Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 25, 1867, Image 2

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    She Republican.
It-. TJ: -J
t- . . M
(rCOHtir. 15. (illOIII.ANl'r.H. Kilitor.
Thursday Morning, April 25, 18C7.
I.oinl Thundrr.
Tito weak-kneed inetnliers or the
loyal wigwam nro being sorely tor
mented ly their advance, pickets.
Tlie leaders of tho niiwi'genation per
suasion a ro becoming honest, so fur an
their theory in concerned Senator
Morton, of Indiana, in his address to
tho negroes in Washington, a few
days ago, said : "Tlio great example
of Congress in making universal suf
frage) tlio rule in all tho Kotitliern
States must now bo followed in ull
the Northern Slates." Senator Sum
ner announced the samo doctrine be
fore tho Connecticut election. The
celebrated New Jersey State Senator,
James M. Scovel, (who figured ho con
spicuously in that Stato while the
Rump Senate were trying to expel
from their body Mr. Stockton, be
cause he was a Democrat,) with oth
ers, lii ado a platform for the ''Union
Republican party," and submitted it
to the Dead Duck for approval. But
a few members of his party in the
Logislat uro joined the Democrats, aiid
defeated the proposition which was
to strike tlio word "white" out of
their Stato Constitution, so ns to al
low negroes the right to vote. Hear
'In tlio New Jcrarv I.cgiiiliituro tliirtrco R pub
licana Lave jtut bm.n wen enough and timid
enough to Tote atrain.t atrikinr; Mil tho wurd
white" from lliel'iiiii'lituliuii ul Ihii r-tute. .l"l
of three Krpublirans aro pood men, but are wlial
Horace lireeley rail, "timid good hifi," Hi. hip
of thf-m eieu.e themarlvua by earing that lln-y
jironiiard thrir ron.lituciit. to vote airaio.t negro
aofliage. No honest Iti'publicau had a right to
drnlniid puoll a pWilffe from luf candidate for
office, and do number of the Legislature had any
right to betray the riyhti of man at tlio lithe.l ol
prejudioo or ijrnoranoe. We stultify our.Hve.
wbrn we force negro Fuffnige on Smth Carolina,
and timidly creep awnv from the qactition in New
Jereey, by iiiying the time haa Dot come for it yet
in the free Hatca. The Krpiililicen who i. uot
with na on thia quc.tion U a coward or a di-acrter,
and, at heart, belong! to the enemy, facre he
had better go. I we. profoundly impre.Md by
thc recent Fpeoehrp of Theodore Tiiton and Hubert
Pun-ii, at Concert Hall, with the neeea.ily for im
mediate action upon tbia vital question, whirh
very nearly oonoenii the future of the Kepiililic.
I agree with Henry Winter I'arii in thinking
that, if pome of the dark-.ainnrd aooa of the Ile
publie ahould get into I'onjrroaa, at lean (her
would deaervo it quite aa lnu-h ac four of tbeir
ex-lu&etera. i here ought to tie an immediate can
raps in New Jersev, and in time for the October
electiun in Pennsylvania, Are there not Diauy
good men who will devote heart and mind and
money to the cauar, and Uo it Kow t"
This Xew Jersey fool talks about
tfetultifiowliein" on trjo -rtipgvr rjuos
tion, and claims for them tho ballot
'because, of their intelligence (.'); und
yet, this mi mo Allow and his party
less than ten 3-"ars ago, waged a
relentless war against nil foreigners.
and held nightly sittings in hen-roost",
and pig-tyes, tor the purpose of dis
franchising three millions of while
people, becauso of their ignorance!
The thing that labors to enfranchise
tho negro because of his intelligence,
and to disfranchise his white neigh
bor because of ignorance, is bolli a
fool and a knave. Why, the fellow
can swallow "stulification"as easily as
Jersey lightning. Shoddy patriotism
is an awful doso for an American
stomach to carry.
Wc wonder how Rrotlicr Row feels
on negro suffrage ! AVo wonder if ho,
like Scovel, thinks himself and bis
Pimily no belter than negroes! lie
collect Scovel intimates that "no hon
est Republican" has tho right to deny
suffrage to the negroes.
A Cham;e. Tho freaks of fanati
cism, tinliko tho spots on the leopard,
are subject to many and sudden
changes. During the war, when loy
al eyes could tint look upon tho pic
ture ol a "Copperhead" without crea
ting a spasmodic afl'ection, the loyal
ists in the Connecticut Legislature or
dered tho likenesses of ex Governor
Toucey and Seymour to bo removed
from tho Kxeculivo Chamber, where
they were hanging with those of
other ex Governors ; but Iho late
Deniocraliu triumph in that Stato has
nlrondy restored these, paintings to
their original place. We wonder how
the weak and n fined nerves of those
loyal souls will endure this last "Cup.
pcrhcad" move 1 Loyally, as in the
days of ficorge III, dies hard, but as
then, it will have no mourners except
among the tories alias shoddyiles.
An exchange says: John II. Sur
ralt must bavo been asleep lor the
past five or six days, as neither the
Washington correspondent nor the
telegraph bavo said anything about
him tor that space of time. Jeff., too,
is keeping very quiet. We suspect
that since the conviction of Conover,
perjured witnesses are rendered very
scarce. Jo. Holt's subornation fund
may have rnn out, too. Jleneo the
quietude of the loyal political market.
