fjlK KKrUIH ICAN. iKlCOIIllUT 6, IKI)". ,,,fBTItlliST. Mount. ZiollT Co tit Pliilifi'l'urg offer to cll Sw-.Jliuliinc-H Ht city jn-icos. Soo their .jclsewlii-rc. jr. Gallngl'or will diripo of h large 0uut of personal property ou tho jiinuiit. Kciid ndvertisomeiit ffi.MKD. Agents in every towu- p jn CIciirfioM county, to Boll tho I'outb'i History of the Grout Civil V I ,r," to whom liberal wages will be ,J. Apply to Wm. II. McCullough, ClcarfieM, Pa. 2t. jIoek Iiailboad. o direct tho r i . ,i . , .lentiou oi uur ruuuurs iu mo pro- cdingSj in nnother column, of a roil- .4 tt..,: i d lUUCblll, OIU Uli XJ-UIIUIIgUUU I n weeks ago, for the purpose of rthering tho pro poets of the Wash ;tn and Lake Erie railroad. . This ,d will be built, because it is dos oitl to beuoine the great through mto from the North and West to the V.tio'nal Capital. Th Rawing of time id money ly this route, in ten years, 11 alone complete the two links that et rt main unQnished. A glance at a up will convince the moBt skeptical f thia fact. The Great .flail MjtUing. 'or the benefit of our readers we iranefor to our columns the schedules all tho mail routes that are now jpen in our county, ana lor wnicn proposals are invited by the Post k&stor General for carrying the mails lor four years, from the 1st of July, 1668. By the schedule of route Ho. 2,428 it would seem as though the line from Sinncmahoning (Pennfield) to Cleurfiuld would bo discontinued PoT Ofhce DirABTniirr, 1 Washington, October SI, 1807. I Prnnosals will be received at the ContrMt Offine o( mil uepenment unni a p. in. oi mnren , icon, for conveying the mull of the United States, from Juiy I, lKo, to Jane 30, 1872, in the Stat, of Pennsylvania, on the routet end by the eebedulc ot departure, and arrivals herein epecined. I Decisions annnanoea ny Marcn si, inne.i 1.17. From Tyrone, bv Poweltoo and Oseeola Milll. to PbiliptburK. 23 6 10 aiilas and bark, daily except Sunder, by railroad, and bj a ached' sis satisfactory to the Department Site. From Tyrone, by (mith's Mills, Tfegarty's X Roads and Wen Hope to Ansonville, 214 miles sad hack, twice a week. Leave Tyrone Monday and Friday at 10 a. m.; arrire at Ansonville by 5 p. m.; leave Ansonville Tuesday and Saturday at 8 a n.; arrive at lyrone by a p. m. 224o. from Bellefonte, ny Mil.sburg, enow ffhoe, Moshann.n and Pine filsn, to Kanbaus, 31 nils and back, three times a week. Leave Belle fonte Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 a. m.; arrive at Kartkanl by 4 p. m. leave Karthaus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 a. m.; ar rirs at Bellefonte bv a p. m. 1U0. From Philipsburg, by Morrisdale, to Ky- lertown, V tcilea and back, three times a week bare Philinabarg Tueeday, Thursday and Pater nay on arrival of the eastern niall aay at . p. m.; smre at ttylennwu ny nun p. m.i leave ivyier town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 0:45 p a.: arrive at rbilintburg ny p. m. 2251. From Philipebnrg, by Weet Poratur and Woodland, la Clearfield, 17 miles and back, six limes a work. Leave Philipiiburg daily, except Sunday, at 19 m.; arrive at Clrarucld by 4 p. m.; leave Clearftuld daily, except Bunday, at 7 a. m.; arrive at Phiiipshurg by 12 m. 2253. From Clearfield, by Curwensville, Forest, Lsthersliurg, Jefferson Line, Keynoldsville, Urook. Tills, Corsica and Strattanvillc, to Clarion. oH mile' and back, six times a week. Leave Clearfield daily, except Sunday, oa arrival of mail from Ty rone say at 7 p. m. arrive at Cnrwensville by :30 p. m. leave Cvjrwonsville daily, except Sun day. at V n. m.i arrive at Clearfield by 10:30 p.m. leave Carwensville daily, exocpt huodny. at 4 a. m.: arrive at Clarion by S p. m. leave Clarion daily steept Pundev, at .:u a. m.i arrive ai i urwens ville bv :.'t0 n. m. 2254 From Clearfield, by Fhawsville, Bald Hill Ieente's Mills, Freucbrille and Karthaus, to Salt Lick, 274 miles and bark, twieo a week.' Leave Clearfield Monday and Friday at 8 a. m.i arrive at bait Lick by 4 p. m. leave Salt Lick Tuesday and Saturday, at a. m.( arrive at Clearfield by 4 p. m. 2244. From Clearfield, by Clearfield Bridfte, to Jeffries, Id miles and back, twioe a week. Leave Clearfield Monday and Friday, at a. in. arrive at Jeffries by 10 a. a.; leave J. ffries Monday and Friday at I p. m. arrive at Clearfield by i p. m. 2250. Prom Curwensville, hy llloomville and New Millport, to Ansonville, 12 miles and back, onee a week. Leave Curwensville Saturday, at ft a. m.i arrire at Ansonville by 12 m.; leave Anson ville Saturday, at 1 p. m.) arrive at Curwensville by 4 p. m. 2257. From Curwensville to Lumber City. 6 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Curwens vills Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at H:l a. ai. arrive at Lumber City by 10:80 a. m.i leave Lumber City Tuesday, Thursday and Haturday, at a. arrire at Curwensville by 8 a. m. 2258. From Lulherrburir, by Troutville, Bijr Bin and Bell's Mills, to I'linxsulawney, 20 miles and berk, twice a week. Leave Luthersliurg T ues dayand Saturday at 4 a. m.; arrive at I'untsn Uwney by 12 m. leave Punxsulawney Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. m. arrive at Lulhersburf by T p. m. 2259. From Ansonville, by Marron and Hurd, to New