Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 12, 1867, Image 3

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1 r.
::::::.S'ptembor 12, 1807.
aabU puM.Mlion ii for uli at thii oftoa. It
0DUint full eloe.-on return, from all tb PtatM ;
f feetidr the b umber for iKtto eoaU.ini eoroplet
I lift of imN 01 ln BwtpApwt upprcwMl
J tod mobbed during Linoola'f BdmioirtiuB j and
Jf that for 1P07 eonuuni in nunu or au thoiecm!-
Uni who were ln.pri.wied duriog the udi period
8 The two IUU, for futura refurenoa, am worth
) nor than the price of the publication. Any one
E tending ni fifty nu, will reoeira by return mail
a oopT for eab year, free of pottage. if.
Proclamation .. 8.
our iesuo contains several im
is porUnt proclamations, we thought it
i best to number ours. "We wish our
Domocratio fellow-citizens to bear in
mind that we are going to have
! grand Democratio rally at the Court
,; House, on Tuesday evening of Court.
Gen. Willium M'Candless, State Son
atorlroml'uilaUolpbia, will bo present
; as well as Ex Gov. Bigler, Senator
TTallace, and T. 3: M'Cullough, Esq,
I our nomineo for Assembly, to address
itueir follow-citizcns on the important
iesues of the day. Let all take an
After the election, we are going to
have the greatest jubilee that ever
came off in this neck of woods. The
change, and our majority, may not be
as great in proportion as that of Cali
fornia, but it will be a revolution nev
ertheless, and Radical Republican
treason will be buried out of sight.
Are You Assessed f Look to tho
assessment list, Democratio voters,
or some of you will be cheated out of
your votes. Do not pride yourself
npon tho Idea, that because you have
been a voter and paid your taxes for
a number of years, that your name is
properly registered, but go auJ seo
for yourself. Every man who wants
to vote, must see that bis name is on
the assessment list. If it is not, be
must go to the assessor in person and
demand that it be pat there ; and this
will have to be done on or before the
28th day of Septembor.
J. Isaacs, Oculist and Anrist, has
removed from 619 Penn street to 805
Arch street, PhiTa. Head card.
Dr. A. M. Hills desiros us to state,
that he will be absent from home dur
ing the whole of the present month
The Williauisport mill men had
better look to their laurels. See, in
another column, the work done by
the backwoods Sawyers, at Osceola.
The School Directors of Curwens
villa propose to sell, on the 1st day of
October next, one of the best business
locations in that town. See their ad
vertisement in another column.
Cuanuk of Firm. The firm of
Bote & Shaw, Druggists, has been
dissolved. Mr. Win. M. Shaw having
purchased the interest of Mr. Rote,
tho business in the future will be car
riod on, in the same room, in the name
of Wm. M. & A. I. Shaw. These gon
tlemon will furnish everything usually
found in a drug storo, and at reasona
ble rates. Cull and see them.
Eas it been Done f The school
law passed last winter by the Legis
lature, makes it the duty of the trus
trees of tho several school districts to
make, or cause to be made, a correct
census of the children in each district,
between the 1st and 20th of July, in
order to ascertain the number of chil
dren admissible to the public schools.
A report of tho census is also to be
returned to tho county superintendent.
If these requirements are not complied.
with, the district so failing will be do
prived of tho amount due it from tho
State appropriation.
Wash and Churn. The time for
wearing dirty clothes, or using half
churned butter, is past. Mr. D. B.
Ream is the proprietor of an invention
adapted to this double uso. At some
housewives like to wash, churn, bako,
scrub, brown coffoe, etc., all on the
samo day, they will greatly ease and
facilitate their labors by gotting one
of Mr. Ream's washing and churning
machines. We have no hesitation in
paying that it performs its work more
satisfactorily than any machine we
ever saw. lie will bo in town on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
of Court week, and will wash and
ohurn the town, if givon the op
portunity, to thai atl may witness tic
praotiofll workings of the machine.
Malaria. The docayed and decay
ing vegetation of newly settled lands,
when damp, exhnlo miasmatic poi
son which, absorbed through the lungs
into the blood, causes the intermittent
fevers aud kindred diseases, which
prevail in our Western Stales and
Territories. But this great tconrgo
of our rich alluvial bottoms in the
West, is cow robbed of its sting.
Doct Ayer has discovered an antidote
which effectually neutralizes its ven
om : hat combined it iu a remedy
''Ayer's Ague Cui'o" which rarely,
or, as some of our neighbor! say,
never fails. It is rcliublo both for
prevention and cure. With it, men
nay live with complete immunity
from the malignant effluvia which
has hitherto rendered many localities
lmot uninhabitable. Those tnffcr
l"g from Chills and Fever maynd
i it immediate relief, and those ex
posed will find ture protection from
Rttack, by taking it in email quanti
se a preventive IU. Dtwocrat-
Attention I V should like to
know why tho Clearfield County Ag
relturnl Society was nnreprveentej at
the mooting held at the Agricultural
Collego, on the 4th instant, fbr the
election of Trusloes for that College 1
fkme of the furmura in this county
should exhibit soino interest and pub
spirit on this point. A largo turn o
money has been invested in that
stitution, for tho benefit of farmers
yot, if they manifest no more interest
with reference to its futuro prosperity
than they have in the past, In this
county, the College might as well be
closed. This seeming neglect of thei
interest may arise from tho fact tia
our people have great confidence in
the integeity and ability of General
Fraser, who is now at the head of tho
College, and is administering its affairs
for the general good. This method
of discharging oue'n duty may do in
this particular, but it would be a poor
way to run a farm or a manufacturing
More Improvements. The Tenna
R. It Co. are making preparations to
erect Telegraph wires on tho Branch
Roads, leading from this place to Lock
Haven, and toPhilipsburg. The polos
are being delivered along the line, and
ere long we will bo in communication
with those points telegraphically.
Tyrone Herald.
The Teachers' County Institute
will be held in Curwcnsville, com
mencing Monday, September 23, 18G7,
and continue one week. The law
makes it a duty for teachers to attend,
It is hoped directors and friends of
education generally will be in attend
ance. UEO. W. SNYDER.
Co. Superintendent.
Tribute or Mlettptxt.
At a regular meeting of the Cur
wcnsville T. of II. and T. No. 23,
Angust 23, the following preamblo
and resolutions were offered and
adopted :
Wli, It bath tileeecd AlmlrhtT flod. In
th. wis. diapenaation of 11 ia Providence, to lk
from ui oar heloved brother, Wilbur P. Robiaon,
ihoi leaving a vacant Mat in our earthly Tern jilt;
Resolved, That we bow ln humhle mbmleaion
to the will of Him who if too wiao to err and too
Hood to be unkind. We eaa but acknowledge our
fleep sorrow at tbe iom or our beloved brother ao
efficient officer in our Temple.
Keeolved, That we ainoerely condole with the
afflioted family and friend of the deceaecd ia thu
truly ead bereavement, and commend them to the
care of our Father in Heaven, and to the tender
aympathie. of Him "who can be touched with the
feeling ol our tnltrmitlea."
Resolved, That our charter he draped tn mourn
ing to tbe end of our preecnt term.
