i HKPUHUCAN. t . "w j'ji nil :::::::::: ::: (Moher 17, li7. 1) ;M l 11 U K' kl M WW'.-Thi-luval- nv.i.' j.n'-lu'ali'in is for eule el this ollu-e. it I in- ,11 ihe haii'le of every lioinocrwl. jl ,' . V!l clertion ntnrns fiom nil the States: Ivi. i'i. t'.e i!uinlr for l"e.s. eontnins n rumpli-to f' o (' nt'ius of A" l'te newspapers ropprissod i . ,i Li l '1 oiiriMt Lincoln's nliuiniitrnholi ; and e l it lur 1 contains the nnmts of all thoe oil il f h lii m r imprisoned durinir the same period. ? fL.'Ji" two l"r fo'nre rcli-rcnoe, are worth j.n. uun I'' price of the pul.liratioti. Anyone it In j ti rnty cute, win receive iy return mail I cor , fir each M-ar. free uf po.tiiiro. tr. J u i.riwiiino our renders have all i hoar J from California und Maine, and tcveral otlifr plitcen. too. AnOl'thaoe 1 'he joke perpetrated I ,v the Cops of this county on the I JI;hK on the Pth of October, while t tiieir HliepLerd wus Btumpini; the eastern part of the Stato for the F woodfn nutmeg candiduto. The Twain. Governor (ieary lias issued the doath wurrant for the exe- cutioii of Neal Dewanej', at Wilkes I hhrre, on the 12th of Novoniher. lie ic to l.o hung for murdering his wife, I hnJ Mrs. Aiilloron the next day for I n.jrdi.ring her hits band. Ve noticed h fellow coming into ittvn the other evening wearing a Vi.1 v long face, but, ns. be wore a jiuir of "p' eka, it was evidently not Mr. 'Va'Ivc, of whom Haalam'B fiurxe bad ,r. rKWd such an event ; besides be T-Ht) ininuB tho oats and the churn, so it'b'ily cheered in the Court Ilourie Wednesday night of Court week. V.'e direct the attention of our reader-, g' ti' iibtHy those residing in the m iiern end of the county, to the rare ),;i."rl'!nity offered the publis to se en" c'if(p goods by our old friend, J'i. WIi'huu, of Luthernburg, whose fc.I. 'ii t'si'inttnt will be found at longth i.i thin i: sue, as well as by posters. Tit '.so seeking n bargain will do well to ( ill at his store in Luthersburg. Avct'.ivu Belt. Mr. Daniel Con ntbv, of this borough, has loft a mon s tr beet at our oftico, weighing over ?!U',n pounds. This beet, we should j nine, would bo much harder to beat tl un lbs Black Republicans; but the Chairman of the Radical County Com mittee can have it by calling at our rifle unb-KH lis is satisfied with the other beat lie got on Tuesday, the 8th. Fatal Accidknt. We regret to burn that Mr. A. I Burger, of Brad ford township, was killed on Tuesday, lv bi'J horses running off with him. "'hen tho horses and wagon were found they wore fast among logs and trees in tho woods, having left the ro.vl. The bed was olf the wagon andhis body hanging backwards over the front bolster, tho stay -chain book having caught in tho top of bis boot. 1 ! in neck was found to be broken and the hack of bis head smashed into a jelly. Mr. Burger had sold his farm hi. J purchased one in Virginia, whero be intended to reinovo in a few weeks Look out for Him. We are credi- tiy informed that thoro is a clerical (oafer canvassing this county, ostensi bly in the interest of the liible Socio- ty, but in fact gathering money for the "Lincoln College-.," a moonshine institution still buried in tho brains of white skinned negroes. Wo fre quently bear of clergymen taking up collections for this institution, but they are not honest enough to tell their bearers that tho tnonoy thus colh .cted goes int'j tho negro bureau, uud thtt their gifts go to feed, clothe and educate a clun of lazy, worthless DegrotS. Send all sut h loafers, either black or whito, to Massachusetts, srhore they get their theology and wit, for their money. A'iTEX'iio.N I We learn that the Do noeracy of Rrady, Bloom and Union townships design having a jubileo at Lidiersburg, on Monday evening rxi. Uero it our VaT, Cops. O.ietf the features of this jubilee will te a parade and song entitled '"Th lim.l of tlie frs, Anit the hom ot the brtre." Su.g by the aurviving veterans of J-'oit Milllin and Canterberry Hall, 1, , .... j ... 