Washinrton, 13 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Ansonville Tneeday and (Saturday, at 7 a m.i arrive at New Washington by 1 1 a. m.; leave New Washincfon Tuesday and rlatnrda.v, al 1 p. arrive at Ansonville by ip. m. 2260. From Ansonville, by McUarvey's, West over's and Rest Ridre, to Orant, 2H milrs and back, once a week. Leave Ansonville Saturday, at a. ai.; arrive at (Irani hy 3 p. m.; lravr Itialil Fridsv, at B a. m.j arrive at Ansonville by 3 p. m. Ml. From Woodland to Urahamtoa, miles and back, twir-e a week. Leave Woodland Tues day and Saturday, at II a. m.i arrive at Urahara Ua by 12 .; tears Uraliamtoa Tuesdsv and f al avdsy. e I p. W14 arrive at Woodland by 2 p. m 2262. Frosa karthaus, by Salt Lick, TbrcbKuns, (new office,) and Nelsonvtlle' v olfloe,) to Hoand 1'laniL 10 miles an 4 wack, one a week. Ijmts Bait Li;k. 'Aadnesday and Haturday, at a. m.: arrive at Hound Island by 1 1 a. m.i leavo Hound Island Wednesday aad Matnrdey. at 12 m.i arrire at fttlt Lick hy 6 n. m. Proposals invited from Salt Lick to BounJ Island only. S270. From Indiana, hv I'enn Run, Mitchell's Mill, Minta, llrant, Ps'ch'insrille, Buniside, .New WsshiaKtea, Ostend, t'h"st. Bower and (Jrempiaa Hills, to Curwensville, 62 miles and back, twioe a week. Leave Indiana Monday and Thursday, at a. m.s arrire at Curwensville Toesday and Fri day, al 1 1:30 a.m.; leave Curwensville Tuesday aid Friday at I p. m.: arrive at Indiana Wednes day and Saturday bv p. re. 242(1. Prom Ridr'wav, bv Kersey's, Calcd-nia aad Tyler's, to Pennfleid. 27 miles and back, twice s week. Leave Hidnav Tuesday and Saturday, at t a as.: arrive at Pennfield tT P- t-l l Peaafield Monday and Friday at a. ai.i arrive as Kideway by I p. m. ALEX. W. RANDALL. Postmaster Henernl. Mm. LiftooLN onco procured tho arrest and Incarceration,' as a Stoto prisoner, of a person who spoko d's rwpectfully of her. If (he vore the iit of the Govornniont now, and crtj equally vindictive, tho nether garment of evcrv llopnhlican editor in the land would flutter from the ementsof Fort I.afnyctto or the windows of the Old Capilol prison. A dry goods merchant of Mendville has adopted an ingenious method of advertising. He appends to his bills : "Ministers of the Gospel supplied with foods at cost if they mention the fact to tbeir congregations." Letter pat nt b.v been applied for. MISCELLANE0D3 ITEMS. A n 1 llini oil ilor propoaon to "hoard nround" wilh his nun payi rig suhscri Henry St'dlry, one of the editor of the Jiomid T, Jtoiind 1 ublo, w its formerly nn no- tor at Wnlluck i. Sixteen out of the nineteen Con gressionnl districts in Ohio, gavo ma jorities against negro suMrngo. A MnssnchnsulU merchant, who has heard nothing of his son for two yours, has just found him in tho Bing Sing State Prison. A Yntikce line purchased an island in tho Ohio Kiver mid stocked it with black cats, to raise tho animals for tho sako of their fur. i Editors who aro condemned for jour nalistic indiscretions in Hungary, aro not confined with criminals, but are uruisbed with appropriate occupation. J Jefferson Davis, on his return from Richmond to Canada,, spent a few dnys "incog" in Washington and Bal- tiatore, but was called upon by all bis old friends. One of the norrro doWatca to tho Virginia Convention stolo a horse and rodo to tho election in stylo. The Convention will miss him, as ho is now in jail. Brimstone Brownlow's negro Le gislature has pnssed resolutions in structing ttie liumpurs from Tonnos see, to vote for tho impeachment of the i resident. Kenrly all the loading Radical edi tors tako strong grounds against im peachment. They hate the President, but jwttriotism whispers in their cars that it "won't pay." Chase is sharpening a knife for Thad. Stevens' throat, says tho Bos ton Post. Now somo foreign popor will bo writing leaders about Ameri can assassination in high life. Tho bottom of tho Tejincsseo River is said to be "floored with govern ment property, between Kaston and Puducah. A Yankee has undertaken the contract of fishing it np. Marcus D. Holbrook, conductor on one of the pascnger trains on the Northern Central Railroad, has ro siirned to accept a position on the ed- itonal staff ol the Jow uneans rica- yune. Rev. Mr. O'Neill, a colored preach er, has been arrested at Indianapolis for marrying a colored man una a white woman, in violation of the In diana marriage law. We pity tho niggors. Considerable excitement is astir from the fact that both the Now York Central and Pennsylvania Central railroads are to be rival bidders for the Pacific railroad from St. Louis to Kansas City. Frank Ward, a desperate character imprisoned for an attempted outrage on a rospeciaDio gin near ouaron, broke out of the Merccrjuil last week. A reward of two hundred dollars is offered for his arrest. It is said that Mr. Goo. VT. Chihls, the well-to-do publisher of tho Phila delphia Ledger, has offered 81, 250, 000 for tho Now York Herald, and that Bennett is seriously debating the proposul. Dispatches from Romo announce that tho Holy Father, in accordance with the advice of Franeo.Jias ordered tho releaso of all Garihaldians who were taken prisoners by tho Pon tifictal forces during thelate campaign. Tho Spmiruo Manufacturing Com pany are