Sfllfliou! HjrtU.nint. Many it riili limn In lo-inlnff ip liln u Hceius i,iiijiliniia uf niitking what Akron tumlo n goUlcn cull'. 'I'll (wpctoot wor.l in our Iniijrunj'u lit Love. The irri'fitp.-t won! in our li'iijjuue in Ciotl. Tint wonl cxir.s inrr the Hhorl-wt time 18 Now. Tlio threo ti nko tho jrvti8t uml the swft'U'nt duly tuii iii'i'form. Pid C'liriHt die, uml ahull nin livo ? Vim ho criiciiioil to tho world, nnd hhnll our til)''ctii)in to tho wnrM ln qi.ic U uml livi'lyl1 Oh whore in tin' d'lirit of him who hy tho cro of Chrift wiih iTiiritiod to the woil I, unj tint world to him ? John lloweoi.ee ohervod two men in n violent I'.isHiun. Their mutual eurs'iig Nhotked hin religious sUMi.siliii Uita. lie looked at thum, rnibed Lib Lai, Biid al iu a Holeiiin voice : '1 pray Oiod to blocs you both !" This prayer 60 imprcriscd th qniir-relonn- men tht they ceased their utrif: ttid Ibankcd Air. llowu for hia bi:piiculion. An ungodly mnn l one who ia do tftclicd from flod, nnd cleaves to hini-sk-.Ii uiid tho ureuturo ; a godly man is ore, who ia detaehed from hiniHuli mi a liio crcuturu, and Hdhorus to tiod m iili ali hin att'eetion. Tho Bold basiK o, godiitierts in an essential nniuti with J us ('fii-int, nnd tho godliness itHelf i tl'e new life which springs, from it tln-refore emphatically called in the Scripture "godliness in Christ Jo- fUB." A tnil without prayer is li-6 a (Mil itary ehrep without a fthephurd. Tho i -:ij)tei t-eea it and lures it away into lnt Kiiarc, But the soul, in social converse with God, is emptied of ev erything, is alone with God in the bi'ii'U, at rest and in ilence, giving piui;e to God and tiling divine, from w'.iich ulone rcBult trulli and strength and life and salvation. How precisus lire such times ! How sweet tho hour of prayer ! Tbiro is no enlvution but by the fid mercy of God j no mercy but through the meditation of Chrint ; no interest in Cliriht, except by faith in liiiti ; no jiiHlifyiti!;f:uth butthat which works by love and purities tho hear ; iiO love to Chrint which does not in clude love to his people, his example, his precepts ; no genuine lova to his people which docs not influence a mnn to do good to them as ho has ubility and opportunity. Banyan, speaking of the fruits of bis ministry, says: ''1 havo observed that a word cast in by thu by, hath done more execution in a sermon tbnn all that was spoken besides. Sometimes. also, when I havo thought I did no good, then I did the must of nil ; and at other times, when I thought 1 should catch them, I have fi-lied for nothing." In this respect liun ynn's experience is not unlike the ex perience of other ministers. Would, likewise. they could say with him: "Never can I be satisfied unless some blessings do attend my work. If I be fruitless, it matters not who com mends mo j but if 1 Le fruitful I care not M ho condemns " AVhen it is said that God can suffer mid does PiillVr, people are shocked. One of tho most potential arguments tbM ae's upon men's minds in consid ering the question of tho divinity of tho Lord Jesus Christ, is, that it was ui.ver-thy of the dignity ol a Go 1, who is biipposed to he the sum of nil per-fceliic-s, to suffer. Now, that God shouid Fufl'.r in nny way that indica ted moral ohliijuity j in any way that indicated that be hud violated laws ; in any way that indicated thai ho J.ud not tho wisdom and power to li avoid those courses which lead to si f. ling that ho should suffer in tech wny a.i that is derogatory to our conception U the divine l.ature. Hut t''ut One who is tho perfect (iod ; v. hois without variableness or shad ow of turning; who is infinite in pow er mid wisdom ; who is tho Creator ' I :ui i ntinenl beings that, beginning i't the ceminul point, work their way from weakness to strength; and -. i.o, during the long period iu which t'.i-y see subject to temptations, and s' perpetually falling into sin, is uni vc. mi Jiither and universal mother u re fills, in other Words, those ole ir n.s which are more perfectly shown to i s Ui futlier and niother than in .y oil, or form that such an One r-i v.ilcl bo a sufferer; that ho should I-painstaking and- caro upon .i' . that be should put his expori e' ;e in the place of their inexperience; I n lute in the place of their hate; tliiik ho should pour out Lis soul for tlr.Mi as a universal inspiration and fowir; that he tdiou'd do these things notwithstanding that men arc poor, and mean, and debased, and wicked, nnd ungrateful, and proud, ami selfish ; (iid that he should do it, not by vir t of any arrangement or plan, but on account of the inherent and cver 1. ting qualities of the divine charac ter ilus is an astounding revelation. A fid it is the first conspicuous feature of ChrisCniiity which tells us that there is in God which makes him self, ssf-iticing. self-abnegating; that there is thU in him winch leads hitn to suf fer, not on account of any relation of obedience ordisobrdit-nce, but that be m (iv lilt tip the low, strengthen the weak, enlighten (lie ignorant, sate the lost, 'i bis is the groat revelation of the New Testnment. It is what I 'an I meant when he said, "I will not preach Christ I w ill preach Chrifi mi ,-i ,,; I will not preach Christ the Son of God I. will preneh Cl,ri?t anil lis Crosf; I will nut preach the crowned Saviour, unless it be the cr,,nH of 1.on,t ; I will not preach Christ upoii j the throne, living forever in the plen litude nnd beauty of eternal youth, nnd p'mn, and power, infinite 1 will will preach the irci, tUr rnrrtnl, tkt. ILod m,;tlii.ij ( V,r of Utt'hsma'.' Ihr crtis-l..,rnf Chritt ),n Cih-nnj. 