Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 29, 1867, Image 3

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    THE llElHmUCAN.
:::::: A tipiiNt .1, ISfi7.
Kak Bam,. Tlio regular monthly
meeting of tho 'Moose lnse Hall Cluh
will be htld on Thursdriv evening,
August 2'Jtli, at eight o'clock, at the
usual plnre of mooting.
By order of the President.
Wbiiiut Graham, Scc'y.
liuLES in Bankruptcy. Tho olll
rinl rules and regulations in bank
ruptcy, as adopted by the U. S. Dis
trict Court, are for sale in pamphlet
form at the ottice of tho Erie Observer,
Erie, l'a. Price, 30 cents a copy, or
eight copies for $2. Address B. AVhit
man, Observer Oflico, Erie, Pa.
AVe direct the attention of our read
ers to tho annual report of George W.
Snyder, Esq., County Superintendent,
which will be found on our first pugo.
Mr. Snyder, although he is devoting
his whole time and energios in the
discharge of his otliuiul duties, still
solicits tho counsel and advico of
directors, teachers and citizens who
favor the cause of education.
Tremendous Hail Storm. The
hail storm which passed over this
county on Sunday lant was tho heavi
est visitation of its kind within the
recollection of the oldest inhabitant.
Some of the hailstones were as large
as ben eggs, and dangerous to man or
beast. A man named Johnston, in
Canal township, was knocked senso
less whilo holding his horse, and
another, whoso name wo did not hear,
was knocked down. The belt of coun
try occupied by the storm is from five
to eight miles in width, extending
from east to west. The destruction
of the crops along this belt is almost
complete. Corn and oats are lying
flat tho oats threshed und corn ears
torn from the stalks. Buckwheat is
also exterminated. A report from
Tionesta represents the damage as
great in that region. Tionesta creek
rose two feet iu two hours. Tho riae
in tho Allegheny was some twenty
inches on Saturday night, but on
Tuesday tho river had settled to low
water bearings. Tho pelting of the
hail is described by those who bad a
front view, and wcro out-doors, as
terrific The rour of tho storm was
distinctly heard in this borough, but
we received very little hail. For sev
eral minutes the rumbling was like
the passing of a heavy train of cars.
Venango Spectator.
An old preucher in Western Xew
York, who was being urged by some
of his cbnnhmen, during tlio political
excitement in that State, last fall, to
join the Hadicul party, said :
"So, my brethren, I can't join that
party, because all tho Abolitionists in
the country are in it; and Abolition
ism, my brethren, has dono a wonder
ful sight of harm among the people.
It has hurt many shepherds and scat
tered many flocks. It got into the
.Mclhodift church and broke that up.
It got iu among tho Presbyterians
and split them iu two; and got into
the Government and broke tho old
Union to pioces. And, my brethren.
I don't know of anything it is good
for but to break up. If you have any
enmity against tho old boy, I advise
you to send Abolitionism into his do
minions, and it will break up hell itself
in less than six weeks."
The West Branch Boom Company
are now having erected in tho river,
at the foot of llepburn stroct, one of
the finost dams ever placed in the
Susquehanna river. The extreme
length from bank to bank will be one
thousand feet, breadth of base forty
eight loci and tho height eight feet.
Iho pollute will bo on the snlo of the
river next tho city, and w ill bo 450
feet long by 00 feet wido, and will bo
guarded on each side by walls of tho
ssme length, and 1(5 feet wido by 16
high. Over 200,000 perch of stone
will be required to comploto the work,
and the total expenditure will not fall
much short of 1150,000. Williamsport
Stanton has gone to hide himself in
tho White Mountains. Wo do cot sco
how ho rould possibly do a better
thing for himself or his country just
now, than to go up on ono of their
highest crags and jump oft". The Mon
grel papers aro now all praising him,
and tbore is no telling what they may
be doing six months from now. It is
evidently a good tims now for Stan
ton to die.aa ho will be sure oi a great
many first-class obituaries.
' An exchange gives tho following as
the correct correspondence between
the Presidont and Stanton :
Kxectttve Mansion, Aug. 12.
E. M. Stanton Sir: I have ap
pointed Llyssos to kick yoa out. lie
wears No. 8 boots, heary soled. A. J.
War Department, 1
' Washington, Aug. 12. j
Andrew Johnson Sir: 1 yield to
"superior forco"and subside K. M. S.
Tbore would be two hundred and
forty members of the llonsn of Repro
sentntives if all tho members from all
tho States wero present. Of these,
only ono hundred members votod to
pass the despotism bill over the veto.
As a two-thirds vote, or one hundred
and sixty odd members, are required
to reject a veto, it becomes more fully
apparent what a miserable Rump now
controls tho destinies of the country.
llussia has its Poland ami Siberia,
Great Britain its Ireland, Franco its
deadly Caycne penal settlement, and
the Federal Government its disfran
chised and desolated South, governed
by the sword. Neither of tho above
Governments is in a condition to lec
ture Turkey about Crete and the Cre
tans. Tennessee to-day is in a more
scandalous condition than any pro
vince of the Turkish empire.
The "Detroit Board of Trade has
passed a resolution that two hundred
pounds shall hereafter constitute a
Urrel gf flour.
itlitrkn for ttlllir.
Nothing so much worries tho parly
of groat moral idenn, as the possibility
thsl tho Ftecdiucn, under the new
order of things, will insist upon run
ning ns candidates (or Congress, May
ors, Aldermen, etc. That Is something
tho w bito radicals have not bargained
for, and as they want all the
for themselves, their apprehensions
as to colored competition is easily un
derstood. They aro willing enough
to confer upon tho negro tho right of
sufl'rago, hut they aro unwilling that
that right should bo exercised so as
to interfere with thoir monopoly of
the emoluments of ollico. Tho colored
man, however, wo soo, begins to ap
preciate this manifestation of Bullish
ness on tho part of tho "mean whites,"
and we are not surprised, therefore,
that they should bo taking the proper
measures to counteract it. The col
ored gentlemon, J. J. Wright, who
got up in tho South Carolina liadieal
Convention, tho other da', and insis
ted upon naming ono of his race as a
proper candidate for tho Vieo Presi
dency of the United Slatos, had an
intelligent perception of tho neces
sities of tho situation. And that
other colored gentleman, who is run
ning in Palmettodom as a candidate
for Congress, must likewise bo anima
ted by the true spirit of progress, and
a commendablo solicitude lor tho true
interests of his race. And tho same
may be said of the equally enterpri
sing Africans who aro gotting them
selves placed on the police, and in
other civil offices, at Richmond, Sa
vannah, Now Orleans, etc. To weak
en the moral ofl'ect of theso tondencies,
we see, the Radical wire-pullers here
are causing to be published letters pur
porting to be from colored men here
and there, disavowing any desire to
hold oflieo, and calling upon their col
ored brethcrn to abstain from giving
their ambition that turn. These let
ters, there is every reason to beiieve,
are bogus, and gotton up expressly
to deceive. The radical leaders are
up to all that kind of sharp practice,
and tho "colored brothorn" henco had
better be on their guard. Express.
