"ShcgcpuMifan. Irrry Were the Wdrr 4" He i:! The 1st election in the Province of ! m-r , c.., s ,.., .t i We Vft'l Matfe T"rr- wrrr. r-t. tbst t'..e K.i-ton , rn Ki.Ii. a' are r, -. t I I Clkmnrt. R1 ' l'.umcr ain abound tbt import ant chanim in Preidrl Johrn-on's M .. t . ..!. t la I hr'inpi WI a. a in iiki i.iittv. trw 3i4t'frti5fmfnt. TOI ITU Sl'HO.It. HOOKS Nr-llr ll X her.ne rtr H oiiiiene ( I'lcaitle'.d ..i. it,.i I hare art, red Inie a arrar.reirr.t jHrir flrrrllsrmfBtj. Ilia Only lrm..rratlr Sla-ailn, I'ubliJ III Ilia I n ll 4 Malt a. Virt-inla has tvslted in m cosrj.wt ,rc ,., i. ar f' Fem-rl .Um-t.rtt-l.,n in f .vor r.Mr i,r..r;-e Mil prominent Peniocrstic poll- ! - U Iw D bU ARQ . ..,-.-. m -4. . .. . . i t S.m,l..n. . ;.... k-m .!ll nnnn the President .!"rU? Jf.???l!TLlZJ. 1 A MONTHLY M Mi t.l. K. ' victory loriticnrgnH-a. - tk: at li-e u;e .M . . a . wr.. , nr vi .i.- A4 H., ,r,.,r. ,n, .... ii.rot to I nrra-uie. H . -e .n.i am j .' ... . ..,. . .. . .. . . xi.., T nil..- t ho t-cclion. and tiri-cxl him t P. s lrid bo,kl (ahea entire) taken m i- ' cvo".'. 1 "l r ",'.T "V t the City 1 Kirnmona ry it mar-'", ctrvcdol that ! U lure, ., I 1 : u.a, -- --- ' , ; a (gl,jn.t ,i,,t would more .. WILLIAM TEN KY(.K. '-'l"'' " AtmaKVof il,erm,mta, D. wtue ;,H ,vr J. srts.it ttrr t in crcr cT.n;n pn the com i.tr ( w.t v rcplwuhc ttpttd opm- "".'J! . ur..-. w,.fc wer drircn from the rVa y W (ltjr.rltrrolsrj.(; u.. ;a 0.0... om-ti"i are a r.lwbltf a rtlr fiy. . f .V llron!ji than tlie one he linn riMi Tin: iii.ir P I.I.I ill lin. 1 CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, Oct. 31, 1867. "pet lambs" Hon. John It. (Miner, ti,f? tttxtntd it ntl!r : heec tue!r , .4 i'.a.i val excfcn-c, limcvcr, r i,, ..f il,. Wrvtj.rT fik Narv an-; k.: j.r...! Ti-. "tr AS-'. !!. ir,Hi rlt abihtr laved tl.c rUtc -" - - . ' 1 I 1JV . t.l n. 1; " v . v s - - - - t - - - dcr Tm-idciit Tvlcr, and killed on , da.ana) Vxi'r Cimnrr:ijl, one over four tuiilKio t.f dollar. boarJ the Trincclon on the SMh of of.L, e .i ,nJ nost iufaeoti al Ja 1 financial ability conita in having an Ftbrnary, 144,) wilh a romUr of f ipr-r in that Stale, in aa eJi-jact pad through our Legislature other fading citiiens of rU-bmoiK', 1 Mril artieie tr.0J.r5 to the result compelling the huldern of the Slate filed a protest with General Srtrfield. !0f ,,e rwr-t eWtUm, and more par-. loan to lake depreciated corremy lu-ltini' forth the frauds ted ootrje tn tL drSVat of lite lietrro : ;ntead of ro!d interest on their Ions conduct cA the negroes and their 'Mjrnrt qoei:on in Ohio, ie tae u)ri(Ja. Tbo moral in this piece of Will some one inform ns who tbe j,); Jilt incensed the negroe ; f0;jow.;t-. f ,mUe Un-tij: ( .tatemanship is this : That while thapf were that, a ahort time go, that ther orMnirei ihetnacive into; r. m,rj fi.' W Twi' j tnev claim that the Mate lias snvca around him now. We do not pretend to aov how much of truth and how His I much of fuUehood there may be in tbo. rumors. .Hut we dc-mre to ex pre thboe that all the prominent Ilemocratic politicians will let Presi dent Johnson alone. He does not b loiic to us. and no dislinguihed Demy oernit who does not desire to forfeiii his standing in the Democratic party can sately enter bis Cabinet. Nor mould it do the President him- j self any jfood to break up his Cabinet liKt'E AHEI). At n Orjihwii Court, hold at kr' J. on Ilia I7tn Prylrmmr, innLinu. lur IhacoimlTof OarSi-l'l, eiunoo w Rwardrd. diicl"d to tli hvirt and hral rrprrtfntatii'n ot Kliaa Hurd,dnoaad.eiiinaiaiidinc Ibria toafifK-ar oa or brfura tha Brit Monday of January aclt, and ihow aanar, if any, why ipwiSn narformanf hould not be drrd of throonlrart btwiaaaid Rlial Hunt and HamI Worrall. datrd May 2d, 18AI. I. &. BAHUKB, Clark 0. C. Itatohor 31, lKrj-Jl. told the pooplelhat tho iJemocrauo j glance committees, and delegauons - ZZJZT.7 . txl, - i-t-. u this sum, (which U not true,; mejana reconsirui v n on vu.v..v.. pBrtr was dead ? of them waited on Mr. Gilmer aud a um , bmiw tm t.- T- bondhoUle-rs hare been robbed of a i foundaUon. feuch a A"g.' , I , . ...... . aw.1 iw lavmrmk air" fitr nMn 1 laledav, miirlit do bim more harm man Tho rae polled in Ohio at the late cumber of other influents, white mi- um4u.n,m.mm.m,4f.m,. t hke sum. This, we should eay, was i u fa g weUeu olecUon wn. the largenerer polled-1 -ens who opped the loyal ZZX'ZX. robbing -reter to pay Paul,- at most lin .tU1 It cou.d not possibly i jconAO Tk. Tiru.r.i cin. I mode of holding eiecUon. and no::ted ttr r.T r. tt f. t .