'I Lit is the Christ thatl will preach." Ileitis that is "tho power ol (iod an J tho wi-dom f (iod." WbyT H. Ci.ii'O there is a material medicinal If el produced by him upon t lie soul? No, but because God is disclosed in him an one that, for the poor and lietdy, for sinners, for l is enemies even, gflve forever and forcrer f the Virj siibslancc of his being and love, j mid revealed l.imself to be a nonrisli- injj tfod and rather. Vcofrsslonii k t.nstiusi (Tarda. Israel" test! A T T 0 It N KY AT LAW, 'IrsrAi'liI, l'a. -(lfflM la lh I'mirl llouna. IJjtl.'U " JOHN H. FULFOR.D. A TI'O I! X K Y AT LAW, t'lesrHt-ld, lii. 0(Bc wilh J. U. MrKiwtljr, Kiij , orcr Unt K. tlulml liHI.1t. rroitipt ltrnli)D Riin tn (lie KPurin of llut,t.r. Claim. Aa.,sli4 U nil It-al buiiur. Man-li VN. Ihli? r. W A L T E RB A R rTttT ATlHliNKY AT LAW. OlSrc on S.con'l Su, Closrltrlil, not2t,S Win. s. Wnllm.c. Win. T. Ilit-'iT. J. Illnltn ulun. rrank Kii-Ulin. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, AlTliHNKYS AT I. AW, Clcsi Mold, l'a. 4T-Lrf1 bntnea of ail klnilf pronTitl smt ccursccljr llenitiil to. li' h v 1 5 y THOS. J. McCUIXoUGHi ATIOUNKY AT LAW. Office tiljolnlnu te Ilnnk, formerly osopted bj J. H. MoKnsllj, SnJ iu, ClonrUtlJ. -iS-Will MieDd iroinpllr to oolt-tf'iliKt lale of Ijindn. in. .lTl7,fi2 J O H N X C U T T L E , ATTOKNKY AT LAW And Heal I'ntntc Atul, CiBi-Hld( Vm. Officio on Market street, oppeiit tho jiiil. r-Rfreelfiilly offrrr lit tfrvicos in wHinR u d bujioft laada in CluariieM and atl.j nuing euuntitt ; Hud with x(iheDO ot over twnl jrnart mi a ur veyor, Oitttera iiimielf thnt h rnu WmTm 7 m ecu LTo u ghT ATTOliNEY AT LAW, I'lrururld, l'a. Offlct oo Market atrvet odo door oartof the Cloar- Held County Bank. lnay4.'S4 Jolin JI. Orvli. f. T. Alfiaud.r. ORVIS L ALEXANDER. ATTORNEYS A T LA W, Hi-llel'onte, P. n.-plSdS-y F. B. REED, M. D., rriYSICIAN AND SUIWEOX, XHitiri)5 rrmoved ri-idfnot of fleo. J Kylttr. dt-oi'aaeJ, near Vi illiaiDPfrroTe, fa., vffera hit pit feinionnl iorvieti to the people of the lurruuo'tinfr, oouutrj. jj l,'(J7 b"lT7rprBu eich fTe l d," Lain Hiirjrenn of the h.U keg ini-nl, IViinfljlvania Vulunlosn, bavinK raturni'd from tba Army, otferi hu profoeaiutul rvicei to tbo citueni of Clrarflrlii ronnly. r-Hrulriiiooul ralla promptly alien Jed to. Oflico on riecond truvt, lurtnorl- Mioupid by llrWoo.U. (,.r4.'(I(l tl DR. A. M. HILLS. UKNTItiT. Offlo oomrr tif Kriiit and Mrko liliwl, ojootc the '-t. loartluM llouae, flrartield, 1'i-nn'a. aujrsh7.y. J. BLAKE WALTE RS , j'C'iaVEXLK AND Cl)N VETAoCKK. Agent for the Puioh.e an 1 gale of Landi. 1'lesrllrld, Pa. rPromrt attoniioa given it ill ho.lnen ponni-otcd with the counly olSoee. offioa with 11"" l,c. I j n l.'Oii-ll LEVI F. IRWIN, ' JUSTICE OK Til E I'KACE Pur Lawiimra tmukhifi, flrarllctd l. O, t'lcarfleld to.. Pa rwcol.ectiom and nmittaLCee rromptly wade. (ja;'ll,'7. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Tho Uii'lnriiTord baviiig prouurrd a llormiHi, arill atlt'U'l toptillirij: iih- in nin jmrt of th ocoulit.v. Chargi-n niisltiriiti'. Addrpi'fl, IrpllH Im. N. I,. KOIIIXS, I'lrarfli-ld, l'a. M A J . J OH N ROS S , LICENSED ACCriOXEEIi, Ost. iirl p. t'trnrflrld Co.. Pn. allmd nroniMtlr to fal!ln Via du, Sulci of Kol Kliito, o., any her in the county. Turmi moili-rate. I.HI li , Ju'ie 2, ISlf ly pd. REIZENSTEIN BROsT itnnulaolurari of and WbulriaU Denlora In MK.N AND HOYS' CLOTHING, 4H Market b IIU Mcrcliaut Street, auRl-firi I'lUI.AIilJ.I IilA, f. Francis" coutriet. M ENCHANT. l Yrnrlnllle, t Icarf.cld County, Pa. Kwpe rnnr'nntly on hand a full amorlliiont of liry OoorlF, lU.dwHn. linH-i-iiri., eii.t rirnltiini: usiinll v k-pt in a n-tnil pu,rrt wlm h will !V lolj, for tiiHli. a vbNp ap plrrwlipr,- in the county. . Krcn. livillr, .lime ?7, ISi,7 Ir. STRETCH, BENNETT&C (Siifr t.ini tnlVlT T. Writclit & Co., IMI'UHTi.IlR Or AS D I'KAI.l.It It I) II UG.S AND MKDICIXES. Al ll. Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. ji-n r.7 o. mm Market r fiiiind'a. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSl Kol.A mi;am MILL.