Without tlio Spirit of Go J, wo arc ):k to a ship at rained unto the beach; ihcn the tilo hi iwodol, thoro In no moving her until the flood shall apain lift her from tho cm.U. We nro like that frofcn ship, of which we roml the other day, front bound in tlio far off Arctio sea: ur.til tho Spirit of God ahull thaw the chilly coldness of our natural e?tnte, and bid the I i fa floods of our hearts flow forth, wo must lie, cold, lifeless, cheerless, pow erlota. The Christian, like tho mar iner, dopend npan tlio breath of heaven, or his Urk is without mo tion. We nro liko tho plants of tho field, and this gonial season oncosts the metaphor: all tho winter through vegetation sleeps wrapped up in her frost garments, but when tlio myste rious influence of Fpring is felt, alio unbinds her cloak to put on her vest of many colors, while every bud be gins to swell and each flower to open. And so a church liesaslocp through u long and dreary winter, until God tho Holy G host loosoth tho bands of lethargy, and hearts hud and blossom, and tlio time of tho singing of birds has come. "What is not Ciiaiutv. It is not charity to give a ponny to tlio to street mendicant, of whom nothing is known, while we haggle with a poor man out of employment for a in iserablo dime. 1 lis not charity to heat down a seamstress to a starvation price; to let her sit in her wet clothes sewing all day; to deduct from her pitiful remuneration if the storm delays her prompt arrival. It is not charity to tuko a poor rela tive into your family and make her a slave to all your whims, and taunt her continually with her dependent situation. It is not charity to turn a man who is out of work into the streets with his family becauso ho cannot pay his rent. It is not charity to exact the utmost farthing from the widow and orphan. It is not charity to give with a supcrcillious air and patronage, as if God had made you, the rich man, of difturent blood from tho fchivcring recipient, whoso only orimo is thut ho is poor. It- is not charity to be an extortioner not though you bestow your alms by thousands. Oh that little word ' now:' It is often tho saving word to sinners, and to the Christian it is tho quickening word. To-morrow 1 Who shall tell how many souls it has destroyed, de vouring them as the grave devoureth the slain ? Alas for tho mischief ot that demon word, to-morrow. And w ho pliall say how many Christian churches have been deprived ol blessed enlargements by the policy which said, "Wait a little?" Out on this horrible ndvico! Wait! Impossible! Death waits not! Hell makes no pause! Sins stays not in its mad ca reer! If the devil, and death, and hell wotld wait, we might have an excuso for loitering ; but, meanwhile, "Forward !" must bo our motto. .Now,, even now, my brethcrn, prepare for the Meaning, fur God is ready to give it when you are ready to receive it. When the valley is full of ditches, tho ditches shall be filled ; when tho wells are mado in tho valley of liaea, then shall the pools be filled. Take IIold and Lift. A teacher of tho Frecdmen in ono of tho South ern States was sitting at the window of her room watching two negroes loading goods in a cart. One of them was disposed to shirk ; tho other one stopped, and looking sharply at the Iut.y one, said, "Sam, do yon expect to po to heaven " "Yes." "Then tuko hold nnd lift." There nro a great many Christians in our churches and Sabbath schools who expect to go to heaven, that would do well to strength en their hope of going there by ta king hold and lifting some of the bur dens which they let their brelhern bear alone. Following tnt Lonn Frixr. Walking once in a pitchy dark night in company with a friend who know the road well, I said to him, "1 shall follow you, so as to bo right." Alter a little", stumbled into a ditch. "You have led me into a ditch," I said. "Then you have not followed mo ex actly," was tlio reply, "lor I hnvc kept free." I had to acknowledge that I had gone a little to ono side, thinking that of no consequence. So it is, thought 1, with tho Christian following Christ; as long as he fol lows him exactly he is sale ; but when he turns aside, however little, he is li able to stumble into the ditch. Do not show me the shapely man ; do not show mo the man that lives in case and comfort ; do not show me tho man that has never known what sufl'ering or trouble was ; hut show mo the man that has gone through siek noss, and losses, and misconstruction ; show mo some man that has borne the Rtrifeinnd storms of life, and that, though worn and scarred, has tri umphed over them all, and I say ; "(iod bless yon, old battered hull ! There is more in you than merely a man. There is in you what tho pr'aco of (od has put tbore Christian man hood." O, Christian, with all t'ie power thou hast received, thou has not pow er enough to live for another second, except as the Spirit ol tiod quicken thee. All thy past experience, nil that thou hast learned and acquired, must go for nothing, except, daily and per petually, moment by moment, tho Spirit of God shall dwell in thee, and work in theo mightily, to keep thee still a pilgrim to