1 THE KEPUHUCAN. :.m.iv :;.., iMi7. Till h-1'AY: Mil II I:.- The Uiv. M I'liinKirt mil i I'll 111 KultlHLII lOW llNti il III! ritiitiaui, . . a. vi: At t!ie Pi'lii'Ul li.iue on i. I'iiMit's, in tlif murium;, nt .k- ni-iii. ike. iiear tiUO'c'"'- Al HrUlf'll srn-i" iit, mi niwi- ,'a 1 1 1 : T, in tlir mti rinHHi, at 2 o'uUn-k. Anii Al Puce's mliiul li iu-i- t five ii'fliu It in ih evening. Quito a iuiiiilcrof rafts passed this jilnt'O the beginning ot tliin week, on their way to the eiiHtcrn market. m Mai'L SroAit. Mr. JI. W. Smith hiti received und is now selling n lriino article at his store on llurket .Street. Super riiosphato of Limo, ground ISono Dimt nnd other fertilizer neeos- aary for farms, for sale, at llaitswick 4 Irwin's. Do not fail to read tho laws pub lished on oar first pago, in reference to fcehutesnnd the floatingof loose logs in the Susquehanna river, allowing soldiers to peddle, etc: Mr. E. W. Graham has just return-1 tdlrora the east with a largo stoc k of new goods and wishes his old custom ers, and tho public generally, to give him a cull, lie charges nothing for exhibiting goods and charges but a small percentage for selling them. Absent. Tho Jev. Mr. Harrison, Frincipal of tho Academy, was tele graphed for on Monday evening by hi friend, nnd left for Frederick, Ma ryland, to pay tho last vows to a dy ing father. It is not likely that tho Academy w ill bo opened before Mon day, the 3d proximo. The needy and tho curious, tho old nnd tho young, aro cordially invited to ctill at the storo of Messrs. Wright & Flanijjnn, on Second Street, for the purposo of scrutinizing tlio new goods they nro tlt-uliug out to their friends, f onto might suppose from tho tower ing height of the junior partner, that goods would be very high, but ho soon brings them down low, very low. TVp in. jEntfrpmsk. Our attention vns called to the fact that Mr. Jas. Slino on tho 1st of March entered into n contract to complete by tho 1st of Juno next, a two story frame house, 86 by 3G, nnd on tho 25th instant tho building was finished, ready to occu py. If this kind of enterprise con tinues, tho old plan of waiting two or tlireo years for tho completion of a dwelling will bo abolished. The work wns all d.inc by hand except the doors and sash, and that too during very unfavorable weather. Such en terprise is commendable ; and there is room in this vicinity .for it to flour ish without one crowding his neigh bor. We obsevvo that ho is now engaged repairing and remodeling tho West ern Hotel in an extensive manner, and will no doubt put it in "running order" as promptly as hft did his Loiir.e. Guiltt. Tliis terrihlo verdict wns pronount'od againnt Charles Chase, on iho 18th instant, nt Urookville. ior the murder of old Mrs. McDonald, in Wellington township, JefTcrcon coun ty. The jury dcljbcratcd twenty ecvon hours. Jurfgo Camj)l)cJl at once ecntencod tho jirimJiMir to he hun in the jail yard of Jefferson county, at mich a time aa the Gover nor might fix. It is just three months niiico the murder wan com mitted, r.ud ono of tho culprits is how ready for tho gallows. This is the way to prevent crime execute tho law proaiptly. Dean Graven, ono of the murderer, is still fit lartre. Facts have lately transpired to how that C'haso and Graves are two of a band of twenty-fivo or thirty burglar, borso thieves and murderers, doing business in Clarion, Centre, Indiana, Jefferson and this county. Three tr.ore of the gang (Stevens, Barbov and Ieo) we-ro cn ThurHday last arrcRtod and placed in our jail for horse Mealing. .N IxroKRiTTiiii.K I'atiuiit. Pros iJelit Johnsnn lvicntly nddrcficd a Vote to Mr. Di'fri'C, tlio Siii;iiiitcn dentofthe povornmciit priritiiiu; if ficp, nskiiip tlinl ho wnnhl pivo work to n poor primer whom lie had known in Ti'iinoMeP. and whom lie know lo be needy and dosorvinir. Mr. 1 Wives replied 'tlint tho PrcioVnt liml no eftima on him, nnd that letters from tho White Iloiine oould have no weight in reptrd to nppoinlinciit. Mr. IV'f'roes nuist linvo liberal nnd jtenernu idea of public Ri-rvicc, ns well aa a Iiiijli notion of peroiml cour ivey. The' aecurity of our govern ment would properly Lo endauu'ered if it wero understood that the Presi dent of tho United Slates has autll cient influence to get work for n poor typo setter in tho government prin ting offleo. W'c enn understand now tho anxiety of Congress to keep Mr. Defrce in'tliHt position. Ho aecma to be exactly tlio kind ol perxon need ed to carry 'iiiloetfctt the paltry idea. i i tho extremist. A man ol larger rotiona r.iifjit luive complied with t lie PrcKlent' reqtu.