111 .1 .. 1J 11 . 1 - -.- SrUpicM $l!scft!.imj. I'oaittlfiil wits t!io tt' !.v f tlio ily itii; mini to tlio qmstion, wIicIImt lie wn mill in 1lio land (if tlio living? 2v'o, but 1 am ftlmorit tlicro. All violent pnhHioiid nro evil, or, in othor wonln, iroilui'o or tend to yro iHico unhapjiiiioKH ; for evil mid tin Lrppinc88 ure only mutublo tonus. It rour 1-ihtoounnoKH docs tiot ex ceed the righteousness of tlio gotni moral folks nhout yon, wliv nro vou better than they t It you hnve noth ing betttT thnn your neighbor ban, who is not ft Christian, why nliould lie try to be a Christian f Why should become to your ground, unlesfl your'u in higher than bis. It WB9 only a single, sentence that foil upon tho earn of tho nervant in the liiinily of I'nysmi, as the brought to bim a glass of water, during one of bin days of illness.. ".Mtiv you never ask in vain for a drop of water to ool vour tongue.'1 It was but a word, a brief sentence, yet it proved a word of sulvution to tho person to whom it was addressed. Wo cannot bo too bold in nftirma tion of certain victory through Christ. But care must bo taken that wo do i not mistake the person in whom wo trust, and transler our confidence al most unconsciously from Jesus to ourselves. We aro but blanches, which must certainly and speedily witlior if deprived of the life current which flows from the vine. You sec tho shadow of the heavens in a lake. But tho heavens that look out of that placid water do not seem very deep ; tho shadow of heaven is shallow because the heaven shadowed there is low. Hut when tho low clouds have all passed away, look down then into the lake and tell what sight you see; tho heaven shadowed in the waters is deep, like eternity now. It speakcth somowhat, when our Lord bloweth the blossom oil' our in sano hopes in this life, anil loppeth tho branches of our worldly joys well nigh tho root, on purpose that they should not thrive. Lord, ruin my fool's heaven in this life, that 1 may bo saved forever. A forfeiture of the saints' part of tho yolk and marrow of Bhort, laughing, worldly happiness, is not such a real evil as our blinded eyes conceive. Nothing is so sweet as those saintly voices that speak to us of God; noth ing is so beautiful as what God inspires, liomances make on incthe impression of gunpowder; they burn, Llacken, rend tho heart; religious works en lighten, sustain, nourish it. Good books aro the manna ot tho people of God, the celestial food of souls on thuir journey to heaven ; let us gath er it up. Tho best rule to determine the good or evil in amusements is this. What ever makes tho body healthier and tho mind purer and better is a whole gome recreation. Il.it whatever stim ulates the passions and feeds a dan gerous appertto should be let alono. This is a safe rule for a Chrisian pa rent to adopt in deciding on tho char acter of the entertainments for his fireside. Tho parent is tho pastor of the "church in the bouse." Don't bo a drone. You may rely upon your present possessions or on your future prospects, but those rich es may fly away, or hopes may be blighted : and if you have no place of your own, in such case, ten to one, j ou will find your path beset by thorns. Want may come upon you beforo you arc awaro of it; nod, having no pro fession, 3'0ii will find yourself in any thing hut an enviablo position. It is, therefore, important that you should bo lomethinij. Ilon't depend upon fortune, for sho is n fickle support, which often fails when yon loan upon her with great confidence. Trust to your own exertions. It mny bo beautiful to soar, but looking into one's heart is very nso .'ul. Olio discovers what is going on within, a knowledge indispensable to our spiritual progress indispensable to salvation. Is this not of much bet tor worth than testacies ami transport", than a piety of the imagination, which rises as in a balloon, to touch the stars, ni'.d thon collapsing, falls back to earth 7 There is an ideal sido in de votion which has its dangers, which fills tho fancy with heaven, angels, scrnphic thoughts, without infusing any solid principlo into tho heart, ct turning to tho love of God and the practice of his law. Discontent is tho spring of action and tho lifo of progress. Tho conten ted man, satisfied with what ho has and what bo is, makes no avquisitions or attainments. He is master of the art of standing still. Hold on, is his motto; keeping quiet is his religion ; things as they are, bis heaven. The discontented man kcers everything in motion. Ho watches, explores, mines, scules, tears down and builds. Ho makes a railroad, a steamship, a telegraph, sinks a mine and bores fiir oil ; invents a cotton-gin and a sewing- machine ; C5vcrs the world with the footprints of his activity and genius as ho pioneers civilization and creates tho hereafter. Hic.u SAi.ARirs "I am afraid," said n very good member of a church to a ministerial friend, "that these high sal aries are going to injure the ministry." "Ah," suid tho minister, "how much did you cive your minister