tho'gate of heaven. We work because God works: lo loiter because God works, is wicked reasoning. Do not tell mo that bo cansc Godwill fulfil his own purposes, therefore bis people may go lo sleep ; for it never was bis purpose to lull his poople to slumber; but his grent design in the education of an intelli g 'nt, host of co-workers with himself. I want every Christian mnn here t feel that if the Lord is about to bless this church, or his church at large, there must be, on tho part of e'-ry ono ot us, a shouldering ol the spade, and a going forth to dilligent, contiguous, persevering, service in the ii mo ot the Master, according to his will. It is merry to havo that taken from n which leads tu from God Vrofrssloca A Buslnc (Car U. ISRAEL TEST. ATTOKX KY AT LAW, tlrarflrld, I' a. MTOIIiee Is ibe "Court llou. f Jy 1 1 V JOHN H FULFORD, ATTORN EY AT LAW, t'lrarlleld, tc with J. D. McKnally, Ki i , orer Firit Na tional Hank. MiPrompt attention (riven to the eeeurtug of Hountv, Cluim. Ac, and lo all legal builneaa. XIarrh'llK, 1,-IW It. YV ALTE R BARTETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiea on Peennd St., Clearllelcl. Pa. fnnvll.nn Win. A. Wallace. Win. II. lli(lor. i. Illakc Waltrrtt. Frank Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, Fa. if!-Legal buitnen of all kinJi promptly and aecurately attended to. rcavl&.j T H 6 sTjT McCULLO ugh, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0oe adjoining tho flank, formerly occupied by J. II. .McLnallr, Second it., Clearfield. jMfVYill attend promptly to collections, tale oManda, 4c. decl7,63 J 6 hnml . c u f t l e , ATTORNEY AT LAW Aud Real Ilatale Agent. Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market etreet, opposite the jail. JfeBT Respectfully offer bii aervlcea in Felling and buying, landi In Clearnold and adjoining eounliee ; and with aa elperlene of over twenty yeara aa a surveyor, ttaltore himself that he can render aiolaclion. tMH.'M K W m7 M . McCULLO UGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, I'a. Offioe on Market etreet one door east of the Clear- field County Dank. niiil,'M John II. On it. . C. T. AJnandcr. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA II', Itellrl'ontc, Pa. .i.lS.'d.'. y F. B. REED, M. D., TIIYSICIAN AND SUKdEuX, II v ing fiDortd to tbt late revidetiee of Geo. J. ATler, fieceuaJ, near WilliaraiffTure, I'a., ciTer hit prt Ieaiunal irvlce to tb poojilr of the urToai)iiDg country. jy 1, 67 dfT. jTp. burchfieldV Late Sarpeon of the C31 Rj men., Pentitylrani Yotuoteeri, hftviog rftarued from tha Army, cflerf hi p rdfeinunal services to the citiieui of Clearfield eeunty. Frotefpional rails promptly atten led to. Off'ea on Second street, formerly ooenpied by Dr. Wjnda. (i.pr4.'M t DENTISTRY. CTZS J- P CORXETT, TrNTr?T, ilW'4il "'''ri pr)feisiot)al serrlees to -iaJLlJ the et(itD of CnrweniviUe and vieinity. Office lo Drag Store, corner Main and TbonftKm street. 'nay 11,'tlA ly:pd J. BLAKEW ALTERS, SCIUVENEIl AND CUNYEYaNCEU. Agent for the PuicbaM and Sale of Laodi. rirartirld. Pa. .MrPrompt attention giren to all boilneie connected with the eounty ofiicee. Office nitli Hon. Wm A. Wallace. janl.'flr-tf LEVI FiRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE For Lawrence township, Clearfield P. )., ClearlielU t o.. Pa. . jCol,ertloni and remittance! promptly mada JeV0,'7. MA J. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Oatend P. ., Clearfield Co., Pa. 9"Will attend promptly to calling Ven duea, Balaa. of Heal Eftate, Ae., aajernere In theeonniy. Termt mndcrata. I.el tp., June 20, Ittlii ly pd. SIIOHTLWCL CO., Proprietore of tlio llclk-fonte Lime Kiln, Ilt'llefonte, Pa, WiKd or coal burnt Lime forwardtd by railniad and conitnntlT on hand and for eatc al the ktlnt. June 27, lft7-flui-pd. FRANCIS COUTEIET, M tUCH ANT, rreurlivllle, Clearfield County, Pa. KVji eonntantiy on hnnd a full MrmrtmMit of lry woods, MMrdwntr, tirooerirs, anil pv-prythins; usually kcjit in a n'tuil store, which will In1 suld, fur eafli, an rhpfip as elwwherr in tbo ci-anty. Frenchvillr, June 27, I 1 v STEETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Suoronnors to Fetrr T. Wright I Co., iMrotiTrns op atn nrAi.ra t?r DRUdS A,D MEDICINES, alio. Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. jcKtT.T No. 61)0 Merkcl St., Philed'o. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMDER CO., OSCEOLA HE AM MILLS, MAvrrArTtnra LUMBER, LATH, AM) TICKETS. II. II. FIIILI.INtlFdltll, Pre.i.lcnt, Office Korcrt Place, No. 12j H. 4th at., Phil a.. JllllS I.AWfillR, Superintendent. tl"coln Mil!". I'loarHi'ld ennnly. Pa. jef,T.Tl 18G7 1SG7 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Ko. 2.1.1, r,7, 2;;ii A 211 K. Third St., PHILAliELl'lllA. y'p are now prepared wilh our unnel ent'-nFirc and wcll-..rtod .ti-k to oflr extra iinlin-cipmtii n CASH IM'YEHH. ep-ll tf REUBE N HA CKMA N , House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearltelil, Penn'a. Will execulr jol in hi, line promptly and in a workinHOlike mnt.ncr. apr4.