THE HEPUBMCAN. :::Mv U, IS07 Kirtli Harden Seeds, from )rccr', rhilitJeMiia, juxt received nnd for 6;ilc by Ilitrtswit k k Irwin. C. KraUer & Son have jimt received from tlio eiintern cti o largo fltock ot Xew Goods, which they ore ojicn- ine at their old M and, on Front street Read tlieir advcrlisomnnt, arid then go and cxamino their stock. Doors open from five o'clock in the morning until nine at night. TYe understand that 11 r. Joseph Thompson, of Jordan towtmhip, who had a leg amputated on tho Kith of March lust, and whoso life was dis puted of, has so far recovered that he is nhle to rido out. The nmputa tion was effected by Doctors St. Clair and Moorehead, and under the care and attention of tho latter Mr. T, will soon bo able to resume the active duties of life. Dead. A. W. Benedict, Esq., died at his home in Huntingdon, on Sun day last. Mr. Benedict has boon the Chief Clork in the lower House of the Legislature for a number of jears. He left Ilarrisburg but a few weeks ago in robust health, now he is no moro. It is amusing to see how the loyal nowspaporg in this State, Ohio and New York are abusing the loyal Le gislators of those Stotos j yet, when the elections come around the same scoundrels will be returned. The lead ing journals and orators of this party are, publicly, vehemently opposed to bribery and corruption ; yet, secretly, they pat every rogue on .the back and tell him that it is strategy, a spocics of "Bhut-eye" game they play off on the clergy and moral wing of the 1"rt'' Springfield, Illinois, the home of the ''late lamented," has gone and voted the "Copperhead" ticket, electing all the Democratic nominees. Thus we go "marching along" to tho tuno of the Union. It may be hard on the friends of the "lamented," but it is great solace to the country. A loy ally and shoddy patriotism recedes, peace, harmony and Union will ex pand. Tho two are as antagonistic as heaven and hell, and cannot in habit the same country at tho same time. No JIorb Wanted. We have re ceived a copy of Butler's celebrated congressional speech, dissoeting Mr. Bingham, under tho frank of "B. F. Butler, M. C." We hope, no one in tho future will torment us with any moro marks of the "Beast." If there is a human "beast" on earth, Butler is the chap. 1IU New Orleans order will satisfy' the next century of his loyalty, virtue, and disgraeo. He need not perpetuate Lis crimes by circulating his autographs, as he al ready occupies the place of infamy on the historic page. To preserve your health, cleanso your blood when it becomes vitiutcd and foul. Many are tho symptoms which sound the noto of alarm. Fail not to heed them. Indigestion, Xa'j sea, Lassitude, Headache, Wandering Tains, Billious and Eruptive Affec tions, arc so many signals to tell you of disease in tho blood. licmovo it, j and they disappear. How f Tuke Ayer's Compound Extract of Sarsa- parilla. It is effectual for its purpose : purifies tho blood, expels disease and restores the deranged functions of tho body to their healthy action. Corydon (InJ.) Argus. Rfjcicino. We occasionally hoar the Black Ilepublicans speak sport ively of tho manner in which they have "shattered" the Democratic party. If this were all that they have "shattered,'' their work could easily be mended. But what of the "shat tered Union, and of the "thattored" morls of the country ? The peniten tiaries too small, tho jails full, and murder and robbery the order of the day 1 Who done all this shattering f How many lives and dollars must be spent to repair the breaches loyalty hus mado around the national hearth stones 1 Starvation. A delegation of ton or twelve gentlemen from Georgia mid Alabama arrived at Louisville, Kentucky, a few dnvs itiro, clothed with "butternut," with piece of car pet for shawls. They made earnest appeals fur bread to keep their pco plo from starving. They stated that deaths have already occurred from nciiial starvation, and that unless sup- ; lies soon reach them hundreds of destitute women nnd children will be come! tlio victims offamino. Several car loads of provisions Were promptly sent to tho places they designated as worse off, but much more in needed. From hundreds of placet, at the South the cry lor bread cornea up. The cry of bread may grate a littlo upon loyal cars, but such a question s of little importance in comparison with the all-absorbing question of re construction and getting tho negro bis vote. Get his vote ready, if he and his white r.oighbor should both starve befcre they get to tho ballot b'1! 