Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 26, 1867, Image 4

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    "I'Tiirs ITood worlJ, to lV
(tort'd bounty, to owo every broth to
llim, nJ to fill p the r.'.il yenr
wilh tLimnli'lcoKncM, and ingrntitudo
niul wlflshnesn it i "' '
Too Often Bo Let tho inmate or
a family Do too sit'k to come to tlir
tnblo, an anxiety i i'ult for him ; but
li t him for yer not come to the
feomnimiion table, ftud no concern is
cxprvued. Lot his spirit desert bis
body, and the family put on mourning;
but lot him bo fw (li'iul to divine thing's
uk if hi spirit a dosertod by the
Holy .Spirit, and thero is no laineiita
tio .
What will you do with the liberty
yoa have won f Shall it be a curso to
you or a LlosningT It will be ono or
the other, according to tho use you
make of it j the object you scik in it;
the level on which you live ; the qual
ity of your lovo You can mnko it
devilish, and you can mako it divine ;
und which will you make it? Provi
dence nan given you" a mngnifieant
room; bow will you furnish it? Ho
has opened a splendid field for your
enterprise ; what will you mine in it f
Such grand opportunities of personal
cult uro, and public activity, and phil
anthropic influence, were never before
f offered to a people ns now invito us
to profit by Jheir privileges and ao
cept their boon. God grunt that we
roar have tho wisdom and grace to
use our liberty for noblest ends I
The Public Call The Christian
Inquirer ssys : The reaction of the
war upon the tnsto, habits, ambitions
and morals of our peoplo has provod
fearfully damaging. The old order
of things has been entirely brokon up
The leaders of other days are left be
hind, if not fortiotteu. Classes are
dissolved. The ideas and usages with
which we had become familiar are
thrown aside. Xew mou, now cus
toms, new notions are everywhere
uppermost. The low have been lifted
no. Followers have become leaders.
Heggars of yesterday aro millionaires
to-uav. and set the fashion lor wiio
ever id fool'sh to follow their guidance.
The consequences ure legitimate
Such an intense and insane rush and
FtruifKlB for wealth, aucb reckless, ru
inous extravagance of expenditure,
such a - delirium for vulgar play, this
country has never aeon. And alas!
not only taste, refinement, purity and
pii ty have gone down before tho tide,
but even honesty, the only firm basis
of commercial prosperity, the only
lure support of social prosperity, tho
one essential condition of individual
and publio welfure, is yielding to the
weight ana pressure ol popular lasn
ions aud fatuity. Speculations, which
are merely gambling under a less ob
noxious mime, frauds, and all imairi-
nable villaiuies, are carried on almost
openly. It is estimated that a tingle
interest lied the (iovernment out of
sixty millions of dollars last Vear.
.More than bait ol mo ucvenue othcers
are suspected of peculation, which
mcHns plunder. The (ood we eat is
nauseous with ad u Iterations. Our
coffee is mado of stale ship bread and
oil nuts, and even the milk we would
give our little ones is thick with dis
eases and tinotureu with poison.
And while every legitimate business
has dropped to a lower grade of meth
od and spirit than it formerly occu
pied, every vice bus increased in an
alarming degree. Intemperance; not
o"ly are our streets and public places
full of it, not only do young men and
old men, and mere boys lull before- it
by scores and hundreds, but even
women, beautiful, accomplished, be
loved wives and daughters, carry its
fire-blush on their cheeks, and reel
and loiter under its influence on the
tide-walk. There aro more gaming
places in the city to-day than there
were dry-goods stores twenty years
ago; and the gamblers include all
classos from tho boy of fifteen to the
roue of fitly. Hut why enumerate.
Every vico on the black cataloguo of
transgression has more than doubled
in volume and in victims within these
nve veal's, ana our joutli, tho pride
and hope of the land, are falling be
neath the subtle destroyer faxler tliun
they ever fell in Southern campaigns.
Marriages aro diminishing. IIoiucs
are breaking up. The streets are un
clean. I'iaucs of amusement are vi
tiated with vulgarity. Echoes of pro
fanity ring in the uir, and pitfalls are
There is a great deal thai is good
here among tin to-day; perhaps nev
or more than now. Of tlint at anoth
er time. Wo call attention now to
the evils, the thjikenitig moral perils
of our American society. They can
bsrdly bo exaggerated or painted in
colors too vivid and intone. They
work more ruin than wo can calcu
late; and besides the ruin, they taiat
tho atmospheric with impurity, and
their poisonous malaria all'ects every
iniiiieiiee huh operates on me
and heart. L nlcss these vices are
checked, those evils abated, these
dang' rs averted, woe, woe to us, onr
children, and our country. And so
the quentiun comes homo to every
Clirinian parent and patriot : "What
shall be done?" There is a Public
Call tJ each and all of us, and how
thall we respond to it 7
The first thing is for us to see that
not only must something bo done
but that we have to do'
We have a personal responsibility
willed cannot do shaken ofl ordividud
with others. Tho country lifts her
ec.irreil head, and with a voico still
trfmu'ous with fear, calls each of her
sons and daughters, as by name, to
save -her from threatening perils,
preserve her liberties and protect
htr honor. Society, through a hnn
4id tongues, calls" to each of us, in
the name of good order, taste, and
coBomy, and in tho higher names of
temperance, purity, and moral princi
ple, to do all that in us to stay
the rising ruin winch threatens to
h-ctp everything before it. IvooU in
to, the faces of your innocent children,
ri d then look across tho threshold'
and t Ihc pools of vice, tho multi.
form insidious temptations, tho cor
raptiou and the crimo that gather
und gurgle about your very door,
and into which they must shortly
step anj you w.i.'I hoar a call ns from
Ciod to use tho iuteiiHosl exertiom to
elcan society and aave Uie little I
ih,mi ,
W1W ' -
?br air.
or Til K
Cloarfiold Co. Agricultural Society.
M ill fe hrld n the I'tlr .round, i-eir the
borough nt, I'm., .u TMr.
U. rUiii'iu)v, TbiirtUv ftittl
VrltUv, Ortiittrr l-t. Hd,
3d mid -t til, M4tt.
1. 1ST OF PltF.MII MH.
Class 1 Swtfpttakti. open ft all fated and
Brit bull, $li 11 U-M, $6 Ad ht, $1 60
Brrtruw, 10 2IW':t, 4 M heel. 3 00
All breedi com toKrltivr In (hi eluo and com
pMo w ith ich otlter, to b judged hy thnir gind
point, j in met 1 y of frame, alttlitj to Ullen, mud
the itwk they will nrmluo-.
JunoK B, P. n ilfon, lvid Johnon, (ifrf
Kittlci barker.
Clam 2 Grade Cattle, owned in the etruviy.
