Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 08, 1867, Image 2

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Geobuk B.Gooki.ander, Editor.
Thursday Morning, August 8, 1867,
Democratic State Ticket.
or rnii.ADKt.rHiA.
Democratic District Ticket.
Til OA. J. MeCUl.I.OUGH,
nr nt.cAKriKLit rorsrrr.
JBubject to the action of the District Convention.
Democratic County Ticket. 4 j
Of Decatur township.
Of Bradford township. ,
HI 1.1.1AM M. Mct U LLOUGI1,
, 0' Cloarbold borough.
OTHKLLU llllitD,
Of liurnside township.
, i
. , W Hell township.
Of Law pens township. . .
Of Clearneld hornvrh.
Keep it before Ike pooplo, tint tlie
late Radical Legislature appropriated
for payment of its members and at
taches $115,000 more than that of
1804. " : ,
The A duress. We rail the atten
tion of our readers to the address of
tho democratic Stale Committee in
tliii inane. 1 It needs do recommenda
tion at our bands. We hope it will
bo read by all, and tho precepts re
ferred to therein practiced.
Fleam Excise Us. As we are
no match for the jxiylriotic loyal soul
(in a war sense) who presides over
tho columns of the Bellcfonte Pre,
w are compelled to let him occupy
the field, wbilo we are much better
engaged upon tho "Jeff. Davis, Rebel,
Copperhead newspaper," in furnishing
reading matter for the "black hearted
rebels und trnitors" of tho old "Union-
saver" persuasion. If we have time
to wasto in foraging for tom tits, we
may, alter tho dog duys, discharge
' Tolley at him from our masked bat
tery. We far shoddy heroes. They
are as barbarous as a Mexican greaser,
and as cWtnictive aa sausage cutters
wlcn people are out of their reach.
General Sheridan, the proprietor of
the negro kingdom of Louisiana, last
week issued an ordor appointing the
IJegistcrs for that dominion, in which
he enjoins npon his satraps the duty
of appointing an equal number of
negroes and whites. The latter are
of course from Massachusetts, or some
other "loyal" State. The registry
was completed in three days, and
resulted as follows : Whites, 85,244 :
Negroes, 71,902; Loyal Negro mnjor-J
ity, 86,b;K. All but four counties in
the Stato will give a large negro
majority. A greater farce has never
been perpetrated upon the eloctive
franchiso, unless we accept Brown
low's reconstructed Tennessee.
Exckssivi Lot alt. Tho article
of loyalty is as extensive and bound
less in some bosoms as the rays of
light. I he Clayton (Del.) Herald
paper published by a woman and do
votcd to the niggv assails the "Gov
ernment" in the following stylo. Hear
the female loyalist :
"Lot the whole dmand of Congress the
tmpraclicjcnl of Andrew .lohnson. Nothing olm
will giro aa security. There can U no lasting
pence while sorb an unprincipled uiurj.i-r ths id
lb. Presidential ebair. W feel very much some,
linn like prsiiuf the fond l,ord to convert him
and thea kill km, mil 11 be woa't do that, to iiu
m ixraow."
It is well for Surrntt that he never
nid this -much about the "late la-
mcnled.'' That which was a crime
(abuse of tho President) three years
ugo, has been transformed, through
loyal ethics, into a virtue. '
The Revenue frauds committed by
the Black Jtepublican office holders
in tho large cities have become so
enormous, that the Secretary of the
Treasury has been compelled to solcct
tho Tost Muster, Collector of the Tort
and U. S. District Attorney, as a
llevenuo Hoard to watch the Collect
or and Asgonsora. This Board has
power to employ any tmmbcr of spies
and detectives they may deem neces
sary to watch the loyal office holders,
and make Weekly reports to the
Ticnsnry Department. That a party
controlled by "grand moral ideas"
should impose this extra expense
upon tho people eeems remarkable;
but yet ench is the fitct. It takes one
loyalist to act us Asecssor or Collect
or, and then it takes five or six more
to wattili him. This we Mipposo is
loyal strategy getting tho ' whole
herd into ottice. It is ns good a
game fur shoddy patriots as the "war
Si ,, .
lor the Virion .- rail npon the
Thf I'tmt "iAtyal" .mw.
No man, much less an executive
officer, should ever become a retail
dealer of bad morals.. Mr. Francis It.
Jordan, Secretary of Stnto, nnd Chair
man ot the Illnck llopublit'Ait Slate
Committer, has issued his first address
in the present campaign. It contains
less truth than is to bo found in any
similar document ever Issued. Hav
ing emanated from one of the people's
servants, an officer of Stato and a
teacher of "grand, -moral ideas,", it
should have contained somcthingpatri
otic and truthful. But as the press of
his own party chief among thorn the
Now York Tribune and Pittsburg
Chronicle aro oxposing his sophis
tries, we need not point out his first
class slanders against his superiors.
' The author must think tho people,
of Pennsylvania are, as ignorant as
Digger Indians, or ho never would
have concocted such a batch of balder
dash.1' Thore is scarcely one single
allusion either to the remote or recent
history of men or parties of tho coun
try, that is not misrepresented or dis
torted and so clumsily done, that no
to dotoct the purpose of deception.