-' I'' But the trulb i that George Council ; itrcnKthen him. It is not becauso oi j'aWut 22.0 Id Riillo-t j51" ,0 ,MT' ,W in .TT'JZT l.i. ber "J'h" ' "ny,' ft" ih" limoliti'o'"'!.'"! .i..... nnn l ours! Ite -canaiie of Luroive i Pd, ; aeren years, robbed the State ana lu p , . FRANK BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ClearOeld, Pa. OIe oa Raoond itraat, with W altar Darratt, Kaq. Oetobar 31, IHS7. w. I. aorrn to. M. aaari.au. Citircns of renn'ylvaj.ia, Iht is ,B!i we ta.j :he ait.?ntrn cf the ' Irii-h roj.!e of orer Un mihwiia of dtuars, it t0 bo j p0w- ! B-asoe1ncoN618TEKCT. The wue,loTtillj. in ju lra r,: ya dm jr;J ihich." whi Lire a -tan5:cring: and thej merely want to continue on of the late "government, it is aaid.i , lsi iw j,, 8rT k.rm. This ,. , r,,m- corcri-' this line for a summer cr two lot.,? coinff to re-dress herself by e.l.ng i . , - , , Th . t- r . . OTir.u. mna' ibtm naitat buszara trarf er to do anything for them us a party, that they have resolved to suina oj biaB to tu bitter nd of bis fight with hot loU.o. Kl. lrtbblj oln. plutcs playing the "Black Crook." Two hundred juror were drawn in Orleans parish, Louisiana, only twen ty of whom were white. Who would not be loyal, so as to enjoy the felicity of favoring Congresaiotial reconstruc tion ? Gen. Sheridan' circus is mill trmr eling in loyal yew England, much to Co. rc inTiting th two rrcw. 1I laaion ihtm. The avrDUBient ex- do you like il! The laxy, wcr.h'.e? pr4Vt.j .T tbi Wt-ltm sntker are idea before them pland-T. ncgroee anu tiie .oyaiTacamui deirJ of the kh iLo coctrv: Masachuit',.8 orJerirthe wfcletai- e .ir. ;a t payers acd prorerty-uo.Jera to leave BOl eEMh to avow them, for( their borne: W l.at lnce iraanan fc4r cf oTtrthrcw. are co doing in lliihaiond.tiiey wi;! mm doU.rov:liOutientu..e.cJ,llB. Ox II: can IUcx Cot a? we to-; .. mtkrttrttthen tkn And a in niKniicsr, i-w. mv... .vr j .ke WlC,tlr itaus f- .,,..... Ton ay, bad was, 1 L . I .. : .l,ul in i1 xw irixtaa B.K-k. hk. wd-geese, with but o-.;- - ; V f . HOFFER & HERTLEIN. linrtltniiM Awuke. New and Cheaj Gooda at Your Home. X baraby otia that wa ha opaoad a atur la K A BTH ACS. whara wa haraoraryUiinf f aaaratly kapl io a aoontry atora, iaela !la( FLOUR AND FEED. Whlrh wa will sail low for ah or I aiabaaga lotelv in that fieht if h retaina bis , bbUBtK. present Kcpublican Cabinet, or puts N)rAJT.S OF GOODS, FEED, tc, mada oa aooMal of BQCARI TIMBER, TtRMf-caia ix atiraaci. Ona eopr, ne jaar , Two niiea j f nur epiai Flra aoi'lta, and 0D to Iha galtar up of lb. olnb.- iin TaD aopiaa, and oaa to lha gauar apuf ll. club . !sk Twenty anpiat, and una to tua gatu-r ap or tlia clob - tls New Hubacrlbeta Hare Chauct. All who hara n-t yat aub.cnhej for Tit r, Gcaao fur 1807, ahould do io, and aat th a aaaibara, eontaininr lha naw and popular by Wat. Uilraora Minima and Julrn k,uia UM graphia battla pirluraa. To erary n luutn. ar, aandiug aa .) lor our yoara au?.rnpiitii,ai will rand a aopy uf tha larfta ata! plau pw, of aitkar htooowall Jack.un or Lea, a. ilaa affribar aiay direct, at tho time of tubKtib Tbeaa portraiff are I V x? 1 in'.-hcr, atvt etir-i in tha h, t etyle of tlia art, and retail for u aa. k. fcpeciiaan aupiel of tha Magatioe atii, po.lpaid.tu all da.iiinr to eaamine bel.rt iu. acril,:nr. or to jrl up dull", for H'C. AdJrru VAN EVKKIK. 1IORT0N A Co , Put.liabm, oetJ (t No. IdS N'aaaau llroat, iicw luit fi-?QT aalrat ll:" P'i't Odi.e. tinueWTOievneiai-aiui.vi- aau- tve Llurt ai.1 h.te Kal.cvU ol tbat a. ,a n. ,l..n..1 won .. ....... . , ir.ai auiio uufc fj vvr c-.'.'.- j Icalwm in CleaiXead C-OUI.tT ea.S ati-2 v-l .V.:, n-r.:rr nn-Ti-g . . .... , . . the amusement of the loyal factor of; on floi lhtl it - (fc. , had I. ol a. - ..crand .oral ideaa" in thut aec.on. , wj -A My u , The General .eems to play the clo btre c Lere a, there t r G,n M.s , 'e " B , "Alen a. -ucWully a. that of Louse and polrrM u. tU u,Trer,. XUt U!, a., and tical . wfcan Und 5 barn burner Bi. colfap-. Sickfa , tU ftiti,;,V tie -..te U. ,,f li. f at -"6 f y. l,Talu continue Las been taken charge of ly W TeaVcdtbe&ct oort c-:sire'r ' aiv.i. ,!.. v-. y0t.tl VL'.. r . . , . ... tiaaon I . , , , . I-- - r-- - to lumisii i . i out 01 a.i aoason, tU wb:w 1,.,, of tie KaJi- :.iVEU ...v, i, UX alii ! ..... - . i r j teTj.c it ' ijtil ev.IiTt d i i-.