Best ew fur milk, 8 2d best, $4 Ad beet fl
Unit brifcr, J? yean old, & 2d bent, 3
Beat hfifcT. 8 ytr old, 4 Sd bept, 2
Beit ealf, under H monthi oM, 4
Jrunna Jacob F legal, Jacob Uulich. Juhn
Btuwart, nr.
Clam 3 Oxen,
Bout yoke of oxen, $10 2d be.. j Xd best, $2
Jrimtd LandiT iieiiuiog, Uarid Brown, Win.
Clam 4 fat CattU.
Best fat bullonk, cow or lirifvr, fill 2d best, $.1
.Irmjiva J. M. Killlt barker, Kdward Albert,
Ol hello (Smcl.
Clam 5 Thoroughbred lionet, open to all.
Best Itallion, $15 2d bent, $IU
Bent mare and eott, 11) 2d bent, b
t he premiums in this clan are inttmdrd only for
horses whone pedigrees render them wort)iv,u the
Horiety with to entourage the raising of improved
Jt nnn Jamrs Forrest, J. B. Hewitt, John I.
Class 0 Hiding, Dra ft and Farm IIorsfM,
Best saddle horse, t-J 2d best,
t on
Best sniffle family horne
Bct matched cftrriage. horsrs,
Best gelding or mare for work,
Bet span of draught horses or mares.
1 (SI
2 HO
4 (HI
1 00
1 (10
1 00
licit coll, under 2 jcarl old, $2 00 Id hrrt,
lint i lnr uld coll, 2 00 2d bent.
Ileal 3-tu.r old oolt, t 60 Id best.
1 41)
Tbe hore Ibkl mi'Vei the heaviest h'ftd on Ui
Itone-boAt, according to nil weight, without
whli, Vuunlt on t'jc llnrw and 7 SO
Jnitt! D. Wiliion, tinnier P. llloum, llatid
Cl.m 7 Trotting lionet, open to all.
Boat liwe, Sin 6, trotting in ningle harneap, .100 00
No pnrtnitin. will be paid in tljia unleaaclaaa five
horera are entered to ciiirpcte for the jirrmiura.
Kat-h home to trot aftainat tirna. Entrance fee, .
Jrnora Joaepb K. M 'Murra John V. ATGirk,
Dr. J. W. Potior.
Clam 8&reepttal-ti, open to attracivg in
ham tit.
Beat 2 in 3, mile heats, airainat time, $100 00
Ho premium will I awarded in IbiacUst unless
there are six entries. Entrance fee, $15.
JriiOEl William Powell, 0. II. Merrell, John
W. Hhnnart.
Cubs 9 Trolling in tinyle Karntn for hm-itt
ovned in Iht county at Unit fiftt$n dayt te-
fvre the Fair.
Brat 3 in 9, mile beats, srin-t lime, !,! 00
Ko premiums awarded in this claaa nnleae there
are e j-lit entries. Kutranne fee, .!. The liorae
winning tbe pre mi am in Class 7, cannot compete
for the premium in this class.
Jl'Dur.s M. Orden, Oor. Bigler, Lewis Carlile.
Clam 10--Trottig Ihrtet tncnei and railed
in the county. J
Beat 2 In 3, on time, in harneaa, .M) 10
No premiums awarded in thiselass unless there
are five horree ei.tered to compete for tbe same.
Entrance fee, t .
3eat trotting horse or mar under saddle, .3 00
peeona neat, 2 00
Bert trotting; horse or mare in single harness, i 00
Second heat, 2 00
Beat walk ins: horae or mare. t& 2d heat, 2 40
Jl noia J. A. tanat, A. II. Hhaw, Rob't Owens.
Clam 11 Trotting Colli, raited in the county,
nor exceeding meet yean old, open to all.
Beat 1 in 3, against time, $;'0 00
Not leas than four to be entered for thia trot.
No entrance fee.
J r no is Ered. Irwin, A. A. Oraham, James C.
Class 12 Sheep and WW.
Beat hock, any breed, .2 f0
Heoond beat, Randall's Sheen ItnaKandrr.
Best ewe, anj breed, handall's beep Iluabandrj.
Best sheep, fattened for mutton.
Handall's Fhcep lluahandrr.
Beat lamb, ' Randall's Sheep iltistiandr'r-
Ji'Pors D. Dreaaler.Thos. Ilill.Kob't Uwhead.
Clam 13 fiicine. open to all.
Beat hnar.eny breed.Yonnit Fanner's Manaeli 2 00
Beat breeding sow, anj breed, 3 00
Second best. Arrieultnrlst for ona veer
Beat hog, fcl 2d beat, ft 00
Beat pig.under montha old, A grirulturiat one rear.
Ji'nona L. H. Merrell. John A. Reed. S. II.
Class U roultn.
Beat coop spring ehirltena, not leas than four,
Bramont's American Poultry Book.
Beat 2 hearteet tnrkers, do 'do
Beat diplar of rhii'krns. Mine's Poultry Book.
jrngKt Lewis Irrtne. W i Hi son P. Reed. M. II.
Clam 15 riamna.
The man thai p'.owa green award the heat, J0 00
jt oocs J. II, hilar, shoe, Jl. toner. P.P.
Clam 16 Plomi, Hollm, Jtrillt, Harrow!
an1 lutiiratort.
Beat plow for stuhl le or award, .2 00
Heat auliaoil plow, Harrr'a Pruit Garden and I On
Heat clotl-cruaher and roller combined, 1 00
Heat grain drill, Oardrner and 1 00
Beat reaper and mower, Agrirnlttiriet I rr. and 2 00
Best threahing machine. Agriculturist i jr. A I 00
Beat aide hill plow, ll Heat eultleator, 1 00
Best corn ilaiilr, 1 Ileal barrow, I 00
Beat horae rake, 1 Heat corn heller, 100
Beit fanning mill, I Liest ox joke, 100
Bt-at hav pitiTbing machine, 1 no
Beat alalk and atraw ouUer, 2 00
Best horar-powor for general pnrpoaes, 2 On
Beat originnl invention or agrirult'l implement, 4 00
All articles enumerated in this elars. Dot made
in the county, hut prodneed npon exhibition, If
worthy of it, will be awarded a diploma.
JrutiKa Adam lirarbart, L. J. llurd.ll. Zilllox.
Clam 17 Mitr:'tanenu Farming Implement!.
Beat hee hive, tlrimlt a Mvalerj of Bee Keeping.
Heal Jdos. hand rakea, 1 Beat IMI
neat aiuup machine, I potato digger 40
Beat lot Kcnlrn toola, 1 he t,ard, nor.
BrFl lot running iilenrila ownetl hjr farmer, 3 00
All artii lca enumerated in thia class are sul leot
to the same rnlea as I'laes IS.
Jl'lioca Hoover, John Fhsw, Tdward
Class IS Wheat, Tlye, Corn, Tlarhy,Oat.S-c.
