$r.lgtous ftUjJKllnnif. iJoJ, when itpworkrtli, worliotli liko A (iml. As Uiti civcR not Mintpilly, t;Lo a Lfr, no (joiI, in liin pills, is not ao restrained, (iivini; will nut litipoveriHli him, ami witliliolilinir will nut ctirk li him. Expect groat things from a great Hod. Trtk. !imo pood jn'oplo nro in clined lo cnnletnjilution vhen tho call is urgent '" Htii'rin.!? activity. Such peron mitrlit well ho rviiiimloil nf what a zcuiotiH layman for tho Went on co aniil to un old church nt tho Kust : 'You sit hero and 'nin yourselves nwuy to cvvrliiNtin-; bliss;' hut 1 toll you, you nro wan toil a grunt dual more out in Illinois than you are in heaven." And are not man' of our I'lirmtian frienda, who love to read and think about tho "glory to ho revealed," and who sometime;) nro longing for tho rest nhoro, wanted r great deal more in tho Sabbath-School than they are in heaven '! Fuaylr. When a pump is frequent ly iinod, littlo puins are necessary to have water ; tho pump pours out at tha first stroke, because iho water is high. 11 n t if the liutcp has not heeu used for a long time, the water gets low; and when youwunt it, you must pump it u long while, and tho water only comes after great efforts. It is so with prayer ; il we are constant in prayer, every little circumstanee awa kens tho disposition to pray, and de- Hire and words are always ready, lint if we neglect prayer, it is dillicull for us to pray; lor the water in tho well gots low. The Jowh wanted a sign, and the Greeks wanted philosophy; hut the Apostlo says, I preach Christ cruci fied; ami this, in its full disclosure, is at once tho liiglio.it element of divine power and of divine philosophy. Jt is the succoring (iod incarnated, that concentrates in himself tho highest moral philosophy the philosophy which shall prevail when all others shall havo passed away the true phi losophy of tho human race, whoso de velopment is found in the prohlcm that is wrapped up in the Lord Jesus Christ, as tiod manifest in the flesh, Buffering, and crucified. It is declared everwhere in tho New Testament not so much declaied as nesunud tl.Bt the heart is einfrl. Tho apparent fact that tho whole creation groans and travails in pain is argument enough on that suhject. Tho tears, tho sorrows, the sufferings of men, which wo behold on ever' hand ; the conflicts of the whole world, of which we aro cognizant these things make it evident enough tbst men are tiriful. When a machine is out. of order, nnd tho various parts prat and grind against each other, it is not necessary to bay to ono who l,rs the grinding, "It is out of order." Therefore no time is spent in the Kew Testament to prove,- that men urn depraved. It is assumed to be a thing of universal consciousness as U is. In eternity it will bo a terrible tlii"g for many a man to meet his own p-'ivcrg. Their very language will condemn him ; for ho knew hit duty add (lid it not. Those fervent pray ers which tho good man has labored to make effectual, will bo "shining ones" in w hite raiment, to conduct, their author into the banqueting house of the groat King, liul the f.iUuhoods uttered at the throne of grcco will live again as tormenting scorpions in tho day of the Lord's appearing. ' Be not rash with thy mouth, nor let thj heart bo hasty to ui.tor anything before God," is an ob jection that torbids more than irrev erence in prayer. It forbids us, by implication, to avk for that which we do r.ot sincerely desire. Above all, it forbids the asking from God those blessings which we are hindering by onr neglect, or thwarting by our so'l fifchtie.'S and unbelief. Who is tho prophet that 'shall un cover the abysses of our tctcd lives, and pour adequate shame on our mu tual imposition f Smiles on our fa ces, with envy and jealousy under neath ; cordiality in our grap, with no connecting nerve between tho fin gers and the heart ; deference in our professions, with no suitable esteem, no genuine respect, no sacred sinceii ty ; invitations issued, with a fraud lurking in their politeness, getting the company together by one false hood ; greetings of indiscriminate and extravagant welcome) lecciving them with another; fashions made up of composite illusions, ornamen ting them with another ceremony of an elaborate make believe; sustain-' their mock digi.ity with another; and dishonevt regif ts at tho farewell dis- missing them with another who w ill dure, to nfiirm that these do tiot.cnler appallingly into tho staplo of what we ca'l civilized and elegant lifef When is the rugged, tnuh speaking. Christian time coming, which shall tear open and rend these guilty illu Bicr.H, plant the communion of soul on some pure anil just foundation, and restore the social world to its primi tive end upright hiir.pliciiy f Taji'ly (i ;iTKs:rs. In the family tho law of pie:iing cuirbt to extend from the b'ghest to the If wet. Yon ! are bound to ) nso j-our children, and 1 ronr children are bound to please each ! other; nnd yon aro bound topleasej jwirpuniuu, u you expect lliem to pn-ase you. Some men are pleasant in their own house, and nowhere e:se. I have known sm h nu n. Th'-y were good fathers and kind bus I'UeJs. If yoa had seen them in their own homes, you would have thought t'ley were almost angeN; J.ut if yon hid seen them in tho streets, or in the f'l'nlii.J house, or anywhere else out si.lo or iheir own house, 3-on would h.n-c thought them almost demoniac, ijiit the opposite is apt to bo the case. V'bin we aro among our neighbors, or among stiangers, wo hold ourselves witn self respect, nnd endeavor to act wilh propriety : but when we g.-t hon.e w say to ourselves, "1 have played a part long enough, and now I am going to be natural." So wo sit down, and are ugly, and siinppish,utid blunt, and tlixanrecable. We lay aside thoselittle courtesies that make theroughcsi fl xir smooth, that mtke the hardest things like velvet, and thst mako life pic as lant. We expend all our politeness, ia places where it will be profitable. hre it will bring river and gold. yiofrssiona ti 3Jusinr.M (Cards. ISRAEL TEST"! A TTl) It N KY AT LAW. ('Irarflrlil. la. JfitrOKet In ths Court llouss. JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTOIi.N KY AT I, AW, Uarllilil, I'a, OBlcs wllh J. B. MrKnatly, Esq., over First K. tinnal Hank. SVM'rompt attention given to tha ecouring of llounly, Claims. o., and la all legal buiinses. Mnrrh 2S, IstiT lT. W ALTE R BAR RET T, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Office on Second Ml., Clearfield, P. novJl.M Wm. A. Wallace. Win. I). Hij'lrr. J. llluke Walters. Krimk Fielding. WALLACE, BiGLER dt FIELDING, ATTUKNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, I'a. Legal business of all kinds promptly and acourntely attended to. icavla-y THOS. J. MccIjULOUGhI ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Office adjoining tlie Hank, formerly occupied by J. It. .McKtmlly, Second at,, Clearfield. jrfr-Will attend promptly to collections, tale of lands, lo. (declJ,H2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Heal IMate Agent, Clearfield, Pa Office on Market atreet, oppcilto tha Jail. eItepectfully offer hi lorries In telling ana Lining lanui in Ulearlield and adjuininn count iea ; and with an experience of over twenty year aa a eurveyur, Hattora liliiuelf that be can render aatifaotion. ffb2S.'s:t.tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTOKN EY T LA W, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market itrret one duor eaat of the Clear- 8'ld County Hank. maT4,'(U John II. Orvia. C T. Alexander. ORVIS &, ALEXANDER, ATTOIiN EYii AT LA 11', IKIIefDiite. Pa. arplSeS-y F. B. REED, M. D., rilYSIClAN AND SUK'iKiiN. HT-IlMvlnfr removed to th late rfidt-oo of Ho. J. Kvlfr, df'cewi'-l, sear W illitnp(rrof , I'., offrn hit yn (eKfiunal icrvKef to tha people cf lh nuTTutiodirtg country. jjl 1,'67 VrlTp.b u rchfTe "l b7 Late Suruu of th- Rpg niot, PentipylTania Volunteera. having returnvd from tbe Army, ttTcra hi prcfesiK-nai aervicei to Ui citiieui of Clearfield ccuDty. r-PrtfefBiot,al ralli promptly attended to. Otlice on Second itrect, f'trmeriy oocunifd by Dr. Wnnda. (fr4.'AH-tf DR.. A. M. HULLS, Lt.MISI. Ofi'ira ftrnr of Frmt in! Market 'leitf lb "ricaruild ltuii5c," I'Vnileld, iieVtiT-v. I't'iin 1. J. BLAKE WALTERS. CHIVEXEK AND CON VEYANLEIt. Agent for Ibe Poirhe and Sale of Land. ( icarflelil. Pa. -tr'romit attention Bitea lo all bnainex ennected ritb the oounly ofiicea. flfflco with linn. M 01. A. W'ullice. , janl,'6"-tf LEVI FrTRWfN, JUSTICE OK THE PEACE Tor Lawrence u.irniliip, riearflrld P. ., t U-artirld t o Pa. iT-Coliectloni and reoiltULCra promptly mad a. JeC0,'(17. LICENSED AUCTION EER. The un.lrrflyiM'il having pror'irrd a lifvrfie, will attend to ('.ilhtinjialcn tu any p.irtnf tli ei-uunty. Charge! moUrAU'. A'lUn w, 'ptJB-Jrti. S. I.. l.-i.rfipM, Pa. MA J. JOHN ROSST"' LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Mrud 1 O., I learlU Id i n., Ia. jC'CT Will attend promptly to eailinjf Ven duon, SaJea of Heal Kitate, Ac, anywhere lo the county. Teimi moderate. Bell tp , Jane 31). lS(.7-ly yd. REIZ ENSTEIN BROS., Manufacliiren of and Wtioloitle I)ralcri in mi:n and loy.s' clutiiinc, it Market A tV.) M.rrliaut Slri.t, ausf7 I'lllHIiKI.I'HIA. Pi. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEKCHANT, Krrnthillle, Clearfield County, Pa. Kcrp contantlT on hand a full a itortni-nt of Iry IIi'O'U, Kimlwarc. lingerie, and eicnlhinn usually k.-it in a retail turt, nhn-h ml! lie mid, lor cph. a rhenp ae elcwhre in the county. Ftvm hvillc, Jnn J7, I s7 -1 r. STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (SurrMnr to IVtrr T. Wrieht A l.o.t mroKTKRn op air ht xi run in D Yl U (; S AND MEDICINES, ALSO. Brandies 4 Wines for Medical purposes. .irlXf,: No. It"!l MarkH Ft.. riiild-. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA FTKAM -MILLS, mu ricTl nn LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. It. FIULl.lVtlFOMl, PivKidrnt. (illlot Foreel I'lare, No. U'i f. 4th at, I'lill'a. JOHN LAWFHK, Hiiperinteudint. j 0'(17 0er..la .Mill, Clnarli, I.I r.nuitr. Pa. j8(;7"8i-i!iN(;r"18(;7 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Ju. iJ7, 2..V i 111 X. Third Ft, rilll.AMII.I'HIA. Vt't are now trrjmr d with our unnl exti nive and wiM-nrii d 'm-k louder extra indue, menlf 1.. llt'YLI.M. apill tf REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, ( Irarlield, IVnn'a. X-tt'ill exeente jolni in hia line .r'jini(lv and in a ni'tlinmnlikf inanner. a.rl,f'7 surveyor! rinE ondernffned olfin bia aerrirea a a Far 1 veTiir, and mst ba fnand at liiji residence. In l.awrrneo townal.ip. Lettora will rcara hioi diieeu-4 to Clearaeid, IV mar? in:d JAMES MITCHELL. A. H. FRANCISCUS&Co. I3 M.irket l'lillaiti lilila, I'a. aist ri n nrim Ann A':rtT ruR the ftis or vann.tt.r X"Tr. The n i-ninr allowance! mado to Iieuler in M lll,t Hock. jan.ll-in SH0RTL1DGE & Co., I'rT.tr.r nf (lie ItHVf ntr Lime Kilns, llrfotttr. Pa, Vf or mat'Wrrit l.imr r.rwr.!i hr TuPrnatl arl c"n"tmitlr in hnol ati'l for unlc at tlit kiln. .Ttmr JT, Ikfi7-fpti,- 1. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OK T 11 K PEACE Aril LirenpeJ Coiireraneer. I o'hrrhurp, ( Irarflrld ro., P "rellertinm an remttlaneee rrnmrtlf m(le.iid all kinds jf inntromrntii eieeutrd oa nbt.tt not, i lanyV.'M-tf C. KRATZER &. SON, il E It C HANTS, real. ana i Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cullii, Quceniware. Oroeenea, rorniena aid rhinplet, (Irarbrd, I'rnn'a. X-At tha old rtaxd on Iroat rtrwL al r. t U Aeadea. iff Jirn 600(13, ttrornlrj, C!tr. II AItl IOSSOP, l t A I. F. K IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC C00DS. Ml'SMNS at Setuntion prima HKI.AINKS at Senantion irinna CtlHl' H(iS at Si-nsntinii jirirci ALTACAS at Hrnaniion jirices .lust rcccivo.i al Mt.SM)l'S'. (HXOHAM.S CHINTZ I'KI NTS fi l.( V CUAVATS SHAWLS IIO.NNKTS V( I Ll Hi KIO At at at at at at at Srnaatiou Sctiantion Spuaatioii Heti"ntiD benanlinn pricoa ricc pi irna prtCRt priiHa at MOKSOl'S1 SnnMilion prions Hetiaulion prices at 8iitition pricea MUSLINS J All lo La bad at MOSSOrS'. LIS EX at CKASir at C'UKTAI.VS nt I'A BLK CLOTHS at Sensation Sensation Sensation Senaalion Sersution prices prires prices prices FH1NGI1 LACE HOSIERY HII1I10NS THIMMIXGS of all kitida 4 at at at at prices at MOSSOl'S Sensation Sensalioa Sensation prices prices pricea at Sensation prices in any ounn ty Alwnvson band at MOSSOTS'. CASSIMKKKS at Sensation PATTINKTS at Smiaation TWKKDS at Sensation JHAXS at Sensation VKSTINGS at Sensation Jinces prices prices prices pricea SIJ1KT1NG9 at Benaation prices at Motors. CLOTH I NO such aa Coats, I'anti, ests, Vnder Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boou, Slioes, at sensation prices HaM and Caps, , Now for sale at MOSSOTS'. IIARPWAHKI sui li an Sn, nails Forks, Knives, (-jukes. Hinges, LIQUORS, such as Wine, liran.ly, U i n, V L iskey, Coinar, etc., etc., FRUITS, nueli n. Trillion, limine, Figs, F'ilLerU, 4c. GROCERIES, ny Flour, Hams, SlmuldMri, Sucir, Mols'ses, Collce, Tei, C t a r k e m, Spicea, Cndlo, at sensation prices at Mossors. at sensation prices at sensation pricea at MOSSOPS'. at seimation prices tiul Oil, etc., etc. Alnave at MOSSOTS'. nLACKINO Rnl'KS MiWIiER SHOT LKA I) CAl'S at at ft at ut at senration prioes tt-mntion prictx sennit ;on prices afnsntion prices sensation prices seusalion prices At the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. MObSOP Alwnrs keeps on Jisnd a lull assortment of all hinds of foods required for tbe accommodation oi the pul.lio. July I. IseT. ri:i:sn akuivals at the cnrAP 8T011F. or EDWARD W. GRAHAM Spring Goods' New and Very Cheap I rpUE aaderrlgaed ropeetfollj an noon eel to A- tiio pibllo that bej is aow naninir an eitenslvs aaorinent of FrKINfl OOJtiD, a ths old etand in Orahaia'a new building, whirb he ofiera to aril at exeeedinjrlj low frlee, eoa eidering their eot,fi:r eah or arprored oountr producs. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot bo Surpassed. Cnitomers can there f nd Calienss with fast eol. ort; Muslina, Delaines, Lawns, Cloths, Caaai merea, Veilioj-i, LaJiei' fihawli, Oenta' Shawla. Hats snd Caps, Boot! and Shoes, Carpets, and Oil Cloths. Hii Stork of Fancy Goods it Unex ami lad in Stjle and Variety, Kratracinf Kotiona, SearTs, Head nau. Neck lies. Satchels, Port Monnaiea, Brushes, Photo graphic Alharos, Pipes, Toliaoo and Segart, Perfumery of all kinds, or anything alas ia ths Xotlon lins. A 1.H0, II A 11 1) W A II K, QVT.T. S S WAl'.K, GHOCERIKS, PROVISIONS! All of Ihs best quality, and aelerted with sperial regard to ths trade of Clearfield county ! EDWARD W. GRAHAM. Clearfield. May !.. 117. GIRAED TOWNSHIP IN MOTION Fresh Arrivals at the Cheap Store. L. M. COUTRIET HAS Jtint reiftrM at Mi tnr. So Oinrrl t"wi,iiii nn tht Clftrfleld rnnd, cine mil fthuvt Leruntf ' Mi lit, Urgt iMurtmrnt of SPRIKO AKD 6UMKER GOODS, Whifh he U dftprmloeJ to T1 FIVE rEU CLN'T. CUKArER ohnd fr th nni othrr ttnr in thm nftitrhhnr. hood. Hii PtorK ponpirti of nnr goods of all kixi. Such a Salinetts, Casfimeree, Mti'lina. Pelainea, aiinrn. irriiimirs, i siietia 01 alt Kinijs, Irimmiti-s, llihbona, Laos, KalyMi lr Clothing, Boot .0 .Sv, If .J. - ' M . - Gi:orr.nii;s of all kixps. Coffee, Tea, Sofer, Hire, M lasses. Fish, Sail, L.insrra yjii, r litt Ull, larlmn V'll. Hardware, Tinware, Castings. Plows, Plow-Caatins-s.Naila. 8fiks. Corn Colli, raluri, lider l'reiwes, all kinds of Axea, PrMfs. Mrilirin,', r,rfummj, rtiintx, d'iirf, I'limi'A, Statiuii'.ry. CiMI KI.fU'B Al.lItU I1- IIAM. .Call and sea for yourselrea. Ton will find everything usually kepi in a retail rtore. .My Plows are of the Curwenmll and Centre ecunty maks, snd ars warranted to be o( good qualitv. t. M. COITRIKT. Girard township, May 3s, ISfr. AlT ASTlils tilMMMMI (Ane shlu(rlra 11 atonr auire. near I'hilipsl.urg, for which tbe aijheet rash pries will be paid i K W. W. iETTS CO. Jii'll Ciooils, f.rofrrirs, tr. fai;i7gooiksi! rsoit nut toss 1 rini.jiin.niu. Aa t lu-sp aa II111 l liraprat aud t.ood as the Ileal. f. KRATZER & SOX, Hurt Jutt rtrclv), 11.J are opening, at their Old Suud od Fruot uret, nWr th Afiftdrm, a Urp and wo II m loctol airUneijt of SEASONABLE GOODS, wbieh lliey are soiling at rsry low rates. Head the Mluwing catabyue and profit thercly Fair tlb lL?if..nB Kipeejal pains has been taken in th" aeleelion of Ladies liresa Uoodi, white tioodi, Kmhroideries Millinery Uoods, frmu, kerchiefs, Nubicl, Ulores, Ao FOR GEXTLEM ES. Alwajrs on band Ulai'k Cloths Fancy and lllark Cassimerea, hatineta, etc., Heady Made Clolhing ol all kinds. BOOTS AKD SHOES, w N H N ECKTIES, and a rity of other articloi, whtoh they will foil at a iroall adranoo od ooit. Pkvruculmr nitBtiua ti inviud to their itork of Curfieu, Otuet ommoa la jrruin, iuiertlue fciiglub Inrrsin and hraifcls. Flour aod Tubl Oil Cloths, window bade and n nil paperi, etc. FLOUR, BACOX, Fith ShH. I'lauter, Apple, Peaches and Fruuea kept conatantly on Land, ALSO, in Store a lot of large tut! mall Uofer aeed. We intend to make It an object for Farmeri and Mechanic to buy from became we will ell oar f nodi iow j tbey can be boutht in the eounty and iay the very higbent price fur alt kindi of country pro- auce. Me wim alio eirnaoge pond fur tseaooL, Hoin and Coi'ktt oiden; fcbiDflet, boards, and all kindf of Manofb'tared Lumber. Clearfield, Ji1t 2, !Wi7. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON StCOKD bTUEET, Cl.KAEfltLI). NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. rpflE undrrslrned respeetfully inrits lha at 1 ttntioa of ths puMio iftierally to their spienjid ass'irtmenl of uerehaiidiaa, whirh Ihe are now aeliiuf AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their stock eonilats in part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Seh as Trints, Its l.aines. Alparrat. Merinoa, Uini:ham.Mui!ini,;tiiarhed aud unblearh d.) lirillinjt", lkinj;s, eotiua and wool Flanneli.Ratlnrlis.Cassimerea, Cotlonadee, Ladiea' tSbawla, Kuiiias A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Fkirta, e., Also, a fine a.nrtment of Men's Drawers and khtrtl, ilmu A Capa, Iloou A Shoes, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOH CASH. Hardware, Quecnsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IS SLIGHT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ever; thing tmially kepi in a retail etnro, all CUKAP FOR CAP 11 or approred eountry pro- duos. WRinUT 4 FLA NIG AN. Clearfield, July 1, 1x67. ANOTHER BIG "FLOP!' SOME two mo nth i ago It wae formally an ooaneed that rennville was "Eight Side Up !" B err nt etent hve proved the annnuncrtsent IrpiTBiure, itncuier "nop nt occurred ; and chief amortr the imr.rrtrrt. "ni....ii,. ... in. porta nt' phae prepentrd, U the cne porirejinir tbe new, Urge and rommodiuui hlore Unape 01 JOHNSON & BAILEY, Whs bars Inst rrtomed from ths Fast with a lart-e and eaielull; selected stoek of Seasonable tloods, of freatrr ranete, ard of better quahlr. than hare herotofors been oSered in this notion of ths county. Cslt st the new Store Rooms, and yoa will Ind Dry Goods and Groceries. 11 ais and Caps, Boots and fhoes. Hard, Queen's, Hollow, Wo.d and Mono Ware; llruc. Oils, Paints and Yamib: I.Ism. I'ultv. Id'AIiV- MAHR CI.OTHIMI. Clocls. Cnnfrlionerr. Cheese, FLO I R, FISH, and l'KoVl.-lt.V generally. Ol'R STOCK OF IAI!T WAT!K Will hear In pert. nn. ai tt It full and of the bent quality. tur etork of HooTS snd MluKS it uneiualled in quality and low price. To the Ladies, Ws would say that ws intend lo vales the Notion aid Iress lU-panmeiii wartby their patrar. Articles r ot aa aanl, HI bs specially ordered, to suit our customers. The Striking Feature in the "Flop," And ttie one we wnold keen before Ihs rnblie. is ths VHRVI.OW l'KlCK.alwbi,hweareaelline X-The pnolie are Inriled to cire ns a rail. Pnra; yoyr lr.duee, Hoards, hhtne;les, tinua, I'ork, Holier, I. ff. Dried Applea, kajts, ie. Ir-Ourasotto "C'htspot V lle-." WM. F. JOHNr-OX, J. II. llAll.tV. TennTille. Aiif. JK. lssr. C. KRATZER & SON, tr.AM:ns in Dry Goods, Dress Coods, 3I1M.1XKI5Y GOODS, CAKPF.TS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW 8HAPKS, CUUTA1XS, WALL rAI'l.HS, Clothinjr, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Cnpp, Queeusware, Hardware, Groceries. Krnt strrrt, abore the rsdrmy. Oils. Yarnishrt, Fainti. Brnthe. Tl ."I recejred and fr-r ale rbriip I r i - JOfEI'H K. 1'hWlT, frll sf 'Pro-wwrrrlll, Ta. i THE WESTERN HOTEL, c 1. 1: a r r i 1. 1) , i- a , r IM1K snl.'erihor basini; Irasnt for a term of 1 years this writ known Hotel, I krpt for n.any years by Mr. I.anirh.) and re fitted and rrlur. ni.hed it tliroii(iiout, is now prepared ro enter tain Irarelera and the pulilie gviierHlly upon terms It la hoped alike agieeah le U both pulroos and proprietor. Ilia TAIII.K and 11 A tt will be sup-lied with the best lha market adonis : and no pains will be spared on his pi. rt to add lo toe eoiivonlence and oom'ort of bis kd1j-. A l im y Molilo is also aitaohed to the as tablisliinent. Horacs, liursies, ete., furnished on short notice, or perinns taken to any point desired, JAMtS A. KTI.NK, Jel'l Propiietor. " IROCrrTlTEL..' HAKIUKIltlRIl, PA., (Hailroal street, one sijuore almvc the Irpot.) rilha aohseriher respeelfully invites ths puhlie 1 and traeelinit community to (ire him a rail . Lumbermen are particularly invited. French, Oerinanand English spoknn in tha home. ( harg. es moderns. Apr, IS If. J. M. WKAVKK. RAILROAD HOUSE. MAIN STIIKKT, riUi.ll'KllLIK, JA. TIIR nnderslsrned keeps eonstantly on hsnd ths best of l,iiUors. His table is always supplied with the b. st the market afford. The travelinif public will do well to eire him a tall, novltlj. KOHEIIT LLOYD. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. COXKSTOW.V, UACl'IIIN CO., PA. rpnE undersigned Ukes this method of in X foruiina; the Watermen of Clearlield count .', that he has refitted atd re-open d the hotel for tnerly kept by E. Kh.-einer, at Cosestown, where ha will take apecial pains lo render satisfaction to all who fasur him wiih their patronan. He has blown all the rocks out of the rirer snd planted snubbitir posts for bslf s mile nboee his plaee. febl,'17 ULOKUE i'ALK. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. LUMDER CITY, CLEAltriKI.D CO., I'A. fPHE undersined baeln leased and reftltM X this Well known stand, takes this n.ethod of orinuini ni esiahli-hment betore the public. His Table and Bar will be supplied with ths beet the market afforda. A liberal sharo of puhlie pat ron.ze is therefore respectfully solicited. jaLit-ly.pd J A A) kg U CL'KRV. kTHE EAGLE HOTEL. CUBWLNNVII.I.E, CLEARFIELD CO., PA rpnK undersiirned bavins become proprietor L ofihe above hotel, wi.hes to rug nutice to the eilrns of this connry. as well as to thetrar- elinir public, thai tbe bouse has bo.-n rehtted and rrlurui-lmu for tho enirtainment of his Rue;ts. Hii uble will bj fuimshed with ercritliint the market affords. His liar will contain the best brands of liqoo.s. Good eub.ii a; alUth-d, aud none but careful hoi tiers emptied. J.'H tf L. 1LV EVCK. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE. IXMIILR C1TV, CLEARFIELD TO., PA. rpilE urol. rtijiiitd hatirr purchased this II. JH. 1 takra this, opportunity ot inlorni'nir tbe pub. lie in ccncn.l. aoi traieli r. in prutH-ular. that he ha token Siva! pains in n nmihinir and rrfittinn it with .(Kvial r. lvrence tollie acouumxlation and eonifi rt of ail who u.ny ch.-o to pile him s rail. I.iyt HUM of the l-.t quality will t.e kept nt the liar, end I lie wants of hi. patrons will tie attcn led to wiih pleasure and promptness. Ample MA. wi.i.. . ueni.u inereio.. y'ly JAMi:s ART II I KS. i'oots and fixers. LV I'M! ATllorMIUP. edward" mack, Oa Market street, cpt'o.lte ths "Republlesn" Ofice. flIIE proprietor has entered into the HOOT t A tHuB business at Ibe above stand, and is determined not to be outdone either in qual ity or price for hia work, ppetial attention will be paid lo manufacturing sewed work. He hs on hand a larpe 1 ..t of French Kip and Calf Sains, of ths very best qnlity. The eiti "ens.of Ucarficld snd vicioily ars respectfully invited to ju s him a trial. I.o charjo lor calls, nov", V'..tf Eeady for the Summer Campaign. DANIEL CONNELLY, Cool and Shoe Manufacturer, HAS just reeeired a (ns lot of French CALF hkl.MS, and is now prepared to mannfae. lure eve'vthine- in hie line at tlie lowest figures. He will warrant his work lo be as rcprescnlea. He respectlully solicits a rail, at hia ehop oa Market .treet, second door wc.l of the po-t office, where bs will do sll in his power to render sstis faction. Soma fins Haifer lops on band. anysYfiT-jr IiANU.L CtN.NLLLT. 1'eaic rmuniii). THE WAR OVER Iff CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP (Jl'IET. X arly all tic Cmtrilan,lx gniity (;ick to their otd nuixtirs ; hut 'miry one goifij to oil M,is.s,i, huf, tts, where they were loved to lutij mid so well. IN'eonsequrncs of the shore facts. F. EnORT, of ths old "Short bhos hon," wouid sn nnuncs In his numerous patrons, and tha people f Clearfield county at laro, that bs has now a first rate lot of pood material, ju-t received from the East, and is prepared on snort notice to make snd mend lloote and Shoes, at his new shop in l.raham's row. He is saliefied th.it he can pleai all.(U'iiess it niifrht he some intensely loyal stay, at home patriots.) He Is prepare d to aril low flir Ca.h or Country Produce. Don't forget the Shoo nesl door to Showers A liraharo's store, on Maiket street, Clearfield, Pa,, and kept by a fellow eouimiiniy called Jy2.7-j S110RTT." A ritOi LA1.AT10. GOING I TA LONE!! Xo body Prohibited from Iluyir.j my Boots anil Shoes on account of or Color. 1)KIN"t) thusliheral minded. I take Ibis method ol informina the ritirons of l learSeld snd vi, iniiy that I have opened a .hop on Second St.. neat door to the Coun'y Nationnl Lank, over Halson'a Drug Store, where 1 am prepared lo make to order everything in the It, oil and Shoe line, nut of Ihe be.t material and in Ihe most workmanlike manner, ami on short notice. Ail I ash is atrial. Dons at Clearfield, this llh dav of July, 1 Sod. IIAHKY KtiS-l. BLACKSMITHING. XSVV AllKANiiEMESr. 'piIK siit.'ril-s, in view nf coming events, X design a loplinj s new si stem of d t bui- ness on nod afi.r tin- 1st o( MrtvneTt. From that dale wo will a l pt Ihe CA.-H'slSl KM. aod all work nui't therefore lie paid for colore leaving the shop making this diti-renoe, lo wpver. in tjr,,r of our ni'l mer. that our prices ill Ik-in . MY I'l.K ( I NT. LIS than is now rhargH foi w irk. lhoe knowing lorui" lies m lei.tcd. and wh'ise bm'k aivounts baie nt bc-n eetlb-d. are evpecled to conic (orw ar 1 and nmke sett lelni ot bi lore III" lime above iin. atcl. He hope tlirse h tits will not tw t 'rotlco. tSEii. C. IMSM0liK A FilV. Clcarfi. Id, Vareh SI, lx.r.tf R. ROBISON &C0., WIKU.I.SAI.E (irocers anil Tork P.iekers, Family Eour of tho Best Brands, Daonn. Horn.. H.lrs and Sh .ul l-r: I.ar t. Mc. l'oik. CI,'Te. IU,,.. lli.'n.ni. Dried Iruil, larlwin aiid Laid i. Dried ll,.f, I ... Ko, S8 1 Ibrrty Mrprt. (Rtxl Fmtit,) mwit-ij 1 11 icrJt'aH, r.s.. Hry f.oods, C.iocttlfs, Ctr. CLEARFIELD STORE, Near riiiliiisburg, rcnu'a. William YV. llrlli .1 .t.n F. Wmir V. illiain I'oaeil, l.eoi-e L. llend - iv. iv. !h:ttn 'o. (Successors to Munson A Hoops) AVE just received s Isrge sid well selected eloek of sll kinds ot lioods, such ss JjItV IJOOD.S, CLOTHING, llooli and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Hard, ware, tllass. Nails, Oils, Paints, Qtieenswnre, tlroceriei, Flour, Bsoon, Feed, Ac, which ws sie uflermg at grently ItEDCCKli PKICKS KOK CASH, Or la sichsngs for LUMBER and EI1IXQLES Ws Intend to make it to ths advantage of ths TIMBER MKN In ths lower end of CkarlU-Id county and on Clearlield Creek tu pot their suftplif n from (hi poiut; beinjt on tlin line of the Hnilrid, w cin tell frooiJi on beltrr innn than at any i-oiut in Cleartield county, and wa are aetl itj; otjr Hock ai inch pricea aa lo make it an olject tu those buying to buj from ui. ADVANCES OF GOODS, FEED, AC. .Made on account of EQUAIlB TIMBER, which we will either veil on cuwimseion, or buy at hxed raiei. Call and lee if our food and pricfi don't cuit tha timet. IV. W. BETXa i CO. sNuitr i'hiiipiburK, Nur. 6, J hri tj. LOUIS of diflorunt Lratidu tun be had at all times, at rsry low prices, at Iks CLEAKFIELD (-TORE, novi-tf Near Pnilipjhurg, Pa. j j is yu o6ls75. otj on sric-T great variety, at ths lowest prices for cash, at ths CLVAHFIELD BT0UE, noy5-tf Kesr I'h 1 li pslju rg. Pa. jALT. by tho eaek or load, tlieaper than can be bad anjwhera clie, at tha CLEAKFIELD STORE, novS-tf Near Thilipsburp, Pa. QALL k EXAMINE THE STOCK of Goods now selling at ths CLEAKFIELD FT0RE, aotJ-tf Near Pbilipuhujj, Ps, II Kill EST 1'JSICE pi.l iu Gtxtils or Cash for Lumber ind Fhinglcs, st Ihs CLEAREIELD STORE, Kear I hilipshuvj, Pa. novS tf 'JMIE CHEAPEST GOOKS, of all kinds, ars to be had st ths Clearfield Ftore. W. V. P.ETTS A CO. Kear Philipihurf, Ta., Nov. 5, if JICHAW) JIOSSOP IS OW K Selling, st half Picir nrual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAK 5 AND SHAWLS, MOWN MEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN flOODS, HOSIER V, MEN'S ciotHINO. GENTLtlMEN'S Fl'RNIsriING Goo.U LADIES' J1(7S AND SHOE.", GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, ROYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, ' BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLAR? AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED rnt'ITS, BEEF AND rORK, FLOCR AND FEED, Ac, Ac. Ac. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF ContSK THE dlLATEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I A VE are nw opening un a Ll of the boat arid ! I nnM P('e'tiim mmxih and ann erir ofTind in markrt, and at jtk-h tluit remind one of the p.nl o) i fay f rhcaji Ihiinf. Tl.-ioe h 1 k Uiih upon ilnfi y mit, or dvtia our alio gniimifi e'.!p,TfluoTi. nH-il hut r.iri, .r out sront:, fttrner Krmt ami Market Hrretp, Whore t.irr run t, fp1. hnr and know f.,r thrrn whea. In fu'W uinfrlinii'.lmt aic (heap (fxd, (hii iiiiint v dune. Vf do not -l.-c ui il in-o nrx to eittitnorate an 1 itru.tie our i.tK-k, It u enough f r u to tmte th4t We have Everjtbing tlr.t is Needed an t consume.! in this market, and at prns that atonth both old and vnioe. do:" Ji.r.lMl FIIAW t FO. ELECTRIC SOAP. tjvca I tnirl ra 31onf j 1 Sac 1 aborl taea Cltifbra ! ar Uomrnl AND ALL t'iROiTKS SKLL IT! It U vrA by rutting into $mn haf inpn and dtMoMng in hot ator. ihon t k tha rl-.tnn fira to Iro mu ufn. and a liiila hand ruhhirg ill make ihom a clfan h.mri .f hrd tna. r hi. a ruhhinr n01d with ordinary ..up, nri tha moat dlioat fabria rooira no injury. V ran rfar to thonnaod of tamiitpi who ara ing it. and who could not hf jc-rudrd to do without ponniss' KLECTKIC P0AP. rFuU bj all leadirg Ororera through out tha f uta. ' Mancfafturrd on't Kt liOhUINii 4 LOVE. WhnlaMla rffira t 1CT Borrw Firm StuaaT. FnitantirHU. Fir pair r llatnrirk A Irwin, Clparfiald, ISntrnihrr f, lsftft 10 nio. For Sale at a Sacrifice. rpni: fNTtiiK f-Toi K d tiM.ir,. r h w 1 MITI1? irTi;l, Since. This is . r I'l l '.rinniir f.,r ciiintrT sienliinn. er anv nne le.irieir tn c int., ih. i.... .u. .1.. .....V ., Ihi s!. unu-uailT !,.. end the hii-iness stand it the lrt in tlie Avt 'T st the st..rc. ie tf r M. at It. TV. SMITH'S. '1SA.M:I FRI'lTnf a!l kind, at MKRKELL H iLER'i I'.Ucnt Vlrdiclnrs. AIM, lliliidiD.a and 1 1 treated ,i, II. ulino.t "lts I.-AAI S. W. D., uli.l aiol AtM I I.evden, Holland.) No. So., , r.-), ,,.,, .. T'iimrnml Ipiru th m..t r citv stii'l r-.imtrv run -rn bti (ft iiif-iini iHftiitv art Inriis'l ij in t. ' tmti' ftp. bf tur no P-vn-c in li ; - f. li' liil Kvm iliMrlr willmut iii.i.. .N,; Mstnuiiiilioiiii, to-: h Ayor's Cherry Ir. Fr rapij tutw ..f t.., ' Cold, lt.Hui-nr.a, J t V Croup, Hr.ochilin., ), i ('fiioniT lion, snd f ir ti- rt of !oniumuiiTfl r1irnuu' ttnffln of the .litea. h wide ii the fi!d of tli ancfuln'sf Uj fjnioerou tire its cwfr', In alm't eTj ((lfI ( country are p-rpntn jujhju-iy knjwu. bare beo rentored by U frn airfruitnif mul, dcfiperata dt of the liioii. Harn tried, ifi tupcriority over tttty other ex ant i too apparent to ercape obrHti.in whera i( rirtu are known, ibe p-ft,i, h longer hen it ate abat rotiiote to nupy Kflw diatretsins and daniferoui at)eriijt, ot u t raonnry orani that are itscuiem to our c. 11,1.4 While tnany infi-rtor reneiiit-i tbrutt iihh roniuj'jrity have faik-d and ben airir-j.d. . I hn (tnined fi .Mid by every uiai, ctiftft-rrtm ( j cfiti on tbe tliictd they can never Icr.t aa, i produced curti loo numru And too rtuiaruMi 10 oe loriuiien. V'o csso aMure tha public, that tu quaiitT j carefu'ly kept up to the hem it mvttr but b(i, and tbf it may be rciifd on to do tor their tttl all that it has en-r dope. Groat numbers o Clortfymfcn, PhykiiBt Sti Unnrn, and otlter eiuim-iit ficrsuiir.ee. m,-t lmt their uu)t to eortjiy the utiprrHsiried wt iuiiifi' of our rTnc iit, but Hpuc bere wni 1 periuit the ifirrthn of tbtm. The Ageriuw low naiDvd lurinib gratis our Auiericnn lunut in wbicb (bey are ptvru ; witb Jutt dwt, tiorti ot (b eouiplainti our rt-dtei cure, 1 boie who require an eiuraiive ntHicintti purity the blood wtll tind Arena Cfar ly .ARBAPaRiLLA the one to ue. Try it ODe,iut yow will ooneo'e it value. Prepared by hn. i. C. Arm 4: Co., Load: Mh.i., and aoid by W. M. A A. 1. S&aw. C.e.r" field; W. C. Mt-tx, Glen H'pe, J'-e.-pb K and Irvin k Hart-htrn, Curwcofvuie ; Kikt spencer, Loaib-T Ctty, and all Uxui t tt. dtle: in adicit averwbera. i'ptt2 la. BEAL'S LATE POWEL'S EMEROCATIOS, For all dieaM incident to Hf.rpc, Cuttit.aini iluiuan Flfch, rt-quiring tha uit ot aa external ajphc ition. rpHHu Cotr pooud prepared by a pran 1. f'ht-mir'L, baring a full knowUdga of ail tat medical rirtuti of aach ingifidient thai Din into it eompotitioD. ia warranted lo axc J ,,?. thing of the kicd err yet ofltreJ to tha V-Sa aao axtvmal applifaiion f.r tha d.f-af for which It if recommended. We ara ralirfirtstfcK it will w rk iu own road into tbe cnhdDci if all who Due it, and thoaa who try it oas nerer ha without it, and therefore we r? )y expertenee ae the bent trat of iti aefolDMi. h ii prvnounced by Farnen, and all w hi bare triM it, to be the beit applk-ation erer uied. Thj Eiphroeation hai boen put tip fur ott i(H yfarn, and it in only through the incro; it. mat.d and nrgeut reorient of my friendi aa4 u I'uhlio that I tend it forth at ibe Errand r- m'.J aent for the rarioui di?eef lo whifh ibu nuM and uiwfiii atitnal, the hr, U cljt-rL iltny remedial hare been offtfrtd ro ui I'ut I;r unltr di fie rent forme, eotne of tiie.e an ia jt.n uF, otheti at brei