i THE REPUBLICAN. TlirnsPAT::: :Mny 1, )!(i. l'rosh Cianloii .Semla, from llrcer'a riiiludiOiliia, just received and (or alo by Uni'tuwiik L Irwin. Announcement. Air. John Koto denires to nnnounvc to tlio citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened an Ice Cream Saloon for this eason, and will liavo ico croam on hand every Saturday evening, and as often during tho week as he may deem necessary. Ho has a good room, fur nished for tho accommodation of ladies. Ho would also Btato, thnt there will bo no malt liquors sold iu liia suloon during jco cream season. A New Town. Wo wero informed last night of tho location of a new town, in what has long licon known as tlio "Beech-woods," about eight miles north-east of "Klines'," on the Smuthport lurnpiko. AVe -aro in debted for this enterprise to Mr. Anson U. B. Dodgo, of tho city of Now York, who has laid out a body of lands and presented to each perma nent sottler fifty acres, and causod a road to bo opened from tho Second Fork of Sinnemahoning. The loca tion is iu Cameron county, and the distance from tho Smcthport turnpike to the P. & . railroad is less than twenty miles. Wo learn that the road is to be extended tho coming summer down Trout Run and tormi tiata at Shawsville, on tlio West Branch, six miles below this place. The Beech-woods have been "first rate" hunting ground since tho first settlement of this country, and .al though tho land is of good quality the lack of roads has delayed its sett le nient. Tho road will open an im mense quantity of first class lumber, and aid in the occupation and im provement of a body of land which hitherto has been considered too fur in the wilderness for our backwoods men. So much for tho entcrpriso of ono of our young landholders, whose cxamplo can be profitably followed by others. Uorkes Stolen. On last Thursday , night, two men Stovens and Barber residing at tho Jefferson Lino, stole two horses from tho stablo of Henry I'tzingcr, in Brady township. Ste vens is supposed to liavo robbed an old farmer of 83,000 about three months ago, residing on the Allegheny river, in Clarion county. Mr. Utr.ing fr, singlo handed, pursuod tho thieves, and alBrookvillo telegraphed to Clar ion and Franklin. Tho bridgo across the Clarion river was picketed, but tho thieves suspecting this, avoided tho bridge, took to tho woods and attempted to ford the river at a num ber of places, but tho river being loo high their plans were frustrated and they were compelled to abandon tho horses, but not until the owner with a party camo so close upon them that they secured the two horses, one bat and two overcoats. Ono of the latter appears to bo tho property of Sheriff Currier, of Jefferson county. It is not alleged however that the Sheriff was in partnership with the thioves, but they had stolen his overcoat from a hotel in Iirynoldsvillo tho same night they took tho horses. To find two stolen horses and a Sheriff 's over coat in tho woods under these circum stances is a little romantic, but only goes to show that burglars and horse thieves must be very bold, and have little respect for the officers of the law or tho property of their neigh bors. Solium Home. We call tho at tention of our readers to an adver tisement entitled the "Gettysburg , Asylum for Invalid Soldiers." Meas ures are now in hand which aro cal culated, after the lapso of a few months, to establish, on a grand scalo. At-- J t . .... . . una desideratum. I ho design is ns follows: It is well known that all efforts to obtain voluntary subscrip tions sufficient to erect a Soldiers' Homo have been without avail. In furtherance of tho object, however, tho Legislature of Pennsylvania have passed an act dated March fi, 18G7, rpAtinn a nnrnfinnflnn e.P I. l..l General George G. Meade is presi . dent, and General Horatio G. Sickels is treasurer, with an efficient board of supervisors, who have tho power '; to distribute to the holders of certifi cates a largo number of immensely valuable gilts, consisting of diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, Ac. By this I schemo it is confidently anticipated a f largo fund will be created towards .5 the erection of the Homo. A groat j feature of the affair consists in the fact that ovcrj- purolinaor of tlie ccr- 5 t.. . i ... .i . tificatc becomrs a contributor to this -National Homo fund, and at the anine ;timo lids a direct interest in tlio dis tribution of tho rnro grins mentioned nove. Ihe details Of (he entire sthcrao will lie conducted in a per ifeclly fair and lionnrablo manner. 