1 1 . w.,c ril invneu loaiuuu. v-u.u hav b. n sent to such loyal souls as Sun Htiiison, Col. Campbell, Sol. file J. M il'er, J ii. Fiscus. and other pimps and spies of tho Lincoln Despotism too n timorous to mention. Those Dent 'luts who remained at home on t'le .lay of tho election are cordially 'uviie J to attend, if they hare no luek vS.ut to titrafh. Mas. ill i.i. Kit. This unfortunate woman' will soon expiate her crimes I (i ivornor Geury has issued tho war- at. I for her execution, which will ttke place on Wednesday, tho l.'Uh dsy cf Novenihernext. Sheriff Faust, itu two clergymen and several oth r fHiitlcinen, repaired to her cell on M-.'iidav about ten o'clock, for the pi.rr.nsc of reading tho Governor's rrant to her; tho rending of which tenori to effect her nervous system i considerably, but othorwiso sho bo- trayed tho same stolid indifference manifested upon her trial. The Slier- iiT and his wite had visited her cell on Sunday morning and informed her "'' ""gge m, ..., - . ,7 .. ii start otio. that the day of her execution bad been fixed, and that the warrant was j Tho "dead Democracy" nro now now in his hands. He asked her jf ' spoken of by the opposition as "united In was ready to meet her fate, to'""1' p " , which sho replied, "yf, to morrow, J Tho grave of a frecma" is far grrind f iert,arv." . er than the throne of a slave. Tuts Jt'iitl.t.r.. Tho "('oppcrbfail jolifit alinn" in this place, on Tuesday niuht lust, was a grand affair. The town was generally illuminated, with the usual "fixins" on such occasions thrown in. The boomingN of the anvils wa sometimes grand, and like the speeches of Senator Wallace and ex Governor Bigler, nnd tho other gentlemen, wcro distinct, und could not bo misunderstood by those pres ent. The two goiillemen who headed tho torch-light procession wero living examples of the Into Lincoln Despot ism. Tho one bail lost an arm wdtilo seduced into "tho war for IheL'nion," while tho other well nigh lost his health iu Cantorbcrry Hall and Fort Milllin. Another feature of tho jubilee was, that the shouts and exploding powder was not over tho dead bodies of slain kindred and tho destruction of our political brotherhood. AVo bad listened for six years to tho thouts and witnessed the carnivals of our loyal neighbors ; but bow different the causes. Kvery shout thnt passed from tho mouth of a loyalist produced five groans on the battle field ; while the "Copperhead" shouts produce joy every where. The attention of the citizens of Cur wensville and tho surrounding country is culled to the advertisement of our young friend, Mr. Lewis T. Ross, w ho, it will be noticed, is willing to attend to the interest of their soles; which is very essential in cold and wot weather. The attention of tho public is direct ed to "Something ow," headed by Messrs. Frank k Stougbton, morcbant tailors. Read their proclamation in another column, and then call around and see them. m m "Tho result in Pennsylvania" is an awful subject for a loyal soul to think over and then bo compelled to write it out, too. By referenco to our advertising col umns it will be noticed that Mr. Wm. Schwem, sr., has opened a marble yard in Luthcrsburg. a Horse stolen. See advertisement. S pitch of HX'Vrtxldtnt Vitrtt. At Concord, New Hampshire, Wed nesday evening, at the close of a sero nado, Ex-President Pierce dclivored the following brief address : "It has been so long your part and mino, my friends and neighbors, to breast und smile buck detianco at what we havo believed to bo the tor rent of evil, that ono hardly knows how to receive notes of triumph. 1 am free to confess, however, that the results which you havo eomo to an nounce are not a surprise to mo. Thoro havo been niiilterings, and some distinct enunciations, which pro claimed them pretty significantly to my mind. Not tho least ofthe.se was tho encouragement and hnpo which come down to us from our neigh boring State Monttirjf Vert? a no ble State, represented by high men for years Jurlgo Collanier, Governor Foot, lliland Hall nnd others of like stamp. Then camo tho 1,000 fresh voices from Maino, speaking encour agement and bopo. Cheers ond ap plause. 1 hen Montana lar-olt Mon tana came over tho mountains with her trumpet-tone, saying: Jtully to the rescue of your country. "Wave Munich, all tliT b.innora wave, Anti charge with all the cliivalrf." "For rvo are striking hands with vou in this great battle for Union and independence. Then camo Cali fornia applause and cheers booming over capo and ocean to assure us that the Pucific has recovered its feet and ia ready for the great conflict ; and now 1 learn that we may hope for victory in Ohio, applause, which seemed boiiintr against all hope. And finally old sturdy Pennsylvania great cheering, which holds Independence Hall, speaks words ol terror to the wronT and encouragement to the right. I warn you, my friends, to note tho luct tliut these inuinplis, whatever they may be, aro no party triumphs. Tho peoplo have risen in their inaiest-, with a consciousness of their power, and disregarding par ty lines and party aspiration, have been silently considering what belongs to them, their children, and their country. 