SIicfftcpuMiran. Geoiuib D. liocini and;:r, Editor. ""clear n el d , a . Thursday Morning, Oct. 3, 1CG7. Democratic State Ticket. JUDGE IT TI1K Sl'lMlF.MK CIU'HT, HOS. GEOLGE SHAESWOOD, OP I'llll.APPI .1-111 A . Democratic District Ticket. ASSKM iil.Y, TIIO.1. J. McCC'tl.OUGII. or ci.-.Alirlcl.n coi-vty. Democratic County Ticket. FIIFRIFF, CYREIll1 HOWE, Of IVcattir township. TIIEASURKR, W.1L1.IAM K. VY IIIC1EY, Of Bradford township. DIKTUIIT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM M., 0' Clearllcld borough. COMMISSIONER, OT11 ICLLO SM HAD, Of Murnsida township. JL'RY COMMICKIONKR, RICHARD K. ELLIS, Of Bill towmhip. AUDITOR, Cl.AKK BROWN, Of Lawrcnr township. CORONER, XAMF.M A. MOORE, Of Clearfield borouirh. Take Notice. The man tliat refu ges to vote the .Democratic ticket on Tuesday next, deliberately seeks po litical damnation, if not another rebel lion. Every man that reveres and fully appreciates the Union of these Stat?s and loves his noighbor as himsolf, does hiniBelf and his kindred a great wrong if he fails to cast his voto, on Tuesday noxt, for the nominees of the Democratic party. Citizens of Clearh'eld county, re member on Tuesday next that every nominee of the Blac k republican par ty it pledged to negro sullVage. Thoir nominee fur Supremo Judge, llenry Vf. Williams, is pledged upon this point. Hence, every one opposed to this infamous political heresy must VOle for llio Djmoorntio nominees. The "loyalists" of K nun as are great ly demoralized. They havo got negro suffrage, female suffrage, a prohibitory liijuor law, find a Sunday law, on Lands; nnd upon this multiplicity of "moral ideas" lliey have split. Tho dose is too great. Tlio reformation is too gigantic, unci is likely to break the loyal machine down. All these crnzy projects arc to bo incorporated into their i.ew Constitution. Iflhore were a few nioro fools in tho party in Pennsylvania, wo would have the fame chalice presented to our lips. Those voters who are in favor of paying bondholders one hundred and twinty million dollars nnnuully for intercut, and paying tho negro bu reHmtus fliy millions more to raise ntgro voters, will of course voto for the Kaili' al nominees. Those, however, who wish to save llus one hundred and seventy mil lions, and apply it to paying off tho nulioual debt, will voto the I'omo crntic ticket, and in this way, in a lew years, escape the unmerciful rob beries to which they are subjeclod, in the shspe of taxation. Attfntmn ! Every Democrat who, on Tuesday next, either through neg ligence or design, absents himself from the polls, commits a groat wrong. He deliberately sins against "Virtue, Liberty and Independence," and may thereby entail a scourgo upon his country more terrible in its effects than the cholera. This disease miibt crcato more nUrm, but its ravages would bo no more blighting to tho industrial pursuits of the country than radicalism has proven to be. Bank ruptcy stares us in tho fuce, and we may stay its progress by turning out those who daily rob the people, and put in their stead the "old Union savers." "Loyal Ntumrtrriug." Loyaty in this country assumes asj many hues as the rainbow, and boasts j as vehemently of virtue and honesty as any female fishmonger. Wo pro poso to introduco to our readers two well known characters, by way of illustration, the first a first-class "loy alist," and tho other a "Copperhead." It is aid that John Doo sold 82,000 gold whun it wuh C-2.50, and thereby realized fiat, thousand dolLirs in green backs; ho took theso greenbacks and bought of Mr. Chaso a 85,000 5-20 Uuitud Statos bond, bearing gold in terest, which yicds him now, with gold at f 1.45, four hundred and twenty- fivt dollars, boing about TWENTY- ONE pur cont. on his original invest ment, and no taxes to pay. Kichurd Roe also had f 2,000 in gold, and about tho time Mr. lou invested in untaxed bonds, he purchased a small farm with his gold. After tho greenback mill got fully under way, Mr. Roe's farm began to rise in value, and tho assessor came to tho conclu sion that it was worth 85,000 too ; an down it wont on his duplicate. In about four months the collector camo around for tho tax. lie called at Mr. Doc's, but, upon examination, found he was only taxed for a small house, and lot, which amounted to but 8-5. 