In giving a biography of Judge
illiams their candidate for the Sa
proine Bench of tho State we are
informed that the Judge is about forty-
six years of ago: but never a word
about the place of his birth. liiogra
pliers never omit this important fact.
No biography is complete without it.
Why, then, this omission? Did Mr.
Jordan fear that if he would tell the
people where Mr. Williams was born,
raised and educated, he would thereby
bo telling them thoir cundidate was an
imported Yankee, and that by placing
him at the head of the judiciary of this
staid old Commonwealth the introduc
tion of the "new lights" of new Eng.
land fanaticism would bo best secured f
Mr. Williams "is of the Webster and
Clay Bchool of politics," says this ad
dross. When was he with Clay and
Webster f Was he with those two
groat statesmen when they were act
ing in harmony with the Democracy
npon the very questions that now sop
arate the Democrats and the Aboli
tionists, and. when they were denoun
cmg iuo iiuioriur. iuiiiama among
tbcm) in language but little less polite
than Andrew Johnson is now denoun
cing them ? What "school of politics
did Mr. Williams belong to thenf
Where was he when Lis party was
r cii-ting and nullifying the clearest
provisionsof the Constitution and the
most solemn acts of Congress respect
ing the fugitive slave law f Where
was he when Lis party was burning
churches, and disfranchising men be
cause of their religion or foreign birth f
And whore was he when his party was
backing tip and applauding the trea
sonable and murderous conduct of old
John Brown f Did be learn such
lessons in Clay's and Webster's "school
of politics?" How fulse to the memory
of the honored dead ! How insulting
to the intelligence of the intelligent
Nor it this address any tlio less free
from misrepresentation, it not positive
falsehood, when it comes to speak of
Judge Sharswood, the Democratic
candidate It soems that, in 18C2 or
19G3, Judge Bharswood, taking the
Constitution for his guide which says
that nothing but gold and silver shall
be made a legal tender gave an opinion
pronouncing the act of Congress de
claring paper money to be a legal
tender, unconstitutional. Who dare
say that this opinion was wrong, then t
Was it possible fbr any judge to decide
otherwise without perjury ? Mr. Jor
dan knew it was not; and if ho had
the candor that all honest men should
have, he would either have omitted any
reforence to this decision whatever, or
else ho should have explained that this
decision was delivered under the late
government of the Vnitod Slates
strictly in harmony with tho late Con
stitution as formed by the "relets" of
70 and only violutivo of tho same
old Constitution as purified and regen
erated under such saints as Fred.
Douglass, Phillips, Stevons, Sumner &
Co. Hundreds of similar decisions
have been dclivorcd; and no honest
judge ever thought of delivering any
other opinion, until "military neces
sity" taught them how to "throw con
science to tho devil" os Thad. Stevens
orders them.
When will our public men learn
that "honesty is tho best policy," and
that to attempt to mislead tho people
npon public questions is no less crimi
nal than treason to the State ! When
that day comes, we will have whole
some laws, administered by honest
men, to live under them. But not
At New Haven, Conn., on Sunday
last, two boys agd about 15 yoars,
named Sullivan and Cabel, while re
turning from Sunday School, got into
a (jnarrcl, when thu former 6Ubbed
Cabel with a knife, front the effect
of which he died in two Lours.
A Boston clergyman, who believes
in amusements if properly,
says it is quite curious "to note how
many of our people have attonded the
cirrus the past week, only because they
wanted to "ploaso tho children ;" but
still more curious to be olxterved that
j in very many instances it has taken
vv u un-ulfH 1 1 U III on, n iiu pit
many vlron. wo t . , ft
tlrn ft t Iima q K1a l.n,l;.t :.l.
I bny or pirL
Trnnrre 1'lrrllon.
Brownlow nnd his ncgroe held an
election in this Stato on the 1st inst.
The Muck and white negroes combined
had everything their own way. They
made their majority to suit themselves.
As tho Voting was dime by loyal ma
chinery, tho majority was a mutter of
t.isto. Tho negroes and mean whites
carried everything CJovornor, Le
gislature, and nil tho Congressmen.
Things wcro dono up on election day
in regular Moxiuan stylo. The loyal
blacks and whites wcro ns thick as
thrco in a bed rather a strong dose
for the dog-days.
The Radical pross rejoice greatly
over tho negro victory, although tho
Philadelphia Press says :
"llrownlow may ba rough and violent man,
but just such inau waited to brinff a State out
from the 6vry furnntia of ilaveryand veeted wrong.
We do not put bim forth ai a uaodrl. We would
not willtnjrljr see him Otnrernor of Pennnrlrauia,
but wa do want bim fur and rr)uice in seeing him
(iorernor of Tonneasee." i
; This is an ungrateful thrust at tho
"model" Governor, but niado by an
editor that rolls ingratitude tinder his
tongue as a sweet morsel it is his
food. ,
Frnnr.v in ISM. wan transformed
from a liepublic to a Despotism in one
night, by this Brownlow plan.