-:, K.O ' r H TI ltH LUM1JKU, LA Til, AND PICKETS, it. it. e mi u.i ; Font), Prc.idmt, Office Kon-.t ria. c, No. I is. 4th it., I'hd'n. JOHN I. MW--I1K, Fiip-riiilrn.h nt. Jt'fi7 Oola Mille, t'lrarSold rnntilv, l'a. 1SG7 slMiiX(- 1807 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, ft- 2?, sar. k hi a. ruui hi. l'lllL.MiKI.PIIIA. Wc ai- now prrpurcl wi'h our uuiil cxtonnivr end wcll-.i.rt. d .tot k to ofir i-ltre iudiioriucnte toTSM lit V l:lt.-J. nprll tf REUBEN HACK MAN, House and Sign Palr.to and Paper Hanger, t Irnrflrld', I'rnii'a. 'S. Will nrrulc join in hii line prnmptly and in a workoinniikr niHiini r. wjr I 67 SURVEYOR. rPlIE nniUrtirnd orTra hit eervleee aa a Fnr 1 rcror. and may ha found at hia reaidinre. In l""n-i Mwnnhip. Lelltira will reach him directed to Clcarhald, l'a. ttir7 flmipd JAMES MITCHKI.L. A.H.FRANCIS C U S .L Co, 81:1 Market Ml., I'lilla.li AirrArTt-eraa si Aoiats mt tut gAIB or V, ir. T'ar r. ; ,l;.r l in MANILA H'll K. waiicrf nm1.- to Ili-nlrra ( iai;; om SHORTLIDCE &, Co., I'mptletor or lh t'.cl! f,.tc I.ime Kilnt, Iti Hi fontc. l'a, Wo,d or on) toirnt l.ime frmrnrded by railroad and conftunltv on hand and lor sale al the kilna. June J7, l-A;.r,in..,. J A S. C . BAR RETT, " JUS T I (J K tJ K U F. TEA V E And Lireaed Conveyancer. 1 ulherliurg. (iearfield Co., Pa. "tr-foneeliina and reraltl.ncca nromnlle mad and all kindt of Irgal insiruuienta eleruied 1 ea abort n.tie. linayl.'gg ii C. KRATZER &. SON, MtliCJASTS, avAi.Ra m Pry Cools, Olothinfj, Hardware, Tuli. y, (iu-.en.a re. t. e,,,t,, rori.iona and MiJIll'S. I'leni Ilcrt, I'rnn'a. ?V At tfie cM trd on Frcnl atrret 'J lor the Acdcrne. Mr !,' if' iDnl (fmt cT.rorcvtfS, (fit. Ill Vll A 11 1 33 tSS 1 I K A L V II IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. MC.si.INS hki.ainks CHHI' K(iS ALl'ACAS at at st si Nennitinn Nhislicio N-nntmn Sensatinn Tne prieua prieet tirieeii .tint reeeivml at MONSO I'S'. HINIillAMS CHINTZ r HINTS (1I.OVK.S CUAVATS at al at at m at al rStiivntioa Si'iiwitioti SmisKtion Sin(tiii rSuiiHation prieee prieee pi iooa priei prices al MOSSUl'H' SHAWLS SetiHMlion piieua Sennation prioe IIIIW I IN ciii.t)Ki:i) i MUSLINS at Sensation price. All tol.ehncl nt MOSSOPS'. LINKS' at (HASH at CUKTAINS nt N'tifiitinn SenHHtion Sensation Srnnuliou hi-rsaiiiiu prieee pflCMt prioe prieea prices I'AUI.K CLUTUS nt FKINUli at al MUSSOI S LACE HOSIERY KiUHoSS TKI.MM1NGS of atl kiniK A in any quan'ly I at at SroaatioQ Sunaalioa htlliatlOU pnoea price priciM at Herniation prices AlwHvaon band at MOSSOTS', CASSlMKUtS KATTIN ETS TWKKIlS .IhANS VKSTINCS SIHUTlNti.S at f-eiik.un.in prioee at S?tintiou priotia hi Senantion prtcee al Setisatiou prieea at rcnatinD priee at &en.Mtion prioee at MOMSOpir. CLOTHING audi aa Come, l'a till, CBtS, Under Sliii ta. Flannel Miirts, bouta, SIiobh, al acnaalion prieea Data ami Cuin, Now fur ala at MOSSOPS. II A 11 V W A II K audi aa .SaK,linils Fork , Knivea, Spikea, II inges, LIQUORS, inch aa Wine, liran,ly( (i I n, W fi iakey. Cognac, etc., etc., K HI.' I IS, aucli na I'runea, liuUiiu, Fig, Filherts, ic. OltOCERirS. my 1 o u r, llama, Shoulilnri, Suyrar, MolusHft, t'ottne, I 'ii, C r r k e n, Spieet, Culidic-, at aeiisation price at MOSSOPS'. at aeuaaliuo pricer al cnar'.ion prieet al MOSSOPS'. at eeuaation prieet l.'oul Oil, etc., etc. A!tRyat MOSSOrs'. BLACKING KolT-S PoWliEH SHOT LEAD C. I'S at at at al nt at tenia! inn aenaation aenaation ein.at.ion aenaatiun rensution prieea price price pric prieea jineet At the More oflilCIIAUD JiuSSOP, MO.bSOI Alwari keep on bund a full aasoilnient of all kinJ; of grxxla reouiied for Ilia aceommorlntinn of the pntilin. July i. 1H7. f JJE.SII AeiTiVals AT Til K TDKAP UTOllE OF JWAltDW. GRAHAM Spring Goodsi New and Very Cheap I rplIE vnderilaed reapectfully annosneaa to J- the pihlie that hey ta bow opening aa ertenrire auoroncnt of BPR1N0 OjDt), a tlie old Hand in tiraham'a nrw buil linj. which be offcra to aril at exceedingly low prieea, con aidoring their coat, ftr eah or approval eountry produce. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot bo Surpassed. Cuetoraere can there had Oaliroea with fait ao. ora; Martina, Delainea, Lnwna, Clotha, Caal meroa, Voatinga, Ladiet' Sinwlr, Qi nu' Ehawla, lU.a and Capa, UooU and bhoea, Carpela, and Oil CUha. Eia Stock of Taney Good it Unex aiui led in Style and Variety. Em) racing Motiona, Boarfa, Head Beta, Keck tiea, Satcholr, Tort Munnaien, llruahea, Photo eraphlo Alhuma, ripoa, Tohacoa and Kcgara, Perfumery of all kin Ja, at anyihiog a.a La the Kotion Una. Ai.ko, UAliD W A IJ K, Q U E E X S WA11E, GKOCEKIES, rnovisioxs! All of the beat quality, and aelerted with apeclal regard to the trade of ClrarMd aounty f EKWAR3 W. URAUAM. Cleartcld, May to, IM17. GLRAED TOWNSHIP IN MOTION Fresh Arrivals at the Cheap Store. L. M. COUTRIET HAS Juat received at hla atnre, la Oirard town. hi,,, on the Clearfield road, one mile above Leconte'a Mills, a large aaaortment uf BTEISQ AND STailEU GOODS, Which he ia