The Wiiitr is this Shade. The
loyal papers aro publishing, with
great glee, tho fact that a Wack lie
publican Mass Convention was held
in Richmond on the 17th, thus augur
ing tho loyalty of tho late Confederate
Capital, and the progress of Radical
ism in tho South. Tho telegraph
. informs-tbo -public that nearly, one
third if the delegates were white. '
Not n r. The Judiciary Com nittee
of the l'iMiiisylvaiiiii Senate will give
an exhibition at llitrrisburg, on Mon
day, the 1.1th day of May next. Doors
open at 2 o'clock, 1 M. All persons
knowing of extortions by railroad
officials or agents, in rel'ureiico to
freights and charges, nro invited to
attend and muko known their griev
Wo fear tho expenses of tho com
mittee will amount to a heavier bur
then than tho extortions (if any) of
tho railroad companies; anil if they
succeed in granting relief to tho peo
ple, and developing tho truth, they
will do more than similar committees
bavo dono for years. Legislative
committees and corporations seldom
quarrel. H is not often that tho pa
rent deals unnaturally w ith the child ;
henco thoso Legislative offsprings al
ways escape, especially when the
rights of tho people and thoso of the
corporations como in collision. If
this committee furnishes any relief to
the tax-ridden people and brings it to
our notice, wo will give them proper
credit. Wo confess wo bavo little
faith in men who attempted to appro
priate four millions of dollars to them
selves out of tho Stato Treasury,
when they had but three millions to
put in.
A Loyal Guah. We observe by
tho appropriation bill that Thos. II.
Rurroughs & Co. have again matured
their plan of robbing tho tax-payers
for another year of three hundnd and
fifty thousand dullart, ostensibly for
schooling soldiers' orphans, but really
to keep tip a loyal kennel, and billet
ing about three thousand children
upon tho State Treasury, that should
bo nursed and cared (or by their rela
tions. Wo have a system of educa
tion by which ull children can receive
a proper education, then why the
necessity of making this expensive
"wheel within a wheel Rut f'!0,
000 are appropriated to pay the State
officers, sixty sin County Superintend
ents, and for tho schooling of stven
hundred thousand children ; while
8357,000 are appropriated for tho ed
ucation of three thoutand children
reached by tho Common system !
Will some loyalist plcaso show us
tho point of common senso and of
justice, to cither tho children or tax
payers f Wo shall bo very much mis
taken it this wholesale system of rob
bing the tax-pnyers does not finally
break down tho whole system.
An Inciimknt Monarch. General
Sheridan is carrying things with a
high band, down in his "military do
pendency" of Louisiana. Ho is ma
king himself, literally, monarch of all
lio tmivcye., mid liis "policy," as bo
twecn negroes and whito men, is ad
mirably adapted to tho conversion of
what was once one of tho most pros
porous States in tho Union, into the
meanest sort of a Ilayli or a Jamaica.
The Military Reconstruction Rill, as
he interprets it, gives him leave to do
pretty much as he pleases, and every
day is demonstrating bow earnestly
ho is improving his opportunity. We
should not bo surprised if lie would
serve tho people of New Orleans as
be did those of tho Shenandoah val-1
ley during the war burn them up
so as to enhance their loyalty. A
bull in a china shop could not do his
work moro complete
A Loyal Exemplification. "Gov
ernor" Brow nlow, cf Tennessee, has
declared the registration in Ronton,
Collin, Franklin, Ilardman, Humph
rey, Lincoln, Stewart and Wilson
counties mill and void ; tho reason for
w hich is that those counties will cast
majorities against him. There was
nothing wrong with tho registry, for
tbo registeis aro Radicals and could
do nothing wrong, of course This is
tho same kind of liberty that n robber
offers to his victim your money or
your lite. Rrownlow says: Vote (or
me, or you will bo disfranchised.
Vet, thoso villians insist that they are
establishing a republican form of gov
ernment. A Cask. A. D. Evans and
Thomas Rich, of Baltimore, have
brought suit, in tho United States
Ciicuil Court, against Major General
Wool, for their arrest and imprison
ment in Fort Dclawaro during the
war. The case was up on Thursday.
Judgo (riles overruled tho prayer of
the counsel for General Wool, to be
exempt from trial under tho military
law and martial law. He said it was
but just for the licensed to show bo
fore tho proper tribunal good and
sufficient reasons why ho caused the
arrest and imprisonment of private
citizens. The trial therefore proceeds.
(len. Pufui King, our MitnHcr to Home, writrt
to Serrctan Seward deuiing the trulh of the alory
pnblinhed in American journal thnt ain-e the
removal of Fren'-h troopa from the Papal dnttn
ionfl the American I'roieatanl Church had keen
ordered without the walla of Home, lie aaya the
Pope ha done nothing ol the kind.
Somebody has been retailing some
awful lies in reference to this matter.
Even the Rump was affected, and
Wilson and Sumner, wero not the
smell of powder repugnant to their
olfactories, would have declared war
against Rome. A question of veraci
ty is therefore raised between Mr.
King and the loyal retail liar.
Sinco the destruction of four thou
sand begging letters by Mr. George
I eubotty, be lias
thousand more.
received about ono
A ltiiAvt Man ! Senator Wilson,
of Massachusetts, accomplished lust
w eek w hat bo failed '.o do during the
four years of war, oltho'igh ho held a
Colonel's commission, lie successful
ly run tho "(tuuker guns" and "rebel
batteries" at Hull Run and went "on
to Richmond," and lend not his reg
iment or a battery but a negro pray
er meeting in tho most fashionable
church in tho lalo "rebel Capital,"
telling tho "pel lambs" that bo was
tho best friend they had on earth.
Such heroism and liolduess has never
been displayed on this continent. The
"Ret Lambs" will wc fear, beforo five
years roll around, fully realize tho
friendship of Senator Wilson and his
canting loyal host. Tbo man who al
lows lilly thousund white people to bo
enslaved in tho cotton and woolen
manufactories of his own neighbor
hood, and keeps quiet, turns up with
a bad grace a thousand miles from
home, to lecture "heathens" on tho
"barbarism" of plantation negro slav
ery. Thoso white people shut up in
pens at his own door, need bis atten
tion and prayers far moro than those
plantation laborers ; besides, charity
ulwaya begins at home not at Richmond.
