Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 17, 1867, Image 2

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She lUimMican.
fit 1 u!i'fe"V
CiKllllflE 11. GoOlll.ANIlKK, 1-Mitor.
Thursday Morning, Oct. 17, 1867.
lie Itixull in thr t omtlij.
Tho result of tho late election in
this county, it is true, compares well
when contrasted with other counties,
and tho elections of former years ; but
our party friends did not do what we
expected, and in fact what they prom
ised. Three thovMial Democrats prom
ised us to go to the polls, yet but 2,-
740 went, while 2li0 remained at home,
without uny reasonable excuso what
ever. Had theft) skulkorn turned out
our majority would huvo been, l.Mli,
Instead ul 1,-03 " lluck wheat, Corn,
Potatoes," "too fur to tho election,"
"I was tired," Bud every other excuse
made to order, was just no excuso at
all. Nothing but sickness, or other
physical disability, cun bo received as
the causo for Democrats remaining at
homo on election day this fall. Wo
sometimes think that theso stay-nt
homo patriots should bo drafted and
thrust into a niL'sfer regiment ; but
thou wo pity thoir wives and children,
and feci more like issuing an amnesty
Proclamation for their special benefit.
and othenviso " dig about them" ar.d
try them for another year. Wo arc
informed that some young men were
UiMit awry from tlio polls, by waiting
for some one to haul them to the elec
tion hntibC. If our friends will fur
ni-h us the names of these horoes, (!)
wo will try to rot Joe. Miller, Sol
Piles, or some other celebrated loyal
ist, to haul them to Philipsburg or
to Waterford.
While few of our men have skulk
ed and strangled, the tublo in this is
sue of our pancr, shows that the fires
of "A'irtue, Liberty and Indepen
dence " are still burning in the bosoms
of 2,T4D Democrats in Clearfield coun
ty. This is but 22 votes less than
were cast for Gen. MoClellan, in 1SC1,
and 40 loss than Mr. C'lymor received
last year for Governor.
In tin tablo of returns, will be
found tho vote of each borough and
township polled at the late election,
and that for Governor in 180G. An
investigation of this table and a com
parison of tho voto of this and last
Jl.i i ... . 1. 11 it will-. Iv.'
Democrats stayed at homo. In Beo
earia, IJurnsido, Ferguson, Huston,
Osceola and Clearfield, we done nobly,
but Hell, Brady, Hoggs, Covington,
Jordan, Karthau, Lumber City, Mor
ris and Woodward failed to make
their point, while the balance of tl
districts done just about what they
Let every Democrat from this time
forward, constituto himself into a
committee of one, to see that his
neighbor goes to the polls next year.
In tho year ISO, the great Presiden
tial baltlo will ho fought, and that
contest will decide the fato of this
rcuntry. The beauties of Civil and
Religious Liberty are before us, ami
may bo continued for ages to como,
if the people vote tho Democratic tick
et; but if they aro wicked and devil
ish enough to clasp hands with tho
enemies of those inalienable rights,
wo cannot expect long to resist the
combined attacts of foreign and do
mestic enemies, who are driving the
country headlong into the Maelstrom
of negro equality.
Ben. Wade. In reflecting on the
effects of the Democratic victory
achieved in Ohio, we, on speoial cases,
came to the conclusion that tho cele
brated Radical whoso namo heads
this article, must certainly enioy a
most unenviable stato of mind. A 1
few months ago ho stood clothed with
an apparent power, which timo and
the will of the peoplo have rendered
nugatory ; his hand was strotched to
soir.o tho reins of government, with
every prospect of success. To-day
he is occupying the "tempters" posi
tion, and by the vote of the people he
lias been cast from tho anticipated
heaven of enjoyment into tho ncthcr
tnost hell of bitter disappointment.
The "sober second thought" of the
people has again proved our safe
guard and confirmed the well known
adage of " Fox ;..;.mi, rox Dei:" the
"voice of tho peoplo is the voico of,fo"itry was about to bo placed in by
God." Radical rule. Civil war, a war of ra-
res, impeachment, the destruction of
AGt.onior Ta.i vrn.-Tho Demo- j crcdit nml inJllB,ryf WPrc ll(inKi 0
cms or Philadelphia, at the late elcc- j t,0 isBUeB 0r tll0 t.of.tins f,f Tuesday,
turn, covered themselves with glory, j Tho lessons of thoso elections teach
1 he city gives Sharswood, tho Demo-j us thnt lno Ia,i0al rule of tho Rump
crat.e candidate for Supreme Judge, Congress is at an end. The people of
2, is.) majority. Ludlow. Dem.. for'
Common Pleas JikIc, r,.rr.O ninioritv.
