THE REPUBLICAN. :::AuRU8t 15, 1J67. Pin'RHD"" t ir. J. M. Nlchol brings bis coal to be notice of connumcrg in tliia issuo. Mr. James L. Louvy publishes a ipt in another column, that may bo interest to some of our citizens. I Those iuterOBtad iu tho borough wdinanco relutive to swino, liad bet ter read the "hog law" in our adver ting columns. i mm i Thi Uabvebts. We could fill col umns Iroin our Western Exchanges tel ling of the abundant harvests in al most every direction. I To Builders.- It will be noticed elsewhere, that the School Directors !of Goshen District invito proposals lor building a School House and re pairing another. I A Ynuktsu trick Selling a poor .printer three gullou of "huckleberries" out of a tiro gallon bucket. The chap had bettor change his base or he will ;le gobbled up by tho priuter's devil, or 'tother one. t Head the "Horrors of European Dungeons" on our first page, and then reflect that Black Republicanism tt inviting us to a similar feast not fur in the future. Scores of "free Americans" have already encountered jsimilar torture under loyal edicts. m I Camp Meeting. We aro requested to stale that the Methodist denomina tion will hold a camp mooting near hho village of New Washington, com I moncing on Thursday, the 22d day of lAuirust. All friends nnd well dis- i posed persons aro cordially invited to attend. Mes. Miller. We learn that the Supreme Court has denied Mrs. Miller a new trial, desiring the law to take its course. The woman is getting tired of her prison life, and demands that something be dono. She says she has co uerro to remain "penned up this way." Our readers will lind on our first pago this week the "Amendatory Re construction Bill," now in force iu tho Southern portion cfthis Republic. It reads more like an Austrian edict than a Constitutional requirement, enacted bv the Representatives of frocmon. It haa the car-marks of a half grown despotism. m mm Tub Faik. Wo understand that tho officers of the Agricultural Society havo agreed to hold a fair, ou the old ground, the fir?t week in Octo ber, and havo gone to work in earnest to got up an exhibition worthy of tho farming interest of the county. Sow, let the farmers and mechanics join tho officers, and do something credit able to themselves and the county. Quit growJing and go to work. Some of our friends have lately overwhelmed us with poetry, and even went so far as to promise us pay if we would insert some of their ethereal effusions. It is impossible to comply with all their requests. If we would open the fence for all the poets who wish to enter tho field, it would take the major part of our time, and the devil's, too, to revise it so that it would be fit to appear in print and then we would catch "hail Columbia" if we happened to put in a wrong word. We havo also on hand a number of valuable communications, but the names of the writers fail to accompany them. The authors should know that this omission is fatal. Stibiiors. President Johnson is likely to share the fate of ono of the old Roman Kings, who was devourd by bis own drg. He attempted, last week, to put that Jacobin bull-dog, Stanton, who haa became very snap pish out of Lis house ; but, as the Scotchman would say, "he na went," and tho "government" had to suffer defeat. This, we suppose, is Cull Run l"o. 1. Had the President, two years ago, taken his official club and hit this pup over tho head, he would now ; be out of danger; but as the dog-aaya i aro on, it is hard to predict what will come to pass. We of course hope the ; "government" will win. Burhlart. On the night of the Gth l inL the house of Goo. Ed. Weis, in j tho borough of St. Mary's, was entered by some person or persons, and a gold nml anmn iotrnlrtT ttplltri I'i 1) J tO nntvu hiu Dunn jv.iv.. o r. Mrs. Weis, and the pocket book of Mr. Weis was stolen. The thieves entered tbe room where Mr. & Mrs. Weis were looping, took Mr. Weis' pants and vest ont on the side walk, rifled the pockets and left tho peefcet book and papers which were in it but minus of any money. The Iom is abont 1200. The same night the houso of B. Wei donboener of the same jilaco was also entered by some person, but nothing rtolen. Tho thieves were p-obably frightened off before they could ao complinh theirdesigns. "ilk Advocate. The ro is s.rnm'ir fr.m the South, (we do not vouch far itc truth) that rAH el : I n i...n,.!nina tlm rrmn. (vjvii. kjut ii. 1 11 i voiiw.ino'ivd . val of P-?aid.uit Johnson, on tho grnntid thnt hi is "an impediment" to i reconstruction ! rhil. is on the ram page, and bavin," removed two Gov- arnors, he may next try tho auccessor J oflho luto lamented.'' The Gem Is sullied, the diamond is r)hlvrcd; but even in its dust you