-'-ran-e an I ; 1 . . . ,i I Wa o U-r lw -oa ('xacral t'licrilaa and CTWare. Tia W.aa M-n'J U noli- . fl a.UJ.ai.U; lal-auairlibjaajaiaf ieg Itt aa irara t fjcl, an 1 we are Kf mtm. f,TT I'zt' :i.e c :' cf :o'.hetr rare l .n a-r ;,.'; .:t iii;t.tr.,(jjaaiwn'ik rsf ,.o , -.ify ah u. 1 have j If tliey do, they wiil more punc- d:.ne : let i-.a nk his Kh to the ' tail taaa the writt r for the Jjurnal, er-c a. 4 ma whites io peace, cr ' fceaso he waited until he was draft- friends and shut tip for awaiticg a pood g-oommg. in tLi, ou re f-y as A Complimskt The Chiiaro Tn'- competevt to pe-j.cma'.e rc'.rage. a. 6une, the organ of tTeBtcrn lUdital- the Eit hmond nigcera. The ir.e. ism, says that the BtaUmeiit put fouh jwhilo who tut-iiasi thtwr fct':;UT by the Xew York iiamenate lire no , off to l rta and y-oi.w-.ua-.r, f.r more relmhle than those of the Phila-! ryimmiuing ti0 crime, are a 3e::iHe delphia7tir;uircT.' Aa the whole three I of correct n.cri'. t. U.e Er.f:.-ei tinlorirr to the Mime school of political 1 African ; and harir.' au-i la rt-i infjircy, we cannot ace tht propriety ; their follow-man of tua pt-mcJ i her- rit k:n oa, t.f tve e;.T ca . n i aoi then fni'.ed to appear at hi r .i.. rr nt,Vii-i.lin lii iimi tlmv will m he:iat lorF aol -r , t...,.. ir... lT,-na po' " akLSjirh he bai for three colleagues, unletts it is upon the ly-. driring a dewt.t wfc-.:e tr.aa cttc . notbesis that he is the meanest of the ' the coui)t.-7, aa that they ty Vtv tnree. j the privilege of coc5M-l.ir.g ani m- "". , . , ioy iiig-bis property. This is j net what juurci, lliw Jur.L.u ,-, . r. , ..t.-mM 1 and ai-on- of wbtr w hi'.e wreuiet are XilllCOlll, III 1L"1 1' 1MI, w, , J The lornliKts learned their lewon. T' mtT t v. ,k. M.w;r-.!rwi0.fva. The cScial r-trna- 11 Jill WIO A IV1IVU, UU avasw J . . I prcRcrs liftvo Icurncd from Thd Mi tha aa: mi af-V i.rw'1 v i . : " . . .. MiS, l ut tLey are . wm4 ana taaa 1,--'-, u.ota , ultutt iiepnuiicau in mcir yimxn, aa U,.J. lri'. ir lie nillea ll wim vomoeraw. xncir Ij a.. Eat. eia.ir af jtor pr'j wrr ta.-ht i gUr.purt is given to him on principle, ; a. . e., t! i.-. ; ,C11 not from a deeir to participate in : tl S-aIIuT hi. administration of the government. t ben tbey win lb govercmeni out. of the band of their opponent, then they will want it administered by their own statesmen. They will us tain the President wi'h all their might so long as he defend the Constitution and show no sign of flinching, even thongl) all bo surround bim in office he Kcpublican ; but no array of Dcm ccratie Dame in hi Cabinot could hind them to him for a single day if be faltered in the performance ol ni sacred duty. If he contemplates a than? in hi Cabinet, let him make it aolelv with reference to the ap proaching contest between himself and the Eadical destructives. If his present Cabinet are warmly with him, we can see no need of hi chang ing thm. Lent of all is there need of a change in order to conciliate the lemocraey. When the PresiJent finds himself engagod in a dealh-strug gle with the leading rpirils of the uartv m hich elocted him and ho will wkieh wa will either sell oa eomtnueioa, or nay at tied ratal. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken at the klfbeet arkal pnea for good.. U OFFER A BERTLSI5. Karthaeja. Oet 11. 17 a SOMKTIIIXO SEW! New Store in Madera. THE EAGLE HOTEL CCBWLN8VILLE, CLEAP.riLLU CO., FX TBR aodar.ijrned hirlnr become prorriai of tha nboae hotel, wi.hea to gire notieii the aitiaeaa of tbi ounntr, na wail aa tf tbrm,. aline Itublic. that tha hone bal bat-o rtfirteaial refuroihed for tb enioruinment of hi. ri Uia ublo will bs funiihcd auk are rytbin; a, market affordi. tiood itablirg attacned, aa una bat careful ho.llen en ployed. octJ4.tf JAMES McDIVPfT. GREAT BARGAINS AT Pit IV ATE SALE! I- t ka. Fat u I! l-ena!f.-T r F au hf rarl)'m. 'key w J a at ta-ir -p .n l , . ... .... . . . . . i i S;mre nerr cenat can sho:d have year, abnutcd a Uvor ot -li.e vtar iroi aujr nave ucn a irnK5ie k:.; aai wkea he rt tlroojh, eon-' for tb Union.' been elected rn-hidect upon the same plnn that Napoleon wn. in 1S.M, and Elevens k Co. This U the ''progress trolled hy the same law that free booters are. ! bands soon after the meeting of Coii I - a, irrcaa Irl 111 in TU lM inO lOIIBUlllllun Tfye-i k.a oat cf town aa ab-ve icui-, e tr(jfP.an4 tttat a Pol cf the bove hi head and cry aloud to the cateJ. Th.s i tbe way tJ treat ' jrr. i ruiv of the Il.