They havo also secured tho Sheriff,
Clerk of tho Courts, Register of Wills,
Cominissionerand Treasurer; and this
too, has been dono while 5,CSH of a
majority for Geary, last year, wns
staring them in the face. Mobly has
the Quaker City redeemed and recon
structed herself. We rejoice to know
that this lmt-bed of "loyalty" and
treason has been cleaned out.
The i Irctlnn mil Ift I.ii.oni.
Tlio l'liilai!o!'liin 4 ;r r.:iys tlmt
whiln the jmblic iniiiii in cxrilod over
tlio rrturni o( tlio clcclionn in I'liila
dclphia, reiinylvni, CoriDertiriit,
Oliio, Iowa, and Iiitliiinn, it in ncr-i'.
(ary calmly to coimi'T tho raimrii of
those results. Sorrowful as it is, rut
it cannot bo denied, thut tor tho past
fivo years tho politics of tho passions
have subordinated tho politics of tho
reason. Wo have boon going through
a revolution all this whilo a revolu
tion in which many of the worst fea
tures of the French Revolution have
been strikingly exhibited. Tho emo
tions of tho masses havo been stimu
lated by cunningly-devised plan and
means, so that oll'orts to reach their
deliberate judgment have been para
lyzed. The reason of men has had
no opportunity to act upon tho exhi
bitions of power recurring with such
frequency in the Legislatures of States,
and in tho capital of the Federal gov
ernment. Tho war having ended,
the wrongs and tyrannies which the
war was used to justify, became ele
ments in so-called governmental action.
The people were daily becoming ac
customed to learn that the power to
govern was tho government. The
Rump Congress at Washington with
its seat in tho ".Senate llouso" and at
tlio Capitol, was abusing the inhe
rent faith and confidence of tho people
in a Federal legislature. The Consti
tution of the United Statos, under
and by virtue of which a Congress
meets uud legislates, was secretly ig
nored, while it was invoked as the
authority for its own destruction.
Usurped powers wero grasped by a
minority of representatives of tho
people, and in order to shield them
selves from accountability to tho peo
ple, debate and investigation wero
denied to thoso of heir associates
who wero opposed to revolutionary
Under tho plea of "reconstructing
Mates, every principle of Ktato
rights, and the liberty and freedom of
tho people of Slates, were destroyed.
Under this sanio plea, an inferior
raco was mado to bo tho political and
social equals of the governing race of
this country, notwithstanding tho ob
stacles which tho Constitutions of
States arrayed against it. Under
this plea tho powers of tho govern
ment, created by the organic law,
have been almost destroyed, and this
so-called Congress has claimed t6
make laws and execute them, thus
usurping the duties and powers of
the F'ederal Executive. Theso, and
other usurpations of political power,
as well as plans for revolution in our
system of government, were adopted
by thoo .ii..itMis k.
politics of jiussion cither misleading
or deceiving tho masses, hnd thereby
holding power and seeking to incrcaso
it. For fivo years past this has been
tho condition of tho country. At last
the timo arrived when tho "policy of
I ongress could bo examined. Tax
ation, repudiation, and impeachment,
weapons by which Congress was ma
king war on a people they sought
first to subjugate and then to rule
with a military despotism, excited
and earnest and anxious attention of
tho whole country. Tho people bo
gan to see and understand, that if
ono State cnnld he mado a "military
district," and tho negro given, the
right to vote, by a military "order;"
Legislatures driven from Slate capi-
tols by negro troops; members of
Congress denied admission into the
House of the Federal representatives,
by a coalition of the members repre
senting a minority of the Slates and
the people of tho Stales ; if the Presi
dent could bo driven from tho Execu
tive chair; if tho Supremo Court of
tho United States could bo
till it beoamo a political agent of a
party mado up of representatives of a
minority of tho people of half the
States; then, and thus tho people not.
only saw but felt their government,
liberties, rh'hts and freedom worn ni.
! the mercy of men whoso only winci-
l'' action wns based on tho power
to rule. The patriots of Connecticut
acted on this true revelation of the
real policy of the Rump Congress.