determined to sell FIVE TKIt CKNT. CIIEArEU T an the same quality of flot.da ran be par. oh.sed for ia any other alora ia the Beighbor bood. His etock oonrisla of DltY GOOIKS OF ALL Kl.XDS, 8urh nf Fatlnetta. Caadmeeea, Mn.tina. elninea, Linen. Drillinga, ( alleoi ol all kinda, Trinimlni;a, Rihhone, Lace, ft,tt,!y M,i,lc Cli.lhiiifJ, lotn rf- Miwx, Jltt cf- fiiyijt, fiI!C'F.IUKS OF ALL KINDS, Coffee, Tea. Fugar, lilee, V .fa-a, b. Salt, Linarcd Oil, r iah Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Tinware, Castings. l'lowa, Plow.Oaalinga, Natla, Spihea, Oom Oulll. vaiora, Cider-I'reaar, all kinda of Ai.a, I'ruijK, Mnlirinn, lrfumc.ry, l'uintu, (Uit.tA, I'linmi, t-'tiittonrrt. CfMirt IT.OtR AI.1V AVB OS HIM). V-JuCII and era for yonreelvea. Yon will And everything usually kept In a retail store. fc--.Vy Mows are of iho Curwensville and Cei lie loonly make, and aro warranted In be ol good quality. T.. M. COCTRIET. uirr,1 IfiariFMp, Jlsy JJ, lSfT. - 1 AT ANTI :l)'iMI.HM ii(r hltilra SI al our slore, near I'hili,sl.ui(;, fiu hii the highest eark priee will he .id h I , If CO. ?rji f.oottt," T.rocrrtr,'' &r.:v FALl7G()()DSn rmin mivt torn a CHiLAnii.eiiu. Ai Cheap aa (lie heapc( and (iood aa tha Ileal. f. KRATZER & SOX, nTt Jntt retH'iv!, And r tpoiiln. at Ifeoft OM irUnJ on Front Strict, tbore the Aotvlriiiy, wait . J V ; IcclAfd artvrtineDt of SEASONABLE GOODS, wliich thpy are idling at vtry low ratrt. Read i)u Mowing catalogue ami profit Unvrtly tJ i Peir 4lhs: ILscliiBis K'pecial paiaa hoi been takon In th" rolccllon of Ladiea Dri-a tloodi.. whit0 Oooda, Kir.brolderiea MitltnCTy tlooda, I'riuta, Kerchieft, Kubica, Ulorna, Ac. Ton (iEXTLEMKX! Alv ay, uxi hand lllatk Chdka tunny and Ulack Can'iuiorca, h.itiiieta, etc., heady Made I'iulliiag ill all kiuda. BOOTS AKD BEOS. -3 H - i V l.' r l." 1' t l.' c j, u iv .4. a jj o , and a rarlry of oilier article, which (hey will roll at a email advance on evat. Purucular attention la ibutud iu thoir, atock of Carpeti, Cott.ie, common In grain, auperflne Knsliih Inpm-ii end Hruaaela, rlo-,r and labia Oil O loth a, winnow ahailea aud n all papara, etc. FLOUH. BACON, Fiah Sail, l'laster, Applea, reaches and Prunes kept constantly on bond. ALSO, in Store a 1-it of Inrge and email Clover aeetl. v'e intend to ui.ike it an oh.iect for Farmere and Mochanlea to buy front u; beoauie we will eell our gnuda aa low aa they can ha bought in the county and pay tha eery bigheat price for all kinda of oountry pro duce. We will aleo eachanta goade for bcRoot., Koad and CotiHir tMderai biiinglea, Uoarda, and all kinda of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, July 2, lM7. AN0fHEBIGFLOPT, OMB two montha ago it Has ,furtual! aa nounc.d that Pcnnvillo was Eicht Side Up!" Recent evenls have proved tha announcement prcmaiure. Anrther -Flop" has oeeurred ; and chief among ihe iinptorad, "inirrr:lng aad lm- portent" pbaiea preented., p the one portraying lite new, large and cotntnodioua btore ilouee oi JOHNSON & BAILEY, f Who hava Juit retomprl from lh Fat with iBttra atifl rarf.ufff pt tested irirfr f Htaionahla UnoJt, of a:rfa(r Tai-ift.Tt and of arttr qnaMlv, than have heretofore baan ofTcreU in thin lac-Hoo of tii county. Call at the new Store Booms, and you will nnd Dry Goods and Groceries, Ha on an'1 Capn, Honta nttl Kht, Hurl, Litn-r.n'f, l-i... .... V.,i.h, 111.... I'o.,.. ktAliv: tin,. . inTinv.1 n.t.. I-,: ,i .l. ,, j ....ri.,,..:!'""1 he paid to Blanufaetunrg aewed work, lie Ir.Tl'l. L ' n,U' " PHl5lU-S'-jb.. hand a large lo, of Frenoh Kip and W"""J- alf Skin,, of ihe very heat naelity. The oil,. ()1TR STOCK OF UAHDWAItE Will bear Inipectiou, aa It ii full and of the beat quality. Our atnek of PHOTS and rIIUES la unequalled in quality and low prices. To the Ladies, We would ear that we intend to make the Notion and lrece liepartment worlhy their patronage, .nicies tot on hand, will he specially ordered, to suit our cusluoiora. The Striking Feature in the ' Flop " And the one wo would keep before the public, le the VKRYLOW PRICKS at whhih weara aelltng Mr-The po.dic are invited to give us a will Rrmic your Produce, boardi. hhinglea, tlraia, Fork, hulinr, 1 jjga. lined Applca, lUa, Ac jn-Our motto "C'.irapcat A llo-t." . , - . M M. F. JOUN.ON. J. Ii. 11A1LLY. Pennville, Aug. !9, 1HB7. C. KRATZER & SON, I EAI.ERS IX Dry Goods, Dress Coods, MILLINERY (JOODS, ' CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS. WALL FATEI'S, Clothing, Boots and Sloes, Hats and Caps, Queonsware, Hardware, Groceries. Front street, above the Academy. nrunoi'.ir.. J. P. KRATZER HAS removed to his aew warerootaf on Mar. hot street, Cleartleld. Pa , where he Bee opened a very large atonk of DltY GOODS, Merlrtnee, flinghanil. Cloths, delaines, Priots Ca-sireeres, AIoicas, Silks, Fatineu, lleps, Cashaierea, Tweeds, Coheraa, Mohair, Jeans, L.Tielija. Muslins, Flann"ls, Monnets. Kih hone, Cloaka, liulmural