Bet acre of winter wto.ut Atn nn
huahel of winter wheat, 4 f)Q
ileal acre or rye, f t Best acre of corn, 3 00
Heat acre of oats, 3 Best bu.h-l corn eara.S 10
ileal acre hliikwlieat, 2
Beat acre clover seed. I
Heal J acre broom eom2
Heat I acreutahsgns, 1
Peat acre of turuna. 1
Heat huahel noutuee.6 00
Beat 1 acre e, 1 00
Beat ( acre aorghnm,2 10
lleet huahel turnipa.l 00
U"St acre of earrutu. 1 On
neat ouanei oi iimotliy sl-ciI, 00
Cmpi Wing i-quail. prforencc will be given to
thoae that yield the largest net pmnt. Htetemenla
to be furniahed br the exhibitors. Ths mnat be
mesaured, or weighed, and a aample furnished at
the Fair. Applicants for premiums must furniah
the eommitli with a atalcmeiit eigned hy them
selves, under a pledge of reracilv, of the qnanlity
of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre
triuin.atid muat stale as correctly as he can the
kind and condition of the previous crops, thekind
and onanlity of seed sown, and the time and
mod. f potting it in the ground.
Persons m.trring field crops for exhibition, or
intending to do so. mar rlr. bmi i ,k. l-.
tire Committee , any time, and have the field mea-
aured and aemiard'hy committee while growing.
Jinor.a Pan'IrMewartAmn. iij n u.
ewarLAmos Ilartao, k
Cl.M in Urea i r I
itrsi loal wnoat hrcad, Pip.
Best lonf rye bn-ad, Hip.
Heat loaf com bread, Pip.
Ileal epetige cake, Dip.
Heal jelly cake, pip.
Heat tiai'belni'a cake, Dip.
Heat pic any kind, Pip.
."ar pnuna eaae, nip.
Heat Iniil cake, Dip.
Beat eoffoecakc Pip.
Ben lady's aake, p,p.
Heat csh ,,
Heat jelly, p,p.
Beat ice cream, i.
. , pren'rvea ana li'llv,
Heat ditlay of jelly and proeerree.
Joha f.
ernnao .nra. Joaer.n tlwcna. M
Radebangh. Mra .1. 11. Heed
Clam 20 Htur ami Chscu,
Beat & pound, or p-ore of hntter, 1.1 fi
B- lu pownda of firkin hotter, I Oil
Beat choree, made hy exhibitor, loo
Ji-hnr. Mrs Henj. Ilnrt.honi. Mrs. Ceo. R.
Barrett, Mrs. Alex. Murrey.
Cl.oa ''17..
Rest 30 ponds I ,ar,
Beat 6 pound! rye llnnr.
Heat pouadf sptlng wheat Hour,
Beat 60 pounds Corn meal-
14 40
I 40
f tmii bkhnt ior,
Jf-C. Sl.n, W. F.
e aa
Ut .fair.
Clam 22 Ihmntie ArheUt,
Beat bos or Jar of hohej, I
Best In f,ounda of mspl ingar, Pip. or
Beat peaches pot up air tight, Pip. or
Beat tomatoes put up air tight, Pip. or
Best black berries put up air light, Pip. or
Beat eurranls put up air tight, Pip, or
Beit fancj Jar of pickles, Pip. rr
Beat gsl. syrup or sorguia, cr oaca, Pip. or
Ileal cured ham (cookvd) with mode
ol curing, Pip or
Beat dried beef with mode of enrlng.Ptp. cr
Junoss Mrs. Jos. Arnold, Mrs. Host Read,
Mrs. J. A. L. VlegaL
Class 23 Domestic Manufacture!.
Best 10 jards flannol. It 00
Heal 10 ranis eallinal, 1 00
Beat 14 yards woolen carpet, 1 00
best 14 yards rag carpet, woolen chain, 1 On
Best 10 yards el.nh,
Best pair wool blaukeU,
Best woolen coverlet,
Best wool fringed mils,
1 00
1 I'D
I 00
Host pair of knit woolen stockings.
Best specimen of knotting, kniuing.or needle
work, by Alias under 11 yeore old,
Best pound linep sewing thread,
Best pound stooking yarn,
Best foot met, 40e. Best tfdr mat.
Ji'nona Mrs. K. 8. Htswart, Mrs. L.J. Hard,
Mrs. John M. Cummings.
Clam 24 Needle. Shell, Wax Work, f c.
Best speeimen of needle wcrk, Pip. or 60
Beit specimen needle work on machine Pip. or 40
Best speoimen flowers iu worsted. Dip. or 40
Bost specimen embroidery in worsted, Pip. or 40
Beat specimen embroidery in lace, Pip, or 611
Beat specimen embroidery in mualin, Pip. or 40
Best specimen of leather work, Pip. cr 61
Best specimen of wax Dowers, pip. cr 60
Best specimen el feather work, Pip. or 60
Best specimen of ornamental woik, Pip. ar 60
Best shirt mate by Jdna under 12 jri , Pip. or 40
Best patching and mending, pip. or 60
Jn.nal Mrs. Win. Albert, Mr. A. II. rbaw,
Mrs. Lever Plegal.
Class 25 Millinery and Dreumaking.
Best millinery, $1 Beit drees making, II 00
Julians Miss Jennie, Miaa Jennie
Miuihell, Miss Ueriha Wiigkk
Class 'MArtutic Work.
Best painting in oil.
Best portrait painting,
Best oattic painting,
Best painting in water colors.
Best ornamental painting cf any kind,
Best daguerreotypes taksn on the g-ound,
Best ambrotypes taken ol the gt ouod,
Best photographs taisn od the ground,
Pest landscape painting,
Best penmanship,
Best architectural drawing,
Jcnoa Mr. Edward r-tonghton, Miae Mary
A. Irrm, Mus Hoxie Tyler.
Class 2 Design.
Best derign for farm heuae, barn, carriage
house and stable, Sloan's Ornamental
iioasee and $6 00
Best desigk for dairy house, Manuel ef the Homo
beat design for ice house, 1 60
Beet design tor fruit houee, 1 60
Best design lor bridge, with plan, spaa aot
less thai 2iU feet, 00
Jurats Eli Bolt, Samuel Robisoa, Eire Ale.
Clam 28 MeUilie Fabrics and Machinery,
Best cooking stove, weed cr coal, fa'ol
rlreond best, 2 00
Third best, pip
Beet parlor store, II Best east iron fence, I 00
rJeeond keel, 1 Second best, Pip
Best speeimen or lot ef Un-ware, 2 00
2d beat. Dip and 60
Best srxeimea blacksmlthlng, t 00
Best specimen gunamilhing. 2 00
Beet specimen iron, turning. 2 so
Beet plate castings. II Best shower-bath, 1 0 i
Best original invention tn county.
o vu
Best display cf labia and pocket atsllenr,
American eUEufsetara, ' Pip
Best display of edge tools, pip
Beat d's lay farming aad field tools, Pip
The shore premiums are offered for articles
manufactured i the ooanty. piplomaa may be
awarded fur any of the abuse articles en exhibi
tion without regard to their p'ace of manufacture.
