THE KKPUHUCAN. THXltstUT:: :lK'ccmler L'li, ts07. Wo inuo our juipor two Juys in ml 1 vanco, this week, and initio next. Tlie tlcvil and liis comimnions nro ilc tcrmineJ to "iswing round tlio circle," oud of cotirso tlio matliino mL Htop. In tlio mcnnlime, wo intend to send New Year's ISill-etJoux to those of onr Biibscriberi who owo us for inoro tlmiir rr years. If tlioxo vet erans don't noon "sock," they will bo troubled with the nightmare, or ft Constable, or pnrhnps both. "A word to tho wise is BufUuiont." Wo'll see. Scttlep. Wo notico by tbo Iu Pago (111.) Press, that liev. J. Taylor Chtimbcra, lateof St. Andrews Church, in this ('lace, has ncucptcd u call and is now pastor of St. John's Church nt Napervillo in that State. Our best wishes accompany him wherever his duty calls him. I We are indebted to Mr. A. Winch, nova autl periodical dealer, 605 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, lor a copy of the standard "Old Franklin Alma nac," which is full of useful informa tion. Price 20 cents. lie also Bends us "Weather-Wag's Almenalc," full of fun and jokes; prico 13 cents. Both mailed to any address on the receipt of the prico. - . Tho Sheriffs Sales will no doubt bo interesting to Bomeofour roadcri. Ono . thousand men and women wanted to sell Engravings. Address L. I). Itobinson Springfield, Mass. Mr. Coittriet wishes the owner ofau Kstray Cow, to take her nway. Jlettsrs Parker & Co., of Boston, have mado a devolution in Trade. Keud their advertisement and send for a circular. Tribute of Rttprrt. Th following preamble) and resolu tions were adopted ut a meeting of tho IYoachrrs of tho Northumberland District, on the death of Elder tiuyer: Viixti!, It Iras jilmiml the llml limit of (he Cborch ti it-move, by iloath, our U'kivcil Unit her and eo-laliurer, tha Rev. Julin tiuyrr, ami Whurkah, For near r,4 years lie was a faithful anil suec.sful Minister in M. K. t'linrrh, and for nearly four year, pant I'. K. of tin -Northuui. berlaud district, tlierelure, Re,olveil, That we rrenf-nize the hani of tlwl, In thil dispensation ol Ii.ino I'roviilruec, which haf fwvert'tt our (irwenl reliition, ami tliat we deeply feel our lies, liut aro nssun-'l tint it is bit eternal Rain. Kefolreil, That ue mot cheerfully fire our tes timony to tho kiudtiiss of liia hiart, Christiau courtmy, ardent seal au-1 successful lulnirs. Haolvctl, That wo deeply syiiipatluxD with the hereaTert family of our ileiieaseil lirotlier and ili'.o leilly pray llvut the .Savior whom he tiiraohcil will comfort and sustain them in their atrlietioiir. Hefolretl, Tbst a rniv of the aliuve rr"'iluliin hm preefltte4 I Ibe ftamily t 111 Jm-w they b published in the papers of tho tistriot, t'arl'Xia Adueal, JefWi.t, Hw Journal. T. M. llKlibi:, 1'hainu.m. W. It. Miu.s, Freretory. "tlrissar on Itormhark." In rcadinjr over tho debates in the (ioorgia mongrel Constitutional Con vention, in tho columns of a Kopubli eontoinporary, wo encounter a lively iliecuBHion upon ft roBolulion to invite tho Governor of Georgia, and all ex Governors of tho State, to Mats upon tho floor. One of the nero delegates, wo aro told, fpoko against it ; but the resolution nevertheless, was finally doptcd. Wo do not learn, however, that tho Governor, nor any of the ex Govcrnors availed themselves of the proffered privilege of a Beat on the floor. But ono is bound to believe that they do not absent themselves out of any disrespect for tho lilack anti-Tan gentlemen who a-koi them in ; but ruther, from a praise-worthy disinclination to wound tlio leelings of tho lion. Jumbo Jtim who sp iko against the resolution As things go on, down in thoso military districts wo expect ero long to hereof tho lion. Mr. Hannibal, tho Hon. Julius lsar, tho lion. Scipio Africuniis, submitting resolutions, excluding from tho Con vention, not only Governors and ex Goveniors,butallothcr"white trash." A it has got to como to that in the end, it is to bo hoped somo enterpris ing darkey will tako tho earliest op portunity to 'move btissiness forward,' with a view lo that result. Tho sooti er wo touch bottom in this Amalgama tion harlequinade, tho bolter. Kx press. lloiiitniLB Affair. A family of Browns, residing at Hudson, . Y., last week, burned Iheir houso and in it a girl about 15 years of ago. The tints elicited during tho investigation aro these: Tho family consisted of liusband and wife; that seven years Ago they abducted this girl from her parents in Ohio; thataboui six months ago Hrown went to a I.ilo Insurance ollico, in Hartford, Coiinoclictit, repre sented this girl as his daughter, and effected an on her life for. ') ooo. anil the same amount on his dwelling lioti'O nnd goods; and that! on the night ol tho lotli instant tney fired tho building, and succeeded in burning