Peaches, dried, lb.. 15 Plaster, bbl 4 b Kve 1 i Hags, lb ......... i Halt, y sack .' t M' Shingles, IS in., it, t 00 Shinties. 26 in Ii 00 Timothy seed.... Tallow Wheat Wool Wood, y cord... 0 00 10 2 60 40 4 00 Philadelphia ;rocery Market. Pan. iDtListl, January 13, IPS. TKAS. Young Hyson feupcrior...$ b.'tfrU 1 15 Fine 1 2jr.l 4J Finest 1 bXil 7i Hyson Superior...! Oifl 25 Fine... 1 J'lfo, 1 50 Finest 1 bi( 1 65 Imperial (luperior...l 2ufitl 40 l ine.. t 601.1. 1 64 Finest 1 70($1 80 Gunpowder ruperiur...1 25M.1 40 Fine I ;j((i,l 70 Finest 1 T5ti,2 00 Black Superior... S.'ifVt 1 06 Fine 1 05(l li . Finest 1 20(r I ,15 Japan Superior... W(n 1 05 Fine I lOf.i.1 15 Finest 1 20(5 I 30 net. Carolina i H II Last India... hi (.(, II 1 cormeft. Bio. common l!Ki 20) Ou..d-. 21)'$ 21) Prime 23. 24 Choice 24'(ui 2.'.) Jara,old (or. .tri),' 37) t.agtisra 26 (i$ 2? W Co cans.. IS liandcliou pa 17 at uass. Crushed 00 CS IT Coarse pulv d 00 Ui 17 Fine do... 00 (i 17 A 16 f 16) B l.'.Jfi 1H F.itra (' 1 5 4 fa, l.'.f. C Yellow... 12)(;u "f mrri. Common 45 Ml Fa!r. Moy 2 (lood S7(.( 72 Prime ?4i IS Choice S7W i Cboiceeitra, eS'1 06 MOLASNRS. N. O., choice, 5t 60 PorUi Kioe... i(a) So Cuba 66(t) 67 Clement R. Wainwriglit Joseph K. - - Inrftel R. Wainwright WainwripM. WAIN WRIGHT St Co., GKOCKBS AND TEA. DEALERS, N. K. Corner Second and Arab StracU, apr U ! UILAItF.i:rinA( Pa. SAWS! SAWS I SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 .f iiEt'ot.iTio.r i.r s.tn'st EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORA HATED CrosB-Cut, Circular and Long Saws. (ALL Ql'MMINQ AVOIDED.) A LSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Rhspinf the Testh of all Splitting Saws. Vft-Scndfor I Desrriptlr Circular and Tries List. MEHRELL A EIOLER, jant-if Oensral Agents, Claarlsld, Pa. rhiiaile!ji7hlarE WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and direct route between Philadelphia, llaltimora, Hsrrisburg, Williamsport, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELK OA NT SLEEPING CARS Ob all Nlgbt Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25, l67, the trains oi the Philadelphia A Erie Bail koad will rua as follows i Westward. Mall Trail learsi Philsdelphia, 1115 P. M. Do do St, Mary's. iji P. M. Do arms at Krle (.00 P. M. Brie Espress lestss Philsdelphia... ..12. 00 noon. Do do Ot. Mary's D.I8 A. M. Do arrirs at Erie (.45 A. M. I'.attn srd. Mall Trail leases Kric 10 25 A. M. Do do SU Mary's t.OV P. M. Do arrirs at Philadelphia.... 8 54 A.M. Erie F.xpress leases Krie 4 25 P. M. Do do ft Mary's 1. P. M. Do arrirs at Philadelphia 1.00 P. M. Mail and Express connect with all trains on the Warren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leering Philadslphii at 12.00 M. arrirs at Irs instoi at 40 a.n aid Oil t'i'y at 6.50 p.m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.05 p. m., arrive at Oil City at 4..15 p.m. All trains on Warrsn A Frsnklin Failway mike close connections at Oil City with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre, flsggsge checked through. AI.FKKU I.. TVLKI1, Oeneral Superintendent. Alf ATl:l 'iM).tHI lilip Hiiiif.