Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 22, 1867, Image 2

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    She UjmMiran.
George B. Gooklandkii, EJitor.
Thursday Morning, August 22, 1867,
Democratic State Ticket.
or rnii.Anrt.psnA.
Democratio District Ticket.
or coyyrr.
Democratic County Ticket.
Uf Decatur township.
Of Bradford township.
0' Clearfield borough.
Of Burntidt township.
Of Bell townibip.
Of Lawrcnoetowaihip.
Of Clcarlleld borough.
An exchange say thnt the Black
KepuWicw. platform has been whit
tled down to three planks: Stamp,
taxation, and negro suffrage. ,
' The Black Republican journals and
lenders ve opened their batteries on
tienoral Grant, for assisting the Presi
dent to kick Stanton ont of the War
Kentucky, tho homo of Clay and
'Crittenden, has declared for the white
man.. Tho white majority at tho late
election is 6,000 larger than al tho
Congressional election in Way last.
lion. James Armstrong, of Wil
liarasport, died in that city on the
13th instant. It is said that ho had
Jiot missed a Court for forty-two
years, except one term while he occu
pied seat temporarily on the Su
preme Bench.
The "wooden-nutmeg" candidato
for tho Supremo Bench, Judge Wil
liams, is in favor of universal negro
for him, votes as emphatically for that
heresy, as though it were printed on
bis ticket.
NoMiKATitD. The Democrats of old
Mother Centre have nominated P.
Gray Meek, Esq., editor of the Watch
WKin, as their candidate for Assembly,
He will make a "hefty" member; and
Laving defeated and put to flight the
enemy during war times, bo can of
course do the same thing in time of
The Assemblyman. It will be no
ticed by reference to the proceedings
01 U10 liepresentativo Convention,
that onr townsman, Thomas J. M'Cul-
lough, Esq., has received the noraina.
tion for Assembly. This is a deserved
compliment to Mr. M'Cullotigh and
our county as both were entitled to
the nomination last year, but failed to
succeed, through tho jugglery of out
Somebody Ciieatino Tho Albany
ournflf publishes a comparative tab
ular statement of the Internal Rev
enue collected in that Congressional
district during the month of June.
T Iflr'.r. .... .
... iou mo nmonnt recoiveu was
204,644 6G, while for the sume month
this year it was but 1105,(359 86 j
showing a loss of nearly one half.
Either tho pcoplo or tho officers have
given Uncle Sam a cut from behind
in that district
A Good Nomination. Wo sco by
the Democrat, that tho Democracy of
Clinton county have nominated N. L.
Atwocd,Eso., for Ju
Air. Atwood was on our staff during
large portion of the campaign Inst
fall, and in his speoehes dealt the dis
union rascals some scvero blows, and
tbey have been howling over some of
tho "whacks" they got ever since.
"Nate" is a capital campaigner, and
will make jnst such a Jury Commis
fcioner as evory county in the State
should have.
Tn Gallant Man. Some few
week ago, hi majesty, Gov. Goary,
aceompsniod Simon Cameron to Bed
ford spiings, (no whiskey in the
crowd,) to rusticato in tho mountain
glen for a few days. Whilo passing
up the railroad the pnrty -topped at
a hotel, in Huntingdon, for dinner.
The host charged his royal highness,
AS he docs everybody else, seventy five
eenU for the meal. To this the hero
of SuiiJrersvlIle objected, stating that
It was "a quarter ton much." We
hope soma of bi loyal friond will
end him S trortt r, as Pcroggs would
sy. i .. .
IT IMmi0Mlt In (Vmm,I. IWInr TYmik.m.
About a of Murk llepulilicuiis The full returns if I tin laid election
met in the Court House, on Tliiittil.ty j in this reconMrtn tod Unplum, tlevel
last, find Went through lite fane of:Opcs tho fuel that the. white people
nominating a county ticket. Ihe'nto tho taxpayers slaves and the
Convention was the slimcsl nfl'itir
thnt ever came off In this county.
But few of tho loyal veterans were
present. Tho Kirks, Spencers, Bru
baker and Adamses, who horctoforo
composed nearly ono fourth of the
annual convocation, were nan est, as
well as a number of celebrated one
horse families, who never bolore failed
to grace and impart to similar gath
erings their wisdom and patriotism.
Tho following ticket was finally
settled upon : Assembly James M.
Welch; Sheriff S. B. Linglo; Treas
urer Arthur Bell; Commissioner
David Dressier; District Attorney
J. II. Fulford; Jury Commissioner
James Glenn; Auditor Jas. Irwin;
Coroner William It. Brown.
Four Messrs. Welch, Linglo, Glen
and Brown are of tho "boys in
blue ;" the other four are home loyal
veterans, of tho strictest sect, and
have been before tho people on several
occasions, in civil capacities.
Although our loyal friends have
several bureaus in this county lull of
victuuls, the "boys in blue" cannot
get into them, but are handsomely
rewarded with empty honors.
Iu this and Centre county the loy
alists humbug the soldiers egregious
ly, by nominating them for positions
to which they cannot be elected; but
in the neighboring counties of Indiana
and Blair, where they have lurgo
majorities, and can elect their nomi
nees, they seldom nominate a "boy In
blue. Such consummate humbug,
gery should be scon with half an eye
"The ll'ar a M'ailure."