'jThe site for the Homo lias already been purchased, and connista of thirty 'tc of land, used by General Moade (1 tiring the battle of Gettysburg as his headquarter. A Tankeo teacher in a Richmond eKro bureau school, named Horey, whipped a little nig, a few davs ago, nj Kot cowhided hy the big brother pf the piccaninny. Ir. Marquom.tbo noted Vriscnpian Physician of New York city, will positively bo nt Mis. l!obt. Wallace's boarding house, Clearfield, Pa., on Tuesday, May Uth, and renuin two weeks, for tho purpose of treating till old chronio diseases. Thoso willing treatment had better bring with them ono onnco of tlionr(Vnf' urino in a clean vial. May 9-2t. A CofNCiiiKNCE. A Dutch paper says that English of Connecticut wan elect ed by tho Irish. Clearfield IMarkeU. Bcportrd weekly Inr IhrCi.KAHcin.n llrirvai.irA by J. r. Khatikk, llciilcr in Ilry tlmids, tiro ecrics, Provisions, Ac., Markets!.', Clearfield. dn inmm, Mar 9, isf.7. Apples, green, ft i" Dried, lb 14 A.li!l)uiur,'gal, 1 00 Butler 40 Beans W lltl(u) 4 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Tlin-kwhen.1 flour lt, 6 beef, dried 2i Beef, fresh 12 da Boards, M la 00(u,20 00 Corn, shelled . 1 60 Corn, oar 7.i Hogs, dressed Hides, groat.- Hums, sugnr oured, e-houltiers fciides ... Lard 00 .Mess pork,tiblil...30 00 mils 76 Onion 2 00 Potatoes 1 2,i Peaches, dried, Hi.. 2.S 1'lanter, bbl ft 00 llyo 1 00 Corn meal, sack, 1 7; Chop, cwt. 3 00 Cloversocd 00 Cheese 2.S Cherries. It) 20 Bugs, tti Sall.V sack S rihingles, IK iu., !. S 60 MiiukIus, 20 in 12 00 Chickens, drtii, Ih, 20 Timothy iced ft 00 r.Sgs 2j Flaxseed.. J 00 Flour IS U)(n.ll 00 Tallow Wheat Wool . Wood, cord... 15 3 00 60 4 00 Hay, TP Ion :io 00 Philadelphia Grocery Market. Reported woeklyfur thcCi.p.KriKi.n llRl'rBt.iraN by n aiawaiunr 4 Co., H lutleaale (srocors and Tea Dealer, N. E. corner Second A Arch f trcets, ruitejcipnia. rHii.aiini.niiM, Hay 8, 1X67. There has boon very little change in (he market daring the last week, (iold fluctuate! between 1.35 and 1.37. Teal are in moderate rcquc.t, and for Urge operation! a decliue of lc.(j,.V. perpound might be forced. There i a bettor feeling in Cof fee, with a larger business, the market eloping Heady. Sugars are in good demand at a decline of (a,a. per pound in fitcam Refined yellows, but at iteady price! for raws, aay I fa, 121 the latter for choice Porto Rico. Refined how an advance of .e. on C and yellows, with a firm market. Syr ups in fair demand, choice grades attracting most attention. Rice ii quiet. Molasses is not active, but the advanoa in New Orleans is maintained, the stock being nearly exhausted. TEAS. Young Hyson Superior.. .t S.'iftl 15 Fine.. 1 2.11,1,1 45 Finest 1 65(oyl 75 Hyson rnperior...I 05fa, 1 25 Fine.. I .luixl 50 Finest 1 iijlOf 1 65 Imperial corner, s. Rio. common 2:t 0 !nod 24 feu Prime 254 'm Choice 2liitiu Java.oldgur. 3t (7u l.sznnra 20 (a, W Coaans.. Oandclion pa aruARs. Crushed I.".t(7i 15 Mipenor...! I 40 fine.- 1 5H(ii,l 63 Course pulrd l.'jl.i. 15) Finest 1 70(41 80 fine. ....do... l..((,o 1..) A Hi'.i, 141 liunpowdcr (uperior, 251 40 I) 14 f.u 14s t ineh Finest.... Dlack hiiperior. Fine...... Finest.... Japan ruperior. ..1 55(,1 70 Extra C l.lifn, Ml .1 76(o3 OU 0 yellow... 121(a) avarra, .. S5ffl,t (II) ,.1 05r.il 20 ..1 25(1 50 Common 4 .-(S 6f, Fair.. timid Prime Choice Choicecxtra, btn, (12 (17(0, 70 72(m r0 S5(oi t'O 1 Oiial 15 I 2"ii.l 25 r i tie.. 5(ol 00 Finest 1 26(cj,l 35 MOI.ASSKM. me e. Carolina 1 1 (lit II J Rant India... IIH oj N. 0., choice, 06(0,1(10 Porto Rico... 67 f.l SO Cuba 55(.ii S7 Clement K. Wainwright - - Inrael R. Wainwright loepn h. n ainwrigtit. WAINWRIGHT & Co. WHOLF8ALF. GROCERS AND TEA. DEALERS N. IT. Corner Pecond and A rch Streets, aprll rillLAIiKI.PHIA, Pa. Fhlladrlplila Proiislon Market. Reported weekly for the CLKAiirir.t.0 Rrri-aijcaa by . II. tisiHAS i Co., Provii'ion Mi-rcbnnta, No. 17 t 111 N. Water street, Philad. lpbia, Pa. Piiit.iiirLrnii, May t, 1S87. Flour, extra fam.l.'t 60 Onions, l bus $2 Rye llour. it) potatoes, 'p Mil... 2 7 Corn meal 6 2.S Mrrcers, p bus. 120 Wheat J.ti Mi-sspoik,-f) bbl.. 24 t Rye 1 65 lt.ieou Corn.. 1 2S S. C.hama. inj Oats 78 Pbnulilera. 12j Heans I 24 Fides 1.1 Heeswal 4(1 I.ard Candles, tallow.... IS Rutli-r Adamantine.... 2- Cboiee roll 2.S Feathers.- 84 8olid packed.... 12 Fi-h. per bam'l Khjs, 'ft doe. 18 Mackerel, N'o..1, 15 2.'i ! t'iiccac, tllno I. llerrin).y bo, .i New York 18 I'omcslic I t nits Pall, rock fi5 Apples, 'pi bid.. J 00 Urniind.ysack, 2 !0 lined, V Ih ft feeds Hides 14 ('hirer t ?S Oils Timothy . J 25 W hale 5 FlolstVd Id Fperm 2 00 Tnllow Ill) I.ard. 1 1 2i Wool, Ohio ' :l frude pet 17 Common 44 Refined pet 4 I nwaflied .11 N. H. GRAHAM & Co. TROVISION MERCHANTS, Nos. 17 I 19 North Water Ftrcet, iprll PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. Hicks Graham . . - F.dw'd A. (Iraham IMtlliiir(C Market. Prepared every week for the Ci.FARrtr.tn Rrrt a tica't.byT. 0. Jrvki, Commission Merehaut, No. 27.1, Liberty rUreot, Pitt. burn. Pa. Pirrsarno, May 11, 18(17. ri.oi'sT. Apples. f bl.$4 (lli(,; S III) lined apples. prune, 10 iricl pcMches.O0iji 14 Pall, p barr.1 2 84 Candles 15 No. 3 Mackerel, Jenkln.' Kureka...