-.l, and then what ould liavo heuonie of the country T Iefrce. will he entitled ton leather meJal on tho return of tlio Kunip to Washington, for being a gentleman ! llorneo (Ireelcy, tonus tho New York loyal lcngttcrH '-blockheads" and the laiigiiiit;i ' the eelthrnted ilis uninliit, Wendell Phillips in a recent f i'ceh,ni"hyiocl itieal and infainona." !! iiR'-o ia evidently coining lo bis enapa. He limy J et (lo enough good in the world hcloro lio dies lo ovcr rome he avil lio has tlono. Nronn SrrriM'SK. Rend what tho lamented Duti;;!:, dim nf the. great est id Ann'i'ii'.in t"talt"iinen, nuid : "1 hold that thin (iiiveninifiit win niiidt) on thf Wii'fi Ihimm, I -y v ht( mm fur the benefit of xrh itc w H.rnd t! ir Dustrritu furiTiT. and sliould he ti'lmin- istfivd liy nnM dill fiuwc otln is. I tlo not Mievo lliat tho Almighty mado the negro capable ol self government." W lien tin' Dciihh Tiuv. time and Hiriiin iiimlii tlm clinririi tlnit llio llilll .... i n. . i i III till! Jit' IIIIUIIUII I'illll 11.13 IU I'illl about Nogro KiitiVngo, they were branded as falsilicrs, und many pond men in tho l!epnblican ranks were de ceived by tho deception practiced by thoir leaders. That many of the great men of the Republican party did not tolerate the idea of Negro suf frage is no doubt true, but to continue in power they were willing to throw themselves into that political maol elrom'iladicul fanaticism which hits swept over the country, leaving ruin nnd desolation in its tracks; tlio ro sull ot all this is Negro suffrage, not only in the Smith ami in tho Jiislrict of Columbia, hut at our doors in tho State of Tonnsylvania. Queen Victoria completed her forty-eighth birth day on tho lirth inst. ttarl;rts. l.'urticlrt Markets. Iporlt'(. wrcktvU.riln' t'i EABKin.n Repi-kmi a liy J. P. Khaizkr, lealr in Irjr tiood. tiro oerien, Prurieiuus, Ac, Market it., Clvarlieltl. Ci.r.AnriM.ii, May SO, lsi!7. Ai1d?. (Erven $3 frO II"(T, drwaed 00 Jru.l, lb U llikw, (rrorn. 7 Apple butu-rgitl, 1 OH 11 nt on, puettr cured, 20 liuttcr - S" Shimltit-ri ,. 15 Itrain 1 IM)(($ 4 00 hidvt . 1 l'li'-L whL 1 2 it I.ard 20 I.uckwWtfltuiltf Mvm iwrklibl....tO 00 Hecf, dried 30 Oat 1 00 Hi-fi, fn-Kb 1 3 I OnioDn 2 00 liuardfl, M lj Uitfl'O OU 1 PotaUMin 1 6 Corn, lt)lcd 1 i iN-arhon, tlm-d, !)., 'Jj ruin, car 7 A Plan'or, bbl A 10 Corn mnil, i wk, 1 73 1 live- 1 7 t bop, f cwL 3 W j IUn, V W 3 CN.vorM.-id.. 11 00SH,wk 3 jO ( h cje "j , Sinn.-!, IK in., M, 6 On Plirrrit i, tti 1't) S biii Kit-, 2(i in Vi 0U Clni'kcui. diful. lb. 20 i Timuthy d 6 00 2u , 1 ulluw... 1 'Hrrvi 2 00 j WbviU,.w K'our 16 OOfjj.17 00 I 'A'ool liny, V Inn 35 00 j Wood, "f ponl., 3 0 . 4 CO IMillitd Iphla .rortr Market. KTiortM wcrkhf.-r lhCi-rAiirici.D HrrrBi.icAJ. It WAiNnw;iir k Co.. W buluiiHt Oruci-rt and Te a lrtik-ri, N. h. oumur tScoond A Arch tret, PbiUdcipbia. Piiii.ai ei uniA, May 27, T67. Tcaa arc in fair rcuuont, at itric altout ttcitdy Rice is in a-tivc duiuand, at Inrtber Iviiiica iu Carolina rtf pr p tun l, and V.att India jo. pr pound, li.o i oBec if in hmitrd nipiv, vui pn wB lor nipjmtu ana lower (tra-ief arc naruiy w ftriu, white choice if firm and titk'-n up on arrival. Hie tuMiieM ronlinuufl iare in Kugiri, with fur tber dvnn'-of Je. per pound; I he basis Dow is ln(7i,ldi n.rS'ram ll -fined, ami HKfilil for Cuba and Porto ltico. The dt mand for Syrup is iu rreiisinff, and clwi'e poods nre r'Mnniuii.lim an alvinoe of 6c. vcr null on. Molasses eonttnuu in active dnnnrid, with advance on Orbani of ftc. per gtilln. TK AS. Tomn Jlyjoo Superior... li i-orrhrt. Ilio, common 2-1 imd 24Wn I'rinte 2.'4''4 i'boien 2i4 i-u Java, old gor. 34 fai l.airunra 20 (y W tt Co cans.. Daajulion pa 1- ine..... Finect.... Hywn Superior. Fiur .1 2(.t.l 4j .1 .1 OS fit. 1 .1 :t(tri. Finest 1 &-0l 6j Imperial Superior... 1 20M1 40 Fiue 1 WtM.I f., Filial 1 7K1 0 flnnpowdi-r SupTiiir...! 7hr'h 1 40 Fine. 1 I (0 Ftncft 1 7-ojy2 00 Bl OAHU, rni m ''nnrwpntv'd liiif"! Fine do... I.ijrt'u 1.'i A ; Miou IU li lifi't Hi Kstra V 1U( 14) C k yellow... I2 ;:jt Blaek- Hnperinr. F:n Finest..., Common Fair (iood Prime Choice Choice extra. 4;n, ..1 2(tl iU HI fm 72-0 8.S0 J.tpan rnpcrior...1 O.lfn-l 1 J Fti.e. I 2iKul 26 Fmcst 1 2i(iV 3 Bit :. Carolina 11? 13 Knt India,.. Oji-n V' Uj(ol 06 MOLAWMRS. N. 0 clinic, (5 Porto Kico... 7(ii Ml Cuba ft'' 17 Clement R. V'ainwrirkt - - Trad U. Wainwright JoHeph K. Wainwriebt. WAIN WRIGHT & Co., W II O L V S A I. F. GROCERS-AND TEA DEALERS, N. n. CorniT Frcnml en l An:h FtnHtF, mprll 1'IIII.ADKl.l'lllA. Pa. " -llilailclilil I'roiNdni MerWiU Rrpnrtnl woiljr f'T lh CtiAiiriruD Rrirai.iriv hr II. OliAxe 4 ('ifc. I'iiIVi.iimi Jlcrrlmntii, Ki. 17 i S. tVeU-r llnt, I'tailsulvlfhuv. Pn-Pmi-AtirrpHiA, WnT 27, 1-0". I'l -ur, x 1 1 1 l;iiu..ll lorl.ur 8 Onmn "f1 liut... p.iliiliirii, y Mil... M. rrrrii, 'l'iis. 1 75 J 7j 0 '"i n uieal Whrnl i 2j 3 :.i 1 ?: 1 :2 2 (i HI' 17 (o 13 00 ii 7 00 1 12) M.i.porli, f' bW.. Jl Itvc I'.'rn lnlf Prans HrftWAX (.'aii'llcn. Inllow.... A'iiiiuantino .... FcaoVni Fi'h, Urr. I Maraerrl, Nii.3, Il"rrnir.