runningtheir millsat Baltic, half time, and on cotton tor which they paid 21 cents a pound, buying it of a party who paid 81 ccntsperpound for it and hold it until within a month for a rise. Gen. Grant's testimony before the impeachment committee, sets hnra on tho loval bummers and their club arrangements. His testimony reveals tho fact that he has prevented the President from making "treason odi ous." Nicolson pavement is being laid down on all tho newly opened streets in Philadelphia and New York. In St. Louis, iron, cohhlo, and granite have been tried, and nearly all the principal streets of that city are now paved with nicolson. A p-entleman who has just returned from Montana with fOO.OHO in gold, nbtnined bv mininir. advises all to stay from that territory, as to balance his good luck there are 10,000 men in Montuna who would be glad to get homo with empty pockets. Andrew Jyhnson has been elected an honorary member of a baso bull club, and is lenrninn to play fust. He put out Stanton nt home bnse Sheri dan and Sickles on a "fly" and "muff ed" several bulls including one from Grant's bat, with great dexterity. "Go in lively, Andy. Tho latest improvement in stock is B now breed of cuts in Vermont, w hich have tails only an inoh long. J ho ad vantages claimed lor such tails are i hut thev cannot ret under a rocking clisir or be stepped upon, and that tho door can bo closed quicker when they go out. "Miles O'Reilly," of the New York Citizen, nominates James T. Brady nf X AW York for Vice President on the ticket with General Grant, and says: "One great advantsgo Rrmly Iih'h is this : his wile can never sell his wardrobo, and threaten unpleasant exposure about her presents because he has no who. A loval exchange ssvs : "An impos ing impenrhment meeting will bo held in Boston this week. Tho first men nf tbs State are entratred in the move inont Tho demonstration will he one rarely equalled in thut city." Not a word ol truth in it, because the news from Washington is that letters are boing received every day by Congress men irotn prominent Republicans all over the country, urging an immedi ate defeat ol the impeachment project. The Clinton Republican (Radical) calls the "election" news from Virgin ia, Alabama, and other Southern States, "tho voice of God." This ts the first intimation we have had that God's ryef were closed op with Rad ical promises of mules and lands to the darkies for their rotes. Tho voire of the people may bo tho voice of God, but the voice of hnmhiiggfld nig- . .1 1 4 j gers rename i wi- ll'Bl field SlarUl ta. Reported weekly for Hie Ciriarii i n Urn an. n by J. P Kasrir.n. Ilesler in Pry Hoods, lro eories, Ppii isimis, it., Market si., I'lesiflcl.l. Ci rAiirii.i.n, PrceiiiWr S, lnr7. Apples, tn-" II fl nil; Hnjs, ilre.ed I'ricd.y" 12! I 1 1 ,.e,, green A l.ull.T, .;,!, 1 llll llsliis.iugnr eureil hiitler 40 hhnuldrr 10 T , fi IS IS III 28 0(1 f0 1 611 I OS IS 4 4" I 6"' S 5 !0 , 6 on 12 Oil 0 00 15 llcnns ll U0(0 2 Uni te win at 1 (HI lluckwheal flour Iti, 4 Heel, dried 2ii lleef, fresh IH.o S Hoards, M lo IU(n20 (10 Kidos t.srd Mess pork,$l hhl... )ls Onions Potatoes I'enelies, dried, !h. Plaster, t bid live Kts, fl It Hull. Vsaek Sninirlus, IS in., M Shingles, 2(1 in Timothy seed ThIIow... Corn, shelled 1 all Corn, ear AS Cora meal, l sack, 1 7.i Chop, ewL S 7S Clorerseed 00 110 Cheese 20 Cherries, lb (in Chickens, drsd, lb, li r:Kl!S Si Flaxseed 2 (Ml Flour 12 Unto 1.1 0 liny Ill) "llf.tilS Oil Wheat 2 l0 Wool 4Ii Wood, y eord 4 11(1 1'ulladclpliia Grocery Market. Pnft.aniii.MHtA, Pooembor 2, 1807. TKAS. Younfc Ilysnn Superior.. .$ S.r)(4,l 16 Kiik. 1 2.W.1. 1 4A Finest 1 &5(ul 76 corrars. Hlo, eorninon 20U'ii 92 Hood 2 (.11 2.;t Prune 24 (10 25 Choice 25t(u 2( .I11va.ol.lgov. A 3?i hniruara 2 It (a, 27 W A t'oiians.. 18 ftnudelionpa 17 Rt'UARS. Crushed 00 fil) 17 Coarsepulv'd 00 (.1, 17 Fine do... 00 tVU 17 A 00 (,11 lot H .'. 00 (u, 1:J Extra C I5K.D 151 C 4 yellow... 121(Vt 14 Hyson Superior.. 1 O.'ifii.l 2i I 311(0,1 60 1 6ifal (IS 1 2(iCi.l 4(1 1 61161,1 S5 1 711(0,1 80 r me Finest Imperial tSoporior.. . Fine Finest flunnowder Huporior...! 2.(l)l 40 Fine 1 SSI I 70 Finest I 7i(J.2 00 Mlsek Huperior... P.rCuil 00 Fine 1 Oadtl 15 Finest 1 211(41 3i Japan Superior... t0((Ll 05 Fiue. 1 Moil 15 Finest 1 20 (a 1 30 HICK. Carolina 10 (a) 11 East India... 8 (i, Oj avnt'i's. Comtnon... Fair.- Hood 45 (lit b ht, 7(U 60 02 72 86 Priino Choice 87 fni H5 Choioentra, 8(ij,105 SJOI.AMNKS. N. 0., choiee,0 OUP.l 15 Porto Hiuo... (7(0, 80 Cuba 65(.u (17 Chment K. Wainwright - - Iiraul H. Waluwrigbt Joseph H.WainwriKlit. WAIN WRIGHT & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA. DEALERS, H. E. Comer Scoond and Arch Btreets, apr 11 I'HILADKLPHIA, Pa, riltKliurif Markets. PlTTHBrna. Noveuibor 30, 1867. KI.Ol K. Davton Bnow Hake, V hue Winter.. (12 50 Bei-ulator. do. do II 50 Jenkins' Lillv Mills, do. do. 1125 Wells Btreet. 