Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 19, 1867, Image 2

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Okohue B. G00111.ANDEB, Editor.
.Thursdav Morning, Deo. 19, 1867.
Jt'otice lo Committee 1Men.
Clearfield, Pa., Doc. 5.
A meeting of the Democratic Stole
Central Committeo will bo held t the
Lemocrtitic Club Rooms, HarriBbtirg,
on Tuesday, ttio 7tU of January, 1908,
at 7 i p. in. A full attondunco in fpo
cinlly desired.
Wm. A. Waixack, Chairmnn
Tbe Pennsylvania Loginlnture meets
on the 7th of Januar'.
Uend the article entitled "Tender
Tooted Domocrnts," elsewhere in this
Hon. Horace Capro 1, Comiuisitionor
of Agriculture, has our thanks for the
report of his dopartment for 1G7.
Mr. McCummant, the member from
Blair county, and Mr. David, of Phila
delphia, are "running a muck" for the
Speakership of the lower house of the
Legislature. Don't care which whips.
The Hon. S. S. Cox, formerly mem
ber of Congress from Ohio, but now
of Js'ew York city, has been named
by the President as minister to Aus
tria, because of the declination of Mr.
The negro bureau hill expires next
spring, by limiialiuii. Great efforts
are being made by tho loyal Rumpers
to get it extended for several years,
for the purposo of feeding the "pet
lambs" out of tho U. S. Treasury.
. Wo publith in another column (he
prospectus of tho New York Day
Book, one of tho staunches! Demo
cratic journals in tho Union. Read
it, and subscribe for it and tho Repub
lican -those who want to study and
practice Union ideas.
Sliciidjiii, when last heard from,
was blubbing loyalty to the Disunion-
ints of Chicago. His circu has
closed, until . near the Presidential
election, when, he will resume tho
position of clown, under the direction
of the Dead Duck, who will perform
the mule farce. , ,
The Hump Senate has at length
confirmed the appointment of Mr.
Greeley as minister to Austria. The
Grantites took this method to get
Horace out of tho country, but he
tells them ho is not going until after
he defeats Grant for the nomination.
. The Spanish Government has.lhrongh
our Minister, Mr. Halo, offered to sell
the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico to
the United States, for the sum of ono
hundred and fifty million dollars.
Cheap as dirt; we will save this sum
in tribute within the next twenty-five
years. ' 1 1
The only bill yet passed at this
nossion of the Rump, and sent to the
President for signature, is one striking
tbo word "whilo" out of the charter
nd all tho city ordinances of Wash
ington and Georgetown. This, in
effect, puts the negroes in the National
Capital on the same footing with the
whites. The bill gives them the right
(0 vote, hold office and sit on juries.
Thus negro equality is fully establish
ed at Washington by the men who
repudiate it at home. The President
will nndoubtedly veto the bill, but an
attempt will be made to pas It nev
ertheless '
Time Fixed. The National Di-
union Committeo met in Washington
on the 14th, and fixed upon Chicago
a the plaoo, and Wednesday, tho Hull
of May, as the time, for nominating
Black Republican candidates for Pres
ident and Vice President. Cincin
nati and St. Louis bid heavy fur th
wigwam, but Chicago "stole tho suck
ers." The scoundrels, knowing they
are too well known to the jK'oplo by
their present namo, mode a bold
attempt to change it to "XntionnI
Union rarty," but it failed .- We
sbould suppose that they bad nfreaily
alinset enough to satisfy any high
wayman. Tux Ball Still Uoum On. The
Union victories continue to depress
the gold gamblers and the Dinunion
Ifts. Tho "loyal cause" is about as
bsrd up ns the "lost caime," and will
finally he rendered far more "odious."
A Cop majority of T0,000 "In New
York was awful, but f o elect a Demo
cratic, mayor in the excessively loyal
City of DiltKburg, by 8,000 majority,
is more aw ful to the nutional robbers
The Democrats have also elected their
mayor iu Boston, and Concord, N. II.,
where they never succeeded before.
Things begin to look glorious for tbo
T . ...l
imviiMuiTUKin.n, ayi.tnnv Kill ;
oon be renjered a otliou as at tho '
close of tho Revolution stink in I
every no.tril that .n.tff, th. breeae of I
hhrri? ' " '
The jHry-('omiH(uloHrr Virrr.
Our renders no doubt recollect Unit
we, hiflt lull, elected two Jury Com
missioner. Mr. Klli was elected by
tho IVinocriit and Mr. Glenn by the
"loyal people." Tho law, forced upon
the people by profligate set of loy-
ahnt, requires the President Judge
and the two Commissioners t j fill tho
jury wheol. . Th lima ofrmeoting
was fixed on tho Sili. Mr. Ellis was
promptly on tho ground, but neither
of the other gentlemen appoarod. On
Friday last, however, Mr. Win. F.
Irwin, of our town, nppenred as a
substitute for Mr. Glenn, with a cat
alogue of lllack itcpuhlican names
fully prepurod in somo nttomey's of
fieo which bo ottered as a jury list.
Such an neenrsed at'.enipt to drite
politics in tho jury box was never
mado in this county before These
loyal bloodhounds want to run tho
jury rooms apon the same plnn that
they did the Provost, Marshal's oflice
during tho days of the Into lamented,
where the nod of an ex-Coiigi-e8iuai
was law, and tho signature of an
insignificant pottifivpger yielded to as
pliantly ns knaves well could. Wo
are digressing. After nearly a day's
squabbling, tho Commissioners went
to work 10 till tho whoel, and we
understand that thry will get through
by next week. A month putting G(
names into tho w heel ! This labor,
under tbo old law, was porAu-iued by
tho Sheriff aud County Conimiririion.
era, and cost the comity nothing, and
never was made a partiziru question
before in this county. We will rei'or
to this matter ngaiu and again until
the law is repealed.
Vital (a Talked.