twen ty years ago?" "Four hundred and bcvcnty fivo dollurs." "What did you charge bim for wood then ?" "A dollar and a half a cord, and drew his wood every winter." "How much would you charge bim now ?" "About six dollars." "How much did you uso to charge for butter?" ' "Why from nino pence to a shil ling." "How much vi-onM you nk now?" "I should want fifty cents." "That tells tho story" said the min ister. "A thousand dollars now is worth only about four hundred dol lars twenty v-ears since." How minihters are to be iujured by I doubling old salaries, even ero itj done, it is difficult to see. 1 Tlry fioods, ftrorfrics, tftc FKr.SH AKU1V A I.S AT TDK CHEAP STOIIK or SHOWERS MillAHAM. Fall Goods. New and Very Chcnp I r fill 1 undersigned respectfully announce to 1- the piblie that the? are nun oteniug an eitonsire assortment of Y A I. L 0 0 0 I H, at Ilia old stand in llrahiiui'a new building, which they offer to sell Ht oscttejingljr low pricee, con. aidering their euit, fcr cah or aptirored country produce. Thoir Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed, Customara can there And Calicoei Willi test col on ; Muslins, Delalnn, Limns, Cloths, Casrl meree, Vestings, Ladies' Shawls, Genu' Shawls, llala and Capi, Boot and Shoes, Carpet, aud Oil Clotlii. Their Stock of Fancy Goods it Unex amiled in Style and Variety, Kiulracing Notions, Scarf, Head nets, Neck tiee, Satchela, Port Monnalei, Brushes, Photo graphic Album, Pipea, Tobaooo and Srgar 1'ertuuiery of all kinds, or anything els In thi Motion line. Also, IIA11D AV A 11 E, Q U K E X 8 V ARE, GROCERIES, rilOVISIONS! All of the beat quality, and selected with special regard to the trade of ClearSeld county ! KDWAKD W. (1BAIIAM. JOSEPH B. B 110 U K US. Clearfield, 6e L 2A, lSl.O. ir:.Tioii i J. P. KRATZER HAS reiaored to bia new warorooms on Mar ket atrcet, Clearlield, Pa , liere ha boa opened a rery Urge itock uf DKY GOODS, Mcrlnnei, Gingham, Clotha, Delaine, Printa Catelinerea, Alpaoaa. bilke, Satineta, ltepa, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mobair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslin, Flannels, Bonnets, Hib bona, Cloak, Balmoral Skirta, Hoop. Skirle, f-hawla, Hreee Trimmings, Head Nete, Caps, Corset, Glove, Collar, e'carls, Grenadine Veils, Table Corora. CLOTHING, Coat. Pant, Vet. Orer-Coata, Gent'i Shawl Bhlrla, Hate, Cap, I'nder-Bhirla and iJrawera, lluuta, Bhoes. Uuta fchoee, Cravats, Gloves and Collars. UARPVt'A KE. Ql'KKXSWAKE, GUO t'EKlES k MUSICAL UUULiS. GIIOCEIUES, Tea, ColTte, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Candle, Rica, Flour, Daeon, Fish, Tobacco, Haiaina, Currants, S p I e a a, Crackers, Vinegar, Oila, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WAKE. WOODEN WAKE; and STATloSEKY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpet, OH-elothi, Drufrget, Loi.kinf -(IliMti Clock, rhurni Wmhufinii, Tub, Huck eti, Flat Ironn. Psm, Wjudoir lilindp, Wtli-puper, Coal Oil Lainpi, I m brellan, lJpiicord, Knives and i'urk. Spoonn.Crocki, and Ktura Slacking. Mf-All of which will be old on tha moat rea funtibla trrai, and the hifrhait narktt price paid or Orain, Wool, and all kindi nf count r produce. Clearlield, Ueccuiber 1815. 0, Y11S ! 0, YES ! ! TWENTY FEU CENT. LOWER THAN ANY WIIEHE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. JOHN S. KAWWACH. HAVINO opened a new itore at the "Hlne Ball," In Clearflrld county, wiihoi to notify the puhlio that he If tivOrnrni'd n it nil kindi of Uoorfi CHEAPER than the CIIKAPEST, In dtfiance to the county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, While he ii plicing oa bii ihelveia full ajrt mfpt of Dry Ooodc, (Jn.ccricn, Quccnuware, Hardware, Farther ware, Ini(ri, (HIi, end Pa lot! Medicinal, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS k SIIOKS, Cf all kinds, eomtantlj kept on hand. A general aMortment of n j:a d ym a d i: clo m ix a For Men and Boys' wear. to be old at a rerj tOW PRICK, for CASH, or exchanged for all kind of Marketing, 9-SAWKD Ll'MUER A SI1D.0LE3 taken in exrhaage fur good. 00L24 If JOHN P. RADEDACH. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OK cnl'ItSK THE ( II EATEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices! ITE urti now opt-ninit itp lot of tlif wil unit H moKt M'Rfuitiiitilo (tiMnlti ami Wnrri evr 'tffrri'd in this murk-.-!, an'l ( nrrr tlmt r inimt ne of the finl ohl liHVd of rhmp ttiiiitfu. Tlioup who Itu'k fa t li u-on lliii point, or iltria our Mo Sniion fupcrflm-u, mi-d hut f.fM, .IT Of 'ft HTOHt:, Corner Fn.nt mul Mnrkct utm-tn, Wbtro Oi'-y rnn c firl, wtT wnd kn'w for tlifm Rolvr. To fultr wv.erUni arrrtM-np fr'OiU, tbil Wsunt n donf. t dn not Wni it H'-cfMirT to rnumrrate and iu-iuiw our twk. It is en'-uii for ur to itfttc that Wo have Everytliing that is NendeJ anrl rnT.Min.iw1 In ttn market, and a, prioct that a1"nih boih old and vounir. i. nMwitb m at hit otri, aw brrrW trntiArd that I will not hr fonnl wch p riaintr ai hmv od anr dv fii-ipt MoMAV an-1 STl llftAt pt. i'f.