- ub!ie haaj Uemoeracy to come forth and save it, kraves at! f..,; ar.I it U all that , e.l;;Ltd ,t tWectu. This i. - .' '- y will rally at bis ' call, nut lhr want no vaomev om all r.i:ht, prcviJ rg tbe ors"'"1'00 I cc,., till they 'can claim them under averts to iue j r.ccij its inu.i i; , jemocralic i its race "Arniv ci tne licpuu.tc. wv.iru. But should the organiiation in the fatr prove to be a mere school for the Ilirg .Lr y i.j.i'.I receive at the i laniscf aav d-nt eoaiansitr. CttkU l. The ttirrmia of te dicate that the Ccr;eTri:T wb.te fes.:tet M tcre-ga I. -aor.f, 31 r j . , i 1 ... J - . J C- . 1.. . . . ' . -n Lave -tea ar-nta q. - ; wr. - a . , ' del otUm, ar. 1 it membership cbor-na thcEaJ.oauahctTO.Lair of 'Lr;. vc-.idaUil w iie taa.U1i . , u -;U.e , mis. A large number of U jo!u fore p.arvt. a&i lu the sac Senator . ' tJ " employed by Gen. Srhefieli to tawp taarx-e!: 4i President- YalUg r ie-J ffelrr;r wilh a' A Wakhington correspondent says ll.at President Jehnson has in his ' poacion a letter written to him by ( ol. lorner, ot ra., recomracnuing; t!ie BPToiDtmeut of a young inau I iw.i ,. .-. j.l.wvvuc.c. tary, aod denouncing kx-Vice-Presi-dent Hamlin in strong terms. It is dated a short time after the nina t on of Mr. Lincoln, and indorses Mr Johnson' course at that time verv Tr ran no doubt aa tO his af-n.tTr Tha lri,lnt. tliratna th a T" Tilled States barottt-" l-a::i-i by ere cf ocr "Fore"-ti T.ela- .x.-11-.ii.a. His education nicks to hira. to m.-tk it public if he finds it neces- i ....... TVe -her day a ecuop aama'd l'., y waj I irat- ordcr at tbe T. .1! were rer-oc, ad tl k-vctr wele. This U tra'v : "'? .l P" V fifthe . " ' ai a latur arxwej Aadraw J..baa.'0. raaiasrtd-I ! when too marr 'as ther alierea wh te a -rraii imrad kdr-"' na .a a -r e n t an, I mr k naii m the New Vara c-a. ! r..lLl me-r.r-nirrtn-.LT.iLl"elrk rr.r.t 1. .,r.,l . ,1 . r.l.r.J ": ' aajd that R'"' w to -raaerly a J e i i t I . Ora-.t.raa. A a-aaj J,ar(, I tia Heal.) Goon Ntws, if Tat a Some Disunion journal are becomi i . l ... . . .1 Y - i riou.rj- ainrmeu t in w.j rrr KirllrtJ1 woM ccasionar ranet'oa tU kere c a throani Xir-.f . ii. i r at T" : TI . 1 . J To - a . ! MESSRS. J. FORREST dk SON -S-ITOCLD reepeatfully loforat tha pnblie that t they bare Ju.t opaned, in MADERA,. Clearfield eouotr, fa an enure na atock of FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, Which the ar prepared to aall aa cheap aa tha cbeapeik Their Hock eonaialt la part of Dry Goods of tlie Beet Quality, Fach aa Alpaeraa, Delanaa. Printa, Muilina, Caaalm.rea, SalineU, and Klannela. Ready Made Clothing, Or the heel quality, nek as Coala. Panla,YiU, Ortrteati, Oreralli, BblrU, Collara, A a. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ala ( th vary be.t Quality. A complete gtock of Groceries. I abort ererything (anally kept I a eoaolry ton. Consumers, Look to Your Interests Call and eaamiae ear stock and pricei before pnrchaaing olrewhor. I.CMKER AND GRAIN Of all kindi Ukaa I eichange forfoda. rff- Raajewber the le, Mndein, Claarlald county, reua a. J. FORREST A EON' October 31, lf7 If. rpiIE enbacriler,contmiltini; goinr in!ok X baamcaa, will aeu, ni priraio aaie, aia aiock of Pottery and Stoneware, Athil Kiln, in Clearfield. Tboao wue mi. aai ware of thie kind can aecarc it at a hratr reiuai on the naual price, hy calling aoon, Wan a intcndl to cloae u nm " anon a i.,.-i, !i-. Kr.lir.IUL k LLriil.VGIH, Cloarueld, OctoUr 24, lf7-tf. :t.-t ! THE LADY'S FRIEND. declares that if the nrsrne are not that a Gorenimctt mu'Vet, irii c to ;i al r i: l .1. ... :. T-.11...J- .mrauctiiwru, urn -ua.wr keep and defend thi GirernnieM and ecrc-t. La wbe'e liae to th. wct ham" a-ill defeat even Gen. Grant for ,,v- j ... . . .. . it ciUr.ena, anoer Joj-al teat tir aui areitcd arrer, ard e-vr tirae.f in' the TrendencT. bmi the 7i'nf v.. . .,x..j . . , "." . .. ". i ' prartire Xas r-w-n trar.Kem-a v3 tie t. J.-tsI w -vi'a to L.s - heart s eou-' is not lvin' thi time, because we are f . , . ..... i -..