-lra W at our store, nesr Philipsi.urg, for which the highest eash pries will be psld Jc6 tl W. W. HkTTI A CO, T A Ml. II A t-KIIV AST, to cook, wash I and Iron. Apply to Jn-tf n. W. F.MITII, Coal, hale and Linseed Oils, Family Dy, v.irnishes and . ita of all kildi ground Ii nil For - II. A J. )nsa' HI. Iromliigo. Huhbell's, Drake's Iloof 11, land's Herman, Hosteller's and Orrene'e Oxygenated Bitters, also pare Liquara, of all kinds for msdicinal purposes, for sals by H. t 1. CI HOC L.KII.S to Is had at M MKIIi: KbL A BI3LER'. tpilK HKMOCRATIC Al.MAXAC f..r In6 ,1. and I H7 for sale at the "BepuhUeaq" olTie. I'nee 26 stnts. Mailsd to any address, tf. piABPI T (IIAII At lbs KRT'TCSK JT0RB. BFKT an.lie. ef TKINT. for V., at n. W. MITH'"1. MiTiCE. V wi. Powell. 3. Jnnes W. YV. BeUs. J. V. VYea.'erJ HOOP, WEAVER & CO. C L E A U Y I E 1. 1) PLANING MILL ALL RIG HT! TIMIK rojirirtunrrikov:(fuH,vinfurui tbeoilueni -1- of OarfleM euunly, tlmt lliry bar entirtly rr fitted thii tritaMifhincut with the latent improvod wo(l-wnrkii) loarliinrry, and aro now (irvpared tu tieonte a1! urdrri in their line of tuflineni. Thrj will giro ecprvinl uttcntinn tu the iiiitnufao ture of material for houre bu'Ming, inch ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, HOOKS, BUNDS, II Il.l CK UTS iV JHOVE.M.YGS, OF ALL 8TTLF.H. We always hare on hand large stock of DRY Ll'MBEU, and will pay cash for all clear Lumber. Onf-and-a half inch panel stuff preferred. ' Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eaohanged, to suit customers. 'l-Q-Crders solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notice and on reasonable terms. HOOP, WEAVER A CO. Ciearlield, Nov. 7. 1SC7. glarksmitMng. Boggs Township Awake I GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS I.EEKS'S!! IVERTBODY trying to get there Orst, for fear j uf being crowded out into the eold. II' you want good Shoeing done, go to Birrb. If you want your Bice's ironed right, goto Bsess. If yon wsnt good Mill Irons, go to Usees. If you want your ws gon ironed ii the best style and workmanship, go to Baaaa. Bebrs makes the best Slump Machine io the Stale, and does all kinds of BLACKSMITIIINU as cbesp as csn be dona In the county for Cash. My Post Office address Is Clearneld- Bridge. T1IUMA8 LEEKS. Boggi Tp., Dee. ID, 15(17 tf. B LACK SMI T H I N G T KEW ARRANGEMENT. THK fubacriltra, to virw of eoniing cventi, deni(CD alptinj a nrw tratrm of doing boi tifti on and aftr the Ittt of Mnr Bf it. Frvia thai date we will a-lr.pt tbe CAhll hV&TEM, and all ok iuut thrrefore b paid fur before Iravine the ahop makiiif: thii difl-reoce, bowrvrr, in faror of our ri)inirr: that our price will be TW KIN TV I'KK ('KM, LKta ibau 11 dow cLarfd fu, work. If-Th'iMi bnowitig thcnuelrea iitdbtrd, and whiwa book a?counti have not been actMed, are eipected to fuuie forward aud make aettlrment btore thr time aHive indicatfHl. W bp theae biiiti will not he ltr-.ittcn. (il.tK C. PASSMORK A t0.V. Clearfield, March 21, JSft7 tf Warble . iforts. CL E A R F I E L U MARBLE WORKS. Italian and Vermont Marble fltiUhed la the biblical atjle vt' tb Art. Tbe iQberi1cra 1m f Ira re to annonmt tot.it eitiaenof I'leartleM ennty, Ibat they have opened an eitenaira Marble Yadoa thea.Mitbwatirner of Market and ir'oarth etrwta, ClrarHrM. Fa., where they are ptrparrd to make Tuinb-tutirp, .Mum mrntfi, Tomh, hoi and aiiJeTninhn, Cradle Toitibo, Omftrry l'ut, Mantlra, Hhflvea, It racket a, etiv, on abort notice. Tbey alwayi berp on hand a larje quantity of work fimtir., eircpt b lttrr ina;. o that pr-rn can rail and rvln-t for tltern elea tbe it)le want!. Tbey will alio make to order any athor atyle of work that may bedeeired, a:id tby flatter theinaehee that they can compete with tbe manufartarrrfi utride of tbe oounty, either in workmanship or price, aj tbey only cm piny tbe bent workmru. flr-AU injuirii'i by Idler i-rAinptlr answered. J'HN tHMCM. May 22. 