Mr. Wocd, in his view York Com
mercial Advertinr, in an article on
"Congress Its Imperative Duty,"
hofds tho following views :
In promptly arn-.tii.e a luiarhietoul aurrenCT
contraction, the JIouhq of t-irpr,italitrj haa
.- , . - ""
""I a wiry la tin ritnl lirrcli-Mi. It ahould now
promptly reduce theTai oi Wliitkry, and make
Ui.liliem-i, fc the In eyvanliiir to their
capacity. It elmuhi Oven, with ilue d-lilwrst.un,.
hut without ninfeeiFurT di-lav, Tux tloTrniiuem Ibcee moil directly and immclmtctr
couccrnej in na ugl,t lull.,, f ,lrM Sccuri
tire. Xor eii:i lhi v tu ih"-p on it.
of Ooiirreee ire next in Hnc. If (her Deflect thn.
to iilitr taiati.n, jiuMy d-rMiuj the burd-n
between capital ami iuhur, "ibe placet Iim know
tlit in now will know than no inure iur erer." At J
let nomenattcrrpt to heri'ili-hit pon.titoer.te wilh
Cospmioul pahulme about "'koepiaf fuiUi with
the J'tHhe ertuilor," Ac, Ae, 'i bo "puWio crcd
itor, ' if he be linlf e'.-n,il.le, will he tkr firm" tu ur,p'
tun action. If Corf reel eapecla tti proerre the
faith aud cro.1 .( t),a UororareeuL. it ehoiilti
uaiii ind taut Ihe hunicai ( laiaiinn. 1 he
u rctiuire W)lr"l i.i tb'ml J La willmv In ....
for it ;
At anr rate, tlwi . e. aha roca homa laaiiMr
'I wi.wiiniip, Fnoilll OC DlE!a to Uu I.O. rolt atiiiml tatinj Ouienilntlit Honda,
will bare leave to atav at Louie.
Thia is sensible languago, and in
dood very atrange whon wo consider
the source from which it comes. Why
did not these loyal whelps advocate
this Democratic doctrine long ago!
Why conceal it until now 1 Wo stip
poso this deningoguo, Wted, like
thousands of others since the late
election, and like most of criminals,
confesses his crimes after sentence
The Loyal I'lundrrtr.
Tbo National robbers ore develop
ing the fact every day, that for tho
pas- six years thoir chief energies
have been devotod to disrupt the
nation and rob the people And these
revalalions are being proclaimed by
their own loysl prophets. Who dart
doubt their Iruthfulnoss T Hear w hat
tho loyal Washington correspondent
of the Now York Post snys :
"Tie intmif iliun of the Jo.ia) rammittM en
OrJnaac- lmw ib:tt a rcaular rii.f timed durinf
the w-j-, coulruiir i Ui a jrrcnt ctletil in
the punhaic af prujwtiU-a. J 1 id uoa
boa I hat at Ihe licaj of tin. riii them wai a
nine now occupTing an important place ia the
Oiduanre llrpattuirot, at.d aoocialed with hiBD
wai a Krutlruian iiok a prominent ftorrrnmcnl
oArial, togcllwt with arteial weaiueia fl( tea
This is not all. It is evident tbat
tho ring extended to the White House,
or how could the estate of tho "late
lamented" be worth one hundred and
ten thuutand dollare, aLd worth noth
ing w hen ho went there ? What
other President ever made money out
of his office? Tho loyal scallywags
denounce poor Detective Baker as a
public robber, villain, etc., yet hi
estate is worth only about half that
of A. h. He had two dollars to his
master' one when they wont into
The Missovai Drake. .Senator
I'm l, of Missouri, undertook a few
days ago todeuy the truth of a state
ment contained In alcUerof "Alack,"
the Washington correspondent ol tho
Cincinnati ( WiiHirrrni, to the effect
that he (Drake), when in the Legisla
ture of Missouri, in theacHsiuu of 1-S'iH-'(H),
had voted for a bill to enslave the
freo negroes of that .Slate. The In
telligencer of the twolth contain a
letter from ''Mack," over his own
proper sio;tiiture, reaffirming his form
er slnlemctit, and proving hy the journ
al of the Miwnuri Lryislntvre for the
session above mentioned, that Mr.
Droit did rote fur fitch a prrpotitwn,
and hit naiir in to rrce.rdrd.
a more nnntisnmc pair ot Ititks!,,d lion. Van l!. Richmond, Stale
were never hutched than the Drake Kiiginecr elect, who were the nomi
from Mtro;:ri, and flic Duck Forney j nocs oftl.o Democratic parly for U,c
from this State The Hump Senate wmc position in 161. It is as follows :
aci.-iiin iu it nj i' tins quacking
species of foul.
Vxifi Lr.Aotrs in Cofwni.. The
Stat Union Leagne were in consul
tstion at Washington lat week. and
mused A resolution calling upon the
quibliean National Convention to
ldaee no mnn in nomination for Pres
ident wlio is not in himself an irrever
sible gun rim too that be is true to the
canse or Union and liberty, and equal
riirhta before the law. and of ncro
-t"" . ui. iBIIirill
tiffrnge. Thin is honest for once, hut
w-i, f,n drawn c.t r... !.. .. .
of stubbing Gen. Grant.
T, ." ... I
.noX I
another i -id opon tho Trcaiirv i tl,
hpe of extra indtag..
TrMdrr-footrd Itemorrnl.
Consistency thou art indeed a jew
el. Your outspoken bravo and deter
mined man, no matter how much his
opponents may dislike ilm principle
ho advocate, is always a subject nl ad
miration. Hated, ncrhai'S.'hr n few
eaUits, lor bis strong advocacy of a
sentiment which happens to tio lining
oi.lslio to their own ; yet by the irany,
cherished imd respected as a shining
mark in every community. It isyour
t'al kneed, liamliy pamby, poodle
dog sort of chaps, whoso pictures wo
intend and whom wo detrst. ' j
' Thero ever has been a class of men
who ari anxious to please everybody,
and us a coiiscquenco don't lileuso
anybody. They aro hero a liUlo and
there a lilllo a demoerat to one, and
a republican, to another. They arc
eternally hungry, their backs general
ly linod with bristles, aud over ready
to grunt around every ewill barrel
that stands within their reach. Hitch
we have with us, and in all human
probability always will have, consti
tuting ono of the greatest cyo-sores
upon the body politic.
