. - J - She qmbUcan. 2i CixonoK 11. (joniii.ANtiKiKtlitor "CL EA RFTeLD,P 'A . Thursday Morning, May 1G, 1867. MUtrton Itnvi. Thig gentleman has, uflcr a confine irtont of over two years, been relens ed. On tlio lbt in6tnnt Chief JuBticc Chaso, of the Supremo Court, ikbuoiI a writ of habeas corpus, and delivered it to tbe United Stales Marshal, wlio wr, ordered to proceed to Fortress Monroe and demand the release of Mr. Davis. The Marshal at once served the writ on Uen. Burton, com mandant of the Fort, who in compli ance with its demands delivered Mr. Davis to the civil authorities, und lie at once proceeded to Itiehmond. His entry into that city would have been a brilliant aB'air had not the military authorities issuod strict orders pre venting the citizens from appearing on the streets in largo numbers, and that no demonstration of any kind would be tolerated. But for this his -return to Richmond would have been as triumphant as that of Catsar when lie returned to Rome after his grand est victory. Mr. Davis was, on Mon day luft, arraigned before the notori ous Judge Uuderwood in the Circuit Court at Richmond, and after some remarks by Charles O'Connor and the U. S. District Attorney, he was deliv- crcd to tho Court in accordance with the writ. Tho Court then discharged Mr. Davis from military arrest, but at onco ordered him arrested on a warrant charging him with treason After a few remarks from his counsel and the Court, his bail was fixed at one hundred thousand dollars, to bo given by not less than twenty bonds men, half of whom must reside within Oin iiiriu.lir.tirin nf llirt Prilld. Tlifi ..... j. . bond was promptly filled, Horace Greeley becoming ono of tho bonds men ; whereupon the Court ordered tho discharge of tho prisoner. This was followed by loud cheering, and all tho 6trccts leading to tho Court llouso were filled with citizens, dense crowds moving in every direction, making it ulmott iiniossillo for Mr Davis and his friends to reach the Spottswood hotel, where they repair ed, accompanied by Mr. Greeley. Horace having dono a great deal in getting tho ''machine" out of order, is at length willing to do all ho can in getting it in order again, llo is one of many of his parly luadcrs hoLest enough to confess his transgressions. Mr. Davis and his family will in a few days repair to Niagara Fulls. Loyal Homaoe. Tho Philadelphia Age says : "William Lloyd Garrison, " a life long enemy of tho Tnion, and " reviler of the Constitution, sailed " from Boston for Europe on the 8th, " and tho telegraph informs ns thnt " a salute was fired from tho cutter " and school Miip in honor of the dis "tinguifihed passenger as tho steamer " went down tho harbor. Wc tuko " these to bo United States vessels, " and would ask what act of Mr. Gar " rison's Tifo entitled him to such at " tcntion f Why should a nation pay " honor to a man w ho has labored to " destroy thut bond of union between " tho States on which the national " life depends ?" This journal should bear in mind that thoso who have reviled Washington, Jefferson and their co-workers tho most, aro tho men who to-Jny rcrcivo tho praiso ol those who govern tho subjects of the .late Republic, but now Africanized Toland. Truo patriotism -and devo tion to liberty is nt a worso discount than even Chase's greenbacks. This man Garrison is an unnaturalized Englishman, and for t wcnly-fivo years edited the Boston Liberator, ami kept for that time tho following mottoes at the head of his journal : "The Uni ted Slates Constitution is a covenant with death and an agreement' w ith hell." "No Union with slaveholders." llo is tho only original und genuine loyalist wo know of in this country; lie is no bastard, like thoso who prate so much about that article, lie hates and despites our system ol govern ment as vehemently as the Devil docs tho christian religion, and is therefore well qualified to bo a leader of the negro-loving and Union-hating party, and tho "salutes" and prayers of his brethren will go out after him. Lancaster city, the homo of the "great Commoner," Stevens like tho home of the "Into lamented," has declared, by a largely increased ma jority, for Democracy and civil liber ty. Thus ono after another of the political Jay-hawkers are repudiated by their deceived and plundered " neighbors. Although gallowses and blocks were erected for tho execution of "Copperheads," we expect to sec theso ditches, dug by loyal hands, filled with heads and the goro flowing from loyul veins, before the "irrcprcs lible conflict" is completely wound up. n uca tne cook reiuses to cai - -the l'.Kd she prepares, look out! 1'lr.f-f 'On t oxrnrttlee, Tho pilgrimngo of Senator Wilson and Congressman Keller through the Southern Stales, is for tho purpose of continuing tho "irrepressible conflict" changing tho form but not tho re sult in their attempt to dissolve the Union. Theso demairoirues attempt ed, but partially failed, to fully de stroy tho unity of tho States by civil war ; therefore, tho next attempt at a rupture is to get up a war of races in the samo section. These political harlots aro now bumming among tho negroes and instructing them in tho relormed and loyul method ol larceny sugar-coated, and termed confisca tion for tho purposo of attracting every negro, burglar, counterfeiter and horso-thief to their standard, in order to elect loyal Congressmen from tho Ireland and Poland districts of tho South. A loyal exclmniro cx- ultingly exclaims : "Tho