1C7. IlKMiV (it Lit It. I N IsUTII ERSIItnC. . 1 II B aubicrihar. bavinf pitrchaved tha antira 1 Hock and interest af Mr(iharaa to the Mnrbla Yard In Lafherbura:, takaa tbii method of Infftrminf tha rah lie that ha Ii now f reputed tfl furninh MOXIMBNT3, TO .Mil 8TUKK9, MANTLES, Ae., on bort notict and raaMnabla tertui, and ecu ted In tha highet aiyla of tha art. WILLIAM 6CUWEM, 8r. Lutberfbnrs;, Oct. 17, lSA7-tf 1:13 Educational. -Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. I. HARRIS0W. A M., Principal riMIK 8ECO!f D SESSION or tba prevent echo X lattie vearof thta Inititotion wllleoinnenca oo MONDAY, tha 2d day of DeeemHer, 1HA7. Pupil ean antar at any lima. They will ha charred with tuition from tha time they enter U tbe cloae ef tha 8 en ion. Tba eonrve of initrurtion embracai every thint; included in a thorough, practical and aoeoin pliihed edaation for both aexcit. Tire I'nnfipal, fanTing bad tbe advantage ef much experience in bit profeifinn, an urea pa rent a and guard'ana that hit entire ability and energiei will be derotod tn the moral and men tal training of tha yootb placed ander bit eharge. 1 L'.HMM OK K I1IOM. Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Staaion (II we?ki) - $& 00 Oram war, tioography, Arithmetic, and liintory . . . . $8 fO Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry. Men suration, Surveying, Phlloaophy, Phjai ology, Cbamintry, Book Keeping, Botany and Phyaieal Uengraphy - - $0 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the above Drancfaei - $11 00 -eTNo deduction will be wade for absence. Per further parti ml ara Inquire of Kev. V. L. IIAHKISON, A. M., ClaarRald. July 2i, I8A7 tf. Principal. LOGAN ACADEMY, A First-Class High School for Boys. ITS location la healthful, rotnantie and er-nre-nient ; erven tnilea ean ef Altoona, nn the l'i nnnylvania Central Km I road. Tlie ne&t tfria ItTjfina .NiivrmUcr 4, l.f7. Ai.pty to K. II. Mil ON. Principal. K-pt19 Antintown P. )., Ulatr ( a , Pa. GREAT BARGAINS! AT riilVATK fiALU! riFIR snbscriVr, ronlctn.latiiir going into other 1 business, will sell, at private sale, his entire slock of , Pottery and Stoneware, At hi Kiln, in CIcarfiuM. Tbni who hist nod war nf l Inn kind nan .M-mrr it at a hravr mliicti'ir. nn the ucunl prit" by calling on, tMau b intei iia to dun- it nut a attun a (iii.it. iukdkiuck iA.rmxi.im. ClMrfirM, Ortolwr -54, lMiMf. ti. r. iio. ii i u. I'lMsM lll-im UASTIJWrtie Iluanl of 1 8r)mol Itim'tnr of llnaria townflhip winh i Ut rmploj two iMHnpetcnt il-iLK IKAi llEItsS. for the prnw-nt trrm. All nei'oPsary iiilurmation. ! ut to wn'. lurntion of frboul, ean he ob tninoit hy rnllin; npnn ei titer of the director, or hr addiii-inf( the ultecrilHr at Clra Hope, Clear field county. I'a, V ll.LMM JhjTTS, RiMvaria Tp., Iec, 19. lHo? ;it:pi t-rfTirr. WM ts FAPr.Rt At the KErrroyR the. Jiuifl Storr. NEW ARRANGEMENT. W. 11. V A. I. SHAW, DRUGGISTS, (reorif