Tho Buflulo Courier is led to tho
belief that J. Wilkes Booth is st;ll
alive. It gives several roasons for the
opinion, among which is the statement
that a few weeks ago a gentlemnn of
undoubted veracity, who has been a
wido traveler, called at the office, and
after conversing for some time about
tho authenticity of tho Booth diary,
brought into court at tho trial of Sur
ra It, finally said : "I know J. Wilkes
Booth well, and have socn him within
six months." The expression was let
slip in tho heat of discussion, and its
utterance seemed to annoy the gen
tleman so much, that he olosod the
conversation almost immediately.
Erie Observer.
A Mexican paper says that Lopes,
tho traitor, alter selling Maximilian
and his generals, wont to Puebla to
to see his wifo Sho met him leading
their little son by tho hand, and thus
addressed him : "Sir, horo is your son ;
we cannot cut him in two, tako him.
You aro a base coward and traitor.
You havo betrayed your country and
your benefactor. I-rom this hour we
are strangers for I shall retire to my
family. Go '."
Shocking. A negro girl, about 19
years old, named Arabella Iorniillo,
and living near Camp Schofield, was
arretted yesterday by officer Dinguid,
ol the city police, charged with throw
ing her new-born babo into a pen of
liogs, by whom it was devoured. 1 he
girl confessod the cruel deed, and said
sho made way with tho child because
she did not caro to undergo the troublo
and expenso of raising it. Lynchburg
J cm.
Tho only way for
people to live, or, for
a Republican
a Republic to
live, is to discharge all obligations,
and the first and greatest debt, is the
oath of tho administrators ol tho Gov
eminent to uphold the Constitution
of tho United States. Onco loosen
tho public mind fiom this oath, and
it breaks away from all other obliga
tions, for, he who cannot keep an
oath, will not pay debts, if ho can
help it.
Tho average yearly production tf
distilled spirits in tho United States
during the past five years has been fif
ty millions of gallons, the revenue
has been collected on about soventeen
millions. Loss to the government
jr.ii,nuo,tK0 annually
A late rebel says "I respect the
Northern man who honestly fought
for tho Union, but 1 despise the trai
tors who under the name of Union,
have used the Northern peoplo to do-
stroy the South, and then to destroy
tho Constitution.
Colored Policemen. Gon. Sickles
has removed tho police of tho town of
Sumtor for alleged maltreatment of
the blacks and inefficiency. JIo has
appointed two colored ond ono whito
poiicomen to succeed Iho luto incum
bents. Tbcro has been a strong caso of mis
cegenation in Kvansville, Indiana. A
pretty )-onng white girl has married a
coal-black negro.and her father is very
much put out about it ; tho negro is
also much put out of the honso.
The people out West are evidently
getting quito smart. An Iowa paper
declares upon its "honor," that it
knows of a babo six months old that
said the other day to its mother:
"Give me a drink of water."
A correspondent of the Charleston
Xeirf, in a recent letter from Wash
ington, Ga., writes that Gen. Toombs
will soon publish a letter that will
"searo timid folks" and raise a broczc,
Tho old Pennsylvania bank bnild
ing in Philadelphia is to bo removed
fiieccmeal to Portland. Tho marble
ins been marked, lettered and num
bered, stono by stone, and it will
reappear os a custom bouse.
It is rejHirtod that Gen. Howard,
the boss of the negro bureau, is to be
removed. The Treasury would be
greatly benefitted if both boss and
burtsu were wiped out.
I kiii ih f I'tni ir.
Tho Hon. Henry H. Filch, U. S. At
torney at Savannah, in a Into legal
opinion said: "Next to usurpation r
power, there is no higher grade in po
litical crime than a timid abandon
ment of rights." In tho midsiof these
days, such a sentence is liko a single
diamond sparkling in a mountain of
mud. We havo ever insisted in this
magiuine that tho usurpations of tho
African party wero not much greater
crimes than tho supinencss and cow
ardice of tho Domocralio party. The
very first net of usurpation committed
by Lincoln should havo been mot by
tho united tliundors of tho Democrat
ic party. And the agents of that usur
pation should havo met with death at
every threshold they dared to violate.
Wo, for ono, shall never be ublo suffi
ciently to despiso a peoplo who have
so weakly given up thoir rights. Wo
havo witnessed the pooplo crouching
beneath tho despotisms of tho Old
World, but then it has takon contu
ries for tyrants to bring the people
into subjection. In this country the
work was dono as in a night. But
we are still not without hopes that
there is a gorm of virtuo and patriot
ism left, which may yet spring up
and throw a clenched hand at tho
throat of every satrap of illegal power ;
but never, until tho peoplo get tho
pluck and virtue to roll in tho dust
the heads of such tyrants as Stanton
and Stevens, togother with all their
creatures, such as Sheridan, Sickles,
Popo, nnd every other knave who
dares to enforco'the merciless rulo of
the sword over a wholo people. Tho
man who talks a softor policy than
this, is wanting either in honor or sa
gacity. Old Guard.
Going Up. The Milleritcs, or Ad
ventists, are again preparing to "go
up." Their disappointments have
been many, but they have strong
faith that the end of mundane affairs
is at hand, and that tho niillcnium
will be duly inaugurated on or about
the 1st of October.
For 2,500,000 votes the Radicals
havo 216 members in Congress, whilst
3,500,000 Democrats have but CO. No
further argument than theso figures
is needed to show the infamous char
acter of tho Radical usurpation.
The removal of Satrap Sheridan has
created no excitement at Washington
City, and should not anywhere else.
It is only ono tyrant legs.
It is said that Surratt is to be tried
again as soon as Congress can pass a
law-to put negroes on t'ao Jury. White
men aro not supposed to be intelligent
enough to understand the case.
Tho Bureau of Military Justico has
bred more crimo than it has punished ;
moro perjury than Heaven will ever
forgive or tho country forget.
Two hundred thousand cigars arc
made at tho Michigan State prison
per month.
Tho Alabama claims elude payment
as Semmcsuscd to dude fight.
C'lcarueld Market.
Bi-rmrlid wrrkly for tlir Crr.AnriKi.n Hnrvai.tcA
lv J. P. Kimtf.f.1, Iiealer in 1'ry Good. tiro
curica, Pruvieion, dc, Market at., Clrarliitld.
Ci.nAsnn.ri, Ancuat 5d, isrj.
Apples. jrrpiTi 0 on! Hnjra, drcsaid on
Print, It 12-) I Hirl.-n, ircrn 7
Afijilc butttTj'Pgul, 1 Oil! Hums, angar cured,
Butter M Plmulilirs
30 I'll
1 4(1
0 llll
, 20
4 .SO
1 60
1 511
Brans J.1 Win) 4 0(1
llurkuhwif.. 0 011
llut-kwhoat flour lb. 0
S ,Mres j.ork.TS bid..
H'f, dried SO I Oku.
Ilecf, fresh 12(1 1.1 ' Onions
Hoards, M 15 00(120 00 Potatoes
Corn, shelled... 1 60 Poacher,, dried, lb.