All good men will acknowledge the
need of two political parties. Tliu im
perfections, of men soom to render it
absolutely necessary, especially under
a government like ours; heiico it would
bo better for every man to arraign
himself under the banner of either one
party or the other as bin ideas of gov
ernmental policy dictated, then muia-
tuin His principles opcuiy, luiny, unu
ubovo hoard. If he bi u republican,
be so at all times anil upon all occa
sions, until convinced of hit error. If
he be a democrat, he one without tear
or favor. There can be no half wh
work in these mutters. ''Be a man or
a niouso oru long tailed rut'! is an old
and atritu snyiny. We want no one
to be a Democrat unless he is such
from principle, then let him etaud up
and defend tho reason that i iu hiui
as becomes a uinn, imbued with u due
rciiko of his lofty privileges, as a free
born American citizen. There is no
mistaking that principle. Democracy
is a thing that, is simple and casilv un
derstood. It is ail told iu this little
sentence, ''L'qual and exact justice to
all." If ono cannot go (hat, then let
him tAitL- klii.lti.r pImi-.u hiri llmi'l
i .1 1 . c.i
! I.niup a rnnnil r.n t lift ah irt M fit I hi unrl v
r " - I
making a numanco 01 una a
stumbling block to the anxions en
quirer for truth. Out upon these softly
lultows that want to bo careful about
smoothing dow n tho heresies of lUJi
enlisin, fur fear they may disturb the
equanimity of some indignant Judical.
They want to handle paatsyVilh gloves
on, lest they might get thoir dainty
finger scratched. Seo this mongrel
specimen of a Democrat--ce Lira
when dangers menace tho parly -when
impending storms threaten, hnw he
skulks nnj lndos tuvay-how ho wlustt
ors and pcaksaround how he dotlgo
your true and bruvo liemocrat. boo
his knees quake and trumbie, hear his
wishy wuuhy milk and water stuff
trying to dissuado Deinocr.iU from
avow ing their honest scntiineiits. He
seeks no nniirishinont at the great
Democratic fountain of truth, but pro
le r to linger around and hip up tilth
from out tho sloughs and gutters of
lEauicalism. bhame on you ! you 111 1
crablo sneaking cowardly cur. Is De
mocracy a thing to bo a shamed of,
thut you are thus afraid to bulllo for
its truths ? If audi bo the case, quit
it, and nover darken its portals don't
pollutoits garments; go where you
can find congenial spirits, be one thing
or tho other.
Kveu now when the skies aro bt ight
nine and when democracy atrain
premise to lie the controlling power
iu the government, these rotten policy
men are urging their half-and-half
measures and trying to palm thorn oil
upon tho people ; asking Democrats
to lorcel their cherished principles
and to coo with Republicanism. Away
with you we know ye not wo have
fought through long ycarsoi darkness
and woe for the mniiilenanco of Dem
ocratic institutions nn 1 Democratic
measure wo belivvo them necessary
to tho rxistcneo of tho government
wo know not the attractions of
power ntnl plunder. I lis for the wcl
lare and happiness of a ereul people
thut we huvo buttled ourcnomies that
fit one time had us almost bound hand
and foot they held us up to contumo
ly and reproach, tho pointed at us the
finger of scorn and insult,they brought
our fair and happy foant'ry to the
vertre of ruin, and when these sore
toco! democrats ask us to forget, t hev
mistiike the men to whom they ap
peal. So, we say once an 1 nil, "wo II
not make our bed wilh lindicalism.
"Yf.r to the knife, and knito to the
hilt," until tho hideous monster with
all its isms, its burden and proscrip
lions, Miull bo throttled, and itsstink
ing carcass buried from aight. The
principle for which tti Lave been
contending '-n as tlnar to us as life;
with them we will riso ir rail, and if
such be Ihe Providence of God that we
must gndown, limn d webelirvo that
liopubliean rovcrnnmrt on this con
tinent will bn lost forever.
But w e take no such dnlelul Tiew
wo sec the tlawning if better davs
right must and will prevail.
'Truth crunhc iS In 1 arth will rfac arain.
- Tha Mamnl ynn vt Onri, ar hf ra."
Srrauton Pimufrat.'
' A CovrAMKON. Thr Albanj A rqu
draws a romiiariann between the "iio
lilioal csnipnigin in New York in 101
and IHIi. The crimj'ariHoii is mado
on tho voto cast for Hon. Mar-ball B.
Chnmplain, Attriiey ticneral elect.
rhewp'niB "TI.t
Van l ull :,l.:;5ii
Cii am Jain'i uiai..47,.'2l
It ihiooiij .171'. ! '-7
Powell :ui,rT
Tailor I".?2
Tajlot a maj Iti.Hi Hichmia.rnuaj..4s,l si
These figures show that the Demo
cratic voto oflsOl have been nearly
doubled at the lute election.
A Mongrel i.per saya .' "In icn
years, natme will dare toip.'k agninst
l. U He I I., i k .. ..:..t. I.
we supi-owe, that we are enjoined "not
tospesk ill of the dead" In ten year
th" - "l r'y- will be In a place
where no (Wtisn will ev.r A t
either shn-e or praiac H '
at VHrfOM.
ThiT.V. Y. 7'iwir a baits now, that
the ltepubliean party are wholly in
competent to mako peace between
North and South, and to restore tho
Union. It iays:
"Wo aro as far from real pence to
day as we were when tho war was
closed. Indeed, tho feeling that now
prevails between tho two sections is
leas peucuul, mora bitter and more
hostile, thai! it was when 1cc Surren
dered to Grunt. Tho people feel this
to be tho fact, and they deplore it in
C-alcululdd to plunge Ihocouutry deep
er and deeper into trouble and confj
sioii. Wo aro not coming out of the
war with cither credit to ourselvtis or
profit tho countiy. We oro simply
prolonging its enmities and wideiuug
the breticu which , the cessation of'
iiriuod Htrife ought to have closed.
Nor does the progress of lUicousitruv
tiou, under the law of Congress, prom
ise speedy relief. Thut in regarded
as u liostilo act by tho people of the
Southern Stales as inluiidud u over
bear and humiliate them, and as cal
culated to disorganize their society
und destroy thuir protqierity.
The coining l'rvsidu;uial election
will bring this matter to an isauc."
Aud tiiu only issue then niuot. bo
whether tho feoplo will continue, in
power, for another four years, Uio par
ty of revolution and rovougo which
its own adherenU now confess to be
unublo to give pcaoo to tho country
or turn over tho administration of
the Government to a parly, under
which theUepubliu wo always strong,
prosperous, und linked.
