! THE HKPUBLICAN. Tin -nsiAV::::::::::::::::::::::::J uly 'i-t, 1SC7 Our rentiers will obttorvo l the mlveiliseinent, that Prof, llnrrmoii'i School will reopen in Iho Aciulciny ou Holiday, tlio 2d of September. Ice ("beam. An ico crenm festival tlio proceeds to bo used in tho repair ing of the Lutheran Church ediGco, will como oft at Mrs. S. J. liow'a on Saturday evening, July 27th. m m 1 Wo understand that tho pupilrf un der.tho chargo of Prof. Harrison, at tho Acadomy, will giro a free singing exhibition in tho Court House thia evening, whero all tho friends of 6ong nd tneny cluldroti nro invited to attend. School fou Oiiils. By reference to our Advertising columns, it will bo observed that Miss Swau is about opening a School for girls. This will supply a waut long felt iu this com munity, and we hope eho will succoed in her undertaking. Without dispar agement to tho claims of others, we nevertheless believe thcro is no lady in this community, if in tho county, better qualified to undertake this task ; and should tho ontorpriso fail, it will not bo her fault. A JoKE.--Congrcs8mnn Scofiold ro turns bis income for tho last year at $921 00. His Congressional salary, mileage and plunder, was alono over six thousand dollars. This amount out, and about forty-five dollars in, is the loyal mode of supporting tho Gov ernmcnt. The Democrat who wants to bo of sorvice to his party and render prac tical aid iu securing tho triumph of his principles, can best succeed by subscribing for a sound local nowspa- per. Thcro never was a timo more necessary than now to sccury a largor circulation for Democratic doctrines, Tho people want tho truth, and tho only source from which to derivo it in its fairest and most interesting shape, is in the columns of manfully conduct ed homo Union journals. Kvcry fam ily in the county should have tho ben cfit of at IcAst ono cnorgotio Demo cratic newspaper. To Teachers and Directobs. The second quarter of tho Normal School will open on Tuesday, tho Ji'ith day of this month, .bvery teacher who do- sires teaching, and especially tho com ing winter, should endeavor to bo in attendance, for tho following reasons: 1st. We havo been successful in pro curing as an assistant, ono of tho best teachers in the State being a grndu- nto of, mud a toncher for lour or five years in, the State Normal School, at Alillorsvillc. 2d. Tho Directors have generally resolved to pay moro to those- teachers who nave spoilt their time and 11101103' this summer, in bet ter qualifying themselves for their important work. 3d. J he standard of certificates is yearly TiHing,'xind unless teachers havo greatly improved they need not expect as good certifi cates as received last full. 4th. All teachers must hereafter pans an ax ani mation in the History of tho United States and tho Theory of Teaching Directors in each township should urge upon tho teachers tho neeomity Bnd importance of better qualifying themselves, for so long as wo have poorly educated teachers, so long we mutt havo poorly educated and back ward schools. Tho annual district reports, certifi cates and affidavits from tho following districts have not yet been received : Itoccnriii, Bradford, Clearfield, Fox, Huston, Kai'thaus and Pcnn; also tho reports from Hell and Chest. Accord ing to law they should havo been on file at the department by tho l;"th of this month. Directors will thorel'ore Iileaso forward them immediately, or oose their Slate appropriation. Geo. W. Snyiiek, Co. Sup't. The Trial. Tho managers of the Hurratl trial seem to bo not only crim inals but fools. They try to prove thai Stirratt dropped his handkerchief in St. Albans, on a ccttitni (1113-, when they timet have known it was one taken from Washington and lrojcd l3 a government detective, is is now proved. It is also shown by several witnesses that Surratt was in Klniirn, N'. Y.,on tho day of the assassination. All those who swear to his being in Washington are proved toho tho "vilcslof mankind." Judgo Fisher shows himself a very Jeffries. His ruling would disgrneo a "hog eourt"ainong Mexican greasers. Ono thing is now established beyond all do u hi, tho innocence of Airs. Surratt. It has also come out thai "the Court so called recommended bor to mere-, and yet this recommondatioii never reached the President, nnd must havo been suppressed by Stanton. When will the infamous career of this bloody tyrant havo an end ? JIow long, oh ! how long will he go 11 n whipped of Justice; t l Sloro Indinn ourritrfpB re rojinrtad I from the iilaitiB, A train, carrying I Bmliop Lnmoy, tun jirirnU, and six Sinters of Cltnrily, who wore point? 