or murdering the girl, as her charred remains were found in the cellar. Brown nnd his wife repaired to Hartford Iho next day. to securo their fKyN'O; but a policeman tele graphed to the insurnnre agent to arrest them, for minder and arson, and they are now lodged in jail. Ttnmm.E Act hu nt. A great dis. j aster occurred on tlio J.nko Shore j railroad, on tho night of the Hth insL , The New York express train by an I accident got behind time, and as is I usual tried to make it up ; but when within a few miles of Buffalo a rail 1 broke and tho rear ear went over an ; embankment of fifty feet nnd taught, firo, and out of fi It V" passengers in it, , but two escaped, tho rest being burned I to death, and all that is h it ol Iheta is . a of blackened and charred re- j mains. There are no means of nccr- j taining their names. j Godly men aro ever answered in of- j Oct though ttot in kind. U arlli lil Morknla. It i-orf ell wr'lt!y fur the t'l.tettiriKi ti Itm nt.H's liv .1. 1'., IiiIit itl l'rv tlum!, llrii ciTi, I'roM.ious, Ac, Market fit I'learlii'U. Cu:Atinn n, leei-mlur 21, 1M17. Apple.. Kn-ni tl ("it Dried, VR 12! Apple liulti'l'.-.i), 1 till lllilter -in Menus frU OtH.u 3 ill lluckwliiat 1 HO !!urk wheat Hour lb, 4 tin t, dried 2i lleef, fresh rlf.u !l Itoanl'l M U 1X1(,2" till Corn, shelled 1 bl' t'orn, ear n.r Corn nit'iil,tiiw'k, 1 ".r Chop, ewt .1 7.'i Chiverseed 00 till ( 'heese "0 Cherries, tti 0U Chirked, drsd, th, 1 ' K7K Flaxseed 2 110 I'lour 12 UlU.y 13 00 Hay (10 0"(,i, 15 00 ll't;S, ' Dides, Kreei). HiuiH.Hitcnr euretlf hhouhlers . i Miles ! l.ard Mess povk.Vhhl...;a , i lan I Onions ' 1'otatuer I Pear hen, dried, Hi j Plaster, V Old.... ; live I llan-. H I ft,ill,d snek ' .shinilh:-, I "in., M, : Shiiuiee, 110 in 12 ! Timothy setd 0 I Tallow I Wheat 2 j W ool I Wood, i eord 4 Philadelphia -rocery Market. PlIII.AnEl.nillA, Deoelnher 2.1, 1807 T K AS. Young Hyson Superior. ..$ Sofdjl lb Fine 1 2ofv 1 4o Kinnit I 5o('l, 1 75 Hyioii Hutierior.,.1 0'ifTi. 1 25 Kmc. I SUtol 50 rorKRKs. Hio, coinuion 21 (a) 2H (icod 2 'l(.i( 211 Prime Mluu 244 Choice 2H'"J 2'i Java, old gov. ;'tltt .'(7) I.aKunra 2(i 27 W Co cans.. IS Kinrst 1 55(0.1 05 i Dundclion n-i 17 Imperial kioars. t-nperior...! 2fi(o,l 40 i Crushed 00 17 Fine I .'illool 6.'i i Coarse puled 110 (n; 17 Finest 1 Tllojl "0 Gunpowiler r"op"r';or...l 2:.rAll 40 Fiue 1 5.'U0l 70 Finest 1 76(3,2 00 Ulaek Superior... US (In 1 00 Fine 1 0j(i,l 15 Finest 1 2U(ij,l 35 Japan fuperior... 90(iil (Ij Fine 1 10(0,1 15 Finest 1 2l'(Vj,l 30 RICK. tine do... 00 (,o 17 1 A 00 (,(, If,, 1 11 on to lot K.ttr C liKm loi j C A yellow... 12J(i 11 i avtttfs. I Ci nnuon 4.'t0i 50 i Fair I flood j Prime .... Choice..., 5S(,t) 07(i, 74 (o S7(cil Chuiceevtra, HS(o 1 05 j Mil.AHt:q. N'.O., choice,! Ijffll 10 Carolina IflJ (S, 1 1 ' Port.i Rico... o7(o, 80 67 Et India... Kj i (if 9 Cuha 65(' Clement K. Wainwripht - - Israel II. Wainwright Joseph K. " ainwright. WAINWRIGHT Sc Co., WHO L K H A L K GROCKliS AND TEA DEALERS, N. K. Corner Second and Arrh Streets, tpr 11 PHIt.ADKM llIA. Pa. I'ltttibttri; Marhcla. riTTtat-Rii. Drerjilxr 17, 1 T-CT. FI.(i'P. Dayton Snow Kiske, While Winter $12 75 lieitulalor. do. do 1 1 50 JeKkiiit' Lilly .Mi!!., do. d i 11 Faiorito ... 1 1 00 Clark's and Sears' Hrsf. 800 00(0, 10 75 Kje flour fs 50 $H t audi' s I j 'orn tn( al, i lo 1 ::o j 60 1 05 1 4H No. 3 Mackerel, lluek' heat flour, Y hundred WUoat.aew 2 50, ltye... 0 IHl'nA) (hits, new fiOfd,'llcd $0(.J Potatoes, e., new, ft harrrl ;1 25dv Onions, Y harre!.. Tiinotln seed, 2 50 l.arr.-l 1:1 f 0 I.atd, cl, iico Tallow BArox. 4 104 70 .'Sides oora oo 1 15 .Shoulders (Hlf.a. 124 I Mains, s. c. 3 4n.Mci Pork. 4 50 . ItroKiup 00 20 22 00 2 bil( 3 25 2 75 ltcfinc.1 Oil .. ..("!' Clover seed ...II 00 00 OOjCtfleo 2.T(.u Flaxseed 2 20 I araAna. Middline,, 2 it'll llrans,r.aty.1 OO'.ij Mutter, roll....":Vio Cheese Oo'ig Ks 410 M 2 50Brown Il)fd) ,T 00 .15 17 Kefjued, hard. A coffee. TRAS. Illaek.. .'raj 1 25 Apple,"- bl. Jll'nj 4 Ol' jCre-n i0(,f, 1 05 Dried a ple....0('$ S'Svrups S.'.f.s) 7 Dried t.eaches.Wll 12IM'ola-sel 75('i M Hilt, harnd 2 50ltice '(u) II FLOUR .... J'HOVISIOXS T. C JENKINS. lONMISHIUtl MlilKHIKT, wu.l.KAl,R ii:.M.Ktt i UK totr.n or FLOllt, PltOVISliiXS, AMI ALL KINDS OF RKI INKD (MI.S. ( lieipest Flour lloue In PltUhnreli. On hand, rciiahle and well known brands. Quality 01 r lour puarantfd. Induceuients to dealers and Prices Current sent every week. Cdkckkriiu Fhowt, 27:1 Liar-inr Ktbitt, jau24-ly - I'M ! S HI Kli II, Pa. ( Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. L. HARRISON. A M., Principal riIIE FKCOD SE?slO of the present seho- X la.tio yearnf (his Institution will commence on MONDAY, tbo 2d day of December, 1K07 Pupils oan enter at any time. They wilt bt rharRtd with tuition Trout tbo tiro thej enter to tbe close of the ttesstua. Tha ennrse of Instrnction emtiraess every tbluK Included in a thorough, practical and aeoom. rlished education for both seies. The Principal, hairing had the advantage of much experience in bis prefcrsion, assures pa rents and K"rdan that his entire ability and onereiei will bo daroted to the moral and men. tal training of the youlb placed undsr hil charge. 