Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 30, 1867, Image 2

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    She Ucpubiiran.
mcr. :
(tKORUE H. (ioonl.ANI'KIt, K.litor.
Thursday Morning, May 30, 18C7,
PniMAur Election. Tlio JJemo
crfttio primary election for this coun
ty will be held tiiiu year on tho 13th
day of July next, being tho (econd
Suturday of tho month. The print
er's fee for announcing the tinmo of
cimlidutes and printing Cvo thousand
tickets ouvh, will bo as followe, viz
For Assembly, Sheriff and Trcamirer,
?10 each : CommieMoncr ttud District
Attorney, 85 each ; Auditor and Jury
Commissioner, 83 each. o name
will be published unless tho fee ac
companies tho order. In our next
issue we will begin to aimouneo the
names of caudidutcB. A "military
neceHbity compels us to auopi mis
rule. AVe Lopo Democrats in the
several boroughs and townships will
take intercut enough in tho matter to
iicnd us the names of reliable and
active men from which to select a
vigilance committee.
We presume there are but few per
sons, if any, who are aware of the
amount of taxes assessed annually
in Clearfield county. We have there
foro pKparcd a tabular statement,
which will be found in this issue, show
ing tho aggregate amount of tax in
each borough and township for 1SC7,
as well as the name of tho collector.
This, however, only indicates tho tax
on the seated and personal property.
It will be observed by this table that
the aggregate of tho Duplicates
amounts to nearly fifty thousand dol
lars. Tho school tax amounts to over
forty thousand dollars 821,000 seat
ed and 810,000 unseated. Tho road
tax, twenty four thousand $10,000
seated and 87,100 unsealed. The
bounty tax exceeds forly-six thousand
dollars seated 831,374, unseated 811
SC0. The county tax is nearly twen
ty four thousand dollars seated f 16,
J77, unseated 87,400, while tho State
tax and Military fines amounts to
$2,200, viz :
TMonty t.i e.noo 00
r oiuty ui - avn on
School tal 4U.S.10 OH
Haad tai .... 2.S.T77 III)
tTtt tux 1.2U124
fine !, W
Tout u,:;m u
It will thus bo noticed that the
taxation in this county for 107
amounts ta tho sum of one hundred
and thirty-six thousand three hundred
and ninety dollars and twenty-fair
tents, without including tho poor tax
asccf-sed in some of tho towimhips.
This makes a tax bill of 8 i0 70 for
every voter. Previous to tho advent
of tho Greeley reformation 810 00 was
considered a very high figure ; but so
v.e go. If people "will bo fools
amidst colleges and schools," they
will of courso continue to buy their
whistles from tho firm of Thad. Ste
vens k Co.
The IIooth Diart. Tho daily p.
pers laft week published what pur
ported to bo the stolen portion of
Looth's Dinry so handsomely venti
lated in tike Fitinijj Congress during the
Butlor-Hinghani controversy which
we noticed at the time. As tho same
thing appeared tn the jYVm York Her
eld more than two yearn ago, it re
veals but littlo now that was not
known then. It seems to have been
ordered by the President, and is moro
remarkable, it strikes us, fioni what
it conceals, than ft r what it commu
nicate. It lets in not a ray of light
upon the conspiracy, which culminat
ed in the assassination that is to say
if there w as any conspiracy above
and beyond what is already known.
Tho diary, as given to the public, tells
no secrets, UM tho valorous Uutler
asks thoso who havo had this pass
book in their keeping to also produce
the diamond breast pin taken from
Booth's body at tho same time the dia
ry was lanen. liio "iieasi lias a
wonderful went for jewelry, and the
cnlv redecminir onnlitv that velsnr. I
rounds him, is, that ho still insists that
all engsged in hanging Mrs. Surratt
are murderers. Tho New York 7W
regrets that tho diary decs nothing to
clear up tho plot for the capture of
the rVcsidunt, which engaged liooth
and ethers six months. It particular
ly emphasizes this expression in the
diary: "We had worked to capture,
but our cause being almost lost, some
thing derisive and great must be done."
etc. and then a?ks.
Who are "wef
Laws. Wo this week, n
number of Acts of Assembly, paused
at the late session, that nre of vital
Jinportaneo to the public, nnd wo linpc
will receive an nttentivo perual by
All our renders. The plea of not know-Inn-
wl.nt Lhe law is. will avail liothini?
..Mo- il. r.lw,n,.i.nn.. .n.l k-b
oave pit i.ty 01 cases 01 wi.u.i
tions ol law, we aro striving to dimin
ish Ibe number of ignorant tasrs.
,1k Wt Krprtltit.
A Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia iVi.'S Huclatitly informs
tho public, and tho "boys in blue" in
particular, that tho Secretary of War
has issued an order suspending the
payment of additional or other boun
ties to soldiers and their heirs, until
some appropriation for that purposo
is made by Congress, thn funds al
ready appropriated being exhausted.
As Congress w ill not in all probability
meet again until December, the sol
diers and their families must make
up their minds to bear somo further
delay. This all arises from tho fact
that the money in tho Treasury is all
consumed by tho increased pay to
members f.1 Congress, heads and
clerks in tho departments, and to
keep up the !Ncgro Uureau and mili
tary satraps in tho South. Tho "no
ble Stanton" is compelled to keep nnd
feed theso blood-suckers to keep up
his reputation, but tho "boys in blue"
and tho widows and orphans of sol
diers must wait for their just dues
until tho Pump meets again. Why
could not members of tho Pump and
their backers wait for their pay us
well as tho soldier, when it was found
that the demands upon tho Treasury
would exced the receipts? This is
loyalty with a vengeance. Feasting
oflico-holders, but compelling tho sol
diers to rely on their own resources,
while Stevens, Kelly A Co. aro ex
hausting and bankrupting tho Trea
sury. Tiik Secret Out. A confidential
"pet Iamb" has just enmo to grief in
Washington. For somo time there
has been considerable, trouble in the
offico of the Controllerof tho Currency
in consequence of repeated losses of
National Bank notes, tho valuo of
which generally was in 850 and 8100
notes. Suspicion of these robberies
rested upon a colored confidential mes
senger in the office of the Controller
of tho Currency, named Schurman,
and ho is now arrested for forgery
and larceny of 812,000, in 850 and
8100 dollar notes of tho First Nation
al Bank of Jersey city and others,
besido an expensive lot of stationery,
purloined from Ihe Department, and
found in his house. Tho notes sto
len wcro genuine impressions, hut the
signatures were forged. This "confi
dential" nigger has ev idently mado a
shipwreck of his loyalty, but as ho
has been bailed out of jail for 810,000
for stealing 812,000 in greenbacks and
83,000 worth of stationery, ho may
reestablish it by running off. A
white man might ho able to pay 810,
000 bail it he was "confidentially" al
lowed to pilfer 815,000, and nmko
something besides; but how tho "pet
lamb" w ill come out, wo aro not pre
pared to sny. Whilo men generally
aro held in 'double the sum stolen;
hut darkies, it seems, under loyal con
trol, arc allowed somo pocket money
after they pay their bail.