The gold Stato followed. Our State
has joined in tho roaction with Ohio,
Iowa, and Indiana. The politics of
reason have again their sway. What
was called the sober "second thought,"
or the politics of tho judgment, has
risen superior to the politics of the
Tuesday, the Pth inst., was tho day
which inaugurated this return of rea
son and pure patriotism. Five States
havo awakened to tho perils the
the ballot, preserved us from an ap
peal to the bullet. Tho Radicals have
been taught that a Congress to lie
constitutional must represent the
white people of the whole eountr-;
that State Constitutions aro above
and beyond all power but the peoplo
of the States themselves; that "im
peachment" is a constitutional punish
ment for crimes, not a political trick
to keep power by the minority over
tlio people ; tluit any rorunMrnctinn
of t lie .Sotitliprn Staff wliicli is not
1'iiprd on tliOHoundost principle of con
Mitutional povcrntnent rfill not l on
dorNeJ j mid liintly, tlmt tlio wliilo
race on thin continent will not permit
polilioiil power to he divided with t lie
negro. TIioho liro Rome of tho lossonn
of tho lato elections
Wo closo this review in tho firm bo-
lief that Providence has thus saved
our country from perils which else
might have terminated in its dcBtruu
Tho return judges for this Repre
sentative district, met in the Court
House, in this place, on Tuesday last,
and presented the following returns :
F.Ik, - - -Forest,-
- - 2,t:;:
- - "05
- - :n:i
Total, :i,S17
llnj. for MeCullough, Dem., 2.0S7
Xo Tnt-l pill(tl f'tr Vt'ch-h in Klk county.
A Failure. Tho loyal circus that
has been exhibiting throughout tho
country for the past month, seems to
have been a profitless affair to tho
proprietors. The ring-master, Mr.
Frank Jordan, we presume, will Boon
call upon his loyal fellow citizens to
assist him to liquidate tho bills. The
militarj' lions, Sheridan and Sickles,
wo presume, can bo purchased cheap,
and we have no doubt but that tho
reputation of theso military celebre
ties is considerably damaged by their
association with the loyal skunks and
shoddy putriots.
The glorious victory gained over
tho World, tho Flesh and the Devil,
and their i-onfedorates, Loyalty Jionds
and Thad Stevens 4 Co., by tho De
mocracy of Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Indiana, has caused rejoicings from
the Gulf to the St. Lawrence, and
from Maine to California. One united
shout for the Union has gone forth
for the first timo in sovon years, benco
ajubileo. Democracy and Union are
pynonomous, and as necessary for the
happiness of our people in tho World,
as a Lelief in God and a virtuous life.
A k'reat hub bub was ruined nmon;
tho bankorn in New York and I'hila
delihia, on Friday laet, by tho dio
covcry of it large amount of counter
feit United States 7-30 bonds over
thrco hundred thousand dollars. The
national rohlicni pronounced thorn
counterfeit, but business men declare
that they are duplicate! issued by the
Treasury iifjonts and their contedcr
atc, which in tho mnnt probable We
havo no doubt but that thero will bo
million more after a while.
"Old lit.lNKty." Somebody han
been foolish enough to writo to lien,
liutlcr, Koliciting him to beeoino a
candidato for tho residency. The
"beast" w ithholds tho namo of the
interrogator, but issues a flaming
assent. If tho lato "honest" "lament
ed" plundered tho AN' Into llouso of
everything, what will bo left of it
i( tho Dutch Gap Catiallcr unfortu
nately gets into it.
TKCtMAn UoM't'cr. For a Demo
crat to tell you that he had not time
to go to the election on Tuesday last,
and then loaf about town tho half of
tho next day, "looks fishy." All we
have to pay, is, that ho should be
drafted, put into a nigger regiment,
and bent to the rocky mountains, this
winter, to fight the I milium. " Jle
might, by next fall, bo able to get to
the polls.
Jbo renowned (.en. Tom Thumb
and his nssociatos, consisting of Mrs.
J hunih. Commodore Xutt. nml nn.ttv
little Minnie Warren, appeared ut the
Assembly Iluildings, in 1'hiladelphia,
on Monday evening last, for a short
season. Those fond of aeoing "big
little" folks will of courso repair to
tho Assembly Iluildings, when in tho
We wonder how soon Gen. Shoriilan
and Gen. Sickles will exhibit in I hil
tiih'lphia again T Will gomo of our
loyal friends inform us f We miidiL
go all the way down there to aec them
.,,r, f,, - i , . i . .
periorm tort he r loyal leacuo masters
1 "b" - """Lt - "' -
Ti ln....i.i ii . i .i ., , , ,
It is reported that when the shoddy
,.,'., , , J
patriots get fairly located on the
banks ol Salt Iliver, that intend to
Imuo and make Loyal Leugue shin
iUs,e,s ,ega, tenoer, and that Judge
Willinnia will lully Cbtahlish their
The man who refused to go to tho
election on the Slh instant and vote
the Democratic ticket, cares but lit
tie for Lis nrs, I ...,
. i . ... i.i. . ... . .
still for tho liberties ol lnH cutmt; v
He is evidently moro mercenary than
It will bo noticed by tho returns
from 1'orest founty, that our neigh
bors now poll over COO votes, sinco
the annexation ol a portion of Vo -
nnngtr county quito respectable :
besides the Cops carry the county.