1 KKll: l' TriTKIJI. Orthorraphy, Readinz, Wrilinjr. and Frimary Arithmetio, per Session ( 1 1 w eeks) - $ 00 Grammar, Ueofrralihr Arithinetir. and History H 00 Alffed'rs, Geometry, Triffenometry, Men. suration, gurreyiaff, Fhilosophy, Physi. oloirr. Chemistry, Book Keepinff, botany and Physical (Jeoprnphv . - . $9 00 Latin, (Jreek and French, with any of tbo ahora . - - . $11 00 4r-No deduction will he made fur abaencf JW?tt further particulars loqnira of Hot. V. I-. HAKK1S0N. A. M., CleirSeld, July 25, 1S67 tl. Principal. LOGAN ACADEMY. A First-Class High School for Boys. TS lot'tttinn i lifaltliful. r-iTTirin! autl cfnvc nirnt : vt?ti milm m,t of Altrxira, on tti .Yi.imvlrania Ontritl lUiImtt I. Tii Ht .t tt rin brgini Norrmbpr 4, IHf7. AyU in K. II. n l.'H'N, rrnrlimt. owptlP Antiflnwn V. )., llliir l o . riillailclplila & Eric Railroad. WINTF.ll T1.M tabu;. Through and direct routebetween Philadelphia, lialtiiiiore, Uarrisburir,, Willianisport, and the Great Oil Region of. Pennsylvania. k l i: t ; a n tsl i: i: visa c a n s On all Niht Trains. OX a o.l a'ter MONDAY. NOV trains on l)i PhiUdelj.hlo Hoad wili run sa f. llows: ratward. Mail Train leares Philadelphia.... Do do St. .Mar) arrire at Frle Erie Kapress haeea Pliilsdclpbia. Dc do.... St. Wary's ... Do arrira at K rie I'JKdHard. Mail Train Icates Krie..'. Do do Ft MarVe ?i, l7, tha A Erie Kail ..ii li r. m. ... 2 15 P. M. ... 00 P. M. ...12.00 noon. ... S.IS A.M. ... 15 A.M. ...10 25 A. M. ... t o P. M. Do arrive at J'hilodel hia.... S 55 A.M. Erie Expresa learea Krle , 4 25 P. M. Do di St. Mare's 10 . P. M. Do arriri at Pkiladelphia I.n0 P. M. Mail and K i press eor,neet with all trains on the Warren A Frankiin Hailway. Pa-sengars lekriaic Philadelphia at 12 00 l. aerie at Irriniton at S.40 a m and OilCi'y at 9.50 p.m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.05 f. n , airire at Oil City at 4. Si p.m. All trains Wairen A Franklin Hallway make elose ronnectlons at Oil C:ty with trains for Franklin and reteolenm Centre. Pafjragt cheeked thn ogh. AI.FKKU U TYLKII. Orneral Kuperintendent. LIVERY STABLE. rpilE ti.rr.iTir4 hrs liarf In inform thp rmh I lie that hp is now tnllr tn parMl to aiiiiinft- daii- ail in the narnf fnrni-riinr; llnrsc, Hueirs, ) fadillrs anl liarnrsa. on tha shrt"t B"li' and i mi rraa'.pal.lf Ims. B9.ilcoca (m I.(K"nt strMt, Third and Foiirtli. I nri. xs. o ear ii a nr. "jtI1-,., April II, 17. t larlismltltiiig. Boggs Township Awake I (1I11CAT KXCITKMHNT AT . THOMAS HEKUS'sS!! I.VKIlYUOtlY lrins; to gel there rlrsl, for fear j of bring erowdrd oatt into tho enld. il yon want good Shoeing done, go tu IIkrrs. If youwant your Hleds ironed right, go to llr.RHI. If you want good Mill Irons, go to hum. If you want your wsgnn ironed in thsbeat style and workmanship, go to llama. II mem tnnkrs the best Slump Machine in tho State, and dors all kinds of li I. AC K SM IT II 1 N II as cheap as can ho done in the county for Cash. My Post Ulllco address Is Ulearllelil llroluo. THOMAS DKlillS. Bores Tp., Deo. Ill, 187-lf. "BLACkSMITHINGr NKW AUKANCKMKNT. rilJIU FultH'iMn'ri', in view of comiii) tveritu, L iiff"ijn ailojttiu a new nyetcm of ilin l-iHi-m-px on mitt alter t Ik Itt vf Mity iift. From tlini ihttn we will ntloitt tho CAMI HVSTKaM. nml all work mupt thort:tr l' pui-l lor Mare knvihtf the i-hop milking tliin ili!UrcntJi', hiwevr. in fn?ir ol onr (iittnmirn r IliM our pMOi'x will lw TWKNTV Thll ( I'iN T. limn is rum etMrRea KuwnrK. Sir'rino know in it llirtn'lvi' iiiJthtri, and wlut hook nct'tumts Imvo not Imhmi Rcttlfd, aru Xiectcl to enmc ttirwaxl nn-l lunko wot t lenient ijt;liirB Mm tunc niiovc iniUcutcl. vie hojip tueie hiiitd will nut be tnitroltcn. U VAh C. rASSMOHI! A HO.. CU-arfiol-l, Mitrcli 21. Ii7-tf Hcirhant Hailors. SOMETHING NEW IN SHAW'S ROW. Kit AN k & MTOi:UT, Meroliant TallorM, Market StrrctClcarfielil, !., n A VINO opened their new (ttubli.hment In Shaw's Row, oni door east of the post offif a, and baring just returned from tha eastern cities with a largo assortment of Cloths, CaEsimeros, Vestirjgs, DeaTrrs, and all kinds of Goods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to fnaka up to order CI.QTIIINU, from a single article toafull suit, in the latest styles and most workmanlike msnner. Special attention giren to eo.tom wotk aud cutting-out for men and ho;.. We offer great bargains to customers, and warrant on'.iie aatisfaotion. A liberal share of puhlie patronage is suilcited. Call and reo our foods. M. A. FIUNK. oeiU tf 8:1.1 K. It. U bTOl'UHTON. Ii7 iTiiY d o ii. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one d(r runt of Clrar(i 11 Iluuse.) Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. KFEP3 n hnnd full amort moot of 0nt' Fiirriin'.itni; Uoo4, iiuh Miirtf, Linen mid Woolen l udrrchirtp, lirnwera ntid S'-rk, Nerk tic, i'ockct llinukerctiirsff, Ulorei, Uti, 1'mhre Han. A., in great vnrietr. Of I'ifea (iomlfl bo ktcyn the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Kuch as Ulark Doeskin of tbo verj licit tuake; Kanry Ctifttiuicre, in ffrewt variety . alio. Fren:b Coatinif, Uoaver, Pilot, Ch inrhilt, and Friroit orerritinff. All ol winch will be mid cbnp itr Cash, made uj) according to the latait ttylei by asperienced workmen.' Alio, Ajtont fur 1'learfiflJ euunty for I. II. Piniter A iVa. reli-bratcU Sewing Murhinet. Nor. 1, IBi.Vtf. U. UHIUiJE. ntlics' 6ooils. , i: st h Ti'te a ro FAiai, a, viatj:ic, Jiut received at lliv Store of Jrtns. 11. J. Wi:i.8U.JU Cm.f )hra in FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, T'lYt:, and MUSICA L IXSTIi VMEXTS. Silk on I velvet BONNETS ina te f..r 41 (' ftraw llnN.N ET-! ma !e for T'i All kim'.i of 11 ATS (or 0 Malerials fiirnilir 1 oa ns reasonslde Irrms aa they can be ha l in t lie canity. Next d.,or to First National Hank. not, -If CLE.RFIi:LIr.. IjimIIVb Fancy Fiirn, ft Old IMablialieJ , Fur Manufactory, No. Tl AItr!l ."t., a'.oi f'cveiith, 1'hil.i lolj.hia. Have ana in niv store, of wh.t 111 T own 1 inl.orlntirin and eSSt" Mainlla.'tor.., one of tlie .. t t . C larir.t .ml n.o.l l.eitn 1 iful XJ'Jh cl iinn of Kanry l-'ura .' . - ,iir J.fiditV and liil'lrt-ni -tj. w,nr in tho niv. A' no, a fine afintinpiit i-f ticnt'i Fur .;ovm and ('!targ. I am enabled to tiitnr of my (Trunin nt vrry rra fonahli. pnr-Pf, and 1 would I lnTt'lMre filirit a fill fnnn my frirmlf of 4. Inirfirld f'Uinty "ml vicinity, lieinf 1'il'iT tha name, nuntl.T and "irrrt. joux kai:kii:a. Nu. TIB Arch Htrwt, aKoio T'h. ruf b , ort.V4m rhiladHflna, P. DRESS-MAKING- AND CLOAK MA K INO Udim can have tbrir rcttf, Fuitt, Cnatp, and Kapquinet hand nely mads and tritntnt-J, st tlie fbortoct no tice. at the old-enUblit-bed stand, lu:il Cbcatnut rtreet, Ijilii. Fancy jnd plain Fan. Mantilla OmamentP. Prrm and Cloak Duttonn, Ritihnnv, t'luny and Guipure Lara, HorIo and (limp Ilrem Trim minfr, with a larjo variety of Staple aod Fanry 21 to b) per eent. lean than tlfewhara. A!po, recviyinjf daily, I'aria tapliiom in liMai pper, for Lndlva' and Children I'reanra. Pefa of rattrrtii for inerrlianta and tirrF mnlterf l ow ready, at ftlra. M. A. Il.NUKH , j 1 4 ly 10.11 Chettnut Pl Philadelphia, GREAT BARGAINS I AT V1UYATK SALE! j PIUIK .l'ri-ter, rmitcmplBtinc g lwz Tnto other : 1 l.imiit-M, will nU, at private fa If, h.a rntirv It of Pottery and Stoneware, i At hi Kiln, in t'lrnrfi1d. Tlio.f whn nny nfed j wnrrnf tlit kind enii dci'Mtt it at a lien v rvtltu-i ion I on tli itn:il pri- e, by ra'hnf a'tmi, Knrnu'e he ilitenrlp to rlo"f tl nu amin nt pf.ii.V. F it k t k n i k u:i Clearfield, fh-tob-r 24, IW-tf. Origin nnd fiiptory of the Pooka of tho Bible. it rr. can is e. rrown, . p. VWOKK of rare value, and an alnot tnlia priil.le minpaninn of tbe !ille, ahuwioe tle ltihle ii net, vhat it in, and how In it ; anrwerinfr all ibe u!rti-n tr Ht atitheiitl eily ured by modern infidel, ard Irncini; the ati'hurtty of each book up to ha inspire 1 author, ftivinaT a vnat amonnt of inforn aii'tn hrrt titl. re locked np in very rare and cuMly rnlutnea. malt iofr one ( the mo ft popular book ever published. PtHM Arhta U ntrd-Kiperieneed ap rta elcrjrywen, ladiei. arhool tearhera and nthnti ebui'd aend at ence for cireulan giving further inforuiation. Ad lrea. r-fi.?'' 4(1 bil CbeMnut at., Ph:i a. Ta -' "Ina I. M hale and Lio-nrd Oils. Faroilr Ut. j v irni.tira anJ; (a ef all kinds jn.nnd In . oilForaaJ. - 11.4 1. I Uoaa' PI. Hiimltlfl. HuKrll's, ttrali.'s IToof land', tirroian,'s and (irern,' ! Ox.Tir.natfd Uittprs, also pare Lijurt, of all i kinds for fdirinal imrposas, for sale by II. f-1. ( IttR tl II." I" t at I (ILHl.tH StJLEH'5. , la. ' L'aV r-" . 1 ariIivarrP Jinuarc, etc. mehhkj ii & in(;ij;K, MALRHK m ii l it j w a it i;, Alio. Manufacturcrt of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware., P A. LOT OF SAIUM.KS, lllllDLKS, Harness, Collars, eto., for aala by MEItRELL & BIOLEU. pTli.M K il'Ts 1 'AT KM' V S lA) A D- ing Hay Forks, for ialo by MERUEIJi & BICil.EIt. Q1L, l'AINTr rUTTV,tiIiASS, Kails, eto.,' for sale by MEKliEIJ. i I'lOLEK. JJAUNKSS TUIMM1NG.S k SHOE Fiadinvi, fur isle by MEURKLL k CIGLER. For aale by MKKRKMi k BIG LEU. (JTOVJCS, OF ALL i'iiTS AND Sizes, for sale by MKKKKLf. & juon V ikon' : iT:oxT 1 do's 1 For aale by MERUELL .1 111ULEU. JJOJJSK SHOES k 1IOI5SK S1IOK Kails, for sal, by MEniULL 4 r.IOI.ER. )uLTe y b l6I' ksTa l l hia ks And best manufacture, fur aalc by MERRKU. & HI0I.ER. JlIiHiLK 'skeins AND TH'E Eoia, for sale by MEItRELL A BIOLEK. 