Fitoriai m "ovCniMt." Our enter
prising neighbor of tho Journal this
week furnishes his readers with a col
uinn detailing tho progress of "grand
moral ideas" among us. As ho is a
teacher in tho (irecley reform school,
and blessed with an ahundam.o of loy
alty, ho is tho proper man to impart
instruction of this kind, lie neglect,
cd to state that his "colored brother'
ilson tho "lamb snoilcr, was
running a prayer meeting for tho ben
cfit of tho "iray deceiver" and his
class-mates, Ilo prays vehemently
for horse thieves and bad men gener
ally, while ho is confined for nearly
butchcrinj' ono of ' Lincoln's pel
lambs" w ith a razor. While detailing
tho cii nes committed by the white
prisoners, he might as well havo Stat
cd in his catalogue what the "intelli
gent contraband" had done, if not
incompatible with fair dealing.
Pesi.iitino this Loan. Wo obscrvo
that Key. James Whilely, of Venango
county, and Ilev. J. L. Hays, of Craw
ford, arc both beforo the loyal Con
volitions in their respective counties
for a seat in tho next Legislature
They evidently euro but littlo for
their ordination vows being over
come by the scent for plunder. The
loyalists are in the habit of bribing the
clergy by vo'.ing them moro pay than
other members get. For years past
they havo hired a Pev. member
each House at llarrislmrg to do the
7l,vJing for them, and then voting
them a bounty of threo hundred dol
lars. Thus a bribe of 81,400 for four
months labor causes theso weak breth
ren to fall from grace. "
Tho proceed i n f;s of tho Democratic
meeting held at Osceola, on Saturday
last will nppcnr in full next week.
Wo aro i;!ud lo notice thai tho old
Democratic leaven is beginning lo
work thus early ; besides the exam
ple set by tho "Cops" in that new and
enterprising borough, is worthy of
imitation elsew here.. Two years ago
wo sent but six or eight copies of tho
Rfjiuldiean to that otlico, but before
another year passes nwny our list will
amount to ono hundred, if nil sub
scribe for it that should. Men who
manifest cntcrpriso and teal in one
particular, seldom fail to make it gen
eral. The evidence of a ease on trial at
New York fh.twed that a rolTee mnn-
- i ,in1(.turii,ii firm in that eitv used bin. k
- ; lead, mmd and lottenstono to ivo
!ploitiid weight to their I'rodtiction.
' The ItfformultoA.
Tho tax-pa) crs ofour county aro now
reaping n plentiful harvest. Without
viewing matters in a moral light, tho
crimes that aro being committed in
our midst, are truly alarming. The
county prison is full of violators of
tho law, containing sometimes as high
as fifteen persons, charged with crimes
of every shade from murder to pet
ty larceny. Tho two horso-tbieves
Barber and Stevens w ho stole tw o
horses near tho Jefferson lino several
weeks ago, (which w o noticed at the
time,) havo been arretted, together
with a number of their accomplices,
and aro now in our jail awaiting the
penalty of the law. Ono of tho ac
complices states that if ho would re
veal tho names of thoso in this mid
in tho adjoining counties who uro
engaged in horse-stealing and burg
laries, tho people would bo astonished.
But as tho leaders in this system ol
crime mo well known bounty-jumpers,
and aro following horse-stealing
for profit and pleasure, we can scarce
ly crctlit tins allegation, it, on mo
other hand, it should provo to ho true,
we hopo no citizen w ill assist in shield
ing them, lot their positions in society
bo what it may. As tho parties
charged with these high crimes will
bo placed upon trial at the approach
ing Juno term, wo refrain from saying
or doing anything to prejudice their
cases, but will pay especial attention
to them whilo undergoing judicial in
vestigation, and promptly notice any
squirming on the part of thoso en
trusted with the vindication of tho
law. Tho crimo of horso-stcaling is
alarmingly on tho increase spread
ing like a fatal malady and if not
checked by a prompt enforcement of
tho law, it will literally lead to the
confiscation of that species of proper-
A horse-thief soon graduates and
in the lino of his profession becomes a
burglar, and in but one step moro (if
interfered with) commit murder. A
sure and prompt vindication of tho
aw is tho only preventative of crimo.
A Pair of Knavks. A Badical
candidate in Georgia is now stumping
his district, and promises every negro
w ho shall voto for him forty acres of
land and Bureau rations for tho next
threo years. This must bo very en
ticing to "Lincoln's pet lambs." Tho
Devil is, however, ahead of this loy
alist. Ilo once made a far nioro bril
liant promise than this, but, as in the
Georgia case, tho "old boy" never
owned a foot of land in tho universe ;
besides, tho proposition was original
with him, whilo tho Georgia chap is
only an imitator. This loyal trick,
liko tho Devil's, will bo properly ex
posed ere long.
Request Refused. Beast Butler,
about ten days ago, addressed a note
to Miss Anna Surratt, soliciting a pri
vato interview with her in reference
to tho assassination plot and tho mur-
lering ot her mother by Holt & Co.
The lady very promptly declined any
such interview, but informed the hero
of Fort Fisher, that she would meet
him in tho presenco of her Attorney.
This tho gallant Butler declined, and
thus the matter rests for tho present.
Miss Surratt had evidently read his
celebrated New Orleans order, and
therefore feared his presenco.
Loyalty. Tho New York Loyal
Leaguo last week met in solemn con
clave and resolved itsell into a bureau
of loyal justice, and summoned before
its august presenco Philosopher (irec
ley, fir his late treasonable net in
becoming one of Mr. Davis's lands
men. But lloiuco has Ijecoiuo stub
born, calls his brethren "blockheads,"
refuses to meet and stand bis trial,
and dares them 'to expel him; and
they didn't. This is the first battle
he ever fought, nnd coming out first
best be runs a great risk of being
Every loyul juipfi-oiii Maino lo Cal
ifuniia is lio'vling over tlio release of
Jt'tTerwin Iiuvis. An tliey tlono no
linrtn to Mr. Davis during tho rebel
lion, be is qrtito aalo ouuido of tlio
Rovcrnniciit Imntiles; anil wo make
tlio averment now. that neither Chief
Justice Chase, nor tho ''Uureau of
Military Jusiieo," will ever try him.
Tho former is too cowardly nnd tho
latter thut'S not ; hut they niif;!it er
pua'lo tlio skunk Underwood to try
him, nnil if no, it will lc tho last of the
Mass'ichuscttn Krliool-tnastcr.
Cpttino lir.AnT. Tho bankrupt
machinery is being put in force as fast
as Juclgo Chase can put tho cogs in
tho wheels. Ro far no appointment
has been made for this Congressional
district, but wo notico by the Erie
Olsrrrrr, that (ien, E. C. Wilson, Jas.
