the HEinmuavN. TiH'BRDAT::::::::::::: ItoeomliiT .r, I HOT, ,1 i'lra for Som I nlorlnnalra. In dotermining how lwi tlio o mocraey sfanll oo tho triiita of llioir great victories, tlioir pcoitlinr jiosition as party trust not le overlooked It ia the only great political ornnira- lion wuicu hub survived 1110 bnocK 01 the war. Of the parties in existence in 18(W, H alono now lives. What was the Union party in JnGO uflor vards became the Itopublican, and even that exists only in name, bo changed are its sentiuiuuts. The Con- etitaiionnt Union party, or liell-hver ett organization, with its pood inlen- tionn, is extinct. Alono tho rock of Democracy " I.ifta ill awful form, 8welli from the Talc nd mid way breaat the etorin The Democratic organization, pro Bcrvcd through years of darkness, doubt, and despair,' by a few brave, bold souls, is, thcrctoro, at prone ut the only refWo for those flying from the horror of Radicalism. Jt is the eole, safe harbor and asylum for the many good men who start back ap pulled from the croul which Phillips, Stevens, and Greeley point out to them. JSy tho fuct, however, ol its being the only existing opposition to Kadicalism.itsultimnteBUCcess.thouirh no less inevitable. Is in some tneusurc ictarded. It cannot be donied that many now remain within tho Repub lican pale, morely because there is no other fold to receive them if they loft than the Democracy. There isa large class of temperaments, of whom we wish to speak resnoctlully, who can not stand strong food and bright lights of any kind. To such the Democratic party is at present distasteful. They recoil from Radicalism, but they can't dijest Democracy. They would wil lingly leave the former, but they are not hardy enough yet for tho latter. So they stand trembling within the Republican linos, either not voting at all, or else hesitatingly and irotu tho force of habit supporting a policy whose results they dare not look in tho face. The Hcll-Evcrctt party was a congenial fold for this large class, f such wo believe it to be. There th for cy could air their conservatism, without bringing it in contact with the dreaded .Democracy. Its tint was neutral. It abhorred positive colors. It was neither for nor against slavery, iuo territorial ques tion it prelurreu not to be aware of, Stabene was its motto. And its request to anxious enquirers tho raco of "earnest men had not in those days arisen was, "do not tell ug anything disagreeable. ltsrango was not vcrv distinct or sharply defined, but it had generally tho Constitution and tho Vnion and the I'lug, and all thoso conventionalities, and in it one could lie down and sleep and bo happy, nor a road the rude alarms ol its more pro nounced antagonists. Of course the quivering, fitful light which this col orless flume gave forth was soon blown out by the force blasts of the war. Its component parts went according to their utlini ties. A few of the bravest came ovor to the Democracy, but a large mass fled shivering back, under cover ot loyalty, to the Republicans. During the hot passions of the strife, all elements were sublimated into the patriotio gas. No precipitates of con- aorvatism were permitted to form Now the heat is dead or dvinrr. Con densation is taking place, and all tho little crystals of conservatism, of dread of Radicalism, and of hnmuiiity, oro vegiumug u appear in me social cru cible. The furnace of war being out, there is .no longer any power to keep to gether these diverse tcmperamonts, and the Conservative eloment, which can only combine with Radicalism at a high tomporatnre, is slowly but surely depositing itself. To dron the chemical metaphor, that portion of mo jicpnoiican party which respects law, order, and the white raco, is try ing to get away from its uncongoniul past without exactly knowing how best to do it. Tho duty, then, of tho Democracy is a very plain one. While it adheres unflinchingly to every plauk in its time-honored platform, it must respect this tenderness and thoso scru- Slcs, and assist them out of their ileuima. It must not frighten them off. A tone of fiertt, which was prop, er enough not long ago, in repelling the insolent aggressions, would be much out of pluce now. A flippant causticity or contempt for thoso who havo not yet mounted to tho braoing atmosphore in which we brealho, will not attract them np to our altitude We are thoroughly confidunt thnt wo