"Nominate ii." An exchange says :
"Four clergymen have been indicted
for libel at the present term of tho
Hunterdon Court, New Jorsey. Poli
ties is said to be at tho bottom of tho
affair." This, wc presume, our neigh
bor would say, "is strictly in accord
ance with enlightened propriety," and
exhibits tho progreseof "grand moral
ideas" among that class of community.
fardonnH'ho .fsA-rd Thftnt
One of tho greatest crimes laid to
tbo charge of President Johnson, says
tho Pittsburg I'ott of the LMi insV,
was bis having pardoned ') many
rebels "red -handed rebels" wo be
lieve, is tho phrase of the liifalutins
when they speak upon this exciting
theme. Tho Radical Senators have
abused him for this exerciso of the
pardoning power; Ashley has become
indignant, Rntler has grown furious
and tho lesser lights of tho Radical
parly bavo been so wrought upon,
that no tongue can tell their indigna
tion. Some fool in Congress, who didn't
knov nil this fury was make-believe,
got up a resolution of inquiry, ami for
tbo purpose of impaling the President
upon his own weapon compelling
him to commit hari kari called on
him fur a list of pardons, and a state
ment of tho names of those who had
advised their issue; tho document was
forwarded lately, and wo want our
f'adichl friends to sco it :
At tha rcqucat of William G. Ilrownlow, Itadical
Uoicmor of Tcnncam-e, WtS
On adt ice of the Uadical tiovernor Weill, of
l.ouiiana 2.'ie
Oh advice of the Radical llorivnor Mnrphy,
of Arkanaa 12fi
On advice of Jack Hamilton, of Tcaaa, who
ie bcld up hjr the t'nmmm-inl, 0tt. and
Ihipnttk, a the henu iilral of a SoQtucrn
Itadical Mi
On the rccoiniiicndali'in of itadicitln.
On npicit of tiovernor Itramlelte, of Ken
tucky On requeat ol tiovernor Fletcher, of Mieaimri
On recommendation of tiovernor Ilradford,
of Maryland
On rcooniinendutioD of tiovernor Marvin, of
Florida. a
All of whom, although not Radicals,
liavo always been regarded as sound
and patriotic friends of the Union.
On recommendation of Hon. A. A. King, of
Minaouri 5&
Ily the Propidi-tit, ob hia owu motion.......... 121
We trust tho Radical press of this
city will bavo truthfulness enough to
publish tho facts, mid take back their
slanderous charges.
Itfhllwr "fVaVurfs."
The Friends' Intelligencer, published
in Philadelphia, discusses the proper
course of action towards those mem
bers of tho (Quaker societies who have
borne arms during tho late war. It
says no general or uniform rulo has
been followed in these cases. Some
of tho guilty persons bavo "offered
in know ledgments," w hich have satis
fied their monthly meetiii!;s. Others
nro unable, as yet, to see their fault.
Tho Intelligencer would have great len
ity shown to thoso who "wero induc
ed to buckle on the sword," especially
as they were encouraged "by tho ex
pression of sympathy and interest in
tho cause at issue by thoso who wero
older, and wero looked upon as con
sistent members of our religious soci
ety." Rut it thinks that, for the fu
ture, Friends should give an increased
prominence to tho "pence principle"
in religious teaching, that especial
euro should betaken to impress it up
on children as early in life as possi
ble, and that this instruct ion should
not bo neutralised, "by placing in tho
hands of the little ones the toy -drum,
pistol and gun, with the tin battalion,
which, though inertivo in themselves,
arc signilicanl of hostility and a re
taliatory temper. Those fighting
(linkers should orgnnir.e a "Peace So
ciety," upon a "war footing," or they
will becomo as ridiculous as their tif
lies, who a few years ago labored to
exclude one-1 bird of tho whito raco
from tho ballot-box, because of their
want of intelligence, but now, ask to
have all tho negroes enfranchised bo
cause they aro ignorant and uneducat
ed, for tho purposo of making them
smart. Consistency is a jewel, but a
great many eonscienciotispeoplo"don't
soo it."
Another monster twenty-inch gun
was east at tho Fort Pitt foundry, at
Pittsburg, on Monday. Tho weight
of the gun in tbo rough, w ben taken
from tbo mould, will be about 140,000
pounds, and when finished !d,000
pounds; its trroalest diameter ninetv-
four inches, at the nnir..le thirty-eight
sevemy uiciies ; itmgin ono Hun
dred and eighty-nine inches; bore ono
hundred and titty-seven inches. Tho
gun is intended for navy service, and
is considerably shorter than others of
liko calibre heretofore cast.
Tho Boston Post discovers that the
Radical newspapers bavo not written
obituaries upon the Democratic party
for several wocks.
The .lYtr Stnlr l.oan-'Tht Stair I .WoMsf roi llobhtry I Vnf riifrf.
TYtnuurtl SirlHitH. I 'j IP Pittsburg (l.K. tte, tbo leading
It seems, says tho lloliiilayshiirg j lladical organ of Allegheny county,
Standard, that "loyal" sharks w ho i in & Mat enietit of tho corrupt logisla
wero engaged during tho continuance tion at llnrrishurg, thus refers to 0110
of tho w ar in swindling tho United I of tho hold robberies attempted at the
Mates (loverumrnl, limling t Hut Ihetr
occupation was ended in that direct
ion, cast about for a new field to oper
ate in a fresh pigeon to pluck. J'ho
old Stato of Pennsylvania seems to
have struck thoir fancy ami straight
way they go to their "loyal" friends
in tho Legislature, und indiico them
to civa to a new loan of 8:2:1,000,000 at
six per cent, interest to pay that much
of tho prose lit debt, which only bears
Jive per rent, interest, and insert a pro
viso that will permit tlio new loan to
bo taken up with the old bonds. This
is a nico little arrangment. A paity
of thoso "loyal" fellows first go into
tho market to buy up all tho old loan
they can get, at about !)0 cents on tho
dollar, mid thou, ns soon as tho new
loan hiiB been taken, rexto, tho old
bonds uro worth from ono to two per
cent, premium. Tax payers, that is
tbo way your hard earnings nro filch
ed from you, through tho State Treas
ury. We hopo the pendc will soon
get enough of Iho rulo of these "loy
al" fellows.