(i7 SURVEYOR. flMIK nader,iirnd offere hi, aerrieet aa a Fur. I eeyor, and may be found at hie residence, in Laarrenoe town. hip. Letter, will reach him directed to CiearUeld, Pa. Bar7 m:pd JAVE MTTCIIEI.L. A. H. FRANCISCU S tcT, f.l:i Market Ml., Plillailelphia, I'a. ivvrrrniina Aokvtk run the Fai.b or ! (OH).f(.i:. N.tTK. The rcenlar allowance, made to llenlrr. ' in MANILA llill'K. I.jnii:il Urn Tlii.ma. II. Forree. A. A. tlrnliain. FORCEE I GRAHAM, li a A l. B r IN General Merchandise mid LiimW. Jant (.raliemtoii. Penn'a. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF T II K PEACE And Lleehaed Coiieeyanoer. 1 uthrrliurr;. Clearfield ro., Pa. .4-Colleellon, and reralttanee, pronptle are le. and all kind, of legal initrumente exeenled on ekortanliee. mnTv,'fllt tf C. KRATZER 4, SOnT MEUCilANTR, reiLRaa ia Dry Goods, Clothinp, Hardwae, Cullert, Uueenawa re, Ororeriea, roriaioni and Shingle, Clearfled, Penn'a. prAt Ik, aid aland mt Tront Ureal. aVoe, '.llLA04'"!;T: (deeU.'a. If nal, bale and Llnaeed Oila, Familj Pr, eamlhea and nalntj of ail kicdi art, nnd la oil For aale kj jj, . The Western Hotel. C L r. A H I I K L II , PA. lHR ulerlher harinir lred for a term of 1 year Ihie well known Hotel, (kept for many yuan by Mr. Lanich.) and ra titled and retur. ni.hed it throoghoiit, I, now prepared to enter tain traveler, and the puhlie generally upon term, it i, hoped alike airreeahle to both patron, and proprietor. Ill, TAI1I.K and IIAK will be aup- lied with the kept tha market afford, ; and no pain, will be apared en hu pari to add to the convenience and eom'ort of hi, gue,t. A l ivery Htable la alio attached t the aa tabliiihiuent. Ilonea, Uociea, ete., furnithed on hort bolice, or pemona taken to any point deeired, JAMhS A. STINt:. Jol3 Proprietor. Iron City Hotel. IIAURIISIII'IKI, PA., (Railroad atreet, one equnre above the llepot.) Tllhe aubacriber renpoctrully Invitea the publie A and traveling ooioinutiity to give him a eall. Lumbermen are particularly invited. French, Herman and Entrlinh ipokon in the hou.e. f harg ea moderalo. Apr, IS II. J. M. WKAVKK. Railroad House. MAIN STltKKT, PIIII.II'HIIUIKI, PA. TI1K andem?ned keepa eonatantly on hand the neat of l.iUore. Ilia table la alwaya upplied with the b. it the market allorda. The traveling public will do well to give bnu a eall. novI.'Bi. H011EUT LLOYD. Susquehanna House. C0XE8T0WN, UAI PIIIS CO., PA. rpill! nnderaignod take, tbia method of in. 1. forming the Watermen of Clearfield eounty, that he haa refitted ard re-open-d the hotel for morlv kept by E. Sbreiuor, at Coiealown, where ha will take apecial paina lo render aatialaction to all who favor him wilh thoir pmronage. lie haa blown all tha rock, out of the river and planted auublnng po.u for half a mile above hia place. febl8.'7 OEOUUK iALK. The American Hotel. Ll'MIIER CITY, CLEARFIELD CO., TA. rpiIK nndoraigned having leaaed and rettted X tbia well. known atand. lake, tbia n etbod ol bringing hia eatahli'hmetit bet.ire ibe public. Ilia Table and liar will be tuppiied with the beat the market alforda. A liberal ehare of public pat rnne?e la therefore reapectHillv eoliciteil. jaii21-ly:,Kl JAMES L. CUMIT. The Eagle Hotel. CL-BWENKVILI.E, CLEARFIEI.il CO., PA. rr,IIE nndcraigned hevinr become proprietor J. of the above hotel, wiihe, to give notice to tba citiien. of thia ennntr.ae we II aa to the trav eling public, that the bouee baa beru refitted and refurnished for tho eniertainuienl of hi, guv.U Ilia uble will be fiirni.hed with evervtlimg the market afford,. 11 n Dar will contain the beat brand of liquor,. Uood ftablirg attached, and noue but careful hoatlen eoiployed Jjll-tf L. W. TEN EYCK. Mount Vernon House. Ll'MIIER CITY, CLEAUITEI.D CO., PA. I'lMIE undrrpipied-having purrhaecd thia Ilot.l. I takea tin opMrtiinity of informing the puo lir in gi-iicrol, ami travoler in partirulnr, tlnU be ha token groat pin in rcf urni.iimg and n fit t iny it with p( ml n fcreiK'e lolbe aocoiiiiuMiat)on and rnmlort of all who mny cIio.mh- tit give hnu a cull. Llyl (HIS ol the ln. quality will le- kept at the Ilnr. and the wautaot In patron will ln attendi-d to with plt-e.'ire and pnui.ptnc. Ample STA 111.1 Ml attutbed thrnio. my" ly JAMES AltTHI US. Hoots and ihors. Eeady Jot tho Summer Campaign, LA X IEl7c'OX X ELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, HAP junt ffpeived ft One lot of Prnrh CAI.F tikl.NS, and i dow prrpBrwl to nAnufmo ture retythiDK In hi linr at toe Invent lifruroi He will warrwot bii work to be reprctwnteu He renperttulljr tolictti ft all, at hie bop on Market it rent, ercond door wtttof the pot office, whero be will do all In hi power to render latt fartion. Home fine Uaifer ryt on hand, noy. flT-y 1AMK1. C"NK!..,Y. rHUE riUKLAlItlK THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xt tirfy all the Cuittmhands going back to thfir old mastrrx ; hut 'nary one going to old Miisihhurtt$, whfre they were htrcd no hhg and o iv7. 