NfMtWKK, Ivrc. The jdirnso "colored
people," nlwnra used in tho Jacobin
Press, and toool'lcn in tho Democrat
ic Press, has no meaning in it. W
aro all "colored jicople." Caucasian,
Montnilifls, eto., as well as African.
Wo, Caucasians, are blonde, brunettes
etc., etc., etc. An. 'colored )eoplo,"
some lit;ht, as the Saxons, some dark,
as the Spaniards, with Moorish blood
in their veins. Negroes aro no morn
"colored pooplo" than wo White arc.
But ''a Neirro" is a Negro, and noth
ing but a Negro, ami a Negro man
differ more from White man. thau
a White msn from a White woman.
The Negro has not any hair on his
head only wool ; no brain, no head,
nor mouth, nor thin, liko i White
man's; no shonldcrs. legs, nor feet,
nor heels, nor shins, liko Whilo men'
nud in other part of hU anatomy,
not fit for newspaper discussion, lie
differs in all respects from the White
mmj i .
Thus, tho Negro is a Negro, and on
ly a Negro but ever respectfully to
bo spoken of as a Negro admirable
in his pphorc of life, lor which God
mado him, to bo tbo servant of the
While msn but odious and atretirscd
when, n in the South, lie rides over
the White msn as bis mnster.
Ilfix. Wm. A Wai.lxce. Wo pub
lish on tho outsido of this Week'
ll mocrat, part of the address of Sena
tor Wallace delivered at, the compli
mentary banquet, given him by the
Philadelphia Democrat. The people
of this district may 'well feel proud of
ineir Mate ncnator. -Mr. Wallace lias
for several years been Chairman of
too iietnocrulic Mate Central Com
mitteo, and his able and well directed
efforts greatly aided in crowning our
grand old parly with victory ; ond the
lending Democratic citizens of Phila
delphia, where his headquarters were
situated during the campaigns, so ap
preciated his services, that they thus
publicly testify to Lis merits. We arc
sony wo have riot room for his wholo
address. It is certainly tho ablest
effort of his life. No doubt higher
honors await Mr. Wallace. We should
he pleased to arc bitn the next Oov
cmor of Pennsylvania. ilxrii.n jfiem ,
Rkmttion or Taxation. The dc
tnaud for a l'ciiuiu.1 rcJiiclkm of lai.i.
tion U iucreusing among Washington
i.uinpcrs, out lucre arc muicutious al
ready that the Eastern and Western
Radicals oro likely to disnirreo on the
details of ihoulun. which, us usual.
w ill bo haU-hrd in the Coturaittec t.f
Ways and Heitiis. now under the cen
tal of Western men. Bjth sides ar
struggling to obtain exemption from
taxation for the leading interests of
their respective sections, snd us this
tannot bo done to the satisfaction of
all concerned, it remains to bu seen
which aide will tl iurnldi. and unon
whom tho burthen wid principally
The Rump Rcnato refuses U sustain
the President' reasons for the sut pen
sion of Stanton, but the President, in
(uuo he shull be driven to extremities
claims the right to r-niovc Cabinet
ofTiecr. If the Senate refuse to np-
iirove the reasons for papension, the
'resident w ill issue uu order remov
ing Stanton withavicw of coiupcliing
tho laltcr to resort to the Supreme
f"!iui-t if tin ilo.;rta In onntost lhJ.'-
er of the Executive to remove.
Mr. Scliuylcr Colon, in his last or
atorical display, soys of tho lalo Pres.
ident Lincoln : "J-'roiu tho topol'ttimo'
ladder bo I. ns mounted to tho skits,
aud has taken with him Ike. aianaclcs
of four miliums f his fc-ilpw, men."
Thut very fino, no doubt ; but why
did Mr. Lincolu lake tho four million
mm. ados ' to the skies ?" i Do thty
UfcC su h things ti)i tliei-o ? Is thero
to ba in heaven such a theatre for nl
niilioniMe. an there once was iu tho
United IStutos ? L'ViM iUe JournuL,
lion. J. T. Shtignrt.ono nf the Dem
ocratic Senators from th . Twviitv
first district (Dlnir, Jlunt iiiudon, Mif
flin, Centre. Juniala. nnd l'erry coun
ties,) i spoken of at Wasliintrton rw
the prospectivo ('onimissioticr of I'at-
enta. lr. hhnirnrt waa lor many;
years Chief Cierk in tbo J'stcnt l)V-
bee, and it the present l.fimniienioncr
resigns, an it is allecd, no snsn in tho
country is more able or innre worthy
te fill the place. t
Mordveai MeKinney, I'.sq.rand hid j
and well known member of the Dsn-1
phin county Bar, while t-rosn'ng Wai-'
tint treet, lsrri'nrg, Saturday '
morning, was knocked down by a
street ear, cranking Imth pg. Hjs1
right le-j wpn so severely Initircd ihnt j
it bad to be smpuMiled" i
Init.atiov. There is tlilTereneo
enough between rxandii'g the cur
rency and pausing in its contention
tion, we trust, to prompt a recogni
tion of the fact and of ils importance
in limes liko the present. War ory
naturally begot a paper currency, and
Wsr inrv
and a paper currency expansion, arid
expansion specula. anJ high prices
nigh rents, lugli everything. Hut it
wo are even nominally ai peace, wo
submit thut wc ought not to act as if
wo were at war, or us if tho money
expended in tvhul docs not contribute
to uses of life, is gone and lust (orever.
Tho people Lave boro for six years
past an amount of taxation unexam
pled in the hieitory of tho civilized
world. They have been taxed in some
case to nu amount fur beyond thoir
incomes, whorcas it is monstrous for
tho Stale to tnko from a mnn till that
he has. One, even if xperionco were
not to the contrary, would suppose it
to be impossible to tax u mini for
more than ho has, and yet this is the
fact with widows, orphans and others
dependent upon daily incomos. Dur
ing the war, the practical inuxim was :
"Every ono for himself and the devil
for lis nil," and we are now paying
tho penally of so much folly and so
much wrong, but we repeat moro in
flation will not help us, und, if it could,
tho relief would bo but temporary,
find the evil would come again by and
by. What tho Government needs isa
real peace, a I en! re-union, oiiliduiit-o,
faith, good will, rind not tho miserable
remedies of the miserable purtizans
who now regulate the Government in
lu regard to the assassination, Jlr.
