Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 09, 1868, Image 2

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    She Republican.
George H. Uoopi.anphii, Editor.
Thursday Morning, Jan. 9, 18G8.
Democratic Meeting!
Tbe democrat? of Clearfield eounty are requrit
d la eiiemblo In the Court Kor.ui, in Clrarflu'.J,
na Tuesday erening. January 14, ISC?, (court
week,) for the purpose of lelecting three confereei
to meet like confereei from tboeouutiel of Cam
iron, Clarion, Elk and Forest, whose duly it shall
be to select a Senatorial delegate to the approach
ing Bute Convention j and alio to elect Rcpre
erutatire coufcrees to meet thuie of Elk and Forest,
for the purpose of selecting a Rcprcsentatiee dele
(ate to the SEroeConreution ; and to traniact suoh j
Batten at the exegency of the timet and tne inter
acts of the country may require.
Chairman County Committee.
Will some "loyalist" pleuso tell us
what hns become of the celebrated
Petroleum V. Nasby, since the No
vember elections f liavo the "Cops"
clcuned out Iub cross road post office ?
Tho "grand-moral-idea" Vice Pres
ident pro ton, lion Vade,rcmarkcd the
other day, to a number of bystanders,
whilo discussing tho financial policy
of tho nation, that "every thing is go
ing to hell."
Left Sonator Wallace and T. J.
McCullouD h.Esq., our Representative,
left for llarrisburg on Saturday laBt,
whero their friends and constituents
will please address them during tho
session of tho Legislature.
Serious inquires are mado as to the
whereabouts of ono Mr. Stanton, form
erly Secretary of War. lie has not
been beard of since the President's
message, exposing his duplicity, was
read in Congress. Wc fear ho has been
fowlly dealt with by tho Drake and
Dead Duck in the Rump Senate
The great National campaign will
soon open. The State of New Hamp
shire fires tho first gun, on Tuesday,
tho 10th of March ; followed by Con
necticut, on tho 1st Monday, nnd
Rhode Islund, on tho 1st Wednesday,
of April. These aro tho only stales
that voto previous to the assembling
of the National Convention.
Death of Mr Loudkll. Charles
Lobdell, associato editor of the La
Cross Democrat, was killed at tho late
terrible rail road aecidenton tho Lake
Shore road, near Buffalo. Ho was on
his way to spend tho holidays with
his friends at Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Ho was an nblo and vigorous writer
in tho cause of tho Union and Dcmoe
racy, and his place will be hard to fill
The editor of the Now York TIVM,
after listening to a lecturo from Miss
Anna Dickinson, comes to tho conclu
sion that the lecturcss is no moro nor
less than John W. Forney in petti
coats. Her lurid flings nt the "cop
pcrheads," and her flummery ubout
tho "flag," aro tho ooiings of the sage
of "my two papers, both daily," besides,
tho vituperation points very distinctly
to "Occasional."
The order published elsewhere
shows that wo liavo a "government."
The defeat of Tope at Atlanta and
Ord at Vicksbnrg, and the smashing
of the negro bureau drawer contain
ing the remains of Swayne, by the
forces under tho command of "Moses,"
is a heavy blow at despotism and
loval thievery. This is iust what
the President should havo done six
months ago.
Deacon Row, two weeks ago, tested
his talents and wasted much time on
thcjcwelry question. Had there been
n nigger in tho mirtter he never would
havo heard of either transaction. Ho
is very sharp sighted and developes
a blood-hound scent for detailing the
mishaps and frailties of his own race,
but charity enough to cover "a multi
tude of sins" when a "pet lamb" is
The lastJourno informs ils'loil' rcad
ers,and the roast of mankind, llial thcro
will be "no backing down by Con
gress." Wo do not wish "to create a
wrong impression," or mislead tho
public mind in regard to "this matter
but tho editor had belter-inform his
Rump friends to tho effect that if they
don't wn lack down, they will break
down. Down the must go, and they
had better make up their minds to
that fact, while they havo a choico,
because their fate is as unavoidable
as death.
The ranker, Alexander Smitheon,
of Washington, who was arrested by
Stanton & Co. in' 1 803, "for disloyal
prai tites," tried by u Military Com
mission and sentenced to tho Albany
Penitentiary during the war, has
brought suit for false -imprisonment
ogaiiift the boss of tho tribe, Day
man, and puts his damages at S."0,000.
This is the way tosclile with the
Jacobin club. Confiscate their ungod-
ly gain by duo procets of law and in
vindication of personal right guuran-
fH by th Constitution.
Tht Jury tommtuttnntr IfMrmii.
Tim Innot aliim tim the old "tl
well CbtablMinl system t'f clerliliL'
jurors, lias, ns our reS'iors rto
been entirely overt tu ned by Hit' no pro , w
bureau npciit". Not iiUkIioi1 Willi
tho swarm of oflieo holders llioy have
created nml thrust upon tlio people,
to rob tlicm of their substance, two
111010 havo boon added to tbo lis-t in
each comity, in tlio shapo of Jury
Commissioners, for tlio purpose ol
selecting jurors in the most partial
mannor possible.
While discussing this question we
wish it distinctly understood lluit wc
menu no disrespect to the gentlemen
who are now acting us Jury Commis
sioners, Messrs. I. S. Ellis and Win.
V. Irwin. It, however, writers in tlio
Hajtsman's Journal persist in misre
presentation, and phico them in u
ridiculous position before their con
stituents, and thereby compel us to
defend tbo people and expose this last
political fraud upon tbo Treasury,
they must not complain, while we
a(lere i0 (J,e :lw nn(J the facts.
Some political jayhawker, two
weeks ago, attempted, through the
columns of the Journal, to defend this
Black Republican innovation upon
our jury system. Tho writer in ques
tion is very tenacious about creating
"wrong impressions ;" but, like n
nave, ho encircles nnd embellishes
his wholo article with falsehoods "too
pusillanimous and contemptiblo for
serious consideration." After quoting
a portion of tho law creating this
"loil" bureau, about which there is no
question, he assails us for stating a
fact, in the following manner: "The
declaration that Mr. Irwin 'appeared
as a substitute for Miv-Glonn,' is entire.
ly uncalled for, and a gratuitous pre.
vnrication." We repeat, Mr. Irwin
did appear as a substitute for Mr.
