:-U3 1'aralli.u. Uno who was oil lunril th ill fftti.cS "Commoilore." tin thit "slio rolled fearfully, tucking with tht (hains at if taaer for tclf-destnietion." How descriptive, alas! of the deed of mnnr who strive to brcuk away irom good influences, human and Pivino, by which they may be made unit) and blo8cd forovermore I After the beach- intf of the steamer, "eight men pot otthore in tho boat, of whom only three gave help in gettinj; other ashore." The rest were noon at the nearest village, "enjoying a good sup per, when they should have been en deavoring to rescue their less fortun ate companions." Shame! iiut ore there not many men who are enjoy ing their own good iortuno nnd doing little or notliiiiL' to aid others loss for tunate? Are thero not professors of religion M ho, while hoping lor heaven arc doing little or nothing to aid oth ers thither? Can such be Christians ? Watchman. Thereligion of Christ is distinguish ed from all others by its great fruit fulness and joyfulnoss in private expe rience. There havo boon olhor reli gions that had the power of stirring up ccnl, intense activity, fanaticism, and of bringing men, (y cities and nations, into campaigns of religious effectiveness, such as it was ; but none other has been like the Christian in entering into tho hearts of the poor, tho desolate, the ignorant, the wick ed, one by one, nnd sepcrutoly, and Btirring up there, not simply a new life of purity, but such hopefulness, such joyfulness, as brought all tho powers into a very summer of growth and eflicioncy. All this has been pe culiar to the Christian religion. The man who holds and expends money is merely the clerk of tho man who enjoys and profits by what mon ey bnys. Money, at most, is merely the material from which happiness, honor, usefulness, character, may be built To have the material without shaping it to the noblest ends, is like holding a heap of stones, or throwing tbem away. Present to an ordinary man the maxim, "Love your enemies ; you may hear him siirh as he answers that the saying is divine ; and he fears that lie will never practice it J ho reason is that he has an enemy and fully un derstands what it is to love him, and also what it is to hate him. Few minds are spacious ; few even Lave a vacant place in them. Almost ail nave capacities that are narrow and occupied by some knowledge which stops them np. To enjoy it self, and let others enjoy it. a mind should ever keep itsolf larger than its own thoughts. Everything is very spiritual, and wherein tho soul has truly a part, re calls us to God, to piety. Tho soul cannot move, wake, or open its eyes, without seeing God. We fenl God with the soul as we feel tho air with tho body. Falseness of mind comes from false ness of heart ; it proceeds-from one's liaving secretly for aim ones own opinion, nnd not the true opinion. The lalso niiixl is lulse in everything, as i squinting eye looks always ohliqnely We should speak to men of de struction only to make them think of duration, and of death only to mako them think of life ; for death runs in to lifo, and destruction precipitatos il- seu uno duration. It is with our thoughts lie with our flowers those that are simple in ex prcssion carry their seed with them ; those that are double though rich and pomp charm the mind but produce notning. Happy are they who have a lyre in me neari, anu in me mind a music which their actions execute! Their whole life will have been a harmony in unison with the eternal homes. This life is but the cradle of the oth er. What avail then sickness, time, old ago, death different degrees of a metamorphosis which doubtless liar here below only its beginning! Let us be men with men, and al ways children before God ; fur in his eyes we arc but children. Old ago it self, in presence of eternity, is but the first moraont of a morning. The god of metaphysics is but an idea ; but the God of religion, the Creator of heaven and earth, tho Sov ereign Juugo of actions and of thoughts, is a power. Vice and ignorance are the necessa ry companions of each other; nnd we can no moro reverse it than we can reverse the stars in their courses. Nature has made two kindsol ex cellent minds : '.ho one to produce beautiful thoughts and beaulilul ac tions, the other to admiro them. How mnny people mako themselves abstract to appear profonnd. The