11V conieqacnne of the ahofr facte. F. FHORT, of the old "ihnTt hboe Knnp," would an mmnoe to hie nntnerooi patron a, and the people of Clearfield rountj at larje, that he haa mm a flrat rare lot of food material. Jut roeefved from the Kail, and in prepared minirt notice to make and nii'iid Itoote end Fhoei, at hia new ihup In t.rahatn'e mi, lie in aetintVd thut he ran pleane all, (a 'ileal It mifhi he aome intenoetj Inval 1 home pntriotc.) He 1p prepared loaeil low for Caah or Country !mdoce. Inn't for. et tue Shop next diKir to bnwera k Graham' ctnre, on Market etreet. Ckarfluld, I'a., aud kept by a fellow rommonly oalled JyMdi-j PIIORTY." XEW 1500T AM) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK & CO.. On Market aireet, cppoalte tba ' Kepublican" Utbre. THE proprietor, haee entered Into the Pont and Shoe buainea, at the ahore atand. and are determined not to he nntdone either In ual Ity nr prire for their work, hpei ial attention will be paid to manufacturing aewrd woik. W e here on hand a larg, lot or rrrnob Kip and CalfSkin. nf tho Tery bet ipinlity. Ihocitl en, ef Clonrlield and eicinity are repeellnlly Invited to give u a trial. No charge tor call,. nov7, 'W-tf A 1 KOI II ATI I . GOISO I TA LONE!! A'o hotly TruhihilrJ from Jlvyinq mi Hoots and tSltort on account of Jl.ire or Color. 1KINfl Ihn liberal minded, I tnke thl method nl Informing the eltleena of Cleartield end vn-inity that 1 have opened a.hop on eieoond at., neat door to the County Nalionnl Hank, orer Hataon'a Irag Store, where I am prepared to make to order aeerything In the Hoot and Shoe lino, out or the hot material and In tha wiot workmanlike manner, and on abort noiiee. Ail I a.k 1 a trial. Hone at ClearSeld, thia Isih day of Jutr. ISntl. H It It Y I i in: oritT or inMtioN Pi.iiAx of Clrartleld eonnty. I'a. J. W. Thompaon 1 No. 44. Kept term, 1867, ! .( ..r. Henry W. Killmer J Keel e.ute ani l. The underpinned Auditor, appointed ky tke Court to ditrihuta the tnone, ariBinf fr.im ibe aale of Ilefindant'a real eaute on i hi a writ, will audit and diatrlhtite the eame. at hia oflire in t'learlteld, on NaturrtaT, the Jlllh dar of Jul,. 117, at two e'eloek, I'. XL. of wbieh all pat lie. lntererted will take notiee. Je2;.i I S It A K L TEPT, Auditor. NEW CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOP 1 N CLE A It KI EL I), r a. (Immediate!? In rear of Xlaehine Shop,) rpiIE eohaerlher wonld reapeetfull, Infnroi the 1 rltiren, of Clearfield, and the pnhlir In ran. oral, that he la prep red to do all kind of work on Carrie",, hneirin. Wavnn. aii..L- , , i-itikiii, nieoi, o on hort notiee and on reaaonable term,, I m m wnrnminiiKi manner, -All nrdera preaiptle ai'ended to. J,bJ4''.1 WXLXTNIOH r. SiOO l'KWii l paiFin'TlrTeT. . Vi,ai k lo any pereon l, h. u.u.l ir. Hiimne' l'ile ralve aiiniing to dircelion, and liaa not bean nured. Addrea,, . , I). S. HrXUAM I CO.. 'f Wilii.meport, Fa. Jlrji fm&$, (fremiti, ?tf. CLEARFIELD STORE x i: a i: Philipsburg, Pn. W 1 1. 1.1 A WT. lltTTl. ognm.j l. UT.o. joiik r. wiATta WILLUH rowrgt i W. JF. rETTS,il CO., (Facceaaor, to Munaoa A Iloopa) IIav jut rereivei a Irg ittid wall Iwted hlotlc of all kitKl of hlatile goods, aucli at Dry Goods, Clothing, llitnls and Slioca, llala anl Cis, No liota, Hntiierarp, liiaae, Nuih, Oila, l'aiiils. (uccririwnre, Ororeriea, Klnur. liuoon, KenI, 4c , liicli aearo olli'-ing at grKlly rliiced jiricea, For Ca.sli or in ExrliArgfl fur I umlier end Shinglce. W e liue In niakn it In the advantage ol 'I'iinlKir Men, in the loaror end of Cleat lit-lil ennntjr and on CleRififld C'refk, ti gl their on plr froto llii iinint, heiii)! on tli line ol liuil Road can !Soll goods on letter terms than at any point in C'leailield mtintjr, and we are telling our Stuck at sucli price, i to make itanolject iothoebjy nig giuHla in iIiik market to (iejl with u Advances of Goods, l'ced, kc., made on account ol Square Timber, whic.ti we will either tell on cotutuiuton or buy at fixed rates. Flour of different Brands can tie had at all lima, at eery low priiew, at the Clear field Store, riiilijsburjr, IVnn'a. l'rylioodn Notion. 4c, in great ari ety, at the lnweat price for 'Jaah. at the C'leailield Store, l'lnlip-ljurg, l'tmn a. Salt by the Sack ot load, cheaper ibnn enn be bad any where ele-, at ttie Cleur lield Store. 1'liilipi-burg, l'enn'a. Call and Knauilne Hie atnrknf gnnd. at iiie t learfield .Store, at riiiiipeliurg. I'a Hidheal price paid in (Jood, or ChIi fm l-umlier and (Shingle at the Clearfield Store, rhtlipilluig. Penn'a. The cbeiiieet pooda of all kinds ate to be had at the Clearfield Store, al Philip burn Call lid awn if oil! good, nnd iricee don't aoot Hie timet. W. V. HETTS. 