$l5 40 Lilly Oil OOfn, 15 00 Ile.plaines a Scars' Wst 14 7.ifo) 14 00 M'tln-iror's a K im liorly's, choice.., Crescent 14 14 50 arrel ill 50 I.ar.l, choice.. Rye flour, ? bid... Corn meal, bus, rWkwficat flour, 1 hundred Wheat .1 OOfo Rre 00(n Hats 04(4 Corn, shelled Potatoes, choice, y barrel 2 74MI Onions, barrel.. Timothy seed.O 00 HOOjTallow 12 I 25 aaroy. Sides (lll(7o 12 J 75 Shoulders Vlit, 10 .1 25 Hams, snfnr cured, IB 1 Oil Mess Pork 2.1 40 00 1 llroonis 2 511(9 3 25 1 10, Refined Oil 42 iCoflce 2.1(,$ 27 3 00 annus. " 3 nrnwn lojioj IS Refined, hard . 10 A coffee 15 TEAS. Illack .75fr, 1 20 Hrein VblDt I 04 2 75 Clover seed. Flai seed Middlings, ft (10(1) llcans, navy Ilulter, roll...! '(h) Cheese nnca Kers miba 10 00 2 05 2 .15 3 00 30 'Syrups. 5..fo 1 00 15 'Molasses T-'h 85 5,Hiee n(, 1I FLO i it riiorisio.Mi. T. C JE5K1NS. tOMMIMIIH MI H( IIAT, wHoi.r.tr nssi.pa a narrivra or FLOl'R, l'KoVISHiNft. AMI ALL KIN OS OF HKKINLI) OILS. ( heaprst Flour llim.e In Plllsburirh. On hand, reliable and well known brands, Onality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements Io dealers and Trices Current sent every week. Cnrrar.nrn Fnngr, 27.1 I.iarnTV STarrv, jan?4 ly PITTSIIl 11(111. H. This Starch GIobs TS odfj hy flrt i-Um Hot Hi Linnrtriti, ten of 1 thoof-kodt of FamilifR. od ihoald b mt 4 t ly all. It givta boauuftil palish, anaking Ih iron pant tmnnthty over th rloth, taring much tin and labor, tiooda dona ap wild it kp cla longer, onprqantly will nt wear ont to ttKtn. It Bank u old Linn look like new. . old hy DruggieU and OroMrt Oenerallt Our ImperirJ Blue It tbt bott In tha world I It It tolubla la hard at well a toft water. It It pnt np la the tafeti oeateti, and noil eovrenient fcrm ef any offered to the public It It warranted ant to ttreak tht eloth. Fold hy (Jroeert and Drnggiatt generally. Agentt wanted ererywbera, U whoa we affer eitraordlnary fadneetjenla, Addrtet NEW TORK fiTARcn 0L0S3 Co mar. 4m 5o, 218 Fulton Pt.. New York ,rliool and radrmlcs. EDUCATIONAL, " rptIR undersiined inten.ls op.nlng a RCIIOOl, I In tli. Town Hull, Clearlluld, on Ih. Iliil Monday In May. (the ih) to continue for a lerin of eleven Weeks. Thoroughness will be aimed at la all our In struction. "Not how much, but how well," is the principl. upon which the txercisss will he conducted. Particular attention pail to Penmanship and Hook Keeping, A daily reiiislor Is kept of the attendance, de. porl m jut and reoitaUnns of each pupil, which Is sent weekly to parents; thus furnishing thein with constant information of bis standing and progress in school, Publlo exhibition! are not held at. any staled lime, but parents and guardians are respectfully invited to visit the schoul and observe the man ner In which the naur work is performed. Tr.ltMS op TC1TION. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic anu ueoprspny (4 (jo Grammar, Ucogiaphy, History and Com mon School Arithmetic 0 00 Hipher Aritlimotio, Geometry, Philosophy, Monsuration, Rook-Keeping and Sur veying 7 00 Latin and Ureck, with any of the above branrhos 9 00 X4tFor lurlher information apply to pr2.i-4l (J. II. ISAN llKoKl), Principal. Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. L. HARBISON, A II., Principal rHIK F0VRTII SESSION nt" the present X scholastic yer of tliii limtitulloB will com -nivnoe on MONlAV, April 29, I H f 7 . l'ufftla emu enter at any tima. They will be chftrffod with tuitiuo from tht time tbojr tnior to tDfl cioie ni tb noiMon. T he eouneof instruviion mbrac6f erery thing includod in thorough, pmctical ! acoom- plmtied education fur both teiei. Tb Principal, having hud the advantage of mam experience in nte pnileimon, an u rm pa renu end ftuard ans tbi his entire ability and nergtuf will be dovotod to the tuoral and men tal training of the yuuth pi need umlftr hii uharge. Orthography, Keadin, Writing, and Primary AiiiliUiouo, per beirion ( 1 1 weka) - $i UU Q ru tn mar, Geography, Aritbmetie, and llixtory 10 00 Algebra, Geometry. Trigonometry, Mrn- Buratioa, hurTeying, I'lulyjiuphy, Phrnl ology. Cbetniitry, Jiuuk Keeping, Botany and Pbvfioal Ueography . . t9 00 Latin, (irevk and Fnncb, with any of the above urancbea . . . . f 12 00 TNo deduction will be made for absence. ft" Per further particulars inquire of Rer. P. L. JlAKHUuN, A. M.. Clearfield, April 25, 1M7 tf. Principal. NORMAL SCHOOL. T11K Nuruial Hi IumiI will I upenvd in Curwrns viliu, cm the 30 lb duy of April, and continue iu scflsiotitlvvrn wet ks. Tbcr will bean arnitiRc tnent made to a7ciimumdat ull teachers and jiupiin who can remain loiiiror limn one etMHion, to be rilber under my charge or that of the Aft8ista.it Ttac-hi-r, or of both. TKHMJ or TI lTlfiW I 'caxhfru, per KSriion, from to the more traebf-rs iu tlenlm.oct tho 1cm the tuition. l'upilfi.HT wrkhsii, w ho do not purputc ti-a'hins;, or are not compi tent to ( h, tha comitu winter. Tuition to ( f ni d ia alaiice and ajiplicdtu the pnymtfit of an axpit-tant tcn h(.T. lioanJiug 1 Iirce Dolinrp and nltr crnt per week. U. V. F.WlKIt, Co. Hup'U N. I.. All pupils, who etin enter the ormal eUpe, will he admitted. PINE GROVE ACADEMY AND SEMINAEY. Put Unuvc Mills), Ck.itkk Co., Pa. 1. V. THO.M AW, A. M., Prlnrlpal. fpillri Institution, orjcaniud in 1842, will open X its TiiiRTr-rinsT session the twenty fourth under pn'scnt control on sVednrMlay, April 21, JHM7, ami continue hvo months. Kounlme tuition, fciiclish branches, tMl. Infonuiition jttren on application. aprll LOGAN ACADEMY. lki.L'g JIiLi.g, Ulahi Co., Va. KHY ware tlml-clnei iiiptitution. alTimlinr the bent fat ilittn tothoae preparinir fur cui ng-', nuHincM, or nnfinntj. W'h'de expennei fur the Fiimmer Term, of fi month- $n i 50 S--o extra ehnrfrea. .Next term rn-jrina Maj . 