1 Kooonsiructio.i bclore bread, the loyal programme. .f ,Yir .linrhrt for Moral lttra. In the course of a few days the for- cign misKioimrms will bo niuonr us, to render their usual account of tho pro- f;ress they nro malting among the lealhon, Tho question whether it is possible to convert certain ol tho Afri can tribes that have not been hroiiirlit under the Influences of civilization, may have somo new light shed upon it, by those who profess to have been laboring among them. Meanwhile, tho English journal como to us with a statement from the British Consul at Biafrn, concerning tho manner am! customs of the Okrilci people, which goes some way to de monstrate tho possibility of combining canihalism with tho social amenities. According to this testimony, tho na tives eat human tlesh, but nro "sweet tempered in tho extrcmo, though in quisitivo." Tho king is described as a "round faced, good-natured man." deeply religious, und ho consults his gods before gcing to business. The Queen spreads the table cloth with her own humls, nnd servos out palm wino. In tho "juju houso" tho visitors saw a priest sitting in the midst of human bones which ho had picked clean; but ho was a jolly commtini cativeepicuro, nnd discoursed with the air ot a JUriliat-bavarm about tho tit bits of the human body. An admira ble) dinner was spread for tho party, without, ot course, the popular dish, and capital quarters were provided; indeed, except lor tho sand-flies, the Consul says he novor was lodged bet ter. We are not aware that Fred. j'ougiasH, or Wendell nullum, or Charles Sumner, or an)' other of the pcdlers of great moral ideas, here at home, have ever taken an interest in the welfare of these enterprising peo ple, ana we leei pretty certain, there fore, that they will thank us for the suggestion that Okrika presents a most inviting field fur their future labors. We should like to sec an emi gration party gotten np this Spring to set out, say, as soon as fconntor Wilson gets through .with his South ern tour. We guarantee them, one and all, a free passage on tho single condition that they never will come back. JS. 1. lxrress. The Child. ilutrhrr. Our readers will remember the ap palling account of tho massacre of women and nursing infants of the Cheyenne tribe of liulians by a force of United States troops under tho command of Colonel Chivington the llcvorer.d Colonel Chivington a mem- berof the Northern Methodist Church. It is known as the Sand Creek Mas sacre, and to the great disgrace of tins rotten republic, tho reverend scoundrel was not hung. Indeed, so far from it, a Conference of Christian ministers in his neighborhood passed a scries of white-washing resolutions, in which, while they did not deny that Chivington dotdicd out the brains and thrusted bayonets through ihe bodies of the Jiiduin children, they declared that Chivington was a pious, godly and righteous man, a pillar in the church and as was to have been expected unconditionally loyal. This, of course, settled the business, and Chivington, unrebuked, pursued we presume, his pious and professional labors among the Kcd men without further molestution. We wcro begin ning to forget him, when he cumo into onr notice whero we might, of course, havo looked to find him, in a Jacobin meeting at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Hero he dolivcred a speech which would have dono honor to tho chief of tho "Southern Loyalists," so-called. Ihe following gem will illustrate tho whole : "If wo go to heaven, and any Dem ocrat dare intrude there, wo will kick him out. If we go to hell, wo will heap firo and brimstono on them. Yes, I will stand on the battlements of heaven and kick Democrats into hull ; and if I go to hell, I will pour a cauldron of red-hot iron down upon them." This from a loyal minister and a colonel Vdersburg Index. An Auburn .V ., lladical paper has for tho caption of a leading article "Congress, the Assassin of Constitu tional Liberty." Exchange. There is no doubt more truth in the caption tli an in the article, if the edi tor is like other Kadicais The rostoflicc Department is about to make sale of about 0,0110 daguerreo types, amhrotypes, Ac., that were sent through tho mail, wcro never called for, and finally got into the dead let ter ofilcc. It is said that a barrel of flour can be bought in I'uris, sent to Liverpool by rail and steamer and thence trans ortcd in a sailing vessel to Boston at a less expense than it can bo pur chased ia the latter city. en s Maximilian offers to surrender, but the Liberals, flushed with success, res olutely declino his overtures. A French army fares no better on Amer icau soil than did Hlruoynk and Corn wai.lis last century. m m i Tito .New t'astlo Gazette says: "When you hear any 0110 bragging of his Democracy, him if he takes his county paper. If he don't his feathers will drop in spito of hiiu. Try it on." Two horse-thieves, William XelT and James Crosby, wero shot recent ly by the indignant cilir.ens of Fre mont, Inwa. the thieves choosing that mode of death instead of hanging. In conscqucnco of tho tumble in stocks a New i'ork clergyman has nearl' impoveiisbed himself and w ife. He had better stick to his white choker and leave stir!: nlone. 1 John T Jlcllhenny, Esq., editor of the iSfrir, died at his residence in tiet tyshnrg, on Sunday last week ofler a short illness, of disease of the heart. The Tribune says: "Wendell Phil ips has no right to force Gen. Grant upon the Republican party as it can-i utdatc for next President." A landlord in LUifTnlo, New York, refuses to raise the rout of his tenants. Barnnm left home recently to have an interview with him.. TJio Erie TKmnt. h .n.