batllo now " being waged between AVilson and " Kolely on tho ono side, and Wado " Hampton and Henry A. Wiso on " tho other, we consider a groat one " momentous in shaping tho policy " of tho country. Tho attempt of " tho slaveholders to estrango the no " gro voters from the party that gave " them liberty, is anothnr illuetrution " of tho boldness of the traitors." The divinely-miudcd Wilson, and the unselfish Keller, may both bo bold, brave men ; but ,hey are rather late in exhibiting their patriotism. When brave men were wunled, between 1RC1 and 1805, theso worthies and their abettors wcro silent 1 They had not tho courage to meet General Hampton and his Black llorso caval ry, or General Wiso and his Legion. When courago was honor theso dem agogues did not possess it. They found substitutes, and remained qui etly at Washington, with their hands in the public Treasury. But now, when plunder and negro votes are so uumcrous beyond tho Potomac, and Generals Wiso and Hampton have taken off their swords, the band box patriots strut forth to bat tle for nigger votes. It takes about as much courago to do that which. Wilson & Co. aro doing, as a "Pet Lamb" possesses when ho robs a lien roost. Tho loyalist who was too cow ardly to meet tho Southorn soldier during war, should now be sneak enough to remain silent. Hampton, Wiso and their followers practiced what they preached, but Wilson, Kel ley & Co. preach ono thing and prac tico nnother; hence tho knaves are not hard to distinguish. It is truly remnrkablo how theso two Northern harlots get men and women possessed of and controlled by "grand moral ideas" to follow them in their wild crusado against tho liborties of tho 'people and the social equality of the races. f t'ompHmtnt. No body of men havo boon more systematically denounced by . thoir friends, than tho loyalists of the lalo Legislature Their iniquity was gross enough todisgraco a citizen for a lifo timo, and their briberies and corrup tions so wido-spread as nearly to bankrupt tho Stato. Yet, wo pre sume, when tho election comes around a largo number of thoso political vag abonds w ill bo in tho field agaiu for tho purposo of repeating tho same .disreputable nets they perpetrated upon morals and tho Treasury last winter. To associato with Simon Cameron und his satcjites is as fatal to stnlcsmanship and morals as poi son is to tho fctomiich. 'Whilo the camp of tho opposition is filled with the dregs nnd offal of tho country, and tho people are foolish enough to voto for such, wo can look for no im provement in our Legislative bodies. If the peoplo succeed in getting a few more such men to represent them at llarrisbtirg as tho Senator from this district, tho Jay-haw kers would soon starve, and tho peoplo and tho State bo relieved of a heavy burthen. This that loyal journal, tho Pittsburg Ga zette, and others of tho samo kidney, havo repeatedly confessed. We also take tho following, on this subject, from a lato number of the Easton Anju, viz : "A gentleman who had " some business at Ilarrisburg during " tho last session, told us some time " ago, thnt he happened to overhear " a conversation between several pro " fcssional borers, who wcro discuB- sing the ciianccs ol a certain bill " passing tho Senate. After naming a number of Senators who had been " secured, ono of the borers said, " 'thcro is ono man in tho Senate " w hoso voto can't bo got unless you " can satisfy him that the hill is riijht " be enn't bo reached in any other way that man is Mr. Wallace!' " A higher compliment could not w ell " be paid to aif incorruptible public "servant." When tho borers sneak thns of our Representatives, corrup tion investigating committees will bo comc as slnlo and useless as loyalty itself. "Lincoln's pet lambs" have had sev eral riots in Richmond and other south ern cities lately. Greeley and other northern white niggers have been sent for to talk and pray with them. The "Dead Duck," in his Frets, say. "their conduct is indefensible" All Cm Wat 1-lectioa rnturm . this pring. AU Ieitocratic. " Thr IHfrrrincr." The editor of tho BrhVfonlo Frt'f, like the loyalists and coiv bi vs of the devolution, denounces cvcrlhing und j everybody as "rohek" who fail or j refuso to worship nt tho ihrino of negro equality and disunion. In clas sing tho liepubliean as among the "rebel sheets," ho assigns us no menu position, und wo arccpt tho situation. This is just what King George's li. U spittlcs called Washington and ull the heroes of tho Revolution. During tho war for Independence tho people woro classified as new rebel anil loyal. Tho latter wero tho hind minions of the English satraps, and went sneuking and mousing in and around people's houses for the purpose of reporting all "disloyal savings and pructicos," piloting British soldiers to their abodes in order to nrrcbt tho 'disloyal," and furnishing beef to tho British army, when tho soldiers und Indians were sculping our grand fathers, whilo tho "rebeh" gained for us liberty and independence. Tho lineage- of tho Thus editor and his loyal associates is quite us plain and distinct in lsUG as in 1770. They are tho twin relics of treason against gov crnmcnt and race, and bate Constitu tional government an YchctneiiLlj' as the Devil does the christiun religion. They opposed free government in 1776, and they oppose it now. AY hut wus loyalty then is loyalty now. The uro children born of the same parent despotism. Theso remarks aro somewhat gen. oral, whilo