Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 01, 1867, Image 2

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    (She jcpMiran.
6. i.&w . v-
Grurub B. Goodlasder, Editor.
Thursday Morning, August 1, 1867.
Democratic State Ticket.
or ruiupairaia.
Democratio District Ticket.
or CLimriiLB rot tt.
Rubjcet Is the Ml ion of th District Convention
Democratic County Ticket.
Of Decatur township.
Of Bradford towuship.
0' Clearfield borough.
Of Burn.iJe township.
Hit HAKD K. Kill",
Of B-!I township.
Of Lawrence towuship. ,
. Of Clearfield borough.
Tbe Valley Spirit, tho organ of tlio
Democracy of Franklin county, lias
been sold by Messrs. IIuniBher and
Keyser, lato proprietors, to Messrs.
John SI. Coopi-r, W. S. Stonger and
Augustus Duncan. The new firm will
be one of the strongest newspaper
teams in the State.
Wo rondor if the editors of the
Bellefonte Watchman and the Press
arc not lying about each other? or is
it only a Yankee way of advertising
themselves and thoir business? Their
"mammoth power press" establish
ment Lave suddenly dwindled icto
but "one-horse" concerns, if they tell
the truth.
We hanteu to give the Radicals in
Congress credit for ono decent thing
the 'more comnieudable because it is
the first of the session. They actually
voted duwn Thad. .Stevens' modest
proposiliou to pay themselves extra
mileage 1 Thad. evidently wants to
make up the loss of his tapeworm
furnace, destroyed by Longstreet.
The outburst of indignation in Eu
rope over the murder of Maximilian
is still unabated. The London Times,
in a long articlo on the Mexican
greasers, says :
Tbe sensation produced In Europe by the cas
eation of Maximilian is far (creator than owarmd
ob the assassination of Lincoln. Nut a voire in
anywhere raided in justification of the deed. The
execrations which in Lincoln'! case were directed
against Booth, are in the present case directed
against the whole Mexican nation. If Jus res and
hsrobede had DO apologists in Congress tbey
would he outlawed by t-he entire ci iliaed world."
Earmont. The Black Republicans
are constantly prating about electing
Judges whose ideas "harmonize with
the political sentiments of the day."
This is an old theory with Radicals,
and therefore not originnl with Sto-
Vens k Co. Tho following Judges i word that l' said to yoa in Richmond is not onlv
were -in harmony with tho political p IT
Sentiments" Of their times: Pontius' wounded, without requiring equivalents, and nrged
r., . t i i a? t i tmi I hf necessity of haste in sending for them, as the
llate, JudgO Jeffreys, Lord Ellen- mortality wasterril.le. I did nfler to deliver from
borough, and Founuier Tir.ville; and t"n ta B',w'" U""""dat Kavannah without delay.
, i i i t i ! Although tins offer was made in August, trans-
these aro the Kind Of Judges tho Rad- I portalii.n was nut sent for them antil December.
icalswant in our day.
agree with them ?
Do the people
How no rot Likk It 'Hon. Hen
ry W. W illinms, tho Black Republican
nominee, is in favor of conferring tho
right of suffrage upon tho Dcgrocs in
this State, atld it' elected Supreme
Judgn, will so decido. Those white
peoplo who expect to leave children
behind them when they die, aro now
called on to decide whether the two
t ti 1 - .
raCCS Shall bo transformed into mon-'
grels, or remain distinct as decreed by
the Creator. Fathcr and mothers, do
you want your offsprings transformed
iijto Mexican greasers ? If yea, you
will of course vote for Williams, the
ijogro candidate
CeoLU Labor. It appears from
information furnished the State De
partment, by the V. S. Consul at Ha
vana, that a number of loyal shoddy
cotton and sugar planters, who are
farming "confiscated" farms noar New
Orleans, are engaged in tbe philan
thropic and profitable business of im
porting Coolies to labor on these
farms. We suppose this is not denom
inated slavery the "bnying and sol-
line of human bcincrs!" Give Senator
Viison a cotton plantation in Ala
bama, and l't him reside on it for five
j-ears, and ho w ill become the most
cruel slave-holder in that State. 1 he
opportunity is all that such creatures
want to properly develop themselves.
Cain is the God of tbo Massachusetts
humanitarian and the nasal twanged
psalm singer, springing from witch
hangisg parsnts.
TS Irrrprtttlblt dimesiYs.
The work rnmmeoecd by tho "lato
lamented" Is still progressing. 11 is
jocular prophesy in 1858, of an "irre
pressible conflict" hns boen realised ;
bloody and horrible enough It is truo,
but the bloodiest ground is still not
reached. A war of sections is a mere
bagatelle compared to tha war of
races now being inaugurated by the
Radical leaders. When tho white
man meets the negro and his debauch
ed allies on tho field of conflict, which
will not bo long, then, and not till
then, is there any likelihood of the
"irrcpressihlo ootflict" closing. The
crimes now being perpetrated in "re
constructed loyal Tennessee," show
that tho Rubicon must soon be passed.
The moralizing loyalists seem as crazy
tor blood as a Comanche Indian.
Rend tho testimony taken lrom our
exchanges for tho past week :
KisttviLIB, July 11. A dreadful riot oocurml
at Rogers ville, hast Tennessee, on Tuesday. A
Urge crowd had assembled on the public square,
near the court huuse, to hear Mr. Kthcridge,
the Conservative candidate for Uovernor, sjeak.