tSkirta, lltWip. hVirts, 8hawls, llre.s Trimmings, Heed Nets, Csps, Corsets, tlloves, Collate, Pearls, flrertadine Veils, Tahle Cuvera. CLOTHING, Conta, Pants, Vesta, Over Coats, Dent's Phawla tiliirl.. Ilau, l'ais, I'nJer-Hhirla aad Drawers, Itoon. Hhoes. (luto (Shoes, t'rnvnts, tlloroa aud Collars. . HAIUiWAIiE, l.Tr.r.NSWAliE. GHt ) CEKIKS 4 MUSICAL U(K.HS. GItOCKItlEH," Tea, Coff.e, Rugnr, Molasers.Pall. Candles, Bioa, Flour, Ilse. n, Fh, Tohaeeo, lUnins, Currants, R p I e e s, t'reekera, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Aleohol. TIN-WARR, GI.ASS-W ARR. WOODEN WAHE, and STATIONERY. JlOUSEIIOM) GOODS, Carpete, Oil-elotha, Drugget, Looking-Olasset Clin-ks, Charne. Washboards, l.oe. Ilaok ta, Flat Irons, Fans, Window lllinda, Wall paner, Coal Oil Uaipa, Ilea, brellaa, lledoanfa. Knlvaeand l forke. Spoons, t'roeka, aad f i (-love IlUukinir. r-All of whii h.will he sold on th. most rV.. eoa.hl. terms, and Ihe hiaheat WMseh.t pelee paid or tlrain, waol, and alt kinda of oonntr produea, Cleardeld, heooniher 1.1, leas. - HI FT 1IIK IlltivIHKH-The Isrrrst ov.ii. 'Onh r'forr iii Ii.,- ,,,.,rk,.. hs- atl tl... n lv. tHifi s that can he put un a r-los,vi'ir wood are".ta warraated ta tis-oporaiion, for sale hv : i. J . KKAT2EK, A.-nt. 1 'the' western "hotel. ' C1T.A h 1 1 1. 1., v a . rprtK eaharrlhee kaltig Iraeed f.r a leraa of J 1 years Ihie well koawa H.Kal.ikapl for many : ra hy Mr. I.aulrb,) and re (liied and rrlur-' niched It throughout. It Row pri pared to enter- lain travelers and the public generally ukb I ternia it ia hoped alike errcaMe to both pntrwn and proprlelor. Ilia TAItl.K and ltR will I be aup-lied with tha neat the n.arkea aHordi;! and uo puitil will he Iparcd a hii part to add to j the convenience and oom'nrt of hi gut-at... ! A l.lrrry Mahle ia alio attached to the ea tabliihinut. llorawa, liagtiea. ale, faraiaaied on abort oulice, or prra -ni taktit to any point dealred, JAM V.ri A. RTINK. 1'rop.lotor. IRON CITY "HOTEL. . . - . - r . . -t , HAklllHlltlRil, PA., i .'J ( ltailroal street, una aiiarr abuvu Uie Ii. pot.) rihe auh.eriher rerpeetfnlly Invitee the public J aad travahneooieinanilv to give hiia aoall, Laaabarnea ara Bartlaularlv lnviu.il. freaiih. OeraaaaiaadKngllabafiakanlatha hmi.a. Cbarg. ea modoiata, (Apr, IK tt.J J. M. VT KAVhrl. RAILROAD HOUSE. MAIN 'STUEKT, J'fllMPsni'UO, PA. T1IK undersigned keeps con. Unt'y oa hand the bc-t of Liquors. Ilia tal le ia ulwayi supplied wllh the h-.t theuiark"! atTords. The trav,.m; uuhlio will do writ to ii.i hliu a rail, norliii. KOUtltT 1.I.UYD. susque"ha1nah6us7 C(UJisTow, tiAl'PUIN CO., PA. rpill: arideraiguad Sakaa this anathnd of in J. forming lha Watermen of Clearneld eounly, thatpe bus rcBitad ai.u re-opened tha hotel lor tuorljr kept by E. Fhreiner, a4 Cuaaawwn. where he will uka special pains to render aauisfactina to all who favor him wub their patronage, lie hue blown all the rucka out ol tha mar and planted snubbing posts fur half a aula above bis place. fehlotrj uKOHUE lALul. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Lt'MBEK CITY, CI.EAHmxIl CO., PA. TllEanderaigaed baring teaard and refttrd Ihia well knovn etand.tako thia method ol bringing hi. eataliii.hinent before the public ilis Table and liar will be (applied with the heat the market afforda. A liberal share of public pat. ronare ia therefore respeetfullv solicited janil ly-pd JAMKH I.. rURRT. MOUNT VEiblfNToTiSE! !. rililK ,i..teraignM bnvl,,, pnrch.d U,ls Hot.l, , n,"'""y ( mion..;..! ti- Pi,- I ' in general, ami trattlcra in pailicular, thiu he i bus tkon gn'at p iius in r1 fmui.-:i.i:4 and rrlittiiig i it tiilli i-jh-. inl ridreiiii- to the accoiuiuu.laliun an" cmnfort nil alio may clioom- to nivc him a call. l.iyi ur.H ul Uie l.o.l uaiily will 1... k.-pt at the liar, arid the anlil.of lni will he alien. I. ) In with plen-iire and pronipluias, Au..ic cI'A III.IND attached thereto, mrl'-lv JAMK.-! AP.THfltS. !oot and Alters. BOOT AI) SHOL SHOr. EDWARD MACK, alarket, street, tppo.lte tha "Rcamhlican" Ofhco. fpHH per pricljr has antarrd Into the HOOT A 1 MH.'K huainaas at tha above eland, and e l o be outdone either in quel 1 price (or his work. Hp.ei.1 attentioB tensor i.ieamei and Ttelnny are reapertfully Invilcd to give bin a trial. Hu charge lor oalla. am 7, 'he', r EeaJy for the Summer Campaign. DAN I EL CONNELLY, Bool anil Shoe Miinufactiirpr, TTAS J -sett reecircd a Ana lot of French CAI.F 1 JL fHl, and Is now prepared Iu nianufae. lure everything in hi. line at Ite lowest hirures. He will warrant his work to be aa reprcaonten He respectfully eolirita a call, al hia shop on Murkot street, acnond door wo.tof ihc po,toli.oe, where he wilt do all In his power to render satis, fantioo. Some hue Uai-rr lop. on band ir;j.'6T.y Tjami:!. c:vn.tV. PEACE 1WLAI5IE1). THE WAR OVEaTlf CLEiRFIILD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xcarly