itrit, rtppntlu ih Court !!,) (M.Alt III:Mi rfiinft. rilllK ititjfcribtrii binj ntered Into partner 1 tbtp to tha lru)f buKiDfsi, atiil purrhafod tba tnttra nlrat of Mr. C K lA limit, wmiM rKpriAill7 Inform Ilia eitinni uf Clearfleld count, thai thty ara now prepared to luroib IiIM'CiS, PATENT MEDICINES Dy Bluffi, Tubaevo, Ciftan, CoDfcotionariea htatiooarj, Ac. JMIYSICIANS Will dndourstjck of Drugs FULL and COM I'LKTK, and ata very slight advance on Eastsrn prices. j SCHOOL HOOKS. Teachers and others will he furnished with classical and mtscelUnsois books by sspresf,at ihsrl notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cp, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers also, a very neat stock of Mourning Note Pnper and Envelopes on band. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS Will flod a full stock of PURR SPICKS, SODA, SODA ASH, Couoentrated LYE, bOAP, fe. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested toesatnino our stock of Perfumery, Hair (HIn Fine Toilet Hoaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Setts, Ac, Ac. , SMOKEUS AND CHE. VEILS Will And full supply of prime Chewing and Smoking TOBAi'i.'O, Imported and Doiaestic CIUAHS, Bnulf, Fine-Cut, Ac, Ae. . . CAKRON OIL, Of Hie best brsnds, alwsys oi hand. LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always en hand, for medical purposes. 4r4r-l'hysicieni' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. Hept. 12, 1667. W. M. A A. I. SHAW. HARTSWCKilRWIN, Etrugglsln, Clear fit Id, i'a. HAVINO refitted and remorsd to the room lately sceupied by Bichard Mossop, now vaar, low for cash, wall sslscted assortment of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Ietilt lidiiins of sll L ir Or, Oils, bis Potty, Dys Stuffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEGA US, CocfeetUiery, Spices, and tbe largest 'stock ef varieties ever ouereo in this place, and warrant ed to be of the best the Marliet afl..r.ls J. O. HAhTSWICK, Dee. 1J, U6i. JOHN IKWIN. DRUGS ! DRl'CS! DRIGS! ' josetii iriinvix, Ob Main EL, one door west of Uij plo at t'aust'i Store, - CI ItWKXSVILLE, PA, Ilea losr oo hand I large assortment ef Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Hiouldrr-nrarea, P.lasllc Slock, iiia and s.u iMirtcrat l.lasa, Htitty, Per oner. Toilet Gnods, Confsetlnoeries, fij iess, Canned rroit, Tobacco, Ciftars, Uovks, blationerr. Pencils, Prns, Ink, and I general varie! of Kouuos. Hiss atock embraees ill irtlrles aesdsd In a eooassanitjr, is entirely new, and of the bsit qaalits, aad will Ls s. 14 at reasonable Triers. Csll and taenia tbe goods ; tbejr oannet fail to plras. deri tf pdirs' 600tl5. ; - E.JTV.ST HTVE.KS roi Juat reeoirod at the Store of Mrs. II. I). WELSH, .t Co., Ialrri In FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, T0VS, and MUSIC A L IXSTR UMKXTS. Bilk and nlret BOXXKTS mads for tl 00 Straw HOSSKTS made for TJ All kinds of HATS lor aft Materials furnished on as rrasonalde terms as thrj ean be had in tbe eountv. Xrst door to First National rnk, norT-tf ('I.KAIlHKl.l,rA. laiidieM' lancy Fur?, AT JOHN FAEEIRA'S Old KtUblished Fur Manufactory, Xn. 71 Alini Ht.. abov i-'tf sMA Krvrntlt. IM.il1.l.li,).sn IuCvV Have now in my afore, of Ti1;' rnv own lu'porlal.on and ..V"! w ' ' , 'arifrat and moat beaiitifut r,. i-. , "rin uiiii" I'l 'lil t run - ( i: a t . i w Y IWI ajritiiris Bill. . 