10 jj Snt Fo, were captured bvlndianfl, i nosr Fort l.a rnea, on mo i.in inst. ! All the men w ore killed, nnd mutila I ted in n RhtM-kiiie; manner, and tho f fftnalescaiTied intfi cnjif ivily. Asllie ; Sonate has inasil n hill to "cstahlisli '. pp.ioo willt tlio IndianH," it is imjior taut tlint tlm llimso should net tijion it without (li'lity- Hy ll nirnns lot ' til have somo. polity which will jirp- vrntsneh horrildo ciiirajros Its thoso transpiring wilh painful lrequoncy in the West. Oc-n. Sitkles drives out in Charles 1on with four hlnek horses, and four silver mounted harnesses. This is 'he monarchical Myle now (iimino; , into Jiiiliitm, A Seak'N aui.e limi'K. At the blackberry seaon is at band, we give placo to the following from tho O'er tnamtoicn Tdfjiayh for tho informa tion of our readers : Thcro is no w ine equal to the black berry when properly made, cither in flavor or for Medicinal purposes, and all persons who can conveniently do so, should manufacture enough for their own uso ovory year, as it is in valuable iu sickness us a tonie, and nothing is ft better remedy for bowel diseases. Wo, therefore, givo the receipt for making it, and having tried it ourselves, wo ftieak ndvisedlv on the subject: Measure your berries ana Druiso them ; to even' gallon ad ding one quart of boiling water. Let the mixture stand twenty-four hours stirring occasionally ; then strain off tho liquor into a cask, to every gallon adding two pounds of sntrar: cork tight, und lot it stand till tho following October, ana you will liave wine ready for uso, without further strain ing or boiling. J his innkes a most pulatablo and excellent wine. The leading mongrels of Congress havo shown that they rejoieo at tho murder of Marmuhan by the Mexican barbarians, llio reason, perhaps, is that tho Mexican Mongrol population has negro blood in its veins, and Maximilian was a puro white man. C'lrarilcltl Markets. Itpportcit wocklylnrthf Ci.EAiiriKi.i) ltKPrnucAs by J. P. kiiATrui, Dealer in ilry llooiU, liro- cerles, I'rovlstons, au-., Market it., t.leartiel.1. Cl.r snriKMi, July 2.i, 1H7. Apples, ftreen 0 00 I Hog, dressed CD oned, ft Hi i Hi. it-, irreon Apply liutter,)ral, 1 00 Hums, sugar cured, lluttcr..., pliuulders lleans ia Utlfd 4 00 ri.ks .. I.ard lluekwlient 0 0(1 lluckwheat nourtb, 0 llcef, dried SO Mru .ork,, bill. ..SO 00 Oall 1 00 Union r S 00 1'iitntnes 0 00 Peaches, dried, It).. 20 Puuter, W bid 4 50 Ileef, fresh l;r,t) li Hoards, M l.i Oil (il 20 00 Corn, shelled... .SO Corn, car 75 Com meal, eack, 1 7 j Chop, JS cwt 3 SO llyo Kntfs, Iti .... 1 50 Clurcmwd. 00 oo Cheese 2.'i Sail, V aek 3 Mutinies, lh in., M 5 00 Cbrrriel, tt 20 j Kliinitles, 20 in. .12 00 ('hickons, drsd, th, 20 i Timothy iced 0 0(1 15 3 no .'.II 4 00 r.i:,r 211 1 Tallow Flaxseed 2 00 j Wheat.. Flour 14 U0 (Villi 00 I Wool liny 10 Oil (n 12 00 Wmiil, p oord... IMiiladi'liilila tiroccrv Market. Kepnrted weeklylor the ( i. r. wtriKt.it ItKlM'nuoAt l.y AfwmuilT Co., holeenle (iroeers an Tea llealers, fi. E. ooruer iSvoond A Arch streets, J'uiladeljinia. Pntt.Aniti.nniA, July 22, 1SC7. Teas are In better douand at steady ratei. Fyr upl continuo in good demand at rather botterjiricea. Molasses quiet. Pugars ateady with moderate bus iness ; Cuba and Porto ltifo I2H". 14) ; Hi earn ltd-' fined Yallnws 1 1 J fTi i 1 1 J - Kin C'ontinuet Ann, but tbo business Is not large except for choice grades which are wanted at full prices. Kicc quiet, (told I.H'f(Vi,l 10; Flilpment of speelc for we k ending 30th, $2,400,4.13 ; from January Isfjlu l.'lth inst , iM.i.nsit.o.'iJt. TK AS. iiirmKN. Vounr Hyson Rio. roramon 2'.'j ii) 21) Oood 24 (.il 211 Prime 25 ( 2 5 Choice 20 do 20) Java,oldgnv. .HI (g l.L-imra 20 (ji 2f.j ruperlor...p S5(oVI 15 l ine I 2M.I.1 45 Finest 1 65(ij 1 75 Hyson Hnperior.,.1 05(Vi,l 25 Fine I 3i(,i, 60 Finest 1 55(oil 05 H A Co can.. Is iMndcliunpa 17 Imperial siiiiAns- hiipcnor...! 2ii(o,i 40 Fine 1 aiK.i. I 05 Finest 1 700U SO Trashed 17j, 17) Coarsepulv'd ITOi, 17) Fine...w.do... Kdfii. 174 A l((.o li;( It 15il.li HI Uxlra C 1. .(, 1.,) Gunpowder bupcrior.,.1 2..fo.l 40 l ine I 5.i(.i.l 70 Fincut t "i'n.2 00 O d yellow... i:ioy Ijj avnt'ps. Common 45fV$ ft(l Blaek Huperior... S5(T.,1 00 Hno. 1 0..(,i,l 20 Finest 1 25(11,1 50 pan hiiperior...1 05(V.I 15 Fine 1 20(Vi.l 25 Finest. ....1 25(3,1 5 mre. Fair. O.md Prime Choieo Chiiicenxtra, bHhu r" (m 72co K.'.l.ii 0.1 (.1, 1 00 STOI.ASSrH. ,V. O., choice, US (.1,1 0 rarollnn IlJWi 11 Porto Itieo... fi7(oi K0 Fail India... I'id. Ill, Cuba 65('i,H7 Clement It. Wainwribt Israel K. Walnwrif'ht Joseph K. Walnwribt. WAINWRIGHT 5c Co W II O L K 8 A I, F. GROCERS AND TKA DEALERS, L. Corner HeiMind and Arch streets, aprll IMIII.AHKI.PIIU. P. I'hlladelphia rrnilslon Market. deported ww-kl IVir the Ci.KAlif in.n lUtrrni.lrAl liv II. (iliAlltv A t o., I'nirii.ion Mert'liants, Ko. 17 I ION. Water street, Philadelphia. Pa. Pllli.Alir-l.plllA, .Inly Tl, sii7. Flour, extra laiu..