Rreolvcd, That a copy of thoae resolutions be
sent to each of the count v papere for puhli'ation.
and a copy with leal of the temple attached be
preeenteq 10 ine parenu ana one to the wile of tbe
. A. W. OI'VER,
.1 nay'g Hair in ir at I he Otceola
Osceola, Pa., Sopt. 10, 1807.
To the tditor of the Rr.publiam :
Dear sir : A few weeks since, I
observed a notice in your iiauur, of
tbo JJodge Al HI, at illiamsiwrt, in
coming county, having sawed a very
large amount of lumber in twenty
four hours challenging tho United
Statea to beat it. I here give you the
work of yosterdny, Soptumber 0th,
done by tho mill at this place, ownod
by the Moshanon Land and Lumber
Company, formerly Lnwshe, White L
Co. Tbe rapacity of our Mill is one
Muley saw, one Hat Gang, and Slnb
ber, with Double Edgcr and Lath
Mill. Our sawing yesterday, in V2
hours, was 1 1 1,402 foot of six-fourths
plank; our Lath Mill cut 8,0114 pick
ets 2 inches wido, 4 feet long equal
to 84,776 feet, lineal. Wo don't say
wo can do any bolter, but wo think
the Dodgo Mill will have to try aqain
Our Mill has cut this season, from
April 1st to September 1st, 7,733,053
feet of lumber, mostly four fourths.
We are willing to compare cither
days, weeks, months, or tho season's
work, with any Mill of the samo capa
city. 1 ho Dodge Mill is four timet
tho capacity of our Mill.
Let ivycoining blow Osceola nin t
afraid. Yours, Ac.,
About threo o'clock Monday after
noon Mr. Samuel Good, dispatcher of
tho Philadelphia And Krio Jiuilroad at
Willinmsport, met with a most horri
blo death, lie attempted to get on
an engine, and had placed his foot on
tho step ; when reaching for a hook
on the engine he missod his hold and
fell to the ground. The engine passed
over him, crushing and cutting him
to pieces, lie did not brcatho after
the accident. Several pnrcntless chil
dren aro loft to mourn his death tho
mother having died last spring.
Am I a IIadical 7 flod forbid I
Call mo any other name, bat "ns thou
lovoRt nio, call me not radical.
Wliatf a tramplcr upon and a dc
npiscrof the constitution of ciy coun
try; avilliflor and an nbiiMcr of tho
section of my birth an oppressor of
my pooplo an avowod enoiny 01 my
own ruco and color, and a worshipper
at the ihrino of Africa 1, not
a radical. Call me anything also, but
for goodnoss nake don't call mo a rad
ical. Journal of Commerce.
Id 1SM7, when Francil It. Shunk
wan Governor of Pennsylvania, the
expenses of our State Legislature
were 142,376 19. In 1H07, when Jno.
W. Geary is Governor, the Legislative
xnonnea are S205.S61 1(5: more than
nix time. The peculiar blessing of
UaHn.B , I. ihnentoen pnsL 1MB nviui.B
of Pennsylvania exactly r.'23,44 19.
Are thoy worm tuat sum f jet, uc
las-payers answer at the polls !
Rome of the Texas papers any that
corn will sell in that State, next fall,
at twenty-five oonts a bushol. lhe
peach crop is reported to be unusually
1 IrarOcId Markrta.
Iteported weekly far the Cirtnriem Krrraurta
by J. P. Kaitran, 1 ,.!. r la i,y lire
eerire, I'roi mom, 0., M.irkol eU. Olcaibild.
I'LitRriai.b. September S, k7.
A) yr. rrerfi.
,.0 00. IIK, drr.eed
.. 121 I
Uric:, ft lb
Apple bullrr.f al
1 I'll Hemp, etirar care.1.
hhoul.lvre M
Bidee .
Il. t.n. .l (Mloc 4 (1(1
0 On
' l.ard
.10 oil
Htickwhcat floor !t,
Heef. dried..
IW, fn-h I'Jfro
I kleee puru.V bill
I Onione
.... I ill
.... 0 (ill
Hi.. 211
4 All
.... 1 ill
.... 3 10
Koerdr, M li IMI(?0 0(1 i Pelal.we....
(.'.irn.rheilol I Ml ! I'eaclire, .lnl,
Corn, ear .. fi I i'hutur, bbl meal, 1 eack, 1 li Hvc
Chop, 1 owL J if. Riga, -j b ...
Oovereeed Oil llll i Knit. l m,.l.
v noee mi
Clieiriel, tt (10
Chickcne, dred, tb, 20
KiKe 21
r kneed. 1 no
Flour 12 (ll(,ol.H 00
Khinirli'l, IN in., M, 6 00
Nhint'lo, 20 in 12
Timothy eecd 0 00
Tellow lii
WheaU. 3 00
Wool 40
lley JOjOilfn. 12 00 l Wood, t cord
I 00
I'ltteburg Market.
I'lTTBlt mi. September 10, 1867.
llavlon Pnow Flake. While Winter til ifl
Jclikim' Kclipeo 1 2S
Qrent'iU. K. Kentucky. While Winter II a;,
Jenkins Lilly Milli u iy
llartlettf and lleiplamo I 0 00
Creaeent CitY.
0 00
Kve Sour, f bbl
8 00 1 1 '.ml lee ....
Core meal, Tpt bua.
Buckwheat Sour.
1 li
No. 3 Mackerel,
barrel 10 AO
0 00, l.'l)
1 li Tellow Hi)
1 20 Itron.
00 Riilte oilAe Ifl
Whoal.uew 0 (Hi (a)
Kye 0 llll I. v
Coru.ihelled fllftv
1 10nhuuldere...l2)li Ii
rotaluee. e., new,
llanu, . e. 00(u 22
Meee Fork J I ;,0
V barrel II OHM
1 00
1 00
t 00
t Ml
2 on
Onioni, fl barrel..
Timothy eeeil.i 60
llroome J Ml to S is
Hcliiied Oil..,
over eoe.1
Kottv 23(ij)
Ilrown I
Flat aned
Middhnire, 0 00(.y
Hcane, navy
Holler, roll...2nfo
3 on
3 00
uennrn, bara.
A cofTco
Cheeeo OOfn
Er?IT" lr-'i)
Applei.V bl.
I'ried applei, prime,
Week .756 1 20
Omen.. V0o 1 Hi
Synipe... 7 if., 1 00
Molaeeci 76 Hi
Hice )(Q II
unco peavbee, IU($
Unit, $ barrel 1 Hi
FLO tit
Cheapest Flour llnuae in IMtkburi.h.
On hand, relinble aud well known brandi. Quality
of t lour fruarenlccd. lnilurementi to dealer!
and l'rioefl Current cent overy week.
iw?l-'v riTrsHI Hclll. Pa.
SOME two moo tii ago it waa formally an
nounced that
Pennville was "Eight Side Up I"
Recent eventa have proved the announcement
prematura. Another "Flop" baa occurred and
coiei among tne unproreu, "iotem!inc and m.
portent" phaiea preiented, la the one bortravinr
tho new, large and eominodieua Store llouaa of
Who bara Juit relumed from the Eaat with a
large and carefully arleeUd atock ef Seaaonebla
(Joooe.of greater variety, and of better quality,
than have heretofore boen offered in thiaaection
of tbt ooanty.