Jrnoss U. L. Morgan, David Buck, W. tt.
Class 29 Vthiele! of all kindt
Best family carriage, ti Best timber eled, II 00
Best buggy, 4 Best horse cart, I 00
Best farm wagon, 4 Beat wheelbarrow, I 00
Boat sleigh, 2 01
Jrncra Ilearj Elone, William McKnight, 11.
W. Patk.
Clam SO CaWiwf-wHrrc' ts county.
Best darning bureau, II Best sofa, 00
Beat cxteaaioa table. I Heat towers, 6
Best variety of chairs, I Best act et chairs, I 00
Best bedstead, 1 Best centre table. I On
Best wash at a ad, 60e. best cilice chair, 60
Best display of cabinet, were, Dip and i 10
Pest looking glass frame, 40
Best set of parlor furniture, 4 00
Jtinosa Harry Flaming, John W, Wright,
George Erhard.
Class 31 Cboprring and Carpentering,
Best pine ware tnba, stands, Ac, Pip and f I 00
Best set of grain measures, 1 00
Best window blinds, 00
Beat rpeeimen sash, 11 Best lot buckets, 1 00
Best pannel door, I Best lot baskets, 1 00
J (toss Thomas Robins, Pr. I. JcfL Borer.
a. y. a ate.
Class 32 Hoot! and Garden Vegetallci,
Best , bo. carrots, 60c Pest 6 h'ds cabbage, 60s
Best i bu. rutabagas 40c Best 2 k'di cauiin rs Pip
Best bu potatoes, 6Hc Best variety melons 60c
Best i bu tomstoes, 40c. Beat " sojuashes, 40e
neii nuanel sweet potatoes, 60c
Best 4 stalks eelerj, 60e
Best quart indaor bsans, toe
Beat 4 huahel table beets, 60e
It must be shown tbat all vegetables havs been
raised bj tbe exhibitor.
Jliioss K. U. Moors, David Wellj, Anderson
Class 33 CSinirrs, SjJJIcri and Sl-ocnuilers,
Beat gents' hoots and shoes, $3 011
rest ladys' booU and shoes, 1 00
Beet diaplaj of boots and shoes, I 00
Best ladye' riding sadjle, I 00
Best riding bridle and martingale, 1 01
Best side finished harness leather, 60
Best robe mado hy exhibitor, 1 00
Best carriage harness, $1 Best tng harness, 2 00
Ileal single harneaa, 1 Heat genu saddle I 00
Beat ditpiay saddlery, I Beat travl. trunk, 1 00
Brst side kip leather, iOc Best calf skin, 60
Best aids sole leather, 60
Best side n).per leather, 60
Jt noia A. 8. Dukinsol, Win. fcVhwsm, Jr.,
John U. Ftewsrt.
Clam 34 TjiW asd" CphoUlers' Work.
Beat suit of olothee made by bead, ! 00
Best coat made by a lady, 1 00
test pants and rest mails hy a lady, I 01
Best husk mattress, tl Bssl straw mattress, I 01
Best hair mattress, 2 60
Jt noes W.J. Hemphill, llcnrj Bridge, John
Clam 35 Printing in Cmnty.
Best new, paper, Pip. Beat handbill. Dip
Heat blank. Pip. Best card, pip
Bert ornamental piloting, pip
Jurats YYm. Uiglsr, Oca. W. Bnjder, 13, B.
Clam 36 Atone- Wars.
Beat assortment and best quality, ti 00
Jor-ata ti. B. Wilson, Usury Wright, Andrew
Cl.'SS 37 Chemirvlt and Chemical Action m
Best arallehle manure at moderate e st, f I 00
Best arailahle manure for farm products, 1 00
Beit material for glue, 60c Best llnaeed oil, 60
Beat tallow candtee, 60s. Beat rlnerar, 60
Beat specimen of Sosp, 60c Best writing ink, 61
Jt noes lr. J. P. ilujt.J. J. Pickard, Andrew
Clam 38 Wood and Sum.
Best dreaaed stone, $1 01
Beat mill stone, 00
Beet grind atone, . 1 00
Host butter bowl, Dip. and SO
Best shingles, pp. r 60
Beat turned article, 60
Beet floor boarde, worked, 00
Beat waahing machine, 40
Best split or shared hoops, Pip
Best butter ladle, pip
Best weather beards, worked. f,0
. J moss A. N. Marks, J. D. Bnoke, Darid
Ci..i 3.1 Xatvral Minerals.
Beat snit of uaeful minerals of Clearfield
county, including coal, 2 00
Beet cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and
adjoining counties, to be the property
of the fioeleiv. a ea
Beat lime stone, 60c Beat collection fossils, 1 00
Best lire elay, 60c. Heat burnt lime, 1 00
Beat coal, Beat potter's elar, 51
Junuaa J. W. Wright, J. C. Brenner, James
Irria, jr.
Clam 40 Fruit.
Beet diiplay and greatest variety of grafted
applec summer and winter, lluaband.
man en America Wines and . 2 40
Best display el peare, Cole's American Fruit
Book and j (15
Beat plums and cherries, Cole's Am Fruit Book
Bos, qulnoec Maaain.'i Fn.,, x, 1.
Beet spec, apples, 1 peck. Manning's Fruit Look
ueri spec. Am lean grapes.sianning s Fruit Book
Raal Medline araora raiaed In enunt ..1
. - .
,k.... v lI... .""'"'""I. eoo
worinr 01 ru ture.
?kr air.
Bart frranft ttlna, , MMtalnn't trm ft"
It fit btarkbarry vine, Minn In Fruit Honk
Ba rno"t'tTi''a Fnnl Hh
Jl .. J. l. Wrlylil, Vtt Ht)urr, l.l)rba
To tha U'ty who tnnntgn htr hartm wni and piti
miM fralully, Dtp.
To lh rntlrinrn wbo mauinn bit hnrto vrt
and niti mot (rralullv, Dip.
Itmi uf boriicHiaii'bip, Hot lmi Ibao
t n (touplf. Dip.
fit it driviun on th pnnrc1y a laJy, Dip.
Hvnl coinjMT of rVMlr', Dip.
Hi nl eoinioiir nf inlaniry, Dip,
Bent bant) with rn tttlrtnrnt(i, I:p.
Unt in tut, a! Iuxi, Dip. HM tr-n ilnfT", Dip.
Ji huru M. 6. M'K"'f J"hn 'uuf Tliuman
Clam -12 Nursfiiti.