1 think tho great buttle has been fought nnd won. If tho results are significant in nothing else they aro this that tho white race our race the German, Italian, French, Irish, Scotch nnd Anglo-Saxon pco- .nj.0 gUn , Ul clltPOnillB nn (llis roll.ino,,i. n is for iiowcr on you, now, to remember your duties your fidelity to principles wnai jou owe to your neighbors whether they agree w ith you or not and to take care that the public weal sutler no detriment at your hands. 1 thiiiiK you for your very kind greeting; and not having Btreugth in my pres ent stato of health to say more, 1 bid you all good-ni I'll t." Tho first post oIKco in Russian Amoiica has been established by tho Department. It is called "Sitka," and John II. Kinkhcad is the i post master. The mail matter In "Sitka" w ill be sent by vessels from San Fran cisco. ' Thai Stevens is a trtio prophet Ho prophesied Radical defeat in Pennsylvania. The New York Time lnngh at Geary for uing the word "disrepect cd." and Forney retorts by calling the critic "utterly depraved." Of all iirimunco that which ia silent is tho least productive, for praters .... :r ,nnt Vtarhrts. ( Irnrfltlit Market.. :..fir1lt Weekly furlll" Cl TAI. fill II Hr.l'tKlH l ' l.v .1. I. ki.4Tyr.it, li.-nVr in llry H'n,.. tiro eerie, I'rin intuit, Ae., Mniket M.', t'ledrh.'l.l, Cl K.WU IM.l,. Ootul-er 17, S(17, A) ),te. trreett $ 7.. II,.L-., ,rr.-,-,l Oil llrieil, It. 12) I lllilej, xn-etl 7 Afiple liutter.lniil, 1 lltl ' llimi,,ijrnr eure.l, 2S lluller -Ill- hi 1,1, H Hum .VI tllK.t) 2 ill I bule Is llix-kwheiit Vi l.nr.l I'll llm kwheiit ll.iur Hi, t i .Men ,.,rk, Iil,l...i0 ml Heel', ilrie.l Sli i OaM 75 lleef, frrfh IL'ftn I.. I Union" 1 Ml l',.Hr,l, M 15 tlti(n,20 llll ! I'. MM.,,-,. ) tin Corn, Hbelleit 1 fill I Peneheff, tlrieil, li 20 ('urn, Mf 7.'. l'liutcr, '5 III, 1 4 .Ml Corn 1 il,aek, 1 7 I Hvo 1 fid Clii.. (; owl .1 2.'. 1 Jliigi,, 'f B 3 C!overeeil (Ill till' Suit, f 1 irnek 3 50 Cliww ll" j KhiiiKl,-, IKiu., M, ft 0)1 Cherrie, II (Ill I Slimitlea, 2ll in 12 00 ( lnekeni, Jrnl, It., 211 20 I lnjiM-eil 2 00 Klimr 12 (11.1,1, 12 50 lluv llll 0ii(,i. 15 Oil I 1 ill ,t tiy lenl 0 00 Tnllnn , 15 Wheat 2 50 Wool 40 Wooil, Til enr.l 00 I'liihult'lplila (irorciy Mnrket. l'llll.AOlM.IOOA, Oetohcr 15, 1807. Teas conlinuu (inn. Kynip are in (rood dcmaml at full iiriuoa. Coffee 11 io is dull oxeejit for choiee, whieh is ffearee; Java and Lajcuara ara quiet. Sudani have been excited and priceli have advanced comidvralily, tiwing to the small itock oeferiiiir and the limited arrival ; Cuha and I'orto lino rule at lMi.H), Kteara lteflncd Yollnwa at lt'ifiijll). Molasiieii is in frond demand at in- creaiiug prireH, the ilouk being nearly oxhaudUid. Rice dull. Hold 1.4-ll(,iil.44j. TKAH. Voting Hyuon Sii.erio'r... SifTM 15 Fun: 1 2.i('i.l 45 l-'ineiit 1 biOi 1 75 llyi.011 Vimerior...! BSfn.l 2.', c-ul-er.KH. Rio, oouiuiuu 2i6it 2.'! Hood 24 (,i 25 l'riuie 2."d(,i, 2fi f'hoii-e 2lif,i, 27j .Tiiva, oldoc lirt (ii; ;I74 l.Hjruara 26 (m 27 Vine 1 SUM. I 50 1 W A Coeann.. IS Vinei.1 1 55(0,1 (i5 j Ihindelion pa 17 Imperial siiiARa. rluperior...1 I"la 1 40 I TruthM 00 ft, 17 Vine 1 50(,iil (S5 Coarnepolv'd HO in, 17 Fiiient 1 70(1 80 jTine do... Oil Ol, 17 (innpowder A 0(1 (.u lr.j Hupcnor.. .1 J.'.rTit 40 III oil (. 10 Vine I 55(0,1 70 Kitra (' I. '.)!,!. 15 VineH 1 7.(32 0(l !C4yelli,w... 12i0j, 15 Blaek avlit-ea. Kujicrior... S5f'i 1 00 romtuon 4'fii 60 Kmc 1111 I! rir 5S('u 02 Vinent 1 20(0,1 S5 Jupan Hiiperior... CorS.1 05 Vine 1 10(,i 1 15 Vineit 1 20(,j 1 SO Rirr.. Carolina Iljft 12 Kaul India... Hjf.i. 10 Hood 0700 72 I'rime 7l(fl S5 Choice S7M 05 L'boicceitra. X(y 1 (15 toLASSKg. N. O.. choice,! O.'.fTi.l 10 l'orlo Klco... I17(,i, SO Cul'ii Mini 07 Cletn-int K. Waiowriht - - Inree! H. tVaiuwright JtMi-ph H. Wjintrritrht. WAIN WRIGHT &'Co., w n o i, e s a l r. GROCERS AM) TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Second and Aeon Ktrct-ts, aprll l'HILAHKl.NlIA, Vt. Iltthiirsf Market". 1'iTTHii no, October 12, 1 SOT. V 1.0 I'll. lirnadway, While Winter IJ 75 Jenkim' Kclipie Ju0 (lliri 12 .',0 Jenkina' Lilly Mill II 25 SearK llevt, llepplaineii, Farina and Clark Jt Aldena 11 00 Hye Hour, 'f 1.1,1... 8 2i 'aiidle 14 Corn meal. l bus, 1 '65 t.No. H Mackerel, Q Ho, knln-.it Hour, I barrel 16 .'.0 unilred 0 O0ll.nr.l,..hoiio..n0 ) 14 W'4icat,new 2 :Ij(iu 2 -lo Tallow. 101 Rve 0 00 0(1 1 .lo KAro. "(ll.iilcs 17 (Ti) 18 1 .HhShnlllders 0(1 (,(, 1 1 Oats, new l'.S(.i) Corn,i.helled !r"(-v Potatoes, e., new, p barrel 0 00(,u Onions, fl barrel.. Timothy see,l,ll 00 Clover seed I'lax seed.. .Mi,,liii'., 0 KlfiV Itcnos, navy Ilutter, n,ll...:i"(- Cheerc 17'-il KK Ii0.' A..Ks.V bb lined iipples.pritim, Dried peiiehes.luf.j Salt. Y' barrel FLOl'H limns, s. e. 12 (u O.i .Mess l'ork ...25 0(1 llroetn 2 Ittiin, 3 25 Hi fined Oil .Ml CoBie 2:.