Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 25, 1867, Image 1

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    Cl'RHH'H MimUV.
f, ike lake where drooped I he willow,
Kow, Mli "!
I ni i I aneei.
And jump Jiai trow.
An i.Kl or iw l on hickory limh,
None know kill) bnt In pralee;
Vol nie kif kirn for hit mthcr,
F,r he rniclle of tVhwcitter kit.
The mlnntrel to the war ha font,
With the ban io on lm knee;
11, i,.ke lo hear the trntriri ehrirk,
Tbere'e a light in Iht window for thee.
A free, he would a woninf an,
Mia bntr iu curled to kill ;
Hi uerd to wear an old tray coat,
And the tword of Bunker Hill.
Oft in tli Milly niirht,
Make way fur liberty! he eriedi
I won't ro homo till morning,
With l'cguy by my side.
1 ara dying, KRypt, dyin((,
boeannah, dun t you cry ;
Know bow eublime a thing It
To brueh away tha blue-tailed fly.
The hoy Mood on the burning deck,
With hi. baggage checked for Troyj
One of the few iuimortai namei,
Ilia name waf Fat Malloy.
Msry had a little lamb,
lie could a tale anfold;
tie had no teeth to eat a boe eake,
Af hi ipeetaele. wore gold.
Lay on, lay on, Macduff,
Man want but little here below :
And I'm to be queen of the May,
o kill me quick and go.
Where IWien the Reansnalbllltr for tha An-
dcreonvllle Horrors Kent
To the American People :
Intending to leave tbc United States
for some time, I feel it my duty before
I start, to fulfill, in part, a proraiso
which, a few hour before bis death, I
j;ave to my unfortunate cliont, Cap
tain Wins, who wag executed at Wash-
npton, on the 10th day or November,
lo5. Protesting up to the last mo
nent his innocence of those monstrous
crimes with which he was charged, be
received my word that, having failed
to save him from a felon's doom, I
would, as long as I lived, do every
thing in my power to clear bis mem
ory, i did that the mom reauny, as
I was then already pcnectiy convinced
that he suffered wrongfully. Since
that time, bis unfortunate children,
both here and in Europe, have con
stantly implored me to wipe out the
terrible stains which now cover the
name of their father. . Though times
do not seem propitious for obtaining
full justico, yet, considering that man
is mortal, I will, before entering upon
a perilous voyage, perform my duty
to those innocent orphans and also to
J. will now give a brict statement oi
the causes wiucn leu to tue arrest arm
, i ,i i j
execution of Captain Wira. In April,
18G5, rresidcnt Johnson issued a pro
clamntion stating that, from evidence
in the possession of the "Bureau of
Military Justice," it appeared mat.
Jefferson Davis was implicated in the
assassination of President Lincoln,
acd for that reason the President of
fered a reward of 1100,000 for the
cspture of the then fugitive ex-Presi-deut
of the Southern Confederacy.
That testimony has since been found
to bo entirely lalso and a mero fabri
cation, and the suborner, Conovcr, is
now under sentence ia the jail of this
city, the two perjurers, whom be sub
orned, having turned States evidence
against him, whilst the individual, by
whom ho was suborned, has not yet
been brought to justice
Certain nigh and influential enemies
of Jefferson Davis, cither then already-
aware of the character of the testimo
ny of those witnesses, or not thinking
thcirtestimony quite sufficient to hang
Jeff. Davis, expected to find tho want
ing material in the tcrriblo mortality
of Union prisoners at Andersonville.
