TIIK HKPIJHUCAN. TiirBiAV::::::: ::::::rt Ajn il .r, !Mi7. Kwli liunlon .Seeds, Irom lireer'n, rhilatleljiliia, j"" received nud for sale y llartswirk k Irwin. Lt'MiiKR. We linvo but liltlo lo chroniilo iiv rcf'ereiico to tlio Marielln lnml'or market, nnd tlio salo of rnfU. Ve know tlint our morchitiiUfeol good and can't liclp exhibiting their ftel inps ; licnec, if thoxo who have charge of the. concern feel good, we may aft well feel bo too. To Tkachf.rs Tlio Normal School will open in CurwciiRvillo next Tues dnr. Wo lonrn that Mr. Snyder ha8 secured tho assiHlnnco of Frof. I. S. Geist, Into of the Slillerttvillo State Normal School, who comes to hie tank highly recommended. Wo nrc informed thnt good hoarding can be had for $3.50 per week. Jsot TiiL'E. Tho Btory so generally circulated the lnttcr part of last week in refercuco to tho hieuking of the : Booms at Lock Haven nnd Williams-! port, and the consequent loss of mil lions of logs, proves to be false. The Boom at tho latter jiluco was some, what damaged by the high w ater, but no serious loss of logs occurred. The Acammy. Tho fourth term of this literary institution will com mence on JIond:iy, tho 12'.itU instant, under tho superintendence of l'rof. Harrison. This school, wo are pleas ed to know, is in a flourishing condi tion. It is superior to three-fourths of the foreign institutions, and de serves tho patronage of our citizeus. Sco terms in another column. Tax Appeals. Wo this week pub lish in" our advertising columns, for the information of a large majority of the people of this county, tho Appeal notice ol tho District Assessor, Mr. Livingston, in reference to United States assessments. It is a wonder there is not a note at tho bottom of the advertisement warning editors against publishing it, unless requested by a loyal officer, similar to that of the lato State loan advertisement. But as we pay a license we presume Uncle Sam will not send us to a Fort (or publishing this loyal card, the fruits of which go to feed and maintain the Royalists in these dominions. Oi'R Schools. It is with no small amount of pride that wo refer to the fact that our village is now in a fair way of imparting a proper education to the youth of tho vicinity. By re ferring to our advertising columns, it will be noticed that Mr. Sandford will open a first class School in the Town Hall, on tho C.th of May next. The Academy (which we notico elsewhere) will re-open on the 2?) th inst. Child ren instructed under such Teachers as Messrs. Sandford and Harrison, must progress, and we deem it entire. ly useless for our citizens to patron ize foreign institutions, w hile such ex cellent Schools are open at their im mediate firesides. Jibors. The Jury List for June Term will be found in another column. Wo would suggejt to those selected tho propriety of paying a little more respect to tho prcoepts of our Court than there has been shown at tho two prececding terms, w hen less than half of those summoned attended. A fine and loss of pay, by way of exam ple, would facilitate attendance. We nre well aware that tho wages of a T,ii...i m-ith mnnr in nn onmnnnint ion ' r .. .! ',j n.o .n v.ew of tho cost of l,v.ng and the neglect of Nsincm, but as members, 01 communities, vney u c u uuui i j ought not to bo neglected, but should be discharged npon higher grounds than thnt of a mere mercenary view. m aw 0 Nkw Pastor. lfev. Ilenrv Baker, wist or of tho Knulish Lutheran Church, in this place, some eight 1 years since, has accepted a call from the congregation and returned to his ild charge again. We aro pleased to lisve him onco moro with ns, nnd hope his location may bo permanent. Ahoona Tribune. Horsestealing is now a peculiar in stitution in Kentucky. An organised band of lurso-thioves. last Friday, made a raid into Lincoln county, gath ered a drove of horses and made ofT. The Sheriff armed fifteen men and pursued the thieves. Coming upon an ambuscade of armed men, the posse bad to retreat. Joeph Cocheron, a Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue in New York, was put on trial yesterday, charged with having embezzled tho sum of 8111,000, which ho had collect ed for taxes nt various times during lf4 and 1"C5 from residents of Sta ten Island. The Tribune's special says : Attor ney General Slanbcry is said to have recently remarked to the District At torney of Virginia, thnt Jeff. Davis must be disposed of during the com ing term of tho Circuit Court of tho United States, which meets at Rich mond on tho first Monday in May. A man imnied Inpralinin, who it. bo-! licved to havo Won an arcoiijjilifo of j the brothers l'ixlrv ir. tho mitrJor ofj General l'.nilev, iii Vernon county, ; .Missouri, has been linn by tho citi zens of that county. Mrs. Hatter, wifo of Her. William H. Hatter, nf Philadelphia, has been grant a tingle cent to tho few old sol appointed by Governor Geary exam- j diers ot th war of 1H12I Let the inr and inspector of soldiers' orphan ' people make a note of tlio Inet. 7Vi schools, tinder the new l.tw. fri-.f tip'l fcVn. Sur'arr 1'ntnphm. Ilcpul'lics have nlwnys been cursed with a species ol bipeds in human shape, who lor lack of capacity for getting a living at lcgitimnto pursuits fasten their beaks unit fungi firmly in tlio current of public opinion and help to check tho march of human progress and break down the temples of liberty erected by civilization. This class never trnuhlo themselves about