are right, and it is impossible that wo cannot make our position every dny tnoro approacbablo to thoso reluctant narty-lcss but purty-seeking souls. Whilo we cannot descend to tlicm, we coriainij can smooth thoir phth and remove obstacles from their track. Every day their own allies will dovel op to them such traits as will be moro and more repulsive In thomeantimo. we, without offending thoir prido of opinion, or ruoDing gp their prejudice, to?) by Judicious behavior and accom modation, educate them gradually out of their weaknesses, until finally they will come not only to eat, but to rel ish the olive of Democracy whilom so repugnant. Age. General MoClollan has decided to remain in Kurope for some months longer, and cannot, therefore, be ex pected at home this Fall, or Winter. The family of General Marcy return ed to New Yorlr lat week by the 8cotia, having left General MeClellun and family in Ivondon ; the hitter were expecting to go to the continent in a few days. SoH foa a ricTURK. The .Radi enl leaders and Congressmen seated on a platform, placed on the heads of Southern durkeys, who are unwitting ly approaching a mighty precipice, singing "Old John llrown." The Radicula seeing their danger, arc writhing in agonv, tearing their hair, and frantically appealing to Grant to save them, whilo tho Gcnoral quietly sits smoking his cigar. A man in Fayette, Indians, is en gaged in a suit for a divorce from his seventh wife. i'rofrssloua VusincM Card. FfA NK BARRETT. ATTORN EY AT LAW, t Irartlrld, !. Office nn Pwril etrret, with Walter Barrett, fto,. ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t'Icarfleld, !'. jrO-ODee In th C.rt Homo. (Jjll,"7 J OH n "h7 Tul fo r D, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Ta. 00o with J. B. MoBnally, Kit) , over Flnt N. tioaal liat.ll. JM Prompt attention given to th securing of bounty, Claimi. Ac, and to all legal buaineaa. March 2.1, 1807 ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offic on Second 81, Clearfield, Pa. nol,6 Win. A. Wallaoe. J. lilako Welter. Win. 11. l!i(rlr. Frank Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. 4r" Legal baaiae of all kindi promptly and accurately attended to. naylo-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGhT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offloe adjoining tha Dank, formerly occupied by J, II. Mutually, beeond it Clearfield. )B6vWlll attend promptly ta eolleotloma, ' of landa, Ao. ldeclT.ftj JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Heal Ratal Ageut, Clearfield, Pa, Offlea an Market afreet, oppoalM tha Jail. tVtV-Reapeetfully offf-a hit aerrlcei In Mlliog aaa baving ianaa In UlaarOald and adjoining eonntlaa ( and with aa aiparianaa of ovar twantv raara aa a aurvajor, latura himaalf that ha tan rander latitfaclion. fcb28.'ea if WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t lcarfleld. Pa. Offlea cm atarkotatrcat onadoreaatof tha Claar. Said County Bank. mayt,'S J.,ha H. Orria. C. T. AJnandrr. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER. ATTORNEYS AT LA W, BelleTuntB, Pa. n-plSSi-y F. B. REED, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 4MIaTicg KBored to tha lata reiidcnoa of Uao. J. KTlor, deoaaaad, aaar Wiiliaioiirrura, Pa., tfora bia pnlafiional aervicaa totba paopla of tha aurrouDihng oountry. Jyll07 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Lata Burgeon of tha 83d Rrg'ment, Pennaylranla Voluntaara, having ratornad from tha Army, otTara hi profaaalonal lortloai to tha eitiicni -Pw,rMl.,n.l .ii. 1, ., i . . t - fiwaipvt aiin ita to. Offioa on Second aUaet, furmarly ocrupld by "r- """" pr4, BB tl DR. A. M. HILLS, 1 IS 1 . OIBna oornrr of Front and Jtfrkrt troau.opnoMl th "Cltarflold llouaa," fliarfiild. f'" augVW-y. J. BLAKE WALTERST SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER Agant for tho Paichaaa and Sal of Land. Clearfield, Pa. .WPrompt attention ySm to all bnalnaii oantetad with th coanty offioaa. Offls with Hon. Wm. A. Wailaoa. rjaalSB-t LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF T II E TKACE For Lwnnr tnwnihlp, Clearfield P. O., Clearfield Co., Pa. XColieetlont and ramltuaoaa promptly LICENSED AUCTIONEER Th andrraifrnrd baring praenrod a liocnaa, will iirnu lonainnff aaiKB in any part ol tli oeounty, Charra modnrata. A , 1 ,1 . . rptU-Jm. N. h. KOlllNM, Clrarflald, Pa. MAJ. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, O.trnd P. ()., Clearfield Co.. Pa. JMT Will attend tifnmnllv ..III.. V.. duaa, Salaa of Heal Eitate, Ac, anywhara In ui vouniy. 'iriai moaarat. Ball tp., Jam SO, Iii7-ly pd. REIZENSTEIN BROS.,- Manafacturtra of and Wholaaala Dealer, la MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. 1 Market cVIln Merchant Street. aogrerj Ptiii.AnEi.pniA, p.. " FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, I'mirhillle, Clearfield County. Pa. KoODI aonvtnntlv nn V. ml a full .. ..t llry (Inoda,, tlniceripK, and ererj thing -ui,7 arpi in a ri'inu ainre, wnien will be eold, vnru, p. ,-urnp a. eiwwnre in me ennnty. r rracoviiio, June If, iMlf-ly. STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (8 weMiji-g In Peter T. Wright t Co., iHronTKfm op Ann mai.irn in DUUGS AND MEDICINES, Brandies St Wines for Medical purposes jel.v71 lio. 0 Market Pt., Pliilad'a. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCKOI.A STEAM MILLS, LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS II If. KllII.l Kjnvnnn n.u... Offleo Foreat Plars, Ko. 124 8. alb at., Phil'a. JOHN LAWSHR, PnnerinUndent, JeB'B? Oieeola Mill., Clearfii lU enanty. Pa 1SG7 fall. 18G7 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, 4iub. ..?, 2Wv m a. mird OL, ' PHILADELPHIA. We are bow prepared with onr nenal eitrn.ive ana wen.a.wne,! .took to offer eitra imlueementt lo t ami m i HHP. aprll-tf RE U BE N HACKMA NT" U.. I f. n . r ' nuuso aiiu oign rainte ana raper Hanger, Clearfield. Penn'a. -Will eieenfe Jobi In bia line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. apr,f7 "shortlidgeITcc.., Proprietor of the Bellefont Lira Kilnt, Bellcfnnte, Pa. Wood or eoal hnrnt Lime fnrwardrd by railroad and eontantly nn hand and for aale at the kilna. Jone 17, IW-flra-pri. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Lloenied Conveyancer. I.utherbr(r, Clearflrld co,, Pa. "Colleetlona and renltlaneaa promptly nad. and all kind of legal inurnment eieemed a abort notiee. may9,'tt tf C KRATZER &. SON, UBlt CHANTS, pAtaaa ia Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Uoeeniwa re, tlroeariea, roTlilooi aad Hhlnglea, Clearflrd, Penn'a. frtfAl th old aland an Front etreet, aboe Aaadaaiy. fdaaHBaif COLHikr,. ntIT!tlTll.ajA raeent aet kj baa paired both Huaaee of Congreea, and lined hr tha Pre.Ment, giring a thre yeeri' oldier $100 nd a t.e yen',ol,ll $10 bounty. r-U0l'NTIK3 and PEN bIO. 8 ollld y far th taUtled t tbaai. , . WALTER BARRETT. AU'y at Law ClearOld, Pa, flaiduair, Ulnunrr, (Sit. M KH UK 1 1 J I (J L KH, BiaLaat is II All I W All U, Alco, Mnafaturrtor Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. clea an ELI), PA. LOT OF SADDLES, 1JIUDLF..S, Ilarnaia, Cullara, ate, for lala by A niOLEU. pTLKTrs'lTATEXrYNLllT In J Hay Forka, for lale by MERRELL A RIG LEU. Q1L, PAINT, riTTTY, ULASS. Kalla, ato , for ala by MERRELL A BIGLER. TTAHNESS TKIMM1NGS & SHOE Finding!, for aala by MEKRELL A BIGLER. I'lSTOLS, SWOKD CAKES For aala by MEKRELL ft BIGLER, CTOVES, OF ALL SOltTS AND Bit, for aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER, I KO.N 1 UiOl IltOif I IKON For aal by MERRELL k BIQLER. I TORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE Nail, for aal by MERRELL ft EIOLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait manufacture, for aala by MERRELL 4 BIGLER, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE x Boies, for al by MERRELL ft BIGLER. J70DDEU CUTTEItS for salo by MERRELL ft BIGLER. . a. flioal ..... l. GAnoa. FLEGAL & GAN0E, STOVE AXD HOLLOW -WARE STORE, AND MASUrACTCRKRH OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, PUHIpaburg, Centra Co., Pa., rpiIE sew firm of Flegal d Oanoa would r X apactfully annouao to their frlead aad th publle generally, that they hay oa hand a earfully-aaletd and well anorted itoek of 8turei. Their rariety euniiiu of a HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whleb her never failed to gira perfaet aatlafac Uoa to th moit faatidioa of Ita purohawn, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Bp ear Anti-Dart, Niagara, Charm, Herald, ato., with ery variety of th beit Piltiburg Manufacture. fc.Tbe Tin and Pbeet Iran war girea with th Storea It made of th hear'eal and bait material, and warranted to gir perfeet aatla. faction. Their i took of PARLOR. AND LI EATING STOVES T largor, btter and cheaper than eer before