1"7. Prnd for a circular. Kev. OKU LAW.SOV, 'rin.t inarT-.lmrpd Antintonn, Pa R. ROBISON & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Pork Packers, Pralcrf In (liars. Iron mid Natl. Family Hour of the Best Brands, Bfw..n, HatTM, Fi'lf anl PhnuMrro; T,ar-I. Minn I'ork, Chrept. Ilfisii". Miminy, lriel Fruit, i'arlwn and Lard Oil, lricd Hci-f, Ad. Xo. 2.a IJbrrly Street, (Itcd Trout,) -"1,7dZ. rTsiU Rtj, pa. IiV MAIL, I'HKrAIi). CHOICE FLOWER 4 GARDEN SEEDS, New StrawberriesrapcsjBulbsc. M. WATSON'S OI.I Cutr.nT Nur-err an 9 KwrJ KMat.tixlinirnt, I'lvimnith, Mn-:. N now (triiilmi nut hy in nil, tin itnid, irt knt with (Treat fart in Riitta pere.m mlk. m f to n ch any tmn hi mic 1 nitm tn i.prtiTt pr- tv. a form. let- hk- sirtmrnt of thn t.np-1 tJrnpp, Hfrawlwrnr", New Urge CurrniMn, .Mtif bfrnF. ItlAa-kltetrirn, H-wn. Fl'iwrrinfc I'lmita, IIuIIsh, Lilhr , ., An. Fruit Orimmi-niHl Trrt and Hlirnlm, KvrrirrtN'nii. Iffaliri" I'lattin, A., will In jcrit br frrijrht, !nl l Il'tt4.n. Aluo, llt Tnifl Cuito i'ud Cmnlwrrv, fr cultivation in wit Und, or in nplnml ntid Ki.rdcn, whrre it pndnp'rt at tlir rate l 4tnl lui lv (a thr awrr; with dirw-tionit for rnltirntinn ; J'rirt-d r"riptiv Calati'ifiirii will Iks nent U nny a-ldn-M. Now it tlif lrt limp for t'lniitiue. TIh Im -t wnv to otitniii ((if.d Fnntd and Fl'-wem and Si ihIh, in to Mid dirtnt tn the jrniwrr. lnd ffir a ('italsigue. h n I rut Io t'otnlnj-iiet to ilif tradf. Aftm-U wanted. marU 2 in VIMmTKATnit XOTK I' N.itire i hond.jr f ivvn that (rttrrnnf Adtniiiiittr-ttioti mi ih rttr of Itnrltara Klht.jrrr, dsf(M d, lai- uf Hradr townthin, t'lrnrticld runtr. Pa., hare thit dny lieen iluly arantrd to the underriiriied.tn whom all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, ami those having claims or demands will resent thrta lor setlleini til williont l'-lav. UKtlltliE KI.I.l.MJKIt. Manh II, lSfl7-(lt. Administrator. Silver Wash Powder. PtTat time, labor, noner. Maketwa-hlnv a paMima and Monday a featlral. Bold tTtry wbero. Try IL Addrttt all orders to the Mnnnfaelnrera. KIEriLEK A SMITH, Che mUtf and V holenale Itruecit, no4 )y 1.17 Konh Third St., Pbiladelphit. MUSIC STORE. 1) M. ORKRH hat nnened hit Music Ftnre bera be keept eonslanlly on band Htei-iwiy A Sons' and Ouehle't Tiano Mnurcltiring Com piny I'iano. Masno A Hamlin'! Cihinet Or gam and Carhart. N"fOhm A Co't. Melodeoni ; Out tars, Viol int. Fifft, Flutet, Quitarand Violin stringa. Musie Books Geldrn Chain, Oeldea Shower, Ouldea Conner, Oolilea Trio, do.. Ao. Bheet Music He it eontuntly rereirtag from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persona at a d ist nee wisLin.?. ran order, i rid bava them tent by mail, at publisher'! i) rices. Fianoi and Orgcnt warranted f ir llrayeart. Those wishing to bay any of the above article! are invited to rail and eiainina mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My priret art the tame at la New York and Philadelphia. lircularaof Instrument! irnt promptly opon applifauoD. with aa Additional Information dciircd. B. M. ORKKN, Hill street, Huntingdon, l'a.. Ont door west of Lewis' Book Flora. Or Miss B. A. P. KIN LElt, Clearfield, Agent for Clearfield eoanty, Pa. decAISIi. Grape Vines for Sale. 4 LI. the leading hardy varieties of 6rsl nnalitv, Conennt. I Tear old, I.teonts, or. Coneont, I years old, iHt cents, or V40 pee I su Reheeea, I year old. SOeente; beet whit gra. lona, I year old, $1 bit: heel emher gva. 4"A-Any other varietice below aureery prieea. Orriera anlirtted as arma as convenient, ami hllcd in Mtation. by A. M. IIILL. ClrarDcId, Pa., Angu Jl, le. 11. I'upifr. Ktntrd I'piIh. J, It, MijIK, ItankiiiK & ('ollretion House FOSTER, PERKS & Co., r;U',(.'ff.rB io Frnt'r, I 'ft Vr, Wright 4 Co., Flillliuliurff, C'rntreroa, "rHK1tK all the InifMiii'M of a liimkiiifr Hunt If will hn Irmii'nHHt promptly and uixin tin? mmt fHVuralilc tern. a. Iimr7tf County National Bank. Cl.r.MIFlKI.O, PA. fTMUS Rank ii now open and ready for Imal M. "ess. Otlice on Peeond street, In tho build ing formerly occupied by Leonard. Finney 4 Co. iiinitrTOita A80 iierirrns. JAS. R. (1HAIIAM, RICIUHK KHAW. A. rVALI.ACK, W.M. PoiiTK't, A. K. WlUuirr, UKO. L. REKU." D. W. M0ORR. JAS. T. T.KOVtnn ju280!l Cashier. . president Clearfield County Bank. fjlim I'leai field County Rank as an Incorpora L ted institution baa (tone out of existence by lli surrenderor iu charter, 00 May 12, 18S5. All its stock Is owned by the