Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 13, 1867, Image 2

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    She Republican.
GtOROS 15. Goolll.ANDKR, Editor.
Thursday Morning, June 13, 1867.
Lucius M. Surge tit, the last oi the
line of the old Boston aristocrat, diet!
iu that city otr Thursday last, in the
85th year of his age.
The Treasury Department at Wash
ington, exclusive of Clark's harem
now employs 2,500 clerks, nearly
three reiri moots. These all contri
bute to tho "national Mousing."
Shin Plaster Currency Chase, now
Chief Justice of tho Supremo Court
held a negro levee ut Iluloigh, North
Carolina, last week. Nice work for
tho successor of Jay, Marshall and
Taney 1
What a mockery it is to call this
country-of ourfj 'a Kepnblic," while
nearly one hulf of it is under the
hjels of a" pure military dospotism
administered by the greatest fools of
that persuasion.
Thad. Stevens persistently refuses
to contribute anything to tho Lnn
oaeter Homo for Friendless Children
until negro children shall bo admitted
on full equality with white children
Tbad dies hard. We svpposo he is
laboring to have this rule adopted by
tho Homo so that his children will
have freo access when he leaves them
Niw Bridge. The work upon the
new suspension bridgo at Niagara
Falls is progressing rapidly, and is to
bo completed by fall.' This bridgo is
to connect the Canada shore with the
American from ui point a little below
tho celebrated Clifton House to
point just below the International
Hotel on this Bido, and will undoubt
edly becomo moro popular than the
old bridge.
It is supposed by some that the
'Loyal," "Union," ".Republican," etc
party, whoso numo lias became legion
and is bourne down with aliases, will
eoon bo baptized as tho "Blockhead"
party, as intimated by Horace Gree
ley, tho lato celebrated "on to Kith
HI 11 i
monu- nowier, who lias lor many
years carried the consciences of
largo majority of his party friend in
Lis breeches pocket.
Held for JIurdkr. Gen. Georgo
W. Colo, who last week shot ono of
the loyal members of the Now York
constitutional convention, named 11 is-
cox, has been indicted for murder
and is now confined in tho Albany
jail. He is a brother of U. S. Senator
Cole, of California. Ho charges His.
cox with violating his wifo while he
was absent iu tho army. Each of the
parties have a wifo and two daugh
ters, and move in tho highest circle.
Afpointed. 1 he Erio Observer
states that Samuol E. Woodruff, Esq.,
ot iiirard, in that county, has been
appointed by Chief Justice Chaso,
Register in Bankruptcy under the lute
act of Congress, for this Congressional
district. Jt is understood that the
cuicl justico lea tho selection of
these ofllccrs to tho several Keptibli
can Congressmen, and that Mr. Wood
ruff obtained Judgo Scoficld's recom
mendation. Those ready for bank
ruptcy can now bo accoinmodutcd.
The Lliu-lc Ucpublicun soothsayers
re progoasticating terrible things
with refcrenco to their bell-wether
Greeley who they fear is about for
Baking his "blockhead" relations.
Horaco, during tho war, away down
in New York, where ho was safe,
shouted vehemently "on to Rich
mond," and, by his energy and real,
got more men into the field to com
plete the John Brown raid than Lin
coln himself ; yet, after all this enthu
siasm, Horace was tho first of all the
Radical leaders to get to Richmond ;
and for this heroism he is about being
crucified by his brethren, or perhaps
Lung on "a sour apple troo."
Tng Song Changed. Tho Black
Republican party is as full of didactics
as a dog is of fleas. During and since
the closo of tho war, every street
lane, alley, avenue, highway, parlor,
and many churches, in short, every
thing that was loyal, gavo utterance
to that well known melodious strain,
"We'll hang Jeff. Davit
On soar apple tree," eta.
which has resulted in hanging the
aforesaid Jefferson DaTis on the neck
of Horace Greeley, and they have
even went so fur as to cut every limb
off tho apple tree for fear they would
hang Horaco. This is another evi
dence that tho present Disunion par
ty are unable, or unfit, to carry out
anything they undertake, unless it is
to rob the treasury or tho people.
This they do as solemnly and as long
facrdly as their brethren, tho Thari
accs, did two thousand years ago.
Tbsy are evidently "chips ont of the
vU blork
1 '! 111 , Ml .' .
Wnfcnr Uovrmori.
Wbou.we read some of the mani
festoes which emanate from the mili
tury satraps in tho South, we some
times wondir whether we have been
transplanted to somo European do
minion, or whether somo monurch has
come to America and gobbled us up
wliilo wo slept. Before the advent of
Black Republicanism, Americans wero
controlled and protoctcd by law; but
now, a freeman is rendered a mere
machine whether he bo governor, or
acting in somo humbler sphere of life.
Wo are led to these, remarks after
rending an order issued at Now Or
leans, by tho Shonandonh Valley
raider, Shoridan, who has undertaken
to mako a Governor for tho Stuto of
Louisiana in tho following European
style :
Hr.iDQi'ABTrm Firm Military Disthht, )
New Orleans, L., June 7, IriGT. J
Mr. J. Madison Wells, Kx-tlovernorof Louisiaua:
Sir : Governor Flanders hasAust iufnriuod me
that be made an official deuiautl on you fur the
records of I lie otlioe which you hare heretofore held
ai Governor (if Louisiana, aud that you have de
clined to turn them over to him. disputing the
right to remove you from office by me, which right
you have acknowledged and urged upon me up to
ine uuie 01 your removal. 1 tticreloru aeud Ilrcvet
Urigadiur General James W. Forsyth, of in taff.
to notify you that he i, eent by me to eject you
iroiu me uorernor room torellily, unless you con
sider this notification ae equivalent to ejecting.