Glenn, and wc can provo it by him
eclf and his colleague to the satisfac
tion of all, except perhaps to him
"who is obstinately and blindly at
tached to some party, or sect, who
measures other men's mental calibres
by his own small intellectual capacity
and bigoted illibcrality," and with
such nn one reason has no force. It
would bo liko casting pearls before
swine. Tho bureauito continues:
"In reference to theaverment that Ihe Jury Com
missioner! were "a month putting 5HU name? into
Ihe wheel," we will only say thut (ueh it not the
fact ! Tlie labor was performed in fico ul.iya ,
while a third duy (the first one) wae occupied in
organising, and in ascertaining and deciding what
were the duties of the lorumiaMoncra umler the
new law. There is certainly enough difference
between tkree dtyt and a sioufA. to have justified
the writer of the article referred to to baro come a
little nearer the truth than he did."
We agree with the writer: there is
considerable "difference between three
days and a montk," so there is between
two dollars nnd fifty cents a da-,
(which tho law allows.) and twelve
dollars. This is jur.t tho amount tho
negro bureau employees down South
charge If tho writer tells the truth
as to the time, why did these three
days cost the county between soventy-
fivo and a hundred dollars! Mr.
Solomon, please expluin that "farce,
to which tho pcoplo of the county will
not object," and refer to this point "in
tho future"
Vopt and Ord Of fettled.
The world to-day has but ono Pope
to fear. What Garibaldi and his en
thusiasts failed to accomplish in Europe
has been done by tho "government"
on this sido of the ditch in a very quiet
way, by order No 1. This order
will show thut President Johnson has
dethroned Satrap Jack Pope. Poor
Jack's hind-quarters will not be in tho
saddle for sonic lime.
General Order X'o. 100.
IIianqrARTtns or ma Anur, 1
Ahji'tajit lK.r ral's OrrrcE,
WashixiTon, Dec. 2S, 1857. J
Ily direction of the President of the United
Rta'i-i the follow orders are made :
Fint. Hreret Major Ucneral E. 0. C. Ord, will
turnover Ihe command of Ihe Fourth Ai ilitary
District to Brevet Major Oeneral A. C. (lillein.
and proceed to Sun Franaisco, California, to take
command of tho Department of California.
t-i-cond. On being relieved by llrevel Muj. (Jen.
Ord, Brevet Major tienerul Irwin M'Powell will
nreceed lo Vicksburir, MiMifMpnl, and relieve
Ucn. Uillem in oommand of the f ourth Military
Third. Brevet Major Oeneral John Pope it here
by reliered ol the command of the Third Military
District, and will report without d ley at the head
quarters of the army for lurlher orderl. turning
over bis command to Ihe next linior officer until
the arrival of hit suecei'sor.
Fonith. Mnjor Oeneral lieorfe . Meade it as
signed to the command ol Ihe 'iliird Military pit
trcl, and will assume it wilhoitl dt-luy. Tho Pe
parlnient of lite linn! w ill lie commanded by Ihe
tenior offo-er in il, until aciminander is named by
the I'reiiiient.
Fillh. Tho officers assigned in Iho foregoing
orders to tho command of the military district
will exercise therein any and all powers eonlerred
by acts of Congress upon district commanders,
and also any and all powers pertaining to military
department commanders.
Sixth. Brevet Major Oeneral Wajjner Pwayne,
Colonel of Ihe Forty-hflh t'. f. Infantry, is here
by relieved from duly in the Bureau ol Refugees,
Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, and will proceed
to Nashvillo, Tenn., and assume command of bis
regiment. By order of Ucnersl llrant.
K. D. TOWN.SE.Mi, A. A. U.
We are pleased to chroniclo the fact,
that our esteemed "copperhoad'Triond,
Capt. John S. McKeirnan, has been
elected Justice of tho Peace in that
citadel of loyalty Oulich township.
This "neck of woods" has evidently
been reconstructed, or tho "old union
savers" could never bsvo elected Mr.
McKeirnan and this, loo, whilo near
ly a full vote was polled. Wo would
not bo surprised to learn that the
Rump hud appointed a conimittco to
aecortain whether tbo cilir.ens of that
township aro "republican in form," or
name only. McCully and Fulkcrson
would mako capital witnesses for an
investigation of this kind.
Logan still vainly duns the Ohio
! committee forthe six thousand dollars
which bethinks ho earned making
jRndiral sptcche. fbrthsm.
Salt I.t h, IV, I '. l't
.'(f..r Unoitin.m: The iitkpnyors
of (iiraid, t'ovinulon and hiuthaiis
townships nro desirous ol Rtinvvmo;
10 Ili'llllOIU'll
lor or nsKed tlm
Legislature fur the wholesale appro
priation of tho unsealed hind lax 01
the 1'hclps, llodgo & Co. hinds for the
purposed) making a limber rimtl from
the l"nt Forks of the Siniiemahoning
into tho timber lands of this firm.
Why is it thai the resilient citizens of
tlue tuwiihhin are compelled to make
their own muds, to get their timber
to market, while this mamniolh New
York monopoly can got special legis
lation exempting them from tax t In
other words, why givo thorn tne peo
plo's money to muko roads that will
never bo seen by suven eightlis of the
citieens of these townships! Any
information you can givo bearing
upon this subject, will bo thankfully
received bv 111 un v taxpayers.
This road business is not all that
lux nuvers tiro interested in. 'Ihe
bounty tax business, which we had
honed was about "played out, scorns
. I . ....!.... I I.... Tl,n "... V
10 uo getting nuinici. 1110 wun,
Commissioners, wo obsorvo, urgo the
Assessors touHsess tho properly high
cr. and still put 011 ten mills. When
will extravagance ceaso at tho Court
llotiso ! II seems us though 111 e uom
niissioners hud taken a loyal lesson at
Harrisburg or Washington, lfcon
stiiutional," and not "incompatible
with the public interest," please give
us a little- liL'ht on this suijeci, 100.
Wo aro always willing to.ftirnish all
the information within our reach ujon
subjects of public utility. The 'tux
payers" aro rather indistinct in their
accusations. They complain about
certaiil legislation, -but do not point to
theact complained of; but we presume
they refer to a supplement, approved
tho 10th of April, 107, to un uct to
lay out a State road from Kni thaus to
Coudersport, approved March 31,1845.
This supplement constitutes R. D Hull,
Esq., and Dr. J. W". Potter, of this
county, and A. II. Boyington, of Cam
eron county, commissioners, with pow
er to ro locato and reconstruct (a bu
reau term) tho road uforeBaid, and
collect a five-mill tax for the purpose
from all.tho unseated lands in the
townships through which it passes.