subscriber, who will continue tho llatikini; tiu.ines. at the same place, as private Rankers, under II,. a... of the "Cleardeld Count? Rank." ... ... sponsible lor the debts of th 1 llunk, an J will pay iu notes on demand at tha counter. Ii,.n,.ii'. received and interest paid when money is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted at six per ceut as heretofore. Our personal responsibility is pledged for all Deposits reouive.l and business trans icted. A continunnco of the lilierul pat ronece of the business wen of the county ia -speetlully aolleltod. As Prssident, Cahliicr and offleerjof tra lata ClenrBeld Oontily Bnnic,' we" require the notes of laid 11a 11 k to be presented for redemption. JAU. T. LKONARD, RICHARD PHAW. WM. PORTKIt, JAS. B. (JKA11AM. A. Ii. WRIUIIT. . I,. RKKl), WM. A. WALLACE. The business ol the Rank will bt conducted by Juhn M. Adams.. Ksip, as Cashier. jun2s,'5 2iotdis. Iron City Hotel. IIAHilIMll'ttll, PA. fphe subscriber respectfully inrlles the public X and traveling community to (its him a call Lumbermen are particularly Inrited. French, -..u i,u biiKiisu spoaen iu me bouse. Chare I moderile. Apr, IS tf. J. M. WEAVKK. Railroad House. MAIN STREET, PHlLlPalll'lttl, PA. fpilB undersigned keeps constantly on hand 'o oo.i 01 i.ii)unra. 111s table is always supplied with tha best the market alforda. lb. ir..enn puuuo win do well to five biro a call. ""'.'O- R011K11T LLOVD. Susquehanna House. COXEtSTOWN, DAUPHIN CO., PA. T1,E ondersin.d Ukrl this method of In- av lornnnn ine alermen of Clearfield county, that ha has refitted ar.d re-opened the hotel for- meriy aept oy K.h.-elner, at Coiestown, where ... -in lase special pains to render satisfaction v an wno iav..r bun wnb their pilronairs. lie baa blown all tha roeki out of tha river and r-i.uieu inui.i.int posu for half a mile above h place. (ftbl, ti:j GEUKUK FALK. The American Hotel. LC.M1IEB CITY, CLEARFIELD CO., TA. flinK unJerslened bsvlnr leased and r.F.ti.,1 X this wall. known stand, takes this method of orinjinn 01s estaoli.h men t before tha pub! io. His sine ami liar will be supplied with the best the unruai anorni. a liberal sliara of nulilie n.i renege is therefore respectfully solicited. jas.Ai-iy.-pa JAMES L. CI' BUY. The Eagle, Hotel. CCRHLNSVILLK, CLKAHPI KL1) CO., TA. fpiIB underripned bsvini become proprietor i of tha above hotel, wiibes to sire noliea to .... ounena 01 inia oonnly.as well as to the trav eling public, that the house bss been reutted and refurni.lled for tha entertainment of bis eucsts His table will ba furnished with eeervtbine the n.pk.i alV...l. Ill- ii- .. e : uar win contain tlie beat brands of liipinrs. Good stahllrg attached, and none but careful hostlers employed jyll-lf L. W. 'KS EYCK. $oot$ and ihorj. PEACE PKOtLAlllEI). THE WAS 0VEH IN CLEARFIELD. KXOX TOWNSHIP QUIKT. Nearly all the CnntrahantU going bath to their old mastrrt ; but 'nan one going to oil Manaehuxrtts, 'where thej irere loved so long and so mil. IN consequent of the above facts. F. FHORT, of the eld "Short hboa Shoo." would .n' Bounce to his numerous patrons, and the people of ClenrBeld county at large, that ha ha. now a first rata lot of food material, ju.t received from tlie r.a-t. sind is prepared on snort notice to make and mi nd Runts and Mines, at bis new shop in Uraham's row, He is satiiBeil Hint he can el..... all.(uolcss It mljrht be some Intensely loyal stay, at-home patriots.) He is prepared to sell low for Cash or Country Produce. Don't forest the Shop neat door to Showers t Uraham's store, on Market street, ClearOeld, Pa., and kept by a fellow cotntnunly called jj2",'iy "SHORTY." M II00T AX SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK 4 CO. On Matket ilreet, rn door west of Liepoldfs Brewery. fpiIK proprietors have entered into tha Root J. and Shoe business at the above stand, and are determined not In be outdone either in qual. Ity or price for their work. Special attention will ba paid to manufacturing; sewed work. We hsve on hand a larre lot of Freneh k in .A Call Shins, of the very best qiiality. The eitl sensor iicarneiu and vlrmliy are respectfully Invited to aiv us a trial. Jio char, lor calls. n.vT.'tlri-u A KOdiAMATIOX. G0ISQ IT AI0KS11 Xvhodg Prohibited from Ttuying my lonf and Shoes on account of Jlace or Color. 