-. .t. i. claimed for tiov. ieary'thnt he is wise turn strong in Intellect. A Gov ernor w ho signs a law and then asks tho Legislature to repeal it, bernu-e he did not know what ho signed until somebody told him, s Geary did tt the cno of the Allegheny Valley' Jinilroud hill, is not overloaded with brains." Charles Ulricbyn counterfeiter nr res'ed by the Treasury detectives, hns confessed that ho printed 8200,(1110 eounterioil L nitod .States notes. Ho says ho puid tho police detectives and the Deputy Marshal $10,000 "hush money, besides altering many stolon nuicnes lor vitont. fl' l l iruo r neiiiisnii) insects swarm around you in tho sunshine, but only iiiu milium uog ill 1110 HI Ol lll . larritd, On the 2Mh of April, 1SH7, bjr Iter. V. L. IIar nisos, Mr. JOHN tv. TATE ami Mix CAT1IA RINK OWKXS j bolh of Lawrence tp., Clearfield county, l'a. On Oio Slut of April, 18G7, by Or.o. W. Bimrr, Esq., Mr. KLLIri DIXON to Miss CAHULINE GILL : nil of Woodward township. In Clearfield lioroujrti, on Ibo 30th of April, 1 SO" UAIKIAIIKT J. ItllKK.M: aged .1:1 ,vir.. Uathft3 Clearfield Market. Repotted weekly for UieCi.inrn i.n rtrrrni.irAS hv J. P. R KATftKR, llculer in Dry Hoods, tiro eerie, l'nMiaioiu, Ac, Ainrkut it., Clcsrticld. Gi.kaiip!Ki.d, May i, JSI1T. Apples, green S.'t ill, llogn, dmuod irird,yit . M ! Ilidm, rroTO.. A pple butler, 'jt yiil, 1 Oil I Hum, tulwar uurod, 110 7 JO If. lluttfr 40 riltouldiTB . III un :l 0ll(ny 4 00 llurkwhrnt 1 2'i llni'kwbrat flourib, d Iltf, dried I iwr, fn-.b r.'c.i ir ISoardii, M 15 01J(- 20 00 Fidin . I.rd Me potk.y !!!... I ....; it; ill 10 till ' 75 Onion 1'otutoce : 01) i ;a 1 orn, ftht-lk-d Corn, cur 1 60 Podn... drird, I '.. ; t tin i so I'luMer, lib! Ciro nirot, tf Hack, 1 "ft 1 Hye.. Chop, cwt . a OH !!?. V lb .... Clovcrwi-d .1. : 00 . S:. -I'll, -r Chcr , Chfrricii, lb Mii.;l,-, If in.. II, i HI bini'lr. . iCI.i 12 0(1 Clm-lum, drrKl, lii, III Timothy 9iA...., 4 An i -ejr :.. Tniiow is H-rL I on Whrnu. j on Floor !." OOt.i 111 00 ! Wool (,0 liny, Y 011 I Wood, W cord 4 0(1 Philadelphia l.nx-crj Market. JiPportM wrrklyfor tltrCi.r Ant-irn, I!rrt bi.k a by WAnnnn bt A Co., W holf-lv tlrfK-rr aod 1 ra Pcnlrr. h. h. oorur.' bocond A Auib flreisr, riiiladclpbia. pHii.AnLLttniA, April J9, lfC7. The ailrauce in guH durittfr tho laxt ft.-w dnyi baa nnActtlod tlio market to aome itent. but the doolina to-day baa oannod ralber more buiineaa. Teas are aelling aa want-d. Kioa U ia aiodcraie requoflt. Cofft-cl ar hardly ao ftrtn, except for choice which in pcarce. A rood bunineai i dninr In Fugarf onaliaii of P fo, 10 for Steam Rcftucd, and 11 (q. 2 for Cuba and Porto Itico. Frmp ara earner. lo!a in (food rcqnrid at an ad- rance of A fi A. an Nc Urleana, the atock of which i nearlr rmMimed. TKAN. corrKK. r.k). eomraon 2-1 f?) Yountf Hywn 21 rupi-rior... h.ioi I Fine.. 1 ..( I 44 Finest 1 iMn, 1 74 24)r't 2 Prime 2 2i! Choice 27 Java, old jor. .14 f'U .". l.irupra 26 (05 27 WAIVtoaaN l'l Dandelion pa 17 S t;AB. CrnJhcd lAlffi) I.-.J t'oareepulv'd lAjtoj i.' I -i f t. 1.'.! A 14417), 14 R 14 (a. 111 listra 0 1 :t f f .1, 1.1 j u ycliou... Ui,j, i:;i sri:ips. Coni,iKi,i.... 4,)to) aO Fair A(m f.2 t'tunl fi7(7u 70 Prime 72f'0 SO Choice S..(-u vO Ciioicerxtra, lljfa100 aot.AMCa. V O., choice, I'jW 1 00 Pnrle. Ilico... 7(n) So Cu'w 6 (o S7 llvfon 8nprinT...I fl!ol IS Kui....l SI(o 1 60 Finest. I JuOi,) Git Imperial lpcrlor...l zofrf 1 an Fine 1 illlii. I AS Finret I 7001,1 b Gnnpowdcr rorior...l Z.'O.. I 'It Fine I i.ifa. I 70 Fmcat I (nl till Illeck Kiperir. "f, I Sft I inc 1 O.if.y I 20 Finent......! I-'.(i'., I j Japiin rupenor... I n oi 1 I A Fine., I 2ll(iij 1 5 i liuch. 1 2J0j,l 20 Nil E. Carolina llffi) 1M K.nt India... Xfn M Clemen! R. Wainwritrbt - - Israel R. Wainwri lit Juepb K. Watnwriichi. WAIN WRIGHT & Co., wnOLESALK GHOCI-RS AND TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Fconnd and AnJi Streets, aprll rilll.AI'iarillA, Pa. IMlllrdrlphla Prutlslou Market, lienor. ed weekly lor the f'Lr Acrirt.n n i:ci j 4 by K. II. tit.ACAa A Cn., Provision Mrrcln n., Ao. 1, )tl Y W acr lreet, Philedi l;.hir. Pa., April 30, hc7. Flour, ailra (m..H oil I "nioni, f 1 'Sua..... fi ".ill I'oia'.K !' d... 2 7i atiTrer. m. 1 1.7 Md-ik.Vbbl.. 24 50 lleccn S. f. hanta....... lit; r-bonblers..., 12; hides 12' Lard ... 12 Unlier i bidoa loll 2 rwilid p.-ckeu.... 12 K-i!(. V dog..... 2S t hce.e, ( llio 1 Acw Yoik IS Sab, lock 4.7 Crouni' trliiatk, S 2 Seed, (lover 11 00 Tiinoi'.ir i 2 7 MaJLcod - .1 Oil THow 10! 'id, Ohio till Couiiuon 4.7 CtiWAhcd .14 ll re eonr.. S 1 Corn meaL. ....... 1 Wheal Pre . Corn.. Oeln Ileana Ilccewer.. Candlc, tallow., AdcniauLina ,.M FenllMre . a 24 S 2.7 1 S , 1 2!. 76 Z id 40 1 . 22 Si F'i-h. per barrel Mackerel. No.1, 15 2 Ilerriiij.'tl Imix, 6 Domctic It ml" Apple. T b',L 1 inwl, y lb... Ilidia. Oil' Whale Pprrni., lt..l Crinle Te, l!,-rincil ...... 7 on Si 14 1 00 3 tin I 10 17 4 N. H. GRAHAM & Co., TKOVJION MERCHANTS, 5os. 17 1 Korth Water Ftrect, aprii rniLAPi:i.riiiA, r. N. lin ks Graham Kdw'd A. Graham rilUbiii-3 Matketa. Peensred ererr wc-k ,'or the Ci rsnrir.t a Ttrrft t.irs,. T. V. rfrrara.. Pommi lna Merchant, lo. 17.1, LiketiJ Nirt. a, I'i.l-'ic. l'a. Pirrr.i it. April 27. 107. run n. Jenkins' Kureka...'i .Ml Lilly 14 Iain, li Oil Iteplaine" Sesrs' l.e.t 14 :.i(., 14 ad M'tirrtror's a K ii.i- hcrlr's. ehoiee... 1 1 2.r rrescent 13 Doer, V I.M... no 'appl.:f hl.J.1 iiiir.i 4 nil ltne.1 apple., prime, 10 I'rie.! peseh s.lll( U Salt. '- harrel 2 Si tVndic. la ,.. I U.kir.l. fl Urrel Ill SO '.ant, eiioiee I -'(J Tsllow 10 ttmr. Wdcs ...oiioa li "houldais Ujov 10 Msm---. sntiie cioixl, IB Me. l'oik 2.1 lill llmom i iti 1 ii r.cnned Oil fl 'ae l.(j) J,j ai o". Ilroam.. lOJQ 14 Ki lined, hard 10 A code 1 i TKAs. nisck ..;:w l ; irren...t..... ae(,u 1 OS Syrups. i.M'l I i' Alole.s......7..'fa f-S Ilea ".(' Hi PROVISION. Corn meal. r Una. r.m-kwheul nont, Y hondred Wheat " not, lire. 1 mtl (nt fi.'( Corn, shelle,: I'oleloe., , holce, ft Urrel 0 OH CO Onior.s, 'r hsreoi.. t 'ioinllij recd.O 00 I in II 7a 9 2. I (I.. 70 1 on 00 74 1 mi Ctover s.'ed li w I Isl seeit- Middlings, lMi( lican., navy Ilu.ler, ioll...I.'' ( hcrse IX"' KiS" OOtrtl FLO! U v.. ;.. 2 7.i .111 IS in T. C. JESSIES. roMMiiov Mi;ni iiat, waoi.rsst a nr 11. aa a Rst-rtraa or n.Ol'Il, I'liOVHlnNS. AM' AI.C K1.MI8 OF r.i:Fivi:i (ui.s. ( hraprat V'lonr Hons In Pltt.hnrch. On hand, rr'ialde and well know a hrsndn. guality of Klonr pivraniec.1. IndO'-ement. 10 dealers and Price Current sent erery wk. rsx ttut Thovi, 273 l.iareir S-airr, JanJi-ly rillSEVKGH, Ta, fcrlteoH and raacmlfs. EDUCATIONAL, 1 in tun to tun, v : n ih lirt n'tniiBV in Myih flth) t rooiinftt for Urni of l4sn wvki. Thnntnhntnt wilt ! ImM nt In all our In trnmion. "Nl how mnrh, but how w " ia tun principlt uponwbirn thn xercim k ron'Jurttfd. rrtiuliir nttentlun paid to Peoraanahlp nnd A iUUj riitr li kept of Ilia attendanrt, dc rrf'snt and recital ion of oarh pu-il. which ii Mot weekly to pn rente: hu furninhiTi ihm with em.atant Information of fail nundtoi nod proffi-ata in bo'. I'ulio exhihttiom ara pot held at any ftattl iimp, out parent and fruanlians ara rrppeotnilljr in vi led tu viit the achuol and oboarva tha man ner in which tho IU.XT work U porfurmad. TKHMrt OP Tl'ITlON. SrelKnif . Readinir. WrHiojr, Frimary AriUimctm and (iaofrraphr 4 00 Oriinmar, UaKraphjr, IliaUiry and Cum non aSchool Ariihuitjtio ...2. .,. ( 00 Higher Ariihtnotic, Ueoiootry, rhlloauphjr, Menauratiuo, liouk-Keepibg and bur teyinjf 7 00 La tin and Ureek. with any of Ibo abora branehet 9 00 fT'Kor lurther Information npply to ap"r.!i-4t C. B. SAN DKOHl, Principal. Clearfield Academy. Eev. P. L. HAURISON. A if., Principal rpiIR FOURTH SKSHION of tba praaent X acholattie year of thii Iiutiiutiun will ooin ai nee on AIO.VHAY, April 2J, 187. Pupfli can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuitloa iron tba tiu4 they enter to the clone of the He ion. 1 he eour' a of iniiruttion embrace! erery thing Included in thorough, practical and acceu. plinhed education fur both exe, Tli Principal, hating bad the advantage of much experience in hie prufeanion, arturei pa rent and (ritardan that bin entire ability ajid anergiei will he devoted to the moral and men tal training of the youth placed under kia charge Ortbopmphy, Heading Writing, nnd Primary Arillimetie, per bccnon (1) wek4) - 00 Grammar, Gaojmpliy, Arithmettr, and History - . - - - 6C0 Algehro, Geometry, Trljrof.on.etry, Mcn- aiimtion, hurveym;, i'lnlowopby, I'hyn ology, Chemislry, Hook Keeping, lloti.njf and Phyolcal Genrnpliy - $9 00 Latin, Greek and J-'rencri, with ny of lite above II ranches .... f li oo X9 fleUnetioM will be wade for obenr4 JTf'"or iunlier paKkulur Inquire of Ilev. P. L. !IAUHIUN, A. M., Cletrfleld, April 2S, lf7 tf. Principal. NORMAL SCHOOL. T1IK Niirmul rVb'tfil will t opened tn Curwcn ville, on the MHti il;iv of April, and continue in wf-ioii cliMcn W't'kn. There will W an erranjeo ntcnt uiiiite 1n acmnirrwliilr W t.i'hpr anl pnnilp w'.m can remain lnrT than one acMion, tn be cillirr onHer my cltare or that of the A spiff ant Tcae.icr, or of both. Tb UkH or Tl itiot : Tcat-.ieia, w cmoo, from to I he more trrcltrrf iu attndttQuc the Ilm tlie tuitiou. rupii. jt ec iuo. who du not pimmw leaciiiTiff. or ai'e nM cotnjwiciil 1 t- a. li. ilm coming winter, HI. 1 uitidu to be paid in adtmnt and applied tu llic pa v nun I of an Mi-t,v:it t-ni'lnr. liuarilnij Tlirec ln!larn and fifty frn'i" p"r work. (i. v. h.ii'i:i:, o. hupi. N. E. A'i pupil', ;:n enter Ihe Normal cl.ue(i, w ill he aauiiUctL l'l Nfi (J liOVE , ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. li it I. nut Mi li , CfcH! k Co., Pa, THOMAS, A. M., Prliiriml rilJlH In-tim.'on, ftrfraniai-d in IH.S5. will open X, itn TBiHTT-ncr atirimi thf twenty-fonit '.i ( prt-cnt Mitril on fwltiTMJay. A.tril 1 lr4?, and eniinie ftva tnniiih. ItnitriT and to it ion, I'lilih l.ninchra, $0. iDtorrnntioti ft i rrn on appliration. aprll LOGAN ACADEMY. Bell's 3fiLLsr Iluvin Co., Ta. IVKItT way a firrt-cliiti inctitirtinn, atTortling j the Wet fdilitiee tu rr)mriiig lor col r, ImxincM. or tj-a-bing. Vhttle expi-ntca fur the Fitmmer Term, nf fire monllm $116 Mi 4L.Ni extra charge. iil-Ncxt u-rm begina Mnv ft 17. Fend fr eiivultir. lUv. OUIl'L.VW SS, Prin., Anltttnwn. Pa. Hi5ffllanron$. R. R0B1S0N & CO., WllllI.KHALK Grocers and I'ork Packers, Ilealers in iilaw, lion and Nails, Family Flour of the Beet Brands, Ilac-in, llsms, Hidca and chouldcrs: I.ard, M-ss Tork. t'heeso, Ili'ans. llotiiin), Itried Fruit, t'arhon and Lard till, Itried Ilcef, Ac, Xo. 55 Liberty (rc, (llrd I'ront,) mat 7 I. T riTTlH Iiti, PA. by wail, rr.Ki'Ain. CHOICE FLOWER 4 GARDEN SEEDS, New StrawberneSjGrapesulbsc. 1 M. VATo"H o:4 Colony Xstceew and a etee.1 K"laMishlueot, Plrmottth. Maa. . now aenilinK out hj tunii, wilh rreat care in pulla pen iia nik, m, a. 10 n ach tint part ol Ihe I nion iu ptrirvl safety, a eomplcte a. sortinctit of the, Cnc'l (inipc, Mrs. hemes. Ni w Istire Curnint. tioie'el'crri'-s, lHacklirrii i'.n'r. rlowerina Plent., Ilulhs, Liilirs, Ac., Ac. Fruii Bod OlliaiU"nial Trees and Mtrnlts, Kcerjrecns, Hede Plants, Ac., will lie sent hy freijhl, p.'d lo llo.lon. Also, the True Caiie t ed OsnU-rry for cultivation in wit land, or in uplend and rnrdi-n.. abcie It piwtuoes at tne rne ol 4UP tin.ticts to tht acre; wnli direilion. for enlliration : Priced Ite scriptiva Calaloffues will he seul lo sue a'hires. Now is the lie.t time for ploiilun. The lw.l wey to oldain good Fruits and l-'lowrr nnd Heeds, is to send direct to the (feoar. Fen. I .or a t'at-ilogiic. V holcsle l'atsl"-u"f lo the trade. Agents wanted. marl 4 2m 4 !HMTH AT4HV NtiTK I'. Soth-a .' is hen-hy civca that httirrnf Ailuiioi-lialion en the estate of Uarhara rilin-r. dccs.ed. lr.le of p.i.nly township, iicsrlictd eouoty, Ps., liste Ihi. ('.. 1m-c, ,l,il, granted lo Ihe under' trncd, to whoia all p'-rsons tndclileil to caul estate aill please snake p,i tncot, and thn-e hM mar ebini or ih niandt aill prrnl them for clltcment wlthaol rtehir. i.Koituli b';i;n, March II, IS'iT-lf. A linini-trutor. NEW CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOP laN-CLEAKFIELP, T a. (Imo.(liallj ia rear of Uarbina Shop,) TpIIK Dhr!vr would rfirw',''''ly nform ftia aral, that ba i prep-rd in dc all kinrt of work on Carriages, Laeiea, Wafen, Pleijihi, 8 led a, Ac., it a abort noiia and en reaabnibie tttmt, and in a workmanlike manntr. f-ir AM M.ler pmmpllT at'eiflfd to. Ht, Itb. 1466. WM. MNKiHT. 20,000 rOUNDS WOOL WANTED. To the Veol (iraners of t IrarGeld ana Jrllt rsou t ouutlesl nKN'UY J. 81 HI'I'V 1 roiH liarcl tnroo;li tl.c.e eonntie. the e'tin-og snnimcr f'r tlie i-nr.oe of eaclianfrina KAl'l"HY 4iiHiiS for " tll'b. Tlii-ir.lo. k c hi. Imp of r.i.tct rie,ncl.. t'oerlets. lllsnkels. Jlalnniral Mtirts, and Yarn, all of tlie liesl qoalily. Tlitse r"MU aie nisnofse lurrd liy llcorpi Lcvsn 4 .oii. Mi, Pa., and U'llcr good, are not insnursi tun d in the Toiled r'telce. All ho srieh full vslue for tlieir wool shonld wait and trade with them. Any fut ther infnniistion can W oltaioe, liy addrj.itij inern St New Millport, Clesrlield ceontv. l'a, mar21-.1m II. i. ULul'I'V A CO. Ql I"' " I.ARl-Wa want afenls 1 J Vv everywhere t sell our laraorso $211 Sewlni Machines. Ttree new kinds, l'a. der and apptr feed. Sent aa IriaL W arranted Bee yesri. Above slary ar lares eomuii.iSons paid. Ths anly asachines sold in t'niied Stste. for less thsn $ to, wbirh ara nA's licensed by Hows, Whssler A Wilson, (Irevst a 'ilaker, feint r Co., and Eaahslder. All athar eheap ass chines ara teraycM,eal.. and Ihs eJee ar aeee is 1,'nl.le ro arre.t, fine and imprisonaianl. lllits Irsted direalsrs sent fras. Address ar call u aa (-11 AW A CLARK, al Biddleford. Mains, ar Chicago, Illinois. KiaylS, 60-1 j DRIED PEAC11E? psred and unpaired, st J. t. KRAIZERr). a Cslntt for alf. r,rMn; S.tLV r valiabi.i: FARM AD COIL LWIIS In I'm n TflUiialilp. rMIIR riil..cril.c r. r--..In a in the Imniojli of 1 t't.-tifl -l.l, nflrra lo Kll at urivata pale at itn.rori-i fiinn, nndi rlft'n wlih a i-oal vein ,is fiet Ih,. k. (now workod.) Thie iroprnji is ku-ntcd on the luiii-ikc, one hair mile act u( l'mnville, and Contains 140 Acres, Scrrtity or whtoh ara under rnlllvalinn, with a ln dwcllni loiunc and frame liitin Ihcn-on. t'?clhcr Willi an oreliaril of larire liearint trecu, cfoiihoxcd of entile, peach, tiear and plotim, with a prinF of wa'nr ax tne aoor. 1 Be uuiniroved i,irt i, covrrcd aitU Pine, Hemlock, Oak and Chestnut Timber, and adjoin li-ndo of Fa mud IVrrick, .icretniah Monro and Jorph Pavin, and d within ten than lml f a tnilii of jrrit mill, achtol hou-te. punt ufTx c mill rlturcln-s hII etKctiiiai tu rtndcring 11 a ui'iiranic pruj,uri. Till; COAL M!NtD on I lii property 1 of a anprrttir quality, not nurpnrii in tlu c-ounir, anil opened at the lurnpik. where every facility i'nr itn traimportaiion i hrld out; Thoe wmliing to in vel in prop.-rtj of ttiin kind, ran, by addrrning the uii.liTHiriicti. or cullmj npun biin.'at t'learliilti, la,, otttnin lirm nml all ii';rfiiiiirr informal inn. fi-UZh-liiiipd Tlln.MAri Im'M tillKltTY. Farm for Sale. '"PHE derirncd. rcidin in L.vrenee tonn J ship, now oiler, hi. I'arill fi private .elc. I, it dciornldy liM-aled, well itnTirared. nut1 wilina Ihnc lonrtli. of a mile o. public ecaool houM. TUv prcniisoa oontAili Hlxly-flrt .terra. KortT-flre of which are nndcr cultivation. The iliiprorcnirnls con, in of a loj il..i-liinr hou e. nlaa- teni in.ide and wetilherlwnrileil. lo ham. a fine soutig hearing on haid of all kind, of fruit, and a spring of water at the door. Tlie till, it undnpn talde. ropser.ion ffieo on the firrt of April neit, if deeired. The properly will ao on ease terms. For further narti'-iititrs stiiilv on IlicMrcio- ie- , or Bddrc.e the suhserilier al I I. urli.-ld. i'n. Kci,.5i, John ii. iK)i:t:ni;i:TY. Real Estate for Sale. fpilK aulMerilmr Dow nlTers his premise, at pri X vale sale at a hsrjsin. ll i..n,,.i, i,f MlKTV acres of lun.l. TW KM VII V K of which are char ed and under cultivation, liuvmr lliereon erected a plauk fraine houne, l,srn, and Uie other neccmary out-buildinrs ; loncihcr wiih a i-.Kid S.rinj of wa ter, a liesnnr orchard of all frnit trees, and alHiut 4,(101) feet ot timlier. Two-tlurds of the improved portion is sowed willt Clover and Timothy. Tutt rropertjr ia ilnsl.