Hpt nurwry, ci'iitainiii tbo r.'tttit rarivty of
fruit and -hrul, pullivitfd in the in nut opprovrd
nanntr, th applicant lo fumlxh wrlllon iltwHp
tiun. wilb Uiu uricty aud mode of enltiirf, U9
Hifoiid beBt, Jlurry'i irmt Harden.
Jt nam (ico. Tale. Ti tirvHtWr, ti. V. SbuQ'.
Clam 43 General Ltit.
Itcft display aud froatoit variety of flowuri. Dip.
Holt display and Kreatext varitMy of plant, Dip.
Heat display of floral ornaini ntu, Mp.
Hfal hank. iMtquot, witb handle, Dip.
Uest hand boquot, Dip.
Ji uuks Mrna MatT-iift lUlitoo, Misi Hosie
Tylr, Mm. Klitabetfa Irwin.
J?Vr"lijrtimiary preiniuiof will ba awarded
for all articlt-a of merit exhibited by mochamcf in
all the various brant-ben, and it it hoped a general
exhibition will be made. I'nr all hnpntvemcnU
uttd'ul to the farmer, aud liariug valuable pro-
tertief, d i fo ret i unary p rem i unit may bo awarded
y tba JCieeutira Cunnnittei.
lUCHAHU h 11 AW, jr., Proiident.
I. Q. Barukk, Hwretary.
Executive t'nnimittec (.orife Thorn, Joiiah II.
Heed, . K. bhirey, XSatUauiel iliahcl, Jimci
Tr-maorer A. M. Iliila.
Cwrt-tspciiMliiig Hruretary D. F. KttwUir.
rpi!E Pirst Term, of twentj-two weeks, will
-L eommenceon MONDAY, September 2d, 1867.
Reeling, Orthogrepbj, Writing, Object Lessons,
Primary Arithmetic and Primary Urog
raphy, per half terra, (of claveo weeks,)... 6 0
History, Local and Peseriptlve Oeography
with Map Brewing, Oram mar. Mental
and Written Arithmetic 4 60
Algebra and the ttciences I 00
Drawing, with any of the above...... 11 CO
Clearfield, July 26, lS7-3m.
Clearfield Academy.
Htr. P. L. HAE&I8QIT, A M, Principal
TUE FIRST SESSION or tbe present echo,
laalic year of this Instilnliot will commence
on the nrst MONDAY (2d day) of September,
Pupils eaa enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time thsj eater to
the close of the Heasion.
l'be cootm of instruction embraces erery thing
included in a thorough, practical and accom-
pitabed edueaUen for both sexes.
The Principal, baring bad the adranUre of
mutb experieaee In his profession, assures pa
rents and guard aai tbat his entire ability arid
energiee will be devoted to the moral sad men
tal training nf the youth placed under his charge.
1 1'.HM OF II I float.
Orthogrsphy, Reading, Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Nrerion (II weeks) . 6 00
Grammar, Uoogrephj, Arithmetic, und
History . . . . . . l DO
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men.
suratioa, Purveying, Philosophy, Physi
ology, Chemlatry, Book Keeping, Botany
and Pbjsirsl Geography . . - 9 00
Latin, Urerk and Freneh, with any of the
abore BrancbM .... 12 00
T-No dedoctioa will be made for absence.
T-for further particulars inquire of
Hee. P. L. HARRISON, A. M.,
Cl.srlald, July 34, 1807 tf. Principal j
J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent
rpHEY will not bend cr break like the Eingle
1 Bering, but will preaerre their perfect and
graoeiut enape a nan inree or r,.ur ordinary
Hstrte will hove been thrown aside as useless.
Tbe iloopa are covered with doable and twisted
thread, and the bottom rods are not only doable
springs, out awice or doUDle covered, nrerent-
ing them from wearing cat when dragging
down stoopa, stalrc Ac
Tbe wonderful flexibility and great comfort
ano pleasure to anj lady wearing the Duplex
aiupiie rain win oe experienced particularly
In all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages.
Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for
i romenaae ana nous Uress. as the bkirt can
ne folded when in nae, to occupy n small place
as easily and onnsenieutly as a Silk or Muslin
Press, an invaluable quality in crinoline, ot
lounu in any eingle spring rikirt.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort,
and great eonvenienee of wearing the Duplex
Elliptic Steel rpring fkirt for a aingle day will
never afterwards wilhnrW dlinsnae with their
o'e. For Children, Mtsiss and Young Ladies
mrj are an parlor to all otnrrs.
The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with
all ladiee and is naive, eellr recommended he
the Fashion Msgaslnes as the Standard Skirt of
tne fashionable World.
To enjoy the following Inestimable advanta
ges In Crinoline, rii: superior quality, perfect
manufacture, styliab shape and Bniah, fle.ait.Hity.
durabi itr. comfort and economy, enquire for J.
W. Bradley ' Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring
Skirt, and he sure yon get the genuine article.
CAlTloN To guard against imposition, be
partienlar te notics that skirts offered as "Dn
plex." hare the red ink stamp, rlt t "J. W.
Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Bnrinrs." nnoa
the waistband nous others are genuine. Also
notice that erery Hoop will admit of a pin being
passed through the centre, thue revealing the
two (or double) springs braided together therein,
which is the secret cf their flexibility and
strength, and a combination not le be found in
any other Skirt.
FOR BALK In all stores where Irst elsss
skirts ar sold, throughout the United Slates and
Manufactured by the sols owners nf the
17 Chambers, and 70 k 81 Reade Sis., New York.
rfune xr, lear-ora. -
(Since one door esat of Clearflt Id Houae,)
Market Street, flrarftrld, p.
K EEPS on hand a full aaaortmenta of flout"'
Pomiahiag Hoods, such aa Shirt, Line
and Woolen tnderibirtc Drawer and Sneka,
Neck ties. Pocket lisndkerehiets. Gloves, Hats,
llmbrellaa, Ac, la great rariety. Of Piece
Geodo be keeps in
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
-uca as mare voeoai oi ins eery best make;
Fancy Caaaimere, I great rerlety , alio, Fren.-k
i-oaung, nearer, niot, Chinchilla, and Fricelt
orerooattng. All or which will be sold cheep for
Cash, and mads up according to the latest styles
bj experieeeed workmen.
Also, Agent for Clearffeld eonnty for I. M.
Singer A Co a. celebrated Sewing Machines.
Nor. 1, IS06 tf. . H. BRIDGE.
3Irnt, Market
rpilL utiileraigncd would take thia method of
t inl,
rmitig the eilisena of t learlicld ami the
rorronniting iicmilv, that lliev hare opened np a
MKAT MARKKT. in the haaement of the riJ...
neiu iiouae, wuer they will be found
wilb a
euppiy every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
larmrraaud jobbers in the aiirronnding eoun-
try will be auppliid wilh Hoale to order.
A lib-
erai euare ol puliltc patninage aolicited.
K. R. Kl 1,1 KRTOX,
iffi.1T m. n. iniiivi y.