10 2a Favorite 10 75 Clark's and Boars' llest 10 25(V 0 50 Cacde,Wiseonsin Stnte t Ilayton V 75(i 10 00 Kve uour.....H 50 fK 75 Candles 15 Corn meal. V bus, 1 JO No. 3 Mackerel, s Buckwheat flour, l oarrel I i on V hundred 0 00 1 Lard, choice.. :Um I.HJ 2 50(d) Io5Tallow ldj Kve 0 ooc.y 1 50 SAioa. Oats, new 05(u TOlSidcs 00(71 no orn, shelled PHnt 1 15 .Shoulders Oiif.n 1 24 Potatoes, e., new. Hams. s. o. Ollfdi 2ti barrel 3 25 Id) 3 40 4 50 2 75 Mess Pork- 22 00 Ilrooms 2 5llfn 3 25 Onions, 1 barrel.. Timothy see J, 2 50 HencdOil....lHi(.i) 40 Cofioe 2.1(3 27 SCGAHR. Clover seeI....O 00 00 00 Fist seed 2 .15 Middlings, 2 50(j! Heans,uavy3 5(iJ llutter, roll.. .32(l Cheese on (In 15lillrnwn (tt) 14 t 75 Kenned, hard 171 A eoflee l'' .15 :i2 4 on TKAS. Kxs. :(. niack ?sra 1 25 Apples, bl. f.l'-i, Urern (Hoi 1 5 Uriod apples. ..-non Dried peHches,l2(ra h'Bvrnps.... 12M..I.sel.. 2 50 1 Hire , ..55(u ..75(14 Salt, y barrel F1.ULK .... PKUVI.SIONS. T. C. JENKINS. COMMISSION' MKRCHAKT, WHoi.rsAt.e erAlss kki'KIVkk or FLOUH, PKOVISIDNS, AMI ALL KINDS OF nr.r i r.u wn.n. Cliraneat Flour House in I'lltsburcli, On hand, relialde and well known brands, tonality of Flour ejnsirsnteed. Inducements to dealers and Prices Current sent every week. CnvraitHKU Fiiot, 27.1 Lurnrv Btskkt, Jn24-ly I'ITTbULKUH. Pa. 0. F. lloon. 1 MSTIfT (Wm. Powoll. (I. L. ltcj. '","lu J J. Jones. 1. F. Weaver, j IW.W.ltctH, HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rilllE proprietors r pectfiilly Inform the eltirens 1 of I CIcarGeld eonntv. that tliey have erdlrely refitted this establishment with the latest improve wnod.workine machinery, and are now prepared to eiecute all orders in their lino of business. Thry will (five especial attention to Ihe manufao turn of material for house buildine;, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, poors, blinds, nn.U Ht.TS v .voi'Lni.rtis, OF ALL STYLES. We always bare on band a large stock of I)HT Lf JI11KK, and will pay cash for all clear Lumber, One-end a half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit eustotners. friers solicited, and t.ntnner furnished on short notion and on reasonable terms. IKHiP. WEAVER A CO. Clearfield, Nov. T. I7. CL E A R F I E L I) MARBLEW0RKS Italian and Vermont Marble finlslieit 1 the highest style of the Art. The subscribers lie leave lo announce lo the elliiens of Clearfield cnuntv. that tliey have opened an eitensive .Marble Vsrdon thrsouth west corner ..i M..kf n,l s',,urth streets, f lenrfield, l'a,, where they are prepared lo mnke Tomb Btones, Mliu nietits. Tombs, bov and sideToniKs, Cradle Tombs, , Pnela. nl es. Bhelves, llraeaeis. eie. .l,rt notice. They alwsvs keen on hsnd Isrse quantity of work fliii-lied, eicepl Ihe letter, ins so that persons can eall and s. leel for tbein i.. .i.l. . I. Thev will also make te r,w nihil- slile of work that may bs desired. and the) Salter themselves thst Ihey can eompete with the manufacturers outsi.le or the county, either In workmanship or price, as Ihey only em- plov the best workmen. .Mr-All innuiriee by lstlev promptly answered. 1 JnllN Ut Lit II. My . 1f7. MKNKV.n.lcil. JIAIlllIiir YAIM) IN I.ltTH F.BIIH. flAIlR subscriber, bavins pnvehased ths mtirs I stoek snd Interest ef Mr. Ushsra. In the Marble Yard In Lathersbura, Uses this ssetbod of inforirins the imb'l' 'h rr'rr"1 ?n ,.T.V M0N1 MF.STS. TOMB HONK MANTI.K& e.. en short notice and reasonshte r.,.,. ..1r!,,;a:Ji;r Lnfhrsbr. Oct. 17. I'eT It 1) LAlkKIl Uum Blankets Oray Illankels and kits lllsnkets at reduced prices, at ,h, KEYSTONE rTOKE. 111 11 Cioorti, C.iprfrlfl tTff. CHEAT EXCITEMENT Oh Skpond ktrkivt. (Yr.ARPiKi.if. NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICEG. X tuition of th I'uktlio fMftiWy to Ihoir iilnilin ftifrimMD( of mwrrhsandina, whinh they aro now lolling AT VERY LOW TRICES. . Tholr ilock oonvliU in part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality. Suet, m Print. I Lainei, A1pm,i. Merino. UlnhttmisMusUniblftkrhed and nnbleaokf td,) Drilling, Ticking!, cotton tod wool Plannel,8atinrtti,Caiiilmerei. Cnttonadei, Ladiei' (SbawLi. Mubiai A Hood. Balmoral and Hoop Skirti, Ae., Abo. a ftna aMortment of Mon'f Drawari and bnirti. ilati A Capi, Booti A snoM. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Quecnsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices, ,' NSUORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of cverylhirg dm tally kept in a retail itor, all CHEAP FOR CASH or approrad eonntrjr pro dueo. 1 A. K. WRIGHT a SONS. Clf-arfield, Not. 7, 1M7. wm i. Hurras 64 . HRRTLIIR. H0FFER & HERTLEIN. liartliaiiH Auako. Sew and Cbeap (iuuda at Your Hume. rTMIE ehiseai rt Karthatu and vicinity are 1 hereby ntifle l that we hare now opened a tore in K A KTI1 A t'K, where we have everything generally kept in a oountry ftore. inclulinj FLO UK AND FEED. Which we will sell low for oash or In .lobance for LUMBEH. ADVANCES OF GOODS, FEED, ere., mads nn account of SQCARB TIMBER, which ws will sithsr soil oa eommtssion, or buy at filed rales. COFNTRY PRODUCE lakes at ths llfhest market pries for goods. Karthaus, Oct Si, 1867-Jm.pd son i:t ii lu i: v i New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST A- SOS "TOULD respectfully inform tbs public that M they have lust opened, in MADKltA, Clearfield eountv, Fa., am entire nsw stoek of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which the are prepared to sell as ehsap as ths ebespest. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of tlie Ik'ft Quality ffuch as AJpsecss, Delan.s, Prints, Muslins, Casslmsres, Satinets, snd Flannels. Keiuly - Made Clothing, Of the best quality, such ss Coats, Pants, Vasts, Overcoats, Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ac Hoots, Shoes mid Ouitcru, Also ol ths very best Quality. A complete ntock of Groceries, In short ererrlhlnf niually kept la a country store. Consumers, Look to Your Interests Csll ani riamlne our stock and priori before purchasing elsewhere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kinds taken In eicbenge for goods, rt-Remsmbsr lbs placs, Madera, Clearleld eonnty, Psnn'a. J. FORREST EON. October SI, ICS? If. pEW STOKE ANI) EW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON lI"o jtist opcnml a Kiw Store, on Main St., CLtiiriii.D, fa. latelf occupifJ hj Wm. F. IRWIN. Their stork consists of nioriou of the best quality. Quf.enswake, Hoots nntl SIlOCS, and every nrlicle Dcrcssarr for one', oonifurt. Call and examine our stock before jur cliasinK elssnliore. May 9. lfWi-tf. This Way, Cenllemen I svar i an aiaaisa tna Flour, Feed, Groceries and Provisions In ths brickbu'lding know, as ths "Cerlisls property" la rniLirsnuitfi. va. rContldent of giving satlsfsctioti to our eustimere, ws, therefore, respectfully solicit llbsral share of patronage. JOHN P. MACLAT CO. Phlllpsburg, October 10, IRn7-m. SOMETHING NEWI FLOUR AND FEED STORE WOULD announce to the cititens of Clenrfiel and the surrounding country ttist 1 sued a KLOI'H AN U IKKIs hTORK on ' B:co.rn srnr.iT, Opposite the Fording, where I Intend to k oonstantlr on hmid a full assortment of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chp, Oats, Corn And all kinds of Feed, which I will rrtail cbcal forea-h. or in elchsncr for r'HINllLKS. LI'MUKKMEN will eonnlt their Interest giving me a oell hcl. re mi-j go e'si-.iirn- pur chase their aupplics, as my arrangements are perfect, and am able In buy eicrytlutig in ny line at Ihe lowest nwk-l pri-e. u:amf.h rnMxM. n.-srflcM. July 11, I f7. C1nal, Whale and Linseed Oils, Family Py, J vavnlshes snJ Its of all kinds ground in oil For sals " -S Rl H I'.H 1 1 ." lo I e bad at MERribb II o 'ttlriflctnt JTnilor. SOMETHING NEW IN SHAW'S ROW. i n k a KTtii ;inoN. TIorcliiiii( Titllor, Market Hfrrrt, ( Irarlli'ld, l'a., rAVINll i.penad their a.w stbllkmrnt la Bliaw's Huw, em d.ior east of ths post odiee, d bsvinic iiisl relurned from the eastern cities ilk a large aesortuienl of Cloths, CiiKsiuicres, Vesting, lleavrrs, and all kinds of floods for n.en and hoys' wesr, are nnw prepared lo make np lo ordor CLOTHING, frmu a single article toafull uil, in tho latest styles and most wnrkrasnliks manner, rpeeial attention etven to custom irk and cutting-out for men and boys. We fftir frreat hareains to customers, and wsrrant entlie satisfaction. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Call snd see our foods. m. a. rrtAMv. octlT-lf K:13 E. K. L. BTOUOnTON. JI. KRI1K E, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Htor one door tint of Clt'nrfit'M lloufc,) Market hirer.. (ear(ield, ' PR PS nn htkiKs si full aMnrtmnti nf flntita jV FurnlibinfC Uoodi, lucb ki hhirtr., Linon tl noulen lloderphirt, Irwrt and ck. efk tten. Pocket Hindkrchi-fn, Ul0Tt, Hutu, in bra 1 1 m, An., in great T&rietjr. Of i'ivoo Uoodi b ketps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," uch an IMark lonkin of the Terj beit make; "utH'T ChmsIuioic, id crext vnriftt, also, FrDch CoRtiog, Heaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Krirott overcoaiing. All oT which will be iold obeaf for Canh, and made up according to the latent staler by experienced workmen. AUu, Afrent tor Cloarneld eonnty Tor I. M. itiRflr A Co'i. celebrated Pewinjr Mnchlne. L.tTEST STWLKH run Juit roocived at the fitore of Hits. II. D. WELSH 4 Co., Dual en in 'ANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, TOYS, and MUSICAL LXSTIl UMEXTS. ilk and velvet BONNETS made for. tl 00 .Straw BONNETrJ made for.. 74 All kinds of HATS lor AO Materials furnished on as reasonable terms as they ean be had in ths eounty. Next door to First National Bank, novf-tf Pa. AT JOHN FAEZIEA'S Old Established v r e if iur JiaDUiaciory, Mi. 71e Altt II Ml., atiof .1. HI. .I..I. 1. lit i 'W t ' W f fl i' Vc Ilrtrr now in mr t 1 T(v 'i t mT own Imputation flint JT "? Mann fart nre, one of lb f j'" iarjrfiit arid limit h?utittil " ' " . -if-r Letlicp and 'hildr.n --lJ-3" " wrr in the citv. Alt, a fine amrtmtit of Omt'i r'ur ttlovce and Collar. I am cnaltlrd to dinioae of mr rHli at rcrr if a winalilo rriof and I wouM thenfore elieit a 11 from uiv friend f (Mi-arfirld ronntr and vicinity. KfiuomiTr the natno, number anfl Mrwt. JOHN FAKKIHA. No. Tlfi An b P tree I, al'ove 7th, praU Fide, ocUl-4tn Pbiltdrlpbia, l'a. ' DRESS-MAKING. SPKC 'MI. rVOTICF PAHISTAJJ PTESS AM) CLOAK MAKING. een bare tiieir Urc-fpn, Hultji, CnitP, and Benqntnef hand enmrlr aside and trimtaed, at the pb orient no lice, at the old eUblihed etaad, Jil Cbeilnul ptreot, rhiiaJelphia. I-anrT anI tUtn ran-, MnntiHa I'mimenU, Drepa and Cloak Bultoo. Hit.boni, Ciuny and Guipure Leret, Bugle and (.imp Dreup Trim mtnre, with a larfce vartrtr or Mb pie and rmicy Om.di.from IS to 60 per tint, lepp thus elfewhere AUo, rrreirinfr daiW, Taria latliinni io thmt pppor. for Ladie and Children ' iOrenpra. bttj of Fetterne for merrhtntp and ilr mnVere now reedr. at Mn. M. A. LIM'KK'8, jv4 It I0R1 Cbeptnut it., rbiladel hta. (T-duratiottnl. Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A M.. Principal riinE SEC05D FKSSIONof thspreesnl seh I lastlo vearof this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the Id dsv of Doeemher, 1W Pupils ean enter at any tisj e. 1 ney win ne oharged with tuition from Ih. tint, they enter to the close of the Neesl-n. The course of Instruction embreeee every thing included In a thorough, practical and seeom nlished education for both sexes. The Principal, baving nea tns aavsntage 01 eh amerionca in his profession, assures pa rents aad guard ans Dial kis en lire ability and energiee will ha devoted to Ihe moral and men tal training cf the youth plsccd under bis charg s. TTHWI tK Tl I I IttTI. Orthogrsphy, Beading, Writing, and Primary Aiitbmelie, per Session ( II woeas) - i n Grammar, lieography, Arithmetic, and History M Algehrs, Oeornetry, Trigonometry, Men suration, riirrveyiag, 1'nito.opny, rnysi ology. Chemistry, Book Keeping, Uolauy and Physical Uengrnphy - . $ 00 Latin, Ureek and French, with any of the nlmve Tranches . - - - HI 00 ayNo drdurtion will bs mad. for absence. X-t'tr further particulars inquire of Rev. P. 1,. IIAKR180N, A. M.f Clearfield, July Ji, I W If. Principal. LOGAN ACADEMY. A First-CLus High School for Boys. ITS location Is heallhfnl, minanlie and conve nient j seven miles east ol AHoona, nn the I'ennsrlvania Central Itailroad. The neat term begins November 4, l", Applv to K. 11. I I l.TON, Principal. I g Aulistown P. O., I'.lair t o. Pa. LIVERY STABLE. T1IK undersigned beg. Vra-to inform the pub lie that he is now fullv prepared to eceouiino dsle all in the way of furnishing Horses, Hughes, Saddles snd Harness, on the shortest notice and on rcasonsble term. Rcidcnoeon Locust street, between Third and Foii"b. KO. W. GKARHART. lenrfield. April II, 1"7. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE nndersigned. baving established a Nur sery oa the 'Pike, about half way between r.ieerfifld and Curwensville. is prepared to fur nish all kinds of FKl IT TRKKM, (standard snd dwarf,) Kvergreens, t-hrul.bery, Hrep. Vines, Gooseberries, l.swlon ltiarkhcrry, rlrawborry, and Kasberry Vines. A Iso. Siberian "ral Trees, guincs. and early sestlel hhnbarb, A.. promptlr attended ta. Address, I. WRIGHT. Cnrwensville, Pa eepao A.S y School Books. ritllR nndersir-'ed have, been appointed (i-nernl 1 Aircnts. by ihe ri p-tive Patilisliere, fr the tele sod distribution f the series of S!l'lll"L Ilunhf lately aloptel by the liireelors' Conven tion for this county, and keep eonstsntiy on hand a fnll supply, .1 the iiitriMlnctnry price.; als.. such others s. may be wai.l-l. al the lowest rale.. HAHT'WHK 1H IS. Clearfield. Nov. T. lM.7-lrn Aim.i' vvn i Muffs. Collars, Vlelnrlnes, and Herthee. A nns assortment, ).st received at ths Km STUNK FfOKK. RPI.T Oil ( I OTIIMI A snpplv, In lal. styles, last rwselied snd for al w low ngwres. at Ike ff l rT" R :lir,i;. Clotliiitri. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. MMIK tlm on nr fcprd; f 4 Iik in knew X It" "Tf tour doliirt i Tit Kxjr to do il I lll nS.iw, It you will t4 bit Mlowi. A main . tivt'tl nrt ft fr- m hnr; M hn fi.rkil hard l hi irtxio, I t br h(afh II to mppnrl 'I lint ni irtlorcr nil ht iit. I mrt him onr. Ht t, ' My !. 1, I lotik thrpufi ht-nr ni rgh j I've tried to )(et tn jr If fait. But citt't urt up rnoug h.' f-iyn I, my Tr)nA, how mu--h hT jm t I'll toll .roil whr to gn To ((ft i putt that'p pnittid unt ebfs.p I To KKIZKNSTKIN k Co. n (oolr what li'tlo be bud sare-i. And went to Kt-lir nlin i Br nth en. And there hi tt a bandiuin auit, For half be aid to others. Now be 1 home, be i(oki ao wollr And their tfle?t ti nch, That when they taha their dally meal, Tli ? 7 don't eat bitf u mab. And now h Bndi nn Haturdny night, With ell tbeir want -applied, That be baa iaontY left to 0d, And roe to ny aaido. IH icood iurei, with cheerful itnile, He rtdiT told to all. If jott'd rave wioaey, gt and bay Vour clothee at ItKIZKNSTEIN'8 CLOTIUXfl HALL. Where the ebenpefit, flcent and bent Clothing and good FumitbinR Ooodi ean be had to euit every Uuie and in ever ityle aprU. 67 THE LATEST OUT I MONEY PAVED 13 M0XET MADE? ")R WISH! If yon wish to purchase CL0TI1- J ing, HATS a CAf or Faruiabing Uooda GO TO C. II. JIOOIIE'S New and (heap Clsthine 'tors, where will be foand eonstsntiy nn band a larse aod well se lected assortment of Pine Black Cassiinera suits, and drabs, brown, light, and in faot ALL KINDS OF CLOTIIIXG Adapted to all eeaaone of the year) aleo, Shlrta. Drawer., Collar., and a lerjre and well peleeted apRorticent of fine HATS and CAI'H, of the very lateat itylea ; and in fact every thin (f that oao be called fur to bli line, will be luruiabed at the very lowePt oitj prioee, at they bare been purr baaed at tha loweat poaaible fig urea, and will be aold in the lame way by C. 11, MUijKfc, In tit Poat Office Buildtng, Philipiburg, Pa. NEWS. Dalle and Weekly nepers, Maraslnes; also, lsrge assortment of the latest and best Novels, ,ks Books, ere,, constantly on band et C. H. MOOKK'8, In ths Post Office