Many of the crowd, both Conerrratiree and Radi
cals, were artued with guns aud pistols.
After Ethernlgo had spoken an hour, he was
interrupted by Tom. King, a leading Radical, who
CroBouaeed a statement he made to be a d d lie.
thridge retorted bitterly, when aoBie one shot at
him. Numerous other shots followed in quick
succession, and the crowd broke, the Conservntircs
in one direction and the Radical! in the opposite,
shootiug at each other.
Finally they halted and fired volley after rolley
at each other, for about twenty minutes. One
white Conservative and a colored Radical were
thirty slightly. The wounded were conveyed to a ,
hotel, where tber remain. Etheridge was not ;
hart, and left for Hnai-dley ville after quiet bad been
A negro is reported to have been killed at K mu
rine, yesterday, fur shouting for Browulow at B
Conservative meeting.
The prompt action of the police pre rented a
The New York Tribune admits that
this outrage was perpetrated by ne
groes and mean whites, and says that
they should have been quiet lislcucrs,
or huve remained away from tho
The following are a few more peb
bles found on tho borders of a revolu
tion :
Lot tsvtl.l.r, Kv., July ?Cth. A special dis
patch to the Cunrier from Nashville, dated yester
day, says that a special dispatch to tha Kashrille
tanner reports a serious Collision at a political
meeting, in Kaoxville last nifht, resulting in the
wounding of two negroes.
General Frank 1. Blair, wbo was addressing a
large Conservative meeting, was frequently inter
rupted in his remarks by negroes, wbo cheered
loudly for "Browulow."
T owards the close of the OrnertJ'l speech a light
commenced, in which eight or ten shuts wore fired,
resulting as above stated.
fin learning the news at tha Colored Church,
two hundred negroes formed fa process ioa, and
were proceeding to tha scene of the disturbance,
when they were met by the agent of the Freed
tnen's Bureau and police, and were persuaded to
desist, thus preventing a bloody hot.
It would scorn from this, that the
Bureau is useful some times but
rather too expensive to be desirable.
Loi isvili I, July Join. A shocking tragedy
occurred near Union City, Odin county, oa Mon
day. A negro man broke jail ia that town nn the
preceding Friday, and repairing ta tha residence
of an aged and respected widow lady named
Cbaram, outrsgi-d Iut person, and then fled. Two
sons of the injured woman followed the wretch to
Hickman, Ky., arrested him, and taking him back
to near tha scene of the outrage, shot him dead,
and then severed his head from his body.
Large numbers of Browulow's militia, white
and black, are continually passing through Nash
ville, an route to different points in Middle and
Western Tennessee, although everything is quiet
there now. Hardware stores are being extensively
patronised, and firearms of every kind are being
largely pun-based by both whites and blacks.
l'aels Stilt ittrtloplng. -
The "horrors of Andersonvillo" still
continue to attract public attention.
Hon. Robert Ould, late Confederate
Commissioner for the exchungo ol
prisoners, has contributed a scrap of
information bearing upon thoso "hor
rors," in tho shape of a lcttor to the
Hon. Charles A. Kldi-ide, M. C. from
Wisconsin, in which bo effectually
' bottles tho Beast," and lays the
death of ten to fifteen thousand Union
soldiers at the door of Stanton, llolt
k Co., who were tho real murderers,
and not poor Captain Wire. Read
tho following:
Rirnuo-in, July 19. I07.
on. Chart A. Eldridff,,
IrB Fib: I have seen vour remarks as tmh-
I and during the interval the mnrtality was perhaps
at Its greatest Bright. It l nari aot made Uie
offer, why did tha Federal authorities send trans
portation to Havannah for ten or fifteen thousand
men F If I made the offer based only on equiva
lents, why did the same transportation carry down
for d-livory only throe thousand men t
Butler esys the offer was made In the fall, (ac
cording to the newepap-er report.) and that seven
thousand were delivered. The offr was made in
Aurust. and trev were sent for in lieoemSar. I
xhen delivered more than thirteen thousand, and
v...u,u , pimv in mr iiiicvto ionna, u loe
federal transfMirtatton had been samcienL Mr
instructions to bit agents were to deliver fifteen
tbonsand sirk and wounded, and if that numlier
of that class were not on hand, to make up the
. .' ....
The offer was made by
rni,e rieoretary of W ar. 1 was ready to keep up
' instructions from tile Cnnfe.1.
! the arrangement until ever sick and wounded
t man bad been returned.
The three thousand men sent to fiavanneh by
the Federal, were in as wretched a coadttion as
any detachment of prisoners ever tent from a Con
federate prison.
AU these thing are usceptible of proof, and I
am mneh mistaken if J cannot prove idem by Fed
eral authority. 1 am quite sure that lien. Mulfurd
will sustain every allegation here made.
Yours, truly. K. Ot'Lt).
P. 8. lien. Butler'a correspondence is all oa
one side, as I waa instructed at Uie date of bis
tetters to hold no correspondence with him. 1
correonded with Mulford or Qcn. Hitchcock.