$l"i 50 Union, Ihh t' 50 Bye flour. 7 75 ' Potaloes, Mil... 2 76 Corn meal- a 25 I Mercers, 'f l.ns. I '2i Wheat 2 50 ! Mess pork, f bid.. 2.1 50 live 1 65 Uncoil Com 1 l:i H. C.hnms. 17) Oats HS tHioulders. II Means 2 5.1 Sides 12) lleeswax 42 l.nrd II) Candles, tallow.... 10) iliitlrr Adamantine.... 2:1) Choieo roll 20 Feathers HO H did pm-ked.... I. Fish, per barrel Kites, ' dot 20 Ma kerel. N.i.3, 50 Cheese, . II llerriiijt.f 1 box, 50 New York 15 llomestic fruits Fait, rook (l.i Apples, y bbl.. 8 00 (Iround.tisaek, 2 25 lined, 'Jl ltl.... 6 Seeds Hides Ill Clover 0 00 (Ml Timothy 3 50 Whale 75 Planed .1 n Fpcitn 2 06 Tallow 10) l.ard I 0" "ol, Oliii 50 Crwdo pet 10 Common 45 Itefinedpet 45 Vnwa'tied Ii-1 N. H. GRAHAM & Co., PROVISION M i : I ! C J I A N TS, Kos. 17 A 10 North Water Street, ai.rll rillLAHKI.PllIA, Pa. V IlirV (Iraliain - - Fdw'd A. Orsbnm I'ltthurc IMarkcta. Prepared every week for the Ci.su nm;i.l ItrfS i.irAH, b)-T. C. .Irarxs. Commission Morehant, ho. Si.l, Liberty HI reel, Piltshtirs. Pa. Pirtsni aa, July 22, t'07. FLO UK. Daylon fnow Flake nl 00 Jenkins' Fclil.se, While V inter 13 2-S lenkm.' Knrrka, Choice Winter 1-1 Jenkins' Lilly, choice nlt ('('(.ii 12 Ti H.rs' llest and Farina, I Hvmpie... till no (.i, 11 Winona and lied Hirer tin 0(.i 11 7.S lieeidentnl and Old Dominion UTilo. 12 nil Crescent Cltr 1 I hienia 10 (III H Ityo Hour, l.l.l... Corn rnesl, J-1 bus. Buckwheat flour, Y hundred Wht.iliill 0 OUdd Itve, dull... Oats no(, Corn.'shelled $1 ('0 l'tttntiK's, c., new, hnrn I II lllKm Onions. f barrel.. Timothy seeit.d 00 Clover seed.- Flax seed 8 Ml II an dies II.. Nn. 3 Mackerel, V barrel 13(10 0 SO I l.ard. choice 1 3 OOlljTallow. Oil 1 ?-'. a.-.-. So'Side OOfiD 12 1 O.'i .'.Shoulders !'(' lr lllsms. s. e. ("M-i. 21 4 Ml I M. ss Pork ..21 0 0 OU. Unguis 2 aVtj 3 2S 0 Oil j lletine.1 Oil 4 i 0 0(1 l olli-o 22(n) 27 3 ool aroAns. 2 Ll'ltrown 12 I'll II 3 2...' R. nned, hard 1 Middlings, 0 II" (oj Keans, navr Iiiiltor, roll..-1'iK on Cliiso itni.n 2" Firirs. ntifit, T: Apples, ft hl.fll llllfo 0 OU Dried spples.prime, 7 Dried peaches, I n(.Q 121 f ill. f barrel 2 ft;. A coffee Il'i TKAS. IHsfk -.T.Cil 1 50 tlnvn Hrnips Molasses... It ice . mux, I 7.'. ,..!.IH 1 nn ....-'' I"' .. 1 1 do 13 FLU I II PHOVISItlNS. T. C JENKIHS. crM ii iiio- mi: lie ii ant, wm.i.r.s r. nrtt.ra s Rn-rivfH or J'Ldtld, l'JIUMSI"N. AM ALL KIMS OF llliFINKIl OII. ('heape.t Flour lliinac In Plltshurgli. On bsnd. reliable sunl well lyiown brands, gustily of r'kiur itnaranleeil. Indneenienls to di alers and I'rioe Cnrrent sent eeery week, rne. asnrn tn"?T, 2f.1 l.mraTV fren-T, jaulM It nJl'flil'lKIl'.r. Sianhtarr, f inuaif, f tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE Philipiburg, Centre County, fa. G. II. ZEIGLEK & CO., I'EAI.EUS IN Foreign and Domestic Harlwae, Wood, Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &C, tic. fpiIB attenlloaof Mechanics, Builders, Farm--- ri, Lumbermen, and Iluyers generally, ts Inrlted to the fact that we are offering a better awortinent of goods la our line than can be found elsewhere In this part of the State, at Prices to Euit the Times. Our stock comprises a general assortment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Dlack smlths, Carriage and Wagon Makori.io., wilh a large itiox of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MIXING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL & CROSS-CUT SAWS, EX A Mi" LEI), FINISHED A PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CARLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TURrENTIXE, DEXZIXE, VAP.SISIIES, COAL OIL LAMTS AND LANTERNS. An excellent assortment of Fine Cutlery, com- pripinic KNIVES, I'ORKS, DESERT. TEA, & SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ac. TARLH SPOONS, BRITANNIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WAI1E IN CUEAT VAHIIiry AND 13Esr JIANL'KACTUltE. Household, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting Implements of the latest aid most Improved p items. Iilacksmilhs ean be ruppliod with Anvils, Del- lows, Vices, Sledges, Hammers, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenters and Builders ail find in oar eatab liihment a superior stock of Planes, Saws, Augurs, llati'hcls, single, double bit aud pealing Aaes, Ilanimors, Chiso'i, Files, Hinges, Screws, llolu, Locks, Pullers, Sash, Cord, Ac, Ao., aVe. Fanners and lUfttncn will Bnd evortthlnB- in tlioir line, and cheaper than ean be bad elsewhere. rarticuiar attention Is In V ted to our stock of Stores, comprising Prear'i celebrated Antl llo.t, Cook and Parlor Mores of all sites. Also, the Ms para Cook, Parlor Cook, llrilliant, Uawn, liew l)iop, Arctio, and Common Egg, Pocket, Ao. All of tho above poodx will be mild cheap lor cash. O. II. ZEH.'LER i Co. Philip. b.irg, UcU 10, iBim-lr REMINGTON'S . --5T'J T-i T T" T-. J TUSf rV. J K'ld by the Trade lienrralh. VcJJA THICKS HKDUfED. A liberal Discount to Daalcrs. Army Itcrolrer, 4-1-100 In. Calibre, Nary Kemlrer, .10-100 In. calibre, Hell Kerolrer, (sp.f corking. 