-tf. WM. 1'OllTKH. fr 'imi kf tn ant pr.'n who ban uprd Ir. I Hi mat' Pilr Salr arnnliug to direction and has not h-n cuird. A-I'lrriin, X. 8. M NHAM A CO., drcS-ly W ilhamtport, 1'a. f1"rura and ahatomlnal anpporleraof erery X. kind of tb. latest Improvements, for sale at th. Inc Sor, of HARTS IC& t IEWIK. ?iiviluaif, ffliiuarf, Olf. "hardware store riiilipliurff, Centre County, Ta. fi. II. KKiLEH & CO., M Aims IN Forcisrn and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, itc, rpilB attrniionof Merhaniie, Uuildera, farm -a- era, Lumbermen, mid llujcrs generally, i invll.il til lilM fM..L Unit w nm ..tli-U... . k.tlMV axorlineut of goodi in our line than can be found elsewhere iu thi part of the ritale, at Fricei to Suit the Times- Our ttock eotnprlsea a general assortuient of Tool and Blnteriala ed by Carpenter, lllack suiiiha, Curriugo and Wagon Makers, Ac, whh a largo itock of ri!OX, XA1LS, STEEL, SPIKES, MINING KLTJ'LIES, SAD DLERY, KOl'H, CHAINS, GEINDSTONES, CIIJ CTLAi:, MILL 4 CliOSS-CX'T SAWS, ENAMELED, FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, Tl'Rl'EXTISE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND LANTERNS. An excellent assortment of Fina Cutlery, ootn pritlng KNIVES. FORKS, SCISSORS, IUZOES, io. DESERT, TEA. k TABLESPOONS, BRITANNIA & SILVEK PLATED WARE. TIN WAKE IN GREAT VAHIKTY AND ISKSr MANfFACTUKE. Uouaebold, Horticultural, Farming and Hading Iwiilementa of the latest at i inoat improved p itorna. lilacksmithi eag be rupplied with Anrils, Hol lows, Vices, Sledges, llauiinera, Uora and Mule fchoca, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron and Steol. Carpenter and Builder will tnd in our estab lishment a suporior stock of Planes, 6aws, Augurs, Hati-brU, single, double-bit and p?aling Axes, Hammers, Chie!a, File, Hinges, Screws, Holla, Lock, Pulley, Bash, Cord, ie., Ac, Ae. Farmers and Raftracn will tnd arerytliln; in their Una, and cheaper than can bt bad elsewhere. Particular attention 1 Int'tpJ to our stock of Stores, eomprlsing Spear's relohrated Anli-Dutt, Cofik and Parlor Store of all iie. Also, the Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, llrilli.nl, Dawn, Dew Uiop, Arctic, and Common Egg, rocket, Aa AI! of the above poods villi heaold cheap lor rash. G. 11. ZEirjLER & Co. Pbilipaburg, Oct. II), ISliil-ty REMINGfON'S Y7 FIRE ARMS. Hold by the Trade tit nei ally. PIUCKS REOt'CKD, A liberal Diffount to Dcalcri, Army Kevolver, 44-1P0 In. Culibro, N'ivy Hfvolrer, 9ft. 100 in. raiibre, It-lt Rlvrr. (Pif cockinjr.) Navy calibre, lielt Revolver, Nary lire rail lire. Police Revolver, Navy lite ealibre, New Pocket Revolver, (witb loading lever.) Pocket Revolver, (pelf eockinjr.) Repeating Pinto), (Klliot pt.) No. 32 rartridjre, Repnatinfr Piptnl. (Klliot pt ) No. 12 cartridtre. Veat Pocket Pistol. No. 22. 30 A 82 cartridge, Oun Cane, uoing No. S2 cartridge. Finale Barrel Shot (inn. Revolving Riflo, l(Un In. calibre, Rreech Lalin( Hi tie, No. .H2 cartridge, Itrecch Loading Carbine, No. 4ft rartridfte, V, 8. Rifle, fxteel harrel,) with tabre bavuDtt, V. S. Rifled Mimket, Hiirinirflold pattern. I'pwardi of 2i0,MiO furnished the l. 8. Gov ernment Our new Preecb Loading Arma havw jiMt been approved and adapted fT military aervtce in turope. K. KKMlNtlTUN a BONK, 11 lion. New York Aoitsvn Moore A Nicholi, New York; Win. Reed A Bon, Huston ; Joa. C. (Imbb A Co., Pbil Adlibia; Poulton A Trimble, Baltimore i llrnrv Folxom A Co., New Urleani and Mempbia ; lobnpon, spencer A Co., Chicago ( L. M. Runt ty A Co.. bt Louii: Albert K. Crane. Fan Krancifeo. Jyly BLACKSMITH I NG. Kl:V AllIlA.NHn.MKNT. Ml K siiliftTilwrs, in view of comma errnts. pin aloptmK a n-w .vsi-in of itoin; liu.i m-s on Hii! nftt-r thn 1st uf Mnv next. Fruin I lint .Inle we will alopl the CAr-ll HVSTK.M, and all work mu.t tlii'rol'irp he pniil for tii-fnro loevinf the slntp innltlng Miia tltftfrriiM'. Iiowrvrr, in fnvur of our i-ut(iin,'r. I lint nor priri's will Ik1 TV K.N TV PKH ( I NT. I.Kr1." Ihnn is now rhnriti"! fin work. ,'-Tln'.e knowiiijr llirm.i'l i' iiulrKtefl, notl whose book aoi-ouiits li.ve not horn eolili-,1, art rspwit'd to eotne f'irwnr. and muke eolllinient loloro Ilie limn .Ihmu iiotienli-d. We hope these hinl. will ntit Im liri-oiii-n. UKn. C. PASSMOltK A P(lS. rirarni-ld, Mnroh i'l, l-7 tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCUCUACJE HOME lXDCtJTRY. nHE underoiirned, having tMahllthed a Nur X "ry on the 'Pike, about half way between Cirarfteld and Curwenrvtlle, if prepared U far nioh allktndxof FR1 IT T It KKS, ( standard and darf,) Kvergreena, Fhrubhery. (Jrape Vine. (JooKcberriea, I.at"D Blackberry, Strawberry, and Raiberry Vinea, AIpo. Siberian Crab Treoa, Quince, and early ae-irlct Rhubarb, fto. Orderi promptly atleoded to. Addreia, J. It. WRIGHT, aepjn f5 y Corwenevillt, Pa, 1"MR JA.i;-A IMM'FKand LOT.on Market at i or t, tn Clcarfldd brmigh. Applv to WAI.TKH HA1.I1KTT. noTJl-tf Att'y at Law, ('Imrfleld, Pmn'a. (loal, t hale and Unaoed Oila, Family Dy, J warniihea and natnU of all kinds rrninil