In referring to this mutter, Fernon's
Hail Jluad and Mining Register, lias
the following : , i ,
A discussion of a public question
seems necessary to elicit tho truth in
all its bearings and nspects. For it
now turns out that, Hie old State loans,
which tho preamble to the 8:2:1,000,000
loan act, approved 2d February, lsiti7,
declares ' have been overdue and un
paid for some time past," arcnuf over
due. The words on tho face of the
Stato certificates aro "tho principal
of which stock is reimbursable by the
Commonwealth at any time, after the
first of July in Iho year 1S5S." Here,
it will bo perceived, tho Common
wealth only bound herself not to re
deem said loans (erroneously said to
bo overdue in tho preamble to the act
of Assembly) before July, ls.r)S, and
explicitly reserved to herself the oji
tiou to redeem them subsequent to
that date, at her own plca-uro.
These old loans, moreover, bear on
ly Ji 'if? per cent, interest, whereas tho
new loan not only bears kix per cent.
interest, but tho act creating it ex
pressly declares lhat it "shall not be
subject to any taxation whatever, for
State, munioipial or local purges."
Why, then, should tho Common
wealth redeem five per cent, loan l'reo
from taxation ? Why, indeed f
See Section 5, of the act of 2d Feb.
1?G7, which reads :
"See. fi. Any pcrwin or perront atanding in the
Aduciary capacity itated in tha f'jarth eeclion of
thin act, who may denire to inveat monry in their
hand for the benefit of the truat, may. without
any order of court, inveat the aauie in the Iwnda
autlioriicd to be iamiod by thia at, at a rate of
premium nut exceeding tweuty per eentuin."
This section shows that it is tho ex
pectation of tho successful bidders for
the new loan to work it up to a high
price above pur in the market ; but to
authorize the investment of ruf funds
"without order of court," at a "rate
of premium" as high as "twenty per
centum," is a startling provision to
incorporate into a loan act. The
Stato herself, it will bo seen, on refer
ence to tho list of bills, reciiivorj of
fers at tt premium of a few mills, many
of tho oilers being for par, the entire
premium being iiardly bullicient to
...... .i,-..ei w,.,.,,t..o
earo lo o I leir l.nco li.r a "l.i.r
thing" is correspondingly enhanced.
Moreover, we assert on tho best au
thority that representat ives of foreign
creditors of the Stulo, holders of the
outstanding but not overdno five per
cent. loans, complain that too short
notice was given between tho issuing
of tho prospectus of the new loan and
tho date fixed for the opening of bids,
to allow them opportunity to become
competing bidders.
The net creating the new loan was
passed Feb. 2, 107. Proposals wero
advertised on f ho 8lh of February.
The bids wero opened April 1. Why
this "hot haste?'' Was it done to cut
off' distant bidders, keep down the
rato of premium accruing to the
State and then raise the rato of pre
mium in tho market f
At a Baptist festival in Burlington,
Vermont, (Thud Slovens' State) lalcly
a cako was voted, at ten cents a bal
lot, to tbo handsomest lady in the
room. A "colored lady" got it.
This explains the singular conduct of
the unUees in slopping their white
maiden ladies to Oregon and Wash
ington Territory. It shows beyond
peradventtire, w hy rose pink peach
down, and distilled nectar nro so
much at a discount in the granite
MoitF. PnoontsH.- The man Vander
bilt. who, with his wife, ws indicted
in New Jersey, some time ago, for di
abvilicallviinhnmnn cruelty to a Jittle
girl whom tbey1 luul taken from a pub
lic institution to raise, pleaded guilty
lately, and were fined reventn fire dol
lars ! A more miserable mockery of
justice is not on record. Press.
We presume this Is also "strictly in
accordance wilh enlighteded propri
ety," as loyalists would say.
Among tho applicants for divorce
in Chicago on tho 14th insl., was a
man who testified that for moro than
two years past his wife has been guil
ty ot extreme and repeated cruelly
toward him, often beating him in a
most unmerciful manner and that on
several occasions it has been noiessa
ry to call in neighbors to protect him
and prcvont her from taking his life.
Tho Ohio Rads wero not satisfied
to let Iho proposition to strike the
w ord "w hite" out of tho Constitution
go to the people on its own merits;
they coupled w ith it a clause disfran
chising deserters. Ry this piece of
shrewdness they hope to gull the peo
plo nnd carry negro suffrage. Forney
intimates that tlio samo game will
bo played in Pennsylvania.
An expedition is beinj: orcanir.ed
by tho State Department to explore j
Russian America, and acquaint our 1
people wuh the value of their acqui
sition. It will start about the 'first
"vcek in Mar.
the new loan Wing payable as well -l?! ' 1 ,ul an! al ruUMa l";I,,e ?
in five per cent, bmns 'as in cash, bid- .ur 1""lor '""nPtho H'1"-
dors for the new six per cent. loan who !"" U"11' "fw''" 1 of ''"""J
bought five per cent, loans under par to l'rov? ,lm .'t' lh" $
-which of courae, some of then, took ft hl "'" 0Vlh
last session, nnd describes the mode in
which it was defeated :
"Ticking, a ft w year a;-o, wilh a solid lol.l.y.
inl ut llni'ii'I'tiii?. be cotilc.N'd he and hia
i kind had relieved tho t'oinnioiiarallh of pretty
tmii-h all the property it bad worth plundering.
Ouring the p'lct ac. Hion a pyidcmnlic cttort haa
been made to gnthcrup anil carry oil the fragment,
thnt remained, and rlna endeavor haa been crown
ed wilh a large Uieuuro of aucccra. If the ac
nounta am Irua, and we think they arc, the hoMoin
of the 'I reit-ury hua been cleaned out and a round
deficit hit. Nor in thiaiill. Ail Attempt wan made
to roh the Finking Fund nf f slni.twll, lor prevent
ing which the people aeem to be in dchted to Mr.
Wallai-o, Chairman of the Democratic Hlalo Com
mittee, He laiacd the point that by lb phun
wordi of the Conatilution, the reveuuca derived
iroiii certain aoureea were pledged In the liquida
tion of the public ii.dchtedneaa, and could not he
applied to gencriil purpose, 't hia compelled a
cutting down of the financial hudirct, wliieh look
ed to the expenditure of 1 1, two, (lull more than the
eatimaU-d income."