Seward stated, before tho Impeach
ment Committee, that a special mes
senger Imd been sent to Europe,
within a few months pant, to ace if he
could protnre evidence irom sympa
thizer with the rebellion, which would
ailed any other persons than those
conviotoi of connection wilh the con
spiracy. Thi person, one ; Colonel
Sharp, had been in London and in
Koine, but had obtained no material
information up to hut March. ,
Seward has hud at least a score of
his friends biileltcd on the Treasury
in this b.inio business, which ia one of
Ins way of robbing it, and nmking
trips to Europe and olber countries
lor pleasure
In o,ukksilvor, California is ri cher
than .Spain, and our production now
considerably exceed that of any other
country. The new Almaden is now
yielding, according to publibhe-l re
ports, ut tho rale of ii.W pouuds
annually, Biirpassing old Alinaden
considerable. Jjiscovoriesof ore have
been made lately at various points,
promising a large addition to tho pro
duction. It tho election of lllackmorc to the
I'ittsburg mayoralty wa not a lem
ocratic victory then every Radical or
gan of that city wus guilty of rvculcd
falsehoods previous to the election.
Beast Luller made a speech in Con
grees tho other day, giving bis view
of the silualio", and advocating the
withdrawal of tho National Hank cir
culation. His eyesaregetting straight
r. . c . " T .,
ounterlelt ten dollar notes on the
r i ri national iianh: oi l liilaileliiliia.
we aro inrornicd. are in circulation.
Tho tacc of the note is good, but the
signatures bad.
Tho New York M.ul says: "The
engagement of Miss Kitty Dix young
est daughter of General liix, our min
ister to France, to Sir. Watch, form
erly of Brooklyn, is announced."
On tl.e iih of liecemtr, ls7, hy iter. W. M.
DLa. Rnctti, itr. V. II. CLARK, of
M..a 1. 1. WUlTEr-lliE. On ick towt.aUip.
j5rir 3itvrrtisrmfufs.
ratios : skates:: skates:::
Lalj'i and tieBtlemaa'i for aale Yj
Auorimaal oa hand aad for ula hy
ILI'-CTIOX Ol' l)IRI;CT1)KS-A rocet
J ins of Ihe FliH'.khol,er of the Counlr Na
tional ilvik of Cli arhcld will be hrl.l at the tlank
iac ln-a-eef eaul aeeocuxlioo. In the hemnch of
Clearfield, an Turlay e.eamg. tha Uth of Jaco.
arr iiel'. at ( oi l.-k. p. ro , lur the p-u-pote of
eleclinf erra pfreom 10 eei-re aa lifrerNo fjr
the eniuinff Tear. I, W. &OilUK,
UrM-n -ujliec. 19, ISr? Jt l a-hier.
rpt'.At HKItH MAVTiawTh Boael of
X N-tiool ilircctoni of Hc-cana town. Sip with
0 employ Iwo roiiKient MA1.K TKMllt.ll,
fur the prc-ent rrrm. All necceejry Ui formation,
ae lo waccvlvea iea af e-heo'e. i eon ho oh. l- vallmf; up.'S etlhor ef the Pirrotora, or
he eit ln.iur liie .ai.scr t al lilm II--J -. 1'ipar
PeH coontr. I'a. W II.I.IAM lmTTS.
Ilnrk-ana T., Ilea. I J. I .-;-.1t r l Secretary.
Boggs Township Awake I
eintrAT rxi iitMEM AT
r"" VFrlTHOTiT tMinf t"tw there tr-e. for fear
J of heme erriwitrd eat lot Ua calj.
II yoa want ei 1 r-boeiae dime, ga lo rtaaaa.
If job want jour Hei ironed ria'ii, f 3 to lterna.
If yoa want tooj Mill Imne. po to DtcKi.
if roa want year Wr-oa irriaod la Ihehoel
etyla and work man laip, eo ho . Itte.aa.
' tr.ahee Ihr hen Mump Mir!,inr in lha
Plate, et d a ri all kindl of ltLAl'K.-'XITIIISi)
aa ehen aa eaa W dene la Ihe eoaMy foee7
ly root tlOleo adJran ta Clearfield iln tge.
TIIUJIAS l-Iilil.-i.
r-'to'i Tp., pec u, itr t ir.
II 1 1 . S if N OTIC i'SCZ, The l,7io"i7,7
J namrd pcreonp hare f!ed In tha -! vl
ihr Clerk of ti e Coort of Quarter Kcloeii of
Clear If Id weuatl, their pctll.-ioe aad howde fee
Lieenea, at tha danaarr aeeoao aest, agreeably
to the act of A..' nie'j, rnti'.le 1 "An Act to regu.
lite tho eale of lnt..ilratli.(t Liijuora," Aa.)
orat, i.u-Raea. XIeI)ilc.. CarweKirilla.
Cl.arlra lluhakrr llu.len.
John Kaure Oacatur.
0. Ileederaon , Oena.
K. A. Tnemeoe.... ,.. VoodwarA.
It aery tie-a..., .. OMecila.
Oeoi )te kuerr
(Ico-je rt. Cnlhwrw. ........
W. li. Taompaoja...
I.aac Itiekeiia.........,.,
Mile He.t
Jlanhew' C, Uarehlt
William LitMner ...........
Aadrew hh.-f.
lhilaniler tr.i:h
.... Janrerirt.
..N. n-Lmfoa
iil' H to ants.
A. W.- Raymaa.......
Brhavttan Pandcroft
Joeeph 1 hoo-,,ion....
Ot ire W. V eamt ,
W. Katree ta ,
Jaka f. tot
Caipor LoipoJdl
at la.
J ordan.
tR oodward.
atnraaaii a Lirteet,
A. teeeate
jflfU' flvrrttsframli.
151 TIIR (IRPII N' TO! -HT of CleerSeM
e iKtity. I'a. Ctt tartii CerT, aa i
In theotalternf ihaeeiateof Jonathan Nirfeolv,
towninip 01 idt-Treaea, aeceaees, ap-
I praiaeraenl af peraenal fToperty weleine-l anil
t tvr tathewijow or rati i1ad. andef
(iheaateof Auemhir, ia ih
Iba ralua af S3fl0. en.