-V loa, Iloinislic I ruite Appli-a, 'r W1.. Krird, 'ft Bi.... links. Oils Uie-oli F. C. hauis. hiiooiilers Allies l.anl II niter t'lioire mil S .li.l ,.e k.d.... T.i'-f, ilot IIi.hw, obio Kcw York Pall, rw k Uniuiiil,l.ack, See.t!-. Clorpr '. Timothy FIiix.ii-o1 Tll..w W .k.I. Ohm t'onniin.......-a rawrt.lii-d I'd l-'l Kl l.i a o .n j la WU-le f'prm W.i CruJc lift. , Kcnnril it 9 an I to )i) 4.) N. H. GRAHAM & Co., rJJOVlSloX M KUCHA NTS, Kos. 17 I North Water Ctrei't, enrll ril 11. A KLI.ril I A. r . HicVa flraham - Fdw'd A. Ornham Pltlalinrif Markets. Pr-parrd ercrr wo h for th- Ci.r annri n Ilrri B l n-Aa.livT. I'. J km, i n, I'oniiniaion .Morobanl, 'o. 27.1,' Libert? Mroot, Pill-lmr. I'a. riTTsai ltrJ, Mny 24, IS67. lI.OfK. nton Fncw FlaVe I4 75 Jenkins' Knrcka, Kxtra Winter- .l-nkm.' hillv. cb. i.-e " 4 "0 '11 li, , 'sine. Jl S.ara' Bc.t " 14 5fl(.il 14 40 14 "4 I I f5 ('r. wont t'itv I ord" and t'rnasels .... 10 00 14 50( 14 74 13 40 Pavton, I bii nia A Xnrlh tt i.n rn II le Hoar, I'M... 10 On iTandlioi 14 Corn imoil. r bua, liukwhont flour, "r hundred Wheal 2 WiM Rve 0 0i(1(, Oats 7010 I'orn. shelled Potatoes, s-hiooo, Y barrel :l 2.i'n Onions, f liarr.'i.. Timnth.v eeed.J 0(1 florcr eeod.... 1 20 No. Mackerel, I barrel .1(1 .'0 . Ml .. 12 3 75 J l.ard, rhoice ft 00 Tallow 1 70 j Brn. 74 Sides 1I 1 0.i ,.hiiuldors U''it ' Main, anrar citn d, m 14 S 50(M,w I'ork n 50 ,1 7'iillrn.iBia 2 40fiv 1 2.i 4 2.i K.-ntiedUil 42 y 00 .(.'. Bee 24tdJ I Flax sd. ,1 (HI BI'faAfit. 2 .'14 Itmwn I2t' ,1 HO; Hi lined, hard lio I A ooee Middling 0 ootio ll.ns, nn.T Butler, rull...lffa Theew I tru 1.11 lid l.i 14 TBS. Y.zg oii'.n llHPIark Appli-s-V lit.?" Onf iO oojUre-n lined apple.. prime, f I Simps.... lrii-l p.i.he,.llli(.o l?j I Mi.la.M-.. Salt. f barrel 2 5 J l:i-e.. .... ..74r7fi 1 JO .... son, 1 74 4ir, 1 oo 4e oo 00(0 li FLOtn --- - I'ROVISIONS. T. C J2SK1NS. COMMISSION MUHIIIAIT, wnm r. tt P. nr i.! a a i . nun or fl (it'll" Hto ISIONS. AM KINDS OF hkhni:i Oll.f. ( heaped Flowr H.raae In riMhorsh. On band, reliable and well known brand. Vunlity ol Floor iTiaranieed. Indueemenl. to dcalera and Prieee Cnrrent aenl ererf week. Can aaaan Fboit, 27 l.tararT .-Tsarr, Ob24-I flTTSUUttOH. T. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM For Invalid S.ildiers. In.'i.rrarnl.d by Afl f Aiaenihlv nf tha Coin niiinwvaltU ol 1'rnn.) hams, March (I, The floard of "-aprrvlsnrs appointed hy Inn ahoeo Ciirpurilinn ti. earry out the oii(n.t nf the act of inrori'iiration, reiperifiilly anuuunres to the public that the l.eai.lniure of I'ennavl. !"' bas authoring tlx rairin ol fundi fir the ereellon, eitabliiliinerit and m.intensneea nf an Arylutn lor Iiimlid holdiors of the late wr. to be built on the battle hold of Oettyhburft, and a an induereent to patrinlie ri nens to contrib ute to tbii benevolent object, have empowered the Corporntiun t' diMnrute amoDRtt the iuu- ! scriber sncb artieli-s ol ralue and interest, from j a'obULiona with the Ut war, or any tnoncys, i etlfcti, property, or estnte, real or personal, wbntever. In Ibis Ktnte or elsewhere, at luih lime or up m such terms, and Id such way and manner whalterer, as lo them shall seem tit, any laws of ibis Commonwealth to the ecDfary notwithstanding. The enterpiire Is cordutly recommended by tb following nainod woli-kuowo gttntleuiuD : Mjor Qensr.il (leoro (I. Mend, Fx (lovornor Andrew O, Curtin, Mn,ior (ieiitra! tial. I'cnnypsekcr, M.ij'T (icrera! li M. Uri'trory, Maior Oenernl John K. Urooke, M.ijnr Orneral ( ims. II T. ddlis, M tjor Oeneral ll'y. J. Mndill, Mnjnr Oeneral Jus L. Hu1tr'.dKt IWiadier Oeuer.il Jas. A. Heaver, Hriu'lier llonenil llorutin (i. Sickels, Itripmlit-r Oeneral Joeph F- Knipe, liri;udier Orneral Win. J. llnult n, Ki iidier Oeneral 8. L M. Zulick, brigadier Oeneral John K. Murphy, Brigadier Oeneral John F- Ballur, lirij(lier livneral X. F. M'Coy ltiigadier Oeneral K. K. Wiuslow, Fri;adier Ueuiral Jlenry 1'leasanti, llrigadier Ovneral J. P, S. Oobio, Urigadier Oeneral J. 51. Campbell, brigadier Ouuorel Tbea. M. Walker, brigadier Ouneral Wm. Cooper Talley, brigadier Oeneral b. M. Uregg, Colonel F. IS. Htumbuugb. The site for the institution (thirty aeres) has already been psrabased, and it ia hoped that the rcod work may commence before midnummer. bubaeriptions will he rsceired at the oQice of the AMoriaiioB, No. 1ISB Cbeslnut atreet, I'bil adelphla, oa and after Monday, the Bib lay of Mny, 1CG7. For each subscription of fire dollars a certifi cate will be imed, which will entitle the bolder to such article of value as may be awarded to lU1 number. The first distribuli tn of awards wilt be made liniu' dintcly upon Uo rooeij-t ot &0,0u0 subscr p liotis, nf f j eavh. The dietributioo will he