Corn, far 7J j Plaalor, T
Corn meal, pack, 1 7.1 i Bye-
('hup, p ewL So Kara. V Id ,
Clovoraeed 00 OO 1 Kali, W park ,
Chtcw . 00 ! Shingli-a, Is in., M. 6 00
Cherries, It 00 I S!iiii(ilii. 20 in 12 00
Chiokena, drsd, Hi, 20 I Timothy seed 0 00
Kvire 2 Tallow la
Klmaeed ! 00 WhiuL. 3 00
Flour 12 now. n on ! Wool 4n
Jlajr 10 Il(i(.i.l2 00 j Wood, f itor.l 4 00
IMttstiurg Markets.
Pirrnai ao, Auju't It, 18(17.
Pavloo Fnow Flakr, Whit Winter.- til 50
(ininl'a O. K. Krniu.kj-, While Winter,...- II 50
.trnkinn' Lilly Milln 11 25
rhoim Brand Srin( Whna' 11 ll(ift 11 iti
live Dour, f I'l'l- a oo ( andlM 14
Corn meal, bus,
Hui'krrlmAt flour,
What,B 2 on 0
live I Dnf,y
Oalt Olioi,
Corn, fhrllrd I((V
Potntoea, a., nrw,
y hairelO Hi(i
Onion, larrri..
TimolliT arcd.O 00
Clover lped.H
Flal aeed
Mo llilif.. 0 IHKiy
lran, navy
II utter, mil. ..('(-
Cheew tHifu
.BZ... I'Jfni
1 lllj.No. 3 Mackcnd,
barrel 1(1 50
0 00 I,ard,choioe..Kli(ai l.'l)
S 15 Tallow
i 25 1 sacui.
5lSidMl 0b
1 05
2 on
.1 on
t on
1 on
1 HO
X On
Shnuldrn 1:4(1 I
Mama, I. ft. 21
Mraa Pork 24 50 2 5lrii, I 35
lli liwd Oil 44
Coflr !t:t( 27
Ilrown UK'il 14
KrfniFd, hard. IS
A pofftia 17
lllark 75a, 1 20
Ai.iile.l!i lil. 4 on Urran 00(d) I 05
lined aoiilemiirimn,
7Svruia 75(ii I 00
1 1 I Vnlaaaea 75(1) S5
lined iiirhcR,ln(iii
halt, Y barret
2 All I Hie U,Ot ll
I- LOt H .... pHOVlrUOXS.
whoi.khai.r nrfti.KR a HRrnvm or
C'hraneat l'lotir llouae In Plttaburrh
Od hand, reliable and well known brand. Quality
of Flour guaranteed, iudueementa to wden
and I'rioea Current aent every week.
CRrrKKlir.D Fauwr, 27.1 Liariirr Ktbfkt,
janlU-ly 1'ITTSIU Hull, Pa.
IMiiladelilila ;rorry SlarkaU
Pltll.AtiRI nttlA, Anxnat 10, 1S07.
r nn l:l n.
Itio, entumon 22JoX 2:14.
(to.! 24 (a 24)
Prime 25 (t, 2.1f
Choiee 20 (m 27
,tava,oid "ov. iol (,t ::7)
l.airoara ...... 20 Uu 2M
Yonnir Ilyaon
Superior... S5fn l 16
Fine.- 1 2.W'i I 4.i
I'meat 1 Wlttl 75
Huperior.-.l 056-1.1 25
Fine.......l "Ofn.1 60
Fitieai 1 6.i(i 1 OS ;
Ilandelioli a
Cru-tied 00 (
Coarw (Hilv'd 00 (,,,
ImjMirial j
riinerior,..! l-'"0 1
Fine.- 1 4t I 06
FmeFt 1 7"(a I SO :
Fine do... 00
(lnnowder . (
K oo (o, i
htiierior...l z.ioi. I 4(i
Fine I 6..ri I 7"
Tinrft 1 7. 1 1,2 OH ;
II CO (i 1 ',J !
IMta C on (,,. 1.4 !
C yellow... l)na 15
avavea. I
Common...... 4'lni 60 !
Fair .''M-ii 02
Oood 07 (.a 70
Prime 75(0 SO J
Choice S.'Oi, 01
Choieeeatra, K.'.y I 05
not aaara. j
X.O., rhoiec,! 0 .6(1 17
Porto Ittro... OTf-fc So (
Cuba 5!'i (in !
. larael R. Wainwripht I
foiperlor... S6oil PS ;
Finn. I onn 115,
FmeFt I 201,1,1 40
Htyierior... O.Soi 115
Fine- 1 2"'.i.l 26
Fineal 1 2anj, I :i5
Carolina lU(Si 13
Ka.t India... ii.v l"j
Clement 11. Wamwricbt
Ji.h 11. W
N. K. Otinior tSc.nd ud Amb Btiwts. .
M.rii iHii-Aj-rnju-v, ta
?hf air.
or TDK
Clearfield Co. Agricultural Society,
111 bp lirlil nn tlir llr (.ntuiid. nrur the
Imnmd nt' ('h-nrltcM, Pa., mi Turt
dm , ednrM.HV, I ImrnUv mid
VrlitaV, OHttlMT M, K4j,
lid and llh,
Family llckti - - . . $1 00
HintrU likpii, Hurinr Fair . ty
Hinrlo adiniMi'tn th'K(Ls - Ji
t'hiltfren under ton year oM, whn aouoBijian
leJ b their parnu or (ruariiiDi, froa.
Cblldren unilur ton yn of ne nut ailuiitttd
unlet) acanmpantcd bj tbeir paronu,
Cheoki will be givtrn at lb door to pereom
deniriiiK to pais out during the eihibiiiun. but
will nut admit ttia bolder to any other inhibi
tion each half day counting an exhibiilon.
The number and olaM, and the number in the
eland, with the name of the article, will appeal
on the rurd attached; but lui nam t of the ex
hibitor will not appear.
VromiuBii and diplomat will be paid on and
after tho flrnt Wednesday of Norember, and until
the 1st day of January, 107, a'ter which all
money premium unclaimed will be considered
a a donation tc the ISoriety. The otfitiera of the
Society and in e tub on of the Committee of Ar
ninKi'tnenU will wear a badgt designating their
oflico, and It will be their duty as well as pleas
ure to attend to the expressed wishes and wants
of tho exhibitcr and others, if It la In their
power 10 to do. A leiert police force will be in
con i to tit attendance for the preservation, of order
and protection of property.
The trotting course is lTlt welt graded, and
cue-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ments will be uiaav iv w eonrenioncs of speo
itori. 0
hvery person wiihlngto be enroll mm mm
ber of this tioeiety must apply on or Defers the
first day of the Fair, and on the payment of one
dollar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate
f mstuberFbip, containing tha name of the ap
plicant and endorsed by the Secretary.
Every person becoming a member as above
stated shall, on the presentation of hit certificate,
receive a ticket which will admit him free during
tha Fair. Any per boo compiling with tha above
regulations end payinX f 10, shall become a life
member, and shall be exempt from all contribu
tions, and lhall annually receive from the Secre
tory a free family ticket.
All persons must be provided with ticket
which can be bad from the Kxooutire Committee,
Treasurer or (Secretary, or at the office on the
ground. Persons acting as judge are exported
to teoome members of the a'uciely. Persons from
other can tie can become aaemriers by comply
ing with the above rule. Lao! let oan be rutins
members by making application a above, and
paying into tha treasury fifty eenta, when they
will receive a ticket to admit them free.