K. 011.0.
Mr. Ould has lately notified soveral
other prominent gentlemen that he
will prove to Uie satisfaction of all, if
allowed the opportunity, who were
tho authors of the "horrors of Andor-
sonvillo," and we are pleased to notice
that the New York Tribune demands
that tho opportunity be granlod him
for this purpese. "
The New York Tribune denounces
the Democratio memben of tho Stale
Constitutional Convention for oppo
sing negro equality. We shall be
much mistaken if the American peo
ple do not sustain the Democratic par
ty in its advocacy of tho supremacy
of the white race. Justice should be
done the negro, and all his legitimate
rights should bo secured to him, but
white men should rule America.
t'tfrtonatt VommUlrti.
The Itump House, before adjourn
ing, raised several new Smelling Com
mittees. These ComiiMttoes, says the
New York Jrprr, have had the
polypus party power given them,
each of them, to cut up, say, into nine
Committeos, with a Clerk for each, a
Reporter for each, and each can travel
about tho country, and cxamino ony
body, or any thing, whom he pleases,
all one side. Think of Uullor havinc
SUcll a )OWer tO roam OVer tllC laild, j
and spy into every thing and every
body. Tho public should remember, how
over, that in the rceosB of Congress,
thero is no power that can reach any
man to mako him appear beforo any
of theso Committees. Tho Scrgcant-at-Arms
can act only by tho authority
of tho House, and when the House is
not in session, thero is no authority.
Tho expenses of these Committees
on the contingent fund, for hotel bills,
travelling expenses, per diem, will be
thousands of dollars. Some Congress
men get them up to have thoir trav
elling expenses paid. It is a now
device- of modern Radical invention.
. mil to l'ay.
It appears that Wilson and Kelley,
the two strolling Mongrel orators,
who went down South to enlighten
tbo people, left Now Orleans without
puying their hotel bill. When they
arrivod there, Sheridan's "Mayor"
Heath gave them a grand reception
in the name of the city, which he bad
just as much right to do as any other
interloper, and run up a bill at the
St. Charles Hotel of ,30-' 05.
By the following article, copied
from the New Orleans Picayune, it
will be aoen that these board bills are
still unpaid. Will the panics inter
ested ia this matter pleas? take notice ?
"The Finance Committee of the
Common Council yesterday received
from acting Mayor Heath, for ap
proval, several bills incurred iu the
reception of Senator Harry Wilson, of
MassticiinsetUt, and the Hon. Vt . V.
Kellcy, of l'cnnsylvania, who, during
thoir stay hero, were feasted by his
Honor and other prominent gentle
men. The hospitalities ot the city
were not formally tendered to these
honorable gentlemen, nor wero the
members of tbe Council called upon
to participate in their reception, and
no one imagined for a moment that
tho city would be called upon to pay
the expenses incurred by the gentle
men w ho were so eager to do the
honors on the occasion."
The following are tho bills sub
mitted :
8t. Charles Hotel, board- 125 OS
B. Lvneh, for carriages 67 tlf
fit. Charles Hotel, board, etc- SK 3(1
U. k H. T. Cassanava, for carriages. ( (Hi
rlt. Charles Hotel, board. M ill
Wm. Hell, for cab hira. ............ W
CU Charles Hotel, board, etc. IS 2i
Total- i
The Finance Committee endorsed
the Mayor's communication as follows :
"As the city authorities had no part
in the reception of tho above gentle
men, who wero rwoivod by the Mayor
solely nn behalf of a faction of the
community, the claim is disallowed.
"George Clark,
"Chairman Finance Committee."
.1rcidcnl.t IIVir-M.rir.
A serious accident, and almost mirac
ulous escape lrom death, took filaco on
Sunday last, as the Cincinnatti Express
was going cast. It occurred about
four miles west of this place, where
tho P. It. It. pasaes through the gorge
in tho Laurel Hill, made by tho pas-
saso ot tho tonematigu river.
Mr. Thomas X. Dale, of the firm of
Thomas X. Dale 4 Co., of 17 Warren1
street, N. Y., wholesale dealers in the
silk and tiimming business, was pas
sing lrom tho sleeping car to another
car, and as he stepped on tho platform
of tho car, tho train running a short
curve, gave a sudden jerk or lurch,
which, with great force, threw him
off the train. He fell in the ditch
besido tho track. His left leg was
fractured at the ankle, and bis whole
body very much bruised. Had he
been thrown a few inches farther lrom
the cars ho would have struck the
high rocks, out of which tho bed of
the road is made, and been doubtless
instantly killed. It is a great wonder
that he escaped as well as ho did, parts
of bis clothing, were torn into shreds,
and could not have been worse rent
if a shell had burst within them. Mr.
Dalo remained where he was thrown
about ono hour and a half, when he
managod to crawl across the railroad
track to the river bank. On the
opposite side of tho river he discover
ed a boy whom he called. The boy
crossed tho river to him, learned bis
condition, secured some assistance,
.. .
nu nun a nunuiar urougiik nun to
town, lie is now at tho Scott House,
and is doing well. Johnstown I)em.
Till wat Things are Going. Mo
bile, Ala., too, is benocKirth to bo giv
en over to the negroes. Tho regis
tration under the l ive .Monarchy bill,
which has closed there, establishes tbe
following results :
necks 5.SRS
' Whitos lHI
Black majority : 1,11s
This will enable the "freednien" to
elect a mayor, Board of A Idermon, and
say who shall, or shall not, constitute
the police thus placing the lives and
property of white men entirely at
their mercy. New Orleans, as we
have heretofore shown, has also given
a very decided Negro majority ; so
has Kielmiond, and so, we presume,
will it ho about everywhere else, in
the Southern Kingdoms. The South
is thus boing converted into a Black
llepublic, with a colerity which would
be astonishing if ono had not long ago
ceased to be astonished at anything,
which ltadicalism now a days is doing,
or may do iu tbe name ol ' God and
Aaron Sweat, the negro candidate
for Congress in theChoraw, S. C, dis
trict, is prosecuting his canvass with
great vigor, and is quito confident of
success. We hope the gentleman from
Africa will succeed, and take his Beat
by the side of the "great Commoner." J
MTlfct U HVis lAfl OmI.
Among the more out spoken of the
mongrel papers in this State, there
seems to bo tpiito a tlisoMition to find
limit with tho proceedings of their
Slato Convention, for not incorporat
ing tho negro suffrage plank in their
platform. In explanation of why it
was left out, the Villaae Record, a lead
ing mongrel journal published at
Weschestor, says:
"The subject was thoroughly discussed by the
eommittee ob reeolutioas, the member of tbe com
mittee from Huoks Bounty making an argument
in lavor ol the adoption ot such a resolution. J hi
expediency of this action, however, was decidedly
opposed by aome of the delegates from the interi
or, who thooght their constituents were aot yet
prtpurid to art las nssic It was suggested that
the subject would at any rate be acted upon by
Congress, aa asm as the pending constitutional
ainouiiinenta would be ratified, and that thn8latcs
themselves would be relieved of the responsibili
ties of fixing the qualifications of citiaeosliip in
this respect. Thus it came about that the suffrage
plank was omitted from our State platform."
Here is a very honost and candid
confession, and ono too that should
open tho eyes of tho thousands of white
men, who havo heretofore been voting
with mongrelism, but have so otlcn
asseried that they will no longer vote
for that party when they aro convinc
ed that it favors negro suffrage It is
not because they aie not iu favor of
negroos votingjtiol because they would
keep the ballot out of their hand, and
presorvo the superiority of the white
man, that their platform says nothing'
about it, but fur the simple reason that
they fear that the masses of their par
ty are not yet quite pcrpared to face the
music; not yet prepared to acknowl
edge Sambo as their equal ; not pre
pared to give cuffeo the reigns of Gov
ernment ; not yet prepared to march
arm in arm to tho ballot box, with
these sweet scented "Amorican citi
zens of African descent" And j-et,
knowing, feeling and acknowledging
that even a majority of thoir own par
ty, together with the hundreds of
thousands of noble democrats through
out the Stale, are bitterly opposed to
this infamous and degrading doctrine,
they have the effrontery to express
the desire that Congress, will "relieve
the Mate of fixing tbo qualifications
of iu citizens," or in other words,
force negro suffrage upon us, in oppo
sition to the w idics of three fourths of
our white voters. It is to accomplish
this that their caudidate for Supreme
Judge ib pledged to mako his decisions
in accordance with tho "wishes of
those electing bitn." And if the white
men of l'cnnsylvania feel that they
"are not ready to faco tho music,"
and march arm in arm to the polls with
an ignorant and degraded race, they
must vote for those who will oppose
any interference by Congress, with
our laws regulating the "qualification
of citizens." Williums, the Black Re
publican nominee for Supremo Judge,
Las pledgod himself to decido that
Congress has tho right to make uo- j
groes voters in Pennsylvania in oppo
sition to tho wishes of our people.
Sharswood will decide that it is a ques
tion the white men of our Slate alone
can settle Bellefonte Watchman.
filter the Sin tie.
Tho Radical perfectionists hayo vi
olently maintained, as a cardinal doc
trine of their creed, that only the loy
al should vote. In accordance with
this dogma all negroes are allowed
the franchise, and no w hite men, un
less they consent to vote the radical
ticket, l'liiiii as this circumstance
should make it, that thoir construc
tion of loyalty means radicalism, a
severer test has recently been ap
plied, and still the the theory holds
good. Among the many men who
left the Federal army to join tho
fortunes of the Confederacy, no oue
made himself more conspicuous than
Gen. Longstreet. No opposition to
tho federal cause was more bitter, no
persistence greater, and no blows
dealt more fiercely than bis. On this
account, he was with tbe rest placed
under the ban of federal displeasure,
and there bo might havo remained
forever. But, by one of theso carious
transmutations which the wit of man
can work, Gen. Ixmgstrcet, the sturdy
reliel, has been enabled to deliver him
self of an argument, satisfactory, it is
to be supposed, to himself at least, is
which he shows a decided leaning to
radical tenets; in short a loyal em
brace, of the situation. No sooner is
this known than General Longstreet
becomes a radical pot- No voice is
clearer, no head is wiBcr, no pen is
more logical than bis. He comes
lorth a fit wearer of Senatorial hon
ors, and, if ho will accept, no doubt
receive them. Now, there can be no
question thut Gen. Longslreet's sin
was as great as Gen. Lee's or Gen.
Boauregard's or any other man in the
South. It is impossible that ho can
purge himself of all sin in an instant
This tho Radicals well know. Their
willingness, therefore, to receive bim,
and to exclude all who unlike bim re
ject radicalism, whatever may have
boon their course ainco the war, is
proof irrefragable that the sin of the
I fc lht)n, UI10 for which they are
Tinitod Willi Bud
such dire and unending
calamity, is not that they rebelled
against "the best government the
world ever saw," or that they lea the
Federal service to join the rebels, but
that they now refuse to embrace rad
calism. Anv other pretense is a mis
erable subtfufutre. Cecil Demmrat.