-d in liotrm lownnhip, on tne 'liilipslior? and Curwen-villc turnpike, one-jell aulr aasl of rilom villa. ror fur her particulars inoulre on the pn-mises. or address the undersign ed al Clearfield limlgo )'. U. P"" " - JU11S V. ASK EI . A Farm for Sale. rTMIE ral'acrilver offcra bn farm, in Knot tp.. X' ClrarfifM county, l'a., at private Bnlc. It it ntuatrd on Poita Hun, two mile cant of Fruit lltll Church and runtain? 110 acres. The im- provcincnia conmut of a gm,. raw null, l-.g dwcll ing iKiitre. hank Iwrn and othTOOt liiiv with a gMd apple orchard and a variety of oihi r fruit tn-rn. 1 Ih re arc fiiitw n a-'ref under in.prui cturnt, and the bulnnre if wiil tiiubcrtd. 'lint vattiaMe pn-prrty w ill te told un reainmalde U-iin. i'nr furtuer iulurmatiun ap)ily to JA.MKS . JACK SOX, t lour field county, l'a. twttant trailers. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Flore one diwir east of Oarfii Id Jloumt,) . Market Street, Meat field, l'a. . ' K KF.P.S on band a full aasortmenta of Oant.' Farnishinii Uoods, such aa t-hirlr. Linen and Woolea I nder.htrts, I'rawers and Foeks. Neck ties. Poekel Handksrehiefs, Glores, Hats, liniheellaa, to., in great Tarietr. Of Pioea Uoods ba keeps tht Best Cloths of all "Slindes and Colors," Fueb a t.laek poeikin of (bt Tery best make; Fancy Caestmere, in fraat variety , also, Freneb Coaling. Hearer, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Frieott oeercoatintr. All of wbirh will be sold cheap for Cash, and made ap according la tha latest styles by experienced workmen. Also, Affent for Clearfield county for I. M" Sineer A Co's. celebrated Sewing Machines. Not. 1. ISdi tf. II. ItHIUUB. : OX HIS OWX HOOK.. w. "f7"cla'r k , "XlOVLD rufttrnlljr announr In tb cltl 11 i?nt of Clearfield and ricinity, that bt bat ukea tha rttntnt format I y tKKptr4 by P. A. Haulln. in (irnbam'i How, immtiliateW orer H, F. augle'i Jewelry Stunt, and will eoatiuut tba TAILORING r.USIXKSS. A full awortnaci of Clnthi. Calmerfi and VeMinif fnnnanilj on hand, and maja t order on tne rbortpot ootice. Pirtlralar attontion willb firaa (a CUTTIKO Menu', Itoyi' and Children' cluibinf ia tha noit larbionabla Itjlea. Uirt bin a rail. deoft-tf , , , W. F. CLARK. DRESS-MAKING. s pi.mai. wmci;-PARIPTAN IRKS their I'respes, hails. Coats, sad raso,uines ksnd soaiely msda and trimtned, at the shortest no lira, at the eld established stand, 11.11 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy and plsin Fans, Msntilta Ornaments, Drees and Clnslt flattens, Ribbons, Cluny sad Guipure Laces, Bupls ana llitnp Dress Trim minas, with a lsrr;e variety of rtapla and Fancy Uoods. from to o per eent. less than sl.awhere. Also, receivinf daily, I'sris raphtons in p. per, for Ladies' and Children's 6ets af I'atteros for merrtsnts and i res. mnkers now res.le. si Mrs. M. A. SINDKH'S, jyi ly 10.11 Cbestaat at.. I'hilsdelphia. Dltll l TI4( IH' PAUTM'.KKltlP, The eo pirlncr.htp heretofore esi.tins; he loeen C. It. Fo.ter. J. 1 1. M'Kirk, IMward l'erk". II. 1.. Reed, Richard Phew, A. K. Wripbt, J. T. beonard, Jns. II. (truhsm, and Wni. A. Wsllsee, In the Rsnktnff lminess. at HIiiilip.hnrK. Centre eoiinty, l'a.. is this day di.sotved ly tniiuial con. scot. Tlie na.inese ill be indnctcd sr licre'ef-'re st tha same plaiv. nntsr the title of Foster. IV-iks A Co. ('. II. Fii.-Tl lt. lilt II sllli f IMIT, -, I Ii .M'tilllK. . .1. T. LK'iNARU. LI'W. PKI; KS. WM. A. W tl.l.ACE. J. H. li It A II AM. A. K. VrillCIIT. 41. L. Hi. Fit. Msnh a. IxriT. 1 807 Philadelphia Si Erie R. R. 1 SOT T'.iis (Trent line traverses ths Northern and Korth.) .r.i couni ic. 01 s enn.iTeaia lo to. oily of la an L,ake arts. It has been leaseJ and Is operated by tha rLNNr'l LVAMA RAILHIlAD I (i.MI'AN Y. Tims of Pss-enger trains at fT. MAHT'9 and KLAIINU: Leave 1'aatn'nrd. tl- Mary's. Frie Fvpresi Train 4 14 P.'M. Ltie Mail Train 11 HI P. M. l eave v et ward. Erie Mail Trsin .la.4l F. M. Kris Kxpres Train i.ij A. M. Kestlnj. I.M A. M. 4J P. M. 1 Jl A.M. IJ 'I A.M. rs.enper esrs run tbrnueV, nn ths Erie Mail and Evpre.. Tiains witbont change both wajs between Thlladeipbla snd Trie. ; evv lork t oinirrtli n. Leave. V.Y. at V a. m.; Ar. ai Kria 10 a.m. Leave N Y. at 5 p. m. Ar. at i rie a. . Fears F.rif st ( 3" p. m.i Ar. at N. Y. 4.40 p.m. Leave Liis st 10.1. s. um Ar siN.Y lll.lli a. m. No rhange of Cars betnecn Crle A N. V. Llrpsnl Sleeping Cars on all M,ht trains. For inforrostloa respeetlna Faseenffer bn. bess, sly alCoe. JOU and Market Si's, Pbil'a. And for Freight bninesi of tha Company's Atresia, 6. B. kinz.N.n. Jr., C"r. l.lth and Msr ket streets. I'hiladrlph ia. 1. W. Reynolds. Fris. Will .ss Drown, Arcnt, N. C. K. R, Hsltlnvoi. II. II. Hooelan. Ueastal Frriaht Aent. Phils II. W. Uwianer, Ueneral Ticket Arent, Erie. A. U l YLeill. General SuparinlandeaL Erie. Grape Vines for Sale. VI.L ..adm; hanljr Ttulrtiei of fitut quality. 