1)K!N0 thus llherel minded, t take this method ol Informing the eitiserrs of Clesrlinld and vicinity that I have opened ashop on Second St., neat door In th County National Hank, over Wafon's Pruu Store, where I awi prepared Io make to order averytb'nf ia th. Hoot and Shoe line, out of the hest m.tsrial and in th most worauianiiKe mannar,and on short aotiee. All I ask ia a trial. Dona at Clearfield, this lSih dav of July. llt. HAKRY ROSS. .V L L H T V L J: S OF Bonnets and Hats, JU.T BECKIVKD AT aepjfi.fitl Mwa.WKI.ClrS. V;kxt tii.ii- KOR OENKRAL L. C. BAKERS llisTiiitT ok tiir Secret Service. This Work was announced as ore than a year ago, but owing to the attempts of Ihe Uovern- ment to suppress it. Its publication wrs delayed. It will aow ba issued, analtcred and anabri.l.rf nder the supervision of Heneral Baker. Thee,' 1 marvelous tsrratives are all attested K. u . highest official authority. Th. morals of lb. National Capital are Ihor f?H per l i oae-hlr veotililed. and there are ....... rviaiinis eonearnmg ine ii-atsor Uepart. meats, Memh.ra of Congresa, El; MALE PAR I) IN PKOhKltS. and distinguished miliury ebaractsrs. Send for cirealara and aaa aw'r urwis and a full dercriptiea of tha work Ad. dress P. OAK B KIT A Co, 7M Chastnut aireet, Philadelphia, Pa. ap. JJ-4-, Viinhiitif, vTlimntf, C tr. 1V1 ERR ELL & B I G LER , PRAt.KRa IM HARDWARE, Alio, Manufaoturcriuf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OE.KAimj.Ks, ! Ill DEES, Harness, Collars, eto., for sale by MERUEI.L 4 1U0I.EU. pAEMER'S PAT KM UNLOAD. ing Hay Forks, for sale by MEI!I!KI.L'.t BIOJ.En. TAINT, i'UTTY, GLASS, Nails, eto., for sala by MEttllELL .t IMGLER. JJARXESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Findings, for sale by MEIUtKU A ISIGLEU. QX'NS, riSTOLS, SWORD CANES For Bale by gTOVES, 01 ALL SORTS AND Eizes, for sale by JIEIillELL A BIGIF.U. KON! IKON! li:oN! lliO.V! For sale by MF.rtliELL A IIIOLEK. JOKSK SII0K.S& IIOHSI-: SHOE Kails, for sale by MERKELL t BIOLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best manufacture, for sale by MEIIHELL & EIOLER. rpiIIMULE SKELVS AND HPE Boies, for sala by MEHIiELL I RIQLER. RODDER CUTTEKS for ealo hy MERKELL 4. BIGI.EK. KEEP IT I5EI (HIE THE PEOPLE THAT TIIOS. J. MECAULEV, MAM FACT t' It r. it or Stoves, Tin & Slice! Iron Ware HAS on hand, at his store and factory, on Market St., east of Second, Clearfield, Pa , The largest anil test assortment of TINWARE AND 0THEB GOODS, Which will ba sold, Wholesale and Retail, CHEAP FO Ii CASH! STOVE-PIPE, ALL SIZES, Alwaji on hand, at low priccf. Iloan work, fuch a Gutter and Candurtora, furoifbed and jml upatKori noiict and YnilV CIIKAP! ""Repairing Promptly Don,. ClearOeld, Nov. H, 18 y, FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZKXS, Look (o your Interests ! G. S. F LEGAL, IMilllpkhur, C'entrc ro., Pa., MANCFACTCRLR OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Wr0ri.n respectfully Inform hit friend! and T I the public generally, that ba Has Openkd Lar!E Samch IJoomh Ia tht boronh of Phirpntirg, Pa., fur tht man ufrtrture and tale of STOVES, Tl.X A XI) SHEET JIIOX WARE, Of every description, manufactured from the beat material. My variety or Cookin( Stove, consist, of THE CEI-EMl ATED UiOSSIpKS, (th, best cooking stovo Id tha I ailed States,) ContinentaL LohiKh. Farmer, Iiayliglit, Charm, Ac. and every variety, of tha hast Filtsharg Manufacture. PAKI.OR AM) II RATI NO STOVES OF fcVEKY Dk-SCIilPIIOS, Indudir.f STEARS' A5TI DUST. Sold at tha Lowest Cash Prices. Merchsnts desirine to purehss. will find It to their advantage tn examioa my stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. ..AH orders for Ppoutinir and other work wjll b. attended to on the erorleel notice, sel? "0 KT THE BE f'T.M WIIF.I-.I.KR At Ull.i)VSt llti.r,"'t rreuiiiilo. Tiolt Slilrh. SEWING MACHINES. 4 l.T. inquiries In rvfrmiee tn this 'AJin.l' M i. h. no promptly ar - wcred. Thev can be procured from toe at citv price.. W M. T. lUMIl.Ti'X. Agent, oct.1 tf Liitlnrsliuig. Pa, AUention,oIdiers. EQUALIZATION OF r.OUNTV. Vi. i. m iiiEiiKiiE iMitt.-(p.(! rr entitled to an IXt ltK .EH IHHMV. 'I tie nnder"igneil is prepared to collect all sn.-li Bounties, a. well a. the infreap'-d p.V to Soldiers' Widows. All Inquiries and eomniiinication an swered promptly. Ihschnrge. receipted for. Post t'HW address, Curwensville, Pa. ei pi tf JiiSIAH F.VAX.. Ruwa' ait Domingo. Huhhell'a, Drake's Hoof, land'. Herman, Hosteller', and Greene's Oivrenated Bitter., also pur Liiinare, of all kinda for medicinal purposes, for sale hy II. at' I Q.VAI.' PAI -KA. Kennedy'. Med ea sj Utseovery, llclrabold'. Bueha, Baker's Cod Livar OH, Jao.'t lad Aver', med.emea of every ' kiad, for lalt hy EARIIfl ICK A IF tVIK. ; pry O'loorti, c'.iprftlfs, C-tr. CLEARFIELD STORE N E A 11 Philip.sburg, Pa. W I I.I.I a M W. ltTT. uenKiii 1, 11 rui. jnuM r lArra 'iLi.ua pcwii.l ir. tr. liETTSyco., (Successors to Munson k Hoops) Hitvri jtiHt reroivpil a Inrp and lre.ll so Ipnted Slock of all kio) of Ktnple goods, aueb at Dry Goods, Clothing, Roota and Klioca, I lata anil ci, So- notia, iiurilwnrp, uiass, Xaili, Utli, l'iiinis. Queens wnrc, firocerii-a. Kluur, Rucnn, FeeiJ. 