The Chicago Republican complain
of the insecurity of the mails in the
South. It says not only newspapers
trequontly tail to reach those lor whom
they are intended, but letters aro oc
casionally opened, and if found to eon-
tain any thine valuable, thocontenU are
appropriated. If this is so, itiseasy to
account for it. 1 be Jacotnn :cnators
refuse to confirm any appointment for
I'ostmaster except men or their own
Boston akd Gkoroia. The lion.
Linton Stephens, brother of Alex, II.,
of Georgia, in order to carry oot prac
tically his views on Union and recon
struction, was married a few days
since to a Mist Salter, of Boston. If
she partakes of tbo political eomplox
ion of the Boston politicians, he will
think she is truly a Sutter, and that
he has gone np Salt river.
Chandler, Nye, Shanks, and the
other Kump Congressmen who praise
the Mexican Juarists for their atro
cious and cowardly treatment of a
fallen foe, show thereby the animus
of the lUdical loader with reforence
to a fallen foe nearer homo.
f ITtiHArr 1'Httormrtnrnt of Judge
Henry Williams, the Radical candi
date for Supreme Judge in this Slate,
seems to lie very acceptable to tho
Radicals of New England. Tho fob j
lowing extract from a llailieul organ
at Salem, Massachusetts the Journal
fully indicates that fact, and, at tho
same time, shows what tho Radical
Yankees are alter in a general way.
"Vu italicise those, portions which
should receive special attention :
"Tho nomination of Judge W illiams
for the Supremo Court of Pennsylva
nia, by tho Radicul-Republieans, isan
other acknowledgment on the pari of the
stolid Dutch elements of the superiority
of A'cw Enijhind men. Juilgo Wil
liams is a native of Connecticut, and
received his oarly training in the high
er law doctrines of our section. VVe
have been reliably informed that he
has iu nowiso apostatized from the
faith of his fathers or the true princi
ples governing tho rights of man, but
that he steudlustly retains hi affec
tion lor Now England institutions.
Those are tho sort of men whom we
love to see elevuted to power in the
Dutch Middle States and over the
liulf-civilized people of tho West
They constitute the ark of safely fur the
material interests of our section, and in
no instance, where money can effect any
thing, should the people of eu England
be sparing of their means in securing
the nomination and election oj such men
as Judge II Ultams.
"Pennsylvania poor ignorant StU- !
iid old Dutch State recurdlowt of the
hissing of copperheads, is now pretty
thoroughly 'iankeeited.' Thaddeus
Stevens, a nalivo of Vermont, and a
man truo to bis laith, holds the politi
ical elements of the State in the holloic
of his hand, aud, oil a fair ballot of the
rank and file of the party, would have
been made United States Senator.
The Stato SuH'rintondeiit of Common
Schools is by birth and education aNew
Englander, and it is fair to presume
that (Ac next crop of hutch voters uill
be as completely ' 1 aidiccued' as it it
possible to effect out of such unpromising
material. We understand, also, that
each annual legislature Is largely com
posed of New Endand men, and that
more than one-half the present delega
tion in Congress are uatives of our
section, but of this we are not quite
positive. Taking matters on the
w hole, the out-imk in Pennsylvania is
as fur Xcie England ideas and suprem
acy as could be ruhed."
The foregoing neods no comment.
It might be asked, however, was there
any New England "means" used to
secure tho nomination of Williams?
We know that some ten or a dozen
unexceptionable applicants for the
judgeship, of native birth, were set
back to make way lor him, but why it
was we never could ascertain. lit it
possible that the Yankees learned wis
dom from Cameron's performance in
electing himself to the Senate over
Stevens, and applied the same innu
en cos f Who knows ! Pat. & L'nion
Beforo tho people of this onco Con
stitution-governed nation adopt and
endorse the netrro-equality platform of
the Itadical party, tboy should look at
the present condition of Mexico. In
tbatcountry "negroes vote and possess
" equality, and what is the state ol al
" fairs! continual revolutions, con
" spiraciesand wan. Neither property
1 nor lite has been at any time secure
" in that country since the enfranchiso
" ment of the blacks. Mongrelism
"has cursed Mexico as it will curse
" the United States unless tho lUdi
cal party schemers shall be defeat
cd. We can no more escape from
tho consequences of an admixturo of
races than Mexico, or any other land
in which tho suicidal experiment has
been tried. And yet, in order to re
tain political power, tbo lladicals are
determined to Jorco negro equality
upon the States, and place colored
men in positions where thev can un
dermine our institutions as they havo
those of other lands. Mexico has bad
a bitter experience in this lino, and the
(jucretaro tragedy is a fitting finale to
a policy which is aimilar to that now
nphclj hy the dominant party in this
land. If wo would not lollow in the
downward courso of Mexico, wo must
dispossess the fanatics who now rule
tbe nation, rcstore.lhe (. onslitution to
its old place as a governing power,
and preventsuch a war of races us that
which is now cursing and ruining the
land of tho Montcxumas. Age
Becoming Bestivk. We learn that
Charles Chase, who, at tho May term
of the Jefferson county court, was
convicted and sentenced to be hung,
for the mm tier of old Mrs. McIonnld.
wants to know why Gov. Geary do
lays action in his case. Ho says: "It
" is d d litilo difference to me
" whether 1 am hanged or not," but
be WOUld like to know ' What the h 11
"is the reason one thine or the other
. n
IS not done.