The course of Mr. Wallaco, in this
instance, will endear him still moro
strongly totho Democratsof this State,
and should recommend him to the
favor of men of all parlies. When a
man can boldly stand up in tho midst
of the corruption which is admitted
by everybody to have prevailed at
Jlarrisburg, and defend the interests
of the people in such a manner ns lo
draw forth an acknowledgment like
tho above from a political enemy, it
shows that bo posesscs an innate sen
timent of honesty such us we all hope
to dud in our public officials, but, alas,
aro too often disappointed in tlio ex
pectation !
It must bo a matter of gratification
to our party friends, that with the
many denunciations of their lenders
in this Slate, no whisper of suspicion
has ever been uttered against their
character for integrity. During Mr.
Clyiner's long career in tho Senate,
with the inonL infamous legislative de
bauchery surrounding him, bo pre
served an unstained reputation, and
amid tho beat of tho canvass last
year, with tbo hundreds ol charges
heaped upon him, not one was coined
alleging or even intimating any doubts
as to his personal purity." After bis
retirement, Mr. Wallace became the
Democratic loader, and tho act above
recited affords tho best illustration ol
bis lilnces for the position. His hon
esty is freely conceded by those who
would bo most prompt to detect and
cxposo even tho slightest step outsido
of tho legitimate conduct of a public
official, and whatever assaults may be
made upon his politicul course, nono
deny to him the loftiest attributes of
a latthtul, vigilant and incorruptible
statesman. J'ho timo is coming when
these facts will bo appreciated by the
people, and the men who have stood
sternly by their duty, regardless of
tho blandishments of public thieves,
or tho clamors against their patriot
ism raised by those who sought in that
way to keep their own vile deeds from
being brought to light, will receive
that rewurd which their Legislative
and privato merits so richly entitle
them too. Erie Observer.
The l'olilTral Clergy.
Tho clergy of tho North are trying
to have our National Constitution so
amended in its preamble as to contain
an express recognition of God and
Christianity. Is it necessary f Does
tlio world need any such thing to in-
"""""" "inn, nu
our land is dotted all over with houses
of worship nnd theological semina
ries. What necessity, therefore, is
thoro, for asserting in a Constitution
al preamble, w hat all mankind already
know, and aro not likely ever to ques
tion f We mildly suggest to the rev.
crend gentlemen who are engaged in
this movement, whether practice is
not better than profession, and wheth
er, therefore, wo should uot first show
ourselves to bo a religious people in
tho administration of our government,
beforo w o announce ourselves to be so
by legislative proclamation! Will it
not be timo enough to alter the Con
stitution as now proposed, when the
ministers of tho Prince of Peace, in
this section of the country, cease the
preaching of war, and persecution, and
vcngeiicc, against several millions of
their fellow-countrymen in the South,
nnd our delegates in Congress begin
to exhibit but a faint bit of Christian
charily towards the samo communi
ties ? No class of men in this portion
of the Union did more, during the
late civil war, lo inspire it with vin
dictive cruelly und malice, or have, ils close, manifested moro zeal
in stimulating tho pooplo and their
Representatives in Congress to keep
alive the bitter animosity of that do-
ploraWo contest, than tho clergy.
Parson Rrownlow, w ho said, less than
a year ago, that bo "would rather go
to hell with a loyal negro, than to
Heaven with a w hite rebel," is, wo
regret to say it, a fair exemplar of
mo loyiii clergymen tn tins quarter
of tho United States. Wo do not
dispute Rrowiilnw's taste, but wo do
tbiuk his profanity quite unt lericnl.
When the clergy stop such blasphemy,
and Congress, as the exponent of the
national sentiment, show somo touch
of true Christian mercy and magnan
imity in their action towards the
Southern people, it will bo lime
enough to discuss tho question of in
serting in tho national Constitution
iho declaration that we arc a religious
people. Until then, tbo matter had
better bo postponed.
Cincinnati in Clcvkr. Tbo inhab
itants of Cincinnati have been made
happy. A distillery, situated near
tho river, at the point where tho wa
ter w hich Cincinnati people drink is
pumped into a rcservoil, burned down
a few days ago, nnd such immense
quantities of whisky ran into the river
astogivo tbo water a strong flavor
of grog. Tho Chicago 7Vir.t insinu
ates that since the occurrence large
numbers of tho inhabitants have taken
to drinking water.
Tho Raleigh, (N. C.) Sentinel gives
an account of tho burning of a iie-jro
boy four
women t
years old, by two freed
named Collins, mother and
daughter, w ho believed tho child was
"a devil." Tho Bureau arrent was
evidontlv not hl.out.
On the niornina of the S.'t I inaiant, ia t'leaiScld
horoujih, PAMMIK, Infant aon of Uroao and
Mmit .aw'ia : need one year and len nionllm.
itw Artvertisfmrnts.
II 11 1 i: OMllraH For ale at
II hiteand Hid Onioiiefat eoet and earriarn.
Kid, at I cent'. Skint al l c.
M K V K ifs
Newly Ittiirovnl Crencinl Hcaln
Oi'VHSTIl f .!' M'i.l.VOS,
VCKNOU I.!'li;l:H to h the b-,t. London
Priae Medul and hi,rliet award in America
rccciicd. Melodconq and aecotid hnnU Piauoa.
Mnale. No. Til Arch Street, Im low "th,
aprSi .'tin Philadelphia, Pa.
Vc;i-:Tw vAri:i)
UlSTOIlV OF tiik Nf.chkt Skrvice.
Tbii work waa announced mor than a ynr
ago, but owinf to the attempt! of tha Govern
men! toauppren It, Ita publication n delayed.
It will now ba laaued, unaltered and unabridged,
under tbe lupervirion of General linker. Tbeaa
marrelona rarrativea are all atteilad by ti
hieheat official authority.