50. He next passed to Mr. Roe's, and upon opening his duplicate, found him taxed with a farm valuod at 85,000 as fol lows: county tax. 850; bounty, 8100; relief, ?20; road, 850; school, 10; State, 815 total, 8315. Thus it will be seen that while tho farmer, Richard Roo, paid three hun dred and fifteen dollars, to sustain the government, John Doo, the loyal bond holder, was hammering at the Treasury door every six mouths for his interest, and actually noiuiKD tho government, in tho "hour of its extremity," tit four hundred and twenty dollars annually. W ho, we ask, is tho patriot? Mr. Doo, who is robbing his country annually of tiventy-one per cont, or Mr. Roo, who contributes sixteen per cent, to its support ? It is evident, from this viow cf tho case, that somebody's patriotism is a little liko tho Yankco vomnn's religion : "It will do to livo by, but it would bo of doubtful utility for dying purposes." What wo havo bore set forth is daily transpiring- in every neighborhood. Whoncver you hear a mnn boast of his support of tho government, and roundly abusing rebels and copper heads, set him down as ono of the tribo who aro daily robbing tho Trea sury at -the rate of twenty-one per cent, per annum. Taxation, at tho rata of sixteen per cent, for farmers, mechanics and luboring men ; and in terest, at the rate of twenty-one per cent., and no taxes, for tho loyal bond holders! That is tho way tho present ' loyal" party administer affairs rob with both hands, and render them selves hoarso in declaiming against "copperheads." Wo hope tho peoplo will soon got their eyes open. IVi II Hrpri.fiifion T On tho 17th day vt July, 101, an art was passed authorizing a "nation al loan and for other purposes," and acting under the provisions of that law rtho subscription agent of tho eovornment issued jtroimsnls for the Now National Loan, bearing interest at tho rate of seven ami Ihroo-tonlhs per ion t. pur annum. Tho annoiincu mont wus made that "pursuant to in structions form tho Secretary of tho Treasury ," theso evideucos of indebt edness should bu in tho shape of notes redeemable at the end of threo years in gold, und that tho inlercbt would bo puyablo semi-annually, at the Mint, also in gold. Holders had tho option at tho timo thoir bonds ma tured, of converting them into six per cont. gol bearing bonds, having twenty years to run. This was a plain contract, and theso seven-thirties, as thoy were styled, wero tho lirst application mado by tho govern ment to the people fur a loan. For two and a hull' years tho interest was promptly paid in gold. Hut at the ditto of maturity, in 101, pyamont of the principal was declined, and also of the interest remaining duo on the same, except on condition that the principal would bo taken in legal lenuer nutn, tueu nv b uifeuuui ui from fitly to sixty porceut., as com pared with gold. An application to tho Treasury Department for redress was cavalierly responded to (despite the solemnly pledged faith of tho na tion) by tho Assistant Secretary, who said that these seven-thirties wero " considered on a parity with all the " temporary loans of tho govornmont, " all of w hich it has boon the settled " custom of this Department to pay in " in lawful money." This is a plain statement of tho facts, and wo give them without noto or comment. We leave off as we bo gan, with tho query, "Wus it Repudi ation?" and if tho answer is in tho answer is in- the afllnnativo, as tliia was done under Radical rulo, "Who aro tho repudiutors?" Age, Male Mixtion tlrtvm for iS6i ttul tnm. We reprodnca iho official rotunis of tho elections held in this State for President and Governor, In 1804 end 1H0IS, which is always interesting in making comparisons: School Itlr triors' t'onrfnllon. In accordance with notice published by tho County Supcriiilciidont, the Convention of Director mot in tho Prothonoliry's ollice, in the borough HHtxc flvcrtiscmrnts. COVXTIKcV PH EST, 1M1. 5" (IOV., ls6. A Remarkable Pamphlet. David Paul Brown, tho oldest and ablest lawj-er of tho Phi'aiielphia bar a life-long Abolitionist and a thorough Republican has just issued a pam phlet of ten pages, entitled "The Press, tho Politicians, the People, and the Judiciary." Tbo following is the closing paragraph of his able review of the qualifications of Sharswood and Williams : la conclusion, allow me to say (hut for the reasons suggested, 1 shall Tnle for Judge flhara wood. lu doing no 1 do not feel thnt I shall com promise ni.T irlli,-ijl' as a MnrouoA nahonnf re publican in aetina olaerieise, I should enrrv with ni the consciousness of doing injustice to a meri torioiu nan, and of inflictius: a causeless ami i careless wound upon Ilia purity, permanency and integrity of the Judiciary. My term. of lite i short, but the lessons ot thie day raupt laat In thair prrniciom and corrupt influence ntilo the latest poite'-ily. Let the people, then, think of tin, do what tliey nohere u he riKht, nnd iitnnd firm) by Ib.