Exhibitors mutt become members of the Soci
ety, aad Lava their animal and article entered
on the .Secretary's book an or before the 2d
day of October ; acd all animals and article,
except faoreci, must be broaght within the en
closure as early as Wednesday, at 13 o'clock, H.,
and all persons entering animals and articles for
exhibition will procure cards from tha Secretary,
with tba clas and number of eutry of laid arti
cle!, previous ta placing said article on the
ground. 11 ay and atraw will be furnished gratia
lor all animals entered for premiums, and grain
will be furniched at cost fur those that desire to
Ko horse shall be entered or allowed a premi
um unless be is free from discaaa. Hows will
be received until Wednesday noon, but must be
entered previously. All person who intend to
exhibit horses, cattln, sheep or twin, or who
intend to offer suwk or any other article for sale,
rhould notify the Secretory of such intention, on
or befnre the 26th of September, aud have with
him a list and full description of the tame.
Person intending to exhibit blooded stock
muft produce authentic pedigrees, and are earn
estly requested to fumifb the Secretary, by tba
Zsth nf r p timber, with a list of their Flock and
the pedigree of each, Tim will facilitate the
preparations of entries, and in case of deficient
pei.i jre, will aflord the owner time to correct
the same.
I n cli urtlona to Judra, Xo animal to re
ceive nn award in more than one class.
Judges are expreuly required not lo award
premiums to over-ted animals. No premiums are
to be a a ar ded to bulla, cows or h eiders which
hall appear to liavva been fattened, oklt tn the
class oi la cattle, the object of the Hoc.rty being
to have superior animal of tbti description for
Fat Cattle. The jurfres on Ut cattle will
give particular attcativn to the animal submit
ted for cxaminalicn. It is believnd, all other
thing. Leii.g equal, tbne are the foul rattle that
bate the grratent weight ovtr the smallp-t super
ficies. 1 be judges will require all in this clnf
to be wnigbed, and will take menvures to give
the superficies of each, and puMub the result
wilb th t-ir report. Tby will flln, before award
Ing any premiums, require of tha comptiur3 full
statements as to the manner and oust of feeding
a required by the regulation of the premium
When there is but one exhibitor, althojfrh
he may show several animal in one olasa, only
one premium will be awarded that to the first,
or otherwise as the merit of the animal may be
1 he superintendent will take averr arecaotlnn
In bis power for the safety of stock and article
on exhibition after their arrival, and arran
ment on the grounds, but will not be responsible
for any loss or aainag that may ocrur. The So
ciety desires exbibiUirs to give person a! attention
to their animal and i nicies, and at the clone of
th r air to attend to their removal, a the Society
cannot uuxt niruiar ear ot tnein.
It u Ira of riowinj; 1 be name of the plow,
man must be given, as well as the kind of plow
to be used, at the time of entry. Tba quantity
of ground to be plowed by eab team to be one
fourth of an acre. Th time allcwed to do the
work will b three hours. The furrow slice in
all oases to be lupped. Tha teams to start at tb
same time, and ench plowman to do bis work
without driver or other assistance. The premi
ums offered by the Society will be awarded to
the Individuals who, in tba judgment of lb
committee, shall do their work in the best man
ner ; provided the work i don in the time al
lowed for its performance, jucb plowman is to
strike his own land, and plow entirely indepen
dent of th adj ining land. Within tb one
fourth of an acred plowed each plowman will be
required to strike two bark furrowed Ian 4s and
flnuh with the dead furrow In the middle.
Any Information required in regard to matter
nf th Society oan be gamed by addressing the
Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will
be pleased to give any iufoaioalion in their pow
er at any time.
Any article not enumerated in the above classes
and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of notice,
will ha suitably awarded.
Tba Executive Committee reeerve a discre
tionary power to ewtri diploma in any ease of
second best articles, or for article not entitled to
premiums my tb rule.
All article may be entered free of charge,,
except horse far pleasure, and fur the trotting
Class 1 SwMpstakr, open to oil breecU mnd
Beet bull, $U 2d heft, fa 3d best, M
ltrsl (w, 19 2d beet, 4 M best. S 00
All breeds rme together in this clasp and com
pete aith each othr, to ba judprd by their god
points, svmmetry of frame, ability to fatten, aud
the stork th-y will producr.
fit imr.a n. V. n i)on, avtd Johnson, George
K ittlrtiftrgnr. 2 Grade Cattle, mntd in the etmntt
Host row for milk, 2d bent, M .H, hel, 2
Hrst bt'ifor, 2 ywtre old. 2d be"U A
!trt hnicr. ft year old, 4 2d beat, 2
Iicpl rail, wnder ft irmrt'h old, 4
Ji'miRH Jacob i'h'gal, Jacob ttu1i-h, John
Stewart, sr.
Clam 3 Oxen.
Best yoke of oxm, flit 2d best, (1.1 Sd hvM. f2
J i nor Lxwndor Penning . iavid I'man, Vt m.
Cuss. 4Fal tAif.'iV, fat hulb.ik, row or bufrr, $10 2d brat, f3
Jrnura J. M. h ittb buret r, JMward Albert,
Othello Stored.
ITl.Am h Thoroy Mred 7n"vx, ovm fo n.V.
llrt stallion. $l 2d tNMt, (Mi i
Ke-t mare and colt, 10 2d bett b
1 he pri'mtumn in this cl areintmd only for
horn's a hor p"i rrt n-ndrr t bim worthy, a the
HtKit ty wih to encoarape the raitung of improved
Jrrmra James Forrrst, J. B. Hewitt, John P.
Vi,Af fi 7iiitirgt Jhrnfl and Farm fiorxrt.
Best -(irl.l li b'ire, W 2d beet, $2 M
Bent sinrle family hnrpe, fa
Beet matr-r.-d eamsgr hriTMw, 2 an
BM er'dinr nr mure fnr wnrk, 1 flf j
Brst open of drangbt harm or mares. 4 (H1 !
Sernnd heal. 2 0t' 1
Bout rolt, vndrir 2 yaara old, $2 M 2d best, J 00
Bert 2 Tear old enU, 2 00 2d brut, 1 00 j
Best & -year old oil, 2 SO 2d bL, 1 0
The hn-ae that moves the heartest )uA tm Ui
stmie boat, according to hi weight, without
a whip, Youstl on the rlors and T 0
Jnr.r?lV Wilson; Oainar P. Pterin, Ikvld
Jhf air.
(l 7 TnU( nffrs, cr'ii fo ail.
Bent ttrne, S in A.lnMtius in ninirle hnriii MM. 0
Nopn niium will be pmd in tim olep rlspn tivr
horsi't are enternl to rotnpele ftr the prrinium.
V.nrh borwrto tnt srlTit lime. Kntrnne f-e.
Ji-Miri-Joseph H.SI'Murrav, John H. M (irk,
Hr. J. W. Potior.
Clas 8 SWriair. oxn fa all racing in
h irnrsj.
It. -t 2 in mile iWj, aninst time, lo(t Oil
No premium will ho nwtirih-d in tin? la uiih
there are nil entriis. Kntranee fre, $IS.