1 oitrnnl, I Jimr old. ?..en(, or t.?10 pit 101 rin ortl. J vriuitnld, AOrrntta. or tAto t lUO l:eiri:a,l year iH. .ttotntii: t white aja), luna, I Tmr uUi, (I .VO ; ftmUw (rnji. iHAnr otbrr rarirtiw Itrlow tiurarrr fsr.1. Ortlfr polirttvd aa noon aa convenient, and niM in mutiun, l y A. M. lULLd. V leartWin., Vu, Aufwt , 16. r.oort, f.rotnlfs, (tu. CLEARFIELD STORE IMiilinsbiiri', Pa. aril.t.itM W. TTI. OEnat.i l, ar.ED. jnoN r. viavta WII.I.UII PCWII.L Ur.llETTS,$CO., (SiicceRaon to Munson k Hoopa) Havst just r-ceiil ler"snci trail t. IpoieJ Slock or all kin) of 8liajl goods, ucli aa Dry Goods, Clothing, Boota itnd Sltoct, Hals sml t ps, No tiona, llaidtaarf, Glass, Naili, Oila, Pninls, Qncrriswnre, Groceries, Kluur. Uucon. Vtetl. Ac. which we ate) oO'crirg at prfHily ri'litred pricea, Kor Cash or in Exnlianpe lor Lumber antl Shinglea. We hope lo make ii to the ad radiate ol 'J'inihcr Men, io the lower end of Cleai fit-lil county and on Cleatfield Crevk. lo jiel theiK supplies from this point, being on the line ot Kail Road can Sell pomls on bcllcr terms than at any point io dcai field county, and we are aelling our Stock at etich prices as lo make it an object to Ihoae buy ing goods in tins mnrket lo deal with ua Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of .Square Timber, which we will either sell on couiruitkiou or buy at fixed rules. Flour of diflerent Brands can lie had at all times at erv low prices, at the Clear field Store, ritilipslv.-cg, Penn'a. Iiy Coods Notions, Ac. in ureal ari- ely, at Ihe lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, rinlipburg, Tenn'a. rSalt by the Sack ot load, cheaper than enn be had any where else, at the Clear field Klore. I'litlipsburg, 1'enn'a. Call and KitKiiiinetlie atnek of roods, al the Clenifield Store, at Philipsbur, Ta. Tlipheat price pnid in Goods or Cash for I.umber and Khinflea al the Clearfield Store, rhilipiliutg. Fenn'a. Thecheapett rood, of all kinds atelo he had altbe Clearfield Store, at Pliilipsburg Call and see if our goods and price don't oot the times. V. Y. Bli'J'TS. 4 CO. riiiHpsburg. November Ifttli, lutlj tf. SPUING GOODS. r KEtT TOXI t rniLinti.rRiA. , Aa Cheap aa the Cheapest and Good aa - the Ileal. f. KRATZEK & SOX, Itara Ju.t received, an'd art opening, at their Old .'land on Front Street, above tht Academy, a large and well se lected assortment of SEASONABLE COODS, which they ara aelling at very low rates. Und the fiMotciny eatafrgve and profit thereby. F.peeial pslns bss been taken In fie, selection of Ladies Krers floods, whit' t.oons, Embroideries Milliners tiooda I'rinU, Kerchiefs, Xubies, tiloref, Ac FOR G EXTLH.M KX. . Always on hand II lark Cloths Fsnev and lllsek Ca.rimores. batinete. ate.. iieady Made CloOiioe ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, X K CKTIES, . snd a variety of oilier articles, whleb they will sell at a small adrane aa east Particular atlratton u invited to Uieln .lock or Carpets, t Ottawa, eotosaoa In prsin, superhne Engli.h nrrain and llrn.sels. Floor and Table l)J Cloths. Window shades and Wall papers, eu. FLOUR. IUC0N Fish Sail, riaster. Allies, Teachea antl 1'iunes keil conslanily on hand. ALSO, in Store a lot of lntge and small Clover aeed. We intend to nitike it an oliject for Farmers and Mechanics to Buy froat us; barsute we will sell our good, aa low as tbey can ba bought in tits eoanty and pay tha very highest pries for all kinds of country pro dace. We will also exebaora poods for brnnoL. Hosn and Cot'STr otders; bbinplee, Hoards, and all kinds of Manufactared Lumbor. IJClearfleld, May t. 17. GREAT EXCITEMENT QX SJXOXD STREET, Clearheld, rrss'A. NEW FIUM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and JYcw (londs AT VEKV LOW miChS. The tinilcrsine'l lis vine formed a co partnership, in the .Mercantile business, nou d resH?c.tftilly invite the attention of Ihe Titbltc penetnlly to their splendid a'sorieinnl ol Merchandise, which is now hetng SOLD TKY LOW FOR CASH. Their stork consists in part or Dry Goods, of the lieM quality, such as Trinli, TV lainea, Atpaeces. Met inns, (imhauts, Muslina iilenclie.l and unbleached, Drillings, Tkkinjra, Cotton ami Wool Flannels. Ssttncr.a. Cottenades, Cnssitnerea, I, allies" Shawls, Coatt. Nubias and Hoods, Uulnio ral and Hoop Skills, io ic, all of wrhii-h WILL PE SOLD LOW FOli CASH Also, a fine assortment of men's Iraw era and Shirts, Hat A Caps. Hoot k Shoes Qitcctisirnrc, Glassware, II nrdsrre Groceries and spicea OK ALL KINI'S IK SlIOHT A GFNEliAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept in a re tail Store. ALL CI1KAP Foil CASH or approvoJ country produce. WKIUUT A FLAN 1UAN. Clearfield. .Itnuarr lilt li. l.-Miti.lf. jjunnixs", ELECTRIC SOAP. Paves Tlmel aaves Minri t favea labor! favea Clothes! Save onea ! AND ALL (iUOCKIJS SELL IT ! Vi i. i i ,, . . " iu,oi-iie. i ' oruer, uorn-nusa, llatr ana Uol II Is n.ed t'V eutling Into smsll .havines and 1 . .- ,.. 1 J llnlrin. in tint tta. than a. .1, .La al....... I Soak tha elotlies Ire ta ten tninttles, and a little hsnd robbing will mske them as elrsn as hours of bsrd bis. china rubbing would do, with ordinsrv soan, snd ths most delicste fabrie receive no injnry. Vej esa refer to thou. snd. of femuie. who are o'ii.g i t Inl .li. en., til KM k. a.aa....l.a . 