Mil I . nm ii.Bi i) iivi tt. r 1TAHB TAtinn. Tin. (Ifrmm 'lf In the turcei j The rmtor rail orr the waj The ei.Mier elcr Level to l.alllel The woodman In) aie to the tree. Tlirv arc cat h of Iho l.reo.1 of the hrna, The manhood att-uitcl in itrifr; BlnmK hamli thai o li((b!l.T lo lalsir, Tru hearla, that tftk. ooutUirl in itrifo In each l Iho seed to replenish Tbe world with the rg"T It The centre of bonr.t, The lini.uliie lo gcneroui deed. Bui the rhark drinks tlie blo.d of the fiiher j The ..ilor i. dropped in tha tea; Tbe aoMirr liei eo)d l.y the oannon ; The wooiUnan ii eruahed bj hie tret. Bach prodigal life that it waffled In many achicTeiiienta unleen, Bui Icnjrllipiin the dars of the coward. And strengthen, the crafty and wean. Tbe hlood of the Boble la lavished That the aeititk a profit may find ; God aces the live, tlmt are .niiauiiered, Aud we to hie wiidom are blind. "Poor Carlotta." "Poor Carlotta !" Maximilian was btiot faced, to tlio front. His last words woro "Poor Carlotta!" How tender and touching in this convincing illustration of tlie manly and generous nature of the fallen Emperor. Aban doned hy Franco, betrayed by a Mex ican follower, tried by a military tri bunal of his implacable enemies, con demned to death, and brought out lor execution, nil interpositions in his behalf from tho representatives of loreign powers having failed, this distinguished victim ot Napoleon's "grand idea" would have been justi fied hud ho devoted his last moments in denouncing the eontiivcrs of his destruction and the barbarians thirst ing for his blood, and in deploring his untimely full in the strength ot h'8 manhood and his hopes. But Maxi milian was a man of turgor breadth of mind and heroism than this. lie had deliberately cast his life into the scales in defense of his empire, he had pledged his word in the name of his imperial house of llapsburg to fight it out with his enemies, and, like a true soldier, he was prepared for this last disaster, llo recognized his fate as resulting from the fortunes of war, and bad neither denunciations nor regrets on hia own Recount to make. Like the dying gladiator ut Jtomo Tie recked not of hie life, nor of the irie, fir heart watt home, and that wan iur awuy. Face to face with his remorseless executioners, awaiting but tho word to "fire !" all thoughts of his lost em pire aud his low estate gave way to those endearing memories and sweet a fleet ions which bud linked his life, liis happiness, his fate and his ambi tion with "poor Carlotta!" As to a drowning man numerous events of his pant life running through many yours of timo are vividly reproduced in a few fleeting seconds, so to this victim of Mexican vongounce were, no doubt, recalled in tho lust moments of his earthly existence those charming re collections of his young, beautiful, gilted, accomplished and devoted wife, whereby ho had bocome so fascinated with his Mexican empire and his hopes of tho Mexican people, that he could only relinquish them with his wife, "i'oor Cnrlotta 1" Her tri umphal journeys, her floral receptions, hor welcome charities, her grucious way, otiolie picty and her resistless, womanly gentleness among the susceptible Mexicans, were all so faithfully devoted to his cause as to develop in him tho heroism of the feudal aces. He was her gallant knight, cquippod by her own fair hands lor a glorious crusade; sue was his ouoen of love and beaut v, to whom his word as a soldier and his faith as a devoteo woro pledged. All these thoughts recurred to him as tho mem ories of a golden dream, and from these and that other thought, that she had hopefully bravod the dangers of tho seas, nnd tho doubtful gener osity of France in his behalf, only to be repelled in despair, and to be doom ed to a living death, cume the inspi ration to Maximilian which was ex pressed in his last expressive words "I'oor Carlotta 1" Isor is there in tho records of his tory, as tho lust words of a dying saint or hero, anything given which appeals so tenderly to our better na ture, to all that houutities and softens tho human character, as these dying words of Maximiliun "Poor Carlot ta !" They will crown in history this Allien man. However misguided he was in his ambition or in his acts as a ruler, those two words, with u'l their impressive and redeeming asso ciations, will crown him with the flow-era of affection and the laurels of the hero. Had ho recited and elo quently vindicated every step and every act in his imperial career be would have failed to reach tho elo quent defense embodied in his dying exclamation of "Poor Carlotta!" To her they will bo tho words of restora tion or dissolution ; for him they are tho wreath of immortality. "Poor Carlotta ! " JV. )'. Herald. SOVETIIINO for Pabkntb ?o Con uideb Children and A'cirspnper. A child beginning to read becomes delighted with a nowspapcr, bocause lie reads