,h KfiKN William Powell. O. H. Mi rn-Il, John
V. hhutrnrt.
Class Q TVottintjin tingle hfirncut far hnr$n
owned in the county at Icattfiftttn dityt be
fore, tin Fair,
Bent .1 in A, mile heats, spainst Hme. 00
No prrtniiiins w.'irbd in this cln" unless there
are eight en trie, Kntrenee fte, (6. 1'he horpe
winning the premium in Class 7, cannot compete
for the premium in this daft.
Ji'Dgks M, Ogden, (lov. Bigler, Lewis Carlile.
Clahb 10--Trotting Jlcrses owned and raited
in the county,
Btut 2 In 3, nn time, in hnrnfsn, $f0 00
No prcmiuinsawardi'd in this class unless there
are Ave horses entered to compote for the same.
Entrance fee, ( .
.lent trotting horse or marc under saddle, $3 00
Sooond Wst, 2 00
Bout trotting horse or mare In single harness, 3 00
Hocond Iwnt, 2 00
Best walking horse or mare, tft 2d bent, 2 60
Jin uk J. A. Faust, A. H. Shaw, Hob't Owens.
Class 11 Trotting Colts, raUed in the county,
not exceeding three year old, open to all.
Best 2 in 3, against time, 20 00
Hot less thau four to bo entered for this trot.
Ko entrance foe.
Ji hokm Fred. Irwin, A. A. Graham, James C.
Class 12 Sheep and Wool,
Dest buck, any breed, )3 00
Second best, Bandall's Sheep Hutdtandry.
Best ewe, any breed, Hand nil's Sherp Husbandry.
Beat sheep, fattened fur mutton
Kendall's Hhecp Husbandry.
Bent lamb, ltnndall's Sheep Husbandry.
Jriiuea 0. Dressier,!' bos. If ill,Hob't Law heed.
Class 13 Swine, open to all.
n'!f boar.any breed, Young Farmer' ManueU$2 00
Best breeding tow, any brwd, 3 00
Srcond best, Agriculturist for one vear.
Best bog, t 2d best, 2 00
Best pijf. under o months old. Agriculturist one vear.
Ji noxs L. H. Jit-rrcll, John A. Uoed, B. 11.
Clasb 14 Poultry,
Best coop sprint: chickens, not less than four,
Bcamont's American Poultry Book.
Best 2 heaviest turkeys, do do
Best dipplay of chickens, Mine's Poultry Book.
Jf-nGEt Lewis Irvine, William P. Head, M. 11.
Class 15 Plowing.
The man that plows groan sward the Kent, $30 00
JrooKi J. B. Kyler, Tboa. H. Forecy, F.F.
Clas 10 Pfawt, Jlolbrt, Dritlt, Harrowt
and Cultivator.
Best plow for stubble or sward, S 00
Best subsoil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden and I 00
Best clod-erupber and roller combined, 1 04
Best grain drill, Hardener and 1 00
Best reaper and mower. Agriculturist 1 yr.and 2 00
Best threhing machine, Agrieulturist 1 yr. A I Of
Bent side-hill plow, 1 Best cultivator, J 00
B-t oorn plautcr, 1 Best harrow, 00
Best horpe-rnke, 1 llcst oorn-thcller, 1 00
Best fanning mill, 2 Best ox yoke, 1 tHi
Best hay-pin-hing ma-hine, 1 00
Best stalk and straw cutter, 2 00
Best horse-power for general pnrpnses, 2 00
Best original invention or agricnlt'l implement 00
Alt articles enumerated in this class, not made
in the county, but pm.ltieod upon exhibition, if
worthy of it, will be awarded a diploma.
Ju.flKS Adam tiearbart.L. J. llurd.H.Zilliox.
Claks 17 Miscellaneous Farming Implements.
Bt-et ber hire. Grimly Mvstory of Ilea Kpit:g.
Best J do, haiidrtiktts, (I Bent grain cradle, f I Oil
Best stuiuj machine, 3 Host potato dtgiritr M
l'.i-t lot gattlt-n tKls, The ttardfticr.
Be rt lot farming utensils owned by farmer, 3 00
Alt artteb'S enumert-d in this elans are subject
tii the same rules a Class 10.
JrouLH Vtilliaia Hoover, John Fhaw, Fdward
Clam -Wheat, Pre, Con, Parley, Oats. dr.
Hert a-r of winter wheat, $ HI 00
Best bnsbeluf wiutrr wheat, 4 00
Best acre of rve, $5 Best acre of corn, 3 00
Best acre of outs, 3 Best bushrl corn ears,3 00
Best acre buckwheat, 2 Best bushel potatoes. 4 00
Best arrc clorer acud, H Best i mcrr i.ea. 1 O0
Bt Kl 1 acre broom corn 2 Best 1 aere sorebnm.2 00
. i . i , . , , , . , ...
c, iacrc n.ul.aga.,1 lt-a 1 bi.WI lurmpa l
Brut acre of turnips, 1 Best acre of carrots, 1
Beet i buciii'l of timothy seed, 1 00
Crops 1m ing oqual, pn-ferenoe will be given to
thoe that yield tit Urges net pnfit. Statement!
to tic furnivhed by the exhibitors. They must It
measured, or weighed, and a eamplc furnished at
the Fair. Applicants for premiums mint furnish
the committee with a statrment signed by tbetn
selves, nndcr a pledge of veracity, nf the quantity
of grain raised on the ground rutcred for a pre
mium, and must state as correctives he can the
kind aud condition of the previous cmps,. the kind
and quantity nf soed sown, and the time and
mode of putting it in the ground.
Person entering field crops for exhibition, or
intending to do so, may give notice to the Kxeru
tive Committee at any time, and have the held mea
sured and examined by committee while growing.
JrnoKS lan'lHLcwart,Amof Heed,l. Hartoock.
Clam 19 Pread and Cereal Food,
Beat loaf wheal lred. Iip. Beat ponnd eake. Hip.
Beat loaf rye broad, Iip. Best fruit eake, ip.
Best bni" corn brrad, Iip. Bent coffee eake, lip.
Btwt sponge eako, Jip, Beat lady's cke, Ihp.
B. sl j- Ilr cHke, Dip. Best cake, lip.
Best bat bnlor s cake, lip. Best jelly, Iip.
Boet pio, any kind, lip. Best ite cream, Hip.
Best preserves and jtlly, Ihp.
Best display of jullv and preserves. liip.
Jim.Ka Mrs. Joseph Owens, Mrs. John S.
Radelmugh, Mrs. J. K. Beed.
Cl.ASa 20 Putter and CUrse.
Best A pounds or more of hotter, 1 00
Beet 10 pounds of firkia batter, 2 00
Best chie, made by exhibitor, 1 00
Jrpiire IMra Benj. Hartshorn, Mrs, fJoo. R.
Barrett, Mrs. Alex. Murrav.
Clam 21 Fur.
rest ro pnunns nour, f 4 00
Best frO pounds rye flrtnr, 2 40 j
Pest Ml pounds spring wheat flour, 1 00
Best 60 pound corn meal, 1 00
Best .' pound buckwheat flour, 2 D4
J rot. as-C. Sloan, W. f. Johns toa, Joseph
Roth rock.