Call at the new Store Rooma, and yoa will Ind
Dry Goods and Groceries,
II ate and Cepa, Boola and Phoea, Hard, Quren'a,
iioiiow, woon ana Mono ware; Urug., Oila,
Pale la and Varnlfbi Pultv. UEADY-
M ADK CI.OTHINO, Clocka. Confcctlonerv.
rbeeae. FLOL'll, FIfll, and PHOVISlOKs
Will bear Inipectloa, ae It la full and of the beat
quality. Our atock of HOOTS and H10K.S ia
unaqualled in quality and low prleea.
To the Ladies,
We won Id aay that we Intend to make the Notion
and Hreia Department worthy their patronage.
.rticioa cot on nand, will be apeeially ordered,
to suit our euatomera.
The Striking Feature in tbe "Flop,"
And the ene we would keen before tbe public, li
tho VMKVL0W PRICES at whiobwearaeelling.
T-Tha puullc are Invited to give ua a cell.
Tiring your Produce. Iloarda, Hhinglea, Grata,
Pork, Iliitler, Fgga, Dried Applee, Haga, Ac, ,-
HT-0ur motto "t'heapcat ck He-U"
Pennville, Aug. 2, 1807,
. W. Bradley 'b Celebrated Patent
OSL a 1X1 CP
rpil E7 will not bend or brink like the SinjW
X Bpring, but will prtitrre their prlert od
rtuxifttl ehape trbea three or four ordinary
Skirt will bare been thrown aelde at ueeleM.
Tbo Hnope areeorered whh double and (wined
thread, and tbe bottom rorlt are not only Jouble
iprinir", but twice (or double) eorered, prerent'
ng tbem from weariof out when dragging
down ttoops eta ire, dto.
Tbe wonderful flexibility and grent oora fort
and pleapuro to any lady wearing the Duplex
Klliptie Miirt will be experienced parlienlarly
in all erowded Awemblie Uperaii Carriage,
Kailroad Can, Church l'rwe, Arm Chain, for
Protnrnade and Houxe Drom. ae the Skirt can
be folded when in me. to occupy a email pi we
aa eatily and eonTentently aa a Hllk or Muelin
UrePt, an Invaluable quality in erlnoUne, not
fuund la any Single Spring Skirt.
A lady haring enjoyed the pleuuro, enmfort,
end great eonronieore of wearing the Iaplex
Elliptic Pteel Spring Skirt for a tingle day will
nsrer artvrwarda willingly dipnne with their
bm. For Children. Mm si and Voang Ladiee
they are enperior to all othrra.
The Duplex Elliptio is a great farorlte whh
all ladlrl and it nult'O.ially rerrtrnmendd by
the PanMnn Magaiine ai the Sundard Skirt of
the Faihionable World.
To enjoy the following Ineitimable ad ran I,
gee in Crinoline, tIi: rnprrior qnality, perfect
manuraoture. atylinh ihape and finish, Pfiibili ty,
duraM.ity, comfort and eoonomy. enqnlre for J.
W. Bradley luplrx Elliptic, or Double Kpring
Skirt, and be en re yoa get the genuine article.
CAUTION To guard againit
partieular to notice that ikirte offered ae MDu
pi i," hare lhe rod ink ettnp, vlit "J- W.
Ilradley'i Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring." upon
tbe waitband - none o there are genuine. AUo
notice thtt every Hoop will admit of a pin being
pftMfd through the oontre, thai revealing the
two for doable) epringe braided togethar therein,
which it tho eccrdt of Ibeir flexibility and
etrength, and a combination not to be fnand in
any other Skirt
FOR 8ALK In all etorre where flmt el
ekirls are told, throughout the Uuited Statoi and
lee where.
Manufactured by tbe aole owneri of the
97 Chaml.f re, and 711 A 81 Keade Su.,New Yurk.
June 17, I8H7 3m.
I'll on p Coal.
TIIR aiilieerilier hna now on hand a large quen
tily of eneellrnl I'dAU which he will deliver
to euvlomrr, if dcaircl, or erll at the bank, at rca-e-inetile
ratee. There ia no hotter conl mined in
tine eiunty. auglS 2m J. M. Nirilol.K.
IIorMON for Hire.
1MIK ul.erilr h.r.few IKiHSKS.rtfddlES
and CAllKIAOKrl, which he will hire at rea
amieble ratee. JAMKM h. I.KAVV.
Clearfleld, Ang. 1l!l(l7.m
Grape Vines for Sale.
VI.L tho leading hardy rarirtioi of firat qual
ity. Ordtre eolicltod ae eoon an fH)nrtiitfot
n1 filled In rotation, bf A. M. UlU.f-
nrr!1. Ty, Anjuit l, '
cCrrjal dwttsfmnits.
ttTllliHi:. Hon. aAMt'EI. I.INM, 1'r.i
1 ? Ident Juilire of the Court of (,m,nua HFKa
of the Iwnily ttfiri Jadblal Dlrtrlet, ronipneed of
the eouetiee of Clear Arl.l, fen Ire end I lint.. o
end lion. bA.Ml KI. CI.VIlK and Hon. JACOU
WILIIkLM, Aeeuoiale Judge of Clearfield Co.
have lulled tiielr precept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common I'leai, Orphsn'e
Court, Court uf Quarter heiiobl, Court of Over
and Terminer, and Court of lleneral Jeil Dellverr
at the Court lluueo at Clearfield, la and for Hie
county of Clearfield, commeneine; on the fourth
linn Jay (V,3d da) ) of Xepti-uibcr, ImOI and
to eonlinue two weekl.
NOTK'K IH, thercf.ire hereby lived, to the
Coroner, Jutllct pf the I'cece, and Conetablce,
In and for eaid county of Clearfield, to appear iu
their proper pereone, with their RolU, ileeorde.
i.,.,u,.,uou, naaminerioni, ena other Hemem
braneei, U do tboie thlnrr wblrh to (heir officca,
a.... ... nisi, ucutll, poriaiH Ml Dl UOOC.
GIVEN under my bend at CIcarOold, thit tth
day of riepiember, io the year of our Lord one
mouiina eight bundrod and Ixty-ieven.
Sheriff's Sales.
ill Tlrtua of nadry write of Ltmri fncini, If
w enea out or tne Court or i ommo pi...
Clearfield county, and to me directed, there w
oe eipoaea to public Mle, at the Court lloore,
in ine Dornoch or Clearfield, on Mordey, th
33d dy of tieptamber, IRH7, at 1 o'clock, p.m.
luiiuwina; aeernnea neal ntate, to wit
All h. .... : u u:n .. .'
.... ...... L0.M,U n.w in in, aiiaaie on tne Three
rvune, ia narmaui lowniblp, Clearfield wounti
a., being ntty loet In length and thirty feet I
idth, and the lot of around end eurtilaee an
appurtenancee to eaid building. Belied, taken
m execution, anu to be loid a the pronertr
Edward Modarvey. 1 v
AUo All that one-etorv fl.w Mill . k..iut.
In berth. ui townthip, ClearScld eonnty, Pa.
oa too three Hunt, containing in front thirty
ih.iu uny met, and tne lot or piece
of ground and curtilage appurtenant, toned.
