. tint it Vnmnttf llHHkittg. Our new relation up cm the Alio v jrnv river, vm to enjoy themselves ' u in the olden time. Tlio editor ul the Tionest.i 7VtM gives tie fuilcwing i detailed account of a halting nwiirli I which came off in the Capital of tluit ' county last week, which goes to show thit iho people aro as Democratic ? after the election ns before". The editor-says: f "Last Friday night a regular good j ; oil msinoiivu uuiu iiusKing cuinu Oil '; in this borough. Col. Thomas, "he iu'n a treat." Alout ono hundred i ui.i'im, including a numher of lading, i l.oth nuirriod and single, participated. jThe corn was in ricks, tho field light ed up with petroleum torches, uud red ears were plenty. Thoro was Uidttles with bagpipe or other wind i'lstruu eut, Sain lUslelt with turkey I hUiii or eoon.pick whistle,, George t Hunter with llnmbeait, the industrious i ladies and us sober old gentlemen husking, mid tome ot the inure good- tor-nothing young bucks gallivanting tho guls around mid hunting red ears ; There waa the President ot the liunk jaiid Morris KartiRt, Uncle Billy J cove J and Billy Morgan, Hunt May and Ult-i'i-t (Joar,-tiio c'.ioiinia4er ';nml -T J ; 1 1 1 e srulliwags, nnd before tho moon iroxe all retiix-d to the new hnildiug jusL erected -on tho corner lacing thv j jOlic square, where refrehnioiil pYrmt served und thedani e commenced, i'.ree actio, to the musk oT J jhusun's $ idle. lemoerats and HepuMicaus, 4 tindiihitex elect nnd defeated, till min- ?. lgll'i;r '" l'' 'iiony and good ,.,.1., ..a iui iiuiwiumiHiiunitf t'iii late political brus!:, Tionesta nl ;j- ant coi tinues to be one happy fauii-Jii- united tor good. Lot this spirit ot i nioii and sociability bo encouragej Jiu our rapid growth and prosperity, ,iiM u.nmvuiuiTL n ill xyuiiiiii LU : ii ss our favored community." i " Tlit Jail a Colonics. A year or two ago, one Adams, a r.iijiioua enthusiast und worldly im .ii'er, uppeared in Now England and vjj'ht to prevail upon n inimbcr of ,.(!. pie to ciuitrrnto w ilh him to the uciuity of Jaffa, in Syria. He allu i'?d to the traditional Lope of the .'jvvikh peoplo to occupy I'ulusline, 1 1 prophesied ite speedy fruition. J!e pictured the country restored to n:ltiruUon andactivity by a great ieopU',the chosen of Hod ; and charm d foaie credulous iamilies and iudi fviduiils, even among tho shrewd Yan akce population of Maine, with the ji'lea of becoming pioneers in the work li'f coloniiing tho sacred soil. His reirescDtatioini of the material rc f janes of the region beyond Jaffa, on the road to Jerusalem, were enchant ing. Wheat, it wa said, could be rruduuvd al the rato of from fcixtv to ine hundred bushels ter acre. Three ! crops could bo reaped in a sinMo year. Frnils and vegetables would grow in unimaginable abundance. The cli r.utj was delicious and bealthy. , All tliat was needed was enterprise, indus try and skill to make the whole plain JblosHonj as the rose nnd a homo there- i n seem a homo in rnradiso. Peonla enough were soon imDn oavJ flo tuund the proposed colony. These, :avn.i? desputchea to Jn in aiivance an agent of their own whocamo back -lib with tidings Ota goodly prospect, emigrated forthwith. Their disap pointtnent and eubseqticut sufferings imre been since partially disclosed. The representations made to them proved totally false. Tho soil and climate turned out to be precisely what was not told them. They were heart stricken, and tried to return. Six of them came back somo time ago, huving means of their own. Another party of fourteen suc ceeded in reaching the United States through tho generous aid of Captain Strong, of the United States steamer Caimndaigufl. Of the next party, numbering thirty-two, eighteen, most ly widows and children, came at the irivato expense of J. Aug. Johnson, lq, United States Consul-General I'.r Syria, who paid 81,250 in gold l'ir their pnssiges, without hopo or thought o( reimbursement ; and the rewere enabled to return by the aid of Mr. Hale, United States Consul nl Alexandria, and Mr. Taylor, Consul al (Yiro. It was expected that the vrlio remained would be able to eke uut n decent living. But the crop Uiled, and they were, at last account!, r.enrlv starviuif. Mr. Halo visited j the colony in May, and found most of j the colonists very anxious to get l.":nc, and nil in need of assistance. S Slimy of tho number aro women and dildi-en, who were poor w hen they I lift their Mew England homes, nnd vliose old neighbor are pjor and lit Us able to help them. I ' TheMontgomcry AdrrrtitT reports the following as tho substance of n eonversation on elecliou day, between a negro and his old master: f l'l.iin old man Good morning, Wil liam. '" ' Colored Gentleman Howdy massa Tiilinm. 1 1'. M. How are all al home? I C. (i. All well, thank you sir. I P. M. How is the crop 1 5 C. G. (Jolly ! Cotton patch whl- ft th'm old Gcorgy snow storm. ! P. M. Come to vote, I supposo ? !C. (i. Vah, Yah, yes, sir. P. M Who did you yote for, Wil- : C G.