((j 27 lira ins. Ilmwn 1I!(SJ It Itelined, hard '.. 17 A colTee- 17 TEAS. H-lark 75r,6 1 20 ,1 On 3 50 2 75 !) 110 2 OC 2 .',o 3 tin .'!.. 1" 6 Oil Kirecn OOf.il 1 Sl(i-up 7..(,u 1 Co 12 ! M.ilaaael 7..('0 So 2 juiliicc 'JJi.o 11 I'liovi.-do.N. T. C. JENKINS. roMJiissins mi;kciiant, imt"io nr tt.rn Hrrnvrs or vi.oi;u, ritovisins's, and all ki.nds of ui:fin i:n oils. Cheapest l''iiiiir llonan In Pltttircli On hnnil, reliable nnd well known brands. Qi.nlity ul l-loiir rninnintecd. Jtiiiuci'lnetit.i to uealorf and Trices Current sent every week. CHr.ck Kiti;D Fhost, 27:1 Liar.itTT Srnr.rT, Jan2My I'l l TSlll lill II, l'A. MISS H SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEAlir I EL!, PA riMIE First Term, of tuontj-t un fiecloi, mill rowmence on MONDAY, SptmUcr 2d, 1SR7. TF.UM OF TUITION ftrivl.njr, Orthotfunliy, Writing, 01jct Lcbhods, rrimarT Ariihmttio and Primary (iw'g rnjdiy, ptr b:dftor:n, (of eleven wiH'k,).., $j 0(1 IliMorr, l.ocal and Ttrrit i f (ji'.t.tf r-hy with Mnj I)rttrlnt Oriunmar, Mental and Writ I en Arittintvlic A 60 Alg- Ira and tlic Pi i. nw ; fl 00 Drawing, with any of tho almve II QO Clrnrfl.-ld, .Inly 2.r, lsrt7-.1m. Clearfield Jlcademy.- Rev. P. I. HARRISON. A M . Principal rimR FIRST of tha prnt who- f luptic yoa rf tht Intitutioa will oominrnee on tha Ant MONDAY (2d day) of Sctouiliur. Pupili enn enter at any tima. They will ba charged with tuition from the time ihty autr to thi rhino of tho hep-loo. The oourite of imtruotlon embrace i erery thing Included in a thorough, practical and accou iilixhpd eduiPtion for both foxa. Tbe Principal, hatitiK hd tha adrsntane of much exparieora in bn prfitition, aurM pa rentr and pmrd anit tlmt hit entire ability and energiefl will he devoted lo the moral and men tal training of the youth pt'pfd undr hie charge, i i:hmh ok i t i no. Orlhopm'diy, IUadinf, M'ritinp. and Primary Arithmetic, per &fuiun (11 wei'ki) - $'j Ui' Grammar, Uet(railiy, Aritli mcti rt and IliMory $S 00 AlfTphra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mcn auretion, tSurTcyiBsr, I'tiilopuphy, Phyei ol'tgy. i'tifniiptry, ilouk Keeping, lWtany and 1M-Teicl (ipornphy - - - $9 00 Latin, (in-ek and French, with any of the above Psrenobe - - - - f 12 00 jrr No deduction will be made for abionre. JJ-re(r further partirnlarp innuiro nf Her. P. Is. If A HHIiSON, A. M., ClftrCold, July 2.1, I H7 tf. Principal. H. U I I ( K. MERCHANT TAILOR, (H(orr our door cn-t ol ( kniInM lion;'.,) Mai kcl Mrctt, t'lrorfiritl, Va. KFFl'S on hand a full acportmente of Oont Forninhin Goods, urh at hhirta, Linen and Woolen ludcrphirt, Urnwora and Sk, Neek'liea. Poekot Handkerrhicfrt, Gluvei, Hutu, VmbrelUe, e., in grot Tariety. Of Pioce Uoodi ha keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," jMtch ai I3!fk Doeskin of the vt ry bfiat iimke; Fancy Cahinicra, in gret rerlety, m, Frenfh 1'oaiing. lt'aver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frietitt oTcreontina. All of which will hv eold rhenp for Cajih, and nrnde up according to the latest etylei by espeneneed wurkmen. Alau, Afiont for CleerflolJ county for I. M Sineer A (' relebrated Sewing Mnrhinee. Not. I. lMi tf. 11 PHHMIK. (1 FT THIS IIK'NSIUKS The Urg. H oven I C.Kk &U.rr in the market, he at) Die adxen tnir that een be pnt on a Htoe. for wood or coal, warrenn?d in iia oiM-rntion, for tr hr J. P. KKATZKU, Arxt, A' isc, superior Itms,l .Ales, at 3. V. Kit. I KHAT7FR'"-. C.oods, Crorfrl(3, Clf. It I : Y NT O K ST It I : PKCOXI) STKKKT, n.KAItni'.I.D, l'A. Dry Goods ! Dry Goods I Dry Goods I Dry Goods! DltES.S GOODS k TISMMING.S! Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds k Vestings. Shakor, Ojuru, llrcn, fuirtlnj. Red, Diuo, Yel low and White FLANNELS. llleached and unbleached MUSLINS, la all widths and qualities. TALLli L1XE.V, TOWELS t NATKINS, HOOP & BALMOHAL SKIRTS in great rariety. BIIAWI.S A WOOLEN O00DS IN EVERY STYLK. Ladies' Coats, Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, Threads and Sewing Eili, H l'"d cd colors ; Window Shades, Floor aid labia Oil CKths, Corda, Tautls, Hugs aa4 Cownurpanes, Ulorei, Hosier;, Collars, Cuffs, Rib boas, liraids, an9 as euillaai variety of small wares aal fanry articles. LA WES', MISSES', AND ClIILDHEX'S SU0ES, A LAIi'JE ASHOItTMEN'T. All of whieh will bs sold Call and eiamtne oursteckbefore making your purchases elsowhere, as we feel assured that we can please iu both quality and prices. It will ha our aim to make the "Keystone" the proper place to buy Dry Goods. X1VLIXG k S1IOWEHS. Cleardeld, Pcpt. 26, '67 if SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE I WOULD announce to tbc eitiicni of C!Arfirl. h