1 Nary calibre, llelt Iterolver, Nary sire calibr.. Police Herolrer, Nary site eslibre, New Pocket Kerolrer, (with loading icror,) Pocket Kerolrer, (self eoeklujr.) Hepeatinn Pistol, (Kiliot pi.) No. 32 oarlrl.lf e, Hepentlns; Pistol, (Elliot pt ) No. 22 cartridco, Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22, 30 A 32 cartridge, lun Cane, usinjt No. 32 cartridge, Hlnsrlo llarrel Shot tinn. Kevolrinif Hlflo. .10. moo In. calibre, llreeeh l.oadin)r llifle, No. 32 esrtridtre, Preech l.oailinK Carbine, No. 4(1 cartridge, U, R. Kifle. (steel barrel,) with fahre bayonet, II. S. Killed Musket, Hprinitlleld pattern. Upwards of 2110,000 furnished the U. S. (lor- ernnienu Our new Urceeh Londlnff Arnn liaro lust been approved and adofited tor militarr service lu Europe. E. KE.MINUTO.V A HONS. lllion. New York. Anaara Monro A Nichols, New York ; Win. Heed A Hon, Itoston ; Jos. C. Ilrul.b A Co., Phil, adelphla i Pnulton A Trimble, Ilaltimore ; llenry Folsom A Co., New Orleans and Memphis; Johnson, Hpencor A Co., Chicago j L. M. Hum. sey A Co., tt. Louts j Alocrt E. Crane, San Francisco. Jy4-ly HATCHETS. riFIK bet aad chrnpcM for tho eonfumcr ara X thoi mn 11 fac tared by JESKIMti &. TOXfiUH, I'HILAIIF.LPIIIA. Shinjlintr. I.lhln(, Claw and Proad. made of tha best east steal and warranted as rood nr hatter than any others made In the I'niled Htntns, and sold at intern Inwcr prices tl.an any other really lirrt-class hatchets. 1 hey are tein. pared by one oi the firm, 8. J. Tntirtte, who possesses a peculiar (acuity that, mijfht be called .Steel on the llrain," Which has given his tools a ftreal celebrity In these parts. THY TIIKM. Nos. 3:1 and K.i Kiehmond 8tret ; tha reel cars up Third Htreet omss Ktehmand, near tha works. iny2:l,'n7 AUenlion,oldiers. KiUALIZATK.iN UK 1IOUXTY. i l.i. sOI.DII.HS (ie istll. .(il ro J enlillid to an I Xl'll IMSl: l ImCNTV. '1 tie nnit.-r. ifpe. prep.ire.l to collect nil su.'h H-.tiiilies, n. well a tile increased pay to Soldiers' W idows. All lliijinrics and eiinuiiiitietitions an swereil promptly. it hrir.-" receipted l..r. l'ot tltliw address, C'urwetisville, l's. ei-S-U Ji'SIAII l'.VAXfi. SOI.OII'.KN' IIOI'MII'.S A recent act has passed both Houses of Congress, and signed by the President, giving k three years' soldier f ltill and a two yaars'soldier ju bounty. B-Ii0l NTli:.S and l'K.NtlO.Vd collectad by tajc, for these entitled to them. WALIKIl HARK I: TT. tVf All'y at Lsif, Clcatasld, l'a. UisrfUaneons. VH sll,l- Hue t. i horse wac" -I.oA.-i M be lo-enlin-lv new. Willi spring pent. I'liee jv 1 1 -it IIIIDWX 4 PfSMiltK i SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE J WOt'l.ti antiounee (o Iheetlliens of Clenrn.'ld and the surrounding country that I have opened a i l.tll It AMI FEEH M'llltH ou st:t fKM STtiKr.r, Opposite the Fording, whero I Intend to keep constantly un baud a lull assortment of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Cora, And all kiml of KihmI, uliidi T will rui, chruj. lor cash, or hi exilian ;c fur Ml I NULLS. LVAI 1) L'KMKX will cmtxt their .nfcivnt hy Riving me n ln-I't ro they go eldowhrn' t jmr uhiifc tlivir rujij'liif', n. uy rrnii(rMiiriit pre pcrlwC, and cm ot!e to buy everything' in tny line ut tliu luwmt innrk' t pnei-. M.ANDLIl PENMXU. Clcarfi.-M. July II, 1M17. S 1. 1 : km i j.i) hi i i.ni m.TT ikT- VyViNU ASSOCIATION. Notuo in lirr.y K'viin tliHt ftpjilinilion linth hron mn'li; U tin tuurt oi ('oiiuiiuii J'li an o! t U arli.'M county for a cluirttTof inruruimtiio for ''Tlio Cli-arlii l-1 Hnvin and Ituildin? AwH.'iiitiin the ulii-ct uf whiidi if tn wcuniuhite a fund hy tho oontrihutiune of its nirmlwre, it h it'll, incn-in-rd hy onrdul iiiunacmi'iit and ilMTftiiiPiit.hliiill nitthiu ilk in uiIntk Ut Ht'iiuirc rciil rntutt', or ( nf;iiKo in uth,r prolituhk hu!-!-ni'M," And if no uilii-:ciit n-HMta bi' vliotva to the cniitrjiry tim en id charter will be grauUj at the next trm of Court. liv order of th Court. Jv11.fi7-.1t R F. I.T.V;iLi:n, IV-Ihnnotflrv. SOM TIO OK ( O.IMHI'M:iu villi's The imrtncrahii lirn-to(tro exi?