"The fool hath said in hit heart,
there is no God." Such is the language
of Scripture. But, suppose we omit
the first part of tho above sentenco
which we print in it alics would we
be justified in asserting that the Scrip
tures declare "there is no GodT"
Clearly not. It would bo a clear and
distinct misrepresentation of the Word
of God. It would be palpable lying.
No one will dispute this ; no, not even
Mr. Jordan, Chairman of tho Repub
lican Stato Committee
And yet Mr. Jordan, in his luto ad
dress, has lied just as palpably. In
speaking of tho lust Democratic Na
tional Convention, he asserts that the
Convention declared "the war a fail
ure." Whereas, the distinct language
of that Convention was, "for the pur
pose of restoring the Union, the war
was a failure." How can Mr. Jordan
look an honest man in tho face aftir
perpetrating such a barefaced false
hood J Or how can any truth-loving follow tl.e lend of a man who
will thus attempt to cheat bv lyinir f
rev 1 . ' nas proven the pcrfoct cor
rectness of the Democrats at Chicago.
The last official declaration of Douglas
was, that "ttw tea disunion." The
Democrats repeated the declaration
at Chicago in 18G4. Thrco years have
since passed away. The Union is still
dissevered. "The war still exists,
says Congress. Therofore, the decla
ration of the Democrat that "for the
purpose of restoring the Union, the war
wa a failure," was emphatically true
Ready to oo. General Colo, who
murdered Hiseoz, at Albany, about
two months ago, is getting ready to
leave this seductive sphere. A news
paper correspondent has spent eome
time with him in his prison cell. He
states that the General's literary tnste
lias lately nndorgono a groat chango
Instead of having his little tablo cov
ered with carnal works, tho Bible,
Jay Family Prayers, Bunyan' Til
grim s Trogres and a hymn book
cover it; and he expresses a desire to
be offered up, should a jury of his
countrymen so docido.
The Rov. Henry Wendt, Superin
tendent of tho Lutheran Orphans
Home, at uermatitown, Pa., wa ar
rested at Rochester, New York, lust
week, and takon to Philadelphia and
put in prison, for having violated
seven of the young girls undor his
charge. Ho had fled, and in address
ing his wife from Rochster was dis
covered and arrested. This same
villian was drivon out of Montgomery
county a few years ago for intimacy
-in. one ol the f.mnla .
nis cungregiiUuu.
The "loyal" gladiators at Washing,
ton, made a great mistake when they
allowed their friond Conover to bo
sent to the penitentiary before tho
Q,lm,nU - . .lr. T .
'"" "on riung on. no, unuer
tho instruction and training of Jo.
Holt k Co., would hnvo sworn the
case through. Theso scoundrels are
usually shrewd, but in this instance
they seem to liavo overshot the mark
No pcoplo will live happy, and no
country be insdo to prosper, whllo
only one half of tho property is taxed.
Thus, while two of the four thousand
millions of dollars of prnpnrty goes
untaxed, we cannot prosper. If one
half the people lived in idleness, it
would bo no more demoralising or
unjust. ,
Mr. Albort 1'ike, a native of New.
buryport, Mass., and editor of the
Memphis Affmil, an "unconverted
rebel some of his Massachusetts f0.
low-eitiuen think he should rvnori.
cnoe military discipline.
gentlemen from Africa do the Voting.
White slnvciy, we premium, in a
''loyal" seiiBe, is no crime;
black slavery would bo barbarism.
Tho while population of Tennessee
is about H:'0,7C2 equal to a voting
force of 105,.W:i. (The poll for Presi
dent, in lmiO, was 1 t.',.1,ri.) The
Brownlow faction havo disfranchised
fully term-tenths of tho tho legal
voters, (about 115,741) and allowed
but three-tenths (4!),UU0) tho right of
suffrage. The negro population is
283,000 giving a voting forco of
about 60,000. Nearly all of theso
Brownlow and his fuclion received,
w hich, added to about 13,000 of the
white voters, gavo a total of C!t,0(0
votes cast for him. Tho remaining
white vote, about 30,000, was cast for
Mr. Ethcridgo leaving Brownlow a
majority of about 33,000. This may
bo more plainly stated thus :
Rrownlnw't white tote. 1.1,0(11)
brownlow't negro rote. .. aft,600
Edieridge't white vote .16,0011
Ilrowoluw a majority S.1,600
Had tho wh'jlo legul white vole
been polled, the easo would have
stood n s follows :
Ktheri,lrVl prricnt rote .1A,01,A
Kltiendire diifrancuixd vole..... li, 00(1
Drowulow'i white sad argro pull...
Ethrridge'l white najurltr SI, 4110
Without counting the negroes
who havo no right under tho sun to
vote fi lawful voters of Tennesiee
never having decided to give them the
ballot Etheridge's majority, at a fair
election, would have renched 138,000 !
That's tho way the Disunion Ilads
are "reconstructing", in tho South;
and that's the way, too, they will
reconstruct in the North somo of
these days, unless the pcoplo rise up
and drivo hack tho destructive tido of
fanaticism that is sweeping over tho
Wo only add that wo hope there
are somo men in tho Republican
party who are decent enough to con
der.m such infamous proceedings.
nurtauittt ie rented.