"' 'u iocuwoo, ana to be lold aa the prop
arty ol Edward MoOarvev.
aim aii that certain piece of land iltuat In
Penn townihlp, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded
ae followe : Beginning at a lugar tree, corner of
" Jonamau nalln'a land, and eitendi
by the eame eaat one hundred and fonrteen ai
even-ten Ibe perehee to black oak i th inn.
eame lande, aoutb litty-lre degreee en it aiity
p.noee, ui pen j wtnre north one bundrei
end twenty and five teeth. Tiercha.. tti nml
thenca eoulh oinety tlree perehee. to place of
uegmuing containing ene hundred acree and
allowance. Belted, taken in elocution, and to
no .old aa the property of John W. Kafferty.
I-e-liiddori will take notice that IS peroent
of tbe purcbaee money bum be paid whon tbi
properly ia knocked down, or it will he put up
-g... ,.. tfavuD a. i aim,
Fnaatrp'i Orrire, I Sheriff.
Clearfleld, Pa., Ang. 2, I87. J
SherifT's Sale.
1Y VIBIL'B of eunirj wriU of Venditioni
J t irjioaoje leaued ont of (he eoort of Cnnaioi
I'leaa of t'learteld ocunty. anil to me dlreeln
there will be eipoaed te l'UULIC BALK, at th
Court llouaa in lb. borooirh of ClearSeM, 01
oodT, tbe Illd dav of 6cpleoihr. 18B7
el 1 .'elock, p. ., Ibe following deacribed Real
eiwiv. io wit:
A certain tract of land aituete la
towDablp, ClrarOeld coon'y, Pa., bounded : Be.
(innlDa; at blekurj eoner, thenc. eiity eUh
perohea to a white oak t thence weat one hue
dred and twenty Ire perchta to aa aib ( thenre
aoath one hundred and four perrbea to a pout ;
thence north aeventy eifht degreee one hundred
aaa mneiy-eeren perrbia to tbe place of begin
ning containing ninety nine arrea, and bound
ed bv lande of lUrrah TnA Ri.nR u.ui. I.
laaae Bullejr end olhera, reaervlng and eiocptlng
ten aorea eut of the north. eaat corner, heretofore
eum io aooo liiogalelter. Petted, taken
execution, and to be told aa tb. property of
w-inooora win late nolle, that IS per
rrcnaae money molt be paid when
the property ia kneeked down, or it will be put
,r-, iuihii. wmuu a. fAint,
finrmrr a Ornca, I Bherift.
Clearfleld, I'a , Aug. 211, '07. J
. SherifT's Sale.
T Y VIBTUK f a writ of AVer Faiin. Iianed
Xt out of the Court of Common I'leea of
kiearnoid county, and to me direoted, there
will b. expoeed te PUBLIC SALK, at the Court
nooe la the borough of Clearfield, on Meodty
too nay 01 Beptemoer, 1HH7. at I 0 olook, p.
the foilowlna vronerlv. te wit :
Uefendant'a intereit In two certain lota in the
borough of Oeceola, Clearfleld eounty. Pa., and
known aa lota No. 123 and No. 121 in the plan
01 ea id borough , having a plank dwelling houee,
a .laughter houte, atable, and other out build.
inga thereon. Seiaed, taken tn elocution, and
vo do aoiu ea in. property of William Kvana.
Aleo All that cerium trect af land aituate In
Lawrence tnwnehin. Clearfleld eo.. Pa., hounded
aa followa, via : Beginning at a poat, thence north
71 degreee weat 20 perchea to atoneaj thence
oulh 14 degree .eat 27 perchea te alonea thence
aouth 87, drgreeaeait 2(1 perchea to poat; thenoe
north li digre. weit 20, perchea, to piece of be
ginning, containing three acres and 70 perchea,
mo or ion, oemg pan ol a larger tract warrant,
ed ia Ih. nam. of John Jauiee, and having a
Saw Mill and Frame Hone, thereon, foiaed,
taken in elocution, and to be Bold aa
perty of William II. Moberteon.
Alio All defendaat'a In IPO aere. nr
land annate In Decatur Ip , Clearfleld .0., Fa.,
bounded by lamia now of Tuaee (Ion on tbe
noith, on the aoutb by of llre-r I Hlletnan,
on th. weal by lenda of eamucl MrClarren, end
cn the eaat by land of Jonathan Krpharf, being
Ih. reaidue of premiece bequeathed to defendant
oy jaeon uoae, alter deducting fifty acrea eon.
vojed to Hraaer A Hileman, having about filty
mrrrm i cie.rca una, a young oronanl, a one.
ana a.nan atory plana Bona, and log barn emot
ed thereon. Heited, taken in elocution and to
o. eoia ae ra properly of Abraham dole.
-Biddera will Uke notice that IS per cent,
of th. purchaa. money muat be paid whea the
property ia en oo le a anwn, or It will be put up
again for Hi.. JACOB A. FAt'ST,
Sninipp't Ofticii, ) Bbetiff.
Clearfleld, Pa, Aug. 21), 1S87. J
RI-:riIATF.RA !wOTICI-Koticelherfhy
given that the following acrounte hare boen
examine d and panned by mo, and remiin filed of
reeoM in Ibli oftu-e Tor tne innpection of be I re,
IfjratMi, ercditnre, and all othere !n any other
way InteroaUd, and will be preaented to the
next Urpbane' Court of Clearfield oounty, to be
held at lhe Court Houie, in tbe borough of Clear
field, coratnenoing- on tbo fourth Monday of An
giut, Wi
Final arrount of Kdmund Dale, one of the
adtntniitratore of Ht nry Knoj p, Into of Jlradford
towuship, Charflrld count r, Pa., dM!rard.
Aocount of Kihnund Dale, a'liuinietrator of
.flin W. Orahun, lata of Jlradford townihlp,
Clearfield county, I'a.. drntrd.
final aiTount of Joirph MrClarren. guardian of
Levi T. Morgan, minor child of Thomai W or pan,
lata of eoatur townihlp. Claarfiold oountr. I'a..
Final account of .lohn Rn-Frtl, admlnlntrator of
the estate of John II. NVwphrr, Into of I'eun town
eh in, Clrarfivld oountr, I'a., dcccaewl.
Arnul of .Samh K. hmilcy, ftdmiiiiatratrlx of
the entato of Wit'inm H. Hmiky, lata of Hrady
townnhip, Clearflf-ld eoonly, Pa., dtNioaaed.
Final account of D. K. Mattel, adminirtrator of
the ratate of tieorgv Roaa, late of I'ike townihlp,
Clrirflflld eounty, I'l., (Imeaffil.
Final account of Hit-hard llughea and Plmon
KfphaH, admlnlttraf or of the eatate of George
Krphart. late of Dtvntur townithip, Clearfiold
oounty, Pa., dercaeed.
Account of II. It. Swoop a, adminiatrator of I win
R. Cartor, late of Oarnnld ooanty, Pa., deoeaKd.
Acronnt of Hannah Moore, administratrix, and
.Tante A. Mrrore, administrator, of the oatnte of
William j. Mfeora, lata of the borough uf Clear
Hold. Clearfield oounty, I'a., dweard.
The amount of Kamnel Kirk, admlniptrator of
the estato of John ('ronly, lato of the Imrough of
Lumber City, Clearfleld oounty, riitra.d.
