THE- REPUBLICAN. M . I 1 l li H it Till R-lA Novfiul'cr Mi7. RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY. Faith A inner'a dimple trnt in the Saviour. ... A justified man, no doubt, will alwava be lioly man. Troe belirvii.g will alway be accom pitnicd by oitly living. Hut that vvliirh gives a man an Interest in Cliriat it not bia living but bis faith. Believino. Believinjr is neither more nor lev thun heart looking. Whosoever looked at the braien ter pent was mado well, howiver teeble hi look. JiibI eo, whosoever )ok at Jesus by fuilli in pardoned, howev er great his sins mny have been, and however leeble bis laith. .Christ Crcci pied. The .thing which we should specially see in Christ crucinVd is our ain -(aid upon him, and him counted as a sinner, and punished an a sinner, for oor redemp tion. In fuel, we see on the crona our sins punished, crucified, borne and carried by our Redeemer. Hiart Religion. Religion is, in an eminent degree, the science of the heart, and he who does not receive it in his heart, studies it to very little puriiO. Every Christian ounlit. therefore, to study with the heart as well as with the lieac' ; letting light and beat increase with equal progression, aud mutually a&isteacb other. Truth. In order that all men may be laughtto speak the truth, ltisneeea fuiry that HI likewise should learn to hear it ; for no species or falsehood is more frequent than flattery, to which the oowurd is betraved hv fear, and the dependent bv interest Thiwe who are neither timorous nor servile, are yel deairous to bestow pleasure-; and while yet unjust de mands for praise continue to be made, titer will always be some whom bope, iear or kindueb will dispose to pay them. Tm Uki sid Trowel. $me rears ago I bad occasion to send a parcel to an honest, hard-working mason and bricklayer who lived in the conn- try. It ntained, besides sundry little anicles for his wife and chil dren, a trowel made for his own use, made in a superior way, with a ma hogany handle, and often did I fancy that I saw Lira hard at work with the trowel in his hand. . It happened thai last summer, be ing n the neighborhood, i called at the cottage ot the honest bricklayer, when, to my tarpriae, I saw the trow el which I had sent him exhibited over the chimney piece as incuriosity. It bad been considered too good fur nse, and consequently bad never been of tbe alightewt use 10 the owner. Kow, If you are using your Bible at the honest bricklayer used bis mabog-any-bandled mrwel. the pf" yon say about its being your Bible the better. AMCsrvtxTs None can pretend to say iiow for yon may intermit wilh wordly company, and get no ftflfn or soli. Situation, circumstan ces, Ac, must all be taken into Consideration. But this may be said, thai he only mixes with the world with safety, who does it not from in clination but necessity. As In amuse &ienta,nd what are called (vain) rec reations, a ready awakened Christian will find neither taste or leisure for them. Religion furnishes the mind with objects sufficient to til? up everv Tauaaoy. 5'nt a njsma them, I would have you mark carefully ev erything tbat disposes or indisKses the mind to holy pnrsuits. Pet-tuna,' of tender health are very careful to avoid whatever is liunlul, such as damps, infections rooms, blighting wimis. They attend to the injunc tions of their friend, Ac. If people were but as careful about Uteir spirit-! nal health as they are of their bodily ' health, wo should see much, taller and stronger Christians. This perogntive of divine life, then, is not a TMTogstive of those who are tiighly endowed. It is the resnlt of child like ne We do not cone lo the knowledge of God so much by in trospection sr inspection. We do not reason oar way out toward it. Tke n,iniv Ir, A i mmI k. L. ..1. io a knowledge of 'God ia love, and that ia cotilurrvd without Pcard to I teanilia 11a vlin L-nra-. 1. n w .M I I f i.w n.iv'-.D lll'l, ,F HFVC God, and Onisi whom he Rent lo a.-rve liim in tha world, knowi bow to tprn his onl to all tti'we itiflucnpon by whk-li God rcrrfate tho aiml, and biinp it into loliowt-hip and lili-iM-ea withLimsclf. The lniiest intel led tin I fiircw cannot bring one near to God. Jt is tbe heart that brinj a oonr to God. The heart niy af terward oearoh for the renoon why it hn done it ; hut the process itseli is an enmtive one. "Bie-tnad are the pure in heart, f,.p tlii-y blmll ie God " Tuwaid the world, men must po head Crt, and anapect and wic!i their aeekiiitfo.. Toward God. men mnl f.l '- . ... . 