Nicholas Vundeviiiiler, who, n few
""""'""l"" " jnuianajshick k llaine.s.on Cherry run. Lmg-
eotliuj, lor 1MB Iliuriior Ol .Kllin JJ.
Bowers, on tho 1st of July last, has
beou acquitted. '
Our loyal ftietidH, liko pool old Job,
-r,,t i. ,.nr..r,.,t 1 . .1 '
refu c to be comforted. V e hope the wT take a "liking to them, too.
Official Vote of Clearfield
S.Judgc' Asfcmbly j Sheriff.
lieecaritt . .
Hell ...
liurnsido . .
Bloom . .
Hoggs . . .
Bradford . .
Brady. . .
Clearfield, .
Chest . , .
Covington, .
Decatur . .
Fox . . .
Ferguson, .
Grahair. . .
Goshen . .
Girard . .
Gulieh ' . .
Huston .
Jordan J . ..
Knox . .
Karthau .
Lawrcucu,' .
Morris . .
X. Washington
Osceola . .
I'enn . . .
Pike . . .
Union . .
Woodward, .
Total . .
Maj. .
Stale I Itellon Urturnn for
nml ISO"!.
Wo reproduco the official roturns
of the elections held in this State for
Governor in 1800, and the majorities
for Supreme Judge in 1 807, which is
nlwayt interesting in Hinting com
puriHonB :
bmiver - - -llcdtord
He. ka
Hrndrnril -
Hutler I
tJnrtinn - - -,
(Jciilre - - -I
Oliraler - -j
Clearfield -J
Oinlon - i
Cmttird -!
lii. .liin -j
IVIaware -
Fiiyette -;
Franklin ',
Fiillou j
forest - -I
(irne - -j
Inrlmna I
1 .1 ef lemon -,
Juniata .
Lelntth - -'
Luzerne i
Lveominf !
MeKesn --'
Me-cer- i
Mittlm --!
Monroe ;
Miminur -'
N on Imi 'i't
I'en-T - ---j
l'ike 1
Poller 1
Seliuvlki'l .'
.47 1
! meret
' Sultivnn --I
liopa I.ic'k 4., ;i
I'nion -; l'.i'.H
Venango 3 402, iA'".'
Vrrpn ' l,.r72 2 list
Waliingti 4.712 4.077
Wnvne-'-'i 2 8';!' S,:i.".T
Wesinior'4 0.11.1 5,041.
Wyoming'j 1 4;ii 1.4o
York - - j H.7WI 5,H'.li.
Total -C30,ti:ioT.r74
It will ko noticed that we only pub
lish the tmjoritios for Supreme Judie
at this tirrc. Wo will L'ivo the lull
1 0!"'"" volB ln our nt!!Ct ","wo- 1 1,0
I maiority fr Juilpe Sharswood will be
'i i i. . . .
1 bi'tween wven and eight hundred
This may bo considered closo work.
,, . . ., , ,,,... .
i but rnnaidnr it better than 211,000, be
j eause it will compel every man to be
at his post next full, when wo will
niake it TiU.OOO.
Tiere , , Mf m.wa)!,..r
in the country which is not barking
and howling at tho President for
"opposing the will of the people.''
They muke no charge that be is
j nl'l",s'"P l'10 C"Wtitutim, but the
I""'11. f the people," meaning the
'am"" n"'1 ll,lir,'J of tl'.Mi.npr..l
i iarty, is the miiistitnto lor t ontitu
: ti Mi and Is. Well, the "will ol the
, people" Lu.- undergone a very grent
cnnni'e in J'nnnvlv:inia, t Mno, ton-
nectieiit. California, and even in Maine
and if the change keeps going on, it
will not be more than a year or so.
before tho "will of the people" gets
back on llir. o-ronnds of llu'nlil ( im.
! stilution. nn.l then these tU will
hate tho "will of the people" as much
as iney now liate .e t onstitiiiion.
Sawmill BcnsEn. On last Wednes-,!.,-
ti... .. in ( ai.,co. ui.rr...
gold township, and llliollt till.OIUI (eel
"f bonrds and other stuff, was ent irely
j 'n'"1"'ned by firo. A h.t ot slabs had
been set fire, and tho wind conveyed
t . .
i 1,10 nro to l,l! n""- J pepnetom
i endeavored to cheek the (lumen but
w Ulmlrrfal hoM H,MMlt ?. ,
' -HrMl JiUie-an.
(iOV., lsr,0. I
COUKTIE8. r- it
HUP. J., lor.r.
0 g
County, al the General Election held October 8,1867.