Tha morali of the National Capita! are thor
oughly rentilnted, and tber are aome atraDfr
revalatinne concerning the H-ada of Depart
ment, Memhere of Congrora, FF.MALB PAK
l)').N liHOKKKS. and Jutmrui.ned military
character!. retd for circulara and Ma our
term! and a full dercriptioD of the work. Ad
dreaa P. (JARHETT A Co., 7U2 ChaaUiut itreet,
Philadelphia, Pa. eprl'Wt
flMIE andenlfcnsd fntvndi opnlnp a SCHOOL
1 in the Tnwn IUU, Clr(ild, on tilt first
Monday lu May, (the Alb; t coatinot for ft
lrm of lern week.
Tboroughneti will be timed at in all our in
trueiion. "Not bow miieb, but bow well," ii
the principle upon which tbe ezercuei will be
Pirticular attention paid to Penmanibtp and
Duuk Kerpinfc,
A daily register li kept of the
portmuil and recilaUom of each pupil, which ti
tent weekly to parcDti; tbui furnubinf tbetn
with eon t ant iufurmation of bia itmndinj and
protest in ichoo',
Putlie cxbibttiom are not beld at any ctated
time, but parent and guardiani are respectfully
invited to tiiit tbe echutol eud obierro the man
ner in which the uiitr work it performed.
T F It M S OT 111TION.
Sfcllinr , Heading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic
and Ueopmphy $4 HQ
Q rax mar, Ge'jgrnj by, Hutory and Com
mon rnho'tl Arithmetic t 00
U ipbcr Arithmetic, tleoioetry. Philosophy,
MenFuruion, Houk Keeping and bur-
Teyinjt T 00
Latin and (Jreek, with any of the above
branrhei 9 00
jMYot lurtlier inl'nrinattoa apply to
apilt-4t C. B.JNhFlPrijKlpaL
U. S. Tax Appeals.
V. P. AMKoe'ii Orrn r, Vrn Iiht., Pa.t )
ifli"e, urwcn-v.Ik.Ucnrfu-ld Co., Pa. J
"Vr0TI K in hfrcl.y givm (hut tbe aswnu'iit
X 1 lift, valuation and enumf rations ma le and
taken within tbe N tm-toonth Collection I.trict,
Pa., by the AcplfitAut A'fHr, under tbe laws, of
the t tntc l Ktatra, will remain open to all pereuui
cmiorrucd tor rxaininut ton for tbe (tpaT of ten davs
from the first dur or Mur, A. 1. 1m;;, at the As
eeswtr'f Off"1, in tbe borough of Curwcniville.
At tbe time Mati-J abote tbe Asectsor will re
ceive, bear and determine all appeals relative to
any en on eons or excessive valuattoua by tbe Aa.
sisiant Asec'ftorc.
In rrpird to apjM-als the low providts, "That
" the question tn, be deternnna by the Asseseor,
"on an appeal reije.ting the valuation or enn
" mr rat ion of prmerty, or object a liable to duly
u or taxation, shall be whether tbe valuation rutu
" plained of be or be not in a just relation or pro-
Mtrtion to other valuations iu tbe aatne aaaene
M ment district, and whether the enumeration be
44 or I not corrret. And all appeals to tbe asaes
44 mr as atorenaid aball be mitje in writing, and
shall specify tbe partirularcauee. mutter or tbinir
44 respecting which a dviion ia rcquevh-d ; and
so all, moreover, state the ground or principle of
intuualilv or error complained of."
I AM hi. l.IVIXG.TO!T.
aprSi'f.r. Aefr of l!ib Collection ihstriet.
Eev. P. L. HARKISOH. A ST.. Principal
mUE FOURTH of the present
X tcbo'aitic year of this luatitution will com
mence on MOM'AV, April ?, 17.
Pupili can enter at any time. Tbey will be
charged with tuitiua from tbe time tbey enter lo
the close of the resiion.
Tbe course of instruction embrace i every thing
included In a thorough, practical and accota
plihed education for both seiea.
The Principal having bad the advantage of
much experience in bia profess!, a so res pa
rents and guard ani that his entire ability and
energiei wiil be devoted lo tbe moral and men
tal training of the youth placed under hit charge,
T ;.! Of Tt mux.
Ortbograpby, heading, Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Scit-ion (11 weeks) $i 0t
Grammar, Geography. Arithmetic, and
History - - - . - - $8 00
Algebra, fleometry. Trigonometry, Men-
suration, Purveying, Philosnphy, Pbvsi.
otgy. Chemistry, Rook Keeping, Botany
and Physical Geography . - $9 00
Latin, Greek and Prcnch. with ny of the
above Drenches . $12 00
jt-9So deduction, will be made for absence.
ttr further particulars inquire of
Rev. P. L. IMRRISOX, A. M.,
Clearfield, April ?j, tSfiT tf. Principal.
1IST OK JI'KOKM drawn for June Term.
A 1M17:
Ilrady tlcorire Pent, Peter Hourer.
Puniside Gideon 1. NH.
Covinrtnn Francis 1. Huirney.
Clrartield l.dw, A. Grubain, Carter Lcipold,
Ksra Ale.
Krrpusou Gforp Straw.
tlobcn l.irharil Kyler.
) rail n in i.eorce Armstrong.
Huston Jubn J luiidoin, A. H. Lncorr, At wood
JnnUn R -1m rt Hnnttir.
l.awn-iicr John r niton, Abraham Humphrey,
Matthew itjdt-n. liwiii J. M i.n.jc, SatLttel I ull
Morru Gi-orpe T. Him.
'wtjla JaitH Wrftbro -k.
Pei.n John Johnson, Samuel Widrmire.
Vtiion -Philip lUaix'harl.
TRAVCItvt JTRoitS rillT SKCt.
pM-i'a: ia (.ico;-r Cro iin.
t.It Charlee thorp.
lt''fLdwanl .iltcrt. nv-il.y Sbin-y, X. P. Vilaon, John
Cowder, ltavid vVilmn.