i 1 oa fm iaU by U. A L Hiy (fm&i, Cirurfrlcs, c!tf. ) GOODS REDUCED Ij fiHKAT ltKDUCTIOX IX THE riilCE UE CiOUMS AT H. W. SMITH & CO.'S. Prlntn, that we formerl fold at is cents, we now aril at '21 InblcarUfd Mu.llna, formerly sold at 30, wa now ell at lllcarlicd Mu.iiua, formerly Bold at from 26 to SO, wa now aril at Kt(j,f Alpacaa, foruerljr sold at from 46 to SO, w. now .ell at .Ifi.ti.l Caaalinerca, ID per cenl above cost. AII-Wool l)e l.ainra, at 6." Common I)e 1. allies, at ur, Aud all Press Goods at the same ratea. IJOOTS AXI) SHOES, Of the beat quality, at an immense reduetion. ei sir. We will aoll llaokerol, Herring, Ac, AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CKXTS. HOODS, NUUIAS, HREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of erery description, greatly redueed. We offer our itock of Dry Ooo.li at the alore Seure un to the lit of J.nunrv. lr,T. Tk.. all of the first quality, New and fashionable. Any on ean Bow have an Alpacca for the cost of a lie Laina. Thia oiler ia made In food faith. and all deairoua of economising in tke proper manner, bare cow an eieel;ent opportunity to supply themselves at the cheapest rate. Mildly for lath. ov2S-y II. W. FMITH A CO. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT' A FALL IX rnicEs. New Goods at tho Cheap Cash Store or WILLIAM F. IRWIN, bou:h Second street, Clearfield, Pa. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GRKATLY P.EDITKD PllICEH. I am Jnat receiving and opening a earefully selected atoek ol fashionable Spring A Horn, mar Oood of almost every description. A beautiful a.aortment of printa and Dry gooda, of the newest and lateat atylea Alao a great variety of naeful notion. DRY GOODS AXD XOT10XS. Donnets, ghawla, Hats and Caps, Boot, and enoe, (a large quantity ) Hardware, tJucenswaro.llrngs.Mrdicines, Oils A Paints. C.rpela Oil Clotha, GROCERIES AXI) FRUITS, Foroign and Domostie, snch as Apples, Peaches, i-urrants, i'rune, iuisms, Orangia and Lemons, FISH, 1UCOX AXD FLOUR. Mackerel, in i 1 and i barrels, of the beat quality, all of which will be told at th loweat cash or ready pay price.. My old friends and the nubile cenerally, are respectfully invited la call. ,XrN. II All kinds of 0JM.Vand approerd COLSTHY VUOUVCE taken in eirh.nge for foods. WM. F. lltVUN. Clearlield. Nor. 2. l' If J RICHARD 3I0SS0P IS NOW Si lling, at half their usual prioe, DRF.S3 GOODS, CI.OAK? AND SHAWLS, r.KOWX SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, woolen ooons, HOSIERY, MES'S CLOTH INO, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING (Jot..l LADIES' HOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AXD SHOES, BOYS' do do noor SKIRTS, BALMORALS. LADIES' COLLAU1 AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND TORK, FLOUR AND FEED, An. Ac. Ac SOI 1)11 HX- Iti)l TII.W-A recent act has paired both Houses of Congress, and sinned bv the l'rrsidinl, giving a three years' oldicr 1'Ml .nd a two years' soldier f.'.O bounty. O-noi'NTlKS and I'KNMUNS collected by mo, for thee entitled to them. WALTKH HARRnTT, Att'y at Law, CtearAelrl, Pa. Nd'alti Hnbea.Knee and flonie Rlenketa Hvll, MKRRKI.I, f RIHI.KR'R. CANM-D a-IU I i'of all kinds, at J MKRRK1.I. A WUI.FR'K UAFTlNti A.KS--wilh impntvrd Inree steel K,le lor sale at i. I. K HAT.LII'H. (.fr A Muulb I Agent waaied for etew. 0-r lrrlf am arfir. Just out. Addreaa 0. 1. UAHKV, City llullding, Biddiford, M. Hay 1, ly-Hf i, niti torf.4. .1 ..( I 111.11. HARTSWICK A'lRWIN, HAVIN'CJ rrClted and removed to the mora latelv :irui led tv P.irhard W'.imii, now utur, low for cah, ft well eelrctet! aiortiuenl of DRUGS AXI) CHEMICALS. Alao,aPatrnt Medicines of all kind , Oils, Cla l'utlr, Dye KtuITi, Blatlouery, TOBACCO AND SEOARS, Confeelli-nftry, Hpicoa, and tho largept "tork of vuriutio ever o(Una in thla place, and warrant ed to bo of the best the Mnrkot Mllonlif J. II. IMMSWICK, Dro. 1.1, ISA:.. JOHN IilWIN. DRUGS! BRIGS! BRIGS! JOSEI'lI R. IRWIX, On Mala St., one door wit of Jlipple d auct' More, cnnvi'N.-vii.u;, va., Ilua cow on kaoJ a largo asfortmciit of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Pi nts, Dyc Stuffs, Patent Medicines, TrufthCM, hhuuliltT-llrarcN, l.lnatlc Klotk- tun and hupportcra, CaltlhH, ft'Utl), Porfuraary, Toil ilnuiin, Conf,rtifiiirtrr', 5plf(f Canned Fruit, Tohaflco, Vigmrt, Hooka, titalioiif ry. Pencil, Pen, luk, aud a inr nil vanetj of Nutiuni. Jlii itock mbrafpi alt article! needed Id a ouninunlty, I entirely new, and of the belt quality, und will be Id at retuonadlo prioei. tall aod oiamiu the guodi : they cannot fail to please. deci tf rtlwh;.nt Uailoris. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one dur eatt of t'h a r field Kounc,) Market Mreet, C learfield, Pa. KKKPS on hand a full aMrtrttmntH of G.mt' Kurniahiog tiooili. tuh aa Miirt. Linen and Voulen I ndcrphlrti, Itiawera and Sorki, enk tiei, I'orkot llAiidkerchiefi. Ulovef, llati, l iuhrollai, in., in great variety. Of I'.uoe Uoodi be keepi the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Fuc-b at HUfk Doeikin of the very htft make; Fancy Cafnitnere, in grer.t variety, alio, French Coating, lieaver, 1'ilot, Chinchilla, and Fricott overcoating. All of which will be iold chcnp for Cach, and made up according to the lateit ityloi If experienced workmen. Alio, Agnt for Clearflrld county for I. M Singer k Co'i. celebrated tfewing Mtirhinei. how, J, JM6.tr. H HKIDiJiS. OX HIS OWN HOOK. W. F. CLARK, "tlrorLD respectfully announce to the cltl- f sens or Clearfield and vicinity, that he haa taken the ramoi formerly occupied by P. A. Uaulin, in (Jrahaw'i How, immediately over H. F. ISaugle'i Jewelry tstore, and will continue the TAILOJUNO Bl'.SINHSS. A full apsortmect of CI n thi, Canplmerei and Vent in 1 cnnrtantly on hand, and raaja U order oa the ihortent oi.tice. Particular attention will be piven to CCTTIXG Mcni Itoya' and Children ' clothing in the moit lahionnbla atylea. tiive him call. decft-tf W. F. CHllK. (flothin(u HOW TO SAVE MONEY. ''piIR tiuiei are hard ; you'd like to know J. How yon tnir ihv your dullan ; The way to do it I will itvw, Jf you will road what followa. A man who lived not far fmm here, W ho worked hard at hii trade, But bad a houichuld to aupport That Kiuandered all he made, I met him once. 6a ya he, "My friend, I Irn-k thread bear and rouj;b j I've tried to get myvelf a mit, lint can't lava np enough." Sityn T, my friend, how much bare yoo 1 I'll tell yoa where to pn Tn (ft a pnit thatV muttd and cheap 1 To UKIZKN6TEIN k Co. lie took whnt little he bad oaved, And went to lleireoitein A Uroiheri, And there hi pot handsome mit, For half bo paid to otheri Kow he U home, be ifka 10 well, And their rfleot ii iurh, That when they tuke their dully meal, They don't cat half ai much. And now he findi on Ha turd ay night, With all tlirir'witntu m). plied, Thnt he haa money Irfl to upend, And come to Iny audo, IHp (o?d mrcc.ii, wi-h cheerful imilo, He gladly t.'lli to ull. If Toa d uvc mnnry, g') and buy Voor clothe at-- ltElZhXSlElS'S CLOTMIXU IlAf.L. Where the cheapcttt, fltent and het Clothinic and pnnd Furnifli ,uff lud ran be hud to m every Ute and in every atle aprll. Ai j o s k r iiK vls rn LW CLOTimu STORE, CLE A II P I E L I), PA. rMl E tuhterilK,rtak"nthi nirth'td of aiinnimciup X tn the eitun nf t'haillold and the pnMii jfrmruMy, that he has jnut i.peni'd a Urge atoek of CLOTHING AM) (iKNTLK.M KX'S ri:Nl,slIN(i (iOODS, Vonth' and Koyi Snil, the lt t tlr of H;itt and t np, and lUMiTJ and HHOKS, all of which he will ili"ponn of at a triiie aUnt n.i-t. Mo en he foun loii Miirkrt itreet, t"twfen Third and Kourih, in thertioin IitiimtIv o-iipii tl iy Willmin li'iHinan, whrre lie eulioita the fitinMi lit Mll exatinnr hifi ;. Jt'.l.l'H KINit. t Untti. ld, April 11, 1R'7. THE LATEST OUT I MONEY FAVED IS MONEY MADE 1 K WHE! If you wish to purchase CLOTH. Irit, H ATS A t'AI'.-', or Furnishing Uooda, iO TO C. 11. MOORK'S New and (heap ClatMcg tnre, where will tie found .ct'n.lanlly on hand a l.rjr. and well ... Ircled assortment of Fine Blai-li (..Imere suit., and drahs, brown, light, and in fact ALL KINDS OF CLOTH IX(I Adapted to all eeaiona of the year ; aNn, Fhirta, llraweri, Coltan. and a, large and well aeleeted afitnrtment of fine HATS and CAPS, of the very I a left aiylei ( and in fart evervthinn that can he called fur In hit line, will bt furnished at tha very Inweel city price, aa they have been pure hi fed at thi lowest pomible figure, and wilt bt iold in the eatue way dy C. II, MOOKK, In the PoM Office liuildiiig, PhiiipiLurj, Pa. N KWS. " Patlv and Weekly pnperi, Maparlneij alio, a larpe axinrtment of lh lateit and hent Novoli, Joke Booki, A e., comtantly on hnnd at C, 11. MOOKK'S, In the Poit Uffiea Buitdinft, vrll-ly Phlllpri.urg, Pa. DRESS-MAKING. SpiTi.tt. tni( r. rAHisuN dbkfs AND CLOAK MAKING.-Ladies can have their Dresses, Puil, Cets, and Ilas-julnca land eosncly made and trim-ned, at the shortest no . lice, at the old established stand, ll'Jl Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornament, 1re. and Cloak Pnttons, Hihbxns, Cluuy and lluipare Laeea, llagla and flimp Iirasa Trim, mlnjr, witb a large variety of Maple aad Fancy Uoods.from 8.1 to 60 riot cent, less than elsewhere. Also, receiving daily, Faria Faahinna in lis.na paper, for Ladira' and Children' Drrasea. 