Building, ajrll ly Philipsbarg, Ps. 5mg itorrs. NEW ARRANGEMENT. W. M. & A. I. ISIIAW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite ths Court Hens.,) CM.AR ! I i:LO, I'enu'i. nUK subscribars having entered Into partr.r. I shin In tb. Drug business, and purchased the entire Interest of Mr. C V. Watson, won Id resnielfullv inform the eiti&ons of Clearfield eountr, that Ihey are now prepared to furnish Plf-LOS, 1'ATENT MED1CIXKS Dye tsUilTa, Tobacco, Ciaara, Conferttoneriee PutioBory, ie. rilYSIClASS Will And oar stack of Drugs FULL and COM PLETK, and at a very slight advance an Easurs prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teacher and where will be ftirtiUbed wttb olapfical and iniacellaneoai booka by eipreaa, at abrt notice. STATIOXERY, Consisting or Cap. Flat Cap. Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed N"te Papers i also, a very neat auck of Moarulng Nuts Paier and envelopes on band. Pens. I'snciis, lnx, se. JIOUSEKEEPERS Will tlnd a full stock of PURR HPICES, SODA SODA ArtH, Concentrated LVK. SOAP, o. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN' Are requested toeiamlne our stock of Perfumery, Hair nils Fin. '1'oil.t boa pi, Brushes, Combs, Toils! Metts, An, Ac '.SMOKERS AND (.'HEWERS Will ted a full supply of prims Chewing and Smoking TOIIM'i'O, Imported and Doeieiue CI'lAllj, bnuff, Fins-Cnt. Ac, so. CARBON' OJL, Of tbe boat brand, alwaya on hand. LIQUORS. The best qoalltj of Liquors always on band, for medical purposes. rv-rhjeiciane' Prescriptions promptl. and carefully eempounded. Hept. 12, 1(I7. W.M. A A.LBHAW. .f .reir rn.v. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ItrtigglKtu, Vlrartlctd, l'a. niVIXQ refilled and removed t tb. room Utile aecuuied bv Richard Moaaon, low oiler, low fi cash, a well selected assortmsnt of DRUGS AN'D CHEMICALS. Also, rati t.1 '.d iilias ef all I ids, Oils. Cla Putty, Py. Stoffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AXD PF.GARS, ConfeetUnery, Ppiees, and the largest 'stock of vsrieties ver offered In this place, and warrant ed Ui b. of tbe the Market afTonls J. O. HARTSWICK, Dc. 11, IMS. JOHN IHW1N. DRl dS ! DRKiS! DRKiS! JOSEPH R. IRWIN, On Main St., ons door west of Jlirpl. A Fansfs Btore, CtKWESSVILLK, TA, lTas new on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye' Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Truasea, Mioiilder-Ilrarfa, I'.laatlc Clock- tnira and supporters, Cilasia, Putty, Perfumery, Toll.t floods, ronfectioneries. 5ples Canned Fruit, Tobaeeo, t-igare. Moaaa, gtationery, Pencils, Pens. Ink, and a general varietj of Netions. nt. eiebraewa all articles seeded In eommnniiv. Is entirely new, aad af tha best .ed will be s Id at reasonable pri Call and eiamln. the goods ; they cannot fal ta please. dec! tf PURTAVLE STEAM SAW MILL 70 7? SALE! r ft will Mil. St a lew (Spire, on" Handy twelitv-five hnr-,er P' 'liTA IU.K KN UINK, and b'.avv d .uWe A Mil. I., thirty feet oarriaire, (ifly-sn inch siw. steam guaje and whiitflis with all tbe neccsry arraopcincnt" for shinck- and lath Willi, capable l ewtting nne thon aand por bnuri baa been mn only sl'Ot eight month.: is in g'""d sr.ler. For 'uitlur informa tion, allies w. o. vmch a sun, tiovl .tin.-pd l-beTisbiirg., Camblis I o fl. Grape Vines for Sale. A1 1.1. the lea-line, vantiee of f rat (lust ily. (iiNI'dllli CI lllMlii, fl nn per hundred. Orders solicited as W'on as eoereno ut, and filled is rotation, bv A. M. Ii ILLS. C'eartlcVI, Pa Anrnst f. ''- Inaa' HI. Isotnlsif-n. llubbell's, Vrskc's Hof. land's Herman, lleelettar's and Greene's llivc.nated Bitters, alsn para Liquors, nf kind, for rrerlleinel nnrposes. foe sale bv n. i A1M" PUtCKA, Kennedv's Medics Liver Oil, Jane's snd Aver's medicines of every kind, for ssle by II ABTHW IfK A IBWIK frtiea. and sbdoaalnal sapnwrtrs af every ( X kind ef ths latest Improvements, f"r ..le si .r lirng lor. ot huh I sn ii a I is 1 1... Vooti and h9(i. '! ) n;vu; iKMLAiunf. THE WAR OVKR llf CLKARHSLD. KNtlX TOWNSHIP VUIKl', Setrlif till the C:ntraiinn1 oi't to their old miif.terA ; but 'luu il line, g.nuij to old Mnxitcliusetlt, fiiy livre lured u lung and to ull. , IN consequence of Ihe shoes feels. T. EtlllRT, of ihe old "Short hho. Rhon," woaU an nounce lo bis namcrous patrons, and the pewrS of Clearfield eounty al Uisje, that he has nova first rate lotof pood nintrrial, Ju-t received from' the East, and i prepared nn snort notice to tnak. and aarnd Hoots and Shoes, at wis nsw shop 1st tlraham'a row, lie is satisfied that hs ean pleas, all, ( n'llers It lalithl be some intensely loyal stay, et-hotne patriots.) He is prepared to sell low for Cash or Coantry Produee. leon't forget the Khop nest dour to fltiowere A Urabam's ssore, on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and kept by a fellow commonly called j,J,7y "SHOBTY." Eeady for tho Winter Cmpaign. DAXIEL COXXELLT, Boet and Shoe Manufacturer, nAH Jtut reeeived a flue lot of French CAT.? HklNS, and ii now prepared to manufao lure vry tiling in bif line at ttie lowest fifruree. He will warrant hip work to He aa repreicniea. He reipeetlully aoliciti a rail, at nil abop oa Market atreet, aoennd door woatof the where he will do all ia hit power to render eatie- rartion. Bume fine Gaiter to pa on hand. mV,'87-y DANIKL CDNNKLLT. 