Il this makes a timber road for
Messrs Dodge & Co., wo sup poso the
public can also share its bonetits. Who
petitioned for and had this act passed,
wo cannot say; but presume that
Senator Wallace, or Col. Hunt, our
member last winter, if interrogated
upon this point, can answer tho tax
payers far more satisfactorily than wo
We suspect that this road question
has two sides to it, nnd when under
stood bv all. will not bo larout of the
way. Public roads uro as csseutial in
u liberal, enlightened and progressive
neighborhood, as tho "staff ol lifo
brpad and tho mode and timo of
their construction is nlonc proper for
discussion : and 110 0110 should be
backward upon this point.
As to our Commissioners, it would
bo a very slrango thing if they had
not learned a lesson of extravaganco,
when u school of this kind has boon
kept open for tho past six years
long enough for any adult to gradu
ate, and, when elovatcd to ofiice,
become tho master instead of the
servant. Tho taxpnyers have a right
to complain of tho manner in which
their money is used by their agents
but we have little hope of a change
for tho better whilo tho two senior
members of tho Board control affairs.
I'rnnttjlvania lgllalure.
HAiiitisiiLitii Jan. C. Tho Senate
Republican caucus met at 5 o'clock
p. m., General Harry Whilo presiding,
and mado the following nominations:
For Speaker. James L. Graham, of
Allegheny; Clerk, George W. Ham
mcrsley, of Philadelphia; Assistant
Clerks, Lucius L. Rogers, of Mchlean ;
Francis 11. liraggins, of Mercer ; Ser-iroant-at-Arms,
VYilliauf A. Rupert,
editor of Conncautvillo h'tcord and
Cvuri'T; Doorkeeper, Ethel Fuller, of
Bradford ; Messenger, Hubert Sharp.
This embraces all tlio old ollicors, ex
cepting Sergean t at-Anns and Door
keeper. Jlr. Kupert was formerly
Messenger, and was unanimously pro
moted. The House Republican caucus met
at eight o'clock this evening und muild
the following nomination ; For Speak
er, Elisha W. Davis, of Philadelphia;
Clerk, James L. Selfridgo, of Nor
thampton; Assistant Clerk, Edward
G. Lee, cf Philadelphia ; Sergeant-at-Arms,
Captain Casper Gang, of Alle
gheny; Assistants, W. J. Woods, Is
rael K. Ragon, John McConncH, Rob
ert Johnson; Postmaster, A. (i. Henry,
ol Armstrong; Assistant, James Pen
rose; Door keeper, J. H. Hall. Nino
Republicans absented themselves,
namely: Armstrong, of Lancaster;
Smith, Huldlii and lieckort, of Alle
gheny; Espy, of Crawford ; Wharton,
of Huntingdon ; McCamsnt, of Blair;
Richards, of Fulton, and Robison, of
Mercer. These nino resesolved quiet
ly to voto to prevent and organization
to-morrow. Whom they will vote for
is not known.
Tbo Democratic caucus met at eight
o'clock, and mado tho following nom
inations : For Speaker, Richmond L.
Jones, of Berks ; Clerk, John H. Mc
Fndden, of Philadelphia ; Assistant,
John O'Connor, of Allegheny ; Ser-geant-at-Arms.George
Bnily, Dauphin;
Doorkeeper, John Rawl, Philadelphia;
Postmaster, Samuel T. Brown, ol'
Northumberland; Messenger, Moses
N. Fox.
Kvery United Stutes soldier who is
kept in tho. South to compel tho white
pco; lo lo pay H nnd ?10 a day, with
inilenge, to Iho carpet bag black and
lanists, and to bow their heads to tho
Radical-negro yoke of tyranny, costs
tho Norther tax payer fl.'JUO. Such
mones' had butter be invested in
. ghnr-klr'.
INMrUJilflN.ii f iflalnlMtY, Mi4,
11. a. m. II. M.'l "H!.M. Prmoernl.
Jr..h I: Hidffwar, IL.Iu.l.
Ps.M A Naeie. Pern., gain.
Ilerttre Ct-rilii II, IUd.
i'Uiip. lif.i-ienif Kiptlpwni - W,
Vt irlhn,rt . ('. II Mm". ll'll.
K-rlrt II. .'. Lllohrnitll." Pun.
f.fU it; '..-ll S Itrown.'P.
VIII. fVre J. P'l'liv Pavis, Prin.
IX. A-eneH-if-Win. N. Ilaii'liill, Pent.
Cii-lin , J.iiiine, "' rt
I'linrlrlon I'uint-tt, Pera.
ilmifun. Sufiiknn mi rf- Wfnmimj
lli'orc Iiiuiilun, ICatl.
XII. .eierae-l.. 1). fh.icinaker, Hal.
XI I I. I'n'lrr, 71111711, )t'hean llni (7itoa
Warrr '.wlr, Ha l.
XIV. Lgnminf, l'in '' .Vnyfrr John II.
H,-k. P-ui.
XV. A'r'ir"'f.-"'i''"e. Columbia ami
Vu'ipfitt tieorge- 1. Ja-.-Kioil, lieia.
XVI. MiyAiii 'i ieiKinuii i. Pewon
L'oh'uihii. had.
XVII. Lnneatltr E. llillingtl'll, Joseph W.
riMier. bolh KmlR.
Will. York ami t'iafWan(t A. llieitand
lllati. Peru.
XIX. Adiitat and Franlsli Pavld JllcCon-
augliy, hud.
XX. A'omfri, llnlnrd aui Fulton Alcxan
der Shiftman, Had.
XXI. Jilair. uiifii'iifun, Oiifre, UHm, Ju
wi'iilu unif Perry r. T. Hllligerl, C. J.
M'lniyre, biitii Denis.
XXII. Cumbria, Imdietma and Jefferion (Jen,
II jrry U bite, Uad.
XXIII. L'harjiM, 'nnnroH, Cltirinn, Forml,
am Elk William A. Wallace, Pom.
XXIV. HVflworeaac, Faytttt and tireeiie
ihouiat II. rleanulil, Petn.
XXV. Allryhtny James L. lirahaui, Kuitill
trnJL liotn ltaill.
XXVI. hi(V' btawth. W. Tay
lor. Kili
XXVII. Zirr, llmlcrand Anutranrj R. A.
Urowue, Und.
XXVIII. Mentr, Vinangt aail l urrrM T. t.
Urowu. had.
XXIX. Cratrford and EritM. B. Lowrv. R.
Kadirals, IV:' Pemoorott, H. Hudical maj., i.
.Newly elected.
1. Pavid Foy, K.
2. John M liinnis, P.
1. Fainuel Josephs, D.
4. W. W.Wall, It
i. Thomas Mullen, D.
6. Col. C. Kleckner, It
7. James Suliera, H.
William Heatlr, J. Boyd
Kspy, ltailioals.
Theodore Coruuiar.,Dcm.
A. J. llerr, P. S. Berg
l( renter, ltadicalt.