public, and under tho direct 8Uperriin of the Corporators. I'eraoiis at a distance are requested to remit their Subscriptions (when practicable) by rest oflice dioney order, or registered letter, to Insure prompt delivery. Direct all Icttera to J. 1. HOFFMAN, Fecretary board of Kuperrlsiri, box 14S1, P. )., Philadelphia, The following is a schedule of the award to be mads under the fir Ft distribution. The items of bieinonde and other precious stones were pur chased Iron eituens of the touth during the war, aud their genuineness la certified to by Memra. Hcnle d brns., the most eilennire dia mond imTMirter ia the roar.trr, and by J, Her mann, cumood setter, Kew York. irUvfbuie AaUiira lor Invalid MnMirr. Incorporated hy Act of Assemhly of the Com. monweahh of Pennrlvariia. Vlnrch A, 1807. Office I12fl Chestnut street, Philadelphia. First DNposltluiu Eignty Thousand PuWwberi at Five Pollari Faeh. 1... 1 Diamond Necklace, 4S brilllanU. valued at. $30,000 S... 1 Diamond Clutter brooch and Kar lling 15.0M I Award 10-40 (Juvernment bonds... lo.OOO 4,., 1 Piaiannil Crfla. st in Hilver 7.."0 5... 1 biatnnnii I'lu-ter Urnch ! lii'O li... I Aw mil III. 4(1 Uuvrnment Hun is... 6.000 7... I MumonJ Fin.-le Stone Ring 4, Sim ... 1 Iliatnond Honor Urarel-1 4 m l ... I lllamond Siiii!e Stone rtirf I'in... 4,i"'0 III... 1 PliluonJ ('lu.tor liriKirh 4, Of. It... I Iiiamutid Cluifr Ilrari'lut 4,000 12... 1 I'jir Single IM-ce liaioonii kar Kina;. H.'iOO 1.1... 1 Diamond ( lu.ter llroueh 3,0tl.i It... I Award III-4U (inrrrnuianl Uonde... MM li... I Kiamoad Hlnfle Some I'm Jt.oOO IA... 1 Ilimnord Kia(le Some Slad .1.m0 17... 1 Ilimnond O-a.ier llrooch l.iilM' IS.. I tiiani nd inp'e .lone Rirg 2, ioo ID... I I'mnnnd and KincralJ llruoch I, joo 0... 1 tlmmoa I Kinnlr .toJe Uilig 2,IMiO 21... 1 Piaioond Clu.lir Hill l.0" 22... 1 l.onjr India Came I'a Hair fhawl... l.iuu VH... I Cb'.iee Kinerald Mul.. 1 0 tl... 1 ."inx'e atone Dianiiind Hinr - Moil 26 to 84... 10 Aaardt ol 10 40 (Joetm- ment liondu, earh 1,000 .15... 1 TLnA-iitore iiatuonl ani ituli hlf hoop Itios "00 SA... 1 tliamond sit f le atone Knr Knob- He 0 .17... I Pair liainond Clo-lor Muds Ml) :is 1 l'iauiond airgle atooe King, star eeltinf; 00 .1!)... 1 Pi.inon I single an na Tie eo 40... li. round Clu.ltr llrailel MIO 41 to 40... ;o Aourda ot 10-4(1 Uuvera- aient Ilomla, rath AOO H... 1 t.adj'a Iiiamond act M .leh 40 .2... I 1'i.iuoad single aton Il i nar 3''0 Si... I Peiuinad eOpal Clurler llinj J' M... 1 I'iatmiifH rincle atone Kins 2"0 1 I'.ir Kinerald rcorf l'itu 200 .sa... 1 IKamocil fingle atone t-led 10 47... 1 1'nainnd ( In-ier Pin 100 M... 1 Cameo and IVurl ltrooeh and Kar Hma 100 50 ta T .S... IIMI Aearda Ml 40 liotreriilncnt IL nda, eai-h 100 K. la 2 I IU Aerenls Ooreriiment Le- sal 1'endi'tf, earh 50 8,000 Awards tiorerritucnl Legal Tenders, eat h The dilril,u(ion of the above reward will be made in nubile as soon aa the eu!cription ii lull, of which due nnlioe will be given ihronth Ibe papera. On and alter tlaydth Ilia Iimond. will be oa cihibitiun al Uie office ol the Aarocia tioa. Tie puhlle eaa ennndently rely on ererjihlnj beina: condwefrd in the moat honrrabla and air manner. Ail the nwenla will lie aanuea ro cer. I tillcnie kolders, lniaaediatel; after the ditrll u. lion, free of all enst, at lha office nf the Uoaipa nr, No. 1124 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. We li'rehT eertlfy thst we haea etatninej the piamohd (loods, I'earli, KraeraUs, Mobiea and other piecioua Stone., as dc-ribed In its above 1st, and find them all ffonuina. lll-NLHd lllto'S., Iiiamond Importer, J HUidcn bane, New Vork. J. HERMANN. Iiiamond Setter, S'Jl Bn ouio strai t, New Vork, Agents IV allied. Hooks can be had eontsir Ing Twente Certificates, ON K 111 NllKhO 1IOI.1-AKS. All orders for I'erlit'.ratc n.urt be addprssal to J. II. II OF! MAN, Seeretarr, Pol MM, Post Odics, Philadelphia. Majr , 1mi7 2io. The Best in Ihe Market I WHITE LEAD, In one to twenty poind packages. WASHINGTON MEDAL WHITE ZINC Ground In Oil. A larg, assortment of COLORED rA TXTS IX OIL AXD PRY, JJXSEED OIL, TURTEXTIXE. VARNISH OF THK BEST QUALITIES, And a (ns assortment of VAR5ISH AXD TAINT EEUSHES, Jaat laeelred aad for ta:, by HAKTSWICK ay I a, SfT. IUW1X, Clwfiold, ra 2'intcla. Iron City Hotel. IIAUKIslU l!0, 1A., (IUilrnil stri-et, HOI" w;tmrr nl... e ilir finite nibcriber rspselfully invites the public 1 and traveling community o give him a cull. LuinbeniM-n are prheuU'ly intited. Frtmin, Oeruinn and K n k H a b olien in Ihe b Cbarg. as moderate. ( Apr, In U.j J. M. W KAVKK. Railroad House. MAIN fcTllKKT, I'M M.IPHHCHO, PA. IIIK undertitrned keeps constantly on band the bettor Liquors, ins table is always supplied with (he b'rt the market aff'orda. The traveling public will do well lo give htiu a call. runl.'ro. ItUUhUl LA)D. Susquehanna House. COXI.SIOWN, DAtPIU.N CO., PA. T Mill undersigned tutors thij method of In forming the Watermen of Clrartkeld count r. that be ha refiited et.d re-ojiencj the hotol lor tnerlv kept by K. Hh'einer, nt Coicntown, where na will take epecinl pains to reader satisfaction U: all who faror him with their patronng). be has blowu all the rocks out of the river and planted snubbing porta for half a mile above his place. I(tilh, tl7 UKOKOK FAl.K. The American Hotel. LCMHKK CITY, CLKARFU'.I.I) CO., PA. 