8et. of Pattern for merchant, and dress maker, now ready, at Mr. M. A. lll.NLir.K'8, iy l ly 1051 Chestnut St., Philadtlphia. Vafnit Mlfilirinri B E A L ' S LATE TOWEL'S EMBROCATION. Ivt all diea"i fnrt lent to J ! v a ?, Cattle, aiid llumaa Kleh, re v"rnj( the Uie ot an tUrtiHt appliratiutt. flHH new roB'puunil prepared by a prarllf-al J Cheniit, having a full kbwledce of all thu luvdical virtue u1 rari ingredient that anlin into if e,"inpiillon. ia Marrnrfed to eiceed any thing of lit kind ever yet aflered to lb I'oMie a an cxtirnal appliration for ilie dteeattef fur whlrh tt i riroiiiii.endtd. We are ralirfied that it will work ill own load Into the confidence of all who on it, and tboie who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on experience us the hoft trtt of ill uccfnlneai. It ' ii pixrmutired ly Furriers, and all who have tried ' it, to he the best application erer uied, Tliit j IJuihrocitlion hai buen put up fur over eipbt yean, and it ii only through the incrraitng de niiind and urgent r-(iieitt ul my friendi and the i 1'uhlie that I itrnd it forth ai the grand remedial ' iKnt lor the varioui dieaa to which that uohle and uiefni ar. itual, the hreo, li luhjeet. Many remedie hftvo heon oilL-rcd 10 tho I'ub- j lie under ditlereut forim, aome of tha are in- I jcrioui, otheia at best of little uae, and many wholly improper to answer the purpoiea for which iney are rttuoujiuem.e A juillrli.il. and really uaoful cnulliosilion. fre. I from those objections, has therefore lone been ; desired by many ntlniifn nlio bave valuable I harssa, and are utiwiliinir lo trust Iheui to (he care of du.iiiiiig atd pretended Furriers. Thoir ' wi.hos are at len(;lli fully pralilicd, by ( Dr. i lloal") bvioi; trcvuilcd opo,, to allow litis valnn- I lit. Kuihr'ttMliou (wh ch ha. proved so efficacious I lo the varioaa di.eH.c.) to be prepared ard orouut out 10 tne puoiic. line Kiultrocalit'ii naa extenaively naed by the liovermncnl ilurinar the war. For sal. by (larlswick A Irstic, Clearfield. Joseph It. Irwin, CurwonsrJIIe. Daniel tiood lander, Lu'.hersburs;. Address all orders tn IK. EDMl'Mi ItEALE. prl.li7 fiOJ Routh hecond St., Pbila., Pa. Aycr'a Cathartic Pills Are the most perfect pura-ative v.. are able to produce and, a. we think, has aver yet been made by any body. Their electa have abundantly ahown to tae ecima nity how much they excel the other medicine. ' ia use. Tbey are safe and pleaeant to uke, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating propertic : timu'.ate tb vital actiritieof the body, remove me ouMrurii-'ui 01 iu organ, purily tne blood. and eipel di.ea.e. They purira ont the foul j numora wuicn nreea ana rrow distemper, atimu i late .lug-gUn. or disordered organa into their ii.mi.i em m, aim impart tone ana strengui to j the si hole ystem. Not only do they cure Ibe every day eomjlainta of everybody, but fornli dahla and dunceroua di.eaaea. V) hile theT nro duce powerful effecta, they are at the same time, iu diminished dosea, the ealvst and best physio that can be employed for children. Ucing sniiarooated, they are pleasant to take ; and, In-1 on purely vegetable, are entirely harmleaa. Curea have been made Ibat would surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of such ex alted character, aa to forbid the suspicion of un truth. Many eninent clergyman and phy.iciun certify to the pubho the reliability of our reme. die, while other have scot us the assurance of their conviction that our Preparatione contribute immensely tj th. relief of onr afflicted fellow, men. The Agent below named la leased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing direc tiona for tha u.o of these medicines and certifi cate of their cores of the following eotnp'aint : t'ostiveneis, LiliVu. Complaints, Hheumatism. Drop.y, Heartburn, llea!nrhe ari.ine from foul stomach, Nausea, Indifrerlinn, Morbid Inaction of tha llowels and Pain ari-ing therefrom, Flat ulency, Loss of Appeiile, all Msrasca which require an .vacuum medicine. They also, by punfylrir tba blood and etimulating th. system, cure many complaint, which it would not be euppoied they eould reach, such aa Deafneaa, I'ani.l pllndness. Neuralgia and Nervous Irri tability, Derangement of the Liver and Kidneys, Uoul, and other kindred disorders arising from a low si. l. of tha body, or obstruction of iu functiona. Do not b. pit oB by unprincipled dealer with other freparatinna on which tbey make more profit, ltem.nd Anna and uke no .ihere. Th. aick want tha be.t aid there ia for them, and Ibey ahuuld bare it. Prepared by Da. J. 0. Aral 1 Co., Lowell, Mass., and mid by C. p. Wauou, Clearfield) W. C. Mde, lilen Hope; Joseph It. Irwin and Irvin A Hart-horn, Curwensvilia Ki.-k Spen cer, Lumber City. m.y2-2n (iootTXi'Ms for Mothm. MOTH EPS, are yoo oppreifed with anxiety fur your litllaoneif Are your ilumher and heart i broken by their criei? Io you awake In the morning unelreebcd and apprebeniive ? If f, procure at once a bottle of lr. Leos'i In fant remedy, and yon will have ao mora wtary houri of watchinf and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy Ilai itood the teet of year. Thouiandi of nursei and inrthira bear witneri that it never faili to give relief if urd In caon. It lit mild, set lure and apeedy cure fur Cntio, C-ampi and Windy Pains, and ii invaluable for all com ptaint incident to Teething. hold by alt I'ropi ti throughont the United Ftatci. Addrrii all orderi tn ZltULKR A PMITIt, Hole Propricturi, nnM y Vu Kcrth Third Ht , Philadelphia A Great Discovery, ONE of the prtrttcjtt and umt nfu-iul dliteovcrica in nudn-al K-icnce ww mnde by theovtebntted l'r. 3. lutnn, ot I'tiri", Chiff PUveictnn U the Imp-Tint lntinitary of I'rancc. in lil. '1 In tic who hvf he. it altlu ti t with ttie puiiitiil ttifcae known us IM.'i, und t llt-.