Orders were issued accordingly to ar
rest a subaltern officer, Captain VTirr,
a poor, friendless and wounded pris
oner of war, (he being included in the
surrender of General Johnston,) and
besides a foreigner by birth. On the
7th of May he was plnc.od in the Old
Capitol Prison at Washington, and
from that timo the greater part of the
Northern press was engaged in form
ing the man in the eyes ol the peoplo
into ninth a monster that it became
almost impossible for him to obtain
counsel. Even his countryman, the
Swiss Consul General, publicly refused
to accept money to defray the expen
ses of tho trial ! He was doomed bo
fore ho was heard and even the per
mission to bo heard according to law
was denied him. To increnso tho ex
citement and give eclat to the proceed
ing, and to inflame still moro the pub
lic mind, the trial took place under
tho very dome of the Cnpitol of the
nation. A Military Commission, pre
sided over by one of the most arbitra
ry and despotic generals in the coun
try, was formed, and the paroled pris
oner of war, his wounds still open,
and so feeblo that he had to recline
during tho trial on a sofa, carried be
fore the same. How that trial was
rnndnctod the whole world knows.
The enemies of generosiij and human
ity believed it then to be a sure thing
to get at Jeff. Davis.
Therefore, tho first charge was that
fit conspiracy between Wire, Jefferson
Davis, Seddon, Howell Cobb, R. B.
Winder and a number of others, to
kill the Union prisoners. The trial
listed fw"hree months, but unfortu
nately for the bloodthirsty instigators
rot a particle of evidence was pro
duoed, showing the existence of such
a conspiracy ; yet Captain Wira was
found guilty of that charge I Having
thus failed, another effort was made
On the night before the execution of
the prisoner a telegram was sent to
the Northern press from this city
stating that Wira had made important
disclosures to General L. C. Baker,
the well known detective, implicating
Jeff. Davis, and that the eonlession
would probably be eiven to the puMie
On the same evening some parties
rme to the confessor of Wira, Nov.
Father Boy In, and also to me, ono of
them liif irming me that a high Lam
net officer wished to Bure Wira that
if he woulJ implicate Jefferson Davis
with the atrocities committed at An
dersonville, bis sentence would be
commuted. He, the messenger, or
whoever he was, requested me to in
form Win of this. In presence of
Father Bnyln, I told Wira next morn
ing whit had happened. The Cap
tain simply and quietly replied, "Mr.
Srlnde, yoo know that I have always
told you that I do not know anything
about Jcflerson Davis, II bad no
ronnrrtion with me as to wfcat was
GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor. PRINCIPLES-NOT MEN. TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance.
dono at Andersonvilln. If I knew
anything of him I would not become
a traitor agaiiiBt him or anybody else,
even to save my life." Ho likewise
denied that he had made any state
ment whatovcr to General Baker.
Thus ended the attempt to suborn
Captain Wirz against Jefferson Davis.
That alone shows what a man he was.
How many of his defumers would
have dono the same ? With his wound
ed arm in a sling tho poor, paroled
prisoner mounted, two hours later,
tho scaffold. His last words were that
ho died innocent and so ho did. The
10th day of November, 1805, will in
dood bo a black stain on the pages of
American history.
To weaken the effect of his declara
tion of innocence and of the noble
manner in which Win died, a tele
gram was manufactured here and sent
North, stating that on tho 27th day
of October, Mrs. Wins, (who actually
was nine hundred milos on that day
awav from Washington) bad been
prevented by that Sluntonian dcv ex
machina, Gen. L. C. Buknr, from poi
soning her husband 1 Thus, on the
same day, when the nnfortunate fam
ily lost their husband and father, a
cowardly and atrocious attempt was
made to blacken their character also.
On the next day I branded the whole
as an infamous lie, and since then I
never have heard of it again, though
it cminated from a Brigadier General
of the United States army.
All those who were charged with
having conspired with Captain Wira
have since been released, except Jef
ferson Davis, the prisoner of the Amer
ican "Castle Chillon." Copt Winder
was let off without a trial, and if any
of the others have been tried, which
I do not know, certainly none of them
have been hung. As Captain Wira
could not conspire alone, nobody will
now, in viow of that important fact,
consider him guilty of that charge.
So much, then, for charge No. I.