-Yah, Yah, Yah, Tah. Don't ''w,ir. Jis 'fore 1 git to town one t white man, wid ribbons on bis t and . big straw -h.l on was m up ana down do roaa like lie T -ml Vont sumthin, and gim me . 'fi't wid a bird on it. ord I jes put ?'i the oflice. Yah, Yah, if dis wliat "Jffcll votin.I rudder go coon bunt I lieap. ''H is a shame, btisbnnd, that I iV" to sit hero mending your old Wiiss !" "Don't say a word abont it, 'ff, the last said, the soonest men id." f - 1 -r t f I f ride and opulence may kiss in the "ing ss a married couple; but V i'i) likely to be divorced before et. h?!(J Kroiti'rK rnn jt iliitod rnn tnrni.d-ita. .. I. ... 1 'f the viussitrtdr-s of foHnm. mat "u"o itiru iu niiniDf,oi iuit:,'u j - . . f under It. I CLIME GEO. B. QOODLANDEE, Proprietor. V0L3S-WH0I,E NO. Jflrt. AMir-p's M'hotoffruph. Car'line, my tiicco what liven in tho City, had sxtd mo 11 disdidorable iium her of titn for my portegraf to put in her album,' but ns there wasn't nobody to take then lioro in the vil lage, no opportunity didn't present f lac If. Iltore waa fellor what too'k.'dug gerytiptw and hambenipe fur-fifiy cents itpieco, without nary case, jest n lectio' gilt fixiu' around 'em nn' doubled down over tlio edges and comers ; .but 1 di.Ju t rockon Car'line would bo eattyhUiiil with sich liko wlwii olio wauld 0110 lok 011 iast board to pul in nn album, jit like one .t,n ,.nt ft. .,.,!.. .. r .... ilORtlll l uuiuuwiuur hay you couiuu t jKWii.e to tell you how b0 was d rested m bcrpicter: bIio didn't look much like when sho used to kite around the kentry in her linsey wooltey. Her msrin made pi-rme linsey t she wove it arid kellercd it hoi. soli; nobody could keller sich madder and blue and but'nu t as Sally, (Car l; lie's miirm.) How she wed to kiteurnund tho ken try, I was saying, in her lioscy-wcol-sey, wilh her bare feel, and 1'rowsey hair, and freckled face. Sbo used to hev to wash, and iron, and cook, and milk, and sometimes drop corn when tho men fulks were hurried, and help at harvesting. Lawk ! bul she's fine ly above ii now all of her paps forlin' it conies of: an' it don't make a dif o' bkteraiico if folks Ju say ho got u in gainuoling. .Money a money, an' if Hezekiali did use to Toiler fa'r min' an' tcamiti' for a iivin', nobody knows it in the city. Car'linc'a Iiicter didn't dissiinblo her much; her hair was fuounadidled off in line style, her huir .yii bed out in places what w ould hcv shocked a fren- ullygist if it was the natural shape of iter 11CHU ; amj ncr dress neck was low and short sleeves ! Sho was slan din' by a big timer, bor hand, with lots of rings on it, restiu' on the back of it. Her gound was so lung it drag gled on the keurpct an' a big rullio on the bottom of it, an' then tlicro was bows un' ruflles, un' lace nnd ribliina all over the waist and skenrt. Her rig inusl hev cost a power money, and I should have set more by bor if ntio haul paid me for that l.oo she got of me wer. Ilczokiah was in l'ekes Pike, (ihey wre awful hard run that m li.tul , mol'u bllu iiiueo OUU III aucU dispcusivo attire; but thut'o iim in greatfulness of somo folks, w hen .bey lorgit their bonnyfuctors ; the only wonder to me was that sho bad the dissidcMtlon to ftx me for my porty graf at n.!. Well, one day there was dissidersble stir in town; folks walkin' about in their Sunday go-to-meeting'iig, an' laughiu' an' talkiu' putty much as they do when there's goin' to be a circus or inenasery ; but there hadn't been no show paper au' piclcrs up, so I didn't know what could be to pay, till A gal told me there had a porlygraf arty como to town an' was takiu' amnzin' picters over Maeaboy'g storo. "Takin' real portygrafs," sea I; "picters on pastcbonrd ?" " Ycs,"aysshe. "He's taken Ptpier Miff with his gold Slices an' snuff-box, jist ns tiateral as jou please, an' it evert stiows l tic moi.t on ins cinn. iS'ow this was my chance, so one day I tho't I'd rig up nn' git mine took for Car'line. I s'posed sho'd like lo hev mo look as lintel ul ns possybull, so 1 put on my black bombuzeeii, the one Miss ftewcrm mitdo lor nie eight years uco this fail, ruy go lo iiiecling collar it's about five inches wide, with a beautiful ageing on it, an' a big blue ribbou to set il off, (I s p osed I must wear suntliin' line, or Car'line wouldn't liko it) Siiucr Miff had hisen taken with bis sp'cs Olid snuff box to look nateral what could 1 hev? 1 did think of tnkin' my littio spintiin' wheel an' be a spitinin' flax, bul Aiiss Jennings told me it wouldn't do, so I took my knittin' Jake's blue i.i.k it wouldn't be such a waste of : twtv .raf ' S: ."'i ! , " ' - ' 'i,i"M UM by the.u,ft,ieratc ntt- Milail. . .. ... ; "Mwui'llwJ, s.w.n. -kuir-lri-Miorttioa during the nlHion, to the -C-KimA mighty tasty I mnsln't , novo r. . .. , pcr of war, vict , is oi the a.'ii- ke W ,l,e a gone to .sting; she j be arty king bed and .aid I contd irary power and military usurpation used to bo common as anybody before I hold my kniltii.' il l wanted too, so 1 by the authority of tho 1'cdcrul Ad her p,p made his lortin' in 1'ekw j lixud it just as if 1 was kni.li,,' in ! minis-ration." timoif I could toe it oil while tho nrty yenr's crops to pity tho costs, I reck was gettin' the picter. Miss Jennings on ; howsnmcver, there's no nso cry went with tuo. When we Went in a j in' over spilt milk, feller enmo to us ns perlito nn' scz he : Miss Jennings says the artist didn't "Did you wish to conspect soms intend to insult me, that nil portygrafs snessymens V nre taken with nigu'ertives, and Ihut ... ? . . ll.ii i.lt P.. .11 ...... I..... .r. An ia ! 1 ... n -! it n 1 1 liat ne meant I rnuan i ira Kir the life of me, but Mies Jennings ss Jeliiiiugs kez i she 'Oh, no; Mrs. Sharp wants lo git her portygraf." mustack on his upm-r lip, an' bis hair j imininiix u H' j i . i i i "Ah ! says tlie fuller, jio naa a oig una fiimnrftted with somo kind of stuff that smell as il lie had been hunt ing muskrntB. I thought maybe he had met with some kind of nn axident with it, ao 1 didn't say nolhin', but looked the other way", to save his feclin'8. "I fhnll be happy to do so," . i. so, ne vinneyrett orone .. , . .,- - an ,n .r U F? ' ' . Jwi. lion, sunt JUiss jonnings, who miuer-j stood w bat ho meant. "Are you the arty V sex I, and set' hn "Yes." And then he said he'd go , and fix a plate, but he didn t do noili ing of the kind, but wont to riibbia' piece of glass with nil his might. 1 hat Tie meant about a plate 1 can not understand, for 1 didn't see no dishes, only some little checny ones with someli.iti' which looked like paiut ! i 'If vou wish yon can derange your j ilcf,""ser ho, pintlug lo tbo glass, , lih.f " ser. ho. Iiinliliit where there Hi t wol n out brush it.n.l ilirt.v i-.llllli, ' lisranr my tilet, ties I, but Alias Jcnninc told tne he meant to 8x wy W.- n hp n ) mm j 2011 ChEAlfFIEl,!), PA , TIIUlisDAY, OCT. 31, 1807. . NEW collar, and alick up my hair, and set nip cap straight dn my Loud, trhicli I (lid,. , . . - . Then tho arty wont into a leello cloHit, and whon ho canio out, aee ho : ".Now, madam, 1 will give you a puraition." : . 1 . , 1 va jist goiu to tell him that I didn't doeept iresenlK' from "young men, beiu' HiinpectHble married wo man, but Miss Jennings pulled me along beliiml . a perlition rnado of chHl. and ttio arty fixed n cheer fur the invest igation conU-mplalcd by a me to wt upon; th.Te was a very resolution adopted by that body on u.., r looku, thing atnndin- behin.l ; j the loth Julv, JG7, apj.ointing cer 1 d.di, t know what it was for 'til he j tain parlies to invesl.igi o llio tronl- ' airnest, me yarn over my finger, the needles all right, and then t be arty tlio truth pon the record," nnd con went and pocked nt mo throiisrh o Curi iinr in i our i,.,tri,.iin .,.,ainn loohi-d miiy iiko .Viioer Alitl a tolescoiie tliMt he letchod irom Aow lork last, winter for the rnsead- IIIIIT III Inm In b.ti 1. omy ut town to study stronomy with -no you tiiKe portrgrulls witli a tellyscopcf" tz I. - "This is a cameron," koz ho, keep your mouth bhut, Mrs. Sharp." That riled mo a loutle ; sich an tip starty liko him tell a dispectablo wo- mnn to situc tier tnoutu ; but 1 didn't say notiiin, tiuiikin overyllnng I sed might tuku, and wouldn't look niccon the pasteboard. - ;"ow!kecp ns still ns possible," sea he, pullin' a thing out of tho top of ,ho cameron and puitin' a kind of! block in ; "look rite at this corner wink if yer wanter. but don't turn i yer eyes.'' ' l tnuiK l never felt so foolish-like in nil my born days; the idee that I couldn't movo made mo want to aw fully, and as 1 dimsent breathe for four I'd movo, 1 felt pretty well sinoth ercated when the arty put a kivcr on to tbo cameron and sed : ' "That'll do, madam."- "I hopo it'll look like me," sez I, to Miss Jennings," and that it will show the blue bow nice it' a master nico bow. Miss Sewerin made it for me out of my lust summer's hunnit trim min' tho strings 1 tuk fur my hood last winter, they wero siled, so 1 washed and culled 'cm with cut bcr; we have all to bo comical thoso hard times." - I wn jest gettin' patterotic when tho nrty sod, "Hero inarm," and 1 went to look ot tho portygraf. Lawful Muxes! that ieilor had tn '"n it on glass when I had told lo''" perlu uci iar 1 .....tv, , uu p i.-ilc- boanl then, sieh a look in' critter as that was I never eed afore in all my born days; my bar, 'which hasn't a barf a dozen gray ones in it, looked jest ns white as paper, and my cap, wliu ii I liar starched tnysclt, looked as if tho blackin' brush had been rubbed over it; I novel was over white cor.'.plected, but I'll venture to s.13 1 w as represented thnr as black as a countcrband ; my coller looked as Hack as tar, nnd that blue bow was liko an old faded rng. I looked at Jake's sock, and that looked a sort of grimly culler, nnd if thar's any. thing 1 do despise it's n grimly sock ; nnd my bunds looked ns if I'd got black gloves on. Sea I to the nrty : "Did you mean this for my piclcr? Ser. ho, "It's yer negtiortivo." "Niggertive !'' disclaimed I, "you miserable, low, mean, dirty scally wag my nlggertivo ? Mobho yon think because my olo man - goes in for the pnrkclination, and Jake's stum pin' the kentry for the p"')'i('ans, that you can throw nigger at mc, you owdarinii copperhead ; in' niggertivo I'll tnkevour nitrgertive ! I'll take your uiggerlive niiii 1 jest pitched nl the villain. He was a leotle feller, and I'm of ."lispeetshle sizo; so I smutted his lace good, from the stove, kicked his cam eron out of the window, smashed up hi bottle what made so bad a smell, and left the prommysis. My nigger tive, indeed I The next day tho nrty sewed my ole man fur damages, and I tell 3'on wo bud a timf; It'll tnko all this an j n ' lul nu.s""- '" that w lnto is tilncK, and all tnut s black is whito ; perhaps Bho can fool niA rinrlifina ! If mr tl.ai-'a Kh Imnl nrtr rfmo to town, I'll try to pit my ortrpraf for Car'line, but it won't be good for 1,1... ... . ri any arty to take a black picttiro of mo agin ' . A sarcastic writer says ; "Shutting one's self up in a convent, marrying, one 8 sell up in at uoiivent, mm i j m; and throwing ono's self over a preci - pice, are threo things w hich must be done without thinking much abou them." A lnrlrrolTcr to mTr. , la alwaya a lawful tmile i Kor tin in the IkhI t'-n.UT, . Ami i1ic IP llir Irndir nifti.t nt Could anything bo heater thnn the "ro's reply to a young lady whom1 "offered to lift over a gutter, and bo no insisten mat. nc wns ura ueii v ; . . . i v lo-ir tnissus." said he, 1 se qsed to i:iti.i,.m,l.hfinr . . . 6 - - - A lady stepping into a railway car, 1 1. fcteodmsn, then on duty nt Augus said lo her littio son. "Aren't you to, Ga.t who imiiiedi.tlely ordered bis going to kiss your mother before you . V Tim liiitn nwritn roulilli L wait. I go?" Hi ... . r - , and called out, "conductor, won t you kiss mother for ino Jl. ... Vhntevcr is lovely changes; tho sea and the bsrrea rook will remmh forever aithfT are. - ';" ''' : PRINCIPLES-HOT MEN. fFrum tlir Mnrnn T l'(nih. . . Loyalty lllMtratat. 1 31aoo!,' (a., Ociober 7, 1807. lion. Jmry VLiy lca), Mount l'lcas . nut, luwa. . j Dear Sin : 1 have read your Into communication nddressed to "Tho Prisoner of War, and of arbitrary arrests in the United States of Amor ioa." ..- . . , You allogo that "the Congress of 111! Pnit.wl Mlnl..a w..u.,.l I,. ..... 1 tho , uiiu vi inismiers oi war, and I'nioil Ai.nrecinlii.ir your ohieet 'to tint 1 that ' iL is t w ilnlv nl 'm-..i-f A ul. 1 eiiinn to lm.tr tn it,.. l.,..,. ..r i,; f oountry und the preservation of tho .1 i . .... ... truth of history," 1 have folt Cti3 - struincd to resiMind to the call made in your circular, so far us to acquaint the public, through you, with the fol lowing precise, simplo and unexag gerated statement of facts: When the capital of '.he Confederate States was evuellllleil thn sm'ii lio. longing to the Ilicl.inond bunks was removed, with tho archives of the governinent, to Washington, Geor-ia. Early after tho close of the war, a wagon train conveying this specie from Washington to Abbeville, S. C, was atta; ked'und robbed of an amount ai.iinixiiiiutii..r t Slim ihhi i...i j of di! anded soldiers of the Confeder- nle army. A few weeks subsequent to this event, Brig. Gen. 1'Mwnrd A Wild, with an escort consisting of twelve negro soldiers, under tho com mand of Lieut. Seaton,of dipt. Alfred Coolcy's company, (liiitb. regiment of New York volunteers,) repaired to tho scene of the roblwry, in the vicin ity of Danburg, Wilkes county, Ga. Hy order of den. Wild, nnd in bis preseiico, A. I). Chonaiilt, a Methodist minister, weighing '.'75 pounds, bis brother, John Chonaiilt, of moder ate size, and a 6011 of tho latter, only 15 years of ago, but weighing 'I'M pounds, wero arrested nnd taken to an adjacent wood, where tho money abstracird from the train, or a portion of it, was supposed to bo couceitlod Failing to produco the money upon the order ot Gen. Wild, these three citiaohs, wh enjow thvHrKeil,,.Hl! were suspended by their thumbs, with tho view of extorting confessions, a to the place of its concealment. Mr. John N. Chennult was twice subjected to this torture, nnd on ono occasion until ho fainted, nnd was thou cut down. Ilev. A. I. Chcnaull was also hung up twice by his thumbs, nnd until Gen. Wild was induced only by his groans nnd cries to relesso biin from bis ngony. The youth, A. F. Chennult, was bung up once, and until bo exhibited evident signs of tainting, when be was cut down. Whilst this sceno was being enacted, Gen. Wild and bis subaltern were both present, directing the whole operations. These citizens, with the exception of John N. Chennult, who was unable to be removed, were then scut nndor guard to Washington, fif teen miles distant. liy order of G'cn. Wild, a daughter of John N. Cheniiull, above seventeen years of age, universally beloved by her neighborhood, and Uintinguishcd for her piety, was searched, by being stripped in the presence of the lieuten ant, who was charged wilh tho exe cution of tho order. When bcr gar ments, piece by piece, wero taken from her nnd the very Inst ono upo" her was reached, in tlio instincts of her nativo modesty she throw herself upon 11 bed nnd sought to conceal her person with Us covering. N10 was ordered to stand out npon the floor until stripped to perfect nakedness. P.'j order of (len Wild, tho wifo of John N. Chennult was arrested and taken under guard to Washington, where she wns incarcerated for several days, on bread and water, in one of the petit jury rooms of tho jourt house, and after eho had been lim ed to leave ut homo her nursing infant, but nine months old, where it remained until its mother was released. ' ' During llio period of her imprison ment, Gen. Wild was wailed upon nt his hotel by threo citizens of the conu- try, to wit: rraniis U. Miugncld, ' liichurd T. Walton, und your corro- . ppouJi'iit, who importunod this oftiwr to permit one ol the pa ly to take Ir ( beiiaii t. to Ins residence in the -urs. tlienault lo ins resmenco in tne village, cacti pledging ins neck, ana all IciHlcring IhmiU, wnn Hceurity, in any amount which ho would he pleas- ."."v, .... -i . any tiino ami place in o j his order. This request ej to nominate, lor lier appearance ul Gen. Wild promptly and cinphnticully refused, but graciously allowed her friends to supply her w ilh suitable food, al tho place of her confinement. J lie .tortures unu inuigmucs mus inflicted upon lliis family, who are respoctod and esteemed by all who hnow tnem, laded lo discover any cvidoute whstover of iheir complicity in I ia mlilinrv. or nnv Know cucro Ol i ... concealment ol any ol its i Iruits, i Irtiits. wore report- (ien. James I he lacts thus tlclailea wore ed in substance to Major liiHn?ctor General (whose name is not remembered) to n asinngton, wun instructions to collect the evidence as , i-i! to tne irinn pi mo n-pre-i-niuiums made to hint. After spending several days nl ashington ana its vicinity, in the examination ot witnesses, tins i officer obs.rvsd that the iaot whkh ho had elicited fully corridiorated tho statements which had boen forwarded to den. ntocdman. Gen. Wild was removed by the crderof Gen. Stoedmau, and ordered to Washington t;ily. Chargea were also preferred against him, but the public is not advised that even so uiuch as a reprimand was ever admin istered to him. The foregoing statement of facta in oe avouubud ly many Clintons of aim ui l, iikcr gnu jin - coin counties. ion are respectfully l..(iifj.l rt lu M ll. -.I -:..l iovii, iiannei loouibs, O. 1 . Luzntt, Hon. Garmat Andrews, Dr. J. J. Jiolicrtsun, l)r .; ui rj n. j.ane, air. j. u. ru klen, Iliebiiid T. W niton, lr. jonn iiiynes Waltoii) and David G. Cutting, the present editor of tbo Republican, at Augusta. Prompted by no spirit of personal nmnorolcncc, but in obedience alone to the instincts of a virtuous patriot I Tl I . . ism, i nave inus-a round, nnrarnisheJ ! ( it.. ,l,.li 1" ..I .1 : ,i. ,.c .i.;. ... refraining from any denunciation, and J . . ' - suppressing every suir'-estion tlie least cult-ulatud to oxuile the prejudices or to influine tho psssioiiB of tlio public. I am, very respectfully, Your obedie.it servnnt, JOHN B. WEK.MS. The fullmtM in the Himalaya. Dr. Andrew Leith Adams, in his "Wanderings of a Naturalist in India," vritcB ns follows of the vultures and other rapacious birds in tho luyas : Ilimu- j Amid all tho grandeurs of the Him-1 aluyas, it is n most attractive sight to inflation. We breathe on nn uverago the naturalist to behold the vultures j 1,210 times per hour, inhale 600 gal iind other rapacious birds soaring over ! Ions of air, or 24,40(1 gallons per day. the vast ravines and around the. tops Tho aggregate surface of tho air colls of tlio mighty mountains. Let him of the lungs exceeds 20,0(JU square choose a Hiimmor evening, with that ' inches, nn area very nearly equal to clear hluo sky almost characteristic. of the Himalayas, and just as tho fun easts its last rays on tho snow-clad mountnins when tho quiet is only broken by the cry of the cuglo, the bleat of the goat, or the shrill plpo of tho black partrdgo then the vul tures, kites, jackdaws, nu-y bo seen wheeling in vast circles; somo lire gliding along, apparently without an effort, others appear suspended mo tionless in tho vast ennopy of heaven ; while careering in bis majesty, the laniincrgeyer gathers up ids great wings and swoops downwards, may hap to rise again and join the medley he has just left, or stretching forth his pinions to their fil.'J.pVfiV to the ptNjUwf MfWXlLxL eyrie stands safe, for there who dare assail him! After a bear or other large animal is killed, the hunter soon finds himself surrounded by nt parlous birds, whore nono were seen before; they aro observed dashing down the glens, uud sailing in circles around his quar ry. Somo sweep within a few jurds of him, others ate souring at higher elevations, and over at such vast alti tudes that tho huge benrded vulture nppcurs only as a speck in tho blue sky, but gradually it becomes more distinct ns Us wide girations increase. It may gather itself np and close its wings, or dash in ono lull swoop bun-j tho wide world round to seek them, drod of feet, and the next instant is j but examine hiniBclf. "The proper seen perched on the jutting rouk bo-! study of manhood is man." Cincin sidu him. Such, then, aro tbo usual nuiVeirwdi of Commerce. appearances observed soon after tho death of a farge animal, and the hunter wonders whence nil theso great vul tures and carrion crows have come ; but if, immediately after his noble ibex bus rollod down the crag, he directs his cvo heavenward, ho wi observo carrion crows or vultures, at! " woriuiy anairs 01 me groat mariyr various di-tances and elevations, sail-1 t the time of his "taking off, that ing leisurely about, whilst tho one ! 1,1 bhssful possession of nearest him, observing the death of, Government bonds to .the amount o his quarry, instantly commences to!"''ut elilh'!l i -ovsand Joltort ! and defend; then ono follows tho other ! ihey point 10 the fact ns still nnothor until tho valley resounds "with the evidence of Ins groat loyalty. hen honrso croaking of tho crowi.. nnd the w tke into consideration the lact air seem alive with them. It is sur-1 that the bonds in question ore subject prising the numbers that are hoiiiu- 10 "" taxation whatever, and that the times observed to congregate on these : M'orvty community a.-e taxed exorbi oecasions; I have seen no less than ! "'y to pay an inteivst in gold equal sixty v..lt..ro. ...! rm- on and I ammitl tho curenss of a oewly-killrd buiir. A J'oung girl who hud become tired of singlo blessedness wroto to bor in leniltxl : "Jiettr Gim, enm rito oph of j-u air cumin ut awl. Ivl t'olins is insistin that I shall liav biin, and be hugs and kisses me so kominnery that I kaul hold owl much longer, but w il bnv lo kavo in. Hetsv.y." "I think," eaid a wife w ho could not agree with her husband, "I think Mr. Jones, wo had bolter divido tho house. You shall livo on ono side and I on the other." "Very well, my dear," replied the wretch. '-you take tho out side und I'll have the inside." An ininrv is not always a reason r ...l: . ! il.A .11. nf .... .v.. . ....i , ..... ... . -v -- Others Willi regard to US n snmciciil reason for iinitutiug il wilh regurd to have been duped aim misled, will so . tt j antwmna; all iiiaoi.j.nina. to iu aui.in'i them declare from one end of tho continoyt !' D!"rI ..!. r.cu-. .a u,lil1- . . . i-, , .r : amlion'f of oaeli bnea p lo It. In.pirrd autl...ra. - ,TmT T to tho other. -Sunday Mercury. .,,., , nount f i,rc.,.,B b.r.iui..f 0 should net WMtll ns much ener-. ' " ' loeVrd an In rr rare and nmlr roiumm n ak wi aa if iv. nviviplnil ararvltiiliir frnm ;lrgcveg; a,J we 8,0j pray with RS mllu)) CMI.IH.Hlno,, uj jf WL. expected I ovor.,.l1;(, r,.m t;()(. - -- A lady advertised for sale, in i - " " -J - - .-- Southern paper, one baboon, throe tabby cats and a parrot. Sh states , that, being married, sho bus no fur- ther uso for them. " Un nlwsvs receiving or dninc trnod. This will inaka vour lifo rouifiirlablo. your death happy, and your account' ' i .. . 1 - I : giorioas.' UM... :. - 1... Pb- . luvv.' .. uj ,n T - " ycri Beosuso ho fV on one side and tarns and tin on the other. CAN. J TEEMS$2 per annum, in Advance. SERIrS-VOL 8, NO. 15. i'onrtrnlHg tllan. Wonders at homo by familiarity cease to excito astonihhnicnt ; but hence it happens that many know but little about the "house we live in" the human body. Wo look upon the house from tlio outside, just a a whole or unit, never thinking of the many rooms the curious passages, and the ingenious internal arrangements' of the bouse, or of tlio wonderful struo j lure of the man, the harmony and 1 anuiition ot ull its iinrts. In the hiinisn skeleton nlmnr ihn 1 . . .. . i nmo oi maturity, arc ltia nones. The muscles aro about 600 i her. Tho length of the uliiiionUry canal is ulioul 61 leet. The amount of blood in an adult averages HO pounds, or full one-fifth of the entire weight. The heart is six inches in lencth and tour inches in diameter, and beats seventy times per minute, 4.-00 times per miur, iui',rou limes per day, i!.r,772,OiMJ times per year, 2,5(15,4 lu, 000 time in three seoro and Ven, and at each beat two and a half ounces of blood aro thrown out of il, and ono hundred and seventy livo ounces pel minute, six nunureu ana Xilly-Bix pounds per hour, seven nnd tlireo- fourths tuns per day. All the blood in tho body passes through the heart in turce unuutes. a tut, littio organ by its ceusele.-s industry, Til the bllolled ipan 1'ba J'aalmiat rata to man, 1 lift tlio enormous weight of 370,700.- 200 tuns. Tho Iung9 will contain about one gallon of air, at their usual degree of the floor of a room twelve feet so ware The averago wight of the bruin of ot an adult male is three pounds und eight ounces, of a feiuule two pounds ami four ounces. The nerves are all connected wilh it, directly or by the spinal marrow. These nerves, togeth er wilh their branches and niiuure ramifications, probably exceed. 100,. 000,000 in number, forming a ' body guard"outnumberiiig by fur the great est army ever marshaled.' The skin is composed of three lay ers, and varies from one-fourth 10 oiie-eigluh of an inch in thickness. Its average ares in an adult is estima ted to be 2,000 square inches. The teen pounds to the square inch, a per boii of medium size is subjected to a pressure of 40,000 pounds !. I'relly tight hug. , , Kach square inch of the skin con tains 3,500 sweating tubes, or perspi ratory pores, each of which may be likened lo a little drain tile ono-fouiih of un inch long, making an aggregate length of the entire surface of the body of 201,110 feet, or a tile ditch for draining the body almost forty miles long. Man is mode marvelously. Who i eager to investigate the curious, to witness tho wonderful works of Om- nipotcnt Wisdom, let him not wander Mr. lAnroln't Loyalty. The friends of the "lato lamented,'' those who persist in according to him more patriotism und Virtue ihun even Washington possessed, have recently discovered ny an official statement ot IO nif. per cent on tne loi 111 lincoin s bonds, il becomes a question wilh us ns to who is the loyal man he who boasts of nnd measures his loyalty by tho amount nf bis bonds, or ho who submits quietly to inordinate taxation that the Government may be enabled to pny such loynl leeches nn interest in gold. AVe doubt whether Mr. Lin coln would have died possessed of Government bonds to tlio amount of one dollar, bud they been subject, like other proporty, to taxation, 'l'he true nuLii.it stons not to count tlio cost of II IS pilll IWUMII, I'UW lively ii:o inn accumulated wealth, however great or small, for the defence of his coun try. How many buch patriots can we boast of in Ihe lale conflict f Tho truly loynl men wero those who stood by tho Constitution, every article of which was repudiated by our Iladical rulers, nnu outside ot which Sir No .inn. Imauf. nf Oil t .1 or ..ill tlloHlltf it . i noi nir tiisiniit, neii uio I'upiu, i Hnnrv Ward ISecehcr. Ill his dlS- course on Sunday, said that "Somo! j men will not shave on Sunday, and yct they niK-iid nil tho week in shav ing their fellow men ; and many folks sj;u,ink it very w jeked to black their llllllk IU WI J It II. RV14 W ajriav.r a l,00t, n Sunday morning, yet they do i t 10sint to black their neighbor's j reputation on weok days." Good for you, Henry. A very sentimental poet, seeing tho I gambols of an nss foal in tho field, vowed that ho should like to send the til llo I Kin.r u . i,P.i.nnl li. r . ri -i""" ;,v " .uaiiiiin. xo, leinieu oi.o t'l ma enin.Min una "nllll ( ;B . f. nf nnlinr I" - - - - " - " 1 ,r" around Us fioek, bearing tho mottoj 'tTiiru i ins you "r, rrjiuenifwr iKa nt Slmflria Kfpubliran. ' f TrriB nf ftubfrlptkiu If paid in iHtirf.r wMS'i, Ihrrt. tttntti ...S? Sft If f.iii'l llrr l!.r.t lct I'I.mv m i niDitt'... .,, 5 j,l If iii'l alt.-i I In- rijxmH'.tt f .ii nioiith. ... 3 III) Hfcol" AltirrlUiiii;, Tron.k'i.t advrrliiM m. bl", .pr vqtmrt of 10 I;, r Ir. nnil i,r lr. , ! 1 ill - fruT l-b illbriH.nt iorcrtloD &0 Ailinlnmlnilurt anj KKci-utor' Bollc t t.0 AailitArl' nnlirt M- ( auliubc Biiil JJ.Irnt 1 Ml 1'ifMilation ii'itim... , . J (in lwitl SiMim-n, pi-r lino JJ I Ol.ituarr Iiollo4'l. firi-r fiv.inri, pr line 0 rniii'monii m, i Tenr bu TKARI.r AIITI.RTII.KMCSTS. 1 Kuare eii I I eulumn t'Ji 00 2 ii.ret.. ...15 00 eoluuin 4Q no 3 MUrc...OT yo So J I olu.a (jt fob Work. Bl.itkN. Siuli quint.. tt ..0 I qulrn, m-qulr,f 1 tj it uum, pw iiura, i 01) I Oi.r k, yut iium 4 all iiAjiiiuiiaa. I jheot, ih or Ift.t 1 ill j i bl, or lu,fi 60 i inest, or li, J u j I tUvit, !( ut lr-s S SU Ovor 2j of each of aliovo al iiruparttfinalc ralaa. OKO. B. )00flI.ANIKH, Kdllor and l'rupri4or. CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULIC1I DVS1RES to inform hit old nienda and eat loojara. laat haaloa; ar.larrd an ahus and iuoreaaad fail favci Ii ties fur maDiiiartortBa;. ha la do praparrd to make lourdtTpoch Kurnituraaa i'7 doira t, in a-nnd liy It anil .( rheap rlea fur CASli. Ha aoarallT baa oa kanJ, at hit Parniluro rouma, variad aaaorlaaeal of raad. niada furaitura, aaiong wbicb aro P.FREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. '; Wanlnil.Mand Book C.f: Centrt.Hofa, Parlor,' llrraklaal Md llininir Kitraara Tabloij Com mon. frrncb P"l,Culuit-,Jrr.ii7-Lind and otbar HtiliUa'la ; K'.. 