-ir moral ni welt eMh'ir political faith. JJAVll) PAI L I1ROWN William Johnston, of Altoona, who was convicted in tbo U. S. Court at Pittsburg, several months ago, for doaling in counterfeit money, has been sent to tho Penitentiary for sev en years. Ho is now 65 years of ago, surrounded by a largo, respectable and influential circle of kinsmen. To end tho "winter of lifo" in tho Peni tentiary is truly horrible ; but such is the fa to of violators of the law. VtAS Mr. R. G. Horton, one of the editors and proprietors of the cw Tork Day Book, died at Dobb's Ferry, near that city, of congestion of tho lungs, on tho 22d. His death was sadden and unexpected. Many of our readers aro familiar with tho writings of Mr. Horton. Ho was an eariicet llemocral, and in bis writings and through the columns of tbo Ihy Book, was perhs) ahead of all his competitors in fighting the battles of Democracy. In addition to hisedito rinl labors, Mr Horton was the author of iwveral publications a "Lifo of James Buchanan," a "History of the Tammany Society," and a "Youths History of the Great Civil War," which has had such a large circula tion. Ho was also an active aud roulou member of tho Slate Right Sorety, a committee of which atcom pauicd hi remain to Fishkill, where What Stupidity, Some pooplc have a profound respect for tho operators of tho money mar ket, and fancy that they aro tho shrewdest of all political calculators. This notion may bo well founded, as repards political events in the Old World, for governments are thore confined to such fow hands, and tho intrigue, and influence of individuals aro so important, that a moneyed class, who aro largoly interested in tho results, may tako especial means to ptisl themselves. But it is not on ly uutruo as regards this country, whero tho masses rulo, but, on tho contrary, the moneyed classscs, or, at all ovcnls. tho speculative interests, aro tho least intelligent and tho least likely of all clasces to comprehend the potlilical future. And nover be fore was this truth so palpable as at tins moment. Ilia ton d holding in toresl are fearful tlmtiif tho "rebels' and Copperheads coi(io into power they will repudiate the tmhliu debt, und therefore they stand by tha "Rad icals. It scorns to them, no doubt, good logic ; the "rebels and Copper heads, that is, tne south umtcl Willi northern Uemocracv, cutting into lower, will rcstoro the constitutional union, thut for which half a million ofnortheners are supposed to have died, and such restoration naturally involves mo rcpuiuuiinii ana oblitera tion of all that tho "Radicals' havo done for tho past seven years. And to prevent this tho bondholders and tho Mongrels aro so utterly ruining tho country, that it must become as incHpr,b!o of paying anything what ever, as Mexico, Central Amorica, Ja maica, as all tha countries south of us, from exactly tbo samo causes. What blind and miserable fools I Tho "rebels" und Copperheads in powor will restore the grand old Union, with it magnificent prosperity, ami give 8(11110 chance at nil events to pay tho debt, or a portion of it; but if the bondholders persist in supporting the madmen iu power, they must loose all of course, for tho county itself must bo ruined. Day Book. Green-hack for the Bomiuolleks. OeorfTf II. PrnclU-lon, in demanding that the Government phall pay it, dehlp arrnrdiujr to the term of it contract, doei not 'iuk like a yillain." Ckirato Timet. Hut he doee "Ulk like a villain" wliun ho pro- Jul"' to hove a couple of biltiont of irredeemable .lunplnMcr nialiuliirtiireo, aud lorerd upon tin' bnldi-rl of the hational obligation! in exchange therefor. t'A.'coya 2'ribun: Have a care how you talk, Mr. Tribune, or you will bo guilty of "dis loyal practices." Jf it is "villainous" in Mr. l'endloton to advanco such propositions, what shall bo said of tho decision of thoso Court who have beid that A making a contract with H to pay him in gold, can discharge tho obligation by a tender of green backs? I not that moral which holds the Government to tho literal fulfil ment of it contracts applicable to in dividual also ? .S'(. Jjouis liepublican. TARUoNEn. Tho President has par doned Stephen R. Mallory, late Secre tary of tbo Confederato Navy. Mr. Mallory was tho only member of Mr. Davis's Cabinet that surrendered. Hi pardon was urged by Governors, Senatois, member of Congress, and a largo numbor of members of Stato Legislatures. It is suid also that a largo number of petitions aro now before tha President asking the par don of Alexander H. Stephens. Adann - Allegheny Armalrong ltooteer - - . Hedlord - Hoiks lilair Bradford -Hur.ka - - -Hullnr - - Cambria - f'amnron -Ctirboii - - - Ontre - - -Chester - Clarion ClearHld -Clinton - Columbia -Crawford Cumlwrl'd Dauphin l'eluware Klk Kno - - Knyelfe rrsnklia KulUiQ - 'ores I - - (ireen - - HuntioK'ri Indiana - -I JelfHraon - Joniuta Lnoater -I Lawrence Lebanon -- Leumb Luzerne - -j Lvcoming- McKean - -Mercer - - -Milllin - - Monro - Montgnmy Monlour - Norlliam'n Northum'd Perry - - Pliilsclel'a I'lke-- Potter Schuylkill. Snyder Sosnereet - Hullivan Suaquehs'a I logs - Union - Venango Warren Waahingtn Wavne Weatmor'd Wyotniug York - - - Total 3, 01 111 1-2.4141 i m 2.7521 1 :-t.2"t-' 2.CMI 3.H07 7. 