As to charge No. 2, to wit : Murder,
in violation of the laws and customs ol
war, I do not hesitato to declare what
145, out of 100, witnesses on both
sides declared during the trial that
Captain Wira never murdered or kill
ed any Union prisoners with his own
hands or otherwise. All those wit
nesses (about twelve to fifteen) who
testified that they saw Captain Win
kill a prisoner, have sworn falsely,
abundant proofs of that assertion bo
ing in existence. The hands of Cap
tain Wira are clear of the blood of
prisoners of war. He would certainly
have at least intimated to me a knowl
edge of tho alleged murdor with which
he was charged. Iu mist all cases no
names of the alleged murdered men
could bo given, and where it was done,
no such persons could bo identified.
The terrible scene in court, when he
was confronted with one of tho wit
nesses, and tho latter insisting that
Win was the man who killed a cer
tain Union prisoner, which irritated
the prisoner so much that ho almost
fainted, will still bo rcmomberod.
That man (Grey) swore falsely, and
God alono knows what tho poor inno
cent prisoner must havo suffered at
that moment 1 The scene was depict
ed and illustrated in the Northern
newspapers as if Wirr hnd broken
down on account of his guilt. Seldom
has a mortal suffered more than that
friendless and forsaken man.
Fearing lost this communication
will bo too long, I will merely speak
of the principal and most intelligent
of thoso falso witnesses who testified
to individual murder on tho part of
Captain Wira. Upon bis testimony
. .. . . ii i
the Judgo Advocate in ins nnai argu
ment laid particular stress on account
of his intelligence. This witness pre
pared also pictures ot tho alleged cru
elties of Win, which woro handed to
the commission and are now on record,
copies of which appeared at tho time
1U UrilHTII IllUniUH-U
swore that his namo was Iclix do la
Baume, and represented himself as a
Frenchman and a grand nephew of
Marquis de I.afnyctte. After having
so well testified and shown so much
zeal, ho received a recommendation,
signed by tho menrhers of the commis
sion. On tho ciovcnwi aay oi icio
ber, before tho taking of the testimony
was concluded, he was appointed to a
clerkship in tho Department of the
Interior. This occurred whilst one of
the witnesses tor the defence ( Duncan)
was arrested in open court, and placed
in prison before he had testified. Af
ter tho execution of Caidain Wirz
some of the Germans of Washington
recognized in de la Bnumo a deserter
from tho 7th New York (Steuben)
regiment, whoso name was not de la
Bnumo, but Felix Oescr, a native of
Saxony. They went to Secretary
Harlan, and he dismissed the impostor
and important witness in tho Wirz
trial on the 21st of November, eleven
days after tho execution. Nobody
who is acquainted with the Conoyer
testimony in consequenco of which
tho President of the United States
was falsely induced to placo a reward
of f 100,0l0 upon the head of an inno
cent man. will bo astonished at the
above disclosures of the character of
testimony before Military ( ommis
sions. fr'o much for charge No. II.
If from twelve to fifteen witnesses
could bo found who were willing to
testify to so many nets of murder on
the part of Wirz, there must certainly
havo been no lack of such who were
willing to swear to minor offences.
Such was the unnatural state of public
mind aeainst the prisoner at that
time, that such men regarded them
selves, and were regarded, as heroes,
tier havinir testified in the manner
above described, whilst, on tho other
hand, tho witnewes for the defence
were intimidated, particularly after
one of thcra had boon nrrcstod.
But who is responsible tor the many
lives that were lost at Andersonville,
and in tho Southern prisons f That
question has not fully been settled,
but history will toll on whose heads
tho guilt for those sacrificed heca
tombs of human beings is to be placed.
It was ccrtninly not tho fault of poor
Captain Win, when, in cor.sequonco
of medicines having been declared
contraband of war by the North, the
Union prisoners diod for the want of
the same. How often have wo read,
during tho war, that ladies, going
South, hud been arrested and placed
in tho Old Capitol Prison by the
Union authorities, becauso some qui
nine or other medicines, had been
found concoalod in their petticoats !