11 1 I'l rttl .'rCi'J wear in the eitr. Aleo, a fine asM.rtmrut of tlcnt't Fur tiluvei and Col I are. I am enabled to disrmie of my frooila at very rca ennoble price, and I would thrn-fore aulivit a call fntm my friemla of t'Uarftrld eonnty and vicinity. Krmemttor the name, mimer and atrwt. JOHN FA K 1.1 It A. No. Tl ft Arch Ftreet, above 7th, totith aide. net.t 4ni Philadelphia, Pa. D R E S S-mXk I N G . SIM XI 41. SIITKi' PABISIAX DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING Ladles eaa bare (heir Dresses, Suits, Coats, and Dasquines hand somely made and tritcmed, at tbo shortest ties, at tbe old. established stand, 1(151 Chsstiul street, Philadelphia. fanes and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornaments, Dress and Cloak Buttons, Ribbons, Clnnr and Uuipurs Laeea, Ilujle anil (limp Dress Trim mings, with a larire eariets of Fuple and Fane Ooods.frooi 25 to U per pent, less tb.n elsewhsre. Also, reeelrlnf daily. Paris fashions to tissue psper, for Ladiee' and Children's Dresses. 8ets of Petterns fur i3ertantB and dress wishers now readjr. at Mrs. M. A. lUM'KK S, Jt4 Ir 10.11 Chestnut St., Philsdelphia, ni;vtu.ni(N i tkaimciladiks. J.V you can rcocite fr the Mini of O.N K HOLLAR Silk, Mnrinn. ami Alpaoca Irrs FliawU, Val mora la, l.inrn tio'l-, Fuib'tttnH Titbit Cover, Watrhe, Jewelry, ilf I'latrd V-'are, Prwinj Mat-hineH, Ac. fM-nd club of ten or more, with ten rcntn tor eaob iU'Wriptivchvk,atid iheetttT up ot thechib will rwent a prenrnt worth $-.1 to $.;M0, aM'nnliiifr to number iit. Afenti wantM everywhere. Circular nt free. 1'AHKKH A CO., 64 A Cu I t .lirjil Ht., Ji-Mon. (dcr.,ti..iin:pd "tlfATI.n-HMNI mi;x a vomi;x 11 rotnf ninc jom character and epern ,fr rverence and intelligence, w act aicanTaari for a ncrip. ( K C W T. X . It A V I X G S 1 Fire Itcaiitiful Mr-al Amrrican Fee! Knifrafrd on (ne in VnU r (lie most cininrnl Litbornpber in the world. 'The-e fa'c, which are nnn tautiful and poetic conception, are Ue i(;bed to typify the Itoct Ideal tyj of American WomanbmNt, rtpn -rnti!; their rhnntir, devo tion, nyniiathii , attarbturnt and hrMirni. Th litliKgrapliy ii in the hthnst ttvlerf the art, and i mn-n at (iM rarely beeo etiualrd, and 4nntmt be eicrlled, Thre port mill bve rrcoWf'. unqualified praiae from the most eminent critic and prnm.rw,nt newp. Kaperior tbe euiitry, and tticy ibould adorn every (f"h)ld in the land. For particular and drrriptlva circular, adlrea L. !. hohinsox; V-t H fIn St., KpHr.-"ld. Men. Jiry (ootljj, rorrtir, tr. GREAT EXCITEMENT On SicoNn itiiitt, Ci.f nm M. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. PJM1K nderslrned resfeetrully Inrlle the at I Untion of the publio irrnerallf to their si'lsmlid assortment of merchandise, which the ars now selling AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their stock eonsists In part ef Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sueb as Prints, I)e Lsinss, Alpaorsi, Verlnos, tiinhoros.Muslins. unearned and unbleaen ad.) 4'rillinfr. Tickings, ootton aud wool Flanoets.Sutinrtls.Cassimores, Cnttonadrs, Ladies' bbawls, Nubiss A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ae., Also, a Una assortment of Men's Drawers and Miirts, lists a Caps, lloots a blioos. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Hardware, Quecnsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. :n shout a general assortment Of eservtblng o.usllj kept in retail (tore, all CUKAP FOR CASH or approred country pro duoo. A. K. WUIGUT S0XS. Clearfield, Nor. 7, 1807. si. j. norrai - eio, a. betlsik. H0FFER & HERTLEIN. IartliaiiM Awnlic. Nrsr and (heap Condi it lour Home. rtHK citizens of Kartbrns and vicinity are 1 berel.y notilie-l tbst ws bare now opened a store in KAKTHAUS, where we baveeverything generally kept in a country store, Incln line; FLOUlt AXD FEED. Which we will tell low for cub or la eichange fur LUMBER. ADVANCES OF GOODS, FEED, do., mads on account of FQl'ARE TIMBER, which we will either sell on commission, or buy at Used rates. COUXTRV PRODl'CE takei at the highest market price for fools. U'IFFKR A HERTLEIN. Kerthaai, Oct 31, isr.7-3in pd S()tIi:TIIIA4i SE1VI New Store in Madera. Mi:SSllS.J. FORREST A SOS "ATOULD respsclfu!ly Inform tba public that they bare just opened, in MADEKA. Clearfield coantv, Pa,, in entire new stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which tbey ire prepared to (ell as cheap as tba cheapssl. Their stock consists la part of Dry Goocla of tho Iicst Quality, Facb es Alpaccas, Celanes, Prints, Muslins, Cassiusres, Salic sts, and Flannels, Ro.nly - Mado Clothing, Or the best quality, such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Overcoats, Oreralls, Shirts, Collars, Ac. lioot?, Shoes and Gaiters, Also o( tbe very best Quality. A. complete stock of Groceries. In short ersMtbiitf usually kept In I country store. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Call and examine our stock and prices befors purchasing elsswbera. LUMBER AND GRAIN Or all kinds taken la icbanf e for goods. Rsmember the place, Madera, Clearfield county, Poao'e. J. F0KRKST A SON. October SI, UoT-tf. JEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS! jos. siiaw & son Ultra just openod New Stork, od Main St., CuAirum, IV, Utilr occupied by Wax. F. IRWIK. Their slock c,sisls of GkxicE of tbe best quality, QuF.E.ssuAnc, Doots and Shoes, and frcry article nerrstirr Tor odi'i comfott. Call and ciamiue our slock befuie far cl.asinK elsswlierc. Ms; 0, 1 SC6-tf. This Way, Gentlemen ! srse is asd maim thi Flour, Feod, Groceries and Provisions, la tlit brlrk'.bw'liline; knowi is the "Carlisle fireperts" la ruiurBuna. r. jr. vT-Conf.Jeut or fWlnf satisfaotioa to our eustoners, we, therefore, resjteetrulls; aolieit I liberal share of patronags. JOHN P. S1ACLAT k CO, rhilipslmrR, Oetotsr 10, laT-Sa. SOMETHING NEW 1 FLOUR AND FEED STORE 1 WOt' 1. 1 an lion nee to tbe cltiten of Clearfield and th nrroundinr eountrv Ibat 1 hat opened FKUl K AMI 1KKU STOKE oy sr.ca.m &tm:i:t, Oj oite th FordiiiR, wbrr I Intend to k,exp eontaully on bund a full aortiacut of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And all bind nf Feed, which I will ntail cheap fur ewh. or in exchange (or SlUNlil.KS. liCUPI.RMRX will ronult thair lntrt by jiving me a rail hell re th y no elecwhert to pur chase their vnnplics, a my arranpemeut are pat feet, and am able to buy every thing Id my line at th loweet market price. I.KAXDKB DEXNIXt.. Clearfield, July 11, WJt fpr'"w and ebdotnlnal lufportr el every X 'd of the ltt ImrroTemeat, for ale 4 tt. tmg nr f HAVTSinc A mwix. Von!! and liofj. rr.