4o , svhirli we oro otli'-ing Nt grratly rn'Jticed jiricea. Tor Oirih or in Exflwinp for Lumber and Shinilcs. l e liotio Io oinko it to the advantage; ol iiiimcr iML'll, ia the lower etui of C'lentfWM county and on Clenifiold Creek, M put tdeir auiilie from III is i.nint, Lniug on the line ol Hail Road can Sell poods on heller lornn than at any poinl in Clraiiield county, and we are aelling our Slock at such price, as to make itan tilijecl lotlio.eluy tuff pnoila in tliii mnrket io deal wilh us Advances of Gooi!., l ecd, A:cM mads on account of Sijume Tunlier, wliich we H ill either aril ou commission or buy at lixrd rntes. Flour of different Ilranda can be had at all limaa at scry low nicna, at Ibe Clear held Store, rbtliisbuig, lVtin'a. I ry Goods NotiouB, 4c, in preat ?ari ety.attbe lowest price for 'Jb, at the Clearfield Store, I'hilipsburg, l'enn'a. Salt by the Suck or load, cheaper than cun be bad an? where else, at the Clear hold Store, I'lnlipsburo;, Tenti'a. Call and Examine Ibe alnck of pooda, at lb Clearfield Store, at rbilipaburji, l'a Ilinbeat price paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shinplea at tha CleurBeld Store, rhilipsbutp. l'enn'a. The cheapest pood, of all kinda ate lobe had at the Cleat Held Store, at Pliilip.hurp Call and see if our gomla and prices don't soot Ihe limea. W". W. UETTS. t CO. Philipsburg. November I5lh, 1XI5 If. SPRING GOODS. raoat xsw tohj i rniLAurLi'iiu. A Cheap as the Cheapest aud C.ood aa the Heat. c. kh ATZLR &m, Ilav, Jnsl reeelved, and are opening, at their Old Stand on Front Street, above th Academy, a large and well aa lected assertment of SEASONABLE GOODS, whieh they are selling at very low rates. Head the fvlloieina eaUlixjuc ami nmAi therrlu. v. 2 Espacial pains has boen taken in tt. selection of Ladies Dress Uoods, white floods, Embroideries Millinery Uoods, rrinu, nercniels, iVubies, Uloves, e FOU GKXTLK.M VS. Always on hand Illark Cloths Faney anu iiieea i a.Ftnieres, lntlnts, etc Ready Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES. ,N K C K T I E S . and variety of other articles, whieh toey will sell at a small advance on cost aid osiJc. 'articular atteatlon ia Ion ted to their. stork of Carpets, Cottage, common In frain, Bupernn Engli.h Ingrain and llrnssels. Hour and Table till Clotha, Window shade, and H all papers, ate. FLOUIt, r.ACOX, Fish Pall. Piaster, A'i lea, Teaeliea . anil Prune kepi constantly on Laud. ALSO, in Slnre a lot. of large ami miiill Clover ace J. H e intend to make It an ohjeet for Farmer, and Mechanics to buy from us; because wc will cell our oods as low aa they can b, boucbt in tha county and nav th. rer.T highest price for alt kinds of country pro. uuce. niii'i also excnaniro goods lor School, Roao and Cornrr orders ; Shingles, Hoards, and all bin.'s of Manufsttired Lumber. tClentdrld, May 2, 1 Ml.7. GREAT EXCITEHEHT N PKCOND .STHF.fT, Ci.f.arheli), I'exn'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW PRICKS. The undersicneil having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile Im-ine... svou.d re.peclfully invite the attention ol the Puhlio genenilly to their aiilondtd aasorletnnl ol Mercliandiee. vvhicU is riovr lietrif; SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their elork consist, in part of Dni Goods, of Ilia best Qitiilily. urh at Prinla. Ie- Lainea, Alpaccns, Mi linos, (iinuhnuis. Muslins Plcachetl and utiLleached, j)nlliiisrs, Tickinca, Cotton and WonV Flannel. Sntitietta. (Vitletindea, Cas.imerrs, Lmliea' Shawls. Coals. .Nuhina and Hoods. Ituluio- ral and Hoop Skirts, ic ic , all of which WILL PB SOLI) LOW FOR TASll Also, a fine assortment of men's Ilraw ert and Shirt a, Hats 4 Cupi. Hoot i Shoe Qurcnsxrare, Glassware, Hardware, Oroocriet and apices Uf A I.I, K I PS NSIIORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept io a re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or njijirovcd country produce. WRIGHT t FLANItiAN. Cloatfield, January 10th, IStiO.lf. Oil 15IXS' ELECTRIC SOAP. area Timet Kavca Money I eavc I ahnrl havra 1'lnthea I have omen 1 1 AND ALL (;i:0C'Ki:.S SI'LL IT I j It Is used hy cutting into small shavings and dissolving in hot water, then aoak tha clothes 1 ve to ten minutes, and a little band robbing will make theai as clean aa hour, of hard ma- I ehii,, rubbing would do, with ordinary soup,ar.d ; th. mo. t delicate tabrie rervive no ieiurv. rci can rcfrr to th. n.amls of families who are u-ieg it. and who could not be pcruailed to do without DOIIIIINS' KLECTIU0 eOAP. ff-Sold by all leading Grocers throughout tha State. Manufactured only by DOBBINS et LOVK. Wholesale olue, 1 107 Sony Firra Eraaar, rn.aplr!a. Fir sale by Hartswlek A Irwla, Cleardeld. November t. ISf.s 10 mo. KtlCCKILS to r had at Xjf f BKi.L A Et iLER'8. JJrji O'.ooib, ('rofctlf'J. f tf. llCHARD "KuSSS?,"' IiEALEU IN FOREIGN and DOM KSTIC GOODS Ml'SMXS llEI.AINhS Cdlit'lttiS at at at Sensation Scnaation Si'ti.nlinu price price prion ALfACAS at Sensation tt tee i tc .Tual received at MOSSO (ilN'fJH AMS CHINTZ I'lil NTS (il-OVKS CRAVATS SHAWLS Id )X. VETS at at at at ai at at at Sensaliou Scnaation Sensation Sonsalien Seiisiilion price pnoo pi ice prion price at MOSSOl'S' Sensation prinea Sensation price SenaatioD prioes l'( i l.t ) K E I) ) MUSU.NS ) All to be had at MOS.SOr.S. I.IN'SN at Si'nsoiton Sensation Soma! Ion Sensation Serit.lt ion price price (rice irioe (HASH at Ct'HTAlN'.s -et " rAiU.E CLOTHS at j'UlXUli at price