'V aiuari arm, una me bead m ual com afterward as ervant. To thiwa who buwe a liU in God. Wh abije in Chrit as , branch in a f'ne. there ia piren tlii int-tiiratioi, c.r the Spirit of (1,ri-t ,r the Holy Gho.-t. Jo them tliero ara ftourrnn ot IrenirtB and enjovmoiit thHt dfV cir- rnmstanten. And the world U lull of iinracordtfd litrooa of nion that ait in darknmta, men thut lie in ickni, men that are ea"t inio ,rion, nier. whoe tiameaare hliif ketied and made li by. word and hiwir. ol their lel loTnen, meo. all tf whoa onro,., of emovmenl are ti averted the world i full of tath men who are mMd and twaoeluL Tbey i..ja n God. Tbnu,;h the enrih ahuuld no nhnken, and the rnr.iiiiluina should be cal into the ae, tbouirh tbe foundation of ihinire bouid be removea, they would ret rvjoi.0 in the l.ord their God. T'lin inlertonre t( the aonl. thi intimate depenji nee, ' thia ii.heri:i(r ol the PfMriKrf God with our "nirit, brinir poiaee when the elements of ouiwurd In are at war a ilh us. As C'hrv in the ahip was the pure Caimirtir of the torm, what time bs should awake nd siMak, so Utey that bare hiia hiding in them tarry pear with tbem, no inRttEr what Hurra mar a we.p oTer lUcm. ttn and f - dtoi hT tbeir rrofrsslona & Vatnrs farj. FRANK BARRETT, Al U'KNrY AT LAW, ricerrlcld. Ta. 0A rWond airert, wuh Welter Barrett, (m. (M.W, j, is;. ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN KY AT LAW, firnl Fa. TOlm Is tke Court H,m. - tJjll.'f'i JOHN H. FULFORD," ATIVHNEY AT LAW, Clearftold, Pa. Ofiee with I. B. MciaallT, Kea , artr Plret Ka tioaal Mack. dr-Promot Ulrnioi ffiren eeenrlna of Bonnie, llama Ae-, eat i all regal aann.u. March 18, laof la. WALTER BARRETT, ATTllKX EY AT LAW. 0ee ai Beooad PL, Clearfield, Pa. norlI, Wm. A. Wallace, Wai. D. Rirler. J. Blake WeJtere. . frank Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER At FIELDING, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, ClearSold. Pa. dr-Local bo.iaees of all kiadt promptly aad accurately aiteaded to. ' Iraala-j THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0oe adjoining tba Baak. foraerlr occupied by . U. Jarheell-. Beeowa au. Clearfield. a4T-VTll a.ueod promptly to collection!, rale of land., Ac. ' Ire 1 7 8: JOHN L. CUTTLE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW Ado Real liatale Ageut, Clearfield, Pa OKce o Market ttreet. nppcaito tke Jail. aWKeepcelranj altera bit terrteei In tellinc and but tap; taadff In Cleurfield and adjoining eAwntlea ; and with aa olpenenee of orec I weal yeara u a tarrrynt, laltara bmaelf thai ke caa raadar aauefactioa.. frhts.'U ll WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , CtcarOelA. Pa. 018 ea aa Harkel etraai oaa donr aaal of tba Clear. Seld raewr Bask al JukB H. Una. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS 4. ALEXANDER, ATTiH NEYS AT LA VT. Wrllefwle. Pa. err I j.-sj.y F. B. REED, M. D., PHTSTCUN AND tSCRE4iff. parUmHg its prod to tbt !! rridBcc f r., fff-n bf f rt to,!. Mrvirvt to Ik npl f tbt irrBd;iif eovatry. jyll.T? DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Sarreua eftks SS4 Hej at rat, peacajiTaaia Vi.laaieera. fcaria( ralarord froa, Ike Araia. anera hi prufeeauoial aarviaaa la Ua eitfleae af ( Ira-oeid eevvj'y. Prulvtiiuaal ealla proBptly alUa led to Oflloa na Bacoad etroal, funaerlj ocrapird W, lr. Wwde. apr4 t II DR. A. M. HILLS, , 4gaSS . - 1ENT1ST. CH5i.tlf 0Kc enrnor af Promt aad Market itra,. yjipatiu the "Ceaarkald Hoaae," Ctaartrld. fena'a. af.'ST-y. J. BLAKE WALTERS, 5CKIVLXER AN 0 O'NVEYaSv-EK. Afaal fur tit Poicka avid gala af La a da. rioaj-Acld. Pa. jSap-Pmaipt auealioa fm to at karloeee coaiaeMad witk tba ao.aiy oSleaa. Ofioa with Ha- Wej A. Walhioa. f iaal.'SI-II LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Fur Lavmaira towaehip, riearfeld P. O , riearteU t'a Pa Vjal.aotlaai aad rasltuaoea r,.aPtl LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Tbe ndrreijrr.ed baricf pioculid a Itrasfc, will alteod to oalliag aale ia aar part of tk erouoly. Cbarree eandrraTe. Addrt-ea, aertll-tla. X. L. hoBlNM. 4'loarield, Pa. MA J. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Oattad P. O rirarflrld Cev, Pa. dr-'iU attead proeaptl eallia( Tea dnea, falaa of Real Eefala, Ac. aueken la tbe oiMtaty. Term, ej,derato bell tp , Jaae J, isiij y pi. REIZENSTEIN BROS.. Maaalaclarara of aad Wkoleaala ttralare la MEN AND BOYS' tLOTHIXG, 41 Market ek 4 IB Merrhaat Klrret, aarS7 PHII.AIIELPHIA. Pa. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEKCUANT. Frrnrkt llle, Irarftrld Coajnty, ra. hrcpe ponrlamlT oa band a fall aaenrtaintt of Iry Hardware, l.ropprm. aad ererrthini auallr krpt in a retail rtora, h. k will be n.ld. for cakh. ae rhrap ae elwh-rc in the ooabty. Frr-ncbville, Jane JT. lrtT-ly. STKETCH, BEXXETT & Co., (btMTMMra to Tvier X. H rig bt A Co, DRUGS ASD MEDICINES, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. J'.ll:ilr!!!J'lJ!,l"'," - MOSHANNON LAND 6l LUMBER CO., OSll oLA M k AM MILLS, li'r Arrrare LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS H. H. PHll.l.IXGFORD, Pre,id-nt, Otoe Koeeet Plaoa, No. 124 &. 4:a u, I'hil' JOIIS LAW.-HK. Oarnwiateadeat. JefST la Millt. leartrld eoanit. P( 1SG7 faj.l. 1S67 JAMES, KEXT, SaXTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of D7 Goods, ISoa. :.ti. J57, MS A 41 K. Tkird St, rHILAIiELriUA. We ax Bow itrrtard with oar aeaal eitrriive and well arird i-k to odor eitra indawwrnie to CA.-H HI Yf"KS. a;.rll tf REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painte and Paper Hanger, (Irjararia, Pru'i, Will nerwtr he ia tut liae fraeafftr aad ia a workmanlike ajaawar. . apr4,S7 SHORTLIDGE t Co., Proprietor! r the Rrtletonta Liata Ktroa, Brllrfonta, Pa, Wood e enal hamt l.iate forwarded kr railroad and rnneuetlT oa kaod aod lot aale at Ike kiloa June 17, left. -tn-r"t. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OK 1 II K TEACE Aad Unaaaed Coareraaeor. 1 (here ww ra;. IrarkVId te Pa. dr-fllleeiowe awd aiittaaee arwaMlt aeade.aweallkiadfaf laral iaetraarau eaoraied anaa. (wjarS.-tut a c. KRATZER A. SON. KliliC JlNTll, .. aeataa ta Dry Goods, Cio:hinp, Hardwart, Cattere, Vtwccaewere. .rn.,MW, aad fkioflea, ClearArd. PrnWa. te-t tke eld a lead aa front erreet. aVe Acadentr. loclfler 1 1 1 a a . Qui IttkJta. R..I aT)A nemt ... O k.e e-..- fca He.- f C-eeee. aod tea. 1 10a .wd ewe eeace' ewlder -a koane. ewer-atu riK aod PKNK -j -. m iwwat watinee to me at. Lee. . . WALTSR PARFf TT. ' .' lad'f MU-y at Uw rr4Kr.' ?irflusrf, finum, fftf. HEURELL & BIOLEH, aatl.iai ia II 1 It I) W A It la. Ap, Muaf4iurrf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARMKLD, PA. LOT OK SADDLES, BUI DLLS, Uaraota, Col I are, ate , for aala bj MEURKI.L A niOI.KH pALMLUS PATENT UNLOAD- log Perka, for aala bj MEKRELL a QIL, TAINT, TUTT1, GLASS, Jiaila, ala., for eaje bj MKRUELL at BIOtF.R. II AIINES3 TRIMMINGS k SHOE Viadiari, for eala bj MEUUKLI. A Blfil.ER. Q.UNS, T1STOLS, SWORD CANES For aala by UERREIX t BIGLER. ITOVES, OF ALL bORTS AND Eiaea,ror aala by JJEItHELI, A niCJT.ER RON I IRON I IRON! IRON! For aale by " MFRRELL ft BIGLER. JORSE SHOES 4 HOCSE SHOE Kaila, far aala by II ERR ELL A BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad kaat aaaaafaetara, fur aala by MEBRELL 4 BIuLER. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE Xotwa, or aala by MEKIiELL A BIGLER. JODDEIl CUTTERS for sale by UERRELL t BIGLER . a. meat .. ..ja. k. nut FLEGAL & GAXOE, STOVE AD nOLLOW-WAEE STOEE, AND MAXt'f ACTt'SEBS OP Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Phlllpakarr. Ceatra ra Pa., rnilK saw (ra af flejal a Oaaoa woald ra -a. aaeUall acaaaaao U ikeir frieadi aad tka ajejblu faaarallj, tkat tkae kae aa kaad a oarafalij-aalaotad aad wall aaavrtad alack af Slaaaa. tkair tarlate auaeieta af THE CELEBRATED IKOXRIDES, Wkirk kara aarar faUed aa girt perfect aaUefaa tioa to tka eaoel (aaudiau af ita parrkaeara. Coatiwenul, Lakirk, Pareaar, aTllrllt. Speari' Aatl Halt, Kiafara, Ckarm, Herald. c, wltk arary rariaty af tka kaet Pittabarf Maaafaeuira. fef.Tk Tia aad Fkeat Iraa vara f Irea witk tka t-toae la ajede af Ike kaar'aat aad keel natertal, aad warraatad ta (ire perfect aatie- Caritoa. Tkair etork of ' PARLOR AXDHEATI50 STOVES ta Ur(ar, k Oar aad okeapar tkaa erer before eikikitod ta tka paklia. Tker My aoatpetiu-n aitkar la raxiel, faaliit ar prioa. Tkep ara alee prepared ta faralek a eaaiplete aeaoruoeal af Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wkakteala ar mall, aiaMramaeod aealle aad wkk tka ante www ta earrira, froai Uia beat na rrial ia tka eaarket. PLOWS, PLOW POINT. COPPER, BRASS AND IRON KITTLES, Of ertrr drecriptioa eoaruollj aa kaad. LIliUTXlXQ RODS, Soperior polat pat ap aa okort aoUra. Tke Poiat tker offer to tke peblie li tl.a aaaia aa le aow aeod by tka Peooijlreaia Railroad Co, oa tkair kaildiaga. ORIiERS FoR srocTiNo. Roonxa, Aad alker work aalonalaa U Ikeir kweiaaea win be prnatptl? tiled by eipariaaeed aad akilllal workaaai. BRASS. COrTER AND OLD METTLE Takoa ia exrkaoaa tt rooda. ar-TBep aeparie.lj larita tha alUotlna af Merchant! wirhlag ta porrbaja at wkoleaala. ae ikrj will tad It to tkair edaaifa aa aaaajioe tleir atock before parrhuinc alee where. rXBUAL A OANOI. Pklliprbara. ia'r tl, l7. CALEIAGE AXD SLEIGH SHOP, IN LEA krl ELIi, tk. Iediata1j ia rear af Merblee Shop,) fTHt raberriher woald reTelfall laforai tke A rinieaj it I'lrarSeid. aad tke vaklie ia rea aral.tbat keieprep red ta deatlkiede af work oa CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. SLE1G Us, c. a abort watlee aad wa reaaoaeMe trra, aad ia a woraaiaaltKe wjeaeer. adTAII .dara pmaipllt aUeadrd ta. -ww 'b. U.-M M NIOHT. Hole! for RenL THe ardereiroed aw otcre Im real tke well kaoera k.iel forewent kept leaee Blo-ei. k.. dfwoaeed. ainaau ta tka cwatral part of the bor,gk of rarwra.rille. P,reeiaa will ae '" a tke kral of Xrewew. If dreired. It will kc reatcd en her w.ik ar withat tke Parai. are. For lartler panira'ara eaal a oa the preoeieee, or addraat tbe aaaerngoed he letter. a. LkAU BLOOM. Cerwwnrrnie. Sept. i. I HUT tf. Oili Varniihpa, Paint Braihea. I t el recaired aad tor e.1. cfceap he iOSKPH K. IRWlT. prll-tf CarwewiHe. Pa. R. R0B1S0N A CO., WnnLT.fALI Crorcrs and Tork rarkrn, Itealert ta lllaaa, I ma aad Kaila. Family Flour of the Best Brands, Harem, Reeae. S'A-e aad 8..U.,i,; La, J,, Pr. Cikecwa. Iua Hooita, , Hm4 Froli, Crheai aad Lard Oil, lined Beat an. Ma. 4 i rrerrlT irww, (read1 Ptm4 awart Iw PITTW"M fa. 1 $r CNodds, r.rerriir, (flf. iijror)ai)sTi tana tw wawi t f Hlt.Ml,l-eil. Cheap at ttia t beapret aad .wd aa tha I to. I. Aa C. IRATZER & SOX, Bar jut rM,TJ, m4 art ofMtbff, ml tki 014 PtM4 tm rrwl But, Ut di4-.y, a Wrf m4 wU m- IwOtWdJ AifftaiNl of SEASONABLE GOODS, wkiek tbe; are aetllaf at Tart low relet. It tad (Ac WZowenp eaiabgue and prnfa tktrrhy Eepaeial paiat kal beta takea la tho aeleelioa of Ladiea Ureee Uoede, white (l.KKit, Kaibroideriee Mlllinerr Uoode. Priau, Kerehiari, Kakiea, rtleree, Ae FOR GENTLEMEN. Alwert aa kaod lllack Ulnlba PaeKr aad lllaek Caarmeree. batiaeu. eta., headj Made Clotbtaf ol all kindl. B00T8 ABO SHOES, 173 mt r-ojr-v r NECKTIES, aad a rariota uf other artiolee. which ll he; wili aali at a eauil adraact oa eoet. Hot alr.oIiI Qai'Z. Partiooiar altaatioa le laeilad to their itixmmi Carweu, Cottaire, eoeaarea la araia. ouperaoe Kuall.k Injrraia and llraearle. Vlanr aad Table Oil Clothe, Wiadow thadaa and Hall papere, alo. FLOUR, liACOX. Fieb riaaitr, Allra, Pitchee and' -r Piuiiao kopi conatantljr on Lonti. ALSO, ia Slnr a lot of large, ami! man Llurcr teed. ) J- intend to auke It aa object f,r Pareaart ai.d Aleebanlea to bar from ae- ecauae we will all oar ,wde at low aa the; eaa be boaKbt ia tba ooantjr aad ear tba ferj Binavei pnoe tor all kiade ar etontrr pre aooe no erni aieo eiroaore f fur bcaeot. Kuan aad Cot-arr otdert j bkiotlee. Boarde. aad . U kinj of Manufactured Lanbcr. a fleart-M. J air I, lb7. ANOTHER BIG "FLOP.' Qr ME two bobiIu fto It tu tormj u tv7 I'dDMil IBM Pennville was "Eight Side Up !" ir D'nr. Ami tfcrr Fi p" ba oo arrvd i mm- 4bikf iim tli ivprvvfxJ, Mifit9rtiftf to a la font)t" fb. prrjtvofiidkdi, is tat punnyimi . IBrgt BBC BuBBaOailtBt Mtr lion JOHNSON &. BAILEY oTha bare ja.l ertaraed froai tba Karl with larre aad awretallr erlected etork of Heaaoaah ilovda, of creator rarirIT, aad af be tier aaailte tbea bare beretofort beta eflered la ikitaectioa of tba avast. Call al tba ate Store Roaoat, aad Tea will tad Dry Goods and Groceries, n ai aaa ape, seen eaa raoea. Hard. Uaee'e. Hollow, aiond aad btona Ware; lror- Oil., reiote aaa Vlaae, PwKy, bkl)V HAllC CLOTHIMU. Cloche. Coafertt..oerr tkacM. PLUla, fl.-U, aad PkOVlflO.N (eaerwlly. OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE Will bear lo-p-etla. ai It It full aad af tbe beet eualile, liar uork of B'KlTs aad HUjb.-i aeecjualted ta quaitt; aad low pricea. To the Ladies, Te woald ear tkat wa inleed ta aiaka the Holloa and I'rt'i Itrpantaeat wonkt ibetr patr,exe. miriee i oi oa aaa. am ae tpeciejl arlered, te auit oor cwetoaiera. The Striklnj Featur lo the Flop " Aad tbe awe we woald kep b fora tba pablio. ia uiiiaiuve rai aat wtuhweare welling JteT-fke palit ara iaeitcd to (ire ae a celt Una! ;owr I me ace. H.rdt. Shmitlee, Wreia rnrt. Batter, Krrt. Ined Applea, Kact da. tr-Oar aiotie -Ckeaprat ek Rcr." r JOIINS0H. J. U. BAILbT. PeweiTille, A f. M, lfT. C. KRATZER & SON, DEALmg 1 Dry Goods, Dress Coods, MiLLINEIJY GOODS, CARrETS, OIL CLOTHS, . WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, WALL TAfERS, Clothing, ' Boota and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queenspaxe, Hardware, Groceries. Frwat atrret, a bore tba Aradrwir. AE.Vor.IL J. P. KRATZER TT" reeaowed le kit new waremoejt oa Mar 11 not ttrawi, lleaiield. Pa, where ke kat opoaea a rait large ttock of 1RT GOODS, Merlsoaa. Siarbaaie, Ootkt. TXainet. PHnu ve,-Biweree, Aipecae Silka, riatlneti. Rept, Caehaeeret, Tweedl. Ceherrt. Mohair. Jeana, Lawellat. Matline. Planaele. Hoaaeta, Rib. bona, riiwtt, Balfaoral eikirta. H,,p. bkirtt, Kkiela. trreet TriBaeainge, Mead Keta, Tape, Corerta. Illorra, Collara. fcerle. Ureaadiae Vaila, Table Corera. CLOTniNG, Coete. PanU, Veete, Ore Coata. Ooaft Fbawlt Sbirta, Hale, Cane, t'nder-fihirta aad Drawere, Poo to. Khoet. tjaai rhet, Trarala. el lore , and Collara. HARDWARE. yCKENSW AFR. GltO CERIKS 4 Ul'MCAL tHtOH.S. GROCERIES, Tea. rotee. Parer, Mola.Salt. Ceadlrt. Rica, Plowr. Borne, Piek, Tohaeco. Keiaiaa, Carranta, ( p i r a a. rrarkera, Viaerar. Oila. Vv. Blek. A lenK.I TIN-WARP, GLAffi.WAKE WOtlDEX. vt Alih and TAl lnXFUY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpata, Oll-olatkt, Drwcret. Lcking niaeaet Vlert.. 1 k. rot. Waehaoorde, Take. Bark ata. Flat Iraat, raae. W indow Hindi, Wall paper, CwU Oil I ai. brellee. Bedcde, kairee aad Potke, 8(n.. Crook,, and wiuee Rlackiar. O-All afakich will we eoidee tke atoal roe. ewekle aeeait. aad tke kiakaet tMrk.l pnee paid erteeatn. aad all kiade of ewwtrp pewdaca . -mrwT, iroooatoer ta, leaa. ?t)R ItUl fr-oe'e beat Cook blere, aailable tit eoeJ or wood. AMI'1? to lociioi H . 8TH. IuVa Vpwikt, at V. SJKTjT Prjt frfodj, rr.rorrrirf, f u. CLEARFIELD STORE, Near Hiilisburg, Penn'a. illMua VT. IVtl OeMtr Rd J..l,a P. W. Wiltiaia Pow.ll, XV. III:TT.S A Co., (Haareaton ta Moo en a A Roopt) nAVX Jaet rooelrrd lerae atd Wi ll atlaeted etof-k uf all kloda of Uuoda, lack aa DKY (Jt.)lJS. CLOTH I SO, Boottand fhnee, ItaU and Cert. Notion. Hard ware, lilaee. baili, Oiit, Peiau, Uureaeware. Urocenrt, Flour, Hernia, Peed, Ae , which we a. a olferiBf at (raatlr UEIiCCED PRICED FOR CAJI, Or Id ticeonfc for LIMBER aod 6UINKLBS Wa lntaad la atakt it to the adtaataft af tke TAMPER MEX Ia tbt lower aad af Cleartcld eoantp and oa Clrarteld Creek to act ttaeir auppliea from ,kie point 1 brio aa tke liae of tke bailruad, we can tell aMdt oa better terma tbaa at an point ia Clearheld aountf. aod we are aeilirgwer etoeh at euck pticee ae te make ii aa abject to tbote buying to buj from aa. ADVAXCE3 OF GOiI3, FEED. AC, Made on arcoont of SQUARE TIMBER, which we will either tell on eoeamiaalua, ar bo; ai fixed rate. X"Call aad toe if our good and pricet don't rait tha timet. W. W. lib fib A CO. Near Philipeborg. Nor . 18on. LLOCU ol' tlitloront brunda can be bad at all timet, at wry low pricet, at tke CLEAUPIEL3 8T0RB, oorS tf - Kear Pbillp.bu-g. Pa 'iJlU'GOOliS, NOTION S7 Acin kroat tarittr, : tbe lowett pricee for tbe I , CL'ARFJELO STORE, aoei tf Kear Philipebarg. pa ALT, by llie aack or load, clieajior tbaa caa be kad aorwbere tlte, at the CLEARFIELD 6T0BE. aoel-tf Kear Pbilipebarg, Pa QALL k EXAMINE THE STOCK af Oeodt wow telling at tba CLEARPIEL1) STORE, aort-tf Kear PhlllprbaJg. Pa JJIGIIEST TRICE paid iu GooJs r Catk for Lattber aad Sklngltt, at tba CLEARElELtl STORE, no. 4 if Kear I kiliptbarg. Pa rpUE CnEATEST GOODS, of all .1 kindi, ate to be tad at tba ClearteU Store. W. W. BETTS A Kear Pbilipebarg, Pa- Kor. a. IS' tf CO. RICHARD JIOSSOP IS NOW Felling, al half their aawal priee, DRRSS GOODS, ' CLOAKS AXD SHAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOOP3, HOSIERY, MEK'8 CL0TH1XQ. . GLNTLEMESfT FURNISHING G00.I I.ArIE.S' KOOH AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOtirs ANDiIIOES BflYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, . . BALMORALS, LADIES' OJLI.ARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED, c , Ac-, , As. ' kkystom: stoki: SECOND STREET, CIXAKFIEI.D, FA. Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods I Dry Goods! Dry Goods I DRESS GOODS A TRIMMINGS! Cloths, Cassimcres, Tweeds L Vestings, Shaker, Opera. IVce. Shirting. Red. Blue, Tel lew aad White FLANK ELS. nieartew aad aokieacbed kfrSLIKB In .11 idibt aad qeali.iet. TAHI.E LIVEK, TOWtLS A NAPKINS, IIOOP& BALMORAL SKIRT la great rarietr. r-tiAWLj a woole.v GOODS lv rvrnv TT1.E. Ladies' Coats, Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, 1 ked. and Pewing Kilk all kinde aad eoUrt ; w rannrimir u lektOilCl tba, trt, Taeeele, Mage aad Coaaeerpaaea, Olo.ea. H.vier., CoharxCaRi. hib. bont. hraide, and an ead.eae eariel.e of .mill waree aal laa. y artirlee. T LAD1F.S'. MlviF.S'. AND CHILDREN'S MIOES; A LAUtiE A.ORTMtNT. AU efwbick will V told , NrXOIT FOR CASH.- Call aad eiamlac earner ekiat- roar per. ,aee aleewkera, ae we feci eeewred that we aaa pleaea ia kotk que Hit aad pricet. It will ke ear aim ta make tke -Keinne" ike proper place lo kaj Dry Hoerfa ' NIVLING I SHOWERS. OeererU, Pept. rt, IT tf blroaad Ala Salt kifllipt eah, al H W. mttH t. tbe PEMrtCRATlC ALklArfAC. Onl oeala, Eeccr Tatar tbowUi ban oae. ai" CtRAVP.n ritt IT of .11 kind, at trHRI!l,I.A wueJirref ma kkRI'tk kRl U r per e a k, W. ftailHH Kdnarf, y tatrarf. ftr. ajrtif uiDnufior e rn n 1- I1LII nHIIUIlHliCi JIUllL rMHpibnrif Crntr County, Pa. G. II. ZEIGLEU k CO., M ALtltt lit ForrljTn & Itomefstic nardwair, WOOD, WILLOW. TIN WARE, Stores, Oils, Taints, Glass, &o,, iic. rpilB ttirntlon af Mrcbanlre, Bolldere, Para X.' art, Lamberajen, and Baron geaeretlp. It 'nvltcd to the fart -tbat we a-a offering a better Mtortuiettt of goodi la our Hoe than ca'i be fonnd elaewbere la kbit part of the'State, at Pricet to Bait the Timat- Our etork aeejprfeet a aenarml aeaortaiant of Toole and Matoriale ated by Carpentert, Bbrfk taiitbi. Carriage aad Vagoa Makers, At., ailk a large atotk of Iron, ' Xails, Steel, Spikes, Mining Supplit', Saddlery, Hope, Cltiins, Grindatonts, Circular, Mill and .rus&-Cut Haws, ENAMELED. FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and rtsh Oils, IlKFENTIXK, 1ESZISK, VARKIiUES, COAL OIL LAXPS ASD LA5TEEK3 Aa eiotlleat ataortmeot af Pine Cutlery, ooa pri-inr KNIVES, FORKS, DESERT. TEA. A TAULESl'OONSj SCLSSDR3, RAZORS, Avo. BRITANNIA k SILVER rLATEH WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BtSf MANUFACTURE. Uoutekeld, Boriictjltaral, Farming tad Raiting Itcpleeieatr of ike latcu at d awat itnproTed p.teraa. nia-k.ojitkt eta be rnpptied with Anrllt, Del lowt, Vieee, S.edcea, Hainaert, Hunt and Mule Skoal, Uor.e KalU, aad all kindt of Iroa and StecL Carpentert and TlBlldert will Ind la war retab liihasrat e peri or etork of Planet. Bawl, Augare. Hatckeu.tia(la.drkla bit aad pealing A iea. HameMn. Chlee t, Fiict, H a-ei, Merewa. Bella, Locke, Pollert, Seek, Cord, do., Ae, da. Farmen and Raftnea will (nd eTtrrtbin In their line, aad cheaper tbaa eaa ke , kad tleewhera. . Particular alfeorloi It lorded to Sac Meet or !uieee. omprt.tag Spoor 'e eiewrated Aali-liaet, Cook aad Parlor of a, I nut tleo, the Meitara Ci.k Parler Cook. ...rillient. t'ewn. lew liop, Arctic, aad Commoa Er P01 , , All af th aborw gooda will be told cheap forra.h, G. II. ZEIGLER A Co. Pbtliprhorg. itrL l. IM7 lp Down ! Down 1 1 , THE LAST ARRIVAL AXD OF CoritSE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 A E are now opening op a lot of the brut and 1 1 moot eainal,e l!.ak aw.1 M'.roe erer oiced ia tbie aiarki-t. and al pnoce that remind oe of tae r-J d .lavt of cheep Uimrt. Tu,,. who lock ! nb epea tbie point, or deem owr alle geuont auprrlluuut, need but C1LL r OIH STORE, Corner Front and Market etrects Where thrr ran tee. feci. h-r and know for thewj. rlira. To fiilh-uodcr,lnd what areclieep ron If, Ibi. mowt he d me. i. But di-em il ni-c, r'nrr to enumerate an.1 itcmitc our ttock. It i. cikhi.d for ur to elate that We have Everything that is Needed aad enneumrd in tin. market, and al priout tkat atuin.b Wtb eld and c.tma JO.-EI' II SHAW A FOX. CHEAP FURNITURE. JOIIX GTLICH OtSIREt ta armn hi. old frieadt aad em t.aere. tba be.lor enlarred bit ehp and iaereaeed kia feci tor he le aaa prepared ta wioke toorrfr.ark Fur n. lure a. wa. be detire l, la "d tie It and .t cheap rare. lrCAll. He eonerallr kat on at h i ruraitere reaaae, a rerted aeeortaiam of readr. ade faraitaro, aaar whirk ara RVKKACS AM) M I'E-BOA RDS. Wardcbeeand Sook Centre. Snfa, Parlor. Hreaklaet a-d Itioinf Kitennoa T.klu. wioo. Peen-k rt.C"li.r..J-ony Hod and O'ker Pediteedt: R. fat f all kma. Vi,k....d. Hot rack a. 'eek etanda : Pcklne ..A a ' Chaira ! eprlnc .nt. rane b-tlow.. .r'. n and other fhairr: Lome-Hle-M. r drarripnetl w b.'.d ; aad new (le.-ea for eld freaaee, whlrk will ke pal In oa eery ree.onar.le icna. n -k -rtcet notice. Heal..,,. k.-. i.'-i-ne m erarr, 1 ont Oaaft. llolr ..J Cot iob top waMToeeot. (.r Kvr.RT Kixd V.dt order, aad fnotrjle at leaded with a wbetiererd. tired. Alee, ll.wee Palatine M a.a CW. -..I i O Hearer to .rd euneenner eiea area, ard kaa e-w.ii? ra hand. 4teaieait'e Petent Wartiioa Machine, the keel ao In nee' Tkuee e.lot Iki. wiechiat aerer need he with' oat cleaa el.xket! It. .1.. ... v,.,. a.. ha.-., a eaperlor article. A f..l. ..i.. .... Chora acrer a,ed ke nitboat natter I All tke abore aad tnaar ..tker ontni.. .M r... Bl.hed ea raatotter. .a eop to, Ca,. ,Ma.oa forappro.ed eoaotrr Pr.tra Ckerrr. M.i.le r-wiar. I,li,woo4 aad oner I . . Cakiaet wtk. taken la rh.... f... . , . ekarrleatetnbortheebep bl MertM airvel. ra and " a.-arlT oppnaite the'Klid Jew nail t..u rraaSaf. lw r .. HK-I o,iul,lj ol PR1XT?. lor Irtc.. al M. W (SMITH. Xis rk!Ol rtic ai.iaaci fr -Haired PJ Mr Wdr-kwv rat rut ' YHUr'r.(j.' Tl' AfiK. It Indnree the a'l .at I ' I -A Al h. M l . , oh.l i.A A,, ? 1 l.l.n. Holland. I o. ac.i Arrk .. 1. itlmon .l. Irota Ike ntoet M.ux till and oouuiiy be aua al kx tl,? o t. f. l, are lo 't atl rtt.MktkataoermttalkiprM',' keial kree aeeruad wtlkvat pata. ,, tr eiamiaetiona. " k'tl 'I BEAL'S LATE POW EL'S EMBOCATlo'5. Human Flo.h, r.iiinrii.f the , . 1 Cfattimt, bftvtuf ft full koMwUila. ,1 K mr1ifs lrtur ft. intxtient Ui . M tntn ti MBipttiti, ia rrateMi UtUr""' thinj of th kind rvmr yel fl,-r4l m af Jh - an tirDMl pp)rtHHron (W di.Mtu which 11 i reooitnuaadrwj W ftr(tufttdu it will irk iu vmm tomd iio tbt e&ti mil mho um iu ! tmv mho It; h narvr b wtUmit ii( lid iberefurc (,.. lTinf m trit hit Uft of iti fa.tVi1, Z ii pfwvsaiujarfi my fmrrimn,mnA tviiwtw Wi.lrM it, lo tt th bt spiiot.itttai artr ut4, r( Kinbruc4ttma hmm mmmm mm p tor .n.f ymn, ! it it ol UimMjrb tb it,rrivijIt tuBnd and ertfoDt rqut uf mt frv rra. I'ublw tbmt I od il tutxh hm frmni K-Dt tor lb letfUaH 4..waiai w hi.-. UObld) ftli KMfui aTeta IllUeVaa tfat hrM, U U Mbdt rtnii diwrft hmr b-o uflerti 10 im f tV ffftder different funs. f-t ( liitH tu n jinogi, otbat ml but of littla cm, aaJ whullj iuiiripar to an war lb parpum tvtn& they ri rrttntotnde'f . A jmdltinn mv4 rrmUy awfal owatUt, fruia Uiu objiaGtioQie biU tii?reor i teemed bj many gntvmtn whu hr iitttfm, aad Bra ttuwiUlnji m ruit tliayi, vmrmttf deeiiiuing mn4 prmtmttttl Krnr(. iw wihi r at l-i'Fth tulW t;mHttid y I tea ! 1 beirjr prsTaCH npotrt Mow Thi-n.. bit wb bM ffT4 o to tb TariuM fllwrftiei; Aa bfl Jfyvt brncht mt to tb jiublt ' Thu E-nhrpt-vtiuo wm utnlTe ; 1, k. tii UtrruaiL'nt durion; lb war. Fur fmm by nrTi,fk A Irwit, ftu!i JwtHrpb IL Irwin, CorarvuTtUa. iaoiet lafidcr. Lu:berborg. Addreu all ta lK KltMFKD BEAM tvpra.BT 1 j 6osib fm4 8t, Hiii,fit A Great DisooverY. OVE f the m-at-f ttad mott ufJi diwfkj io DticiU mhtjo wa ttiaaia l- lutmy ur. ,j. I'uiou, 01 rantp Ltiiel fhr, lanurnai litUnomr ml Frjiaa, ta Ikai. mm tvB alHirttni wnb I be pa.rJul di-titup, mw Pi, an-l pfTfytuaJlr coft-d hv tbe an of if UK. x no intsia rile oAL n, otimM itaaj too b.gblv of tbe benrCta confrrrrd vym :b, t, tha Mf ml tbtr ppbHt. It hu orrr y, to IM.U in tioctu.s a pteiM.t aura ia 1 .u CEM. Id tint rhi?ct u anrpaaae aJUtbtr wl. eiDd-a mf t.M kind. It will do jut wbv it mmim mend for: if ntt, the mutuy will te rfki One or two boxea it ratTieietit torfl 1 fraurr! emrm to four or aixdartif tat dirfctioaa wra l-oici air lutloMfL Frj-, one and to4'.'tnp box. artorditig to um. rVnt br mA ot txvrmt any part af tbe l uuad Mniw or Caa 4a. h- ai Im:rit ffn-rllr. A libtraJ .in-.uTit an. v Ihr trwie. A Hrmt D. 6. Iil'XBAM A (4, Wiiliatiupfiri, Pa-. Prouhpturt aod dVldkUA turrr lor th CuiUd Statci aad Cmivi. t f ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH!!! SCRATCH ! eiKATCH!! rCKAirfl::: la from 10 to let lloara, Wheaton 'i tlintnicat caret Tbt tick, Whearon't 0aiarat rare felt Kena a'beatia't Oiatatent eurta Tetter. PThe-.ton't Oiniment caret barben'Iitl baatea't fMnuaant tar at O'd item. PTbtwioa't Oibtarnt curat Ertrj kul of Bomorlike Mairlr. Price In acntt a bolt kr atail, Mceata. Addreet WkkbS A POIIka, He 17 Ft. inrtoa ttreet, B ittua. Sar. For ult rt !. wick A Irnia.aad br al Drtutrieta. iMIlli Jant. DREXEL & CO., So. 31 South Tblrd Ktrect, rtllaltltMl 0.1.1'KCItJ, And Dealers in Government Secun'i Application by mail will reccire pronipt ana an iQToriaaiiea cnecnnltr ia-rfH Ordert eolu ited. : tpr.M J. II. M Oirk. Edward rerb. BANKING & COLLECTION BOISE or . . mcgirk a perks, Puecetenrt to Pte, Perkt, t lw, ' Ftilllpakarir, Ontr C'eonaiT. Pfc "W' H L H E .II tke kntineat af a Bankiar Hon 1 I "ill ke uraBnaotcd proarpelj and npfw at aiuai laroraoic texma ajkittl County National Bank? cLEAftnrLn, pa.' rpni3 Bank it now op. a aad road Tor ken. I Beet. Office ma Second nrort letheta'd iag foraxrlj accepted by Lcoard, Fiutt 1 Ok r-icerroaa nn orriraat IAP. B. OKAHAM, Rli"HFI) PBtf. WM. A WALLACE, WM. PoKTKl, A K WF.MHT, OK'I. L. PFID. r. W MOORI, JAIT. LEOMWI. julA.MJ Cashier. Pie.e Clearfield County Bank- IHK Llearneld Coaolf bank at aa m erv . tod in.titati'-a hex aronc oui ol ev.r-. . M Ike torrcnrler of ita charter, aa Mar IS. 't! All itt ttai k le award by the iuh.crirt eW win coniiune the tleukioa ha.irt, et t'r ..ur piece, aa Hrair Btrkera. woer tf r ie a ot the -Claarlield Coentr Bi." Wr et t rp.inile for the o, bt. ol the Bai.k. ar 1 w.: uf ha aen-eew deaauid ai tke arter. rcrcired end IntrreBt raid when ai. orl it It': a filed time. Paper d'aciinted e' fir r r -ttt ta k, rriof.e. Oar.pcraeaal tenoi iil"f pledged f. all rerritr.1 .rJ be'i!-i traoa eted. A contlnaance of rbt rioa' 1"'- runtire of tba baeineee men ef tbe ot'.ti rpectiali.T toiici'ed. Aa I'rr.ldent. tW" k! ccri..f tl-( late Clearaeld i:oawtrHaol rrquire tl e D 'te ef .aid bank tu U p.-rMtid f.-r re1emiti' n. ' US T. LONARD, RICHARD KHf. P'lKTKK. JAa B. tlH bi., A. K. WKKIHT. a. L RfR3, A. WALLAOK. The bualneta ol tha Dank will be cooilii" I"hn V .dm.. En) . a Caabirr. f.'"",'' Voolrn Factor). I cloa Ji nil. In ion toKuabip, Ciraj field ct . P- nfVIVl parrkaeed aa tnieroat ia Ik. Cl Milla we arc prepared t,card Hito'. r'ts a. ..-lore and antek ( l.-tk, aad do alt k k d work ia our line on eht.r. aotlco, In w,.fkaealt eaanner, aad oa reaeoaablt kcrait. Ale FLOUR, FEED AND LDiKEl Mau.faaiured aad for aale. Ttrtnt Caak. Wool ioteaded fbr carHiof eaa he left ai M..teop't or J. P Kraner'a, where w. wili r" and l-lam It on Saturday, if rack week. Letter, ef tnoalry aodreeerd to at al Rt-t"' P. 0. will reeetre proatpi attcerioa. t K. A . h. ARKOL" Hook ton, J wot IT, 1 aVT. DRESSMAKING. CPU 141. MlTit f PAFI.IS I"' 5 k) AU CLOAK MAKING -Ledie eat tee. Uetr Drratra, rjnitt, Coau. and Btaoaitel aa "till made and trlaijed, at the ketterl lice, at the old rttabliaked ttene. 1"1I Ckeetta ttreet. Paiiadclphia. Paaet aid plain Paaa, Mantilla rtmawer Preaa aad Cloak Rnttaaa, R Kbat. Clen' luipare Laree, HuCl. and Simp Ie." eotrre. with a loree rarietr af Cupleaa' Fa" HHla.truat j to an pee arat k-taluaa tlet't"- Alto, oveeirine, dailr. I'aria rekioel t'"" peper. lor Ladiet' and' Childrea'e Dntaet ' Pattrrnt for aaenbantt and ''rew r t"a'" readr. at , Mrt. M. A. BIM'"'" J4 It tj tVieatenl .. FllieiMl VllMlklral HA HIH-at !k0aCav'" it hrn-br firm that l.rter.of Aun "' oo eetaleaf A. P. ItAKUL'R. dccew4. Ie Bradford toauth p, t loartiold oouolT. l-e..ka"l boon duly f ninird to the uadxrt'ined. -j I"-' aaVbtrd te tatd aetata will wleaaa aae "' aad Ihoee Larn,, cla.D,e of T"' tbeta prnnorlT an' bmtuiM tor . Al n n.e aad b.. aeooaait here bet . " Mr 1.0. Uarror. ahoie.i.r.n..l .-li ii 'Jr nio. MACiil.L A. bAkok. ' pd Ae-H- . J . T rrkooh Clf Ho. a. ',''"' s) a aj. IP. Pirtl