Sill nnd J. W. Wetmorc, Esq., of that
city, aro willing to accept the post of
Iiegister, and that a number of bnsi
ness men will apply for tho benefit of
tho law, if tho depression of business
jCellty, (ho nut'ior of the Mobile tics
pro riot, i a vnlinnt soul. Although
ho honstotl ol hnvilirr fiflpfn rprrim.'nta
at his l.nck ami nrofonscd to thc
wliolo army of the lii'piiblic t his
liOMil, lie (It'dincd to rvmain in !i
bile, but retired from the hvviio of net
ion in government punbont, in the
nipht. It is wonder that he did not
nil"i't tho garb of his teacher a
Scotch cup nnd a military cloak.
Taxation in Clearfield County, for tho year 1867.
kavi or COLLtrtoa.
IWraria , , .
Hloom , . . ,
Hrmllbrd . , ',
Hnnly . . , ,
Hurneiile , , ,
('host . . , .
Covington . , .
(lurvHtisvillo ,
ClouilicM , . .
l'eealur. . . .
KlMUUBOU . , .
(lirnnl , . . ,
lichen . . . .
(irnhnin . . .
(.illicit . . , .
Thru. 8. WVIiburn
lriijnuiiu T.rfirJ . .
Itolierl Leech .
,1a men II. Turner
JosHli Winnery . .
Jacob V. Kiirb . .
('. C. Mitchell . .
John Con ley . . ,
I.Kwis I'ictrd, .
Daniel r'nul . . .
Jainttt ngiey .
Cyrouiiu Howe
John 15. Keriinnon
James MeClellan
William Murrey .
William I... Shaw .
Abraham Hoover
John H. M'Kiftrnan
Lewi lluidell
I.ilin Curry .
Dmiel Moore , ,
I sana McKee .
Miles lii-nd . .
I,. 1). il lie . . .
(lonige iVaro . .
.Imt M. Hose .
Harry Gnu . . .
.loapph Newcomer
llonjtniin Hloom .
Samuel Ilullopeiet
James Comely .
IhiMon . . , .
Ionian , . ,
Kurthiiua , . .
I.swreneo . . .
Lumber City . .
Morris . . .
New Washington
Orr.eola , .
I'onn .T . . .
Union . . . .
Wooilwaid . .
The Smallest flu sfjirs IV.
Tho Impeachment Committee, it is
said, has stinmioncd the servants cm
ployed around tho President's bouse
to give testimony lis to his personal
habits, nnd especially with regard to
his abstemiousness. Tho pimps on
the committee may bo unconscious of
tho fact that they aro degrading
themselves, but surely no American
citizen, howevtir be may difler with
tho Chief Magistrate ot tho republic,
eau read this item without blushing
for his country. Macutay records
that onool tho English Jacobites took
occasion to insult tho wife of William
I the Third in public. The littlo Dutch-
l.nglisli King, wlicn lie lie:irl ot uio
incident, fairly swelled with indigna
tion. ' It was cowardly sir," ho ex
claimed to one of his secretaries. ' "It
was cowardly, for 1 am powerless to
resent a personal nffront. If I wcro
a private gentleman, tho coward
dared not do it!" Andrew Johnson
certainly loses none of his rights as a
citizen by the fact that ho is Presi
dent. Is there a man in Brooklyn
who would not horsewhip tho med
dlesome fool who hung around his
pantry to sco what wino he used at
his dinner, or who sneaked into his
kitchen to ascertain tho ingredients
of tho sauce ho used in his pudding ;
Brooklyn F.anle.
(iitANTK.n. At a recent term of
Court in Mifllin county, all the appli
cations for license to sell liquors, (post
poned from previous term) were grant
ed except live. John Dipplo. landlord
of tho Black Horse Hotel, Lewistown,
after receiving liccnso, posted up the
following notice, "To whom it may
concern :"
"Tho undersigned dosirinir to obey
all laws restraining the sale of liquors,
respectfully requests all heads of fam
ilies who havo drunken sons, hus
bands wives or daughters, to givo mo
the written notice required by law,
forbidding mo to sell such habitual
drunkards liqtior,with their signatures
attached, and I pledge myself, my
reputation and my protorty, that such
requests shall bo rigidly complied
with. I desiro to comply with all
laws reguluting my legitimate busi
ness, and in order to do so, request
tho assistance of 'all law-abiding cit
izens." .
Goyf.rnmknt KwEirrs. Tho ro
ceipts from customs nro rather larger
thnn was estimated, but thoso from
internal revenue collections are very
small. There is to bo a general in
spection, by competent detectives, of
tho returns made by tho manufac
turing companies ol New England,
some of w hich nro lamentably small
when compared wit it w hat has been
paid by the same Companies in years
Mist. As lor tho whiskey frauds, it
seems impossible to check them, as is
demonstrated by tho price at which
whiskey Is sold, "tax paid.
riiFsr.NTATio!. William Curtis,
Eq., lirnnd Secretary of tlio (Iran. I
l,otigeoftho Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, has been presented
with A new United Slates five-twenty
registered bond, beai ing a value of
f.'iOO, accompanied by a series of res
olutions, complimentary of tho (Jrand
Secretary, mid apprising him of tho
fact that tho bond was tinrchased by
money raised through the voluntary
eontri but ions of his brothor Odd Fel
lows throughout the State. Age.
The Warren Lnlger thinks roeon-
l met ion on the Congressional plan
will turn out n good thing for tho
country. It has already given the
Llemocrals Kentucky and Connecti
cut and if Congress will only meet in
July, and eonlinuo tho sumo policy,
wo shall be likely to carry nearly all
tho fall elections. Wo urge upon Mr.
Scofield to uso his influence, by all
means, to procure a summer session.
The X'nion Leaguo of rhilndolphia
recently issued a notice offering prices
for a series of essays. Wo suggest
that tho philosopher of tho Tribune
sh on I d bo on e of t h e t -o m pe t i t ors. His
admirablo essav on "blockheads," ad
dressed to the Union Leaguo of New
York, took the first premium on Thurs
day night last, and if ho w ill coino to
I'liiladeljihia and enter the lists hero,
he will bo equally miccessl'ul. Age.
Tho constitutionality of the bill
passed by tho Legislature creating a
Ij'''!!' "'! J'tri t.o)imstinportlic cotin
I I in. i.l .mi. I.. II I nl. ti nti.l linn.
lien of Schuylkill. Icbaiicui and Paa-
phin, is In be twled in tho Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania.
Horace Greeley claims that ho is
leniently disponed toward Jefferson
Ihtvin. Nearly all the old tlog'a odU
torial jiup manifest ft different dis
position. .
O W ," in
I .
0 d a
1 I t
I ' I I
81 15 JI.5W 30 f,3 W M 001
f.71 2H 1,319 51- Ls 0;. 3'l Ml
is7 3'.i :m ii n .w co
411 73 7'.'. (Mi .10 34 33 50
-, i n i - i.i pa r.t: r.n r.n
1 'I'lll !'. O I. Mil I'.Kl S- II.'iI S t Oil
hit 53 1517 42 .''. 7H 01 5(1
57li 40 I.0M3 M 41 !7 42 (Hi
3H1 Oil 73'.) Ml 28 2'.( 35 00
(117 4 1 (toy 20 44 32 IS 00
1.4 10 41 2,730 70 113 0,i 61 5
74S 7,1 1.4H3 32 3D 51 21 00
415 4(1 7KX 02 34 hs 23 0(1
M 00 157 52 5 40 9 50
217 K5 5K8 70 30 57 25 00
2-11 1)5 458 00 22 ('! 24 00
3ii3 5s 0S4 I I 32 83 2i) 00
437 05 Wlti 2 2-') Hi 34 00
2'.'4 72 6H4 20 22 35 25 (Ml
Shi IS i.)(i 1- i- "0
3n'J (13 012 41 24 53 24 5
330 4'.) CM 74 23 (il 22 00
1,:09 07 2,.V2 82 102 3(1 05 00
20H 87 3 4li 12 91 18 50
055 Wl 1,251 41 57 C.I 32 HO
154 7(i 309 52 8 94 14 00
358 14 077 8s H 33 24 50
441 3" 80 52 32 511 32 50
791 2) 1,529 (Ki 58 07 28 (HI
Z" 39 021 II f' 55 20 (Si
350 20 055 5(1 20 72 25 00
, -10,377 40 3T37472 1.200 24 998 00
51c;r aflvfrtisfwraljs.
j a iict ttariiJiiMim or in nnr mny medillinjr
with thr fulluwiiip tmiitiTtr now io iHinw-i-Mun ol
F. L. Kuril, of llrml.v tinut-..i, vn: Odb l-ir
11 ore, on frny Ilnrw, ono two inw Wagnu, one
iwt llufry ilnnMa, onr pair tobHU-da, one
UuiiirT, on H let eii, ne Plcw, one Harrow, on
one-vt'ar old iorri-l Colt, one KiUiiijf Itridle, three
llojfii, two bral of lount attic, (one ileer and
one heitT,) 4,01)0 fuel of white pint Lumlter, four
acres ol Jt ye in the ground, anrfn icm ot un in
thf ground, (hp mu.p hclru.g to me, and art left
with bim fu)jK)t to id jr order.
Unulj township. May 25, 1aA7. niT.10-3t:p4
Fresh Arrivals at the Cheap Store.
TTAS Jnt reelr4 at lift ('r( in Oirard
I 1 townhi, on tha ('larflld rr-ad, one mile
auuva Leounte'i Mi 111, a Ure awortiotnt of
Which lie la dotormlned to tell
T' an tha nma finality of Ooodf eao be pur
oharfd for In any oihr alora io tht neighbor
hood, llii atoik OfnstiU of
Such M Rutinr-tfi, Catrimerei, Munllnf, Pfla.De.
Linao, Prilling, Otilii-of f all kind,
1 rimming, hibboni, Lnre,
JUaJy-MiuIe Clothing, Hoots d: Shoes,
1 JLitS d ltt,
Coflee, Ta, Fugar, Rira, nfolamea, Finh, Ball,
I.ln.rrd Oil, firh Oil, larhon Oil.
Hardware, Tinware, Castings.
Plo.a, riow -Catinni.Kail. Sr!lte. Com Cultl
v.lon, Cider-rreraet, all kinda of Aaea,
Drugs, Medieines, I'ttjumery, Paints,
(ilttss, YaritMt, Natiuncry.
4,Call and a:, for yoursnttea. Yon will
find OTarytbitig uaually ket in . retail rtora.
ItfMy riowi ara of tha Centra cimnty make,
and ara w.rraottd ta ba of good qualitr.
L. M. COli'KIET.
(llrard tcmnbip. May !3, ISC7.
Orphans' Court Sale.
I)V vn (no of an rd-r iMiied out of the 'ln.han'p
) Court of Clearfield eminty, thrrc wit) 1 rx-iM.fM-d
ti luil'lir rule at the Court Hohm in the
lnircit.'li of n.-nrrMde on Mi.N 1Y. (he 17th dav
of .11. NK, lo7,at two o'clock. 1'. M., the fuliuw-
mg J Ual LtUtr, to wit:
f Certain Tvart of t.amt,
itutr in Covington t'wnrhii Clearfield ronnty.
l'a., b')inih-d and dc'Tilfd (Ilt.w?: On the
wit by Htri'hi-n K'uinv; on toft-nut by TlH.nmn
11. Fiw-TV ; on thr north t.r Uitd of Ann .Scott, and
m (hi h'Mith y 6ob mou Muror,
CoiitMtiiliif; Mvty-tais Arr, more or lent.
With ft 1K iiouw riiJ lojr Ilurn frwtr J thrn-on,
Alid Into tlio lJitr nf iti-r Miller, d(vP!ird.
TKKMS OK H.M.K. Onr bitlt ph in hnnd "I
roiihrniiitiun of Fain, nnd t hi rcii.tluc in onr yrar
tht'ri'Blii'r, to bo vutun'd by tmnd Ktid tmirtrne.
myln-M Adm'r of X. Miller, dvcaM.
Sheriff's Sales.
1 Er
IRH K of Villi rT Wrttl of Vrnriuiimi
ptmnn Utued Ut of the court of Common
I'leae of Clearfieid crnniv, aid to me directed
thrre will be expotcd to l'l UMU MI.K, at tha
Court lluute in the 1 ir'iiih of Cleftrtie)', on
Monday, thw nth nf June. Im)?,
at I o'clock, p.m., tha following deter i bed heal
Kill ate, to wit :
A eertain tract of rand itlitata tn Wo wt ward
townthip. Clearfield county, Pa, being lot No.
22, is tha village of Maderft, boi nded on tha
north by Main ttreet, eaut by lot of Wa. Lutter,
on tha muih by J. Hobint, and on the wait by
atreeti eontaiftin an e fourth of an acre,
and barter ft two atory frame boutt erected
thereon. Entiled, taken in execution, and U bt
Mild ft tit proporty of tVtlliain P. Hall.
Ai.'n, certain tract of land lituata tn flulich
township. Clear Bel d eovatv. Pa.t bouuded Wett
by Iba turn pitta road, fioria by lot of J. Lite,
rati and aoath by Uodi of Tfttrtck Fllnft, with
frntne hr lite erected thereon. Alio, lot No. 1
in the borough of Otccola, ud bounded eart hj
lot of George Itoalirh, tooth by Curtin itreet,
wetl by K. Kvphart, and north by alley, with
tmall frame hou.e erected tberenn. eltcd, ta
ken in executioni and to ba fold aa tht ;y
of A. . Fx.
A Ltn, ft certain lot and h u-a tituate in I, umber
City, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the fatt
by lot of John Fergu-on, touth by Main ttreet,
wett by ltd of Jauit Cnmley, and on tha m ith
hy ttrect, cou'au ing about ona fourth of
an acre ol gr nnd, and having a two ttnry framo
houw erected thereon. N-iied, taken in exem.
tmn. and to be told ft Uia property of ft. M.
Far wall and Lloyd Addleoiaa.
Alio, a eertain lot of land fituata In Lumber
City, t learneli county, Pa., hounded an the tart
by lot of John Fetguaen, touth by Main t tract,
wett by lot of Jatnei Crotiry. ftnd on tht touth
by ( reel, ftnuinwf i boufc one fourth of
an acre ol ground, and baling a two tto y (ramt
houte thereon ereeied. 8-iied. ukaa in eteen
tioa, and to ba told at tha propert of H. U.
Farwell and Lloyd Addleman.
Ai, rtrta n lot of land tituatt In Lumber
City, Clearfield roomy, I'a., boanded eft tht aaat
by lot of John Fergunun, eoqth by Main ttreet,
wett by lot nf Jaiaei Crotlcr. and on the north
by ttreet, enulmng atiout ona-foorth uf
n acre oi groobd, an 4 baring thereon erected ft
two atoxT frame hoiat. Beiatnl, ukaa ia eieeu-
ttoft, and to bt told ai tha property gf ti. M.
Farwe'l and Llnyl Addleman.
w-innuert will take notice thut 15 per
rani, of tht purehaaa aioney mutt bt paid when
tht property it knocked down, or it will bo pat
p tiin mi hii, JALVO A. tAlM,
Hnrairr i Orrict, 1 Sheriff,
Clearfield, I'a.M.y H,'t7.
T 0T Mr. George C. Tattmoro, on tht iVth
Aj intajit, lott a pair of gold tpcoiteie on the
pa. die mad between ini old I arm in Pitta town.
hip and Clearfield. The ladar will bt rewarded
by returning then t the ewoer. I
pirn' flwll'irmrnis.
itriir.M-:, n.n. ramijix i.inn, ivm-
t'lenlJttih'f uf tin. (Yuil ol C'tntm.n I'lrm
ol 91 twenty fifth Jo'lb iKl liii-trmt, rMifr,rd !
tli pouetin tit i'U iiri,,l,l , ('en irt
.p. I Jimi. S A M C) I. Ul. Villi imI lion. J ACOil
W ILIIK1.M, AM.itinln JmlV'lur tl,rlil'l r.,
hnvp ifHH'4 llirir in tn, lr lli
li'il-lili l C'.url nf Ci'l'ilmxl 1'iena, Ori'linn'll
t'onrt, Court ol 0nrlr Srp-i'jrii, Court nf I'MT
mii i TorwiiK'r, imI Court ,,l (ii?i,i-tiil J hi I tt'ii tiv,
ftt tli C"uit Knurr ml Cit'urtii Id, 'D nnl f-r II. e
".iiitity tit f li.nrl'u.M, ruiniiiriicitij ttn O10 'ihll'U
siou'Uy 17lh tin) ol' June, l7, ud W
cunt in i4 iwu taovitii.
J0'1 K'K l.S, ttitrrruTO hortl.y 'given, to tl;
(NirniiiT, JupIicvi of lli IVnro, tii',
in nnd IV.r Mid county of Oiirrirl-I, to ro peur rr
! ttu-ir iriif,r p"mmi, Willi llit-ir Hull, il,i'ui,t"f
Iri'tiilMttonii, J-.xftimriHlinn, an-1 utbi-r Jlameiu
limn, to do thun6 tlmin ftlm-u tit Uicir ulllcuf,
lid in tlieir !f Imlf, ptTlMin to lie dune.
U1VL.N under my hnd at Cluaruenl, tlila SStb
day of May, in tlie year uf uur Lord out
limuanrid ei'lit liuudred and lixly-keven.
bHeuit'F'a OmiK. I JACOU A. fAlST,
Clratlioirf. Mat SO, ls7. J AAcr..
UllK.i: NOTIti;-in fir.-.rrtUnrt, wilii
nti nvt of Acmy, amirovnl itli day of
AmiI. 1C7, tin- toniimnPiDtirm of tlie MmWfviHe
li- Couiiittiv Mill oih-u ixmk, at tint liort- ol
A. li. Miaw, on mul ftln-r I lie I'Mi uf blv,
to rccvive iuljscnj'linu to tin- chjhIhI mix k ot faiJ
'J lu'Corporotor arf Piuijuol . Wilson, A lexainlcr
Iiiviiiv'tioii, A. t. bickuisuu, Jl. Ji, iiurmw mid
A. If. Minw.
hbuwKviilv, Mny 2.1, 1d7.
rilllE bt bad rhr-nriMH fur ttio eonfume r are
X tbofce uialiuimitured by
Fhingling, Lathing, Claw and DrnnJ, marl of
the ben cast itt-el and warratited a gd or
bettor than any othrr tnnde in the lulled
btatm, aiid id id at much l er irirri ttan any
other rt-ally fir t-clapa hxtchru. 1 hoy are U m
jirred Ly una of the firm, IS. J. Tongue, who
pOkMifcei ft peculiar (acuity that might be called
'j?tel on the lJrain,"
Which hnt givn hin .ol a great celebrity Id
the ptrtf. THY T1ILM. 1W Hii and i'j
Kiohmuiid Street ; the rtn rarf up Third rtreet
eroit Kichmwnd. near the wnrki. mxt&.'W)
Italian and Vermont Marble finished
the ulfctaeit tlc til the Art.
The eubivrilxTi leave t announe to the
e itieni of Cburflt Id eootv,thl tbj hre orient d
a mt entire Mtirblr Vardun the .VOth-wret corner
of Market and Fnnrib Mrtu-u.nerlMd, J., whrre
tliey itre pnrmrrnl to make lomli ionen, Monn
mentu, Totiibn, tioi nnd diJcTnnib, Crdl Tvnih.
Ctmetcry l't-l?, Mntitb it, hb'ive, Urm-kelf, vie,
on thfirt notfp. They alnv ke-p on hand ft
Inrp quantity of work fiuiphrd, nea the litor
ine. (H tlmi firnn can r.i mud tu-ltd lur tht-m-tvt'ii
the ntyji1 wuiiU'd. 1 b- will alfj miliar io
order any other Ft vie of work thut ru.iy bde?irtd,
aid they flitter themvlv'ei tht they can compete
with the tuanufmtnrvr utd uf the niunty,
eillur in airkniniirhij or mk-, hh n y only ein
jitoy tbc bert workrat n.
ji:fy"All ir-finirit'i by Ultr-r r r .n'ptW answered.
jmhn i;ii.(( h.
M.iy ?2, I'tiT. IIKNKV(JI I'MLnL
(1 A lilt) All pcrcon art- hercoy cantionrd
J aiimut imrrhftfinir or in any way meddling
mnh one bay Jlorne and cne brown Murr, with
hiirnrNi for I ho pa nt r, now fn pine-on of John
iMioii, of timhnm lownxhip, Cimrfi' l I ronnty,
I'a., ai the uno belong to me in 1 a- piibit to
n.y order. I). W. HOLT.
Sheriff's Sale.
"I )Y virtue of iindry wr:ti of Ltmri furiua, r
I cued oat of the Court of Commrn I'lfas of
Clearfield eonntr, end to m directed, there will
he ttpovrd to publir axle, at lb Court House,
in lha borough of Clftirfioil, nn Muiday,ibt
; 17th day of J un , lft7, at 1 o'clock, p. m.t the
follnwinK derotibpd Heal Etate. t wit :
All that eertain taw mill, lituite nn lha Three
Bun, In Karthaiit townbi(.. Clear 6 eld fount v.
I'a., brine (ifiy frt iu Ien b and thirty feet in
width, and the lot of prnund and mrtilefre an
urttnaicrB to aaid building. Bciiei, taken in
rcution, and to be sold m tha probeit of
Edward MctJarrey.
Awo. a certain trnrt or f Iree nfUnd situate in
Chert lownihin, Clearfield Minty, 'a.. c ntnin
iiif( about tiinety fl arret aci eiht pert ben
and aliowrnee, bjim lcd: beginning at a poet,
thence north twr deprenj tntt one hunJiod nnd
eighty perrhci to fisi. thr-nre by land if M Mai
ten utith friy ibrea and one half degree i at
two bun irrd nnd fl'ij i-cichei to p-.-l, them-e
north eighty .eight degroec went one hunured nnd
ihtj prrchep to pott and Uce of begiantn.
nviit'd, Ukon in eireutyon, nnd to be told a tbe
(repcriyof John U.ilil)!, execurorvf tha csuie
of Muth MrConnell.
j4Tbi'ldrt will take notice that 15 percent.
of tha purehtwe money mutt he paid when tha
property u knocked down, or It will ba put up
Bg-uQ for aa!e. JAt'UD A. FAl- I'.
rnrmrr i Orrirn. I SUeriff.
Clearfield. Pa, Mny 2.;, 17 (
The ro-pniincrfhi). heretofore eiiMing le-
lnen thp tlti'lerMfued lit the Merenntile luMitie,
wnn diolvrd bv inutunl consent on thf l''th dav
of May, li'7. tiir rnttre intrrent in the tto-k til
Joseph H, !howerii havitiR b n purohaM-d by
K Inurd . itnilintu, who will continue to mii1
nil who nmy en'l on him, at the old taud. l b'
Ai.'otinti and Nott-F due the firm will l rneitH
by Ivlward W. tirnhnni, atnl ail detnan It ftrnintl
the liriu will be jiiud by li.m. Iintnei;tte aetde
ineiit" ai-e re,uiri d. h S H Y. US,
mv ln-t
KHW. W. tilt Ml M.
'.M I : vl U K TO C K K i
4 PPR ll'.v
iV 11 "ItS K'tate of .lamet hite, deemed
Uie of Ktirtluuf ti'wrihtp, Clearlteld county, I'a.
a re Onm (mrt of Clrarfitiii mimff.
The apprait'-rnnit made under the titth peotion
of the a,-t of the llth n( April, I1-.')!. hntng bet n
fibd fn thi mutter, n'ti'e it herl-y gi en that
Mtijraret White, the widow of Mid Jan et While,
laic of Ktrthntif ton tit-hip. cln mt In ndain renl
nnd penvtiiil proj"ity r. I. iied fo therein of the
vnlne of .iimi, and which pprii'tiient wnt, on
the 17tb dny of Apt.l. A. 1'. 17. pretentoil ti
the tn.d Court, w n il was ntden d and di-orved
thtt publit ation b umde. giving notire to all er
tont concerned thai at lo the real entale apprai""d
and atd out In the widow of Juntee Whitt. dee d,
under Ihe Uw all wing her ti'U't worth of prep
rrly l be thu tet out to the ute of hcreclf and
family, the aaid appra item ent will be absolutely
coTiHriutMt, unlcft puthctent rrattmt to the contrary
be thown by Monday, Ibe 17th day of June, A. l.
lHn7. Jlr the tVurt.
mylft St I. (1. PARtiKIt, Clnk O. C.
Kewly Improved Creeetai ScaJo
CKXOWI.FPfiF.D to bo the be.t, London
Priit Wtat and hicbett awr-U in America
ive.l, Melodconn and teeond lmi" V'mnna.
M (i.if .
No. 12Z Arch MrccL brh.. tttU
I'll tli
.OTIIINO Mrn't and P-,i- I, ,11 ..;. f...i.
natde sdOm. a .1. P. K It TMf S.
l'tt'i h7ii..V . T
If" .ik 1Vi,,d,,Cs9 C l"rpl
i 'rr: t ,U,T'i, T:."- '-I J;
J V N ! ll-uli,t and Auntt. (formerly of
L-v len. ILdland.) ,M Pine ttn-i, Philad'a.
l e,tlm,nialt from the inotl n liable t tn tU-
eiiy aud country etn I a,en at hit oib. e. The faculty are iovitid In arntmpanj thcr t-. a hehann tern ft in h.. t..i. A.ii-
v . ... ......
final Kvr. infterirU
( cliarjc I.i
tut? It
Silver Wash Powder.
FaTi, im. lahnr, mnnr.r. a'nka irahinr .
raMiin. and Mond.j . f.mir.l. 6oH treri.
h.r. Trj IL
AJdrci .11 ordtra In th Matla'a'tnr.-
Cbtmlrlp mni k.lrul, Hriiriitt,,
"I 'y l.'i N.'rlhjllird St., PktU.lrlr.hit.
SIR 4 IM HIVM(',m, tn-.Tft.pirtff on ttif
rrrain., ol ihr .nlnrnlwr. in Karlliau, tnt.
ain., on Ih. Ith or Slav, JM;, a li It A V M O.l'
tii.n.od Inkrliorll j,.,r, ol I. Th. own-r it
hrmhy nttt-.i to nM rt.H. .r..T, nri.rrT
pa.T ohrp an, I Uk. h.-r aw.v.or h. will b. d.'..'
pu.pj gf .tHMrlin( to U.
. . M. nAleHBAKOEn.
K.rtn.a, P. 0., Mar 23,
TI1E MnilrrrujnoJ W(. Irar. lo inform th. Jinh
lic that h. ii now tullj orrpaml in iuv,mra.
faddloa and nn tha ahirtoat notioo a .H
..i m in. warn iurii"lmit llorM, i:.i;:io..
on r.waon.M. torn... Itoaidrnoa on Locn.t atnvL
hotwrwn Third and Fonrth.
EO. W. Cr.ARnA.KT.
Dmrnald, April 11, I;.
"A(v dvcrliscmrutj.
1 I MM ( I TVIInv I,
'i KI.I.A Mum.
ol 1 1
1 CltnrfitlJ n..n(, I
i Al an '' t ittirl. k.ilit. n t m ... ... I
. " rm..,-i 4,
i . . .Z; ....".' L.. '.' . ' , V'T'r-'" 0 ""t
I i. .iMi, - i. . .... m, i um .1 1.1-1 a- n , ,li!r, n ,Hi ,
' .. .1... ,.f I 1 It Ili
: .' " ' " , in paii'Mi M
I Mry Aon Imn, l.. tuihi f Jhih Imn. f. ? rt
; Ute of Cent i a eoutiU, i',(.t an pn Kent, ,j r, M
' lot ih (lint Jtimt Ir in, fit ( mr o o.ntv, '.' ( ,5
' or ain'ut the dav ot K'.vrr.' i, A. if
tlie fuel .Un.ea (run in Jup i l.-iiiu,.., i, ,t ,f
I b.y of fv ptMu'.x r, 1 . '. l y a r .i, r,i, I tU
Hiir. envenanl -I, ngr- -I. j-mii i-t d a,.d .tl-iU, (u.
1 i-lf to convey lo om fcilffV l,dnnton. hr 1.
! Mil I mufijtu; H certain 4,i.i7e and trart of inui
j ail untti in ( ovin-i'Hi tonnnLip. Clearhi-ld cmnti
j bounded by Ilo' Sn'jnehiifiim river, h'vi Lnti,
ii.r i nui aii'i iron i i. t m mi. an ) otier, ail rn.
tttininii tii-e huiolrtd and icventy-m arret, mtb
tlie h) .iirten:iiieet, um i utt,rn Jinri ieulnrT tl.
teribed III md contraet; the rnl Klua Kliiiii(in
by the pnuic eontnmt atfriTinit to pny therefor the
turn ol iwtnty-two hundred and titty dollar, m
followt, to wit : two hundi. I aiid fiity dolUir in
Intiid, tcven himd'i d and fifty doliarn on tb in
April, lHjfl, and the haiim'to in two equal arinu'J
piiymeiitf, with tntert it from rbnrtt dayof AnrJ,
l.'t'i; ttiut tho laid Ktna K.Jiiiik.ou paid to tLa
aid li .ien Irvin in bit lift fuuu the mia of futr-te,-n
htimlred dollait, a folhiw, to wit: on th,"4
day of Jt'-wuiher, tfo hundred at;d I f'rdol-
lr. i.ii ll, .Itav . J...... I - . , ...
huiidnd and fifty doltart : and oi tho Itt uav of
.eiteiuiier, A. 1. liT, the rum of bvu haiidf i
dollnri: tln( (he sum uf i,rlit himdrel uu hlty
dollnrf Ktill reiunins due and unpa.d oi tui-i (x.l
pontnict by itnd tnuti tin- r.nd hiii Kdinif 'oa, in
(rether with inrrrmt tlt'-reon, aeforiii.i to th
t'-riitt! of t:iid routra.-t ; th it th: mid Jan. Imn
(io-'l on or about U.o dav ot Nov mier. A, V.
iC2. without h;iving coineyud ttu aij irai-t of
bud to ttn- tnid l.lifl Kdnnioti,aiid having mad
no fufncicnt prnrttinn for the performance of eftid
content! in his lifetime, icaung mirviring hits a
widow, to wit, your petitioner, hut nig inadu hn
l:ift will and tcptamcn, of whieh he mado the pj.
titioner evecutrix, and James T. Ha'r and M?t?i
1 Iioioiod eicouturH, to whom let ten testamentary
were iu due form of law iwued by thv Ji p i -tw of
the county of Centre ; thut the fa id Moaet Thorop
ton w, on hit own motion, do-, harmed from his
triut at tnrh eiwutor by th Oiphnnf' Court of
Centre county, on the 2 th day of Xovetbhfr,
A. II. l-i.i, and tho auid T. lisle at d,t
chargeil fiuni hit trutt at eiodi exeeuor by the
taid Court nn tho ?.0th dy of April, A. I. Iu4.
Ani now, Hareh l, troy, adai citation awarded
lo Eliza Kdmitioo to apfiear in Court at next tens
and antwer thtt hill or peti'ion. By the Court.
I. ti. BARliER, Clerk 0' C.
Clearfield coua fy, M ;
The Cumtnonwealth of Tefini Ivauia to C;'m
Elmitton: We command yon, that laying fcpi-le
all buninffi and excuxea, you ) and ap;car in
your pr"p':r pcraon brfr ro our Ju'!-t of theOr.
phani Court, to bt hoi len at CharLcid, in a u 4 for
thecountvof Clearfield, on the third MonJ-y of
June, )eo7, lii.f the 17tb day, to annwr aa.i b I!
or p tit ion exhibited in our Mid Court, and to do
furibT and receive what our laid Court aliw.ll have
considered to that Itehalf. Hereof fail not at year
pen I and the penalty that nay ensue. Witaeii,
the Honorable QTauo Linn, I'reiidcnt of our m(I
Court, at Clcarhcld, thii dy of March, A. 1).
le(.7. 1. O. BAKtiKK.
nivlo-it Clerk 0. C.
gCINX.i;!latc of Patrick Wuinn, d-nraatxl,
Im of Penn township, Ckarficld county, Pa.
Ciear fit Id rtiunty, n t
At an (iiphan Court faolden at ClVarh-l 1. lo
and for in id county, belore the Honorable San:ad
I.inn, Prctident, and bin Ateooiale Jutticet, on tha
.'th dy of January, A. li. W7, the petition of
Jnmct II, Clark, administrator of l'atrirk Quino,
dt'eftl, late of Penn Uiwntfaip, in aaid ermoty,
tm precnled. l-ruirig forth that Piit.ick Qainn in
hit 1 if time beenoie lawtully tf-iied in hit drmeena
kf of fe of and in the undivided one half part of
two eertain pieoet of hind tituate in Penn town
thip. in taid county, the firtt ihereif oontaimng
one hundre! arret and thn pen-he and allow
ance; the other thereof containing forty-one acrea
and one hundnd and twenty-mx perchet and al
lowance and that the aaid Patrick IJaina, by bit
aritt n ezn-cnii nt. dnted the tVth day of March,
A. 1. lM, ree.-nir.i in book 8, page 742,
agreed to fell and convey the atKiro deriled
jinmiw i to Patrv k Ibily, for the tum of eeraa
hundrwl dollart, aud that iinoe cntrnng into that
flKreenient ttie taid Patrick Quinn a ted iitUsU'a,
leaving no lineal hcin, and aithoul nibkmg any
prov.Mont for carrying into eftect tba afontaid
contract. And now, lo wit, March 21. 167, aliaa
citation awarded to Michael (uinn to appear a
next term aud tbuw cause Ac. II) the Couru
I. . BAIIGLK. Clerk O. 0."
Cifnrjietd conay, ti j
The Cominone:i!th of Pennnylvtnift to Miohaol
Qutnti, heir at Uw of Patrick (iumn, dwaiodi
Me command you. that atido aJl buaineat
mm ricit.'ri, yin ur auu aj'peiur in your proper
ptTftm 1 elori' our Judtt ut the O'phaca' Court,
to be hoidrrt u( Clenrf't-:!). in and for th? county of
CUartRiii, on the third Moi.dty ot June, 1S67,
to att?cr tuid L-ill or pt'titiun rxh.oited in our
a'd C-Miit, and to ilo fur. her Mini retire what our
.:i,d C-urt fha!l hare c tn-i bred in that bvlialf.
lie.eot ttul not at yonr pnil aud the penalty that
n ay ent ie. Witnrt, the Honorable t-amu! Linn
l'r fid V of our taid Court, at Ckarfnii, tu.t 2 let
dar of March, A. IK lf7.
uiylo it 1. O. UAHn:n, Clerk 0. C.
i y ri.K nn i; ii r.i its of kohuht
IV IHiUAUTY, rr.. d.-a. d, lato of Beocarta
tu diip, Clearfield county. I'a.
Mow, April K, 1VJ7, petition for tpecific per
forni;vec of contract for tale of real mate loado
by P.oliert lleary. lftte of Peeoaria townti p,
'h-ailield ooiui'v, j a.. i...w drevatl, and i.tcuel
K. il(;ari v, tn-mg pn'tentisl and na.1, and it ap
penritx tl'itl the t;u-tt e forth are duly admitui
tiy all trie heirt exf pt thote ntithnl to the inter -rt
or thare ol Isabella, a diiu'hter of aaid Kobi-rt
llrgarly, lhervupu a rule it (jinutfd on tht beirt
or p ith huMniK the mterei-t ot taid Isabella, to
W nrvrd by pul iieation in at b nut one newtpajwr
priu'e 1 In Cieurfiold county, Pt.t requiring them
to appear in ( urt on Mondrty, the 17th day of
June., A. I. W.7, at three o'clo'ok, P. M to ihow
cnue, if axy tiny have, why tpwific perfornianoo
of the contract in thn caie ahouid nd ie granted. .
Dy the Conrt, 1. ti. JlA HtiF.H,
Clerk U. C.
Tbe Cotninonweaith of Pcnnnylvunift fo the heir
and h-gal renresentatirei, or thoce claiming tho
interest of Nnbeila llrgartr, iiiTerniarried With
John MeKiuio,of I' n ton county, Uhio, (now de
cenw d :) We command you, and every and ail of
you, that hiving ade all hutmeti and ea-.Mii i.
you he ami appenr in your proper pet ton b forr
our Judr',t cd tho trihani t curt, tu it holden at
Ctearti hi, in and for tlia r ot n'y of teartield, on
thn third Monday of June. lMt7, to antwer taiJ
bilf or petiun exhibittd i our taid cvurt, and to
do furl Iter and receive wht our taid rxiri thall
have contidercd in thai behalf. Hereof fail snt ol
your peril and the penalty that mar oevur. W it
nets the Honorable Samuel Linn, President of oar
taid Conrt, at Clcarfitld, this 17th dar nf April,
A. It. If-!. I. . PAliaKR,
mylrt-41 Clnk O. C.
o tiii; Hints or nom ttT
tuwnttvp, CVnrPeld wtnn'y. Pa.
Now, April 17, lMt,, petit, oo for tpeeific pr
fnrtnfiii"e of contnvt fur title of iral estate mad
by ltobert Hetyartr, fbe elder, m-w deafd. la'O
i uf Bwnarin townthip, Clearfield connty, Pa-, with
1 Samurl l?htT. hfiug rrcentcd and rtad and il
fn- ' '. ..... . . i
nutted by alt the heim exempt Wu-f entille I to tha
ilitire-t anil tlmm nf I(uot !.... I.... . - .A
l;,.i.ri tu.rt . , ....
I hurt or i.erton- h .1 dm U.o imreai of ....I
I ttii' i, M "ved by puhli-ati.n in at lenit on
I new,Ptper printed in Cle-Hichl couv. Pa., rw-
l qmnU the,; U appear in Vnri wn Moiid.T th.
l:,h jnY ((f J(llWt Vt ,Mi7 ,t u Q '
I , M., ti. thow rant, if nr thet hair, wlTy tph.
performance of the contract , ,hi. cw .ould nui
! L mrnt.A ti. ."-
1 j G I; a KtJKR Clerk O C
1 U fcAHOhKi T C.
C'rur.U rof, a, .
The t'nminrniwnlthof P.nn.TlT.nit lo
tid li'nal rrprrn-nlalivo., or Ihowi rl.innnf lh.
inirrr.i. of lwhrlla ll.parlr. Inioriiiarni'd with
.lohn MoKimo, of I'ninn ronnlT, lhio, (now d
"w I I W romniand Ton, .mi cvar, u4 all of
Ton. that l.Tinn .11 hn.inriq and MrnaM,
jb ho and appear in yonr proprr p-rm.n. hrfura
onr Jn lcoa f 1 Orphan,' rrl. to 1 h..ldr. .t
rirarfirld. In and f..r IhrKnritT.f 1'lvt lirl 1. (.1
tho Ihml Mudi1t of Junr, 1 7, lo an-w.r Mid
hill or poll li.m uhihitotl in our (aid Conrt, and I.
do furlhir nd n-ori.f wlmt onr .aid Court whw.ll
har. ron..lrrod in that hrhalf. llwoof fail not at
your p-ril ar.d tho ponnliy that ia on.o. Wit
n., th. lionoral.l, Kamuol I.inn. l'1-..ilrni of cur
Mid Court. t Clrai8.1d, thi. Klh Hat l' Apnl.
A- H- I. 0. CARHEll,
m.vlS-Jt t iork U. C.
VI)MIMTH ITttltM' Mini I".. l.rM.ra
of Adtniui.lration lifon -antod Ih.
io.iTiiFnod on th. o,tat. of Or-.rf. M l. kintnn,
doo'd, Um of (Inlloh tp. Cloartk ld rawlIT, I'a,
.11 poraona indrhtnl lo .a,t nkuf will mU i
mr-Iialo parmFnt.and Ihoa. harinc olainn arair.l
i ,h m prraoni them pr.iiv..i au'ro ...malod
1 ' """ni'M. V, . K. Wl'K I XSON,
inylfi f.i:p1
Adtn n.atrator.
"VKIT GOODS . ir.nrr.1 ..rlm,i.t of anr'nt
i o(.jm iwriTd ai J. P. JiKATfEK ?.