Our navy prevented tho ingress of
medical stores from tho sea side, and
our troops repeatedly destroyed drug
stores, and even the supplies of pri
vate physicians in tho South. Thus,
the scarcity of medicines becamo gen
eral all over tho South. Surgeon J.
C. Pilot writes, Scptcmbor 0, 1H64,
from Andersonville, (this letter was
produced by the Judge Advocate in
the Win trial :) "We have but little
more than the indigenous barks and
roots with which to treat the numer
ous forms of disease to which our at
tention is daily culled. For tho treat
ment of wounds, ulcers, etc., we have
literally nothing, except water. Our
wards, some of them, are wild with
gangrene, and we are compelled to
fold our arms and look quietly upon
its ravages, not even having stimulants
to support the system under its de
pressing influence, the article being
so limited In supply that it can only
be issued for cases under the knife."
That provisions in the South were
scarce will astonish nobody, when it
is remembered how the war was car
ried on. General Sheridan boasted in
his official report that, in the Shenan
doah Valley alone, ho burned two
thousand barns filled with wheat and
corn, and all tho mills in tho whole
tract of-country; that ho destroyed
all factories of cloths, and killed, or
drovo off, every animal, even to tho
poultry, that could conlributo to hu
man sustenance. And thoso desola
tions wore repeated in different parts
of tho South, und that so thoroughly,
that last month, two years after the
end of the war, Congress had to ap
propriate a million of dollars, to save
the people of those regions from actu
al starvation. The destruction of rail
roads and other means of transporta
tion, by which food could be supplied
by abundant districts to those without
it, increased tho difficulties iu giving
sufficient food to our piisoncrs.
The Confederate authorities, aware
of their inability to sustain their pris
oners, informed the Northern agent
of the great mortulity, and urgently
requested that the prisoners should bo
exchanged, even without regard to
the surplus which tho Confederates
had on the exchange rolls from former
exchanges, that is, man for man. But
our War Department did not consent
to an exchange Tbey did not want
to "exchange skeletons for healthy
men." Finally, when all hopes of ex
change were gone, Colonol Ould, the
Confederate Commissioner, offered,
early in August, 1MG4, to deliver up
all tho Federal sick and wounded,
without requiring an equivalent in re
turn, and pledged that the number
would amount to ten or nllecn thou
sand, and if it did not, ho would make
ui that number with well men. Al
though this offer was mado in August,
tho transportation was not sent for
hem (to Savannah) until December
although ho urged and implored (to
use his own words) that has to should
be mado. During that very period
tho most of tho deaths at Anderson
ville occurred. Congressman Covodo,
who lost two sons in .southern pris
ons, will do well if ho inquires who
thoso "skeletons" wero which the
lion. Secretary of War did not want
to exchango for healthy men. If he
docs, ho will hereafter bo perhaps less
bitter against the peoplo ol the .south.
But has tho North treated her South
ern prisoners so well that sho should
lift up her hands and cry "anaincma
over tho South. Mr. Stanton reports
to Congress, July If, l'il, that of
Southern prisoners, there diod in the
North, 20,430, and of Northern pris
oners in tho South, 22,577. What a
fearful record ! Over 20,000 of pris
oners dying in tho midst of plenty!
Mr. Stanton gives tho total number
of prisoners in the North at 220,000,
and in tho South at 120,040. Suppose
ibis to be correct, though this state
ment comes certainly from no impar
tial source, there died of prisoners in
the South, without medicines and
provisions, the fifth part, and in the
Korth, with medicines and provisions,
the eighth part. But in the number
of Southern prisoners iu the North
are probably included tho paroled
prisoners of Leo's, Johnston s and
Smith's armies, who never entered a
Northern prison. If that bo so, the
mortality of Southern prisoners in the
North will be even greater than that
of tho Federal prisoners in tho South 1
We used justly to procloim in form
er times that ours was "tho land of
tho free, and the homo of tho brave."