4 CO. rhiltpaburg. November jth, Isii tf. SPRING GOODS. ro mw tobi 4 ruii.aiiLi.ruiA. Aa Cheap aa the ( iirapcat and .od aa the lleet. ('. RU VTZER & SOX, IJare jiiat rreeieed. and are npeeinf, at their Old "land on Front ftreet. ahoee the Academy, a larpe and well ee leeted artment of SEASONABLE GOODS, wbiob U.fy ara tMtinji al Tary low raa. ft fad the fotlvwiny cahilyut and yv-fit thereby j Fa? th Ltatjs V. Epeeial pain haa been taken in th jaeleetinn ol l.eliea lire tino.l,. whit1 "j; jlteod. Kml.n.i.lrrle Villinerrtlix.il. 3 rnuta, nerebiela, Aubiea, I) I ore,, ae VOW (iEXTLKMEX. Alwaea on hand Mark Clntha Fanej and lllaek Caitnerea, hatinet,. ete., heady Alada Cl(iUiin( ol all kiadl. BOOTS AKD SHOES. "j' S V. C ' K T I F. P , and a Tari'ty of i tlier artii-lr, aehirh they will tell at a llnatl advmne ab eoat. g Quiz. ' Parurular attention i Invitod U ibnir toi-k of CaqiU, CotUe, fitntuoa lu ! p is cram, up"rbua Knffli h luerain ami ItruMela, Mmir ati.1 Tab! Oil Clotha, Wiuduw ibadei and Wall papers, ale.! FLOUU, BACON. Fmb Snlt. rianttT, ApiU-a, retch n(l l'runea kfpl constantly on haoii. ALSO, in Stnrt a lot of !nrge and email Clover acpd. We Intand tnnaVe if an object f,)r Farmers and Macbanirt to hny fn'm ur; brrautp will acll our fnndn as hw an thty ran ba btMitcbt tn tba eminry and j-ay tha tor.T hi(;ht pnr fur all kiod. of p untrv pro dupa. W wiH aao exfhanjra jr '.. for ScnouL, Had and CorwTT idira ; tbiii?li, Ifoarda. ami all kndt of AlanuTafturcJ Luuibvr. CacarfSrld, Mar 2, IV7, Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AM) OF CtH itsn Tlin CHKAPKaCT! A Proclamation against High Prices I "WK " B0W "pnlnf up a lot of thr hrat and f mopt atMiMiimhle ta.NKla and V aire rver ofl-r". in thia market, and at rirfe (hat remind one of the fmd nht dnyB of rhe.tp thiiifra. 1 hor who lack faith upon thia point, or drem our alle gation siipertluoni, nml hut vuisi. .it oi n sroni:, Corner Front nnd Market streetn. Where thrv run atr, ft-1. hrnr and kn-iw for fh'-m-sclvea. To lullv ati-l-MtriPd whit art eheap rool-, thi wm-t ir done. Wo do not dwm it nt rivirv to tnumrrali' and iUMimt: our slok. It i enough tor up In ftlntr Itmt j j We have Everything that is Needed j and rotiPUint .l in tin market, and at prir-s ll.at ' at'iip-h hoih tid and yo,-.iir. j tt. .i si;rn w a O I. Ii 1 X S' ELECTRIC SOAP. "a era Tlmr! tavra MnnrT I Havre labor! avee t'lulbra ! favra M omen 1 iAM all r;i!0CEi:s .sell it: It la lled ky enttintt Into email bTnr and dioKlnit In hot water, then e..nk the elotne e to ten mlnntea. end a llltle hend nibbing will make tkm a elean aa bour of bnrd ma. ehi e mhhiiig would do, with ordinary aoap, and the moat delicate tabrie reive no itijur. V e ran refer to thuueand of faniilie who are ning It. and who enuld nut be pe'auaded to do without IiontllKM' EI.KCTKIC 80AP. bj all leading llroeera throughout the Ptale. Xlunfaetured only be JiOPUIKS LOVE. Wkoleaala ofnea t 107 South Piptb Stnitat, rniLAnRteaia. rtr-Fir tale he Ilart.wlek A Irwin, Clearfield. Noven-b-r 7, ,;a In mn. Grape Vines for Sale. VI.l. the leading hardr Tnrieliee of llret o,nnlily. t oneiinl. I year old, 2'ieent. nr pei nn t'oiieor.l. 2 rear old. .ill eent. or Hu per Inn lti'beoea, I year old. Mlrent: bel while grepe. lona, I year old, $ .Ml: Wt amUl grnp,-. A-Any other vartetio Iwlow nurei-iv prire. Onlrr eolu'lted a emin a eonTetnent. nl fiile.1 m roletion. by A. XI. 1111.1.(5. I'leartlebl. I'a., AumiM IJ. KM. S AIM' I'UM I.A, Kenne.h a Med ea Hiaeoyery, llelmhold'a Baehq, llaker'e CimI l.irer nu, Jane'a and Arer'a medielnea ef eeery kind, for aale by HARTSWli'K A IRW'IN. fTKIM MH lllg: MhlllfTlrw 1? at our atore. near Philip.bnrg, for wbtak tha higheat oath prlea will he paid J" W. W. HKTTS A CO. CNANtO KHI ITof all kind al XiBHKELl A IildLERI. ni C.oods, frprrrifs, ? u, RICHARD tlOSSOP, m:al!-:i: in FOKliKiN and DOii KSTIC G00lb MT'SMNS at Penaatioo 1 1 K I. A 1 N ES at .Voaalion ( " I '. I ' I ; i S at Setitalion ALl'ACAS al Kenaalion price jriOt? J fiot t'TK' .lutt receive.! al MOSStjl'S G I V'fiH A MS at Keni-ation price CHINTZ Pill N 'IS OUiVKS CUAV'ATS al at al al Sensation Sennation 'riialieQ benaauon ' - ' rttN tiru-4v 1 SHAWLS at Hi i.N X KTS at tSpiifttitioD rice C(iUiHKl) I UUbLINS t All lo be Sia-I at MUSMjr.S'. MX FN at CHASII at CURTAINS at fA I'.I. K CLOTHS nl pnoe inc price priceii FK1NGE al Sensation price m Mossors. LACK at Peniation j HOSIERY al Sensation KII1I',ii.S at SennnuoQ jiKIMMIXOSI I ol tall kind 4 at Kemalion i in any iiukii'iv 1 pricep pr low price prict Aiwavaon band at MUSMIPS'. CAS,SlMKIIr,S ."eneation Srnoalioo Seiieatioo Veneation ISeneatioD 8enaation price pricei price prioee price SA 'IT I NETS TWKKDS Jr ANS VKSTINOS SH1UT1N0S price at iJOJiSOl'S'. CLOTH I NO urh aa Coma, Paula, Ve.n, Coder Slnrta, at aauaalioa price Flannel Shirt, 1'mhiis, Shoa, llau and Cut. Now for aale al JlOaSorS' H A U I) W A K K aucb a Sn!!,nail8 fork a, Knivra, sptkca, Uingee, al aenaatioo price. LIOT'ORS, ,ncb I as W ine llran (i I II, W b lake. at aeuaalioo pnue t OL'iiac. etc., etc., Kitl' ITS, urb aa I'ruix-,, liaieina, Ktg, I'ilbei lb, Ac. onorEnns, ay Flour, llama. Sboulderi, Supar, Moianena, Cutjee, l ea. Cracker, Spicea. Candlci., at aenialion price t Jiassurs". at actuation price. lial Oil, etc., etc. Alwovr at MOSSOrS. PI.ArKINO l.'i'I'KS PoW t-F.K HO I.KA I) CAPS at al at at ot al ien.ntioo aensution atti-ntion aenaaiion aenaalion aenalin price price price pruw At the elore of KICIIA UD MoSSOP. j MOisSOP i Alrrara keep on band a lul aMortment of all ktnda of (?ooda re.tiueri i lor Ibe accommodation of the public. I Nt. 12. I H,i Jii:sn ai;i:ivai.s AT Till. CHEAP f-TOItr. (T EDWARD W. GRAHAM I Spring Goods New and Very Cheap I TnE nndenined respectfully announces U the iuhlto that bey is Bow o, eoinR an eitennlve aaioriment of frTRINU MO M, a- tho old stand ia