of names and things w hich nro very familiar, nnd ho will make progress accordingly. A newspaper in otic year, says nn eminent teacher, is worth a quarter's schooling to a child, and every father must consider that substantial information is con nected with his advancement. The mother of tho family, being ono of the heads, nnd having a more imme diate chitrgo of tho children, should herself bo instructed. A mind occu jied becomes fortified against the ills of lilo, and is brncod for any emer gency. Children amused by reading or study aro, of course, considerate and inoro easily governed. How many thoughtless young men have spent their energies in a tavern or grogshop, who ot.ght to have been reading! How many parents who never spent twenty dollars lor hooks for their families would gladly have given thousands to reeluim u son or daughter who had ignorantly and thoughtlessly fallen into tomptation. A Connecticut Yankee buried his sixth wife last week, and offered the officiating clergyman a two-dollar greenhm-k. The latter hesitating to receive it, tho bereaved remarked : "Jnst as you aay, but thnt'a what 1 have benn'in tho habit of paying." H is a wonder ho did not offer him some nrwien nutmegs or enssw ouu umus. CLEARFIE'LD GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor. PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. TERLIS-22 per annum, b Advance. VOL. 38-W1JOLE NO. 2027. CLEARFIELD, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1SC7. NEW SERIES-VOL. 7, NO. 50. M-ored anil i,onl. Loved and lost! 'Tina wail that is going up daily, ayo hourly, "unto Him that sits on the grout white throne," from boreaved hearts, heavy with their burden of sorrow, too grievous for human strength or hu man hearts lo boar. Loved and lost I From your hearth, oh, stricken widow, as you stand by the cold form of your onco strong protector, goes tip that bitter cry. Ho who ever shielded you with his protecting arm w ho carefully smooth ed tho rough planes in your life path, lest they should bruise your tender feet whose tender voice novor ad dressed you save in love, he who over stood between you nnd tho great cold world, breasting all its storms and cares with his own manly bosom, that they harmed you not, is gone forever; and you kneeling beside his lifeless remains, with your fatherless children clinging around you, realize more and more your utter helplessness and the great loss you havo sustained, while your pale lips burst tho mournful cry, "Loved and lost !" And you, too, mourning husband who have laid your fuir girl wife asleep in the embrace of mother earth. She went from you ere yet her bloom faded, with the tiny bubo (her child and j'ours) that but opened his eyes on earth to close them in death clusped close to her girlish bosom, mother and child, rose and bud, nre sleeping together under cue coffin lid ; one grave holds them both now, while your house has grown strangely ue olute since she, whoso light footstep ever sprang to welcome your return to the house w hich sho presided over like a queen bus gone from it to her lust earthly home. Tho grnveyurd is not so lonely in your eyes since she is among its silent inhabitants. You go to her lonely gravo uud kneel beside it, and while you water with your tears the lilies (lit emblems of hor purity) that bloom over tho grassy mound that holds ull you held dour on earth, you feel tl.e full significance of those dreary words, Loved und lost 1 Loved and lost ! On your bowed head, oh, aged mother ! you who gave your only son and stay in 3-our old use. unto your country; on your head theso words rest like a funeral pall. You rend his name among tho list of the dead who fell on tho bntllo field, and tho terrible truth that you were now childless, ennio homo to your heart with crushing truth, and bow ing your ocod lined, you too clinod the bit ter wail going up from so many hearts, "Loved and list !" Loved and lost. Who that has arrived at years of discretion has not echoed theso sad, sad words, that tell plainer than tho greatest floods of tears, of hopes crushed nnd bruised beneath thecoflln lid of brokeu hearts and blasted lives gone forevcrmoro. Loved and lost ! Sineo the terrible flood of wur rolled over our own dear land, wo have learnod tho full mean ing of those bitter words, "Loved and lost!" All over tho hind thero is mourning; mothers for their sons nre weeping; wives for husbands, chil dren for fathers ; maidens lor lovers. Loved and lost. The same cry tin t went up from Israel's plain centuries nco is beinrr echoed anil re-echoed throiiglkfiut the world, lor from the rising of tho sun til ils setting, death is ever uhroud ; busily gathering up his harvest; and not until nil thing" shall end will that weary cry cease. Then all shull meet in the Spirit Land, the loved nnd lost shall be found ! EXTRAOltlllNAllY Pn.PIT MISTAKE. Last