(- inir Iwtwfcn J. C, iUClof krv, J, , i'ottor and oVorjri- W. U'Ttloiii, undtr tlio numo of I. C. MrL'lo.key A. i'u., U thu day ditwidved by mntaal oonFcnt. The wrounte. nnlt-fl, Ac, w ill remniii in the hnd- oi 1. L Alel'lonkry and J. W. 1'jttrr for rollrciioii, and nil dt-l.ts of mid linn will he ptiid hy thi-nt. Tt" hrrrinpfs will hinaftrr he itnifinur i hy Jaae ('. MrClo.key nn 1 Jo V. 1'ut-U-r. under thv naiuu of M :('!. ski'v A Iviter. 1. r. M'LO.-KKY, J. Y. I'oTTKK, ii:o. M, 1!1-KT!ETV. Three lluri?, June 27, lst',7. j jyl l,4t-jd by srieen that Letters Testamcnlnry, hare tins il;ty tiecn fanted to the subscribers, on the Kstato of Wiliium Humtnond, deo'd, leto of lleceai-ia township, Clesrtield Co., Penn'a. All person, indelited to said Kststs are reiiuested to make immedist, paytnont, and those hsring claims aitatnsl the same will presont uieoi duir authentieatud for settlement. jrll,(S7 (It JO.SlSPil W. LULL, Eieeutor. Woolen raclor)'. Inioii Mills. I'liloii tduiultl). Clcarflclil co.. Pa, nAVIXO purchaned an intireit In the Villon Mill, are ireinred toraril Waohman uU.uuro onj flnich Clulh, and do all kindx of work in our lino on ibon notice, in workmanlike luaouer, and un rsaiijoahlij tertn. Aio, FLOUE, FEED AND LUMBER ManufMctureJ andforial. Tcrrai Cath. Wool intendoJ for carilinr ran be left at II. Mot-op'i or J. P. Kraiior'i, where wo will get and return if on ."'atuni iT ct ' eaoh week. Letter of In try Jdrfnicd to os at Kocktou P. 0. wilLrooairo firnoipt attention. F. K. A J. H. ARNOLD. Rockton, June 27, Jd(J7. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bralley'a Colcbrated Fatent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OU 1k)L1:LK fcTKINU) rnilEY will not hrnd orbrenk like the SnzU 1 fVrX- "t will prfferve their pfrltri and rnot-tvit thipe whun tliree ir f-ur ordinary hktrt will huro boon thrown aldo an uftloio. Tho Hoop are covered with double and twitted thread, and the bottom md are not only double pruijf, out twtre (or duublej oorerod, prevent ion them from wraring out when drugging down etoop., itaire, 4ke. Tbe wonderful fljitbility and )rreat fomfort and plraure to any lady wearing tbe baplox Elliaiio hriirt will be experienced purlifularly in all crowded A'.emLlipi, Upvrai, ('emafrer, Kailroad ten, Church Pfwi. Arm rhir, lor Promennd? end lioute Lreee, ai the ISkirt can bo folded when In use, to occupy a in nil plane eajily and convtntentty a fciik or Aluilin Lrep. an invnhiahle quality In crinoline. Dot found in any Kindle tSprui Kkirt. A ialy having eojoyod tt, plemure, omf.trt, and great cnnvtDtonre of weurin thti l)uplex Elliptic sSteel .Mpnnfr Hktrt for a linttle day will never altcrwardu willingly dippomo with thrir uo. Fur Chtidmu, Mimii and Vouog Ladioi ihy arc miperi'.r to all other. The lhiplex Kilipitc 1 a jrmat faTorlt with all Indies and u uuivv.Mliy repominfnftnd by the Falilr.n Mnfrnt m the biai.durd bkirt uf tho r'ait"nxhlo World. To enjoy the fullowinr Inentiotahle adranta pe In Crinoline, vi: uponnr quality, prlect hiAnufacture, (tylinh hpe and flmth, floiihility, diirrfhi comfort and tronowy, tnifinre f.ir J. W, Itrudley'f Duplex KMiptic, or Doutde spring tikirt, and ho ftiro you got the genuine artirU. t'A I'TION To guard aguint imponilion , be particular to notlro that kirts oflcr.'d a "Iu ptox," have tho red ink etanip, vi : "J. W. Itradlry' iMiplei Kllipue r-topi (Sprinrn," upon tho wan-thand non oih?r- ere gnuiti. AIo notice lht every Hot.p will adn.it of a pin heing pMd tkroujrh the centre, thui rcvedting tho two (or douliliti ipring bniidrd togrther luerein, Inch if the H'on.t of their lloiibi'ity and trength, an I a combination not to bo fuind in aoy ther Hkirt. FOK 8AI.K In ell ilorra where fir; ctai kirt are uld, throughout the United .Sialo? and eluewliere. JManufaotureJ iy the lolo owneri cf the Patent, vt:ts, uk adley a cahv. 91 rhamher. and 7U A 81 heado t.,iicw utk. Junw li, Ho7 ;im. A 1)11 MS I It 1 lilt's M)'l K'l;.-N,.ti. ll.T. I.V L- i en lli.il l.'tt. r..f Admin: I .ll'ltl l.llll'S, llfNH.si'., trill . Utc li tile eslnt.' ol Hrnly towiihliin, Clenrn.-I I coinlr. I'.i.. h.ive thi il.-iv been diilv rr.iiit.'.i to th-on 1 il.t-iwIiMtii j tlr;i-'' ui;ik' i all per.. .lis in.!. !.t .1 los.ii.l e.l i!e pn viim lit, tin. I those li'ivinir elii.ms or tl.-o.inl w ill present lluui lor s. It It inoiit wmioitt id-liv. Ji.-.-j. l.i.w;.-;, 'line 1.'.f.7-t:p.. A.lmii.trntnr. Farm for Sale. riMIK Mibrvriher raiding in (.r i!t-n township, .1 Clrjirii.'U ronnty, IV.. rmw otfi n hi firm at pmnto nl. It if lo.