greatest part of abstract terms are shadows that bide a vacuum. Instead of complaining that tho rose has thorns, I congratulate myself that the thorn is surmounted by roses, and that the bush bears flowers. Tho triumiih of woman is not to wear out and conquer their persecut ors, but to soften them and make thcra lay down their arms. We comprehend the earth only w hen we have known heaven. Without the spiritual world the material world is a disheartening enigma. In the spirit of tho Christian there is a perpetual spring-tido, and in the wintry valleys ho hears the ripple of over flowing streams. Thero are heads that hare windows, nnd that daylight cannot strike from above. Nothing comos into them from heaven. Order is tho co-ordination of moans to tho end, of parts to the wholt, of work to tho model, of reward to merit. Thero it" souls transparent and pare, whoso lives arc like a sunbeam that (.ports in a drop of dew. Heaven rarely grants to the same man the gift of thinking well, and of acting well in all things. tVo measure minds by their stnt vre; it would bo better to estimate f hem by their beauty. We would cheose for a wife only the w-man we should choose for a friend tre she a man. Slander is tho solace of malignity. ; v,'; iUrtlunir, 7imcaif, etc NEW HARDWARE STORE Philipibarff, Centra County, Ft, G. II. ZEIGLER & CO., PEALKH8 IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Willow and Tin Ware. Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, fitc, 4c. rpilB atlenlion of Michanlct, Builders, Farm-J- art, Lumbermen, tod Bayers generally, li inriled to tht fact that wt are offering a bitter assortment of goods in our Un than ran be found elsewhere In this put of tht Suu, at Frieei to Bait the Timet- Oar Hock comprises a general assortment of Took and Material! used by Carpenters, Black smiths, Carriage and Wagon Maksrs, Ac, with a large stoc k of IKOX, NAILS, STEEL, SriKES, MINING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, KOPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL CROSS-CUT I SAWS, ENAMELED, FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and risn uns, TUEPENTIKE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAX OIL LAMPS ASD LAST2EK8. An axoellent assortment of Fin Catlery, com- torl.lnr KNIVES, I FORKS, DESERT. TEA, & SCISSORS, TABLESPOONS, RAZORS, Ac. BRITANNIA & SILVER TLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREATVARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Household, nortic.lt.nd, Fanning and Bading implements of the latest ar.4 most improred pnttrna. Blacksmiths can be supplied with AutIIs, Bel lows, Vices, Sledges, Hammers, Doris and Mule Shoes, Horse Kails, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenters and Builders will Ind in our enab liihment a superior ito-k of Plants, Saws, Augurs, HatcbMs single, double blt and pealing Ales, Hammers, Chisels, Files, Hinges, Screws, Baits, Locks, Pulleys, Bash, Cord, Ac Ac, At. Farmers and Raftmea will And tTtrythlng their lint, and cheaper than can be had elsewhere. t- Particular attention It Inr'ted to tar stock of Stores, comprising Spear's celebrated Anti-Dust, Cook and Tarlor 6tott of all siies. Also, tht Kitgara Cook, Parlor Cook, Brilliant. Dawn, Dew Drop, Arctic, and Common Egg, Pocket, Ac All of the above poods will be sold cheap for rat.li. G. II. ZEIGLER & Co. rhilipil.org. Oct 10, 18s.lr REMINGTON'S ARMS.' Wold by the Trade Generally. PRICES RBOtiCED, A liberal Dircount to Dealers. Army Bernlrer, 44-100 in. Calibre, Navy Rrrnlrer, SO-100 in. calibre. Belt Rernlrer, (eif eoekint.) Nary calibre, Belt Rerolrer, Ksry site calibre. Police Retolrer, Nary site calibre, Kew Pocket Rerolrer, (with loading lerer,) Pocket Rernlrer, (eelrcocking.) Repeating Pitol, (Kiliot pt.) No. 11 cartridge, Repeatinjr Pirtol, (Elliot pt ) No. cartridge. Veet Pocket Pintol, No. 3:, t A 33 cartridge, flun Cane, UMig No. 82 cartridge, Single Barrel Shot Gun, Rernlring Hide. DA lnoa in. calibre, Breech Loading llifle, Ko. SI cartridge, Breech Loading Carbine, Ko. 46 oartridge, IT. 8. Rifle, feteel barrel.) with eabre bayonet, V. S. Rifled Musket, Springfield pattern. Vpwards of 00,IMIO furnished the U. B. Oor- ernmenL Our new Breech Loading Arms hare just beta approred and adopted f(r military serrice In Europe. X. REMINUTON A SUNS, Illion. New York. Aotart Moore A Nichols, New York ft. Reed A Son. Boston ; Jot. C. flrubk A Co., Phil adelphia : Pouiton A Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsnm A Co New Orleans and Mrmpbis; Johnson, Spencer A Co., Chicago t L. M. Rum soy A Co., St. Louis j Aloert I. Crane, San Francisco. iy4-1y BLACKSMITH ING. KEW ATlRANGEUKKT. npIIR ftiihftrrUtprt, in Tirw nf noming erfnln. A clfFifrn w1npiin(r new rvntni of din)t bnPi-Iii-m on and -flrr the lut nf May next, from thM dat wt will twlt.pt the ( AHII MMKM, ud all work mart thnn-for hr pud fir bt'torr Imvine tb uliop milking thii diflt-rnnr, hwpTcr, in ftivor m nnrruttnmpn: thai our priori will be 1 M EN TV I'EH ( KM. IsKSS than m now eliarir". ft work. JT-fT'Thow know in j (hemm-lvm indeMrd, and w.i(r book anniunti hmvm not hern ittld, air eipwtcd to oomf forward and make antUrmnnt More the time above indicated. We hope tneec hints will sot be forrottrn. UKit. C. FAPFMORK A POK. HemrHeM, Marrh 21, lMfi7 tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE andersigned, baring established a Nur sery on the 'Pike, about halfway between Clearfield end Curwen.rllle, is prepsred to fur. nish all kinds of FRl'IT TREKS, frti,Hsrd tnd dear!,) Erergreens, 8hrnhhery, Ornpe Vines, Onosehorrios, Lswton llltckl'erry, rilrswherry, end Rs.Kerry Vines. Also. Kiberian Orsb Trees, Qoinee. and early ecwlet Rhubarb, Ac Orders promptly attended to. Address, J. I). WRIGHT, tepjn 5.y Curwen.rille, Pa, I V)R HAI.lv A ll(HEand LOT. on Market . Street, in ClrurrMd hnmuirh. Annlr lo W ALTER BARltKTT, nor21-tf AU'y at Lew, Clearfield, Pean'a. Coal, W hale and Linseed Oils, Family Dr. Tarnishes aad paints of all kinds ground la til Pe ealt by II, A L ffXJ rIRE 4" ! flarduatf, ciuuarr, Ht. M ERR ELL & BIGLER, Mll.lW II HARDWARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Ilarnsss, Collars, tie., for tall by MEKUELL A BIOLEIt. pALMERS PATENT UNLOAD- log Hay Forki, for nl by MERRELL & BIGI.En. QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kalli, to., for aalo bj MERRELL t BIGLER. . JJARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Finding!, for salt by MERRELL A BIGLER. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For lalt by MERRELL I BIGLER. TOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND BiiM, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. RON! IRON 1 IRON! IROTA For salt by MERRELL I BIGLER. JJOIISB SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE KaiU. for aalo by MERRELL It BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bolt manufacture, for aal by MERRELL k BIGLER. rjHIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE Bozos, for aalo by MER2ELL ft BIGLER. RODDER CUTTERS for aalo bj MERRELL & BIGLER. kEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOrLE TUAT THOS. J. MECAULEY, snnrricTi tu or Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron M are TTAS oa hand, at bis stort tnd factorr. on XX Market St., east tf Second, Clearfield, Pa , Tht largtst and best assortment of TINWARE AND OTKEB GOODS, Which will bt told, Wholesale and Retail, CHEAP FOR CASH! STOVE-PIPE, ALL SIZES, Always et hand, at low prioes. House work, such at flatten and Conductors, furnished and put up al short notice and VERY CIIEAIM Repairing Promptly Dona. "Ox Clearfield, Nor. 14, lSOt-y, FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, look to jour Interests ! G. S. FLEGAL, Phillpaburg, Centre ro. Pt-, MAM'FACTl'RKR OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, WTOri.D respectfully Inform his friends and a the public generally, that ha Has OrEND Laroi Sales Rooms In tht borough of rhil'peburg. Pa., for tht maa ufacturt and sale of STOVES, ny A XI) SHEET WA HE, Oferrry description, manufaclnred from the best material. My rsrieiy of Cooking Stores consists or THE CELEBRATED IRONS' riES. (the best cooking store la tht United States,) continental, feenitn. rtrmer, jitritgnt, vnarm. Ac, and erery rsrioty, of the best Pittsbarg Manufacture. PARLOIl AND HEATlNfl STOVES OF LVERY DESCUirTlON, Including SPEARS' A5TI DU8T. Eold at the Lowest Cash Pricet. Merchants desiring to purchase will find It to their edrantare to examine my stork before pur chasing elsewhere. toAAU orders for Rponting and other work will be attended to on the er-crteet notice. fsel2 "GET in I BEST." M lir.P.I KR dk rVII.eKtva) llirhert Premium. Iwwk Slitch. SEWING MACHINES. V1.T. Inqnirien In referenne to thin A Ko. 1" Machine promptly an weird, Tbej can bt pi-wared fmtn me at ettv pnren. MM. T. HAMILTON, A (rent, oct3-tf I.n there burg. Pa, Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. VI. I. alOI.niF.RHOF IM.'l9.ft.1 are antitle.1 to an IM'KEASKD litH NTV. The undersigned is preiiared to cnlleit all such Pnuntirs, as well as tlie incrrased per lo 8nldicrs H'idows. All inquiries and enmmiinirntinne an swered prompllr. liierhsnrre rooeipted lor. Toel (dice address, Curwcnsrille, Pa, erp.tf JOSIAII EVANS. Uaaa' Hi. Isomlnpo. TinbKell's, Ilrake't Hoof, land's German, Hostetter's and Groeae's Oirgeasted Bitters, also pure Liqnert, nf all kinds for medicinal purposes, for sals by H. et L SH AIMan PtU( F., Kennedy's Msd c.1 Dismrery, Helmbold's Bnrhu, Ilsker's Cod Lrrer Oil, Jane's and Arer's m- lirlnes of erery kind, for tale by HAETiWICH A IRWIN. iDiy 0ood, C.wftiri, Ctr. F K KS 1 1 A KK l V A I Is at tiir rniAr store or SHOWERS & GRAHAM Fall Goods. New and Very Cheap f rpnB undersigned respectfully announce tat pi bile thai they art now etenlng an sitenilre attortment of F A L L 0 0 0 D 8, al tho old !tand la Graham's new building, which they offer to tell at exceedingly low prices, eon idoring their cost, for euh or approrei eoentry prodaco. Their Stock of Try Goods cannot te bin-passed. Customers ran then Ind Calieoti with fast ool ore Muslins, Delaines, Lawas, Cloths, Cassi mores, Veitiags, Ladies' Bhawls, Oents' Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Carpets, and Oil Cloths. Their Stock of Fancj Goodi ii Unex amrled in Style and Variety, Embraalng KoUoas, Eoarfs, Head nets, Neek ties, Satohels, Port Moanaios, Brashes, Photo graphie Albums, Pipes, Tobaeeo and Segars, Perfumer; of all kinds, or anything else la the koUon line. Also, HARDWARE, QUEEN S- W A It E, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! All of the best qntlity, and seleeted with special regard to the trade af Clcarteld toant ! XDWARD W. GRAHAM. JOSEPH B. BUOWIRS. Clearleld, Eefk It, IHL J. P. KRATZER TTA8 remored to hie new wararossss 14 X X ket street, Clearfield. Pa . where km opeuea a Tory largs stoea of DRY GOODS, Merineet, Ginghams, Cloths, Delaines, PrinU vnmi, aipacat. Bilks, VsUnets. Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans. Lanellas, Muslins, Flauasis, Boeneu, R,a bona. Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Hed Nets, Cope, Corsets, 0 lores. Collars, 6carls, Urenadiae Veils, Table Corera. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Tests. Orer Coats, Oeat's Shawls Bblru, liau, Caps, rnder-Shirtt and Drawers, Boots, Shoes. Una Shoes, Crarats, G lores and Cnlltre. UARDWAKE, grtENSWARE, GRO CERIES tV MUSICAL GOODS. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses.Salt, Cendlet, Rica, Ftoar, Bacon, Fish, Tobaeeo, kaisins, Carrants, 8 pi ess. Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN. WARE, and STATIONERY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil-cloths. Drugget. Lewking Glasses Clocks. Churns, Whl.oards, Tubs, Buck ets. Flat Irons, Paas, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, I'm. brellas, Bedoordi, Knires aad Forks, Spooas, Crocks, aad Store Blacking. .JHT-AI! of which will be told en tht most ran eoneblo terms, and the highest market price paid ar Grain, Wool, and ail kiaos of country p rodeos. Clearfield, December 13, ISM. 0, YES ! 0, YES ! ! TWENTY TER CENT. LOWER TUAX ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. JOHN S. RAPEBACH, H AVISO opened a aew ttort at tht -Blne Ball,' in Clearfield eoaatr, wishee to notify too public that he is determined to cell til kinds of Hoods CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, la J . r. ... Now is your Time to Call and Examine, w ana no it piecing oa lis entires a lull assort meal af Dry Goods, Kartbetwara. Groceries, Queenswara, llardwara, I'ruga, Oils, and Fa iatt medieiaet, Ac, Ac, Ac HATS, CArS, BOOTS & SHOES, Cf all kinds, constantly kept on bead. A geasral aseortmaat af RE A D YM ADE CLOTH IX G For Men aad Beys' wear. -All la be told at rtry LOW PRICI. for CASH, or txohanged for all kinds of Marketing. Jetr-SAWED LCMBER A SIUVOLES tUet la exrbangt for goads. acUA-tf J0HH S. 1ADKBACH. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST "ARRIVAL AND OF COI RPE THE CHEATED! A Proclamation against High Prices I "VIlC are now npemnf np a lot of lite bed and T I most araMinslile llnods and Vsrre erer offered in this market, and al prices that remind one of Ihe giMKi old dsrs of cheap things. Thwe who lark faith upon Ihi. point, or deem our alie gytions superfluous, need hut CII.L .IT Ottt STORE, Comer Front and Market streets, Where thcr ran see, feet hear and know for them- eelrra. To fully andereUnd whal arrcbean roods. I his must be done. We de aot em It aeeeeearr to enumerate aad itemise tar stock, ll is aaoarh for as to slate that We have Everything that ia Needed and consumed in this market, and at price thsl astoni.h both old aad rm,r. o" JtiM.PH FIIAW A POX. I - ,,,-p.. .. : - i n ti erwmt deeiring lo transafd hairf-1 1 " "o" ""a aw at mr omea. air beret.? aot i feed I mat l will not he found with errteinir et home en any days ricrpt MuMlAT aad StTt RMAT. Pl- 1 Hi POKTKR. O 'XfU") KR ARI will he paid ia flrera-'- Vl 'hacks te aay person who has nsed Ir. lamat' Pile Salre errordmg In directions aad has "t been cured. Ad drees, . 8. DtTTIAM A CO.. "cA-Ijr Wilhamsport, Pa. Truaart and abdominal supporters of erery kind of the latest Imrroretneeta, for a'e al lbs Drag Store af JsAXTSWJCE JRWIJt. vfli C.oodJ, fipffrlf, Ctf. GOODS REDUCED I GREAT REDUCTION IN THE TRICE OF GOODS AT H. W. SMITH & CO.'S. Prints, that wt formerly told at Si ttatt, wt aow sell at gj Unbleached Muslins, formerly sold at 10, wt bow ssil at jj Hleaehet) Muallnt, formerly told at from It to 0, we aow sell at 805j 410 Alparaa, formerly told at from ii to 80, we aow sell at 8(,ea Casalnerea, lo ptr cent abort cotL Aii.rrooi ire Lainca, it gj Common I)e I.alnea, at as Aad tU Dress Goods at tht Sams rates. ROOTS AND SHOES, Of tht best nuility, at an immense reductioa. FISH. We will tell Uaeksrel, Uerriag, As, AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of arery deeeriptioa, greatly reduced. We trier car stock of Dry Goods at the abora ugarea.p lo tht latef Jaeary, 18S7. They are all af tho first ejaallty, Kew aad fashionable. Any rat can aow bare aa A I pacta for the cost f a De Laiaa. This offer It madt la good faith, aad all desiroas af economising la the proper manner, bare aew aa ezeelieat opportuaitr to mpply themeelree at tht cheapest raus. Mrletly fur Caao. ?tr. H- W- BHITH A CO. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT ! A FALL IN PRICES. New Goods at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Soej-.h etooad street, Clearfield. Pa. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT CREATLT REDfCED PRICES. tarn Jast rtcelrlng aad opening a carefullr . . . h iu.ai.1. rpnng a bam. mar Ooods af almost erery deeeriptioa. A beattifnl assortment nf Print aad tier . ... laiess stylos. AU a grtat rariety of useful aetions. DRY GOODS AND MOTIONS. -t .i. - . I Bonnets, Fhtwlt, Hau aad Caps, Boots and oaore, ia large aaearitv ) Hardware, Quernsware.Iirags.Mediriaet, Oils A Patau. Carps u Oil Cloths, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, eToreign aad Domestic, sorb as Apples. Peaches, .-Mian,., i-runes, ttsi.ins, Uraagsa aad Lemooa, FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. Mackerel la i i aad i barrels, af the best sjaaiiiy.au 01 wnick will bt told al tht lowest etsh cr ready pay wrieea. My aid friend, and Iks public generally, art respectfully iarited t call. -! . B.-AII kinds of (7A.Vand approred COl Krar rBODVCM taken la e.eh.... i re for tteoda. wM. 1. Clearfield, Kor. it,, 1M tf IHVlIS JICHARD MOSOP IS NOW rVlling, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SIIAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTH I NO, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Goo.li LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SnOES. BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND TORE, FLOUR AND FEED, . .. An. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! I AM alwmrs ia reeript nf the best OYSTERS, whH-h will be srrred up ia the anal rannr of ice. i acre now a warm and rowil,.rthle roost, fitted up for Ibeaoenmssndalinr of LA I'IKn which anew upror ine aoeomssndalinr of LAHIKS. dcpartmeail wiU rsceire particular attention HOT! jaalfi-l lee Cr i and Oreter Saloon. Hurlala HnbcaKeee aad Horse PI.ekete Narlk. . MgRRKLL s BIHLERft. CARMiO PRI ITsfsll kiadsTu " M RRRELL A BIILER'8 KAITIXil AXKS witk iminredltrre etral pow lor tale at J. P. kRATZbR S. COrt Hoartsl I Agents wsntedfsr sir ea. C v 'teely aew erl.Wes, jast awl. Addreat O.T. ARKT,Ciiy Building, Biddtfnrd, Ma. Msy 11 lr is. Prufll JitfJ tfdiriBfj. HARTS WICK & IRWIN, nmzrixl, i lrarfltld, Va. HAVING refitted aad remored la the room lately occupied by Richard Moeeop, aow clUr, low f cash, a well ssleelsd assortment cf DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Alee,,Patl Medicines of all kinds. Oils, Glass, Putty, Dye Staffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SE0AR3, Confectionery, Spices, and the largest stock of rariellee erer offered in this place, and warrant ed It be of the best tht Market sffords. J. O. 1IAKTSWICK, De. 13, 18(15. JOHN IKVYJN. DRUGS! DKICS! BRIGS ! JOSEril R. IRWIN, On Mala St., one door west of Hippie i Faut's Dtore, CIRWENSVILLE, PA., Hat new oa hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Pints, Dye- btutts, Patent medicines, Tnsaea, Mhonlder-Rraeea, Elaetle Stock, luga aad Hupportera, (.lass, Futty, Ptrfumtry, Toilet Goods, Confectioneries, Spices wbp.ii rmit, sooaceo, iigere, rjooas, sitatiowery, Poaeils, Pens, Ink, aad a general rariety of Motions. His stock embraces all articles needed la a ecmaunity, is entirely aew, aad of the best ejaality, and will bt Id at reasonable prioes. Csli aad aaamine the goods ; they cannot fall to please. deet-tf Good Xews for Mothers. M0THEP8. are Joa oppreeeed with atjxiety for yoar little once 1 Art year tlamnere and hearts broken by t heir cries 1 Do you awake in the morning nnrelreshed aad trprebtntirs 1 If so, nroeart at onoe a bottle af Dr. LaoVe U- faat remsdy. and yo. will hare aa mora weary hoars of watching and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy Has Mood tht tost of rears. Thoasaads of nurses and mothers bear witness that it nerer fails to girt relief If aaed in arasoa. It is a mild, ret sure and speeds rare for Colic. Con., aad VYmdr Paint, aad is iaraluable for all com. plaints incident to Teething. Sold by all Drurriite laroagboat tht Cnited Bute. Address all orders to Z1EULER A FMITH. Bole Proprietors, aoU y 117 Korta third Sl, Philadelphia. A Great Discovery. i"hKE af the greatest aad moot aseful discoreries J in medical erienor was made by theeetcbraled lr. 1. I'umas. of Pari., Chief Phreician to the Imperial Infirmary of France, in 1M1I. Those who hare beca afflicted with the painful dieeaee known as Piles, and eflWtuellr cured br the use of UK III' MAS' FRENCH PILE SALVE, cannot speak toe highly of the benefits conferred upon them by the uk of this rrmedy. It has acrex heea known to fail ia effecting a permanent cure in a single case. In this re.rt it surpasses all other medi cines of Ihe kind. It will do just what it is recom mended for ; if act, the money will be refunded. One or two bosee is sufficient to effect a permanent curs ia four or sit dsrs, if the directions on the uv.w mrw i-'imj.u. i nt., one aa4 two Hollers per bos, according te rise. Sent by mail ar eipreae I u.' p" i "iiea nates or v anada. bold by llmerirts generallr. A liberal discount made to Ihe trade. Address I. 6. M SHAM A CO, w illiamsport. Pa, sole Proprietors aad Maanfae tarers for the I nited Stale, and Canada. dj j So more Bald Heads I Ka autre Cray Locks! Di LEON'S ELECTEIO HAIR RENT WEE, IS praoaaacad by all wbe hart need It the rery best preparalioa for the Ilair. It Is a poeitlre cure for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Bu rners, stops the Ilair from falling out, and speed ily restores Uray Locks to their original hue aad latariaaca, II operates oa the seerelieat aad Ills tbt gleans with aew life aad coloring matter. Thia. dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought bark by a few ei plieat Ions, te its youthful abundance, rittlily aid co'.or. Il mskes Ibe hair tofL rloesr. frarraaL nleas. ant to the teach, aod easy la arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliaat aad disposed te re mats ia aay desired potitiea. As a Hair Ilreseing in has no ec,aal. The sales are ormoas, aad il is a anirersal farorile with eld and yoang of both teiet. Sold by Drvggiita throughout tkt I'nited tales. Address all orders to ZIEDLER A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, "'I f 7 Korih Third St, Philadelphia. TMb Starch Gloss TS used by first class Hotels Laaadries, tans of moafaaosoi ramlliee. and shoald boused by tlL II giree a beautiful polish, making the iron past smoothly tret the cloth, taring murk time end labor. Goods done up with it keep clesn longer, consequently will not wear ant te toon. It makes old Lines look like new. Sold by Druggist! and Grocers Generally. Our Imperial Bine Is the heat in the world I It Is solaklt la bird at wsll at toft water. Il it pat ap la the nfest aeatest. aad most eoareaieat fcrm of aay adored to the public. It Is warranted aot te strews the cloth. Bnld by Grocers and Druggists geaeral'y. Ageats waaled ererywhera. to wham wt efer eitraordinerr indereusents. Address aew York starch gloss Co. marll-dm lie. 2IS Felloe St., New York CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. The True Kemrdr al last Uiooorered ! tTHAMS FRKSH MEAT CURE, 1YREPARED from the formula of Prof. Trout, eeaa. of Pen., cores Consumntioa. L... 11, eaece, Prourhitis. Pr.prpMa. Marasmas, General Iiebilitr and all morbid conditions of dependent oa deficiency of rital furrk It is plea aunt te una, aad a single bottle will eoarinoe the moat ekeptienl or its rirtue as the great healing ' i in- ant i nm ,ia.ee .i kn t w. i e-. reni ny u press. Sold br S. C. I Pham Ko. !i South Firhth Strf I'kiU.ul.L:. And all principal Iiruggists. Circulars sent free. fch?!t ,1ui Silver Wash Powder. e. esouer. o .ErS washier a k T a leaurai. Dolt trtry- Addrem all ardors to ths Msntrsstnrert, Z1EG1.ER A SMIIH. Chemists aad belesale Irurrisla -T 11 North Third SL, Philauslphia. ITCH I ITl II I ITCH I 8CBATCH! SCRATCH 1 8CBATr.H! WHEATOS S OISTMENT Will Care tbt Itrh la in Hoar. A LSV Tri P'n ri'"- Chilhlaina J ata all Emotion, of the Skin. Pr,M ui eeata. F. n). ? mi nrugiins. By M,diBf -.ty eenlsu WEEKS A POTTER, mil.age.ul l.t "ashiagtoa street. Boetoa, it will be for. the t ailed Males. Tor sals at Hans-ick A Irwi. s Cseeid, Pa. duly I. 4.! MUSIC STORE. T M. GREEN hat opened kit Masit Store A It ae door West af W. I.i.- aw c wkere ke keepe constantly ca head Stein... A Sons and Oaehle's Piano Manafaetwring Com- icl.rro ' ""'a, ieliaa, Pifet, F'.niea, Guitar aad Violia i "r21eTm- " Booke-O.lde. Cbala. S.ldea Sh.wer, Goidea Coneer. Goldca Trio, Ae Ao. wfl'T'.!." m h olrlg from Phdedelpbi. all ibe Uieet m..ic wb.eh pen... at t disuae wisLia,. , arder.tad haaa them d 7 ''' Publisher's prices. Pieaoe aad Orgeat warraated ttt Ire yeara. Thoee wishiag I. buy aayaf ike abere articles areianted . ll ... tMim mm, Man " as ia kew York aad Pkiladelpkia. .-r'".,1" ' .1""r promptly apoa aprbeaUeti, wuh any addition. InformatU, "" B. M. GRIEX. YI .11 ttreet. Bantingdoa. Pa, . 0o door weet af Uwis' Back Stera. ft Clearleld ceaaty, p det ain.'. C.R.Foster. E led fVtke. J t Hanking & follccllon Hons FOSTER, PERKS 4 Co. Successors lo Foster, I'erks, W right A ft '' Phlllpaburtr, I'eiilr ro, ft, " "llHKRB .11 the l.o.ln.n f . Bsnkio, , 1 T will be tran.arted promptly and toot IL. mot farorable terms. Bj tf County National I BankT CI.F.ARFIELI), PA. TIIIS Bsnk it new op,-o and ready for bu.l. nes. Office on Second street, in the build, ing formerly occupied by Leon.rJ, Finney A Co, nrnacTnaa aso (irrif-sss. JAS. B. GRAHAM, hlCHARD SHAW WM. A. WALLACE. WM. PORTK1 ' A. K. WRItlHT. GEO. L. RKKn D. MOORE. JAS. T. LEONARD, Pretiatat. jn!8,'J Casbitr. Clearfield County Bank. rilHK Clctrfleld County Rank it an ineorpora. 1 ted institution has cons out of eiiiten. k. the surrender of its charter, on May 1J, Ifilj, All its stock is owned by the subscribers, who will continue the Banking batmen at lbs same place, as priralc bankers, ander Ihe firm name ol the "Clearfield County Bank." We are re. sponsible for the debts ol the Bank, aad will per its notes on demand at the counter. Deposits recoired end interest paid whoa money is left for a tied lime. Paper discounted at sis pr ""i . as heretofore. Our persons! respon,i,:.iiv pledged for all Dopoeits reocired end busmen transieted. A continuance of the liberal pai. rontge of the business msn of the county is re spectfully ooiiei'ed. At President, Cashier and ameers of the late CUnrteld County Bank, we require the notes of laid Bank to be presented for redemption. JAS. T. LEONARD, . RICHARD PRAVf. WM. PORTER, JAS. B. GRAHAM. A. K. WKItillT. O. L. REED. WM. A. WALLACE. The basinets of ibe Bank