1. M. 1JAHUKR,
RRniTra'e Orrirr, Register.
Cleaifield, Pa., August 2, 17.
K N1ITICIU NoUrele here-
J by gtren that
t Letter Testamentary, bare
been granted tn (he eubsrribere.on the Kstata of
JOHN D. imtJUHKUTV, deceased, lata of Law
rence township, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a. All
person Indebted to said Estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, and these having
olaim arainst the eame will preeent then duly
authenticated for settlement
F.LLB.X r-OUnnRnTY. Ex'x.
iepA-fit:pd jAMkH Jd ULiM UllLlX, Ki r.
VlMIMlHATtMt' N(TI( lNniire
la heivlty given tliat Mtere of administration
on the estate of Thmai Henry, derased, late of
Ferguson township, Clearfield oounty, I'a., having
been duly granted to tho undersigned, all per sou a
indebted lo said estate will please make payment,
and those claim or demand will proeont
them for settlnnotit withon delay.
AujuAl 50, PdT-fil. Adinmistrators.
BKPT tiroitfid Altun 9H for W IS pn) aaek, M
H. W, ?MITH P.
Jhf air.
or tii it
Clearfiold Co. Agricultural Socinty.
III he held on the fair :rvund, near lit
buron-li of Irarllold. I'a., on laca.
da, tVrdnpeelav, Tliurailav and
I'rlilev, rl..l,i r let, lid,
ail and 4tli, IrHU.
1.IMT l' fulfill MS.
Class 1 Surcjistuitt, open It all b'etJt ami
Heat bull, f 15 2 I hurt, 5 Id hoal, $1 in
l!.-l eun, ID i l.,t, 4 3d beat, 2 011
All tirooda eomo Uigrtber in thia eleaa and oom
pete with earh other, to lie Judged by their gou
poinie, avmmeirv Ol Inline, anility lo Inlten, an
tbe atock thi-y will produce.
Jt'iiuna k. V. VVilaon, David Joknaon, Gcorj
Clam 'i(Jratl Cattle, owned in the county.
lie.l eow for milk, f H 2d beat, H .Id beat, f 2
Heat heifer, S year old, 6 2d best,
Best heller. Jl year old, 4 2d beat.
iiesi cuii, nmior n montni olJ,
Ji'iiiiKae-Jnwib Fhgul, Jacob Cullch, Job
r tow art, ir.
Clam 3 Oxen.
Best yoke of oxon, fill 2d best, Sd best, $2
J l iHiKfl Lcander Dennmg, l)avij Brown, Wm,
Clam 4 -Pat Cattle.
Ilest fat bullofk, eow or heifer, $10 2d best
4vniKa J. W. Kittlebarger. Kdward Albert,
utiieiio hmea!.
Class 5 Tkorovyhbrrd I lor set, open to all.
iei siamun, f ia za best, f l
Uest mare and oolt, IU 2d best.
'The nraraium in this olacs are intended anlv for
horaas whoae pedigroes render them worthy, aa the
rtoi-ieiy wiau to eu courage the raising of tuiprured
Ji D(ira Jamea Forrest, J. D. Hewitt, John
He Her.
Class 6 Hitting, Draft and Farm ort.
Heat saddle bora, f-i 2d bolt. $2 00
Hast sin it le family horse, 1 00
loet mntohed aarriage horses, 3 On
I test gelding or marc for work, 2 (Hi
lient span of draught horeoa or marre, 4 DO
Hucoiid best, 2 no
licit colt, under 2 year old, $2 00 2d best, 1 1)0
Heat 2-year old colt, 2 00 2d best, 1 00
lies! '-year old on It. 2 AO Id 1m aL 1 M)
1 hfl korse that move the beavit itt load on tbo
Rtone-hoat, aoourding to his weight, without
a whip, Youatt on the ilorae and 7 60
JrnoBi D. Wilson. Uainer P. Bloom. David
Ci.ais 7 Trottina Horsci. orrn to aft.
Bent time, Ala 0, trotting in single harneai, $f0 00
No preminm will bo paid in this unlosi elaas five
norsei aro ntered to compete for the premium.
caen norse io iroi against tune, rntranoe fee,
Ji nora Joaeiih K. M Hurra?. John D. M'llirk
vr. 4. n . rut tar.
ClASi St$wccpstalrjt open to all Pacing in
Best 2 in .1, mile heat, time. $100 00
No premium will b awarded in this alas unlets
there are six entries. Kntranee fee, $15.
JrnflKWiIliaut Powell. O. II. Mcrrell. John
. rnuart.
Class 9 Trottina in tingle harnrit for horttt
owned m the eounty at uatt fifteen dayt be
fore the tatr.
Best S In 6, mile hati, against time, $j0 00
no premium i awarded in this clam unless there
are right entries. Entrance fre, $j. Tbo borae
winning tbe premium in ('las 7, cannot eompeto
ur ine premium in tots ctaa.
jubuRg M. Ogdon, dor. Bigler, Lewis Carlile,
Class 10- -Trotting Ihree owned and raieed
in the eonintu.
Bett 2 in 3, on time, in harness, $50 00
l fto premiums awarded in tin class unless there
are nve horses entered to compete fur tbe same.
raiuranoe iva, r ,i
test trotting horse or mare andcr saddle, $3 00
heoond best, oo
Ilest tndttng horse or mare In single harness, 00
8onond best, 2 00
Best walking horae or marr, $S 2d best, 2 60
jL-nr.RS J. A. Faust, A. II. Hhaw, Uob'tOwen.
Clam II Trotting Colts, raited in thecovnty,
not treeettwa three vrart otd. oven to aft.
Best I in S, against time, $20 00
Not lea than four to be entered for Oil trot
ISo ent ranee fee.
Ji nora Frad. Irwin. A. A. Graham. James tT
Class 2 Sheen and W'aoL
Best boek, any breed, $2 00
Heoond best, Bandall's Flioep Ilufbandry.
'' ww t, any nrweu, itannrui a rneep uasbandry
Best ihoep, fattened for mutton
HandaN's Hheen TTiisbkndrT.
u-i iiMno, i.flii'iaii s rneep Jiuibanilrt.
J (Dure P. Dreselcr.Tbos. IIill,Kob't Law bead.
Class 1.3 iSu?in. oven to aU.
Beat boar.nny brood, Young Farmer's MauuelA$2 00
Beat broMiitig sow, any breed, 3 00
r-econd boat. Agriculturist for one rear.
Bet hog, $a 2d best, 2 00
Bet pig, under n months old, Agriculturist one year.
JriitiBS I.. II. Merroll. John A. Reed. S. II.
Class 14 rouftn.
Beat oop spring chickens, not less than four,
Beamont's American Ponltrv Book.
Best 2 heaviest turkey, do do
Best display of chickens, Mine's Poultry Book.
Jt noKfc Lewis Irvine, William P. Hoed. M. II.
Clam 5Pfowin?.
The man that plows green sward thaHest, $20 00
Jt'DfiK J. B. Kylar. Tho. II. Forcer, F. F.