But when one-half of the country is
shrouded in a despotism, which now
only finds a parallel in Bussian Po
land, and when our generals and sol
diers quietly permit that their former
ailvcrsaries in arms shall bo treated
worse than the Helots of old, brave
soldiers though they may be, who,
when the forces and resources oi do in
sections were moro equal, nau nei
i. .
' I J .. l. n 1. a .I- 1 f n hnut ran
seiuoin bi-vh m. "v n" v ..
crals, not to speak of such as Butler
and consorts, then wo rsay woll ques
tion whether the"Star Spangled Ban
ner still waves over the land of the
free or the home of the brave." A
noble and bravo soldier never pormita
bis antagonist to bo calumniated and
trampled upon afl or an honorable sur- ,
render. Besides notwithstanding tho
decision ot the highest legal tribunal
in tho land, that Military Commissions
aro unconstitutional ; the earnest and
ahlo protestations of President John
son, and tho sad results of Military
Commissions, yet such Military Com
missions aro again established, by ro-
ccnt legislation of Congress, all over
the suffering and starving South.
ilistory is just, and as Mr. Lincoln
used to say, we cannot escape history.
rurltamcal hypocrisy, suit-adulation
and self glorification will not save
thoso enemies of liberty from their
just punishment.
Hot. even a Christian burial or the
remains of Captain Win has been al
lowed bySecrotary-6unton..Xhey
still lie, side by side, with those of
another and acknowledged victim of
Military Commissions, the unfortunate
Mrs. Surratt, in tho yard of the former
jail in this city.
Jf anybody should desire to reply to
this, I politely beg that it may be done
before the 1st of May next, ai then I
shall leave tho country to return in
the full. After that day, letters will
reach me in care of tho American
Begution, or Mr. Bcneditto Bolzani,
Leipzig street, No. 38, Berlin, Prussia.
IX) lis bcriADK, Alt y-at-law.
Washington, April 4, 107.
A constablo in Kentucky, in
lishing some personal property for
sale, put up a notice with the fallow
ing clause: "I wyll xpose fr sail the
da lsbO uv Jan won lytle rone
horse, or to much thixrof as ma bo nes
ary to satisfl scd gitgment.
The Boston Pott thinks that Senator
Sumner must havo been beyond tho
reach of Senator Chandler's breath
when ho omitted to include him with
Senator Suulsbury, in his resolution
for expulsion.
A colored woman has just died in
Richmond, leaving 35 children to
mourn her death. She was only once
married. They are to be handed over
to tho tender mercies or the irecd
men's Bureau.
A principal aent of a prominent
life insurance company recently died
and had no insurance upon his life.
This is almost as bad a the bald-head
ed man selling bis ointment for resto
ring tho hair.
After Fred. Douglass, the negro,
had finished his recent lecttiro in
Brooklyn, an exuberant white woman
went up to the platform and kissed
him. t rod, rectuvxl lha lukua with
out blushing.
When you see a man on a corner
on a moonlight night, trying to con
vince his own shadow that it is im
proper to follow a gentleman, you may
set him down as a sign for a whiskey
Philosophers say that shutting the
eyes makes the sense of hearing more
acuto. A wag suggests that this ac
counts for the many closed eyes that
are seen at church every Sunday.
The Canadian press are very much
disgusted over the cession of ftussisn
America to the United States; yet
like Toota, thoy pretend to think "it'a
ol no consequence.
A female seminary wa recently
started in Salt I.nko City, which
succeeded very woll until the princir
eloped with and married tho whole
"I know every rock on the coast,"
said an Irish pilot. At that moment
tho ship struck, when he exclaimed,
"And that's ono of them."
A bashful printer refusod a situa
tion in a printing office where fcmalos
were employed, saying that ho never
"set up" with one in his life.
A colored voter, in Washington,
has been registered under tho name
of Annnias William James Andrew
Jackson Jones.