Urady .Mm Potter, V. K. Arnold.
Hum aid ;i,j.ih P.aktT. JoTm M Mmnv. I.
F. Smith. Ciirititn Prit'a:tph.
Chest Jomtthtiii I'ry. Trmmas I.vatis.
Covinpton Jv.'h Mnnrrr.
Cbarti.'l,i.)as. Wrtgley. A. J. S.,utbarl, Thoa.
Robins, tiiNirf . Hi,,- n, 1'aniel ( onnellv.
I'ecatur J. bn Gtarbitrl.
Pcrgiison lnniel M Crarkrn.
Fox Jacob llartmitn, Slomon Ham.
Girard ttetrec Greeu,
Uothen WilliMin ttrnham.
GrahamKilt F.iens, hamnel Ppannglc.
Lytic, Jacob Genrbart.
ttuli 'b W. HamtnTfley.
Ihislon lames Tvrr. Charbs Ttrown.
Jordan Jam -s M Ghee ban, S. M. 1'ukermaii.
Karthaus Amlrrw Ctmnway, Rcni. tiunaalua.
I .a wren '-r (Jirpe i. Lnpan, t,porge Guln-h.
Lumber City James B. Idle.
Gnreola lianiel R. (toud, Goory M. Rrisbin.
Pike Mosee M. Wise, James L. Currv, Levi
Woodward John Jonlan. C. C. Shoff.
pR'tip mrrK.
Hecearia William t. Wright.
Rradbird W. 8. Taylor, M m. rYoolridge,
Hrady David Kriner, George Nobler, J. Miles
Reams, Kdward G. Hay a. John ClaUa. Joeeih
Seyler. jr., liarriMe Passuore.
Chest Jaeoh Penniniron. Joseph M'Cullr, John
Kitrhen. Joniah W. Lanittom.
Cleaenebl J. M . rtln, J. H. Hilburn, J. C.
Whitehill, VT. W. ltrtts.
Decatur Walter II. Mmgan, AsbUrv Gearbart.
John Huchea.
FrrUMtn Daniel KfMiaer.
tJtrard Ilmry PluMl.
Graham A. C. Dale.
Karthaus Rriijainin D. Hall.
Knox Ja.ub Arnubl.
LnmlHT City ,lnt,s 11. K. llv.
Morns Jolm Davis, Jacob Fullmer.
New Wa.hiTijrt'.n .)twf ph H. lin-th.
ttacrMtla N illtam Miol-vr, AbraJtam Kcphart.
1 nio John Sheeaer.
V ftodward Satnwl llemb rnon.
Oils. Yarnifihes, Paints. Brusaet,
Tl f Tree iled and fr t-n'f cheap bv
JO-1.PH R. 1IMT1V,
prll tf Corwrtv,nr. Pa.
ilnr drfrlisfmrnti.
4 I illTOHW SOTK I tbe
i tl.e eHate of II, r.r t n.w M. nf lF.nff .
d. . AH per-.tts intervatid are h r.h.
tied that tbe uo lTFiriie atiditi.f, app ni.t, t
Ihe Court tomolie lipo-Hioti ..f U,.H y K iiiinit:
in tbe hau l of John Ci..a II. aln.'u,i.rtor i
Hnry Crowill, Im 1. ij .tin d u (). ,jull(f
of his aptoininief:i at hi ofl,.-e in C!t aiTit-i
Snitinla, ibe 4th dar of M: 1i;r m '
P. M. J. 11 LAKE WALUl
PrS 31 Ae-hir.
(1 AI'IO.AII persons urc hereby csutir,
aiTHiiift ptirehaong r tn anyway nn-aiihLf
with the following personal proper tv, n in y
session of Kleneter Mi-Masters, ol Hurnvule to aa.
bip : 1 small black stud bor-e, 1 sorrel atuj burse
I sorrel hrM', 1 roan bor, 1 bay ins re, 1 lof,,'
nnd chain, 4 hops, 2 atl of double hnrneM, it
Ao bufto-ls of rye. and a lot of stire g Kl, u tie
some belongs tu u, ami is bit wiili mui i:) . 4
onlv. DAVIS A Pl'uh"
April 1,
1) KO Vi m A rWaWienhT Pr".po7ais "w iU
ecived until April 1 7. for tbe ercu,a
ut a new METHODIST CHL RCH, in the borough
of Clearfield, in accordance with plaus to be sera
at the ofhoe of J. It. McKnally, Kn. Part of the
material is on tbe ground.
Rv order of tbe Doard of TrustM-s,
aprll-.1t GFi. W. RIJLKM. 8v.
TIIH undersigned bes leave to inform tbe pah
lie that he is now tolly prepared to acom mo
dule all in tbe way of furoiFhtng Horses, Ituggiti,
Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice aii4
on reason a blr tenns. Residence on Locust strvet,
between 1 bird and Fourth.
Clearfield, April 11. Ib67.
t1AI:TION', All perrons are hereby cautioned
y aninst purchiisinfr or in any way meddling
with four bruwn and two bay ML'LES, (in all lit
mules,) harneae. wagon and equipments, now ia
possession of James M. Adams, of Phibpsburg,
Centre Co., Pa., as the same belongs to me, and w
left with hnu subject to uiy order,
aprll-atrpd. D. W. HOLT.
Piatt Gkuvr Mills, Cewtre Cq Pa,
I. I- I IIOI AH, A. Friuelpal.
f Jillfi institution, oranixed in lhjj, will on
its iHiHTY-ri!)T acssion 'be twenty fourth
under prvnent control on W edueaday, AprQ
tie. I4i7 and continue nve nmnlhs. boarding
and tuition, Knglib branubee, rU. JuiormaticiB
given oo application. aprll
L JOS e r iikux"z 7 s
flMIE eulnw-rilier takes this method of annoeining
1 to the citiattisof CU'3rfaeH and the pn'bs
gtucraJ!y, that be has just opened a large stock af
Yoothf and Hovs' Fnits, the latent stylet ef Hits
and Caps, and 1H.H-TH aud SlH'l.S. ail of wbi-k
be will dinimae of at a tnfle above cont. JI
can be found on Market street, betwwo Third etd
Fourth, in the mom formerly occupied by William
Hoflman. where he solicits tbe ritisens to cjiII and
namine bis stoe :. JU.Kl'H Kl'NZ.
t learfield, April 11, 1 8C7.
E tf tow wlab to Bnrreaa CLOTH-
io(. HATS A CAP.-', or Faraiahiag 8li,
5rw ana Chrap ClatbiD f tor, waan will V,
fuood cvnataDtly oa hand a larr an. wall aa.
larta aaaortinent of Fin. Black Caaaiaar laita,
and draba, brown, light, aad ia faet
Adapted to all awaaooa of lb yaar; aleo, Shirty
Drawera, Collar., and a larg and wall atlaetad
aaanrtment of tn 11 ATS and CAPS, of tb
Try lala.t ,t?lv, ; and in fact atarjibioi that
caa b railed for in bia lino, will ba f.raiabed
at th vary lowf eity prioee, at tber bar baaa
purrbiaed at tti, poaaibi fif area, aad
will b aoid in tb aa( waj fcj
Ia tia real Office Tiuildinf, Fbilipabarf, fa.
Daily and Weekly papera, Magatinee; also,
large assortment of tbe latest and beet Kovela.
Joke Books, 4 ctt constantly on bind at
Ii (be Poet OfTSoe Building,
rll-ly Philipsburg, Pa.
of CleaHteld countv, Pcnnvvlvania :
Jliram V 'nod ward, 1 v 10 .1 ....
Wm. Abbott and Chaa.
Ptolaaker, garnishee.
., -ji. icrm,
Foreign attacL treat.
ow, M-nh 21, ISC
tbe Plaintiff r 11 ten a rale
for tbe Prothonotary te aaeeai damage aa the
judgment tn tins case.
Attomeyi for Plaint if.
The claim in Uiis case ie two lumd'd dollars.
apr,.lfft7-fl Prothonotary.
J, of Clearfield eonnt. Pcnnylvania :
Klijah Hum a, No. , January term, 1S6T.
t Hubpncna snr dnorr.
I.svioa Bums. I To lMna Burns, reiondcnt
You are hereby notified that Elijah Kerni has
duly jirwnted his petition in the Court f Coinmoa
J'leaa of said county, praying that, for tbe eeusei
set forth in said petition, be may be divorced from
the itonds ot matrimony by the aaid libelant, ester
ed into with you. the aaid Lavina It urn a.
Now. yo are oomm ended, that tow be aftd t-
pear at tbe next Court of Common Ploas for said
eouutv, to lie held at Clear fold on the third Mas
day of Jm.f. lr-T, and show cn, if any ym
hae, why I.biah Hums should not be. divorced
(rom tbe of matrimony conrraetexl with roe.
pr4,lli JACi'li A. FA I ST. Sheriff.
For all diara.ia focident U llnrara, tattle, a&4
jiutnan rir.n, rrqouirfr tna a. ol aa
external application.
rTHI5 new Coa.vaad. prepared a prarliral
X neaiiat, barm a lull kn'iwlrdra of all to
medical virtue, nl each ineredieot that ntcra
into iu rnmpriMtica, ia warranted tn aice.d anr.
thlr.e; of tlie kind erer Tt flcred to th, Fubiia
a. an extimal application for th dteeaaaa fn
wbicb it ia rrctnimeoded. v c art ralnfied uiat
it will work ita uwa load into the fonfidfoc of
all who aae it, and thoa who trr II one will
never b with out it, and therofor wa relr oa
riperirnoa ai th beat teat of ita aarfuloraa. It
i. prrnouncaii br Farri r. and ail wba bar, tried
It, irt be th best application T.r ward. Tail
Luibroc-atiun haj been put up for orer eipat
yeara. and it ia onlr tbrvurh tbe increasing de
mand and urcenl rrnuael of mj fneu.l. aini tk.
l'ublie that I aend it forth a the grand remedial
aent for the rarioua dieae8 to which that
Bi ble and uacfui ai .mal. tha borer, il aatjerL
Manj rci.irdiaa bare beon odered to tbe Fab
lie nndtr diSrrrnt fonnr; om of there are l
Jurinna, olbcl, at beat of lutl ape, and aan.r
wbollr improper to an.wer th urrKa for which
they are rtcomrnrridtd.
A judieiou. and really nceful eompoaition. fre
frnaa tboa ohjectiona, baa therefore lour bee
dsaired by many leutlrnea who bar valuable
horaea. and are anwiliing to tru.t then t la
car of deaignin and pretended Farrier,. Ibetr
wiahe aro at length fnlly gratited. by (Dr.
Iteale) beinf prevailed upon to allow thia valaa
bl Knibrocatioa ( baa proved an ffieacw
to th varioaa di.ea.ea) to b prepared ard
brmi, I, t oat to th pnblis.
Thia Embrocation wa attentively a red by
th Qvrnnnt durln th war.
Addreaa all order, tn
aprd.llT -1y 0J Poo lb f ee..od Pt., fbila.. Pa.
IIIK Normal Srbo.i.will he opened in t'arweaa
. iillc, on the day of April, and comma
in erraion elcen ka. There will bean arranre
wiont made to accommodate all trwrhrr. and pw"'
who can remain lintor than oue actoa. to ba
either un.l.-r mj tliargu or lhat of tha Auti
lonelier, or of both.
vrnw, or rt mov:
Trachera. )er ai...ion. from 1 to the
Irwber. in alien lance, the le.. the tuition.
l'upila. r ar..inn, who do not piirj-e teacbinr,
or air omI romprtrnt lo teach, the comma w'HMi
. Tuition to he paid in advance and applied ta
the payment of an a..itant teacher.
Iloanlinv, Thror liullar. .nd fiftr c-nt. rer weei.
II. W. nM lil.R. t'onrt.
n. 1 pupil., whe can enter ihr Nerwal
cl.w will b, admitted