Clasb 22 Thmiegtie Article.
Best hoi or jar of honey, $1 00
Best lo pounds of maple sugar, Dip. or &0
Best peaches put np air tight. Hip. or frU
Bast tomato pot np air tight, Hip. r 64
Best black berries pot up air tigbi, Hip. or 40
Best currants pot up air tight, Hip. or 0
Best fancy jar of pieklea. Hip. wr 40
Best gal. syrup or aorgom, or each. Hip. ar 40
Best cured ham (oookodj with mode
ol curing. Hip. r 60
Beat dried beef wltt) mode of curing. Hip. or bo
JonuR Mr. Jos. Arnold, Mrs. Ross Read,
Mr. J A. L. Flegal.
Class 23 Jbmertic Manufacture.
Beat 14 yard flannel, $1 04
Beat 14 yards aathnet, 1 00
Beat 14 yards woolen earpet, 1 04
Beat 14 yards rag carpet, woolen ohata, 1 00
Best 14 yards eMh, 1 fl
Best pair wool blankets 1 00
Beet woolen coverlet, 00
Brat wool fringed snits. Ml
Best pair of knit woolen stockings, M)
Best specimen nt knotting, knitting. or need le
wnrk, by Mias under II years old, 60
Pest pound linen sewing thread, 50
Beat ponnd storking yarn, 40
Best tuot mat, i(i0, Beit tidr mat, Mt
Ji poas Mm R. R. Pi wart, Mrs, L. J. Hard,
Mr. John M. Cumming.
t law 24-JWr. Shell, Wax Work, fa.
Best specimen of needle wt rk. Hip. or .'0
Best specimen needle work on machine Pip. or '0
Best specimen flowers In Worsted. Hip or 40
Best specimen embroidery in worsted. Pip. ar Mi
Best speeimea am broidery tn la?. Hip. or a"
Best specimen embroidery in cinalin, Dip. w oO
Most specimen of leather work, I'ip. or M
Itest ppecitnen of wax flowra, l'tp. or W
Hent rper-imen ot featbor work, Jtp. or a"
Best speeiinen of omsmntat wnrk, Iip. ur ft i
Ueet shirt male by alias uader 12 yr , lip. or M
Bent pair bin ft aad meodini, I'ip. nr if j
Jr o as aMrs. Vu, Albert, Mrs. A. 11. Shaw,
Mrs. Lever Flepsl. J
Cla 25 Millinery and Dressmaking. t
Best millinery, 1 Best dress making, l 00
Jt noaaM:ss Jennie, Jdias Jennie
Miwcbell. Miss Bertna Wnght,
1-lm Artistic Wort,
Bast painting in oil.
Best portrait painting.
Best oattle painting.
Best pain tine .a Water aolora.
Best ornamental pain tin r of any kind.
Best daguerreotrpas ukea a the ground.
Beat esnbrotypee taken aa the giaand.
Boat photographs UJea an tha groan d.
Best landscape paiaUag,
Beat penmanabip,
Best arehitrewral drawing.
Dip 1
Dip I
Jtmibb Mr. Edward ttiaugbtaa, Kiaa IMarj
A. Irrta, X'u Eejte Tyler.
?hf air.
Cl.AM i' ltt'O'it.
Pril for farm him,, tain, aarrlair.
riaa.. and itaMa, Miian'ff Oniain.iilal
ll .a... ai.J ( Mid
niat d.aiirn fr dair, linaa,, Manual of (ba llin.
Ilrat d.aiifO for tc hiinaa, I bo
Hiat d,i;n fi.r duil ttoui-., 1 50
lint d.aiifa for biidpa, lib Tan, a)an Dot
Uaa than SMI f.-t, S 00
Ji-liui:a Soil, Samufl rtoliiaoa, Kra AI4.
Cl.iai il Mt-tilif F'tbru'M anj Marhinrfy.
I!. at cookina; aloia, arubd or coal, 1 0
r.rnnd b.t, t 00
Third but. In p parlor atora, $2 Brrt raat-lron fane., S ou
Second beai. 1 Hannnd bait, Pip
Baat apaclinen or lot uf tin-trar,, 1 Oil
2d bail, Dip and Mi
Heat apioimeo blackamithlng, 3 00
Heat fpaciuen unainilhini;, I 00
Heat apetimen iron-turninir. S 00
Ileal plata eaalinga. $1 Heat abower balb, 1 On
Heat original invention in county, b 00
Ileal diaplajr of labia and pocket eutlarj,
American manufacture, Dip diaplajr of adfte toola, . Dip
Heat d aplar farming and field (oola, Dip
Tba abov. premium, nr. ottered for nrtid.e
mannfactur.d in Iba aounty. Dipiomaa may be
awarded for any of tba alio,, arliclee on exbibi.
tion tritfaout repard to tbeir place of manufacture.
Junoaa U. L. Morgan, Datid Suck, W, t.
Cutst 29 Vehidtt of all kiii
Beat family carriage, i Beat timber aled, $2 00
Ueat buggy, 4 Heat horae cart, 1 00
Heat farm wagon, 4 Beat wb.elbarroer, 1 0l
Beat aleigb, 2 "0
Jnt.ur.B-Houry Stone, William McKuigtt, li.
W, rark.
CLiaa 30 CaUnet-wart in eounly.
Beat di-eeaing butcau, $i Beat aofm, t 00
Heat cxleneion table, S Beat lounge, .0
Heat rariety of ebaira, Beat eat l chain, 1 00
Beet bedataad, 1 Beat aentrt table, 1 00
Bee waah ataad, 0o. baat otbee cbair, 60
Heat diaplayot cabinet. ware, Dip and 1 00
Heat looking glaaa frame, 60
Heal aet of parlor furniture, 00
Juoqeb Harry Fleming, John W. Wright,
G.orge rhard.
Clam 31 Coopering and Carpentering,
Beat pin. ware tuba, etanda, c. Dip ud II On
Heat aet of grain meeauraa, 1 00
Heat window blinda, 1 00
Beat apecimen aaah, 1 Beet lot bocketa, 1 00
Beat pannel door, I Heat lot baaketa, 1 00
Junoaa Tbomaa Robina, Dr. T. Jtfl. Boyer,
A. C. Tate.
C'lah 32 J?oo and Garden Vegtabla,
Best I bo. carrota, aOe. Beet 0 h'da cabbage, btie
Beet j ba. rutabaga. 0c. Beat 2 b'da eaohfl ra Dip
Best i ba. potatoes, ce. Beat rariety melons aOc
Heat bn tomatoes, 10c. Beat " aqnuber, SOr.
Best i buabel aweet potatoes, &0r
Best 4 stalks celery, AOr
Best quart Wicdaor beans, 00c
Best 1 bushel tabls beets, &0c
It muat ba shown that all vegetables ba.e lieu
raised by the eibibitor.
Jidois K.H. Moore, Darid Welly, Anderson
M array.
Class 3J Cimien. Saddlers end Shoanalen.