The negro bureau agents In tho
valley of Virginia are greatly annoy
ed by tho "scceth" who wero not
burned out cr confiscated by Millroy,
Sheridan & Co. Tho RgenU around
Lexington bavo bsd their loyalty so
frequently shocked by hearing cheers,
that they havo been compolled to
issuo an order impressing "the dis
loyal practice of cheering" in thnt
portion of Gen. Schoficld' dominions,
especially if given by "white trash."
It appears that General Loo is in tho
habit of occasionally taking a riJ
through that portion of tho King's
dominions in order to get the Collego
dust brushed from hi blouse; and in
passing through the village and by
farm house he is lustily cheered by
old and young whenever recocnired.
This grated so harshly on tho ear of
the buroauitcs, that they wero com
pelled to issue their proclamation
gainst it. We understand that the
order has effectually stopped "holler
ing and tho stamping of feet" in that
locality. Tho "socobh," not to bo
defeated in tho practico of their dis
loyal habits, have changed their base,
and instead of "hollering" when Gen.
Leo passes, the main portion quietly
raise their hats and the Indies flirt
their white 'kerchiefs. We would not
be surprised to lenrn that theso bloody
"rcbs," cro this, have been transform
ed into Quakers and compelled to
keep their beaver on their heads,
and tho ladies' embroidered linen con
fiscated for the benefit and behoof of
some Christian church in Boston, to
bo used on sacramcutal occasions, or
for the embellishment of "Lincoln's
pot lambs," by order of Rov. Hunni.
cutt, ub-boss in Military District
No. 1.
GKN. POI'K'S AfTllnntTT. l":nlinrl
Popo havinc anpointod a sborifT for
Bartow county, the legality of the
umciiu acis oi sniti slierift, wo learn,
has been the subject of discussion
among tho legal fraternity of that
county, mid, arguing from tho only
legal authority tho constitution and
laws of Georgia they, of course, nr.
rived at tho conclusion thnt titles to
Innda sold by a sheriff so appointed,
would not bo valid beforn
who Ol uio lawyers of till!
county above referred to m.ulo a visit
to Atlanta, for the purpose of confer
ring with General Popo on the sub
ject. Broaching tho subject to the
Uenoral, ho informed him that thsre
were somo doubts as to his fPoncVi
authority for mnUini? such nmmmt.
tnents. "What." sava tieneml l'r.n
bristling up, "is my authority to be
doubted by theso people? If that is
thocaso, 1 will show them that 1 bnv
authoriiy to roinove even' officer of
ll.n !'..... . ..
Whereupon he dismissed Hir iliscom.
fitted lawyer, and refused to hold nnv
further communication with liim.
toiin7rnft ((7,t.) Examiner.
The Cincinnati Times ( Had.) is out
against Grant, and runs up the follow
ing as its Presidential flag :'
For rrraidenl-nnn. Llwlfl M. Slant.
tot Vim Pnaident (Im. fhillp U. Sheriilw.
This is a tiioo braco of lilmriv.sli.i-.
ing und burn-burning loyalists.
A negro and white irirl from War.
ren, Ohio, were married at Shnmn,
Mercer county, this State, a few dnv
go. ry llauical jostioeof the ponce,
lhe world movM." rri lai.n. u.,i;
world moves." exclaims a It.!i.
organ, over the occiirrsnnn hut it
neglect to sny which wny.
Hlrngtnu .lllttni'l In Stvidlr . fiioftfr I'lotm Ih tlnqtuiil.
IIf fnr-IM y; ,tf Ihr M..IY. T. W.,.in- Int.lhnc r of Sal
'1 he Commissioner of our county j urdnv, AnK'iit :M, anys :' About three
were startled a few days ago by tbu ; m.milis 11,.,. nn individual ralliii" liim
receipt tf a oomtiiiillicstion from tho
Auditor General of the Slate, rallimr
lortl.B payment of nearly ?1 1,1 MM) in
addition to thenmouut of tax t lint had
regularly Hssesseti aim pain in
"oitaiid iti(. jiieir sur-iriho wan
..Ilil.n . l... .L. -..;..
ed a letter from the Commissioner of
v ki vuiri n IH II Tin I tirw
the "loyal" county of Lebanon, mak
ing inquiry about this extraordinary
demand. 1 1 Sttnis t hut a siiiiilarclnini
for additional taxes was made up on
Lebanon, and the Commissioners of
that county desired to know whether
onr Commissioners intended to pay it f
We have this statement from Goo. W.
Bruekman, ICsq., the County Commis
sioners' Clerk, ami from Isaac R. Fish
er, Esq., Comity Treasurer. As theso
officer ore awaro of no law iu the
State that authorizes tho lovy of extra
taxes upon tho several counties, it is
evident that this demuud is nothing
less muii a buro-laccu: attempt to make
up a deficiency in the revenues of the
Commonwealth, by a swindle upon
the tax payers.
In IStiG, a law was passed relieving
real estate from taxation for State pur
poses, and tho Radical party mado a
great boast about it during tho lust
election canvass. They claimed the
credit of taking a heavy burden from
the shoulders of the tax payers of tho
State; and last wintor an effort was
even made to abolish the tax on per
sonul proporty, by apportioning cor
tain amounts to tho sovoral counties,
which they might raise in whatever
way they saw fit. This measure did
not become a law, however ; the State
Treasurer himself having serious
doubts ss to its iiracticability.