we havo loft tho particular point in tho caso to bo met by our "Meek" friend of tho Watchman, who seems to bo personally acquainted with tho loyul soul who presides over tho columns of tho Press. Ho deals as familiarly with him as though ho wcro a member of his household, and wo doubt not produces a perfect picturo of a modern loyalist, and to tho historical reader it will appear as plain as tho sun at noonday. Hear him : Thr Difference. Tho editor of tho Mongrel organ down town in at tempting to bo sharp, suys, "Meek might j et kiss negro wenches, in or der to secure negro ballots." Wo do not pretend to say what might or what mightn't bo, but ono thing we uro certain ol, and thai is, that "Meek" never sold himself for tho poor lirivi- logo of publishing a nigger organ ; never played "loyal" in order to get quai tcrniastersliip :" never led sol diers on musty crackers, and specula ted on tho good ones that wero inten ded for them : never sold good coffee and pocketed tho proceeds, and give to tho men under linn burnt bran and ull kinds of truck to drink in its stead ; never disposed of the good whiskey to officers who could pay high prices for it, and gave to tho privates for whom it was intended, tho meanest kind of strichnino ; never traded the good beef his men wcro entitled to for bad, in order to pocket the differ ence ; or never attempted to hug a drunken wench in the streets, and get befouled all over. Did he, brother Kurtz ? Then, I'.icdifiVrciice between you nnd Meek is, thnt he might yet do somo mean act, while you have already been guilty of nny amount ol them. Tho "Government detectives'' Inst week arrested a squad of counterfeit ers in tlio Oil Regions. -This mid is similar to the ono made by them in Western New York, thrco months ago. I ho fact seems to lo that tho arrests do not decrcaso tho counter feit circulation. This is a part of the seed sown by tho party controlled by "grand moral ideas,", nnd whilo they continuo in power the sheaves will be counterfeit, becuiso tho leaders of the party aro inado out of tho samo stuff, ami they livo by it, ns well as the "Government detectives." Poor Mexico is just now totally up siilo down, nearly ovcry lemlinj; town is besieged by cither an Imperial or a Liberal nrmy, but both rob and op press tho peoplo nliko, nnd nro there fore impartial in this particular. Tho room in w hich Jell'orson Davis was arraigned for treason, on Monday last, is tho ono ho used ns tho Execu tive Chamber during tho days of tho Confederacy. A change, certainly. Pcaeo again exists throughout Eu rope, until the stoi k gamblers ami some of tho crowned heads form nnot Il ea alliance to rob tho peoplo. Unklrwooi). Tho Sci? York Bay Bonk, in speaking of this imitator of Jeffries in a small wnj-, says : "Of all tho degraded specimens of liuinnnity who luive come totliesur- Iik-c during the late civil slrilc'Juilgo Underwood, o( Virginia, is perhaps the most disgusting. If Abe Lincoln had committed no other offetise iu this lil'o than tho iippointmcut of this brainless creature, his memory ought to bo forever nhhorrcd. In his lata "charge, to the tirniid Jury" so-called, nt hniond, ho indulged in language that would havo disgraced the lih market. For years this "Yankee sehool-master" lounged nbont tho city, ton lazy to work, or even keep clean, pretending to bo "nn exile" nnd now dressed with a littlo authority, ho pntVs up well nigh to bursting, with big words nnd wounding phrases, of which ho lias not brains enough to comprehend tho meaning, llo nnd liotts nro well matched. Bolts is the foreman of a tirand Jury, of which Underwood is the Justice., with five niggers to boot ! IJut what crime, in trod s namo, havo theso negroes com mitted, thut they should bo disgraced by such association f" Why wus Aduin the swiftest runner in tho world f Because lie was the first in the human rsc. Tttr VnytrlHunt. A Radical member of tho lift Con gress staled that the enlViit.chiseim iit of tho negro in tho South, was nn ex periment intended to U".l tho cupnei tv of tho tnio for sell' government. Tin-so philanthropic gentlemen and others of the samo ilk, lire not satis lied with the teachings id nil history upon this subject, but ns n sublime manifestation ol Christian charily, aro perfectly willing thnt the question shall bo ngain tested ut tho expenso of tho petico n ud good order, and pros perity of tho South. Tho probable results nf the experi ment in our case, may be anticipated from tho coneliisioiisarrivcd at by the Knglinh Government from a similar attempt mtiilu by them in the enso of their West India Colonies. This is given very fully in tho following brief extract taken from tho IScv lork Tribune Greeley's paper : "It is a somew hat singular coinci " donco that just lit tliu time when " tho right of sufi'iago has been con " fi'rred upon tlio frcednicii of tho " South, tho negroes of the most im portant of the British 'West India " possessions should have been rumma " rihj deprived of that riyht." In tho Island of Jamaica, tho Brit ish Government in 1S.S4 gave a quali fied Dulfrngo to tho negro. For more than thirty years tho "experiment" has been in operation in the colony, and under the protection and fostering oar of ttt MltlO 'Oov.riimont bu been fully and fairly tested. What bus been the result r One of tho fairest and most fruitful portions of tho earth has been almost reduced to a desola tion. Tho people havo become sick and tired of the workings