exhibited to th public They defy competition ither la variety, quality cr prlc. They are alio prepared la furnlih a eomnlete aiaortuant or Tin, Copper, Shjet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeaal or retail, manufactured aeatly and with th ol rlw t aerrlce, fria th beat ma terial In th market PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, MARK AND IR0X KETTLES, Of (rcry dciorlptloa constantly oa hand. LIGHTNINQ JtODS, Superior point, put ap oa ahort aotlc. Th Point Ibey offer to th publle la th aama aa I now weed by th Penaeylraula Kallroad Co, oa their huildlnga. ORDERS FOB BPOCTINQ, ROOFINO And other work belonging to their buiineaa will b promptly tiled by experienced and akillful workmea. BRASS, COTTER AND OLD METTLE Takea In change for good. -They especially lnrita th atiantlna of Merchant wiahing to parekaa at wholesale, aa they will and It to their advantage to examine their itoek befor pnrohaalng elaewhere. FLEUAL A QA.N0E. Phll'pabarg, July 11, 18(17. CAEEIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP, IN CLEARFIELD, Tk. (Immediately la rear of Machine Shop,) fTMIK anbaeriber would reepeetfully lnforai tha I eitirenibf ClearfleM. anil tha nuMl I. eral, that h ii prepared to do all k indi of work on CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, 4c, on abort notiee and en reaaonabl term a, and ia a workmanlike manner. jr-"AII order promptly attended to. -1 Feb. 14, -eo. WM. M'HIOUI. Holel for Rent. rpiTe andaralgned bow otVn fot rent the well X known hotel formerly kept by Iraae Bleem. Kw., deeeaaed. eiluata In the eeniral eirl nfiha bonugk of Curwennllla. Poeacaelon will be gieen on the rt of November, If deeired. It will be ranted either with or wlthont tha Furni ture. For further partlealan eniolie on the premiaai, or eddreai the anderaiijned by letter. . LKAlt BLOOM, Curwenavlll, Sept Id, ldOT-tf. Oill, Varnitthm. Painta Brn.h.a J1;ST rectfl Ted and for eale eheap by JOShl'H K. 1'HWIN. prll-tf Curwenavllle, Pa. , R. ROBISON & CO., M-llnl.r-.SALK Crocrrs and Pork Packers, Dialer, in Ulaaa. bun and Kaila Family Flour of the Best Brands, Baron, llama, Sidra and 8linulderei Lard, Meaa t'oia, l heeaa. Henna, li iininr, Dried Fruit, Carboa and Lard Oil, Dried Bear, A. No. 5 Liberty tret. (Red Front,) aiarMy PlITrJlirRfJ PA- Jiry f)0oit, C.rorrvlfj, Ctf. FALL GOODS!! run a aw rom a rmt.ain.rnia. Aa Cheap a tlia C'heaprat and 4!wd a the lleaU C. KRATZER & SOX, Have Jnit reeelved, and are opening, at their Old Eland oa Froat Etreet, abov th Aoademy, a larg and well looted aiaertment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are idling at vary low ratci. Head ihe following catalugui and pnifit iketely Ffflir tlha lLaialiliis Kepeolal palm haa been taken In the aeleetion of Ladiei Dreae tioode, white lloodl, Kmbroiderlel Millinery Oooda, frlata, Kerchieft, Aublaa, Ulora, Ac. FOlt GENTLEMEN. Alwayi en band I) lack Clolha Fancy and Hiaok Caaeimaroa, Batmen, etc., Heady Had Clothing oi all kindi. BOOTS AND SHOES, KKCKTI E S , nd TBritty of other ttrtlclei. wbieb t hejr will trull avt t mU ftdruei on coil PsriieuUr ttontion it lovilvd to their lurk of Ctrpou, Cottirt tommon In Rrmio, upeiiiDt Engliib lucrum nd lau....l Vlu - A a l I . 1 ( lllwllVII, l"W IU I Hutu VII UIUIUA, W WIdUow thftdei and H all paperi, otc. rwLaa, uav, riea c-nii, Planter, Ate, Tetche and Prune kept constantly oa baud. ALSO, In Rtore a lot of targe and email Hover seed. VY Intend to mulce tt aa objoet fur Fartntrt and Moehaulfta to buy fruio uf, w will tell our goads at loir at they eon bt bougLU in tne eounty and py tb rerj highest print fur all kindi of ouuntry pro oot. ni fin alio tirntnge gnodt fur School, Hoad and Co putt oidertf . tJbinglna, Uoardf.aAdall kinda of Manuftnturtd Lamber. Clearfield, Jnl 2. 