"Manhood Suffrage" is now tho on
ly remedy the radical quacks prescribe
for their party. We would advise
them to to take Hclmbold'a F.xlract
In China tho physician who kills a
patient has to support his family. It
would not be a baa idea to have such
a rule in this country.
"Wakoup hero and pay for your
lodging," suid a deacon, as bo nudged
a sleepy worshiper with the contribu
tion box.
In two years, 200 persons have been
burned to death by kerosene lamp
explosions, and six millions of prop
erty destroyed.
Men toil every day that they may
be enabled to eat, and cat every day
that they may bo enabled to toil.
At a recent town meeting in Man
chester, it was resolved that "all per
sons in town having dogs be muzzled."
Tho State of Wisconsin appropria
ted over t-'00,000 this year for char-
itablo institutions.
It is believed that the coming wheat
orop will bo tho largest ercr grown on
this continent.
What chasm that often separates
old friends sarchasm.
There aro ono million moro women
than men in England.
A compromise with Bin is a surren
der to the devil.
tlmrriran Itoyi.
Probably in every ag since the
time of poor Adam and Eve'b trouble
with their wilful son, tho world has
boon supposed to bo near its end on
account of tho naughtiness of boys.
We confess that, for ourselves, in mo
ments of wrath at tho impish perver
sity, or of sorrow at the precocious
wickedness of noted specimens of
American boyhood, we buvo some
times been tempted to that supposi
tion, and certainly we could not much
wonder if Young America furnished
more food for the prophet's avenging
bears than Young Israel supplied.
Yet the world has continued to bo,
and generation after generation has
risen from petticoats to jackets and
trousers, and from jackets and trous
ers to coats and pantaloons, without
any utter extinction of the line of
masculine succession. ' That succes
sion will probably be kept up in this
hemisphere, and here, as ot old, the
folly of youth will, in due time, be
enhducd by the wisdom of ago.
Our daughters are constitutionally
more marked by sensibility, and our
sons aro more luarkod by wilfulness.
The consequence is that we are more
anxious what will happen to our daugh
ters and what will .happen from our
sons the daughter's sensitiveness ex
posing her to receive harm, and the
son's wilfulness exposing him to do
harm. We aro not wise to quarrel
with nature, and we must expect that
boys will bo more noisy and mischiev
ous than girls ; nay, we may count it
a good sign ot a lad rorce ot char
acter, if there is a good share of ag
gressive fun-loving pluck in his com
position. Well managed, his animal
spirits will give him all the more man
ly loyalty, and, when true to the
right cause, ha will be all the more
true bocause so much living sap has
gone up into the fruit of his obedience.
Yet what is more sad than force of
will perverted to base uses, and the
strongth of manhood sunk into the
service of baso lusts or fiendish pas
sions T What is more sad than tho
sight presented daily in our streets
the scores of precocious manikins with
the worst vices of men written over
features almost infantile in their mould
boys who are hardly old enough to
bo beyond their mother's watch, now
swaggering with all the airs of expe
rienced bloods, and polluting the air
of God's heaven with the vocabulary
of hell ? here such monstrous ex
cesses ore not fonnd, how frequent is
tho utter repudiation of the proper
reverence to age and authority I How
many a stripling among us seems to
think it Wie very nrsi jiroor oi maniy
spirit to break tho Divine law which
gives the home its blessedness and tho
stato its security, and to bo proud to
show thai he is above all such obsolete
notions as giving honor to father or
Evils op Gossip. 1 have known a
country society which withered away
all to nothing under tho dry rot of
gossip only, friendships, once as
firm as granite, dissolved to jelly, and
then run away to water, only becauso
of this: love, that promised a future
as enduring as heaven and as stable
as truth, evaporated in a morning
mist, that turned to a day 8 long tears
only because of this ; a father and a
son were set foot to foot with the
fiery breath of an anger that would
never cool again betwoen them, only
becauso of this; and a husband and
his young wife, each straining at the
heated leash which in tho beginning
had been the golden bondage of a
God-blessed lovo, set mournfully by
tho sido of the grave where all their
love and all their joy lay buried, and
only becauso of this. Great crimes
work great wrong, and the deeper
tragedies of human hio spring from
its larger passions; but woeful and
most mournful are the uncatalogued
tragedies that, issue from gossip and
detraction; most mournful tho ship
wreck often mado of noble natures
and lovely lives by the bitter winds
and dead salt waters of slander. So
easy to say, yet so hard to disprove
throwing on tho innocent all tho bur
den and the strain of demonstrating
their innocence, and punishing them
as guilty if unablo to pluck out the
stings they never see, and to silence
words they never hear gossip and
slander aro tho deadliest and the cm
elesl weapons man has forged for his
brother's hurt. Fi'omvas from Labor.