'pllB vndersigned having leased and refitted 1 tliis well knoen stand, takes this method of bringing hit establishment belwro I be puiilic. II is Tabi and Jlar will he supplied with the best the market affords. A hirer' share of public pat rouage is therefore respeetlullr solicited. jeb24 ly.-pd J AMK8 U tLKKY. The Eagle Hotel. Cl'RWENHVILLE, CI.KABFIELT) CO., VA. fPIIB undersigned hsring become prfrletor X of the above hotel, wiibes to give notice to the citiseni of this connty. as well aa to (be trav eling public, that the boui-e kae been re fitted and refurui.bed for the entertainment of his gueMa. His table will be furnished with everything the oinrKet aff'.rds. his Darwill coutuiu the bext brands of liquors. Oood sttlii g attached, and none but cartlul bustlers euijl-)ed. jyll-lf L. W. iliX EYCK. Mount Vernon House. lumi;i:r cn v, cxfaufifld co., pa. TIllK undersigned having pnn-hid tliis Hote!, I taks this onoorluiirtv of informing the pub lic in gfii .al, UJid IraveU rs in purtituiar, that he hiF tnkt-n great psiim in ri funiifliin an( rt-tittiug it with spn-inl rflerfftce to the aecoinind;ition and comfort of all who may ch'Mtse to give him a call. l.lgCoUS of the brut quality will h kept at the liar, mid the Wants of bi p it rout will be atsnd' d to wih plcanre and pr -Lijitursn. Amplu KI'A liI.lN(i attached thereto, mytf ly - JAMES AltTiI TUS. Schools and radrmirs. CIearfieIdAcademy. Re?. P. L. HARRISON. A M., Principal tpIlK F0VRTU SKSrtlOS f th dill coin- uifiice on MONDAY, April ?:, I f7. 1'ufiili cmn euter at uy tim. Th will ht rhurped with tuitlvn from the titnt Ibej eutor to the dote of the Hoipioti. 1 h e'lufteof itjirurtifn rmbrann every thing included In ttiurtiuh, pmctical nil ccoqj Dlirbed edtetf(in for btb paioh. The Principal, hen tig hd tlia idrinUpe of tti orb eipenrnee id bie prulffinn, rnrtt pt rntf inii RUrJ ana tint bii entire ability and energieii will he drvntvd in Ibe moral and men tal training of the youth plird iiinlcr bie charge, 1 I.IOI OK 1 l I t lox. Orthoerfliby, Jlcailinjfe V ritine. and Prrmery Ariihainilr, rf Kmnioa (11 e. ttii) - i V0 (raintjiar. (Joi-rraplir, Arithrartif, and Hitur $8 00 Algebra, firometry, Tricnnnnictry, Mrn eu rut inn, KitrrnyiiiK I'tilotophy, Pbyfi ol'TT. CheiriiitrT. U""k KMi'inf. llytunT and rhTtriMifprai.by - . . $0 00 Latin. Orek and Frinrh, with any of the abve Hrn"K - - - . f 12 00 jrfN'ft drdtirtlon will n made fir abicnrt. JSrfcr further psrtifiilere inquire of Ker. V. 1. IIAKltl&uN. A. M.t C!'ir0eld, April 25, lt7 tf. Priocipal. P I X E G it o v i: ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. Tutit t HOTB Mit.i.a, (.'CXTRK Co.. I'A. J. Vm TllOM. A. M., Principal. T HTS li -Iilutinn, orirniii'd in ls.2, will oprn its Till irT V I Hist nnxntn the wciit fomth nti.icr tr-uit riintri'l un esliiowday April $1. lMi7. and intiiine fi e iiiontlt. ltiarhnc and lu.t inn, J.nxli-h braiiolit't, t'-O. IiiJnnnotl K'frn cm application. aprl! Hlo g a N A C a demy. Ukll's Mii.i.s. Bi.Aiu Co., Pa. "1 VI'IlY way a f!r-rht lntiluli"n, nlT'.r.tmir 1 i the brut f,iciliiifn IoiIiom prrptntiff fur col , liiipinfei, or taalii!if . M bole xpriinrn for tin- KomtnoT Trrni. of flvr montliK $1 1 j id tt-No rxtra tlmrirm. "i.V -Nt'Xt term borfinn Mnv ft. tfi?. Pond for cmiilitr. lUv, OliU I.AWSOX. pnn., inirT -Jtnrp'l Anti"t"Wn, I1. C. R. Koxer. Kdward IVrk. J. I. M Qirk Ranking & Collodion House FOSTER, PERKS & Co., Hucm'iiwns: to Fouter, lerki, Wright k Co., rhlMpslmrff, (rut re coH Pa. w TKHK all the ImninM of a ItaiiV inc llonee ti ill he trnna Ud promplly and upon Ibe mns fiivoratile terms. niari -tf Counly National Bank. ( l.r.AIU lKl.ll, I'A. flnTS flank la now opi-n and ready forVni t ne. Olliee on Second street, in the liuild iug formerly oernpird by Leonard, Kinney A Co. Mtiri'Tois anii i.i-rti rn. JAS. n. flHallAM, KICIUHD 81IAW, WM. A. WALLACE, U M. IMHITK1, A. K. M Kllilir, tlKU. L. KKKI). I). W. MOUHK, JA8. T. LEONARD, jnL'S.'llOJ Calliier. rresiaVr.1, Clearfield Counly Bank. TIHK Ckaiflplil C'nont.r Hank an Inrorpnra- ttl iatituiin hai f one out of riivtAnc hy Hit turraiidfr of ita charter, on Mny 12, All in Mock It fmnfil by tlia ulprribr, wha will rontiuu th HmiktnR hiiMnM at tha rme placo, ai f'Tirate Itankrri, umlar