Tho law and the practice have been,
ana now aro, lor the iioard ol Reve
nue Commissioners to assess a certain
amount of tax upon each of tho coun
ties, which assessment is bawd upon
tho return made by tho Commission
ers of tho several counties, giving the
valuation of tho personal property as
sessed. On tho Hth of June, ((!, a
circular was sent to the Commission
er of Berks county, staling what
amount would be required of this
county for that wit: 8,(123 03.
This was paid punctually, and the re
ceipt is in the hands of the Treasurer.
The assessment for 167 was received
in the same way, and wn3 paid by tho
But on tho 4th of July last, the com
munication above referred to. was re
ceived from Uie Auditor (icucrnl, claim
ing that Borks county was owing the
Stute 15,434 bi for the last year, and
tho fame amount for this year ; mak
ing an aggregate of tlfisitfOH. It
would api.ear, thorofore, that whilo
the "shoddy loyalists" havo been de
luding tho pooplo with tho idea that
they are reducing tho taxes, they aro
really engaged in a aocrct attempt to
cover up tho deficiency that their mis
ninnngfmont of tho Stato finances has
caused, by an illegal assessment upon
the tax payers.
Vie are pleased to learn that our
Commissioners are not disposed to
comply with this unheard of demand
for additional taxes after tho county
has faithfully and fully settled her in
debtedness to the Stato. This claim
may bo ull right, according to Geary ;
but it is an infamous extortion, and a
big swindlo, according to our appro-
neoBion oi mo case, now long will
tho pooplo of Pennsylvania submit to
such gross decoption and downright
robbery f
The Commissioners had laid their
taxc according to the assessment
sent from Harrisburg. They wero
collected in the usual manner, and paid
over to tho Stuto by our Treasurer.!
If this additional "shoddy tax" is to
be paid now, a new assessment must
be made for tho county, and all tho ex
penses of collection must be added to
it. At this rato, tho officials at Har
risburg could come upon ns cvory two
or three years, with a trumped np
claim of .arrearages. We bono our
citizens, without distinction of party,
will give this matter duo considera
tion, for, as tax-payers, it concorns
them all. Tho County Treasurer has
the documents, notices, receipts, etc.,
in ins nanus, to convmco every sensi
ble mnn that this whole affair is a con
temptible attempt to "raise tho wind"
by a financial trick that doservo no
better name than swindling. lead
ing Gazette
Wo have not learned whether the
shoddy patriots at Harrisburg havo
mado tlio snmo raid upon our county
or not, but we presumo that every
"Copperhead" county will be called
npnn to pay this loyal dividend, which
is nothing more' nor less than Stale
Jurxit Williams. The Republican
Stato Convention passsed a resolution
declaring that no persons should bo
elected Judge of tho Supreme Court,
unloss hisopinions wero in conformity
with the opinions of a majority ol tho
The ltcouhlicsnssay they nro In the
majority. Hey uroJa.i L .,ror r
paying tho United States bonds in cur
rency instead of gold, bocause they
.l,l,...l .a 1. ol I -
wwjuv .vj ..ui.i, oiini-swiHxi on IIIO
ground that ho ducided w hen a con
tract was mndo for gold it could not
Po paid in greenbacks, without the
creditor's consent.
Judge William accepted tho nnmi
nation for Judge by tho Republican
Convention, and also it platform.
Thorcforo, ho too, is in favor of pay.
ing United States bonds in currency
and not in gold.
W,bo, now, aro tho Rcptidiators ?
Sutler Jlrrald.
Mork Rm.phom Ann less Politics.
Wo have each day to report very re
volting mi, fenrltil crimes in A'ew
England. 1 heso outrages go to show
Hint Sereno lloweistn is rampnnt
throughout tho portion of coiintiy we
refer to, nd we fear that the parsons
in theso ilndicnl .States hnvo paid too
...... .i uiiKiiiiou to politics and loo
littlo to religion teachings, as is prov
en oy mo evil courses pursued. Of
courss, it those whose duty It is to
""7 ur ma religious and moral
welfare of communities, give up these
higher avocations to meddle in nolitir-e
thoy must expect the uuwatched to
commit extcnte A, Y. rpreu.
ntltl l'!:iitniinr to lip
linoti-l minister, down in
,u, (lliul ,,,. ,)f WcM Liberty, Ohio
roiim , nmi went to work living on
tho iiihabHants. Somo of the winer
ninollrr lliein u'rri. il iuoil iull.t.l u'illt
' . '
1 HO
man, but as he was vouched for
by respectable parties who hnd known
nun ociore iiio war, lio was allowed
to occupy a pulpit in ono of the
churches from time to time. Whilo
engaged in expounding tho word, ho
was obsorved to often cast nil mi ring
glances at the young ladies of the
congregation, lieforo long ho was
walking homo with them from church,
and otherwise ninkind himself agree
ablu. To ono of those young ladies
ho gradually became accustomed to
finy dovotud attontion. The young
ady was ploasod with such unmista
kable marks of admiration from a
minister of tho Gospel and suffered
herself to bo provniled on so far as to
give her cousont that a marriage
should take place between them. The
time set was tho Tuesday boforo the
4lh of July, and tho two wero about
to depart lor Pennsylvania, whore the
ll.iot could bo tied without the form
ality of a licenso. But a male relative
of the girl got homo that day from a
trip to tho river in time to prevent
me intended clopomont, and hnppi.
ness was deferred for a timo.