of the sys tem, and petitioned lor u change, and accordingly tho English Parliament has abolished tho Colonial legislature and placed tho government of the Is land in the hands of a Council ap pointed by tho Crown. Tho "experi ment" has proven a costly and stupen dous failure w e hope that it may re sult better with us. Lexington (I'd.) lianner. Wlt.T.IA MS, THE ClIlLD-WllIITr.R, A Norwich, (Conn.) correspondent of the New Y'ork H'orW writes as fol lows in regard to Williams, tho child whippcr : Allow mo to correct nn error in your editorial of the "7th hist., rela tive to Williams, the child w hippcr of this town. His wife was never in tho insano retreat, but died about ten veurs since and was buried by Wil liams "without the benefit of the cler gy," since that time ho has usually kpt tw o or three "nflijiilies" nt atimo in his harem, and if one-half that is fail of him bo truo, I think our I'uri tsnrnl town will need missionaries from your city or further Smth. Williams was intensely lovnl, was a leader of tho"great moral idea" party of this neighborhood, nnd was elected by our Radical board of civil authori ty, January 1, Factory Visitor, t. c. to prevent ourchildren under fourteen years of ago from being overworked or kept from school lour months in tho year, while ho was starving nnd whipping Ms own child at that time, llo was u rej mouthed blatant Repub lican wanted to hang all whodid not worship tho Jtalieid (iod, but when tlio mob visited his house on tho night of his arrest nnd dangled a ropo at his door, this would be hangman took refugo nnd was protected by ono of tho gentlemen whom two years ago ho expressed a willingness to hang on a telegraph polo in front of his own gate. ' fn Important mltltntnxlon. lYrhups thcro is no ono thing that tho Abolition spenkers nnd editors havo more persistently denied, than that they wero responsible, for the re jection of tho Crittenden Compromise in Ifull. At last, however, Jloraeo (irecley, in the Tribune of April 2 Ith, says : "If a poll could then have been bad on tho question, tho J'ree Stairs tmulj have given n ;";i,r majority for the Crittewltn CvMjirimise. It was our task to stem this headlong torrent, and save the nation from committing a gigantic crime. Wo did this, per haps not fo wisely ns nnother might, but with such wisdom ns we had." Here nro two rir.ntic admissions 1st. That the peoplo were in favor of tho ( riUcntlen t omprotnisp, hut the Abolitionists would not submit to the people. Thev did not wish the peo ple to rule. They wanted war. 2d. That Horace (irctley.nnd such men as ho, nmong whom were l'avid 1'udley Field and Win. Curtis Noyes, who went to tho l'caco Congress on pur pose to break it up, wire tho men who brought on the war. Let these two facts be remembered. Tho end is not yet. Tho scoundrel nnd trai tors w ho involved our country in war, aro making confessions now in the hour of (heir success, w hich they w ill find staring them in the face before long in an ugly manner. Tho day of judgment for these men is nearer than they suppose. A". V. Jhty Hook. A colored man called a day or two since, nt tho Second Auditor's office in Washington, nnd made application for his sons bounty, who bo said, had served in tho nrmy nnd had "died of strangulation." The clerk, w hose du ty it is to attend to theso cases, re ferred to tho record of the regiment named, mid thcro ascertained that the son in question bad net unity died of strangulation, being "hanged for murder," per sentence of A court mar tial. It is needlesi to say that no liounty was granted. Political HtsTonT. Messrs. Ilurd k Houghton w ill publish in a few davs a volumo whose title will seenro it tho attention ofnll who are interested in tho public nfl.iirs of the United Stalest "Inquiry into the Origin and Course of Politiitl Parties in the Uni te:! State, by tho late ex-President Martin Van Rurcn; edited by his sons." "It is said that (he thieves of New- York city have a regularly organised school w here burglary and robbery nre taught as sciences." Cleveland llenhl. The samo "sciences'' nro taught by the loyal inombers of tho Rump Con grws, and onr StaU Legislature. ' " "IIIM ' At Kil.rt..n. i.n ll.r M i f V, iv, 1 : '7, ll' ll.-r. W O W lo. iiT.Mr.SAMI I I. i. Sill Mil T., of riininn p.,uni), IV, an t Mi- I'lilf" 1 l.l.A I'll I N I X, ol limliamlnn, OlneStl I 'ml;, I'l. Tli. pnrlii-pi n.ll ittr -'. our llil k I T lb- going noti-4. Jiicil. At Lw-k lUvrn, on Mnjr ft, 17, WILLIAM IH'OVIMl, of M-irrli t,wiirlii., ClrnifirM cmuify, twi'iiW-thnr jenr. In II loom townMii, April 29, 1 f-rtj, nf li.nmnn- tiiniif tlittlovvli, LilMA IXOI'.KXPA, y-mnBi iliiiihter of Jon iihI 1Iaaii Hmiiii; agc-J two yeurp, two month mid fourtccu dtiji. Alu ! denr friend, it if too trur, 1 1t-it rriK'l dentli him visii'.l im. And tnnu your utm your ImU' limtli tnkfn. And lilt you iiluin-, Imt not lumflkcn. K. ltvs A-jKOTH'I-:.--The lit v. Mr. rnnr.rx will U- prffv-li in kartlimi.t townMp on halilm' tit June 16, a -l!nnn. vir : At tlia iwdiool Ijoum on th) turnpike, iM-nr Ir. J'nlier'f, in tint martini:;, it t'-u oVN'f'H, At ItridjC'iii' cbool Ii'miu, on Kiirt luitt Mill, in tlio ulti rrionn, t 2 oVlu -k. And ut l'lifV r!i(mt hotine nt tivi? ciY!nk in tli pvemti?. C1 UTIOV All MTonB arc hcn-lty cnutmnfj J git j ust jiur-liiuMiitf or in any wy imid llm with tiic pruj.i-riy now iu "H4ifion of i'laudm (iirnrd and Mtuiain, flii wil.i nf t'ovinp'ton (p., to wit : All their liwtin. h dd and kitMmn furniture, cat lie and liwrH, all ln rmpi jri-owing on llivir t fiirtn, and all the cropa wni'li tnry imc prow in jr. on the EimlMnn ptm-e, r I he game belong to uic aud are vuhjeat to my nrder. in v fi-.