I regret to say that nearly two
thirds of the clergy of New York are
just now suffering from severe attacks
or soro throat, or bronchial allections,
for which the doctors say thcra is no
remedy savo in a voyage across the
Atlantic, and a Bojourn of a week or
two at the Paris exposition. Vestry
men arc run down with applications
for tho necessary two months leave,
while finance committees are daily put
to their wits to raise the wind in or
der to defray Kev. M r. So So's travel
ing expenses hither and thither. The
sermons of late, have been very dreary
owing to this state of things, and 1
suppose thore is no remedy for it, but
that they should all go, leaving us
"miserable sirmers" to look after our
selves, here at home, during tho hot
weather, as best we may. The Cu
nard steamer that sailed to-dny bad
no fewer than six of these sore-throated
gentlemen on board, while by the
packets to sail next Saturday, I am
informed that double that number
will go. We do not read hat Paul,
or Peter, or Andrew, or James, or
John, or any of the rest of tho Apos
tles were ever troubled with bronchi
al affections in the spring of the year.
They did a good deal of travelling, to
be sare, but it wasn't to seo tho that s where it is, I nele I Her fish
world's fairs, and the expenses were ing's good, I know; but I'm not to
totally defrayed by themselves. ilr bout her Grnut F
ant and jauntor.
"A litll noBKnaa now and then
It raliihett by tt.a bcit of men."
"I would like to ba a Oeneral,
To aiarch thoaa wealthy room I,
Ami, like old Uonrral Butler,
Htaal Hnatbero people'a tnoona I
I would Hka to ba a Otnaral,
Covered o'er with brilliant blue.
To infttlt tboae Bouthern, women,
Aa Butler uied to do." Powisor.
Transported for life the man that
marries happily.
What is the legal relation in which
a tenant stands to his landlord ? In
loco pay-rent-is.
A man must have a very bad opin-
ino of himself not to be willing to ap
pear what he really ia.
"None but the bravo deserve the
fair." No, and none but the brave
can live with some of thera.
A country paper speaks of a man
who "diod without the aid of a phy
sicion." Such instances of death are
very rare.
Which is cheaper, a bride or a bride
groom? The bride; she is always giv
en away, the bride-groom is some-
times suld.
Some irreverent person has discov
ered that a bald head is like heaven,
becauso there will be no more parting
or dying there.
The following is probably the worst
conundrum ever perpetrated : "Why
is a dogs tail like an old man r Ke
en use it is in firm."
A lady, playfully condemning the
wearing of whiskers and moustaches,
declared : "It is one of the fashions I
invariably set my face against."
What is the difference between No
ah 'a ark and an archbishop f Noah's
ark was a very high ark, but an arch
bishop is a hierarch (higher ark.)
"loung man, do you believe in a
future Btatef" "In coarse 1 duz; and
what s more, I liiiond to enter it as
soon as Betsy gits ber things reddy.'
A shrewd little fellow, who had just
begun to read Latin, astonished the
master by the following translations :
Fir, a man 5 gin, a trap. irjin, man
Which measures the most, the exact
distance of a statement that is "be
yond belief," or the precise elevation
of the gentleman who was "above tel
ling a lie r
"Charles, dear, now tbat we are
married, you know that we must have
no secrets; so do, like a dove, hand
me that bottle of hnir die; yon will
hnd it in my dressing-case.