Best gents' boots and sboea, $2 00
Best ladys' boots and ahoea, I 00
Best display of boots and shoes, 1 00
Best ladys' riding saddle, J 00
Best riding bridle and martingaia, 1 00
Ben side finished harness leather, Ml
Heat robe made by exhibitor, 1 00
Ueet carriage karneas, $1 Beat tug harncaa. 5 00
beat single harneas. I BeetgeuUeedcle 1 00
Beat diiflaj aaddlery, I Beat tarl. trunk, 1 00
Brat aide kip lealbir, We. Best calf akin, 0
Hrst aide sole leather,
Best side upper leather, o0
Jt nuia A. 6. DicLioao, Wm. Scbwem, ;r
John H. RtrwarL
t.'Lsa 34 Tj,hrt' and Vpho'xtert' Work.
Reel suit of clothee soade by band, $ J 00
Heat coat made by a lady, 1 00
drat pants and vaat mad. by a lady, 1 00
Heat buk mattreee, f 1 Beat atraw mattress, 1 I'O
Beat hair mattresf, 2
Jim. as W. i. II tm) hill, Henry Bridge, John
ration. 35 I'rintinq in C.ntf.
Heal newspaper. Dip. Beat handbill, Pip
Heal blank, Dip. Deal card, 1p
Heat ornamental printing, Dip
JrrosB la. iiigker, Geo. W. Sojder, II. B.
Cun 30 Sione Ware.
Beat assortment and best quality. 15 00 B. Wilson, Henry Wright, Acdrew
Class 37 Chemicals and Oumieal Aclu.n ix.
: peat eveii.oie nauun iuh i. . . .
,.w, m.Br, fl tor- prodncU, I I'O
Beat available manure at moderate e st, 1 00
Beat material for slue. 0c beat linaecd oil, 0
Heal Ullow candles. "c Beat vinegar, Ml
Bet speciwiea of eap, aOc. Ileal writing Ink. AO
Ji ncaa Dr. 1. P.liovt. 1,1. Pickard, Andrew
W ilsoa. S? HW arnaf Stint.
Beat dressed stone, t' "
Beat mill stone, 1
Best grind stone, 1
best buttr bowl, Pip. and M
Ile.t shiagles, . Dip. or 0
lies! tamed article,
II. at floor boards, worked, 1 00
Ileal washing machine, I W
Besi split or shared boopa, Dip
Heat butler ladle, l f
Best weather boards, worked. I 0
Ji'Koca A. K. Marks, J. D. Books, David
Cl.KS 39 Natural Mineral:
Beat snit of veefut minerals of Clearfield
county, including coal, 12 00
Best cabinet of minerals of ClaerHeld and
adjoining countiea, to he tba property
of the Society. 00
Best lime stone, six. Best collection foiails, 1 01
Heat re clay, ee. Beat burnt lima, 1 00
Beat coat, II Heat potter a clay. 0
Ji noaa J. W. Wright, J. C. Brenner, Jamea
Irvia, jr.
Class 40
Best display aid greatert variety of grafted
apples, summer and winter, Husband
man on American Wines and 12 00
Best display nf pears, Cole's America, Fruit
Book and I 00
Beat plums and cherries. Cole's Am. Fruit Book
Bear quinoes. Manning's Fruit Book
Beat spee. apples, 1 peck, Manninf 't Fruil Book
Ileal spec. Am'ican grapes. Manning's Frail Book
Beat seedling grapes raised in county and
worthy ol culiure, 0c
Best domoalie wine and mode of maaufac-
Beat currant wine.
Heat klaokncrry .ice,
Fuller's larape Cultnre
Manning's Frail Book
Manning s Fruit Book
Manning's Fruit Book
Beat gooseberries.
Ji as J. I. Wright, Ftter lioovar, Klttha
Fen ton.
CtAtf 41 irrrprmmsktp.
Ta the lady who manage ber horae best aad 1 c
tn nst irrmwtully, I't'.
Te th g-ntlrtn-a who msnagct hi twrae best
and siis most gracefully, I'ip.
Best display of horsemanship, not lesa than
fire couple, Tip
Bfst driving oa tbe conraa by a lady, Iip.
Ilet company of cavalry, I'ip.
Bct mmpanv nf infantry, 1if.
Best band with hrasi inptnitnerira, lip.
Bs1 mai-UaJ band, Iip. Ilwt tt singora, Ihp.
J' m.EB fi. Flegal, Jubn Flynn, Thomas
Class 42 Xurnerin.
Boat nnraerr onntjainuit; tbe groaiest variety nf
fruits and hmbft,rultn at'd in tbr most approved
lunnnrr. the applicant t furmi-h wrMU-n d P-Tip-tin.
with tbe varictv and tntkdeftf culture, a
fVcind best, Harry Fruit tiaMrn.
Ji nxes Geo. Tata, Ixri lirelr. G. W. isiintf.
CLsa 4. -OVarmi PuL
Bruvt dijlay aad greatest variety of inwera, Iip.
li'-rTt display and grmirKt variety of ptanta. lip.
n'St d'-piat uf fl'rwj nrnamrnlf, ltp.
Hi'M ha he4 bqut, Witi bai.Jic, Iip.
Hrst hand bmiuot, l.p.
.It iM.f ,Vi-u Mnrpie IU-tton, Wise. lK'xej
Tvl-r. Mrs. Llirmith Irwin.
jrV"ltirnli4,nary prtOMtms will he awarded (
for all artielre of ment eibit.ited by mchanira in
all (tie varitu ttranrhr-i, and il if heed a gaarrml i
..Inl.i.i... rn.ll e. I .11 ,.,,..(a 1
.,, , fh, f t b t,.,ihlc pro-
tiertif. di-wifit.niirT rmniuins li.a t-e l ,
by thf Laevutn-e tViniTii!-. I
lilt H Mill SHAW, jr, rreaident j
I. fl. Be ra. orrrta-y. '
Fxeruriva? r'tiitiutiee l.frce Thfrn. ,)ostah K. '
.er((, K. k. Miiny, aiuicl lt.i.'bU, Jamri
Trwasurvr A. M. nilla.
I orir'fndiiig twj:rria:y t1. F. E'twciier.
?Ient yinrkot.
rpTIE nndfrairned would take this Stethod ef
informing tb citiarns of 'lcarfleld atid the
ammnndmr virinilv, that Ihcv have epn d np a
ML AT MARKET.'in ihe baament ol the Clear-
held Bouse, where they will be rowed with a
"tr'J ""7
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Farmers and joMnir. in th. aurrownding eewo
try will a. .iipplied with Meats to order. A lit
araJ shara at public patronage soli?itei.
D. R. Fl LLEItTny,
aijl,"T H. 6. BBC.a .V.
llordrntow, n. . J.
VN Ui'tiHiM'tii fur the careful an I (Wrtiifli
fit-tnf t,'n of yni'f Ludies in all I lis
' risi.hf s "f rureph-te r ittrM..n. Bstd atxl
tuition in the rrephruiorv ani vuitim nvptri
nient, .'" per i-ar. Wanding, Aiirn-tit and
Modvru I.snjrus;' and irnani ntnl brsntn',
extra, IVmu-r ritin opens KeptttnlHir lt(h.
f wr ( it'al-.jriM s. al lrei
ltrv.'JulIX 11. BBAKELEY, A. M.,
aiigfMns l'n'itut.
rpilE First Term, of twenty two wifka, will
X. cominenceon MONDAY, ricptomber 2d, lt07.
Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lcisoua,
Primary Arithmetic and Primary tocog
raphy, per half term, (of eleven week!,)... $5 00
History, Local and Descriptive Geography
with Map Drawing, Orammar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic. 0 SO
Algebra and the Sclent 00
Drawing, with any of the above 11 09
Clearfield, July IS, 187-3m.