1.EW B(M)T AM) SHOE SUOP. . EDWARD MACK, On Mark.t street, cpposlt. ths "Eepub'.loan" I OfRo.. THE proprietor has entered Into ths BOOT A bllOK business at th. abov. staad, and is dstartnin.d not to be ontdoo. cither in qual. ity or prioe for his work. Special attention will be paid to manufacturing sewed work. He has on hand a lare-s lot of Freaeh Kip and Calf Skins, of ths very beet quality. The cltl- sens ef Clearfiold and vicinity are respectfully invited to give him a trial. No charge for calls. nov7, 'tin-tt A rBOCLASATIOX. Q0ISG ITAL05S!I No body Prohibited from Buying my Hoots and bnocs on account of Jiace or Color. T) EIN0 thus liberal minded. I take this method 3 i of Informing ths eitisenl nf Clearleld snd vicinity that I bav. open.d a shop on necond St nest door to tbs County aealionol Bank, over Watson's Drug Store, where I am prepared t. mak. to order everything in the Boot and Show line, out of th. best matsria) and is ths snost workmsnliks manner, and on shurtnotie.. All 1 ask is atrial. Dons at Clearfield, this lSib day af July, IMS. UARBY KOSS. MW BOOT AD SHOE SHOP, rpBR iubarihr baring lately atarted anew X Boot ana (Shoe chop In CurwenarilJe. oa Maia atreet. enpoatte Joaeph H. Irwin'e Dnti etore, refpecttullj announcea to the public that be la prf pared to manufacture all atylea of fioota and tSboe a, aod ever.Ttbfna; ia bit line, oa efaorW not toe. lie alee keeps oa band a good aaeorv ment of raadj-made work, which be will aell cheap for caah or enantry pro'tucf. C117-U l:iJ XitsMlH J. KUPB. . Iiotflu. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CorweuaTlllo, Clearfield coantj. Pa- fpHIS oU aad well oatabllabed Hotel, bewail E lull aitnated oa tbe baaka of tbe tSuaqae banna. Id the boroagb of Curwemrille, baa beaa leaded for a tena of yeara by the anderaia;aed It baa beea entirely refitted, and la now opea to - the politic generally and tbe travelling e omnia oity ia pardrnlar. No paint will be epared to reodnr gneat oemfortable while tarrying at tbia buae. Ample Stabling roo.a fur the accommo dation oftrama. Cbaxgoi nudfrtte. dot 21 tf WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLEARFIELD. PA. fpOB aubiwriber kaviog leaaed for a term of X yart tbia well-known Hotel, (kept for many years by Mr. Lanirh.) fDd re fitted and refnr flinhed It shrongboat. Is sow prepared to eater- ' tain travelers and tbe publie generally apea terms it ia hoped alike agreeable to both patrons and proprietor. Ilia TABLE aad BAR will be en lied with the beat tbe market affords and ne paint will be spared oa his part to add be tbe ennrcoirnre and eomfort of hie gaeata. A Livery stable Is also aturhed te tbe cs- tabllahment, Uoraea. Buggies, et.t furniabed on abort aotica, ar peraoaa ukea to anr point deaired, JAilKS A STINK. iel3 Proprietor. TH E EAGLE HOTEL. CURWENSVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. THE undersigned of th. sbov. faol.1, wishes to give nolle, te Lb. eititens of this sonntv, as well as te tbe trav eling publie, that th. bones has been ret tied and refurnished for th. .ntertaiam.nt of his guests. His table will b. furnished with everything tb. aaark.t affords. Good stabling attacbsd, and ' one but cartful hostlers smploved. oct54 tf JAMKS McDivrrr. I RON CITY HOTEL. nARUlFBlRO, TA., (Railroad street, one square aliova the Depot.) fphe subscriber reepeclfully Invite, th. publie X and traveling community U givs him a sail. Lumbermen are particularly Inriled. French, German and English spoksn In tbe bonse. Charg. es moderate. Apr, IS tf. J. M. WKAVKR. RAILROAD HOUSE. WAl?f STRF.ET, PHILIPIBtRO, PA. TUB nndersigned keep, constantly wa hand tha beet of Liquors. Ills table is always supplied wltb tbs best ths market affords. Ths traveling public will do well to give him a eelt. not I, Si. KOEKRT LL0YU. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. COXF.STOWN, PAI'PIIIS CO., PA. ' TI1E wndarsigned Ukea this method c la forming tha WaUrmea of Clearfield eounty. thst he has refitted aad re-op eord the hotel for. ' merly kept by K. Fh-eicer, at Coiestown, when he .ill tak. special pains tn render setisfaetinsi to all wh. favor him with patroaagw. U. hss blown all th. rocks nnt ui ths river and planted snubbing posts for naif a mils above his place. fehHt,'7 OEORUK FALK. THE Afv1ERICANHOTEL. Ll'MUF.B CUT, CLEARriEU) CO., PA. 'pilF undersigned having leased aad refitted J. Ihis well knows stand, takes this method of bringing his esaMI-hinrnt before thepohlle. His Table and liar will be supplied with Ibe h"t tb. market affords. A liberal share of pohlte pat. ronage 1. therefor, respeetfullv .oliolted. Jai.24 ly.pd JA.MKS U CIBRI. mo u ntJrno rJHOUS E. l.UMHFR C1TT, CLtABrlT.LD CO , PA. ITMTK andTsitned heMng pnrcbssed this Ttotr', all takes this opportunity of tnlorming Ibe pub he in sieneraL and traverers ia psrtienlar. that has taken great pains ia refni-ni-bing and rearms it with special reference to Ibe aoconjino lation and enmrort of sll who niay okoose lo gir. him a call. Llgl 'iKS of the best nneMty will be kept at Ci. Par. and tha wants of bis patrons will be attrndi 1 te wilh pleasure snJ promplwrsa. Ample frT.t DI IM' SI's-iid Hs'svo. u Jtvr; AT;T7:rF.,