C'lirnp C'duil.
THK subarrilM haa now on hand a large quan
tity of exeellrnt COAL, which he will deliver
lo en.tomera, if deaired, or eell at the banh. at rea
sonable rates. There is ne better coal mined in
thia county. aorU-Im J. M. Mt llol.H
. eejiing i,r man present eur proa,
t 11. W. r-MITH'S,
C I. li A It r I E 1. II , PA.
I y
R suhaerlber having lrsed for term cf
years this well known Hotel, (sept for many
years by Air. l.anlru.i and re Sited and rcfur
niahed It ''iroug boot, is stow prepared to sntrr
lain trnrelera and the public generally upon
terms It is hopsd alike airreeahle lo both patrons
end proprietor, liis TABI.K and HAH will
bs supplied wllh the best the market affords;
and no peine will be spared on his part to add to
the convenience and comfort nf his guesta.
A cry Hlalile is alro attached te the as.
lahliabment. Horses, liuggiss, etc., furnirhed
en short Bodes, or porsons taken lo anr pjlot
desired. JAMES A. BTINK,
Jel3 Prnptielor.
HAllRISHimtl, PA.,
(Railroad strevl, one aquaro above the Dctot.)
flbe snbscriber respectfully inrltes the public
JL end traveling community to give him a call.
Lumberman are particularly invited. French,
German and English spoken in the bouse. Charg
es moderate. Apr, Id if. J. M. WEAVER.
MAIX STREET, I'll 1 1.1 18B C1IO, PA.
TIIK wnderrlgned keeps constantly on hand
the best of Liquors. Ills table is always
supplied with tbe host tbe market affords. The
traveling publio will do well to give him a call.
fTIHE undesigned takes this method of In
X forming tbe Watermen of Clearfield county,
tbat he has refitted acd re-opencd the hotel for.
merly kept by E. hhreiner, at Cosestown, where
he will take apseial pains to render satisfaction
to all who favor him witb their patronage. He
bu blown all the rocks out of the river and
planted snubbing poau for half a mile abore kit
place. febla,'7j UEOKUE JrALK.
'PHE nndenigoed baring leased and red tied
una well know stand, takes this method ol
bringing his estebliahment before the public. Ilia
Table and Bar will be aupplied with the best the
maraet anorue. a liberal share of public pat-
niuafte is (uoreioro respeetiuiiy solicited.
jan24-ly.-pd JAMES L. Cl'KKY.
nnillt undersigned hsring become proprietor
m. m me aoovs notei, whom to give notice to
riu see. oi mie eonnty, ai well as to tbe trav
eling public, the! tbe house has been refitted and
rrluroiilied tor the entertainment of bis gneats.
His utile will be furnished with erervthinr ths
market affords. Bis Bar will contain the best
nrandi of liquors. Good stabling attached, aad
ouno oui careiui aosuera employed,
i'l' tf L. WVf EH ETCK.
fTIHE undrnigned baring puirhascd this Hotel,
X takes this opportunity of informina the mil,
lie in general, and travelers in particular, that be
has taken great pains in refurnishing and refitting
ii wild ipm-inf n icrence to tne accommodation and
comfort of all wbo may choose to give him a eel!
i.iWitinn or tne heat quality will he kept at the
fcer, and tne wants of his patrone will be attended
10 wiiu pieaanre and prunjptoi-se. Ample KTA
uw" navoro incrcto.
Hoots and ihorj.
On Market street, cpnoalie lb 'Republican1
rpiir. proprietor has entered Into the BOOT A
A. MlUtt busmcM at ths abore stand, and
i. aeieruimeu noi to a outdone either in qua!
1.7 or pno lor nie work. Special attention
Will be Daid to manufactorine .4 tt.
hee on hand a large Hit of French Kip and
Calf Skina, of the rery beat quality. The etti.
"""i Liearuei ana rtciniiy are respectfully
"""" a'e aim a inai. no cbarg for calls.
Readyjbr the Summer Campaign.
Boot mid Shoe .Manufacturer,
TTAS )ust received a In lot of French CALF
A A cai.s, an is aow prepared to mannfae-
ore ereryinmg in nts line at the lowest figures
He will warrant hie work to be m represented
He roenaotfu! r aolieita a ell ki. .1
Market street, second door west of the tu.i .k..
u. win uo an in nts powsr to render satis
iv.ia. come nn uaiter tops on band.
Nearly all the Contrabands going bark
to inrtr ota matters; but nary one
going to old Afasntchusctls, trherc
they trere loved so long and to well.
IN coniequenee cf tbe ubeee facte. F. SHORT,
of the old "Short Shoe Shoo." would an.
nimnre to his numeroas patrons, aad the people
of Clrarteld county at largs, that he baa now a
first rate lot of good material. Ju.t received from
the East, and is prepared nn snort notice to make
and mend BooU aad Shoes, at bis new sbsp in
Graham's row, lie is Mtisted that hs eaa please
all,(u',leaa it mighl he some ioteneelr lore! 1U1.
at borne patriot!. I He ie prenared to eell low for
Caab or Country Produce. Pool forc-al the
Shop next door tn Showers A Graham's store,
on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and kept bj a
fellow commonly called
jyoos-F "SHORTY.
A lrR0(LAM.TI0r
00IK0 IT A L 0 N 1 1
No body Prohibited from Ruiiny nV
It , , 1 L'l. r r.
"u i-rnea on arrovni OJ Jiace
or Color.
1KIXG thus liberal minded, t take ibis method
I) ol inCorrr.Ing the citiatm of Clearfield end
vtcinllj that I have opened aahop on f-ecood st,
next door lo tbe County National Bank, ever
Watson's Drug Store, where I am prepared le
make to order everything in the Boot and Shoe
line, out of the beet malarial and in the moat
workmanlike manner, aud on short aoliee. All 1
aak Is atrial.
Done at Clearfield, this ISih day of July. 1844.
111 K enhecrihrea, in riew of coming eventa.
design adopting a new of doing kuai.
neaa on and after the lat of Mavnrtt. From that
date we will adopt the CAr-li FVSTKM. and all
work mnat therefor he paid for before leaving
the abop making thia difference, however, in favor
ofourcuatoinera: that our prince will beTW KNTY
PbR t'KNT. LKNri than la now charged foi work.
eMT-Thoae knowing thenieelree indebted, and
wh.iee bmik aeeounta have nH been settled, are
exeetcd In come forward and make settlement
beiore the time annr indioaled. We hope three
hint will not be forgotten.
ClearteM, March II, lh(l7 it
Crocers and fork rackers.
l'ealera ia (Ilea. Iron and Nails
Family Eour of the Best Brands,
nacnn. tiam- Pole and Shoulders
t I aa I
Pork. Cuccae, He.,,,, Hominv. Dried FrutU I
d--U. i I -. j f.i i, ' i i. . . 1
r. "vu aim isani ATtfa Df?I 10. I
V a at II , . I
Irtt CmU, Crdm(t, Clr.
