f ii i mi ! ii ;i ii i ii i i ii hi i i i I ! ::::::::Oftulior 'J I, I Mi". ,.,,,,1 'R.4TK ';! T". If '': i' .ij h it UllK'T10ll IP l,r ",- u.r . , , " . .. -i,o, r. tr. fimn .11 the Mtnt, s : m'sins tul1 v , rt tle number for Ir-oll contains a complete Col t'lie i"'""'' 01 " ,ht ,1",,"ll"l"'r opprvesod during Lincoln's administratliili -, end ' (UI S; contains the names ut all thuM cil il 'l who were imprisoned during the same period. two liti, fur future relrrenoe, aro worth ijre than t!" Prir of ,n0 publication. An)' "' Ldinf us 6H.V miiU, "ill reccivo by return mail " for each year. fWe M'pn.lagn. 'j; ilr. Leiuinger intimates ua though kc would sell hi .crockery-ware nt bslf prico. See his advertisement. A full assortment of Paints, Oils, Yrniihes, Turpentine and Brushes at UeMin- Wm. M. & A. I. Shaw's See advertisement. It will be noticod that whilo Mr. Sroead, the Democratic rnndidnte ior CommiHsioner, runs far ahead of his party in his own towinsliip Burnsido Mr. Drensler, the loyal candidate, rani" behind in his Union township. Kaglk HuTKL.. litis well known TaUic House, situatod in CurweiiS ville, is now under the Proprietorship cfilr. James Sit Divitt ; who, it will be noticed by his card elsewhere, ho Jxiu a liberal share of public puron- Wo call the attention of our read ers to the Vendue notice of Air. Wrig !:v, ta this issue, as well as the hand l.'.i pooted up throughout his noigli '.oiifjoj. The mile, takes place on tluclio') day in New York, New Jur e t, and several other States. It will he noticed that we publish week the names of the jurors dr.:wn for an Adjourned Court, com L.e'icing tm the 18th of November tut, for the trial of civil causes. Wo hupa that civilians will once more get in position nt tho Bar of Justice in our county. The Liiile Corporal ior November it t-Coi'O us, and contains its usual beautiful Y&rietY" of original, pure and sparkling matter. All now subscrib rs for ltiCS sent baforo tlio close of November, will receive November snj December numbers of 1807 free. Great inducements aro offered to those who raise clubs. Terms, one dollar year. Sample copies sent post paid to all who apply before the close- of the year, whether the usual ten cents are enclosed or not. The Little Cor poral will make all the children bet tor and happier. Address Alfred L. Sewoll, Publisher, Chicago, III. Our business and local correspond ne has been wholly neglected du ring the past four or five weeks, and Ifl" TTWcxcltemciit or- the campaign we may have lost or mislaid letters that should have been answered. The writers, if there are nny such, who are waiting for an answer, had better writo again. Wo have been, fir some lima past, like Gen. Popo on a certain occasion had our "head quarters in tho saddle ;" but, unlike him, we did not turn our back to the enemy, but pursued them to their loyal wigwams, where they nro now jacking their traps for Salt Jtivcr. Some of them appear to be as mean as during the war, and are bumming around hunting substitutes; but we rather guess they will bo compelled to serve in porson, unless they will agree to luke their own iron-clad oath to vota the Democratic ticket the balance of their lives. llr.v. Edwin IIii.l. This gentle uian see ni a to hnve taken offence ut n nuib wo 6r?d last vreek,nt a ''flericnl Icalfr" who lias been ennvBSKii-ifr this county and colloftin;' ntnne- for a col lege, or some other ntfix of tho negro Ure.iu fralrt:ity. His letter, found bt 'ow, if nnt orUionipliic:i!ly t orroct, vi'l no donhr be ntideiKtood ; henco wo Ji it befyc enr readers, to that re nv.iy hnve tho benefit of it, and 'it'S hims'ilf of any sin that we may L. vc laid to his chnnre: I i'l,r'' arih 0it, isih tsr M- Iku. B looil!lnd?r ir I am canTasln; this o,rij' iii the interest f (he Bible cauae. Lndcr Me ...xe ion "f Kcr, W, W, Fells, arc, for the V.-.e,,j li.e'rijt of lite P. A. It. And also the inp.-u-'at nf the Pi-csjdcnt and 8eeritary of Vour rn ot.Tity Society. Now if what You say iu Tt Ar Pj. r of tlra wck, under the head of Look Oi.l i' r l,in! rrf rs to me: Vonr information is f.iw.. a .rl at r.li event your article ia calculated to dr l,e Fi'.Ie cause a iciious in jury. t h -w ihc.-etorej that Voo wiil in Your ncut, Trj li..t nvne of lour informant and also the iiAn.iof th I.fiehr refcredto; or else take back il .!, ! s'at'-nient isu- Ycu t EDWIN II I LL. . nt fir Fa B 8 Ur a.; licet at present is rurwensviUe ClcarfieJ f Pa, Picase lend me a copy of Your next issue. Liko Peter, Vo ' know not tlio man," Wid qh ho has rendered a verdict in his oitn favor, not In a clerical stylo, we c.''i,s, but nevertheless, ;ve will ac l't it ; and it will no doubt bo sntis-fi.''i(,i-y to our readers. Wo aro not -IUt the IJibla mnn, if lio conduits aiirselfas a Chrintiaii gentleman; but the burcauilft we will utir np with a 1'arp stick, if he is stiil in tliecoiinty, "J jiulilislt bis name in "caps.," whe tl)r it he Edwin Hull or anybody else. Hr. Hull, having jironounced our taWnient "false", so far as relates to . ,. , ... nil, or rotire tins nettles the point in favor. If he never collected money fir the Bureau, ho is not tho man loj llOlU we referred: and wliv lie I "picked ur up," wo cannot compro lend. otinr; tho rocovety of Tltnd. Sto van. from j,;, n(( jles, a pntempo Ty any.: njje jnaliroto reeonitruc 'm, rcrenqe. and revtnac" Till; ltKPUHLICAN. Hook ." In nrfoiiliuico will) inslimlimm irivon mo l v tlio niomluTi! nf tlio I'M ncnt iiuiul Convention, vliirli iih- srml'luil ut I irnrtirlil on llm .tilt day i of Sciittimler, A. I. liiT, I licrel.iv inilili.-.li iuhI Milnnit to director", ami ,nr,.tB tlio tirim of omo of tho . . DUUKU UUUJIU'U l' MIUl V till VCII I lull . Parker 4 Walton. Primer 12 emit lio First Header 11 " I io Swind 'Reader M " Io Tliinl Header Ml " Do Fourth Header 7i " lio Filth Healer HO " l)o KUini Mary C:peIlur....lO u llo Pronouncing speller... 16 " These Readers will ho exchanged lor new Rcadur in the httmli of scholars, hook lor book is 10 i'tl 15 r,i ,15 45 3(1 HO 00 Io....MnUl Arithint'tiu 1 In. ... F li'iurutary A nt huu't ic llo.... Written Arithiiu'tic FnwMuUh't llniminar Furnmn Hhrpartl' Ut Hook on the Constitution Prtrrnon'i Familiar Science I The weonil column pivi-g the prioo at which tlien liookawill be iurnirlitMt when cxclmnuml I'orotlii'rs. l'ayson, Dunlon A Beribncr'l l'pniuanhiii, per dotcii $1 &0 fcintflr copy 15 I'aviton.tluuton & Horibner'a Writing Tablcta, ytrwl 1 5" lu ihcctf. pur aet (5 Hanalortl & Fayson's Book Keeping, each... 1 25 Those are tho only books I have positive rates for, in shape to publish, but will havo tho rates of ull in the next issue. TllOS. J. 51cCULLOUC.II, Chairman. Spceinl examinations will be held at the following named plaoes: Cur- wcnavillo, Octobor 2'ith ; Lawrence, November 2d and 9th, at tho school house i inilo south of Clearfield. Geo. W. S.vydkr, Co. Rup't. Markets. I'lcarllclil Market. P.cportcd weekly forthe Ct.EAlirlKLn ltcrrBLirA!! by J. P. KiiATr.F.B. Healer in Dry liooda, Dro ccrics, Provisions. Ac, Maikjt st., Cleartichl. Ci.rtnriEi.n, n-mlier 21, 1 BT. Apples, gren $ 75 i Dried, It 124, Apple butler, fgal, 1 Oil, llutter Dbanl iD Wlfn 2 50 ! lluckwheat 1 00 ' Hogs, dresseii Hides, groen hints, sugar cured, Shoulders . Hides 15 7 2 is IS I.ard 20 Mess pork,"5 bbl...30 00 Oats 75 Onions 1 50 Potatoes 1 OS Peaches, dried, lb.. 20 liuckwhcat nourm, i Heef, dried SO llcef, fresh 12'D 15 Hoards, M 15 00(20 III! ( orn, shelled 1 50 Corn, ear 05 laster, V obi 4 5(1 Corn meal, f sack, 1 76 1 Hye 1 M) Chop. T cwt. 3 M) i Itags. tf II) 8 Olovcraewl 00 Oil ; fait, V awk 3 50 Cheese 00 Shingles, 1 in., M, 5 00 Cherries, lb 0(1 j Shingles, 26 in 12 Oil ( In. kens, drsd, lf, 2U , Timothy seed 0 00 Kggs 2i I Tisllow l- Flaxseed 2 Oil Wheat 2 50 Flour 12 .',0(,vl:l ill Wool 45 Hay 00 nodi, 15 tm I Wood, cord 4 0" I'ltUuurg Markets. Pirrsai no, Ojtohor 22, 1S67. FI.OIH. Star of tho West. White Wintor UI2 50 Jenkins' Kclip.c $"0 IHKj, 12 50 Jenkins' Lilly Mill 11 25 Scars' licet, llcsplaincs, F arina and Clark A Aldciis I0 74 II 00 five flour S 50 JO 00 '.Candles 14 Corn meal, '(- hns, 1 :5 jNo. Mackerel, r) Buckwheat flour, harrcl U 00 'pJ hundir l (I 00' Lard, choice.. no (u) I I) Whcal.ucwOOOtt) X so l l aliow iu 1 40 VACOW. Ity 0 oi'M Oats, new fidu 7d iSi.lca 17 18 1 15 Shoulders 00 tu 14) illnm, e. 0l(,o 2-'l Corn, shelled () PotatH?s, c., new, H harrcl 0 00f J 00 I Mess Pork 25 Oil 4 Mllltronms i 50(i i 5 2 "j Kcrincd0il....5l!((0 42 Onions, harrcl.. Timothy sccd.O 00 Clover seed .. F'lnx seed.... . oo io mi Cuff" ..: 2.ioj 27 2 flu aroAiia. MiddlinKa. i i"inrown. Ut(i 14 Heans, nary Ilutlcr, roll...:in(rt) Cheese HO(.i) I2;.- 00(. I tin KeOurd, hard.... A colfeo TR AS. 17 24 niack -:.ra 1 20 Apples,' bl. :i(cli 4 ll'l:tlren... lined apples... . 7 di) 10'Synips. ... ihHiu l r4 .....'.(01 l oo Uriel pcachcs,lo(,i) 12Molaescs 7 ( 0 101) Salt. V barrel 2 60 Kir VRu) 11 I'LOLR .... I'UOVISIONS. T. C. JIKKIKS. COMMISSION M 1 1 K C II ANT, wnoi.rsM.r ikai.kr a nr.n:ivrit or FLOTK, PROVISIONS, A.S'H ALL KINDS OF lll.FINKIJ OILS. Cheapest l'lour House in I'ilf shurtli Ou hand, r linhlcand well known brands. (Joalily of F lour juarantid. Indu-'Cinents to denlcra and Prices Current sent every week. Chkckkhku Fkoxt, 27:1 Libkiitt Sraitrr, jan24-ly I'll TSlH'lUtH, Pa. riilluilclplila (.rorcry Market. PHti.Atir.t.niiiA, October 21, 18C7. Tca aro firm and unchanged. Syrupi continue in c-ood demand nt about previcue furcs. Ilio iofTec. eiectit for choice, is dull and lower. Fu gars have lost the buoyancy of litat week and are lower by about Jc. per pound; Cuba and Porto Ilico rule at IL'joi Mil ; Stc.im P.cf.ncd Yellows at HUf.i.ilJ. Molasrea is in fair demand, 1ml prices bat e fallen off 1 (n 2c. per gallon. Fuco dull and lower. floM 14tjr.ol.4t. tr.Aa. Tonne Hyson Fui,orior...$ Kifii l l' Kil'ir 1 2;'.'i,l 4.1 Finest .1 a.Ku.1 7o Ilys'm Hiil.ori(ir...l O.lfTi. 1 21 l i-olrr-rs. t Rio. romlii(l 22 roi 23 (InoH 2.'.('t 24j Prime 2j ('ii 2 I t'i.oirn 2i"'i f-i, 2'i .Tava.olfl (Tor. M -tl i l.aaiiara 2 (ro 27 Fine l'ii.l..., Impciinl .1 ;in f, i, 1 .111 . V i Cnnans., li .1 ii.'Gi,! 6' Ilan.lcl.,n - K ai.AK3, CuniTior...! Sl'rt 1 4" Tni.lied n . 1TJ ('(viriiepuiv'il I'll (,'t 1 71 i Fine do... W Mi 17) I A O'l ( ii 1'4 I n no i Fin. l :'' I FinrM 1 7t!(l M lljinp'iwil, r f nfH-rinr...l 2jffi 1 41 Fmr I .1 '(.".I T'l I'linst 1 J('.2 fi" ninek Hnprrinr... "Il 1 n Km. 1 l-ll'l'l 1' Fiiirsl I 2'K'J 1 35 Japan Superior... n"W I Fin. 1 H": 1 U Finest 1 20(J 1 .10 nira. rarnlina H K:il In.lin... 14 M I" Kslra V MJl'V 1 - 4 C A ydlow... 12Jj( Uj v it i r.. Comni.-n 4'fT() l'-ir 1 ""d " '2 Prin 4(:i, Choice UT CO US Choiceeilra, ll(fi,l IU uuns-fva. S.O., ch.dcsl o:.ffi.l in Porto Rico... 811 fill,. .''('i 1" Clement R. Uninwribt - - InraH R. Waiuwright ,lwi i.li V.. Wninwri'ht. WAINWRIGHT & Co., w II ti L r. H a 1. 1 GROCKnfi AND TKA DKALKIIS, N. K. Cornor Prcnnd nn.l Arch Htrecta, apr n rinT-AwapniA. Vi. Woolrn Factory. I nion Mills. I'nlnn Inwnxlilp, l lrarllrld ro , Ia. HAVINI purchased an interest In Ihe T'nlon Mills, we are prepared to card Wool, man ui.'tur. and Mnlih Cloth, and do all kinds of work In our line on shor' notice, In work manlike manner, and on reasonable tonus. Also, FLOUR, FEED AND LUMBER Manufactured and forsale. Terms Cah. Wool Intended for carding esn be left at R. Mossi.p's or 1. P. Krairer'a, whore we will get and return it on Saturdays of each week. 1,-ticrB of tn.iuiry addressed tn as at Rockton P. O. will raceue prompt allenltnn. K. K. A J. R. ARNOLD. Rockfon, June 57, lti,7. - CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP, IN CI.KA liFl ELD, Ta. (Iramediaiely In rear of Maehln. Fhop,) TIIIK subscriber would re.psctfully Inform tbe 1 ellirrna .f Clearfield, and the public in pen eial.thal heispreprred to do all kinds of work on CARRIAGES, Bl'GGI CS, SLKKiHS, c , on abort notice and on reaaonabi. terms, and in a workmanlike manor. fue-All orders promplly atiended to. -f Feb. 14. M. WM. M'KWHI. C durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS n.KAnriKi.i), fa. 'piiK Firt Term, of Incnty-two wri-Vt, will -L coniinr-ncroii MOM A V, Si ,tcnibcr 2-1, lo7. Ti:H.M OF Tt'ITInN'. Hrailinfl, trlhojrrrt,liy, Writing, Object l'Monf Primury Arithmetic anil Primary (leog raphy, per tlull" tvrin, (of cloven weckn,)... $5 110 History, I.oeul anil lieM rijitivc (Icoriiphy with M:ip Ilrawing, tlralnuiar, Mcutul and Written Arilhmelic 0 50 Algebra and the Science) 9 (10 Drawing, with any of Iho above 11 00 Clearfield, July 25, lW-.tm. Clearfield Academy. Eev. P. L. HAERIS0N. A K., Principal TriE FIllST FKSSIONof the prenent acho lastio yearn! tint Institution will eotnmenoe on the lint MONDAY (2d day) of bepleoibor, 1SB7. Puplle can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the clnee of the bemiiou.' The course of Instruction embrace! erery thing Included In a thorough, practical and accom plished education for both sexes. The Principal, baring had the ad ran Inge of much expeneooe in his profession, assures pa rents and guard'ans that hie entire ability and energies will be devotod to the moral and men. tal training of tho Youth pieced tinner tPs charge. TEIOW )!' Tl'ITIDN. Orthography, Keading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Hcssion (II o"kn) $5 till Qraintuar, Ueography, Arithmolie, and History - - - - - - 00 Algebra, GMmotry, Trigonometry, Men auration, Purveying, Philosophy, Physi ology, Chemistry, book Keeping, Botany and Physical Ooography - . - $9 00 Latin, Uresk and French, with any of the aboro (tranche - - - - $12 00 &-No deduction will bo made for absence. "tCfFcr further particulars Inquire of Rev. P. L. II A KK1HON, A. M., Clrnld. July 25. IH07 tf. Principal. PINK GliOVK ACADEMY AND SEMINARY, Pixe UitoYE Atti-La, Cksthk Co., Pa. J. 1'.. THOMAS, A. M I'rinrliial. TfIIK thirty-second session of this Institution i will opto Wednesday. October .'10th, 1M07. 'lerms Uourd and tuition, Fnglish hranchas, 0 prr session of twenty weeks, ticpd lor a circular. October llt-2ni-pd. LOGAN ACADEMY. A First-Class High School for Boys, I TS location Is healthful, roin..ntic and cenrc- nicnt; rcven mite cast of Alioona, on the 1'cnnsylvania Centrnl Uailroad. 1 ho next term hegins iSuvuiubcr 4, I -ni. Apply to K. it. ) I !.)". rnncipat. cptl3 Antistown 1'. I).. Illair Co . Pa. rrrhant Tailov.s. SOMETHING NEW IN SHAW'S ROW, I IIAMi A KTOt;.;IITOM, lorcliant Tailors, Market Hlri'et, Clearfield, Pa., TX AVINO opened their new etubHuhment in J..L Miaw'e Kiwtun( door eat of ibe punt offiee. oiitl having jufl ruluriird from the enistorn citici with a lare aMorlinent of Cloths, CaEiineresf Vecting3( Tevfr, and all kimle of Onodf fur ixen and Loj i' wenr, era now rei'ared to initka up to order CLOTH INU, from a vingle arlk le to a full I euit, In the latent at vlea and mom workmanlike manner. Hpeciat attAiitinn given to custom work and cutting out for win and boyi, W offer great bargain to euitomom, and wa"rant entiie ratiifaction. A lilicral nhare of public patronage ii lolicited. Call anr) e-e our facile. M. A. FKANK. crtt? tf k. n. u FiouonTny. if. luu b uk MERCHANT TAILOR, (Riore one door enst of Clt nrficld Ilnuse.) market Street, Clearfield, la. KEEPS on hand a full amortmenf e of Oant- Furninbing Uoodi, iitnb aa rhirta, linn and Woolen 1 ndcrphirtu, Drawers mud SorVi, Neck-t'ea, Pocket 11 nilkeroliinfa, iluvri, Hate, Umbrellas, Ac. in great variety. Of Piooe (Joodn be keepi the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such aa Blnck Doeikin of the vtry beat make: Fancy Caoaimere. In great variety , mlao, Fmnnh Coating, lfeaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, aid Fricott overcuMtitipc. All of which will bo aohl cheap for Cash, and m.".dc np according to the latest atjloi by experienced workmen. Alio, Agent for Clearfield county for I. M ?injror k Co'a. relubrated Hewing Mnchinea. Not. I, IfifiS tf. t H. URIDGK. i lie Only IrriiHicrntlr Islajrazluo u.ncd In tlie I'nllid rxatee. THE OLD GUARD. A MoXTIILV MAt;AZIM:, Pi riitf d to Literature, Scii nt n nnd Art, ami tho J'uliticul I'rinnijilcd of 1776 and 17S7. c. cnAt'wcrr at'nn, khitor. THRU CAUB IS iPVANCII. One cr,pT. ne year M 1 0 Two eopica A f our copiea 10 00 Five con i and one to the getter-op of the cluh U 00 Ton cop it a, and one to the getter up of tbe club -- 2 A 00 Tweiitv c-ipifs. and one to the getter-op uf the club 45 00 Now Suliari Ibrrn A Hare CliaMre All who bnve nt yet auhsoribed for Tiik Ci.n OnARd for loT, ahould do en, and get the back mimkiiri ritntntfi in it the now and Dohulir novel j ,y Wm.dilmore Himma and John fceton Cooke'e j grnjj.hic battle picturea. To every now auhnorib- ; er flf.nliiig up I' for nne year'e merrtptiiin, we j aend a eopy i.f the larpe atft plate portrait ! of either itonowall jArkaun or Leo, e- the aub- ,-rihnr mav direct- at the time of auhirrlbing. Tbefe ptrtrlia are tvi.il men, ami erirravea in the bept atylo of the art, and retail for 91 60 each. Specimen eopiea of the Mngaaine aent, postpaid, to all deairing to examine before aub ecritung, or lo g-'t up rluh, for Hoc. Addreae VAN EVKHIK. HOHTOaN A Co., PoMlahera, oct.1 4t N " i Naaaau atreet, New lwik. 7ir Fur anle nt tin- V oiTii-c. AT JOHN FAREIRA'S (Hil KtHMihr.l Fur Manufactory, No. 71S AIU'II St.. iiImitp Hoienth, J'liilmlf'ljilim. Ilnvp nw in my ptojT.or mr own lniMriAiiin mul MiintifnctiiTr, onn uf (lie inrtrf'Kt mi l ni(l hcnutiliil .-."e' ei.vtt.n"i.f Kmirv Fun. t f'ir Iinf.ii' uni rhiMrcn'o ---- winr in thr riir. Alwi, a flnr nriinnt uf (iont'it l-'nr Ulnvrp nnd ('ullnri. I im rnnl'Icil I" tliM-'mr uf mr p 'ntU- ni vrry n-i p.in tlilr iri'". I'D 1 '"ilil lliori'fnpp mtlii-it rill frmn my frin.lit nt ( "nrtM-l.l muntr im) riciniv. liFranni .r tlic nnmc, tn;m''nr nn-l nircfl. JOHN FA It HI It A, Nn. 71 Arch Fired, above 7th. umiih umIp, Oi-l.tm riitUilr,hm, Tiv Hoieffor Rent. rpile nrderaigned now nff-rs for rent the well. I known holel formerly kept by l.aso Illoom, Kii., deceased, siluale In the central part nf the hnriugh of Curwensville. Possfsslon will he given on Ihe Srst of November. If desired. It will be rented sillier wilh or without Ihe Furni ture. For (urlber particulars rnuira on tb. ! nremi.ids, or address the undersigned i,y letter. 1 . Wna I.KAli IlLOnM. Curwcn-ville, Sept. ?ll. ftf. (1 KT TIIK IRONSIDES Th. Irrgcet oven J Cro.k Store in tho mnrki'l, has ell Ihe ailvan I ta.r. that ran be pill on a Stove, for worn! or coal, I warront'il in if operation, f T sale bv - J. P. KRATZl.n, Agcnl. a pry (fm&i, (fmmti, Ttr. Ii KYHTOX K STOIt i: SKCOXII STHKKT, ("I.F.ARKIF.t.D, Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods 1 PHESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS! Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds & Vestings. Shaker, Opera, Press, Shirting, Red, Blue, Yel low and White FLANNELfi. llleached and unbleached Ht'SI.INS, Id all widths and qualities. TA1IMC 1.INEX, TOWKI.S NAPKIN., HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS in great variety. SHAWLS 4 WOOI.F.X OOODS IV KVF.RY PTYLK. Ladies' Coats, Gentlemcn'B Furnisli bg Goods, Threads and Fewing Eilk, all kinds and colon ; Window Shades, Floor and Table Oil CI the, , Cords, Taaaolr, Kugs and Ojuoterpanei, Qlorea, Hosiery, Cellara, 4affs, Hib kwaa, Braids, aad m udleca . .. Tariaty of small wares an i fanry attidet. LADIES', MISSES', AND CIIILDnEX'8 bUOES, A LAUOE ASSORTMENT. All of which will be rold S&-L01V FOR CASn.Si Call and examine ourUck(befure making yoor purchaiei ! where, a we fl reared tbat we can plcaie in both qaulity and jirieei. It will he our aim to km Vie the "Eeritone" the proper place to hu Drj Qoodi. NIVLIXG k SHOWERS. ClearSeld, Sept. 2, '67-tf J. P. KRATZER TT AS removed in hi new warernomi on Mar J J kot ttroet. Clearfiuld, l'af where be baa upeued a very large a toe a of DRY GOODS, Jtferlnnea, Giughama. Clntbi, Pelalnea, Printi Caaftuorea, Alptcu, Kilki, r Annate, Kepi, Cavhaierea, Tweedi, Coberga, Mohair, Jeaua, Lanllaa, Muslim, Flannel, Honnete, Hih bora, ClMika, ltnlinoral ISkirta, lioop bkirta, Hhawla, Drem Trimminga, ileud Keu, Capa, Cort-t", Olovee, Cullari, Bcerta, (Irenidioe Veila, Table Cover. CLOTHING, Coata. Panta. Veeta. Over-Coata, Gont'a Fhawla bhirta, Hata, Capa, I nder-hhirta and Irrawrra, Boote, Hhoea. (lum fihoea, Cravata, Ulovea and Collarii. flATinWAliR, (H'KKNSWAnF., OHO CEiUES 4 MUMCAL OOODS. GKOCEIIIES, Tea. Coffee, Rugar, Molaaaita.alU Candlea, Rica, Clour, llaeon, riih, Jnheflro, ttaiaine, CarranU, 8 pice a, Crack era, Vinegar, OUa, Var niith. Alfnhol. T I X- W A H R. L A KH- W4 Haw Wr4XJ)Ei;. WKK, and STATION EKY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpet", Oll-elotha, Drugget. Lnoking-Gleaaca Clocka, Churna, Wimhonrda, Tuba, Huck eta. Flat Irona, Puna, W.ndcw Ulindi, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamp a, lin brellaa, llodconla, Kniveaand Forks. f pinni,Crocka. and Btove Blacking. r-ff A 11 of which will be aold on the moat re a aonnhle termi, and the hlgheat market price paid or drain, Wool, and ail kind a of oonntry produce, Clearfield, December 13, Ifidi. " S O MET H I N G" NEW ! FLOUR AND FEED STORE T WOri.Il announce to the cltircna nf Clcnrflcld I and the enmiitnHing cnuntn that I have pued a KLOI K A.M FKKD hTOHli on Oj.pnuUe tho Finling, ultrrn I Intend to kec contt.mtiy no nnii't a lull aea.mmcni oi Flour, Pork, Bcon, Chop, Oats, Corn And all kindnof Fcrd. which I will rrtnil chcaji Inr chmi, or in pxchnnge tor Ml I l.l.n. LlMl!i;UM!:V will cumuli tlnir intriTt by giving me a cull Wt re thvy go clfcuhiT to pur rlmac their aujipiirn, aa my Arrnnginpnla nrr pfrlott, and am ale to buy evirYlhing in my line at the lowrt market prire. J.KAXIjKR M:N.IN(i. CIcatfiild. .Inlv II. U07. This Way, Genllemf n ! sraria ami rxAaiat run Flour, Feed, Groceries and Provisions, la tb. brick, bu'lding known as th. "Carlisle property" In rniursnuna. ta. ft"Confident of giving .atisfaelinn to our euaUtmer., w, therefore, respeotlully solicit a lih.ral share of patronage. JOHN P. MACLAT A CO. rhlliprbnrg, October If), l7-"ui. XKW STOJiE AND NEW GOODS!' 1 JOS. SHAW & SON Have jutt opened a Niw Smu, on Main St., Ci.arm.n, Pa., lately oceupied hy Wrn. F. IRWIN. Tlicir .lock conai.li of LD 111 'ZT GLXCUL0523, Onwiti nf the liest quality, QUF.F.NEWARE, IsOOtS 011(1 SIlOCB, and every artinlci necessarv for one'. comTort. C.ill and examine our stock before pur elm. ing flsawliere. Mny 5), iMifi-tf, (I.flTIII.Vll f'as.imcr suits. Coats. Pants and ) cls to nial.-li.tine black dress Coats, Dearer OicrcoatM, lions' t'lolliing jli.t reerived at J. P. KIUTKR'H. 1, UAHY KTONK WARK Full stn..k jnt re- c..ire,l at J. P. KRAT,hRR V.S B Heavy RooU, lor M, at II. W. SMITII'C. I' (I.T-Fall weight, fine Amerii-an salt, in P. kit AT m; US. Or I patent sank., at I KNT.'S French Calf Iloota, (warranted.! for I Ifn.in, at II. W. MITII fl. IkK.ST nualify of PRINT?, for IBe., al H. W, fi.MITH'f. El'"? Urnnn Alnm F.U for s?M.Ji it ack. .t. H. fMITII U. iRarflu-arc, ?linvaif, fl(. NEV HARDWARE STORE Fhilipsburijr, Centre County, Ta G. II. ZEIGLKR & CO., DKAI.F.II8 IN Foreign & Domestic Hanhvare, WOOD, WILLOW. 