I--S7. eonflrmes ai ai,
aw WKlaea awtSeiaiii eaeaptiawa are il4 a or
hefnrw Ihe Ar.t day nf January term next, will
ba eonflrneil abenlately. It w hm Cnarl.
doc IV .11 I. H BAhtlKK. Hark.
KM.IHTf- H'M NOTK I ie hereby
(riern that Ihe fi.lloa inf aeeaunfl here been
eaamiarj anit peia-H ry rae.ard reauln Ile4 of
rermd ia thie asiea Ina Inrpeerion of be4rl.
lejratrer, errditorr, and all nthera In ane either
way fniereeted. aatl will ba preeeule4 la tha
rexl Orphan.' Conrt of flearfleld eonaly. to be
ha'd at ihe Cnurt llnnae. In tha hnrirnph of Clear
Said, eammennitif ba. tha eeaoad at 01 day of
Jarinary, IhSt :
Final areoont of Aadrew Abl)fBaan, ola aur
elein ejeentor of the la. twill and teetament of
William Ad lleroep. late af I'lke towaehip, Clear
Leltl eoaaty. I'a.. deeeaeed.
Pariinl account of Keubaa UcPhereorj, aieen
tor of the lait will and teelament of John
MrPhereon, late of the boroeeh of Clearfield,
i'a-. deejaated.
Kinal aec-rant of llary Keaaa, (lata Mary
? Jil,n B. tJormiil. aieulori of the
leil will and teeiament of William Sjiltt, lata of
CtTiD-tan towaihlp. daoaaaed.
FinnJ aocouut af kdward Williame, adminia
trator, ar.l KHtahelh Carr, administratrix, of the
eiUte of I), f. Carr, lata nf Tike 'p., Cleat-Held
eonnty, deoeaead.
Tba eeeooat of Bttaanaah Barr. (lata aaao
nah W'rttel,) admipl.tratriz of the eataie of
Panlel Weliet. late of Qirard lowu.hip. Clear
freld coanty. decaaaed.
Tha aaeounl at P. A. Bowlaa. adminlftratav af
Ihe aetate of William MeOboe, laue of kaoz tp
Clearfield county, deeraaed.
Partial aaeoonl af John W. Wright, adealerta
Irater of Ihe eatato of I. 8. Mhole. lata of He,
carta towo.bip, Clrarfii.ld eeonly. dceeaaid.
Partial account nt Sarose! A. Caldwell, one of
tha czeeaiort andar the will af Joeeph Barrer,
lata af Bradford towaihip, Clearfield eauaty,
Final account of John Jaekeon and Jamei
JarV.on, errcntoreof the la-t will ari reeUroent
of Jasa Jackaoa. lata of Jordao lp.. deseaeail.
1. ti. liAKiiKH,
Ittaiana'i Orria a, I Hrji.ier.
Clearfiel'I, Fa, Dee. I, 17. J
White Men Moat Bule America 1 1
The Best New YorTvVeeklj Published.
fpiIBXcKTorlt Day. Book iaaatraifhtforwatd.
1 Badiral Democratic parer, with a larree
ureuia.iea mil any other Uemacratic jonrnal
arer publiahed on ihia Coolincat, and ante re a
the thrcahi Id af IK.8 mora proepcroni and mare
hopeful of Ihe treat came it ai.baldi than eier
sen-re. BUeSlnr an the foundation of the Do
.,iB u. an.jFriFBoanoa.tRat -an tKbitelmew
are created ctiutl. "and I brrefora enlill. d to .ooal
T'cbte. It la rppoeed to all forme and drr-eei of
. . 1.1 . I . : ... . .
"i "'1 ion teal eauuiet wlia the rrand
central Iniihof Jenoeny, and or or ail sad
ova an, a ice it combat that moartroaa trceeoa
te Amenraa liberty, whieh, thruilin;, the nrgro
clement intooor political eeefem. ami of aecee
Ity .reck ihe wao'e mlchte fa brio loft ua We
our fiOiiri. God haa creeled wbila mea aupertor
-.. -Ki.t. loirnor. aco tnerct'.re ail ihee9.irta
ai tne paw ell yeart to ab-iliih Hie work aad
epoalno with arjreen erery law 'loialed eeery
. VI.UII.IUUO0 ormnrewn. orary life eacri
fiveil. and aeety d-.llar expended ara aereiea.
rlly lu ea many etcp. towaHe nitloual tuiclde;
" eimpie ana awful problem sow apea we
uii enau wa reenter ovr reaeoa aad ra
trace our etena. or march cm to M.m.r.11,.
rial anarchT. and the total rein of oar eoun'try.
. o. any-oooa, meretara, demand! thereetoe
alioa of the "I aioa ai it waa" a Union af co-
etual Stale! unoa tha white ha.ia ihe oole
hope and the only meant pca.lhle ander heaven
foe eaTiaf tna rand idea, nf 177S. and the fno.
aamental p'laciplee af A met lean liberty, an J if
tiit real friendi of fr-e l. ra. and tha eartuit be
llererala that eaered cauee In which
tha mea of the Keeolaiion (,(ered ap their Heel.
Kill eiaw labor to eepoee tha Ifooraeee. drloeion
aad ireatoa of the Moo a -el will eaeeecd
and lha while Keroblic of V a.binetoa ha ra.
mtt again la all Iu original beneficence and
Tk. W Bi.k Kill, afi.arar, haraafler, he
j "oro tli eer detoied ta all theiarled parpotei
', I'-uiiFar.
I . rr" con.ciooi uat it reache
thoaaaaria af fair. (Tien ah. taia no other
heyond perhat a ihrir local paper, il will eowtiant
ani iiuj :ere in -.Vewe tf the Work" luminary,
eo at to preecnl a Iran.rrlpl oflhe WorM'a eeenta
la each la.oo. In ' Family DepaMmeoi" will
embrace Ihe hett ariainal and reireted 1 Uriel.
Ite "Agricultural Department" will he lullj .De
tained, and fceini the only paper of ite elaee
made ap etpreei'y for Coaatry ciiealaH-n, It It
eotBdest thel It It worth doahlt the price af a
weekly horridly printed from a daily. It yiree
full and rami le'e Keporti tf tha Sew Tork atd
aibanyCattio Markrte: tiraln. Proel.lon and
toil -a Markria, aad a Weekly Itatieo of t inaa
eial Mallera, t..gelher wilh the JUukett. l y tele
araph, from New Orleant, Ch'-r eo, Charleelou,
rinladelyhia, Ae., c, p to te liat of feint
to p. eea.