1'. 11. SHERIDAN, .Major-lieu. t'.S.A.,
Lotus; Fifth Military District.
Gov. Wells was regularly elected by
the people, but was distasteful to tho
satraps, and of course re
A tool named Plunders was
put inbis paco. Mr. Wolls, unac
quainted with tho present loyul mode
of making Governors, remonstrated,
and properly refused to vacate und
deliver up the records of his office;
honce the above "Headquarters," etc.,
from Sheridan. Gov. Wells, at the
point of tho bayonot, surrendered all
the records of his office, but informed
the military hero that ho would tost
bis usurpations beforo tho U. S. Court;
after which Flanders was bavoneted
into the Gubernatorial chuir.
Some old fogy once mid, "Where
liberty dwells, thero is my county."
Were he back, and ablo to review tho
workings of Black Republicans, he
would no doubt paraphrase, his former
philippic into "Where Sheridan dwells,
there liberty perishes "
This military despot is only erecting
the milestones along the highway
over which the Black Republicans in
tend to lead tho American pooplo; and
unless they dismiss their present task
masters, they will bo as completely
Pulundized as that unhappy country
over winch despotism rides dry
shod, and its inhabitants rendered
tho meanest slaves on earth. Our
admonitions to tho people are, study
history, and comparo the lessons of
Black Republicanism with the historic
Loyal P'beaks. Tho Washington
correspondent of tho Philadelphia
Mercury, in writing about the con
duct of the "pet lambs" on Sunday
before tho election in that city, says :
"On Pnnilay evening laat, the colored churches
weraall crowded to a jsm with the brethren and
sisters from all sections of the country, within a
radius of thirty miles, and the loud shouts of hal
lelujah that rent the air of the Sabbath night, in
dicated that the sons of Ham and fain imagined
that the day of jubilee was at band, and that all
were going lo glorr with the almost dispatch.
"Little Heaven," Beth.l," "Little Hell, and
those of the ilaptist persuasion, took the lead in
Iheso temporal matters, and election tickets were
served out to the negroes at the communion ser
vice, amid the singing of 'John ltrown'i bodv,'
and other ieeuliar and classical bymns, suitable
to the time and occasion."
The correspondent also states that
many "whito niggers" wero present
and assisted in making the election
arrangements. Administering tho
leading sacrament of tho church, dis
tributing tickets for tho election, and
singing "John Brown's body," etc., at
tho capital of a christiun tuition, seems
like blending tho subliino and ridicu
lous a little, but then it is dono by
"loyal" pooplo, and must of necessity
be right
"Victory." Thus have shouted
the negroes and loyal whites through
out the country the pnst week. Well
they may. Hell no doubt is tumultu
ous, too. 1 ho Capital of tho nation is
in tho handsof perjurers, illegal voters,
negroes and mean whites. Hence,
everything controlled by "grand mor
al ideas" shouts "victory !" We call
tho attention of our readers to an
artido taken from tho Waxhington
inUlhgcnccr, upon the lato municipal
election in that city. It was sup
posed that when the war would closo
legal voting would cease, but such
not tho fact. Those who stuffed
ballot boxes durinir tho war are at
tho samo loyal work still, and will
continuo their infamous culling until
the peoplo rcmovo them from power,
or send them to tho penitentiary.
Tho editor ol tho Venango Specta
tor, in passing along tho street on tho
day of tho Badieal county convention,
overheard An nnxioiis and excitable
mamma address her pretty littlo
dati(;hter in tho following stylo :
"AucaWa wjr drar, take your dull and star in
the huuw. I cannot rllow Toa lo s:n intn'tlis
ftrwl vbils an sissy nf those St England drrgj
men are running around."
The point will bo moro distinct
wiicn wo state that half a seoro of
oily clergymen were delegates to, nnd
three were candidates before that
"grand moral idea" body. Danghtors
seem to bn in as much danger in Yen
ango as horses aro in this section,
though not from tho samo causn.
Mrs. Charles Ji. Ktratton (nre War
ren,) is about to becomo a mother
and in all probability the heir or
heiress of Tom Thumb will be exhib
ited with the paronls when they appear
"tjuro lurfuuuc in wis country.
, en
om tnt tiamcnl tlrlonf tffts
iroMiM tfathtnirlon tilu
It appears upon invcntifatlon that
the must stupendous (minis ever nt
leinnlvtl to bo perpetrated wero used
in tlio recent election in this city.
They wero so stupendous that no hon
est man in the city ever dreamed they
would bo attempted. It was not sup
posed that tho judical adventurers iu
our midst could possibly bo so lost to
every Benso ot justice, truth, anil pro
prirty iTn to bo guilty of such enormi
ties. It was canceled that election
frauds would bo pcrpctrnted. It was
expected that hundreds of negroes
not, cniuicu to vote would uo pltiecd
upon tho registry; but the manipula
tors of tho schomo wero not sntistiud
with contingencies. They had the ro
sun all arrangod. P.ven it the Con
servative voters had lircsontod an ar
ray of votes otiual to three thousand
majority upon a laij vote thoy wero
prepared to ovoreoina it. This result
was provided for weeks ago. Tho ev
idences of it will bo forthcoming at
tho proper timo. They wero not
known until too Into to bo acted upon
during tho election.