Oraham's new building, which he offer. In .,-11 at e.reedinflj l,m pnee., ena idering their cost, for ca?h or approved country produce Hie Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Cuntontfrs can there Cn4 Calicoes with fast eol on 1 Muiliiii, It Uina, latiwas, Clntha, Caasi meres, Veilings, Laches' hawts. Gents' Shawls. Ilati and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Carpets, and Oil Cloths. Eii Stock of Fancy GooJi ia Uucx am; led in Style and Variety. Eint raring Xnlinns, .Scarfs, Head nets, Keck ties. Satrhols, Port Mnnnai. II rushes, Photo fraphie Alhutnii, Pines. Toharoo and hejrars Perfumery of all kinds, wr anytbinf alaa la ths Kotion lina. A wo, II A li I) W A 1! F., Q U i: E X S VA r.E, C, KOCERIF.S, rj.ovisioxp! All of Ike tteM qnalitT.and eelerted witk ercial regard to the trade uf Cltarneld ennntr ! FI ARU W. (iHAlIAM. Cltarfl.ld, Xli.y ID, l.ti',7. yEV STOKE ANri'xEWiOurli: JOS. SHAW & SON 1I:ivo jnt oponcij a Ntar .Stors, on Xlain St., Ci.tAttritLii, Ta., lalelr recuiiioj Vj Win. F. IKiVlX. Their atork rnnaiati of Gt.ix tR:i8 of tlio lip! qualily, Qunr-NswARr, Ioo!s and Shoes, cud every artirU tjdceasarT Tor tinc'o comfort. Call and namine our alock tiedii jiur--rliaaing i-laawlipro. J!v 5, iM'.tVlf. C. KRATZER &SON, IIAI. ins JN Dry Goods, Dress Coods,'c' ' hihatii-, i O be peeked both llonee, nf t'i .UII.I.I.NLIU t.OUDS, r.T:ri:T.s, oil cloths, W IN' I0V SHADES, CUUTAIXS. wall r.rEi:s, Clothing, Boot and Shoes, Hata arid Caps, Queeusware, Hardvrare, Groceries, I'rnril atrrrt, ahnrp Ihr ArademT. GRIKXRII to re bad at anLKEEijL A Bt 3LXK'8. rcirnifs. DEAL'S LATE rOVTEL'S E1ILE0CATI0.V. fof f1' il,r; liM to lit Tr, ('.ilif, ftl 4 IJuttan Hili, r vi rirf tVf aa aitfrtial afipticat.ua. Tlnt w Cob..qb4 yr7r4by a prat.cl X t hfBiit, oavtrig a full ka'lr4't of all U. Bflirat virturf of rb irirrrdieni lb. MUri j if, eotnpnnlit.a, U arrhi4 to 4 in-. lainit of ta kind vrer yt tet4 In iha Pobltc ; a an itrt'fiaJ a, f.lKU f-r U raw (ur I wriirh it U rrtv.tbttiD4f-d. Ha arc ranfifi tb4 I it iH aork iu a to 4 iat tha t-ttiL4.r nl Br ba vitbout it, and tarfor rly e I ticrirQra a tfe ht tt af lit atfcfalaes. It j u pranoaoca't hy Famra, and ail ba h- trir it, to be iba bet at-piicaiiua atr oed. Tbi tmbrocanno baa be a put op fr or aiybt ! m' n'1 ruM of my intb and tb rumic tiiai i wi-a it lorm a ti graDti rnrOiai pmt itr Ui vari(Qf diteare Lu bifb tbl and fu) at mt, tba br, 1 b jet Mny ramcdia bar keao t-flrrd tm Uit Pub lic uoder d)tifot furia. at Uiaaa ara in. ' jtrt"u. otbeii at bft cf httia a, ao-J many i riMlj improper to nrtb aroirf forwbirt ' lb mr reeuuimrndtdi. I A inrlieinaa aunt M.ll. ...f.l A.A.Cti... ( fr,,ra itiOM obirrtiuai. haa thrf.r ... i Ln dettrrd br tutijj ftitttMBD bu ba. a valaablt buraft and ara nnaiJiinjF to truti than t ibe - rare of deriptnnp and f r-i odt-d l-arrim. Tbair ' wttit are it lenrtli full jrrali(ie), j flr. I lKalf) heu; prrvatlr l upon t a!l'w it i valua- ' bla Kubneation f wb rh bai prorrj ao i Xit the Tarioaf diaa-fJ lo ba prrpwed ard r Wrotiebt out to tba pa bite. Ton Kisbrocaii-'o aa eitoiTly a ted hy tb U'.Ttrnmetit daror the war. Fur aaia Hartawicb 1 Irwir. ClearnVd Joapb K. Jraio. Carwaanilia. liaaial JmhI laatfer, Latbaraaarp;. AdUraat atl order it UK K l M 1' X l PFALE, apr4.7-lT 2 Soath Saenrnt M., l'biia.. Pa. (iootl pms for Mothers. MOTIIEP, are juu o rrstd aiib ar iiafy fur Tour littlm.' Are ynur aiaoibvr and heart brt.keo by tbrirene ? lo too aakc in tba morning anetrrbcd aad a(rHanti ? If a-, proiute at onca a biitla of Vr. Leon's In fant tvmtay and you will have no mora waarj b our of watfhicf and eox.oty. Pr. Leon's LiLnt Eomedy Haa flood the t"t of yeara. lhQei)d of nuraea and mufhtra bear auoeaa that it aevar laiia iu five reiiaf if a-d in acaaub li ia a mud. yet euro and apeedy rur Uit lolie, C'ampa and V mdy Paica, and ia to valuable tor all ca pUinta iiaC.ifnt to Teething. K.W ly all Drurji ta iLruugUuat tiie United htatee. a itlrvaa alt iriitr in Zil iiLKR FMITH. r"l Priftriftri, trnU y 17 Xorth Third ht Pbuadelpbia A Great Discovery. ONI, of the pr-at.'st ami umst iiuul dierovrruf ii. inetltr il rini T n.mi" y thrrciftiratfit I'i. J. '.nuA. ot ran, Ciiiff t'ityttfiau to tha Irtri.i Iiif'ruia''T o ranT. in T !'. win hav- tefn allitriit wifh ibi pan. lul diaraec kniri a- I'ik-s and t-fi-t tualU rtir-d In tiir uar of I'lt M H.LNt M 1'ILK .L I.. raunt i ok tin htjrtily t tue iM'ti'-titT rnt-iT'i k:-iv tbniu b tilt Htr fit tin rmlT. It ha- nrvrr lns.n knJWn ti tail in ef.rt-tinn a pmiuauent rurr in a ainjrl rnr. In tint rrjet it "iirj. all olli? um-.1i-rint-f vi tin kind. It will tl jt:-.t iit it if wtiL uivitdi'l fur: if tii. tr- mow t w.U 1 r:ui i-.-d. dnr nr t" Uea i auftietrm tt rrttrt a M?rniatfiil rurr in r or an -inn. if the d.rrotiin:a oo lb; Hi-a aTT ('lit'iwrd. lVi.M". nie ami twu duitai jnr b.. acrnrdiit,: t atir. StMit hi maii or tiling arypart nl t(r I mud iMa't-a r ana.ia. tiht hy hri:;ifti ''litnil!v. A I Wral 1:-nt.t tumW In ;hr nuie. Auin'aJi. h. 1'lMiA.M A to., W i!nan.Mrt. I'a.. "! 