Term a aatt Iu Adiacce.
Oaa copy one jeer its
Tarea aopiea one year f 50
fiea cop ,ee oae year, tad ana ta tha feller
up ot iha c'ub. .t 00
Tea copiea one year, aad ona ta the f elter
p ot ihe club .- if $s
Adduioaal eopiet-..H.H 75
Twenty copiea one year, and ti.t to the
fetter op or the eluh (i 00
t-avSproimeo ropiet tent free. Send for a
oopy. Adiiroae, ffeiair rol atieo. ooonty and
Male la fuU, VAN kVKILIK, 1I0KTO.V A Oe ,
declll lt No. 1CJ el., Jiew York.
CI Al'TIlUl pertotit arehert-hyrautioned
ac.-tirft haroonnf or tiaatinf on my aceoaat.
n-.y wile UK1.KN, aa aha haa K-;l my bed and
h-'arl withont aar jn.t cane or pror.icatic-n. I
therefore herel-y waraall peraoniibal 1 am deter
aiintai uipay 00 moro debt, df liar otairactii after
tint d-ite. iioc. ;h, ISO",) unVaq ctu-peiie t hy
law. KLT 11 A A .MAX.
firmly towneh;p, Dec. U, ISOI-Jt
1TK AY STri.He-ru,. irr)atMnf on
A tb pmr.iifi of the Mtwrihar, ti Bell iwd
ti f . " or aant Uit lit ef Ot4jor m, nnlaa4
white tXKKll, MmMhitir nor Uiaa a yr mtio.
Thf owner it nyicitfsi to e me ft-rwanl, firoT
hit prt'f trtv, pat rhnrpr anrl fcim t vr
Wail hr iiari4 nf acoMiaf t law.
CI H "I All prf-m ar htrrt eauti'viii-tl
ii:aint pt.rr-hatii'g nr in hit wit iur l.'hnj;
J It AY ll-Rfi: ttft-l itt't 'Y M A H E
bow ia tha pmepfien of S. J. I trait Ford, at tht
n.e bt lanc Im air. unit U4 with kitw wti lu
tu .yr Ul, wj?r. 1. .M. CO I I'KirT.
Krrnpiivill. iVr. 5, IvftT.
lvhitiphui-g, Fa.
Arvoti fur rjiiigrr't Sewing Machinra.
frWe k-cp a full toip'y of Talual.le
powich-ilrl afair" on han.l, aud eell Irtero ftt eie
pnert, .v'clid for eirenlara.
Ain.f h ri
Muff.. Collara, Vlfor;nei, and Berthat.
A aaa awmtmaat, Jwet reeoieeA- at
AKI'K.IM A Oil. t UlTilM
A en -ply, Iu lata llilei.Jo.t reeaited
and for eala at low leuree. at tha
tMii hi ittAVkrix::
ttuia Rianketl tlray Illankete and
VThita atiankete ai redneed prieet, at
K 4KP, ALSO ll'l'.M(i A M.V
tapply of lleleiaes Calicoea, hinaliaa,
rienntir, uiiri.a, iioeicry, r.nawia,'on me nun.t price, I r caliuif atwa. becauee ai
llo. de. T ut. ia". Ereikfat !ha It, I ililenda to cloet il omI ...n ai p"."ihle.
''Ileo' Co.te. Sheet, Hale and Cpe. Ptt K 1 K ! : I''K I.Vl TZI Nf.FP.
KwUont.Trimmiiireand laeiey Uooda, Clearrletd, Oeloher II, lT-tf.
at pricoa thai defy eoiepelition. ! ". , , 1, " - ;
k i j a suohkrs, lOnjjin and History of the Books oi
Kot. , 1MM
Second en., Clearleld.
"V "'"' ciorr.
Clearfield Nursery.
fpilK aader.ifned. kaeinf eiUbliihe.l a Xur-
1. tf ry 00 the 'Pike, ahuot half Wat hetween .
t'learoeld and Curwenerlllt. it proparod ta fur- fietae a aot eeaowal of Inronaatioa heretelero
aith ailkindiofi r.l K TKKKS, lauadard and loehed ap la eery rare and y reload. look
deatT.) Learfreraa, thruLhery, (trape Vioea. Inf one of the mo'.t popular hook, oeel pahlnhed.
Ooo,el.erriee, l.aatoa r.larVl.erTT, Strawherry, j HM Ape-nte anted Eiporieneed ateata
j awd Rmtieery Viae. Aleo, Fiberiaa Orah Treea,, ladioa. echoed reaeawea-aad othenv
I tewlaet. aad early ae-urlel Khahark, Ae. Ordori thoaid tend at awe for atrealare f lelnf fwtker
I promptly ataaaded to. Ad'Ueei, I tal.rawoUwa.. Addreea,
. , 4. i. xvnijnr. 1 r.nnt.FR, Mecrnnr a f,
eopll ai ir f.;rn.tille, Fa eef Im t'l Choernat at SFVI w. ra,
21fir JMwlisrar a!s.
Ulrntion, School " )ntu,
1 T i. Impo.ii.l, . , "'n!
1 tocolk-. l Ibe anaeaud a. Uul . Ihe ee.i ral l...,.. ,,f ,lr,n JV'
the rau r otri. ea-md. but i, hare altrndid Ui lb,. iaa:i-t l
ap to thi. lime hate failed totranitnit la."
ol mill, laid for Ike achool yen.. 7 "
loot'., and June. IM.7. are reo'crj",
turn d ihe lacl on or More i f,r- j,,"?7
are neal. , Ju
Ibe County Commie. hmera metre that a
cele bo mado out, eiatiur thi- aumbei gl a
for each ear,eirn d by the I'rmideal ol iki"!
and alleetrd be the Fereenre. "H
My order of the It.ierl
WM. C. IIHUiHv,,
Commiiiiuueu' Ofiji-c, t'lerartieH, v i.T
ritUE following ralaahlr l.ropcrj wi'l Uu,
X puhlle Bale, in the rlllareof lil.Ky u, ,
our)ATVBDAr,tha 4th day of J AM i'gj'jjj
nvn nt jii)Ri:n trnrjof
:ili.R' in D--fri 1owiibui( Ct.r6fi,i nv
F., Kltifp witbiu one mil cf Cin
Crw k, ani well outers d nitU boiot piM, .
loft'in?, Thcrr are ! lui-lc COAL
urncJ on Unii initniiBtrljr l)inui- tut
Tti abov fnwt in yrl ut fanri luluttmi
tbc tract 9Uwry imvpng to U illuhM '
AltT tirron fihnr loi nrelikae inel, U.. .
i a r . tig
do well to po and eAamin the above. Bt oj.
tn the said l"?, now Iitiok au th biimlL
win wimpiiiT iDcm over uj irari.