Clearfield Academy.
Bev. 7. L. HARBISON, A M., Principal
THE FIRST SESSION of tha present irho
lastio yea r of this Institution will rtomme-nea
on tha first MONDAY (2d day) of kVptamhar,
Pupils aan antar at any tim a. Thay will ba
charged with tuition from tba titna thaj antar to
tba oloaa of tha bass ion.
Tba eourae of instruction embraces, every thins;
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education for both sexes,
Tha Principal, having had the advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will ba devoted to the moral and men
tal training of the yoatb placed under his ebarga.
Orthography, Heading, Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Bession (11 weeki) - $i 00
Orammar. Geography. Arithmetic, and
ilirtory - - - - - - f ft 00
Algebra, G com a try, Trigonometry Men
aura tion, Purvey lag, Philosophy, Physi
ology. Chemistry, liook Keeping, Botany
and Physical Urography . - - f 9 00
Latin, Greek and French, with any of tha
above Branches ' - - - - $12 00
jjt-er-No deduction will be made for a b sen re,
x4r f or further particulars inquire of
Kev. P. L. UAKRIbOK, A. M.,
Clearfield. July 25. IHf,7 tf. Prinpa,.
noa kew tohc t rBiLantLrnu.
At Cheap the Cheapest aud Good at
tlie BeaU
Bare jutt received, and are opening, at their
Old fund on Front Etroet, above tha
Academy, a Urge and well se
lected anertment of
which they are selling at rery low rates.
Pead tlie folhncirrg catalogue and prcfU tliereby.
EnpeciaJ pains has been taken la tfce
selection of Ladies I) rets Qoodt, whit1
floods, htobniidenea Millinery Goods,
Prints, kerchief, 5ubies, Gloves, Ac
Always on hand Black Cloths Fancy
and Iila-k Caaaiinerea, Satinet., etc.,
Jitady ti.J. Clouting ol ail kinds.
j v v r r t t t? c O
I. j . i v x ao,
and avaritty of other articles, which
t bey wiii s.ii at a sumiU advance en cost.
1 HsTsii.cIil Qis.s.
irartirular attention is lbrit.d to tbeir
. atoik bf Carpets, Cottags, cmoaoa In-
jgrsin, aopernne Kngltib lnrrain and
jl'ruasols. Floor and Tabls OU Cloths,
jVTindow abadra and V'.U papers, etc.
S I FLOUIL r.ACOX. Fieh Salt.1
riunvi kepi constant !j oa band,!
large) audi
small Clover need. VJ
We intend to make It aa object for Farmers and
Mechanics to buy frt a aa; beeeuee we will
tell our goods as row sj they can be
bought ia the county aad pay the
very highest price for all kiads af aoontry pro
duce. will also exrhanga goods for
SraooL, Roan and Corarrmdcrs;
rbirplea. Boards, aad all kicds
of Laaber.
Clcarfitld, May 1, ltd r.
II. B R I D G E.
(Stor one door eat of Clearfield II se,)
Market f-ttret, learfirld. Fa.
KFKFS on hand a full assortuieDtt of Oaata
Famishing Goods, surh as fbirla, Liwea
and Wotilea I ndershirts, drawers and Poeka.
Nerk ties, Poekot Handkereb.efs. Gloves, Hat.
I'mhrellaa, Ae in great variety. Of Fieee
Gotsds be keeps the
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
Surh as tilaHt Doeskin of tho vary Vet make.
Fancy Cassimere, in great variety, also. Froarh
Coating. Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Fheoti
overcoating. All of which will be sold eheap for
Cash, and made up eorordiag ta Ue latest stylet
by eapeneoced work a en.
Also, Agent for ClearSeld eonnty for L M.
Singer A Co'e, relebralod frewing Maebinea.
INot. 1, lfti-tf. U. BKIIGE.
J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent
(OH IOVBLB tri;l.Mi)
s3 in a UJL IP.
TRET will not tsend or break like the Single
f pring. but will preserve their perfart and
graceful shape whea three or ftur ordinary
Skirts will hare been thrown aside as eeteee.
The Hoops are eorered with donate aai twisted
thread, and the hottom rods are aot only aleukia
springs, bat twit (or doable) eovered, prevent
in ibem front wearing out when dragging
tivb stoop, suirs, an,
Tha wonderful flenbiHty and great aonfort
and pleapura te any lady wearing the lnples
I" Ihp tie hkirt will be esparieneed parliralarly
in all ercwded Aaemblies, Operu, Camagea,
Hailroad Cars, ChnreA Pewa, Ara Chairs, for
Promenade and Uuse Dress, as tha fkirt mm
be folded whea in a, u oeeapy a easaJl pWa
a easily and onarraieoHy a ffilk or Maalin
lres, aa lavalnable quality In crtnalina, not
found ia any Single Fprinp, Skiri.
A latly having eajnyed the plearara, omfovt,
and great convenience of veering tha Duplex
Ktiipne Fteel Sprirf kirt for a stag) day will
never afterwards wi.hng'y dnpne with their
asa. F;r Chiidm, siispee and Young Ladiea
tiy are sunerior to ail othcra
Tbe Duplei Klliptie U a inet f.w',tx wiTh
all Udi-s and is aaive aal'y reeo-anieadd by
tbe FsfLina aa tbe 1? tacdaid ekirt sf
ttie lasbionabie World.
To eriMy tbe feilewiat Inestimable advanta
gea ia Crinoiiue, vi? so pen or quality, perfect
uiai.uta. tMre. uiitb sbe aad ftaish, flnbility.
dnr,M.ity, ti-mt rt aiid troeomy, enquire for J.
W. Hradlev ln !ei Elliptic, or Double fprtng
Skirt and be mr you get tbe refiume artiela.
tAlTI'-'X Twf.aard agn;B-t ipositivn, W
partieuiar to tn'tire (bat tiirta off red as " !
plei," have tbe rd irk rtamp, vit : W.
Bradley e Dsptet Kllijtie frterl Fpnara," ara
tbe we-riband- -tie oiiters are gnaioe. ALaa
notiee that every Htip a ill a4aiit f a pin Wing
paused throeca tbe eeatre. tba reveaiing tha
two rr dooHlf eprirgs braided tngefber tberwia,
which is tie seeret of tbrir nnbi,ity aaa
strength, and a oa.tinatiun not te be fonad ta
aay utter Siirt.
fOH 8LK la aft atnrre whera 9nt asse
skins are fid. thronfbavl tbe tailed State mad
alee m bare.
Manufactured by the aee evsera af the
97 ChaarKera. ana T 81 Haa4e e-utw c k.
Jane 27. tbu.
REVT 8 Frift CaV J"x. ' frr
' V i al K. W. f:IIHP.