fiirroiinttitnf nnuitrv l)irt t bre ojiviivd a run u asu kixit bioiu; .m si:chrn stu:i:t9 Ojporite the Foriiinc, whi-re I inhntl to kceji cMistjtntly on liuml a full axpr.rt incut of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Cats, Corn, And nil kinl of Fwd, which I will rcMiM tliraji for cn.li, or in cxi'lianac for Ml I Mi l.KS. M MUKKMKN will rou-ult Hirir mUrvt hy in mo a cull 1m! i re tlify c where t jmr-cliai-e ttit'ir nj,.li'H, 01 ni.v Riraii mt-nii re .crtWt, ninl nut kIi!c tu buy cvcrviUmg in my line nt til c luwtit tnnrkft pri"i. l.KAMtCU IiKXNIXO. CharGeM, Ju'.v 11, lii7. J. H, DUVALL'S PORTABLE lfSUlXli WOJKKN, os. 33 to SS Market sitrect, ZAXESV1LLE, OHIO. DUVALL'S Champion Engines and Saw Mills, T!ie cheapest and best, and CAS CUT MORE Ll MBl:Il, at less exjenrs, tlian an; otlisr Id the IJuloit. THE BUST EStllXK AND MTU. MADE IN Till; l .MTEl) PTATKS! For proof of this assertion, we rofor jou to cur man; cuslomeri. our oc;l;:.s anjj saw mills Are warnuitfd to tut 10,000 Feet of Pine Lumber, inch measure, in Ten Hours 1 &9tv-ftur rraall tdtea, (8, 10 aod l! borne pow or,) aro line-iuIed KK FARM Pl hl'OKS. Ti;wTiM(iAr. TTtoJiif. rlair Co., Pa., O.-t 51, ISA. J. II Duval' Hear Sir: Ve bare been running our mill and enpino conptitniiy ptnrf rcpri i ll. We ere cutting from . itt to R,000 fet per day. Kvory thine works eptMidid. Not journal bealrd or Anything ele goae wronj rinre we iterted. We eaw ok and pine lojr tbnt are to Urpe thet our enw Won't rttrh throtigh. The little engine drivel the aw through with aa Ai pareni cete m though the log w not hmlf an laru, Me are i(UUtj tuti.-fied that we cun rut IO.U00 feet per dav. r RUN EH 4 BUKLEV. Pni-T Rinoa, P., July. 27, IBM. J. H. t'UTnll Sir t Our engine end mill worki nicely giv ee go A misli.cliitn. Wohaveeewcd from 6,U(jO to I0,noo f- f t of lumber per day, Voure, truly, JULL fc MoCAULEV. Lars Citt, Pa., Oct. 12, 18M. J. II. Duvall ir i Our mill and engine worki finely, and girei good ietif art ton. WV piwed )0,0i0 feet of lumber In eigll boura. Plcape burry op my second mi .1 and engiue: time ii nuitiey now. Vourp, truly, A. S. Kill NFS. From the Prookvllle Republimn, Oct 12, 1AM t.oon Pawiwo We are informrd tht on Fri day lnpt Mr. ilnrdeaty eawed i 0,1)00 fret of lum ber In eiht houra, wlih tSe aneiataiiee of frur hand bpile himselffive being the number re. quired. The tawing waa done on one ol Dotal I'a Portable Saw MilU, whieh Mr. II. baa orcned ia Polk t -twnphip for our enterprining friend, Mr. A 8. Hblnca. We dfin'l thmk any mill in the county con beet tbia. Our lumber tutu ihuuld call and eee the mil) io operation. For Itp-vriiitlvc CrriiNii, Price l.ipt.A c, ti'Mrofa . J. II. IU V A fit's Poit-il lf Hi eini' Woikp, oa. 3i to 6j Mnrkt't Stn-et, er..'it'f.T:(on I) ZmirM Ohio. F. ti. MItLFn, Ag.nt, OnrltrM, Pa. HVY the !F.M(cnATlC ALMANAC. Only ih crjttp, Kvei-y voter ph.ulit hi.e one. tf. taT liniund Alum rall for per pek, at H. W. Aim IX. ' 1 KNT.'iH Firnch iWf Poip, iwwri-nntfd,, for nt H. W. HMI1 H P. nm imiiii i w.-mmjrjaatMmmmtaKSJMrf NEW ARRANGEMENT. W. 31. A. 1. Nil AW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, epposil the Cmirl House,) C 1.1. A K ! I I'.I.O, Prnu'a. rpiIK fulmeriberp bavins entered Into partner I ahip in the I'ritg huinp, wnl pun med the entire intcrrtt of Air. '. I. WitUt.n, would rcptctfully infirm the citirt na f ( Irerfi id count v, that they are now pn tared lo fitroih 1M'(,S, l'ATKXT MKDK'INKS, Iyo Btuffn, Tobaoco, Cigara, Confer Uoneriea, HtBtioeerr. Ac, rjiYsiriAX.s Will And our etjck of limes t'UI.L and COM Pl.Kl ti, aod ataver slight advance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL HOOKS. Teachers and uthera will bo furnUhed with elanfical and niisceiliineoad booki by e xproaa,t ahwrt notice. STATIOXKltV, Conaieting nf O.ip, Flat Cup, Foolpcnp, tetter and Perfumed Note Papen ; etpo. a very neat flock of Mourning Nut Paper and knrelopea on band. Peni, Pencil, Iuk, Aa. UOU.SKKKEPKIJS Will 6od a full stock of I'l liK PI'ICK?, SODA, 80UA ASH, Conoentratcil LYE. KOAI', rfc. la hi e.s AM) (ikxtlkmkx Are requeatfd loeiatuine ouratork of Perfumery, Unir Uils Fine loilut oapa, llruaboi, Comba, ToiUt he tin, Ac, Ac. SMOKEILS AM) C1IEWEIJS Will find full rupply of prime Chewing and Biuokinn TUIiAO'lM, Imported and lonetic CIUAUS, Snuff, Fine-Cut, Ae., Ao. CAKDOX OIL, ' Of the beat braodp, H!aeye on hand. LIQUOliS. Tie beat quality of tiijuore alwaya on band, for medical purpoeca. f-r Pbyiciens' PrcFcripttona prompt; ud carulully compountlcd. r-cpt. 12, )hC7. W. M. A A. I. ffllAW. H A RTS W I C K & I R W I N , ifrttegitits, i'ltariuld, . HAVINQ refitted aud rconred to the room Ifitely aecupicd by Rieb&rd Moiop, now oUr, low for crneh, a wtll lelected areorttuvnt of J)11UGS AXD CHEMICALS. Also, ralu.t ,Vid:i!rrs (.( si: WiSi, Ci'.i. Gla Putty, Vy Htuffs, Etatlonerv, TOBACCO AND Mil A US, Confectionery, Fpiees, and the largest 'stock of varieties ever ofii-reii in this lae, and warrant ed to be of the best the .Market affords J. U. IMHTJtVICK, P.O. 13, 18M. JOHN 1KW1.N. "mm) mm Duiiis. Joseph i. unvix, On Muio St., one door weat of Hippie J'auit'a Htcre, trUWKNVVItLE, PA., Ilea now on hand a large afffortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye StufTs, Patent Medicines, Truchra, hoiildrr-llrarea, IClnMIc t(irt lti and Miipporlert (lava, iuttyf Perfumery, Toilet ttooda, Conrmtinneriea, ?picei Canned Fruit, To burro, Vfarn, lUuke, BlKtiiin-ry, Pencils, Pt-n, Ink. and a gineml variety of Not ion i. Hie Ptfck embracea all artioloa needed tn a ecnnninitr, la entirely new, ar.d of the beat quality, atid will he m Id nt rearol'siible f rieea. Call and examine the good ; tbey cannot fail to plcaae. HeeS-tf The Best in the Market! WHITE LEAD, In one to twenty pound ptckafeiu WASHINGTON MEDAL WHITE ZINC Ground In Oil. A larje aarnrtment of CCLOT1KT) P.I TXTS IX OIL AXD DRY, LlXSi:i:i) OIL, TCJiPEXTlXE. VAUXISU OF THE BEST QUALITIES, And a fin, assortment of VARKISH AKD PAINT ERTJSH.ES, Juat rccelred and for ra'e by HAHTSWICK k IIIWIX, V.hy in, IMi7. Ciearfild, Pa. )uwa' H. Iromlii-o. Hubhell'a, I'rtne'a Hoof 11, Innd'a Ocrinan, HePtettt-r'a and (Jrecne'a ttyrenated Pillera, a bo pure Lt(ura, of nil kind for fdieinnl iurpoip, for pnle br II. if I. StVAIMH IM Al'l:A, Kennedy's Medira IiacoTery, Helmbold'a Ituehu, lUker'a Cod Liver Jan' and Arer'f mrdieinea of naory kind, tor tale by IIAHTSWIOF A IltWIN. rprtiea arid alidoinliial aupportn of crery 1. kind of tbe latt Imiirnvciifitp, fr ale at Uie Dmxtre of HAHT.SW1CK A IHWIN. loal, hale and UnM-rd Oilf. Fnmi'j Hy, j Trnichea audf IU of all kindi pround in oil For eale 11. A I. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Orders f'r a N w Itluetratvd lllltl.K lU TlONAliV. (t OMl'l VTK 1 oMt roi.i ME.) FlllIeS l'ii-liooaty emlio.Uea the nullji nf tbe nifMt r(, nt atudy. n-vnrrb. nnd !iivrti(r:iti(Mi, oi ahoiil ettv-fiveof tbc rnot eminent and ed vant't d Pililnl n bolurp now living. Cli-rcvmcn of nil i'ii'Tn iua' im Hpiro( it, ami rriiirl it a the In t work ul itp kind in th Kn;Iih cut-ito, end one which ouhct to be in tlir hnnda ol every Uil-lo reaib'r in tin IhihI. In eirrobttinn I In Work, A pent i will find a plrnpnnl add prdititl-le enipl"Tinent. Tho nnmer ona ol.jiTiiona which arc umiaIU' enronntcretl in prlli ii ordinary works will not ci.at with tin p. Hill, on tbi coiitmry,cn'ourRf:'mciit and friciid It id will alii lid tin Ap'iit, iu n ki tig Ui8 lalxirtr nrccoble, uio fill, and Inrrntne. Ladies, rrtiri'd Clcrcvnx-n, rbnol Teacher, Faruicri, Siudcntfl, and nil other who powse r vvrn) , are wanted to ni-t in t'eiHiaMing eoiy Ti'wn and t'nmity in tlif cuiinlry, to wloiin the ni'i'l liberal iinluccmrnta will "tVrcd. Fur p.irticulnr applr to or nddn-' PAIIMKI.KI-: IlKOTHFItP, arptl fit 72 Hiinnoin Hircct. Philadclphin, Pa, CAKEIAGE AND SLEIGH CHOP, IN CI.KA If FIELD, Ta, (Immcdiatoly in rear of Machine Shop,) ri"MIC auh"rib(r would re.peetfully inform the 1 eitiicn f CleurOld, and the public in pn -eraJ,that he is prepared to do all kinds of work un CAKiilAGS, Iitr(iIi;S,SLEU.iltS, Ac, on short notice and on reasonable terms, and In a workmanlike manner. .rfTvAII orders promptly attended to. Fb, 14, 'Cft WM. MMtiHT. Q KI-.WAUI1 will .e paid in (Wn- 0"VWi ii- k to any pwun who t a t d lr. I'o.nmi' Pile f-.it i t BiT.ii.hi(f to directions and has not bwa cured. A Hri-ft, 1. i. M'MIAM A CO., dce5-1y W iltiaa"p"rt, la. Grape Vines for Sale. 1.1, tlio Ira.lint: )ir,lT tariilirs of first qual ity. Orders solii-itod as soon as f-.Tireiii.nl, ami flllV) ia rotation, IiT V M. HIM.!"' (IwrfieH, P., A.ijrist . !. Trtartluaic, rinunir, C tr. t. a risost . I. . . RWIAI, & CAXOH. STOVE AM) IKlMOW-MAUr STORE, AM) MAM'r.M'lL'lir.nS Uf Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, IMilllpabur-, Centre ro.