-ii IX Al'I'M.'K K A It M O V. A' DMIKIWTKAI'OIIM MrriC Iw hrir of Adminitnt.tioii Inn ius levn jftinU-'l the uii;li.rfi(;ne on (lie vetMt f Clcwrj;r M. Jr ki!lMn, tiee'd, luto of tii.lich tp. CIi-urlii-M ciunty, i'a., all tHTMHii tndeitftd to anid etfe will mttke iu -K-diiitf: payment, and tli"c bavmccbimH nxtiunt tlio fame will prcucut Ou-ui pnjitrlv nu'l.eutujiiled for vtUment. W. It. DK'KINmjX, myl6-fit:pt( AdminiitrBtnr. A1. IHTOK'M KOTICl:. In llie inatlir of 1h rtat f Jacob lifrb.art, of U,gse tf'wu- etiih, drornwtl. All lt'TPont intcrostw! are hrrtlT imiilVd thai the uiidTf iirnr.l Auilttor, hi .rxiintf l ? tUo Court to TP-Plat aii'l -)jui ilic .VTduiit ot Cltrltt FIohii anil Cftreniuft llowv, Adiiwnttj-aiirr, Hill ntt'-ml to the d ut . of tm apiioininicut, at iu oiln-t, hi CIfarfiHd. on W-mJitv, tbe iitl Jar f June, lt7, at 2 o'cl.la, I. M. BiylB-.lt M M. M. M'Ct'M.orcn, Auditor. THE HU RT OK COMMON I'l.LAH of Cli-artiold eouutr. John A. (jrun, ) ti. V Puli'otna tnr divufe. 'Jtie uu'JcrKiirnt'ii Cimniin!iii,pr. aMioUileil in nyrn Court to tako trstimouy in tlm m-ovp cute. iicrpf'V nlir that lie w ill a' ti rut to t he lg- tti'i of h t appointment, at hi" ofli'-e in CI. aifittl l, on Haiunlny the totrt day of June J?f7 lrtrrii ththouraof 2 and 4 oVlw It, 1'. M.f vlua and where all artie intrrt -tr. ii:v i.tti n'1 WM.M. M'CI U.nVKU, niTlti-.'Jt. C .nn!itifnr. DIXl,riuX IU-' lAlt 1 M.MMlll. The on-'Rrtnri)ii hr.4i-f're i'Jtitni he lwn the uri(lTr.ij(jiml in the Mereautile ItU'iiii'fn, al dipnoh r. I,y oiuMml i:oi(riit oil hv li'tli 1hv ot Mhy, lf-7, tiio entire ifi f ri-t in thr riv nl Jo.ii H. Miowcr liasin? wn (Mirrhai .y li lwiird tjrahHio, li will riiiitiu ti mj t ') nit ho may rn'l on hun, at ite old nutnt. 1 ! A w m nil nd Notps dim the firm Will he rt-rt ivt d hy Kdward V. (irnham, and all d'-martd njruinM (lit firm nil! Ik J'.nd hy It nil. Itni-n --Itnie c-Ultj. mrnt are nquirtd. JfS. III:.. inyl6f.t KIW. W. .I(AIIM. Vpph ,um:mi:.t-nutk i; T')Ciu:i. 1TOKH KittMle nl .1 a turn Mhitr, dri-aM d, ltt 'if karthaua ttwuhip, Clcirlti ld rcuuty.l'a. a tht Orphnnt Cirt of ChnrjUld muntif. The appraisoim iit made urnicr I he tilth areiioti of the ait of the 14th of April, lv .l. having l u filed Id thin niAttrr, notiee i h'-nhy wm tli.tt MrrH While, the wnl. wof unid lnna- AVhiir. late of Krthiitt townihtp, cIaiiu to r'laiu rtai and porx.r;.! pmprHy ri'h rie.l to thi-rcin of tin Tallin tif J.itMt. and Khich apfriionii'nt wa, on tho Kib d;y of April. A. J. I sf7, priM-ntt-d to tlio mi I Court, wio n it was ordi-n d and di-crwil thut puhlii-afi'tn hi niitdt-, n':ire tu all ptr- aoti finitt?nrfd that nn to the rt'iil cjfntr pprni!fd and et out t the widiw of Jnmea Whiu-. dev'd, undrr the hiw all.twinn hor i..ttt worth f jirap erty to l tlun m l int to (hv of ber lf and fauiily, the auid ftpprjiln-inrtit will he ahuolutely eotifinmd, onli-np pntifirnt rftiit to th- eontrnrv If pbowu hy Mondiiy, thr Ktli dy of June, A. li. ltSC-7. )v thr Court. toyTn-frt T. O. It A ltd KH. C. r O. C. the Best in (ho Market I WHITE LEAD, Id on. to twantj rtonnd fnVijea. WASHINGTON MEDAL WHITE ZINC Ground in Oil. A larg afiortment of CCLOliF.D FALXTS l.X OIL AXfi ' dry. lixskf.d oil, tui;flxtlxl YAUX1S1I OF TIIE BEST QUALITIES, Anil a Cn air-ortmr-Dt of VAEJTISH AND PAINT BRUSHES. Junt rrciroil and for lal. ij HAKTSW1CK k IMay 1ft, IKfiT. Clearfield, Pa. FKHSJl AliTIIVALS at tub riiF.Ar utouk or EDWARD W. GRAHAM Spring Goods. New and Very Cheap I rpilE undertiooJ reipeetfuny announce lo X the pihiie tbat hey ia row ojening an eitenMre ueortiaeni of H'KINtJ Ii0jll, a the old it od in Urahanr new huilJin, wbitb h olTtrn to dl at exrcedirgly low jricct, ron ii during their eoat, fcr rath or approved country produce. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot to Surpassed. Cnntomrri can It-.r-ro find Caiicoti with fart fol on; Murlina, Ilplatni, ltwar, Cliillia, Cbri rocrtr, Vrnicgi, Laiiirt' Ehawl., (icntr- Shaalr. Halt and Capa, liooti and thoci, Carnrti, and Oil Cli-llii. Ilii Stock of Fancy Ooodi it Uncx mlcd in Style and Variety, EmVrarlnj Xottonr, Srarfi, Ilrad orli, KarV tifi, Batclirla, Turt Munnalpa, Ilruihrt, Phnto fiajihic Alonmi, Tipfi, Tol.arco and rVpati PerfunitrT of all kindi, r anTihlnj ,!ia is Ilia Kntio. lit.. Alro, IIA HDAVAKE, QUEEXS- AVAnr, GiiocEniEs, PROVISIONS! All or the beat quality, and telerled with apeciil regard to tht trade of Ciearficld aoanty 1 EDWARD W, GRAHAM, OUarft!, May 16, lgf.;. 'fU' '.Ai'iHi' t'".'f ;i!'J. VI I w I I I I n li 1 ' " l Jaw .1 .. I I i K I I II ,11. ! -,M ut I lil.r t HI" J, 1'it. VUk e"'r, : m'hiiC-i 'ft,. Cou l.t- I-J'-s si ( lrr: Kll I 1 -r :a I '-i-Onl V . I.. I i liM : -Ll- l.it n. I'r- l T t. h'i I b I '"' . -.- J m( ir r ?Mh d'y "I .d.'nir-, A. I. I "7. Ill- .- -M;trv -A.it liv.n. I.vt i r.s i.l .1 .m - I' r I, in I nl 'rd, lifr nf I Vnlrn rtirnlv, I'a , wit n 1 Mn I, nlli ttwit -l.t.n In lit, nl I nil.- t-.m-'t . i!it I i or tltniit Oir - tl iv ol ?wrliii , r, A. II, I m ; tl nt t !!! .tillT ti t in in t.i- In. hii.--. I.i till, i.n llif .nil tin v ol ."t jitt in 1m r, I s..., Itv r ittitintf ( in t I il in. C'.vnirmli -I, iro i I. t 'c ir-i't- I 'ji,'l It- il:, I liiin nil toi"lil'V ti.ol.it . ll2 , 1 iliui.l-.ii, b. r Intnl. IC.U n--i ;iiF, ft o- r'S'li iiii l I In.