Sunday a local preacher connect ed with tho Primitive Methodist per fusion was plan lied to preach lit F.lland, ho residing at HudJerfield. Being a comparative stranger to F.l land, bo inquiied the wny to the Prim itive Methmlisl t'hnpel, but by mistake was directed to the Unitarian Chupcl. Arriving at the verge of time for com mencing the service, ho introduced himself as the preacher, requested to conduct the service fur tho day, and as tho regular minister wns awuy, no particular inquiry was miulo, and the "local preacher" mounted the pulpit and guvo out a hymn. All went well until he camo to prayer, w hich was ot so fervid and evangelical a character that suspicion begun to be aroused if some mistake hud not arisen in the preacher. At the close of the prayer lie a-as asked where lie wax planned for, and be answered F.lland Primitive Methodist Chupcl. The mislako was at onco npjutrent, and ho was made aware of it. He of course, descended the pulpit. . Tho person who had been arranged to conduct tho service had tuken a seat in the body of the chapel, imagining that he had been "jilted." Leeds (Eng.) Mercury. Miss Ann .Siurati. Tho Wash ington correspondent of tho N. ". Sun, in a notice of tho Surralt trial at Washington, says : The most soriowful countenance to be soon among the crowds that daily flock to tho Court is thot of Miss Sur ratt, tho prisoner's sister, who is gen erally seated near him. Tho only thing that could ninuc one wish inai .i. . :o,.o, .,.r..,l,l .w.i l.o r.iiinil rrniltv ; ii.o .;,,l,t of il.nt end fenuilo fiieo. ' 1.I..I. Anf nfmrw linl li T.-fl i a UU lllt;tl t ...... . .. ' onduring stamp. Tho dciilh ol her. mother has cast over her lile a shade i the darkness ol which cannot be ro- moved in this world Sho npnears ' more nervous as to the result of the 1 el il.nn nnv one elso Poor pirl. ! her lot must be hard to bear. Of ih o I n d i a n ra ce w h i ( h once thick ly pooplod ihis continont, only throe h 11 nil red anil lilt V inonsnnu Hum, " menandelnldren gtRt91l Worth better lluin Show. A young Oriental prince was visit ing at tho castlo of a duke in one of the finest counties in Kugland. He looked from bis window into a beauti ful garden, and inhaled tho fragrance which was wafted toward him by the gentle breath of June. "What exquisite perfume!" berried. 'Bring me, I pray you, tho flower that so delights my sense. See yon stately slulk, bearing on ils shult those gorgeous lillies, whoso petals are veined with blood-red lines and with violet shade; that is undoubtedly the plant I seek." "Its odor is nnusenting," he said ; "hut bring mo that llowcr of a hue so much deeper and richer than even the beautiful roses of my own fair land. Soe how it glows like flame ! Surely a rich odor should distill from i that regal plant." It was u dahlia, and its scent was even less agreeable than that of tho lily. "Can it be, then, the largo white blossoms -clustered on youder bush, or the blueeups on the neighboring shrub !" ho asked. 'o, tho snowball ami Campanula proved alike scentless. Various plants yielded their odorless buds or broad -spreading petals for his inspection. Hut ho found not what he sought. "Surely it must be lliat golden ball," he said, "for so slmwy a bloom should nt least charm the nostril us well us tho eye." 'Faugh !" It was a marigold. At length tl-.ry placed in his bund n wee brown blossom. "So unpretending a thing as this cannot surely be tha'. for which 1 seek,"' exclaimed the prince, with a vexed uir "this appears to bo noth ing better than a weed." Ho cautiously lifted it to his face. "Is it possible?" he cried. "It is reully this unobtrusive brown weed which gives forth so precious nn odor? Why, it hangs over the whole gnrden, nnd comes funning in nt my window like ihe very hreuth of health and purity. What is tho namo of this little'darling 1" "Precisely thai, your highness," answored his attendant "This fl.iwcr is called 'mignonnctto, tho little dur ling"' " onderful ! wonderful !" rejieatod tho astonished prince, placing it in his bosom. "Thus your highness perceives," re marked his tutor gravely, "that the humble and unpretending often exhale tli most precious virtues." Littlr Pilgrim. Sluihti.t Miktakdn. An old Iutch farmer li'id a handsome daughter, uiimed Minnie, who recently joined the .Methodist church, against which tho old farmer was somewhat preju diced. The young minister under whoio instrumentality .Miss Minnie was converted, visiting her frequently, excited his suspicion that all was not right. Accordingly, ho visited the church one Sunday night, and seated himself, unobserved, aniong the con gregation. . Soon after taking his seat the min ister, who was preiK hing from Iluniel, fith chapter, ".'ith verse, repeated in a loud voice Hip words uf his text, "Mene nicno, tekel upharsiu," upon which the old Tanner sprung to bis feet seized the affrighted girl by the arm, and hurried bei out of the meet ing house. Having reached the church yard, he gave vent to his feelings in iho words: "I knows derevassometings wrong. und now 1 scliwares to cm "Whv. father what do vou mean,", rciiliod the bewildered und innocent girl. "Ihdnt J, sliouleil tho Old mnn, striking his fmls together, and slatiip-1 iii" with bis foot, "didn't 1 hear tie parson call out lo you, 'J.nmr, Min nie, tiektc tlr pursnn.'" r.xrct'Tiox or (its. Mi:nm:z Thetiity, mid tread with joyous step the Iniiurinl (ieiierul Mender., who was shot bv tho Liberals in Mexico, nflcr'nr linger bv the crystal waters of the the eHiil.ure of t.'ucreluro, met his fate ! Kiver of Life, wiih rind ftnrns o( without a sign of fear-. According to the custom in tho country with what nro culled tniilors, he wus shot in the back. Mendei protested against it. declaring that he w us no trail or to his pnuntrv, and wan not afraid to face denth ; but the officer in ( barge of the 1 - . shoot ing parly (lechired that hisorders : sonieof the ton eager and loo thongl t- to-day. On Tliorsiay evening last wero exj'licit on the jioint. 'Very! less specula tors, who, finding them- he altent-e-J a party, where a r well," said Mender., 'vhoot away." ! selves almost in tlie vortex and bear ' ucJe of glassware was acc-idnitaiiy lie knelt down, his back to the legi-; ing of a fresh victim, pause ere it he broken on the table, and a px-cc of men'., and four men stepped forward : too late, and escape a like disastrous t!ip r';as SAiiaehow f -mnj its way into nnd fired. From nervousness, or some fate We make these remarks owing Mi Ituprrt't tttuJ It lodged her other ciiiisc, their aim was very bad, i to the recently published details con throat, and ail fTorns remove it nnd tho wretched man w as nothing i corning a New York minister of the proved in STectual. She lingered in like fulallv wounded, liaising him-! t.ospel, w ho was a man of wealth, great agony nt.t.l t- dsy. when death self ho pointed to his head, i previous ! lived in good style, w:-s a rigid cn- came lo reiiti". J.'.'. fM 7"ia.,. eKiierience in such scenes had made fon t r of t'liurch disc j.l ne, austere m . . 1 . ... . , . , 1 . 1 . 1 . 1. ... -i . . . r . . . r v. nm luiiuMiir Willi tlie routine,) ami tho corporal put the iuiikkIo of the piece to his ear nnd blew out Ins brains. So died Mender.. We Ice saw a young man al tho ry llenvens, with a t '?" nnd a of pistols iu Ihe oihrr. We Ndenvored 2 oltrnct his at lotion by .ing 2 a in a newspaper we held in our ta?", relating 2 a young man in that j of the country, who liaU loll home in a stt of derangement, lie drotioed tho t "d I pistols Irom Ins ;fvV - a- ,T with the! 'It is I of whom - von rend ' 1 eft bet mv friends knew of my design. 1 s the f-aTof a young Indv' who had refused i lislit 2 me.! but smiled on another. I d from ' tho house uttering wild ! to the ? of my friends. 1 came here with this t latiu til pistoia i. put a . in ii- lOco. My case is nnjed in this J A wi.n, Tinrximroriosps Ihe esiah- l:. r i nn nt-ii m uai-is - ' 1 1 . . in........ " j The success of such an Snstitntion i pre rletcrminsd. a. wmm--m. " . 1-i.J I -.- . ti-rrn .fniic-' .WiMtArf. Mark Twain tells the following to- ry by a fellow passenger, w ho, being bantered about bis timidity, said he 1 naif never oeen sea reil since tic hail i loaded an old Queen Anne's musket lor 4. h for his father once, whereupon he j is lcs in a ft w of the J rim-ipal heat-! j;ilt tr ivial c! the following : ) growing Stales. Texas. Kara. u'nj "You see the old man was trying 1 and Indiana retort a ditnitiihed a'-re i .... re to learn me to shoot blackbirJi audi oeasts tliut tore up the voung corn, I lennesse.a laigi ;y iiicreaseif breadth, and such things, so that 1 rould ho of: the 'tw fcnand V..a!'- h'.ow a wiu'ht some line about the farm, because 1 1 increase ; the Midd'e Slates a s'mil. r wasn't big enough to do much. My I advance, not exceed! rig n .lT cent; gun wits a little single band shot gnu, ' the "viutliern wheat growinc St-tejan and tho old man carried an old ltiii"en 1 average increase of twenty per cent. Anne's tntixkcl that wugVd a ton.! Ohio reports in, av. r:ige and made a report like a t -.h-r chip 1 me lit up"n Ism ear of lM net cent.; and kicked like a muie. Tlie oi J man , wanted ine to shoot tho old musket 1 soniolime, hut I was afraid. One day. ! though, I got lier down, and so I took ! ucr iu iiic nircu man aici asKeu nun how to load her, he'-uuse tho old man ' was out in the fields. Hiram sail; "jo vou see them marKs on tne stot K statin, wilu tlie exc-eMion only ti i ... V f 1- .. . I , . .in. i . i'i 1 -a a .iiu a on u.e vuo " j neu, iiiai means icn nans una ute slugs-that's her load." j lut how much powder! , "Oh, lie says, "it don t matter; put i in turee or four liandtuls. or four liandtuls. So 1 loaded lier up that way, and it j was an awlul charge I had sense 1 enough to see that and started out I 1 leveled tier on a good inatiy black birds, but every time 1 Went to pull the trigger I shut mycyes and winked. I whs afraid f.f her kick. To ai d : suiidown 1 fetched up at the houe. 1 and there was the old man restinr on ', the porch. 'Iteen out hunting have ye!" "Yes. sir," savs I. "What did you kill !" "liidn't kill anything, sir didn't shoot herofl 1 wasufraid she'd kick." (I knew blamed well she would ) j "(iimuius that gun!" the old man Me in the South, lar above an average; says, mad as sin. in New- York, ten per ocnt. U low ; in And ho took aim at a sapling on the ! Pennsylvania, six per i-cnt ; in Ken other side of the road, an J I began to : totky, fourteen percent. IntheWert drop back out of danger. The riext innmtc I beard an curthquuke, and the luecn Anne w hirling enl-ovcr-cnd in ttie air, ana l lie old man spinning around on one heel, with one leg up and both Lands on his jaw, and tlie bulk flying from the sapling; the old man's shoulder wus n t l ack inches, and his juw turned black and Hue, and he had lo lav up for three davs. ... - C uolera nor notlnng cine can ever seare mo the way 1 wu scared that time." .Vothrrt llontr I Urartu f Jlotliet . TIOInT . IleavaTTTie Tl.rce bcacou lights of life's ocean. Far out ! peu.le's choice, and governed ihem, over the dreurv wanie of waters, thev i wilu varving f.rlunes and kindlvj shine with cheering light, to the Morm j feelings, forainrioj of eighteen yeari. ; toiHed mariner; and when sorrow's ' t-honid be in.ught over lrom an ahea daik cloud hides the blue sky, and ' soil and allowed to rest amid thea'tn-a . the troubled ware rise higher and , of his ancestors. A memorial, higher, warring with the winds, hc'u4v nJ rt'MK-t Ul lv signed, wa. a steers his tiny bark lo Memory's Isle, j few days ago, yr--l J tho Senate. J and carefully avoidui the broken giving cxpresitn tw this and , holies, that like rtH-ka, lie hidden e-, alluding to the example s- t : neath the treacherous waters, rets by Lo"uis rh.l!iM L'.iuteiC when, in , 11s tried lieai t ill tl.e gold ra a 0. the Ktarlike words Mother llome' Heaven '. ' liiidcly may the waves dai r.gainvt the rocky cta-t belt.w loin j loti 1 may j ihe winds roar and chant their solemn psalm, end lighting tuny Ca-!i. and Ihiiiiders roll, yet he lingers calm, untroubled, in time's old castle, turn, ing over the records of the past, and rending with serene yvs the dim prophecies ol tl.e future I'ur buck to tiiose beautiful days of long ago, ho sees the form of bis j . Mother, und feels the soft town of her hps as she ju'ests loving kis-ies on the bahv brow; or in ihe cjuiel of i his loved home, bears her sweet vou e, lis sho teaches him, ith 1 hwd cy.-s ; and revereiit'y luiuej naiiusio rep-ai. "t'ur Father, who art in heaven," ! and then looks far into the rages of the disiar I future, and fam-ics the lalait g 1:1,1. 1 Ihe glory f the empire time already nt hand when he shall was rvvired. Is lxiuia Xapo'con pre iitu hor hi dark on the shore of Eier- iiared, rmwionsiv. to plav into t'ne 'golden tl reels of the licaven'v t'nv welcome to him from the ang-'l host gathered around (iod's Throne. A Warmmi. The exposes made.' A young lady named Jennie Ko from time to time, of the losses in- pert, about ixttt-n years uf age, irsi eurred in Wall strei ilrvad.'ui Uing near M lil t're k, died ntKler t finaiicial niueisiroin doubtless t Let k culiar and d.trrssin;; circumstances uiwarua inostr am. nn. iiv w tempted to indulge, "just once, in sjK-culation. was taught in the current, was ruined, was forced to leave bis charge, and sim.ii left the coui try. lie is now gaii.'ng a mere;-i-ence in a foreign h.nd, and his lan.ily is here, iilmost destitute Wonder if there are r.lh.-r New Tovk luii.ihl t-ra who take tt uas'oi.&l 'f vers '." The ed.tors of the M.mtgimorv (Ala.) are evident 'y "spo,.ir.g 'A late issue suvs: -lor wlmtover we i have written, or n.av write. reflH-une upon the conduct ol tnd. vidua, a, the editors ", and w,:i promptly answer any demand lor isfacliou, coming from aiy oi.e who wears a clean shirt, and has r.ot ItfO in ne jH-nit-ii.. . A sweet yonng lady ears that males are of no account the lime the ' , ,. ... . 1. - r . a. iia ston tuasing them as intanu , till they commence tbern as tlfrtvs. dwdttdt in a at lumiiw or the IF7!of top. Tho harvest is fathered in (iecrgia and tbe other Gulf States, with a very ! gratifying result. Tha acreage of wmicr neat is as large in the ma-1 as l:it year, though it) 'jority cf States age; Virginia. Georgia, Arkansas and li!!!ia. 73 i er tnt.: I!i.inn cent.; Michigan, 811 percci.t.; Wi.on-1 hin, '2'2 ycr pent.; Minnesota. 7 per i ceiit.; Missouri, V'J per cent.: Ren- iu K , T ecu;.: irgii.ia, per ; irir.r.ia. iu pvr , e.Mit ; .North Carolina, 4v) per cent.; j Tennessee. .r-3 per cent.; and other i i as. mau.rg a lavorauc coxpan,ou w.iu lust var. Tbe average of spring wher.t fuJ. ,.ie Bll!rJ,r of M.chaei O Marrr.!.'. largely tmrea.ed : ,n Ohio i;, pera Juac.lh fljr whk.h two c!oro.j cent : InJiuna A" ln.r cent.; Illinois, i ,i i , jkt cent ; J'unieM'ta. -.i per cent.: ' .i ikt cent ; IiiineM'ta. o.i lie.r Wisconsin, 15 jiereent.; Michigan, hi per cent.; Jlisooun.Sl percent.: Jowa ptr tent : Kansas, M per cent.; Nebraska, !t ler cent. This increase of breadth in the wheat growing region must tt!l very tr-' r em ni.i.n ihe a.-rrertte vit U. if no unusual casualty nwaila the crop, If !) e..i.riiiina -.,ii:iiice favorable. at least tiro hundred iko.',!i bhte t:cc. now auvui luo .rj.: i a mry rxptclii in all the J' or. J that, too, provided! Tirnturii. j StbeM. the artist, is likewise a pan- OaTs. The average of oats is larger ( st er. When with s.ime tf his breth thanosual; in the Went, Ohij is the ; ren ont sketching, one of the club pro only Suata w t.ii h cannot k!iow an in- ' pt,.id to remain and sketch another crease. The crop is S'miewhat varia generally the crop is belter Ujan last year. A'tur i! llprt for July. Itt-mntnt of LomU Phillippt. The London corrt-vpondent of tbe 11,-Tald MVS : In the vau.t of a Uaniiful .tile c bnrth at Wevi nd-e. in the Ticitiitv , . , . - , . of lndon, lie the reman. of the C it.- een king. In the vault were laid . . . riH-enl v ttie reinai Marie Amel.e It i s or Lis rt.,1 - tt j. ? rim I itial r .t . v.. . ,...!- .1 1 1 t tUB.l. I'l II'V m . V u ci' ". dei.rt.u that tlr retuains f fhtir J farmer King. who. whatever Li fau'ta. ; at leut,t tnourilej the throne as ILe . J 4 , lie ran sod ttib ren.aius ( aii Icon to 1 brought over from St. Helena, and had lliem iict. iX mi;h great iiomti. in the JI -t-l . J. uni.Jf Not a few w id be to regard this as a dexter""!: and e. considered flunk movement on the part of the Orli-nt.isls. The enaic have shelveu the pet :!! I t tl j riMnt. bjl tl.e matter is by i.j means Mli ed. It is altogether rather an aw k ward affair f..r NsjK.itsm. It wiil bo difficult fr In 1.1 tj fill)- the rr.yer; it will be equally difiicolt f.r him to crait it. Noone knows Ivtter than Napoleon hitiis. ll that the generosu v of Iaiui I'h 11. c dcalb knell of 1lo.11 Urni-m. l'r om the niomrtit l!.at the Ktnpcn-r's rrinaiiis were dt p it-d in i;ic ! valines -apjiennsru rt ivca. Mtii began lo taik again of tl.e glory of the Kmi.ire; nor did thev cjase of the I' .artm famoy. as I ous I'liill I pe Bttesmsx jnuly p'ael into the l.siuls of Ihe fatu iy of w 'nth be is duel? It is tittle hk'elv. liut what wid he do It is a unf little p.oceof business- .11111 . ' m p'rlrnianc of the c:rrn 01 1 haver A. Noyes, at Ktn hrl'r. N. Won the evening ol the iih. U...S Mhite. the l.ion Kitig. entered ihe ragr f tert- oi.'n, and one nl" lh n.a.e ani mals af.a. ktxi hira. ft iiing Imu to the floor and fat ning his jaws upon his shmiJer. it.fl ttir.g severe wounds 1 he ciri-ua men tame to the rescue with iron bars ai d finally taeeevded ia rcst Wh'ie fr-m the cage alive, but aovrrv v iri:urX An Irishman carry .ng a teavy ben d'e tion l.-s sli .ul it r. w i nanig on tne lrvi.t jlallorm o. a lwtJn Lor car. and was askest why he d.d not set his l..J d..wn tpoa the pialf.rtn. "! jaU-r," was his reply - the hor- so hv enough to do to drag me; i Til crrr the t-uncii.' ! ; Tlie only fra t hieh grows in every climate is the strawlrrr II is the i r :. I .. 1. V on'v fruit winch smn here OB tl ... . , . ,i II ..- . , earth - p.cked errr j iK, rear.said. rery quietly, -Well, the bor-t rr-nzi. tp toais-arba,r. .Viitrtllantout. Wliat most reseiiihles a pretty girl j Lathing! A diving il!;e). When U a storm like a fish after a 1, ouk? When it U going to abate, i-IW, . tnml,!or, 1,1n rii-l.. hen it is set up fir a late Why can yn not prevent the Mis- f.t:pi; from oversowing its bar.ais: fieciuw dam it you can't A Paris correspondent estimate the riim:tKT of visitor at tha'. city at 0", UJ, and aays tbey r-pecj jl,W J,0OJ a da on an average. Prer.tiee aci 'tis a pity that c!co tw. io lb-; St uth eci.i:ot lake piacc !." pcr's! this time', fir a'lhougl 'he hezren there ai-e at'ong now, stronger in the tiog dayi trey w.Il be 'S;e'l rctir Heart." said a consid- ernte latter to bis son, Tor you are j ornte fa tt er to 1ns sjn. "for vou are now ing a.nong fascinating girls." -i oil!tj rather steal theirs," baid the uimronii-in" voun man ' J I -' osier, m roiorcu laav, jy W( t,sU.r, a 00lorcd - , , l nrte weeks ago, a woman iciv trunk in a store in Providence, which . sLe 'V D01, tail ,or 'I"R " :"" " even ng, u.e ue.u uou. of a t!lllJ fu"J "' I TERrnislNn. An undertakers . bun J in ew Y orl: contains the Bn- j nounccroei't: "AH the requisites for a ' funeral furnished at the shortest no- anJ scape. '-Ua. no, tavs a.-tit.I. let's ketch the cars. Geo. A. II!!L a cMoreJ tarber of iu.n, a'id a n, a'ld a iusrried man, has jut ttnn Lrotigiil lack from Chicago, to : ijih'e t e tkqu-I wi h a white j.;r 0( jj, angMer ci respectable Iart:,Uot Wet lioxbary. j : j hJ 'x b,r. & r-V.n t c li.,lw Y.m i r, 4v in rwk.1 In Va j ;a SI,,,iiei ltl lril.tlJ t0 U., heJ. ; ; J lno, M ... .. , . vmi, certain. , lip rei"ii'j. -it a t-r ..,, ,:-,, -i,,,. :, ;.,- i ,. , ... , " I t.l lliprr. tli mtriA iri Im tl. ate ol AVI," said a wife to her bus- . nana one ut. Whv so ?" innuired t'ne tui-band. '-XVcau-ie Abel was ki'.!t.I by a t !u an J your Club will " " -., o " U .I me, tr vou totitmue ta go to it : . .- A lady ia Madison, Indiara, lina recently married her fifth Lufband. j CuM a greater eomplinifnl l ai 1 j t" the sterner ex T Aoi they arc all j alive t; having been parau-d by : the '-free and ea.-y" divorce syatem in vogue in that State. j Schiller celebrated play of "The i EriJe of Messina" has been translated ! iuxo Grerk and perfe-J at Atben, with coiisj.ieral'Ie ijccw. It was broughl out in quile acn-ditable nian t.tT. and in pite of some imperfection the pt"-t .nuance, was well received ty the public. Pmrgg'.ing still cortinuts along thi" (n 1- border. The 'Ltt-ctives there , report th.M many epp-rently hoi.cst e:life:i living along the b onlerl avc 1 Wnn-niir. '.T tn ! i n mu -lin. , 1 - ., . 1 i.r svterai nuMai.s pa-t. iv wiuen means thev have dtirauitd the gov- emmellt out of thousands of dollars. J Ida and Ellen Snow, twin daughters ! . of Harvey Snow, of Matt!pMSvt', nearly four years old. were poisoned to destb la- wetk by eating fritUon matche. VTh.-n it was disrovtred , . v hai swallowed the poison, the m. stake Was mad of tnii.g loex ptl it by catiiartic insteal of emetij remedies, with a fatal result. A writer IB a l.ondt n paper SyS : Our Irih t'hit-f Secrr-larv U-ing the. owner of a tine nstruh which s-'me days ago was safely delivered of an egg. rtivired the following telegram in.m bis steward: "My lord, fl y.ur .r.f-'. ; i of the (..lii.'r,', I have priK-urrv! the biggest gotj I could tind to sit on the ostrich s egg." A M stakf. It seems that the F.nd of ihe-Wnr'.d l'r. Cummings made a tr fling error in bis calt ulatioin Con cern. i.g the l-'tal destruction to take plaoe iu 11.7. In revising his work lie fonn 1 that he had overlooked fig ure, which ad 1 sometfiing like a quin tiilion of years to the race which this mnndans sphere has to run. We leel r-hvved I r.alioyin are now sent tip in Eng. tan 1. to which nvVets patWcl Wiitli wdsred magnesium are attached. -,, . i over an extensive art-a is i!iumiiiatJ , a, bv bright moonshine. This would hive been a f.-aturv on the Fourth. Sime mgenijiis Yankee will no donbt ' invent a tvriHtaal moonshine I elorcl )irij j r.ishop Eumet, one preaching be-1 f -re tharleS II. was niUcil warmed by ' i , . J l:,; l..s suV oet, ana ctter.rg rI; t i .11 lijP Ilia'H-iM... I'uui-, tiiru-uiiu . ira'.o in a very rimfsi maniipr, who great v heaience struck bis fist upon ! the dek. and t rn-d out in a loud i voiee.-W h.idarr deny this!' 'Faith," j olrsorv ed the King, in a key not quite so load as the pr h r, "nobody that 1 .s w ithin the reach of that great fist of yours " j A friend of oara visiting a neighbor, tour! him disabled from having a iT str-p upon Lis f.t. Hobbling out of the stable, the anfTt rereitplaintii how it hsppetned. 1 was standing here, said in. - and the horse bronght hie fKt right down on mine." Uur inrna KS'kisj ai iur liuurec mrmoor, wuitnwasoi iwa is laiiern. anu Flu tfWiiif'.rU $rpuMlrait. Trrwia fif fewhwrrlptloh If f.a.4 la adtnnce.o wet" tb.T .. ! II .d alter tt"" ai.l kclore i ni..ntr.... I Ji M -14 !.-! He f " i'h... Half ! Arrlllii:' T-ai.wt ailwrv-fWT .. pr S I ir l .( 10 1'ieaor l 4 .a A.lrnuli.trat,.r.' eiiJ !i uttti.' nwliM-a I W I Aa !"-' aouriMi ' I ul:t, ami K-lraj. ' li,'i ..!! . f-Kl aol:.., ptr lotf I oi.nuirT ii''.t.. oit-r tv.- Imre, m line...... IS Prvfrui'unal t I er W rtktu.r arvrlrTl.s.aasTa. I Sfjoare s l I 1 olau.a US , I fuarrt li " i elun,n u vu 1 xiuarre 2" I"1 I Jknill..... H M I . ..b .irk. j ainsKi. , I CI...!. . 9 '(I t a nuin-e. r.eruuira.Sf Ty 3 ihire., per tjuirtt, 2 t'O ( Otcx li, tr uuvM 1 W inn.La. .ht, XI or le. 1 m I rwt. ' nf J ..,r. t. 'J- ur l. r, i i" I ht, U -T ! s jTef J j yi a'b of a' at j.'P'rt..nt ratea. GEO. B. HOOIll.AMiKJ!. F'rt,'raf.'t Fnrriet4r. r,i5rfUanrons. ocl'.'n lailcrj. liifcii 311.1 I rlon tou n:il, t leir field co.f I a. HAVIN) farrbamd aa inurnt In tha Unioq M ill, we are prer"re'' torari Wool. mas. itl.':are ani L0..0 Cluili.ard do all alad of voile in our liua on .bur' c'.ic. in workmaohka m.oaer, aad on r.aJwB.IU. tian. a i.f rL0UE,..rEED.AKD LrilEIS Manuf.ctar J .u.i lor.ale. Teru.1 Ca.h. Wool iaLcnded frr carKt.g eao be left at R. Miwoi't or i. V Kratter'e. where we will let Uuen of tbqv.ry -.dar-wed to u t Koektoa P. O. will rrivt prM ti-tDiroB. A i. K. ARNOLD. Roektea. Jore J7, LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. "W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (UK IOl BLK ei'KIXtJ, 9 rrC ZZ LLl "CP i rrHtTT will not knd or break like tbt SinU X Sfnnff. iml win prorr weir pnri craetfut bi mhrm tbreo or fur ordinary kirv 'lt hr kea tbrova atid utolcM. Tho Ut aro eovrod with dnublo aoJ f wiitoa ihrMd, and tho Wtt:ota rodt art out onlj ioubl frini, bat tviro (or doabfej eorertd, prortot iac t4teia from weiring oat hea drg$ing dovo tH', itkira, ac Tbo tfocdrlui flexibility and frott eomfort tad pliro to aoy ldT wfarmn Lha Iupcs kihaiic bkirt witt k ?sj-r:csrcd p-vrViislawi ia all rrodd Arml)!ir. Opri, CaTiagi Kilrt4 Cn, Ciarra Prwt, Aria Criaars, for HiD'&ada and U'm Dnii. tb fckirt caa b folded wbea ia to otcapy k small plara as and oobtc oiettt!; ai a Silk or Miulia lreB, aa iofmiubl ia criaaUD, bo fwved ia any Smg) Spring lktrt. A tadj bating aajojed t&ap!eaiura, eoiafyrt, and rrMt evcvMiiiie of waann; tha Duplex ti if uc Steal f ring Pairl for a ttDpla day wtH atcr afteraardt w.i'ioiy dirpca-a with tbair ana. Tvt Cfciidrfa, Mimm aad Youn( Ladiet ibT art nprnvr to ai) otbrra. Tb ruf Wx i-Ihptic i a great farorita wilk ali ladie ard ii. aa.rr iiliy rocommeDijd by tba Fi-iiiua AJiif utirra as tha biacdard fckirt af U-e Fabicatjl W orii. Ta d;ot tha foi.nwta incstimablw adraata f ia CrmUiaa. Tt : ropenor quality, prft miDaUrtar. t;tb chf a and fiutb, BnibilitT. dnnbt itj, eon.!- rt aiid weiair. eaoira hit J. , .. Bradl.,'. l.uj.l Elli.t, boubl. Spring , sw,. ' ; i' ''fc. I Iltl!'-I.ur4vu tapMiUM. M parncalar ta ftotica that (.in. offt;re4 a. Da f'tfa," baa tba red ink ataaip. Tii:J. W. liridltj'B lap.a Ellirlia MW r?prirr.,M apoa tba watftthaaa aa wtbvrf art rraiua. Alao aotti ib 't irery lioup will admit f a pia birj paea cana;a tba rotra. tbuf rarealiajr lLa lwnr auaNlr; r;Tf 1raided lcittbMharcia. ! ra(lh, aad a evntiaaucB But In ba Iiu4 U abitb ia ti.a teffxt of tbeir Cexibi'n aad tliru FOR C4LK ia r0a K4I.K ia all .torra wbrra rt alan brrt. ara avid, U.rMitb.jui U,a taitrj Siatat ana alafwhwe. PfB" ' "" WETS. rp.ADLSr 4 CART, W CkaAs. M Tt A t HsmU 6tStm fstfc. f "'' 7 "': . 4 l)HMTR.Ttm-s oTH 1 N.rtiea - - L' '" lira-i township. 1'a.. hava Urn ' i'. rramedio ihtnodfi'ni.-a,towlHm rwE-'at pmwiit tiMta tf rt;iraiil wMh.urt d.-la. Jt.-K LINKS, 3 ine l-"?-fit p i. A linii.itralrr. VI IUTIK! M)TI IT-talrof William l.rabaiu. dervaMl. TUr ant-rtimt-d Aadi- m-1'M..nT. i I ! Court ta 1alr i:m. account .f W i.i ua isb.m. . lti5iii..'.Mt.r tf M'd drcras cl. ar l u. .t t'Ctr ti.e Im1i.c mi In Iiaihi. ib 1B ( ,,'; j, on .M..t,d.-. tba ii-i af 1m.:. at I p m.. hn. u .nnat inlrrwrrd r .it-ui. JSKALL TK t. Jatis:, 1-6: t. An.lenr. rami lOP S2I0. rpilE antwiU- (a l.nibaa t.n.hif. 1 """ '- f ki. fra .t rale. It l h. Alfsi i.n In pa'.lic rufl badiac frm rhaiat a. ! fn. k, sa4 UI be wilb.a t: Ditlf-f vl a rilra4 nation, arid Cor.taias 150 Acres, r ;ff!.TT 11. c of li-k arrclcan -f and a It. a por tsa ia I krrr. ..m1c aaitr pood ft arc. baring :1ict.b crccU rtre Itvtlling lloHurt, K larr? tank karn. aad tbe nrasl out-LuiMinc. 1 locctbcr witk two Warinc orrbanKa aod tpnaf ot walcr. a-.d t makr or lour rmf!- "' a " . l bourn- 11 bin a tbort For further iianimiar i.U tin tba an- a .1 lirahamt... r. j j;s.":-rr,Td wm. V.. r.RFKV. j "Tlt K I'lliiM K tCliiKSrwn. - - ' d-r"mcd HaUttinc Committw will rccciva rVt.n U'wctk't. until SalnrdaT. tka ?tk da, Jul nct. f'lr.n.. tpc iSat'-.n and ctl.nialaf caa W ta kraallmc o Mr. rc-r Pifcr ia Prara. .ic. farther ittformli. raa he ol'taincd hj calimf in pcr.a oa ciihrr of tbe Coram'Ttcc or bT Idler a'rr.w.! to thewj at l,rat..u H.llt P. 0. rnruk imn. m-:h.k piu.ii, John u iMirr. j.. n. m auk, TIo.Ms RAU' RTT. R. lA.vrn, Jr. Praa tfi.. Jane !7, lsr.7 41. ComMiltca. For Sale at a Sacrifice, HUE EXTinK FTOCK and Imm of H. W. A FV1TH 5 Pit tfrssl, store. Thi i a rara .t'..'rtuiii'T for ountry Berckantii, or art ana I liciriTtg t fn iata tbe kunneaa. ai the atock will j ba anwraallT kw, aad tba knsineal at and ul ' tbe real ia tba 1-arcarh. .SIT' ai inc I leo it t' - . R ROBISON & CO., ;rnnrps n(l 'pnPi Porlrrc lr0rrrs anU I Oik I at KITS KcaJcn ia tibkaa. Iroa and Jiailis Faaiily Eour of the Best Brands, Bacon. Hare. S.lcB and hoaMcra: Lard. Meaa I'ork. t h-s-e. Mean., H.rn.n. . I'ncd Fruit, , . arhon and Lard till, lined Bel, A a. tii 1 iScri Sitrrn, iRwd Frank,) it pn if nrii;. l'v. War' "GET I II K BEsT." wu.v ) Kf r'Ttr rtT av- t SEWING MACHINES. hint iriiip!'T fi"iTfA. Thtj ui b nur4 froa at nt fn-r IV . .! I . Blindness and ratarrk treated w.tb lit almost awcc-sa. h l-AAl. M. Ii, tVewhal and An. ilormwli ot IvAca. II 41M.4.I No. il nrce. Pb.lad a. . li.M.d. Iu tbe am reusl-- a.ssrea a tbw Cnr and eowntrr can r nt b. 'i.-c Tba - - Be aae no perrw. m mn pi." , trm .lc f,,,, aari-j. ! j