-lnnllv (iiri-d )v the use uf llt 1-1 MAS' H;l II I'ii.K SA1.VK, can,t i)wnk tim hii'v i'l" ttie bcntilp roi.trrnd upon thnn by the iim- uf tli if remedy. It ha never been knun'n to tail in eflcning a permatiint cure iu a i.nple cine. In thi! rpMt it iurpa-ft all other mcdi-rilii-K f the kind. It will do jiut whnt it wrreoai lurti'Kd for: if nM, the nium-y will he refunded. One or two boin i nuftu-icnt toellWt a permanent cure in four r lix d-t. if the direetmrti on the hnna are follnwp!. Price. ne and two dollar per Imix. according ti iie. Sent by mail or exprr-in to any part id the I'niU d Siafci or Canada, hold hy (nn.'k'ii't-i genfmltr. A liU-ral di'iont made to the trade. Arid it 1. 8. MNIIAM A CO., Willianirqtart. Pa., ml Proprietor, and Manutac turrrtifor the I nitrd State? and Canada. d.S-y So more lUld Heidi 2 more tiny f-orkil )R. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR REKEWER, pronounced by all who have od it the very beit preparation for the Hair. It ii a ponitiv'e cure for llaldnei, eradicate landruLT and Ha ninri, Hop the Hair from fading out, and ipeed ily retnrci Uray Locki to their original hue aud luxuriance. It opera te on the fcrctloni and fill thavUndi with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or fray hair will alwaye be brought bark by a few arptieationi, to it youthful abundance, vitality ard co or. It makei the hair mft, glnuy, f rap rant, pteai. ant to the tmrh. and cay to arrange, hry, wiry and intrartahie lock become moist, pliant and dippntfd lo remain in any denred pontim. Ai a Hair Dreeing in bai no equal. The aalei are enormnui, and it ii a onitorial favorite with old and young of both aexe. Hold by Iruggitti throughout the United Statei. Addreii alt orderi to ElhULKR A SMITH. Sole Pmprieiora, nnU y 13? North Third St., Philadelphia. CONSUMPTION C AN BE CURED. The True Hemedv at lat teovered ! ITIlAirs FIUISII MKAT CUKK, 1)l!l:rAliKtl from the formula of Prof Troua srsit, of r.ri. cures t'on.uniplion. Lung: lis easr. Itron.lulis. Iysj,cjiia, Mararrnua. tiiiieral ls-hililv and ail morliid oon.litiuiia of the system drKMi.cnt on dificiciu'V of viul f,,ne. It is jth a snul to ta.tc, and a sinnle hotlle will convince the roust ekoj tii al uf its virtue aa the great healing remnjly of the aire. 1 1 a Imltlc, or aix buttlca for Meiit liy Kxircss. hold tv H. f. I IMIAM. Xn. 5.S gonth Kighth rttrect, I'hiladt li.hia. And all irincijial Diuggisn. tircil.ra wnt free. f. l.L's 'W. I ITCH t ITfll 1 ITCH 1 SCBATCHI 6CRATCII I SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMKXT Hill t'uro tlia) Itrh In 4H Hour. VLSO, rnrea Fait llneurn. Pleera, Chilhl.ina, and all Krupiiora of tha Mia. Price .Ml reoia. For sale hr all lrnci.it.. py aendini sixty cents tn W Er.KS A PulTKR, sole agenla, 17 Washington street, llosioa, it will ha fr. wanled hy mail, lre of fosiage, to any fart ol th I nitcd Ftstes. For al at llari'swirk t Irwin's, rieartleld, Pa. Julv IS, l!wi-ty 1)R(IAISS-in all kinds nf Woolen Gojda, ).Sh.wl, Blanket, CoTerlrts, Ac., at J. P. KRAItSR'g. ly PLNNSYLVAMA CENTRAL R. R," ar time at 1 ronr. Ob aa after Monday, Apt.l .. InfT, ,a.s.a( run a l-llows , trnins will run i LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVE WKhUVAHD. A. 7.'! A. . Phil'a Kipr.ta, ,,; Loci Acconi'a for Alloona, f a. Kaiijrrant train, l it Mail train, ft 43 Way Pa.ia i;r, Day Kiure?., Lecal Aeeora'n, 4.41) Cincinnati Kxpress, 4.40 Phll'a Kinross. 10117 HT-The roper truln for Passenger from thi eeiion to uke, ho go K.lard, ta the Cmcio. nati li-xprcaa. TYROME AND CLEARFIELD rT R," aanmracr Arrauirenieiit. LEAVE EASTWARD LEAVE WESTWARD. STATIOKS. Philipahurg I'unbar r. m. .TATioai. a. sr. 2 (li Tyrone V.2D :,IH Iniersectioa t.H i.'t'j V.n.oojoc 11.51 Osceola Powelton -Sandy lliJ,;e tluininit ML Pleasanl Oaruner Vanscoyoe Inlorsection I ill I (l.rdner lo ot) 2 47 I Mt. I'louaut lu 17 j hdu uiit K1 !lo ii Ui I hui.dy KlJge 111 37 .V.M Polvelton 10 i Osceola 110" i.ii lunbar 11.117 Atimva at inaui at Tvrone 4 (in I lhilipaburK U.U JAM EH LEWIS, Eup't T. A C. and B. L. V. branch lloada. "BALD EAGLE VALLEY R. R. (Summer Arraugemeiit. LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVB WESTWARD. BTATioaa. Tyrona lnteraection Held t.gle 11 TIME. 10am V.S4 " 30 " .4T " .i8 " 10 07 " 1USI " 10.3S rranoa. via a. Lock Haven S.4&p.m L'k Haven Int. 2 tli " 1'letuingtoB 2 51 1 j, jtju,, m.uha Jaii.n l'0j0nvUle Mill Hall beech Creek Eaglevilla Howard Uonnt Ea(1 Hotter Curtin Alileabvr; Bellfonta j J.17 1 M ' l.K ' 1.24 ' 40 1 1)1 1 I..7 ' 4.10 1 4 21 ' 4.JT 1 1 4 S lot U 411 " Mjle.uura: ' ' " f Ar 1 1 03 Rellfonta Le 11 08 " Mile.burer r... ' 11.20 -11.33 " 00.00 " 11.40 " 11.60 " Mileabur( 4 37 1 llulter .Mount Eagle Howard Eagieville Beech Creek Mill Hall Klemington B. i 8. b. Int., 4.41 1 I'nionvill 4 47 " Julian Martha Port Matilda Hannah ltald Kagl. lutertacuoa aaaivat a Tyrona III" 'a : " U2 " .4J " IN" l.l " 12 OSr u 12 14 12.20 12.33 L'k Uaveai lot 12 4 