tho Arm name of tho "Clear-Held County Dunk." Wa ara re efioniile for tha dehtu of tlit Untik, anJ will ray Iu not on rtetaand at tb counter. Ppposiu reirei and intercut paid when money ir left for a filed lima. J'ar d'aroiinted at nil prrn. aa beretof'ttra. Our perconil re-jioiifuhiliiy it flcnped for all ltjoiU reci'.veil am! nu'ineM trani cted. A connnnanea oT tna liberal pat ronai: of tha harinepf men of the oountr li r- rpectiallT roliei'ed. A I'mident, Cashier and otrV-erj "f ila lata Clearfield County Hank, we require the notea of lata Hank to ba preieotad fir redemption. JAS. T. LKoSARD, r..nnARf hm. roitTi;it, JAS. D. ORAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT. O. I. RKKD, WM. A. WALl-ACK. Tha hqeinei of tha Bank will ha enndneted by John M. A cli in M hi., ai Caabier. (junSH.'Ai O U A I Mm ANA( I'. A. Kennedr'it Med ea liaenTery, Helmb'dd'i Hurha, ftaker'n Cod Liver Oil, Jaoi and Atpt'b nwdirin of erery hind, for tale by HARTSWIcK IRWIN. AKK aV'lf II White H'i. Laie Tmnt. l,iV. j llorriiift. Teryeliosp at J. I'. hRATZKR'S. 1mht firo iTV or f li? x:;i i - k-j t i fr .ale be H. '. a. MIT 11 A C't. I alwar na hnnd at J. I'. KIU1ZI.II S. II OSIKRV tJlovce and Notions in grrnt vri- t J. r. K H.y llu It 13' NotU. HERRLL A BIOUR'B. Uirilwarr, utiuvnvr, tftf. 1VIERRELL & BICLERr HKAi-Kiia in HARDWARE, A lo, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheel Iron Ware. CI. EA II n K L I), r A. LOT OF SADDLES, l'.IIIDLE.S, Ileraeii, CulUrf ete., fur ea!e bj MKHREI.L & BIGLEK. ALMEirS PATENT UNLOAD- ing limy Fork, (or tale bj MKKRKLL & BIG LEU. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for lulo by MEKKKLL i IlIGLr.U. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS i SHOE KinJingi, fur lale by MEKKELL i WOLEU. C'JUNSjPISTOLSjSW'OIiDCANESjiu For aale by niOLEU. gTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AXD Eiiea, for aal. by MERUF.LL t BIOLER. I RON 1 ikox! inox! i nox: For aale by MERRELL t EIGLEK. II OIISB SIIOES&IKiESE SUOE Kaili, for lale by MERREIX 4 lilOLER. pL'LLEY LLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad beat marjufacture, fur aalo by MERREIX t I'lGLER. rpiIIMBLE SKEIXS AXD ni'K j Boies, for sale by UFURELL i PIGLER. jODDEIt CUTIE1W for salo by MF.HRELL A DIOLElt FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZEXS, Look lo your Inlcresls ! G. S. FLEGAL, riilllpsburg, Centre Co., I'a.. mam TAcrurtrrt of Tin and Sheel Iron Ware, "IITOTI-D renpeetfully inform fail friendt and I 1 the public b'iccrili, that lie Has Opf.xi.d Larhe Sales Iooms Id the borough of ThiVpontirf. ? , for the man ufacture and ale of STOVLS, TLX AXJ) SHEET moy WARE, Of every dfler!ptioo, manufartured from Ihe beat material. My rarirty of Cooking Storea coQsiila of THE CSLKBRATKD IIION.IDK.S. (the bert cooking atore io the I'nited States,) Continental, Lehigh, Fanner, Daylifrht, Charm, io and every vatiftr, of the best J'itUljutg Manufacture. PAULOH AXI UK ATI SO STOVES OF KVKUV UtSCKllTlON, Including 6 TEA US' AXTI DVST. Sold at tho Lowest Cash Prices. Merchant desiring topurrhire will find It to their advaiotne to eaamine my ituck bifure t or- rhaeinf etiewhere. L-AH orderN for PprmMne and nlhet worV will be at traded to an the pl-ortM nntira. fl'2 R. ROBISON & C0.f wnoir.sALB (irocrrs nnd Pork rackers, Pealers in (llas, Iron and Nails, Family Flour of the Best Brands, Ilaeun, llatua, Fi.lra and Kkonl li r : I.ard, Mess Turk, Choose. Iloan. llom:m. lined Fruit, Cerium and L.rd Oil, I'ri- d lUf, Ao. No. SA5 l.lherty Street, (Hod I'rnnl.) iraj-7-Iy PITTSIU'lKl, TA. O B B I X S' ELECTRIC SOAP. ffRTea Timet shaven Mnnryl harca I a hurl ha.ri I lotlin 1 Havra foment AXfl ALT; OIiOCEIiS PELL IT 11 11 mm r. ono. ni -o..inF. dis..l'ir.g in hot waier, then K.sk lha elotnes eve to ten minutes, and a little hand robbing: will make them as el.sn as hours of hard ana- china ruhhiiif would do, with ordinary ap, and the tnort delicate la'irm recti re no injury, re ean refer to Ihonxandf of fAiuiliei who ore n'infl it, and who eon Id nut be perpuaded to do without PORBINS ELECTRIC l?0AP. ritFfjli bj all leading Qroran throughout the tut. Manufactured only by DOl) BINS it LOVE, Whole la ofiica 1 107 80m frxm 8rnitT, FniLArrLrau. ,Fr ealehy H arte wick A Irwio, Clear 6 old. Koemher 7, ISrift 10 mo. "UKT THE BEST." iviir.r.i.rT. a mi.-o'f lliehl Prrminm. Lock Stiirh. SEWING MACHINES. 4 I.Ti nqnirie 1 ti Mcrrnre, to 1Mb "A So. V j Mifhme pn.mpflT answered. They cm be prtn-nn-d lnm mr nt cttr pnfr. W;. T. I1A.M11.TOV, Atrni. ortS tf LHthcrehiirn, Fa. Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY, VI.I, MII.Dir.Ri UK lfl.'