3.15 2.M7 3,030 3.3'.U! 5 J7 2 K3' 2 HH' 2.135 S.i7 4.61:6. 4..1H .4,220! 2,145 , K15 3.722 4,120 3.H2l HOC, 62 3.074 2.477 2.19' 1.K77 1,75.11 H. 44K I. 3WI 2,77'J 5.U20 10.045 4,207 052 3,5(i!i 1.71s 209sl 7.04.11 1.4 CU44 3 Col 2 44i 4.0.l-jj l.imi; 6sil 0,04o , l .'it;, 1 no GGOl 2.MII 1.5S41 1.3521 3.341 1.5(15 4.47'M 3 9Ki! 5.'.)7 1.4H2 8,500 2.CI2 21.5101 3.62bi 3,237 2 3301 0.7 ml 3,202! 6. sit;. I 6,4,'lf. 3 475 2,244 2.M7 H A IU1 I'M)! r o It ! 1.S10I l.WMil 1UU C.44I 3.0O4 5.4 III 3.0l'.4l 34K cut i 3,221 3,K02 004, Hi. 1.5K3 3..121 4,320 1.H20 1.4371 l4,4(V.l 3.40M 3.7Mi 3.'J0k; 7 C4.V 3.4(i! 7117 4 221 1.64:i t;5 6.K72i 1.130 3.720 2.9151 2.40i', 65,707; 2Ui 1.30OI 7.S51 1.07'Jl 2.7SS Itiol 4,203' 4.0731 l.45! 3 H4'. 2.5411 4l5li 2,274) 4.05H. 1.337' 5.501-1 3.121' 12 70V 3.07s 2.3h5 2.K35I 13.2xk' 2 TOh ao-.n1 7 3-.Hij 3.001 3,20)i 20; 2.3J'.i 3.505 0.221 2.M3 2.7W 2,33 3,5h3! 4,9001 STIIAV IIOiCama trepaain( on tht pre nUai of lha aubieribar. In t'hett loan hip, oinailina In It it April, a W1IITK IIOI1, tutpoe t to ba about una year old. The owner Of Clearfield, On Tuesday, tho 24th of !1 hereb, noMSed to pro., pmpsrljr. paj ' ' 1 1 1. - - - Mill k. .M Mrci.ritinv le September, IHIi, . On motion lion. John 1). J tiompson and uka It away, ir it will be tolrl aecoritinc to al.pdj J A el S3 I lillKY. )Mt5IKTIUI'lW'H WOTICK Notiea aw. (oeis Ii barely (Iren that lettera of Adminlatra- lion, on taa aeuta ot ftitr, uamuiiini, deeeated, lata of Bojj towmhip, Clearlleld eoonty, l'a., harln been duly granted to the undonigned, all peraoni Indebted to aald ae tata will plraie make payment, ana tneaa nanny wus chosen Prosidenl, and J. M. ltoss Secretary. Tho several districts being called by tho Secretary, tbo following were represented: Heccaria. Fred'k Short"; Bradford, Jno. J. Kyler, Scott Fh'gnl ; ; ,Kma sr demamli will preient tbem for aatlle Brady, James lrvin, deorge l. Kirk ; Buniside, James Piddle ; Clenrlield borough, T. J. McCullough, Geo. W. Goarhart, D. F. Etzwuiler; Curwens villo borough, John 1. Thompson, A. 11. tiein bower, William lrvin ; Fergu- Barnabas Armstrong: Goshen, ltu' M3rrriijraifsts. STORE 4,507 4 3H1 2,202! 910 3.951 4,:.v.)j 4.100, 1,055 70 3,230' 1.9121 1,II4i 8,592 1.410 2,090 5 731 12 37 3.757 l35i 2.000, 8 342 1 52. C.870, 3.820 2.405! 4S.817, 1.IIM4' 020 10614 1.3201 1,7591 "01 2.981! 1.02s i7; 3 402 1.572 4.712 2 883 Oil! 1.490 8.780 6,3J0,2JG3'.i :o0.09tj'3O7,"74 .111 rt-ew' I 1 w-O M.ij.irUy, J 2jO075, j 17 178 Notwithstanding the lies put forth by the "loyal" press, tho Democrats will elect tho United States Senator in California. They havo a majority of twenty on joint ballot in the new Legislature. Tho Radicals had sixty majority in tho old body. Let tho Democrat of Pennsylvania romembor this fact, and follow tho example of California at tbo coming election Thoso who favor the present system of excessiv taxation, stamps, and the daily robberies of tho State ami Xa- lional Treasuries by tho regiments of ,n . 1. .1 I 1 . : n 1 . . I . , I havo boon to all the expense, that ha will of course voto tbo ticket put forth ; hnnn iiii.iivrn,! in 1,.. 1.. and in procuring it Tin Atlantic andGrkat Western. Wo aro gratified to announce that the jirnject of completing tho Atlan tic A Great Western P. It. ha not been and will not be abandoned by its projectors. In fact the men who by tho Treasury plunderers. Whilo those opposed to this system of confis cation, will of course voto for Democ racy and Union. Bi.ia-D. Those mammon worship er, who havo their pockets atufli-d with bonds, and at tho snme timo Hiisiain and vole for tho Thad. Slo ven programme, court financial ruin ; bocause the success of that Padical faction will produco bankruptcy, mor- for that road charter, give the most solemn assuran-ci-s,that work on it will be commenced by tho 1st of JnnolSOS. Mi-Henry, tho l'.nglish capitalist is now in New York, muking preparation to havo the whole rout completed in tho shortest time possible, and Judge Barrett, who conversed with him on the 18th hint , tolls us lhatthero is no doubt nl all, but the cnterpriso will bo carried out at once. Wo only hope that there may be no more delay about the matter. BcUrfante ( Watehman, . Jlodtl Judfr. Tho Press 1 daily delighting it "in telligent uhacriptionlist" w ith scraps tmm th Keportt ot the Supreme Court, to show tbo surpassing ability ofJudga William. For instanco, it yesterday published tho following, and on tho strength of such an ap peal beg vote for its "nutmeg can didate ; In Campbell vn. Laenek, 4 Wright, 41 (IHII.) lion. Ilenrr W. Will. anil delivertd an elaborate opinion upon queatiuna of law roeeried. 1 be Su preme Court, in a per eartuat (Lowria, C. J..) opil'ion, atlirmefl the tutlentelil, payinc: inir jiuitftnent aeeini to n fully jurtified by tho npirAon of tbe Icai ncd ju.ljro bolow, and we do not repeal liia ar(;uinrnt." Unfortunately for our eotomporary and its favorite candidate, there is a rci'iTM to this pleasing picture. In tbo samo volume that contains the above, "tho Judgo" wns rathor rough ly dealt wi-.h by the Court. In the case of tho borough of Birmingham vs. Anderson, 4 Wright, MM, Judgo Willisms was rrrersed, by tho Supreme Court, and, although they decided the law for him, he was so stolid, that, when the cae camo up again beforo hint, he committed tho samo error, and iras reversed a second time, Judgn Bead, his own partisan, saying, "The " Judgo appears to have retained to " a great extent tbo view of tho plan " winch on tho former trial induced " him to reject it" 12 Wright, 2(10. Now, that would bo agrecablo read ing for tho subscribers to tho Press, if our contemporary could only bo induced to publish it. Age. Important A rii est or Coi'ktkhfmt- F.Rfl. Doctor M. V.Garman,NatKcn-J ny, and a Miss Caroline Heron, were arrested in Philadelphia on tho 27th ult., on a charge of manufacturing counterfeit bank note. Tho oflicer also seized twenty two thousand five hundred dollars ot finished notes, and a hundred thousand dollars of unfin ished notes. They also captured tho plates for printing notes on tho Fourth National Bank of New York city, and fifty cent fractional currency, together with tho presses, inks, Kc. Since tho arrest of Dr. Gurman, it has been as ccrtainod that he had a contract to supply notes on tho First National Bank of our city, to be executed next week. Garman is supposed to bo tho man who first issued counterfeit frac tional currency note Tho parties had a hearing beforo the United States Commissioner and were fully commit ted. It i said that the Doctor has issued more than ton million dollars in his time. ' Ho i a capital workman There ia no accounting for the drift in which some men's minds run. Tho other day a farmer in Missouri, on being asked tho number of bis chil dren, hesitated, and referred the ques tion to hi wife, and sho replied ton ; but when, in tho conrse of conversa tion, the fanner was asked as to tho number of hog ho possessed, ho ro pliod promptly, "seventy-ono." An Irish lawyer addressed tho court as gentlemen, instead of your honors. After he bad concluded, a brother of tbo bar reminded him of hi error, lie immediately rog to apologia, thus : "May it ploaae the court, iu tho heat of tho debute I called your Hon ors gentleman. 1 mado a mistake, and beg your pardon." Olympia Brown did not fascinate an Omaha editor, who calls her a "weather bonten, eross grained, sour, snappish, fanatical, crabbed, skinny, John Wilherow; Kiirthaus, F.dward McGarvey, I. C. McClonkcy; Law rence, 11. Oit, Joseph Owens, W. P. IJced, Hubert Wrih-v; Lumber City borough, Anthony ILIe, J. M. Boss; I'onn, Grier Bell Union, David Wt-1-ty. David Dressier. On motion Thomas J. McCullough, tho Chairman of tho Committee on a uniform series of text books for com mon schools, was called upou for bis report. Mr. McCullough camo for ward and submitted tho following: To the Prt'Hiilent and IMrectore of tha Clearfield eoumy Eduratioual Convention: (lenlleinen i The undesigned Committee ap pointed to examine and report to your Convention a uniform aeriee of arhool louki to be uacd in the eominon eclioola of Clearfield eounty, kl leave to report: That after live monthl laleirin eiauiiuinfr book, and from time to time ooneulting with tboae who are practically acquainted with the educa tional tntereet of Clearfield eounty, and baring bad at heart during our labors the iulereit of edu cation, we led that wa are bow alKut to perform the lout and important duly auigncd ni, namely, to report to you the rerult of our great latntri : aud in doing ao wa feel that we have, to tha beet of our ability, made -select ion of the beet aeriee, sev erally, that wa were able to fiud, and feel that the book selected will meet the entire wants ot tne (people, heretofore so much felt. We, therefore, preeent for your consideration and adoption the following : I. Parker k Watron a Fpellera. 3. I'arker A Waison's Headers. 3. ensmith'l IJralninara. 4. Warren's Geographies, Common r-ehool and Physical. ft. HnN.ks's Arithmetics. . ltay'a Algebra. 7. l'aeou, k ru'riliner's Penmanship. S. Payson, Punton A henbuer's Bookkeeping, Common School. V. llounor's Astronomy, Common Fchool. In. Alliens Citisen's Mauual. II. tioodrkh's t'nitrd pistes II irtory, Common School. 12. Cutler's Physiology. 1:1. Fennau t-heppard's First Book on the Con solution. 14. Familiar Peicnee be Patterson. 16. Hooker's Natural Philosophy, Com. School. in. luackcnbu s lwietorie. 17. Apjfar'e OeograpbieeJ Prawing Dook. 1-. Wcl.ster's Pictionaries. The above named books, or series of book", are those, in our opinion, which are fitted and abso lutely necessary for the enreees of education, and thai they bare gme through with the labors, whih were great, for the good of the cause, and for no other would tbey have attempted to do ao great and hurlhciiaoiue a tak. All which Is respectfully sul-tnittfl. Tlli'MAK j. Mct'l l.l.CM'nlt, hairnmn. After tho reading of the report of the Coin in it U-o on text books, a mo tion wa msdo to adopt tho several series reported for tho use of tho com mon school in this county, which motion wa seconded, when tho Sec retary called the name of tho Direct or present, which resulted in the adoption of tho same by a voto of 2,r for and four against; this being a majority in favor it was declared thut tho booki reported wero adopted. , On motion a vote of thanks wns tendered to tho Commiltco lor their untiring labor. On motion a coinmitto of three woro appointed to confer with the Publishing Houses, and to superin tend the introduction of tho hooks, and also, us soon as possible, publish the introduction rales of book for the term of six month from this date. Convention adjourned. J. D. THOMPSON, Tres't. J. M. Boss, Secretary. meet without delay. rAMl'EL A. CALDWELL, eet.l.fjl pd. Administrator. ItMC A 1.1- The undersigned will offer for sale, at his residence, in Hradfird nsbip.ou FlllPAV.OCTODKH 1 Hn, le7. tne following personal properly, to wit: a eows, II head of young eattle, 4i sbeep. 13 head of hogs, 1 four-horse wagon, 1 two horse wagon, 1 ligbt watron, 1 log sleds, 1 long slid, ep reads, S cable chams, log grabs, 1 wind mill, 1 (odder eutter, 2 grain cradles, pulley and ropes, raiting tools, 6 pair bedsteads, 1 bureau, 2 tallies, 14 cnairs, 1 ten plate stove, 1 stone-coal stove and pipe, disbes, 1 copper kettle, I iron kettle, and other articles too numerous to mention. Hale to eomnieoce at V o'cio' k. a. va.. on mid day, when terms and condi tions of sale will be made knowu by 2i A. P. Ii AUGER. I-stiilies' Fancy FurV, AT JOHN FAEEIEA'S Old KutaWiibeJ Fur Manufactory, Ko. 718 Altril Bt., abort Cerent U, l'liilvdlpbiav. Have dow in hit ilore.or my own JmportaU.uo and Ft Manufacture, on of tbe laxjcrit ud nofft btmutiful T n- J-tCS selections of I 'aiicy Fura ---X' for Udies- ud Children's ' " " wear in tha city. Also, a fine assortment of Qent's Fur Gloras and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and 1 would therefore solicit a call from my mends of CIcarneld county and vicinity. Kemembcr tbe naiae, nuraocr and street. John i-akliha, Ko. 71S Arch Street, above 7th, south side, oct3-4ni Philadelphia, l'a. lb Duly Democratic Mapaxlne Published lu tae I u ilea Rtatca. THE' OLD GUARD. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Devoted to Literature, rVienee and Art, and the Political Principlca of 1776 aud lTe". e. caacactr area, iniroa. Tiaaa cisa n itivnca. On copy, an year $3 00 Two pies H a 60 Four copies-. 10 00 Ftv copies, and on to tbe fetter-up of tb club.. 14 to Tea copies, and on to tht gelter-up of tb club 24 00 Twenty copies, and on to tb getter-up of lbs club 4i 00 fc'ew Mubarrlber A Bare Chance. All who bar n"t yet subscribed for Tai 0l (it sRD for 1S67, should do to, and get tha back numbers, containing lh new and popular novel by V'aa. uilmor Siaoms and John Eston Cooka't graphic battle pirturet. To very nw subscrib er, sanding as $'i for one year's subscription, w will send a copy of tha larg ate! plat portrait of cilbcr Htouewall Jaeksoo or Lee , as th sub teribsr may dirtet, at tbe time of tubacfibtog. These portraits arc 1Vi2I iocbes, and angraved in th best ttyl of tb art, and retail for $1 t0 each, t'peeimen eepiet of th Magarln cent, postpaid, to alt desiting la eaamina bvlcr tab- icf'tiiir. er to g! up cl!,. for Stie. Adureaa VAN tVHHK. IIOKT0N k Co., Publishers, ori:t 41 No. It, .Naseaa ttreei, New Tork. r- For sale at the Post Office. SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, ti. Dry Goods I Dry Goods! Dry Goods I Dry Goods! DRESS GOODS 4 TPJMilIX(jS: Cloths, Cassimeres, TweedB & Vestisp, Shaker, Optra, Dreis, Efalrting, Red, t'M, low as Wblta FLAKKEL3. Bleached and nntleaebed lltSLIN'S, i t widths and qnallaei. TABLE LIXE.V, TOWELS A KAPKBl, HOOP k BALMORAL SKIRT; In great variety. SHAWLS A WOOLEN GOODS IS tXU: STYLE. Ladies' Coats, Gentlemen's Trisii mg Goods, Threads and Sawing Bilk, all kinds aid sties; Window Shades, Floor and Table 0i!C1 tk,, Cards, Taatels, Hugs an Coanttrputl, Gloves, liosiery, Collars, Cuffi, hib, bom, Braids, and an tndlttt variety of small wares aal fancy articles. LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDBED BUOES, A LARGE ASSOHTMEXI. AU of which will b sold M&-LOW FOE CASU.-n Call and siamins anrstack.befor asakkim purchases slsewtere, as w feel assured tks;, oaa pla la k-otk quality and pricat. It will bt our aim to make tht "Keyiunr' . proper plan to bay Dry Goods. XIVLIXG 4 SUOWElo ClearSeld, Bept. 2t, 'OT if FALL GOODS'. Aa rao vtn Ton rniLaDiLrgu. Cheap aa the (heapeat and Coal. Uie Beat. C. KHATZER & SOT, Have Jntt reoeived, and art opeaici, tt i. Old Stand ot) Front etrt, abort t Academy, a large and well at- leeted astrunnt of SEASONABLE CO0C; which they art telling at Tery low rstei Read the following catalogue, and profit thr : V i against rtiin-haBinr or io anv war rned, Hint U Willi one S4,m-I llnrar and one liar .Mare now in I N? t he posse Pion of John 1). and pimuel M, Kitchen, ..f lirn.,,l ,.n.),. .. ,i.. I-,..... .... , t; I ' - w , and arc left with then, on l.ian sul jeet t our order. Mc.Ml HltAV A MITCUELU Kcw Washington, r-ipt. ?tl, l7.:ti. (1 M:TIO. All perrons an- hereby cautioned ) airainst t-nn-bastnc or trading for a eer'ain 1'HO.MlSSllKV Mil K, given bythe undersigned to an, Evans, dated February ?tl, I ,. at one or two months, calling for tiiirty-two dollars nn-l some cents, as 1 am determined not to pay tbe name unless compelled by law, not having received val ne fr the same. JllllN K. lilAHIM. llurni,le tp., tv'pl. SD. 1 -pil "Do lut me liuvo your pliolorn)ili," unitl s (laaliiiifr bolio to a genlli-mnri who Imd l)i-ci) ni)oyiiig her with hi atti-nli'.ins. Tho p-iillemiin wa tlo lilitcd, und in a short timo tho l.-uly ncoivi-il tho jiicluro. She fjiiv it to the servant, with the question, "Would you know tho original if ho should call?" Tlio servant roidied in tho .! Ilrinnlivo. "Well, whonovcr ho come, loll him 1 am cng'tgi-d." When John L. lawson moved in CoiiKfe to pay tho soldier in pold or its equivalent the iUdieal voted down tho liroiiobition. AVhen a num ber of lieiiiocrnt in our Ijepinlalurc did the snme thing, it wa voted down, over and over nnin, by tho Radicals. Tho liudical policy wn thou and in now rjnhl for bondholder; paper for the poo ilo. . Tub Test. Every man that, on Tuesday next, ;ast hi ballot for tho negro bureau candidate, votes for ne-jro sufTVago. A Tho statement of tho public debt for October, show that it has been increased ilurini' September. At the Ward House, in Tyrone. Pa., on the 54th of Hcpletulier, lSf7, by Iter. C. A. Future, Mr. C. J. PHOFF.of CIcarfieldeoiiniy.tolVtissANME E. OLASSliOW, of Cambria county. On September 19, lr)7, at the bouse of the bride's father, by Rev. Jaunt lli tvrra, Mr. REOHliE L. WAV, of Curwensvllla, to Miss ELMIHA DICK, of Wayne, Clinton countv. Pa. 1 (11.0THI y Vesta lo the liK.Miil llATIC ALMANAC. Onlv cents. Kverv voter should have nne. tf. MLOTHINtl f'assiiner suits, Costs. Psnts and , mntch. floe blacli drcs t'.iats. Itcnver Oveeeoaia, tlnvs' Clotblog lust received at J. 1'. KHA'i .HII S. SHAW1.M A large stK-k of Woolen havl sel ling , ill at cost, at J. P. f. "I LANK KTS Fine White lllanketa, Coverlits, 9 Army Blankets, and Horse Mnnket". at J. P. MtATZUrf. Hotel for Rent. rpile nsdaraigned now offert fot rent the well. L known ho'.el formerly kept by lease Blooas. Km., deceased, aituatc in tb central part of the boriugh of Curwrnsrille. Postcasioa will be given en tht first of November. If desired. It will be rented cither wHh or without tht Furni ture. For further particular enui-c oa lb premises, or address th undersigned by letter. kins, lb A II BLOOM. Cnrwen'Tllle. Frpt. 36. 1 d T -tf. ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH ! scK.Mrii! scRMrmt fiCKATni::: lit from IO to 44 llonr, Whe iton't Oinlmrnt curei Tb 1Kb. Whisfttun'f Ointtnrnt rurei SU Kbeum. Whptioii'f Oirtmfiil curtt Tettfr. Whfvnton't OiDtrarnt ruri Bitrbtri' Itch. V'heittftn't Ointment euri Old Kret. WhettoD'a Ointfoent cures Errj kind of Humor like Magic. Fries 50 pent it boi j hy mi it, ftfl cunt. A (id rent WEEKS POTTER. Ko 170 Wah- inpton fltroet, Dun ton, Mim. For taU by Hart nick A lrvin. and hj all DnifrgirU. .'17-Iy Origin and History of the Books of the Bible. BT ritor. CALTIH I. HTOW1, D. P. WORK of ran a!ut and an aim out ttidtt. peofahlv com nan inn of tha Jtible, tbowinc wLal tbo llible if mt, whal it li, and how to ma it; anrtwerinpf all tha obUctinn to ita autbenti cil urged hr modem irfldeta. and tracing tha authority of aach book n to ita Inninred authors, Ririnn a tmi amount of infpraatl"n beratufora locked up in Terr rar and ccttljr Tolome. mak ing on of tha moat popular books aver public bed l(HH Afrrnta aiitcri Kineritnoed agenti clergymen, ladies, arbool teachers and otbere should tend at onra for circular! giving further inioruiauon. Addresa, ZEIULKR, MeCCRDY A Co., pep?!. 4m 5i'l CbeVnnt st Vhil'a, Ta Teachers' Examinations. Vl'l'IslCAMS for i.-h-le In ('loarftcld Co.. will meet at tbe f.