Near riulirsburg, ronn'a,
William W. Brits
Georp L. Herd
John F. Wearer
William PnwUI.
(Rovmiri to Munaoq A II no if)
nAVR Juit rceired a lara and wolt fleetej
lock uf all Itiiidi of UuotU, urb ai
Bootf aotl 8aoei, Hatii and Cup; SniUmt, Ilard
waro, Ulan. iNaila, Oil. Piatt Qariiware.
Urucariei, Kluur, IticoD, i'etd, Ac, wbich we
ata ofleriof at great!
Or in ticbanga for LUMBER and SUINGLEj-
We loteod to make It lo tke adranUf of tbo
In the lower end of Clearfield ooanty and on
Cleerflold Creek to get their lupplire from fhii
point; being on the lino of the Kailruad, we
can eell goodf ou belter toriai than at any paint
in Clearfield eountjr, and we are eellicg our it'ck
at eueh prlcee aa to make it an object to tboe
buyiug to bu from ua.
Made on account of fcQUAItE TIMBER, which
we will I'ither eell on eomnitiion, or buy at
Died ratei.
i(f'C'alI and oo if our good and prleee don't
run the tmee. W. H . rlKi i rJ A Ci),
Near Pblliptbarg, Nor. 6, 1H0A.
T7LOUli of diflorent brands can be
bad at all times, at rery low prices, at the
aori-tf Hear Philipjburg, Pa.
JJUY GOODS, i.'OTl6is7S, Ac, in
.reel rariety, af the lowest prices for cash, at the
aor5-tf Kear Pbillpshnrg, Pa.
gALT, by the sack or load, cheaper
than eaa be bad anywhere else, at tbe
novi-tf Kear Philipiborg, Pa.
of Qoods aow soiling at the
novS tf Kear Philipsbug, Pa
JJIUIIEST riUCE paid io Goods
or Cub for Lumbar and Shingles, at the
Kear Philipsbnrg, Pa.
kinds, ar te be bad at the Clearfield Store.
Hear Philipiborg, Pa-, Kor. S, 1B tf
Selling, at half their usual price,
BOYS' . do do
te., Ac io.
Down I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices I
T E are now owning np a lot of the best and
l moat eeaeoiiable (iooda and Wares ever
ffcred in this market, and at nriccs that remind
on of the gid old daya of cheap things. Those
wbo lack faith upon tins point, or deem oar alle
gations euperfluoue, need but
Comer Front aad Market streets,
Where they can eec feel, hear and know for tbeia
eelvee. To fully understand what are cheap goode.
thia muat be done. We do not deem it neoeaaarr
to enumerate and itemise eur stock. It is enough
for as lo slate that
We have Everything that is Needed
ad consumed In this market, and at prices that
astonish both old and rounr.
deoju JtifKPH SHAW A PON.
are Time I
favc Moor) I
Sarra Labor 1
hare Clothe!
feave VI onra I
It Is o.ed hy rutting Into small .having! and
diasoMng in hot water, then soak the clonrs
fire lo lea minutes, and a little hand nibbing
will make them ae oleaa ae hours of bard as.
rhine rubbing would do, with ordinary cap, and
the meet delieel fahri reeeir no injury. We
can refer to tbouaandi of fa art lea who are aslng
It, and who eoald not be persuaded te do without
r-Sold bj all leading Grocers throughout
the 8 tat.
llanBfaeiored only hy
Wholes I offio 1
107 Sour Fin Sraatr,
r-For rale br Ilertswiek A Irwio, Clearfield.
November 1, 1844-10 ana.
For Sale at a Sacrifice,
rpilK KVT1IIE STOCK and (stores af II. W.
1 SMITH'S Dry l.oods Store. This is a rare
opportunity for country mcrch.nta. ne n. .
desiring to go into the buaineaa, as the slock will
or roio unoaoatly low. and tin huiincaa eland ia
2"lr'u'-bS ' 0 per M, at
I I u
' 11 '' - i
Tatrnl lfdirinf,. "
FM H, llllHdnrse at.iT
tth the taa.,M " "H
AAt r, M. D, i . .,i,.t ...., 7' 1 I
l'len. Ilollatid.) Nn. a Ar-h attwv p."
le.timotnsl. from the mo.t rilia'.le .tr. ' 't
eltr and roenirr can l area at kn j1 'll4
me.lical faculty are nn,i.,l i ao,,.
psti' tta, s be ha. no aiel. in hipriKC
bcuil hyee iiia,T1vd aithoul pau, ,. ,ft.,r
exauiinationa. 'far
Ayer'g Cherry" 1W
ror toe rat'ie cure
Hroavhitii, 1..,
ttioa. and f.,r i.T
of Corisumntire Patia.i. .
ranced stages of ths disea..
Ho wlJe is the field of its uMul,,
nnmeroue are its eurei, in almoit erery
tf oouutry are persons publ rly knjes
bare been reatored by it from alarioirr
deaperate diaeaaes of the lungs. Man !!!!
tried, its sueriority orer every ota, sipj?
ant is too apparent to escape obiervetu.i
where its rirtues are known, ths pat,iK
longer hesitste what sntidote to emt.Uy
distressing and dangerous affeetioniof t.,,
monery organs that are tLctdent to oar eiiaii,
V hlle many inferior remedies thrtjit ep-a
community have failed and been ducardet.a,
has gained friends hy svery trial, coalarni
efiu on the afflicted they can nsrsr torriw
produced cures loe numerous and to reieeriu
to be lorgotteo.
We can assure the public, that iu qutiHrt
carefully kept up to tbe beat it ever hai wr,
and tbat it may be relied on to do for ittii
all that It baa ever done.
Great numbers o: Clergymen, Pliyiie.
Fu teamen, and otber eminent personapet, io,
lent their nemes to certily the aopsreiieladu.
fulneas of our retnc Jisl, but space here em M
permu lue ineemoo oi mem. ine agneh
low oemed furniab gratia oar American Alan
in which they are given ; wilh aiiD lull teeaa.
tione of the complainte our remodies cure.
Thoee who require an alterative medicinH
purify the blood will find Aran's Cor lt
AaasArAaiLLA the one to ase. Try it oast,!
yo will ooncsde its value.
Prepared by Da. J. C. Art d Co., Last?
Maaa, and sold by W. M. A A. L Shew, Ca.
field ; W. C. Mets, Ulsn Hope, Joseph K Wu
and Irrin A Haruhcrn, Curwensville ; Mini
bpencer, Lumber City, and ail Druggist! sal
dealers in medicine everywhere. acptll-hi
For all diseases iacident to Horses, Csttls, aa
Human Flesh, requiring the use al as
external application.