ut SlUSSOPsi'. LACE t Kensatinn price HOSIERY at Henaalinrj price KlI'.l'ilNS at rScnsntion prire TK1MM1NG.S) ol all kimlad. Vat Sensulion price in any quan'ly ) Alwavaon haml at .MOSSOPS'. CASS1 M KH KS at Nensaiion price HATTI N KTS at ainsntirtn price I WI'.KliS at ' KaneaHnu 'S price JEANS at Sensation price VESTI.VOS at ISeiisutiun price SHlU'l'I.NOS at beneutiou price at MUSSOI'S. CLOTH IXO ucli aa vjiinie, Panti, I Vewta, -Under. Shirts. Flannel Shirt, IlootJ, Shoes, at ccneatiou price) Hat and Cain, Now for cole at MOSSOFS'. II A R P w A K K aueb aa Sn"8,liaiU Fork, K ii ilea, Spike, Hinges, at sensation price at M03S0PS. LIQUORS, .Q li aa Wine, Hran.lv, Gin, Wbiikey, Cognac, etc., etc., KSlUITS, atieh a Prunea, Haisina, Figs, Filberla, ic. at aensation price at esaaalioa priuo at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, .ay) flour, 11 a m a. Shoulder,, Supar, Molaaana, Cvltee, l ea. Cracker, Spicea, Candle, Coal Oil, etc., elc. at sensation price AI at MOSSOrS'. IILAC KINU KOPI'X POWDER slit IT LEAD CAPS at icnatinn prire at aeiiMttion pricra at een-Ric:ri pr,cei at f iimiii. hi j-iire ut aensution prures at ensnijon price At the .tore of KICIfARD M.0S.SOP. Alwaytt keep on hand lull assoilment of all kind, of poods required for the accommodation ol the puhlic. Nov. U, lH(i: JEW stoke ANU NEW"(J()7U.S ! JOS. SHAW k SOX Kjve ja-t opene l n New Stoks, 00 IdainSl., CLiAarm.D, Pa., lately occupied hy Wm. F. IBWIK. Their atock consiat of Gkoctaita of the Lest quality, QUF.ENSWARE, IJoOtS ailll SIlOC", and every article oecear for one' comfort. Call and examine our tock befoie pur chasing elsawhere. May 9. lSOC-tf. Iral (Pstatf for ,$;itc. i'uit'.tii: s.i it: OF VALCAM.K FARM AM) COAL In Penu ToHiivlilp. fpilK snl.scril.er, reHdinj in the l.n.h f 1. Clearhel.l, offers to sell at private sale an unproved Isrin, underlain with a coal vein sit feet th" k. (now worked.) This i,r,,i.rlv i. I,.i.l the turnpike, one half mile weal of P.nnville, aud Contains 140 Acres, Seventy of which are under cultivation, with a log welling house and frame barn thereon, toreihee with an on-hard ol larirc liearniir trees. not...,u..l of npple. peach, pear and plums, with a sprinc of excel!, nt water at the dooi. 1'ocuiiini.n...Ml ia covered a it It Pine, Hemlock, Oak and Chestnut Timber, eel admins limits of R,m..l lw,;..i, Jenmioh .Moore and Jo-ei.u llavis. and is within lrs llinn half a mile of Crist mill, school hone. post office and ehnn hes all essential in rendering it a desirable property. T1IF. COAT, MI.NTD on this nronerlv is of a superior quality, not siin.sssed in th. ...i.ir ..4 opened nt Ihe turnpike, where every fnciMiy ir its Ir.n.p .nation is held out. Those' wishing In ill. vest in a property of thi. kind, rnn, I y a l.lr. ssmg theuii.lernpiiid.or calling upon him. at Clearlielil, 1 a., ol ta n terms and all nce.arv inlormation. W.'Jrn pd TIIOMAM I'"1 tilll ItTV. Farm for Sale. FIIIR anderaignnl, residing In l.nne tnwn 1 ship, now oilers his farm ut private sale. It i, desirably located, well improved, and within three fourths of a mile of a public school hou. Th premises contain .Viji.iif .frrfu, rorty dva of whi b are under cultivation. Th improvement, e..ii,i f . .,t dwill,,,, house, plaa tcred inside and eatherl.oardc,, log l.irn, a nna yonng hearing orchard of all kinds of fruit, and a spring of waier at the door. I he title is und.spu taMe. Po..-.ion given on tli first of April neat. If desired. The property will he si.la on .... terms. For further lurlu o'ar. .,.,,1. rb. iaes. or a.blr.-s the snb-criber at I'li KrlicM. pa. Feb. 21, lr-r.7-;im. JhIIN I). lull illlLllTY. Real Estate for Sale. r"pilK Sllhserilu-r now offers his rr.liii.es at nrl- i vale sale a' a harcain. It coomsTi. ol FHK I V ere. of land. 1 LM V 1'IVKot wl.iel, .reel.... cd and under rulliialion, having thereon erected a pl.ink frame hou.c, l.am.an.l liieetiierm.ee.sary oul-bliil.!ili ; t..;et!ier with a iri.nl Sliriliwuf wa ter, a benneir. orchard of ell u! tr.,,, .,( """ fwt ol tiuiU r. Two Ihir.ls of the improved portion is sowed with Clover and Tin.othv. Tlias i.rnpertv is situated in llocgs township," on (be rhilip.fnirg and Curwensville tilrnj.ik-. one-half mile east of r-'tonei ille. For fur-hcr parti-iilaea inquire ou tlie pcrrmeee. or a Idreas the unileis ru cj ut t'leiii 'o ld Ifri'le P. aprlM.if ,li. V. A'l:i V. A Farm fcr Sale. TK iH'.),Ti''cr 'il'T h.tt (mm. in K -1 . . 1 i Iirfieli rntintt, !., at t.nvic 1 'it 1- uttntiii on J i.t In l.nn, Iwn unit oaitt of nu Hill Chun h n I ronrmnii 11(1 nrrrs The iin prorpmmt con.ift ,r l jr"1 Mw.mill, hg dwell injt li'Mm, Itank 1 1 urn ! nihrront tui!Hmc.wVli (mm. npple orrlmrtl and mrirfT at linr ftni trr. Tlirir rr mxtw n htm un.irr .miiroTrninil, and th halanM" in timhrrrd. Tlnn vaiunKlo properly wfll tw .. on TvnfHHithte t.-rroii. Fur fuithor iuftirtuation alT tn JAM IS T. JAI K5UN, wfrll-StT.fj rimrlirM onniv, T. 17i.CiU cMickM'l. riiil Fi-h, C. Fih. nt J.V. KRAI i: