There ii no regenerator like pore love. Thonghti ehonlJ be born of the oul, word of thoughts, and ecnten oei of word. Will yon pity a body that 1 going to the block and not pity a toul that is going to the pit. If ynn are going to love Christ you must find lomo way of doing it in the things of everyday life. It is remarkable that the words in nil European languages which express forgiveness, or pardon, all imply free gill. "Let every man please his neigh tor lor his good to edification." De ny yourself and serve your follows ; eo will you evince your Master's spirit. Invite Jesus, for he always says: "I will come." He mny wuit threo days, as be did with Martha and Mary, but "I will come" is Ilia intention. Expect bim till he comes. The man that is right with God and bis fellow men can ecarcoly help being s gentleman. All Lord Chestorfiold's letters boiled down wouldn't make as much of a gentleman as that. Morality without religion is only a kind of dead-reckoning an ecdeav- or to find onr place on a cloudy sea by measuring the diBtanco we have to run witnout any observation of the heavenly bodies. The Christian life is not an engage ment by contract between a master and his servant. It is the union of two hearts that of the Saviour with that of the saved by the enduring ties of the most intimate love. The last, best fruit that comes to late perfection, even in the kindliest soul is the tenderness toward the hard, forbearance toward the unfor hearing, warmth of heart toward the cold, philanthropy toward the misan thropic. lie that unduly fears man, cannot truly fear God; and be that lives much in the fear of God will not re gard overmuch what man can do with him; the want of faith is the root of all fear which becomes loss and less, as faith gathers strength and increas es in the soul. "Why do you show favor to your enemies instead of destroying them V said a chieftain to tho Emperor Sigis mud. "I)o I not destroy my enomies by making them my friends f" was the Emperor's noble reply. Kindness is the best weapon with which to beat an adversary. I would rather make stockings all my life long than useless versos. V hen one thinks of the account we shall have to render to God of all our actions, all our hours, one may well be careful as to the use mado of them. Life is so short to gain heaven in, that each lost moment deserves tears. 'Tisnotin study on contomplulion of nature, not in many things nor in anything created,' that the soul can find consolation ; but in God, in God nlonc, in his word, in the divino Scrip turos, in a faithful and believing life. Ah, who is thore that, kneeling down with his heart full of tears, does not rise comforted f What swimmer is thore, who, if he saw a fellow being drowning In docp wHior, wouiu not plunge in and save him j or what man if ho saw one cal ling from the window of a house envoi ojhhI in flumes, would not peril his own mo to save liim. Jiut it is infin itely more to save a follow bcinc arum a moral ueniu. I have no objection to tho most ex tended and free discussions unon doc trinal points of the Christian religion; and, though the law of England does noi permit it, I do not dread the rea soning of Doists against the existence of Christianity itself, because, as was aid by its divine author, if it be of uuu it win siana. Happiness is a state of discipline, nd is only to be found in any consid erable degree of perfection and per manency (without which qualities it is unworthy of tho name) in a reg ulated and harmonious mind, where religion is the charioteer, and reins, and guides, and moderates the mental courses in the great journey of life. One whom we miss changes the world completely; no longer any charm, no longer any happiness here, and then we think of heaven. Thus it is that affliction leads to God. Let us bless him for having ordorcd our griefs as means of our salvation ; this is making us like Jesus Christ, who only entered heaven through suffer ing. There are a thousand ways of er ring, a thousand occasions of falling, which should keep us on our guard, for alasl we are so weak. A mere noth ing sways us like a blado of grass. Poor human heart! always on one sido or other; now 'tis sadness, now joy, now the world, now solitudo; every thing has its dangers, and a Christian lil'o is spent in alarms. I Christianity is the moBt pcrfoct kind ol knowledge ; it must essential ly produce the most perfect kind of happiness. It is tho golden, evorlns jng chain, lot down from heaven to earth; the ladder that appeared to the patriurch in his dream, when ho beheld Jehovah at its top, and the an gels of God ascending and descending with messages of graco to mankind. God weighs your troubles in scales and moasurcs out your affections, ev ery drachm and scruple of them ; and since they come therefore directly from a loving father's hand, accept them with grateful cheerfulness, and pray that the result which Divino Wisdom has ordained to flow from Ihcm, may be abundantly rcaliiod in your siinctificution, iu being made like unto Christ. Tread carefully ainner, on the clobe where J onus's blood trickled down. Forget not Calvary. Jemit did not dio in heaven nor in hell: but be came to earth, that every lull might remind you of the hill of atonement: that every tree might toll you ot tho cross ; that every garden might whis per "Gcthnomano. Tho earth is en cred now, for Christ came upon it to poor out his life for ut. Jirji flood, (RrorrrlfS, Ctc FKESH AKKIVAL3 At tin cutxr rroRi or SHOWERS & GRAHAM. Fall Goods. New and Very Cheap ! TUB undersigned respectfully aaeoanee to th public that tbey are bow opening an extensive a;iortinent of F A L L GOODS, at lb old stand In Graham's new building, which they offer to sell at exceedingly low prim, too iderlng their oot, for euh or approved country produce. Their Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Customers can then lad Calicoes with fait col or Muslins, Delaines, Law as, Clotbi, Caui msr.s, Veatings, Ladist' Shawls, (tents' Shawli, Hate and Cape, Boots and Bhoi, Carpets, and Oil Clothe. Their Stock of Fancy Goods is Unex ampled in 8tyle and Variety, Embracing Notions, Searfe, Heed nets, Neck tiei, Satchels, Fort Monnaiea, llrnihoa, Photo graphic Albums, Pipes, Tobaaoo and Began Perfumery of ail kind, or anything alt in the Notion Una. Also, HARDWARE, QUEENS- WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! All of the heel quality, and selected with special regard to the trade of Clearleld Monty I EDWARD W. GRAHAM, JOSEPH S. 6H0WISS. Clearneld, Sept. It, I860. J. P. KRATZER HAS removed to his new warerooms on Mar ket stmt, Clearfield, Fa , where he has opeueo. a Tory large sioen 01 DRY GOODS, Meriooei, atngherai, Cloths, Delaines, Prints iatsimeres, Alpacas, nuts, Satinets, Heps, Cashmores, Tweeds, Coborgs, Mohair, Jeans, liaoellas, Moslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Rib. bom, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop. (Skirts, Shawls, Drsss Trimmings, Bead Neta, Cape, Corsets, O lores, Collars, Ecarls, Urenadina Veils, labia Covers. CLOTHING, Coals, Pants, Vests, Orer-CoaU, Qent's Shawls enirta, lists, caps, under-Bklrtc an Drawers, Boots, Shoes. Una Dhoos, Cravats, 0 lores and Collars. HARDWARE, WUKENSWARE. GRO CERIES & MUSICAL 0001)8. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Soger, Molasses, Bait, Csndles, Rice, jsiour, 11 soon, run, jooacoo, Katstns, Currants, S p 1 e a a, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish. Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN. WARE, and STATIONERY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drugget, Looking Olessss viocss, morns, waanooards, Tabs, Back els, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Um brellas, Iledcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Store Blackior. -AII of which will be sold on the most rea. eonable Urroi, and the highest market price paid or Grain, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. visaraeiu, iecomoer 14, looo. 0, YES i 0, YES I ! TWENTY TER CENT. LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. jonx S. RADEBACH, HAVING opened a new store at the "Dine Ball," la Clearfield county, wishes is notify toe poblio that he Is determined to sell all kinds 01 Hoods CIIKAPKH than the CHEAPEST, la defiance to the county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, While he is placing on his shslres a full assort ment of Dry Uoods, Earthenware, Drags, Oils, and Pa iota Medicines, Ac, Ac, As. Groceries, Qoeenswarc, Hardware, HATS, CArS, BOOTS k SHOES, Cf all kinds, constantly kept oa hand. A general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING For Men aad Boys' wear. pk to he told at a very LOW PRICK, for CASH, or exchanged for all klade of Marketing. T-SAWED LUMBER A BUIVULE3 taken In exchange for goods. oetlt-tf JOHN S. KADEBACH. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CI1KAPESTI A Proclamation against High Prices I 17"B nw opening up a lot of the nest and V V most seasonable Uoods and Wares ever offered in this market, and at prices that remind one of the good old dura of cheap things. Those who lark fai'h upon this point, or deem our alle gations superfluous, need but '... .it ovr sronr, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they can see, feel, hear and know for them selros. To fully understand what are cheap roods. this must be done. We do not deem it necessary to ennmerata and Itemise our stock. It is caongh for us to state that We have Everything that in Needod and consumed In this market, and at prices that astonish both old and vonng. ueoIO JOSKI'II SHAW A SOX. OTICK-Persons desiring to transact husl 11 nraswith me at my ofnee, are hereby notified that I will not be found with eertainir at home on any dare except MONDAY and SATURDAY "I"- -" H. PORTER. i. n-. L . ' " oas used lr. Dumas Pile Hairs according to directions and haa not bean cured, AdJress. i, S, DUNHAM A CO., "My Williamiport, Pa. lYulTalo Kobea,Knea and Horse Blankala jj oovia, -ot. KtaBELL etBIOUH'8. Jflardtw,, Ulnuarf, ?tr. NEW HARDWARE STORE Phllipiburfr, Centre County, Pa. G. II. ZEIGLElt & CO., DEALER I.f Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, (Sic, &c, THE attention or Mechanics, Builders, Farm ers, Lumbermen, and Buyers generally, is invited to ths fact that we are offering a better assortment of goods In our line than can be found elsewhere In this pari of ths State, at Frieei to Suit tbe Times. Our stock comprises a general assortment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Black- smiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Ac, with a largo stock of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, SHKES, MIXING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROrE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, Cllt CULAlt, MILL 4 CliOSS-CUT SAWS, EXAMELED, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW WAKE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TURPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AVD LANTEBNS. An excellent assortment of Fine Cutlery, com prising KNIVES, FOURS, DKSEKT, TEA, & TABLESPOONS, SCISSORS, liAZOItS, Ao. BRITANNIA 4 SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. HoasehoiJ, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting Implements of the laUst u.i most Improved psiarna. Blacksmiths can be supplied with Anvils, Bel lows, Vices, Elsdges, Hammers, Horse aad Mule fchoes, Uorea Nails, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenter! and Builders will Ind In onr estab lislment a superior stook of Planes, Saws, Augurs, Hatchets, single, double bit and pealing Axes, Ilammsra, Chisels, Files, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Locks, Pulleys, Bash, Cord, Ac, Ac, Ac. Farmers and Rafloea will find everything In ueir line, aad cheaper than can be had elsewhere VS. rartieular attention Is Invited to our etock of Stores, comprising Spear's celebrated Anti Dust, Cook and Tartar Stoves of all aisee. Also, the Niegara Cook, Parlor Cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew Drop, Arctic, and Common Egg, Pocket, Ac All of the above roods will be sulci cheap lor casn. G. II. ZKIGLER & Co. Fblllpiburg, Oct 10, REMINGTON'S FIRE ARMS. Hold by the Trade tieiiernlly. PRICES REDUCED, A liberal Discount to Dealers. Army Revolrer, 44-100 in. Calibre, Nary Revolrer, Sit 100 in. eallhre, Hell Revolrer, (self cocking.) Nary calibre, Belt Rerolrer, Nary else calibre. Police Rerolrer, Nary siss calibre, New Pocket Rerolrer, (with loading lever,) Pocket Rerolrer, fself cockinr.l Repeating Pistol, (Klliot pi.) No. 81 cartridge, nepeauog ftstoi, ( Klliot pt I No. II cartridire, Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 32, 80 A 8 cartridge, nun tine, using no. si earinage, Single Barrel Knot Oun, Revolving Rifle. J. luor) in. calibre, Breech Loading Rifle, No. 81 cartridge, Breech Loading Carbine, No. 46 cartridge. U. 8. Rifle, (steel barrel,) with sabre bayonet, V. S. Rifled Musket, Springfield pattern. Upwards of Jutl.OOl) furnished the U, 8. Gov. ornmenL Our new Breech Loadint Anns hare Inst ham approved and adopted for military service In nurope. as. KBjjiiiHTUtl SONS, Illlon, New York. Aoxirra Moore A Nichols. New York i la Reed A Son, Boston i Jos. C. nrubb A Co.. Phil. adslphla Poulton A Trimble, Baltimore Henry Folsom A Co., New Orleans and Memphis; Johnson, Spencer A Co., Chicago L. M. Rum say Co., fit, Loulsj Aluert E. Crane, San Francisco. Jy4-lv BLACKSMITHING. NEW ARRAN0EMENT. THE sohscribcrs. In view of coming events, design adopting a new svstem of doini busi ness on and aftor the 1st of ,Msv nrit. From that data we will adopt the CAMl'sYSTEM, and all work mnst then fore ho psid for before leaving the shop mnkingtbisdinYrrnrn, however, in fnrnr of our customers: that our prices will be TWENTY 'Kit CENT. LUSH then is now charged foi work. .fST-Those knowing themselves Indebted, and whose hook accounts have not been settled, are expected to come forward and make settlement before the time shore indicated. We hope these hints will not be forgotten. OKI). C. PAPSMORE A SON. Clearfrld, March Jl, 1W If Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE undersigned, baring established a Nur eery on the 'Pike, about half way between Clearfield and Curwensrille. Is prepared to fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TRRK8, (sta.i.ra ,ni "rL!5."ri.B, Bbbb'y. Urap, VIom, I v,""" B1-''J. eitr.wb.rry and Raiherry Vilaa. ,, gih.rla. Crab Tr., yulncs, ind early acarlet Rhubarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address, J. D. WRIOnT. -J'1' Curwensrille, Pa. IOK aJAI.I'A HOUSE and LOT.on Market street, in Clearfield Uimngh. Aniilr to WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law, Clearfield, Penn'a. Coal, Whale and Linseed Oils, Family tj, ,, r,n,l,n, and palnra ef all kinds ground ground la a. al ou for sail ay c I v LA ?rji 0)00(1$, tfroffiifj, (tit. GOO iTRE"DU CE bl GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF GOODS AT H. W. MITH & CO.'S. Prliita, that we formerly sold at 25 cents, we now cell at ti Uublcaebed IHuslInu, formerly sold at 10, we now sell at ill Hlearhed Muslins, formerly sold at from 15 to 40, wc now sell at UOQ to Alparaa, formerly sold at from 45 to 80, we new sail at 35(j,C5 Caaalwerea, 10 par cent above cost. All-Wool Ie Lainca, at S8 Common I)e Lainca, at 2j And all Dress Goods at the Sams rates. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, at an Immense reduction. FISH. We will sell Mackerel, Ilarrlag, Ac, AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CEXTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of every description, greatly reduced. Wc offer enr ftock of Dry roods at the above figures op to .he 1st of January, Uc7. Tliey are all of the Irst quality, N.w and fashionable. Any one can now hare an Alpacrj for the cost of a Da La las. This offer It mado !a OiJ faiili, and all desirous cf economising la the proper manner, have now an excellent opportunity to supply themselves at the cheapest rates. Htrlrtly for Caab. tMvM-j II. W. SMITH A CO. ANOTHER EXCITOIENT1 A FALL IN TRICES. New Qoodg at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN, South Secoad street, Clearleld. Pa. A FRESII ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. t am Just receiving and epenlng a carefully ian loneoie npnngr Nona- er Uoods of almost every description. A beautiful assortment of Prlnta and Drv t (ha n a . . . . .1 I . . ' Also grsat variety of useful notions. DRY GOODS AXD XOTIOXS. Bonnets, Bhawls, Hate and Caps, Boots and cuoes, (a large quantity.) Hardware. Queens ware, Drugs. Medicines, Oils A Paints, Carpsu Oilcloths, GROCERIES AXD FRUITS, Foreign and Domestic, such as Apples, Peaches, vmiauie, j-runea, naiitna, urasigea and Lemons, FISH, BACOX AXD FLOUR. Mackerel, la i 1 and I barrels, of the best quality, all or which will be cold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends aad the public isnerallv. are respectfully Invited ta call. JMV-N. 11. All kinds of ORAIltni approved COUSTR Y PROUVCt taken In f. uoooa. WM. F. IKVilN. Clearfield, Nov. 18, 188A tf JICHARD 1IOSSOP IS xow Felling, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING. GENTLKMEN'8 FURNISHING GooJa LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SIIOES, BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED, OOLIMEHSt- nUJITUc.-A raoen, i 'V bn', Houses of Congress, and signed he '.. preildenL alvine a thru ...e.' st,idier lino snd two years' soldier gj boanlr. yvtr-BOCNTlKS snd PKNoIONS collected by m for these entitled to them. WALTER BARRETT. Au'y at Law, Clearleld, Pa. Crape Vines for Sale. 1 LL the lending hardy varieties of Irst t oualilv. Concord, 1 year old, fSosatsi or J)!0 per 100 Concord, ! yearsold, Mils, or itn per 1110 Rebecca, I year old, cents) best white grape, lone, I )aar old, tl 40 j bcsl amber grape, iV-Anr other v.rl.l ieS Wlow Siirwr .m. Onlers solicited as sooe as convenient, and filled la rotation, by A, M, U1LL8. Claailtld, Pt, Angus! , , hartswioT'&Irwin, DritKglhtH) Irnrfhltf, JVi. nAVINO rAtt4 and re mo red in tht room lately fie)cu(.i-d hy K:cbarJ W-ifip, now ollwr, luw for oattif a wil iloatei! anortmtnt of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medicines of al I klrds, Oils. Gla Putty, Dye Stuffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEOARS, Confectionery, Fpiees, and tho largest stock of varieties ever oflereu tn this place, and warrant ed to be of the best tbe Market sflorda J. 0. IIAHT.HWICK, Dec. 13, 18A5. JOHN IHWIN. DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! josErn r. irwix, Oa Main St., one door west of Hippie at Faust's Store, CHRWENSVILLE, PA., Has new oa hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Pi nts, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Truaaea, Mioiiliitr-Ilraces. F.laatlc Stuck lugm and Hipportera, Caaaa, futly, Perfumery, ToiletOnnds, Confectioneries, Spices Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Klationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink, and a general variety of Nutions. His stook embraces all articles needed In a ssaiasslly, la eutirely aew, and of the bast quality, and will be si Id at reasonsble prices. Call and examine the goods ; they cannot fail to please. dera-tf "trrrltnnt iTailorj. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, 'Htore one door east of Clearfield House,) Market fcireet, Clearfield, Pa. KEEPS on hand a full assortments of Gents' Furnishing Uoods, such as e'birts, Linen ai,d Woolen L'ndershirts, Drawers and Socks, Nock. tics, pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hats, l i.ibrellaj, 4c, in great variety. Of Piooe Goods be keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Puch as Black Doeskin of the very best make; Panry Casslmere, in great variety , also. French Coating. Hearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieott orarcoatiog. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash, and made np according to the latest styles by ciperieneed workmen. Alto, Agent for Clearleld county for I. H. Singer A Co'a. celebrated Sewing Machines. ov.l, lHHi-tf. II KiUDOB. OX HIS OWN HOOK. W. F. CLAR K , "VfTOULD rerpectfully announce to the citi 1 sene of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has taken the rooms formsrly occupied hy P. A. tiaulln, in Graham's Row, immediately over li. F. Ii angle's Jewelry Store, and will continue the TAILORING BUSINESS. A full assortment of Cloths. Castlmsres and Vesting! constantly oa band, aad maJe ta order oa the sbortsst notice. Particular attention will be given to CUTTING Mens', Hoys' and Children's clothing in the most fashionable styles. Uire him a call. decd-tf w. P. CLARK. Clothing. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. rpiIR times are hard,' you'd like to know aV. Mow you may save your dollars ; Ths way to do it I will show, Iyou will read what follows. A man who lived not far from here, Whs r uracil hard at his trads, But had a household to support That squandered all ha made. I met him ones. 'Ssys he, "My friend, 1 look thread bear and roogh ( I've tried to get myself a suit, Rut can't save up enough." Says T, my friend, how much have yoe I I'll tall you where to go To gel a suit that's sound and ohcapi To RKIZENSTE1N A Co. He took what little he had saved, And want to Reiiensteln A Brothers', And there be got a handsome suit, For half ho paid to others. Now he Is home, be looks so well, And their rfleot Is such, That when they take their dally meal, They don't eat half as much. And now he Inds on Esfurday night, With all their wants supplied, That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. nit good success, with cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all. If you'd save money, go and buy loor clothes at KKlZhMSTISIN'S CLOTHING HALL. Where the cheapest, Inest and best Clothing bdu goon ruroisning uoous can be baa to suit every taste aod In erery style aprll,'S XEW CLOTHIAG STORE, CLEARFIELD, PA. riMl E subscriber Ukct this method of announcing X to the citisens of Clearfield and the public generally, that ha has Just opened a large stock of CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FUKNIS1IING GOODS, Touthi' and Dors' Polls, the latest strles of Hats and Caps, and BOOTS and FHoKS, 'all of which ha will dispose of at a trifle above post, lie can be foun.lon Market street, between Third and rounn, in tne room rormerly occupied by William Hoffman, where he solicits Use eititens to call an.l rau,iiie ma si.m t. JOSKl'H KL'XZ. Clearfield, April 11, 1SH7. THE LATEST OUT I MONET SAVED IS MONEY MADS t BB WISRI IfyouwIahtorurchaseCLOTn Ing, HATS A CAPP, or furnishing floods. GO TO C. II. MOOJIE'S New and Chean Clethlnr fora. eliM llt k found constantly on hand a lam ..H .'t lerted assortment of Pine Black C.aaim.r. ...... aad drabs, brown, light, and in fart ALL KINDS OF CLOTHING Adapted to all seasons of the year t also, Phlrts, Ilrawers, Collsrs, and a largs and well selected assortment of toe HATS and CAPS, of tha very latest styles i and In fart everything that eaa be called for In his line, will b. f.,r,.k..i at tha very lowesl city prices, as they hare been purchased at ths lowest possible tguree, and will be sold la the same way hy . U. U. MOORR, la the Post OfEce Building, Phiilpiburg, Pa. NEWS. atlv and WeVi r...... U....I... , .t.. large aMortmentof tha latest and bsstKove'le, oae-nooas, a o constantly on a.nil at C. II. MOORR'H, In the Post OS re Uuilding, ewlt-ly Pbillpsburg, Pa, DRESS-MAKING. SPKCIAl. KOTU I- PARISIAN DRESS AND CLOAK Ju A KINO.-Ladles ecu hare their Dresses, Suits, Coats, aad Basquines hand somely made aad trimmed, at the shortest no . Ilea, at tbe old established stand, 1031 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornaments, Press and Clock Buttons, Ribbons, Cluny aad Ouipure Laces, Bugle and (limp Dress Trim, mlngs, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy QotHls.from 2J to 40 per cent, less than else here. Also, receiring daily, Paris laahioat ia tissue pspar. for Ladies' and Children'a Dresses. Seta af Patterns for merchants and ureas makers now ready, at Mrs. M. A. BI.NDKH'8, . I; 1M1 Chestnut s., PhUldelphla. Yatrnt yardlrlna DEAL'S LATE TOWEL'S I'.MEROCATION. Fur !! cJiffnn (no hie tit in lloriva, rti( ttuti IJuroan Plfrlt, r-nirint I tin uit il an Mioriial a'()licciti(n rflll" new Cou p'lutil d hy a .rrirat f Ctitnilt, having a lull kiinwltilfi ol all th liiofllcai Tlrtuei of ucb tiifiillenl that nlnri inta tin eutnjinittion. i warrnlJ t((aotd ny. Ihinfr of tht -ind rT ytl flvrrej to iht Pulihr af an fitcrnal af plimtion fur tha d.fran f-.r which it ii renowuftiidcd. Wa art tiflcij that it will work iu own rnad into lb ouiii.tinoa f al) who una it, and Uium who try it uiic will nrvrr ha without It, atid thfrpforu wa rely ou ipBiitmoa at the brut lt of ifa ofulnfi. It tl pmuounotd by Farriftn, aud all who hart trii-c it, to be the beat application erer imed. Tbi Kinbrtioauiin bai been put up fur over a-Khl yrart, and it ii only through thn innrvailnic dv inand and urifeot rurnt ul my frivndi and the l'ublio lhal 1 tend it furtb ai the grand rumedial agni.t for the varioua dmeaei tu which that t&olle and useful animal, the bnrR, ii nut jem. Many renfdiei have breo offered to the i'ub Ho under different forini, eitiua of thn re ln jtrioui, otheii at beat of little uie, and many wholly iiapruper toantwer the purjmiei for wtiich tbey are reeouimeuded. A Judicium and really useful eompoiition, fre from Iboie bjeciiuni, haa there lore iutig b-fo deiired by manj gentlemen who hare valuable kureea, and are unwilling to trust tbemtnthe eare of designing and preteoded Farriers. Their wishes are at length fully gratified, by (Dr. lleale) being prevailed upon U aJlow tbi valua ble Embrocation (wb eb ha proved so efficacious tu tbe Tarioas diseased) to bo prepared rd nrougni nui to tnt public. Ibis Umbrocatiun was aitensivetj nsed hy me uovernment nunng tne war. For aale by Harts wick t Irwin, Clearfield, Joseph K. Irwin, Curwensville. Duiel Good Under. Lutberaburg, Addresa a.11 orders ttt DR. EDMUND BKALE, apr4,r-ly oOJ Biath 6eeond tit., Phfla., P. Ayer's Cathartio Pills Are the most perfect porgstivc we line to produce and, as wa , has ever yet been mado bv body. Their eflocla have dantlv shown to the eonmu. nlty how moch they eicel the other medicines in use. They are safe end pleasant to lake, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of ths body, remove the obstruction of its organs, purify the blood, and eipel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimu late sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, aod impart tone aod etrength to the whole system. Hot only do they cure ths every day complaints of everybody but forml dabla and dangerous diseases. Vi bile thev pro duos powerful enrols, they are at tbe same Hu e, in diminished doses, ths safest and best physic that can be employed fur childrea. Being sugar-coated, they aie pleasant to take ; and, hemg purely vegetable, are entirely harmless. Cures have been made that would surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of such ex alted character, as to forbid the suspicion of un truth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians certify to the public tbe reliability of our reme dies, wb;, others have sent us the assurance of thsir conviction that our Preparations cnotribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted fellow, men, The Agent below named Is pleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing direc tions for ths use of these medicines and certin eates of their cures of the following comp'aicU : Costlvencss, Bilious Complaints. Khsumatirm, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom. Flat ulency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which require an cvaeuaiit medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the sjstcm, cure maay complaints which it would not be supposed they eonld reach, such as Deafness, l artlal Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irri. lability, Derangement of the Llrer aod Kidneys, Uout, and other kindred disorders arising from a low state of the body, or obstruction of its functions. Do not he put ol by unprincipled dealers with other preparations on which they make more profit. Demand Aran's and take no ethers. Tbe sick wait the best aid there is for ibem, and they should hare it. Prepared by Da. J. C- Area A Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by C. D. VTstaon, Clsarfleldi W. v. sisn, ien iiepei joeepa rt. Irwin and Irrln A Hartshorn, Curwensville j Kirk if Ppon cer. Lumber City. marJ-Jm Good Jews for Mother MOTHKPS, are you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones f Are your slumber, and hearts broken by thelroriesf Do you awake In the morning uorefrerbed aad apprehensive? If so, procure at once a botile of I)r LnVa l. faut remedy, and you will have no more w.ary avHt. vi wiruiiis; aoa anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Eamedy lias stood the test of year.. Thousands cf nurses and mothers bear witness that it never tans ugirs relict if used iu season. It is a mild, jet sure and speedy cure for Colic, C'ampa ,uuj rain., ana is invaiuaoic lor all com plaints incident to Teethinc Hold by all Druggi.fs throughout the United Diawi, Auuress all orders to Z1KULF.R A PMIT1T, Cola Proprietors, Bolt y 137 North Third tit,, I'biladelphi A Great Discovery. ONE of the greatest and must usiiul discoveries Id medical science wae made by thecelebrated Dr. J. Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Imperial InBrmery of France, in lsfl'l. Those who have been afflicted with the painful disease known ss i iicb, ami etlectuaMv cured bv tbe use of Dlt Dr. MAS' FlifXt'U l'ILK 8ALVK, cannot speak too highly of the benefits conferred unon them l.v the use of this remedy. It has never been known to fail In effecting a permanent run in a single .u ,,. rr-(..i ii surpasses all other mcdi cincs of the kind. It will do just what it isrenom uiruuru lor; ii net, tne tnoner w he M,,.,ll One or two boles is sufficient to eflect a permanent cure in four or six davs. if tha d,,i.. .i,. boxes are followed. Price, one and two dollars per box, according to sise. Kent by mail or eiprra. to ! Pn oi in. tunica Mates or Canada, (iold br Druggists generally. A liberal discount made to ine iraao. A'Klrers V. K. 1I MIAM 4 CO. VVilliaJiisport, Pa., sole Proprietors and Atauofad' Hirers lorjue I nlteit Motes anil Crinii.ln. it No more liaid Heads I No more tay Locke I Dr. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. IS pronounced by all who hare nsed it tbe very best preparation for the Hair. It is. noalil.. iur xiaiuoese, ereuicates iiandruff and Hu mors, slops ine tiair rrom railing out, and speed ily restores Uray Leeks to their origin. t h. luxuriaaca. It operates on the secretions and tils ths glands silk , - i.r, i . e ..,.... ,,, .uu p,r,nr matter, inin, dead, faded or gray hair will alwaya ha brought bark j iew applications, to tu yoathrul abundance vitality ar-d color. It makea the hair soft. stIobst. fras-ranL r.1.e. ant to the touch, and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry snd Intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired positlcn. As a Hair Dressing in has ne ecual. The sales enormous, and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. old by Drnggnta throughout the Veiled oiaiea. Auoress all orders to ZIKULKR A RMITH, Fole PmnrisinM el 7 UT Norlb Third 61., Philadelphia. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CORED. i ne i rue at Inst Discovered I UniAMS FRESH MEAT CU1!E. 1)RKPARF.D from the formula of PrnC Trone si'rtii, of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Dis eases. Bronchitis, Dvsionsie, Marasmna. llener.l Kciiiiuy and an monnd conditions of the system dependent on di-ficieney of vital force. It is plea sant tn taste, and a single bottle will cjnvinoe the most skeptical of its virtue as tho great healing remedy of the age, f I a bottle, or six bottles for J. Dent tiy Impress, hold by S. C. I P II AM. No. IS (South Kighth Street, Philadelphia. And all principal Druggists. Circulars sent free, fel.JHHm ITCH I ITCH I I TCI! I SCBATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH t WHKATON'g OINTMENT Will Cure the Itrh In H llotira. 4 LS0. cures fait Rheum. Dcers, Chilblains, 2. and all of tbe f-kla. Price ill oenis. For ssle bj all Drugkifls. By ssndini J1"''"" to WEEKS PATTER, sol,. g,M" ITd Washington street. Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any pan of the I nitcd States. For aale at llsnswiek Irwin's, Clearfield, Pa. July IS, licit : TroOL WAXTED-inil.tioe twunds of Ww, V ? wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid, 17 J. p. KJUIZEIt. TIP, Li Vf; think W abuo VreiTa , i.:iUt'o:uti. PENNSYLVANIA CLNiirfni I mr H i e el l r .... ' " ar tiii.r nt I t r On an all..r ,M He'll I .11 1-7. I" LKAVK JJAfTWA.-.D Jl.EAVB IVr., :A(i( a. a 1 Is II.' , y ay Passenger, Day Esprcrs, Ph. la Ftf.ri.ra. 'J. Loc-I A iuu B Ui Altoona, Kailrant train, r. m Local Aceom'n, 4.4nl I'nicinna'i Ksiires. t.4"l l'l lis Kslir.-.s. I0.1J I .Ma. I ir tiT-The proper train f ,r r..,eiii;er rr m section to tk'.', who go Kiilwara. is tl.. i.t,' natl kxpress. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. Muuiuu-r Arriiugrmvui. Lt'AVE EASTWARD LCAVK WfJ-STifAH: statiojis. r. a. Pnilil,urg 3 Iu Duob.r 2.1a lliweola .' Powelton 1 40 dandy Hidgo 2 47 bummit ilL Pleasant sol llardner 3.23 Vanecoyoc S.2V Intersection 8.4 3 aauiva av Tyrone 4 0" STATIONS. Tyrouo Imerseciiua Vanaco 00 (iarduer All. Pliaaent Son mit bandy Ridge Poweiton Osoeola Dunbar k.. In: ll'.l 11.11 I Hi; lu. 11 i..r ARIUTI sr P!lili SOurp 11 JA.YU'.M l.h ',., Eup't T. A C. and B. t V. llianch h-sv BALD EAGLE VALLEY R. R. stuistiuer ArraUfXaueiit. LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVE WESTWAKE BTiTluaS. TIMS STSTtoas. T'Vt Tyrone H.lllam Look Haven ),:, Intarsectioa V 24 " L'k haven iut '- " UaULale V JU " I 1,11 . (uju s ;, Hannah lr.17 " Mill 11,11 J .7 " Port Matilda V.o " beech I'reek 2 ui - Martha 1007" hagicville J.n" Julian 10.J1 Howard l.ti " I'nionrille lu.tD " Mount Eagle J if B. A 8.8. Int., 10.411 " Ilolters M " Milesburg " Curtia til " Bellfonte f i1' ! ! '"i 1, "'"1""h- H ' (Ullti!" I Ar 47!" Milesburg ll.M B,llf"nU Le 4 -J - Cartia ll." Milnrburg 4'7" Hollers 0 00 " B A S. t. Int., 4 f, Mount Eagle 1140" tlai-ntilie 4 J Howard Il.h'l" Ju.ian H" Kagleviile li Oir a Mrma ' " Bech Creek 1J 14 " Port Matilda i . f M.U Hall 12.2V " Hannah '! Kiemington li st '' Kagle ' L'k Daren Int. 12.4 Intereecuoa 6 " saaiva tr aauivs ar Lock Ilavoa 12.45 " Tyrone M " JAMES I.F.WIS. Eup't T. A C. and b. E. V. Branch 18G7 Philadelphia & Erie R.R.ISG7 Tbis great line trav.rses the Northern and ortk we.t counties of Pennsylvania to the city of m oa Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated bv Use PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANT. Time of Passenger trains at T. MARY'S sal KEATLXO: I .cave F-aitrord. fct. Mary's. Keaticr. Erie Mail Train 4 14 P. M. l.M A M Brie Express Train 11.00 P. M. (.41 P.M. Leave etnartl. Erie Mail Train lose f. N. 1(1.11 A.X. Erie Express Train I 14 A. M. 11.11 A. X. Passenger ears run through on tha Erie Mail snd Kxpross Trains without chsogc both wsyi bet ween Pbilsdelphia and Erie. Mew trk Connection. Leave N. Y. at a. m. Ar. al Erie 10 a. ej. Leave N. Y. at t p. m j Ar. at trie 4 DS a . Leave Eric at S 00 p. m.j Ar. at N. Y. 3.1s p. at. Leave Eric at 1 2 j a. m Ar.atN.Y. 10.10 a. m. Xo change of Care between trie At N. Y. Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night trains. For information respecting Passenger boil, ness, spnly at Cor. JOih and Market Ht'e, Phil a And lor Freifht business of the Compan.v'i Agents, 8. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. I:tlh and Mar ket streets, Pbilsdelphia. J W. Reynolds, Ens. William Brown, Agent, N. C. R. K., Ballimore. H. II. Houston, tleneial Freight Agent, Phils. U. W. Gwtnuer, Ueneral Ticket Aeent, Erie. A. L. 1YLEII, General Superintendent, Kri. cheaffurnie. JOIIX GULICII DSS1RES to inlorm his eld friends snil cui torcers, that having enlarged bis shop tnt increased his facilities tor maau.actunng. he U now prepared to make to order sui h Kiirr itnr. at may be desired, in good aiyle aud at cheap rein for CASH. He generally has on hand, at b.l Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready made furniture, among which are BUREAUS AND SlliE-DOAUDS. Wardmbeeand Book-Cases; Centre. Sofa, Parlor, Break fait and Dining Extension Tables; Con mon, French-post, Cuttago,Jenny-Lind and other Bedrteadsi Sofas of all kinds, Work stands, Hut-racks, Wash-stands t Roekiug and Arm chairs) spring-seat, cane bottom, parlor, cola moa and other Chairs 1 Looking Glasses of every description on hand ; and new glasses for oiet frames, which will be put in on very reaeoLsM. Isrms on shortest notice. He also keips oa hari or furnishes to order, Corn husk, iijir aid (.ni ton top Mattresses. Coffins pf Evf.rt Kind Made to order, and funerals attended witk a Hearse whenever desired. Also, llonae Painting done to order. Tbe subscriber alao manufac turss, and has constantly on hand, C lancet's Patent Washing Machine, the best noi. in use! Those using this machine never need be wl'h oul elesn clothes! He also has Ktj er's Tsi' , ; I'hurn, a superior artli le. A ratmlj u,,n- 1 . Churn never need be without buiter ! All the above and many ether article, are far nished to customers cheap lor Case or exchanges for approved country pr. ducc, Cherrv, Map s, Poplar, Llnwood and otner Lumber suitable for Cabinetwork, taken In txchange for furnilo'S. r-cT-Remeojber the shop is on Msrke' street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JullN UILIC1I. November Ja, 1RJ y NEW CARRIAGE & WAGON SHC? 1 N C L E A It F I K L I), V a. (Immediately la rear ef Machine Sh-p.) fpHK subscriber would respectfully Inform the X ellisens uf Clearfield, and the public in ga eral, that he is prep-red to do all kinds of work on Carriages, Boggles, Wagons, Sleighs, Slcis, Ac, on short notice and on reasonable terms, and In a workmanliks mannsr. jper'All orders promptly atrended -w,-t Feb. 14, '66 w M. M NIOtlf. 20,000 FOUNDS WOOL WANTED, To the W ool :rowrr of l lrarflcld an' cltrreon I oiinllrsl HENRY J. FLOPPY A Cc.will travel throna these eounliee the emiiliig summer for lb urpnso of exchanging FACT'illY UOODS fi. I Ot 1 L. Their stick cuisialsof Salineta. Vl. Coverlets, Blankets, Balmoral Skirls, and Yarn all of the best quality. These goods are manufac tured hy tienrgv Letan A Son, in Lancaster countv. 1 a., and Better goods are not manufactured in the I' n'ted States. All who wish full value for their wool should wait and trade with them. A. fur. ther infnnnation ran he obtained by addressing them at New Millport, Clearfield count r, Pa. mar21-.1ta II. 1. SLOPPY A CO. SI .500 '..41,1 Ht want f.i.l tlftf tn axal I itnp law mat,, r a Ik new kinda 1 B- der and apper feed. Sett en trial. Warranted are years. Above s-lary or lsrue eomnu.,t..a paid. The only machines sold in I'-I'.l stales for less than 40, whlrh are ' l.c,.;ti by Howe. Wheeler t W'ilsoa, Omver A Ilaaer, Sing er A Co., and Pacheldcr. All other .Kms ma chines sre t'ciaeisief., and the reHer or sh a r errwi, fin. and imprisonment lilm trated direulars sent tree Address or call at el SHAW A CLARK, at Biddleford. V.iai. Chicago, Illinois. Bisyl8,'-ly iklOn Mo,tlM Agents wanted for re Ce 'ire'y aew arr.W,., just out AolreSS 1 lUKI- i Ouv liailding,, Ms, May 1. I. !.. CANNL.O VHVl T of alt kinds al KSRKHL A wWLSt,,