167. ANOTHER BIG "FLOP I ' s OME two monthi ago U waa formally an Douneta uim Pennville wa3 "Right Side Up P Rtoent artnta bare proved tht announeemeat prraitiura. Antlher "flop" hit occurred ; tnd chitf tin on k tbt improved, "Inlerei'.lnfr and ita porlant" pbauti preacnlod, tbt on portraying tut bcw, large and eoniuotJii'Ui eture JIouh oi JOHNSON & BAILEY, Who bare Jut returned fmna the Eart with a Itrge and earelulJv aMeeled itoek of Seaiottuhle uoodi, of greater variety, and of brtlcr quality, than bare heretofore been offered is tbii lection of tha oounty, Call at tht new Store Rootni, and you wilt find Dry Goods and Groceries, Han aad Papa, Boot! and fihnra, Hard, Queeo'i, uiiiiuw, noou ana u,na Ware; Drue". Oila, PalaU and Vanish; tllaaa, Putty, KKA1Y MAUB CLOTHINO, Tloeki, Conffetinnery, vneeaa. vi.iiun. m.iaai ana rnui imun (enerally. OTTI1 STOPK OP IT A RTlW A TtV. Will bear impaction, aa II la full and of tha beat oualllv. Our atnrk of HOOTrt HIIHK4 I. aaequaiiea ib quality ana low prteo. To the Ladies, We would Bay that w intend to aiak th Kotloa and Droie Department worihy their palronane a.rueie r.oi oa nana, will be ipeoially ordored, 10 ibii our aiioaier. The Striking Feature In the ' Flop." And th an we would keep before th publln, la in imi bun ruii-r.rsal wauBWareiiinn rThe puulie are Intlted to le ai a rail. Brin( your rroduea, Hoard,, t-hloflea, Drain rork, uutter, Aga, Dried Applea, Haga, Ao. -0ur motto "t heapeat A IVe't." WM. F. JOIINgOX. J. II. DAILLV. Pennrille, Auf. SO, 1807-om-pl, C. KRATZER & SON, ritAI.KRg IN Dry Goods, Dress Coods, MILLINEIIY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES," CURTAINS, WALL rAFERS, Clothing, Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, Quoensware, Hardware, Groceries. Front atrvrt. above the Aradrmy. J. P. KRATZER TTAS ranortd to Kla ifaiinna . m.. vouvh J rge IMH'K OI DRY GOODS, Merlnoai, Olnithami, CloOi. Detain, Print vaMnmerei, Alpaeaa, Mlka, rtlnata, Repi, Caahaierea, Tweedl, Ooberna, Mohair, Jean, Lanellaa, Mualina, FlaBnala, Uonnete, Rib. bona, Cloak. Balmoral Fkirta, Hoop. 6lirta, flhawla, lrei Trimming, Head Keta, Capa, Correta, Gioeea, Cullara, tourli. (Irenadin Veili, Table CoTon. CLOT1IIXG, Coati, PanU, VeaU, Orer-Coeta, Oent'a Fhawla bhlrte, Ilata, Capi, I nilcr Fhlrta and Urawara, Deot. PS oca, Qua Bhoei, Crarata, tlloro and Cullara. fJARnWAIiE, yrKKNSWAKE. GUO- LLKlh.3 t MUSICAL OOUD3. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Pogar, Molaare.,Salt, Candlea, Riea, Jlnur, Haoon, t lab, Tobaeeo, Haiilna, Current, S p I e a, Crackerl, Vinegar, OII, Vir- nl.h. Aleohnl TIN-WARE, GLASH-W A RE. WOQDES- W A HE, anj STATION Lit Y. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpeta, Oil-ololha, Drnifet, Loi.hlnf fllaaaea Mooaa, unurna, naahboarda, Tuba, llneh ta, Flat Iron, Pane, Window Blind, Wall paper, Coal Oil l.nmpa. Din brellaa, Itadeordl, Knirei and Forka, fpoone, Croeba, aad Ptoe Blaokin(. -All orwhleh will ha aold OB Ilk Itlitlt MtaV. eonnble terrna, and the highest markft price pld ur wrain, tooi, oa an kin til nf oonoUj prftdnot. ierneia, iieoemiier In, I SOS. IIOR AI.f.A Heon d band (Spear ' Antl ltual Cook Hlote, enitahle fur eoal or w,.od. Apply to lortlOl II. W. KMTTII 8 UINt.LKifat,trM, at U. w. hM U ll'S. JiiH C.ooib, C.roffHrs, tftr. CLEARFIELD STORE, Near riiilipnburg, Fenn'a, William V". Hit I a Jolm F. Weaver. William Powell. tleOTfTO L. lti'-d - IV. IV. KUTTN A Co., (Pneeeaaon to hi union A lloopi) II AVK Joel rmeieed a larne aad well lolecied itiHia ol all kind of (aoodi, euob a DUY GOOUS, CLOTH I NO, Boot and Shoe., Hat and Capi, Notion!, Hard ware, Ulaaa, Nail,, Oila, Paiala, ueeiiaware, Orooerlea, Flour, Haoon, Feed, Ao., which we aia olTenn( at (really KEPIJCED PRICKS FOR CASH, Or In eiehenge for LUMUER and B11INQLES W intend to make It to th advantage of the TIMBER MEN la th lower end of Clearfield aonnty and oa Clearfield Creek to got their auppliea from thia point being OB the line of lb Railroad, we ean aell gooda on bolter term than at any point ia Ciearlield county, and wa are aelling our etoek at each prieae aa to make it aa object to tboee buying to buy from ui. ADVANCES OF GOOUS, FEED, A.C., Mad on aocount of SQUARE TIMBER, which w will either aell oa eommiaalon, or boy at fixed rate. 'ar-Call and eee if our goodi and prlnei dont rait th time,. W. W. UK l id A CO. Near Fhilipibnrg. Nor. 6, llo. JLOUR of (Jifforont braniltj can be bad at all timea, at Tory low prlcei, at the CLKAKFIEL3 STORE, BorS-tf Near, Pa. jyi.Y GOODS, NO'flOX S&; n great rariet, at tbt loweit prieei for eaah, at th CLVARFIELD BTOItB, Bort-tf Near Phillpaburg, Pa. s ALT, by the safk or load, cheupcr than ean be bad anywhere elae, at tha CLEARFIELD STORE, BovS-tf Near Philipahurg, Pa. QALL & EXAMINE THE STOCK of Oooda bow aelling at4ht CLEARFIELO STORE, BoTj-tf Near Philipabuig, Pa JJIGUEST riUCE jjuid ia Good er Caih fur Lumber and Shingle, at th CLEAREIELD STORE, aoritf Near Philip, burg, Pa fUE CHEAPEST GOODS, of all klada, ar to be bad at tht Clearfield Ptor. W. tf. BEITS A CO. Near Phlllpabarg, Pa., Nor. , 18 tf lMCHARD 3I0SS0P IS 2COW a v Selling, at half their aaual price, DRESS GOODS, CI.OAK3 AND SHAWLS, BROWN 6DEETIN0S, FLANNEL AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSI ERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLKMEN'S FURNISHING Good I A DIES' B(X)TS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED, Ao, Ac. Ao. KI2YNTOX12 STORE SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Dry Goods I Dry Goods I Dry Goods I Dry Goods I DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS! Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds & Vestings. Shaker, Opera, Drew, Shirting, Red, Blue, Tel ivw ana ri a lie ri.AAisuii,b. Bleached and nnhleaehed MUSLINS, In all wiuiui ana auaitiiet. TABLE LINE, TOWEI.R A NATKINS, HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS in great variety. SHAWLS A WOOLEN O00PS IN EVERY STYLE. , ; Ladies' Coats, Gontlcmoa's Furnish ing Goods, inreaua una rawing pna, all Bind! and color i n inoow r-nanee, r oor and Table Oil CI tha, Cerdl, Taarela, Ruga and Counterpane!, Uloree, Ilnsiery, Collar, Culfa. llib. bona, Bralda, and aa enJleal Tariety of email warea and fanry artiolea, LADIES', MI.SSlvS', AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. All of which will b told I'irzojr for casu.-vi. Call and eiaialn enretork before making yonr pnrrhaiei elaewhere, a w feel araurid that w ean pleaie In both quality and price. It will V onr aim to make the Reyaton" the proper plae ta buy Pry Oooda. NITLINQ 4 SHOWERS. Clearfield, Pept. !, '7-tf KST Qmund Alum Salt for M JS prr eaek, at u. . tMl i ll ri. l!r the HKMOt'KATlC ALMANAC. Only lo oi ute. trery enter ehoald hare one, tf. AAM.I l-KIITer all kin da. at MKItRBI.L A Willi. KR'?. e,nallty ef M ACK Kit Kl,, f-7 per Vbbi T, 11. W. HM ITU'S. fiiirdifiuf, liinaarr, ijlr. NEW HARDWARE STORE rhillpibnrg, Centre County, Fa- G. II. ZEIGLEIt & CO., DEALKIltl 1! I'on'Isn & Domcstle Hardware, WOOD, WILLOW. Sl TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Faints, GIelss, &o.r &c. fpilK attention of Miohanlei, Bullden, Farm A- an, Luaibermen, and Buyer generally, la inrlted to the fact Ibet we ar efertng a better anortanoBt of good i ia oar tin tbao ean b found eleewhere la thia part f the Bute, at Frioef to Bolt the Timet. Our atoek oompriiea a general aiurtmaat of Tool and Materiali aaed by Caqienteri, Biaek- ami tha, Carriage and Wagon Makera, A., with a large iuek of Iron, Xails, Sted, Fpih-i, Mining Sujiplia, Saddlery, Hope, Cltains, Urindntontt, Circular, Mill and Crosi-Cut Haws, ENAMELED, FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Iish Uils, TURPKKTISE, BENZIKE, VAB5InES, COAL OIL LAMPS AID LAKTEEUS Aa eieellent aiaortaent of Fin Cutlery, eon prlMBg KNIVES, 'OR ICS. DESERT, TEA. A TAI1LE SPOONS, SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ao. BRITANNIA A SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Doaiehold, Horticultural, Farming aad Balling Implement of the lataat aid moat laiprorad patera. Blaskimlth ran be tappllad with Anrlli, Bal lew. Vie, Bisdgea, Hammer, II ore and liul Fhooi, II ore Naila, and all kindi ef Iron aad teeL Carpenten and Builder will find la aur atlas llahment a euperior .lock of Planei, Sawi, Augura, Hatobeta, lingta, double, bit and pealing Aiea, II am en era, Chiaaia, Filet, ILngei, Bcrewe, Bolta, Locka, Palleyt,Baih, Cord, At, A., A a. Farmer! and Raftmea will and rrj thing ia their line, and cheaper than eaa be bad elaewber. to. Partieular altentlow la Ire! ted to our itoek of Moren, eompriaing Bpear'a eelebrated Anti-Dual, t'oi-k and Parlor bu ret of ail ansa. lto, tha Niapara Conk, Parlor Cook, tlrilhaat, Dawn, Dew liop, Arotie, and Commoa Krr. Pockt Ao. All of the above goode will be nold cheap fur rash. G. II. ZEIGLER A Co. Philipahurg. Oct 10, ISB7-ly Down ! Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AM OF C01RSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices AV"!! " bow opining np a lot of the beat and I niiirt eoa.innl,le nixida and Warea oflered In thia market, and at prior that eeminil one of the good old daya of eheap thinga, Tnoae won iaca lann npon inn pniut, or uoeia our alie- giiuunt eupernuoua, neea nut C.I LI .IT Ol it STOUE, Corner Front and Market atreota. Where they ean eee, f.., hoar and hnnw for then, eeh-e. To fully nudi rrtenil what are eheap good,, line uiaei ne untie, ng ao not deem It aeoeeeary to enumerate and iteuiia our aloek. It la enough for u: to atate that We have Everything that is Needed and ennrnmed in thia market, ana at prion that wk'ui.u uuiu uiu anu rounir. deo2tl JotrJl'II SHAW A PON. CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULTCn DVR1RE8 to Inform bia old frirnde and en tomen, that harlna eelaned hia ihon ana iuoreaaed hli faoilitiei (or uaauiarturing, he ia now prepared to make in order tueh Furniture a. may be deeired. In good tyle and at eheap ratee for CASH. Ha generally bal oa hand, at kit rurnnur room, a rarled eatorttnent of ready made furniture, aiaoai whirk ar BUREAUS AND SIDE-HOARDS, Wardrobet and Book Caeea; Centre, fofa, Parlor, llreakfaat and liining Kiteneioa Teblei; Oom. mon, Frearb.poat,Cottage,Jenny-Liad and olbar Bedrleade) Sofa of all kinoe, Work-itandi, llat-raeka, Wath-iUndi; Rneklng and Arm. Chain erring-, eat, enna. bottom, rarior. on an. moaaud other Chalrei Looking-Ulaaaol ofererr dearription on hand t and new glaeea for l'd frainet, whleh will be put In on very reasonable erml on enerlcat nolle. He alao keepi on haad or furnlnhei to order. Corn-huak. Hair and Cot. toB-tp Mattreaaoi. Coffins of EvEitr Kind Mad to order, and fuaerali attended with a Hearee whenever draired. Alao, Hnuac Painting dune to order. The mbaerlber aire mannnie. tuma, and ha eowetantly oa hand. Clemont'i I'ateat Maahing Meet, ice, Ik beet How In at I Thoi uaing tbia ttiarhin never need be with out elemn elotheal He also bai Flyer'i Patent Churn, a auperinr artiele. A family uaing hie Churn aerer need b without buttar I All the above aad many ether arllelaa are fne. alahed to euetomera eheap for Caaa or axehn.M fur approved e.nnlry produe. Cherry. Mapla, Poplar, Lin woo tnd otoer Lumlxr tuttaule for Cabinet work, takea la urbaog fur furnitur. Jtvr-Bememhlr the ahnn la en M.rv Clearbold. Pa., and noarlv oini,it ii, iuh j.J Blore." JOHN lin.lru nilT.BBH 20, IPni f 1J UriT quality of PlUNTlS, for lneM at II. w. SMITH'S, flllK DKMtll'ItATIO ALMANAC for ISf, I. and l7 fur wile at the "Repnblinan" ofTu-e Puce ti oeult. Mailid t'n am a.l.uvat. it' JCatrat rfllrin. -"-T-- V-A BEAL'8 LATL TOWEL'S EMEROTlTTrv For ll dlaeaae Ineideal to llerm. fw. Uemaa lleth, reoairlng taa eaat . ealeraal appluaiua. rpilKaaw Corpoead preperedb,. medieal virtaea of aaeh la,a,... Into Ita enmpoellloe, ia warranted laIrM!,'", Uiing eflba kind ever yet f.re4 u uJJ W D Iru II II refoailBiaBl(lfn taVaa ... . U .11! .MJ . " BTor h without It, o4 tbertfort wTZ IMrUoft U tha htM Usl mf itm ia trnoiDeii bv Vavrrieri. auirf mil -l. , " -ir,,v-w" r taHel, x Knibroeatlon h beta put up lit n and it ia only tbroojh tb kmtmumX Birnad airi artful 0f raj fia4l2 l'u hi In thai I tod U fnnK .ik.. , - - - --- - HalBt ftftjj- iTfot for tba Tanoai dinaa. to hv7. sotiit and mi ariiinni, taa bri. U U.tF Mtaa.fl.dkdi k.aa kaa. A IWK II mmA-m i,fT.e-a.nt nnn. M .l rB- Jurifms otbcia at beit of little ihiUj WI10117 ita proper to an ever tba parpoiat fm tbey ara raaomniadad. " J - "at y-Jl 1 Uft fcj, from thoaa ahjaetioBf, bat tberafvra 1m v A uniniDUm ain a Mt f kmIii auwaax.:.' dairad bt banv atDtlecBOD tthn k. .... can oi ifnin(r and pratan4ad furiwi, wiibei ara at lenetD fully frmlMl. L, ,r. It )) be in it prTilcd npoo U ail&w tb Die jaeDiurooaiiuD wbicq dh pravaa M-MtaM la th viriau difeaveij to ba arapwtA im bronpbt out to tba public Thia KmkntRalifia mm mm kmaimjal 1 , the GoTornment during tbt war. ' For tala by llarttalck k Irwlr, CWtii JMpb K. Irwia, Curwaufiile. i4vaitlVM4 laadtr. La:hrtbarg, diddraa all erdn ta IiK, KDMUSD BEAU, pr4,C7-ly 60S Booth Saaoad St., PbiL.. 1 ITCH I ITCH 11 ITCHlTi SCHATCn ! Bl'RATCU!! SCRATCH:!! In from 111 to 48 Hour. Whaatoo'l Uinuaeat euro The lick, Wheaton'l Ointaaaat ear Ealt Wbeatoa' Oiatmni ear Tetter. Wbaaton' Ointment cure! lUrben'Iwl n Beaiena a uiauaeoi ear UI aerav Wbeatoa' Ointment ear Errykii ef Humor Uk. Magle. PYlo 5 eenta a hot; by mall, M eenw Addreaa WKKKS A POriKR, Ke 1117,4 ingtoa itraet, Boetoa, Kmi, For aala by Hark. wiek A lrwln,and by all DraggUu, a2t.1.i DKFMf, Hllndnew aad Cttant treated with th atiaeet aeeeai, a, J, If A ACS, M. 1., OeetUiit and Auriat, (fonarr!, lyden, llollaaj.) No. 80a A rob atreet, Phiiali Teatimoniala from the moat reliable auurFea u, city and country a be area at hi oSea. Tei melieal faovjty ar iavitad to aoeoeBpaay tee, patii rtt, aj he hat DO lecrele ia bit practice. Int. beial Kre interted without pain, ho eharri ht elamioationa bit 1, DREXEL & CO., So. 34 ihwUi Third Street, PUllaielpUa, n.f.rncns, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applica'ioa by mail will reeeiv prompt eta. Hon, and all informauoa cheerfully tarojeet Ordera aolieited. aprllf i. D. H Girk. Edward Fart. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OP mcgirk & perks, E uoeaaeara to F otter, Parka, A Co, Plilltpabarg, Centre Ceoaaty, p. ITrilKIIB all th bnalnm ef a Banking Horn ? I will be transacted prumpUy aad ape tki moat favorable terma marf -tf County National BankT CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bank la aow opes aad ready far ten. neaa. title en Peoond atreet. ia the ean. ing formerly eoenpied by Leoward, Finney t to. aiaerToa abb omctaa. JAR. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD RHAW, WM. A. VYALLACK, WM. PORTBS, A. K. WRIiiUT, 0K0. U RSKO. , D. W. MOORS. JA8.T. LKflKAItn jn?,HeJ Caihlw. Pretileit Clearfield County Bank. rpUK Clearneld Oounty Baak a aa laenrpar. X ted ineutuiion haa goa eat ef aiitteaee by the aarrender ef ita charter, an Mav 11. ltu. All it Itoek ia owned by th aahwerihera, wh will eontinu th Banking buiineaa at taaa plaoa, aa private Banker, aader tba Ina aaa ol the -Cleareeld Coanty Bank." W. ar re. ipontihlefor the debt of th Rank, aad will pay ill note on demand at th eeaater. Depiwia received aad inter! paid wha moaey It lefth a lied lime. Paper diteounted at ii per eeat ai heretolore. Our peraoaal reapeatibility k pledged for all Depot. u reeelved end batlteei Irene, eled. A eontinaaaoe ef the liberal am. ronaga of tha boiloeet men of the eoantj itra. ei Uully tolieited. At Preeideat, Oathier and othrera of th hate Clearneld County Bank. require th not a ef aid Bank to he reeM for redemption. iA J. LEONARD, RICHARD snAW, ?t'25r,f5l JA8. B. ORAHASI, I , j n r, , fc, KKD. WM. A. WALLACB. The bntlneat of the Bank will be eonduetedby John M. Adamt.. Kaq a Caahiar. junM.'M llUSfjUanrous. M'oolcn Factory. I nlon Mills. ITnlna tewnahlp, Clrarfield roM Pa. nAVINO purehaeed aa latorMt In the Cilea Milla, wa ar prepared teeard Wool, aaa. manure and tniak Cloth, and do all kiadi at work ia owr lis e abort aotiee, la workmaalik manner, and oa reasonable term. Alee, FLOUE, FEED AND LUMBER Uuur.bir.l ..J K....I. IT ft - -I. Wool Inlendod for eardiag eaa be left at I. Mnaaop' or J. P. K ratter a, where we will get and retara il oa Saturday! of each week. Letter ef Inquiry addreaeed ta aa at Reiki. P. 0. will receive prompt attaatioa. F. K. A t. &. ARK OLD. Reekton, June 17, lSti7. BLACKSMITH ING. KSW ARRANOEMEKT. riHK nberiler, la view of eemrng vtitt, X deeign adapting a aew eretem ef doing bori- nriie oa aim ajier tne lai ol Mnv nevT. From iet date we will adopt the CAhlt BbTEM, and all erork mutt Oi, ie,,r e paid lot before leaving the ahnn making thia difb renoa, however, ia favor of onr ruatomere : that owr priee will beT tNTf i i n. i r, i. ia.s Uaa It aow eaarged (oiwork. frn-li,nn hnewinf theniaolvea iuiitibied. aad whoea book aooouat have aot bean nettled, am eipeeted te eom forward anil make mUeeeee belor tbe time ahova indieatod. e hope tbeaa hmU will aot be forgotten. OhO. C. PASSMORC A 809. CWweld, Maroh II, iMtJ-tf Valuable Farm for Sale. TDK lubtoiilr, doeimua of removing la the Went, now odert lor aala bia ARM, maaU iu Knot townahip, Ckarnrld oounty, a.ij.,i.,at: Uudt of Samuel Uea, McPharaua, See. Slee and othrra, , , i'ontalninr 109 .trrtt, Forty-ili of whirh are cleared aad under eultlva- tlim, having thereoa imJ . liWKI.LlkO HtU'SK, locM' AHN. and other nuiruiilJiiiat. to gether with a young bearing ORCHARD. The property will be ditnoaed of at rnatenaWe ' rat.. Further tl,l,.rn,alr,,o mav be obtained by aUdreaaing tbe anderaignra at Aeenwvilla, Pa. eriio-u JAMKn UALKI Altentionoldiers. EQUALIZATION OP BOtLVTY. 1 r 4 I.L IM)l,lltHM OK Pla.l.'l r a- u..M,:., lo t ai. u a A.sfc,tl rlllLAli Tlio underiigned il preparej lo collect all lf rl-wnliea, ae well aa the inereaaed pav tn fWiMirn' Wdowe. All tnrulrte and eommnniewtiael a"-1 wereu prompuy. iliMiliargee reorlitWid for. Per Ofter al Iree., CurWManlle Pa. "lj;tf JiiHIAlt KyAT. 4 IFNT.'H French Calf Boon, (warmntel,) fot , J "., al u. TV'. fittlTH. '