principles, nor tho justice of tho course they pursuo, their only political preferences-consist in being (Mi tho strongest sido ; they will some times admit that the courso they arc pursuing is a doubtful one, but con tent their consciences on tho pica I 'mil to resist public opinion, til though in error, is fighting ngninst destiny This class form tho rank and filo of fanaticism and hypocritically assists insanity to domineer over reason and truth, by which means a few of them obtuin political positions which they aro not competent to fill, nnd the others bonstingly indulge in idiotic laughs at nil who attempt to reason with them. These miscrablo retio gades from ono parly to tho other have broken up nnd destroyed nearly every Republic that has ever been established, nnd form tho only bnrrior to converting till governments into Republics. We assert without tho , fear of contradiction that no place on the globe we inhabit ever enjoyed so good and frco n government as our own lor fifty years previous to the lato rebellion, und that no rebellion could have been inaugurated, if these Surface Vampires, embracing ull the rsnegnde knaves and fools in our country, had not joined tho destiny cry ol insano Abolitionists and Fire Eaters, ono parti- yelping f"1' thclo- struetion of slavery by force and the other lor perpetuating it by loree. Slavery bus been destroyed, a million of lives lost, a debt of three thousand millions created, renegades havo been feeding at the public crib nnd denoun cing all honest men as traitors, our government barely escaped destruc tion, a largo portion of our represen tatives, State and National, a pack of drunkards, business deranged, neigh bor f ct against neighbor, our churches divided, millions of paupers and or phans thrown upon public charity, subsistence doubled in price and taxes increased to moro than tivo times their original amount. It is enough to make tho heart sicken and the blood chill in our ruins to sco the very per sons who have to pay for this national amusement, follow blindly as willing dupes, the lead of fanatics, from one species of folly to another and keep themselves and ourcounlry constantly in trouble and in danger when a firm stand for truth, reason, tho constitu tion and laws, would hurl these dis turbers from power and make our country the strongest, freest nnd best in tho world. Wo havo but ono des tiny and that is to maintain our gov ernment and the principles on which it is founded. A majority of our Ststo and National Representatives have no business capacity, their boas ted loyalty is nothing but n kind ot bread and butter necessity, thoir honesty is governed by circumstances nnd their capacity is much greater on drinking rum and other vices than for managing our State, and National affairs. loes a railroad, a canal, au iron or a coal company employ a man to superintend such a company simply because ho can yelp a little louder than other applicants , known to pos sess business capacity and experience in said business? No! business men employ business men to transact thoir riisiness until it comes into politics, and then it would seem thnt reason leaves nnd all go it blind on tho noisiest fool in tho party. With the dominant party no man stands a ghost of a chance, if ho is known to be honest and has reasoning powers; so wo go, wo send fools and knaves to mako laws and mr.ko appropriations and keep all our wise and honest men at homo to raise funds with which to foot tho bills. Columbia IL raid llitrh on Iht .tppropriullon Kill. On the evening of tho 10th instant, in the House, tho Appropriation bill bnving been reported from the com mittee of conference, .Mr. Jtoyle, J'em crat, put the following questions to t)ie . w,ltllfr (1er0 w ot nplr0. prijition of l.r,(MiO for the (Jovernor mansion; fl.oou jor vt nsinngion agency; ?l"i,(Mi() for Adjutant Gener al, for which it bad been demonstra ted t hero was n utter want of neces sity ; $;i00 for iiha;iuin, a member of the House, and a number of appro- 1'1'111110"8 of like character And then whether tho bill did not repenl the law of 1 silt',, granting a pension to olil soldiers of l-Ms ; The Chairman answered ull the questions in tho nflirmativo. Tho ro port was then opposed by Jlcssrs. Itoylo, Headman and Quiglcv, and supported by Messrs. Mann, Waddell and Davis, when the rqiort was re jected, by a vote of ayes -11, nays 40. Tho voto was afterwards reconsid ered, and tho bill recommitted to tho Conference Committee. Information was then transmitted to the Senate, when Speaker Hall ruled that tho Senate, having agreed to tho report, it could not bo recom mitted. The conference committee of tho House, iinding tho Senate com mittee discharged, wcro unable to act, and thereupon nsked to bo dis charged. Thecommitteo was accord ingly discharged, ly a vote oi ayes Mi, nays 81. Thus the bill, as origin ally agreed upon by iho joint com mittee of conference, wns agreed to. The bill as adopted makes the ap propriations mentioned, above, by Mr. Boyle; fixed tho salaries of members nt f 1,(100; increases the salaries of tho various oflioials, nnd repeals the iir .if 1M2! The extravagant nnd nclu8is RpjiroprialiortB mpiitioncd Mr. lioVIO tlint S4,30(s the in- crpao to momhors ngrcatps $:!0,0il0 moro JTl'.OOO anU scores of other useless and extravapant donation' rnn the who up to hiiiidrod of llion- sands of dollars, (in a total bill of over four million dollars.) and yet those patriotic, (!) loyal, (!)soldier-lovinir.