of little ue. and u.lt wholly improper to answer tbe purpoeei forwui ihey ara rccoaotEfnded. A judici;.ui and really useful rotuporitioD, frw from thojie ohjfctioni, baa therefore long bw dciirod by many gentlemen who have Tula bit boraep, and ara unwilnng to trust tbetutotki cere of drrigning and pretended f arriera. Ttv wiabei are at inp(h faliy gratififd, by ih. Itraie) being prerailtd upon te allow tM'ra!c tle Embrocation (wh rh b&e prored an eSiesvcinai U the Tartoai dieaeii; to be prepared ui brought out to the puhl.e. Thie KmbroceTi.n wu extenfire'y ted ky the U-'Terucnent during tha war. For tale by Hart-nick 1 Irwir, Clerfi'i Joseph K. Irwin, Curwenirilla. Daniel iioai lander. Lu:henburg. Addreti all order t IH, KDMISD PFALE, aprl.flMv Ito? South Second St., Fbila.. Pi. lioml cms for Mothers. " J OTHEPP, if you oppreFfJ with aox't jj J for your little one? Are your .urn-tri auu heait broken by their erirs? Io yr.u awakt in tha morning anretrerbed, aad a; prehenrivef If o, procure at once a bottle of lr. Leoa i Ii fant rcmetly and you will have no more wry hoon of watching and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy Hat stood the tet of year. Th 'Uandi ef nurnea and tuothfri hear witnew that it n-rr faili to gire relief if u-rd in a. a- n. It if a mild, yet tore and rpeedy cure fr Colic, C'trepi and W indy i'aiue, and ia inraluabla tor allcca pltinte inrident to Teething. Sold ry all Druegi-U throughout tha V tA taij. Addreu all ordera to ZIEGLER it FMITiT, tola Froprietb't, 17 Korth lliird 6t, Fbitadelikia. noil A Great Discovery. OVK of the f:nalrst and mi st useful di?oTenat inniidical s'iniiti, nioilc hv thecelenrstei I'r. J. lliiniii.. of I'ari., Chief rhTstrian to tei Iniirrial liifiilnaiy nl I 'ranee, in 1-01. The'H'aM have he n a.li, ii I wlh ihr ;ia !.(iil dita-e i.ie'l as Piles, and r1rci;:it!v e-ircd hr the use (if I'll IU MAS' HUM II 1MI.K ci.M.VK. car.n.d .p-at toei hii;lili nf the ii. n, tin c..: I.rred n n ttiem be Ihe ue f this ri-medv. Il hs neier l-en hrvjas to t.id in crlier... a tiermaiirnt cure in a s.r..-- case. In this rc't it sur, uii.es nil i.u,rr trsi cines nf Uie kind. Il nill do ju-l '. . ii i.r-Jia. mended for; if net. I he nvu'rvniii he rclun'lei. line nr two hoses is surl'n n nt 1,.u,i.t a pfTinsnest cure in lour or sis rlava, if the direct ,.n nr ths Im.xi are followed, rriec. one and two dollars per ho, acconlinjt lei siaei. tent hj mail nr expre'i ta anr part of ihe t'niti-d Oleics or t anaoa. i t'T I'nicists generally. A hKcral d'.vtmt n:l"S the trade. Addre' I. S. IH.MHM k t rt, Wiiltam.j ort. I'a.. sole l'rolirictnrs ami Jlauntic. turers lor the t nil.d citalcl and Canada. dST Ns mure liald llrad. 1 No mute f.ray I.orktl TR. l.EOX'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWEE, 1H .ronounccd hy all ar.a have ned It the "7 hest ( reparation f-rthe Hair. Ii is a fK.MU'S curs lor Ualdne'e. eradicates PandruJ and He more, stops ths Hair from lalling nut, and spess il restores Oray Leeks lo their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fills the flsnli with new life end eol-.rtnir metier. Ihm. dess, fad.d oe are, lair will i nil he hr"nhi h. kT few a plica; ions, to its jou:h:"ui afauLdai:, vitality SLd ro or. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleas ant to ths touch, and easy lo arrangs. Ir r. ariry and intractable locks bocoras tnoiat, pliant sad dipid to remain In any desired p xilirn. Al a Hair Dressing ia has no e;oal. lha sales ax enormous, snd it is a unusrsl farorile w theld and young of holh seaes. frold by irnj:gi,ts threiughoat ths t'sitel 6 tales. Address til orders to ZlKtiLKR t FMITiT. Kola I'ropneiers, aoll.j 1J7 S,,nh Third ft., rhi;tdtibia. 1807 philadclpha&Erie R. R. I ISO I Tils great line traverses lha .V .nhera and NVts wen e.iuniies cf I'ennslaLia to ths eny ol i oa Lake l.r a. Il has heen leased and is operated be Iks i-KN!YI.YAMA K AlLltOAD cuMI'AM. Time of Passer per txairs at ST. MAKi S KKAIl.Nu : lave Ijiwar4. Mary's. Ksatitf. FHs Mail Truin 4 14 P. t. 1 5.1 A Jl. Kris hi pre is Irain 1 1 u p. M. 4 1' l.rat is rt era Trie Vail Tram lc jo K m. .t; A.I. Kris 1 apress Train.... S l.i A. XI. U 'I . Pas.ee... .k i. .- .e - f... u.il .u,. .,,.U;a nm me our and Kxpre.s Traina without rhaaga both a)S vr.nrT-H , ponticipma ars r.rie. York (iiiiiirrllon. I.ea.e V. X at b . . . . . e . ia w. l.eareN.Y.at ..! .,' .. s ,, l e. a. r. leare Fric at S 0" p. Ar. al V. Y . .t.l p. Lease I'ne at IS jj .. n,.; Ar al -N Y UMi' s n change nf C am lii lurrs lif A E erant Mcc ping Cars oa all Night trains. For inTormatioa reipertinf Pas-ercer ban Ufa, ai rly at C. r. .tuiti and Msrket Si s Tl- s. And foe freltht l-n-ire., l the l'.r""' Acent. . It. Kintiion. jr., C..e. l ith a.d k"t street., I'hiladeiphia. 3 . HenM. 'ill sm Itrown. Agent, X. C. R. RV. Italiiw." H. II. HnnMoa. lie.,eial Ir-nhi Acenl. 'oi, H. W, (iwinner, Uraeral Tick-t (rut, t'.nt A U YYl.l.ll. Penetat friprnntendeaV Sns. vsnced