1'rnpnftor aii Jtlauuiar tun ri litr the l int 'l Slate- and 1 atiata. d. v So more Bald Head ! So an tire f.ray Locke! Dk. i.kun's I ELECTtIC HAIR EES! EE, j IS pronuimred hy sit who bare ned it the Tory hfnt preparation furthr Hair. It is paittt-f : cure fur Iaidna. aradiraie ai.drulf and Ha j mora, Slope the Hair frnnj talhnt; out, and rped- ill rcatnres UraT Lvckt to iiirir original bar and i luurianoa. ' li oieraTe f-n theeeeretions and 6M the flandt ; with new life and etiit.nr.ir matter. Thin, dead, fa dad or pray ha'r will a witi he hroopM bark I i- m trw appiiMi miii. hi . i j tnt iu i ui a ii unao ra, , j ritnlity axd eo or. I It n.-ke the hair atift (r!nT. frarurt, pleas "n th UUfh" mild M-T u' nrranp.. Iry, wirr i ain..,j w m,in iB aMlr,d r.,,lrB. A, a Hair lireeatng in baa ao evual. 1 he aale, are enormia,. anl it ie a amaeraal farorite arttb uid and Tuonf. ef both eeiea. a. .id tie Iirucsrta thmuphout tba roitea Ftates. Addtese all erder to ZitiiLKR a fMITn. I le P rieior. BoU y ljr Kurlh Tl,ird t.,Thi:ad. It hie. IT( II I IT( II I I T II SCEATCH! ECRATCH! SCRATCH VIIEATiiNS OIMJIEVT Villi urr Hie lirh In ai IIiHira. VL-tl. euree hall liaeuai. T leera. I biH.laina, aad all Kraption nl the ."-kia. l'nee i eeuie. F..r le t all Imicii.t. Et .ending I aiir.T eent . FKkS -ll Xl.R, ...I aFent. 17u Wa-hirrmn ureti. Ii..t..n, it aill b f.w wardrd I t n.ail. tree nf 1 olf. e ant part ol ine l nllea Mete,, for aale at llartririrlt a Irvin e, Clearbeld, Ta. Ju'tiii. Iff It This Starch Gloss "I S ed ty Brat elaa Hotel, Laandriea. lane of I f, -" '""i" e ..en .... .... ..,.-... ..-..u .a. ..-.. .ur me Iron pane ,mootliT eee. the rlolh, aanne nneb iiai and labiar. Uotne d an wi.b it keer elean ltniter. enneantle will not wear cut to toon. I: oieke old kinen Im.k like n.1. bold kt Pn.ttiu aud tlrrveer, tieneraiir. Our Imperial Blue the keat in Ike world ! Jt 1 eolukle is kard a well a a-. It waier. li t put np tn tne aateet. n.aleat. and m": eomeliieni l,.rni of an if.md ; to the put !ir. Il i, aarraiued not te alreak the el..m. .Id kt tlroeer an.l ilriu';i.i peherallT. F''o' wamea Tenhra. to atmoi we oner extranitlma-T initn-iuen'. Ad.lr. NKtt lt.,k MARt'lt t.LHS Ce.. aiatSl 4ra Ka Jla Failaa ftl.. KewVnrk BLACKSMITHING. KEW I.IUXi.I..VI..7. 'TMil; ul.-rirr. in iew of eominc e' ent. ic m nr. .Ti,.en Ol iimn roii- n.. on and alirr tin- 1' ot M,n n xi. Kn.ia the dale wr w li adord the I A .-II -1 EM. and all w-rk a.ut tliervlore l raid (or bofon kanii Ibe hop making lb- .li,1,.r.noe. bower, in favor ,.r our eu'1'.rn.'r. Ibal our pnoe wil! be TVt N TV I'FK I iAT. l.l than i now rl.,i-r'il f.uwork. r-l h"r knoauic theUKel.e nut, Lied, and wlio,. b.H.k ne.oum hare not net-Tt nettled, are experti-d to roin forward ard mike eottlemem b.-lore Hie tune alvire indiau-d. Ve hope (hear hints will not he trctirn. i:. ' I'Assvor.E a sos rirarfield. Xlerrh Tl. 1-fT tf Clearfield Nursery. EN COl'i: AGE HOME l.NMTRY. TI1 ?. nder..gned. k.r:g e.t.bli.bed a S 1 aery on the Tike. abo, Ciearheld nnd Cnweerllle. I, prepared le fur aih all kind of KI IT Tl. 1 L I alandard and dwarf.) KreTgreena. SknibherT. Uran Vinea. tloo.eWrriea. l.awion Itlaekberry, rltrawberry, I and liaaberry Vinea. Al.o. Siberian Prnb Tree, j (Juinee. and early aewlrt Ithunarh, Aa. Order promptlT attended ta. Addreee. J. I. WRMnT. aepJO IS f CwewearTilla, Pa. rweenl aet ongree,, and igned br tba Preeident. g'rinr three year' : ol.lier lo end twoyer.-.,.ldierakourtTj B,f KTIIt a.J l'r .V SIoNb rollee.ed e, for tbaae entitled to tbeaa. WALTkK HARRrTT. Alfj at U, Clearkeld, Pv M E V E u s Sewly lnipmd Creoent rale OflMSTKI-.IIJ ri.i.i-os, t rkMl.KlM;l:ll to ke the ket. London A V lnae Mxlel and hirbe1 award in Am,... r-eeiu. Xlell..n and "-.mil kind Plan., Muie. No. 725 Ana (itrerl, beb.w ih I BiirJi-Aa, Philadelphia, Pa. Oils n!ihM, pRinti Brnshei, I t rT received and for enewp bv Jl'.-LI'H 1. IKWLV. Tril-tf Curwwaeille. pa. Vatrnt i. i:a k i i ki.j. ' M A H 1 L V WORKS. Italian ai.4 rmoM Marble niiUfcr I he lilbrat lla al lkt Aru Tba rj'Ttri Wav to annAca ritttn f "t'rt'-'d runfT.ll.t tb-t bafauif an iilTMff Mr-l Varo tb- avtb txm 1 M JMarkrt afd i unh Mrt t. ratf,r14. ,'., vtM thrrT r fn-. to mKr T m-"li-a M. ' wnli. Tmi.. bi aa i ai lf TaiU, tYa-lk T'nr iu;irry l-t. Un:f, hh 1 -, br knt, on b"rt Th"v alwHia k.r.j. m band i i larr onar.ttfr f wnrk ftiiibH. rif-j.t (he U-tW-t ii.f . ki thai rttjn caa raU aid iw-l't lr tboa. ; lvt-t lit tHif a;it-.i. 'Ibrv Will alui pa.. a. s or..T ar;T oth mk t'iiat nu? U doir4 aa I tiirT flatty tlHni-:iTe thai lUrt ml eotaito with tl.c iiiAnn(jrt;trrt onlai W tf !( miul-j, etrbrr in workman-tup or rtc1, aa t'tn-y taij ea. 1'T the Iw .t Voriiara. 7:-All inqeifica It kttrr rrrmf.itr aniwerai. jH S ,( Mi h. mt ;:, !:. henkv hi lkh. CHEAP FURNITURE. JOIIX GULICII TIRF.S to icfr.rra fai old friMiela aci ear. lonier. that bivtcff eolarxd his ibon an4 ' iLcreaed bis failitiea tr mana a-rancf. be it ; saw prepared to make ttnrdrraarb innntareat t aiav he d'ftr'., in po-.d i't le aad t eheap ratej '"r v nn ' 7 " . t raratiuf rootni, a varied aasortaient of raady- anadr forcitare, amanj which ara Et'KEAl'S A.VD aSIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Hvk-Caef; Centre. Sofa, Parlor, braaifant aid Ltiotofr bxte?eio Tablae; Ca. amn. French. poet, Cyttaee Jepny Lind and aiher Hfdxtaa ia; Hi f aa of -all kind, work-atanda, Itt-ratrka, Waeh-slaads; Hocking and Arm Chairs ; spr in?