-. t . . it- . . i .... , negf-o, fortheponiBM of ir.vir.g wl.:: ".rL tv tLoail tt a sir an c ' highly pleased at th. bit of infnrma I Mm j, rrU ' raauSi V. w LearJ cf Saaaner.' lion and want it to U true, a. a I. , gjqe 19 UlU Uie VM of , frfJf4 uJ ItfclT.,,- Wbr . d enl -tf wemaa ' an-i.trtftt -tkfit Tni,knv a aril-T tine a I ... . J : heritage to wbich yoa irr.le rrnr i.M.d lav rx-.:rg to d wiib a;l -a Csts.& datttmaa' at U. u unJoultedlT one of Greeley oriT ,Q ",er lu Mr- -o"icj aga.u rov Scaicr 1 He caa bow j Wteis men If Jlra. Clark it censarabl for receiving coetly presents from oflii-e-seaker'. wbatsliail be said of tbe ' Ut laaieclcd Mr. Clark," who must have known of the reception of these gill and the c-hjcts fur which they were 1 f.vea to bis n.ue : bat an exbibt- ... , . renernde is Et to "run the machine" ... , : , . , ... 3 t .. , noa nl psL. c corruj.non o. aucn a - ll l ! Bv J TlVITIf'II A', t 111 J rnkO.a. T" 1" W - -y " T " T aT f K rVIlt' r I r A n I fctaii d:-l.e, when tbe Chief Judje Iavis, administrator of the , your iatuiiy and friend" ass per. yt8r t wt ii,a cort liA Mv rt;e of the l a.ou permits estate'of "the late lamented," abowa.j livt "P0" tJ'e bfcll'e-fxCJ wi:h tie cxWv-.ir. I to say the I.-aet h:a aife to receive by his account, filed in the Springfield itioB of h..rg roar r.aflrt t j ' M rvcCRl cvoU lTe court, that the Covcrnmcr.t-Lad, or. --pt to Veep voa away fr.a tie ATE VutJU war for. R.M ltff,ire jUui, b the night it lofl Forda theatre, just 'poll! "We wat.i a-nne irJ.CTr.alioa "'l;5- ca -Tr--i rn cime rampar.t.wou!i have presumed to 179,000 invested iu nil per cent, gold uj'on thi point, and we krew of :e a?" "it c- Te Pilt n-i.'t i bav a;pnjach-d oae of our former interest bearing bonds. Coi.gns- j 0 erm.pelent tn answer t. tkaa crtuA ts wiea tie Ccja carried Cal. . FreJent. with a tribe when awlicit afterwards voted the fnmi'y ?25.(M.O 'tboae whs went ir.'.n "the war f:r tt uVr".a, aT. J elected tkeir G verrcr " ? Nsane taaa. outof the Treasury. ""Wi,y this loyal T'',n" I'id voa Uxxard yi.ara2 U Ttr aI it i an at--" lent, teat J a I.-tal Fttrtra NeaHy all the Government fumily have lately In-rome dird'rant-Lii your while kii'irri aAvC tier a- d rdc-I kt., ac i wlea the , atodJy newspaper in thia State bar annmr wn unnnt Miii'iei-iun Ta enlrnnrhine the irxrt Arkaa. .r next '.:.. a wc-i'i ccse in:tl.;Je :irel f.r General tirant for the is supporting Liniarlf, and Caj.t. Tx.h '. it for the Ct.nntctir ar-4 a re- liry wcl-l rtrr tie State ly ro.i.w j'"5 lias a trcmeiioous law practice; and "iottq won.- a. h imm .-..t- -a."-r . - t.mrtmimr.,"ii b yet 51a. has to sell hcrold clothe! O, oljecl.nee thai yor .relet ,5ei friet J rw. atJ tU !U aj tc! cr.e ca loyulty: what crime are comiuitted ' delude rem no longer. 7te Xc.lrfttaf d - ia i-e f :"I, b-t ihe C; tlvct in thy name ! Siata aaiid Statesmen. l.vijig beet ei Sjp.e Jii ly a far trantitormed mta a eg Kcrraa f r cheater arjj.-r.tr tuaa tbey baa in , the j'Ucre t.f rih'T tl wi;-, rsr-f li s vat Tii life tie I'.ani. n ' fpr penerati in. -e t!l liisft'.ea "- l ii'.rd, d.-il'r ar.l sin!y. of overturning Siatr and rc-W ii 5 li-e '.'-'1 to t-jrtis. in tb G-.4ica cili.-.en of their proTrty ail f or ibe State ; at 1 tie C-j mt they w ;;l io lenrf t of the rrj icnty, but tae decUration of ilor tr tncrv l'.imr in his ieech "GoBBLr.D." The Cleveland riain dealer says the Democrats of lh.it city 'have 'gobbled' about I'Hl.OOO in cash from llepubiicans, who bet that Hayes would have a majority ran ging from 10,000 to 30.0(H). Tbe 'Kud' who have been clothed by the Demo crat will hereafter sec their Demo cratic neighbor with good clothes on til thtir tjprnte " "John Cessna is a 'buoter,' lie stumed Franklin county this year result 1?'J Democratic majority. Lust I year il gave Geary 11'3. Btdford Ga zette. Those mountain fellows all acem to be busters. Sam Calvin was brought into this county to "bust" op tbe Cop majority, but we increased it 127, shortly after be left. The Boston Poit says tho "Califor nia yarr.ists tell us of a lake in which raw bides may be tanned in six days, etid. If v,-s Lr boeu OfH-:rti that Ton are oew-vei aa l.,r c Iv fr. ta The notorious cx-licv. Frowuluw has actually been elected C. S. Sena tor from reconstrnrUd Tr.nnciwoe What a chnnge ! Tiniwiilow, Wade. Cameron and Wilson in the room of Calhoun, Clay, Caaa and Wttihirr 1 naves in the seats m" aiUrucn '. Every patriot should daily ak God to deliver tis Put of the bands of 1 hear loyal buffoons. The Almipbty pun ished the F.rriitian for their tmn greesion by sending lice and fropi ' i l among tbein, and it aeema as though ', Trt l.wtn K.v, m t Jar. - cur tiunishment w ould le as rrcai rr" rt nm ml "' ,r" "K Tl ' SwMiraw la a liw ar-aa -r.i,. Tial w becittise lie and fropa arc no mora n nraj km f a Inr-a. ii. -erT w tt,at uea. .rant i.at rfjo!Cx-d over tie ,nj a dirt ,llirt ni,j9 ,nowy white resal; ef the recnt t lections. ha.ty w,u:n and wrin(jinK ouU" To throw the FjJ.cal Fresidet.tul Grant I wb5-i. .1. - v ,)rwL k XA.,tlMft ,.!;,.: w.