(!) Simon Cameron llndicals refused to In Weekly county, Tennessee, tho Radical Register refuse to issue rer titivates to negroes n electors unless they promise to vote for old Brown low. This is just as wo expected. The "right" of the negro to voto means only tho "right" to voto tho Radical ticket. Tho Chambersbtirg 11 punitory snys : ''It now seems probable that tho Dem ocrats will nominate Judge Sharswood tor Supremo Judgo, and it so, ho will bo a strong candidate. Judge Linn, of liollefonto, seems prominent for tho Republican nomination." Ninety-two petitions for divorco are now pending before tho Supreme Court at Providence, R. 1., of which all but twenty como from tho wives. This is tho locality from which all "grand moral ideas" emanate. Tho New Albany (lnd.) Ledger says sixteen murders havo boon com mitted in Jackson count' within a few months, and that citizens have nt lust organized to execute tho laws according to tho code of Judgo Lynch. Mrs. (irundy is opposed to gamb ling. She calls for a Red Seu, like that of old, to destroy Vara and his hosts. Robt. Hill was stubbed nnd killed in St. Louis, Wednesday, by Henry Williams, both negroes jealousy. Markets. Clearfield Markets. Hri'orteil weekly forthe Ci.rAKriKi.ti RKPraurA ly J. P. Kratzkk, Dealer in Pry Oootli, tliu cvriel, ProviHionv, Ac, Market It., Clearfield. Clearfield, April 11, 1S67. ApjtleB. jrreen .$11 .'(! i ll's, (Irpaned 00 Pried, jS m M i Hides, green 7 Apple butter. 1 till ' llams,puur cured, Putter 4U Hliuul.len I Beanr.....a tllifri) 4 (10 I riidei 10 lluekwheal 1 I.nrd Pueknlirat tourth, t .Mem yotl.'tf b'.d...30 0 Href, dried J5 1 Oat 7i Beef, frcjli WD 15 I Onion. Kill lluardu, M 1 j 00j,20 I'll Potatoe 1 2b Corn, (fuelled 1 iU i Peachei, dried. tb 25 Corn, ear 7.'i Plaster, , bid'. S Ml Corn meal, daek, I 7 5 1 Rye 1 li" Chop, $t eL J 00 i llngi, ri lt il Cloverwed 13 HO , Salt, y aaek 1 iO Cheeae 25 Sbinlvit, IS in, M, 6 ill f hcrriea, ti Jll Shinglea. 2d iu 1J 00 Chicken., drd, to, 20 i Tnnolhy aerd 5 0(1 Kega 15 I Tallow li Flaxseed J " Wheat. 3 (10 Flour 15 OOfa. Ill (id Wool f Hay, t"n ("I Wood, cord 4 0(1 Philadelphia Grofrry Market. Ileported weeklyfor (tic Cl.r iltriKl.n RElM'BMrA by Wahwiihut t Co., Wholeaale (iroeera and Tea Dealer., N. E. comer Hcoond A Arch ftreeta, Philadelphia. rml.A!M HlllA, April S, 1SCT. TEA. Young IlTaon Surior... K.'-fi l 15 fine 1 2.i(u.t 45 Fineat...v.l 5Z(1 eO Ilyaon '8uperior...t 10ft,l 25 Fine. I Kl'oi 1 50 Finrat I 55(0,1 70 Imperial- errnica. Rio, common 2.1 (III J" J (liKid. ? (a, 25 Prime 2.''$( Choice 2''t('y Jara,oldKUr. 37 (a l.agiiara 26 (a W A Cocans.. Dandelion p ai'GAna, Superior... I 2-if'i. 1 40 iCruabed... 15 1H 15 11 (.i, 1IJ IWfc 14 Fino. 1 50(0.1 65 i Coarai palv'd f meal l ((o,l sv OnnHiwder Superior... 1 2Sd. 40 l ine 1 5i( I 70 Fineat I 70(1,2 00 Illaek Puperior... 5(3,1 00 Fine 1 (I5(,t.l 20 Fincat I 25(o,l 50 Japan Superior...! (t'tfn 1 15 Fine... I 2oi.i. I 25 Fineal I 2,1-1,1 S5 KlrR. Candina lldi II) F.aat India... U1M. I"j ! Fine....do... !::::::::: ! Elira C. C yellow... lli(Vj Ml arr.crs. Common 4H( 55 Fair... Wood Prime Choi 5h(v 7(ll 7.f'U 8.,(.o Choieeextra, I'ljHl Mot.Aaara. V. O., ehoiee, :ifci! 5 Porto Kieo... 70u 80 Cuba 55(. 8 Clement K. Wainwripht - - Iarael R. Wainwrifrht Joaeph It. Wainwripht. WAIN WRIGHT & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, N. K. Corner Focond and Arch PtrwtP, prll rfUKAPKI.PlirA, Pa. riitladplphla rroUluii Market RrportfJ wwkl.T ir the fLitAiiririd Itrrrn.irir hy N. II. liiitOAO A Co., HrovitoB M"rchnnt. K. lit lit N. Water utrrct, Philmlrlphia, Pa. Piiii iiitxiMiiA, April 23, 1KC7. Flur,ltra fam..$l.l mt Onions, 'fi hiia ? 1 60 , Hve dour H' l'olaloea, 'ft Mil... J 75 Cnrnineal 6 2a Men-era, f fins. 1 15 Wheat 3 2i Meaapoik.'t' bill.. 24 bl) live 1 fli ll.win ( irn. 1 2i H. C hams. 1J (lats 75 HhoulJers 1-' lleana 2 id Miles U'l ltr,-w.x 40 I.anl VI Camilla, tallow.... IK lluller Adamantine .... 22 t him-r mil Featbers fi1 HoliJ .m ki-U.... 12 Fi'h, r.er l.iirri-l IviTKa, "jr1 il'a 2 Maekerel, No.3, 11 2: ( heeae. (Ihm 15 Harrine-. "( Itox, C;' New York 11 Lii.inratie liuita Sali, niek (15 Apiilea. lihl.. 7 00 (Iriiuml.'piuH'k, 120 Hlnl, fl II HJ Cll-'ls lliilia 14 ('Inter 11 00 Oila Tiranlbr . 3 ?.i Wlm'e 100 Maxseed 3 00 r!(.i rrn t 00 Tnllnw (') Lard. 1 10 Wo.il, Ohio (Ill Craile net 17 Cuuinmn 45 Krflnriliel 4 t'nnasheil .14 i nT hTgrar am'&TcoT, I riJOVlSIOX MEUCHAXTS, NuS. 17 i 19 Xonh Walrr Street, spill riULAHKl.rillA, I'A. N. llii-ka (irnllain - K.iw'd A. (Irelinm rilfshnrg Markets. Prepared everr we,-k fur the Ci.rAnriKi.n TU:pi b l n nt, Ivr T. ('. Jkkiss. Citmmia.ion Meretmnt, So. 2;.l, l.ilierlr Slrrel, I'itt-hnrjt. 1'a, Pittsbi no, April 20, Sn7. ri.ol'R. I Applra. III. ,4 tlllfaa 50 Jinktns Kiireka...fl5 Mi li inl applrf, prime, l.iiiv 14 n 5 00 lriid l.i.'hea.lli(,o lieaplaiuea 4 Seara heal 14 2j( u 14 id Salt. . fi barrel 3 Canillrs ii M'Urrgnr's a Kiln berlv'a, ebniee... Preaffiit Hye flour, hlil Corn meal, Ims, Rui-kwheat fluur, huinlreil Wheat " " Hye 0 0i"i( (lata (i.icv No. 3 Maekerel 14 : :. 1 (HI 511 1 10 S 75 liarrel I.ani, ehoiee Tallow- ....10 Ml .... m .... 10 BAIOH. Sides OHfTt) 12 .((nnlilera I'ir.u 111 llama, anzar cured, 1(1 3 2 I .Mi Mhi fork 2.1 .'