ARniTK AT Lock Ilar.D 11.45 " JAMES LEWIS, Eup'l T. A C. and B. B. V. Branch Road. 18GT Philadelphia & Erie R. R. 1867 TUla great line traveree the Northern and North wct eoanties of Pennylvania lo tha city of Erie oa Lake Erin. It ha. been leased and I operated hv th PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANT. Time of Paitenger trains at ST. MART'S aid EEATINJt Ixave lUvtward. fcL Mary'. Keating. Krie Mall Train 4 14 P. M. l.il A. M. Eiie Eipreaa Train... .11. it P. M. 6.42 P. M. 1 cave fVr.ttvard. Erla Mail Train 10.20 P.M.' 10.21 A. V. Kri ITvnrMB. Trkin 1 It 1 U I. tl 1 U Pasaenger ear run throngh oa lha Eria Mail and Etpresa Trains without change both way between I'hiladelpbia and Erin. New iork Coimertlon. Leave N Y. at 0 a. m.j Ar. at Eria 10 a.m. Leave N.Y. at s p. m.; Ar. at Erie 4.0$ a. a. Leave Erie at t 00 p. aa.; Ar. at N. V. 1.1$ p. as. Lear trie nt 10.24 a. m. Ar aiN.V.IO.I a. an. No change of Care bclwrea IU-I dk N. V. Elegant bleeping Cars on ail Night train. For information respecting Paaastig.r bust, nesa, apply at Cor. 81'ib and Market r-i'a, Phil'a. And for Freight buaineaa uf tha Company' Agent, ft. It. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Mar ket ttrrels Philadelphia. J. W. Reyaoldv Erie, Willi.m Brown, Agent, N. C. R. K , Baltimora. 11.11. Houston, U.uetal Freight Agent, Phila. U. W. uwinner, Oeneral Ticket Agent, Erie. A. L. TVLEI1. General Superintendent, Erie. CHEAP FURNITURE JOHN GULICII DTP IRES to inform hi old friendi and tae. turn era. that havinp enlarged hie ihop and) iucreaaed hii factliiiea for manmactnHnx. be i now prepared to make to order in b Furniture aa may be deiired, in pT'i'-d ntyle and at ehean ra'ca for CASH. He (fen era lly haa on html, at L:a Furniture rooms, a. varied awortuent of ready made furslture, among which am nCKKACS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobe? and nook-CarM; Centre, 8of, Parlcr, Ureakftuit and Dining Exteminn Tblea; Com mon. French-pnt,t,Coni,g'',J'nry LinH and other lk Jftead?; 8 lie of all kin3 Work-itm-ie, Hat rarke, WafhuUndii Hocking and A-aa-Chain; iprine-f eat, cane, bottom, par'or, com mon and other Chairp ; Lmkin)t-(slairM of erer? dearripdon on hand ) and new glanee for id fir tne. which i!l be put In on very reAn! ie ttrw.i on ibnrtet not ire. Hi air Let pn t.n hand or furni-hea to order. Com I.-j K, I..r aul " t ton-lop Wattre'fei. Coffins of Every Kino Made to order, and funerJi attended with a II ear e whenever deiirod. Alao, Home Fainting done to order. Tba mbacriber alio navulae turet, and hat rnnrunllj on hand, Clemeat'i Fitent Wan bin Machine, the tact now ia ml Tboae o-inf tbt naehina nirer need be with out clean rl-ihei ! He alio haa Flyer' Patent ( barn, a euperior article. A family aalnt thia Churn nerer need be without butter 1 All the abore and many other artlclee art far nithed to cuitomen cheap for Cam or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Mipte, Poplar, Lin wood and oiler Lumber aniubla f 'T Cabinet work, taken in tx change for fomlti'-e. jMeBemember the ihop Ii oa Market itreet, Clearfield, Fa and aoarly oppoiiu the "OM Jew bt r.M JOHN Ol'UCU. Noreraber M, 1tJ j NEW CARKIAGE & WAQ0N SHOP 1 N CI.EA KF1ELD, Pa. (IatraediAtely la rear of Machin Bbop,) nHK subscriler would reepectfully Inform th 1 eitiaens of Clearlield, and tb public la gea eral, that he is prep red lo do all kind of work, on Carriages, buggies, Wagena, Sleighs, Fleds, Ac., oa short notie. and oa raaaoaabie teraas, and in a workmanlike nanrer. JP-eT All orders promptly attended to. leb. 14, '66. WM. M'KIOUI. 20,000 FOUNDS WOOL WANTED, To tlia Wool . row era of t'lrarfield and Jrrlciviii Counlleet UFXBY J. PLUPI'Y A ( o..will trarel tarwagH these conolics the coming .nmmec for th. piir" of exchanging FAt'TUBY MtKiM for VtlMil.. Their Hock consists of 8tinela, Flannels,. riMcrlds, lllntiki-in, Ilnltnoral Skirla, and Yarn, all of the 1h-si quality. Those good, are manufao. Inrvd l-y tlcorgc lvan A Son. in lAnoaster count", l'a and Wlti-r gHidsate not manufaclnred ia ibe l inte l Stales. All who wish full T.loe for their wind should wait aud trade with them. Any fur ther information can be niilained by addressing them at New Milllmrt, Clearheld ennritt, Pa. mar21-:iiu II. J. FViPPY A CO. Q 1 I'l.H KAM 1-W, want ageati 1 tH IV t everywhere to sell our uraorao M Sewing Machiaet. Tl le aew kinds l'a der and upper feed. 8ent on trial. Harraoted i lie years. Aoor lary or large eesamisslen I paid. The only machines told i I'nited tte lor less than fin. which ar, 'y hrnseaT t Howe, Wheeler A WD.oa. tleeeer A Baker, Sing er A Co., and Carhrlder. AH other aheap as. chines are tur'.VNvmears, and th eesr a ar ts teal, to arrut, tne and I inprieonttsao. 11. ni trated diroulnrs sent free. Adlress or call ai en SHAW A Cl.it KK, ai Biddleford, M.iai. rr Chicago, Illinoia. aaayla.'oA-lJ "fRlED rEKCIIES pnred and anpaired. II J. P. KRATZKK'f. 11 HTUtU.lTV nil rM.Ti. k'i ' r sale by U. W. SMITH CO. CI RKEN AJTLES-Joel recoieed at J t, t, KRATtSB