-e-wcrkers into .pi.te a fever, and'..vhlt , .cquisition that would be ibey are o-y endcaronn ? t ) obtain j for lhe Kcpublican partv, which is just a centred t t.on of the st.itcniect. In now waaliing its dirty linen in public." thia they lav failed, and tbe failure I m has g-.-.vn irrat c-n.! rt to ti e ( base The rithole, Ilcno and Oil Creek iutereet. vthich Ui.eves Mr. I'.lair's Railroad awiidle was sold at auction statement .linswl that Grant d.-li't tPt,iladeliihia on Tuesday, for the l5-.rt taaa ' tbe same tikis ererr avtk if necee-l wr Greeley -a unifrm. and cannot nfit of the creditor of the late r cere:. .re 10 i.-uim. a oe inenas oi , Brm Df t u'ver, Keno 4 Co. Jt cost Grar t are erV"i.g h:m to write a Utter I 0riKinal!y 11.053,000, and wa pur- ana slow u s co.ors. t d.- xht 'St State. trea-.3 -m-r ers knaves and liyjuvri:, 1-st -rt at.r! t defend your country. ia.n,ry ad rar-e artirmt all irr.ovat.-ir ai.itre-. HalrimAtiiiil I a . . . ............ .h, . M ii'Mfii, tt.au wit men .hnm ibe Iladicals no tbe r. S. Senate aawrti. ar n riw Tn Txati? Tiaitirk Ti IV -uo-ert i4 Ea'iMirvvIata c. k, i--td tir:r Xry-r a-J otSer e'ty ttwr s y a trv r-j eirecl !. "' Tt. ?r. IS w. . t rsi. ir.d c.":j ti- Ut iiai. lv alvtt 7 i v wkite F'.r Iru:!jra th sfxl! ha;;"vcn al'nion er n-fil. i.-an mnj, nty ot f-urty thoa .f !.: .! Alat-sma uf eighty thousand. D.d t'-e R.-p'iM -an pre cf the coun trr ir. -e ii r i;re and j .b-oflire -i, aru cos- corp.'ultrr hna an 1 ri"nger- ot the -Ut prt ec! ;-e the of te I'ern M rats. . rn-ji IT,:.t. Th. v d 1 not for th reason that appropriately il- htra-.e, ibeir tnompti except the t v .1 a. 1. i lainW r. ai' 1 eaa 1 ta. ijr-a alH a- I r Itl r t ft' V !5-1 tte fejre .-. 1. : r . . . I t . ... I T-i :. j l .v - T" r Ik m r u- - j. I t K e Ti'n'i m an a i v'p ia-r cues aa-iirr i.ta ' 1 - - - - - It appear Irom an invest itaUm the Backer O.Kif JcstK-e Jalz rig a na s . w.ia Federal laycnct wade by tbe iN-morratie State Corn Chaae tTce'ied mT srrri Ltri-rJ ; ti-r uvat-. kttsil -r coatri.ied tnittoo of flbio, tliat ovor three rAnii- miie to get to l.nt be tn t'-t-'t M ' ' Irr;-frt7 I '- r dr.r tbe flna" negrott were allowed to rote at dsy, U th j-p(a oi vot-rg f..r I,'-r,"e f tie war f..e tbe 1'i.ioa." the late election in that Siale, exerr ' negrp wt"rafi. Tit LiTieef ii. a"rrr- A"4 tiae eatr were committed on of horu voted for 2Iayt and and th Grarit btn-imer are lie :y ' wk tr '! with f- the other Dintiion nominee HeTce.. kill him aa a cu.ti.aitte f..r ti, Fri Tt.-;.t,Ma. ar i io be" ow i'r fjr rhased br Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Kir .ow lork arties, for 3121,W0. A Radical was found tilting on the Court House steps one evening last week, tinging to himself the well known hymn, changed to suit hi fecl iugs on the occasion ; "Tkia w.trM te al a letting show, lor Bala' dilution g'en. For aha aa trronght the Cope war dead. Tbey brat aa like tho d 1. t dure or a n-irro, racked rv t Hi ral . -".. .. - - . 1 it. u . u . , 1 1. 1 1. fsvonets with h fjot on the neekor 1.., mm It waa vi.tnrw nf prince of bonibups, Ashley, who has smh a ciev.i.v-able character, aid " ! hwn ,c,iT in ,n impeachment of racarlr wnn. that ther wer ashamed , 1 resident, ha. been earned by the - I . . . . . . V .11 1 1. 1 1 . L t crow over it 1 iTiiiuimii m auirjr vurj iiik voice 01 bi. constituents r S'iit.T Fooi.ap. . Philadelphia letter, p'ib!.hed in the New l ork Cimytr-.-t, in speakiri; of the late The lady who had a "spark' in her ve ha kindled a "match" without lu hi if Wale. rpIIERE will U jU, t public -a t tU(f f dfoee of the uWr.lr id Brntifi-r l lowEfhit ou ToefflnT. tb bih duT of "o vernier -twitLk fo.uwiU pcroiiJ jirupenj, ru : TWO HOUSES, T two ye-vr ol 1 Uiitch tjwnr eol-f, cowi. Tun. ctvtlle, ihj, bot, 1 lung tlv J, 1 D jt-inj y h-vrrvw uid euitii tor, I two ri jrsc w n, l t.