Tho frauds perpetrated aro so glar
ing as naruiy to need exposure. Up
on tlio morning alter tho election
thero wero crowds of country negroes
lound waiting lor transportation to
ineir Homes 111 ilarylund any V irgiiiia
who had voted, here. .Thsv had been
brought from all quarters outside of
the city, and wero indignant that af
ter having complied with, their con
tract to vote in tVaNhiiiirton, thoy
were not provided, as slipulutud, Willi
transportation to their homes. It
may bo that some of theso samo no
groes will bo swill witnesses against
their employers, and help to show
that tJso election here was an enor
mous fraud, and tho result attributa
ble to tlio perjury of uegrocs suborn
ed by tho manipulators of tho negro.
It may bo well for gentlemen who
deem their sociul position libovo ro
proach to congratulate themselves
upon the result of the election, but it
would be better for somo of them to
prepare themselves against a criminal
prosecution under tho election laws
lor subornation of perjury and in-
terference with tho election.
Apart from the frauds, the manner
in which the Radicals thrust obstacles
in the way of polling tho whito voto
is simply outrageous. In somo of tho
wards, in winch tho voto to bo cast
was greater than oould be possible un
der tho arrangements made, tho com
missioners of election had agreed toa
programmo to havo a fair election.
They hud arranged among themselves
that there should be two lines of vot
ers, one of whites, the other of Mucks,
and that each should bo allowed al
ternately to put ia four votes. This
was a perfectly fair and satisfactory
arrangement, but our information is
that the Superintendent of Police
broko up this arrangement, and com
pelled the whito voters who wero pre
pared to voto under tins arrangement
of tho commissioners, to take position
in tho rear of tho negro voters. Na
tional Inttlliqencer.
The fiifrrnrif Ifrrrniif.
Tho utartlin-r announcement is made
that tho internal revenue has fnllen off
for March April, of tho current
year, at least 40 per cent., and that,
whereas, Mr. McUulloeh estimated n
decrease of ubout 110,000,000 for the
entire year, the falling off in tlvo ag
gregate will not bo less than f 123,lMiti,
0001 When it is coiibidered tluit tho
expenses of the government, this year,
will bo largely increased in sustaining
tho reign of tlio I'ivo Monnivlis in the
southern States, supporting the In
dian war in tho West, and paying ad
ditional bounties, &c., a considerable
increase on tho publio debt is inevita
ble, it was liio rulo or tlio military,
and lhecxessivo taxation required to
support them, that stumped out every
vestsgo of civil liberty in Jiomo, nod
wo aro following her bad example.
Tho masses of tho pooplo must bo
ground year by year in o denser and
more hopeless ignorance and slavery
in order to eke out tho payment of
tho taxes. Already an Abolition pa
per admonishes "the working people"
thnt they "must be content with plain
er clothing, oat loss meat, abstain
from the use of beer and tobacco, and
all luxuries." This is, of course, what
they will have tocomo to, if tho debt
and its attendant evils aro fastened
upon our country. In all debt-ridden
countries, tho object of tho bondhold
ers is to reduco the laboring classes to
the minimum of food to support life,
and sccuro the requisite labor. In
somo districts in Europe, luborers
sleep in burns, or under ricks and
hedges, have no lodgings nt all, and
get but a few penco per day. Thous
ands of families, who are considered
well tiff, scarcely know tho taste of
meat. This is tho condition to which
i ,4 ,1 p.. , , .,,
the present Abo , t,on lory party will
reduco tho workinsr classes of this
country, if their policy bo permanent
ly fastened upon it.Jliy Jlook.
Lewis Weichman, who is spoken of
as ono ni tho most important witness
cs for the prosecution in tho Surratt
case, in in Washington, engaged ns a
volunteer newspaper correspondent ;
also as a clerk tinder Mr. Tiillocl;,
Secretary of the Congressional Itepiib.
lican Committee. Fit man for such
work, ns wo suppose this must bo tho
Weichman who helped to swear away
tho lifo of .Mrs. Surratt.
Wo wonder if (Jrecley intended to
bit any of tho lladical nowspaprr men
in this section, when, in his .letter to
the I'nion Leagno, ho spuke of tho
littlo creatures whom God, for some
inscrutablo purpose, pormits to edit
a majority cf our minor journals f"
From tho sudden cessation of their
attacks upon him, it would appear as
ifCi'reelny's shut had taken cll'ect.
A disgraceful riot ot curred at Oil
City last Saturday, and some of the
rioters were severely handled. Ir.
Arters, winio going to attend a wound
ed man, was set upon and dangerously
injured. His nose was smashod und
his skull fractured.
In r.altimore a man was fined 1 10
for crackitif? and Putin? noanutji in
church, during divine service.
West Virginia lias a coal bod that
extends over 40.000 aor. and is ssr.
feet thick.
Progress of " GratiJ Moral Mens."
Rev, Mr. Julius Degmire was arrest
ed at Erie, Pa , on Tuesday, on tlio
charge oTcinbozxliii(f 110,000 worth of
roVoiuid stamps.
A Vermont woman got a diroroo
from her husband the tilhor morning,
married another In tho afternoon, nnd
In the overling presented her liege
lord with a son and heir.
a young man and younr wnmn.!i
wont to Rondout on Tuesday, for tho
purposo of getting married. On tho
wny to the clergyman's house tho
lady stopped at n bunk and drew
therefrom fiWi. This the young man
suddenly snatched from hor bund and
Poort Fkllows. U. W. Reccher
suggests tho propriety of grunting tho
Young Men's Christiun Association
the privilege of keeping a billiurd
tublo in their rooms, just for exercise,
as thoy aro spoiling for muscular de
velopment. JIow would training for
a priao fight do ?