201 1 1) EH CUTTEl.'S for uttlo by MERRELT. A M'il.ER. o. . rt.rt.Ai FLEGAL & GAXOE, STOVE AMI HOLLOW -WARE STORE, AMI MANtFACTTIlKn Of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Vare, PtUlipbur Outre Co., Pa., rpuE new firm of Flpgal if Ganoe would re- -L rpertfully ai:nounr to thoir friends and tbl puhiic generally, that they hart on band a carefully Mleeted and well itsorted ttork of Stovpa. Their variety cuDiiiti of Which have never foiled to gWa perfect uttj if ac tion to the inot faatidiuni of itl purrhaeen, CrintinenUl, Tehlb, Furnier, Daylight. Spear' Antt-Duet, Niagara, Charm, Herald, rfc , with every variety of the beet Pittfburg Manufjetnrc. CuThe Tin and .Sheet Iron ware given with the rMorti made uf the beav'cit and bent material, d warrnntid lo girj perfect tatii fat'tion. Their itock cf rARI.OU AND HEATING STOVES U larger, b -tter nnd rhcaper tlan ever before cihihited to the public. Thvy defy competition either In variety, quality or price, TIi, ira alto T.rapard In furnish a enrnpletf assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and TTT'll . TTT wuiow varo, Mho1efae or retail, manufor'.urrd neatly and with the tola view to service, fr -m the beat m- terUl in the market PLOWS, TL0W POINTS, A COPPER, BRA.Sr1 AND IKdN KKTTLKS, Of every drirription conrtanlly on hnJ. LIOHTMNQ KOIH, Superior point, put np on abort notice. The Point they offer to the puhlie 1 the aame aa la now need hy the recnrjlraoia. Railroad Co., on their biiildingi. oitnr.ns run touting, kookixg, And other work beTsiD to their huaineoi will be promptly filled by eiperiencej and akillful workmen. HUASS, CO IT Kit AM) OLD METTLE Taken in eichange for good. p'Thry aapecially InviM U altentloa of Merchant! wifhtnjr, to pnrehaje ftt wholernle, aa they will find it to their a (vantage to examine tltir atock b( fore purchatim elaewhere, FLKUAL k QANUB. PhiUpaburg, Ju'y 11, IM7. CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP, IN CLE A liFIEM, IV (Immediately in rear of Machine Shop.) MTU K ruhcTiber would respectfully Inf-inu the I eitiaenn cf Clearfield, and the puhlir in ; n eru.l,that he it, prep. rcd to do all kinda of work on CAKKI AGES, KUGGIK, 8LEIG1IS, Ac, nn abort nnt and on reac Bible terms, and in a workmanlike manner. jrTAll otdera prr.mptly attended to. "T Vrb. 14, f(l M. M'NIUHI. Hotel for Rent. rpile ntderairned now offera fct rent the well known hotel formerly kept ky bare Hlotim. fct., defeated, aituate in the central part of the hurtURk of Curwenatille. Pnpf aion will be (liven on the firat of November, If deaired. Il will be rtitcd either with or without the Karni ture. I'ot further partirulara en(iiie on the premieea, or nddrrae the undersigned tv letter, Jklna. I.KAU liLOv'.M. (Vrwenllle, FepL Jfi, I"(17 tf. R. R0B1S0N & CO., " WIIOI.KSAI.K (irorrrs nnd Tork r.ukrrs, Jti-alcr. in lilaM, tnm and Nails i Family Flour of the Best Brands, Il.enn. Ilsmj. SH anl pliniil.lers:, Mt Tork. rheree. Ilei.n", ll'.niiiir, lnrH Iruil, larliin and lnl I'll. I'ned lleef. Hi-. So, S I.lhfrtv tifrt. tHrel I'mlit.) BiarT-ly l'llTM,! Ifl T. Oili. Varnithei. Paint firnthei, 1 I 1 rwvlied anil t'-r i'e ehenii t.T tl .ir.-i:rii ii. iv, apdi-ll lue,Tiil. T. Vhnlntj m il. F. II I Win. 1',,-nll. ' .1. .Ii.o. s. I W. V. Hells. tl. I J. F Weaver, J . HOOP, WEAVER 4 CO. CLKAIIFI ELI) PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! r!l j'niprictor. ri'cjtri'. fully in f'iriu ibe c.tizrn 4 of ClrnrtlfM poiiniy, l!i:U they have entirely rtfltt ti tliic eiftaMifbincnt with tlit- In tret iinjirovo i wood-workiii); machinery, end arc o"W ri:irtl to txot-uto till ordors in tlicir lint of lm!nef. Tbi'y will gtvo cppcrial attention to tho inanufiw ture of material for liuiico building, mioli ni FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, I! US 1S, mt.iciii:rs t .?, OF AM. 8 T V I, E H . We always have on band a larjre stoek of IlliV LI' Mil Kit. nnd will jniy eu.b for all clear Lumber. One-and a-balf tneb panel stuff jireferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, O.