TklM!- Tbe conUitiofta of iaie -.rti.VtUt
One balf ihe monrr o W paid on 'orflr!pa,
ale, an4 tha oihrr half oa Ibe 6 rat aiT jj
Iu! luw lug, ivitb uittraai, aAl lo be tacarM.
an 4 murtgDge.
I'"teiita will be girrn iTamrdiatrir,
Tbt wwnor ratrTea on bid.
(Intniian II ills. lae. 7, I"i7 t
Urrtltatit JTaHors.
KRAMa ek sroK.UlDV,
Merrlinnt Tnllori,
Market HUccl, Clearfield, Pi,
HAVIKO opened thoir new aitahliikaa-h
r-haw'l Row, onr door cat! of the poelgftw,
and btririf jurt rttorsad from the ca4teri ritai
a) ith a laree aaaorlmant of
Cloths, CassimereB, Vcstiigt,
Eearrra, and all kinJe of Ooodt for buui
hoyi' wee--, aro now prepared to make u a
order CLOTH rNG, from s tingle article t.iHi
ait, in tba latatt ttylaa mad mart verkoaaau
manner. Fpeeial attantioa fteao to caitea
work aud euumg-out for men and hoyi. h,
ofler froat bargaiar to eoetomert, tat ernal
on:i:a aatiefaatica. A libtral ihare of atiia
patroaafe it toicited. Call and eee tartekei.
ocltT-tf S IS B. R. L. STOt'OHIOI.
11. iuudgj:,
(.'tore ona door eatt cf Clrartlrld Itoaaal
Market Street, Clearfield, Pi.
KEP3 ea hand a full awortmentt of Onir
rurnlthinf Onoda, inch at Shirti, Litai
and Woolen tnderebirte, llrawart aad aorav
Seek tiet, Poekct llamlkcrchieft, Glorei, iiau.
t'mbrellei, Ac., ia freat variety. Of fim
Ooodt ha keepe tha
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
Hack at Blark Doeikla of the eery ben aiti;
laacy Caetimere, ia f raat rariety , alia, Freaai
Coabaf, Heater, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Irwet
crirroelii.g. All of which will be told rhti, l
Cnah. and made np aecordinf to tbtlateitrtTle
by eipeneaced werbtaan.
Aim, Agent for Clearteld aonaty for t M.
Einfer A Co 'a. celebrated Sew in f Mahinea
Koe. 1, IS5-tf.
CaflifS' (Goods.
' roa . , ,
FAIdli t .W1XTEB,
Juat raooited at tho Store of.
Mas. H. D. WELSH k Co.,
Dealt, t ia
n bivI iitrt BONNETS mad fvr M
?l.-w BuNNKTf mailt for TI
.T1 kinjjuf HATS !or K
Matrriali fumi.hfj oa u natonaUr tetaiw
tfat-j can ba hal in the countr.
Ncitdor to F.r( Natiuual Bauk, .
DorT-in CI.EAKFTE1.P, Ta.
IdndfcM Fnncj- Fnn,
Oid Eatahiuhed
Pur Manufactory,
So. ?l ARCH St., thet
Sereolh, l'hilaiirljaia.
llara now ic rat elore.ef
uy own Imitortattea ail
Manufarturt'- on of tb
Inrffrnt aii'l in't bt-atiteful
ntt.f I nnr i-irf
ilies' and CaiKlrtfi'i
, i?ft la
Wtr in thi fitr AIm.1
fin ai-rtnint ttf (Jetit'i Fur Olorri ani Cvlltri.
I ara aBhl(Hj l( ditiHWt of bit gfodt at Trry rtt-anniKI-
pricri, and I nmild thVrrlor anUcii ackl)
from my fi iula of CWarfif id count r and vieimU.
ftfnrtut'-r thf nam, mrnihpr an I Krp?t.
Xo. 718 Arrh Strrcl, abor 7t soutlifiria.
AND CLOAK XI AKI.NU. Idlee eaa hare
Uioir Ureteet, bulla, Coala, and Haauuinet hend-ei-aiely
made and trimmed, at the rhoneit at.
tlce. at the old e.tahlittied ttand, IC.M Cbetttitl
ttreet, Philadelphia. -
laney and plain Fane, Mantilla Oraeraeoie,
rreit and Cloak Button.. Uihboot, I iuny and
Ouipuro Ltcea, Eurle and Uiir.p lre.t Trim
aiinaa, with a larr;e variety of Pteple an! Fancy
Uoodafrou t.i to H per oent. lent thaa tlrewhert.
A let-, rrccirinf daiiy, I'arii lathieat ia
rper, for U.tiea' and Children'! Prrn-t. f'M
of 1'atlrrnt for mircliante and f ree. arre e
ready, at - kin. M. A. BINDKR S,
id ly 1C3I Cheiinnt it., Philadelphia.
rHE tut-friher, eontcmpltlloa foinf lateetfer
L bu.incl", will K II, at privalc. aalu, kit entire
tu.-k of
Pottery and Stoneware,
At hit kiln, ia ( IceHI.U ' Tko wl.e ea.r need
j wareef thi. hind now eoraer it aha heavy eeJaeiiew
a,,. 11 M. .
IUU xiiuic.
r raor. cahij a. truwa, . p.
rare talue. tod an almoit la Jle-
eoainion af the riiHe, tbewinf
.III anawerint all iheobleel ona m tie aathenif
eiiy uted hy modera intdelt. aad traeiee ihe
aalhnrile af eeek hook Hn i It. ln.lM,.l anlheea.