4 TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Ghmf &c., (fee. rpnS attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farm -a- ers, Lumbermen, and Buyers generally, ll invited to the fact that wa are offering a better assortment of goods in our line than can ba found elsewhere io thii part of the State, at Price to Suit the Timet. Onr itock comprises a general assortment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Black smiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Ac., with a large stock of ion, Jatls, acta, iAcj, jirnii7 Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindntoms, Circular, Jilill and Cross-Cut Saws, ENAMELED, FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW irAKE, CABLE CHAINS, ard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TERPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND LANTEHNS. An excellent aiiortment of Fine Cutlery, com rrMofT K.VIVKS, I'OIJKS, SCISSOKS, JiAZOltS, ic. DESEIiT.TKA. A TABLESPOONS, DltlTAXNIA & SILVKR TLATEI) WAKE. TIN WAP.E IX CHEAT YAHinry AND HESr MASL'FACTL'EE. Housebold, Ilortieultiiral, Farminjr and Hafting Imple m.nts of the latest aLd must iuiprored patorn.. Dlaeksmithi tan be supplied with Anrils, Bel lnvs, Viees, 8,eJet, Haanners. llors. and Mill. Hhea, Horse Naila, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenter, and Builders will find ia oar .stab lishtnent a superior .took of Plane., fiaw., Augurs, llatehets, single, double. bit and pealing Aies, llaramera, Clilae'.i, Pile., Rlngel, Screws, flolU, Loeks, Pullers, Bash, Cord, o., lo., e. Farmer, and Rartmen will find .r.rytbing tn their line, and ebeaper than .an b. had .Isewhora, ParlLular attentlnn Is Inr'ted fo our sloek of Htores, enmprisinff 8psar. eelebrated Anti-liuit, Cook and Parlor Mure, of all sites. Also, the Kil'Rare Cook, Parlor Cook, lirillianl, rawn, hew iliop, Arctic, and Common F.g Pocket, Ac All uf the above pood a will be anld clienp fur rni.lt. G. l. ZEIGLEIi k Co. Philipsbnrg, OeL 10, 1 H fi 7 -1 y DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Moulli Third Slrret, Philadelphia, M.IAI.H.V, And Dealers in Government Securities. Appli-alion by niail will rc,'iva prompt atten tion, nod all information cliicifulty furnislicil. Orders solii ill. aprl I II J. D. M'liirk. Edward Perks. BANKING t COLLECTION HOUSE or mcgirk &. perks, 8t!ww-ni to Fndicr, P.-rk , A. Co.. 1'lilllpr.liiirir. ful re Cooiiuty, Vt. YTU)'K A (ho li-m'i.u n of a Unnkltm II mite will lio (rHiifjioti'J irnmjtl' mid u"in the mot fur ti?lilt tc'ttnu. nmr7-tf County National Bank. ci.FAnnr.i.n, pa. THIS Rank la now open and ready for busi ness. (ifTtce on Second street. In Ihe build ing formerly occupied by Leonard. Finney A Co. Mitrcmns and orrirvna. JAS. D. OH A II A M, HICIIAHD F1I.VW, WM. A WALLACE, WM. PoKTKI, A. K. WItlllllT. 01.(1. 1.. I1KKD. w- modrk, jas.T. leoxard. ju:s.'l Csshier. President Clearfield County Bank- flllll. rioATflol'l TontitT lUnk mt nn incitrpnrn- tfd inotilutinn ha cnff out of riiHtonrr br th piirrenrtfr nf Its charter, on May 111. llii. All ltd ttr.ok In owned by t lie fMibTilmrfi, who will cnnliuuo tlif Hunkinc buincn' nt (ho mm pinr,n J-rWut Hatilirii, nni.er (Up Arm name nf thf 'CtrartieM ('ouniy Hank," We are re ip(miMe for the deht of the Itank, an-twill pny iu noti( on drmand at the counter. IepnHiti rer-rirrd and lm,irefit piid when mnry 1 lolt tor , fined time. j fper airTonniea ai rent as herelffure. Our personal rcpnnnMlity is pledged for .11 lluposiui received end business trans 'eted. A centinnanc nr the liners! pat ronage of th. business men of the county is re spei'ltitlly solicited. As President, C.hier and nrlieer.1 of tb. late Clearfield County Rank. w. require the notes of taid Rank to be presented for redemption. .1 AS. T. I,KVARD, RICIMRIs HIMW, WM. I'flHTKIt. JAS. II. (HtAIlAM, A. K. WR1UIIT. . L. REKD, WM. A. WALI.ACK. The business of the Rank will lie conducted by John M. Adams., Kq., as Ca.hier. (jun24,'fij ITCH! ITCH! I ITCH I HI HATCH! KCltATni!! HCKATCH !! !1 In from IO tn M lluur. Wheatin'a Ointment eurea The Teh. Wheaton't Ointment rurf ,sa1i Kneum. Wheatna'a Otntmrnt rurea Tetter. Wheaton'a Ointment rnret Harhera' Itch. Wheaten'i Ointment enret Old Horee, W'heaton'l Ointment fir Kvary kind of Humor likt Majtie. Tt 50 ntn a hoi: hw mail, ! eenta, Addrew WF.IIKS A POTTKR, No 170 twfc. i rff ton -teet, Hontoa. Maaa. For ealt by Iltt- wirk k Irwin, and by all Druffciifn. pl.''-it IIHPT analiw ef MAOKFKEL. ' tt A bMM at H. W. IMITII'F.. Ti.inluiuf, JiiuQir, (ftf. o. t. rt nai. FLEGAI& GANOi:, j STOVE AMI HOLLOW MAKE 1 STORE, j AJill MANtFAfTntrn.1 fF j Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Plilllpsliur);. Centre co., I'a., T II E new firm of Flcgal f Gnnoe would re . apectfully announce to their frlcnda and j the publie generally, that they have on band a ; carefully-aelected and well aaeurted itock of ; Slovea. Their variety coniliU of 1UE CELEBRATED IHONSIDES, Wbicb hare never failed to give perfect utiifae tion to the moat faalidioua of lie purchaiora, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Speara' Anti-Duat, Magara, Charm, llerald.de, with every variety of tbe beat Fituburg Manufacture. .Tbe Tin and Sheet Iron ware given with tbe Htovca ia made of the beav'eat and beat material, and warranted to give perfect a tie fact ion. Their itock of PAULOU AND HEATING STOVES la larger, butter and cheaper than ever before exhibited to the public. They defy competition either In variety, quality or price. They are also propared to furnish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tb. so), view to .ervio., from tb. best ma terial in the market. PLOWS, TL0W P0IT3, A COPfEn, DEASS axd ikon kettlks, Of .rery drsorlption eonitantly on band. LIGHTNING HODS, Superior point, put np on .hurt notiea. The Point they offer to the public ii tb. same as Is now used by th. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., on their buildings. OKDKK3 KUB 8 TOUTING, ROOFING, And other work belonging to their business will be promptly filled by experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken in exchange fur gooJa. iThey eapecia)ly Invite the attention of Merchant! wiahing to purchase at wboU'tiile, ae they will And It to their advantage to examine tfceir itock before purohaaing elaewhere. FLKUAL A UAN'OK. Philipahurg, July 11, I8fi7. MERRELL & BIGLEK, Pit a lbbii ix II A K W A IK 13 , Alro, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLE Aft FIELD, F A. Y LOT OF SADDLES, DU1DLES, Harness, Collar., etc., for sale by MEHRF.LL &, EIOLER. J)AL M E iFs 1' A TEN II' N L O AD Ing Ilay Forks, for .ale by JIEHliELL 4 Bini.EU. I'AINT, rUTTY, GLASS, ails, .to., for sal. by ' MERRELL 4. EIQLER. AliXlCSS TRIMMINGS k SIlOE .. .. Finding., for .ale by MERRELL t 1UGLER. QL'NH, PISTOLS, SWORD CANKS For sale by MEIiHEl.L 4 r.IGLEU. gTOYJiS, OF ALL SORTS AND FUzea, for sale by M Eli I! ELL V BIO LEU. T RON 1 I RON ! I ItON ! I RON ! For sale by MERRELL A EIGLER HORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE 11 Kail., for rile by MERRELL 4 T.IGLER pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best monufacturs, for sale by MEHKELL &. MO LEU. JUMBLE SKEINS AND TIIT. Boios, for sale by MERRELL 4 HIGLER, RODDER CUTTEliS for salo by MERRELL 4 EIGLER. TIH'IK WIN K VIM'.liAII a .nperlnr arli- rlr lor pickling nt J. P K HAT.KH S BOOK AGENTS WANTED' lo Solicit Onlr Tor a Now Tllunlratod HIHI.K l('Tl'tNAHY. j T IllS Hirliona-T emlmtlifn the tfrHilt of thr j lit.t! rrrrnt dtndy.iT-ean'h.nnd inveetiiration, i i altont eijiy -five nf tbe mt nnment anrl tui- rnnriv litbliral rohitlaro now living, i'leirmcn mi u ii'nftiiin.;iu'us inpr ii. aim nniu n . the (h.! wntk of its kind in Ihe Ki: Tlti language, anil rtni w hi-'ii tmliifi to tx- in tbe bandf ol evei v Hi'de reu'ler in tin- laud. In citc'ilniinz I -hi- NVork, Apr nt will And a il",iai)t and pnititltb' rmplnymcnt. The nniner u n.i)erli wtnrli are ii'unlly rnwutiteri'd iu nellihK ordtr.iry wiirk will nt riH with thi. 1. hi, on thi- I'lintrnrv, rncutiraicn.i'nt and trteiid- ly aid wilt ml- ud tl.c Ajf. nl, iimhing bm labors j rjrne:'btr, UM-ful, aj' I lurmtive. Iiadlra, rt'lired t'lf-vm-'n. Ki-hool Tifti-heri", Farmer?, (Stmiente, and all nthern who poeet j iicrc', arr wanteil to a Mint in t 'inva-iimir wry Town and County in the ronntrv, to whom the , Pi'iKl liheral indm-cment will te otte-rrd. For particular apv,T "r a-blr-" IMI.MKLKK r.HOTMKUH. a-ptli (It ;.H Senom flrret. rhiiadt-lphia. I' JSnrltelsi rTTHK nnder:gocd would lake tins method of - v....-,.. me siirronndmit vicinity, that they hare opened Up a MhAT MAKKhl, in the hsmnt of the near. held House, where inev will l,. foand wilh i snpplv .verv '', , , n Tuosaay, luursday fAnd Saturany, Fnne-s and Joldwr. In tbe wrmunding con.. Irv will he supplied wilh Meats lo cirrler. A lie- etl share of rnMic r-atroeage anlieitew. .. .T M. fi. IRrTjr, O ' yi. v a. i.wbi aw, DRUGGISTS, (H.rond nreel, opposll. the Court Hnuee, ) C M', A K Kl I. M, renii'n. rpilEmbarrlkeri bating enlered Inlo r-artiir- 1 ship in Ibe Urug business, a',1 purelid i tlu. (ntir. Inlere-t of Mr. C ll Wal.en. oIH resnirtfnilr inf.trm Ibe cilili'ns of ritaTfl.-ld eountv, that thejr are bow prepared to famish DKIV.S, PATENT M EUICIXE.S, Dye Stufla, Toharco, Citrara, Cunfectiuneritfa, r'tntioaery Af. PJIYSICI.VNS Will And our atirk of Itruca FI-Mj and COtf n.KTG, and at a very slight advance on Laatern pricea. ' .SCHOOL ISOOKS. Tearher. and other, will be furnished wllh rlassiealand miioellaneoat book, br express, at sbert notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of C.ip, Plat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers s also, a rery neat stoek of Mourning Note Paper and bnr.lope. on band. Pen., Pencils, Ink, so. HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of PURR SPICKS, B0DA, SODA ASH, Concentrated LYE, HGAP, f e. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested toeiamin. our stock of Perfumer., Hair OiIn Pin. Toilot !oaps, Hrusbe, Combs, Toilet Setts, Ac, Ao, HMOKEUS AKD CI I. EWE US Will tnd a full supply of prim. Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Uoaestie CiUARri, HnufT, Fine-Cut, Ac, Ae. CARBON OIL, Of the best brands, always on band. LIQUORS. Tbe best quality of Liquor, alwaji on band, for medieal purposes. Physicians' Pr.acriptloni promptly and carefully compounded. Sept. 12, l67. . M. 4 A. J. BtlA". HARTSWICK & IRWIN, Mlritfflsls, t'Uaricia, i'a. HAVIN'O refilled and remored to tbe room lately occupied by Richard MosMip, now ofltT, low for cash, a well .elecleil aasormient of DRUGS AND ClIEHICALS. Also, rotnf Vrdirlrrs of all kinds, Oils, Gla Putty, Dy. Stuffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEGAUS, Confectionery, Spices, and tho largest 'stock of rnneties arer oflerea fn tins place, ami warrant- ed to be of the best tbe Slarket af orris J. . JIAKTSWICK, Dec. U, 18f,.-. JOHN JRWIX. BRIGS! liRl'GS! MtGS! JOSEI'n' ll. IRWIN, On Main St., on. door west of Ulppl. t Faust'. Store, CntWEXSVILLE, PA., Has sow on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Khouliler-llrarea, l.laslic ftock liirn and Mi,iptrlerf t.lasa, fulty. Perfumery. Toil.tGnnds, Confectioneries. Spice. Canned Kruit, Tobacco, Cigars. Books, blationery, Penoilr, Peni, ink, and a general variety of Motions. Tlis s'nek embraces all articles needed in a community, is entirely new, and of the beat quality, and will be s. Id nt reasonible price.. Call and czumine the goods ; tbey cannot fail to ploaso. deci-tr Rnaa' ft. Domingo, IluhbeU's, Drake's Hoof, land's Merman, Hosteller's and Greene'. Oxygenated Hitters, alsfi pur. Ltqura. of all I kinds for -dieiral nwrpoaee, for aaU-hr H. r I. -M A I II' I' A At 1 1 A, kenneilv's Mod.ca Iliscrcry, lielmbold's liachu. Laker's Cod Liver Oil, Jane's and Avcr's medicines of every kind, for Mle by HARTSWICK A IKWIN. rriiafie. mid abdominal supporrrs of every J kind of the latest improvement, for ale at Ihe Drug Hmre of IIARTSVVICK A IKWIN. tual, V llale and Unseed Uils, Family I'T, varnishes and 1 as. of all kinds ground in oil For sale - 11. A I. J CtotluncL HOW TO SAVE MONEY. TIIK time it are hard ; you'd like to know II nw you mny mc jnnr dollar! The way tn do ' I wil1 'hnw. If you will read what folluwi. A man who lired not far from hora, Vho worhfd hard at hi trade, Bat bad ft honrehnld to atippnrt That qunndred all ba niado. I met him once. Sya he, ".My friend, I look thrnid bear and rough ; I've tried t p" oiynelf miit, Itut can't nre up enough." Ear t, my friend, how much hare you ? I'll toll yno where to To rt a unit tbai'p pound and cheap i To HKIZENSIKIN k Co. lie tooV whit little ha had ard, And went to Koiienntein k Hrothera, And there he pot a nandnnnla mil. For half he paid to then. Kow he If home, he lonki go wellr And their efloet it mrh, That when they take their daily mtal, They don't oat half ae much. And now he flnda on Batnrrlay night. With all their wanta aupplied. That he h nrnry left to i-pcnd, And poire to lay axido. Hli pnnd nucpena, with cheerful fmlle. lie pladly telle to all. If you'd fare mon?y, go and buy Your rloihen at hr.IZKNSTKIX'fi CLOTHING II ATX. Where the rhrapeat, fineet and btt riotiiln)r and find Fnmihint ftoodit can bo had to to it every taate and In tvory at vie aprllHT THE LATEST OUT I II0NI5T PAVED IS M0SKY MADHf 7K WISE! Ifronvrish to purcba.o CLOTH J ing, HATs di CAP" , or rurnnbing Oood., GO TO C. H. MOORE'S New and (heap CUthing Slore, srbcre In found eon'tanllv oh hand a large and well se lected assortment of Fin. Hlsck Cassimere .uiU, and draNe, brown, light, and in (act ALL KINDS OF CLOTHING Adapted to all seasons of the year ; also, Fhirls, ' I)ri,P. CIL-irs. an.) a larre ai. l w.-U udeeted Drawers, Collars, and a laro ai, l ' j nnHnrtntent of fine II ATS and CAP, of the ' ?prT ttnat atvlea j and in laft eTervihinp that can he nailed for in bia line, will be furnished at tbe rry lowef city priroF, n tl;rV hae been ptirrtiaaed at ths lowest pnimlhle nfrure. and will he tuld In the eamo way by C, H. MOOBE. In tho Port Offiee Puildinp. Philipibnrf, Pa, m:vs. Pail r and Weekly pneera, Msrtrtnei; aleo, ft Inrire aaenrtioent of tho latent nnd bet ISotoIi, Jiike Ilooki, d'C., ronKiantlT on hind at C. U. MOOUI.'S, In the Pott Office. Iluildlnff. arll-ly I'hilip-ourj:, Pa. iii J. Crape Vines for Sale. A , I- an.) lilie tbi- lradint? har rarietieii of flrt ttat- ity. Iirdcrs sohcitci as e,M,r e convcnteni. ullcliiirolatioii.l v A. 51. Hll.l.v Clcarlleld. Pa.. Anni'l I5'' . . ,,,u w MITII I Ntie. i TV Is herebv given that lelters nf Administra tion, nn Ike 'estate of PF.TKH (iKAlllUBT. . . . . Ll.. - -t J ; .l.c...en, l.to m uorir. ' '" ' : eonntv. Pa., having been 'l' '- r'anted to tb. ! .ndr.irei. a-.i .er-n ir ....! ,m-n ... ' tate will please ma a pavm-n' nrnfrne havtng ' L'"" " demands will preS'.l! -Vkoin sr atU.. I ! without "H",- ,. , .,..,. i ct3-tpd. . ettUrfBirtrater. .