Class 15 Pimm, Rnlferi, Drift ILtrrowt
and CuUivafort,
est plow for lull le or sward. $2"0ft
Best subsoil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden and I 00
Best olod-critnlier and roller combined, 1 00
Best grain drill, . (lardener and I 00
Best reaper and mower, AgHrnlturist 1 rr.and 3 00
Best threshing machine, Agriculturist 1 yr. A 3 00
e sue run piow, vyi itest cultivator, 1 00
eat corn planter. I Ileal barrow. 1 00 i
Itest horsc rake, 1 Best corn-sbcller, 1 00
Beat fanning mill, 2 Beat ox yoke, 1 00
est bay-pitching machine, 1 00 1
Brtat stalk and straw cutter. 2 00
Beit horse power for goncral purposes, 2 00
oriKinai niTenuoii or agricuit i implement,) vv
All articles enumerated in this class, ftot made
n the eounty, but produced upon exhibition, if
worthy of it, will be awarded a diploma.
Ji noR Adam (.car-hart, I,. J. llurd.H. fcilliox.
Class 17 Miteelfaneou Farming Implement.
est bee biro, Urimly's Mrstorr of Bee Keepinir.
Beat 1 dot. hand rakes, $1 Best grain cradle, $1 00
Heat atump mnchme, 9 Uoul potAto digger iU
u lot gHplen tools, The (3ard ner.
st lot farming utensils owned by farmer, 3 Oft
All articles enumorated in this class are subject
the same roles aa Class 10.
Jrpr;ra William Hoover, John Pbaw, Edward
t arvey.
Class 18 Wheat, Jttyt, Com, BarleytOat.te.
est acre of winter wheat, $10 00
est hu hcl of winter wheat, 4 00
est acre of rre, $i ilwt aero of corn. 3 00
Best acre of oals, 3 Best buhel morn ears, 3 00
est acre hurkwhnat, 2 Best bushel poUiti,.) 00
Beat aero clover serd, 3 Beit i acre inaa, 1 00
at i aorebroiua com 2 Best 1 acre oiirhuiD.2 00
est i acre rutabagas, 1 Best 1 bushel turniin.1 00
Best acre of turnips, 1 Best aero of cairota, 1 Of
Beat 4 bushel of tiinotby seed, 1 00
Crops being equal, preference will be given to
,ie tnni yioio tne jargvsi net profit. htHtements
be furnished by the exhibitora, Ther must Ih
measured, nr weighed, and a sample furni-brd at
he fair. Applicants for premiums must furnish
the a wirh a statement signed by them
selves, under a pledge of veracity, of the quantity
grain raised on the groom! entered for a pre
lum, and must state a correctly aa ha can the
ind and condition of the previous erops, thekind
nd quantity of seed aown. and tho lime and
mode of putting it in the ground.
Vrsons entering field crop f'r exhibition, or
intending to do eo, may give notice to the K x or li
ve l onion t toe at any time, and have the field D.ea-
ired and examined by committee while growing.
Ji hoes lian'ISlewart.Amo Harteock.
( I'. IWead and Cereal tood.
Best loaf wheal bread, I Hp. Beat pound cake, Pip.
est loaf rve nreart, Dip,
Itest trim en he, Dip.
Bet eoflecoake, I hp,
BcM lady' sake. Dip.
Best cake, Ip.
Beat jelly. Dip.
Beat ice cream, Dip.
ileal Htaf corn hreau, t'ip,
eat sponge cake. Dip.
Best jelly cake, Dip.
Best bachelor's cake. Dip.
Best pie, any kind, Dtp.
neat preserves and Jelly,
JriM)i:a Mrs. Justph Owens, Mrs; John R.
IltuleliaugH, Mrs. J. H. Rotd.
Class zOliufter and Checte.
iest & pounds or more of butter, $.1 00
Best 10 pounds of firkin butter, 3 00
iest rhcoee, made by exhibitor, 1 00
Jl hnK Mrs Ileiij. Hartshorn, Mrs. Ueo. It.
Barrett, Mrs. Alex. AluTay.
(LARS 21 (W.
est 50 pounds flour, $4 00
est 61 pounds rye flour, 1 $0
;cst f0 pound spring wheat flour, I 00
Best 60 pounds corn meal, 1 00
Beat 50 pounds buckwheat flour, 3 00
jniwias--c. sHu, w. r. John-Inn, jpn
JThf air.
Ol.a 22 Itmnntit Mtele$,
Beat he, nr Jar of honey, I $H
Bal In p.,o.a of maple or, flip, nr
Ileal peerbea pal np air ti,bt. IMp or
Hal lutnaloee put up air tihl, I'lp. or
Heat blaek kernea put np air tight, Dip. or
fleet eurreau poi up air lili(, lin. ar
Beat fanev J.r of pirklea, Kip. or
Heat f al. ayrap or enve;uin, or earb, lllp. ar cured hem (cooked) with mde
I ""ind, Pip. or
Beat dried beef witS mode of curlne- . I) in. or
Jriifiaa Mr. Jo. Arnold. Mr. Hon Read,
Mr. J. A. L. Flegal.
Ciabu 2.1 Ihnuttic Manufacture.
Best 10 yards flannel
$1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 OO
1 00
1 oo
Best 10 ards sattlnL
best li yard woolen carpet,
Best 16 yards rag carpet, woolen chain,
Best 10 yards el.,th,
best pair woo) blanket,
licit woolen coverlet,
Best wool fringed mils,
Best pair of knit woolen stockings.
Best specimen of knotting, knitting. or need!
work, by Alias under II year old,
Best pound linen sewing throad.
Best pound Hooking yarn,
Best foot mat, 60s. Bast lidv mat.
Junes Mrs. R. B. Stewart, Mrs. L.J. Ilurd,
Mrs. John M. Cummings.
Class WAKeeHU, Shell, Wax Work, rfe.
Rest specimen of needle wcrk. Dip. or 60
Beit specimen needle work on machine Dip. or 60
Best specimen flowers in worsted. Dip. or 60
Beat specimen embroidery in worsted. Dip. or 60
Best specimen embroidery in lace. Dip. or 60
Best specimen embroidery in muslin, Dip. or 60
vest specimen of leather work, Hip. or 60
Bast specimen of wax flowers. Dip. or 60
Best specimen of feather work. Dip. or 60
Best specimen of ornamental work, Dip. or 60
best shirt male by Mica under 13 yrs , Dip. or
Beat putching and mending, lip. or 60
JojMias Mrs. Wm, Albort, Mrs. A. li. fcbaw,
mra. ierr legal.
Clas 25 3 fil finer? and Drettmahing.
Best millinery, $1 Best dros making, $1 00
JunaR Miss Jennie, Miss Jennie
Milcbell, Miss Bertha Wiight.
Class 26 Artutic Barl.
Bost painting in oil,
Best portrait painting,
Best cattle paid ting.
Best painting in water colors.
Best uroamental painting of any kind,
Bert daguerreotypes taken on th ground,
Beat ambrotypea taken on tho giound.
Best pbotograpbs taken on tbo (round,
Bost landkt-ape painting,
Beit penmanship,
Best architectural drawing.
ji'ooas Jflr. toward btongbton. Miss Mar?
A. Irrin, Mus Boxie Tyler.
Clas 27 Design.