$39,000,000. '
That is the estimate for carrying
on tho Military Governments, in the
Southern Dukedoms, during the next
fiscal year. The cstimnto is based
upon information received at the Treas
ury Department, and may, therefore,
be relied upon. As actual expendi
tures usually exceed estimates in ad
vance, it would not be surprising If
the sum total should run up to Foury
Millio.m or Dollars before tho year
is out. -
Now, this money is taken out of tho
pockets of tho people, for no earthly
purpose but to keep the republican
parly in powor. Not ono nickel cent
of it is needed to support the Govern
ment, for tho Government does not
need the Bupnort of Dukes, nor the
Dukedoms. These Southern people
can and will govern themselves, if tho
Kadicala will only give them a chance.
The military is no more necessary to
maintain order, nor to execute the
laws, now, in Louisiana, Carclina, or
Virginia, than in New York or New
England. Hence, we repeat, these
thirty-five or forty millions of dollars
is just so much of an electioneering
fund to keep tho Southern States out
of tho Union, and to keep the Butlers,
Stevcnscs and Kclley in power at
least until after the next Presidential
eloction when they expect a lease of
fiowcr ana plunder, lor four years
If this money came out of the pock
ets of tho lludiuals themselves there
would be lusa causo for complaint;
but as Domocrats and men w bo never
voted for KepuMican in their lives
have to pay their proportion, the
operation presents the complexion of
a positive swiuaio. Mill, it is a swin-
L W. kUi.d to until
tho masses of the pooplo, tired of sup
porting t h cite Dukedoms, and tired of
being taxed for tho maintenance of
tliO most wicked fuction wilh which a
great country was ever afflicted, rise
in their might and sweep the whole
concern away. The host beginning
to that end is to propare for the fall
elections. . If we can whip tho Jaco
bins as well as they deservo to be
whipped, this autumn, they will want
more than thirty-five millions to cna
ble them again to cut at into the
Presidential chair a man after thoir
own heart. Meanwhile tho 35,000,000
is just so much to be added to Uouki
Uent, Food, Fuel and Clothing ; so
much subtracted from Waoes and
Salaries. The High Tariff aud Bin
Bounty Lords will not fuel the burthen
any nioro than tho Dukes in the mili
tary dependencies, but it will full
with crushing weight, as usual, upon
those who are the lcatt able to bear
it ths workingman, the mechanic,
tho day laborer, the artisan, tho farm-
or, the salaried clork, the man of
small incomes, and others of all -that
class. iS. Y. Express.
The Irrrprrtntblr .irrirns In thr
Tho Erie Conference of the Metho
dist church recently held a session in
New Castlo. ' It would be a raro curi
osity for any gathering to bo hold in
this conntry without devoting a large
sharo of its deliberations to tho "gen
tleman fromAfrira,"andof course tho
Conference of our Methodist friends
could not bo expected as an exception.
The following extract from tho pro
coedings will bo read with a relish by
all tho Uadieal brethren :
"Dr. Clarke staled that a colored
brother, a local preacher, was present
at tho Conforoneo, well recommended
and endorsed by the ProfebBor of
ilberlorce University, who was en-
deavoring to collect funds to aid him
in obtaining an education; and be
nxm-cd that a collection bo taken up
for that purpose. Pending tho ques
tion of tho collection, finite an anima
ted discussion took plaoo as to its
propriety, in which Dr. Kinsley and
ltev. J. Bain wcro tho chief speakers ;
in wnicu u was inuicatcu by lr.
Kinsley that ho considered a negro as
good as a whito man if ho behaved
himself, but that thoro woro white
men whose children could not get
such education, and ho thought char
ity had better begin at homo. To
which Mr. Bain Lad no objections,
provided it did not stay there. Ho
hoped lo see the day when they
should have as many black D. D.'s as
white ones; ho thought they wore
good material lo make D. D.'a out of.
"This being a new use to which to
apply the 'negro,' seemed to bo popu
lar, and the Confei-enco ordered the
oolioctio.1, which amounted lo tii2.6l.
Tho colored brother then came for
ward and made one sr-och over so
many times that it was feared he
would hardly get through soon but
at length wound up with a round turn,
"ing him ne uopea tucy would
'inquire after him and they would find
hiuU ill KntnA ail lliA ....I :r
they had any moro money to send it
A.. II. Stephens weighs only ninety
four pounds.
a nuni'M
pRNtlTRATtr KTATB f'oualTTI'S HilOUS, )
I'l UAnrm.n, l'l., August 7, 1H7
To the People of Pennsylvania :
The Democratic organization, de
voted to tho maintenance of its im
mortal principles; conscious of its
duty to thorn, ami to the Republic;
proud of its years, its triumphs and
its heroism in disaster,aud remember
ing that in the faco of persecution, of
official frowns, of corrupt appliances
and of successive dofeats, its numbers
have steadily incrcasod; ngnin presents
to you its candidate for your suffrages.