-ido.l on thr put. lie run.) Ia i n lt Iroiu lrahnint..n t lNxr I mi, and will be within Fix mile? of a n:i!rod .tatioii, ati.i Contains 150 Acres, Kirlifv-flvp of which ar ol-'and And a hirgc ot tion in ( lovrr. the whole utidcr g'o.l f. net , ha ii.g liicnw:n crrricii Tiro tPtrciihitr foiivr, A Inrc hank hnrn, anl lh n.nl nnt-lniildinT". togi'thrr Willi two hrarinir ori'haritw.fl P"o. rTirn. ol wati'r, atui tinilxT niouli to uinRp diroc or U nr rnfln. A church nnd itIhk.I hnitrr wm hiu a short di-tnnr. l-'i.r tn-ilo r p:ini.uUi -pn: on tto- un lirignrd. r"i linjr on tho prmni?, or iw-ldref.!. him nt ttnilpiintou 1'. U. jr.'cp,Tw-:im-ri M'M, It. Jinr. R. R0B1S0N & CO., WIKII.r HAt.K (irocrrs ami Tork Talkers, rnliTs in JUf, lnm and Nml, Family Flour of tho Best Erancis. llncin, llnins, Hi.lea an I Sliotil.l,T: l.srl. les 1'otIi, I liec-sc, llean. lloliim-., I inr -l Trust, t'srhon and l.srd Oil, llriel ll.-ct, Jl,-, No. I lhertv Wrret. (Hnl I'mnl,) ier7 It pitt.-m'h.;. PA. ti i:t tii 1: 11EST." wiirr.ir.it ivu.osi HiL'I.e-t rreii.;m.i. I.ofl Slit, h, SEWING MACHINES. 4 I,L Imp 'piirir In n-lrr'e to tin HAn. iitr immipilr an-wpred. Thrv oi.a- in'und tiun nir at in im WM. T. iiMH.T'N. A.-rn'. o-t'! tf I ntt rr-l-ui, la 3JLKil.i.LA8nLLn'S. lift ?(nournnrr. iS DRTH AMERICA LIFE Insurance Company Or SIW YORK, II Till ONLY COMPANY IN TUK Wulll.H, OlTctlng Becurlt Guaranteed hy tbo I'ireet Buperriiio. and Control of its Funds by tho Qcqeral or Bute Uovernmekt- In addition to the security heretofore odered, we call particular attention to the fullowicg : Hy a reeent act of the Legislature of the sitate of .New York, the Company ia authorised to snake Special Deposits with the Fuperinlendent of the Insurance Department, and iccelre therefor Ke gistcrcd Policies, bearing the seal of the Depart ment, and a certificate that the Policy Is secured by pledge of Publie Stocks under a Special Trust, created by the act of the Legislature, in larur of the North America Life Insarance Company ex cluslrelr. This makes erory Ke(isterid Policy as secure to the holder as National Bank not, or a United States bond. Inresttnents are eonfined to Ilondi of tbe Uni ted States, Stale aud City of liew York, and Firs, Mortgage of Ileal Estate to amount of half mar- N kct Taluc, Ko Restriction) in Travel, Besldenee. or the ordinary employments, In any part of the I'nttcl States or Europe, at any season of the year. Thirty Days' Once on all renewal payments. All Policies am Noa-Forfilting and iuimtdi auly indisputable. This popular combination of SKCUJIITY AND FKKEKOM, Tbe rciult or twenty-fire yean of ttady and ei perlenee on the part of its origiuatar, is giving the sN'JKTII AMEKICA an unparalUled iuo ce'l. That tbo lurpaiicinf excellence of thii Com pany, and tho unprecedented phviieget ij m e to be r enjoy, are daily becoming more genfraMy recogniie !, ii made manifcrt by tbo rapid in crease of id brndnei. During the fir it fuur month of the protect year it iurd ever fiitaen bondred poliriei, inearing nearly foar Billion flvo hundred thutind dollar, which how a gatu over tbe borincu of tha conernjniiue I period at lait year of one hundred p lirief monthly, and an tncreaao for tbe four niomhi of nearly a million dollar in amount ineurui. Dividend' payable aonually, at present Foirr Fiva P Cet. ALL INSI'HKIIS are invited to axamine and compare their policies with tbote of tho X OUT 11 AMERICA. N. D.M0H0A!.. Prerideat. TT. MKUWIX, Vi-rreidcnL J. W. MERKILL, Bccrctary. G. ROWLAND, Actuary. A. C. FIXXLT, Gonrritt Afent, Clearfield. W. J. OEISSI.NUEU, Jrll Im Special Apent. DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Mouth Third Ktrrrt, I'tillalrlpMa, .l.lAf.K.V, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application ny msil will rreeive pnm.pi alle tidii, and nil information uhccrtuiJv ti.rniJ-rird. Ordrr olirifcd. anrll -If C. K. 'oht. Kdwarl I'crk. J. I). M iirk Hanking & (Ollcction House op FOSTER, PERKS & Co., r-ueer.sors to loiter, P.-rk M ril.t CwM Plilllpahitrs, t'enlrr Co., Tt. T-Iinil: all the he Miic til a Isaiikmp linnet 1 f will he tranae:ej proirpUy and uj"n thr inoul favnral'lc t Tin. mxT-tf County National Bank. t i.K.iirii:i.i, i'A. TIIIS Hank is new open and realr f . r l.u.i ness. Offiee nn Seronil street, in ll.e l.nild- ing formerly nerupisd by Leonard, Iinnej A Cm. tn. emit JAP. B. OltAllAM rrons asp orrjrres. lUlllAKD PTTAW, WM. I'dliTt l. W .M. A. WALLACE, A. K. WIlItJIIT, n. w. Mooi'.r. JuI'ntlJ Cashier. JAS T. LIIOVAr.D, l'res.aeat. Clearfield County Bank. riMIK ClestflelJ Couotr Hank as an inenrnoi T (lUOtr 1-aok n an tnenncra- ted intituti.in ha pone out f exifirTic- hv tn Pnrrendrr of it eiiartrr, on War Ail il st.fk i owned by the aub'.rri.'r'-. a tic will citoiinue thj lskk,ii ttjs.itif-a ai the anae I-la co, j tinU Iiat,ki(ra, unJcr ttir trui tmn.. (l thf "Clfla-ti-;,l luMy Lunk." ae r ft.pii.t. Md tor tliti dfhts vi lite i'-huk. -viiJ wii py ll Hilton un (Irti.Ltnd at itte edut.hT. 1 (;. mIj ri'ot'ivcd and intrrrst 1 I when in'tnp it n a tt r ' I a Qxad lime. J'aner ttiocjur(tpJ at tn ir cent 'a he rt'tofure. Cur nerftona! ri-i.