may see tbo magnificence of its material. A young i;iil was ili nw r.ui in the I'toniiiu a le v ilaysKo. ttnl tho cor oner of Alexr.'idriii k Radical suir. momd ix wl.ito men ami ix nogrMca am j'iry rf im(nft. The hri'tl crs of the girl prntcxU-d ait;ntl the '- gro jurymen, hut no i.otice win t:i-' ken of their pro!cit. Une lute man who was siauimoiicd ivlut-ed to uct with negroes, and a "mean white sub stitute was procured." Ex Gov. Perry, of South Carolina, advises opposition to "reconstruction" under the live-monarchy bills. Ho is right. Tho bogus governments and constitutions which may he set up un der the Kump plan will bo swept away like chuff, after a brief exis tence. Noithcr Polauds nor Jamai cas will be permitted to exist within this Union. The Radical leaders are only twisting ropes to hang them selves. "Shall not treason be made odious?" asks a black Republican editor. Yes, we say. Let tho traitors who swore to be loyal to the Constitution that constitutes our government, and then perjured thoir black souls by viola ting its most sacred provisions, bo evermore tho marks for scorn's un moving finger "Oh for a whip In verr boneet hand To lash the rascals naked round the world ! 1 ! A singular question of voracity has arisen between President Johnson and Joe IIolL. Mr. Johnson says the re commendation of mercy to Mrs. Sur ratt, given by the Lynch Court whioh tried her, never was prosonted to him. Holt says it tens. Here is a case of "flat burglary." Question Who's tho btirgliirx President Johnson and Stanton have finally crossed swords. Andy wants him to resign hut Man ton won t. iMiat a deplorable condition lor a President of the United SjaW, when he can't discharge one of his own clerks ! $larkrts. Clearfield Market. Reported weeklr fur the Ci..riri. Rcpi'iLir. b.T 1. P. Km, Dealer in Dry UoAiis, liro oerics, Provisions, Ae Market at-, Clearfield. Ci.F.nrin n, August IV 17. Apples, green $0 00 Dried, ft 12J Apple lmtujr,tgl, 1 (Ml liuttor 3 Beast W 00 (a 4 00 Hurkwhoat 00 Rnrkwbeat flour lb, 0 Beef, dried- SO Beet freh...12(na li Boards, M U Mia, 10 00 Corn, shelled.. 1 60 Corn, ear 7a Corn meal, $1 lack, 1 76 Chop, f oil 3 iu Cloversoed 00 00 Cheese. 25 Cherries, lb ... 2il Chicken", dnd, R, 20 Kggs : Si Haiseed J 00 Floor 13 00 (u M 00 Hay 10OO(1(12 HO ilogs, dressed ! Hides, greenM i Hams, sugar cored, Miouldors ..... ! Fides ...., 1 Lard 00 J ii 15 10 20 30 00 75 I 00 0 0(1 , 20 , 4 50 ! 50 t . t 50 , 5 00 J Met! pork, bbl.. sals Colons. Potatoes Peaches, drienl, lb. floater, V bbl.... Hye 11 .IK.. V ft ralt.V eaek j Hhinglea, IS in., M Klnunlei,20 in II (HI Timothy aeed 00 Tallow Wheat ... Wool . , 15 S 00 4l 4 00 I Wood, eord.... PlttiDurg Markets. Pirrsmni, August 10, IS67. JLOIK. DaTlon Pnnw Flake, Yl hite Wioter. U 10 (J rani I O. K. Kentucky, White ft Inter,.... II 75 Jenkim" Lilly Milla 11 25 rhoiee Brandt rpring H beau - i " Me.ium " " " I0 ioy 10 75 Itye floor, V t.hl 50 ICandlee ; H Corn meal, nua, Boekwheat Sior, bondrrd Vuetl,eewl00(,i Rve 0 OOf.c Uati 6.'. r.lj Corn.ihrlled SI '-4 Potatoea, e., new, W barrel 00 (.1, 1 no (Ao. a Maeaerai, -j I barrel 16 50 l 00Urd,cboiee12i(i4 IU 2 15' Tallow. 10 1 o I aaro. 0:l.ide wa 13 1 lOlShooldera 1 2 (Vt, 12 -niama, . e. 00 (j) 21 100 Aiwa Pork 200 3 eoihrooma. 2 A($ 3 25 COiReflnedOil 41 Onionn, kl barreU Ttmolhy teed, 00 Clorer aed.w....M Flai eeed.. Middling tora) Ileann, navy Baiter, roll...lNM ( 00 2 00 2 00 S 00 211 14 OOoe , .Si 27 at-OARt. llrewn ...r$ It llrllnril, bard 1" A oofiee 17 TRAt. Black ...75fa 1 21 Cheete 0't KjtKf lrtffv 1" Applet, bU4 00(J,5 50 Dried applen,prilne, 11 Dried peaehes.lO(i4 1'-' tlreeu-... SynijiB... Molaa.'et .. fl)(3 1 j ..75fr 1 00 ..7JW f5 S ill, j barrel 2 MMKiec, -Oifn II VltuVIrilOXH. FLOIH .... T. C. JENKINS. COMMISSION MIMtCII A JiT, wHoi.rsAi.o a nm:ivra or FI.Ol'R, PROVISIONS, ASH ALL KINDS OF 1IHF1SKII OILH. C'hconcat l'luur llouac In Plttbnrr;h. On band, n lialdr and well known brands. Vimtity of Floor ptiaracteed. Induoeraenta to dealcra and Prieer t'orrcnt tent every werk. rHrriiKn Fbost, 273 I.iarnTr Htiitt, Jin241y pmSBfRUll, Pa. I 1ST Ol J term, If V J l KOHS drawn for Bentemuer IPS? I onAtn jenona. Rrncaria Anut hmith, jr., Jeremiah Cooper. Brady Darid Smiley. Bradford Aboalnm llarger. lnniidr KUiot King. Clearfield John Karrlay, (;heat Lewir J. llurd, Jnmci Carry, jr. Cm-ington Micheol Kraiaor, Arnold Hchnana, Decatur Curtip llenma. Ferruiion Jotinb Henry, William II. Smith. Goshen H. II. Morrow', (lulieh David D. llkb. Jordan Lafayette illoom. Lawrrnce Maruo Nicholj, John A. Tbompioo, Oeorge W. Milea. Morrill William Doniherty. Oaeeola tieorte W'. Rex. )nn Jarnen B. Clark, William Wall. Pike Darion D. Bitter. THATaaao ji-aona rmpT Beocaria John Ligbtaor, J. H. Greeo, John Slraw. Bell Artbor Bell, H .mor W. Mott. Illoom Darid W. Chilaon, J. H. Howlri. Bradford Robert Livergoodj Joffhua tlramoa, narid Foreee. Rraily Jaob Tcnti, Henry L. Wearer, John Eddinirer. John Brooaa. llornside John Myera, Jr, Iraae Kerna, Joaepb Mitehell. flieal Benjamlo Klinfrer, Jacob Lingafelter, II ifh tlallairrier. Curweneville 1. B. Hoover. William Rard. Covington Florenee M ijmot. Deeatur Robert Mai ley. F'rgudon Jom-ph Moore, Henry D. Straw. Oirard Robert 8. htewart. tlohen Martin talbertnan. Onlieb Henry Ryera, DavM (llnter, A. J. Glaxgow, ratriok Flynn. Oraham (Jeorge Narehoixt. Karthaui (ieore Heckendom. Knoi Jonathan Bowman, J. W. HeCollnuglk Lawrenee Aaron C. Tale. Thomal Palmer. Lnmhcr Cltv Jaoiea Mt-IMvitt. M.irr.f Ah'raham Bniwn, John E. Hockenlmry, Joteph Rothroek. Pi nn Tliomaa A. Hoover. Pikt Philip Long. Lafayette MeClore. t'nion Joaejih Harley, Nathan Linea. Wo'tdTard Aann P. rhofl. TRAvratK jmoRa arrnvp orra. Reeeario Slatlliew Cowan, I. T. Johnron, (1. W Dillon. R,ll John M.'Qnilk:n, llrnry McGber, Hiram Met'lineey, Prnjamin Bnird. Bradford William tlrnhnm, Jr. R,gjJacob Bumbarger, Philip B. Mullen, Allen Croai. Urady William T. Hamilton, fenil. C. Duolap, Peter ft'idiilav, Rrnjnmin Careon. ( beet John lDiekenliurv, Tarlelon Dimbar. Curweonville Daniel Fauat, S. F. Mel'loekey. Covimloti Wiliiaio Keona, Lawrence Flood. Oirard Mrbolaa Rnlot. Utnn ItHinnnl W. lltlm. Karthaoa William Jloffcr, Eyri Pile, William H. Hankey. Knoi lobn Pot, Robert Pattrrron, Jr. l .wrmne Iiim Irwin. 5r., Henry Kramer. I amber Cite Wm. U Moore, Peter Tbompaon. Morria William Hiwrcr, CtarlM Mcllovwa, Pmn Tatriik Daily, l ike 0. B Caldwell. 3't.irdunrr, clnuiuf, irtr, NEW HARDWARE STORE Fl.iiipjbiirg. Centra County, I. rj II 'I.MPl l.'l? f'f " ' v v.v.., IEALr:HS IN Foreign and Domestic Hadwae, Wood, Wil low and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, 4tc, &c. rpiIK oltanllon of Mechanic, Buildera, Farm-J- en, Lumbermen, and Ruyeri generally, U Invited to the fact that wa a.e offoriog a better anorlment of goodi in onr line than can tie foond elaewher in thi part of tbe State, at Prices to Suit the Times. Our stock eompHeei general oeaortment of Toolt and Material! need by Carpenteri, Black milhi, Carriage and Wagon Makeri, Ac, with a large iUck of IIIOX, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MIXING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, IJOPE, CHAINS, GKIXDSTONKS, (TU CULAIJ, MILL k CUOSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELKD, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW WAKE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TURPEJtTISE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND LANTERNS. As excellent aitortmeot of Fioo Cotlery, oom- prwing KXIVES, j 'OI1KS, PESEIiT, TEA, 4 TABLESPOONS, SC1SSOU3, IJAZOliS, Ac BRITANNIA k SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GEEAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTL'KE. rjomebold, Hortlcoltural, Farming and RaMng Implementi of the lateat ar.d mof t improved pvterua. Blacliimttht ean be copplled wllh Anvllj, Bel Iowa, Vleec, Sledj;eet Hammeri, Horvt and Mole rihoee, Hon Kaili, and all kiodt of Iron and Steel. Carpenteri and Buildert will find In our estab lishment a mperior stock of Planes, Saws, Aogura, Hatchete. single, doolle-bit and pealing Axes, Hammers, Cblsots, , Files, Ulngea; Berews, Belts, V , Locks, rllcyi, Sash, Cord, Ac., Ac., As. Farmers and Raftmes wIU find trerything their line, aod cheaper than caa be had elsewhere. Particular attention is InvHod to our stock of Stoves, comprising Spear's celebrated Anti-Dusl, Cook and Psrlor Stoves of all sites. Also, tbe Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Daw Dtop, Arclie, and Common Egg, Pocket, Ac All of the above goods will be sold cheap for eab G. II. ZF.IGLER k Co. rbilipiburR, Oct 10, 18(l-ly Bants. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Ntreet, Philadelphia, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt altcn tinn. and all information cheerfully lurni'lied. Orders solicited. aprll-tf C. R. Fofier. Edward Porks. J. D. M'Glrk Kankln&follection House or FOSTER, PERKS & Co., !ncrTHfnr to Fortef, rerku, Wright k Co, rhlllprtbiir, Centre ron Ta. A1THKRR all th bnainoM of k HnnVinff Iloaff yy will transctti rirxnnj.My and upon thn loufl fnviirmitlf U'rms. nittn-ti County Nation Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bank Is now open and ready for holi ness. OSes on Second strset, in the I sild ing formerly occupied by Leonard, Finney A Co. MRtrvoas Ann orrirana. IAS. B. ORAHAM, RICH A KD 811 AW, WM. A. WALLACE, M. PORTKH, A. K. VTRIUIIT, 0E0. L. REED. D.W.M00RE. JAS. T.LEONARD, Ju2S,do Cashier. PreiiseaL Clearfield County Bank. riMIK Clearfleld County Rank as an ineorpora X ted institution has gons out of existence br the surrender of Its. charter, on May IS, 15. All its stock is owned by lhs subscribers, who will eonlinue the Ranking huhineas at the same place, as private Hankers, under the nrm name of the "Clearfleld County Bank," We are re sponsible for tbe debts ot the Bank, and will pay iu notes on demand at tbe counter. Depoeiti received and interest paid when money is left for a nied time. Paper discounted at sl per cent as heretofore. Onr personal responsibility is pledged for all Deposits received snd buiiners transirted. A oontitmance or pat ronage of the business men of tbe roomy is re rpeetiullv selielted. As President, Cashisr and officers of the lale Clearfleld County Bank, we require the notes of said Bank to bs presented for redemption. JAS. T. LEONARD, RICHARD KnAW, WM. PORTER, JAR. B. ORAHAM, A. K. WRIUHT, 0. L. RKKD, WM. A. WALLACE. Tbe business of tbs Bank will he conducted by John M. A dims., Esq., as Cashisr. junia.'Gs Crape Vines for Sale. VI,I, tha lielirg hanl; tarirtir of firKt qual ity. Ordnre anliethd a aoon a ismrfnw'nt, tvoti ft 11 In rotation, by A. M. 1HLLH Claarticld, Pa., Augunt 8, 1867. c NANEO a-BI ITof all kinds, at MKRHBLL A kldLER'S. Whale an! Unseed Oils, Faml!, Dy, Tarnishes and s of all kinds arennd la oil for sale - Oils. Varnishes, Faint . Brushes, T T rwotircd and Utt sale clirau hr ,1 jottPH k. inwrx CiirwcBJrUlf.'fa. aprll-tf NEW ARRANGEMENT." jon r, R'iT . 1. MIA'V. KOTU A N IE A W, DRUGGISTS, (Second elrsct, opposite the Court lou.e,) t M, Alt I I i:LH, reno'a. rpiIR subscribers bsviog sntered Into partner 1 ship in tbo Drigr business, and purchased the entire interest of Mr. C. D. nstson, would respectfully inform tbe eltisens of Clearfleld county, that they are now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Tobeooo, Cigars, Confectioneries, htatiooery, Ae. rilYSICIANS Will lind our stock of Droits FULL and COM I'LL la', and at a very slight advance on tastorn pnees. SCHOOL BOOKS. - Teach en sad othari will be furnUhed with iMfioal and mlfoallaneoii tluoki by cxpraaa. at hvrt nolioCe STATIONERY, Consisting nf Cap, Fiat Cap, Poolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers ; also, a very neat stoek of Mourning Note Paper aod Envelopes on band. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ae. HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of Pt'RK SPICES, SODA, rODA ASH, Concentrated LYK, SOAP, c LAI'IES AND GENTLEMEN . Are requpptnd toaiamina ottr itook of Perfumery, Oilrt, Fine Toilet tSoap, brutbei. Coinbi, Tuiltt betu, Aon Ao. SMOKERS AND CUEWERS Will find a full supply of prims Cbewinsj and taokinr TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic CIUAHS, Bnuff, Fiue-Cut, Ac, Ae. CATIBON OIL, Of tbe best brands, always on hand. LIQUOHS. The best qnallty of Liquors always on hand, for medical purpossa. CierPhysieians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. Aug. 1, 1867. ROTE A BflAW. t nn.n. HARTSW1CK & IRWIN, HAVrNQ reSttrd and remorad U tba room lately by Richard Moiiop, cow oUt-r, low fur caih, a well fplectti aiiortmeot of D1.UG3 AM) CHEMICALS. AUo, Tatttt kidicicri of all airde, Oilf, Gla Patty, Pye Htuflj, StUlontry, TOBACCO AND SsEOARS, CoBfeticBryt fplM. and the targeRt atock of rarietiet ever offered la tb.ii piaca, and warrant ed to U of the be, the Market afliirdi. J. . HAKTSWICK, hi. IS, 18A5. JOHN IRWIN. DRUGS! Ml US! DUU.S! JOSEni K. IilW'IN, ' On Main St., or door west of Hippie d Fauit'e - Morn, ' CrRWKNVILLn, PA K Haa now on hand a large aaiortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, TruaawB, Khoulder-Hrtert, FJaaile ltvck ingi and pprrter Glaw. rultj, Perfumery, TollelOned,, Spieei Canned rruit, Tnbaoco, Cigara, Hooka. Stationery, I'enrilp, Peni, Ink, and a general variety of Netiona. Ilii itAck amhraoei all article! needed In a ecmintinity, le entirely new, and of the beat quality, and will be Id at raaaowablo prioea. Call and a am in tb goods they cannot fail to pleaae. deeS-tf The Best in the Market I WHITE LEAD, la ene te tweitr petind packages. WASHINGTON MEDAL WHITE ZINC Oroaasl In Oil. A large assortment of CCL OUF.D PA IXTS IX OIL AND DRY, UXSKEn OIL, TUJUEXTLSE. VAKXISn OK TLE BUST QUALITIES, And a In) assortnrnt of VARNISH ASD PAINT BRUSHES, Just rrrelrca an! for tale lie IIAKTSWICK Via J 16, 1M7. k IRW1X, Clearfleld, Ta. Farm for Sale. fM!E nub(i"riber niAug In Grnhnra township, X tlearorld eonnty.l'a now wtfera hi farm at I.rivafo fin, let. It i I we ted on thn puttlio rttad radmg fnun tirahaitton to Deer i'mek, and will be within fix milea ofa railroad atulion, and Contains 150 Acres, Eighty-five of which are cleared and a large por tion iu Clnrer. the whJe ander gnod frne, having thereon erected Ttro ttr tiling fiounrs9 A large bank barn, aid the uuttl oat-building, together with two hi ing orrhrl, a good spring ol water, and timWr enough to intake three or four raft. A rli an h and ichool boue within a short diftaneo. For fiirtherparticular eaJl on the nn detfignM, rmiding m tbe prrmi?e8, or addren him at limhniuttin P. ). Jr2tV07-3in:pd WM. R. GKEEX. Down Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COrnE TllK CIlIiAPESTl A Proclamation against High Prices! "IITR re no fipctlng np a lot of the bert and f moft aeanflnaUt iovd and Warea errr offered in thin mrl(rt, and ut prir that rniind one of the good old divf of rheup thirig. Thow who lack fni'h upon thin point, or duvia our oJle galionti iuprrflm-UB, nted Lut Cfi-t tr of it &Toni:9 Corner Fro;itand Market ntppeta. Where they can are. tel. hear and know fr then wlrea. To fully nndw-taTid what are cheap goodn, thii naiit ha done. do not dem it neceeeary to (numerate and ittttito onr atock. It it enough for a: to atata that Wo have Everything that is Needed kitrl OTtaaiimiv.1 In ill a stot. aVllli Ail kripM tKsat L. I ii ...J Mnna i J detfO a JOLTii SHAW A 10$. I V'lisril.anfpus. i pnpnrMTnu'iM mai p mi i rr.r tM lit llfltM 11a el. 4 ii. ti'u' on tut ti.u catli.l tli '1'iij.'h x V im-iiiM '.I' V'..ii k," 1. 1 1- iti rll Hi .tnu-'h'H h crrjiVtsj fit u ti' inii, HitH'd !d 1 tlll'l'.:! lit E.M 1'le J .J I l, V' -sil 'l, 111 .if.Hl- iiM'i.l, A.'-'J jwr tntir, V ihii,.', Aiifit-nt nal Mis'lira l a'f Uis't, anil orniitii' nf ,1 l.i .nu-tir, t-.'.trn. Vinur i"uM''H i'Iu'uo St j.t -inlit-r T'.'i'i. For t'BfiilimiM'n. nhi r'- Hrr. JOU.N 11. liftAKKLKV, A. M., mitrlm IVrniili-ut. "miss h. sTsvan's" SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARflELD, I' A. 'IMIB Firttt Turin, of twent.v-two weeks', will -1- eonitnoDoeon MUN DAY. Hciteuibcr 2d. 1K07. TICK MS OF TUITION. Ruling, Orthoirntpliy, Writ in jr, OIjcct Lvttonr, Primary Arithmetic and 1'riuyiTV (ioog rajthy, per half trnn, (of eleven wwkn,)... 5 00 Ilisftory, Local and descriptive Ucngnijil.y with Mnp lrawiujr. Grammar, Meutal and Written Aritlitnetie 6 60 Algebra and tho BcienueV 9 00 Itrawiug, with any of the alKJV 21 00 Clearflrhl, July 2., lHf.7-Am. ClearfieldjFcademy. Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A M., Principal rpiIE PIRST BEPSION of tbe preaenl eeho- laetfo ywirof this Inetltiitioa will oonimenice oo the Brit MONDAY (2d day) of September, 18A7. Puplli ean enter at any time. Tbey will be charged with tuition froia tbo time they enter to tho cloie of the Bouion. The emiree ot laetrurtion embrace! erery thing included in a thorough, practical and accoui pltHlied eduiiation for both ivxea. Tho Principal, having bad the advantage of much eiperieooa In hia profeeeion, wtoree pa re tit and (Tuardani that hi entire ability and energien will be devoted to tbe moral and men tal training of the youth pin rod ander hii charge, lEKiMM OF TI ITIO.N. Orthography, hoading, Writiug, and Primary Ariibmetie, per Pen ion (II weeks) - $9 (ft) Grammar, Geography, AriUmretir, and lliitory - - f 6 00 AlgMjra. Geometry, Trigonometry, Men- u ration, burvaying, Ptiiluaopby, Pbyii- ology, Chfttniittry, Look Keeping, Botany and Phy-ieal Geography - - $9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of tho above Branebao .... f 12 00 Nu deduction will bo mad for abaenov. p-$i.t further pnrtimilare inquire of Hot. P. L. )1A KKISUiN, A. M., Ciearfleld. Jaly S5. IM7tf. PrinepaU SPUING GOODS. noa iw touk a rui la Delphi a. As t'lteap a. tlie Chrapctt and (iood aa the licet. f. KRATZER & SOT, liar. Jnil rerelred, aod are openioc, at their Old Stand on Front Ftrret, alwr. the Academy, a Isrgo and well se lected assortment nf SEASONABLE GOODS, which the, are eolling at rerj low rates. Read (lit ffllcinj catalogut and pmfi thereby. Fair tls Especial pains hss been taken In the selection of Ladles Dress Goods, white Woods, Krabroidsries Millinery Ooods, Prints, Kerchiefs, Rubles, O lores, Ae FORGENTLEMJiX. : Always on hand Black Cloths Fancy and Dlai-k t'eesimcres, fiatinels, etc., Keedy Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS ASD SHOES. .NECKTIES,. and a arietir of othr artfolea, whieh they will icll at a nnall adrmnoa oa ooat. Pariieuiar attention ii invited to their. ftork of Carpeta, Cottage, common In grain, auperbne English Ingratn and. liruiaeli,. rloor aod Tabla Gil Clothn, Window f bade i and Wall pipera, etc. FLOUB, BACOX.'Fith Sail, Plaster, Applet. Peachea and rruDOt hc l conalautlj on hand, ALSO, Id Slor a lot of large and mall Clorer seed. We intend to maka It aa objoot for Farm an and Mechanic to buy from ut; becaua wa will , tell onr goodi aa low aa they an ba bought in Uia county and pay tha ran bigheflt prioe fur all ktndi of country pro duce. VTa will alo eichanga goodi fur School, Hoad and Cot aTr otderij rjbinglea, Board, and all kinJa . of Manufactured Lumber. . Clearfield, Mny 'i, I Hft7. SOMETHINQ NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE I TV0tLD announce to the ciliren of Clrarfiold ojijra a r IjU t n AM' MM' M"I!I5 on srco.m sritrrt, Opposite the F.Hii.g, where I intcj)l to keep ronntntitiT on hnti'l a full aFHortim lit of Flour, Pork. Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And nil Litxlo of FMd. hl"h I will ntntl cheap fur cn-h, or iti axrhange for FHIX(il.KS, I.rMlirKMEV will ronult their lii'rrest hy giring nn? a enll h1t re they go elMirhre to pur ch.i their aupplii-a, a my arrnngmiirttii are Iierlect, and am allc to buy eviivthing In my ilie at the lowcyt market pHi. I.KA.M'i;U liKNMNO, Clearfield, July 11, IH7. Woolen Factory. I nlon Mills, In Ion toHiishlp, I Irarflrld ro Pa. HAVING fareiiaved an Intamrt In tha I'aias Mi Hi, wa ara pra(arad Ueard Wool, man ulavtura and flninh Cloth, and d all kindi of work in our line on abort not.oa.ta workmanlike mannar, and on reasonable tarma. Alto, FLOUR, FEED AND LUMBER M an u factored and for rale. Termt Cvk Wool Intended for carding ean ha left at R. Mninwip'i or J. P. Kratrar'n. whera wa will jet and return It on 8atnrdays of each week. Letters of inquiry addraeaad to ni at R'Kkton P. 0. will receive pmmiit attr ntion. F. K, k J. K. ARNOLD. Koekton, June 17, lBr.7. 1SC7 Philadelphia & Erie R.R.18G7 This greatline trsrerses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie a Lake En. ' Tl has been leased and Is operated he th PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger trains at ST. MARY'S and KLAI1N3: jeara I'aatwsrd, tit. llary'a. Keatlnt;. Erie Mall Train 4 14 P. M. l.M A. M. Krl Ki pres. Train 11 P. M. P. M. .rave V ret ward. Frle Mall Trsin lo.Ju P. M. 10. V A. M. Erie Laprers Train I 14 A. M. 15 .11 A.M. Passenger cars nio through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. New lork Connection. I.este X. Y at ( a. m. Ar. at Kri 'ta. b p. m.; Ar. al l.ns 4,ri a. nr. Leave Eric at Ar. at N. Y. A. It p.m. Leave Erie at In. 15 a. m.; Ar at X.Y.M.Io a. an. Jio rhanrje of Car between r.rle eh N. V. Elegant Car oa all Night train. For information respectlnr Passengsr husl. apply at Cor. JOlh and Market 1st a, rbil'a. And for Freight business .1 tlie ?umpany'p Agent., 8. B Km slon. jr., Cor. l.lih and Mar ket strests, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, fcri. Williem Brewn, Agent, K. C. R. aC BaJtimur. U. II. Houston. Oeaeral Fr,-iKlit Atreat, Pkila. 1 U. '. Winner, tieaeral Ticket AeeaL krte. A. L. General tupettaUBdeat, En. Jiry P'.oortj, Crcirfiirs, c tr. great'excitement (W Skiii.mi t-viiM.r, Ci.K.Mtpir.i.n. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. fpilK undenlgned redact fully inrita tha f tnllon of the pulilie generally to their iplendtd nnortmont oft erchandiio, which they are now IIidj AT VERY LOW PKICES. Their itock ooniUU in part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Print, Pa Lnineii, Alpaceas, Morlnoi, Uinghami.Mustlnv, (bleached and uitbteach adj sUrillingir, TlckingR, cotton aod wool FUDneU.Satineui.CaHiuierea, CottonadeF, Ladies)' Shawl. Nubiat i Hood, Balmoral and J loop bkirti, Ae(t Alio, a flna aaaortment of Men'e Draw an and Shirti, liate A Oapa, Hoota A bhoei. all ol which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CAU. Hardware, Quoonsware, Glq-asware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything uiually kept In a retail atore, all CHEAP i'OU CAiSU or approved oounUy pro dueoi a WRIfiHT k KLANIGAN. Clearfield. June C, W1, GIRARD TOWNSHIP IN MOTION Fre'sh Arrivals at the Cheap Store. L. M. COUTRIET HAS jo ft received at bii eiore. In Oirard townihlp, on the Cleartield road, one mile above Leeonta'a Milla, a large aeeortinent oi SPEIN0 AND SUMMEa GOODS, Which hs it dsUrmlned lo sell FIVE TEK CENT. CUEAFER T' as the asm. quality of Goods eaa he pur. fhssed for in any other atore io the aeighhor hood. Hi. stock eoasists of DRY GOODS OF ALL KLXDS, Sach as Sstlnetis,Casrlmeres, Muslios, Delaioes, Lloea, Lhllisifre, Calieus of all kiods, Trimnings, Hihboos, Iaos, Rcady-Madt Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats ft- 'Cojis, GliOCEItlES OF ALL JvISHS, Cuffee, Tea, Futr, Hire, Molasses, Fish, Ball, Unseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbun Oil. Hardware, Tinware, Castings. Plews, Plow-Castirs;s, Nails, Fjiikes. Corn Culti vators, Cider-Presses, all kinds of Axes, Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, d'ta, Varnish, Stationery. GOOD HXllK ALWAYS Ott 11AM). Vfa-Call and sre for yoartelrea Ton will tod ererythinf usually kept ia a retail store. m-My Plows art of lis Corsrensrllle and Centre tounly ataka, and an warranted to be ot good quality. t. M. COt'TKIET. Oirard to.nship. Hay 11, IIC7, iltUtUH'.IL. j.rTkratzer HAS renored tohii new wareroomi on Mar ket atreet, Clearfleld, Fa , whera fae bai opened a Tciy lare nock of DRY GOODS, Merinoei, Gihghani, CVthi, Ptlainrt, ?HnU CaMiiniore, Alparaa, (Silka, Pntlneta, Kepa, Cntthmeref, Twpedi, Cohergfi, Mohair, Jeana Lanellai. Maalini. Flannnla, Bonneti, Rib. bona, Cloaka, Hal moral Skirts, Hoop. Pkirtai fihawli, Dreaa Trimminga, Head Net, Caps, Corieta, Oluvea, Collara, Snarta, Grenadine Voile, Table Covera. CLOTHING,, Coati, Tanta, Vests, Orer-CoaU, flpnt't Fhawli fchlrie. Rata. Oaua, linder-Shirta and .DrawrTit, Houtft. 8hnt, Hum Shoes, Cravat. (Ho tee and CnlUr. UAnnWAHK. Ql' EEXSWAHE, GUO CEillES et MUSICAL tiOUM. . GKOCER1ES, Tea, Co (Tee, Sugar, Molama,Salt, Cindlea, Rice, Flour, IS aeon, r'iah, Xubacro, Haiini. Currant, Spice a, Crarkera, Vinegar, Oi!f. Var ninh. Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WAKE, WOODEN WAKE, nU STATJONEKY, 2I0USEI1OI.D GOODS, Carpetf, Oil elothn, Prurget. Looking 01anei Clocks. Cburni, Warhboardi, Tuba, Buck et, Flat Irons, I'ana, Window Blind, ' Wall-paper, Coal Oil Latnpi, I m- - -brellaa Bedoord, Kniraa and Furki, Hpoong, Crocka, and 8l4)e Plaeking. 4r-All of whioh will be eold on the noat rea aoiiable teruia, and the highest market price paid or ttrain, Wool, and all kinds of eeantry prodnoe. Clearfleld, Deoemlier 13, IRAi. 0, YES ! 0, YES ! ! TWENTY TEH CENT. LOWEIi THAN ANYWNF.nE EL.SE IN TUE COUNTY. JOIIX S. KADKRACII, TT fAVIN'O opened a new store at th Dlu I 1 rell," in Clearfldd eounlr, wislms lo neiify the public thst he is determined to sell alt kinds of Hoods CHEAPER than tbs CHEAPEST, la drllano to th county. Now is your Time to'Call and Examine, Whil h is plscing en hie sholret a fall aaiort ment of Dry floods, Groceries, t.'ueenswar., Hardware, Fartheawnr, I'rugs, Oils, aad Pa lots Medicines, Ae , Ae , do. HATS, CATS, HOOTS k SHOES, Cl all kinds, eoastantly kept ea hand. A general assortment ef A EA D Y-M AD E CLOTH IX G For Men aad Boys' wear. rA)l to b eold at eery LOW PRICE, lor CAsH, or .lehangad for all kind ef Marketing. gssy-FAWKD LUUI1KB A SHIXULES tak.a ia eaekaage fof ide. ocu"l it JOBS ?. ItADLBACH. 4 (j'lOtlUUrl. MOW TO SAVE MONEY. HE times are haul: you'd li'' t" snow Hoar )uu n.v n J " r d illuis T),. ab In l, il T . ill Shu. If you will r.d alisl follows. A mn who lire 1 not far from here, t bo worked bsrd at bis Uaje, Dut hsi a housthcM lo au-p"tt That sqlandered all h. siade. I met blm onoe. Bays he, "My frlead, I look thread bear and rous;h I re tried to at myself a suit, Dut can't sare uji enough." Ev I, my friend, how much hate you ? I'll tell yoo where to ft To ret a suit that's sii.nd and cheap l loKKUKNSIKIN A Co. Be took what little he had saved, And went tu Keiienatein A Iliolhers , And there hi sot a handsome suit, For half he uaid to others. Now he Is home, hs looks so wall. And their effect ie such, That when they tnke their deily meal, They don't eat half aa much. And now he finds on Saturday night, With all their wants supplied, That ho har money left to spend, And some to lay aside. Ills good succese, with cheerful smile, . He rladly tells to all. If you'd sare money, go and bey Your elothes at KtiZEKSIEIN'S CL0TI1IKU MALL. .1.- -v. r.r...t nl Lest Clolhius: and aood Furoibliing (Joods can be had to petit erery taste and in erery stelo aprll. W JOSKTH KU.NZ'S SEW CL0TUUG STORE, C I r. A R F I T. 1. V, PA. rill E s uliscriborlakcs this met hod of announcing X t th" elliaons of Ch arboM' unit tin; pul.lic gi ucrallv, that he has just opened a larjro stwk of - - ...... ...... .-.,-xrrT.r I'ri'V'L" Youths' and llovs' Suits, Uie b.iH piylrs of Hals and ('apt, and ilOtlTfj and HI '-'IS, all of wbli.h he will dispose of at a trltlf ahore cost He can be Market etroot, ltwei-n Third aad Fourth, in the room formerly ocoupicd by William Uoauien, wln-re hi solicin the i-iliiens lo all end rimrfli-M, April II, 1HH7. "THE LATEST OUT I MONEY FAVED 13 MOSEY MADE 1 1E VPISE! Ii i. so aurehase CL0TH j tag, HATS A CAP.-', or Furnishing Uoods, GO TO C. II. MOOKE'S New end Cheap Cletiing Store, where will be found ecnetantly on hand a larye and well se lected aasortmenlof Fine Blark faisimere snlu, and drabs, brown, light, and in fact ALL KIXDS OF CLOTHING Adapted to all seasons of the year i also, Shirts. Drawers, Collars, and a large and well selected assortment of Doe HATS and CAHrl, of the rery latest styles) and la fact everything that eaa be oalled for ia tis lioe, will be famished at the eery lowest city prices, ai tbey havebeea purchased at th lowest possible Bgures, and will be sold in the same way by C. 11, 1100KB, In th. Tost Office Building, Philipiburg, Ta, " NEV.s7" Daily and Weekly papers, Magsrlnes; also, a laree assortment of the la'eet aod kept NapalP, Joke Books, ere,, eoastantly on hand at C. 11. MOOHK'8, " In Ih. Fost OfrVe Uuildm;. a wll-ly Phllippbarg. Fa. ttmUant slailors. II. 1J 1! i u G 11 MERCHANT TAILOR, (dtnre one door east of Clearfield Mover,) ' Market fctrcet. t 'Icartield, Pa. KrEl'S on hand a full assortments of 0 rats' Furnishing Goods, each as tbirta, Liaea and Woolen I'nJersbirts, Drawers sod Sorbs, Nsrk-tirs, Pocket Hudkenhlefs, (1 lores, HaU, faibrellap, Ae, ia great Taricty. Of l'ssoa Goods he keep. th. Best Clothe of all "Shades and Colors," Puck aa Rlaek Doeskla or the Tory beet make; Fancy Cassimere, in great sanety , also, French Coating. Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and FrieoU cvercoating. All of which will he sold cheap for Cash, and made ap according te the latest style, by experienced workmen. Also, Agent fur Clearfield county for L M. Singer A Co's. eelebrated Sewing Msebinea. Not. 1, ISM-tf. 11. b HI HUE. oinTisnviT liooJL w. ITTcITar k , "7"OULD respectfully announce to the oltl pens of Clearfield' and Ticinity. thst b. haa taken the rooms formerly oenipied hy P. A. Oaulln, la Oraham's Row, immediately orer H. t. haugle's Jewelry Store, aad will continue th TAILOIUXG BUSINESS. A full assortmert of Clothe. Cassimere. and Vestings oMienily on hand, and maJe te order oa the ebortest notice. Partlrular atteatiea will he glee Is CCTTINft Mens', Boys' and Children's olothing in tha most fashionable style. Uire him a esll. ant-a W. F. CLARK, TtHisrrUanrouis. For Sale at a Sacrifice, fllllP KVTIHK STOCK and fiiturrs of H. AV. 1 SMI1 H'8 l'ry Uoods Store. This is a rare opportunity lor eountry merchants, or anv one do-iring to go into the business, a. the stock will be sold unusually low, and ties hus.aoss stand ts tho beat in the borough. Apply at tho elore. jiTJOf LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil DOi'PLK SPRING) 3 CSS IS LTi "CP FT1 1. FY will not tnd or break tittt the SinsU t Ppr.tir. hnl will frfMrr Uirit prfflt i ttm( hft hea thir or aWr orttiBBrir iSkirt hv keeo Ihrown title an vielew. Tht Httopi r eoTcrtd with double n3 tift4 thread and tb bottom roii ar not ttty don b la ipritipt, but twic (or dtmllf ) covered, prortnl t lift tlsfot from waring out hea drapgtm dua utoor., aulra Tha wonderfal flexibiiit aad fraat ana fort and ilaur to any lajj fr faring tb Iuplix Kllif tie 5k irt will ba ei parienctd pnrliealarly la all crowded Ai.nan.biia. Opera, rrr.afS Kailmad Cart.Charch Pewt, Arm Ch aim, far rnnenadi and 11 o una l)rea, ai th Flirt eaa bt folded when in a, to oeetipjr a fuiill place m eatViy and ennTmieotly Silk or alnil.n Dran. an Inraluablo quaUtj in oriBoline, not found in any Fiagle taring i-kirt. A la'ly bat ins cnioTcd tb pleajure, comfort. land preat coot .. re of wearina; tb Inlz biiii'iir cwmi 7irtiip7 CMiiri ior a aiofci aaj wui nerer ftrrU willingly diipeoM with their m. For Children, Mipdii and Yanng Ladiei the ar Mparior to all other. lbe Luples Elliptic it a great farorite with all ladiei and if naive. aally reroatniwn1ed hy th Faliion Majrarinei j th Bundard Fklrt of the yjhiooaMa World. To onjoy tho foiJowiaj Ineitimabte a4vant pM in Crinoline, ria: iuperir qualiit, perfect mantifarttire, ftvliph irmpe and fituch, flotiVilitr, darabiiiiy, wiafort and arobany, anqairo for J. I n. cradli-y iVoplex hluptic, or Uoublo Spring Skirt, and b fit re you get the prnoine artiulo. j CATTJON To gaard araiant imposjiUca, bo i pwtirular to no tic that ikirt offerod "Pn . plei," bar tha red ink itemp, via; "J. V. , Urailey'e Duplex Ellititto fcleel f princ," Upon the wautbatid nnnt others ar frnaia. Arao notioo that rry Uooi will admit ( pi a bmg pawad Urajth the antra, thai revttalitjg th two fr doalvt fprinfi brmided tfrlher thrin. which li th tocm of iheir flnlbi'iiy and treuijth, and a coo. bi nation aat to be fi md la ajiT other hkirt tOU BALB tn all (tore where Irtvt olaa fklrli nr ottlO. throngbout tb United Bioto ao4 la w hero. Manufactured hf tho iol owner of th Patent, WF.-TS. FRAPlsEV 4 CART, 97 CfiaiTibert. and Tl A Cl Kade 6t.,R York. Jane t?, 18f7-3m. O.nn AK I be paid to r a-re)"v-')Mrki te any pernm who ba ward !. liuioiu' Tile aJve a-rorUmg to djrextioBC and baJ not ba cared- A !1tt.;, u. rCNU.4M a rr 4e;5-.7 - ,;t. r