Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 18, 1867, Image 2

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    She SJcuubliran.
George U. Guodla.ndkr, Editor.
Thursday Morning, July 18, 1867.
Democratic State Ticket.
or raiLAiiELmiA.
Democratic District Ticket.
or CL.-.nriEi.D rorjiTT.
Subject to th action of the Iriatrict Coni-ention.
Democratic County Ticket.
Of Decatur townthip.
Of Bradford towDihip.
0' CiearSeld borunrh.
Of Bunmde townahip.
Of Bell town.hip.
Of Lawmin1 township.
Of Ci.-arf.iid borough.
Oir Ticket. We jiresont to-tlay to
our readers tho excellent ticket, put
in Domination hy the people on Satur
day. Tho peraona composing this
ticket are all men of unimpeachable
Character and Htcrling democrats.
Vrhcy arc all worthy of the positions
for which thoy have been namcJ, ad
to which they will be elected. Every
Democrat, on account of the deplora
ble condition of our country, is called
upon by every principle of patri
interest, and honor, to endeavor
make tho coming election a
ictory for the Democracy in both
County and Stale.
- The members will all get extra par, ;."T ,V ' . ' S'"lmucri Jtnr
.1 sirn. L i ,i tit . , , I.icn. Hughes ; I urguson Hezckiah
The financial decaVtf our country , ' '""S lertb- McCracken ; Fox-James McClellan ;
., ? , , 7 , , lr-' U "ri that a 8VW salary is not 1 Giraro-W. T. MeCorkle; tioshen
iinder Radical rule, manifests Usclf m:enough for a lnyaTBumpcr tofilch out ! J. W. Wallace; Graham-Levi Hub
various wrys. The surest sign, how-' ..... Tnr , ,,rnM nM- ler; GulUh-l'. A. Flynn: Huston
ever, is thc fact
that thc receipts from '
internal revenue
rear falls far ;
. - l
the most prosperous city in the coun
trj- the loss is nearly twenty per
cent Fiom July. 1C5. to Julv.lV.o.
the aggregate amount of internal rev- j
enue collected in that city, was nearly j
ihirty-figt tnilUun JJlars; while for;
the year ending on the 1st instant,
it was only thirty-one milliun a loss of
acven million. In other sec tions the 1
loss was even greater. In no portion
has thc amount collected this year j
equaled that of last; and this, too, at
a lime when the National debt is at a
At this rate of loyal financiering,
thft rxtlintrv u-ill &rnn f..l .hum. It..
r x ..r w i . .i '
food of bankruptcy. Another Negro!
1 of bankruptcy. Another Ncgroj - . f. , , . .
eau.with Maryland and Kentucky ' '
:ted into-Military Despotisms, and t" ba,h' taM h' ;fo 10 thc l'ath
w ill be compiled to succumb toirCK,ra! MlJ 1,0 nd mUSt d'c'
we will be compelled
financial ruin. The financial acumen
and statesmanship of the Black Ylo-
publican party is but artificial, and
like their boasted loyalty, very dan
gerous and destructive in a Republic.
More stamps and taxes must be laid
on the people, or thc loyal demagogues
turned out of power.
Btatksmanlikf A great many
people at this day do not seem toknow
what statesmanship is ; but by pon
dering the follow ing definition, taken
from that loyal publication, the Albany
Journal, they may leam something to
their advantage. Tho editor says:
Mr. Wileon aa-wrr pewrr.ewf mud erarremwa-
iieje intxodaoed into the Senate a l-laa ahir-h an
fteare to wa calculated to niee-t Uie cse eiaclU.
Jt it re rweore rae cirW njftoce of lee Snvti, aaat f
aae a creai irarea eaaer rae et.arml uj tkr mthtnry.
wbo may evber re-ai-nint aa their utord'na!of
Uhw alrewly boldinc ivit.ou. or aeeK-t otacrain !
r'" 1'""' "nu urn- "'n.
Thank you,sir, for tcaihingns what . mkoJ lottery hero, blackguarded :
is practical and statesmanlike. It ;s 1 tch other band jmely in the Bump!
to turn all men out of rttT.r.ew.rir.m,!,.! House, on the lllh instant. a. ' l,av.n :.. ...J a- - . . a
.i.,v p. ., u to put ten
bUtei and eight millicns of people ,
nnder the povcrnmctil of shoulder i
straps. Hi. ii modern Matesman
Tbia if modern Matesman-
fchip, and what leading Republicans 1
defend as "practical. "
A Babaria!. Zac. Chandler, the
71 , WIT
urun.en senator lrom JI ichigan, ( ho :
-1 I. r r . . . . .
in 1M50 Mia tl at blood most flow be
fore l.t would allnw barmotiy to pr
Tail in the country,) ttill maintain
bit integrity, lie nrnw flands up in
tho Senate and defends the mnrder
committed bv the Mexican barbarian.
Tl.i. rlrnrtsn 1,1,J tbirstr J.r,.l.i
- -- i - '
it a lair representative ol Crst-t lass
loyalty in this country to-day. Murder
and confiscation it the food such men
feed on.
Tb aggregate rote cat f r Sheriff,
.1 the IVimarv Flection, on Salurdar
last, was !,,14' the rr.rgtn by
. . . . . .
cve r cat
.f .nix.
The National MMrina l Vfaihing-
Ion Ksviniv lmnnvitwJ In., tiiilit.f, :
1 1 -
antrum, r.f t, u..t.. I. .11 '
.atrp of the jfc,n h to remove all ,
fivil nfTirr hrt full I A ltf.rt.1 ULnu
to their Willing, nnl in carrying out
the firogrammo of their co-oonojiira-ton.
neom to have irivon ofl'en.'a to
many loyalists, and on Monday lad,
by a vote of 20 to 15, passed a supple
ment to their destruction bill, bo that
the Commanding Generals may ap
point civilians to offices thus nmde
It appears that the act, as construed
by the several satraps, was rather too
despotic lor even tho most radical re
constructionist. Whenever a civiliun
was docapitated and removed, a pair
of shoulder straps wcro substituted.
This pave offence to the numerous
"loyal" vagabonds who wcro down
South and had failed to get a berth in
the Negro Bureau. These place-hunters
and public robbers flocked i0 Wash
ington as soon as the Iiurap met, and
in two weeks had the act so remodeled
as to require the military commanders
to also appoint '-loyal" civilians. The
race will now be between tho loyal
bummers and the shoulder straps. We
presume it will make but little differ
ence to the people who robs them
because it is nothing but robbery.