Treasurer Dist.Att'y
! ii I
I o
-F" : I1 :
12o; !)s 83 ! !!! M:i (!' S21 : Hi i rA W f2' M 12 1 ! K'i
r2 in; 4!'i 1 i:tj 52!li::' 52 112 (: w fcl 113. 62; 113 52 : I Li' 52!
155 75 145! 7" 142! 75 14.Y 75 111; 75 145' M' 13C 75 14.V 75' lJ5i
21 25 251 2 lj 23 ' 2li 27 21, 27 : ! 27 1 21 27 24 271 24 27 1
Stil W 271 8s! 27 1 8'7 27 8s! y vl 8s' m' f,j 8 :,':
f2 1(55 :t!)'l Dili! ;;' lc,ii ;iti v, S"J Diii vA W Z !.;! 3!t i DW.
75, 272 f2!! avJ, ft:;'! 27! C3' 27i' (;:; ; 27ui (i:;1! 27" 27u' ;:: 1 t7 ;:;;
7l! 13(5 7!J 13. ti! 131! 7i;i 12!' 7'i ' I3P 7o'l2x 77 ! 12"' 77! 13" 77:
7I 2'.i (i2 j 2!t! ji2 ! 2!l (52:' 2'.i (i2'; 2'. ('-) .". (52 1 02 i : t'
t Hi ill' 8i;i 8' 8H: 8s; 81',; 8si Ki',i 8s j 8li' 8s; hi;' Y 8
l'.'l 82 1H 82' is' 82: Is! 82; Isi 82' 1-' 82' 1: 82 l8: 82' 1-
(il 107 61j 1 14 45 27: 321 113 4fi, 112! 47;' 111 4-! Ill 4- 111 4
13' 13 13 ll! 13 j II Ml 11 13; 11 Li' 11 13., 11 13 11 13
4t: c'.i 8ii;i (v.ij st.! tin; 3',ij r.!t; s;t. (in 3!H sni au s:
211114 8;! 113' 8'! Ill' f'l 114' 8: 111! Sj 114' 81114 8 114 8
2l 43 1!C 44j 1H.I 44 18 ! 41 Is' 411 Is'! 44 1! 41 1' 44 17
2sj (il 41' 4' 41; C2, 43 j 64' 41' (14 41 01 41 1 01 41 04 4"
ill' 2!! iV.i 271 71! 2s 70'! 27! 71 i 2ti 71: 71 27 71' 27 71
54; C4 (10 03; 0r 031 G (M1 03: 00 ; 03 Oil ;:j c.:; -,.;
3ii: 741 ar.J 72! 30 ; 72' ,:o! 7'i; SO1 72 30 1 72' 30 ; 72 30 71 0
2!! Idlj 2;! 102; l!i 10:; jtij pi;; pi p:;! pi'j pi:j pi lv,: p.' o.'; i,
21' fisi 2U: 5s' 2o ' 5s' 21" ,is' ": 5s1 2'. ! 2" 5s 2" 5s "o
211 27 3o; 27; SO" 27! Jii'i! 27 30 27, 3n! 27: lin 27 I" 27 So
111! (!0! 8l'25!i: 7i : 2rS' S2,; 2531 8.! 257 Kll-i 255. 82 ' 257 83" 257 8
02, 142! 53! 112! 53; 111 52'j 142' 53,; 142' 53,142 53. 142: 5 142 5:;
111 i!0 8 30! 7: 30, 7 30' 7- 35 8 1 30, 7i 'M 7 30 7
52; 8S! 311, 87' ' ini; ! i 80 3s' Ml 37! 8H 3 S'.i 3V vr r,s
53; 70; 5"j 7(i! 4!" 7o! 4!' 70' 4!" 75' 4!t i 70 4'.'! 70 4!' 70 4!'
bl' H2J 8) SI2! 8I; 02 84; !Mi' 8!,' C,, 83! 03' 83 '' !!3 83 51:; k.;
41; 44: 34.i 44! 34: 44: 34 j 44. 34 41 34 ; 34 321 44 34! 44 34
41! ?; 80 j (i!! 8l;; s' :; 0!)' 30,! GO1 3o: 0!i 3U,! 00 .'i C'.i 3"
! ! i i ! 1 I'. 1 i ' ; ; .
105('i!274(i 1477: 27301442 27401440 273n 1450 2733 1457 ;J73(i 1452 2720 1403 273U 141
- pa, - jl2U7: - j,1300; - 1274, - 1,1270, - j 1284. - 120(i - j 1200 - ;
CoNMXTtci T. Late returns from I
l.:u .t...... .1... : .i...
mm inuii; uiu.n kltUL lu Lliu ieiuilll
from one l.undied and hixteen towns!
the liadicals havo gained three and
tho IVmoctats twenty-three, which
will elect thirty-nine members, and
thus give a handsome majority to the
Democrats on joint buliot in the next
Legislature, jiew Ijondon.Slrutlord,
I'airlield und Saybrook are among the
towns gained by the Demoorath. The
tull returns Irom the State fhow
eighty -three towns for the Democrats,
and seventy-three towns lor the liud
icals. This is the first time in thirteen
years thut the Democrats have car
ried a majority of the towns in this
Slate. We have gained over twetry
towns this full. The Dcnu.cnitic
"simoom" has swept over l oiuiecu
cut, as well an Ohio und IVuiylvania.