.'ll.1 a Mlllleel In n I Vfll K S t II llOl'MV. The nndirsifned is nnpareii l eollret all nii-h Bminliea. a well as tin iiicresel par tn Suldiera' idnws. All Inquiries and eommuniealiona an swrred promptly. Ilisehar(res receipted for. Post Olfio. addrass, OnrwensTilla, Pa. s tf ?IAH ETAXS. ni ?ood. C.rotfilrs, If. CLEARFIELD STORE , E A R LMiilipshiir, Pa. IT1I.1 IAH W. I.IOKI.I L. TT. HtlD. JiUN f. wravr ii.i.mi rcmi.L jr. ir.llETTS,$C().,: (Succerinri to Muntoo A Itoopi) IIhvo juat rpreifi"i lnrp and well ao li'nipd Siock of .11 kiml u! Klajile gooda, audi at Dry Goods, Clothing, Honta omi Khoen, llaia arnl tHi, No lioce, Hardware, Cila-rit Nuili, Oila, I'ainls. Qiieirihwure, fironoriea. Klnur, llursnn, Kwil, 4o , wliich we are olli-ring hi greally reiluoed (iricea, Tor Lush or in Exrlianpn fur Lumber and fihinfllea. l e lioie lo make il In the advanluge ot 'l'iinhcr Men, In tlie lowerend of Clearfield oountjr and on C'Ii-hi IW'lil Creek, to (.'ul llieir aupphe. from tliis point, being on I he hue ol Kail Koud c;m Soli ffooda on letter tenua tliun at anv noint Cleailield ominty. and we are aolling jiriceana tomuke it an object totlioebjy ingpnodain tlii market lo deal wtib ua Advances of Goods. Feed, &c, made on account nf Square Timber, wbicb we a id either tell on couituiwioa or buy at fixed ralea. Flour of dillerent Brand can be had at all time at eery low jirinea, at the Clear field Stare, riiilii phurg, l'enn'a. Hry Onoda Notiona, ic, in great ari ety, at tha lowent j'rice for '.:a?h, al the Clearfield Store, I'lidipsburg, Penn'a. Halt by the Sack or load, cheaper than enn be had any where elae, at the Clear field Store, lhiliit'burg, l'enii'a. Call and Examine I he etnek of goods, al the Clearfield Store, at rhiliimburg, I'a. Ilitfhrct price paid iu Gouda or Cah fur Lumber and Shmglea at the Clem field Store. 1 hilipsliurg. 1'enn a. The cheapest cooil" of all kinds are lo be had al I he Clem held Siore, at Philip burp. Call and aee if our good and price doo'l not the limea. W. HKTTS. & CO. Philipshurg, November lDlh, 105.lf. S PllING GOODS. rao aiET Tons a rnn.inci.i'nu. As Cheap as the ( lieaprat and Good aa the Heat. f. kratzerTsos, Ilare jnt rereired, and are oemnp, al tleir Old 5 (and on Front Ftreet, aUve the Acad my, a lirjre and well te leclvd areertmeDt of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are n-lling at rerj low rntct. Iliad tftc following catalogue and profit therthy K Pacini patm hai been Uken In tl e peliTiioD of LaJiei l)rtn (iao'li, nhif ()odif Embrttidcriri Millinery Goods.' I'rioU, Kercuiefa, ubicn. tiloTen, tc 1 FORGEXTLEMEX. Always on hsnd Illack Clolbs Fane; aal Mao Ca.rimerea, f-atinets, etc.. Head Mails Clotliinf, ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, X E CKTI E S , arid a var'i-ty of olltcr articteii, whith t hey will fill at a small advance on cutt Partioiilnr utleitlioD is ib v iled to tlirii stork of Carpet, Cottnae. eonimoa In irrain, supertin. Ki'gll.h Ingrain anil ltruels, Moor ana Tal!e Oil Cloths, loiioar sLavlcs and W all papera, cte FLOUR. 15ACON'. Fi'b Palt I ' Flalir, Aiplrs, Peaches and I'lunca ki'i't conttanlly on liaixl. ALSO, in Slurs a lot of laige aul small Clover cocci. We Intend to make It an ojoet for Farmera and Mccliurues to bus from us; b. rauewe srill sell our euoila as losr aa tWr en ba bonpht In lbs eonnlr and iiaj ttie . " rerTaibe"! priee fur all kind of eounlr pro duce. We wiM also eirhan.ee coods for fit noot, Kosn and Cot stt oidera; bhinles, Hoard, and s 11 kin!e of Ajanufarlnred Lataber. CI. arn. l.l, 1 a.v 2, It-oT. Cocts ana hof.s. Ecady for tho Summer' Campaign. DAMKL CONNELLY, Bool and Slice ManufarJiircr, HA? ,iiit received a flna li t of Frem-b CALF SKIN"3, a'l ir irnw prefmred to mnufae iuf evpi-ythinft in his line at tie lowest figures. He will warntitl li a work lo ba aa reprewntaa. He recprctlully toliriie a rail, at bii ehop on Market trret, eeeond door went of the pot office, where ba will do all in hi power to render eatu faclion. Soma fine Gaiter topi on band. mytl.M-y PAMEL C01SNKLLY. l'EAlE PMLAIMEI). THE WAR OVErTn CLEARFIELD kxox townIiiii' qUIET. Xrarly nil the C"ntr,ibamh going luck ti thiir oil mntrs; hut 'luiry one p"Hi7 to oil JfiL'SiirhuS'ttx, whtTC they tecre luvcJ u ln j una to wtll. Ieoneiuenee of tlis alnrr furl. F. FTTnRT, of the old "fhort Miae Sholi." oould an. nottnee to his onmerons patrons, and ths feoi.le of I'learfleld eunte al lare, rhst ha has now a first rata lot of pood aasterisl. jia-t reeeieed from !' "" Kasl.aad is prepared imsaort none. So make 'land anrnd Hoots and Slioes. at bis ne h.p ta tlrahaos a row. He is salifBed lhl he ean I. ... I jHt(B,,iMf might be some inteoselj loiai atay. , bm, r,,ri j ),, prrpnred loeeil loa lor r.,h , i m,nll.. r.,.1.,,. I)n l f.,Itel Shopnnt dour to fhowcm A Uraham't ilore, on Market rtrt, Ckarfleld, Pau and kept by a fellow commonly called j.f:,-oj-y "SlIORTT. Vev B(K)TTir "siioE "shop. EDWARD MACK & CO , On Market itreet, rue door w oat of LicpulJt'i Ilrewery. rriHE pmprirfora hire entered Into tha Boot X nd aSh'aa biteineiia al the ahore etnnd, and are determined not 1i be outdone either in qual ity or prift for their work. Fperial att-nti n will ba paid to aaanufcctnrinf tewed work. V't have on hand a for; lot of Krcnch Kip and Ca f Skin-, of Ihe very bent (jualitv. The eiii tent of tMearflld and ticiniiy are respecttully Invited in pive ui a trial. No charge lor oalla. BaT7,'oft-tf A rK0tLVMlTIO. 