.0 70 1 llrooma 2 () I ! Corn, ahelle.1 1 (Ml lt.HiiidOil 4! iCulle, 2:it(ij 27, I'litalnea, ehmee, V barrel 3 Hi l t 3 2. arc Ana. 7 Uniwn in) 14 S 2S I Hi fined, hard 1(1 12 0A enflee li 2U..I Taa. s 2.. r.iau.k .7;.r,f, I ;o 2 7.i Mi rei n Win 1 (15 .nl'Synipa 7.1(h) 1 (IS i? Miilaaeea t.i( Hi IliHiee lllj(,t 1IJ Ont'ina, f liarrel.. Tiroolhr eeeil,3 nu Clorer sreU. Klaa seed Mid.ihnra, 2 0"(y llean. navj Ilnller, WII...2M1) ( heeae ("(' Ktrir" cOi' ri.otu 1'IttM liUO.NS. T. C. JERKINS, lOMMlSWiON Mi:RllUsT, wnoi.raAt.ft tiKAi.ta t RK'-ri rn or Fl.Ot 11, I'KOVlKiNS. ANU A LI, KINIiS OF HLUNKII OII.S. ( liraiet I-lour llouae In riltaburch. On hand, relisl.le and well known brands, tonality of 1 lour guaranteed. Indneementa lo dialers and Prieea Current sent erery wevk. CitKi aaasB I'ainT, 27.1 l.ineair SiarrT, j.n2l It Pir iSlll Rl. II. P. 1 REI N APPLKS T -juit rereived at J. P. KRATZm S. ooK HTOVKS with improred a-h pan. for J burning eoil, at S. P. X nAT7.KI!'8. UIKD rKA:HL?-parrel andnnpMired.il J. r. K n J si l. It . TrtllsrcUanrons. R R0BIS0N & CO , WIIOt.lHAI.K (irocrrs and Pork Packers, IVtili-rp in tile.-, lion and Nails, Family Flour of tlio Best Brandy Paeon. Hums, Fid., and ShouMors : Laid, Mim Poik, Cheese Means, ll'iminv. Print Fruit, Carhou and Lard Oil, Pritttl lluef, a. c. Liberty turret, iltrd 1'ruiil.) mar7-ly PITTfHl'Ktl, PA. LOGAN ACADEMY. B nix's Mii.t.s, Blair Co., Fa. IVKHY ways firsl-rliiss Institution, affording j the best facilities to those preparing lor col lege, business, or teaching. Whole expenses for the Bummer Terra, of 6ve months $115 AO V-V-Nu extra charges. :k-4..Nekt term begins May It, lr,(17. Kond for i rin iiliir. Kev. OKU LAWSOX, I'rin., uinrT-::tn:pl Antirtimn, !'. Grape Vines for Sale. Vl,l. thu leading hardy varieties of flrat qillility. I oucoril, 1 year obi, Jieenta, or f'-'O per 100 Concord. 2 yeara idd, :0cenli, or -!( per 1 00 Itelteeca, 1 year old, iilleenta: leat white Krapc. lona, 1 year old, $1 M): heal amber frrape. X-S'-Aoy other varieliea below nuiaery prieea. Ordure aolieited aa aoou aa convenient, and tilled in rotation, by A. M. 1111,1, S. Cleurlield, Pa., Au-ut 22, ltO. ItY MAIL, PREPAID. choice flowebTgarden seeds, New Strawberries,GrapeB,Bijlbs,i-C. T W. V'ATSOX'S OM Vn'uny Knwry niul J) Heed KiUblisbraent, lMvuioclb, Mrji. 1 now itci)Uti))( (ml ly mail, pn-paid, pHrkcd with pri'iit cure in jfti'tn pert-hn rilk. m f to roncli aai.v part ol'ttu' I'nion in prfvt mit'ir, a romplctf jm HorLiiicnt of tlio fiitiiitt irupp, him win-men. New Ibtc turnintw, (iwn-t lH-rrici', liltifLUfrrii-i!, r.tmcii. Flowering 1'lniitn, Multtn, Litlirn, Ac, Ac. Fruit DTid OriiHUiental trevn and Hhiulin, Kvcrsrornii, llfil;c PlniitR, Ac, will lie sent hy fii-i;rlit, paid lo B(.ioti. Alw-, the '1 rue Cupu Cud CmnWrry, for ctiltivution in wet Und, or in upland and pardt ri. where it prodiiofd at (lit rntr of -100 bufhHii U iht acre; with dir.'cliom for cultivation; Priced le FTiptivr Cutali-iriicii will lm wilt to hht addrrM. Now n the beft limti for iiliiiitiii. 'J'iip lx-t wiy to obtain pood Fruits and Floweri and Kcedn. is lo (tend direct to the grower. Sfid for a Catalogue. Wholetiale Catalogue! to the trtdv. Agnt wanted. marl t 2tn Vox !1IIS1 It AKHt'H KOTIC'IV-Notice beniby given Umu lctterof Adii.iniitnttion on the eet:ite of Iturhara Kllincer, dwawd, late of Krud.v township, Cli:itf'ul I county, J'a., have thif dtT been duly granted to the uiiderminid.to whom vll'perioni indchud tofuiideMute will pluaw make payment, and thue hnvin claims or demands will piritent them for pcttlcmint without delay. tii-MittiE KI.MNtiFR, March 21, 1HG7 U. Ahuinitrator. 1 867 Philadelphia & Erie R. R. 1867 T'jl -real tin, traverse, th, Northern and North weal counties of Pcnnsjlvania to the eitj of Eri, on Lake tri,. f It las been leaaei and 1, operated be th PENKSVLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger traioi at ST. MARY'S and KEAIIN J: I. card l'.antKurd. bu Marjr's. Krle Ripreii Train 4 14 P. M. Kri, Mall Train 11.12 P. M. Leave Weattvard. Tri, Mail Train 12.64 i. M. Eri, Kxpress Train.... 3 li A. M. Keating. 1.5:1 A. M. S.42 P. 11. 10 11 A.M. 1231 A.M. Paasen ffer ears rno through nn the Eri, Mail and Exprnas Trains without ehang, both ways between Philadelphia and Kri,. New iurk Connection. Lear, N.Y.al II &. m.; Ar. at Eri, 10 a.m. t.eav, N. Y.at 5 p. m.; Ar. at Erie 1. 16 a. v. Leae, Erie at a 80 p. m. Ar.atN. Y.4.40 p.m. Lear, 1'rie al 19 ! a. oi. Ar.st N.Y.10.IO a. m. o change of Car bet went I'.ile A N. V. Elegant bleeping Cars on all Night trains. For information respecting Passenger busi ness, apple at Cor. SOtn and Market St's, Phil'a. And lor rrrtp;ht btuinos, of th, Cumpanf'a AgenU, B. H. Kingston, jr., Cur. 1 :4th and Mar ket streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynold, Erie. William Drown, Agent, N. C. R. K,, Raliimor,. 11. II. Jlouaton, tleneral Freight Agent, Phila, 11. Wi Uwinner, Uenrral Ticket Areol, Erie. A. L. TYLKII. 0,neral buperintendent, Eri,. NEW CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, Fa. (Imtncdiatel7 in rear of Machine Shop,) riMIK subseriner would respeetfullv Inform th, X eillsens if Clearfield, and the ublie in fren aral, that b. Is prepared to do all kinds of work on Carriages, liugsies, Va;ans, Sleighs, Sleds, Ae., on short notie, and on reaacnabl, terms, and in a workmanlike manner. KtrhW orders promptly attended to. -tV t Feb. 14. ed. M M. MMQUI. To the Wool . row era of Irarflcld aud JclleraoM Cotiiitlt'Kt II' :MtY J. HUUM'V A C'o..wi'l trard ilmmgh these counties the roiii'mg mnnnter for the pur''iae WOOL e of exrhansing FACT'tKV HtHihrt for I'hrirstoekeortxistsnf Sntincta, Tlannela, Coverlets, Itlaiikets, haloioral Skirts, and i aro, all of the Wst (jtmtity. These go'-d are nianufnc! turrd bvtieoigi' Lrvnn t fnn.in Laneaster eountv, Pa., and Itetter goods are not manufaetiited in the I'littcd SimIos. All who wih full value for (heir wool should wait and trade with them. Any fur ther (nl'nrmntion can be oMrtined I v 'blTSing them at New Millport, flourfield cmit-tv, Pa. marI .'tin II. J. M.'tJTY A CO. Ol nnn,, K I'-AHI W', want agents O 1 al ' ererywtiera to sell pur inraovtn ( ill Kawlnn Mai hines. Tl ree new kinds. Vn der and uj.par feed, font on trial. Warranted fire yeir. Ahor, siliry i,r large eoinmiaalons pnid. The onlj maehlnas Sold in t'niied States for leaa than $1(1. nhirh are fHtt lietntrd hr Howe, Wheeler A Wil.on, (irorer Uaker, Sing er k Co., and Paehelder. AU other cbeup ma eliiees ar, iiiria.rweiift. and the eWer er aaar is fi'infe In arre.f, fine and imprisonment. Illus trated direulara srnt free. A'Mrcss or eall u on MIAW t CI.AHK, at Uidillefoid, Mnin. or Chicago, Illinnls. niajlSM ljr Ayer's S,irsaparila, if ehoiee root, so eomliined with other JjAV suhstanees of allll greater alterna tit, power ar to afford an effeetnal titldote for diaeaarr haraapanlla Is reputed to enre. barb a reiuedjr is surelr wanted b Uioee wba suffer from Strumous rom plaints, and that ono whirh will aeeotnpliab their j ettre must prove, aa thia lias prored, of imniena. seme, to this larfra elass ot our allllrted tellow eitisens. How eompletelj this eompouod will do It, has been proven by eiperiment on many of lb, worst eases to b, found la th, following eomp'aints: Berofula. 6erofu!ons Swellings and Sores, Skin Diaeaaes, Pimples, Pustbl,a, Illo ches, Kniptinns, 8l. Anthony's Fire, Hose or Erysipelas, Teller or Salt Hheuui, Frald Head, Hingwurm, Ao. .V,;iiaoe Yrn'.rtttl Jhtrnt Is expelled from the system by the prolonged oa, of this Saraapa rilta, and the patient ialelt in eomparativ, heallh. enofe 'laenaes are eauaed by scrofula In the ire BS 4 blood, and ar. often soon cured by this Kxtrael,h,,r iy Suits,' Ceala, and llaaqnines band of Sarsaparilla. Do not reject '.his Invaluable medicine, because yon have been In posed npon by lomething pre. tending to b tarssparilla, while It wn ant, W ben yon hare used Ayer'a then, and not till tben, will jon know tba vittnes of farsaparilia. For ninatt partienlars of tb diseasea it earas, wa refer yoa to Ayer's American Almanac, wbieb the aer.t below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. Ayer'a Catbartie Pilla, for tha cure of Cost. ra. ness, Janndica, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Dyaea tery, Fi'ul Wtoaiaeb, Headache, 1 ilea, liheania. tism. He an bum arising from Disordered iStora aeh, Tain or Morbid Inaction of the Dowels, Flatnletier, Loaa of Appetite. Liver Complaint, Drupy, Wonnft. float, Nenralgia. and aa a Din ner I'iiU are naeiinaJled. Thry nre avrar coated, so that tha most aetist tire can take Ibem with pleasure, and they are tbt best Aperient In tb world for all the, purpo tea of a family physie, Preparr l bV Da. J. 0 Arra 1 Co., towell, Mase., and sold by C V. Watson, Clearfield j W. C. Met. Ulta llepat Joseih R. Irwin and Irvin A Hartrborn, Caraensvilla j Kirk if 8 j sn eer, Lnmber City. mar7-lai BARGAIN la !! f Woolca Goods, Shawls. Dltnketa, Corerlets, r.. al J. P. KHATZER'!. f;t Cstatf for atf. i' it it: h i: h.ii.i: or VAi.i'Am.B r urn Ml) (OA I- LAMIS Iri I'ciiii Tow li Hit I p. M1K siilxcribi r, ret-uhtiir in the horntich rf Clrnrltcltl, oflvrs to Kl at prirale mlo an iihtirovtvl fttrin, nndcrUm with a emil vein nx fei thnk, (now worked.) Tttin propi-rir is lorntcd on the turnpike, one half mile west of Pt-nnvill, and Contains 140 Acres, Heventy of which are under cultivation, with a log dwelling houne nnd frame barn thereon, together with nn urrhnrd of lurjr lnraritig trees, pompoimd of ftpTiif, pench, penr and pluino, with a xpring of exctdfent wafer at the door. Tliounitnproved pari is covered with Pine, Hemlock, Oak and Chestnut Timber, and adjoins land of Pamuel Derrick, Jcrcmtuh Moore and Joseph Davis, and is within less thnn hnlf a mile of grixt mill, school houne, io-it nfliee and churches all essential in rendering it a desirable property. TUB COAtj MIN'KI) on this property Is of a superior qoalily, not urpatted in the county, and opened at the turnpike, where every faei'ily for its trntmportntion is held out. Tlioso wihhiiiK to in vest in a property of this kind, can, by addressing the undersigned, or calling upon him, at f lemiield. Pa., ol tain terms and nil npco-mrv infornmiion. febVH.:tm:jid THOMAS Doltl M KHT VAUJ AIe REAL ESTATE AT IMtlVATi: ham:. rilll E unilersinetl, residing in Hradv'townsiiip. I now nflcn ono of the U-st 1 I l U K It nnd l itAh tracts of land for talc in that section ol thu oounty, Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance, Forty-five of which i under cultivation, with lions and stable, thereon, aud an ondninl of lilt) bearing fruit trees ; the balance is heavily timber ed. At leant one million fot of Pine antl two hundred thousand of va'a. The whole hi in; un dvrlnid with a four foot vein of coal. Thin tract in situated within one milt) of Luthcr-I.urg, ad Joining lands of ,loepb Li lire, C'nrson, Whitehead and iVnix, a public road pmtsvs through it, a rclmol house ix loctfcd on the one corner, and an ceillcnt spline of water. Kvery railroad rurrey ma-lcthnmirh this seetiou hi Ih-d huaicd on this Jj.nd. Any furtl.''r inform:tion in relcreiice to the property, terms, Ac, oim be hed by calling on or addresning the subricntuT, at Lr.llitTuburg, Clear Held oouniv, Pa. jnn-.M..'lm JAM KS MIT.KS. HOTEL FOR SALE. IN SKW MILLPOKT, TIIIE Miitleisiinrd. 'es irons of moving to the X West, oilers at private sale a Inrjje Iwo-'t'-ry I'KAMK 1HU -K. now kept ns a Hotel, situiiieon Main strrrt in the village of New Millport, Dear field county. Pis The budding is wed arranged for a hotel, or dwelling houe and Store-loom, with all the necessary outbuildings riiaclud, in g'wd order, together wiih FOUR LOTS OF CiROUXD. Hut few properties posse! epuJ advantaget as a buMiiexs stand to this. It will b sold part oath in hand, and the balance In payments. Any iurtner intortrntint ;an be ob tained by calling on or addressing the subscriber, at New Millport, Clearfield eountv, Penn'n. Jan.ni-:inrpd D. A A HON' WISE. Farm for Sale. flUIK untlcrsigned. residing in Lawrenne town X nipf n',w oflurs his fnrm at private sale. It is dcsirat.lv located, well improved, and within three- fourths of a mile of a public school bouxe. The premises contain Sixty-fire ferf9 Fortv-fivenf which are under cnlllvatlon. The iiniirnvements consist of a log dwelling house, plus tcred ineide and wealherloarded, log barn, a flue young bearing orchard of all ktntls of fruit, and a spring of water at the door. The title is undispu talilc. Possesstioa given oo the first of April next, if desired. I he iironertT will be aoli on easy term. For further particulars apply on theprem- ises. or address the suhwrimT at learneiii, l a. l'b.2l,lK67-:lin. Ji'HN D. DOl (illKKTY. Real Estate for Sale. T" HIE ptihxrriber now offers his premises at pri ares o in iid, j Vi h. ill l li of which are clear ed and under cultivation, having thereon creeled a ptnttk fiainc home, barn, and the other necessary nut-muUmigs ; together with a gool spring of wa ler, a bi aring on hard of SO finit trees, and aliout 4,000 feet ol timWr. Two thiids of the improved portion is sowcj with Clover and Timothy. The Iirttperty is aitnated in llogga towoship, on the 'hihpsbarg and Cnrwensville turnpike, one-balf mile rant of Monevillc, For further particulars inquire on the premises, or ablresa the umtersign ed at Clearfield Bridge P. aprlfMf JOHN T. A?KEY. A Farm for Sale. TIMfK aiiNstrilror nffrm his farm, in Knox tp.. I t'lrarflcld cuuntv, ia nt private aale. It is sitnatrd on Potts Hun, two miles east of Fruit HillCbarch and contains IM1 arrea. The im- Iirovcmcnta eotmst of a (thxI saw -in ill, log dwell lift house, bank barn andotlieroitt-buildings.wilh a jfrnnl applo orchard and a variety of otbrr fruit trrr. There are si i torn acres under improvement, and the balance is well timbered. Tina valuable rmiiti-rtv will 1m sold on reasonable terms. For further information applv to JA.MKS ?. JACKSON', - aprll-3t:pd Clearfield county. Pa. Urrrhaut tTailots. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door cast of Clearfield House.) Market Mrcet, Clearfield, Pa. K'EKPS on hand a full assortmenta of Oont' Furnishinf tloods. snrh at Hbirts, Linen and Woolen I'udrrthirte, Drawers and Forks, Neck taf Pockot Handkerchiefs, Uloves, Hats, Vmbrcllas, fce.. in great Tariety. Of Piece (Joodi ha keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Snrh a Clar-k Dorikin of the very best make; Fancy Cassimere, in great variety, also, French Coating, Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Fricott overcoating. All of which will hp sold cheap for Cash, and made up according to thv latest styles by experienced workmen. Also, Apent f'r Clearfield county for X. M finger A Co's. celebrated Pewing MirMnea. ov. 1, lrtj-tf. H. UKUMiB. ON HIS OWN HOOK. w. "f."c iTa r K , "ItOl LD respectfully announce to the eitl V T tens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has taken the reoms formerly occupied by P. A. Oaulin, in Urahaoa't Uow, immediately over II. F. Aaugle't Jewelry Btnre, and will continue tba TAILomXG BUSINESS. A full assortmeit of Cloths. Cassimerei and Testings constantly on band, and maja to order on the shortest outica Particular attention will be giren to CUTTIXO Mens', puya' and Children's clothing in tbt most fashionable styles, (Jiva him a call, deen-tf W.F.CLARK, DRESS-MAKING- s PIU1AL XtlTK i;-PARISIAN DRKS AND CLOAK MAKING. Ladies can bare aomely made and trimmed, at the shortest no tice. at the old established stand. u:t I Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornaments, Dress and Cloak Buttons, Ribbons, Cluny and Uuipura Laces, Duple and Oimp Dress Trim, mings, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy Uoods.from IS to b per cent, less than elsewhere. Also, receiving daily, Paris fashions in tistua paper, for Ladies' and Children's D re a sea. Bets of Patterni for merchants and dres makers now rcadv, at Mrs. M. A. BINDKH'fl, Jy4 ly Wl Chestnut St., Philadelphia. D' hM)M TI OP PARTM.KslIIP. The co-partnership h ret,, fore existintr be twe.-n V. It. Foster, D. M'tiirk. I- I ward Perks, ti. L. Peed, llt.bard Jhaw. A. K. Wright, J. T. Ionard. ,1ns. It. (irali ain. and Wm. A. YV.ia', in the BankinK business, at lhilltpbnrff. Crntre county. Pa., is this day disolred by mutual con sent. The business will be etmdm tid as berrtufrtro at the same pltee. under the title of Foster, Perks A Co. C. K. HS1 IR. RICH AR 0 811 AW, J. D M ttlHK. J. T. LKi'N'ARD. tDW. PKRKS. WM. A. WALLACE. J. R. tR A1IAM. A. K. W RIO 11 T. 0. L. RFfcD. March i, 1S67. 1)OTAT0r?-fnr sale at J. P. KsUT7.En ., Msrli-t frect. ry 9m&i9 f.rornirs, (fir. CLEARFIELD STORE X Ji A K Pliilipsbtir, la. WIIXUM W. DITTS. otoitiii i,, mm. jmtx r. wiavo i i i.i a sj rownx W. UBETTS,S'CO., (Suecssors to Munson k IIuops) IU j ii it rereivoil a Inrfre anil well , Icoted Stock of all kio4 of Staple goods, sucli us Dry Goods, Clothing, Mooti and Shoes, lints nn 1 Cupa, Ko lioca, 1 1 arl ware, (jlut, Naili, Oils, l'ainis. Queensware, Groceries, Flour, ltucon, Feed, lo., which we are otlnring at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in Exrhnnpe for Lumber aod Shingles. We hope In ninke it lo the advantage of Timber Men, in the lower end of Clem field county and on Clearfield Creek, to get tlieir lupplie, ftora this point, being on the line ol Hail Road can Sell BOoiU on heller terms than at any point in Cleailield county, and we are telling our btock at such prices as lomuke ilan ohject to those, buy ing good, in thi mnrkel lo deal wtlh us Advances of Goods, Feed, &c., mado on account of Square Timber, which we will either sell on coniuiisniou or buy at fixed ratea. . Hour of difleronl lirands can be had al all timet at very low prices, at the Clear field Store, l'hilipsburg, l'enii'a. Dry Oooda Notions, Ac, in great Tari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, l'liilipsburg, l'enn'a. Suit by the Stick ot load, cheaper than cun be had nnv where else, at the Clear field Store, l'hilip.burg, l'enn'a. Call and Kxannne the stock of poods, at the Clearfield Store, al l'hilipsburg, I'a. Highest price paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shingles at the Clearfield Store, Thilipsbuig, 1'vnn'a. The cheapest goods of all kinds ate to be had at the Cleailield Store, at rbiliptburp. Call and tee if our goods and prices don't toot the timet. W. W. BEI TS, & CO. Philiptiburg, No?emher 15th, lHG5.ir WIXTE11G0013S. MOM NtW TOSI k rillLiDSLPtllA. At Cheap aa the Cheapest aud Gov4 aa the BcsU C. KRATZER & S0, Hare Just raceired, and art opening, at their Old f tand oo Front Street, abora the Academy, a large and well se lected asaartmtnt of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they ar, selling at very low rates. Head the following catalogue and proit thereliy. 7 I Espscial ,ins has been taken In tbt o u N H ti selection of Ladies Iress Goods, whit Goods, Ktnbroideries Millinery Goods, Prints, Kerchiefs, Aubiee, Gloves, 4e- FOU GEXTLE.M EX. Alwsys oo btnil Illsck Cloths Fsney and lilsck Ctsiimeres, Satinets, ete., Kesdj Mad, Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES. NECKTIES, and a TiriMj of otber articles, which they will sell at a small advance on cost Paruuuler aiiealioa it ioeited to their stork of Carpet. Cottare, tommoa lo graio, superBna Englitb Ingrain and ilrusseU, rloor and Table Oil Clotha, Window tbadea and Wall papers, ete FLOUR, BACON. FUh Salt, Fluster, Apple, IVaclift and fro not kept constantly oo hand. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and tmaii Clover seed. We intend to make It an object for Farm en and Mechanics to buj from us; baeausewe will tell our goods at low as they en be bought in tho county and pay tba very highest price for all kinds of country pro duce. We will also eirhsnge goods fur School, Road and Corarr oidera; fch in (ties. Hoards, and all kiads of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, March U, 160. GREAT EXCITEMENT QN SECOND STKEET, Clear riKi.D, Pesx'a. SEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The tindcrsiKni'd daring formed a co 'artticrliip, in Ilia Mercantile business, arou.d rfeutfully invite tbe attention of the I'uMio firnernlly lo their splendid assorlemnl of Merchandise, vihich is nnw lieing SOLD VERY LHW FOR CASH, 'i beir stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of Ihe best ninthly, such at Prints, De Laities, Alpaccas, Mninns, (iinhams, Muslim lUeached and uubleached. Drillings, Tickinpe, Collon att'l Wool Flannels, Sntinctls, ('(ittenadcs, Custiniercs, I.ndies Slinrtlt, Coals, Nubine and Hoods, Ilalmo rul and Jlonp Skirls, 4c., 4c, all of which WILL BE SOLI) LOW FOR CASH Also, fine assortment of nien't Iiraw ert and Shirts, IJats A Caps, Hoot & Shoes Queensware, Glassware, Ilardnare, flroceries and spices OP ALL KINDS '.N SUORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of ererythind usunlly kept in a re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or improved country produce. WRIGHT i FLANIGAN. Clearfiolil. .lanuary 10th, IStiti.tf. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. Pares Timet hares Money! favca I abort fait. Clothes t fires Women! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT! It It used by eottinf Into small bsTln and dissoMrtg in hot water, then tak the clothes fire to left wilnntes, and a little hand rubbing will make then as clean as hours of hard ma- rhh e rubbing would do, with ordinary eosp.and toe most ueiieaie lanrie reeeire no injury, r-e cun refer to thousands of fs mi lies who are Ofinf it, and who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' CLKCTRIC SOAP. frSUd by all lcaJing Grocers throughout the Ptole. Manufactured only by DOBBINS LOVE, TVholcMls office i 107 SOCTI TlfTl Strebt, riiLAi'iLratA. JNTFat sile bT Hartwlck A Irwin. CleartlelJ. Not em Her f, s-l0 no. GKtH'lilUEM te te hsd tl MERTEbL EmtER'S. -tH It o.oodi. ('trcrnlfs, Ctf. RICHARD HOSSOP, I'KALKU IN FOREIGN and DOM ESTIO GOOD3 Ml'SLINS DKI.AISM COItUROS at at at Pensntion Hensalion rtensatinn (tensalion prtflM price firicet ALPACAS at Jirtctia ,1ust receired at MOSSOl'S'. OINnilAM.i at 8nation price CHINTZ at at al at Sensation Sensation rSe nsaticn Setisalion pri oca pi ice price price PRINTS OLOVKS CRAVATS al MOSSOPS' SHAWLS IIONNKI'S COLORKI) I MUSLINS I al al ' at Sensalion prioet Sensatiou price SeDtation price All lobe bad at MOSSOPS', LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at FAIiLK CLOTI1S at KK1NUE al Sensation Sensation Snsation Sensation price price price price Sensation price at MOSSOPS LACK t HOSIERY at Kl BISONS at TRIMMINGS of all kinds 4 I at in anv nuan'lv Sensation Sensalion Sensation price price price Sensation price Always on nana ai wuui-3 . CASSIMKRtS at Sensation HATT1 NETS t situtation TWKKOS al Sentation JF.ANS at Seutation VKSTINOS at Sensation SHIRTINGS at Sensation price prices price price pricet nricea at MOSSOI'y. CLOTHING auch aa Costa, Pants, V eiti, UodetShirta, Flannel SliirU, Iloots, Shoes, lata and Cant, at tenaation prios Now for tale at MOSSOTS'. II A R I) W AUK tuuli aaSnvs, nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Uinget, L1QTTORS, noh at Wine, Ilran.ly, (j i n, W b iaker, at tentalion price at MOSSOPS', at tentation price at sensalion price t MOSSOPS'. at tcu.al.ion price Cognac, etc, etc., FRUITS, such at Prunes, Kaisint, Figs, Filbert, &c, GROCER1KS, say Flour, 11 a m t, Shouldert, Sugar, Molasses, Cotlee, Tea, Cracker, Spice, Candle, Coal Oil, etc., etc. Alsrayt at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING ROPES POWUER SHOT LEAD CAPS at t at at ut al ensation price price price price price price aensation aeneation ensation enaation aeutaticn At the store of RICHARD MOSsor. MOSSOP Always keep on hand lull assortment of aii kinds of good required for the accommodation oi ibe public. Kor. 11, 18S5. JEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a Nlw Storc, on Main St., CLriRruLD, Pa., lately occupied by Wo. F. IRWIN, Their slock consist! of Okoctcu of lb best quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoe?, and every article necessary for one' comfort. Call and eiamine our slock before pur chasing eltswbere. May 9, 18CG-tf. "how to SsWe moFeyT THE times are hard; yun'd like to know How yoa may sure your dollar f Tbe way to do it I will show. If yoa will read what follow. A man who Heed not far from here, Who worked herd at bis trads, But had a household to mpport That squandered all he made. I met him once. Saye he, "My friend, I look thread hear and rough j I're tried to get myself a suit. But can't tare up enough." Sirs T, my friend, how much hare yoa f I'll tell you where to go To gut a suit that's snood and cheap t To KKIZEKSTBIX Co. lie took what little he had eared. And went to K'itenstein A Ii rot here'. And there be got a handsome suit. For half he paid to others. Kow he Is home, he iooki eo well, And their effect Is such, That when they tnhe their dsily meal, They don't eat half aa much. And now he finds on Ftturdey tight, With all their wants tuprilicd, That he has money left to spend, And tome to lay aside. His good snre, with cheerful emile, He gladly tolls to all. If yoa d tare mony, go and buy Tour clothes at liLUliNsjUX'S CLOTHING HALL. Where the cheapest, finest and best Clothing and good Furnishing floods can be bad to suit every taste and in every stylo aprIl,'A7 CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULICH DXS1RES to Inf.irm his eld friends till cus tomers, that hstinft enlarged his shep tnel increased his facilities for Bntnuiaclaring. fa, i, bow prevsred ti aislte tnnrdrr sneh Kurnitnr,,, ms be desired, in gnnd strls and it ehsap rstet for CASH. II, generally kas on htad, it fail Furniture room,, a rtried assnrtmeat of ready made foraltur,, among which art UUREAUS ASD SIDE-BOARDS, WrJrobetand Book Cssesj Centre, Sofa, Tsrlor, Dreakfset and IMnlns; Citeisioa Tsbles; Con mon, French post, Cottsce.Jenny-Lind and ether l'.ediles.ls ) S.,rs of all kinds, Work stsnds, Hut rscke, Wash. stands; Hocking and Arsa Chnirs t sprlnf.sest, esne hottoin, parlor, eoia mon and other Chairs; Lmikinff-lilesses of ,,ry desrription on hand ; and new glasses for old frames, which will h, put In oa eery reasonable term, on shortest notie,. He alee keeps on hind or furnishes to order, Cora busk, Hair tad Cot. ton -top Mn tresses. ('OFFIN? OF KvEItT KlND Mad, to order, and funer.ls attended with a Hoarse whenever desired. Also. House Tainting dons to order. The subscriber also msna'ae-, tures, ,nd his constantly on hand, Ctemet.t's Patent Washing Machine, th, lest not; in ve ! Those using this machine never need be with, out eleail clothes! He also baa Flyer's Patent ( hnrn, a superior article. A family" aslng this, Churn never need be althout butter 1 All th, above and miny other trtiolet tra fur nished to customers cheep for Casb oeeiehsnired for spprovsd eountry produce. Cherry, Mspls Poplar, Llnwood snd otSer Lumber suitable fur Cabli,t work, taken la nchang, for rarnltar,. jravRaiBen)ber ih, shop Is oa Marker street, Clearfield, Pa., and aoarly opposite the "Old ,'ew Sten." JullN Ul'LlCil. November 2. Is. r 1? I K S "ftt VA 1. 1 T Y7 FT H I I i t h M k t 1 f"rss!elvr H. W. aMni CO.