gt.lfltoua yiUfrtlaay. 'I ppo no Kin in dancing," ftitl young Chrintian belonging lo family of wcullli and indiieuoo, "but tlio world thinks lightly of Christinim who indulge in mnuBcnHMit,nd 1 v ih to have my piety uiuhullt'iiged.' ''How long will your jicojilo linten with ililereal?" paid antranga timuli cr to a pastor. ''I hnvo never tried them, and would ndvieo you not to," wa the If your Berinon is pood, don't Bpoil it hy overworking. If it is yow, they will want I'W5 of it. ; SodepiMhlimt is the Christian clmreli udou tho llolv Glioit, that there nev er wat nn aeeeptuhlu high heaved by a penitent apart from him ; never did holy Bong mount to heaven except ho gave it wings ; never was there true waver or faithful ministry except through the power and might of the Holy Uliojst. To educate a soul for heaven is an much a divine task as to emancipate a soul from sin. To comfort a do- BDondinir Christian, to strengthen his weak hands and confirm his fecLlu knees, to brighten thoeyes of his hope, j and to give him nerve to hold the shield of his faith all these uro the work of the spirit of the living God It is not hy regretting what is ir-' reparable that true work is to bo done, but by making the best of what we are. Jt ia not by complaining that we have not the right tools, but by using well the tools wo have. Where we are, nud what wo are, is God's providentiul arrangement; and the wise and manly way is to look our disadvantages in the face, and soe what can be made of them. Life, like war, is a series of mistakes, and he is not the best Christian nor tlio best general who makes the lowest of fulso steps. Poor mediocrity may do that; but ho is the best who wins the most splendid victories by the retrieval of mistakes. Forget mistakes; organixo victory out of mistakes. If our religion were ono of mere intellectualihin, we should only need a well trained minisiter, who had passed through all the grades of hu . man learning, who had stored himself with the best biblical criticism, and was nblo to instruct and illuminate our understandings, and we, if wo bo men of judgment ourselves, could prof it exceedingly well. Our faith stand ing in tho wisdom of man, the wis dom of man could ho ensily found, and our faith could be confirmed. .But if our faith standoth not in the wisdom of man nor in tho eloquence of human lips, hut in the power of God, then in vnin do wo make a pro fession, unless tho Holy Ghost dwelloth in our inner man. Now, Christian brothorn, disdain to sneak out of trouble. Disdain to send out engineers to see which way you can go and keep out of tho forest. Straight and narrow is the wny. Tako a direct lino, and follow it with- out turning to the right or left. If God sonds you trouble, say! "I was built for trouble, as much as tho ship that goes to sea is built for storm. If suffering comes upon you, let it not daunt you. Conquer it. And with pride wear tho scars which you receive in conflict. The lines and wrinkles on man's face are-God's handwriting, and the charters of the man's glory, if wo only kuew how to interpret such writing. From old itwandcerocd,"Tho Lord bath laid on him tho iniquity of ns all." Jehovah mado to meet upon the head of the Substitute all the offences of his covenant pcnplo ; hut each one Of tho chosen is brought personally to ratify this solemn covenant act of the Great God, when by grace ho is ena bled hy faith to put his hand upon the Lead of tho "Lamb slain from before ine louiiuaium or tne worm. Jiy fellow believers, do you remember that rapturous day f Sly soul recalls her day of deliverance with delight; iaden wilh guilt and full of fours, I saw my Saviour willing to bo my Substitute, and I laid my hand, timid ly at first, but courage grew and confi dence was cohfirmcd, 1 leaned my soul entirely upon him ; and now it is my unceasing joy to know that my sin are no longer imputed to mo, but laid on him. A man may worship through awo, or tlirougli a .cnso of tluty, nml I Ihink tlicre are hundred of men in the cliiirclits now who arc only reli gious men, and not Christiana. A man who leels toward God, only awe or fear; who obeys merely from duty; who in under the dominion of con aeionce rather than love, may be re l:b'ioii, but be i not a CbriHtinn. Such live by conscience, they live by bond, bound by a tie, by fear. Their lil'o is literally ono 01 service; they are futally servants of God, not in the senso in which tho words arc largely used in the Scriptures, mearj ing eimplo disciples of Chmt, but they aro most literally God's hired men, or worse, God's bondnmen. Men must learn no longer merely to lear God, no longor to tremble as bo fore a tyrannical ninsler of a despot ic covcrntnent ; but t-oino unto him through Jesus Christ, and sny, "Lord, I love thoc, I trust theo, and I will serve thee because I love theo." Tho thurc-h of Christ was designed to represent him on earth, and to min ister to all tho moral needs of tho hu man race. Her work then, is not done when (he sends cut preachers and teachers; when she exhibits sac raments and liturgies; when sho puts up churches at borne and mission stations abroad. She must rrono her way into the alleys and courts and purlieus of the city, and up tho bro ken Btaircase, and into tho baro room, and besido tbe loalhsomo sufferer. Sho must go down into tbe pit with the miner; into tho