(.nt . i.icdjci'd lor all I'oronu rr'ivej .i hujiiMF tr.iiii it tf'd. A Ci'iiliiiuaniv cf Uie .iiirr:,i ronar1 el tht hti-jnt4 it,ti rf th r(ont rt M-ft'ti ully hci,es. A lret-:dri. Uar-hit' and (i.lif.'rit v( lie lule Ci'-arrVid Count y .(ai.k, wc r rju;rr tde no!; uf ta.i liana, to he pre uta fur redemrt ion. .us. r. l.roNAno. TurnAKD ?nor, M. I'OUTKIt. JA. li. H AiiA.V, A. K. WKIUilT. i. L. J;l.h.i. VM A. 1VAU KCK. The htrnlnM of the Kante wi'l o isnndfirtrrl fcr John 41. Adain.. Kt., a Cahier. 1Uh2.lJ rtllcrrlwut JTailorj. 11. it 1: hr, v.. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Nw one ti,or en ft of ( irartifli H-nv-r,) Mnr krl Mrr I. 4 Irarfirld. V. KHil'S on band a fuij ar-rtaent f rtat T ornUbinc .oodfi. orn a fr-Lin. Linnr i aua U (listen erihiru, lf (- aexi rnka, I Neetc tt, hsinfU errbi. 'n. levea. Hat. 1 mhrellaa, Ae., in freat Tariety. Of Vuw (iood be ko the Best Cloths cfa!l "Shades vi Cclnrs," Sneh a Blark Ioeikin of thf Tery hert innt-r ranry t a-imrr. in (rreat aanrtv, a.)., FTn.ii. otcrcoaunr. All o whtrh wi be axld ebAar nr ' -Cah. and made ui aer. rd:nc t; Ute Ulaet itvl- Trr fcmnla. br exnenenced workmen. AI, Areat lor Claarfald ponrty for I. X Sinrer 1 C-'jt. rrltbrated -Sewing N-t. 1. IfM-tf. i Klh.JK. UN Ills OWN lluuiv. v W. F, C L A R K , "Iv0rLD frrper1fn:Ty anhenrrr tf the rui 11 son f riearbcU and hcimh, tai he ha lakan tha rnmi (nrmrrly ofrunioJ lr V. . fauMn, In (raham' rtnw, iti iriu.ti !i 1 rer II. . Jvauf ' Jewerrr Stnre. and wcl eoanauc mr TAII.(H;Lt,i II.IM.S. A full assnrtsneit cf Cli.ths, Cas. meres anil Vesni.f. ennsuantlr on haj., and naue 1.. nraer nr. the shortest antiea. Fartieular after. ru.r si ill he ere? ty CrTTINu Wen -', llrTi' an.) C i. .Mr..:,'. . j,.lt. u. lit IM1.S la tnensbla itjica. Give ftia: a r... 4.'-U M'.t.CtAlil:. $i vi C.ooiK C'.rprnirs, e"U. GREAT EXCITEMENT tlx PtroNn ftki.it, Cliarfm t.r. NEW GOODS AT LOW TIICES. ffHR wndertfnej rctviful'v inrita th at 1 trntiun uf the pnohe ticrialiy to rhrir Fplrndid ai'-nrlnjcut ol (Qen-t,atidir'ei wlneh tfc'-y are bow aelJ.r'K AT VERY LuW TulCS, Their atock conitj la part uf Dry Goods of the Eert Qaalitj, Sueb as Prints. I La-nes. Alpamas. Meriuva, tiiDrbeai.K,Maeitis, I. leaches as.a stubleairw sxi.i linihnrs, 7iekinKB. euttvei aaa ro)l P!anie,Pstinitu.'sssinnres, Cnituweees, Ladies' eiiawis, huloa. a iJaods. italaMfai susd Hoop earns, sVc, Also, a Tine as sort meet of Men's prawers avad bttrts, Hats Csps. h.Mrii 1 ttioes. ail o( whu h WILL BE SuLD LOW K02 CAilL Hardware, QueenEware, Glaanrare, Groceries aa3 SpioeE. '.XSHonTA CENEIUL AS.VinTMEVT Ct ererjtiirf etuaDy lrpl in areuil mure, ali CUKAP FOU CASH or apjrorea eonntry pr,- auoo. WniGIIT i ri.AXlGAX. Clrarnrld, June C. lr,:. GIEAED TOWKSHIPIS 1I0U0S Fresh Arrivals at the Cheap Store. L. M. COUTRIET art rwirf-J t ki, or. in C:rr3 at'uve Lecottic Miiib,a irt afwruLfxl f SPEING AKD srKYES GOODS, Whieh ke is aetenrmej tc ael! FIVE rr.n CEXT. CUEAFEK T an tbe aime auauiry f 6mie ems ht vtrr fbai-ed ffr Ut any uttrr yntt ui tbt witfLocr ht'Uti. all ia iuik ouaMu of ii:y goods of all l'jxds. Such as Saliartls Castineee. Mn.'iws, Ixiaisea. Linen, l'n.hcrl. Caiieas t ai, kiKds, Iritamin, liula, Laos, H.'itJif-M.t-h CMin-i. .-'.. d- flu,,?, Jl.:7t A- .n-s cKonnur.s or .ill kim', Cofiaa, Tea, Pnrar, Kiet. lili.iaeeeii. Fist., . ianeeeil u.l. Fist O.i, t trtion t'li. Hardware, Tinware, Csst'Tirs. riows. riow-f.astiart. Nails, .'i.ieea. rm-Caa-rators, Cider iT.see,. ai; aj.il. ui Axes. DrM'it, JUch'.'inc. I Witreni. r.iitiU. Glut, I'lrni.si, ,ji,,hcj. ;M)I I I (II It ALU V tiS HAMl. SLaj.Call aad ate (or osrlsL Tsso ai fina eve??u.in asa&llj kei.t an a reaaii saer. tuWr Flaws sn sf Is. CrewwnerTile mi Centre count tuaaa, aad are wa.rraart4.il re we ' good eaaiitr. l. k rorrturi. : Cirard tesantlip. Ma; Is, IsfT. iti-Kir-ji. J. P. KRAT2ER TT Tov.J hi dp wirrrrnntD fw Jiiar- 11 ket ltiM, drirhtU li, &etw vc ttaf j t'peoed a very l.rp aioea af 1KY GOOl)?, Werini-aa, Oiarhami, Cintha, ItUiu frrnu lifv-ainterM, Ainaraa, Snaa. fanmfita. KtrK. C ataFi bktw, 1 wrfa. Cxafcerr. kubtvir, laa-nelia. Unntra. Fi,nM.. Kucm. . rne. t'Joali, la:ronrai .k.njv. limip Mt irta, S tjawi, lrw 3 n in Uau.rk. Jiead Kfi. i t, i rri4av, i, 11.1 C-tliarf., .rrtinaiuc " eUv, 3 a Mr ( cvrra. CLOTIII G, Casts, TaoU. Vesta, deer Coats, ieiw's f i.awii tbtna. Hsu, Car-s. T i.3er 51..rw M3a4 lirswers. Il eL. aoesl. fasts bboas. trsvats.. ijierat na l i. iiaes. IIAr.IWAKE, '.