nil thf OnntrahanHs bad; tn thrir oil mastcn ; but nary one qning tn oil Tan,'l,unrtts, where they trrre lured $o long and $o veil. IK eonaequenee of the above farts F. FHORT, of the old "Short hboe Kbop." would an tH.ui.cs to his nuiaerona pitrnns, and the penpio of ClrnrAold eouuty at Uriie, that be ba. now a first rale ht of good material, ju. i received Iron the Kavt. and Is prepiired on snort notice to make and tn. nd lloute and Hboes, al his Dew shop in llr.bain's row. lie Is .ati-t-.l th.il he can please all.tanleea It inlht he Some intei.sely loyal ttay. at boms patriots.) He is prepared to sell low for I'a.b or Country Produce. Iion't forial Ihe Sbopneat door to Showers k tlnib.in'a stor., on .Matket slreat, Clearneld, Pa., and kept by a fellow comuiooiy called jy.""7 y SHORTY." A PROCLAMATION GO ISO ITAI0NEI! Ko lioitp Prnhihitetl fr.tm Ruiiny my rt.( V y r IhoU anJ Mors on act-mud- of L'aee or U'uC 1)EIX3 thus liberal Blinded. I take this method ol informing the eiliarus of Clearneld end v leinitv tbat I have opened allop on rleeond et next door to the Couoi Nationnl Hank, over Vatson'i ltrug Flora, where I am prepared to tnake to order everjth'ug in the Hoot aud Shoe line, out of the lust laalrrial and in the most workmanlike maauer,and oa short notice. All I ak is a trial. Done at Ciearheld.thii ltMh da; of Julv, ISM. 11AUHV miss. BLACKSMITH I NG. EW Aft KANt.KM KM. T Mil. unVincriltrre, in -icw of iKmit,ir pvrntn. dt 'ljrn al'Mitinr a now TMa of tiomir hufi nmn n aad afttr the I at nl My nnit, Jrora that ilata we will adoitt tho I AMI HM I M, and all work tnnrt thfrafora l nacl for hefnro Ifavmi; thr pIkii aiiknijc this ilirtert noa. however, it. faror f nurautuiimr: it ml war firia will be 1W KN TV Tkli t I.N 1. LKS8 than le imw rharrfl for wnrk. T'T J hono knowing lliiMtievrlTra intli )Hri, and who.e tm.k aeeounta have not been artlled, are ! ratMioled to eome lorwird and mako e. HI, loem i ht'lore Ihi .....u. . ""i" uieae not W torgotien. i O h'l. t:. 1'ASSMOKK A SOK. I hints will not Clearfield, JIaith 21, IstiMI R. ROBISON & CO., vnoi.r.sAl.t Grotrrs nnd Turk Packers hralrrt in lln, IniD anil Nil Family Flour of tbo Bost Brands, Mama, Mams, Hiilea and fihnnldrrai Lard, Mesa l'ork, Chee-e. Ilaans, Hominy, llrled Kmit, - Carbon nnd laird till, lined Herl, ia No. sa 1 Ihrrtv Btrrrt, (Hod front.) .ar7-ly . .PlirslH Htl, l'A,. It r. A II l n ill 1m, paid ill t.reen- la-trs to aT person wh ha. wa.1 1 ir. liumn' Pile f-ilve a,.r.liiig lu dinL-tions aud has not been cured. A'ldr.f 1. H. ril'MMM Cd.. deo.'i-iy ' Willlaii -por, l'a. I I Y th. nrvicnvTir u.mwxc. ot.tr ! II 'JKSli , A iLS lsv.'fuiuoiiLaiaudard forged i alalia, far sale at j. r. KRAT2CK 0. llrif ttoods, Cirorrrifs, Ctr. CLEARFIELD STORE, Near riiilipsburg, ronn'a. W illiam W. Keoe tiei.rge L. Keeil - J .h r. Weaver. William Powell. HAVE jit rrr!Tf J a Urn aid wrtl i!cu4 fork of all klnti of (iuodi, acb aa IHY (ifI).S, CLOTH I NO. BKland Plt. flat antl Oipi, Koi.ooi, HnM wart, Uum. Nail, OtU, Patau, ittraitawara, Urutrir. Flour, Faad, Aa , wbich va aia uflenna; at arvaily kf.m:c1j ruicts fok cash. Or in exchange for Ll'MHER and SIHNOLES We Inland to aaaka it to the advantage of tha riMBMt MEX I In the lower end of Cleeiflcld eoemly and on Liearfleift ereek to get their auppliee from ihie point; being ou Ibe line of the ltailroed, we ean eel! gnoda oa better terms tban al any point in Cleeroeld county, and we ere eeilicgour atoek at aucb prices ca to tnake It aa object to those buying to buy from us. ADVANC'KS OK (UXIIaS, FEED. iC, Ua-le oa aaeoant of EQl'ARR TIMBER, which wa will oither aell em eenamieeiwa, or buy at fled ratea. jrer-Ca aQ4 aee If oar goods and prieea doa't run ihe times. W. W. BUTTS A CO. Mrar Phllipaburg. Nor. 5, I Sen. JLOL'J. of dillerent tiranda tun Le had at all times, at Tory low prieee, at tha CLEARFIELD BTORE, novi.tf Near Pb illpjborg. Pa. jyiYG(yoiis7-N0TJulNS7Ac Kraal rariety, at the lowest prices for cash, at the CLYARFIELD FTORE, nor5-tf Near Pbilipaharg, Pa lALT, dy tlie anek or load, cheaper than can be had anywhere aire, at tha CLEARFIELD STORE, nori-tf Near Fhilipabarg, Pa. QA1A, L EXAMINE TllE .STOCK of Ooods bow aelliaf at the CLEAKFIELI STORE, nov5 lf Kear PhilipahuJg, Pa JJKillKST ritlCK paid in Goodn or Carh fur Lumber and Fbinglca, at tha CLEAHEfELD STORE, novi tf Near t'hilipehurg, Pa. MIE CnEAI'KST GOOD, of nil kinds, ate ta be had at the Clearteld Store. W. W. BKTTS A CO. Near Plllipsbarg, Pa., Nor. , ISf( tf JIC'IIARI) MO.SSOP IS SOW Belling, at half their ua price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAK) AND SHAWLS, MOWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, V-'OOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FUI?NISUING Gooil. LADIES' HOOTS ASD SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S E00T6 AND SnOES, BOY.S' do do HOOP SKIRTS. BALMORALS, LAP IKS COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AN 0 CURRANT.S, BROOMS AND TDB3, CAN'NF.D FRriTS, BEKF AND PORK, FLOCK AND FEED. c. Ac. Ac. Down I Down 1 1 THE LTsTARUIVAL AX I) OF CMUSE T1IK CIIUAPK5TI A Proclamation against High Prices I AlF. are now opening up a lot of the best and l I Bioal seeaoM.I'h, t.,HNls and Wiare. ever ottered in litis niarket, and at prieea that remind one oi tin-goiHi i,i tiava ol elieap t unas. 1 hose i,u u,,h ,, lh ,, ' d or gations superfliiou. nied hut c.