An exchange records tho fact that
another political parson has coino to
grief. Tho Rev. James Ilnvidson
lykc, of Indiana, was excessively
"loyal" during tho war, and proved
his Orthodoxy und lovo of country by
inciting several riots against the
"copperheads." A few days ngo ho
was arrested for horso stealing, und it
is suiil severnLoJear casos will bo mado
out against 1iim.
A New Haven clergyman recently
refused to marry a divorced woman
to a man on the ground that tho wo
man had been divorced without suffi
cient cause. Tho action of the clergy
man being announced to tho mother
of tho divorced woman, the mother
died in a fit brought on by tho news.
In tho nicuntimo tho couple were
marriod by another clergyman, and
the pair attended the funeral of the
deceased mother as man nnd wifo.
Elopkmknt. We hate just been m
foi med of the elopement of a Airs
Yates, of this city, with Billy Emer
son, a ncirro showman, connected
with Newcomb's minstrel troupe.
Sh left, a note on tho table of her par
lor, fur her husband, in which she
said that it would bo useless to follow
her, ns she. would nut come back alive.
She left a pretty little irirl and onlv
daughter at lay in the yard of her
mum--, minimi, it is saiu,evcu UUdlllg
her good bye, without so much as a
kiss. Grand JlnpiJs (JfiVA.) A.
On tho 20th ult., three deserters
from tho Ihirty-eighth Colored Infant
ry, at Fort Hay a, Kansas, went to the
house of P.J. Peterson, on tho Smoky
Hill route, und fiiidinir Mrs. Petersou.
aged fifty years, alone dragged her into
the cellar and outraged her x-rson in a
most horriblo manner. They were
cuptured aftor a desperate resistance,
and confessed their guilt, but while
being taken to jail wero rescued by a
mob and killed, and their bodies
thrown into the river. Mrs. Peterson
is not expected to survive
White AVomam Marrhs a Black
Man. Somo talk having boon occa
sioned in this community, nays the
AVinvhcstor (Va.) Timn, on account
of the reported mnrriago of a white
woman to a black man, we have
made inquiry into tho matter, uf.d
found tho report truo. Tho happy
groom is a black man, raised and for
merly owned by a citizen of Winches
ter ; tho brido is a while woman, for
sonio time a resident -of Winchester,
but formerly of Ohio. The marriage
ceremony was performed by a colored
A' Loyal" Cicbuvman. TheNcw-
port (Vt.) ;ri'M of last week, says
that llev. Horace Fowler, Methodist
minister at Irasburgh has been arres.
ted 011 civil process, iu favor of J. T.
Allen, Etq , of Newport, who claims
tho sum ot tlO.lino damage for con
tinued aud repealed outrages upon
tho person of his daughter, who is a
young girl only twelvo years old, is
uiso a nieco 01 1 owier s wile, and since
the aeath of her mother, lias resided
in Fowler's family. An inveNtigation
bus been commenced by tho Presiding
Elder of tho district. Considerable
testimony has been taken, when the
hearing was postponed for a few days.
Tho evidence thus far is verv atroiirr.
and brought to light the grosest
crimes, loo revolting to bo mado pub
lic. As Amauiavatios Caps. Tho
teaching of Slovens, Sumner k Co.,
are everywhere producing their fruits.
Last week in our criminal court John
Pheifer, a white skinned individual,
who embraces '.he doctrines of the
Padicitl abolition party, was sentenced
to imprisonment lor assault nnd bat
lory w ith nn attempt to n,mmit rape
on Hoboera Watson, nn ebony colored
wench, of a not very prepossessing
"'l v "iii"-i!, mme undo 11 u s servinir
B tom lf im.iriMmmcu, in
county jail. Tho lacUs as developed at
tho trial aro these :
John l'lieiler is a whito man ot a
fumily residing in this boroiiL'h, nnd
works at Derrs marble yard. .Not
satisfied with his palo Houso, John
took hankering niter one of more Having n follow feeling for
slVuering humanity without regard to
complexion he sought to coinlort lie-
neccu in ncr loneliness, and repeatedly
called upon her under cover if dark
n csf. Jiebecea it appears had no par
ticular liking fur her whito admirer,
and to rid herself ofhis presenco made
Ptunplaint before iheSquire. Although
John had visited her several tiuioit
sho was ignorant ofhis name and res
idence, and in conscqnenco tho mitsjis
trato could isaiio nu warrant. John
having mado nn appointment to visit
her on a parliuulr night, tho Squire
advised her lo iooreto somo of her
friends in the house, which sho accord
mgly did. Presently ft knock was
beard at the door and tho admirer of
lMiecca's charms stepped in, and np
prouched to her in lover like stylo,
threw his arms about her and attemt
ed to scent honor livnn her mbv lira
; Sho resisted bis soft caresses and in
Ins endeavors to coerce her was stir
prised. John was sent up to the
county palace for two months, for!
thtisearrying out practical! v,t he teach
ing ol his party. The )nlcpenJei
says John is a "respectahlo man."
We have no doubt lie is one of the
most respectable member of its party.
Further comment is t)nneeessurr.
.sVorrirtfitrn Mender.
Ttmprrant t onrrnllon.