-( Dd btroeflF. 1 iMi-b, 1 wtir;Uarr"w. 1 flu --u. 1 pair flu hcklt, ? t,nkn cnd.et, fcv -ytHtUK kUiU furlvc. cii-viQi, nniU trwt, itatting Tool, Rot and1 Klerk, atvldlr borw rrvi Uivct, 1 clrjarJff 1 turtu,4Uliiad, tliJt ana a gr tuwj ou.cr anic ig vpr.m BkrDtluO. JSale to commence at tu oMork, A. M.. tutl dir. whrn duo alleodancej will be gitn,it Uic tcruii ma If knofrD. October 21, 1S67. W. K. WUICLET. The Best in lhe Market "WASHINGTON AT MT. VERNON." rtME LH'Y'S FRIEND annonncef for I th fullowinx novrlfl. TI!K IlKUARKY (rUKTlMs, by Aw an da M. Poufla-t, author of "Io Trwt," "Stephen ltoe, elo.t A 1KAI MAN" 6 KI LE, I t Eliiabrth rrcacutt, author of I "How Womao UaJ Her War. At.; FLP.E1NU FROM FATE, br Lontaa Vhatidler Moalton. author of "Juao Uiffortt," "Thia, That and tbe : Other," .o. j It wilt kit t.lfodid dnnt part flnrlr mi-i nd fashiuB plate -engraved . att-el la iw amber. It will f;r beaut ifnllj ciettted fancj atcl cafrraring ia ererr aaaaber. j It will (iv a large aatorttaont of wood eat, illuttrariiaff tbe Fajbiost., laacy Work, Ae in ererr nnailter. It will gire a ppnlar piece of air.fi e, worfh the to! of the Macatitie ia itaelf in ererr namber. It will itire a (Hpy of tbe new and tpk-ndid Prrm'um htel Engrarinf VVtvabmjrton at Ml ernoo" 5A Inches lonj hj SI inches wide to ererr full ($2 (tf) abaenber. and to ererr person tending; a Club. It oft err a Prrmiumi a large rariety uf bonk. Wheeler A Wilfon't Sewing Machine. Pilrer PtateA Tea lVt, Krni, Pttchrrf, t.ld and 8ilrer V atr bra. Clothe' Wnngen, Croquet, Appltton'a Cyt lnprliaUL, lc. tt-SUA h'ttiptft Orrm. JTrw uhcrirert who Mhexrrih fr lf by th irt of lSorenber, hall reeeir tb Koretnlier and leeaibr nnubert of thin year in add it ion, staking 14 month in all 1 Tho wb rnbecrih by th firat of Doernbr shall rereriv th lembr namber, making 13 month in all! Ten sti: 1 t-opy (and tb large Pi em i urn Engraving) $2 M 4 fopiri, H fl fto i ............(and on gratia) - (H I u . ...land one gratis) 1100 One op reach of Lady's Friend and PuU- 4 0t) Th getter np of a Clnh will a! wits recrirr a rpy of tb Prrtniara Engraving. Mrtwhers of a Club wiahtng th Premium Eng raring must remit d dollar eitra. ttTbte drsirtins nf gftting np rial or Prr mtttw Liat. shoald nHoe fifW eenta for aampl Uagasine, c-nnUiaing th partiealar. Addrea lEACON A I'KTERSO!?, sctJl-Jt Sit Walnnt Htreet, Philadelphia, C ACTIO 51V -All perrons ar hereby catHned against pnrrhastng or in any war meddling ith on BKUVV.N MARE and a BAT HOIiK, now In th TKs-ira of William H. Stage, of Pik township, a th ad hum belong to me, and art left with him an loan onW, snl'jt-rt Io any m-der. JO'll.N I'E.ML Union township, Oct Ut H7 M. riR AVl'KSE JI ROIM drawn for Ad.lonmed Conrt, commencing aa th third Monday (-fh( of Not ember aeii : A.n.WftMum, Bfwsria ! I?inrT Altcman, Gnlich, ItLoiaph fterro tJufTrncfj rraa d-Lfrmt-c. ; dpnrr Ttu as luarr Om c$r x.x.'.:j ti Unr." If iYiU erv io tKi Sutc, tayti : Th llav i trvubU. lr ov3r 40.(M0. tbkt c-Usm .f T.ir.,r.4 anrl .1! m- .iiiaw.. nff UtfV it Brt k- v !- rtTiwiinf p-MKn diki not drTmm otMttt. So " .V ' fsr- a.a f- V,l;ifw,- a-atf Lie I Robert Mehaffer, B.ll, alamo Iionshrrtr, JoLn Kephart, BoizgS, Khxs n ihel, Bradr. Anth r M'Oarroy, Chest, Joha Rider, Conngton, L. Ienning, Claarfield, K ft I..Htoghton, Beni. Broom, Cnrwani rille, Rnben Miller, loatr, Peter Philip, M And'w Hawghmaa Kilts K eater, Ferpnsoa, Wm. Kngltsa, Or ham, Iac E vler, Javcvb vvor, jr., 91 Matthew Tate. Uoahea, Matthew MVultr, Rtebard tlates, Hnstoa, Thomas Hewitt, Wm. Brit)ens,Karthaui John llph, )r knoi, (Nnrad Iltoom, M Charle 1-nf, Iwrenor, II Uft. M Mullen, " Vincent Kir gal, Morris, Jame FeathpNew Wash ington, Charles Hall, Otceola, Patrtck RalTeily, Bell, tl ner Roil, Jr., lama Noma, Pike Wm. Kline, Woodward, lean-el Farphart, tleojlorkenrwrrr, TraT amd Vswt writ" f rrxw-r a tl A a 1 w . . bc.iis'i . 1-ifctt.u vi o vTOTrmnr. l rtt- ikh ur inidttr au old liw tA b aI.ott ; Tiiaein. Ihr4.