The Ilrookville Herald says: 'The
institution he is confined In is rather
an airy, Tcnlilnted buildinp;, and jri
oners have frequently been known to
leak out For the safe keeping of
Chase, it has boon necessary to employ,
at tho expense of the county, a guard t
of four men, who take turns in keep
ing a strict watch over bim. He was
convicted of murder in tho first degree
in May last, and sentenced to the ex
treme penalty due his awful crime,
Chat ol murdering, for gain, an old,
grey haired, defenceless woman ol
eighty years. Why docs Got. Geary
delay action in this case J We are riot
blood-thirsty, and do not clamor for
this unfortunate, wretched man's life,
but wo do aar that cither his death
warrant should bo sent on, and an
early day fixed for the execution, or
if any injustice has been done him, let
him go, thns ending the prisoner's
suspense and the county's expense."
Since the above was in type we
learn that Gev. Geary has signed his
death warrant and fixed the -th of
August for his execution.
A clerical gonUeman observes that
dancing has a tcudoncy to "shrivel
npa man's dignity, and reduce society
to a nonentity." It also afftx ts shirt
The Black Republican journals gen
erally sneer at the President's eto
Message, but prndcntlv abstain from
combatting its arguments.
Philip uf Vacediiu was importuned
to banieli one who Was t lis reed with
speaking ill of him. "No," said Philip,
"better ho remain hero where we are
both known, than to send him where
wo nro unknown."
I Bofrr towtipbip, oft tbt ?J4 of Jane, 167,
Mid S3 dayi. Jl hma rriitled to (fata ountj
inre 11 1.
About the lrt mf Ju!t, l(i7, at Ilrima, MonU
n Territory, WILLIAM JONES HLKKV, mj
ond .vm of Dr. Bit si. J. He rut, drcrac4l. late of
tVntir rountT, P.t)pti nearlr twrnt y-foar
Mr. llrrrj rolantT4, in the 1 4th V9iiy
rania Ht-inirut, tl. U raver, ia ln2, nd tried
m lluiiuU hlrwitrW ; and fcfu-r bit trni of ivrrtc
eifrtrrd, wiu appointed to tbe pane position in
(he 11. 8. Arnj). In lumber, Iftftj, 4ie u
onlervd to Knrt, Wahiii-tjn Tcmto-j;
thrnc to Fort Hii, Idaho Territory ; and had
jat arrived at llek-ua, Montana Terntury, when
be u attacked by disae( which Wnuinatcd
fatally )io . iu a trail e land; yet he a
tumtuoded by the U-rt medical talent and kiiid 1
friend in hi lael nomuit. Jle wks a w ami
hear led, (reiieniui youth, and will be finrerc.
laueuttd by all who knew him.
Manafaclareri of Bad W koleaale Dealars ia
438 Market 419 Merchant Htrret,
Meut JInrket.
11I1R wreWsirnrii would take this method of
infurmuitr the cttisens of Clearfield and the
surroanitinn virinitr, that they bare oix-aed up a
J1 M U!K"- bT',?f,,',of ?" C'""
aoppl ercry
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Farmers and jotihrrs In the BBrroaniliDC eouu
trr will be supplied with Meats tn order. A lib
eral share of pulle patronir aolieited.
ami, 8? II. O. UlioW.V.
Vrnmplete History f the New Slates aad
Territories, froa the Oreal hirer t. sAte
Ureal Ocean. Hj Alkert l. Kiehardsoa.
Over ttMMMI Copie Sold ta oae Month.
Life and adr.atare ob Prairies. Mien tains
aad lbs PaeiSe Coast. With jot Deseripu
ir. Bad Pbetnrraphie Views of the &eeD.rr,
Cities. Lands, Miaes, People aad Cariosities of
the New (states aad Territories.
To prorpeetire essigraatj aad settlers Is tha
-Far w est," this historj of thai ra.t and fertile
rejtioa will prore aa ioraiuhle assistaare, sup
p'tiar as it does a waat lose felt for s full, aa.
J fVUwn HIWI MV V 1 .U, Nil, flW-
' duel. w. n nf trmi-al A hm
AGENTS WANTKD Sead far Cirralan and
sea oer tanas, aad a fall deeeriptioB ef tbe work.
eorl t 07 aliwor sL, Philadelphia, Pa.
A. 1. (BAW.
HOT 12 fc IS II A IV,
(Pecoad street, opposite the Court House,)
C Li: A B VI ELD, Pen's,
rpriK rnkscribert having entered Into partner
X ship ia tbe Drug easiness, aad purchased
the entire interest of Mr. C. D. VYateoa, would
resyxelfally inform the eitisens of Clearfield
eoaaty, that tkey are bow prepared to furnish
Dye Stats, Tebeeeo, Cigars, Coafeetioaeriee,
frtauoBsry, Ae.
Will nod ear stick ef Pre re FULL and COM
PLETE, aad at a very alight advance oa Lastera
Teachers' and others will he famished with
classical and miacellaaeoBi books by eiprese, at
short notice.
Consisting of Csp. Flat Cap. Foolscap, LeUer and
Perfumed Sole Paper ; also, a very Beat stock
of Mourning Note Taper and bnvelupes on band.
Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac
Will Cad a Ml stork of Pt'RE FNCKS, SODA,
SODA ASU, Concentrated LYE, 60AP, de,
Are requested toeiamine enr st-k of Perfumery,
Hair OiIn Fin Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs,
Toilet Setts, Ac, At
Will (od B fnll supply ef prime Chewing and
Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic
C1UAKS, fcnad, Fine-Cut, Ac, A a.
Of tha fcti bra !, tlwaya u kftfid.
Tke Vest quality ef Liqaors always ob hand, for
medical purposes.
Physician? Prescriptions promptly and
carefully eomponaded.
Aug. 1, Ur. BOTE A SHAW.
llaate la Brady township,
TJT virtue of aa order of the Orphans' Ciiwrt of
I 1 CWaHleld Mi.nlt. Pa., the fiilb-winr derihed
! h-el F.state. late the pr.env of JAMES A.
j ''in ,r"',;,',,i
raid countv. will Be Bold at puMic Sale, to the
h,rhe4 an4 best bidder, ia the Tillage of Leth.n
burg, oa turdsv. the i;ih day at Aau. issr,
at t o'clock, P. M, vis: All that
Situate tin!, VrounJcd am, tivritisl a
follow: ltoirmniiif at aton, tbtnro by Un of
J. C. Hr&, ttoiih lw drew ftw, 9i ytrhr. to
tbe tarn pi t. ; tbnr nortb 69 Arn-r Mt, mktif
nid'pika. H p?nbr: thria rvnlh -Mi dra:m
vMut, aJtBf Ituid of Kirk. Portfr i VtraJnp, &i
wrritm In rWtritil ; lbt-iTrM ( bim tvrrh;
tbn rtb tw ritm nrrH, ajuni- land of Jn.
Linen, Wm. Vnrimr, jr, ad Tarter, ts-Tler A Co..
100 prrrhea to ft t ; thenec north IH drm
wfvM 4t, vhe, to atcDft; tbrtM1 ttortb two do
fTTw vMrt St prrht to rtoave ; tbenr north tw
drcrr rert, vlrfif Und of AdaBB'i beins X9
K-rchrf, to lavr- of brriiiniT,)t,
CortfainiMf 49 4crr$
And M i-rrrbeft, with abnnt 40 nrra rhwrd
nd andvr mliivtuio. nd bavinf Uwrvoa wwtvd
frama Hwrllmf bu and tabln.
TKKMj OF iA1.K-Omi third rath .ti i.nfir
mnattnn f Mle, and the halanrv in one Tear thirav
aftr, mth Intoreft, to an tvfartirrd -y bond and
morft nn the remi".
8. JACKSON HORN. Gnanlian
Of ninnr heir of Jaaie A. M nod. de d.
JnTj IS. 117-41,
"VMITU K. I uke Uiis method of Botirvinf
i. 1 thee of my eu.t lasers who kaow tBercelree
iadel'ted t. me for one 'Tear, or ever, va eall and
aptile their hills. Those be wish te save nuts
will nicer mpert this notice, and call at their
earliest ooaveniske.
FrevwhTilla, Jane IT, IsoMm.
IX t'Ttl R H KOTI C K. Notice ta here
J by fives thai Letters Testemeetary, bars
this day been fraated te tha aahaeribere, ea
tbe Estate af William Bammoad, dee d, lau of
Beecaria township, Clearfield Co., Peaa'a. All
pereeBS Indebted t said Estate are reqaeeted ta
make Immediate payment, Bad those kavinf
claims acaiast tbe asme will present tkeai duly
aaibenticaled for settlevent.
Syii ; t jc;trn tr. lvll. tuiot.
Jlfu- durttefia.ntj.
TpllK Firrt Term, nf twenty-twe wrk,
-L eoumrnrcoD MONDAY, September 2d H'
Head id Orthography , Wriiinj, Object Lew.,
I'naiary Arithiartte and Primary tiwg.
raphr, per half term, (of eleven week,)... $
Hi'Uiry, luteal and Drcritire (ienfi-apliy
with Map Drawing, tiraoimar, Meotai
and Written Arithmetic... . 14
Algfbraad the hcienee' H (
Drawing, with mt of tbe abota J 66
Clearfield, July 75, 1SG7-3m.
Clearfield Academy.
Rev. P. I. HAEEIS05, A M., Principal
rpiIR FIRST SESFIO of the present less.
X lastie yearof this Institatioa will eouneacs
on the Aral MONDAY (Id day; of BeptsutKr,
Pnplls can enter at ant time. They will he
charred with tuition front the tint they anuria
the eloee of tbe Session.
1 bs coarse of instruction embraces every this,
included in a thorough, practical Bad accoa
plisbed edecation for beta seies.