Taxation. Quite a rumpus was
raised in the Hump at Washington,
the other day, by a loyal member nam
ed Wabhhurne, of Indiana, who offer
ed a resolution declaring "that the
" burthen of tho Government 6houid
" be borne equally; that taxation
" should be in proportion to property;
" that exemption of any material por
" tion of the wealth of the country
" lrom its due projortion of taxation
" is wronp.unjust, and should be avoid
" cd ; and that to carry out these
" views, the right to tax the bonds of
" Government khould be given in any
" future system of funding bonds."
The resolution was laid over under the
rules, and we presume it is the last
we will bear of it, unless some friend of
the pcoplo calls it up. We imagine
we can bear every loyalist cursing
Washburn aud rehearsing bis"-30per
cent soliloqny.
Tdr Assassination Committee.
Beast Butler has succeeded at last in
11th, and elected that celebrated Jac-
obin coward, Kcdjioth, of Boston, clerk, j
- .,.:,. , , ;,.....!
t. :.:,.., , r. e t.
LfU ItntllUItU, 1UI .liU 'UI IIUSv VI IW-
l ing on a grand scale.
Toe Lincoln Flnii. Some fortune
toller will yet realize? something hand-
some to tell the loyal pc-oplo what has
become of this fund. Thousands of
dollars have been collected for the
purpose of erecting a monument to
tbe "late lamented." but Madara Iiu-
roor has it, that it has leeneithr lost
or mislaid by the committee.
Wc fear'
this long looked for ornament will not
soon ravish loyal eyes. But the funds:
vVc'.l, somo loyal Leaguer has them
Hon. Ilulu9 King, an eminent mer
chant and banker of Albany, died
suddenly on tho 10th instant. He
" . ;. , , , .
and in fivo minutes be was dead
Mr. King was a native of Kidgefield,
Ct. His father was an officer of the
armr of the revolution, whrie njmc !
is AssociatetJ in history with that uf
Major Andre, the officer to whom
the "British spy" was delivered by
his captors, who had charge of him
until be was executed.
Gen. KscoWdo. the Havnaa and '
Ilubespitrre of Mexico, is a mongrel
of the Mexican, Indian, and Negro j
race. This boss barbarian is a full-
grown man, and in the murder of the
late KniMror only manifested the
' '
taste of a mongrel, such as Sumner k i
Co. arc trying to raise by the thou- i
ant tr. Il, lo.- s;., .,
sand in thc late Ntutliern States.
vile ui -nrs. .iirratti muriierers i
1 . C 1. C- .. ,
,Tv i - - i r ci ... 1
llir.l',')l lVl ItatlnlP ia Well rr)MA,1 In
- - " -
blackguardism, bo was beaten at his:
own Pmp 'y b w;min-hanger. i
"Grand mora', ideas" seem tol at par,
however, in the loyal wigwam
It is now supposed that anidst the
-wreck of matter-and tho crushind
a . . . . I
juraitail H I IV. KlU T rf' II 4 ' II
v .. . . ' . ' , I
M inister ban lccn lost, ac nothing has
b;n beard from biin tincc
ture of the city of Mexico.
ThB-blod l..;tin,l.em ChandW I
, t. :.i.. r d.-..
' '
mane a. r tiih Ji. Ult A.UUIII nL-Iiaip.
. , - .- ,. , ,
last week, defendiniT tbe murderer of
u :: tv . . ... i. . '
aiaaaiuiiittu. I.glll, AlO THO at
in f.vor of shed Jing river ol blood
was j
J l !
for a i
ave tho Union, is just the man
'job like thau
PisTi50-JiBriVisiTtas. Ex Chief
Justice Lewis and familv, lion. J. F. !
;?Pn " 1'.,.nj """"
a.iviv, ui "!iiu, ara at rreseni
ojounung at Bedford Springs, Jr.
f rl n,K-ff.
jlism, I raising a committee for the purpose of 1 J'oert ilehaffy; IJliKim J. Mclnlire;
to investigating the assassination. His ' i w ;,., ... .
signal, band of conspirators orgatnrcd on the Burnside Matthew lrvin f'l,r..ii
In arcorilmioe with llio rule- cov-
ii.. 1 .- . r .1:.
i-miiii; 1110 j Tiiiwrsi if tvnnv 01 1111S1.. , , 1 , , ,
. ,, . , . " Atinal Indriioniionra WAKrc romUul
county, tlio Iteturn JA from tl.ct Kvlerlow.., will, thai ,.irt whirl.
II . --.i. ' I
several boroughs and townships as-
sembled in tho Court Ilmw, in Clear- Tho morning of that day wits ush
field, on Tuesday, the 10th instant, for rrcJ in ly H'o beating ol drums and
the purpose of and counting J'1? roanng of cannon ; tho spirit of
tho votes cast for tho several candi
dates on Saturday previous.
The Convention 'vas called to ordor
by tho Chairman of tho County Com-
n.iUco, at 2 o'clock; and upon cab
' ' l
I: . t -r. i. . ... i- i . ...
img me uuines ui mo election uisiricm,
it was ascertained that a quorum of
Keturn Judges were present, where
upon Geo. M. Brisbin, of Osceola, and
Justin l'ic, of Girard, were elected as
tellers. Tho districts were then
called in alphabetical order, when tho
respective judges handed in tlioir
returns from every district, except
Tho tellers having completed their
tabular statement, (which will appear
next week,) and agreeing in their
tally, reported as follows, via :
AneiublT T. J. M I'ulluugh
Juho Liw.hc
John 1. UunL....
Shtril r.Treniua Howe.
... W4
!! hj
U I. Uonlfrlluw
Oaiiier P. hivvla-
(foorpv Straw..
iitnnrr W. Shoff
Treataro Willtsa K. WriffkT..
A. II. fb. '. .
Andrew Adtllrman.H
Jwirttit Kunti
TbomM BrmlifMia.
Cumniuioncr Otbcliw -ic-d
Wiliitm L. KibeJ
J'ton tlwns
SanjnH II. shaffiirr
I'lHrict Auororj m. M. Mo lliiph
John L. Cutll
Jnrr CouniiMioiw hicbarw H. Kilts
Aaiitur -Clark Brown
Coroner Jmc A. Muorc
Sit j
Whereupon T. J. JJcCullougb, was
declared the nominee for Assembly;
Cyrenius Howe, for Sheriff; Wm. K.
V rigley,for Treasurer; OihclloSmead,
for County Commissioner; Wm. M.
McCuliough, lor District Attorney;
Kiehard S. I'.l'is, for Jury Commis
sioner; Clark Brown, for Auditor;
and James A. Moore, for Coroner.
Tho next business before tho Con
vention was tho election of a Chair
man, fc-ecretarr, and members of a
County Committee for the next year. ! beneath the axe n improver, and
On motion Geo. li. Goodlunder was tiosed is able address by an eloquent
re elected Chairman of tlicCommittee j I'I,oaI to thc c,llzcIi l"'tscnt to pro
forlsOS, and Wm. S. Bradley was 1 te't arid defend tho sacred legacy left
reflected Secretary, and the follow-1 t,,cm ''v ,,,c dea,h of Charles Carroll
ing named gentlemen wore selected ! Currolton' the last who survived
bv the resm-etive iud n,r I lhe of the Declaration of Inde-
of the Committee f rom their boroughs
and townships, vir :
Beccaria S. II. llindmsn ; Bell
Austin Curry ; Covington J. Uriel ;
Clearfield j. B. Walters; Curwens-
F. C. Bowman ; Jordan Tlios. Smith ;
Karthnno.; 1 1 ...Lon.t. ,rn . K nnv
l. i ii-" t l ' t
Ii'ol t. t itherow ; Lawrence John G. i
Si-hrwcr; Lumber City J A. Mo-;
Divitt; Morris And. Hunter; New
Washington G. D. Neff; Osceola
L. A. Sloneroad ; IV nn W. F.John
son ; I'ikc M. L. C. Kvans ; Union
Horace Courtney ; Woodward S. 1.
The selection of the Committee be
ing disposed of, the next business in
order was thc election of Representa
tive Conferees. Mr. Hertline, of Kar-
uian- "'ovca me auopuon 01 mc lot-
lowing :
Ji.iulvtJ, That Hon. Wm. Bigler.
Aaron C. Tate, and B. 0. Hall, F.sqrs., !
re hereby appointed Representative 1
Conferees, to meet those of Kik and
Forest counties, at St. M try's, on j
Thursday, the 15th day of August,
next, for the purpose of nominating a
icandidatc for Assembly, and to use
honorable means to secure thc 1
omination of Thomas J. Met 'ullough, :
P1 1 for TU'C ! nJ tb"1 l!'CJr I
have power to substitute, in case they
are nnablo to attend.
At this Sta of the nr.ieeed i n re.
, . . . i t the n"'iiU'.-;iiir.n of bu mny viriiicji be rn
mucli QiRsalislaction. mrminff from two a.i hi. -..i..... r i n
cucs, was manifested by tbe Itclirn ;
Judges, when, on motion of Daniel'
Serl. of Bradford, the following !
reaiuuieaiiu resolutions Deal ing upon i
tho ea0 Were unanimously adopted : !
Wheeeas, The Vigilance Commit-1
tees in wine cf tho boroughs and !
, . ... .
township are in the ha .it ol train. 1
mittinf their rlei tinn rrttirria hi- mnil :
or private handi to the Chairman of'
tho County Commute, and others,
" 'Ilium "J H"lic or jxiwer to enter,
nil orTOte in Hie t. onvelllion lir tltose
district, thus leaving them Without
a voic in that body ;" a laro portion
. . , ... ' , . , . ,
i tho boMing the election also tail
to transmit tho list of voters (very
t il ) wi til ihci r ret Urn I therefore,
...... . t.. . '
o'" "iu i. i tint .H-reaner it snail t e
. . t. ... ., i
.'.UVUWt.U. ...'I. lll' lllllC'Ll . llIll.111L.
tee transmitting their returns in the
manner indicated, to depute some I
active and known Democrat to enter '
the County Convention and act fori
them and their district ; and that a
: inv liiv linilll-n UI llio inters nillSt
rverrease accompany tho return.
AV.,.tT.f, That hereafter.should any
di-trict fail to be represented as alnve
indicated, or neglect to return a list of
! tlie names of the voterw, it shall bo
sufficient cause for the Convention to
nd refc to receive and count
V.? .!
1 i"irr.i, Hint itie v nnirman !
lllHl IIIV V llil
.1 . a t . . . .
v 18 '
thorireil to
pui'iisn tins preamli e ant
Itecrtllfltiiins an. I alu.ttl.l
the next rreolnr meetimr. thev Khali
. - . .
miiu nun'mmn as a oor i"n ft the
... ...
i. II. ,1. I ..I-.: ...:t .1
"'J Ku.aiiuiis UI1UI t'llKnj'OJ I
.Ki..i...i -
" " . '
On motion the Convention aljourn-
r Zn V- iT. T1" V". hcm(Krtr ,
1 ". J e Ticket.
do. B. (iioi.i.ATira.
W. S. I'.RAiu rr. Secretary.
Thc works ol thc late lion. Daniel
Dickinson, with portrait and
i memoir, are in rrenaratiu
reparation, and will
j be itssutsj by sul-cnption
in October
rcxt, by tieorgc Futnani tV Sn
The ftowrfA at Kylertotrn.
The hiiietY-riirt miiiivorsni-v of our
i should ever actuate Americans.
iu nnanrvj 10 no n!iin ri'KUHiK'u in
tho in iTiilrf ami w ill of the people of
this end of Clearfield county. At
about 10 o'clock, tho larjro procession
j t,K,k UP 1,10 'i'10 ,f mar-'11 lor "'"
fjrovo, selected lor tho occasion,
I none, flip , ... f-i I iMcrt.' mhii
o c: Jvylcrtown, is um
l.rln" from
enng lrom tivo to seven liundred
souls, headed by a band of music and
tho chief marshal. James fStowart.
'and assistants, E. C. Brenner and
William Dougherty.
Alter partaking of a sumptuous
repast, prepared lor the occasion by
the ladies of Kylertown and neigli-
i lorljaod, on tho pienic principle and
' largo concourse oi cm-
v nj pi.iiijirilU mu ivti. war. It-
moved, and tho meeting organized by
tho appointment of ('apt. Jus. Hughes
Vresident, agisted by a number ol
Vice Presidents and Secretaries.
liev. W. O. Wright then otl'ered up
a prayer to the Throuo of Gruco for
the permission of this largo concourse
of people to assemble together on this
our great natal day; alter which ho
delivered a feeling and iimtructivo
address to tho Sabbath School chil
dren, who bad assembled together to
the number of over three hundred.
After which T.J. McCuliough, Esq.,
of Clearfield town, read tho Declara
tion of Independence, in a very uble
i.(.t nianner. preceded by a few appropri
iL'i ato remarks, which wcro listened to
.with marked attention ; after which
the company wcro favored for an hour
by an eloquent and pertinent address
ly Joseph C iirenner, Jq., of Jlor
risdale, who dwelt in part on tho
scenes of the devolution and the
causes which led thereto.and in speak
ing of tho flourishing condition of the
country, said, that when the Declara
tion just read in our hearing wns
adopted, amid tho plaudits of tho
American multitude, the ploen nnnn
which wc then stood was a barren
and unproductive forest, but, said bo,
the influence of our free institutions
has shorn tho stately oak of his leafy
honors, and prostrated his lufty trunk
pendeiice. At the close of Ins address,
the Fantaslics, to the number of t weu-ty-fivc
or more, made thcirnppiurunco
on the ground, creating a vast deal of
merriment, Ac.
The following toasts were then
drank, (nothing Uuw vcr but U-moHiuU
Kits utcj on the ccctisiun :)
BEcitLAR Toasts.
1. Tb Ijr w (Wi.rt-: lh.lincai.licl in the
tnnal, of the woriil u the hirh d.n if a niijrhlr
and wunierfnl aaiii.n-aii alMrrt)ie intrulitrliMn
of new an4 irreat of pahlieul .bil'.--1'hi,
which, ia tb I.k of time, am J..I ncl tu
toa puhtirai, autia! nj moral relaliuii of
the tr"ti.
I. (Si-rr Wahinr'Wt : Who ho not hfanl the
rererea aaiae pronounced o.eraiij erarain?
. . . 'MUr-'1 rr,(1 " ratllM.le UreaH
lirlo trtis. w to ira aot etilll him ll( aac.1! Mil-
ln i'm aiuiiom t. uniom. hn hn hie name
" ,h ,,"'" f (oumrr the grvauet, tor
pure.t ar,J the lj.t of men.
3. The figrifr of the Pn-taraLiou cf Indt prnd-en.-:
Tber a., an I di'ltWratrly Iir-ti
their liree. thrir fortutici ar.d their eaered nauir
in lMhalf of the fear! ul r.o.uton ther bad takru in
the fare of the Lrui.b K.tiir.
4. The Itcnwa of the Herolution: In the lari
that tried m.-n a iu). three f;tl"Ot fnund -rs nf
Ibe Hepnhlu! freely abed th tr Uet lilood and
endured tbe greauat irna:i'ua in tbo cause of
5. Our Coorlry: The home of LitnTtT, and an
aeyinrn for tbe vjire.-t-d of all laii'la.
C The Pre"iilcnt of the t'liitc! State.
7. The tioreraor of rrnn.ylvania.
S. Tbe ennivirir. P.l,liere of the Oreat KcM
lion : I be loi. tii.i.i. .f t;itt j.l.nric. Anli.'tain.
and a hundred other bully e.-nl trii rnjcaffrmen!..
all prure tbnr difcij Ime. tlu ir rioni, and thvir
patrnita; tbir wnDlrt'. he In peai-e. ita
bulwark in war: a nation nub auch defcuicr.
never can be clialaved.
. The Ladiee: T!i-t f rm one of that ami-red
trio to wbout era tbia day liar our humtde an. I
hewtirit t..-i.'ot,r c....ntre. and
w "J"' ''-ntry and the Li,.-. wc
7" "J "",
VoM nteer toasts.
By a )uet : The nrwinre of tbe late t.ieot. L.
.. rnTder, one a rcaidi-nt ia our tniiUt. and
tr'1""""1 " 'T many ,,le.nt ...Kiaoona-
" tb-e in civil hfe.
F. c. nmtMr: TW mfmnrr f tht nvr
1 beir araonr. will be ehen.h.-d ae hmg a. h.mor
o'J. freedom a aero, or their country a
'I .TI' J1'.' : T,1'" mi NVT
the I mtcd Stn'ee IIO, n tiled ai.d n-vir l.-un.l
.!,,-, n.. !,.. . ., .
By Orin rVho-nnecr : The Star Piiniet Han-
no a ar dimmed, no .irpe eraM. a. h. lag of a
nnneo. mielUfi-Bl and ha;... i..le.
By Jno. K. Ilauhenl-ry : The Pay we Crtebriitc
!?.r lh ''. fi-.J ti. iuy
"" "' "wmonoa more and more di-eolr in
tbe bean of the American j.eo,,iL..
Br Jo.k 0. Brenner: IVnnTlvnia The
'?"onl 'be Federal anb 111 h.a the fertility
of brr ..!. her .art mmmi ,,re.. .,,.i .i..
.,, ,,.,. . , .
en. in ennrt.nre ana or tier
ak. fc. all.!.. ....:-l .1 . i
" - - ......1, ..( .i-.nir, ami
power, and acand peerlea. am.nig her fiti r Matcf.
By . t;.,e : 'Th. Inaction of impendence
ul!','t''.h'"' j""1 "'" d,''' ' Au'r'rw,
Xtb.'c'.r.nT-The u.,,hn ,,rr,..rcl thi.
eK-.ot rcr,eti.y ,h.y i,re iorE: iy ti,-,r
-- -' pii.w lie-; an. may nicy nerer
want li any of tbe anod thma they hate no lib
erally dealt oat to u. Ibta dav.
By the Company: Thc or.t.irof the Jar
tri.itie ant eionent, hie aMrrl la Worthy the
er - h It corn inr in ira ira.
A new religions paper The, A4
,bt) Ui of s 7 - "j; Zu '
Mace of the nIw York
L.i ;u ' , :
that section bv r.-nson o. it. I i ; "
imv 11 una niiMllO 111 M KM HI 111 r in
r - ... -
torofthe Kirvt I V.n ..r.nil i.,t,ul f'l.
ik iiii. m man 01 ami nneral
V I views, ? ,n oocupy the e.lito-
rial cnair. i. ..,v
It lRltinnti;,.,A..imflllln e.j:.,U.,0
- v .viij;iviie
... . . .. . . .
,-eir.uea in tiiat utn Ol ini-
quity, as divorces and robberies seem
of late to be the whole sto, k in trade,
. s. p . . . . . .
A Sharp's rifle gospel may improve tho
mcrsl and loyalty ol tho place, if
the broad and hl ral vinrs do not suc
ceed. Tho Southern loyalists now stylo
tbe negroes "newly fnfranchised citi
icns;" while the whites, we presume.
4 are newly ci;francbiKcd persons.
.Virionnl Itortrinrn imms! Tii-
From all sections of the republic
men are found speaking out against
tho revolutionary doctrines of the
radicals, denouncing them as unwor
thy the sentiments of a civilized
humanity. When tho heat of pas
sion influenced the aggressive facul
ties, stimulating to deeds of violenco
and oppression, thousands nam 'tinned
overt ucls against person and proper
ty, who now desire a return of pcuco
predicated upon just and equitable
laws, binding ahko every community
of interest.
For a time tho wild waves of sec
tional agitation threatened to destroy;
but thanks to Him who stays the
tempest, and sooths tho rocking sea
when at its highest tide, tho milled
waters aro growing calmer, giving
grounds of hope that ere long peace
ful councils w ill characterize, the ad
ministration of the affairs of State.
Tho wild unchristian schemes of
unchristian men must como to naught
if we place tho old machinery into
workingorder, trimmed and improved
by the additions made amid tho smoke
anil din of battle.
Tho Southern soldier who surren
dered his sword in 1SI5, and pledged
to abide the decision, is to-day, a sufcr
citizen than the Northern extremist,
who will not recognize tlio general
principles that govern this country
as a common union, bound by common
laws. Who would not rather trust
their lives, their fortune aud their
sacred honor, in tho keeping of such
men as Gen. Lee, where he stands
pledged to abide tb ordeal of battle,
than in the hands of such men as
Ben. Butler Who would uot rather
take counsel from Alexander II. Ste
phens respecting the duties of thc
citizen in the present hour, than from
that old revolutionary ingralo Thud
deus Stevens? An open enemy in
war, generally proves a truo friend in
All sections desiro peaco in tho sev
eral departments of life-work. Tho
resources of the country demand atten
tion. We want laborers in tho field,
in the workshop, in tlin store. rooms
and in the higher departments of in
divid'.mreffort Let us then forget all
past grievances, uso every exertion
calculated to Cement in a co-operative
union general intercuts,' and wc will
in a few years obliterate tho ghastly
wounds inflicted by fratricidal hands.
Democrats, seo to it that you do
your part this fall towards gaining so
desirable a stale of affairs. In Judge
Sharswood wo have a representative
man, who will never construo law to
suit the partizan whims of a faction,
or to build up a political structure for
tho special benefit of favored politi
cians. His public and private char
acter, his pro-eminent judicial qualifi
cations, and practical experience, all
favor his elevation to the highest Court
of the Commonwealth. The slanders
of political enemies, as expressed in
base charges of tho radical press, tho
radical orators and tho radical con
ventions, cannot tako from his worth.
They may r fleet in (mo quarters,
but can not have weight among the
intelligent parts of the community.
From all parts ol too Common
wealth we bavo the assurance of vic
tory. Let us, then, do our part, so
that we can rejoice in tho hour of tri
umph. Lyrnmiiuj 7t.- ft'.
Tf ; n. Lincoln.
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is going to
tako up herabodoin l'.ucine, Wis , und
her effects were sold in Chicago on
Saturday. The handsome parlor set
of broculelle und rosewood consisting
of 1 1 pieces, were sold for ? 1.1'JH. Tho
parlor carpets, elegant Brussels, 110
yards, brought 75 per yurd. The
largo French mirror was sold furS.!,
and two handsome English mantel
mirrors for !'.i0 each. 1 ho curtains
damask and lace, w ith elegant corni
ces, sold for $.":i(t each. The large et
argo brought ?J75, itnd two smaller
ones fllit) and respectively. A
Lisbon marblo-top table sold for tl
and two small marble-top stands for
t each. A handsome chamber sett
of black walnut sold for f-115, and
Tad's chamber set for f loll. The din
ing room furniture brought good pri
ces, the side board soiling for f27i, the
extension table for J'Js.and tho chairs
for $7 each. These wcro of black
walnut. Chic.tgo Tribune (K.ulical.)
It is a fact on record, that more mon
ey wns expended to furnish the White
House during tho four years that tho
"late lamented" and bis family occu
pied it, than had been expended dur
ing occupancy by Ja l;son, Van H i
ren, Harrison. Tyler. Taylor, 1'illnioro
and Buchanan combined. And yet
when President Jonnon took posses
ion of it, it had to bo re famished
again from top to bottom, as every
thing had beeu carried oitCaiUsle
Tiie Anxiktv or oin Citizens.
Wc understand that a party of gentle
men of our city will shortly leave for,
what we may call, a prospecting tour
in Honduras, and other porti i;isof
Central America. They represent
some of our oldest and best families,
and iiii'uide in their ranks business
men of character and influence, and
1.... ..r . I. - 1 - 1 , - r
1 nti-iiioi'is oi inu .rariifti proicssions.
Iho party, with their families, num
ber nearly a hundred persons. They
aro not lost to us yet. we are pleased
to bo nble to say. Thero is no inten
tion of imnvediato exile, and possibly
it may never be realized. They sharo
with many others, a sad mistrust of
tho political future, and weary of
watching for tho reappearance of the
era of good leeling, domestic tranquil,
ity and government ol civil, not mar
tial law, or even tho satiety of Hadi
calism, they do not despair yet of the
republic, but liko prudent men, they
seek a refuge to which themsclvcAii'fl
families can repair should their worst
fears be realized. X Oil. 1'iciiitinc
Marbiaok (iossip the Washing
ton correspondent of tho New York
Kjjrmt says, there is much talk hero
over the npprnar hii.g marriage of Ma
jor luithburn to Miss Clara if. II
daiiirhtcr (if tho cx-Sonntor. Miss
llama is the duulitci of the ex Snm
tor by Ii iet firet nmrriairo. und Major
linthhurn is tho sou of Mrs. llarris'lj;
hor firpt marriage. It will bo rcmem- j
lerrd that thoy wore in Mr. Lincoln':
box at Ford's theatre wheu h vtM
Tiik JiMoit Sons. Wo have re
ceived a lengthy communication from
1) On Alexander, tho ctittn President
of tho Junior Sons of America. Thc
whole letter Is devoted to showing that
Democrats belong to thootder, and
that tho State (.'amp resolved that poli
tics should not be introduced. It is
not necessary to publish a column to
provo w hat wo nrc willing to admit.
But our objection to tho order is that
it is a Native American or Know Noth
ing Organization proscribing foreign
ers and Catholics. This is not and
cannot bo denied. And wo have only
to repeat what wo said before, Unit
such a society is a bad school for
young Democrats. Clarion Jkmocrat.
They aro having a lively agitation
in Chicago just now, over Sabbath
day observance. Public meetings, pro
ct con, almost every night. The Puri
tans uru pitching into tho Germans
vice verm. Ail hands seem to forget
that "love ono another," is an obliga-,
tion binding upon Christians. as well
as "Kemembcr the Sabbath Day."
Senator Wilson states that tho' Ju
diciary Conunittco will not bo ready
to report on impeachment till niter
tho 10th of October. Fivo members
of tho Committee, it is said, oppose
On July H, 1807, by the Iter. Jnrr Fi-koal,
ft'l of Brady township.
On July 4, 1SS7, hT Kev. A. H. Fnmwci,
aaairtwl by Bev. T. Yah Sroior, Iter. PAM t'KL
MILES, of Brooklyn. Iowa, to Mir. E. V. BOBI
b'OX, of Cut weiiaviUc.
Id Kvlertwn, on July , 17, FUH.ENTE
M AY, daughter of ZAni vin and Pi niji Jwm.i,
cd 2 ean. It) moaih a;d 6 day.
lnv tU'tTtisnimits.
(1.IL'TIOM,Ail trwiii( arc bort by cautioned
7 against .un-liiir:tiif or in any way med'Hing j
with one yoke of O.M'N, (one of them brindle and I
tho othrr red and while, now in ponw noon of j
Nathan li, I't'oplon, of K nox townolnp.a thf lame
Wlong to mc, and are b-it with bim on lean on'',
uitjcrl lo niV unitT.
j y l -.1 1 : p d I A VII) K R H A R P .
TL UAL hni lKTV. ihR Exvruii.c Cora !
nut tec are rryucnted to niot at tbe Itt'H'iKtfr'f
offi-f, in tbe itoroujh of ('ii a.-n- M, on Huturdav,
the 20th dav of Julv, 107. at 2 nVhtrk, p. m.
I. G. liAHtitK, Sen-tary.
rxrcrriVE ( jvttt:i:.
(Ivor? Tlmrn, Jueiah K. Kead. E. K. Fhirey, Mitf lifll, athani-l Itih'l.
1m iiitiiKr. iu ii.ih;i(h,
will berrceiri-d by thr undcrfij.-iT'd manner
nl the rSuaqufhnna Mriilice Company, ftr huiiuin'
a briil i?r over the- Huc-iucbann river at the n-oan-iiir
of thf I'hihpthurg and rii"jtirlianna Turti
pikr, until Thnr-lny, the litb day of Anui't
next, rtaim and f pi-ifi(atnmf ;an W torn by
ralimg on 1.. C. UliMtm, at said bridgi, or on eitbvr
of tin- it her uiftiietjirs. The contractor to rcmov
the old etructure and to alhw the onipnny market
price iT all old ui uteri al u'cd in 1h new br.dn.
J. R. KI.AH.
H. lUKTMln.tX,
L. C. UbiM.V,
July 1 S, rW.?-J. Wantircr".
hHuatr Iu Ilrady towtiahlp.
IV virtne of an ordr of the Orphan' Court of
) Clt-ar6tJd rnxnity. IA.,the f-illt-aine d'rfribed
lii i! K-tatf, late tho M JAM h'H A.
uojiS, .J.ti'iiccd, pituatr id townhip, in
piutl county, will br mUl at puhlte inlf. to the
hijrhi-e-t antl Ih1 biddir. in tb? vilbife ot Lntbfrp
bur . on P.tnrlr, thr 17th dnv uf Augutl, lM7,
at J oViH-k, M.( via: All that
Fituatn ae afori'tii:I, lMun1el anl diorribrd ac
follow": ltr(tinuin)i at flowi, tht nre by land uf
J. V. Ut-H, north tan di'frr- rimt v;t pcnhi-f, to
(be tnpnptke; th'-ti north (9 (Ji ffrw alonp 'pike, pprtlM-r': tln-nop iou'b PI dccrti t.
caul, along Iniolti ot Kirk, INnicr A ttramp.
pvrcbrs to rbi-Miiut; thi iK-o tat nine pen li.-n :
Mi-ni-c outb two lit'tfroe wprt, ali'iij: l:iuI of .Inn.
Mnr. Wm. I'ortrr, jr., an.) J'rtrr. S.-yltT A Co.,
It "ft" port-hen tu a p'ist ! thnif-p inirth Kr drrjrtrn
w.'"t 4 ptr-hffi, to itoni-T.: tbfiiffl north two dv-irrM-
rn-t ?0 pert bci lo ntom . ; tbriirvi north
d-rr. wwt, ab-T'C Innd of Adaan'i b'-irn, ,'iy
prn lie", to place of bfRiimtn,
Containing" If .fort
An.! fid C10 prrch.-j., with about 40 arroa ib-arrd
and nnd-r culti. nf mn. a.d b,n inj tbercon erected
a franii dwr!linjr hmio and it-ille.
TKUMS OF HA1.E : One third oa unoonfir--inatinn
tif palp, mud tho l i.-jiti' in one year there
at'! it, with intercut, to Lo wcurij bond an,
uiorignife on tbe premiw s.
fi. JACKS' llOltX. (1 nurd an
(tf min'ir heint t Jamc A. Woode, dcd.
July H. lvti7-4t.
1IT OK J l It Oil drawn for S..t.nlnT
J term, :
r.n Mi Ji nntn,
Peccaria Amitn Smith, jr., Jeremiah Cooper,
llrady Invid Sinilev.
It rad lord Ahabitn Harg.T.
Hnrn'ide Kllit Kin?.
Clenrtiibl John Hnrcler,
( h l,rwi J Hurd. Jurnr Cum. jr.
t o imrtnn Micbai'l Kratrcr, Arnold Srbnarra.
1'ivntur Curt in Krain,
l'orf;ujn Jiah Iknrv, William II. Fruit h,
(Mien H. II. Morrow'.
C.ihrb -I'nvid 1. Hiirb.
Jordan l.arnyotte I.k.ih.
lMwrtn vM.irtttt i u?, John A. Thorn p mm,
..msi W. Mil. r.
M'.tri l I'li.ttn IVnu-herty.
tittrola tJeorff- .
lVnn- -.Itiicc 11. ( lark. William Wall.
1'ike i'tmuf 1). K.ttcr
1ltAl lti: Jl li.itts l iti.T vh;k.
Ibcoaria John Lightner, J. II. timu, John
JMl Ar'hur 11 M, Homer W. Molt.
m .yin-I'avid W. hilMHi. J. 11. ll,a,b-(i.
Jlradtord Hubert l-tverp otl, Jinliim tlraffiu,
Iiivid l'tmce.
Mrady Jafoh Pent a, Henry L. Weaver, John
F hlinijer, Joiin lirookt.
Uu KnU Jchn 51 1 -em. Jr., Isaac Kerns, Jnnri b
t bet T'.ci ;naiin Klinpe. , Jac b Lin p id Iter,
HutIi It il latr hT.
Curwenf nlie (I. 11. Hoover, William Pnrd.
Covington Florrneo Minot,
l'craturltolrt Mith v.
Keruson .lodtpb .Moore, Henry 1). Straw.
tlirnrd R liert S. St nrl.
t-n-h n Van in Cathrnnan.
tinlteh Henry Hyirs, Javid inter, A. J.
(ilMfow, Tatiirk Flynn,
tlrnhtxin lieoruc Narehood.
Kartbao tJrffe H(skeiidnrn.
Knn Jtinitban llownmn, J. W. MrCullouth.
Lawrence Aaron C. "Into, Thomas Patmrr,
Lnnihrr "it r .1 ant en Mi'Ihvitl.
M.irri Abrnbara Hroan, John E. Hoekenbnry.
Joarph Itotbroek.
IVnn 1 bonmii A. Hoorcr.
1'ike Philip lene. I.atnvettr M 'Clure.
l nion Jow ph llarb v, Nnlban Line.
Woodward- Aaron P. Shoft'.
TnvraK ji anna hk on wrra.
Perana Matthew Cowan, P, T. J hnon, O.
W. Hilbm.
p,. Jhn MoQuilkin. IK'iiry Met. her, Hiram
Mi-t iineor, pfnimnm
llradtoni Willmm (.mlmrtl. ir.
1(.)T Jacob llumharger, Philip XI. Mcllen,
All-n t'lotj.
Itrarir .Yt illiam T. Hamilton, Faml. C. Huultip,
Perer Kohdny, Pminmin Carton,
het John Hoekenhnry, 1 orle'on iinlmr.
Cnrwfnville luniel Kut, 8. F. MCbkey.
t ovinrton Wilimm Keuita, Lawrrnee FIihmI.
iJtrar.i .Nirholaa Hnnbt.
Huston SnmuH W. lth.
KarthmnWilliiitu Hofli-r, Errc Pile, William
P. Sankey.
Knox J,,hn Fox, Fobfrt I'atter-on. jr.
Lawren. Jam Irwin, ir.. llwirv Kramer.
Ltimbor City W m. U M..orv. lvt-r 1himpnn.
Morn V illiam Hnvpr. Charles McOovurn.
Penn Patrit-k Hatlv.
p,keti. . Cal twed.
ItlH One two-horae wajim buiea
. Jl t'T 10 entirely new, with aiiini ,eat.
Priee l
brown t rA."?Mcrj; t poit.
-Km' dwtisfinritts.
AT9 T'i irh. ftr.d ..
f.iiiitiS f Ar ji,a out u rfier
ffrlinct aiifuvfi.ria.ilf 11
TttipfMini tr otrt) tb .
of iwriMJi il!nf . Howt At of i fan tat u tr.
in opnij you, and htold b NVfrtH hi tim.U
um of tb iitht remedy. Takt Arer'i P..;,
and drive out tbe butuori puiiir tin b.o;d. tti
Iff lhe fluidi morn un nntibtimrtfd, ia bttiu
Tbey atioiutate the orRtneof the body ittn
truup aciiity, purify tbe ft. tern froj, tte
trueti"ti wlif h mnke dineain. A foli n-t9
fant here ia tbe body, and dfranirei ttie n.i.
ral npfra'ioni vt tbat part, T'li", if nuirtittt.
ed, will rear! upon itself and tbe furf.tun.lir.
an 'eranrciiieiiu Yi hi'e in lb if eoojitita, Uk
Aver' I'll In, and ree bow directly tbey reitwt
U.e natotal action of the )itrm, and aa ii tb
bu.iyaut f tlnff of health. W bat ii true and M
apparent in thie trlrial and common eotopli:t,t
ii alto true in many of ibe deep aeaifdaod dia.
peroui dieeajeti. lhe earn pu relative esprit
thru.. L'auied br eiroilar ohttructiudi and dt.
ratifrMnentJi, tbey ara eorcly, and many if Uia
rapiJiy, cured by tba Mue tneara. Is one tip
knuw the virtue Ihve IMli w'U ttriect to
employ tbera when lufrcrin; from the duorderi
they oure, inch as Headache, Foul :oa.atb,
Lvientory. llilluui CuuiplainU, Indigeitiun, I
laaemint o' the L'rer, CortiTeiiene, Cort-it-a.
tx'i., Heartnam. lbeumatiam. lropsy, Worm,
and ruppreitfioQ, when taken in lare dtieei.
Ibey are luparooated, eo tbat tbe moit aenii.
tire enn lake lb em eaMy, and tbey are eurelv
tbe beet purgatira medieioe yet diecovered.
Pot the rperdy and certain Cu'e of Infarmitteat
Frer, or Chilli and Ktrer, Hemittent Fever.
Chill Fever, Iuwb Ague, Feriodieal Headtche
or litlioui Headerhe, and Uiiioue Ftvera ( in.
deed, fur tbe whole clact of disease origina.
tinjf In biliary dfranpementi canted by the
malaria of mtajinaltc eountnei.
Tbia remedy baa rarely failed to ear tbe
erereet caiee of Chilli and Fever, and it fcai
tbia groat advantage over other Ague medicicei,
tbat it aubdaei the complaint wiihoat injury u
tbe pHttenL It coutaiua no quinine or other
drlcuriout eubiDC. onr doe it produce quia
iuj or any itjuriuui effect whatever, hhukiiif
broth pt t f tbe army and tbe west, try it aud
you will eridorn (b-e aiaertijnt.
I'repared by Dn. J. C Arcs I Co., Lowell,
Ma-., and cold by C. D. VVateon, Clearfield; W.
C. Aleti, (Jlcn Hope; Joepb K. Irwtn and
Irriu A llnrbnrn. Carwennvtlle j Kirk 4r Spt,
cer, Lcnjbejr City , and all Druggiite and deltri
In Oiodictue overywb'?re. jylS-2ta
SILVEH Fl EEL ScvtU for aalr at
' J. P. K r. ATZKK'fl.
1) ATt.T eic;the SLaths at "
I) AKI S and Forks, all kinla, at
J V J. P. KH ,T1!KR?.
111 Btei'l lloea, at
(1 HIN BCOOI'S, long and .hurt lian.llea. at
I i. P. KltAlZhlt'S.
SIIOVLL8 and Fi aje.. at "
VAIIJ). A enriltetrnt
paleetuan. ne alio ean enmruaiirl a r'nid trail.
Iniin Clinrhilil and adiuiiiinff enuntiea, in a llral-
cla.a aLulr.ale clotl.uijr li"iie in I'liilaili-liliia.
Kntirtaeturr rel'-ronce required. Foi fiirthrr Jiar
ticul.ire aililnaa uo lemi.
j.. II lv.T-4t
Plnlaililiriia. Pa.
C11K kl.A( IMtMrM; 1.1 ASO
Iioom ( ti.MP.V. Ilwik, mil I opne4
fur aultaerijitKj'i. to the capital Itiwk cf tbe i'hin
rleelarnonctie l.atnlier at.d llooni Comgianr at th.
offuie or l. L. Kind 4 ('., in t'learheUl, on ratnr
dav, tlic :;tli dnr of Julv. A. 1). Isnr, at S P. H.
li. W. WoohE,
i. h. KKKIi,
Jvll.lMiT-31 Corporator,.
1Xl:C iniRK XOTtrn. Kotieei, her
J br firm tliat Latter, TeatarnentirT, bar.
Una liny been jrrantrii to 111. aubaeribera, oa
the Krlntfl of V.'iliiatn llanirnonJ, dee'd, laie of
Reeearia townab;p, Tlearfieid Penn'a. All
peraout lodebteJ to aaid Krute are requeued to
make Imie.iliat. pa,menr. and IhiM aaiinc
claim, azain.t tb, aarne a iil preaent Ultra duij
autbentieUrd f"r aetllein'nt.
Jvll.r.7 (It JOSEPH W. LULL. Encator.
tl I Altl II 1 11 III II. DIM. AM) S4-
VyVlVI AS-ni IATIO.V. .N,i!ii-a ia berrbe
iriven timl B..ii!':itioii hilb bwn ma-le to the
t 'init ot roniiui.Ti PUarnf t liatt.-'lil rnnntv I ir a
clinrler nf in.'or.'irstinn fur "Thi' Ck-arrulil .nv iiiir.
and Huii. line Ar-.oi-iniiun ;" the ol'if-t ol whii-h i
"to aoeutui.inte a fmul liv tlie eontri'iutiwna of it,
mi-tnitora, Mliu lt, iin-ri-ii,i '1 by can ful mauanni nl
and iu eel iih lit .rlinii en.l.U ii, nn niti.'rr. t" a. on. re
rriil p.tiile. or tn pn-nire in other profitable bu
niaa." An.l fl no eiilliriciit ri..un lie ibown to
tlie ron'r.i;-, the nii rharter lie granted at
tlie l it t. :m o! t m-t.
l!v ct (t nf tbe (Vltrt.
.IrU.fT 3 H. K. I I 7.W KII.I.U. Prollionn-arr.
1 lS(i.l 'Tltijf OP
J .-II IP.-Tlie pir.ii.-i.
lip lnT'-jnl-ire estrt-
in l.em.rn I. V. M.-Cl.xk.'T. J. V . pjti.r and
li.urpi' M. Iliillctn. unlir Oie of I. C.
Mi'Cli.rkey A ( o., ia tliij i(::t iliaenlvrd H mirnal
ronent. The a 'Mirlp. nnus. A,. i, ill rrin-un in
tl.e handa uf 1. t ,M,.f: ...ey and J. W. 1 uitor
for eollrrtii.n. an.l nil ilvl ta uf am. I firm will be
piiid by thrm. Tbe, hcreaft t be
coiilimir.l by liwae V. M. l I '.ki v nn l J. W. Put
ter, undi-r the nuine of .M. ('!..s. y A p.ilter
i. c m i i. .-ki:v,
J. '. PoiTl'lt.
tlt:o. Jl. HKItVI.KtN.
Three Itiin. June 27, ImIT. iyll,4t pi
TV'l't'I.ll aim. un.e to tbe ciliiena of ClearfrU
ami tl," piirpiim-linp e innlv that 1 hare
upiiieil a H.tifK AMI HM D fifollKon
.srio.if STiti:r.T,
Oppn.ite lhe Korlintf. where I iutenil to ketfi
ivin.tsinly ou baml a full Rffmnmrnt of
Flour, Purk, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn,
And all kin.ln of Fieri, ah'n-b 1 will retail cheap
lor or in riehane for 8IIIM.LKS.
l.t'.MUt.HMI"- will consult their Itilereat by
ffiiinit nir a call le-h re they jfn elaew here tw pur
ehne their riipplii. aa niy arraniremrnte are
pcit.Ti, and am able to bi;y everytuiiij in try
line at the lowest r'aikl't prie.
I'liatfiell. Jnir :l. I7.
The Antidote.
NK rka-r uf Ir. 1. R. Cllll.l-S Antidote
for ToliatiHi i v armntrd to rnre anv t.?roB
ot either of tbotr vile di?gti sting habiu:
Tobacco Chewinij, Smoking and Snuff
H .'member this in not a anWiitote but an antidote,
and em h paekafr ia warranted to cure forever
one prrnon.
It rurt'i by Inking away the lonpinjt or hankrr
inf after it, who h niirv indulper in tbe "weed"
ha felt.
AiMrra. the aole Agent.
FltANClS E. f) AI.T.MSHKtl.
No. 1 .Mi.! Market atreel,
Jvll.; 2in pil Wilminirrnn. Uelaware.
im xi-Ti iitovK
Pim: Unnn Mina, Prrnt Co., P.
J. I- TlltlMAH, A. M., Prlnrlpal
rptlli Tntititii.wi. oronired In t.'i?, will ''pen
I Ita tinnn near ee.n ,n lhe twenty -fon-rll
Under preaent rmitrol ,m eiittpwlavi April
111, and continue lire munibn. lloari "
an.l tuition. Fncli-h branchea. $M1. Inf..rml..'a
firen on appliealinn. nr.r 1 1
lUu.'s Mills, IIlauT'Co" Ta.
IVF.HV way a ftrat-elam tnatunilmt, "!
i the lieat laeilitira lo rhue pn,ni;: tore"!
b''. t.ii.irief.. or tenrbinc.
W bole xprne for the Summer Term, of ("
Bi"nllw f l ci M
i-.No ellra ehartrea.
V-ii-Neat lerm leKina Mnr . li".7. Pen 1 for
o.reular Op 1! l.AH fl'N, Pun .
ruri-ori;! ,i,.nr.Jn Tfc