-M1 aw t'irw --- a w-w TUUiltUOOa Wt0 MrfTCf T-QfTr m .ita WW- .m.Bwt!r1 1airnt---rr Xe Aa-eraaeer-t thin nojrro kilieod 10 toi. Onr mir LX'JaX ZT " S wtl! et.iijocturd' the liberality aa AW Tu'.s jn the v tda lr lilion Judpe or lnpcrrtr would exer Euana dispowp of vW i,rv cf br owe toward In colored Lroihcr lieB janpl. The ir-ral : Uf l -f-e g-a.is ! The fellow I - be would ffer to -mte at a window coo, try est i i.ae .i j- V TT -t-tl::l Jit vTt Ci,i;in.V ' ,f T"";? where be is ' WJ The ..;on,y a the a,e tU, O .y U. r,t we of.) St-for for ll .ye.it hot r.R.o Ftrrrra,. - tt w rerrr eked l ear vj Met T-a. Cear-Vad eoea M anwd-, m a.,r"J.v. t 7a I 4 at--. rw-u-ta- lra-3 .r gwa.a a-Tg . ar-ai eawri. I .tw-a, aa a mmf k a. ' eleelioa. thit bis lady had prepared a Mr. I'!. Peel is a result of pairing. ' sure run jas repast for hi. frtrnd. when I 1 ther at,. i.kl come to eoocratuiate bim upoa b- aacce-a. The fact leaked out. and ba e-aioBed cooiderabl aisnaveoienl "in Kepubiican as well as Wxocraiie etn lev'' Valuahlfl Farm for Salf F.rl Rassel'e daughter has married 1 rpua eaha-iber. amnai of aataoain ta th Uarrird. At fU. faal'l cknrrh in Lark Ila.ea. 0-nhr 1J, tr. hy lr. 0. W. 5t, Mr. L. A. TRCI ITrLIT.af R!k-fote,t Mat M ART iflKP. HE IX, of 5aa Branaakk. ta QeaanalA. O.tabat U, lftsr, r,EOiE S:W!f, ia r-k -r of ka .g. I Wa.i. wow offea for aal hia I'AH.M, aituata ia Knot tuwnthin, Clearfield ennntr, adjoining landt of a Banal Ho. Alrrhara(.n, Oeo, SI oaa and other, ronlnfnlNf; 109 .fcrrt, Fort, .all of whir h -a eleirrd and wnd-r enlllra Ho, baaing Iherroa eroetad HWKLLlNt) llol'SF.. Ing HARM, and r-lb.r eintboildinga, to (tbar with Jiang Waring ORCH ARD. Tha properly will h dlrporad of at rea.onr.Me rataa. Turihur infornsation way h obtmned hy aidraaeia Uie uil-r- rial t Anranailla, P. oatiVt, .AMIS SALXY, BUCK LEAD Eqaal ta th par English article, io tw iwtjijr pouna pacaages. A larg arsoriment of COLORED rAIXTS IX OIL 1 DJiY. L1XSEED OIL, TUItl'EXTlXE. ot PUTTY. VARXJSII OF TI1E BEST QUALITIEi And a fin aaaortnienl or 7AESISH AND FAINT BUrSEll Jut rooolved and for rale hy WM. M. Jt A. 'I. SHAW, Oct. it, lB7. Clea:teld. ft II ORSK tPTOI.rV J .P RKWARBV Uii, Cltrion countr. Pa., on the nicht t ibt insisnt.a LARUE IAKK BAY 11 . K, T hi niffit, will! weigh M tiundrrd runl, . vr neit spring, has black rgt l(atk til and mil- uiera is no while on hitn. A saddle and wer also taken at ibe tame time. A nr-.-. f.f0 Will be paid ftr the rrorrrr r.f the hr. lIlt'HAEL JAt K, ctl7-3t Lea'.hcrwwud P. 0 1arii f,ft M A IS Ii Ia K YAK IX LUTII EKSriURC. riHR nberriher. baring purchased the W I etoek and intere.t at Mr. Uekane la aiarbla Yard I Laihervburc. usee ibia of informing the pul.lie that be ia now rrer t fnrnlal- MOM'MKKTs. TO.MB ftt MANTLKS. tt., on ihort nulica and revua- toreM.au' oiaented in Ihe h rlie-l rrieal rt. WILLIAM SCUHEM,f. Ln(hershurg, Ort. t7, ISfT-tl BOOT lI SHOE SHill IN C lT R W E S t V 1 1. 1. Fe flHB tnbscriher having Utelr stanrtt I L Root and tsho shop In CurwrtiHTit'1. Main lrl, opitlt Joaei h R. Irwin I Mor. rnctfullr announces to th ru h Is Prenared to tnann arture all utrlcjof P and Shoe, tad ererythtng in his lina. noiic. H also keeps on hand a ri"d ,pfr mnt or rsady.madc work, wbi-h be ebaan f f awtamk nr unnnlr nrn'Ttfrn. otl7 tf S.IM1 I.KW IS ?. RC GREAT BARGAINS IN LUTHERSSL Auction Sale I ritHKRK will Ikj eold at luMlnn.enmpi'-' I FRIDAY. the Mh dm ul M'V l.l lit B at tbe re.ideooe of the iulivnl.r. in l.utborwt-'i hia entire etoek of good., ronBi.t'og of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & S- Hantaan., RradT-M ,le Clulkinir. lVncv ' and all anirlea a-nalta knt in a r.tuafrT n aaa-olo to ei.mtn, nee at nine o l 'k. a mnA w.ll h. Mn, .I.c l HlV.' the rd ar a,.ld. li r.0. U-l'-v Lutbcraburg, Ibjt. 17, 13;;. ta IJ'tHt al.ll.t arw.nd hand Spear' ' " took More. aniUl le f.T r ial f Apply to until! II. W. X" h,.ol l riMt TIIAt lli:Kx.ih,. X CnraenJTille hormigli ah Io .mfK' ettinpetent te-aehera to take eliare of lli""ir for a aeaaion of fimr moiillit. e..lim,'l'',,f ' Sret Mnnda, of Ni.tanil or neit. An ela of apphoanla will l.e h, ld imi C i't ! .' "" of Octvbar, in the a. Iv.,.! h u-r ,,( ,i I " i, , . .,1, i . ,, .iuv,ii:l.S! CnrwanaTille, 0tolr 10, l.-..r. TVS11.I TII)V - PIRTM'" I l Nolina 1. t.,.l . lli.l tl'f bert.t.(or oxiailnc hweoj F. K. An''1,! r A. Trrpe waa diaimlvt'd Hue tiro. from the aame, dlaehrc-l I-t tlia tiui J. at Nra Salrm, ahrrt the ru-ineM ai'1 T,, aed br him. F. K. ''V.l Lotheraburg, 0.U 111 St pd J. A. II "'jl, BLASE KTS-Fiw White r.lankelt, C Amy BUuketa, and Her li'.ek-iv' ,