Tho undersigned committee, np
poinled iiT,,,.p i,0 auspice of (he
"Sltiio Temperance I'nion," to effect
an organization in Clearfield county
auxiliary to tlio Staio I'nion, do, lor
this purpoeo, cull a Convention to
meet at OcarHeld borough, in the
Baptist Church, on Tuesday, Juno
'ith, at ' o'clock, p. m.; nnd wo ear
nestly urge nil churches nnd temper
ance urgaiiiKiilion within the county
to Bond up full delegations, and nil
friends of temperance to come, wheth
er us delegates or not, and organize,
lo do buttle agiiiinU, a common enemy
an enemy tlml bus mado once hap
py homes desolate, has wrung tours
from tho eyes of mothers, wives und
children, nnd has filled so many graves
A. II. StMiiowF.n,
Joiiv Patton,
P. L. Haiiriso.v,
Coin in it tee.
Wo, tho undersigned, citizens of
Clearfield county, heartily join tho
committee in the ubovo call: W.J.
Long, W. II. Shillar, J. A. Blatten-
bcrger, ir. hied. Barrett, C. AI. Cus
tard, Jofiii Luwshe, T. S. Prideuux,'
A. ll. (irecnuwalt, . i. Custard, J.
S. Long, Elihha Teuton, Jonathan
Walls, (i. P. Doughniiin, Abraham
Spencer, Thos. Wulln, Ithael J. Snv
der, Dr. A. Whito, XV. C. lrvin, i. F.
Smith, John Rorabaugli, Win. Hut
ton, John M. Riddlo, John llotlman,
J. li. Alleson, Ilanifl Brickie-, Junius
Riddle, James L. No ft", James Duwler,
J. F. 1 jCC, James .McG'hee, Jacob W.
Campbell, J. B. Sunderland, John
Hod, David Dressier, J. R. Arnold,
James lrvin, 'Win. ilapes, Jnn. Moore,
Onus. j Jlawkins, J." D. Wright, G.
I. Giilich, John Sankey, Alexander
Murray, Dr. J. W. Poller, William
Kerns, Henry Yolhors, Chas. Sclmars,
T. XV. Fleming, J. . Cole, W. A.
Dulo, J. F. Weaver, Dr. A. M. Hills,
Rev. J. (J. Archer. J. B. McEiiullv.
Esq., Dr. J. (',. HartHwick, George W.
Eliccni, William l:adeliiui''h.
The Public llrbt.
Wamiinhton, June 5.
Tho following is a statement of the
public debt of tho Uuiled States on
tho 1st of June, 107 :
Fire per w-nt. liond $l'.i,,i:;i,.V,fl (10
Si fer wnt. luuvls of 'Si and 'li.1 l.i..'i;.S.lH 1 HI
rn mt oral. Umcls, 1sm J:i.7jii,;i., on
fll 'cr ""' a-20 lijii.ln....,
Xay ptnnon fund
1, U.i .'.I, Infill) .0
12,. OH ( 00 00
Ttm i..u3.o m
Sis per cent. Kinds l.i.7 JJ.0C0 HO
i nrec year compound int. notes. JJli.ii.'lil.tio do
Three ywT-il) noies 41 1.U,;u,iJj no
Tots! fci,fill,76a 00
Matured dttit not prrecutcd lor
I-jraent.. J.7l!,i:i M
r. p. Notes. in.2"".7.'T7 ot
Fractional currency.... 2S.4J8.or5 46
Oold ccrtill-aU-t ol 17,:i2.l,Vt 00
T"'sl 41 HWI.TCX d6
Total di I.L 2.oS7,OI0.5ltl in
r"in r.'.? 17 1
lurreiicy 72,tl'.tl,ltl4 On
T"1- - 17I,I2I,.'2 iV
Amonnl of Uel.t K-ks cash in the
Trcnsury fi,il5,IS,l.1 Od
The foregoing is a correct state
ment of the public debt ot tho United
States, as nppeurs from tho boohs and
treasurers' returns in tho IVpartment
on tho 1st of June, li7.
(Signed) II run McOri.r.orH,
. Secretary of tho Treason-.
Hy comparing the ulve statement
with that mado on the 1st of ilav, it
will bo rk't-n that the debt bearing
torn interest has iiw-reaeted ?!il,14'..
0UU ; tho debt bearing currency inter
est lias decrease) 11 .43 .1(45 : llm
nmturel deU aot presentetl for rav-
inuiii tins uecreaset eIH.ft.'ll, and
tho debt besrirtg no interest has in
creased t-'jtiH's.';.
Tho niuotint of coin hi tho Tirttanry
has decrensml to the extent of tl.i,
4'.t2,O0 4 ; the ciirrcm v balant o has
increased f:!,t:2T.(oO 7"4, while the
amount of debt less cash in Hie treas
ury shows a decrease of $5.1 70,1 .V) ).
1ru- tUTi'liSfmrnls.
VJI IIoikIs at siTslly ndiieed pri.-es. at
Jr. kitAizrn's.
1l:UTH.I.l'.RS.8,iper Lirne
pure grouiol lloncs anil Tlasler. at
ll' Und It
their inleeel lo
J I loiy Nails and Spikes, Window lllas..
aul Oil, from
J. P. Kit AT .IK.
1 KIll.Hir.i,Tca.t
flee, Siisr,
It ice,
at special rates the qistintitr, at
J. P.'k KA'l .KH'rt.
June 13 1
l'ICr The eelebrateil bore .VKKKV
i. TOM will he at the stable of tbe "Mansion
House," every day during tbe first wee'j of Court,
where farmers and horsemen are invited to call
and riainioe his finalities.
JeLI-ll Proprietors.