On tho Thursday al ter tho "Fourth"
lhe preacher and the girl succeeded
in frettine awnv to lndonnndcnce.
I'ennsylvunia, wbero they were mado
man and wifo. In thnt pluce thoy
remained during the night, the groom,
from excessive drunkenness, reclined
nt full lenirth upon the floor of the
room, lhe next day tho couple re
turned to West Liberty.
Until the Tuesday snccecding all
wont "merry as a mnrriago bell."
Little did tho new wife think of the
fate that was about to befall her. On
that dny llovey was riding through
tho country with a party of gentle
men, and, coming to a road leading
to Wcllsburg, suddenly put spurs to
his horse and disappeared in a cloud
of dust. The party gavo pursuit a
littlo way, but finding it hopeless,
held out their course. The last heard
of Rev. llovey, ho had, after getting
ns drunk as an owl at Wellbbttrg, left
that locality fur ports unknown.
Two Goon Sromrs. The stories
started by the New York rft, and
now going the rounds of tho Radical
press, to the effect that two Texan
planter refused to "go home until
tbey had shot a negro,"nd did finally
bring down an unlucky darkey whom
they tliiiiicod to moot, is recognized
by tho Now Haven ltegisUr as un old
acquaintance, it having first been pub
lished in an anti-slavery almunac some
twenty years ago, to illustrate the
prevailing cruelty of slaveholders in
South Carolina. Afterwards it was
located in 'blecdini' Kansas." and did
duty for two "border ruffians," who
would not leave town until they had
"shot a Yankee." It is an excellent
bit of sensation stuff, but we question
tho policy of using it oftener than once
in twenty years, or so. Tho inventor
of tho story was remarkable for mod
csty, or for cunning as he has never
takon out a copy right but it is passing
strange (hat a man with a tliimble-
tull of brains could for an instant be
liove euch a barbarous act could be
committed with impunity in any part
vi tins country.
The editor of the Chicago Rpubli
can, describing a flock of mulattos he
recently saw at a Monirrel Convention.
says "Their features are classic, their
eye eloquent, their form faultless."
now did thev mc f Wo An not
wonder at the report we oAon have
of tho wives and daughters of Aboli
tionists running off with negroes.
Their imaginations aro so wrought up
by theso charming descriptions of 110
grocs, that it is no marvel they should
bo tempted to see if "a roso by another
namo will smell as,swcet."
GiiATirviNti It is said that the
frcedmcn in tho South have resolved
that they will not countenance the
placing of the disenfranchised whites
into slavery. Upon assuming the
property of tho laitor, they will hire
them from tho authorities, as the
pcoplo of Cuba biro Coolies, but they
will not consent to any more direct
trsffio in human beings. To theso
who have friends or relative in tlio
South, this announcement will be
It is said of tho late Chas. Denisnn
of Pennsylvania, thut just before the
Adiournlncntnf ('nnirrr-B Mr II n-na
a bemnrrat, and tho Senate rejected
all his friends ho called on Mr. John
son in relation to home appointments
for his district, and remarked to' tho
President, "Its no use sending in any
moro names, if you sent in tho names
of the twelve Apos'les tlicv wouldn't
confirm hut one of them.' Which
ono could ho have meant T
The Mongrels hnvo pnssod a rcsolu-
!r in Vo':0,", ,0 r"i''0 committee
toascerta.ii tno ...,.,., Mpxi
executed under the reign of Mtixinin-
mo, in jtexien. nut now long would
it take to get n resolution - through
this Congress to rniso aeniumittea to
ascertain tho number of American
citisens who wero illegnlly imprisoned.
..r in.. cue. i to uentn, under the roipn
of Abrahnm Lincoln f Better mind
their Own business.
K k.ntitkv. Tho Louisville Courier
oflhollth S.13S: "Up to lust night
we havo received oiticiul reports from
'.is counties, which show a net gain for
Gov. Helm of 6,044 votes over Du
vall's majority in lKCU. Duvall'a ma.
jowly in the Stale was7,!ll. There
aro tiflocn counties vet to hear lion,
and notwithstanding tho diminished
voto polled, Holm's majority will vary
butliltle from 4ft,0w'ovor both his
"We never hud a President. Iwifi-irA
who was an enemy of the country.
JUfilJ Villi JlrpuUiean.
then your part- was guilty of
...uic.m iving uuring the adminis
tration of Mr. Buchanan, to sny milk.
ing of othor Democratio Presidents.
.rairjora Democrat.
Hit him again, ilr. Grayson. . J
self JI. U. Move1
Ihr tonntir lltnlitllwit.
I The ( 'otiovt r-Ashley nlluir is too
serious a mutter tor the l!.i,liciiU to
1 sliu file off vjih a sm it, mi, I so oev
I urii r,ri,ii'iiiiiir In mu-. ii.. il ..O' I... I.l'.l
mo-im-v Tl., .,...,1 ;i
ib.'y were exposed i,ii, then son-lit
1 impunity hy punishing, tbey found
I wa dismissed too soon, and rndcav-
a,.a.I i,w.I.i.,!k ...vUa,....:,.,, i'l..- :..
"'" ".."I ...... IIKlll,
j for other purposes, by procuring his
i pardon.
But tl
iis ingenious nrranuo
I ment
having miscarried and their
fingers beinii caught in tho vice pro
pared for other digits, a new depart-
nw tlio Onovcr mnehinrry for rclinf
in their perplexing dilemma, and con -
mo wu urnuivuu iijmhi ; wmh wuh i
vert their intended victims into m
Slllllfd assailants. Ilenen lloit. im.
maculate Bureau of Military Justico
IS to Cry "persecution," and Its pure
head is to bo the injured innocence I
Jndgo Holt whoso ermino has been
,l...?..l:.. : .1 .1. . i . .
uiuKMiig 111 liio ou t vi jiany iiungue
until it
is as black as tho face
eoonv son," spotted all over
with the false oath, of creatures who
SWOrO by it is tO be presented as the
tlliannliitlifntn,! .(..:,. l;l,l.. . I,
rlr .r,l l. l.ii
Rogers signed a petition in favor of
...V.VH ... w.i ...,. a.
Lonover pardon, is be thereby crim
inated nnj- more than Holt by doing
the Bnmo thing? What Pryor or
Dick Taylor did to procure the release
of Jeff. Dnvis, no one knows or cares ;
but that they offered money to men
to swear against Holt never will be
believed, for thoy had none to offer;
and the additional aspersion that the
pnrtios to whom it was offered refused,
it condemns tho whole story as fulso
and preposterous. That the Bureau
Of Military Justice can prOCUTO any
desirablo testimony from Judiro Holt's
witnessos is not doubted : especially
when matiii.ulatcd by cw lork Jtad
ical experts ; but tho dcjrrce of confi
dence placed in such testimony, man
ufactured to meet an emergency, will
not materially sway public judgment.
ivmon i oat.
Points of Rkskmiilance. A writer
for Forney's ir says "Juarex re
sembles the lato lamented Lincoln in
man points, and, liko Lincoln, ho is
lotid ol a joke." e suppose so, from
the one he perpetrated on Maximilian
and Ins officers. That sounds wry
much liko ono of Lincoln's.
A letter addressed to the "Church
oi uoo, oi l oruanii, .uc, a tew years
ago, was returned to the General Post-
cilice, Willi the following nitaiut en
dorsement : ".Misdirected we have
nothing but sectarian churches in this
Santa Anna is in close confinement
in thoeasilo of Don Jum d'Ulloa, at
era i rux.
On the lilb of Auiruft, 1S67, t,y Bev. W. II.
tlis.nrutn, Mr. JOHN A. DILLON to SI in
MARTHA J. FTItAW: both of Jor-Un townrhip.
In Iwrcnee Uiii.l,ip, on the l."ih of Aoiri!t.
U07, JO.ATIIA. MfHOLS, Ked M jrara,
10 monthi and S davi.
l?fvr fJrrrJirmniljs.
flM " WKKK will be paid for a
OeJ,VJ JiKKyANTauniprtenl lodorwral
bnnae-work. to JI. TV. SMI 1 H.
Clearfield, Pa., Aujrnrt 21-iL
Pl.H HOI R realiied broorAe-nUk
For particular, rnelnw ft.iuin and
address KKVlIART, KRIPKR A liko.,
r-'- Vork. Penn a.
disarm. Km Co.. P.. Anr. 1 J. 1M7.
OTI1 IU The Recirter in Uankntnurr for
the Nineteent.ll l'onf:reaionl diftnot will
ue in I learfleld on the 11th day of Prptrmhar neit,
and will hear any applicat'ioni which wiar he
mad by midenla af said di.lrid for the henelti
of the bankrupt law. K. K. (lOPItl FF,
suRSl-'t Remitter in Uankruptcy.
is hereby firm that Ivttrra of Adminitra.
t,on, on the e.lala of JONATHAN NICHOLS,
deeeaeerl. lato of Lawrence tnwnahip, Clearfield
Manly. Pa., barion been duly granted to the
andemiitned, nil peravni indebted to aaid
late will pleaae make payment, and Iheaa baring
elaimi or demand! will present them for relll.
est without delay. i). B. JM EHKKLL,
sg2Jt Administrator.
(1 AI TIONAll peranna are hereby oaullnrnd
J aainrt un.hainr or in anr war mr.l.ll,r,r
with one aorrel borw and one roan mare, left in
Ihepoeacion of John TVallaee.of Cheat tnwnnhip.
on the ll of Annuel, a the ima belong la ma.
and are left with him on loan mile, auhjeet to my
Angii.t 15, Tsr.T-.1t
1)ROPOSAI.SU-l'rop..Mlt will be rercirod
until Anguit .11. 1867, for the building ef a
School llonao in Gnfhen townohip: alao for the
repairing of one in the aarae townahin. l'lan
and rporifirationi can be aren by calling upon or
a l'ln-Miuj the andcrnigneil at Shawarill P. 0.
auglS:Jt:pd For the Roard of S, hool Oireoton.
fa herehy giten that letteraof Aiimini.tration
on lhe estate of Samnrl Williams, dceeecd, late of
llilrnaiiletiiwiihlnii, 1 Irarbi ld oounlT.I'a.. have Ihie
d,iy been duly granted to lhe uinh rf ioe-l. to whom
all per-ons indeliied to said relate will please nuke
payment, and those having claims or demands will
ptveelit them lor scliicment without delay.
ng1.T.t-pd. JosKPTI II. nilKTIl, Adm'r.
The partnership hcref'-fore eai.ting between
I' till i p Young and Henry Young, of Rradfnrd tp.,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the l?th da
of Aucn,.t, lfiT, of whuh nil persona interested
will plense take notice. All rlainis a?int the
Srm will be settled by cither of I l.r partners.
1' II I I.I I Tot Nil.
angl.Vipd I'KMtY Toli!.
C'lirap Coal.
F subscriber has now oh bend a large ejnnri- '
t.ty ..f.,eellenl COAU ahli'h he will deliver 1
t.' CU.ton.eee, ,1 le,l. r . , ,nk. at era ,
sonal.le rales. 1 h-rc is no better n n I minul in
this county. a,igl. lm J. .M. Mt ln,s
llorsi'M lor Hire.
riTHR ul,s..rllar ba-afew IIORSFIS, Rt'DGI ES
1 and I'AIIKIA.IliS, whieh he will hire at rea
tollable rnlea. .1 T M K 5 I.. LF.AYY
ClearS. I.I, Aug. IS, ISf.T 1m Q
ritm; wink vi x K.i a iT J!T .7!r.7.".rr ,0
il ...... ..... . . .: """
r r
cle lor pickling - nt ,1. J K It A 1 7.L II S
UASTKII C'tti'FCK, Uie, M.AJ, i otitt.
JV of (be best quality, at .1. I'. KHATZh'K S.
C1RFAM R1SCI IT. Jumbles, Family CraeVeet,
I Ivida t'raeltera, rroeired regularlr from Ihr
b.k.r.f, by J. p. KRAT7.KH.
SALT- Full weight,
pat. nt sacks, at
Snc Ametioan salt, in
nORSK N A I Lf Gnvrrnmenf ttanitard forged
Horse Nailt, for aalc al
J. P. K RATZKR'.'.
MKX'S Heavy Hooia, lor x, at ."
0'HS telling LKSR tj.aa eitr price.
- H. w. SMITH'S.
"IEST qnality of TR1NTS. fbr ISc., at
S"106 f" T" V,
' 31 nr drrrlisfsiui,.
Borough Ordinance.
n Mil. Ii..-,,l ,,,,,, r (
Air,i.l t I.,
0t ,.
ullmi, II oritur'! lUl o,. i, ; 1
l il t;ik .Uroi Am,,.! i. .
to li..(, tie rr .ul.l,.l, "I. 'mt,
W. l . Htnv
Mlrtt d. I.. Mim.iat, SiT.O,rj.' '
- ... ;,.,.i ,' . Z
I tuarua' f, u. oMon,r o(ti,,',m, tv'1,
- u ! f" sot lllt,, hor.,,uw,
i fif rimmi running at
' 'wMi wrii, i m.14 M "Jj
1 . Tul
- I line,
IW.!l tv .ml mttko utr fit (L J
I and i jut lo the Hron?li Tmuuivr ih.
! uLfTXkril'.t'",'?",'w'-'
tid proreeil. to be appropriated for IwXVT'
! P""' ,B failure or the ll,rh Cn.t.M, i,,
"f '".I'Z '"!"" '",
'"If'- n7 "Uuio of the boroujlh il luliionw
to lake up ani make rale of the lamr,
id. The aatd t'onftable, or other h--
m iaaiiW
u .. . u . ""V..""0" m ,
j .i,;;
j f'. '' tnkinir up each h,.. rhnat or ,i r.
Ht il aim tnntttd, '1 hat Ibr Chief llorr...-.,
lr' li'',lf' ."" ", remit lhe tortus,1
. anr awine. noir. tiioata or ,
" application of riaimant.
anr twine.
ir J.ijfe; I'nividMi. Ju.
,1, he mar deem then,.
eumcicnt eaafe for so doing.
All former ordinandi relating n hogi are ben.
br rri.cali',1.
Tbu ordinance to fo into effect on the K'lli j
of Mrntemlier, A. D. Isll.
C. POTTARFF, Ilorijew.
AlUft TV. roiiTr.a, Fec'r. laujlSd
Hliuate iu tieccarla Towuahlp.
"IY rirtoe of an order iirwed oat of the OrpluW
1) Court of I'loartield county, !'a, the follow,,.
ilewrilied Kea! Kiitate, late the proertr of W aiie,
'''", deceased . atttiatr to Ilrrrarie towoihip, j,
! f"' "."""V r'" P"W' u u
hiylieet and bct bidder, an the prtmiaer, in mi
townal.ip, on CATPRPAV, Uie Slat of Altil.'T
1S67, at 2 o'elock, P. 4!., rii: All that '
fertatn i'itrr of ixind,
Fituate in Lec-caria toanelup, CkarfieM eouuiy,
I'a., bounded nafoliowt: Ou the north and eait
by Inndl ol Abraham Work, louth l.r Isn't, of
Abraham Nerhnf, and wit br lanJi'of liera
And fourteen iMTther, with fo e acrci tleared. ai
haviiijr tlicrtun a frame Houee and log Mm,
formerly occupied by raij demised.
jf&- TERMS Caeh on cnOrmation of Fale.
Anrtift S, lsC7. Admiaiitratnr.
VN in.Iilutiun lor (he careful and Ih.rnirl,
Instini'tion of Yoonr Ldie" in all lb.
lir.orl'H of a eorapMe ednration. ltoarl aal
tuition in the Preparatory au,l Collegiau) depart,
mem, iJuS per yeir. 'Wneliinje, Asenut atd
Mod.-rn Lamrua-s, an 1 ornamental l.rit-h-e,
extra. TViutor Session ornTif tiepUmber llrtk
For i'ataloguee. a idresa
P.... JolIN II. PP.AKF.LEY, A. M,
"r' Jni Prridetjt.
MIS S H. S . S WAN' S "
fTIIE Firat Term, of twenty-two wki. will
J- commence on JItJXriAY,Septcoibrr2d,IPC:.
Rea-linj, Oil!iogrn.hy, Writing, Object Lessons,
Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geog
rapby, cr half it rm, (of cli vcn wcik,)... (j 00
History, Local anil lk-trrptive Geography
with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic it
Algebra, and the Sciences. 9 00
Urawing, with any of tho above..- II 00
Clearfield, July li, IS67-3ni.
Hot. P. L. HARRISON. A X., Principal
riTIlE FIRST FKSSION of tht present loho.
J laslic year of this Institution will cointnenea
on tho Srst MONDAY (14 day) af (September,
Pui.ili can enter at anr lima. Tt. will he
charged with tuition from thi lima they enter ta
the close of the Session.
T he eowrre of inatraetien inbaaas snn thlae
included in a thorough, practical and aoeoa
plishod education for both seiea.
Tha Principal, baring had the advantage of
mack experience la his profession, at lares na.
renu and guard ans that his entire ability and
energies will ha dcroted to tht moral and men
tal training of the Tenth placed underhii charge,
Tt:llMS (IF Tl ll lOV
Orthography, Heading. Wriliag. and Primary
Arithmetic, per Session (11 weeks) . i 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmotif, and
Uir tl N
Algebrt, Otntaetry, Trigonometry, Men
suration, Surreyiag, I'hiloeophy, Phjet
ologr. Chemistry, Look Keeping, Botany
and Physical Geography . . t 01
Lalin, Greek and Frenchwith any tf tht
abort Ilranehea - . . . $11 St
jOVeT-No deduction will ba made for abteaot.
For further particnlart inquire of
Rer. P. h. HARRISON, A. M.,
Clearltld, July 15, l(17tl. Friatlpal.
spuing goods;
At Cheap at the Cheapest aud boo at
f. KRATZER & S0,
Have Jnst reeeircd, and art opening, at their
Old Stand oa Front Street, abort tht
Academy, a large and well se
lected asaarUnv-Dt of
which they are telling at rery low ratet.
Head l!it sWAiii ihij ralnhmr and pmjil thereby.
K.peclal pains has been lakeu in the
election of Ladies Press Goods, whit'
"". r.nnroin.ries Millinery Goods
Prints, Kerchieft, Nubict, Gloves, Ar
Alwayt on hand Ilia, k Clotht Fancy
..... ..,.r, , assinrerea, Satinelt. el..
ncany naje Clothing ol all kinds.
-V F. r K T 1 Y. R.
and ararielr of other r,,,-L. .i .i
ihey will sell at a small nd.wnce in cost
I autai8lSt!j!l Ct T-
I articular allcnl.onis imited to their wJ
voca oi larpen, I'nitagr, common In ' Nj
ffraln. aiipevSnt Krgli.h Ingram and! p"
Mrnssele, Floor and Ta Ut Oil Cloths.
T indow .hndes and W,i papers, etc. f
I'LOLlt, 11ACUN, Stall.; ?
1 latter, ApplM, lV.rbat and: rr
f""" e-''l coniUnlly on hsnd.
ALSO, in Store a lt nf I......
I small Clover seH.
'a liile.d to make it aa object for Farmers anil
Kechatilct to buy from at; because we will
tell our good, aa low at they ran bt
kooght In tht eonntr and pay tht
ttr highest pnet for til hitdt nf ooautrr pr.
duct. Wt will also txrhange goodt fur
School. Roah and Coi aty oidtrt;
Sh lor let. Hoards, and a II klni'i
of Manufactured Lambet. '
r'.carfcl.l. May 1, lS7.
Grape ViTies" fIeT'
1.L die b ailing hardy vaiielira of It rwt qnal
ttr. Onten aolielted as
and Oiled in roiation. by A. aj. HIL1
Ckearheld, i'a.. August , Is,;.
BEST Ground Alum SaH IW Lt M per sock, at
II. VY. aStlTU S.
Ij'Ir.ST quality of M ACK FR Kl ft ( hhl,
M II. "', , ;,.-TU'S.