The l'olrint f- I'hinn says: Tin
Congressional district misrepresented
by Leonard il yum, gives a Democratic
majority of about one tliou-imil The
(!is:rict misrepresented by II. L. Cake
gives a Democratic majority of about
seven hundred. The district misre
presented by Caleb X. Taylor gives
a Democratic majority of about three
hundred. This is equivalent to the
defeat of three of the present Ladical
members of the Lump Congress. They
should bo consider this language of
the lute election and conduit them
selves in the future as persons should
who havo been so ctreciuaM; n-lmked
liir their past record.
On Iks lOili of SopiomW. IS.tT. l-y Jen F.
HiKltHVAv, Mr. JACOIl (1. liOW MA.N.u!
(amlri muniv, lo Kl.l.LX K. COM; A I',
of ("ItTiifi. Kl rountv.
Ou thr Till Oil.. Lit. 1?.-.T, I.t J. C. lUnnirrr.
l:-c.. Mr. .lolIN V. I'EAX t.. Air.. KAIAl.IM.; t.iitli of JifiiT.n itouuty.
In Cl.-at l.(ir..u-h. on la. 2.1 of (
1m--, l.j J. V. hMMUt, r-q., Sir. Ul.l II Alt
MAN lo Sl.t llAl'AKEr.; I.. ;h o!
Ilra lv town-'litj..
In I;ilir, Ptnit coulity. I'l.n.'if. 00 Itir rid o.f
Scjiloii.Wr, lfT, I:I::;IXCA, ifr of
Kl.miio; ni"-.! 5.1 tfiii.S Diiiiilli.nd 1U rinvi.
Tim flrfrUwinrtJS.
H01ti; .ToM A;,,t! lU'W AKIt.
toli'ii In-pi tho iiliniMr. m iNirtpT tmn
- J - n?r'!i foitn'T. I'.. "ti Itto in-til u( Ihr 1 4 1 ti
inafant.a I.Alti.K A!ik IMY llIIK. lfi bnrf
hijrh, ittlll wi-u'ii 14 liiimluvil -rttMinil, b vr-nr old
u-xt )Tiiii(. Unt- tmrk 1. i.ln.-k tml ai d liiii
llirrw im ii -n-hiti n Imn. A n-Di'-- ii1 l-rtulr
wfff ttl,i tnkti nt tdr Mntr tttm. A rwartl of
.0 will n paid (ur the rvrrr n( thr hnrw.
MH'ij.W:,, .Mi K,
n-tlT-t I.rtUicrw.nMl V. O., rit.nn ro P.
I 'll A N k Mill I.I1TON,
?KrcIint Tailors,
Market Siirr rl. ( lerli lii. Piu.
"If AVINO t.infl Iheir riNhli.hmnt in
J 1 Sh'f K. w. nm door pt ol thr- pol rft.f,,
mou havtnp iu.l roirrorl from (be a'tcrn eilivr
with Urge ntrorlniftit of
ClotltB, CnssiutercB, Vestings,
llrarrra. sod ill kptlof oodr for left) and
l.o) a' pr. afi now frpparrd lo niRka Uf lo
orripr Cl.OTll IMI. Ir. ro a artirlr- to a full
mil. in inf lalr.t mln and mo-i oorkmanlikr
Diannrr. hpiial a(tnooa frivan to ey.tnn
work and rutting out for men atid bora. He
offwr jrrfat riarfatrtu lo rnitomrrt. an.i vra-rant
an'.iic ntl.fartion. A IILrraJ Hi art of fulilir
patronaj-a u aolicitrd. Call and my our f tuit.
M. A. 1' K A N K .
orttrtf 11 K K. L. SToniHT0S.
IK 1 I 1 ll l: ft n I K
1 atork and intore.t at Atr. Oaharan in th ard in Lulhrl.urx, uf tin ntothod
it inforjung lh pnbltr that hr il now rrnarwl
to f-riii.S MOM .VKMS, TllMII MoNlS.