will be conducted by John M. Adams., Esq., as Cashier. junis,'5 eSUtftS. Iron City Hotel. HARRISBCHO, PA. Tthe subscriber respectfully inrlict the public M. and trareling community to giro him a call. Lumbermen are nartieularle inritad tn,,' German and English spoken in lbs house. Charal as moderate. (Apr, 18 tf. J. M. WEAVER. Railroad House. MAIS STREET, PHILIP8BCBO, PA. THB andersigned keepe cwastoatly en head tht best of Liquors. His table is always supplied with the best the market sffords. Tkt trareling pablic will eta well to gire him a call "!,. BOBEKT LLOTD. Susquehanna House. OOXESTOWX, DAVPHIX CO., PA. THE undersigned Uses this method tf la. forming tht Watermen of Clearfield eoaatr that he has refitted acd re-opened the hotel for. merit kepi by E. Sbreiner, at Ceiestown, where he will take special pains to render satisfartiow to all wha ftror him with their patronage. He baa blowa all tht rocks out of tht rittr aad p anted snubbing po.it far half a mile shore hit place. febl8,;j UEUK8E FALK. The American Hotel. LUMBER CITT, CLEABFlELO CO., PA. THE andersigned hsring leased and refitted this wsll haowa staad, takes this method of bringing his establishment before the public His Table aad Ear will he tapplied vita ibe beet the market affords. A liberal share of public pat ronare it therefore respectfully solicited. Jaait-ly pd JAMES L. Cl'KBT. The Eagle Hotel. CUBWEXSVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. T . "' 'iag become propriety J ,koT ou'- ' g' a.tiec te lie eititees cf this couatr. as well as to the trar. cling publie.tb.tl the ho.e, . W ntlui M refurntehed for the aasertaiameat af his guests, lite table w, be furanhed wiih ererrlhing the mm-k.1 affords. Hi. Bar will eoatm, ,h.b..I breads of liquors. Good stablirg attached, and nooe bat careful kosUers employed " tf L. W. Tgy ETCR. ?ocis and hors. PEACE PROCLAIMED. THX WAE OTERW CIEARPIZLR KXOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xcarly all ihe Contrabands going back to their old matter ; but 'nary one going to oU Ifatsachufirttis, vhnt they were lored so long and to veil. IK consequence nf ths shore rsett, t. SHORT, af the eld "Short Shot Shop," would aa TJ,"? ' patrons, aad the people af Clearfield county at large, that he has now a first rata lot of good malarial, ju-l reeejrtd from the East, aad is prepared easanrt actioe te make aad mend Boots aod Shoes, at his new sh -p in Graham s row. He is satisfied that be eaa p:, ass all. ( a-iless It might be tomt intensely loyal nsr. at home patriota.) Hs b prepared to esll low for Cash or Country Produce. Doa'l ferret the Sbopaeii door te Showers A Grahtm t store. i Market strwt. Cl.arfi.ld, Pa. aad kept by a fellow oommealy called ijlt.Hy "SHOSir." m boot ad shoe snop. EDWARD MACK & CO . 0 Market street, rte door west cf Liepoidt't Brewery. THI proprietors hart catered Into the Boat aad Shoe batineee at the abora ttaad, and art determined aot to bt tuidont either ia qual ity or price for their work. Special attention will be paid to manufacturing sewed work. Wt '7 " ", 'Tf of Prench Kip and Calf Skies, of tb, ,,ry 0lilT, Th; tentef Clearleld .. v.,rw.eie ana ririnity are respectfully d e gira wt a triaL Ka charge lor oalla. larile er",'.tf STUDY YOrRI.TERESTS. BOOTS A SHOES made at LOWPRICIS nHI undersigned is prepared to auautaetare. JL trcylhiag ia hit line nt tbt lowest figures. Me will warraat hie work So be at represented. He reireetlsllr aoliriu a il w.. .1. Markst street, eeeoad doer west of the po,t effiev where ke will do all ia kis power to reader eatis- ?7;0A'. a',,r " Frcaefc talf Skins, Aa . aa hand. read. u k. l.i.ki short aotica aad al lew price. jonia. oo y DANIEL C3KXELLV. A PR0(LAHATI0. OOIBQ IT A'LOHSir Xohody Prohibited from Buying my Boot and Shoet on aeco u nt of Ejce or Color. T 1 EINfl that liberal mladed. I lake this method A f at Informing tbt rititene ml ri...s.u icinity that I bare opened a .b.p aa Se.. M. aett door to the Couatr Katloenl Bsnk. erer Wetsea't trat Store, where I i .. rnsks ts i order ererythi.-.g la th. Boot tnd Shot - IL i m.isnat aa ia tht most , workmsaliks saaaaer.aad aa short aoUee. All 1 ask is a tnal. Ioae at Clearleld, this Uth d.r of Jl. !.. MARRY kUSi. ALL STYLES OP Bonnets and it ST RECEIVED Hats, AT Srpjd.-M Me., wfi nrs. 1ISI1 Meckerel, Wkile Fish, Cod P,.h. it J. P. ERATJKR .