Augustus B. Leedum, R.
Ileorge B. Koa, John 0.
btrauaban, Kadicalt.
W. II. Plavlord, Dem.
rRAin ir a i-errt.
8. Jauiet V. riljkct, B..
9. Samuel Paler, P.
10. Col. K.W. l.Tii,K
11. Daniel Wiloatn D
2. Alex. Adairt, K.
111. Michtel Mill!, n, D.
14. tlcorge T. Thorn, I).
Jamet Uolinte, it.
IS. Col. M. C. Uoug, II.
John ShivelY B. F.
17. Col. John Clark, B.
I. Oe .rge Bull P.
Winger.e pemocratt.
John Phelan, Prm.
Nicholas liellstll, D.
K I XTI.VUIIOH, ji riata
II. f. Wharton, had.; J.
8. Miller. Prin.
imd1axa a westuore
Ueorge Wilson, William
It. Ford, Alexiller,
Aug. Bockert, lioorge
It. itid die, Darid L..
t-mllh, all Hadlcala.
W. C. Gordon, T. F.Cal-
In.'lier, Itads.; R. 11,
McCormick, Peia.
Andrew Armstrong. A.
C. ltviuuebl, Pa id 0
Col. 8. M. Jackson, It.
HEAVER A WAlll"luro.
Thomas Nicholson. J. It
Pty, John twiog, all
piracy, Abram God-
aenrunn. ri tTog An
tbalk, all Kadicalt.
Jacob li. Ilcilman, Rvl
John II. Fugle, P. II.
Crtilr, Pcmocrals.
I rrraxr.
J. T. hicbanlt, John
Wdler, both Uadicali.
II. F. Iloltentti'in, Rich
mond L. Jones, Henry
Drolisi, all Democrats.
Wm. Brennnii, Jas. Me.
Henry, ci. F. liossard.
.Samuel M.-t'amiranl, It.
Jami-S ll.Webh. John F.
Lvroaiio, i .iion a br-
n ra.
Chamberlain, KedicaU
K. R. Lawthe, George
Joshua lleant, E. C. Me
all Pcmocrals.
KinMry, Dcinocratt
ti TLiit, MrarnR m law-
James K.-bbai-h, Henry
ilcMiller, DcmiM-rats.
Lewis Hloul, George II.
Gouodio, Deinoerats.
William II. Kase, Pern.
Potter Attn tiooa.
Jas. T. M -Jul: kin, John
Kdwardt. Ojrge L.
Wrilhike, Phi id Hob
hison, all Badiculs.
John P. Linton, Deoi.
cAnaos a MOXRUE.
Alkn Craig, Dim.
I rlTRE.
P. (Irny Meek, Pern.
i-lario a ji;rpiH-(H.
William P. Jrnks, Piiu.
John S. Mann, 11. JL
r-ieutig, Usdiiuls.
HI i!rvt.kll.L.
Kdwanl Kerns, Mirhael
Bread, p. I., llice, all
T. J. McCullough, Pern.
Q. O. Peiie, Pirn.
Meredith, Jumet M., all ltadicalt.
roi.ruaiA a stoiTorR.
Ttionias ChallaiiL, pem.
Lnren Rurrctt, Ziba Lott,
A.P.Puiican, J.II.LIaik
L. Westbrook, Dem.
Leii Maisb, S. G. Boyd,
Radicals, li4 ; Dcuioi-rnts, 4(1. Radical inaj., S,
lladtcal majority on joint ballot 12
"Iicmocratic gains.
"The Past Ann Peeei. Somenfleen montbi
ago, our neighbor lloodlnndrr published a glow ing
account iwrinen on Oct. iiii iiy "a wime man
at Curwcnsville) of a eei tniu jewilry transaction
which was then and there indulged in by one of
"Lincoln's pet luialit, ' as George familiarly tlrlci
him. Now, iiL'ighbor, at you prefer to furni-l
your readers nulr wuh the 'tmte tuli'lantial
news such at the above numed jewelry trausao
tion you should again resorl to services of "while
man" lo enlighten Ihe public on that subject.
"t onsislency It S jewel," Goolge, you know.
"A white man" at Curwcnsville
requests us to stale that ho, not hav
ing been educated in tho school that
traduces white men and eulogizes
niggers, cannot notice tho abovo local
nnd our parents being both whilo, wo
arc also disqualified from instituting
comparisons between white men and
niggeis, for tho exclusive benefit of
the latter, besides our taste does not
run out after the "pet lambs." But,
should this "pet" return to the bosom
of his friends again, and engage in
the jewelry business, wo will givo
him a "subsanlial" notice Wo will
defend tho white man whilo wo live,
as best wo can, against all his social
and political foes.
Din you Ever! The Grand Jury
of Fairfax county, at the present term
of tho Criminal Court, brough in an
indictment against that sweet scented
beauty Goorgo Tucker, tho Radical
Commonwealth's Attorney, of that
county, fr gross misconduct and mal-
fetisaiicc in ollico. Tucker, wo Mre in
formed, is an importation from Ver
mont, and during tho war acted in the
capacity of cook and scullion for sonio
Yankee regiment. Tho best part of
il is that tlio indiclment was founded
on the testimony of Johnathau Rob
erts (himself a Radical as black as the
AfcofSiipes,) who was the lalo Sheriff
of Fairfax county. II rtrmifon (I'd.)
A. II. Stowart, formerly Seeretnry
of tho Interior, under 1'illmoro, re
sponds to an invitation to bo present
at the banquet in Washington on tho
eitrht of January, thai bo fs disfran
chised, has not tho panic privileges of
Ins negro servant, ami says ho will be
happy to meet his fellow patriots when
the shackles shall bo stricken from
thu limbs of Virginia and otherSouih.
em States.
'Wo see," said Switt, in one of his
most sareaslio moods, "what God
thinks of riches, by tho people he gives
thm to."
Ihr fttimw,
ti, iiiiniii r,itM.-i. mi l'"! in
the Cub, illi iiki-mIi rably I o ibmi j
n ipinnini pitMi'iit lit 1' m h ll"iic. In ,
llik S'nnla lhr i n-o cl S. nnl'ir elect
Tliiimna. of Marylnml, nn iIixciism'iI !
all diiv, lut no Vole was reached M j
ndmil him. ,
Tho House pilled a resolution In
iroiliicrd by Mr. Wa-hbui ne, of W is, by yeas , nays ft pmly
vole, ceiisuiing tho 1'rendrnt lor
reinoviii'' (ion. Midi Jan, and llmnking
the laller for bis coiir-o while in com
..I .,) il. l.iilli Mi ilnrv Ilmtriot : ;
nl 411 Ibiinkinir d'en. Grant for his lot
Iiiiniii oi tiiv mil .
. . e . . - ., i
tortotho J'loMdcnt on tno remoMu
of Socretary Stanton.
A bill was introduced by Mr. Hanks
muking fight hours a legal day's
work in all Government workshops,
and was passed without opposition.
It is tho same bill as that passed at
the last session.
Thollouso then laid on tho table,
by nearly a party voto, u resolution
offered by Mr. Ehlridgo. of Wisconsin,
to lhank Gen. Hancock, and after
discussing tho question of increasing
tho number of clerks in tho second
Auditor's office, udjourncd.
CiiANtiE or FitoNT Thnd. Steven's
doctrine of reconstruction has lost
nearly all its supporter;. Gencrul
Butlorhasabundoned it. In his speech
to tho colored people a lew nights
. , 1 ..1 .1 l.t ...!...!. ...t,
since, no huiu ; "i uuiiui nmuio -"-fiscalion
would bo desirable. It does
not seem to be a good thing to give
away land. A thing that does not
cost anything is generally valueless.
If tho United Slates were to day to
commence confiscation it would un
doubtedly load to mischief and to the
detriment of the great. West."
The Louisiana black andtanist have
ordered a tax of ono mill per cent, on
all personal property and real estuto
in order to raise creenbacks to put in
thoir pockets. The daily expenses ot
the "convention" (fit) a day for each
memberand mileage) aro about f 1,800.
Tho daily of the Virginia
menagerie are about il.JU". ine
members of the latter aro drawing lull
pay (88 a day) during a two weeks'
holiday vacation. Ob, tho thieves
the thieves.
Doctor J. 11. Gihon of Philadelphia
has been apointed Private Secretary
of Governor Geary, vice J. R. Dungli
son. In Mexico, Juniata county, Pa., on Thursday.
January I, 1H6, by W illiau P. Cociirar,
Mr. JUIIX W. WRIGHT, of t'lcarliild, Pa- and
Miss F.MMA S. THoMPSOS.of Hie former place.
On the ld of November, 1M17, by John Ilieib,
Etq., Mr. Al'STIX HENRY, of llog-s township,
and Mm ANNA BOWLES, of Lawn nee !p.
On the I'.Uh of December, 1S6", by John Beish,
Erq., Mr. HENRY BKNKIIOOF, of Boggs town
ship, and Mist MARTHA BAHliElt, of Law
rence towuhip.
On the !Slh of December, 1867, by Joseph w.
Lull, tsq., Mr. JOHN BIRKB lo Miss HAS
NAII 11IND.M AN, all of Glen Hope.
In Lawrence lowusliio, on tho 27th of December,
ISoZ.SAHAll AGNES WELCH ; aged 10 years,
sis months and two days.
On Ibe brow, to meek and holy.
Ye Ihe last kiss have press'd;
With a mournful step, and sluwly,
Lay Ihe beautiful to rest
pi-alb, the reaper,
Folds the sb eper
Tigl.lly to bis icy brean. . 1. w.
At the residence of his luolher, in Dradford tp.,
i Friday evening, December 57, lSf.7, Mr.
GF.ORGK llAHGKR.jr.; aged 3rt yiars, J mouths,
and 13 days.
IJltn A superior PLEIGII. perfect
1 new, high finish and cushioned through
out. Apply to IJanU) II. W. SMITH.
AlfANTIlI). A CERVAM, to cook, wash.
t and iron. Apidy to
jn9 tf
Tl UK WANTEIb-Tlis subscriber will pay
I tho bie-hrst urices, in CASH, for all kinds of
tur and Peer Skins. I. L. l'.LUE.NSTKIN.
January S, lils-lf.
'N'rOTICI'- Person! liavingmisettled accounts
I 1 lince July 1st Willi the undersigned, will
plcute bring in all 1 1st ir credit! and give their
nolci for the balauce due January 1-t.
It being provided by the 30th general order la
Bankruptcy of the Supreme Court of the t'niled
Stntes, that, "la cases where tbe debtor bat no
41 meant and maket proof to trie satisfaction ol
" the Court that ho it unable to psy the costs
' prescribed by Ihe act," It., the judge may in
bis discretion direct that tbe tees and roils
therein shall not exceed Ibe sum of $ jl, required
lo be deposited by the applicant. 1 desin to
inform all lucb at ictend to avail thcmsetvci of
Iht benefit of Ihe above proriiion. that it cannot
be expected to be cp lied to the ease of any
petitioner who Is of tu&cienl ability to employ
an Atlorney at Law to eonduot the prcceedings
for bitn. That if such petitioner it incompetent
to the task of preparing his own psiiiion and
scheduler be muy apt ly to the clerk of the under
signed, Henry Hull, Esq., at bis office (ne it door
to ihe ofli-e of the undersigned! in Girard, who
will prepare Ibe requisite petition and schedules
tor tberetsuuabte foe of 15 and cost of staiionery.
Register in Bankruptcy.
Girard, December 38, IS67. je9
Town Lois for Sale.
rilHB subscriber will dispose of a number of
X town lots, annate in tbe village of M ichaola.
vine, upon easy terms and at reasonable rales.
It situated A the Wett Branch of the Futqu.
kanua river, in Hell townthip, Clearfield county,
la, on Die Mite road leading from Indiana to
Curweniville, !8 milei from Ihe former end 22
from the latter, In Ibe midst of an eirellent
agricultural community. Il it a desirable loos.
lion lor mecbanice. School house, cburch and
saw mill close by, and Arit-eiati grist nml within
two Btilos. Those desirous of any further infor
mation can obtain it by applying to Ihe under,
signed, or by addressing bitn at Cush P. .,
Clearfield county, I'a.
Miehaelsville, January 9, 18C8 4U
. i,i rio.r r.v s.itrst
CroBS-Cut, Circular and Long Saws,
Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage,
For Spreading, Sharpening, End Shaping the
Teeth of all Splitting Sawa.
Vfa-Senifor n Descrlptlre Circular and Price
linj.rfj Grneral Afente, desrStH, Pe.
?:tr auiSisrnit'Kfi.
Borough Ordinance.
In OiilliiHr in I Owl iM "I"'" I'lfta
IITi l, iaa1 llrrrtnlu I- l"lt. aprlieeiipw keili wad M
tueiliy niin. Isipai er of li e l-oie'ia
I I , ailir d. fi'i- "!"l'i' l I tin lug '
.liie', and. Wntanl. H. growlh n'
I Hit i" and Ihe nere.iiii.i of Hie owners ol
I pti..eiiy tl.ertin require that ihe ! dour,
I and thai laid slreet be laid m parallel Fomlh
1 ureel er,rd aocorilili f ly I Iherofiire.
I Skin. ,n I I'.t It ti sriid an i .d.!nd It the
! tlnrirr and Town I uiircil ol ihe b ir.xiith nl
, ClearDnl I, and il it heichy enaeied tni ordaine i
1.. 1 1. siiil.i.iiiv of ihe ituie. Ibiit liie S'reei now
, 1..,. i.l.,nht
.,,..1 ...1 1 Fouilh ureeftn laid t irough
known tt F'.ilh street, ho, and Ihe same it h r-
i. onli rf d 10 lie onined of ihe total wi It h of fifty
U-cl, parallel lo taid I'ourth Uriel, from the
borough line at till north end ot the borough to
Ihe botuugh line at Hie louih end ol Ihe borough ;
and that aileyt iliieen icol in wiuiu, cm re
ing lo Ihose already in eiiti nco, be ex ended I
I riiilit aoelct to and Irou Fll'h llreel j and
that petition be made to the Court of Quarter
Sessions to aj point freeholders lo riew and
a'sess damagi a, At., in pursuance of the eel ot
Assembly of Slid April, 1J, regulating eucb
subjeels i-rovidcd, thai the borough authorities
reserve Ihe right lo order Ihe grading, o.. f
said ttreet in such manner and at such times as
tboy ur luture Councils muy dotcruiiue.
hac- 2. That ao plot or audition lo the borough
of Clraifield shall be hereafter accepted unless
Il be laid out upon Ihe plan and corresponding
wiib the etreels and alleys of ihe original town
plot, io far at Ihe same can consistently be made,
ukin Inlo consideration the ground, location,
do., and shall bo submitted to and approred by
Ihe hurgsss and Town L'ouooil, ol which a droll
or plau shall be bled wlih and kept by ibe clera
lor publio inspection, sue) reoorded in Hie Re
corder's iiftoool Clcerlleld accordance
wuh arliole 7, aeciloo , of the aot of Aaaembly
of April 3, 1S.1, regulating bj-oogbt.
Atteit L. 0. iloiiOAR, Secretary.
ary term, lill1 :
t.rand Jurors.
U. W. Caldwell, Beccarin L. R. Merrcll, Clearfield.
John t-lraw, " j li. h. Kbirey, Gotheo.
Frcd'k feboff, ' Levi llubler, Grubaai.
II. L. Henderson, Bell, i II. W oodward, Huston.
II. L. Hull, Bradford. R. J. Johnson, Jurdau.
Jacob Pearce, " ; R. l.awhcaJ, Lawrence.
ii,arre Krincr. Brady. A. II. b'baw, "
g. Jacksou Horn, " ; J. M'Onugbey,
Alexander Shea,
Elijah Weslun, Otseol.
L. Kiliieu, llurnside
Matthew Irwin, "
Geurge Perry, "
David Flemmg, Pike.
Juab Rider, Coiington
licnry Bailey, Lnion.
Ira verse Jurors Mrat week,
Joteih Dear, Uecraris. Enoch btraw, rergutoli.
Michael ll.nll ID, ; joiw-im J antrsvu,
.l.iai-oh T. Work. Bell. Jon lib Moore, "
. ' .. i.:..: .. n;..l
K.lwaril A wn. Iiores. j. it. jii;iiiwm. ,.,.
D. W. t'bilson, Illooio. J. W. Turner, Graham.
Wm. Hoover, Bradford, iae. Fulton "
Alri. Livingston, " ;C, W. Kylor, "
Daniel Stewart, " Anurew rainca,
W.S.Tsvlor, J. S. M Riernan, Oulich.
Audrew Pentt, Brady. Daud Tyler, liu'Um.
Daniel Rishel, " I Thomas Smiih, Jordan.
H. Sevier, iJanies Irwin, i.awrence.
William Kirk,
G. D. Ned, Borntide
;john KtaiJ, jr.,
G. II. Lytic, Lumber C.
i George Ardcry, Morria.
I It. M Murray, N.Waili'o
! D. It. lioo l, Osceola,
Hturv Coleman, "
Johu Mi-haner,
J. . Nelf, ChesU
John W orraJI. " ! Geo. M. Ilnsbin, "
Joseph Gross, Covington John Widemire, Penn.
August llugener, lluottat an,
A.J.ri.iuihard.ticarfield'Jobn M'Mahao, "
Frank bborl, ' 1 David W'clty, I'nion.
Motdi.c-il eiliirk, " i David Dressier, "
Elijah Reese, Pccatnr. i Austin K line, n oodward
Trvere J urura He-toud weeks
Artlier Groom, Deecjana. S. F. McClosAey, Cur-
Jaincs Sonderlin, Pell.
J. N. McCiackcn, "
John llickox, "
.loliii S. Ruuk, Decatur.
Wiillain Avers, "
C.M.Cadwalla.ler. "
llosea Firhard, Ferguson
W. W. Hell, "
Pcnjs'nin Jury, Girard.
Wm. 11. Long, Huston.
Pavid Adams, Roggl.
Wilson Hoover, "
John W. Kylcr, "
llinry Knarr, lirady.
I.. II. Csrlile,
W. ,. Porter,
John Mirhaeis,Karlbaut
icorgc Ellltiger,
J-ibn M'Murray, Knox,
Jot. Mil.hell. Burntide. II. J. Sloppy,
Armstrong Curry, " Jno. Mitchell, Lawrence.
E. P. M 'Maslers, Chest. ! Reuben M Pliers'. 0 "
Louis Houssey,Covingt,ni Geo. R. Dillon, Aiorris.
John Mi iler, "' John Hyers, New Wash-
John II. Rougrui, " tnglon.
T. Dougherty, Clearfield.! Jubn Flynn, Penn.
J..M .Kelllel.. rgrr. " j P. S. Hcnsjl, W oodward.
-VHAHTKKI.Y HtPORT of the First
V J Natioral Rare or ClearfielI), Pa.
fint Monday of January
A DV4 ,
BSBul Rtit.
Loam dieeoanted. $59.(164 8
Orer draft! 1 .''
Furniture and fixiurci 1,IS7 IS
Rerenue stamps . f
Due from National llankl 9.IS1I7
Due from oiher llankt and lianken... 4,149 23
L'. 8. llondi denoilied with Treasurer
of U. 8 . to secure circulation lOO.OOS 00
Bills of other banks 1.7H
Fractional currency 1 S6
Legal tender notes and tjiecie 17, C1 it
J26,1S0 J
Capital tlork paid in (1U0.0O0 00
Surplus fund
i.OIII) 00
Notet in Cireulaton
Individual deposits
Due to National Banks....
Due tn other Banks and
Profit and Lois
I 00
SJ.:4 44
J.6S4 66
IS 37
4,7f 4 S
j:6,ifo a
I certify that the above is e trae Ebstract from
the report made to the Comptrullei of the Cur
reoey, this 6th day ot January, t Sf.S.
A. C. FINNEY, Cashier.
ULAItll.Kl.Y Itl.l'tllll of the Cui'RTT
rATioRAL Base oi tleaificld, oa tbe biel
day uf Jauuaiy, 16tiS ; '
Loans and Discounts $99,394 6i
Over otalu S.cVl vB
Fuiuiiute,expeceea aud uses ,b0 411
Hev. stamps and Fractional Curluncy 1,I6U fin
Due Irom National Uauke Is, 4U "I
Due Iron oiber Uauke llaukere.... s, V3
L. b. Buud 7.',UIU u
Cssh on baud ol other Nat. Bauks... I.osl its
Legal 'lslider Nolesand Specie Iit,tl9 VII
Cuuipouod luieresi Nutet l,Hbll US
Total Resources t2!0,9i)4
Capital stock paid la l"l,00 00
Surplus luoil.. 2.5U0 01
Ciruluuoa ouuLandiLg... 6j,4j0 VO
ludiviuusl deposits 4i,x-4 73
Due to Netioual Banks... stS il
Prohl aud lot t.til il
Tjtal Liabilities Hi .11 41
I hsreby certify that the abort tuiriarni is a
true copy of the original sent to the CoupirullEr
ol ihe Currency, this Oik uay oi Jauuary, Isoa.
D. W. JduUllh, Cashier.
T A I'.MIM l AT1C Al M A AC.-This mval-
JL aablc publication is for sale at thit ofii.-e.
mould lie in the h:indl uf every lieinocrat. Il
coiitaim full election returns from all the Slatet :
I ocsnics, ihe numtH-r for IM-O contain! e complete
list o ibe names of all the newspapers snppreiMd
and troblieel during Lincoln's administration; and
that for ISI17 contains the names of all those etvil-
iana who were imprisoned during Ihe same jicriod.
These two lit, f,ir luliire rrtrrrnre, are worth
more than Ihe price of the publication. Any one
sending us hfty cents, will receive by return mail
a copy tor each year, free of postage. tf.
C-IAI.TIOV ll persons arc hereby cautioned
J sirniiist t urcliitsiiig or trading for a certain
PlW.MISOIli NllfK given by me lo Pavid Er
har.l, d.iled sonntiine in December. 1 sfil, calling
lor one uuiiitnil ami sixty two ilollnre. Said note
is pa.d, and 1 am di tiTMiined not to pnv it again.
Knox Ip. DicJiMii, pd PKU.K MA..S.
ISTRAY COW. fame trespassing on the
A premises of the sulitn-riler, rvsiilinE in Girartl
township, sometime during the nionlh of June
last, a BLACK COW, wilh s.ol on the forehead.
The owner is reqncsteii to come forward, prove hit
property, pny rhnrgca and take her away, or the
will be disixitlj of according In Inw.
Leeonle'l Willi P. (!., Dee. i'S. lt:td
I. 1. K ml .or
HAS Jul res-cived Cranberries, Jwi-el Potatoes,
Dried Corn, Hominy, Maenroni, Brandy
Peaches, Catup. Jelly, Pickles. Ciirrnnts, Citron,
iicmont. haisius. Pickled Oysters, toie Pytlera.
Spiced Oysters, Sardine. Canned Peaehet, t anne 1
Tomatoes. Preserved Peaches, fanned Corn, t aim
ed Peas, Canned M ilk, 'a lined W hortleliernes.
French Mtislard, Fago t beese, W'orceslcrsbire
K.ince, Kpg t'rnckers, t'iea"n lliscuil. Soila Crack
ers Jumbles, Oyster Cra.-krra, Pried Appbis, Pried
Pcai-his, Turkey Prunes, Cocoa Nuts, Almonds,
Honey, Loveriug't Syrnp, Cheese. Lard, Roasted
Ciff-e, 'boe.,'v,i
I I t nl I IM in in tin u. .It,
Ik it. a e- .! ("i Ibc ib ol '
e.llr. Vi lino, and A't-aere Pr.
els IW
ic.m'S. I.'fiiti Oii.l". l.iob.t-d
rtalehia, J'el r. Siher I' ! d
ac. a.,,.:
Ma.-bloi". Ac, Kfd rlol.s of Irn of se.
Ii n W ilis nf ea- n nei-r iji-m c ni a. at", n,P).Htvv
op ol tin e'ob will lle a prrsnit woftl,
Jt iori. a- irdii g lo puoil-cr se I. A o's aitt,
neirabi-re. t'in-olr sent (ie. I'MlklHl
I'll.,' SI A P IV t. iil St.. i..lon. dn'.'0 :,m urn A VtflMI .,.
V.iinrvirf. g'md ebaraeler and enerev..
teveieiiee and IntHHrvlica, lo aoi at canvatun ,
a serin of
K K W E X C It A V t X 0 8 !
Five Piauliful Mi at American Faces?
F.ngraird on Hone in I'nrit by the moil bi1BH
Lithographers in Ihe world. These lu-fi,
arc most boniititnl and pm iic roneitltUIiai if
sighed to typify Ihe bcsl Ideal typos of Aiatriui
omaliliooil, repreirniing nieir niaoon, m,,
tin, nuialbii , attachments and bcronm.
The 'lithography is In the highest itileofn,.
art, nod is such as bet rareiy ucen euuiiim, ui
eanliof be exn lb-d.
T hese portraits hare received unqualified train
from the most eminent crilics and prominent tnu
Kapersof the eountry, and they should adorn est,
oosehold in the laud.
For particulars and descriptive circular, addrm
dec2S-St 4C Main fit., Springfieid, Mui.
Idenl Judge of ihe Court of Common Flasi
of the twenty flfib Judicial District, itnpotrd sf
the eounlies of Clearfield. Centre end Clinum
and lion. 8AMUKL, CLVDK and Hon. JACOB
WILIIELM, Associate Judges of Clearnojd c,.,
have Issued their preeept, to aae direcrej, fur thtt
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Cjearter Sessions, Court of Over
ana terminer, ena uuuri oi ueaerausu ueiivrrj,
at the Court House at Clearfield, Id and for the
eounly of Clearfield, er mmencing OB Ibe accond
Moii In) (IJtu dajjol Jauuary, HSIM, ui
lo eonnnue twu weeks.
NOTICE I.S, therefore. Lereby given, Is tit
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and ComuMsi,
in and fcr taid eouuty of Clearfield, io appear i&
their proper pertont, "with their Rolls, Rreerdi,
Inquisitions, Examinations, and other F.rtutK,.
br.incet, lo do those things which lo their o&ti,
an la their behalf, perum to oe done.
GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, this Id,
day of January, in tbe year of our Lord oat
thousand eight hundred and tirtr-seren.
IN THE OltPIl ANf COl RT of Clearfitli
county, Pa. CLRAariRLO Coi istt, si
In tbe matter of the estate of Jonathan Nhbsls,
late of tbe township of Lawrence, deceased, as.
praisement of personal property detained a&4
set orcr to the widow of laid deceased, oadsr
Ibeaett of Assembly, to tbe value of I3l'0. wit,
on the 27th of September, 167, confirmed si.
and unlesi tufiicirut eicepuont are filed oa sr
before the first day of January term next, rill
be confirmed absolutely. Ry the Cnrt.
declt-St J. O BAKU LB, CUrl.
UEt; I tT K H 'I T 1 1 E. Notice it herety
given Ihet the following aeeoinls htre am
examined and patted by Be, and remain Uriel
re' ord In thit ofiice for tne inspecnoE of keira,
legatees, crrditorf, anil all others in any titn
way Interested, an win do presenteo le un
real Orphans' Cowrt of Clearfield county, la is
held at the Conn House, Is tbe borough of Otsr.
He'd, commencing on the aecond Monday sf
January, l&6i;
Final aeeoort or Andrew AdJieman, toie sr.
riving executor of the last will and trttsmtetd
W illiam AdJIemcn.laieor rise townsnip, tisu
field eoonty. Pa., decerned. -
Partial Eccuuotof Kcnben Mcrnerson, tttt
tor of iht last will End tenement of Jsti
McPherson. late of the borogh of Cletrli',4,
Pa . deceased.
Final account of Mary Reese, (late Mtr
mith.) and John B. Oorm..nU eseratori ef Iki
last will and lettament of Willien Sjiii: , lstst!
Covington township, deceased.
Final accent f Edward Williams, sHm's'j.
Ira lor, and Elisabeth Carr.adminisiratr'i.eftti
estate of B. F. Carr, late of Pike tp., ClesrSu
county, deceased.
The account of Susannah Barr, (late Sunt
nah Wettel,) administralriE of tbe estates'
Deniel Weliel. laie of Girard townthip. C In
field eonnty, de cased.
The account of P. A. Howies, administrator!'
Ihe estate or William Mciihee, late of Knox u
Clearfle'd County, deceesed.
Partial account of John V7. Wright, admisu-
traier of tbe esiale of D. 8. Rbol. Isle of tsi
carl township, Clearfield eounly. deceased
Partial account of Samuel A. Caldwell, oast'
the eiecutort ander ibe will of Joseph Bsrsr
late of Bradford lownihip, Clearfield cone:
Final account of J -ha Jackson End Jsee
Jsckson, exeeuturs of the lat will and tesuist:
of Jane Jsckson, late of Jordan tr . deeasei
Rr.oiaTER't Orrira, I Rejister.
Clearfield, Pa, Dee. 19, l!67.j
ing of Iho Stockholders ot the Cointv N,
tiooal II ink of Clrarfield will be held at the Bn.
ing House of said association, in the boron;i
Clearfield, on Tuesday evening, the 14th ol Jar
ary next, at 7 o'clock, p. tn , for the purport
electing Seven pcraons to serve as
the ensuing rear. D. W, M00!:E.
ClcnrCeld.'pce). 19, 1S67-31 Casbiti.
ICENSE reOTIC'ES. Tbe follows:
named person! bare filed in the ofies
the Clerk of Ihe Court of Quarter Sessiust '
Clearfield eountr, their petitions and bonds f
License, at the January teflon i next, tgrtsil
lo the ect of Assembly, enrl'.led "An Act lor(.
lata the tale of Intoxicating Liquors, " '
Jamrs MrDlritt
Cbarlet Rohtker
Joha Fauts
J. C. Henderson.-.....,
A E. Thou peon
Harry itoss...
George Koarr
Ileorge N. Colhurn....
W, U. ThomptoB
Isaac Ricketla.
Mllo Hojt
John Muleun.H
I saae Bennett
Matthew 0. Gamble...
William Llghtner
Andrew bhoff
Philander initlr ,
Casper Leipoldt
A. J. Prauckir
A. 8. lluldon
Osceola. :
Beret ris.
, N Wa-Licll1
A. W. Raymon l Mor.le.
SebEilian Saodcroru Morris.
Jus. pb 1 bompson Jordan.
C.emgt W. Vieemr Woolwtrd.
VY. Eolret C earfeld.
John F. Rote Clearfield.
A. Ueont Girerd.
Doc. 1 3t D. F. E IZ E1LER, Clerk.
riiHadclphia & Erie Railroad
Thrcngh and direct route between Philade'rk
Baitimoro, llarrisburg, illlaiospor,
and tbe
Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.
On nil Nigbt Train.
w j -e. iiavsiV XOV. JS. It". ,l
. iiu sovr siv.iri." .
leAlna nn the Philadelphia
Road wili run f-dlows :
Mail Train leav.a I'biU.lell.hlS " 15 I
Do do St. Mary's
Po.. ...... arrive at Krie
Erie Kxpiee leaves Philadelphia..
Do lo Sl Mary's
Do..' arrive at Erie
Mall Train leaves Erie
Do do.....f-L Mary's
Do . ...... arrive at Philadelphia.
Erie Exprcse leave Erie.
Do dv St Mary's ....
Pn arrive at Philadelphia..
i iJ r.
, 0 no P.
,.12.00 eei
. .VISA V,
,. 4JA
..10 15 A.
,, P.
g y A.'
. 4 2-VP. 'I
io. n
.. l.l'Of-.N
Mail and Express connect with all train'
tbe Warren A Franklin Railway. Pa-seort
leaving Philadelphia at 12 "U V, arrive
Imneton at a in a m aid PilCey at i." P "
LrHving Philadelphia at II.Oo p. m , atriv
Oil City at 4.S4 b.m.
All trains on Warren 4 Franklin Rail"!
make close connections at Oil City with It'
for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Itsjrja
checked through. Al.Htkf) L. TV I. Lit.
General Superlnlend'r
1T AXTl-.l)-tK.tMbtl lll(J salihifflci
II et our store, boat I'hilipsi.urg, for b
Ibe hkheal c veh price l'l be paid
. !
t I