0 0 ISO ITAL0NE!1 jYofirviV Prnliliitr I fr m IUninq my limit and tiltoct on (if-rount of Race or C-lor. IT.rXd lliu liberal naindd. t laVe tbis tnelliod ) tit infurrring the eitners of Cleatfirld and trinity tbal 1 hsve .per.e,l a rii en 8eeund St., next d nor to the County National Iiank. over H'aton'a Pntc Store, libera I ana prepared lo ' maUa ta order aeerylMns in Iba llool and Sbee : f Ibe ktst aaatsrial and ia lha annst worksaanlika manner, aad oa ahort nntiea. All 1 ark ia a trial. Ioa at Clearseld, this lth of Jo'r. 11"1. JIARJtl E0I?. pry C'iOoH ekorrrifs, Ctf. IlicHARD HOSSOP,- DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOM ESTIC G00P3 at at at al Senaalion Snuntion Keiiiation price, pile. pnra DKI.AINKS ColU'lidS ALPACAS Si-maiion nose ,tut reoeivtit at MOS.SO OIXRII AUS rVnautinn Ki-nnHliori Kenaatinn Sini.alien pncea pricca piiiei CHINTZ PIMM'S (il.dVKS price, price. CRAVATS Bori-alion al MOSSOl'S SHAWLS at Imi.NNKI'.S at Senmlion price. 8enttiou pnoe. ('(ILOUKI) I MUSI. INS I at Benaition prices All to be had at MOSSOrs', LI SEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at &tiiaatinn Henaation Sencation Kenaation SerbBiion price price, prices prices I'A MLR CLOTHS al FRINGE at at at at price. at wussy PS'. LACE llnslERY R I HIM INS THI MM I SOS ol ail kinda Sensation SensBlion Sensation pnoes prices price. at Sensation prices m anv uunn iv Alwaiaon band at MOSSOrS'. CARS'lMKHES at SATTINETS at TWEEDS al JEANS at VEST1NGS al SU1UTI.NGS at Senaal ioo aieuaalion benaalion (tenaaliou tDaalion Sensation pnoe price prices prioes prion prioes at MOXSOl'iT, CLOTH 1XO auchl as Coals, Pants, Vcwts, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirt, Prtiots, Shoes, Hat. and Caps, at aenaalioB prices Now for sale at MOKSOPS'. UARDWARE' audi aa 11 vs, nails at sensation Forks, Knives, Sjukea, ilingoa, d prices at MOS.SOPS'. at sensation trices al sensation prion at Mossors. at senaatioa prioes LIQUORS, such ' as Wins, Bran.ly, 0 i n, W b Ukfjr, Copinac. r tc, etc.. FUL 1 I S, audi as l'runi'S, llai.ina. Figs, FilterU, ic. GTIOCERIF-S, aay Hour, llama, .Sliouldora, Supar, Molassna, C'ollee, Tea, Crackers, Siuesa, Candlw, Coal Oil, etc., etc Alwsvs at MOSSOrS'. HLACK1NQ at senration prices liDl'l-S at tpusalioo prices PuVIF.R at acniialion prices "HOT at ssn'oiion prires LKAD ut sensation prices CAl'3 at sensation prices At Ilia store of RICHARD M0S.SOP. MOSSOP Always ltespi on liand a lull assorlmsnt of all kinds of poods required lor the accommodation ol the pudlic. Kae. IS. 1B6S. FKESII ARRIVALS at tfie cnEAP srong or EDWARD W. GRAHAM Spring Goods.- New and Very Cheap I 1IIB underIned roipectfully announce, to , tha pvhlio thai be; ia now oj. en in jr. axil extenrira a-wrtuitDt of ETKINO UODDr a tha old Land in Grabam'a Dew buildiog, wbioh ha offer, to at ll at exceediLgly low pricca, coa lidertng their 00 L, fcr cash or approved oonntry produce. Hi3 Stock of Dry Goods cannot Surpassed. Cnetome ri can there find Calicoei with fait col ore Xlutlini, Delainia, Lwne, Clothe, CuiU merei, Veetinge, Ladiea' iShawli, Oenta She la, ' II ate and Caps, Booti and Shoei, Carpatt, and Oil ClwtLa. Hii Stock of Fancy Goods ii Unex atnilcd in 6(yle and Variety, Einlracing Notiom, Fcarfs Heed neti, Neok tlfi, Fate hele, Tort Monnnlee, lrahei, Photo enphio Alhoma, Pi pee, Tibaceo and 8c (rare Perfumery of all kind, or anything aUe to the MuLion line. Also, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! All of the best quality, and eelortrd with syeelal regard to tit. trade uf t'lrarlield eoonly 1 EliWAlO W. lilt A H AM. Cl.ardeld, Muy 1(1, lsrj. EVWORB AXDXlW GOODS t jos. siiaw & sox liars just opened a Xiw Store, on Main St., CLiriiL, Ta., lately occupied ly Wm. F. JttWJJ?. Tlielr Block consists of Gk(K iR:rs of 11)8 beat quality, Qi'ecnsware, Ioots and Shoes, and erery article neceaaarr for one's comfort. Call and examine our stock before Iar eliainfi elsaarhere. May 9, liT.fi-lf. cTkratzer & son", tEAI.EIta IN Dry Goods, Dress Coods, MILLINERY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WIN DOW SHADES, CURTAINS, 'WALL PArERS, Clotliing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queensware, Hardware, Grocerios. Front street, a bore the Academy. GIttX:ttIltoebadat ncMr.bi.L tnLnt's.