Best design for farm boose, barn, oarriag
house and stable, K loan's Ornamental
Houses and $5 00
Bert design for dairy boose, Manuel of the Ilome
Best design fur Ice house, 1 60
Best design for fmlt house, 1 60
Best design for bridge, with plan, span Dot
leas than ZbU feet, 1 00
Ji Dot Eli Bolt, Fsmoel Kobison. Esra Ala.
Class 2S Metalic Fabric and Machinery.
Best eooking storo, wood or coal, $3 00
hrcond best, 2 00
Third best. l)in
Best parlor store, $2 Beat cast-iron fence, 3 00
Second best. 1 Second best. Din
Best rp eel m en or lot of tin-ware. 2 00
2d ben, Dip and 60
Best sptcimeo blacksmltbiof, 2 00
Bert specimen guosmilbing, 2 0$
Best specimen iron-turning. 2 00
Best plate casting. $1 Best shower-bath, 1 00
Best original Invention in county, 6 00
best display of tablo aad pocket cull err,
American manufacture. Din
Best display of edfe tools, Dip
uest d-siay farming and Bold tools, D.p
Tbe above premium arc offered for article
manufactured in tho county. Diplomas mar bo
awarded for any of tbo above articles on exhibi
tion without regard to ibeir place of manufacture.
JtTpcss O. L, Morgan, David Buck, W, 8.
lira J ley.
I lass 29 I ehf.U of atl kind
Best family carriage, $6 Best timber sled, $2 00
best buggy, 4 Best horse cart, 1 00
Best farm wagon, 4 Best wheelbarrow. I 00
Best sleigh, 2 00
Jrnoxs Uenrv 6 tone. William McEnicbL II
W, Park.
Class 30 Cabinet-ware in county.
Beat d-eastng bureau, $1 Best sofa, 2 00
ucst extension table, 2 Best lounge, 60
best variety of chairs, 2 Best set af ebairs. 2 00
Best bedauad, 1 Best centre table, I 00
Best wash stand, 60q. best office chair. 60
Best display of cabinet ware, Dip and 2 00
Beet looking glaaa frame, 60
Best set of parlor furniture, 4 00
Junoaa Harry Fleminsr. John W. WriirhL
ueorge crnara.
Class 31 Coopering and Carpentering.
Best pine ware tubs, stands, Ae., Din and $1 09
oust set oi gram measures. l on
Best window blinds, 1 00
Best ipecimen easb. $1 Best lot buckets. 1 00
Beet pannel door, 1 Best lot baskets, 1 00
J i' nois ibomas Kobins. Dr. T. Jeff. Borer.
A. C. Tato.
Class 32 Pool and Garden Vegetable.
Best bu. carrot, 60o. Best 0 h'ds cabbage, 60e
Best i bu. rutabagas 60c. Best 3 b'ds caul if rs Dip
Beat bu potatoes, 60c. Best variety melooi !0t
Best i bu tomato, itOe, Best " squashes, 60r
Best i bushel iWeet potatoes, 60r
Best 4 stalks celery, 60c
best quart n tndsor beans, 60c
Best i bushel table beets, 60e
It must be shown tbat all re ge table bara been
raised by tho exhibitor.
JtiDoas ft, ii. Moore, David Welly, Anderson
Class 33 Cunier, Saddler and Slkoematter.
est gents' boot and shoes. $2 00
Pest lady boots and shoes, 1 00
est airplay of boot and shoes. 2 00
Best ladya' riding saddle, 3 00
fleet rid i ot bridle and msrtincale, 1 00
Ban eide finished harness leather, 60
est rob made by exhibitor, 1 00
est carriage harness, $3 Best tug harness. 3 00
Best single harness, S Bestgeote 'saddle 3 00
est display saddlery. 3 Best travl. trunk, 1 00
Best side kip leather, 60e. Best calf skin, 60
Best side sole leather, 60
Best side upper leather, 60
J (inn as A. S. Dickinson, Wm. Scbwem, jr,
J dim 11. Stewart.
Clash 34 Tailors and Vphohter1 Work.
Best suit of clothes made by band, $2 00
best coat made by a lady, 1 00
itest pants and rest made by a lady, 1 Otl
best buck mattress, $1 Beet straw mattress, 1 00
Best hair mattress, 2 00
Junuas W. J. Hemphill, Henry Bridge, John
Clam 35 Printing in Covnty.
Best newspaper. Dip. Best handbill, Dip
Best blank, Dip. Best card, Dip
Best ornamental printing, Dip
Jrrosa Wm. Bigler, Geo. W. Snyder, B, B.
Class 36 Stone Ware.
Beat assortment and best quality. $5 00
J r no as 8. B. Wilson, Henry Wright, Andrew
Class 37 Chemical and Cfiemicat Action in
Pest available manure at moderate e st, $1 00
Best available manor for farm products, 1 00
Best material for glue, 60e. beat linseed oil, 60
Best tallow candles, 60a. Bost vinegar, 60
Beit specimen of soap, 60c. Best writing ink. 60
Jt nots Dr. J. P.lloyt.J.J. Plckard, Andrew
Class Z&W004I and Stone,
Beat dreeeed .ton., f I 00
Beet mill atone, I 00
Beat grind eton., 1 00
Beat bntter bowl, Dip. and io
Beat ahiaglee, Dip. or 00
Beet turned article, 00
Beat floor hoarde, worked, 1 00
Beat waahing machina, 1 Otl
Beat eplit or ahaved hoops, Dip
Beat butter ladle, Dip
Ileal weather board., worked, I 00
Jrnnta A. N. Marka, J. D. Snoke, David
Cum 39 iV,iura Minfrnti.
Bert enlt af aeefnl mineral, of Clearlald
eoonly, Including coal, ft 00
Beat cabinet of minerala of Clearfleld and
adjoining eonntiea, to b. Ih. prop.rty
of Ih. ISoeiety. 6 00
Beat lime atone, ile. Beat collection foaaila, I 00 Ir. clay, tne. Beat burnt lima, 1 00
It. ft coal, fl Beat potter', .lay, 00
Jionaa J. W.Wright, J. C. Brenner, Jamea
Irvin, Jr.
Cu 40 Fruit.
Beet diaplay and greateit variety of grafted
applea, euminer and winter, lluaband-
Binn en American Wlnea and f 1 00
Beat diaplavof peer., Cel.'. Am.rlcaa Fmlt
Bonk and 1 00
Beat pluma and eherticB, Cole. Am. Fruit Book
Bea. quinoea, Mannlng'e Fmlt Book
Beat apco. applea, 1 peck, Manning'. Fruit Bonk
neat apee. Am'ic.n grapea, Manning'. Fruit Book
Heat aedling grape, raiaed In .ounty and
worthy of culture, 00.
B.'t domeatlc win. nrd mod. of maaufae-
lora, Filll.r. 'lrevM Oitltor.
Fhf air.
ttaal ewrroM wlaa, Manning s Frail nwk
fl.vl Mark harry wiae, Maammr s fruit .
Best gooseberries, 3Mwiilnt' trut li- a
Jt'iftt-J. D. Wright, Pster Hoover, Kilshs
Fee ton.
0.411 dl itrirminthip
To fbe lady who manages her bone tiest snd site
moat gr.M'tuIly, Dip.