(t- THM. All persons are berel.y oantioned
J apsiii.t pin, lm.n,( r in any wv meiMlinc
With the t..lowinr,l...-r,,l o r-onal pn.pertv, vis :
One iron Bray MAHK and one I. ruin gnu II tips K,
now in paslureal 1 hosnas HaSeriy s, in I'enn tp.i
as the same belong to nie, aud are sol. ice. to ,,'
or,l"r- (I. It. HilOYLIt. '
Carwensville. June IS, lsf.T St
nltoKP. J J I II TV IM.l.LAlis "itK.
W A It IS. Ilrnke Jail, at l h arfield, on the
night of June 7. IsoT, John II. Stevens. He is
su feet huh, weighs about ltiu pounds, aiiluini
hair, and hssel eyes; hsd on dark colored pants.
He was coiitincd for horsc-stealmr ,! I. . I i...
ol a hand of those dr'perndoes who are operaling
in this an.) adjoining counties. The nl.oir rewsid
will he psid lor the iutckI and di ln.-v ol it..
Stevens at the .Inil in Clearfield, Pa. Il is hoped
that the cillsen. will I on the look-out for loin
ol this class, and repoit their ilimc promtitlv
JAOHI A. r At Mi '
Jnnc IS. 1SH7. Mierifl of CleaHI-M eo., Pa.
(Successors lo Peter T. Wriglil I Co.,
iKroan n. or ass, nr.t rns ia
Brandies it Wines for Medical purposes,
jel.V(17 No. SOU Market S., Philad'a.
The Weste7nHotei.
CL K A B r F. L l), PA.
'pilK auhsertber baring leased for term of
1 years this well known U' let, (kept for many
years by Mr. Lsni-L.) and re fitted and relur
nished it throughout, is new prepared to enter
lain travelers and the publie generally upon
terms it is heped alike to both patraus
and proprietor. His T A 1ILK and BK will
be supplied with the best the market aSords;
and no pains will be spared en bis part tn add lo
tse convenience and romfori of his gnest.
A l.ltery Hlahle is also attached te the es
labllshment. Hurses. Hurries, ate., furni.but
o short Bolics, or persons taken to any point
""'"it. JAVLS A. STINK.
I-13 Ptop, ielor.
Inaswa and abdonslnal sup,K,rtrs of erery
. kind of U sales t Iraprorementa, for 'ele ait
Uie trni Store of BAKTSWJCK
$rtc dmtisrinfntj.
lit IK M M It i.K hATl MIA . , J I LV J.I, .ri.7.
PRIXI I.K'B KKKAn4if)li'r, Hhriff 4-. J Trm.
nuri r. flO fw It ; Cominixiunhrr n-i l)itn-l
AltortH'jr. rwli : Ju'jr, 'imtn'ofir mvl
Au.iit'tr, .( rm-h. 'i he ckli imit iMtrij-Mv
vmij.njf the not iff to innure in itiut..
K tr Riitlmrip to ann'turK tlic nam of
John j, ah ?uiv. oro u rv-- i;
entirtBif fur Aftntil;r luftiort tn tin- 4vin.ii of
tin lU'inucrjsUc (piti-t v ml l..t primary eler hum
y P are atilnitrifil to nrinnf tlio n4itin of
THOMAS .1. J.1-l'M,.(i:(.ll, r Clrnrfivlil bor
ough, a a I'twiiM.ato fur A win My iil.jet to the
ai tion of tlio Jjftnocrattc party at the pi i war
dec 1 1011.
"WK are autliorisi-'t lo nnnounce Ibe snme of
M IIII1KO.N 1. OOOIll l:i,.fiW, of
ren townsliiji, as a eaniliflntc lor Sheriff snl.jwl
to the ai lion of Ibe Kmwmuc iartr at the itI
lotiry eli-otioti.
e are aulhoriicd o announce the name of
I 1 nr.Mrs now H, f li.i,,r ln.hi,, as a
raniiilule fur Slionll sul'jeet to ),e aelion of the
llomorratic purly at Ibe jirimary i Iretiou.
Xt are siithori7cl to aiinoutico the name of
(iKOltliK W. Woodward
a cnndiiliito for r-ln-rili sulijwt to the aetioo of
the lleraoernlie party at the primary election.
V'c are authorised lo announce the came of
lAIM.K F. IlLoo.M, of liw,n towii.liiu, as a
raildldalc fur MienO ayhjii-t to the aullou of the
lleiniK'ratie party at the primary lict'iua.
'Ve sre aultiorire.1 to amioiiiiee Uie name of
IIKN.U.MIN 1. JIAI.L.of Kartbaus los nuliip. as
aeandidiite for rilH-rifl "ahjeot lo the aetiuu ol Ibe
I'euiocratie parly nt I lie primary eh etum.
W e are authortr'-d to anuoitnLic the name of
JOM.'l'll UOOV.of File, town.hip.s, aeainlid.i'e
for Sheritr saltioot to tbe syfivn ol the ltcuiooratlo !
party at the primary tic, lion. j
V e are aulhorirad lo annoonoe the name of
JAMI.S L. 1.I.AX 1, of t leiirtiell borough, as a
eandiilale for teutJ to the action of tbe
lietiKieratic party at tbe primary election.
T E are authorised to attnounee the name of
If J A CO II hlMZ, of Ilradv U.wnshin. as a
candidate lor Treasurer suhjeot to the action of
mo ncmocratic party at tbe primary election.
e are authorised to announce tlio uauie of
A. II. Ml AH, of l.awrt-ne township, as a candi
date fur Trtauror rat.yvl to the action of the
bemoemtir party at the primary election.
Me are sulbnriseil to aniioanea the name of
H .M. K. W KI'.l.h, of Umdlord township, as a
e-in.lidiite for Treasurer suliieet to tlse ai tion ol
tlio l)imocrat party at the primary election.
" are authorised to announce tlie name of
TIIO.MAS llt.Mll.USO.V.ol Woodward U.wnship,
as a candidate for Treasurer sul.jevt to the awiou
of the Ilemooralic party a! rtis primly election
are aolliorised to announce the name of
T FAMIF.I, II. SHAllMlli. ol Lawrence
towni-hip, as a eandidate for Cuinuiissiuuer sub-je--t
to the a' lion of the I'euiocratie party at tbe
ptimary tlci'tion.
V'e are atehorirej to aunauncn tbe name of
I TIIKM.0 fSMEAIS. of Burnfide town. hip, as a
' ' '-"uimiewoner sui-jecl to tue aetiesi
oi mo iiemocratic party at tbe primary elrrtian.
Me are autloTis"-! to announce the name of
WII.MAM L. Iti.-HKL. o! I .awreiice tonllip.
as a candidnte for Coii.iuisjniier sn'ject to the
action of the leuiocrulMj paily at the primary
T K are authorised to announce the tiatne of
1 WILLIAM M. Met I l.l.l.l lill. of t le.r.
neiu noroufli. as a candidate lor llistrict AtlorneT
eunteot to the ai-tHtn of ttte I'cmocratic party at
tbe primary election.
We are attthoriied to annonnce the name of
JU1!. L. ( I 1 I Lh. of C learUeld korouKb. as a
rainn.Mlc i..r liistru't Atlornev suljict to the
action of the bttnorratic party at the primary
lfAXTI.IA W;i(VANT, that can cook.
1 T wa.h and iron. Apply to
M lf 11. W. SMITH.
At f AM'I.IS-'VtKi.tMlo f.onir Milticlcs-
I at our store, ne.r I'hiltpsiiorg, fjt which,
the highest cash price wi J be paid
J' U W. W. UKTTS 1 CO.
V"T't I -Tlie tslel. rated bisse 1'lt M O will
X remain at the stable of the I learfield House
eiery day .lurins; tbe Drsi week of Ci.urt, where
fsnnirs and horsemen, are invitid to call and ex
amine his sjunhties.
) 'i i itii.n- ti. liLAxruAiin, Piop'r.
'IK M IHMtL l)IKIXHKsi.Th.T ts.ll
-S tie a meeting ol 11 lew-tors held in Clearfield,
on Tliurs lay. the 2nth ot June ueil.(cirt wesk.)
in t'loarf.eld. to form a Iilreetors' Association. It
is bol At L irs lulere-le.1 ia the cause of
education will he in attendance. The following
sul.jeot will lw discussed: The Rradins; of tbe
Teai-hera' salaries acordinr to the frade of Cer- I.1M1AKU ileti A ll t V, Pres'l.
lr. Ji. Jl. tsoon, ec y. )e-2l.
(1 At TIO.AI persoi t tre hereby cautioned
) against purehasiiijr or in any way tneddlitte,
wuh the lollowmit pirsonal pmperty.'now in the
poe.'peiun ai .xorite inn, nl liee aria township,
vis: Two Horses and Ham ss. and one four-horse
W the psrac keloai li-nie. and ate left wifb
hitn on loan, suliject to rav or.U-r.
Olen Uope, May Stt, ISfiT. jen-nt
For Sale at a Sacrriioe"
PHE KNTIItK FTOCK and dxtures of It. W.
-I SMITU S Dry Hood, Store. This is a rare
opportunity for oountry merchants, or any one
desiring to go into the business, as tbe stock will
he sold unusually low, and the business stand is
the best in the borough.
Apply at tbe store, jef. If
4lt rAt'Tt lit!
II. 11. KIIILl.tXC.FnKH. President.
Office Forest Place, No. U'j S. lib St., Phil's.
JOHN LA WC II K, Superintendent.
jcll'f.7 J Osceola Mills, Clearheld countv. Pa.
Orphans' Court Sale.
1) Y vittue of an order issued out of the Orphan's
) Court of Clearfield eonnty, Ihcre will be rx
posed to pnlilie sole at the i'onrt llon.e, iu the
borough of Clearfield, on Ml'NIlAY, the 17th day
of JINK. Il' two o'rloek, P. AI., the follow",
ing Heal K.tate, lo wit :
.1 ftrlfiin Trart of i.and,
Situate in Covington township. Clearfield connlv,
l'a bounded and deserihid as follows: On the
we.t by Stephen Hoo..-y: on the east l.r Thomas
II. Pircey; on the north hv tail of Ann Seotl.and
on the Soulb by Solomon Alauiv-r,
1 oiitaliilii); Klvty-alx Arrrs, more or lean.
With a l .g II mac and loa liarn ervl...l ik.,.
and Isle the Cftnle ot Xavi, r M iller, ilreeaed '
TliltMS OK s VI K. One hair ra-h in hand at
confirmation of sale, and the residue in ene year
thereaiter, to tie si-cured hv bond and mortgage
LAHP.K.VCK Pl.llull,
tny.10 St Adra r of X. Miller, deceased.
Down I Down I !