-u..nwaix r.r.:- G I. OCEKIES, Tea, Cd1. Purnj. Wuiar,!. rrtuie. X.ir, fitwr. liatiua, i(li. j fit.aontt. likuiK, Curranu. fjirrfc, i.ra.&i.erfc, mrrar. (.'.Ik. ar- tiai. A ti't in4 t:s-vat;k. iA.--Vi ai.t tv.niv- liootM. trriui. 1 hf-t'iniu-rtih, !1um. I'mia ! iai ln.aff. i'mjsv. V moi- 3 ti.ai, Jta.il 7 pn-r r. saT.Tttv, 1 a- tri'littK, lOooTiisv. iwiif. aiitt 1 .ar4V. Sj-mir.. 1 rt jutt t Si Vf- 1 in i W f.f wt-sfh m r i-s,: iir 1):r Tif: -inw-Hf. tr-rn. aJ ti,. l1lrn1 mart; ymr mm or ru,t,. M (.-. . iiu 1.. kiunr tumxiir j'"fauna. Cte-trtifdil, lfetber 1., lfn. 0, YS ! 0, YL TwrxTY rr.K rnxT. j.Mtrr.T: t!:a: AKYvvir.r;i: i.;.-r. jv 71:1 TI 'VT'i rtpre3 a new inr, a- rt.t 'Tiwr Isitl , in CiofLTtH-lb wmr wninf ttr t li t iiwi.lr hr- ir flii-m. uho ' t-iuan 1 1 tvn'tdf- C il aTK i. lii-u. iir Ci.aWAiixI.ia dt hasOice V Utf Pont . Vi L U h( if .iatiu, (ix tbu, vm-a tul atiru l'arrtiwrinwA. J'-Ur.. tl.lt.. JalaL T1 U K:rait.nMt At. . a.. A4a. : tDtWBnrafa II.T.-i, cavs. r.'.v kibiU, rimataitM' iS A j ! t-pj-t nt tuini. Ci a'.: A fimtTfci .aioxnrurinM 1." i:a ! y.XAD r ci o tl:j; . W w.lri av. a sV1,l"T rr CaH. w airtbahfKi. Jc- a-, aa.ai .' A.fctf;i. a.T ii Vi.l4a A .i:,.? aanL e 11 ua -u-ti " 01:3." I. lAII,aX.. HARTSWICK I IRWIN, lrt'rr- frmr09t4d fa. littfly i-ro).tt4 r Y r K ia -w utttir, i'-w U ew-c, a wtU mitch? mmtnmnm 4 Alw, T t.t .ij.i if ilk ! is. Put:t, lya Uifis, fiiaitiiiissi i. J C.'li'erui uerr. f-t.ioea. said Uie Jarpwa aasww 4 1 Tanerie s-er f weea ta tliai V'Hse. aal aaswaasa i a at. be d tu tnal tM Marax ..- j J. 4 SsU-VICI. H e. i:.ll.u Jt'HS The Best in Ihe K2rkel! WHITE LEAD, 2a te te Iwtxty Ma.4 fmctMfmk. WASHINGTCV JV-ETru. V..-nE ZSZ Creau.4 si A la-f ccl or.i rAi.vrs is oil xxi JLY, UXtZZD OIL, TL 'L l'S TlX E , VlUX:?!? IT TI3 LIST " LTZZIS. At I f.T.r mfirr-savm Jurt rpDPTTCif soi 7nr mt a Kit 11 CfRBrttfttsW IS. ! urns: i:ek;: vzut: i Jv'.-zrr t. ivvrix, (-U Maui we ore- aif to Js 4 at m:T-r'fT-ix. rx. Bat aea a kaasi a isrpt status jaaainn sjf Trowiwa, Himimrw .Itr&rm. ruMlK t j f.Ssawia, -Twinj, Prrswr"j ."7 - "Ui (.t.av C tn 'rrz- twr-r. fpm ie frnwnaw. ttu oy 1 En aWor MW'-t.rrM al Kti-rjt fpf m x.irtuctJTT. u ixir , mtm, aa W tm tMaa Ut. skJa cacmim nwr gnuat M tttj rmsmt iaai 4 t ioai-t. HOW TO SUVE KDEY.4, JL h1"" aT nv v-iur ,acn , Tfrt a u 1 Vitv 4-r-w. : 1'. j m mi tt.; A wT.wt rnttt axn ia tmm hwva V ttf w-rw-S tir-e as t; Tni. Hai h hwwianit ai t 2taj rsB J mm 4t- Knv ff a-a JTt i 1 ntl : ax tvMK- aaftsr rum , I 3 '"r me at- r: arrwr? m w-;, T-mi eaxi t an nnnft 9mTt L tr7 t'-irnL. fciw m-ariL tianw va 1 V tsK. m trr t- jf 1' ri ita mw ami .ratm ; z hzriznFzt a da. Sr twt4 bvt 3 irf toi u-iHk A i w! at a. .rsmikTt A V-'im"a A-J)t tijfvr -tt yir amattminm mi-:. 1 c: J11 a4kL i i'-lrcv XfW k u inrm tfiMCiL tw aeaC Atc tlxsr ere it wra Tfci htm thr awa tbc? -w."7 Ma, 2 toey awto, 1 aa.7 xw m ssta. Art net aw tnA zc itwmv a V iVi a- waitf,:.? wtx tntjjit Tiivi ht j.f Bum-' ti- it rmrai. At. ne ti U7 atnle. fit f-tm aaeewa w .H ctkMriaC ania. li r r iC7 it u a I' imm. f avowr? ft-, arau. iqpr 1 on rifT.-M cut cn i. njr wmiSf tua m ama at a n-r-i tv a-nr ia TT7t -a it mar-.. WT v il F E 51 nT$ f L0TIH6 STCIE. TT7T P :mf-:tM. :tf i- - vi "i.na-ni'n n L.mnrni-.ini fi:i;' ti.-ii -to- im- iwc innnmi a ay cura af J mi- n rii: IstlL t I )Vh .Ii i,.rr-. "-aiSv if is3aN mm Kam t.' - 'HE 1.. OUT I 'o m at ain' oiiaisi , : w - 'Ar, ar 54rfw.-i-nijr awssssa. 1 iiwi ft-v-iw ana - anf c 0 r . o s an.r i .m r li.iii.t toinsms!.:. n Ket-i hi. mmmnmi.i a ai. trfci.K l:r;.'t : ALL i.Ij l; aua 23 liiutimii viwfiirm if sui -mr mm. li-wv 1'rawf-n.. tar, mix irt mui aMMtwa an-Ln-fti.' i. sfgut itTA..?. 4L sw -rw; nf rf Ti iartT; .far., -3 a ajj,,. navf fc.jmi Itr tn 2t ka wi a mint a. lii r 'w-vft- ar-iMH. an turr m mmm. Itcrrt liaiu. ; ii. r j im tm: Rutwwi'U XITa, ajai , m t it n.f mL.wr wr' t a.. ':!X Itul'r an.i. V ivf, - i.mn krai n-iw .(. H;4, S-i. unw un ti m-i m a. ir i'S. Ii M uiL . ;I,.r i.u..uai ERES5 -MAKING. rrM rw -itr-zts i-f Ai iav k,. duwaaim iwi' mmtav tiiiit. -v-'iaa. ia mn mnt eW'i aiisiii itit. nD"t. a" et n--ti w tithw. f nt- 4i.r -;u. iiHinn eaaou. t:." :. "'rrawr. at. 9'x.uta.itkiiit ta. a'tllH J.-?tl1:i S i Us 'ill ti'iiip. w ".I 4K-r k.-fT ii -m im wtm Vwa n"tii.riin t 1' P i-jf- f-ia. -n aii iiMNain MM. r-rw-l ll.-; k ' '.. ?a. HIU TI ; tMH'ffT 111 I.UitHwa aXI't ..i.,orti 3""" TWfcf . W a ti t.'".rl 5. ot ft HLI"Bl"T. 4j1e" 'tb'1Tl iltrtf1tt( tr tn ' '' iMir l.i It-.