MAN1'1.K. Ao.. on .hon relir and
trruil, and ainrulr! in tho tophr f-Tto ot trjt
art. W 1L1.IAM M'U l.M. Sr.
l.tilliir.hurp, 01. 17. 1 r 7 -1 f :t:-.
mx um amiMioeMiop,
'nr. .ni..fTi.r narmr latrtr nunod flow
Hoot and Shoo ah it in CurnTillo. on
Alin Rtrool, ornoiito Jo.fl h K. Irwin a Itmr
Itora. ra'porttuIlT aonoona to th nuslir thai
! ht in nrcarrd lo ruanu alarv all .rvta of lt.iota
i and Shof.. and OTrrvttonp in ho lino, on hrt
n..lia ll. - i. ., . i . j .
mmt of rniti-oaar work, lnfc Of will arli
I tuoat. for oairi or ooiiDtrj nTiir..
": f Is"! l.rwi ?. ik
Auction Sale I
ri1HVt;r will l ai.lil at avMion. omit"inp on
1 i 1. 1 ia I, tin- sin .tit oi Mh i i;i is uit.
at in- r.-i.l-n-- ..( llir ... ..-r.l-r. in 1 utliorflmri.
"'k "f f"" -""oi f
Dry Q,00, Groceries, Boot t SllOCS,
,, . . . .
JlMt.lwarr. ltro Alarii-l ...thins. Int?. ftonona.
..i .1 an,.-io, t, k ,1 it, a sni7 ,t..rr.
A-1-'!' i" oimmo. at nr o.-i.. i,. K..
...1 ho j,, ,rom U.T ,.,
'it, ,T, ""v
re ; r.
!! S
Co. Com'r JuryComv Auditor.
5 : ? :
& ; s
! t
!'S S2 I
111 52!
75 145
24 27 !;
s-" 2j .
105 30'
20.0 03 1
120 75;
20 02 '
8-; s'
82 1
111 4k'
U 13 1
00 3!' '
114 si
41 1-j
04 41
27 71 !
- o' j
103 10
5 2"
27 3.)
253 S3
142 53 ';
3; 7 ;
80 r.
70 40
03 S3
4 5 34
O'.t 3o
1203 -
wr,'.f UIOnUMOr CTflDT
rtiliptburg. Centre Ccccty, Pa-
"....t f 1 T TT J
StOVeE, Oilfi, PuiLtE, GlaSB, 4c,
TEE attention of SlrrLaoica. Uni'.drra, Fam
or. Lua.oeTa.r-L, and F.otot r"Dora!;T.
inritfd to the fa"t that wf arw ofiorirp a brtlor
aaaortaient of nod in our l.nv titan raj. W
fou&d clarwtior ic part of tb Slate, at
Pricei to Eit the Timet.-
Our nok eonpriaofl a wwneral ire" aif Lt ;
Toolf and Matortalf Bfrd br Ca-T-ontrr, J'iara
rmilka, Carriage and W agun ltaiort,At, aiA a
large atoek of
Jrvn, Jailt, K'r-.l, Sjules, -I'.mV?
SupfJii, SniiJicTj, , Ci.aiiS,
Griniixfonrs, Cirrvlttr, fJl
uud Crott Cut Savf,
Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubriat:r aid
Fish 0;!s,
Ad rxlifnt oortcicnt of Tin Cuiic-j, ra
ll.ri;T. TTA. L Sv Iv-l:-,
TArLlIKL, J;a2UJ:.S Ac.
TIN WAPE IN Gr.t AT YATwITy 1NP u a n u r a ciu n e.
Huurbo.d, BpTttruitiiTmK FiTnicr v& T.a.tif
loui!f t-optiu oi itif luttw! l4
Kw, Vjrrt, f tran, iltr air, Bor
and Mutt ir .aiU,
ftbd all kicd of Iram
aid Swei,
CirpfDttrf and Bb!UHt vi. find la rxrr mV
lifhrni-nt a itiot rt4 trf
Aupur. ni"tl. inp.e. Hi ax.d
ptmlir-: Aim. r.ntiTv rinw.
File. II tif f'.r-tir. H.u,
1-niifTt. Saal., C.,
tH ate, Ac
Farvtrf avd Ka'tncc riU tnd rrrtbf h
tbcir lib, and rrtranr thui aaa
had i4-wfarr.
feti. r-t"Tii.aT a:tri' if irT t-i 1 tr
lor -f -. tM.fii"Ti!r ; -rt'f r
Ann 1ut. a-nd I'a ut Mi'Vm f rirtw
ArtMi. Hit N inrm C--a. I'arniT CmIl. a it i t
Iw ltiti, Arrtir, and Caunoa l.i
lW4tt, Ac
AIT of thr above rmi III anld rhrar
rtiUipaKuT);. I'rtL I, I S.T -1
(limp (aK
TV.T i."t Im t."w r twtia a la-pr cdm.
lIorwtH, for Hire.