1 .:, . I D0I1B1SS- KLKCTKI? B0AP. r-Sold by ail leading Oroears throughout the 8lau. Manufactured only by DOBBINS st X0VK, Wbnlesala elnea t 10T forra Ftrra Brssar, - ' rurLAninrutA. f1rT-T ssle bv HaH.wIek A Irwla, Clearlleld. Knvemher f, Ho-le mo. GMOCKKItiSl tote had al MkKaKU. A BI3LKR'g. iDl'lt 0"IOtt$, C.WftlfS, (tU. RICHARD IIOSSOP, JJHALKIl IX FOKEK.'X and DOMESTIC GOODS Mt'SMNS lKI.AINh;S OH'.UKii.S at at at at Ken nation Sensation Senvnlion prioaa prima pricos ALPACAS Scnaitiion pttctts Just received at MoSSOPS', OIKfifTAMS at Seneatiou pricea CHINTZ PHI NTS OMlVKS CKAVAT3 SHAWLS lioNNKIS COLOKKDI ML'Sl.INSJ at at at at at at at Kortanlion Sensation Sen saltan Sensation prices piicea pricea pricea at JdOS-SOPS' Sensation . prices Senaalion prices Setisition prioea All lo t.e had al MO.SSOr.S'. f.IN'F.X at Sensation Senaalion Sensalion Senatttion prioea pricea pricea pricea CRASH at CIKTAINS at rAlil.KtX0TII.Sat FUINGE LACK HoSIF.nY HI IIIU )NS TKIM MINGS of all kinds t in any nuan'ly at at at at tierhalion pricea at ilOSSOI'S Sensation Sensation Senaalion prices pricea pricea at Sensation prioea Alwavaoo hand at MOfiSOFS CASSIMKUIii at Sentntion faitnaalioD Sensation Sensation Kensalinn (Sensation prioea pricea pricea pricea BATTINETS TWEKUS JEANS VtSTINOS SUIKT1N03 pricea prioea at ACmO-iVf. CLOTHING nichl aa Coats, rants, Veals, Under Sliirta, Flannel Shirts, Jioola, .Shoe, flaw and Cans, , at aeuaalioa prioea Now foraala at MOSSOrS'. H A R P W A U r. I such as S.iws.naila Forks, Knives, Sptkea, Hinges, LIQUORS, aoch at sensation prioea at AIOSSOPS'. at aensation pricea at sensation prices at Mossors. at sensation pricea aa Wine, Brandy, G i a. V b iekey, CnnAo, etc, etc.. HiL 1 1-!, fcurh as Prunes, !aiain. Fig!, Fillierti, Ac. GROCKKIF.S, a.iy Hour, u a m a, Shoulders., Sugar, slolasses, Cotlce, 1 ea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, C;indlee, Coal Oil, etc., etc. J Alwaya at MOS.SOr.S. PXACKIS0 Kori-.S rtfwiiEK SHOT LEAD cam at t at at nt at ensutinn aensut ion aensat ton ens-iiion aensation sensation pricea price jiricea pricei pricea pricea At Ihe store of RICH A RD MOSSOP. MO!iSOI' Alwaya keeps on hand a full asaoilment of all kinds of poods required for the aopommodaliou of the public. ov. 12, 186S. , E W S f oTTe A X DX EV tajO DS! JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a New Sront, on Main St.. CLUsniLD, Pa., lalelr occupied by r.'m. F. 1RWIX. Their atock consist! of Gkoria!Es of the best quality, Quee.nshare, Dools and Shoes, and every article necessrv for one'a comfort. Call and examine our atock before por cliasinR elrsvrhere. May 9. ISGfl-lf. HOVV TO SAVE MONEY." TnR llaiss ara bard : jro-d like lo know How Jos mr save sour dollars i , The wsv la do it I will show, Ifyou will read what follows. A esse wbn lived not far from hers, Who worked hard at bis trade. But had a hou.ebold to support That squandered all ha made. I met him once. Fa.vs be, "My friend, I look thresd bear and rough ; I've tried to tot wiyself a suit, But eaa't aava up enough." Ssts t, my friend, bow much have you f I'll tall yon where lo fro To go! a mil tbs's sound snd cheap: To ItEIZENSTEIN t Co. Bs took what little he bad saved, And went to Retsrntein Hrothers', And there ba got a bsndsonis suit, For half he paid to others. How bs is home, he looks so well, And thair etleet is such. That when thev take their daily meal, They don't eat half as much. And now be f nds on Saturday eight, With all thair wants supplied, Thst ha bas money left to spend, And some to lay aside. His good suOeee, wlih cheerful smile, He gladly tells lo all. If you'd save monej, go and buy Your clothes at REUKNSTEIN'S CL0THIXQ II ALL. Where the cheapest llce.t and ha.t Cloth; aad good Furni.hing Goods ran bs bsd to suit sverv ta.ta and in every strls aprll. fIT CHEAP FURNITURE- JOHX GULTCIl DESIRES to inform bis aid friends and eus tntners, thst hiving anlsrgrd hi. shop snd inrressed his facilities lor msnuiaettiring. he is now prevsred to neks la order such Furniture aa msy ba desired, in good st.vle and st eheap ratas for CASH. He genetsllj hss on hand, at h a Furniture rooms, a vsried ar.ortment of ready, made furiiture, among which ara KCREAPs AND SIDE-POA RDS. Wsrdrobesand Centra, ora. Parlor, BraakfsH and Dining Kst.s.icn Tables: Corn, men, Frencb-post, Cotuge, Jenny Lind snd ether Medrtesds t Kcfss of all binds. Work Hands, Hut-reeks, Wash-stands ; Kecking and Arm chairs t spring-sest. cana bottom, par'or, eom tnon snd other 4 hsir. : of erare description on hsnd : and new glasses fnr old frstaa., which will be put In on very reasonable terms on shortest atire. lie else keeps oa band ' Corri.vs or F.VKnT Kind Msda to order, snd funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also. Donee Psinting dona to erdir. Tba sabseriber also msiutae tures, and has constsnttv on hsnd, Clement's Pstent Washing Msehine, tha best now in use I Those a.iitg this machine never need be with out eleaa eb.ibes! Ha also bas Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using this Churn eever need be without bnttsr I All tha above and many ether articles are fur ai.hed to customers ebssp for Case or eiehsnged for spproved eonntry produce. Chsrrv. Msple, Fontnr, Llawood and otsar lumber saitakle Far Cabinet work, taken ia .lehana for .oralta jM-Bemenber lbs shop Is ea Verier street, Clearn-ld, Pa., aad aoarly eppc.ite the '"Old .lew ".tore." JOIIM UL'LICH. November . T 1,M KST Ul A LIT V I F Mill M. I I'sili ' frr sals by H. W. FMITU A CO.