forecastlo with tho suilor, into tho tent with tbe soldier, into tho shop wilh tho nie chimic, into the factory with the op erative, into tho Held wilh tho farmer, into the counting room with tho mer chant. Like tho air, tho Church must press equally on all tho surfaces oi sociciy ; iiko mo sea, n.iw into ev ery nook of the shoreline of humanity; aud like the sun, shine on things lbul and low as well as fair and high for (ha was organized, commi&aioried, and equipped for the moral renervation of the world. Sfcf CtrartifW Jcpuli.lrat.. Termi of hMTlpt ton. Tf paid l ftdww,or iih" motttht J 00 If ir nT Urw an Iwto. rt month-.. X ftu If J tUrr Hi vAiirliiB of n motilbi,,, I V0 Itatviiut AdvvrtMngt Trnnairtit ailvrrtift'iBi-uti, per t,Ui,iof 10 liimor Irm, 3 timri ur It- (1 5' Fur i fc ulni'iht in mm Hon Mi AlmimtrnW)TY auti hiocuttirs' itttttrvt 3 il Anrtiton' nolle- 2 Mi ('HUtiom antl K-tnof 1 60 1 llHolul litU notu- U H) Ihk'I ihiIu-. per line ).' Olntuiry Ihitin-P, oyur Bt Jnir, pit liui. 10 I'ruluMioiuil ChiiIs, 1 ymr 6 00 r aiivkiitihkukktu, 1 (iiaru , 2 MjtiHn. ...... It tiutrv 00 is on I'll 00 j column , ) column.,,,..., ..40 00 7J DO I riliuuuH , Joh Work, BLANK!. Single quire $J AO I tl quirv. prqttirr.$l IS 3 quires, w quire, 2 00 j (Hit 0, jn-r quirt!.. 1 60 i hft, 25 or !fiu$l AO I ) pht-rt, 2A or h.H 60 4 uliet t. !!.' or Km, 2 Mi 1 litM, 2; or Ivm, H 00 Uvor 2& oi encli of nrwrve at protulionti nite. UKi). It. (iooH,AMi;it. Klitor ami l'ninit)ii. jpnt ('".cods, Cirornirs, tftr. CLEARFIELD STORE N E A ll Philipsburg, Pa. WILLI A W. I1ITT8. UEORCE L, joiik t. niim WII.LUM POWELL U W.BETTS,$CO., (SuceeMori to Munson k Iloopf ) Have ,jut received a lnrpe and well e Ircled Slock of all kiud of .Staple goods, such at Dry Goods, Clothing, Bonla and Khoca, I lata an! Caps, No Iiol, Hardware, Glusi, Kuili, Oili, Paints. Quecrifcwnrc, Groceries, Flour, bacon, Feed, ic, which we are ottering at grenlly reduced pricea, For Cash or in Exrhance for Lumber and Sbinglei. We bope to make il to the aJvauUgo of 1 miner Men, in the lower end of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, lo pel their auppliu; Irora this pnint, being on the line ot Hail Road cm Sell goods on better terras than at any point in Clearfield county, and we uro selling our Stock at such price M to make il an object tolboaebjy ing Simla in this market lo deal wllh ua Advances of Goods. Feed, Arc, made on account of Square Timber, which we will either tell on comiuiskioo or buy al fixed raiea. Klour of different Iirands can be had at all timva at very low ri"ea, at the Clear- Ih-IiI sore, 1 hilipslmrg, IVoti a. Dry (iooda Xotiona, Ao in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at ihe Uearhelil More, J lnlip.burg, Peiin a. Salt hy Ihe Suck, or load, cheat.or than can tie had an? where elve, at the Clear- field Slore, Philipkburg, Tenn'. Call and Kxamine Die ilwk of good, al the Cleaifield Slore, nt riiiliiuburg, I'a. Hiche.t price paid in Uooila or Cash for Lumber and Munglea at -Ibe Clearfield Slore, riiilipsburg. I'enn'a,. The cheapnat goodi of all kindu are to be had at Ibe Clearfield Store, at riiiliii.burg Call and ane if our good and pricea don'l aoot Ibe tunes. W. W. PKTH. i CO. riiilipsburg. November 15th, SPUING GOODS. THOU KW TORE 1'UILibELI-nia. Aa Cheap aa the C'heapcat and Uood aa die Hc.t. f. KHVJZtR & SOX, Dava jnt rri-flTcif. and are or-mlnr, at their Old !Und on Front Streat, ahora tba Acailrmr, a larpe and w.ll 10 loclfj f..rtinont of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are aelltiijc - very low ratee. Read iht fallowing catalogue and profit thereby tlhs lti3lduC8B' Ei.ecial paina hai been taken in lh elecliun ol Lailiea Ilreaa Unods, vhtl' linoda, Kmbrfiidcrin Milliner Uood.' I'rinta, Kerrbief., Nukici, Ulovea, Aa FOR GENTLEMEN. Alware oa band Blark Clnthi Fancy and lllack Ca..tmerfa, PatinPt., ete', Keailji Made Clothing ol all kicda. E0OT3 AND SHOES, N ECKT1ES, and a of oilier arliclea, which ihej will aull at a auitll adr.nce on euat. Particular allent loo le invited to their .tork of Carpets, Cottage, common In grain, aopi-rnne Bngli.h Ingrain and HroMfli, Floor and TnMe Oil Clotha, Window ahadoa and Wall rpera, et. FLOUR. BACON. Fi.h Snlt. riaatr, Api'lcia, IVachei and I'mnna kfpl con.tantly on band. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and ainaii clover aecil. We intend to mahe it an ohjeet for Farmera and Merhanie. to buy from oi; because we will eell our good, aa low aa they enn ba bought in the rnunty and pay the very highe.t price for all kind of enuntry pro dure. We wi'l alan eichange gnda for fccwooL, Koan and .'oi'tv mdera bhiiikle., lloardi, and all kinda of Manufactarad l.unibvr. Clcardehl, Mnv 2, Hir. Down I Down 1 1 THE LVSTA1UUVAL AND OF COT'RFE TflK CIIEAPKST ! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 AE r now npn.Wijr vi a lot of tVft tat nril f Dost urnfuimlily (itiniln r;i l Vmci vt ofltrrcl in tills inrulfl, nn l n prirrfl that ttiii t ml one of Ilin (rnl oM alnvn uf chfup thinin. Tliune who luck fnith upn tUi point, or dtrin our Ile gti((ns FUj-i-rtluoiii', need hut C'.M, .IT OI K STOKE, Corner Front nml Mnrttct flTTftu, X Whrr tli'-r c,n ft, ft !. h'-nr nml Viww fnr (lirm nrlvi'i, Tn fnHr uixl'Titiiiif lmt nrrcliCHii ttiii innt lip (i-iiifl. e da not tiffin it i.i-ctriiT to rnniurrmr anJ itrmiKC oui clock. It it enough fT us tu HtHlC tllHt V7e have Everything that is Needed ntl con'timeo! in tlnf mitrkct, and nt iritri tlnit a-ionir-h b;:h uU nn( vhti j. droM Josi-lMl FUAW A HON. Grape Vines for Sale. VI. I, the lending linnly varielica of flrvt quality. I 'Hif oril. 1 vcar oM. 25 rnilii. or t 'ft ncr 1 no C ihoord,2 yt-nniold, 5Hocntii, or 4I1 per IllU Ili-tK-ca. I yeur ol'l. 51101-11U1 iM-iit white grape, lona, I tivw itld, t-l fin; Wl amlier grnpt i.-4Any other Tniietit-a 1m-Iow num-rv priroa. Orrl. r euliLited aa auvn aaoonveiiiciit. nnd filled in rotniion. I.v A. 41. HILLS. I'WlilJ, Ta., Auguat 52, 1RO0. SOI 1II Hi lllllMII M .A reeent ael hue peered With llouirt of Congrett, and igned by the Preeldent. glrlng a lhri y.ara' ultlier lino and two veara' eoldier t:.u l,uni. BOIINTIKS and FFN SIO.NS Collected tj nn, lor u.e entitled to ihtm, WALTKR BAHRKTT. Att'y at Law, Clearfield, r. noil, W hale and LinMd (Mia, Family Dr. KJ varnifh.i and palqta of ail kiadi gronn'd la an 1 or aate ay u. 1 1. iUsffUanfoua. TETnSBURGTSYlUM" For Invalid Soldiers. InoorftAraOd f AH f Ainfinttly if (h Com monwtallb uf i'ennjiTtil, Mrch 6, Thi Toanl of Fopervloor pjntinVH ISy tit butfl CnorKtini o carry out (ha ohrtt of tbe cl of inrorpormiun, respectfully nnnumei t I lie putilio Out th l.vf("Uiur ui I'eiin Tttoia tiai aulhurirfd (he raitins vi fundi fur th errrtu n. e(abliihtniil and nutntonaneM of a Aluiu for invalid HuMicr of tba U( war. to bf buitl on tb hHii!-fifld of GeUyfhuTg, and an Indurttnvnt (o palrinfic .itUeni to eoutrib ote to this bfnevolprit o'Jtot, havo ropowored tbe Corporation to Uiitribute rrnjr-t (Iid nub rrtbrrs aucb article! of rlu and iu(trt, from ajooitioui wtib tli lata war. or aajr mnnyi( fftlerii, property, or at tote, real or perauual, whatever, in tbii Htata or elnewhara, at audi I line or upon turn term, and in aub way arid manner wha(eTtr, a lo them ahall win 111, any lawi of thia Co wm on wo a lib la the oontiary nutwittintrtmling. Ilia eutrrpriiie ia fordially recommended ur the fullowitij uamod Tutl-knoirn frtttulaiuea i M'tjur Uonaral Guore (1. Miiada, Y.x Giivernor Andrew 11. Ciirtin. Mnjur CJuucrji! (nil. i'enti.vpiu'kor, Atnj'r (Jonerat K Al. Urrgory, V.Mior (ieiieritl John It. llrm'ke, Mi.jur (Inuerat Chan. II T. Ctdli. lHor (iont-rttl li'y. J. Mlill, Mnjtr (ifti'-ral Jaa L. Bellride, liriadter General Jai. A. hetver, Drindier Oenaral liuratio il. Sirkeli, ltrigmlirr (Jvneral Joseph F. Knipe, linadier (General Win. J. Huultnn, lln tdier (jeneral 8. L M. Zultck, lltiyadier (Jeoeral Jutm K. Murphy, Brigadier (ieneral Juhn . llaliinr, Brifcadier (.Qarl T. F. M Coy, Brifcadier General K. E. Winlow, liriadter Gemral iltinry ricaxauti, Brigadier General J. 1. IS. Uobin, Br'gudier Gaoeral J. M. Cainplell, )trigadier Geiiflral Tht-a. M. Walker, tri)(adier General Win. Cooper 1 alley, Brigadier General X. M. Gregg, Culunel F. b. iSiuojbaugh, Tbe aita for tbe loititulion fthirty acroi) baa already ben parcbaaed, and it ia boped that tbe c:od work may cominenco before niiduminer. hubaoriptiuna will ba received at (be nio of tbe Afaociatiun, Nu. NSrl (.'bentnut itreet, Phil adtflphia, on mud after Monday, tbe 6th day uf For each aubnortptlon of fire dollar eertifl. cato will be iaiued, which will entitle tbe bolder to uru article of ralue ai may be awaided to it nuuibi-r. The firat diitribution of awgrdi will be male Imuiv-diaiely upon tbe roceipt of BDnU eubacr p tiona, of f j each. Tbe distribution will be public, and under the dirtrt eniervilon of the Corporator, 1'erione at a distance are reiiiieated to remit their eubak'riptlone (when irrticabU) by I'oit oHice tiiunry ordur, or regiilured letter, to iuiure prompt delivery. Direct all luttera to J. 1. U0FFMAX. Secretary Board of SupervliT, Box IM, P. 0., Philadelphia. Tbe following ii aacheduleof the awardj to be made under the fint dutribulion. The items of I)iainondi and other preciuu ifonea were pur chased from chiteni of tbe South during the war, and their itenuineneai ia certitW-4 to by Me ur. Uenle d Bros., tbe mint eitenaive dia mond importer! in tbe country, and by J. Her mann, liamond eetter, New York. CirUyhlitirK Akli(ra fur Invalid Kolilicra. Incorporated by Act' of Anwinbly of (be Com monwealth of Peiinpylvauia. Mar. h A, lHo7. Cilice 110 Cbeauiut street, Philadelphia. VI rut !). portion. Kighty Tboug&nd ub(-riberi at Fire Dullari Kach. t... t Diamond Necklare. 48 Brilliant!, valued al .'. 130,000 3... 1 Piaroond Cluiter Bruoch and Ear Kinjr 14.(1(10 i... 1 Award 10-40 Uuternnient Hondl... ln.t'HO 4... 1 IMamrind Cro.a, art in Silver 7, ono 6... t l'iemnnd Clutr Uruooh a.OnO 8... I Award I K-40 ilovernineiil Uomia... 000 7... 1 limoiid Binajle Stone Hine; 4 S... 1 I'iatnniid Clu.t.r IlrareleL 4 Ol-O 9... I liieinoiid .single (Stone ticarf Tin... 4.mid Id... 1 l'ismohd Clu.ter Bro-n-h 4, ono II... 1 Biauiiind l'lulir Brarelal 4,I'0I 12... 1 l'Jlr Hngle t-'tma B-iauond Ear Rinf. 8.50ft 13... 1 Iliatnond Cln.'er llro-h S.oiiil 14... 1 Award 10 40 (love rntnrnt Bundt... .H.iinD 15... Iinuiond iinjr'.e rtcne I'm 8,'Miit 10... 1 Iiaiuond Single r-lim. Mud 17... 1 Ilininond (' u.lcr llruorb t.MMi IH... 1 liiam ml Single Stune Hing 2.5011 19... 1 Ih'am-ind and Hmerald liruorh ?..'iHt 20... 1 Diamond rint I. ffine King l.nnll 21... I diamond tlu.ler King I,5" 22... 1 l.nng India Carnel'a tiair fbawl... 1,5011 2.1... 1 f'h.K-e Emerald Stud I.5" 21... 1 Single ilnue Iliamnnd King 1,000 2ito34... 10 Awardi ol 10 40 Uorern- inent Hi ndi, each I,0iO 3... 1 Jiree atore I'lamond alii Uul-y half hoop Ring 00 .10... 1 THamond aingle atone Kar Knobf.. M:U T... 1 Tair diamond Clu-ter Muda.- 6U0 He... 1 Iiamond aingie atone Bine, atar aetiing. 600 39... 1 Iiiainon-t aingle etnne Pin 7 ft"t' 40... I IManmnd Cluler Brai rli t 500 41 to 60... .0 Awardi uf 10-40 Govern ment Bond, each 50t) 51... 1 T.i-lj'a Iliatnond pel Watch 4H0 52... 1 Diamond fing'e rtono hmg KM) 5:i... I I'lamond if Upal Cluiter King 2 -0 54... 1 liiauiond rin-le alone King 2oo S... 1 F'tr tmerald Scarl I'ina Jon 5... t llinmund plngl. atone Mud 150 5i... 1 lliaoiond tinner Pin 100 5a... 1 Caioeo and Pearl Brooch and Kar hingf 100 60 to 15... Inn Awardi 10 40 Uovfrninrnt lluodi. each 100 150 to 258... 11111 Awardi Government Le gal Tendra, each 3,000 Awarli tinvrrnment Legal Tcnderi, each The distribution of the above rewanli will be made in puhlie aa aoon aa the euhncTiiition fall, of whirh due notice will be given through the pepere. (In aod alter Mnv 0th the limmomlp will be on exhibition at the ofLoo ol the Aaeoeia tion. The public enn eonfldently rely on everything nemg conaurted in the moet honitwule and air mannrr. Ail the awarda will be handed to ear- tiGcate faoldera, immediately after the ditrilu. tion, tree or all com, at the omre of the Compa ny, AO. 1120 Ibeitnut atreel, rblladelphta. We h-rehy eerlify that we have examined the Diamond Honda, I'earla, KtneralJn, Huhiea and other piecinua Stonea, aa deaeribed tn tte above tit, and find them ail genuine. llk'NLKd' Klin's., lliamond Impnrlera, 20 Mii.len Lane, New Vork. J. HERMANN, Iliatnond Setter, 804 Uruome etreel, New York, Agrnta W atilrd. Donkl oan he had ennlairlng Twenty fertiflcatee, UJt lit AIIKKII KUI.LAHM. All ordera for Certiflcalen n.uM be addreaped to J. I). IIOFfMAN, Sentarv, pox 14HI, I'oat Ofliee, Philadelphia. May . "I KI-7 2m. J)U 1J BINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. Navea Timet eav-a Minify 1 fcaea l.ahnrl avra Cloltiral Mavra Uomrn 1 AND ALL CBOCERS SKLL IT! It la nied by eulllng into email havlnga and diiaol'-Lng in hot water, then ei.ak the rh-thea Ave tn ten minut-a, and a little hand rubbing will male thru aa rlean aa houra of hard ma chine rut-Meg would do, with ordinary eo.p, and the inml delicate Inhrie receive no Injury. e can refer tn thmiaand of famillea who are oing it, and who eould not be perauaded to do without IKUIII1NS' KLKCTRIO HOAP. 4v7-4V"8t,ld hy all leading (Jrooere throughout the State. Manufactured only hy D01IIUNS i LOVE, VTholeaal oflce 1 107 Sof-ra Firra Evrxbt, pHtLinrt.rnu. r-Fir aale hv llarlawick A Irwin, Clearfield. November T, 1 Hf.rt-10 mo. SWAIM' PU( F,A, Kennrdy'a MedTra l)leovery, llelmhnld'a Buchq, Ilaker'a Cod Liver Ull, Jan.'a and Aver'a medirlnea of every kind, for aale by IIARTSWH'K A IRWIN. ( lAVM.II Htl l r of all kinda. at MERRKLL A KIULFR'R RAFT KOPi:g of iM lirevf, frr at Deo. 13, mi. MEP HELL A EIGLLK. ?nrduarff fJmurr, cflfe iEWllARD rhilipaburg. Centre County, Ta. G. II. ZEIGLEH L CO., I'f AI.KK. IN Forcipn and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Willow and Tin Varc, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, ic, ic. T MIK alt.nllon of Msrkinlri, Ilulldara, Farm- invited to the fai t that we are offering a botlor aiaorttnnt of goods in our Una tlian can be found eliewhere in ttiii part of the Suiof at Fricei to Suit tbe Times- Our atock eonpriflea a venaral aMortment of Tuoli and Material! aied by Crpenter, IlUck ttniths, Carriage and Wagon Mak9ritdo., with a large Hi k of IKOX, NAILS, STKKL, SPIKES, iIINIX(.; SUl'PLIES, SAD ULERY. ROPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, C'Ul CULAR, MILL & CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELED, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW VTA If E, CALLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish 0 Is, IfllPEXTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AID LASTZENS. An excellent anortment of Fine Cutlery, eom- priinc KNIVES, DESERT. TEA, k scis.soi:s, juzun.s, &c. TAULE SPOONS, Bill TAN XI A & SILVER TLATEI) WARE. TIN WAKE IS GHEATVAIilErY AND liEsr MAXL'lACTUIiE. Douiehold, Tlortlraltural, Farming and Rafting Impleuienie nf ibe lateat atd moat improved pxterua. Ulackimitha can ta ruppliad wilh Anvlla, Iltl- lowi, Vlrai, Sledfjea, Uamuiera, Iloraa aod .Mule Shoea, llorae Naili, and all kindi of Iron and Ettel. Carpentera and Duildera will Ind ia our aetab- liabaent a n peri or rtoek Of Planet, Fawi, Angura, Hatthrtt, aingle, doable bit and pealing Axee, llammera, Thlaela, Filaa, Ilingea, 8crewa, Dolti, Lorka, 1'uUcjl. Baih.Cord, Aa., do, do. Farmeri and Rartmcn will And everything In their line, and cheaper than can be bad elaewhere. Pailiaular a I ten tion la lnv'ted to our lock of Sloven, comprising Hpear'a celebrated Anti-Duit, Cook and Parlor Ftovea of all aiiea. Alio, the Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, Uriiliant, Dawn, Dew liop, Aretio, aud Commoa Egg, Torkct, Ae. All nf the abnte pmiila Hill be auld cheap fur t-aali. O. IL ZEIGLKR i Co. Philipihurg. Oct. 10, Isnr. iy REMINGTON'S FIRE ARMS. old bv H Trade (.eiirrilly miCES BKOrCKT), A lil'Crkl Dicount to DeaWi. Tmy Rtvnlrvr, 44-HO in. Ctlilire, tt KrTolrer, W-HMl in. nnhlirn, lielt Rftrolvrr, t cnokinjt-) Nvf rtibro, iMt kfTolTer, Kvy tun calitiri, PoUf Rerolver, Ntjp ti clir, New I'orktt KeTolver, (wilh lt4iug lever,) Porket HfTulvr, (evflf eockin?,) Rppentin PiMnl, ( KUint pt.) Nn. 32 (rtridjre, Ho'.ttinjr Pintnl, (Kllim it ) Sn. tt eartrt'tce, Vait Pocket Piptol. No. S'J, M A 82 wlrulp, (inn Cuno, Metinn No. M ofcrlridgfl, Pinjtle Hrrl Hht (inn. ltpnihinn Kifla. Is. fulihrf, Itreeeh Lmidini Hifl, No. SJ catrlndpi, lirperh l.nt,dirf rrhin. No. 4fl enrtridp, 11, 8. Riflft. Miff I ht,rrl.) with isbre Imjontl, 1). 6. Hiflr4 Mut-ket, putiom. t pwirdi of 200,HOU furnihed the I . S. Got m monL Otr tw Preeeh Loadinj- Arm" hurt jut lecn pmve(t and dfjtd for milt (Art iiprrW in Kuropo. K, ItEMINU loN 8UNS, Itliun, New Murk, Ann Mnore A Ni-ho1i, New York; W'm. Rppd A Son, Bunion ; Jut. C. Ombh A Co., Pbil atlpM, Pout ion A Trimble, Tialitmorei llrnry Folrofti A Co., New Orletni tnd Mftnthu; Johnvon, Spenrer A Co., Cbituifro j h. M. Rum ny A Co., tSt Louti ; AUert . Cran, Fan Kranrineo. jy-! BLACKSM1THING. M:V AllKANiir.Ml.NT. Till" nulineriWri, in vi'W of eominjt event, dcnipn ftduptiitg new nyftrin ( (."injt lui-i-ih m on nd nfit r lite ln of Mv n'-tt. I ri'tn thnt dittewewill the I A' S TKM. and all work in ii M then-fore ! paid f"r Inforc h-avins thf p!iop niMktnc line ditVrvinc, lmn tr, in fnvor ( our rii-t"nn-r : limt our prirra will W TW KNTY I'KH fKNT. LKrS ihn in now rliarjred foiwoTk. ;. I hofc k"M'wiiij( lliriiitx les iii lt'otcd, arxl nlioNo liook a'-ootinln hmt not (tern av'tlrd. in-rpfM-t?d to pome lorwiird and innke ai tilt uient Im-Ioit the time nl'oe itidicatetl. W e hope theae hllitfi Will not t forffotten. Ki. PASSMOltE A 80. Clrarflidd. Maroh 21, lKC,7-tf Clearfield Nursery. r.NC'OUUACK 1IOMK INlil'STHY. 'pilK anderelgned, having eatahli.hed a Kur. I. aery o the Tike, about half way betweea ( ii-arlield and Cnrwenavllle. ia prepared to fur nlah ell kinda of F1U IT 1 HEKS, (elaudar.1 and dwarf,) Kvergreena, eibrnbhery, Urape Vinci, Unnaeherriea, Lawlon Illarkberrv, etrawherry, and Kaiberry Vlnea. Alas. 8lb.rin Crab Treea, Uumee. and early aeulet Khubarb, Ae. Ordera promptly attended to. Addreee, J. I. WhIOIlT. acpJOdS-y Corwenatllla, Pa, Oili. VtrnishM, Painti Brusuei, T l SI roeuireil and lol a .le eheap hv J Jur-LI'll K. 1KWIX, "I'rll-lf Curwenmllr, pa. lluflalo Rnbea.Knae and Ilorte Blanket aajflriI- BlULlili'0. M I . -v wm 1 - fro Jtry C.ooils, :ro(rrlc3. tf lr. RICHARD HOSSOP, DKALKU IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS Ml'SI.lNS t 8!tiralion jirica iKI.AINi;.S kl l-r.o-a O lliU liii.S al hPiiHii'in jiri i' AIil'ACAS at KpinnlKin nw ,Iiil rnccivixl at Ml ISSOl'S". filVfJHAil.S al Sfiibttlion prim CIIIMZ PIUNTS OI.OVKS CKAVAIS SHAWLS I'.ONN K'VA Cnl.oK II) 1 MUSLINS J 61 nt at at at at Sl-llhUtlOIl 8naation rii-naatinn rnNHli(m priptra pricrj j.rirpa iiriwa Bl MDSSH1V SriiKitlion prioiw Si-haaliou :irci at Scimilioa )iru:f- All to be bad ul MOS-SOPS'. LINEN .at CHAir at Ct'UTAIXS nt rAP.LK CLOTHS nl r-Miieulinn Sonsnlion Ht-iifni iua Sensation tlui fation pripva iiritw ric( price at ir:oe at MUSSdl'S LACK at imSITUY nt KlbHiiNS at PonBiition Sensuiion bvusuliua jjrit I'riL-i-n jHiCOb ot ull kiiuU & in any (iuhii'iv at Sensation price Ainavaon nana at hwwi'S'. CASsniKHKS t Nnsalion SATTINET3 at K?usatiou TWKI'.O.S ul Sensation JEANS at Sensation VKSTINOS at Sc-nnation SII1UT1M.S at fx-nution ricre priuea prices priwa prtp. pricea at MOSSOJ'S'. CLOTH I NO ouch! aa vouia, I'utltl, Vtwta, Under .Shirts, Kluniivl Sbirlk, liooia, MiOtte, Huu and Cnp, at aeuaalioB prioee Now fcule at MOSOTS', II A K D W A K K atich ua .Sawa,riuiU at teuaalion Korka, Knivea, Sjnkea, Iluigca, LIQl'lHiS, lach a Wine,, l i n, U iakoy, Crt:nAe, etc., etc., KliUl I S, aueli as I'rutiPa, Jimiiim. Kigs, Filberta, 4c, ouocr.nirs, uy Clout, II a m a, Sliouldi-ra, Stitnir, Molaaana, C'ollce, IVa, C'ratkeni, Spio, Camllo, pncee it MOSSOrS'. at ctnatiun pncei at aen-alion at Mossors. at acotation price (kial Oil, elc, etc. Alwayi at MOSSOrS'. Rt.Af'KINQ ll'H I S P'lWIitR II()T LEAD CATS at ' leiiealioo prirpe at aensation ' jit-int at aini-Dtiiin jirice at actisaiiun j-rici-- li t aeiisalioii iirii-e. at at-ii a ii on rite At tlio elore or RICUARD MDS.-?or. MOfeSOP Alerara keen on ImnJ lull itaaottmerit of all kinda of pooda rpquircd for tbe accommodation ol the puLhc. No. 12. ixtl. FKSJI AKPJVALS AT TI1K CURAP BTORE OF EDWARD W. GRAHAM Spring Goods- New and Very Cheap I rfHK nnderflpncd respectfully announce to JL tl ptblie that hey ia new njeuinj- an extfOMTs aoeortuetit of tPRIMi (iO-fl'D, a tha old atand In Orabnm't new buildir.g, which he offer to tell at eKreedirgly low pricee. con iidnriDg their eoit, fcr eah or approtai country produce. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Co atom era can there find Calicoes with faat col ors ( Muitina, Delaines, Liiwaa, Cloths, Ca-rl neres, Veilings, Ladies' Fbawli, tients Shawln. lints and Caps, BpoU and bboei. Carpet i, and Oil Cloths. Hit Stock of Fancy Goodi is Unci ami led in Style and Variety, Embracing Notions Scarfs, Head nets, Neck ties, Fatchrla, Port Monnaiea, Brushes, Photo airaphio Albums, Pipes, Tobacco and ISefari Perfumery of all kiuda, r anything alia io lha Kotton line. A Lbo, II A Ii I) W A K E, QUEE N S WAKE, GKOGER1E8. rnovisioxss All of the beat quality, and scleited with ipecial regard to th trade of Clrarfieid county 1 EDWARD W, CiHAIIAM. Clearfield, May 16, 17, EV STUKK AND NEW HOODS! JOS. SHAW & SON Have just cifiieJ a Xkw Stori, on Main St., Ci.iAriii.n, Ta., ItttelT occupieJ by Wo. F. IKW1N. Their elork conaiati o ( a OkorER!iia nf the boat qiinlity, QiiEENswAnr., Roots nnd Shoes, and verjr article neooasarv for one', pomfort. Call and examine our atock before pur chaiine plaatrhern. May 9. IWt-lf. C. KRATZER & SON, TEAI.ER8 IN Dry Goods, Dress Coods, JiIir.LIXF.KY coons, CAIU'KTS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CfltTALNS, "wall rArr-i, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queeuswaro, Hardware, Groceries. I-'ront itrrrt. aknvf the Aradrmv. GHUtfcKllva fete had at MtUtti.L ClaLEa'3. I'iUrnt Itflitlnca!. BEAL'S LATE TOWEL'S EMBROCATION. Kr all difftf tnndent li llorrft, Cailia, and Human Klrhf Td -imiirn lha u ol an ff iKrtiol - ticatioo. tlH Dew I iii pound pnparcd )r pratlral 1 ih. Ullftt iiVUlg lull kbonitytifTd l ll Ult iiu ii-'ai inuf o en;ti iiiilirnt ttil eiilvwi Into it eompoaiiion. ia farrttitcd to eirfd mv tti lr of the kind crrr yi-t fif. Tr l t the Puhlie an exirrnal at f lif i n for th- d f-.r which It if rerotntiit'ndrd. ai aiiQrd iLkt It wilt work tta own load into the coi.niienea td ail who uo it, and thoie who try it unet will nnrer ha wilbtiit it, nd thrrefura ws rely on ipeneneo a the l-rit t it of ill ne( It , if pranounod hy Purneri, and all wliu hurt trlto j IL, to he the hei-t afjpiicaiion ever uad. 1 Ktnbrocatiun ta heco put up for ovtr ifht jtur. and it is only through the inrreafiiiK le niarid and urgent n''urHt ot my frictin and the 1'uhlto thai 1 lend it forth a the grand rrumdial ai-nt for the various Uiti-ae U wbii-h that DuUe and uh fui m tiuat, the )ivrio, ia rui ject. Many rrrnf diua havn beu r. flared 10 the Pub lic under di floruit fortnf, aome of thvjie are in jt riiiu. ollien at Lent of little une, and many bolly iiKproper U antwer the purpuiaa for which they are recommended. A judicioUH and really uieful enmpoaitton, free from lboa objection, haa th-rofnre lot g been Jin-d by uiuny gittittt-uun aim bnva valuahln borcvR, and bid uuailliu to trust thtiu to the care of dei-ipning uitd pretended Frirri-ra. lhair wichei are at iuilb fully pmiilied, by (Dr. Jieiile) heinir previiad upou tt allow thi valua- l ie Kuihrof-tition (vh eh baa proved o etbracium : to the vuriogi Uimh-ch) lo be iirepared acd Iron t out tn the public. lini r,uibrocatin was eitenairely uaed by tbe U'lvemuteni durinc the war. J'or tain by llaruwii k A Irwic, Cleatfield. Joivpb It. Irwin, CurwoDBTille. facial tiood laudbr. iiUlberMburi;, jddrte all ordnrc to 1R KDMTM) rrTALE, aprt.ft7-1y Sooth iSenond Ht., Vhiln.. Pa. Aycr's Cathartic PiUs Are the tuotd perfect purgative we are able to iirodurv and, as nt think, has erer yet been made by any body. Tneir eflocu bav abundantly ahowo to tbe commu nity bow much tbry net I tbe other medicine In ure. They are nxfe and ploafant to tuke, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating propertiea ati utulate tbe vital activit itra of th iiody. remnre tbe obitnicU'iUr ol ui organ 1, purify tbe blood ud expel din-ate. Tby purge out liie fuul bum or which bred and rrow distemper, stirnu late slufc'ieh or ai coi dt-rod orpana into (heir natural acuan.and impart tone and atrengtleto the wh"l s)stcm. Mot only do they euro tbe every day complaint of everybody but formi dable and dnniferoui disease. Vt utte thev pro duce powerful effect, they are at tbe same time, iu diu.iuihed doses, ibe rafost aod beat physic i3i can ro roipioyva i'r cnnuren. jtving suirar coated, they are plenssnt to take; and. '"iviv "F"""'"! o'oj 11 inicFB. 1 ''urcs hive been tr.a'leihnt wouM rurpara btlit-f, were they not f ub'tantiaTed by men of eurh ex alted cbararcer, aa to fortiid the Butf itrionof un truth. Many en. inept clerjrymao aod .by Miriam CMtify to the public tbe reliability of our rune die, while other hsre tut us tbe aiuranea of thfir e jtirlftioti that oar Preparations contribute immonrcW tj the relief of our attl.cted fclUw uicn, The Apent tr!ow nJimed is pleaded to fumUb gratis cur American Almans?, containing dtrec tion for the ae of tlice niedicine-a and certifi cates of their cures of the following eomp'aitta : Coplivencaa, bili u t'ou.!aiDlii, ltheuu.aiin), Dropfv, lltarthura. lltadavbe anntif frout foul tomach, Naofts, I ndtsjaat ;on, Morb d luacijon of tbe buweif and Fain aiibing tcrrfn.ra. Flat ulency, Lou of Apprtite. nil l'ian which rrquire an evaetiant nacHicine. Ibeyalvo, by ( urit)inK tbe blood and ittn-ultttinit th ryUtu, cure many cnmplainu wbirb it would not be aupp'iM'd whey fuuM reach, such na Deatncf-s. 1 artial ItlindncFi, eura!)?la and "tTv-tti lrn lability, Icroncfflivnt of tbe Livar ani Kidneys, Uout, and other kindri d disorders ari-ing from a low state of th bod, or obstruction of iia function. Do not h pnt oft by nnprincipld dealers with other preparations on wbie.fa tby tnako nor profit. lesnand Ataa'a and take bo otbera. lha ei(k wunt the bett aid there ii for ibem, and tbfy hould kar H. Prepared by Ia. J. C Am A Co., Lowell, Maa- aod fold by C. D. tt'ateon, CIcarflcH; W. C, Mela, (lien Jlnpe; Joejh II. Irwin and Irvin A Hart-horn, Curwcusville ; Kirk d' Spen cer. Lumber City. mayS 2ia (iood Xnvs for Mothers. MOT HEP 8, are yoaoj pressed with anxiety hr your iM Me ones? Are your sluwberr aou beans broken by tbeir nrict? Io you awake in tbe moiuing uu.etrefbed anl ap prehensive ? If o, procure at once a botile nf Iir. Lcoa' In fant rcu.edy. and you will bar do mure wry hour of watching and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy Haa stood th tret of years. Ihoui-auJi of nuree and mothers biar wtinetj that it never faila to give rcii.-f if ned in aeavnn. Jt ia a mild, yet pure and apeedy cure for Colic. Crampa and Windy Pains, and ia intaluable for all coca plaint Incident to Teething. hold ty all lirufni t throughout th I'nitad Statf-s. AddreM all order to ZlfcULl.n A FMITfl. frole Proprietor, Pol 4 y LIT North third St, Philadelphia. A Great Discovery. ""iNC of the grcnUat and ni"t nat-tul diaeoveries in mctl.caJ sr-irncewaf mode bv tlicei-lebrated lr. J. I'uiuap. of Pari. Chut Physician to the Itnperfri Jnlimwry nf France, in iMil. Thoae who have locn ifflicted with the di;aw known un Pi'e and o-tultv etftvtl 1 t the of DH M MAS HiL.Nt U Pil.i; PALVK, nannol apeak tro uijrhly of the Wnetlte confrrred upou them bv tlin nr of this romi'dv. It hai never been known to 1m ii in c!Tictitig a permanent cure in a single cmhs. in this rrppeot it furtaj5eva all other modi cuif s ff tlio kind. It will do junt what it i rectm mn.dfd fnr: if not, the money will be retundod. One or twn lntxcs ir auflicient t4 if! ct a permanent core in four or ix dnya, if thy ilifwiion on the boxes are followed. Price, one and two dollars pr box. aooording to nie. 8 nt by mail or eirr- to any part of the I nitrd Plate or ( anada. i.dd hv 1niiT'ta generally. A liberal di-eonnt made to the lra4. Addreaa 1. IS. 1( Ml AM A ( n uhittnpori, I i., sole Proprietor nnd Mnnnfne turerv- for the l uned States and Canada. dS-j No mure Halt) lit at. I No more Gray I.ocia! Da. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR REKEWIB, 18 pronourieed tr all vho bare ued it tli, very tet preparation tr the Ilalr. It ia a pneitire rure for lta!dnea, eradieatea IardrulT and 11a mora, alope Ihe Hair from fallirg out, and apeed. tly rreture Urar Lvcka to Uicir ohgloal hue aad luiurianre. It mierotea on thr aeerellona and fill 0e claml, wilh new life and elirln,r malter. Thin, dead, fad.d or rar hair will alwata he hrnucht haeh bj a rw ai'.lirat iona, to ila Youthful ahuodaooe, vitality aad eo r. It vi.eea the hair aofl. pine?, fragrant, pleae ant tn the tourh, and eary to arratip. t'rv.vrirv and intractable loeka bernme noiat, pliant and dipo,ed io remain in any deaired po.aicn. Aa a Hatr lrea?inir in haa rto ecnal. The aalna are enortnona. ntul tl ia a nniieraal favorite with old and young of both erxf a. old by lrujttrifta ihroufthont th, t'nited Statea. Addttaa all ordera to ZIlilJLKR Jt PMITH, Sole Pi.piettra, ol4 y 137 Korlh Third St., Phi a.lelphia. 1TI II I IK II I IT II 1 SCEATCH! SCRATCH! SCHATCH WHKATON S OIXTVKM M 111 t Hie the llrh In 1s llmira. VLs(). enrea ft liUenra. I Irere, CliiU.Uina, atid all Fruptwria ol the tkia. Pttre .so riMile. F-T rale tv all Ilnicj.ita. Bt eroding ailtv ernt luWKKKS A I'n1 TF.R, eoleagentl. 170 Wa.hir.e'on .irect, Iioitton, it will bj for wardi d hv mail, tree of otgn, to any part ot the Vniti.l Sutra. Pgr aale at llarleeirk 1 Irwin'a, ClearBeld. Pa. July 13, Idnd-ly This Starch GIoes IS aaed hy Oral elan llntela Laundriea, tent of thou. andaof tamiliea and ahould he aaed by all. It iv" a beautiful pnli,h, Making the iron raa rtniolblr nr.. tt. L.iti lima and labor. (looHe don. nn with it ke.n elean Innaor. o.meitirntlv will not wear oat ao loon. It makea old Linen Innk like new. EolJ by Pmpgirte and (Iroetr, Qenerallf, Our Inwrial Blue Ii the beat In Ihe world I It la eolubl, la hard a well ar aofi water. Il In put up io the eafeet aaatett, end moat eoavenieet form of any odi-red to th, ublte. It warrantnl not to ttreak the eloth. Sold hy (Irnrrreend tlrupel'tr penerally, Agenta wanted everywhere, to whom w, ofler xlrauvdinarv indufetnenta. Addreaa KW VlfRK MARCH tiLnpa Ca Bar21 iia Ka, JIB iojton St, Ncwtork, MAUBLK WORKS. ItuJUu Mid rrimibt I.irtle !,!. tj a the iillH-t MtNlrol the An. The P'tl.nt riU ra l- 1mv ta tt(;-,unv to tU 'ti7Mi" of t'l"trtn ld wuii't, thm Oi'-v have "t-i-i J t ) v tt-hawve ,l ;trid' Vur Ion flu- it ut n wi jt (, .f of Almkt a'.'! T Mirih, Mr-. . i. K , llit-T are prt'panU lo inHKe I 'irijl-t-f !... ,JI:ii iiH'itlc. 1 '.n.ief, Lot and ; 1- T-tniia. t ra in '1 ,, cmHiTT i'ou, ?;inth, tliflvr, Br-vk-i, (.(, n nhort oiiof. J ii. y alwuya k-vp oo hand 4 1Ht nu intity of w-nk -I, rn-t i.t the Wtui. ing. tlmt per"tn nm vh and w u-ct lur liirw. w-lvea tli aryla ant.. 'I hr-vwill at-o make to order aoy titer B'-.le ol work that may Ij dtpi:, J( ait th-y fl alter therni'lwt ttmt they can co:,.j with ttin inanufacturera outMade of 1 he oouo.y, eiihr in workma'.elup or price, ae tl-ey otiiy eu. ploy the ttet WOrKmt-ri. "tTAU ift(uinei by Uller ftroirpllr ancriTtd. .ion v (iiTjrH. May 22, Uf.7. ITFMtY f.Ll.iril. CHEAP FURNITURE JOHN CULiril DVPiPf-S to inf'irtn hid old frndi and eui. torn era, that haviuj- enlarged bi invp and increased hia faellitiei tor Li.iu-actnrtHaj;. ha n now trevared tu roalie to nrd. -nu"h Kartntura tt Riay he draired, in ffooil atyle and t euap r..ia tor CASH, lie generally baa on hanJ, at bii turntture rooiiu, a rrird ax-oriuitiit of ready, made furaituro, among which ar lil'KKAt'S ASU SM'E-fc'JAliUS. Wordrobeeand Book-Caaca; Coot re. bnfa, Parior, Jra kf KJt ard iJniinff KxtfBion 1h,i-m; Com mon, Fre nth po-'t,C,,itair),.lnny L'nd and other Itmlfctcada fv.fas of all kmc. Vrk-atacdl. rarka, Warh etaLdf ; I'.ocking and Aria Chair t ptinir-eat, aoe boUoin, parlor, com itiao and other Lbaira ; Looking-'itaaiee of every dfiTiptioD on hand ; and m etaea for old fri'incn, whieb alll be put In on teiy re?jcnabl taraoa 011 ihwrtoft noiica. U aiekefpa on band or turni"ba to order, Uru butk, ilalr aud Col-UD-top Maitreeeei. Coffins of Evert Kind Made to order, and fuuar-le attended with a llear whenever dftirvd. Alo, iiuuae Paintme d'-ne to ordtr. Tbe fuhnentjer alao tnaQure ! twri- M e"U"olly 00 band, Cleaiant'i Patent W aabinir Ma.-.lui, tba best nov la ne! Those aoinr thie much tne never nerd ba witb out eUao elothel! lla alao baa i lyer'a Parent ('burn, a fnperior article. A fauitiy uiing tbia Churn eeier need be without butur 1 AH th abova and maty other artielea are fur- n'bed to customer cheap for Cab ot exchanged fr approved ooantry produce. Cherry, U ), , p ( Ul W((tlfJ ,nt ut.jP; LuirVer luitabl fwr 1 Chhiutt mvlkf uken in txchang for fBtniiar. xer-remeaioer tat rn-ip u 00 uarEec i-eei, Clearfield, Paand m any oppofita the "Oirf Jew &toro." JuU.V ULLICU. i. y Silver Wasi Powder. aves tiane, labor, m ney. N'aktw waabinir a pttiuuie and Monday a iurUral. boii every where. Try it. Addrer all orders tn the Manafaeturers. j ZIL)Li:il A b.MITU, Cbcmlftn and V holevale Itrur-sta, rinli ly - m Nnnh Third t , Philadelphia. LTver y Stable TUK uudlriuei b.'; leave to inform the pub lic ihf he le now fiilly pr--p3Td to a uimt date all iu the way of furnishing lluraea, lluiea, Suddlea and iiarnes, on the ahort-nt notice and on reae ms ole t-rm. JtiidcEoe on Locust street, betHCcu Tbnd and Fourth. (tKO. TT. GEABHART. CUarfi-Id. April 11, lw;7. fuwi' t. Iomlnco. HubbelPi, Drake' Hoof la, land 'a Herman, Uostetter' and Oreeoe's Oxygenated Bitter a, also pure Liquer. of all kind for anedtciual purposes, for sale by H. at L Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. tar time at Tyrouew Oo ao after Monday, April 29, I eft7, panenfff trains will run ai lollowa ; LHAVE EASTWAKD.j LEAVE WESTWARD A- Ml 4. . Uy Pancngcr, 7... PhiPa Eipreas, T.4T Day Kxprera, v P2;Lol Aceoa'ai for r. w Alto on a, 01 Liral Aceom', 4.4( T. v. Cincinnati Express, 4.4c Etaiftrant train, S.t I'hila Extrera. 10t7 .Mail train, 6 43 if4Tb proper train for Passengers from thi section to uke, who fo Kaitward, i the Ciucik nati kipresa. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Mimmrr Arrangement. LEAVE EAST WAHD LEAVE WESTW ARD. araTi.iM. r. a. avarioaa. a Phi!iiaburf 3 04 Tvruaa 0 LDbnr 5. IS iDtrreectioa ( "'' J.:j Vann-ojue .4I Powettoll S id Onriiner 10 0 H.Jye 147 Ml l'l.eaaut 111. IT S'lmmit Fantnit Iv.SO Ml I'leatanl 3 Pandj Ridge 1 ti ST llanlnrr J."3 I'uwelluD It t Van.i'Mvoe 3."V ONeota 110 Iolenecliiia Hi buDbar II K7 aruivi at aar.ivt at Tyrone 4 IHt Pl,il i y ,lvrt 11 JAMM LKWIS, f op't T.AC, and B. E V. Braoch Hoiria. b"ald"eagle valley" r7 r. " Miuinirr Arrannirut. LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVE WESTWARD V atAVioaa, Tyrone Interaoetion liald Kagl, Hannah Pott Matilda Mattha Julian fnionritla viva t in a n J4 " 30 " S.t 7 " .Sj " 10 07 " loll aranoae. rtaa. Look Haven S.a&p.ta L k Hares lot fli - riemtnrioa i 41 Mill 11.11 Heeeh I'reek KapleviU. Howard Mount Eagle Hotter, Curtin Miienlora1 1.47 tw . li : t i iJ t .-o t tr in 33 I! 1. F. Int., 1(1. 4t .Milnbur 1013 I Ar I tlellfont 4 '0 Bellfcntej; : Mileah-irg 4 37 11. t 8. tt. IaW, 4.41 ) Mile.hurg 11 2" , t artia 11 HJ " 0 (10 " 11 40 " II . ill " 15 04r at 11 14 " 12 L' " Hultera Mount Eng'a How.rJ Ka(leville He h Creak Mill Hall Kletniiifftnn t uiobt Uio Martha H..rt Matilda Hannah 1U4 iule lntvreeetin aaatva at Tinina 4 7 " i ll " ! " ,6.-3 ' h 3 " i'-J " t "3 ' t -a 11.11 ' L'k llaven lot 12.40 " aantva t I.oek Haven I2.4S ' J a vt a. Is. Sof t T. A C.ud B K. V. Branch Rraia. 1S07 rhilaJelphia & Erie R.R.1837 Tuir great line trareraea the Northera and Not b. V"l e.iunilea of Pennarlvania to th, eitv ul ti.a on bake Krie. Tt ha been leael and le operated hv th I K.NNCV1.VAMA RAILROAD IOMPAKT. Time of r.,enger mine at ST. MARrS aad K KAIL.N ii I.rave K.lwurd. Wary',. KH, Vail Train 4 14 P. M. Kti. Kxproaa Train Il.wii p. M. l.rare V1twaril. Prle Wail Train 1(1.2(1 T. M. Krie Kapreaa Train 1 l.i A. M. Keating 1 6.1 A. M .41 P. M. 10.J1 A.M. 12.81 A.M. Paaaenger eava rua through on the Krie 11 ail and Hxpra.a Tt.ina without ehaajra botat wara between Philadelphia antl Kne. Xcw i nrk C&uiKxIlnn. Leave S. V at t a. tn. Ar. at Erie 1 a. Leave N. . at ( n. as ; li..i i Leave r.tirat 3 an p.m.. Ar. at N. Y. 3U 1 ft w.aa. i-eava at in.i., . n,., Ar at N.V.10.1 a. i. Xa fliangr of fare bttvtrrn I'.rle & Jt. . Elegant Sleeping t are or all Night train,. For Informally re.pectlng Paaaenger Ur acia. apply at for. Joth and Market Ri a, Ph.. a. And lor frriitht el the Compel v a Agenta, 8. II. Kingiton. jr., Cor. lsth and ! r ket airi eta. Philadelphia. J. W. Heynolda. K W ill'rni Brown. t,iii 17 r ft H R.t.ln .r H. 11. Hou.toa. Oenenal tent Pa le. U. W. tiwluttw, tiaaaral Tieket Ageal, tn. A. L. TVLKII. Oenarai PupeilatBdet, lrl.