("" ttolip .
1 .1
"llii.p l.l.-r- that- .
qoa'.iTT of I'l.I'T '
I-, a-
iium:t m t
k! I 1
VK 11 I ,
' I 'n-1 I i...t 1--- :
v!-ll I Vl
. IVj.f i...ii1 ti c . . 1 t
t tlir Kiin f nrt "f ti. i t , tt ,
fr-TO lli n,. I5t- !-(! M I ji m. , ;
tl r- lt m. hrft 1i I c T". ( j
B. (1 1 v 1... k t
1) ki:T immk t
tt bitn.' . r. liK- 2 I ni!,t, i t.
(. :iif-. r i n i. t 4 .:-. -., . . ,
'-ii! lv d'.'Urt -..) i fc
J rtiD I t ft 1 ; 4i.i i,-,, .
urnr In Oi' . rr f
rt.i.r v m
X A hi I j
fa n
for t-t f-.or m n:i,
-f r-!iirt.' h- -t t -v
Oi icUJt.T, U. Ifcr ii! U' '1 . h- '
t-v -rJr v t i
'urjTi4.-. ' i-wf . :.
ll XL i.t.'jVh
JIE 4ft V.1L. ttTtl .4.
J. I- THOMAS A. M, Viti.iHA
20 T
i nrt L jri tua -. i
Valuable Farm for ii-
tit.. Lnr W? cr- mil
fcaae:i luf ftttc-vTa Aii '.:,.
This Way,!
run tua n m
, Fioi:r, Feed, G-Dce-s tr i Ptu
Is til bric aa . nr fcwoara m Uw
iH:L!ircri. rx
1 . .
rusi.ia.vTa. wt. tiartfura, Trrs - k - nx
! f -..-
j J, 5S t. XivLiUl
, rtr-i-r. . 1st: tm.
ill lo
Ih ---& T fcw-r tw;;
r -- ig c t. mm:
V V. i i. vo. a
lj it :
C I IT 4
tr-r- i r ta
Mi it, ..b r. tTi it. Ibjct r. . t
!!'' m t l -; Tt 7 rx i t
f-fff tr t " r--7
i r
iixb. fi ifcf ei:T ni 11712
! tsrr rirp-r Kt intfn . t-mm to",
mt tvtn ir
-: : A
iiuir i aiiry ton
wt Z5 FAIl.
Per 1. A'zuLTr
j t iMa,'. tT il. 2 r a
1 ' f ' ' 1 V JSawwa-.a. i.
1 - i .
ii t- ' ' .1 1 1 -m
7 -"r."
J.T--T -aft4 -- W-
: t L .;--- at i v ;
ll TrT i a Hi
SoJ"r'iiw-t tt' .-
'. i an "I. x-u 1- o -..-
1 ii. .... 7 ---.-. ar-" t w f
.'Ma ri 'f id l -rfc- i o. I-- i- 1 'i
, l.fa.:r tii a.,.i u j ---
j N. T.L ttwt.n.t'i..'i.!
, llit flU lrar:lr i;ir;ai r
j ta ihr I li t w. r-.
' v . 7 i- V v i -
Jtrrrit'-i 14 1 fc"l"r. !-, fjy 4 .
t'lilif- J ,V T TLi 4 . "
c. rtrnT rTt. !- x.
VT vfm r art a a
Tnr rtaj t. 4rt yrmr -- t
Tmf f;t , ....
? i0T trMJ
F r r; it, -ti 9mm t aw frxma ary -j
' JwT-T r.ktF-fc, ' M M U fKMr
Ut CJAtfc . .
A ii bt fcr ms s at imri Xm
i ft i a t i . 4 At imi , (t n m
t nitwn roil i -j. u ar ax. r---.ii
, t a. : tr T"t 'itu aa.i J ;,jt
, raTitr taT' tt t'-T-'". r rrrr &
itr an t-rrL n iv- i tx tri
T !- -par-- a :ti aavitrM. aa-4 mr
m nirt -.: tif at c : -1
- ftaa. TMl " rT frf ftr iTtfwn
la al at-H-Mir at Kaati
. ai fi i. -t t-t-k J.r :.a
Kclel for Rer.L
aV w
l & Bli- fiw: :;.f -m T-fc '
.''uhj'ii f. " cn:T y . i up 1 1- m
itr-r . 1p 1 t-t .tH i ; t-
r I i a I -
It- f-ta Id i I- H s'1 f'r-w--f i rri w
TT--tit T-"
tn.t- ' !(
i.ttist iri-nwt
V ft t;t 'It(
Tw n 5- r 11
tr-t A !-it. ar at in.t j-
in "
IT.- t
il mi Va itr ws
WW- -WW- H.
i ur