To the gviletnnho manages bis bore beat
and sit most gracefully, Dip.
Best display of horsemanship, not less than
fre couple, Dtp.
Best driving on tbe course by a lady, Ihp,
ih'si company 01 eavairy, ihp.
Best oomiiAiiy of Infantry, D p.
Best band with bra in-lrnmenla, Dip.
Best martial band, Dip. B-st ten singtri, Dip.
Ji pm M. 8., John Flvnu, Thomas
Clas 12 iVwrirnVi.
Best nursery, eontaining tbe greatest variety of
fruits and shrub-, miltivated in rhemost approred
manner, lhe applicant tofurnisb r,p.
tion. withthe variety and mode of culture, $:i u
Pocond best, Barry's Fruit tlsrdeu.
Ji'Does Geo Tat I,evl Dresler, U. W. hiiotf.
('Lam AS -General Jtt
Best display and greatest variety of flowers, Dip.
Bttat din (tiny and greateat variety of plants, Dip.
lirst dir-play of floral ornaments. Dip.
best hneket hoquet, with handle, Dip.
best band bonu-t, Dip.
Jt'iH.Ka Miss Maggie Ralston, Miss Hox.o
Tyler, Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin.
fvDkscretionary premiums will be awardr I
for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics in
all the various branches, and it Is hoped a general
exhibition will lie made. For all improvmncnts
uevlul to the farmer, and having vaiuablu pro-
Eerties, disoretionary premiums may be. awarded
y tbe Executive CVtnuuittpo.
HU'IIAKD 8HAW, jr., PresidcnL
I. 0. BiSUKH, Heoretary.
Executive Committoe ttoorge Thoro, Josiah R.
Beed, K. K. bbirev, Nattiaoiel Biihel, Jitmcs
Treasurer A. M. Hills.
Corresponding Kecrctary D. F. ElsweWer.
THE Firet Term, of Iwenly-lwo WMka, will
eommenoeoD MONDAY, Pi-plemlier 2ii, 187.
Reading, Orthography, Writing, Ohject Leaaona,
rrimarv Aritbnielie and Priin.ry Geog
rapliy, per half term, (of elerea weeka,)... $6 00
nietory, Local and Dcaeriptive Geography
with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic-. f 10
Algebra and th. c!cnecV ff 00
Drawing, with any of tbe above H 00
OarfWld, July li, lS(S7.3m.
Clearfield Academy.
Eev. P. L. HARSIS0S. A If., Principal
THE FIRST BESSIOK of th. preeent Mho
laatte yaarof thi. Inatitatioa will eommenee
on th. Irat MONDAY tli day) or Sepl.mber,
Pupila can .nter at any time. They will he
charged with tuition from th. tlm. they .nter to
the eloae .f th. S.aaion.
Tb. eoura. of inatrnotion .mbraeei .very thing
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished .daction for both eezea,
Tb. Principal, having had th. advantage of
mooa .zp.rieoe. in bia profeaaion, aaeure. pa
rent, aod guard an a Ibat hi. entire ability aud
energiea will b. devoted lo the moral and men
tal training of the yoath placed under hia charge,
Orthography, Beading, Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Seeeion (II weeka) . fa 00
Grammar, tteography, Arithmetia, and
Rietory . - - . . t 00
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mm.
aeration, Carveyiag, Pbiloaophy, Phjal.
ology, Cbemiatry, book Ko.piof, Botany
.nd Pbyaical Ueogrtphy . . . ft 00
Latin, Greek and French, with any of th.
ahov. Branch.. . . f i 00
r-No deduclioa will he mad. for abaane...
tfr'or furth.r inquira of
Rev. p. L. HARRISON, A. M.,
ClearOeld. July ti. 18(17 If. Principal.
moat hiw Tom miLADii.i-iiia.
Al tlic.p a. Oie ( licapcet .nd iood aa
tlie lle.U
liar. Juat received, and ere opening, at their
Old Stand on Front rUreel, abov. th.
Academy, a large and well ae
leoted aaa.rtm.nt of
which they ar. Belling at very low ratee.
Read tht following catalogue and profit therely.
iT cir tiki lLijidJaB
Eapaelal pains baa been taken la lhe
.election of Ladiee Dreee Guoda, white
llnotfe, hmbroideriea Millinery Oooda
Prinu, Kercbiefa, Nubiea, Olovea, Ac
Alw.ya on hand Black Clotba Fence
ana ornca t.aarimereB. Malmete. eus.
Heady Mad. Clothing ol all kinds.
and a variety f other artielee. which
they will .el) at a small advaao. oa cat.
S 75
Particular atteation la invited to their
atock of Carpeta, Cottage, common In
grain, snperOn. Kngli.h Ingrain and
11 ru Mel a. Floor and Table Oil Clothe,
Window abadee and Wail pau.ra, .to.
FLOUR. BACON. Fih Sall.l
Plaster, Apple., Peacliea and
Pruoea kepi constantly on band.
A IO, in Store i lot of large and
email (.lover aeed.
W. Intend to tnak. It an object for Farmer, and
Mechanics to buy from aa; hecauae w. will
sell our goods aa low as they eaa b.
bought in th. eounty and pay the
vary bigbeat price for all kinds of eoontry pre.
due. W. will also exobang. gooda for
8i-aooL, Road and CnrarT orders j
Bhinglee, kinds
of Manufactured Lumber.
CIcrileM, May , 187.
1! It 1 1) v E.
(Pinre one door ert of ClenrflcM IIuieJ
- IHirkrl Mrret. Clrnrflrld, Vn.
TJ'KKl'S on hand a full amiortiDeBte of OenU
IV Fnmiebfng Uoodn, rueh ai Sbirta, Linen
ttnd Woolen I nderthlrlt. Dmwera ind Snrki,
Nefk-tiei, Poeket Hudkerobief, Gloree, HU,
I'mbrellu. An.. In great Ttrietj. Of Pioon
Uoode be keepi tfa
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colon,,"
Fueh as Black Doeakia af th. very beat tnekoi
Fancy Caeeimer., ia groat variety , aleo, French
Coating, Heaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Fricott
overcoating. All of which will beaold eheop for
Caeh, and mad. ap according to th. leteal style,
by .iperlenced workmen.
Also, Agent for Cle.rflcld eoonly for I. at.
Dinger a Co s. celebrated Sewing Macbfnea.
Not. 1,, II. UKIlmR.
31 cat Inrkce.
flIlK anderaigned would Uke ttiie method of
JL informing tbe citiecna of Orartiold and the
atirmiiniiing vicinity, that the? hare opened np a
MKAT MAIIKKT, in the haeement of the Clear.
Held Unuae, whore they will he found with a
eupply .very
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
Karmera and joMiere in the enrrounding conu
try will Va auppliM with Meats to order. A lib
era! ehara of publio patronage aolicited.
angl,07 M. tl. BROWN.
(Immediately la rear of Machine Shop,)
rpHI ewbeeriner woald roepnlfully Inform th.
Jl ctliaene uf Clearfleld. aod tbe public in ge.
ral, that be I. prepared to do all kinda of workoa
on abort antic and n reaaraabl. terms, aaa
la a workmanlik. manner.
r-AII order, rromrtly attended lo. waaj
Feb. H.'M, WM. M'MOHT.