- ex-.diang' d, to suit oners, "t-'riers solieited, nnd Lumber furni.lied on sbort uotiee and on reasonable terms. I1HIII', WKAVEIl k C t'learfleld, Xov. 7, 1C7. (Pofltuf Works. J. H. DUVALL'S I'OKTAli LK 5? - a E 4ri a " K W i I'i , os. 3S to S.1 Markrt Wrcet, ZAXESV1 LL1C, OHIO. 1) U V A L L ' ?J Champion Engines and Saw Hills, Ibe cbeapeat and bert, and CAN CUT MORE Lt lilt 1R, at leu exieuro, than any othar in the I nion. Till: RKST KXGINK AM) WIM. MAI'E IN TIIC VNITIU) TATKK! For proof of thli ainertion, we rafer you to cur many cuftoiuera. OUlt KN'IJI N KS AND SAW il ILLS Are warranted tu eut IOjOOO Feet of Pine Lumber, inch measure, in Ten Hours 1 VtVOur small siirs, (S, 10 and 11 hors, now. ,r,) ar, nntr,nalsd IOR FARM rfRrOSKH. 1 1;-ST1MI)MAI.. Ttroatt, Dlair Co.. Pa., 0?t SI. ISfiJ. J.II l)ual) llaarSir : Vi hai. bcrn runtiil'ir. cur mill anil encine constantl? sinr. , rrrei, 1 it. W, ar, riming from 0 .11;', to 6,'MU frrt per dsy. Kv.rj tiling srnrks splrndid. Kula Jutirnal haaud or an;tliitit la (t'",, "runj rinra r star,d. W, saw oak and pin, lo,s that ai so larir., tlist our saw won't roach through. Th littl ,ng.n, driri-s tlit saw thruufli with ar apparent rase as thna;li the log wss nut haif so lara. We ar, quit, sattsrhd that w, can rut 10,0tlll f,t per dav. riil'XFU A I'.L'KLKV. PixtiT Btroa, Pa., Joljr-17. If fiS. J. II. Durall fir ! Our rrrjln, and mill wotks nirclj ! fire s r" id satisfaction. W, ravrsawed from rl 0c0 to ln.PiiO fctl nriumlicr prrday, Voui-S, Irulj, 1LL A MtCAULEY. Liki Citt, p. Oct. 12, l.'fS. J. 11. I'uvall Sir : Our mill and tPR'U, win lis fmrlr, and giro good Wrsawod I O.Oi'iO feci of lumlcr in tif t hours, l'lrai, hurra up my seoon I will and engine: t,ui, is uun.r now. Yours, truly, A. S. KIIIXFP. Fmra the Rnik,ill, ncpurilican, Oct. i J, IHM t.oon Ssniao V, are intortned that on Fri day last Mr. Ilardcstj sawed Iil.tum fi ,t of luro brr in tifht lioura, with the af.istnnr, of four hand, brsi ie himtelf five Wins Ibe nomher re. quired. Tli, sawing was dune on on, ol liUTall'l Pnrtahlo Haw Mills, whirh Mr. II. has erected in Polk townsbin fur ear enterprising friend, Mr. A. S. ltutnes. VW don't think any mill in the county can beat tins, our mtnucr men snouiu j call aud so, the milt in operation. For lirarrit.tivct'iri'a!.. Prire l.i.t.d c. S'ldrre, J. II. 1H VAl.l.'S I'oilal lr Knrine Mink', Nos. ;'j to ,i MaiV-t MrH, ai.pi.'17owlvl Xanostille, (Hiio. F. tl. llt.!.i:H, At'cnt. riiarl.cld, Pa. Waililf Vorhs. CtiKARFIKLH MARBLE WORKS. IB MRU Him rriiMHii i si i Mir nui-..., titc hit' Urst nt If l tlc At ! TliC ml in I '1h t l-f r Vm ft.riiriur ti ll r cititi-n f C!r-ii::t'U .-..Hiilvjlnt tltrv l.i-.r .p-t.'tl att ettrcir M-tr'-l" aril-.n t h n-m' h C'lrinT f Mnrkcl att-l I urfh lniin. t'lt-arM I. I'n.. )tr thirarr prnr A to in ale Tmitti-StotifH. Mnu mrnts. 1 uinlm. In. t an'l sib- Tnmlt. t "1 nni'w, tVnwtrry Mnntl.-. SIm Ivr-. lira Vv; t '.. oil pbnrl lustier, 'ltiry ki' on bmxt a liiijTi' qiiaritity of wcrk fi.iilicl. rr. j.t tbe lntr inc.'' 'but y ri"ti(i rnn ca'l a.i;l in-t fur tb'-m pp-Iien Ihe unnlp l. Tbrr will ! to onlr any otlit-r ft lr nt woik that mj d fired. n?d hr flatlrr tlifint'U Ihat tlif.T o.rtp..i with the iiianttlartiirtT futi-l' of thr t.niiity, ritber in w.rkini.nliip r a lli'y uty w- ploy the lwt wtrkoiri. i-AH .lHjiiinc? by Jrtt'T pmip'iv an-wr;r.1. .I.iHS I.I I. II II. Mi Ill MiV til Lit II. n a u is Ia e: V A It 1 IN l.HTH i:nstlt'iu;. fKOK sulsrririer. fcarirn f urelii.e.1 th. entire I stork ami lnleret ! lr. H.hnrun In the Klsrlile Varii In Lutrier.tinrp, lares this meihud nf Inferring the fiuMIe that he is nn frep.reil tn fnrni.h WtlM'MK.V T.S, TOM II r!IO.M, I MANTLES, tt .. en ihirl rrntie. and reantihle i terms, and eiemlrd In the highe.t s Tie of tbe j art. WII.I.M V fCHW KM, Pr. Lnlriershnri. Ort. 17, I'f'I tl l':M i ir ,ti:i)-im.ihm i.oe Miinpir at our store. ne..r I'hil p"l urj, f.r wllrb the hiihest en.h prire wi'l he psM j j, tl W. W. PKTTi I TO. w tr M.i. in i At tl.s K FY5T0NR T 'HK. i-i'-U , . - I ma in f UBiaW ' V i i ii ii i mi i i ii H m t f i " Pill (I'.ooils, f.iornifS, (Ttr. GREAT EXCITEME?JT On Si' kthkkt, ('lk-miiikld. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TpIIK undersigned roFprctfuMy lovlta tb at tMiti.n of tha nul.llo frpnrrully to their plndid ansnrtment of morcbao Jiia, whlob. tboy are now selling AT VERY LOW r KICKS. Their itock eonaiata in part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Print, Ie I.einaa, Alpaocaa, Merino, (jinfrbnmn,.ViiAlina.rl!oached and unbleaclf ed.) I)rtlling, 'iitking, cotton and wool l' laoiiol,Sutint ua.Cuivimeres, Cuttonaticr, Ludiea' bhawla, i ubiai fc H'toti-4, bftiniur! and Hoop tiktrta, Ac, A lac, ft flue aasnrtmunt of Men'r Drawen and bbtrta, Hula k Cupi, Boot k bboe. all of which WILL HE ISOLD LOW. RU CASH. Hardware, Quecneware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. : S 1 1 0 RT A GKNEIIAL A SrtO UT M EN T Of rverj thing uiually cj t in a retail itore, all CHEAP FOR CASH r approved couutry pro dueo. A. K. WlilGHT A SONS. ClearCeld, Xov. 7, IB67. v. h i. nr-rreu co. m. n