-Howing namM plarrn, at V u i.lork, A. M.: Cotitictim ami karthau, ttct. 4. at the I nii.ft soIkmiI houe, in C;tviiigiim ; (iirarti, and t.o'ben, on tbe ath, at Hbawsrilrt; Law. rtnri, on the 7th, at the fohrx.t house near Jiidgo I filrj'n, one fourth i!o ertuth-oakt of Ocarlirlii; IVnu, I.utiiteer City and Ferguson, nn thr hih, at Lsuinlter ( ity i Irll, on the Vth, at No. 1 m-hoo, htusf, near J. F. 1-rcs'; New Vnbn.gtnn and t'b-st,on the loth. at New)rrg ; Jordan and Knoi, on the lltb, at Ansit;uillf; lticara, nn the iLMb, at tllen Hope; (iulich, on tbe .laneiinDe; Woodward, un the I jtb, at I hotnas HcndcrKon i ; I'Oratur and Owmla, un the loth, at the Ontre school Mouse; t.rshsm and Morris, un tbe 17th, at K vtertown: 1tralford and Hradford, f Iiid..l on the Wilhams Mrnrc; Hoggs, on the lrih,at MoncYillr; Huston and Fox, on the list, at lVnn field : In ion, on the 2'mV, at KoaAnm ; Hrnly and llltKtm, on the 34ih, at leuthentt tug. tiKO. W. SNYDKU. j.?6 !U Co. Supehntrndeitt. VI I.ITOItf H K l"4 R T. W a, theAiidit ors of til Mi ll township, (.'Irartirldemmty, v examined the sivmu'Io o H. AMrmon, 1 n a sTfr "f tinlii'h S.lmol h.-trirt, in relation to the Itounty Fund of naid townttiiip. and find tiiat aaid 1 rvanurvr atiiiidii vbarrd as loiiowst via: To oah wrived from Countv Treaitn"r, $1 .ftHl Js To oa-h roocirtil from town-hip onllrftnr, 7.10 no To Judgment agaimu township oolleotor, 3(t tf) Especial paint baa bean taken is 'I -selection of Ladies Ore Ooodi. whit ' Ofods, Km broideries .Millinery Qvt.4' Knots, Karcbivfs, ubis, Olores. i? . FOR GENTLEMEN. i; Always an band black Cloths Fibct - and Hlach Casftnaerea, Battneta. eti. heady al&d Clot in g ol all kindi ; - BOOTS ASD SHOES. NECKTIES. and variety of other articles. wfcisV - tbey wlllftli at a email advance oiaott.i . 3nia?s5..trH Oarfi. !: Particular attention it Invited to tber - slock of Carpets, Cottefre, eommoa In ' ' rrain, tuperfint Eiiglii lugraia aid Mrnasela, Floor and Table Oil LIoisi, Window shades and V, all papers, sw. FI.OrK, BAC0NT. Fifb Salt, riaaler, A,plcs, retcl-e ami Pruoea kept constantly on ban I ALSO, in Store a lt of larg ati'l, tniall Clover aed. A Axea, tuperlur liroad Axes, at J. P. KRAT7.K.H 8. ('1 1'T TI1K IRIlSTI)I:SThe larircst oven M Toeh Hlnve in tl.e market, has all the advan tages tb',1 can be put on a St.,ve, for wood or coat, warranted in Its opcrn-lcn. .,r ite bv .1. 1'. KltATZi:n, Acent. I .I;TI'1MI pers.insareherebToaiitinned , V.7 acinsl harlnirinr or trusting on lu.v eoeoiint, mv aen. KI.U FIIIMMRL. 1 vna-t old. as be has let wie boose withont sit eonseau and I will ! w- deMt f bil contr-iinf. 8 We intend to make it an object fur Farnm Meohanie to buy from us brcao(e ws aeil our good at low aa tbet oaa bought in tbe county and pay th vary highest prire fur all kind of a-matr- ; ' doca. W will alto eichanga tod t : (School. Koao and Corarr otders; tLin-les, Boards, atid all kiQa.1 of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, Kept. 19. 167. GREAT EXCITEMEi;: On Second stbkkt, CLtAHriu: NEW GOODS AT LOW PMC:: Total.... 2,051 2 Cm We find his credits to Fly cah pud on bounty bonds of fiulich 'rVhml IlialrirU H.a.M. By Intfrest paid on said bonds 810 h VW rnsb expenses, Ac 70 tt Hy amount paid on bonds t... 4tM P Total - I32H as And lra ing a halanee anpmvtdtl for of two bun dred and acvonty-vight ditilars and eight ccnLs. Va do orrtifr thut tbe above stat?iotnt is cor rect, to the best of our knowledge and bhef. Witness our bauds, Ao, O. W. MHHMiY, JAMIM FLUsN. eapjftfltTT' Audiirrt. TITTK undervignvd respectfully InvUs .1 untinn vf tha public generally t splendid assortment of merchanlist, wh' art now selling AT VERY LOW PltH - Their stock consists In psn : Dry Goods of the Best C : Such at Prints, fit laiaes, Alpaeca Uinpbaass.MnsHns.iblnached and at d,) l'riHnK. Tickings, eottoe wool Flaonels,5atin, tts.Cassim Cottonades, Ladies' HhS! Kubias Hoods, Talmora anvi Hoop Sairta, o Also, a fin assortment cf Men's D Shirts, Hats t Caps, IM u A SL all ol which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR Hardware, Queensware, GV Groceries and Spire: .NSHOHTA GENERAL A Of evtrj thing arnslt kept ia a r CHEAP FOR CASH or aprwed . due. WRKvIlT i FLA: C'sarfletd, June , 1 T ("1 AT I'M) N All porejnsare h. J attain! purchasing o. in anv , with , ne BAV JABK and ... BAY li' in tbe poasi,ssina ni James bin ire townsbip, as the same U'lonj to uie s ' Willi bliu subject to mv ortlcr. llokK" tp. r?rpt. It-;tt j,d. II. A. IVlSSIOM'TlllN. Tbe partners, f for existing brtwven the Ulob rr ; pare basing tnd selling of stork wss d wntual consent on tbe 14lh instant. and aeeonnts are left with Th.nnas Hil-.' " ' settle and pay all !aima of the late tfi ' TH'lVb1' Bradford Ip. Kept. 10-41 JKKKMIAH H. Qy, RKWARO aill t-e p;d " , OeHl si.rj bs to aur person whe has v mi. . .a A . mvIl'S ' not bea enrod. dVe.S Ijr a.i.Im.. I), k m xnAM Villnal' Ef-T tlreain Alvn Salt for ti -H J fcs wa interred. lolly and financially. B ux'keu looking nel4m ?t. M JONS B BIMHIL.