The Republican party has controlled
the government for six years, and we
accuse it before you, because :
la tho sacred name of Union, it has
perpotuated disunion ;
In tho room of tho blessings of
pr, it bar glvuu us liatc, diaoord
and misory;
it has violated the pluinest princi
ples of free government, broken tho
written Constitution, and only yielded
obedience to the behests of party;
The people aro denied the attribute
of sovereignty ; the military subverts
the civil power; generals remove gov
ernors cleo'-od by tho pooplo, and a
despotism reigns in ten Stales;
' Congress assumes the right to say
that negroes shall vote in Pennsyl
vania, and denies to us the right to
rcgulato our own rule of suffrage;
The negro is, by law, made the
equal of the whito man in all public
places, and authorized to hold office
and sit on juries in tho Capital;
Tho destinies of ten Slates, and of
ten millions of whito people therein,
are, by Congress and tho military
powor, placed undor the control of four
millions of blacks;
Their reckless expenditure of tho
public money in their conduct of tho
government, in the support and organ
ization of hundreds of thousands of
idlo nogroes, in the employment of
hordes of unnecessary spies and ofll
ciuls, and in maintaining military
power over the submissive South, en
dangors and delays tho payment of
the public debt of twenty-seven hun.
dred millions of dollars to which the
public fuilh tiled ired ;
incur gross mismanagement causes
taxation to bear heavily upon the
people. In ltfOO, ono dollar and sixty
cents per head were paid by tho peo-
plo through tho customs; In 18Gfi,
fourteen dollars per head wero drawn,
mainly from the consumption and
business of tho poorer classses, through
the customs and internal revenuo. In
1800, each individual owod two dollars
and six cents of tho public debt; in
1807, each owes seventy-nino dollars
and fifty cohts thereof. In 1800, tho
expenses of thegovcrumont were sixty
two millions; in 18(57, the Treasury
estimates them at two hundrod and
twonty-fivo millioLS, independent of
interest on the debt, loth bring periods
of psace. Pennsylvania's share of
the public debt is two hundred
and seventy-five millions, her own
debt thirty-fivo and a half millions,
and her city and county indebtedness
will swell the total to four hundred
millions. Twenty-five millions annu
ally come from your earnings to pay
tho interest thereon. In 1S00, your
Stato government cost you four bun.
drcd and two thousand dollars ; whilst
in 180G, it cost you six hundred and
sixty-nine thousand dollars;
The pressuro ot thoso exhausting
burthens and the snicidid policy of
Congress, havo caused uncertainty
and depression to pervade all branches
of trado and manufactures ;
Our commcrco is suffering, the en
terprise of our people is repressed and
L .
The rsv
interests languish ;
cnucs of the government are
less than its interest and expenses,
and tho financial officer foreshadows
an increaso of tho public debt ;
Thoy plot the destruction of our
form of government, by destroying
iho independunco of the Executive,
attempting to subordinate the judici
ary and by concentrating all power in
tho legislative branch
Piobbing the pcoplo of sovereign
power, they have nnitod it wilh the
government In Congress, and dealt a
fatal blow at our liberties, for tyranny
ma' be as absolute in a number of
persons as in an individual.
Unblushing corruption stalks thro'
every department of the government
Mn(lcr lb'r control.
For these and kindred wrongs we
arraign thorn, and us the representa
tive of anUgoiii.m tu each of them,.
wo present to you our ramlidato for
tho Supremo Bench :
GftnRiiR SiMRswnnp a Pennsylva
nia, a man oi pure morals, a pro
found thinker, a sound lawyer and a
jurist of nntionnl reputation. It has
been tho rule of his official conduct
to yield obedienco to wiitlcn law,
and neither party necessity nirr cor
rupting influenco can sway hjm from
hii) duty to fearlessly proclaim it.
II is opponent, IlENny W. Williams,
is a native of New England, nnd is
comparatively unknown to our poo
plo. Prior to his nomination ho was
said to bo a worthy gentleman nnd
an able lawyer. Ho has accepted n
nomination upon a platform by which
ho is pledged "to 1'Lace the Supreme
Court in harmony with, the politi
cal opinions or Tfix majority op the
rr.opi.E." This destroys his independ
ence and "holds the Judgo accounta
" ble to a political party for his con
" struction of the law, and inevitably
" tempts him to sacrifice his intog
" rity ; to bocomo tho meanest of all
" creatures a sworn minister of jus-
" tice obedient to tho dictates of
" politicians." ,
Tho independent and fearless judge
protect your life, your liberty and
your property. With which of these
men will you trust them f
Deuocuath or Pennsylvania:
Wo call upon you to organize in
every section of tho Stato. Act for
yourselves, promptly and rigorously.
Wait for no man. Tho government
you love is in clangor, its great cardi
nal doctrines are daily attacked, and
"treason in peaco may provo more
deadly thau treason in war." Indi
vidual exertion is tho duty of every
man. Canvass your school districts.
Form clubs. Circulate your local
pnpers. Teach the people. Counsel
with the uged. Encourage the timid.
Arouso tho sluggish. Stop talking
and go to work. The enemy aro vul
nerable at every point; attack them
for thoir nmJcods.
Your puinciples abe eternal and
must mil vail.
By order' of the Domocratio State
Committee. ' "
. Chairman.
".f it t'nhappy l'aflMrt.M
A mono: other pungent thinpa which
the New York UeratiTt correspondent
represonts Thaddeus Stevens of say
ingofsomeof Lis leading republican
brethren is this that John W. ioary,
the present Coventor of Pennsylvania,
is "an unhappy failure." That old
Thad. has arrived at a just estimate
of Gear, is undeniable. But ourttov
ornor is not the only "unhappy fail
ure," and the whole tenor ot Jlr. Ste
vens' remarks shows tliat he so re
gards it.
This party started out ten years ago
as tho champion of "free speech," and
in less than five years, by mere brute
force, it closed up every mouth in the
whole country that refused to sanc
tion the outrages it committed. It
proclaimed its intention to "bring the
government back to what it had been
in tho earlier and purer days of the
Republic," and it had not been a year
iu power before it began to nprootthe
foundation upon which the grand
structure of the Federal Government
had been laid by Washington and his
compatriots. It cried out with a loud
voice against the extravagnnco of
Democratic administrations, and yet,
according to public averment of ono
of its own loading members of Con
gross, (Iawes, of .Massachusetts,) it
stole more in the Erst year of its ad
ministration of the government than
Uuchanan bad expended in bis whole
term. Avowing itself the party of the
"Union," it fhrlod to preserve the
Union by poacolul means, and actual
ly, (aoeording to its own interpreta
tion of thorcHiilt,) split it in twain by
forco and arms.
Mr. Stevens himself pronounces the
republican party a failure. Ho re
gards it as too much dcmtiraliced to
have any hope of future success found
ed upon an appeal to tho reason of the
pooplo. Ho admits that tho only waj
to save it from defeat at the next
election, is to create a furor to raise
an excitement to stir the passions of
the pooplo to such a depth that their
reason will be drowned and they be
rendered incapablo of distinguishing
clearly between good and evil.' W hen
a party that has so long had tho ad
ministering of our governments, both
State and .National, admits that it can
maintain itself only by muddying tho
political waters of the countrv, so that
no ono may seo the bottom, it mav of
a surety be written down as a most
"utihnpp' failure."
tionry will not lack tho comfort that
misory i said to derivo from company.
His party is as bad a failure as him
self Lancaster Intelligencer.
Mr. Williams, the "Invar" rnnrlidntn
for Supremo Judge, is in favor of tho
Kumn ConrrrftM fiircinrr rinitm anrTrnrrn
upon Pennsylvania and other North
ern Slates, in the sumo stylo they
have clone it in the South. How do
yon like it, irAtelltptiblicat?
Wm. T. Skidmore, who ometime
ago assassinated .M r. W. K. Carr with
an air gun, and whose trial has been
progressing for tho pat few day in
the Kings County Court, Brooklyn,
was found dead in his cell on the
morning of the 21st nit.
Brownlow is renorloii In l. in anrh
wretched health that recovery is i
nrxno lmpossioip. is taiao about,
to foreclose! his mortgage. j
Ciioki u to Death A son of Mr.
Joseph Broynn, aged about seven
years, was choked lo death on Tues
day, by m piece of a irroiind nut hell j
bulging in his throat. Wo have not i
heard any of Die particulars. ,'--1
fcir r; Jnuriial. , I
Wlarrifi. j
In the f'atliulic Church, in this place, on Auf ul
i. I "'17, be Iter. Tn.mis Tsa.t, Mr. JOHN1
CI.siImM, Pa.
In Fcriruaos township, July 2.1, IM,7, TlIOMArt
IILMIY, K"., agi-rl shout 711 -,rr.
ftnv rMvrrttirnunts.
1 lSST llruuiid Alum lealt for r It, at
IjMKHT quality of MAl.'Kl'.KKL, (7 tier t bl.l.,
1 at II. W. SMITH.
KST quality of P1U.N1, fur lo., at
SHINCiLKH for j ,.er M, at
II. W. r'MITH .
(t ENT.'H I'rraeh Calf Knots, (warnuilrd.! for
I C4.90, ai ll. W. r mill ri.
KN'H llfwrr IWi, for at
"t 0l8 idling KKSS than prwnt ritr pricer,
"M)TI."I2- Tho In neJ of h'jupe-ko jr
or rrvatttN, arc berwIiT nottfivil that I will
iurn.tb thru npon jiphcutiun to inc. urh a. bare
burn tried Dil rwwuuiMilul. .Mr. llXLi.U.
Llmrfirld, Auguxt H, jbG7-2ui.
( iA.CTIOM.-AH rauui are boretT warnel
J Against trufti:i(( ot brb r.iig my wilr, M A H Y
MNK, on nr amount, a th lit lift my ted
and board without wir juft mun ir proruesiioh,
miu I aia tkcMslwra tinUirwincd tt pay no delHa if
hrr i-untruc'titse uitU-si comjIU-i l-v Inw.
OK'JiitvK W. HlltMEL.
Jloffftp township, Aafrust , t6r-3ti4.
DR.. A. M. HILLS, ,
Offioo oomiT of Front anl MarltH
lrM-iii, ,..jiomu- the "ClturfieLl Huusb," Cr.-arfirlu,
Penna. aus;.V67-jr.
Crape Vines for Sale.
ALL the traJInj; tiorrtv varieties of ftrnt qual
ity. Order lieitcd as aoou aa convenient,
Jul lille.l In rolalKin, by A. M. iiiLLe-
CliarCdJ, Pa., August P, l'-f".
Bordcnlim n, fc. 4,
VN innituti fur tfeo cawful and tWo?ih
iuftrticliufi of Yfunf IsA'liej In all tbc
lrau'hfi if a Oftmpltle tJuwUion lkrard tkXii
tuitiun in the Preparatory nd Culkglat dq.Brt
ment, ti'UfJ j-rr year. Uainiif, Aneinnt and
Mmim l.anuaifi a. and oi uaiotuital braiK-bmi,
fttra. iiiu-r riy-aitm cj.iim fciitUinW
For Cutnlt-piirf. atlHrrup
Ultuatr In llrrrarta Township.
"I T rirtue of an nrb-r i..sntd "itt of the O-r.hans'
1 Ceurt of ( bariield routrty. Pa., the following
dwentK-s) Kl Lstate, boo tbe nrugxTty f W alu r
t ll.wn, ueo,ard, iiluuU il, Lv. --at la toKU.-hi,, to
saij enmity, will i euld at j-uMic sale, to the
birbest and best liil'li-r, on the iremi. in saitl on Ml l ItJIAV, the 31st ol Al'UleT,
If67, al 2 o'clock, P. W., vis: AU that
Ctrluin M'irct of Land,
ft I onto In Deoearia township, ClearSelJ cnutity,
Pa Wuutleil ae fdluwa: Uu I be north and et
by loo ls of Abrabsia Work, eouth by Uwls ol
Ahrahiim Nevlmr, and wrrt by lauds of Cieorge
And fourteen )t-rchi-a. with lire aerss rl-arod. and
luii ins Uisrns a frame llwuaa aud tog Lam,
formerly wt'iijiied by said d,e.asod.
yTERM.S Caib on confirmation of Fale.
J0.Epn V. LULL,
Aaimst , IPS7. Ailminielrator.
Great Cures by Dr. CMldV Antidote.
IVn iiiM. tux, July 2j, 1MJ7.
Rai l.AoHrn tiear Sir : Tliree years am
last March. 1 bought a HU'ktr of the" Antidote
for lobaeeo, and red it ae eniior t tut dirao
ticmsi and siue that lime 1 have not Lasted
Tobareo in any form. I found that it resumed,
as yon said tt wonld, all desire or loos-ing for it.
1 would reootnraond all no W A.M tu ba oared
of the kabu, to lr it.
Vuurs in g-stltu.lf,
J. W. AHRIty,
Tenth and Lombard streets.
Wu mM;Tt't, July 2f, lif.7.
Mn. flji.i inr Hear Wr; Last year I read
your advertisement In the pattern, statin jr thai yiiu
had an antidote fur Tobaoou, a bu b was warranted
to cure. 1 bought a pai'hiijrc from one of our
dnt storm, eoroiiienerd mj it, and bet ure ! had
nsed one half paekaee. 1 was entirely cured. 1
had no desire for Tolinciio ; in fset, 1 loathed the
"'rht of it, Jtifore that. I was in an eirecdinfrlr
bed state of health. I was weak, and devoid uf
aUonercy. I writhed but 11.1 ounds. Now 1
am eiy,iyit,(t food health, and weigh 1S5 pounds:
besides all Uui, it has been Uie eauieof my savins
rtj a yi-nr. My restoration to health and auy
ineraaiH) In wealth, I aarril aidtly to the use of
that half packsge of Antulole and 1 would
rconmmvnd lo ail youns mm, who wih to gi t rid
of a halm which. In many eases, wss bcran before
they were aware of the nastiness of it. and all who
wish Ui save their money and thus lay the foun
dation for future nobis to try a .s: k)re of tins
truly wunlerful niedu ine. as I fiul ronfidetit in
pre.lMtms that they will Mrer" havo cause tu
repine about the money tbas spent.
lours H.-speelfullv.
Kesidonoe 71 (Juean street, where I wUI be bappr
to auswur aU wttions.
r"Tlirsp atr but samples of many certificates
of cares which we are daily roneieinir. Send soon
and jot a uaokas-a. SI per pa. ksro.
r tiJW V.trket St.. Uiiinmrl..ii. lL-l.
Manufaelrerso.'ad WtclesaJe Dealers In
l Market V tl9 Mcrchiit Vtrert,
ati e7 PHU.AniXPllIA, r.
Meat Market.
rIMlK undirsignid wmU lukc this method nf
I informing the citirrns of ("lisrfidd and tlie
nrrauniinir vietoitv. that tl k.n mhJ h -
N! AT MARKL'T, in the basement of the clcar-
neia House, wucro they will bo fouud wi:h a
supply ccry
Tuesday, Tliursday aud Saturday.
Formers and )olhers in tlio surronnding coun
try will be supplied wilh Meats to order. A lib
eral share of public pstronspc solicited.
H. K. FI l.l.FRTON,
ngl,7 M. 0. II It ci IV N.
eemplete History of lbs Kew States and
Territories, from the. tlreat Hirer to the
Ureal Ocean. Py Albert D. Kicbardsoa.
Ovr l.(Msi) Cnplci Hold In our Month.
Life and adrecturo on Prairies, Mountains
and the Paoinc Coast. With over ?0P )escript
Ira aad Photoreanfaia Views of the Keansre.
t'itiea. Lands, Alines, People and Curiosities uf !
the New Stales and Territories. j
To prospectira emigrants and settlers la tba i
"Far Wert." this history n( that east and fertile j
rogioa will peeve aa inralaable assistance, sup-
p'ying aa it does a want long felt for a full, an- 1
tbenne aad reliable guide lo tliniatf, soil, pro-
ducts, means of travel, Ae., da. I
A U E MS H AMF II Send far rirewlars and
ea our terms, and a lull description of the work, i
Addrers NAT1"5AI. Pl'lll.l S 11 tN il fit., I
auc .t M7 Minor al , Philadelphia, Pa. 1
(1 Al TU )A11 penoa are herel.y rnuti,
scainsl truMtrgor harboring mi wife Kl.l
TtKTH sn ar ivmnt. s. she ht left my
anil board without any ,iu.t oaiise, and I will
n onus Ol ucr ooilirat tlllg.
IVeatnr Tp.. .Inly J.t, lt itTd
Oili. Varniithpi. rainta RrncriAa
Tl'I r.L-;v(u aud for rsV ebear lv
J"rLrH J.. liwiK.
Trll tl Carwearntle. r.
ftr tflvrrtiifmfntj.
(; u a ii i i a x saT.iTo? "
Hiluule In Itrsil) lonti.lilp.
II Y irtue of an onVr of Ibr Orphans' ("curt of
n , ,U ! I cui.t i . Pa., th- f .11.,. ,r ? d. .. rjl,
H. l K.tate, Lite tl, .rper1y of JAWKs A
W lltilirt, dcciaeeil, sitaule ui lii Jy towiisntj
said ooiinty, will be sold al pul.lic ssle. t0
111, ,--1 Slid ls--t l-'ddir. In the vil.s;e of l,illfcr(.
burp, on r!tnn!sr. the I T r h day of Aaas., li7
al 2 o'elork, P. M., sis: All I hut
Sititittc tf t f'iirniii'1, Ik'uii le?U asff dr'tv-ribed u
f'!l'w: iN'innititt ( rtum, thcnr-fi by land of
J. V. Ittod, Diirth two l ttw -at in pfrchc., tu
llio turnpike ; lliftirn mnb 0V itturr-fi tsutt altiut
ikti 1 'I'lki, ."14 yvrv.ii' f i tltcri'-fi aouiL -ilj ir grc
tuft, nlotikf tnii'U A Klrli, 'rlr A ()ran;, 54
pcruhuf tu chnxtnut; tliriic n time jwrfbot;
lltence "tiib t9 dogrveit Wftt, hJodi; laitil of Jm.
I, i t.w, Wm. Purtcr, jr., ni Pttrtur, i-yltr k Co.,
ldO Dri.-liff in a i ; ti.ince north h d-rri
went 40 ipn-hfi, to Hon j thciwe norlh two d
Ifwi ral 3(0 ftvrcbM to ftonrs ; ttw nvrtb W
dtgrt'i'i weit, olcig lain! of Aiiaiot'i bem, 3v
M:ri:Ill,r', to J)llW! of ht uuiug.
Containing 4ft icrc
Antl 60 6-lit perviirs, with ilioat 40 acrt-a cleared
anil under cjtiv:Kiti,ariJ Iiamu Lotroou troctcd
a frame dwi-Uinif Uuu.-e and $tnilv.
TKH1M.S OF PAT.i; : f-ne third pufh ooconfir
mat. on nf aad th Inilaooa in op year tlm-alu-r,
with iuiervRt, to be wrnt, by bond aa4
Diurtugt on tbe prt tniiw.
fi. JArKFO.V HORX. Ou.Hian
Of mitior hfnri of Janior A. Wdf, t.eo'd.
July 1H. Hfc7-4t.
CLEA ariELD, Pi.
rpilK Firt Term, of twerjty-two wetkf,'wi!l
1 comuieni-e on M()MAT, Septtatber Jd, IMT.
. ' , . T!llle Of TUITION.
Ut-nlier;, tVthoyraphy, Writing, Object Lersoni,
Primary Arithnsetie and Primary tloog
' rapby. per half term, ff.f eleven we-ks,V,; $S etl
irrtor', Local ami Ibsrrptivp (lenprsphy
with Map, tiraniuiur, Mental
aud Vritten Arithmetic. 6 id
Algebra au4 the Kc',eo:i 9 Ps
Irawiu, with any of the ahove....... 11 00
ricrf-il l, Ju!y J5, IS(',7-?.:i.
Eev. P. L. HAEEIS05, A M., Principal
THE FIRST r-ESSIO of ths present scho
J lastie year of this Institution willeemmenet
on ths first hi'JSLiAV til day) of 6etitaaber,
Pupils can enter at any time. They wi'.l be
charred with tuition from ilia timt they enter to
the elosa cf ths Session.
2 ha ooursa of instruction ejubracea trarj thin"
included in a thorough, practical and accoai
p!ihed education for both sexes.
Tbs Principal, baring had the adrantaf a of
mnch expar':enaa in hut profasaMia. aasuras pa
rents and fuard ans that his tnlirt ability and
energies will ba devoted to ths moral and men.
tad training of the youth placed under his eharre,
ILKMs Uf l l lllllk.
Ortiojrrsphy, Readinn, Triting. and Pritnsry
Ati:hisc-tic, per Session (11 weeks) . f M
Oramaiar, Oeofrathy, Arithraetit, -aad
llirwry . . . . . . tt H
AJsT.brs, Gaouetry, Trigonometry, Mrn-
suration, Surrey iiig, Philosophy, Phjsi-
olofry, Chcmiptry, Look Keeping, Cotany
and Physical Ueigrapby . . - ft (
Latin, CI reek and f reach, with any of lb
above Tranches .... fit pa
irSo deduction will V.s made frr absence.
dTKcr further psrticnlsrs lncrolra of
Her. P. L. HAKIUSCO'. A. II.,
Clesrtcld, July S3LHf7 tf. Pr'mripsL
TTVnf'LD announcs to Hie eititens of Ch arfteid
and tlie snrrenndinr eonntrr that I have
opened a I'LUl'K AM) FEKD gTOUK on
irrn.!te the r..r.!inf. where t Intend to keep
eoustantry on hand a full assortment of
Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Cora,
And all kinds of Feed, which I will retail cheap
for cash, or in exchange for FHISMLE..
I.V.MULIiMl: will eonswH their interest ly
giruig me a call belt re tirry go elsewhere to pur
chase their su) plies, as my arrangements are
Itrrfect. and cm al.le tn ), .......P,l.;- i
line at the lowest market price.
f'learficJil. Julv 11, 1SB7.
rKf kkw voi i raiLajitLrau.
A Cheap aa the I'beapnt aud Good
the ltU
f. KnATZEIU."S0,
Hara Jo si rwcelred, and an opening, at tkeir
01 fund on Front Fueet, aaora the
Academy, a large and wall sa- ,
, lecttd of
which the; an selling at Tory law rates.
Read llit folltmring rUuotus mi prrfti tkertkii.
Especial pains has keen taken l b
selecnon af Ladies Dress vouds, white
Hoods, Embroideries Milliner. UuJ.
rrinu, Kerchiefs, Kubica, Ulotaa, Ao j
Always on hand Plack Cloths Faacy
d Black ra-rimcres, Satinets, etc',
Heady klsae Clothing ol all kinds.
and a variety of other articles. wbi.d,
they will sell at a small advance on cost
Particular attrstioa is Invited te their
stock af Carpels, Oittsra, aoaiaioa In I
grain, supers nt English Ingram and
urussels, floor and Table Oil Cloths,
Window shades and Wall papers, em.
F1.0CR. BACON. Fish call.
Piaster, At pies, ft-achea
Trunof kci't conklantlj on baoJ.j p
ALSO, in Store a lot of laiga aodi
nna',1 (.'lover ffj.
Wt inlnd to make it an ol jret ft Farmfrt and
Merhanirt to buy from nr; brcaaar iU
fll our F-xvdf aa h n lby ba
bnnffht tn the foamy an pay tba
ir bifbitet fnce for H kinds of country pro
tluctk. Hi will a lo etehanp fodi Ut
HrnooL. RoAn and Cot hty otdfra ;
bbiiifflfta, l)(wrdi,ud all fcintia
of Alanufartnrvd Lambfr
riMrfi M, May ?.
For Sale at a Sacrifice,
1 PM1TH P I'ry Q1 Prw. Ibil t a rmra
"(p'rtiinity for tMitmtry Btrrhanta, or any or
dimr-iR to po iiit'. th huint, a tha atnek
b vtld itniimnlly low, and the bni,in-a Ftati1.
tbr bwit to th bnrpufh.
Apj-tv at tht atorr. jrft (f
Uoolrn rectory. I nion lill.
I iwhn lownslilp. t'lt arflt ld ro , Pa.
HAVIVJ purrhased an interest in the I'aioa
Willr, we are prepared to card Wind, eise
uta.'tnre and InUh (Moih.and do all kiad. if
worst laaur line on skon notiee,ia workavnliis
manner, and aa rwasoaable asraw. Also,
Manafartutwdaadfoisale. Tersii Cask.
To, Intended for eardieg ewa be left '
Mo.s.'s ar 1. P. kraisar's. wkera trs w ilt ('
aad rotura it oa tsitardays of each wees.
Leu era of Inquiry ddie-nd to as at L.k:
P. 0. will receive rronpt attaarioa
F. hi. a J. tt. A&ULU
koektoa, Jua 1?, 1 -7.