rrtlbih. HOFFER & HERTLEIN. lc a rt list icm A iv a k c. Stw and (hcai f.oorih nt Vour Ilniue. flIlK ettiitat nf Karthaua and vicinity are 1 hereliy nrti(iel that we have now opened a at ore in KAKIHAl'S, wbre we haveoverythirig generally kept in a country itora, inclutiti FLOUR AM) FEED. Whd-h we w(l! tell low for ciub or In eichange f.r Ll'MBKIl. ADWiXCES OF GOODS, FEED, fe., made on aeonnt of t-QUARB TIMBER, which we will titber aell on coiumicaiun, or buy at fixed rates. C0C.V711V J'lt0DrC laktn at the ligheat market prire for pootli. IMFFKR k II ERTLIIN. Karthnn, Oct. 31, 1 rfir3.n:p't New Store in Madera. XKS.SHS.J. FOIlllESTA- SOX Al"Oi;i.D raspectrullr inform the rrnhlta that they hare just opened, in MADEIIA, Clearfietd countr, 1'a., an entire new stjek of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are -rc pared to tell aa cheap ai th, cheapest. Their stock consis.'s in part of Dry (sootlu of the IU t Quality, Huck ai Alpacras, Lelancs, Trinta, Muslim, Carsim.res, fatinets, and Flannels, Iloatly - Mlltk' Clotliing. Of the best quality, such ai Coats, Pants, Vast,, Orercoate, Overalls, Shirts, Collars, 4c. Boots, Shoes and (.alters, Also ol the very ben Quality. A cdinjih'tc' Mock of (Jixx'crics. In shurt evert thing usually kept in a country tore. Consumers, Look to Your Interests 1 1'all and eiamine our stock and prices bsfre purchasing elsewhere. l.L'MHKIZ AND GRAIN' Of all kinds Uik.n in rir.bange for good,. T-O-Remember the place, Madera, ClearielJ county, Penu'a. J. FOI'.REST A E0X. October SI, Iff.7 tf. F.V STORK AND NKW GOODS! JOS. SHAW & SON Hire just or-fne.l Niw Stori, on Main St., Ci.CAitriEi.ii, IV, Utfly l.y Wra. F. IISWIN. Thoir tcck of UDUlT CES-CD CD 113 33, . GhO tuns of the bet quality, Ql'KENSWAKE, Bl)Ot3 011(1 SIlOCS, ami rrery arlicla nrcesrT for one'a comforl. Cull and examine our ttrirk liefoi j ur cliAiing flssetlierp. May 0, liGO tf. This Way, Gentlemen I rrr i aud kxamiki Tin Flour, Feed, Groceries and Provisions, i jn JT ifk b Iuttij km.!. i uit "CbiIuI pn pertj" ia r:ni.irsrri;j, ia. CoiittlfLl of giving ratisfatMion tn our r i't.tnir, we, thtriYure, refpeclfully a liberal share of patronage. ""JOH T. M ACHY A 0K rbilip-l.nrjr, Oftober ln, 18r"7-.1a. SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE IV Ut I.H annituure lo tbr r'.tii f t'U .1 1 bold itl the tt:Tinntiiif minilrv thiit I have ujHird a H.ol K AM I KH Mi'llK.i SfCO.m STttEET. tli.i.'i.ile llie Timlin?. nVirre I ti Ve-i. eim.tnnl'y un bsii.1 a full ns itlm 'lit nt Flour, Pork, Bacon, Cli.p, Oats, Corn, Anl all kin.t ..f 11. wl.l. It 1 will r ',.,1 rb-ap f.r rash, or in etcbaT'c-' t"r h II I N I.Kt. 1,1 WIU HMV'-N w,ll eonmh thrir intrrt by fM itif nt" a hU rr th'y f rl?wbrfr t sur ha-t- tbf.r snpplif. n- v aian inr' t I frtiit. ai d r.ia aUr tn -iv r ildtitf in my ittif at thf !rw(t marV-1 vr"''- l.r WW K MNMMl. tl a.!M ..l. July II, l'.:. f lrwaae and abdominal uvprt"" etrrt kind rS ! 'T'", ' r" ' !t thr oi H JtTWItK I M IS. . $oott ami flioci. . rrvn; wriiMiiV THE WAK OVER IN CLEARFIELD- K NOX TOwHilU' yUI KT. Xtirly oil the Cvntrahtinh tpting li:k 1o their old matvr& ; hut 'miry one. fjnintj to old Mawhuitetttj. xchcre thftj were lived so tony and so will. IN' eoniequrn-f of the above facta. K, II0RT. uf tha old "bhoit bboe thop," would ao uuunee to hie numerous patrona, and tbe people of Clearfield county at larjfo, that he haa now n tint rate lot of fuod uiaterial, jat reaHired from tbe Kaat, and ia prepared nn anort notice to make and mend lioota and b tinea, at bis new ehup in Urabmm'i row, lie U aatiatled that be can pleaae all,(unlea it might be some inteoeeiy luya! atay. at-homo patriota.) He ia prepared to aall low for Cnth - or Country Produce, lion't for;;et the fin op nait door to Shuwera k Urabam's tore. on Market atreet. Clew field, Pa., and kopt by ft fellow ooumoniy culled jj-267 y "SIIORTY - Ecady for the Winter Ompaign. DAMKL CONNELLY, ISoot and Shoe Manufacturer, HAS juft received a Cne lot of French CALF bkl.N'S, and ia now prepared to naonfao lure ereryihiujr in hit lino at ibe loweat tigaree. He will warrant hia work to be aa represented. Ho rerpocti'ully lolirite a call, at hn ahop on Market street, accond door wtatof the pot oSer, wkero he will do alJ in hie power to render ealia factlop. botne fine tiatter lops on hand. mjSCT 7 DANIEL CCXSLLLY. Vew boot AlbliiToFsiW. EDWARD MACK, 0a Market itroot, rpporite the "Hepnblicaa O&ce. rriHE proprietor hai entered into the BOOT k X KHOli buaicepg at the above atand, and ia determined not to be tmtdone either in qual ity or price for hia work. Special attention ill he paid to manutkcturiDK sewed work. He haa on band a large lot of French Kip and Calf Skina, of the fury beet quality. The citi lene ef Clearfield and vicinity are reapectfuily invited to give him a trial. Ho charge for calla. do? 7, 'Gft-tf APK01'LAATI0.. 0 0 I B Q I TA L 0 K" E ! f Xo bd'ly Prohibited from liuyitui my BuoU and Shots on arcour.t of Hact cr Color. T)EIX(1 tus liberal mlndi J, I take tliis metliod of lDfyrii;iii(r the eititrns of Cleariield and i ii iuitj tb.t I have opciit J a .hop ou Second St., next door to tbe County National Bank, orer Wation'i Irug tsliire, where I am prcoared to mfcko to order everything in the Hoot and bne line, out of tbo bi.l ualrrial nd in tho molt workmanlike manner, and on short notico. AU1 ark is a trial. Uon, at Clear&ei l, thil 15ih daof Jul,, 180(1. HARRY KOSS. EW ROOT A SHOE SHOP, 1 H CURWEN'SYILLU. lHR aabrilr Laving latply Ptartid a nt boot and Kbofl eb-p in Curwensalle, ou Xikin itrt, pofits Jvt-e b K. Itmin't liryg ftort, rerpertf ull tmouncet to tbe public that h if prepared tu ibana'aeuire alt ftylca or Boot ed Sboft, ioii rtr thinj in bis line.oo tbort notice. He also krepi n band a pooj assort ment of rsUj-maJe work, which be will lull cbesp fr cash or country produce. octU-tf 8:1.-. J LEWIS EOSfl. SotcU. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLEARFIELD. PA. TIMIE ubrrllcr Luring lcait(l fur a term of J. j carp tbis well ktiowD Hottl, (kept for many yenri by Mr. Lanleh.) oni re -fitted and rtfur nlbed it thrcucbout, is tow prepared to enUr Uin traveler! ai;d tbe pul.iio got rally upon terms it Is hoped alike STrepgHe to both paUma ttoJ prnprlctor. Ills TAHLK and DAK vill be supplied with tbo best tbe tuarket affords i and no pains still l-t spared on bis part to add to the e nvenipnoe and cn,nrurt of his pnest. A l.lvrry sialdc is a!o attached tn the st tabllnbme&t. llorfrs.' Uti-ioi, etc., Turcifhed on rhort notice, or person uken to any point di-nred, JAMEd A. blINK, jI3 lropiietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CurH eiuvUIe. IcarGrld county, I a. rpill? olZ and well estalished Hotel, beti 1 fully eitusttd on the bakf of the MJ-qae-hanna. in ibe boroifcb of Curweo 'Title, bai beea liavd for a tern cf years by tbe undersigned It bas bren entirely refined, and is now open to thr public srcnerall and tbe trarrlling comma nlty in p-artirulsr. No pains will be spared tt render f uet comfortable while tarrying at this houe. Ample tabling roai for tbe accommo dation of teams. Cbarjf m id-rtr. novSl-U W .M. M. JKFFRIES. THE EAGLE HOTEL CVRWI:XILLF, CLEARFIELD CO., FA. rjlIIK vndartipned htvinj become proprietor, X of the above hotel, wirbrs to give notice to the ritiirn of this connty. as wU as to tbetrar t'linn pnblir.tbat tbe bouK bas bern refitted and refurnished fr the entertainment of bin itartts. His table will be furnished with ercryiUing tbo market afford, (iood stablir (j allacbed, and none bat careful bof tiers firplored. oct24-tx james McDirrrr. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, IsCMDER CITY, CLEARriKLD CO , TA." rHK onlrrnp)f J baviuf purchased this Iluiet, X takes this opportunity ol inlonning th pub lic in (rnrrnl, and trarilirain partiruUr, tW ha bns takm cn ul in in n'lornibinf; and Mitt in jr it wnh fp'-cinl relf'trncr lo ihr arcinno'nllnin and comfort of att who mat vbrnwf o cirr Inni a r.ill. Lit;! tKS of the U-t quality Will be k"pt at the Itar, and ibe want? il hi patnms will lr? aU''nt lo wit1! ile.iniT and promptness. Airple S'J'A ULIN'i attacbod thereto. myP ly JAM H. ARTIU'R.'. THE AMEIcXnOTeC ITMHLR CITY, Cl EAnrillM? CO.. TA. 11 II K nndTriened bavin; leased and rrC:ifd ibis wc)l known stand, takes thi. ttiMhod of bnnpinp hi e(iib;ilni;rnt bt re ibepaMie. Ilia Tat!e and Itar will mpp" d witti tbe tct tbe market afl'.rU. A librrar share of public pat- Ironar is therefore rr.pcrtfn lT licitcd. Ja2.-lj.-rd JAMi;3 L. tCKRY. I RAILROAD HOUSE, ' MAIN f-TIlOT, ris.L.lMl.VKri, I'A. TIIK ndrrvt5fd kcops ant !y o naad tbe bet of L (nra, His tnllr is aiwnyi sypp'ir i with tbe b.rt it- markrt sflrds. The travelintj public will do well t jrire him a Mil, . ROIIKRT LLOYD. ! SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CtiXlToWN, r'.U MHN CO., FA. 1 flUi; nn-lernirnrd t.t ht n-ctboj ef in I 1 luiming tbe Wat-? men t f tlrnrficid crwnl r, tliatbc bas rriitffd aid r-op-n-d the hotel for. merit kept by : fbreiner, at Cocfctown, where be will taka sper-al pain in Trndtr atifaction tu all who farr him web their patronage.. He bss blown att ibe r;rk a oat of the rircr and planted sDiil'b-nt; jnt for half a mile a'nT hie place. ft LIS Tm j UKOKtiK I ALK. IRON CITY HOTEL j fiARKi.r.i nr, r.. i ( Ita.trtxt-I itrroU one ua'- t-n et.i f he rrf pert fi-lW li.rltr (S publ' J and Irar llr enmronni'e to eir btm a call, l.ansberwien ae (rti'uhttT Wvtsd. Frrnah, tit? k ti ri T.nj'iia iei It;. h C;. j H.MUf s. ,,t-r liti . Vn Vr .J..