(F. vRtKiUMrn. THE WAR OYER IN CLEARFIELD- KNOX TOWNSnil' (vt'IKT. Xrarhj all the Ci.utr.iJ.ind.i ninj lark to their old HHirter ; but 'nary one (1'iiliJ f.) nil V !-'..lii Uet(fi, where they were lof. d so lung ami so well. IN consequents of Hie abnse facts. F. BIlftRT, of tbe old "Kh.i-t hboe fh..p." would an. u.'Utice to bis numerous pstrons, snd the peopla f Clearflctd rnunlv at larifn, tbst be has new l first rate 11 of f 'id instfrlsl, .i.l't received from tbe Rest, and is prepared onitiort notice to make and mend Doots and Shoes, at bis new shop in Clrahain'a row. He is satisfied tht he can please sll. (unites it niil.t besoms iiitensely Invsl star, at-bome pntriotr.) He is prepared to sell low for Cash or Country Produos. Don't forget tha Sbcp-nexl door to Rhowon A Orabam's store, on Market street, Cleerileld, l'e., and kept bj fellow eoromoDly called j2,'7y "SHOnir." Ready for the Winter Cmpaign, DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacdirer, HAS jut receirwl a fin lot of Frncb CALf bKlNS, and ii now prepared to raanuffto- ture errj thin'- in bil linr at th lowest fiparei. Ht will wan ant hii wurk to he in reprtoenUd. He reM.ecltully loliciu ft cull, t bii iliop oa Market lrot, rocuatl dnor went of th poetfiie whero be will du all in bis power to render latU- Uettnn. bom flu uairr inpi on hand. m,'CT-y DANIKL CONSENT. VEW'BooOiiibrsuw. - EDWARD MACK, Oo Market itreot, cppoiita th "Republican" Ofiice. T17E proprietor bas entered loto tbe BOOT EH OK baiioem ait the tbiv ttand, and U determined not to be outdone either in qual ity or price fur hit work. (Special attention will be paid to menu fact urine; lewed work, lie ha on band ft large lot of French Kip end Calfskin, of the very bent quality. The eitt len f Clear 6 Id and riciDiiy are renpoctfully idt l ted to give bim a trial. .No charge lor call. dot 7. f66-U A PK0CLAMATIO. Q 0 I S Q I TA L0NEI1 No body Prohibited from Buying my Routs and Shoes on account of Race or Color. BEIXQ tbaslibsral mir.dcl. T taVe this method ot iDformins; tbe eilisens of t'learfisld aid vicinity that I bare opeced a shop oa beeond st next dour to tbe CoudIt Kstional bank, orer Watson's Drue; Store, wbere 1 am prepared to make to order everything In tbe Boot endSboo line, out or tbe best material and io tbe most workmanlike iuanner,and on short notiee. AU 1 ask la i trial. Dona it ClearSeld,tbi, lSib Any or July, ISM. I1AKKY KOSS. EW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, IS CI R1VKXS1 11.1.1 rpBB subscriber Larinc; lately started new 1 liool and rboe sbup in Curwensville, oi Main street, opposite Joterb K. Irain'e Drag store, respectfuily annoubces to tbe public thai be Is prepared to inanu'aciure all styles of Boots and riboes. and everything in bis line, oq shore notice, lie also keupi on band a good assort' ment of ru.ly-made wurk, wbich be will sell ebeap fur cash or eoualry produce, octli-tf (S:IS) LKWld HOPS. OtflS. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLEARfltLP, PA. f PIIE subscriber tavint; leased for a term of X years this well, known llutel, (kept for many yours by Mr. Liinich.l and re-fitted and refur nished it throughout, is now prepared to enter tain travelers and the public generally upoi terms it Is bofed alike arreeable to both patrons and proprietor. Hi, TABLE and BAR will be supplied with tbe best tbe market affords j and no pains will be spared on his part to add to the envonience and ctmfurt of bis goests. A I.hrry Stable is also attached te tbe es tablishment, liorses, Uuggiss, etc., furnished on short antics, or persons taken to anv point dtsirc.l, JAMti A. STl.NE, J'lJ Proptietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curweii.vllle, Clearfield county, P. Tni.'oldand well a.tablislied Hotel, beaull. fully situited on the banks uf the Susque hanna, in the borojgh of Cnrwemviile, has beet leased for term of yeirs by tbe uniiersiened It bas been eatirely refitted, and Is now open to the public generally and the travelling eommu niiy In particular. Ko pains will be spared Ik render guests comfortable while tarrying at this bouse. Auiplo btahling ruo.n for tbe accommo dation of learns. Charges m iJtjIc. novll tf WSI. M. JKFFRlKfl. THE EA"hOTEL. CURWENSVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO., 14. fpilK nndersigned having become proprietor i. of tba above hotel, wishes to give notice te tha eitisen, of this eonnt v, is well as to the trav eling public, that the bouse bas been refitted and refurnished tut th entertainment of his gursts. His table will bs rurnished with everything the market affords, (lood stablirg attached, aud none but careful bustlers employed. octct-tr james McDivrrr. MOUNTVERNONHOUSE. LL'MnER CITY, CLEARTIELD CO , PA. riHK undersigned having pnrclisseil this Hotel, W takes thil opportunity of informing tbe pub. lie in gcncrsl, and traielers in particular, that ha has tiiki n great pains in refurnitliiiig and refitting it with special reference to tba accoiainudation and cnmf.irt of all who may ihoo-e to give bim a csll. I I tiltS of the Wt'cjiiality will Iw kept at tba liar, and the wants of bis patrons will he attended to with pleasure and promptness. Ample bTA III, INK atlachrd thereto. my-ly JAtfKS ARTHURS. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Ll'Ur.ER CITV, CLKAr.riELU CO., PA. rpiIR indersigned having leased sod refillrd X this well-known stand, takes this method ef bringing bis establishment belore tkepuhlfo. His Table and liar will be supplied with tba best tba market afFords. A liberal share of public pat ronage Is theref ir respectfully solicited. ' JenJMy d JAMES L. Cl'BRT. RAILROAD HOUSE. MAIN STKL1.T, rilll.lPtini'Ra, FA. rjlMK nndersl-ned keeps eonstanlly oi hand1 X the best of Lienors. His table is alwsys supplied with th be.t th market atlords. Th traveling public will do well to give biui a csll. novl.Mi. ROHIJRT LL0Y1. "sUSQUEHAWAIlJsir C()XKST0VS DAl'l'llIN CO., TA. rfHK undonlrt)ed take tbii method of in 1 forminr the Watermen of ClrarAeld eouoty, that be ht refined ar.d re-opene 1 the hotel for merly fee jt by K. farainer, at Coxeetowa, where he oill tali tpocial pain to render atifactioa tn all wilt laror biin wuh their atrooj,a. 11 baa blown all th rc)ti t of th river and planted jnul-biiipj poMe for half a mil above hi l.laca. (fet.lK. 6? .tihOK'(,B FALK. UAHKiKninii, ?a., (Kailrnad irrU on wjuarc a. -ore tbe Depot.) Ibe obncriber rpclfilly .nit tb pobMe X t4 trareliny eonaianiiy to five him a tall. iambrnn ar particularly lnvitvd. Freneb, Qrman and Kngltth epnliea Iu the bna. Chargo ti modem. Ape, lnq .T. M. IT M WIS.