(M. .r oik sTtmv, Comer Frost and Market etreeta. Where the. ean eee. feel, hear and know for them selves. To ftlllv nnderxtand a hat errrhen.1 rooils. ttiip m nut bo dne. We do not drew it nrewtarv tn Nimnerat n ilemiaa our tUtek. It ia enangh We have Everything that is Needed anl cimritiiiH'd in thin market, and at priors that attniHh both old and Totmc I2" jWt.ril PHAW 1 FON. J) O I) 111X8' ELECTRIC SOAP. Havea Ttmrl ha-M IHonryl havea l.ahorl Haves Clothe I farm erne a I AND ALL GUDCEKS PKLL IT ! Il Is ased hy rutting Into small shavings and dlaeolring in hot waler, then a,.ak tba elotnes flva to ten minutes, aad a little band rubbing .,n n-.k. ., .i . w,. ... k.. em, e rul.tnng would do, wilh nrdinarv en.p.aad the mo.t delicate labrie reeslve ao li'jury e can refer to thousands of femliies who are aslni it and who eoold not he persuaded to do without DOBBINS" Kl.KCTRIC POAP. jfO'-ftold by all leading Qroeere throughout the State. .UancfacUire'. enlr by HODHI.NS et LOVE, Wholeaale oftee t 10T Bout. Firra Ptasar, Pati,aBat4BiA. -. ealebv Rartawieli 4 Irwhl Clearfield. November T, 1 ReV. 10 ano. For Sale at a Sacrifice, ritllK l:TIHK HTIiCK and Mlure. or II. W. 1 hMITH'S lliy t.ood. more. This ia a rara optwianity for eountry merchants, or aav one dnirtng In go into the business, aa the etnc will he eold anuaually low, and the baemea. at.ad ia the heat in the homngh. j ppiy at the store. rB.,f j J t'ii?'iiLr.S for .i per M, at II. W. SMITH S. j rc.AAk.0 KFl IT af all hinds, at J XfirtKBLL MIDLER'S. IFM'.w". mil,,,,, mt treated wilk the utm, ink "A1. M. I".. --ellt ai.4 Aw ,' Ix-v.len. Holland, i N oj in .. "?a T-tiitiniaU from tb nn ftU(,i, s'T '" plt rtn. it hf no rt io hit r&aiiit.naitioiii. Ayer'g Cherry i. Tor tba r.id illt, Culdn, loSuenia, U, troup, Kronrhni, I,,," CoB.aasttion. aid loru,r ef r.n.Bmt.ii.. o a vance-1 iiagi-a oi me uiaeaae. as. Vo wide ta the leid uf iu ascfuloses nuner'eui are tti curt-i. la imn.t "r7 Mrtat, hmr bo rtmri by It from MUrtLiiir a.ti L tritti. itt Npcriorttjr Tr erj otatr t.rJj anl it tn typttmi In -cap bierfuivt m whn TirlM r koowo, th u loDjftr hiitat wbu Diiiot tw t.n. duireninr od dan-rffrafbi kffttt(jBi of tt a onarf rf(i lad at art tiei(lQt to vr c;aaj Hfaila mry .Dfortor rtintf,ifi it.rut (jj eonta'jn.t; hav filled and br diararaatl, bag fiinti frtndi bj vary lial,Dtfrrv. rflu on the afflicted tby eaa ntrer twgtt ttj prod act d curfi loo Domrotu find Um ramttum Ut he fortrottaa. UteaoaMDre Iht pnblte. that In t)tuiiti sartfuM kpt up to tbv bft it tvr ha ton mui i bat it tnaj ba rl"d oa U da tor Uieirrt alt tbat it baa war dotia. Or l aumban a Clarfrman, PbTtieian Ptt tofoten, and other aiaioeiit fwraonafM, u lent tbair BiBfi to certify tba anparailekrei fulaata of oar rem Mr, but tpa sera aiU permit tha in ten ion vf them. Tha Aftauit low earned furniih traiff oar American Alaaa ia arbicb I bey ara fiTa j with a 1m tall tkaaiy. tinnt of the C'Jto'laiDt oar reatedioa curt. Thoae arbo rtMjatra an ahrativa neiiaatu purify tha blood witl tad Area a Coar in 4aYata.re.aiLi.eV tha ona to a fa. try U oaca,aW ya eooeede Itf valae. Prepared by ba. J. C. Arra d Co.. Lat; and told by W. M. A A. I. bbaw Cttr field; M'.C MeU. Ulan Hfa, Joeepb R ,t. and Irtia A HarUbers, Curveaiviite ; Kuti Spencer, Lotuber Ctty, and all llrajjjiju dealer in ajcdieina everywhere, eeptll hj. BE AL'S LATE POWEL'S EMEEOCATIOI For all diiaaa! incidant tn Hi-rje, Ca;tl, mi numaa t leto, requiring tha ate ol aa a i tarn al apphcatioa. THI new Coirponnd prepared hy a Bnrieil Cbanitit, having a full knIftljre au m mod in' Tirtoaa et aach inriadieat Ut tetn into itf ampoition. U warriated tu ateei hi. thin of tha kiad aver yet afierea to tkt ftjh a an altera! aplieatton ftr tha diNaie Ut whifh tt i reooiDuieDdtd W ara atiIH ifct it will wnrk iu own load into tht ecnfijeec ,( all who aa it, and tbt-aa who try tt t never va wiui oat ii, ana therefore w rclf n experieneo aa the heit of in aaafumeti' U t pranonnoad hy Farrieri. and atl wb b-T mt it, tn he tha fcett appltoauon aver at-d. Tin Kmbrttnation has bean pat ap fur ovrr rrt: yrarp, and it la only throuich the inrreariai it mand and or rent rcqucil of my frteadi aaa ia I'ulihc that I aend tt forth a tb rnmt redi, ernt tor the variuu dmea to whieR tat nvaia and aaa'ul an mat. tha brr. ia au .ikl Many reniv-dian hart? keen offtsr-d iota Put. Mr ander diflerrnt