TUT? aew Compound prepared hy a pranial
Chemist, having a full knowledge of all at
medical rtrtaes of each ingredient tbst seun
into iu composition, is warranted to exees4 air
thing of tbe kind ever yet offered to lbs Pub;
as an external applicatioa for the diseasw j
which it ie recoaimeaded. We are satiated tea
It will work iu own road into the eonfideatig
all who ns it, and thoee who try it cam ri
sever be without it, and therefore ws nit
experience ae the best test of its usefulness.' k
is p renounced bj Pernere, end ellaeehsvatraa
it, to be the beat applicatioa ever need, Tls
Embrocatioa has been pat ep for ever iiril
years, aad it is only through ths inereeiitif
macd and urgent request of my frisndi asitsi
Public tbat I send it forth al the grand rea4
sgent for the various diseases to which a
auble aad uaeful etimal, the hers, is sutom.
Many remedies-hare been offered te the fab
lie under different forms, some of these ana
jcrioni, tbete at best of little use, and awsr
wholly improper to answer tbe pirpeees for sua
tbey ar reeommendld.
A Jodieioui and reaiij aseful eenpoeitiei. fm
from thoe bjeiions, has therefore long sea
desired by many gentlemen who have valmw
horses, and are anwiliing to trust theme) us
care of designing and pretended Farriers. Tkw
wishes are at length fully granted, by I la.
Beaiel being preretled ape I allow this van.
tie Embrocatioa ( has proved so rmcsaea
to the ran., as diseases) te be prepared art
brought out to the pablic.
This Embrocatio was rxtenilrslj 4 st
the worernmeat during tbe war.
For sale br Hartawick A lrwir. Claartili
Joaapb R. Irwin, Cnrwenrrille. Daniel Gui-
laader, Luthsrshurg.
Addrsss all orders te
apr4,My 40 South 6econd St., Phiia., Fa.
Good Xews for Molliers.
MOT II E P g, are you ppreeeed with aniea
for ronr little onei f Are roar elowMi
aad hearts broken by their cries? Do you enn
la the morning nn.wtre.hed aad afareneannt
If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Leova le.
font remedy, nnd you will hare no more wearr
hours of watching and anxiety.
Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy
Ha stood the Uri of yesra. Thoaaandi sf
nurses and mothers boar witness that it ev
fails to give relief if need ia seasoa. It hi
mild, ret sure and aneedv euro for Polio. Ctmm
and Wmdy paiaa, and iawinraluahle for all era-
f leinta incident to Teething.
Sold by all Druggiits throogbout lbs raited
States. Addreax all orders lo
Pole Proprietors,
ol4 y m North Third 8L, Phiiadelpka.
A Great Discoverv.
ONE of the greatest and most useful die-overiej
in medical science waa made bv theeelcbratas
Dr. J. Dnmaa, of Paria, Chief Phrsicta to tat
Imperial Infirmary of France, in llf l. Thosreei
hate been afflicted wilh the painful disease he."
aa Pilea, and effe-tuallv cured hv the nae of M
DI MAS' FRENCH PILE SA LYE, cannc: rptat
Umi highly of the benefits conferred upon them by
the aw of this remedy. It has Bern- hee keen
to- fail in effecting a permanent cure in a tint
oaa. In this reepert it surpasses ail other awee
einee of the kind. It will do ,iuit what it iatteo.
mended lor if act, the money will be refuiM.
One or lo boxes is sufficient to effect a permaocsl
cure tn four or oil days, if the directiona os tat
hoxe arc followed. Price, one and two dollar! aw
box. according In eitc. Sent br mail or eit.rcwti
any pan of the United Stales or Canada. Sold Is
I'rugiats generally. A liberal dircount made a
the trade, Addreaa D. S. Dl'NUAM 4 CO,
Wiiliataanort, l'a cole Proprietors and mlaaafee.
lurrrs for the I uitcd Sutea and Canada. a.'' J
Ka nore Uald Head. I
No raor (.ray Lotist
IS pronoaaeed by all wb have .ed it tbe vetr
beat preparation for the Hair. It ie a noiittn
cure for Daldneie, ersdieatrs Dandruf and He
mora, stops the Hair from falling oat. and ipses
ily restores Oraj Leeks to their original huassl
It operates on the secrelian. an, ,!, elaall
with new life end coloring mstter. Thin. 4si.
faded or gray hair will always be brought seat
by a few applications, to iu youthful abuadssM,
enemy aia e or. -
It makaa the hair soft, f lossy, fragrant, pleas
ant to the Uurh, and aaj to arrange. Drr.wirr
end intractable locks become menu, phaatasi
diapnscd to remain ia any deaired poattion. Al
Hair Dreeeing in has ao ecuel. The sale, an
enermeae. nnd it is a universal favorite with eel
and Joung of both sexes.
Sold by Druggiita ihroughoai tbe I'siud
Ftstes. Addtres all orders to
Sole Preprieier.
aol4 f U7 Korlb Third St, Phiiadelfta.
1S67 Philadelphia Si Erie R.R.I SOT
This great line traverse the Northern end North
west counties of Pennsylvania to the citj e( Erie
oa Lake Kna.
It has beea leased and is operated h?
Time of Passenger trains at ST. JfinY'Sss'
larc P.nt-ard.
St. Marr's. Kfttlaf.
Erie Mail Trala 4 14 P.'M. I.M A
Bri Rxprees Train II lilt p. M. 4 ! F. E.
l eave cat n erd.
Erie Mail Train In. go F. At. 10.J1 A--
Eri Exprea Train A. 3d. 1J '1
Pevarnger crs ran through on the Erie Hall
end Express Trains without change botk T
between Philadelphia and Erie.
raew ork ( otinerllon,
Leare N. Y. at 0 a.m.; Ar. al Krie lra
Leave N Y at I,.., Ar. al Erie 4 C a
Lear Krir at 00 p, m.j Ar. at N. V. x.l p.
Lear Erie at lO.Si a. m.i Arat N.I. 10.1' A
o rhaitfre uf far krtri ern Trie Ai .
Elegant Sleeping Care oa all Kight trains.
For Information respecting Paasreper h''
neas. apply al Cor. Jtnh and Market Si s. rW
And for freight business ol lbs Coicpaj'1
Agents, S. 11 K tngat..n. ir.. Cor. I.ttk and Bf
ket streets. Philadelphia, i. W. Revnoldl. he
Will am Drown, Agent, N. C. R. R., Balil""
H. II. Houston. fener.l Creihl IrsaL I'hilav
. , - .. .. ....... ,
H. W . 6M1IH 8. (
VaTr?. wTTV.,-7Ci'."C" Fro"t.)!r"s'1i,'ll,''"f "I bind.
j it. t,a inner, Isenoral Tirk. t Area
, Qeaeral aweriateadeat. I"-
-V ,...vnn,n, J
HLKKKLl, 4 bluLES'i.