-i r'l iintl, 'tilunio ill Crtvin!(.ii tn iilii.. ("Ii in (. M iimly. ti'iilltili--l liv lilt1 Su.iiii'iiittiiii nvrr, I.n i I.Ll. fii.'l (lift ( oftl suit Irun 1 o. t Inn. I. mill ol!it-rit, an-l run- tmniiiK five biinliiil an-l r'-M'tilv-i ar-rt-r, mtU tint u;iirt iihuii n, ha ir moiit .:iin ul;irl.v ilft-ri-rilicl in fiii'l rtiiitrti -l : t lie n,i 1.Iit I. Imi..,n liv the rain eonliai-l i:ris!iiii; In yv inii-l'tr llif Hum of twonty-two liuii'lttil ami lil'v ilollm-, an fiHnw.-, In wil : Iwu biin-lri-I mid l ily itoli-ir in hiinil. rrvt-n linnilri-'l ant fij'r v t!ill;:ri nri The 1' ! Aliril, Isjll. anil 1bit l-nlnm-n in tt,t nttiil Miitimt liiMnuitf, Willi iliitrift lion lln-lirl tirvof A;nil, .'i; Out I lie r-ti-l Lust i. luneuiu to lint r.iiit fiiini-ii !ntn in !n-i lid lllntt I In- nuin of fuiir- li-ru tinrtitrril itullam, at loll.tw", Hi ,t: on tlxi;M iliiy ol Oocemt'er, ls.i., two hui.unil ami tillytlil- iint ; on lint .lav ol .lom, 1 tjii, tim mm of rix htlliilri-d anil fiM tl'.llnr,-; aril on llif lal iliiv of Si'iileinlMr, A. li. IS.i.", Ide rnni of live biitnii.. iliiiliirr: lii.it tlio ram of t-ij'til hun'liv.i an 1 l.ity tlolhtri rtnl rt uiaion iluu ami itoa.tl inj s.itil i-oi.-cj.nlra'tt liv auj fiom 1!ii- r.;.I l.i.cn 1. hiii-inn. In K-llir with mli ri-nt llii-ri oit, a".nr i;iu; to lln- Iithii of mot O'tniracI i Hint Hi'- t tia Ji.nir.s lz in d:iil on or aii'iul Uic tlay ot .Nov, min i, A. 1. TillioLI li.iviil Piinvt-M'l tin- li.ii.t li:i-tof litiul lo tin. naitl l..iiu J.,lin:itn.iiitil lixv.n- tnn ii Do riiliiuntia urovii-iuu lor tlu; tiitrloriuanor i-l tii.U contract in iiu) liKUlui :. lent luff aurvoiiij li. wnlow. to wit, vniir litSitioin-r, lint iiiir n,r. If l.ic I I'i'-t will ami t it:amt nl, of whii h lo tnii'li' Ih" ini- lilinner rxtnu'ria, anil Jhi.k- 'f. lia' an! M..rr I 1 liun.jifon cist i ulurr. to w iioin l--t If-r It i:rtiu"nlar I atrti in 'I ill- f-'rlii nl l;:w i--m i l.v ll.c I'.f i--Ur of lit county of Onlrn ; OiM llir fii-l S!i-rr- II-.-,i.,ji. wio War, on bis own motion, dim.-tiar,ed frma ho tru-t ar lU'-h exti-ulor by tin: O-Jiliann' I'ourt ol Ci-iiln rtnmt.v, on tho .-'U dny nf N-iv mhi-r, A. t. I' A':, and ihe anid Junntt T. Halt? wa din- ciiarfre'l Irom bit trust ai autb -xcra'nr tT ihc taid Court on llie JUHli day ol Ai:iU A. l. lM An I mw, Murch " 1 , 1 ' ' 7, l (.itiit.'m b. a.d d to I'AttM ICdirt'flU.n to uj-pcar in t'tmrt at vi-.t trrTi and auswer thil b.II or .. tu'nin. I!t tiie C'nttrt. I. t.. UAUoKK, tlttik O- C. Tl tominoiiWiullb of Pennfflvania to El;ra l.diin"fon: W e ciun::n,d you, that 1; iug at It at! hurincp and i rim p, cu t and upjar in vmir iw-irT p' rnn h'f'.re our .1 nl ti l thr- Or- pianf (nun, tu hf li-llen at t I'-artiplJ, in aud 1 it the cui.tf "1 i'U'i-V . hi. on tho llm J M ndiv of .Jim'', 107, h'ini' t'" Kib djv. fn miMv:r raidb'tl or y lit inn rxht.t d in our n?t C-uirt, and to do furtb 'r ar 1 rcreivp hst our mid ('urt ehn.ll Lart T'lhii'lond in that hi n't. JUrfjf (. I not a( youi p nl atd tin- pfralty thnt ii.y r th" HcniTiil'li" H tinti' 1 Linn, I'rrnid' nl of our Miid Cktort. at (.'kailuJi. this -I dav f .Mar -h, A. 1. )M 7. 1, U. Hl; l.lt, uivlfl :t I'uik 0. 0. VI. I A S C I T Vl I.N.V. J -nn ITATIO To -MK HAIL 'te i'l i'ntnil. C''-ni., tl' Ca d, hi.u of IViin t .pti-!iip( Cbarflt-U eowy, I'a. At an i pl,HtiK' Court led hi at Chaif,rl l( in and for Haul r'-tuity, Iw-luro tbe Ui;'ir;t.i .ai:iu' l Linn, i'rij.'id' M, nnd bin A?via'e JMifcf. on tin L'.'ih da if .hmtitt'v, A. 1. 1 itr. p-i:;i .n of Jnoi'-P It. Clark. nii i ni rr r s -r of Pain k C'u.r.n, dvKvd, llt; of I'rliTl tuwu-"l:ip. ifi Mid C'iut,'y, W in pr i..-iit'-d. fcu'tio fort., tl it 1' .1 h i Qu nn in h i I i!i I Ititr I '.itic 1:. wlu'lv e' i tl tn li.- d t,.r an of fi-e f and in thr undiridrd rnif h-.C p'irt ol two cortaih piMir of Innd li'iiit'fl ia IVnn twn- tiij', in tuid county, tu- Crft Ihcro'tf coiitii ip one hnniind Ken at; 1 tlttf pen hi r km I .-Tkj-aoe.' j thf othr llirrrrent;i:n!rt l.rf y or.e ft :rcs and cue buimnd and twi r.ty tux peivfcr a ard al- Invkuiu-x . at ,1 (l,.,t ll.A .1 iM.i. L !,; I., 1.,. ' writtm artwnt. U:-d Hm- v:h day ol Mrrb. A. 1. Iel. r.r.ir.lid in h-.uk H. p-.;e Ac. aM-d to i-.ll an I ennteT tlie .ie drrilnj pr. naM i to I'ntMvk I.nlv." l-r the num ot acvui liuiidri-.t J.dlarn. and that n- p nteni..; inc. th.it airrerii.rni ri,. -ud Patrii k Union died im,,t:ce. It-Bi'injr, no hut at hor?, and wiitw.ut Mn'.nni a r pruviHioita f'ir oiinio ii.io tLtrt ihv hi run tract. And inMi, It. jt, M.in-b 21, lnT, aiii ntatioii award' d tu .Mudirtd i iinn to nirpi ar At neat tenu aui iboa pno.i ti f. Hr tlie t i.uil. I. U. iiAlUiini, CJc.k O. C. T:io ( iniioiiiw4ltb of Pcnnivirania to M-uhifl (,'itinu. hur nt l. if Ywxrv k Wmnn. d.viin d : and t.'iii.,T-'a l.f nnd ay? ir in your vripi" i c i n:ii:iiii:'i ti'iit I.IVH..T ai-li ail l.ii-.nti ptmtii Uforrour Jml rn-I th -ihjdii,!! t mni. in le tut i Iiu at Ck;tn. d,n and hr iko countv : Chiirl iJ.I, on the thud Ai"ii lay ol .I;ww, l-i 7, to anwrr mtid hill or pnn-.m xhil'itr l in our raid Court, and to dofur:hT and n-wive what our naid Cmirl fh;t!l have onriM lcicJ in that b bill. IKtoI fitil n.'t Ht sour pt-ril aiid the pi iuiliy tht m:iy rn-ue. Yitnr-. thr Hononililo Ssmurl ,'un, rrenhh iit of our paid turt. at Clrarfu-ld. thia 2t dt of Mr-b, A. I. -7. inj iti-.it i. ti. i;Aiu:i:ii. rioik o. c. )i ii;o nil!; iu ins of ium:ur IV Itl.i.Al.n. ..dw.d1 la.e ol IWna U'fiihip. CImtImM niuntv, Yn. Now, pril I , t tl", petition frr pjiecif! prr fi.rmi.nei tf r-ititmcl fr i.h' of rel rotate tna. l y li.'U'it Hi run y, hite of lkf uia ti wn.liip, '. ':hm-1 1 rcttniiv, I'a., tmw dec(id, ainl Kntnoil K. H-7ni-fy, hiiiij pn sfnt. d ni,r rr:id. and it ap pearing Hat tho .ict ni't forth nre iloly admitted hy alt ili hi'ii f .-pt thi.'n tntitV-! ;.. the Intt r- I or rli;ir-. ( t ..:. a .Luii'il- r cf j,..'i.rrt llrpnrty, t!ift i! - n a rr ij j; muted m 1.f h hi ir p'Tfunh hodt.n tht iiitrii -t A mn I l.ntHi.i, to lie rMrwd hy pi.hit. ali.n in at b-a-M out n'p-T printed in Ch nrfi' Irl ennfy, Yn n 'j'iii mij Cu tn in appear in Cnirt vn Moi.d iv. tho I'lb dnv d June. A. 1. Ieii7, nt (href o't ;.ak, I'. M ,, t.i iiw enosc, if any tiny bitw why !j pn f.-rntunce o) il-e eotitim-t tu thif caw ith'ii,i, u -t he r'"'.iid. l!y the tour!. 1. U JI.Ki,l.i:. t. Ink C. Cltnrfi,. e.'nfy, . . 'I he CftmnionwewMh nf p(-nn;, N tthe li-i t and l;rl rprnlnti-. . or th."e clai'nioi thr it !-re-t of 1-:iWHa llTaity. ttitt--irnnjcd i;b J"hn ,K iuir, ol I ni.i.i c. int . 'i. o, r-w Of. ! 1 V,- ri.miivio 1 Jm'i, n .d viry fm I i,',; i f yin, that lrire a-tdi a'l hn-i-ie-f nn 1 rvo-M . be and appear in jour pwp.r i i--n it:..?T i':ir J.i-Ii n ui liio tlrj b.iii C.miiI, t. Oc Ih'M'v: nl CI'"U 'ii I i, in on. I or tin c-i.M; of CI-m lu-I 1. i n ' titird !fiiilny uf .Imie, Is7, t nunKfr m d bill nr petitu n chil-itttt id ur Pa.d fort, nn:l to dn lur:iHT and riivivo hr our B.i.d ci;:tt f n. have c-mn.lrftd in that 1h b 'f. II- u-.d f.ul P t :t ymir pri il and t c p. ii!iy t'i-t mt cfvnr. W tt- vrm (he Honoriihlo .'innu-l 1.1'IM. 1'ifiikiit of our aid Court, at C'iuirl.ilii, ibla Kib -inv of Apr;!. inylfl :t t . rk it. C. )i i i on rut. niiiiMir i:oiiiaKi I V H.HA!;TY. Kr., div..v-1, h.fe of Hvrcunt . iu.nlup, ('(.ntlifM punuir, Ya, j .W, A J Til li, 1' i , p -til, .-I) f.iT Fpfeifie pr- f 'rn .u.,T of ti.ntr;i f..r f i'r , f ri M i';itc t .tu br Holrert 11' inrlx . t!i" . ' I r. row -r... ., .r.J 1 1 if lhcraria t-'un-lup, t U-u ainul .-l.i'tl, hi oi' -ri iipp-'.'i ill? tlott tl,e J.. -Tniiti-d hy nil thf h'-ir rr-" in'rPKt i.n l c'lurc of l-.iNoi . d e.M.niv, Yn., wi'h I i.d r.i.d ria'l. an.) it 1 f-'-lh nn' il i'j ! ; I tli-wr et!tVi) lit tb" a dm: .'iter or sni I ari'e l d -i tlie ' ion it-t of .,,;.! 1 Il.ii.oii Ut rarly j th'M np Ir or p ikoii b"; li;i ir'.x. I he FfTved I v j 'C-i;. ntion inntl' .toi.c l'wpp'r ptinttd n i biin'n-f.l coun'v, 'n r,' fponoi; them t ) ai in t oort m AioinUi, the lllli l;iy ol Jii'.f, A. H. i'i'r, ut (hue oilo k, I. M.. to sIl'H' i-ui-l . it HUT t!it hi, vi . m li peciiii" IterionnHnif of I bo eoiitrin.t in I tnt onie rhcuid n..( e grntited. liv 'hr Court. 1. 1;. iiAiu.i.it, i'uik o. c. , Clmr1$lti rO'infy, I 1 h r-ii ni.iMiMl hof IVr.nhnn;a t- thr hf;t and h .;al r pr. " o' r -vr- t.r tli-.r rlnnn-rii tli- , ioli-rr t. of -al., 'In !, t':.ri v, intt-rn-nn inl ailh d'din fllihittte, fi I li'ott rtnniM , (Moo, nw Hr-o-iiM'd:) W n rimiuinnd yon. aiol eeri end all id yi ii. Chit l.iy'i a nMd" all l'ii.!ie.- tied ( -, i-ii.i, yi'i le nnd npptnr in ymir pruj rr p r....iif In f . rr oor .Tu.li;in o( the Ovj.hHn- Court, to lie h tMi-n at t Irarlu Id, in and for tbe e.oniy of t'la 'ield, on t',.- tl.iid V. utility of .lime, I Mi;, to nn wr Wfd hJI or petition rxh'.t.'ti'd n oi.r Cu't, Hii I tn do fiirllier nnd rM.f,j a Imt mr faid Court t)-,- h.nc r m. h rod in thai It hull. Ilvitof CiJ not at yu;r p. t. nvl tio p t;,.lti ,ny eniie. Wit- lf-. the II. .inn aMe .-;Hi)t. 1 ,iit. T. nl of onr Court, at CUatbvld. ttii Kih d-iv ol Ai.nl A. t. ii 1 i 1. t.a ivw.i.i:: etli 1.1. r. IAKK nHAVhite J Mi rri.itr, civt li ip K-h. In 1 PlVtl. 11 17. I.i p ot J. 1'. I rprtra and aMoniliial anpfM-iirra of evrry X bind nf the ladM iotprMvi.,i,,-ntf, .r -el at i:ie JHNK Mjra of it a u r.- v in; ii s. i.lV uo.11i.-l a a g'lii.iN n. 1 i-roi iv i-ml ...nri mi ni nf .1 at .1. r. i,!i.t iii:i. IIIIIST Uli I.ITV OfSlUNCI 1 k fwiaUbjr II. W.I'M I ill i CO. "if iv Mvr.'J'rnu C. KRATZER & SO., I K.M.I MS IS Dry Goods, Dress Cooc's, MILLIXKKY (iOODS, CAIUMHS, OIL CLOTHS, WI.NIiOW fc'IIADLS, CUa'AIMS, WALL rArn:s, Ecot3 and Sloe?, Cucca:7rare, "el Iht3 ant! Caps, rare G;oc I'roiit atrcet, alnive tlie Acatii-ni). I N Till; COMMO i'lAuAOVLLljA t!tjb llurn, No. fi5, January term, 1:07, .1 !T tti- I'-mrt t-i i:si I- I lid IO Isfc.ll,? Utf iri 'i Iiyr !; , iiu. U u li In. re ji-i-ui-i itil- .In.;... I GETTV3DURG Fcr Invalid S.r Inrorporal'd hr Aet of Aiinbly of th C..u muuwealiti of IVni4).v..!Jiii1 Muruti 6, Ilia Board of Puprrvifiri at'Ii'tilit'-'l y C j alior Corporatnio to carry uut Ilia oijoct ..f I tha act ol irn or.nratiou, a.o.tclliiilr au'wuu tl ! lo tl-o m!iiifl llnit Oii l.-r!iiU'uru of P.-n,.ivi. I tni laa aullii-rit4 tha rHirinx ot funis tir i tbe vrifction. e-ttahtirhnient ami totint- B-inrt, f n A It m I t Inv lid bjldiura f the Uie irr, tu he Lii'H on the ht(lo tiv I I of G. tij -l. jr. ,i a an In'luri inerii to p:itri'f if oi'irD V f -n(r i -ut to thii tfiioT'il-iit u'.ioci, htire 'v". iLe CtTp'Tut i iu l' d.itihu:a amount tnu iu rrriher u b nriif,.K uf r!u) au l iiitveit. frj u aA iat'ior.f wi'h ths 1 t war, ir aay Ki -n- j'. tRe- ia, prrpetty. vr eitate. n-al or perfotm, whitevcr, i. thia ht to or citwli'-rf, at u h tiiro or up n u-;b trnnf. and iu 'j- b war :l iunrr wh:if"errr, nt to thm liaj a.'e:n tit. j any Inti of thii Cotniunwealib to lb a coatcary ii'.twitii'.l.tiijiri . The entrrpti-e If c-irdiitly rfioo rn'i'": Jud by tlil following m:nrd weli-U nr.wo i;-itl:u.?a : Wnj'ir fieneral tieorre I. M tnlt t Woverour Atwlrew U. Cu't;n, Mnj'T I'outrl Gl. i'vnr,Ti--ker, y it (ii'T (rat K M- ir. , ry. Mrj-r fJenrntl -l- hn I'., itr. W, .M'j.'r (J-neral Cnua. II T. C-iii. M -j t iifi.r-r-1 II y. J. Mdill, ir iKmrril J.ii L, !-:-Ar'.n. r.aCH liT ii n-r.il Jaii. A. li-.rer. llr jr, vli-r tffiicral Mor.iti U. iekel lina-ii -r (J i. r.il J-.e h V Kn pe, J-na-iii r "i n ra 'm. J ll.-'uluu, Ii'ijfidi.-r (ieticr.tl S. !, M Jltij;a lirr t4uo:nl J- hn K. Mn-;My. Lttatlicr ti' i.eial John V. Iiu, i.r, UtUa.luT ;n.:ri, T. K. M Coy, l.V ii.-r tit-ui-ral K. K. U'iN-iaw. Iia;a loT lifm t1 II. lire ri in;, lintidivr 'fetifial J, i. S. ii'iin, l'rrtdNT fl-Mi J A.. Camph.-ll, lir'tiidiir nr-.l 'i h.. M rtVtivr, l'ri(:a tier UutaTal in C 'ii.ir ia'lry, I'.iiind.er (iem tai I. M. tJrtg, Coioaid F. ti. M JUiluu j'i. Tho fife fur tVe inciiu'.iii flliirty a-rei', hn ait'RiT tvn p in lia.f I, an J it tu hit;, rj i!i ' IT'"' cumuoco w.-ioro iai3 u-nn-r. "'".'l'n. will he rceird at ttie idBv T : A locution. No. I litl Hatr.nnt re-t, I'uiU p'U,i 7!, ' af,cr M,,. tbe 6ib ?ay of , V' 1 ' I " f""nr..o0 ur a on an a eerr, ca'e w;i, be iri:td, whiub will ouliiit: lu a IttoJ-r ( I Ti audi art.tl iif Vi.lt, a Lu-y be aaardnt to nx nuirincr. Jh t nr. dirtributi n of awarl will be mU litiiu dlt.r. ly up..n the fivovipt itt frO.Out) fnbMT p iiin, ot , e di. 1 b di.-inhrtiin will he p-l.lie, a-.l uu&ct the din-ct euKrvirin of th t'o .ramr. 1'ers-jii at a duiance arp rqtiented to rstnlt their fuh-.Tipfiiiiis (wot-ii pnu.-noaUj hy p.,t oCire .i!rtlMT r , r. vr r.-ifi(r!d iwlter. to iuure i I''mpt de-irc rr IJaoct aii K-ftort (a j. i. norrMAN, Peoretnre Iicnr l of Soperrii -r, Ilex MM, P. O., PhiUdelpbta. Tbe followine; ia a eebodule of tbe award to he made under ihe ttt-t di?tr:i.u:i n The it.-n.a of Ihumondii and o'her preeitpuf uti-ne were p.:r cbartd Irom ehuena of tbe f-u.h rtirirj t:-e war, and their fenuineneet it cort bed to by Mct-pra. Hi nle A Lro., the mot eitea.ive d la in nnd itnporUra in tbe fountry. and by J, licr maun, ciuaiotid tetter, Nw Voik. (.ctlyhlmr Aluiu tvr Invalid S.t::iU;' Incorporated by Av of Are.nh;y (Jf (he (Yu rn nwcitib of Pei..iylvuia. Mur.-h R. 1S67. Oltce 1126 Choflbut Itreet. rbiladel bii. I-'il-ttt lii.Vliloil. Kiity Thoueacd Fuh.-cr''jori a Tix6 t.'" lach. 1... 1 rU'ond Necklace, 41. Tirniiar.tp, ta'iueJ at f??,CL) i... 1 T'ltm nd Lliiler Uromb and Ear Kitt? i.rs S... 1 Awa'-d l-J(MJovfH.,ent I'ofdf V'.r u 4... I I)ia n-trd Croa, p- n Silver . 6... 1 i:atnond Uu .rr l -.m ... ft... 1 Award I'- H! tirtrern'ueni n iMu;... - 7... 1 I'btnioH S-.nrrle S'one rtin- ; 4,; i f... 1 li:noid Clu-ter l'race t . 4.1'-0 U... I rinmoiidiVr-le Stone L;cr.rf rm. 4.,,,t0 o... 1 l'ihmtnt Clii.'lrr l'-roodt 4,, '0 11... 1 I'ifltiiJ nd fluc'iT Hrfepl.-i i uCO I 12... 1 1'i r tirclt M'L biainond tar tunpn.. S,.'f 1 , .,. 1 T'iati .-i. t C!ier hro.ub S.im 1 ! 14... 1 Awrr.l in i.i i;- vrpnnrt It sis... ' j 1 .... 1 1 'iai.i'vn.l Mr : -ne I'-.a. . S, "-:.t It... I I!i;uioi:d Single ,-tono (-tu J ?. 1 17... 1 l'T;irii'iTi.1 C u -1 r Ilro-'fi. t I lis m rid ior'o M.n Kiiiir - Itf,.. 1 1 'i.tnt' n.l and Km-Tnld liruoch M... t 1'inin iiil .-('!! King ?!... 1 invito? ln-:r K rj I I.nni; lodin CtmTii lUir lhawl... I V.', .. ) t Lt.ti-e riiie'Kld ."tu-t 21... I Mij.'e fivTte I'minortd Hun ; 2'i to 10 Awrrds ol 1(1-40 UOTcrn- 3 .''I 1.. J.tltltt Moot 1.50' l.&i 0 1,0 tin nt Ih.ti'M. rn-di 35... 1 Ti.ro Hot l'imiwnd anl lluhy hall to. I II nj; fim 1 l'itrvrd '.) V ?tuf Kar Kn..oa t( .17... I Puir lotuo-r l Clr.ter Stude 1 I'mn ni nil tHe etone Hinp. atw -turn.w OA 79.., 1 rii-.m-.n ' t y -tie I n 1 1'tntr "t 'l Chii. r 'r-"clft J.O'J 1 Anrl tf 10-40 tier.ro. i ..t IhtiuS. mr k Hrt M... 1 Vltl l i nr 1 S f Vmtrh 4M i2... 1 l'.iir"od nt -:1? ft nt Pip; 8.0 sH,,, 1 l-piitH.n l A Vt n Ciirtor iunj; 2"0 4... I l'iiiTii'.nil urcie eto-p Hing J"0 6 I f'ir ir-t-.T..! 1 ; varf Y.nt.,.'. JO" .''r ... 1 ianio-d ir. Tle r-t'ite ."-'nd Ibft '-7... 1 !'ia.n ni Cto-ter INn Hid i'?... I nieo and 1'entl l-rom-fl aud bar lijnv- oa 50 to i.r'S.7. I on Award 10 i 1 t.overvnont t. n)-. e.ii h loo j I. P to I- s... 1 oil Award (lnwn.tbfnt L- j gill Ti r.lf rd, er'i JO Aw.d t;..iernmri.t I.vrsl Tender, j I t Tbe diMril ntion of th abore rewrd will be , made in put lie a n aa U,e Mi'm-np'om it , lull, of nb-.c'i dun 110;. will h xwph thT-'tiL'b ' tSe papera. On at t alter M.iyft:h it e Uinntomi wilt be on cihibition ai the iCir ot UaAMOcia liun. The pnhHe can ror.VlrnOy r'.y nn eremhiir i h"i:'g rondueiirf in (he mo-'t b..'n rah'e and air mmiii.r. Ail the award will t handed to eer. tthraia hiduera, iiuiiieitiiiteiy alter the dijmii'tt-ti-n, fr.a of all ni t,e 0C1 e uf tbe Coua- tiy, No. WJQ ihrrtntit utr-et, I'hiia Jelphta. W. ti rrSy crrllti lliat r haro f Xmniiiri tl,a Iliain.mil (i-,,,, 'ratl. Ku-.f ral.la. huhl. a4 wliar f 1.11. .11, Hi.n.r., . ilr.-riWil In tie atmra in. nn 1 !':::J l! r .!; j-i, iiL.NLKif- l.lilt'-.. I'Miuuml Imr.nrl.ra, v-ii.u-ii I,.n, Ni-. Vurk. 3. HERMANN-, I. .i,.l Srtt.f. aV4 llr i.ui. atipat, Kew York, Agcuia W allied. B.'.lil caa l.r n.,t cintiili it Twi.fi't O.rtirlriat.. ON K lit . Ut r.li inn I.AKS. All ortivr, l. r t'orMi --.t -. i. u t in- .-l.lrr-rJ ! .1 I' Hun M N. -.t 1. . Hi t Ul, I mt l-u. rai,a-iriia. May , ltiftj-tn.