( Pi., rpilE new firm of Flegal Oanoa would rc A apectfully announce lo their friends and the public generally, that they haTS on hand a carefully-seleeted and well aborted stoek of Stoves. Their variety eomiats of 7Hi: CKhEHRATKD IltOX.SIDRS, Wbicb bare never failed to give perfect eatitfac lion to the moat fastidious of its purchasers, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Spears' Anti-Duat, Niagara, Charm, Herald, do., with every variety of the best Pittsburg Manufacture. fe-guTbe Tin and Sheet Iroo ware given with the Moves is made of the heaviest and beat tuaierial, and warranted to give ycrfect satis faction. Their stock of FAK LOH AND HEATING STOVES Is larger, better and cheaper than ever before exhibited tu the public. Tby defy eompetition either In variety, quality or price, They are also prepared to furniab a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Whole nale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to service, from the best ma terial in tha market PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRASS AND IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on band. LIGHTNING KODS. Superior point, put up on short notice. Tbe Point Ihey offer to tbe public is (La ssme as if now used by tha PeLnaylrania Railroad Co., on their buildings. OHDEKS KUU iSrOUTING. llOOFINfl, And other work belonging to their basioers will be promptly filled by esprienced nnd skillful workmen. iiUASS, COrrER AND OLD METTLE Taken in exchange for goods. jFThey especially invite the attention of Merchants wishing to purchase at wboleaale, as thoy will find it to their advantage tu examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FLKUAL A UANOE. Philiprburg, July II, 18A7. MEURELL & BIGLER, riALEKS III If A K If W A 11 E, AIfo, Manufacfurersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEAItriELn, p A. LOT O k; SS I) DI. Iv B IU 11. lis Harness, Collars, etc , for sale by MF.kUEl.r. &, UK! L Kit. pTL.NI El ti I'A'J'KNT U. LOA I- Ing Hay Forks, for sale hy MKIMtKM. i niOI.F.It. Q1L7 PAIXT, "rUTTY, Cil.ASS, Nails, etc., for sale tiy M Kit RE 1. 1. A HIGI.F.It. JpTtXESSTI. I M MIN (is i SIIOE Findings, for sale by MF.iJUr.LT. A BI01.EH. For sale by METiREI.L DlGLKIt. gTbVES,OlTALL'isoJTS AXD Eixes, for sale b MERRELL A lilGLEIt. jrox f ii:x f "iKoxT'iuox": For sale by MERRF.I.L A BIGI.ER. jjJI!JB"f?IIOK.S A HOUSE SHOE Kails, for atle by MEIiRZLI. A r.I(?LER. j U LT.EY-B LCH ' K SA 1.1, (? I Z ICS And best manufacture, for sale by MERREI.L A PIHLEK. rJHIM BI.E fSK E1XS AX I) PJl'E Coxes, for sate by ME!!!! ELL, 4 PIGI.ER. Y?0 1'UKIt C UT T E US TorK;il o " by MERREI.I. A HIG I.Kit. "1 fill IK WINK V T cle for pirklinir- I N A It a siinorior arti--at .1. 1' KKAIZKIIS JEW Sl'OliE AXD XEW GOODS : JOS. SHAW & SON IIhvo just opencJ a Kew Ptor, on Main SI., Ci.s.mriEi.D, Va., latclr occupicl liy Wm. F. IRWIN. Their stork consist, of IU HZ "ZT CSJ-CDCDaD, CiKoriR:ss cf Ilia Lost quality, Ql'F.F.NMVAKF., IsOOtS mill SIlOC?, nil evrry nrtiole ncresi-arT for one's comfort. Call and fxniiiitif our tock lforc j.ur rlminB elsanlifrf. May 9. lsfifi-tf. LOGAN ACADEMY. ' A First-Class High School for Boys. ITS location Is hrshlifiil, rninantie and crnre ini-nt: svvi-n miles east of Alioona. on tlir I'rnnsi Isania t'entral Huilroail. 1 lie nrvt tenu logins Jwii'iu'mr 4, I f, 7 . Ai.It to H. II. 11 I ri'N. rrim i.al. sitl Anlistown I1. (., lllair ( n , I'a. SHAW 1.8 A larer Ftark f Woolen Kl-swl. sol-lira- off at cost, at i. V. KRATZIK 6. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. rj'lin limrs ats l.si.1 : '.' l l ' to knw J. II w ). mas se .' rt !!!, t Iti vs, to do II I oi'l sN". ll )-.. mil rrsil "hst f.,lioa. A m.n lio lis. J not fr from n-rs, ho m.ilr.1 l.sr.t at Ills Irs Is, JJ-il ha. a h-.us.'VI I lo ,i..'"ll Thul i-fi.in.lrrr.l all h. n, If. I inl lii in un". F'iys lir. "Mr fiirliJ, 1 l.M.i, ihrr.J li.ar unit rotiKU ; I've trinl lo a" i M'lf a nut, Jtut fan't sane lii imiu'i." Fsrs I, ii,T frirnil, tow niurh bare you I'll tfll you h..ie to iro To Kt a s.rs ll...'. ...iiikI ani .tie.,: To KKlZtXST K1S Co He took wlmt little lis lia sarsl, Anil eut to Iti-in mtiin i llroiliers', Ani there In f"t a handsome suit, For half tir naili to others. Now he Is bom, hi loolis sj well, And their elK-ot ;s surh, That wlien thi'J lake Ihoir iUMy meal, The; don't eat half as muuti. And now he (mis on Saturday nigbi, With all their wants supplied, Tbat he has money It'll to so, ml, And some to lay aside. His pood sureess, wiih cheerful smile. He ftladly tells tn oli. If you d save uionry, ((O ami buy i'our clothes at KEIZKNiSTLIICfl CLOTnrNU TIALL. Where the cheapest. Sr.est and liet Clolhmn and food Furri ili I n (ioods eau be had to suit erery uste and in eifery s'yl. aprl I, '67 jOHlil'H K UNZ'S EW f LOTIIHG STORE, CLI.AKFir.LD, PA. K KuWecribertiikotitliia method of announcing J to tin- ciiii' i.A of CU-uxto lil and tbe pui'liu (Ti iimllv, ilmt be lia inut opened a larpc ftK-k of CLOTfllXU AND (.EXTLKWEX'S . FUKXISIIIXG (iOOD.S, Voutba' and Itoy Poifa, thr lnti-nt aty.s of ll-Ue mid Cmph, nnd llttO'I S and KlltiKS, all of wiiifb be will dispone of