-aet, eaoe bottuta, parlor, row. Mn attd other Cba.rm Iookina;-(laaas of erary dearnption on band ; and new s;.aas for eld frrmee, ahieb !U be pu; in un lt-ry reaaoaahle f eraoi na abirtest notiea. tl aliu korps in band cr turn'be to order. Corn btaak, iiair aad Co toB top Ma'treaaea. CtnTiNB or Lvvnr Kind Made to order, and fa tier! aMeodod with a Hoarae wbeDver d-iirrd. Al. )fon FaiDtmr ( done to order. The uhrrilrr alw danufae tnr, ai-4 baa rnna'amly on bad, Cleiaeat's ; Patent V aeLinf Uarhine. tue bei bow m ate! ! Tbuee ounj; tbi marbtae o-ver ntd le w:tk I out clean elotnea t lie alao bai Ttyar'a Paieat ( ban., a uariur arti - la. A Iawiiiv Btioj uis ! Cbarii neiar need be wiiuout baiter ! I 411 the ahoTe and many othr artirlae aefor- I niebed tn ctimuuirr cb.j luf Ca.aB or cacaarad i fwr approved aui!trT pr.MJttra. terry, kUfir, J Ppir, Litwiod n! doer I.bq lr auiiaie lor . Cat met woik. iakcn in lEcbaoe fjr fara:;aa, Bewemher the iS'p it on Marke street. Clearfield, Pa, and nearly o; ;uait the "Old Jaw Mora." JvU'A ULLKii. Norenbr 26, IBTJ y Silver Powder. Saves t me. Uhor, miey. Vakea waihinf a pastitu and W undaj a leaUval. feo.d rverj- tier a. TrV iu Address ail order- fn the War nfaetnre-t. ZaEWl.F.tl A MH1. Chemiata and V hoioaaka i'rucfitts, nH y I. i'i North Third m , Pni.jipbta. LIVERY STABLE. 1M1T niid,r'r'i Iht" havr u iu!irin thr puW lie that b la aw tul'r pivparrd to armima. dutr all in the way ot f a -11 on in; Uuraea, Luitiira, -l lirt i.1 liarm-sa, oo I tie ai.inrtt a.Kiur acd on r-e4niik tTu. ir, itn on Lurut stretl kvrwitn 1 i.ird and Fuurth. ir.. V. GEAr.HAKT. Cl-ari-ld, April U. lT. mm' t. m.miu-o. Hubheli's. Irrake's Hoof- land s OiTtaan, H'tctter's and Orw'i ty L'Bted Iiittars. alato pur Liuun. of atl ksnu ftir medieiral porpoar. frr sale hr ti. t I. Railroads. PENNSVLVAMA CENTRAL R. R. C ar time at lyrtme. vn aa alter Monday, April 29. IS67, paaaocfet inline wu: run as loiiowa : LEAVE SAtTWARD LEAVE WETWARl aT "aaaenper. !.3 PbiVa Binreea, J.47 laj Llpreis t ; Loe.l Aeeua'a for r. ! Altuoaa, t 01 I.neal Aee.-ni n, 4.4 r r.neinnati l ipreM. .f Faiirrant train, II l'bi! a r.xr..-. Hi v7 Mail tam, lu rTtie proper lra:a f-r l'amer truoa tea aertmn to uka. abo go Leftward, m Uia Cuicia- aau Ixpre,, TYROME AND CLFARRELD R. R. UBiUier ArrauceairiiL leave eastward leave wf.;iwakd. ' eriTHAa : pbilnwuu'c I.nuhar j ll-reola Towelmn r. m. i mnoai. a. I 3 ! Tiron, t M) l.lt i lnlereectjoB IM S.li ; Vanmvoo M 11 ' tl.rJne'r V 4T ' Mi I'lvaant If IT l.Ti 1 Sea mit K M i "i 8andi lliJf. n S.'.'3 : IVvelt .a 10 u S.2V Oeeola 1 M t. ; liunhar 11 T Sandt Kidrt huaaniit !l. Tieasast l.ardner A'aneeMToe lntexe-tma , aaaivi at a antra at OnJThilip.horc II ? Tr"ne JAklES i.k l.-s Sur't T. A T. aad D. E. V. Draacb l.oada. BALD EAGLE VALLEY R. R." ftummcr Arraucment. LEAVE EAfTWAED. 'LEAVE WESTWAliP. BT&rtoxa. Tyr.ne lrleer'on llald FgM Hannah Port Matilda Martha Julian I nionrille Tiwa t .'Van M " V " .7 " .SR 111 li 7 " H SI " 1 .t " rTATi..n,. TTa l.'Tk liaren 5 DM l 'k llaera lot I " Fleb.iot..ioB Xhli H.ll Heerk ( 'ek laglerilia HowarJ Xlount Laglo ll.'ltera t'orrm :.i ' 1...7 ' el ' S in ' r-t ' 4f ' l -ii ' X...7 ' 4 lt ' i a ' 4 .: ' 4 ' B A S C. Int., Id ill " Xlilrsburg 10 j.l " ! reKfotj-.e Ar 1 I US " Xlilebirg La It IS -1 1 Jo -1 1 s.t -! ll " B. Ufonte At M.ie.bBrg rati, Hotter, , Vni t..l. I La W ilebwrg B A S. h. ln., 4.t ' II 40 - 1 1. an " 15 Por IS 14 - 1S.5H " 1 tanavilkt 47 ' k II ' (6.1! ; MS " e nu " e n ' ?i ' Howard Jeliaa Martha Pun Mrtiida Hannak liaid Karl lntrrtioa aamri aT Terona Kaglerille Heweh Creak Mill Hall lieirinrton 13 S.T L'k Uaren Int. 12 4 aaaiva at l.oek Heren 13 Ah Fu 't T AC. and B. K. V. Branch koada 1 SOT Philadelphia & Erie R. R. I s'"7 , I'": C""" TV"" ht S ..T " r""-T, " - - ob Lake Lria. It ka keen leaed and ie or-e-aied be tbe I tXKYLVAXlA RAlLRuAD I'fiMPAM. Time of Paaaenger fcaia al ST. XIAKY'S aad ktATl.S J: I. rave Itrd. hi. Xlarr'o. Keatief Kri Mail Traia 4 14 I'. M. 1 i.1 A ! Sna kxpreea Train... ,.ll. P. M. a 42 f. aV l.rava rtird. Kri Mail Train In JO f. M. 1I1.J1 A krie kaprwa, Iraia-... li A. lai. 12 il A a. ,. Kvnri- T,.l Zl.Z, !'aenger ear ran Ihraark a Ik Erie Uaii na without ekaitpa both wara ladelphla and Erie. fcrwr 1 ork ntinerl... LeaJ.Y a a. .; Ar. at Kh 1aav Leave N Y. at 4 p. Ar. al Kne 4 01 a V. l.e T. rlr at o p. Ar at S Y. Mlf.a Lear Kne at l j a Arat N.I 10 ID, a No rtianpr nf C are between I-.rwr !k. 1. Klegant Weeping Car on all Kigkt Iraina. For laferTBatioa Tereetinr Paeeengwr baei- 1 aeea. aonlv at f'oe ailta na u-., - I., I a. i And lor fltirbl baaineaa at the Lonrr' a Agen, 6. B. kinnioa.tr.. Coy. l.ltk and Mar- kt etreet. Philadelphia. J W. KevnoidT. kn. riill.. Hrowa, A rent K. C. R. Ki. Halt'm-i-a. H. H. Hiatoa. Heneral Preiahi Ar-at, Phi. U. W. uw inner. Oeaeral Tirket Areut, km. A. L TYLkK. General PtrprrtatBadaBt, J;i-