fonni. antna of ht-n art tt jtrioo. otbeia at beat of (title aae. an-l Maty wholly laprtipertoanawerthe port f..i eici they ara reeonnnendai A jadicitiB and ready oieful rnmpa., tjo. fr-4 from lhoia otijrtinnt, haa tbre-ura iwf doiirad by many (rt-nt lencn wku have taleaa bumaa, and are anwilnnr to Irual lhaaimttt care of de-irninr and pretended Firiera. Iaetr ibe are at tanth fvfly fratiiied. kv (Dr. l.eale) being prevailed a fun le aihw thi valaa hl I!:rbrin4tioa fwh eh oa proerd aa vftrartwat to tba variant di-ea, to ba prepared ar-t broHpht ont tu tba pui lte. Tht Etnbroeati'n wa axtfnriraly aad Vj tbr u-Teraacftt durtnr tba war. fur rala hy llarUwtrk 1 irair. ClaarfttU. Jotvph .V. Irwin, CanaeuTil-. I'Mitl Uaai laader. Lo:herhur)r. Addreaa all order ta DR EDMVKD UKALt, apr4.67 ly t02 Booth oaeood St., Phil., Pa. ood cms foMIotlirrs. MOTH EPS, are yoa oppressed with amisty for tour lilt la etnas f Are roar aleasaen at 1 tfiiil hr,.ko by Iheirerieaf l)o yoa a.aU in the morning an.-efreshed and appreh.n.ivtf If so, proeure at once a bottle of Lr. Leos's Is fani r -nedv and you will baveo More wsar; noun or watrhiog and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy Has stood the test of sears. Theo.sndi ef nnrses and mothers bear witness that It never rails to give relief if used in see-on It is a mild, set aure and speed reurr for t'olie. Oaasea and Windy Wine, and la invaluable for all oeat- plainli tin 1-nt to Teething. Sold by all Urn -ci-t. throaghoat the Valtsd nates. Addreaa all prder. to ZIKULRR PMITH. Fele Pronnetnra aoll y IS? North Ihird St , Fbiladsipaia. A Great Discoverr. OVK of the greatest and most un-tul discoveries in medie.l ."lenee was tne.ir hy theevlehnites Ir. J. l'nm.s, of Pans, Cklef Pllvsiei.n to the Imperial InnnnarTof Iranee, in lel. Ihowas have heeu afflo-ted With the painful diseese knei as Piles, an-l rrTeetnaPr rored hr the use ol PR 11CM4S' I KKSCII 1'il.K SALVE, eannot swat tow highly of the hem-hte conferred noon ihra k the use of th,p reme.lv. It baa never heeu knows to tail in cMor-ting a permanent rare manor ease. In this n-,eot it aurpas.es all other aseii cmes ot the kind. It will do.iu.t what it tsrrcoea mendinl tr; if net, the money will be relunaei One ot two bote is sufficient toefleet a penaiweat cure in lour or en daya, if the directions oa las l.oe are followed. Price, one an I two dollars tw box. aoeonling to aire, rient bv mail or cipress anv part of Ihe l ulled Ptatee or l anada. Mid lru,.-irisl generally. A lihernl dn,-ount ma.lr la the trade. Add. -ess ll. 8. Dl'Ml.tM k CXI. '1 illieiiupnrt, Pa le Proprietor, sod alaaelse- turers lor the l nited States and Canada. d T No mure Held llrad.t No aaere (;ray Vtul Mr. LKOX'S ELECTrJC HAIR RENEWIR, 1 pronounead by ell who have ased it lbs very 1 best preparation forth. Hair. Ii ia a norines cure for Haldnesa, aradioatea LlandratT aad Ma. mora, slop, tbe Hair from falling out, aad sreeS ily restorae tlray Lacks to their origiaai has eat luxuriance. ll operates on t he secretions and tils the g'selt with aaw life and eolr.ring matter. Tia. eV. faded or gray hair will always he brought ! by a few arpllcat Ions, to its youthful aDuaiiaera, IK. If A Ar law-Tild-tl ta. e eliarv. bi vn.iiiy ata oo or. It mekee the hair eoft, gloaey. fragrant, pleas ant to the anaeh. and easy to arrange. Wr.arry and Intrartable l,Mks become moist, pliaet eed disposed lo remain in any desired p.aiii"B. as a Hair Dressing tn haa bo a, wal. The sales or enormoaa, and il ia a universal favorite wilt eld and young of both eeiea. Hold by Drurghte throaghoat th Cains Sutea. Addreaa all order, to ZIKllLKK k SMITH, R..le p-on leiera. Bolt-y 1JT Korlh Third M., PhnM'Ipkafc 1 M7 Philadclpha i Erie R. R. 1 1 T'lls great line trav.raea the Noetner. I ek we.t eoantiea of Penney Ivauia Mlheenv o' b's on Lake rie ft hsen leased and is ..peest-d I-t-EXNSVLVANlA HAlLHiAl COVPtNV Tims of Passanger trains at St. MAliY e eat KKAI1.N J : Iase 1'atH.rd. L Mary's. Kxt He Mall Train 4 14 p M. I H I a. Brie hspresi Traia 1 1 p jj 4,4; p. M. l eave? Vt e--.lv r. Kria Mail Trala Jo K M. I0.J' Erie K 1 press Train.... S i A. M. 11.11 A. Tanaager ear ran through oa th. Erie fall aad h spree. Ttama withaal ebaag. both wart belweea I'hil.delplile and Kna. b'w aarh Iwnnwrllmi. Leave H Y at a. ea.j Ar. at Kne 1 a l.eaae N. Y.al k a. Bt.j A r. at Kne 4 a Leave f'rli at OJ p. m.; Ar atVi.lP" I. tnva In. all t.s a u Ar.ai N V l l a sit rhantre ar far. be-twee a KHw rirganl sleeping Care oa all Nithl tr.1 For Information respecting Pas.enger had ea. aoi.ly al for. Sdta and Market M s, rail" And lor rrelght baalweaa ol Ibe Ceajpssf'1 Agents, ri. It Kinrston.jr, Cor. Hth eed ket streets, Philadelphia. J Hsroold. K" illi.iB BrowB. Agent. N. C. K. R'. rlai'ir- II. II. Houeta. General Freight Afeal. Pl14 U. W. u winner, tienoral Ticket Ag-ut, (rie. A. L. 11 Loll, aw era rrrlnlrrlea.t.