The Priaeipal, baTiog had tha advantage ef
Btocb experieoee in his profession, aes tires pa
rents and ruardians that bis entire ability aad
energies will he devoted to tbe morel and nee
tal traiuine of tbe youth plseed under bis charge,
Orthography, Heading. Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Session ( 1 1 weeks) tiN
Orammar, tseograpby, ArithmeUs, and
History . - - - - 01
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men
suration, Purveying, Philosophy, Physi
ology. Chemistry, book Keeping, Bouay
and Physical Ueography - - ft 01
Latin, Greek and French, with any of the
above Drenches .... $12 H
Ks deduction will be made for absence.
sTFcr further particulars inquire of
Kev. P. L. 1IAK&IS0N. A. M.,
Clesrdeld, July Si, I Sfl7 tf. PrineipaL
OliOVtLS and Impedes, at
-eTLKL tH-ytliee for sale at
J. r. a K ATZFT. 1.
IkATt.NT (Scythe fiialh, at
Aktri and Forks, all kinds, at
t-toe! llora, at
C Al'TIOM. All persons are berehy eautHiaed
agmiaat purchasing or ia any way Bied'ilio
with one ykc of OXEN, (one of them bnndle ans
tile other red and white.) bow in poesceton of
Nathan H. Peopk-s, of Knos township, as tbeemae
belong to me, and are left with him ob loan only,
sul'ject to mv order.
Ci A I' 1 1 A 11 persons are hereby caut ioaed
arainst trustingor harboring my wife ELIZA
HI T II a Br svjsnt. si she In Wl sf bed
and board without any jast cause, and 1 eul pay
no debts of her contracting .
Decatur Tp, July 15, lSf.J-St-,)
For Sale at a Sacrifice,
qHE FVTIRE STOCK and titurre of II. W.
l l-MITH Dry lined More. This is a rue
oj'portBBity for country men-hauls, wr any one
dr.inng to g'i into the lu ores, as the sto.-k will
be sild nnuu.I)y lev, and tbe business stand it
the bf-t in tbe borough.
Apply at tbe store. jrt-tf
TO UK I IK. K Bl 1 1 Id IK", Pmpoaila
will be rvceiri'd by the endersigned man Arm
ot the Susquehanna bridge Company, for building
a briilfe orcr the Sueqarh.nns river at the cross
ing of llie Pbilipsliarg aad Kueqarhanna Tarn
pike, until IbarMlay, Ike liih day of August
aext. Plans and S.ificatiuns 3aa be srea by
calling en L. C. Llloom, at said hri Ire, or on either
of the other manager. The contractor to remove
toe old structure and to alkiw tbe company market
price for ail old material aiwd in the new bridge.
L. C. LLlMiM.
July IS, W7-4L Jdanagera.
rioa sirr rose A rniLADtLruu.
As Cheap as the C'hrapret audi (.ood as
the llcau
FIsts Just received, and are opening, at their
Old Stand ob Front Street, nbore tha
Academy, a large and well se
lected assortment ef
which they are sellicr at very low rates.
Ilrmi Iht f. lljiriny uitalojut and prrfi tkertly.
Especial pains hss bee a lakes ia the
selertioa of Ladies Dress Goods, wkit'l
Hoods, Embroideries Millinery Goods.'
mats, aereoieis, nubies, Ulovee, Ac
Always on bead Black Cloths Faarv
and Black Caasimerea. Satiaete. etaL
lleatly Mads Clothing ol all kinds.
and b variety of ether artirlea. whirl
they will sell at a small adraare ob cost.
Parucalar sltcatioB is in tiled la their
stock ef Carpels, Cottage, eommoa la I S
rraia, snperSaa KncHrh InirraiB Bad:
Kmsaels, "loer aad Table OU Cloths, j;
VTindow shades Bad V all papers, ela.
FLOUR. BACON. Fish Salt.1 ?
Master, A Ira, l'eache and. f.
I'ruDW kept constant I v oo baud.
ALSO, in Store a lot of large aoili
small Clover ed. f
We intend la make It aa ebieel for Farmers aad
BteekaBiM to bay from as; became we will
sell ear foods as low as they ran be
wonrbi in the vounty and tay the
ver kif best price for ail kiads af eoeelry are
dace. We will alee eicbanee foods for
eVaooL, Roan and Corsrr orders j
Bhinrlea, Boards, and all kia?i
of Maaafactared Lamber.
CsrarSeld, Day 2, IS;.
Down I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Pricfs!
AtT K are bow opening up a lot of tbe best sad
snoel aeaninalle floods and Wares ene
oflered in this snsrkel. and at pnc. that remiss'
rie of the food old days of cheap thing. T-1
who tack faith npoa this point, er deeva ear atw
gat ions supcrfiaous, Bcod but
cifsfd ir or n store,
Cnrner Front and Market atrteU,
Vbern tbe eiin are. ferl, Ur and knw for lb-rK-Tv.
T fully niitle-tand "hat ar-rbean p-
i bin ntnat It d'. We d nt derm It nv?
tn enamf-eare and itc-miw onr ftnek. It It en"
fnr u tn atatt that
We have Everything that is iWei
and pornTumid in thia market, and at nriret tlt
atonih bjth old and T.vnf .
di2t JiiiStril PHAW A S0.
lMl.l Till" Off t .r ARTM R-
CHIP. Tbe partnership beeltor CJi
g Mverea I. C. McClosker, J. W. Poller aad
Ovorge M. Hertlein. Bnd tlie name af I- l
Jdd'l.key A Co, Is this d.y dissolve.) by aistssl
conceit. The arenacta, norce. Sr.. will reeia'S
tha hands ef I. C. McOo.key aad I.
foe eollertuin, and all debts of said Srm will
paid by tbem. Tbe bn.incss will here.ncT se
continual bv Isaac C. M'!nkev and 1 T. P
tet, aader the name of McChiske'v d P.'fr
I. C. JKcl'l OSKKV,
Tliree Baat. Jaeei:.l'er. U,1,,,T