t a trifle above cost. He enn ie found on Market Mret, Imiwi.'h Third and Fourth, in the room forn.crh uccupifd ly W ilhain 11-tflmiin, w b.'rf be solicits the rifirrtiP to rill aud cxnminc hia atoc .. .lOhLI'll HI 'At. ib-nrlicM, April 11, Iter. THE LATEST OUT I MOSKV PAVED IS MONEY MADE? 1)K WISE! If you wish to ourcbase CLOTH X) ing, HATS A CAl'', pr Furnishing Uoods, (iO TO C. II. MOOUE'S f.'ew and Cheap Cl.thing tor. where will t. found constantly on hand a lar?e and well se lecti-d Bpsurtment of Fine Illa--li Cissimere suits, and drabs, brown, light, and in f.el ALIs KINDS ()!' CI.OTIIIXG Adapted to all a unions of the yar : alioi, Shirts, Lfrawers, Collars, and a large and well seleuird araor(B.ent of Cue II ATS and CAPH, or tbe very latent styles , and in fact everything tbat caa be called for in h ia lioe, will b tullibed at the very lowerf citv prices, at they bare been purcbsaed at tbs lowest possible figures, and will be sold tn the same way by r. a. M-ionii, In the Put Office Bailding, Philipiharg, Pa. "EVS.""" Pailv and Weekly pnpfrs, Majarines; also, s Urjte aaaortuient of the Jul ft end beat Novels, Joke Dooki, ti c coufttfiitiv on bnn-1 at C. "II. MuOUK'fl. In tbe I'o.-t Ofiii- Uoildtnir, a irlMy Pbilipal urf;. Pa. DREXEL & CO., o. 31 Koulli Third Kirvct, Ililla,lrliliia, ii.i.V!ii:iis, And Dealers in Government Securities. Atliuaii.i.) l.v inil Will n'fviro prouttt Bttru t'on, mul nil i:.;"ui tuallun i W- fully ItirniFheJ. OrHrra tliriti"l. - njtrM-tf J."jVM f iTiTT" Y.iHii. i BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk &. perks, Suf'-t-nors ,i l o .T, I'eik-, A Co., IMillljifcljui ",, iiilrc i miutiiy. Pp. XIrIIKl:K all tl- hu-iitrea tf IuihUhf llncw Kill lc trai.-:'TeJ j.runipily mtd uy,n t he niMft favir.ilik' tcnii. inm7 -f Counly National Bank. ci.r.iini;i.ii, r.. fTHl3 Bitnk Is now open and ready for l.nsl M. ness. Oftiee on Serond street, in the huild ing formerly onruinnl by l.e .nard. Kinney A Co. i.inKi-Tiins aan orsirrna JAS. II. OKAIIAM. llll'IMKI fTl A.W, WM. A. WALLACE, WM. I'uKTK", A. K. WRItiliT, KO. L. KEKD. D. W. MOUI1K, JAS. T. LEdXAHD. Cashier. l'residrat. Clearfield Counly Bank. rpilK t l. srliel i CountT Hank as an Inrornora .1 ted institution has none out of existence br toe surrender of iu charter, on May 12, 1K5, All its stock is onrd hy the suWriliers, ho will continue the lUnkinjr tiusineas at the sntna plaee, ae frivale Hankers, under the tlrra nam. ot tin. "CliarheM Countjr Dank." We sre.ro aponsil.le for the debts ot the Itai.k. and will paj its notes on demand at the counter, lleposits received and interest paid wlion money is left for a filed time, l'aper discounted at sis per cent, as heretofore. Our personal re;.oniliillty is pledged for all Ilojosits received and hu.ir.eel trans cted. A continuance ul" u litieral pat ronage of tbe bui-iuers men of the counlv is re spectlullv solicited. As President, Cs.hier and otficcrs of the late ClenrMii County Hank, we require the notes of taid llank to be presented (or redemption. JA!. T. I.KONARD, ltirn ARD SHAW, WJI. 1'OHIKH. .IAS. It. I11HUA.M, A. K. Willi) IIT, ll. L. HRKI), WM. A. WAM.ACH. The husiness of the Tank will he conducted hy John M. Adam.., E.i., as Ca-hier. jini'.'v.'oi J. P. KRA.TZER HAS romoTed tn bla nir wnrirnonii on Mar ket atrori. rkurfiol,!, I , where be baa uKued vtty large atuvk of DltY GOODS, Mrlnoea, Oinfliami, ClMlia, I'elelnen, Trinta raaimerea, Alncw. Silk?, Sntinrte, Kapa, rasrimeren, T -rj,i, ...teri:i, Mohair, .Tinn, Lanellka. MuHin. FlnnniU, Knreeta, Uib. bona, Clnaka, llalmnret klru, lldtip. Miirta, Mtawle, lraa Trioiroirpa, lleHd Krla, Capa, Coret, (ilovM, Cj:ara, .r'lrfr, Urcnline Velli. Tlle Curera. CLOTIIIN G , Coata, Panta, Vrnta, Over-Coata, Oenl'i Sbewla tbir(a, Hate, Cnyn, I'n.lcr hirte una ltrAaera, 1t.ta, thoi. Uuin HUuea, CrnvBtf. (Jluvei and (N!lr. IIA It P WAKE, iM'l-.lANVVAHK, r.Riiw CKIilUS A Ill's l'A I, (UHJHS. ROCERIE.S, Tea, Coffee, Puper, MuU(Le..si.lt, Caa.lei. Kiea, Flour. Man ii, )'ih, lodnrro, hmaina, Curriiiifa. r1 p i e e a, Craraera, Vircgpir, Otla, Vtr r.ilt. A'c'iLdl. TJX-WAKK, (il.A-W AUK. WOOPEN WAKU Knii STATiuNKItV. lIOrl-UOLD GOODS, Carped, OH -el oth a, Priiefl. s''Vii(r-OUeeea Clweki. CliuTtia, M'.Fliiso;ini. Tur. Hurti eta. FUl Iri.na. l'ara. Windt Mlimle. M'all-fiRpfr, !''! MI l.M.tti. !'n. fcrflUf. l.fli'.'nl( KnliM aad Fork. Sn.i'in, Cri-r-ka, and rKire lltifkinc, ,,f"All of whkrt will he 'ii n tit rnint rn. en utile t-rm, nl the hi client mark t fnce fiaid or tirain. U'oul, en ft nil k in la of dmnuy fro4f riMrfleU, l'tTfUiher It, IfA.s. .ANKKT.J r.iw White KNukrf. C..rr;itfc. I tra li'sfk-!. J. P. KKA ZLH H.