A Proclamation against HigH Prices I
"ltTE are now opening op a lot of the best and
1 I most reasonable tioods and Wares ever
ofli red in this market, and"at prices that remind
one of the good old dara of cheap things. Thoae
erno lack laith upon this point, or deem our alle
gations superfluous, need hut
f.ff.f, .IT 11(71 STOKE,
Corner piont and Market streets,
Where they ran a., feel, bear and know for them
selves. 1 o fully on. I what sreihesp goods,
this must he done. 11. iio not deem it n.-eesarv
to enumerate and itemise our stiwk. It is enough
for us to state that
We have Everything that is Keodod
and consumed in this market, and at priert that
astonish both old and Voong.
t- L I I l-.Hf tt U S l lTS7A recenTTe,
s. J hss pasred keth Houses of Congress and
sii-ned by the Prrsidtnt. giving a three years'
aol.lier fl "II end a twa years'ei,ld:sr t hounts
i"-BOrNIIl:. and PKNfclONS folterted
by Bin, tut these entitled la them.
W3- A1'7 Law, Clcar6eld, Pa.
great" excitement
ON Siro.Nr. STKF.l.T, Cl-lAHfltu,
J'H tmdcr;in; J lerimeo'uii innt ii.
tMition of t'..9 i.ul.lle Ve'.erslir I.. ,k ' anortrnent ol morctlandisii, wi 0
ar now llitij
Their flock eonsieU in part ut
Dry Goods of the Eest Quality,
Such as Prima, Ho Lainis, Alpsrcss. M.rin
(linehsms, Muslins. (hieacfaed aid oniilecli. '
d,J Ilrilllnif". Tlekinxi. eollon and
wool Ilannels.Satin(ti..C'HS.iiaeresl
Collone-les, Ladies' Missis,
hulrias Hoods, lialmora!
and Hoop Skirts, Ac,
Also, a line assortment of Hen's brewers aiW
bLirts, lials A Laps. Iloou V bboes.
it 01 which
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware,
Groceries and Spices.
( f eserjtbinn mually Left In a reisil ft re,
CUKAP FCK CAPII or apposed eouniry pro
Clearnetd, June 6, 1SR7.
Fresh Arrivals at the Cheap Store,
HAS Just reeeired at his store, Is Glrsnl
toan.liio. en the Cl-sr6eld roa 1. one mil.
aWv Leonie'i Mills, a large atr orttneut of
1'iich be isj determined la sell
T' an the same quality of (loods can l err.
based for in any o'her store ia the sti.Liior
bood. His stork consists of
Sack a Sstinelts. Casiirneres, Noslins, Delsites,
Linen, Driilin,;", fsiicos of sal kinds,
Trimmings, Hibbons, Lace,
IUady-Male Clothing, Bvott it Shoes,
Hats d- Cups,
Cofee, Tea. rkitr, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt,
Linseed oil, t ub Oil, Carbon 00.
Hardware, Tinware, Castings.
Plows, Plow-rastiti(s. Nails, Fpikes. Com Cultl.
rators, Cider-Presses, all kinJs oldies,
Druys, Medicines, Perfumery, rjiitts,
6'iW, Varuuh, Stationery.
4. Call and n for yonrselsea. Ton will
Ind every asually kept in a retail store.
m.My Plows are nf the CurwenarilU an.
Centre coanty snsks, and ara wartanted t be of
joud qualily.
Oiraid township, May IS, Ise7.
TI' remoeed to his new wsrerof mi on Mar-
A JL act street, Clearfield. Pa
opeued a rety larje stock of
vhera b ban
Merlnoea, Oingharai, Clothe, Delaines, Print
VT I ",P"r". citiaa, Satineta, Reps,
Cashmeres, tweeds, Cobergs, Mobair. Jeens,
Lanellas, Muslins. Flannels, Hornets. Rib
bons. Closks. llalmoral Skirts, Iloop
Skirts, Shawls, lsress Trimmings,
Head Neta, Cape, Corsets, tilovea,
Collars, Srarls, llrenadina Veils,
Table Covers.
Coats, PanU, Vesta. Orer-Coata, flcnt1! Ebawlp
Shirts, Hnta, Caps, I'nder-Shirta and
Drawers, Boota, Shoea. Oaia
Isboes Crarata, tl lores
and Collars.
4 JtL'bK'AL GOdDS.
Tea, Coffee, Fugar, Molsscs.alt, Csndtes R'te,
flour, Paeen, Fith. Tohareo, Kuisini,
Curraatv 8 i , e s. Crackers,
Vinegar, Oila. Va
nish, Alcohol.
household goods,
Carpets, Oil-eloths, Drugget, Loekinf Glasses
Clucks, Churns, Washboards. Tubs. Duck
ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Minds,
Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, I'm
brellas, Bedcords, Knives and
Forks, Spoees. Crorks, and
Stove Blocking.
-All f which will he aoldoa ths most rea
son, hie terms, and Ihe Highest marks! price paid
or tlram. Wool, and allk.nls of coon try prodooe.
Clearheld, Deecuher 1.1. Itfii.
0, YES ! 0, YES ! 1
HAVING! opened a new store at the 'tlio
Itall," in Clearfield countv. wishes to notify
tl.s public thst he is tirtrira ned ell ait kind
oftioods CliKAI'I fl than the CHEAPEST, la.
di fiance to the rounly.
Now is your Time to Call and Examine,
V hile be is placing ea his shelves a lull assort,
went f
Dry floods,
Drugs. Oil,, and Ta inta
, ., 4a.
Cf all kinds, ocnstaitly kept on hand.
A general assortment of
li EA D Y-M ADE C LO Til IX 0;
tat Men and rtoji' ww.
te t sold at a very LOW rRICE. for
CASH, or eirhanged for all kinds of Markstire.
ia n change for foodfc
: tr joiis e. badedach.