0 , fcind, Work-rlaoda, Hnt-rarkl, Warh alandi ; Hocking and Arm Cbaira f aprinfaal. eaoa Ixittooi. par'or, eoa- ' oti.er Chairr ; j tu.'b. Looking dlaaaei of trary and naw glaaaaa fur old put io oa vert raaaonabU larajl on hortrt ootioa. II9 alan knrw nn band or furnl.hn la order, Cum bak, Halt ud Cut tun -top jtfaitrairea. CoFiiNs op EvBuy Kind Mada to ordar, and faatrata attondod with a Uaarae wbrnarer d airrd. Ala. Ilimac Tainiing dnna to ordrr. Tne aubaeribar alao manalao turoa, ard baa onaauntl oa baaal, Claaaanl'a I'aunt Wasbinn Macbina, Iba bat now ia um I Tboaa oalna; Ihn nacblno nerrr nurd bo nub. oat alaaa elolbal t tla alio baa Flrar'a Patent I'karn, a luparior artirla. A family attcf tbia Churn Baaor arad bo wiUiuat batur t Alt Iba abort and man? other artlolaa art for aiabtd 10 caatomara cb aap lor Cash or txebaned for appro. rd country prodora. Cborrr, Mapla, fnpiar, Llnaood an.l Miar Lutnbtr tuilahlt for Cabiuot work, ukea io ilcbanga for fornila-t. artr-Rcaiambar Iba akop U oa Uarkaf alraat. ClearSold, Pa, and nnarlj oppoaiu tbt'-Old Ja Stol JOHN UlLICU. lloraahar S, 18SJ f CLEARFIKLD MARBLE WORKS. Kalian and Vermont Mnrhle finlnlied la the htgheot Mylc of the Art. Tli fwWrilTTf hrg leave to BBuoutic to tt citiirnn of Clmrfif Id rouutr.lhiU lhy bftTeopw t an fxtrnnire Marble YaMud tliemuth-weun,- -of i larlirt auti FauribnlrraU. ClcurfiM, I'., wt.t tliry rr pn ptrctl to mmkn lumtj-hlonrn, M .u mrtitR. Tumlta.boi and idrTinha, rrd( Tu f , iVmftery FoiH, Mnaflm, fibrirr-, lirarkftn, -t -.. un niiort nutic. 'Ilwy ! keep on btiM' k liirje qunntily of work Gninlti'fd, set pt hts U "..i . iu &. tlitvt p- rwinn can cut) aud m Itvt tor ih n etroa (be tte wuited. Tbe will a.lo iakv la ordt r any obcr atyle of work tb;it iuy lniinirv.l, ana tn-y parttr tiipmfrivp ttiar tliry ort cminptfr with tba niaBufacturcrs ouUtde of iIm tsouutT. sillier in wurkmanhit or prico, svi they only eia pliiy tlur tMt workuitu. CrAIl in j in naa Kttr iirnmnt'r anfurered. MayS2, Ifr. HKNKY OI LU H, Spi:f iia Nut i- fAftrsi tic Dnicsft AND CLOAK MAKLMlUdiraeanbaf ibeir l , eu:tat Cai. mud Hntuioe band naiely oiada an 1 trim urd, at tba ahnriact no . lira, at lh old tiilif hod tlavod, lu.il t'beituui ti-t, FailadeliHitti. Fanny aod plain Faoa, MnntlPa Ornaments, Drvaa and Cltnk Uulttinn, ktbfH.ni, lany an.i Uuifiura latca llmt and tiimp In Trim, uilnitn, with a Urjjn rarit( of t-txpl and Fan ''7 Ouatta.fron 2& to 6U psr rnt I a that, alwbra. Aliw, rccciTipf dtilf, Hri i-achim. in ti-ia paper, for Li.iV and Chlniri ii I)rrtva i of attrraa tor nerohani and 'vm p.uKti now ready, al Mn. M A. lilNlfch'S, Jj4 ly lffl! Obc-tont PMladi-lidi'. Clearfield Nursery. . EXCOUIUGB HOME KNDUSTHY, 'MIR anderi(tnd, baviag oatablid a N-f j. ary oa lb Tike, a.-iut bull way bftwr a Clearfield and rrttviHi. la prepared to tut nlib all kindi of Fit L II TKKL( (aiaudard mvi dwarf.) KvrgtrDi, hrubbary, Urapa Vl?it, UooBPDfrrlaa, lwtuB Itlaakbairy, liirawbarrv, and Haabarry V ioaa. AUo, biboriao "rab Tna. Qui on, and tarly ic ttlet hbubarb. 4a. Ordar promptly attco led to. Adtlraan, J. D. WBIflHT. iepjft A5 y Cnt-wantiTiHa. Pa Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. V1.1, SOI DIKKHOK lMdl-Mli-'H.I art ttiililH u. an IXIKKA.JEP HofNTT. 'I'tie unilrrwipivti if prrpnrrU to rntlMl all aaca Bountif., v Mv ua tua iiiir(aKrtl pay to Suldiera' Widowt. All hiiinri.a and afMUUiunlraliana an. awtrcJ tiroiuillv. lliacliaricra rusvlill fur. Pual utnt-c ad ln-.., I urwrnavllle, ra. aopi-tr JOrilAII EVANS. LIVERY STABLE. TTIR nnit.'rsiffnrd Wir li-avrto inform tlir pub Ik. that br it now fully prvpami ta aai-oinmv-dHtr all in Itit way of furniklnna: lluraa, Uufiffl, niMIrt anil Hatnear, on thr. akortrat BiitHt' ait1 on rua.'inalU. tei'm.. Iti-.ideuoa ua Looual alrout, betwiu laird and i'uurlli. UKO. TV. OKARItAkT. rirartlcia, April II, 1S67. Silver Wash Powder. . . Rarra time, lulmr, tui.ne. Makrfl warhlair a paftittit and Moada a fat!ral. Sold artry whrro. Try lL , Addrrai all order, to the Vaanraainm, KIEHLKR SMITH. ChrmUit and W hvleeale Priifrglrtr, anil tr 1H7 Nurlli Third St., Phil.Sf ipt-ia. nill.PIKBS1 IP it 1 N I I l.H A rrornt act O DM paartd blh lloaate af Congrtat. aaa ilind ly tlia l'rraident. jrivinjl a thrrt arai.1 auldier $l'4 and a two year' roliliar l0 twenty. -H.ll'NTIl:S and FliNSlONS tull.ci.d by mo, f.r tbaft antlilrd to tht at. WALTbK BARRETT. - Atl'y at Law, Clrar8ald,;l'a ft HutMUl; to te had at MKKI' KbL A ftlLKR' Origin and History of the EookE cf ' the Bible. ir raur. cai.tis b. aruwa, a. a 1 WORK of rar rnlao, and as a'tl fi .':- 2. . piii-ab't euuipanion nl thr Uil i.i.iihr - wLat tht liilila tt not, what II it. aad hoa i. In. on. ..f the ai.i.t annular book, arai nubli. hA. "MM Reu' aiei Kipttimrrd " ' .hnuld ttnd at aaoa f.r oircu'art flriaf luttb.: infuruiatiua. Ail.frra., IKltiLKR, MeCURDT To.. ; -'.'.L?ii'" '.".".V. ri.' , 'v-l 'M' ' j,, ' J ' -', .IIUUIAIIt AI.M.l.AAl ll I- for fV at tha "Rrpnl 'iian-' p5s- MatM t.i aur rhi. 1MP. inbacrihrr ha. aim aa haa.l a lanrt V an' llty of rr -rMi nl l OAt., whu'li ha ill u..,ii to mi.nirra, if d-.!rod, or aril at Itw ban':, at r.--.iiuaUa ratna. Tbi re i. no liotltir rsml 11 IU : ,;, cur,,, (aiiKhi.;ra J. .W. Pi II 1!' 1. IIorM for Hire. rilIE ai.li..-nlr Ha. al. w iiiiitnn.i. ul - .. 1 andl'AKlUAliF.B,whir.hb,lllr. i. . jambh L. Ma.vi, . wiaa.-oan, aaf . p, .