Annnwashed street hoy being asked
what made him so dirty, his reply
was : "1 was mado, as they tell ine,
of the dust of the ground, and I reck
on it is just now working out.
A rural contributor says he has en
larged his establishment, and keep
a bead of oxen, a head of hen, and
several head of cabbage, while he is
also trying to keep a head of the
"Pompcy," said a good-natured gen
tleman to Ins colored man, "I did not
know till to-day that you had been
whipped last week. "lidn t you
rnnssa!"' replied Pompey; "I I know
ed it all de while."
A negro about dying, was told by
tho minister that he must forgive a
certain darkey towards whom he seem
ed to entertain very bitlor feelings.
"Yes sah," ho replied, "but if' I gits
well, dat nig must take care.
Tho editor of an Eastern paper, a
cross old bachelor, says: "The reason
why women do not cut themselves in
two by tight lacing is becauso they
lace around tho heart, and that is so
hard they cannot affect it."
A young dead-head the other day
asked tho door-keeper ot the "1 anora
ma of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress,"
if Bunvan was in. The door-keeper
refused to let him pass, us he couldn't
find his name on tho frco list.
'Why do yon not admire my love
ly daughter r said a proud mother to
a gentleman. "Jtecause, he replied,
"1 am no judge of paintings." "But
surely," replied the lady, not in tho
least disconcerted by this rude reflec
tion, "you never saw an angel that
was not painted.
A wag after hearing a very insipid
dialogue betwoen two noodles, ex
Al IMty and Poter were walking one day,
Seyi Polly to iMter, 'why, lioier, 1 aay.'
'Well Diiliy. what hare yna to aay nolo PoserF
'WIit. troth,' aatd Dolly, 'I really don't know s'.r.'
Which is the amount of a good
many conversations.
A Willow Grove, Montgomery coun
ty "lady," thinking she had occasion
to thrash a certain lawyer, proceeded
to do so. By a lucky chauce for the
lawyer, the lair one mado a mistako
and thrashed a champion of the legal
gentleman. As a stick of wood was
used, tho "companion" doesn't think
ho was honored by the damsel's choice.
At a religious meeting among the
blacks, a colored preacher requested
that some one should pray. There
upon half-witted Moses commenced a
siring of words entirely without mean
ing. At this the pastor raised his
head and inquired : Who's dat pray
in f Dut you brtidder Mose f Jest
hold on, brudder Mosc, you let some
body pray dat'f better acquainted
wid de Lord."
Look Before Yoc Liap. MilJle-
Aqri Vndc: "Not proposed to her
yet 1 Why, what a shilly-shallying
fellow you aio, George! lou'll have
that littlo widow snapiicd up from un
der your nose, as sure as you're born !
Pretty gal like that nice little prop
erty evidently likes you with an
estate in the Highlands, too, and you
a sporting man " X,-vhne: "Ah".
Sbr nratfirt4 pputliraa.
Trrmt pf uhncrlptlo,n
Tf fM In drtrtw.t ltMn Ihw wmthi.. tt Wl
If pi4 t)fW thr rt1 kf'irf li Rinnihi I t0
If fti I'trr 'h npirf(on nf M monthi.,, ft Ift)
lUtm til AiUrriMiiR,
TmnptMil ntvtrTlti'pnir'titit. pr miturpof Ifl linMnr
1 Umrt nr t 1 M
Fnrr'h irtiiM-ut inwrtlnn A"
AifiiiniptrttiV rihI Kltviilrtri' nutine. I frO
AvditOri' otirrit 1 60
Ciwitmn nt KMrj,, 1 0
IhMoluticn not I or ft
ltf notice, per line 14
ProfMionral H", 1 yr t tro
TBim.r inrKfiTiRKMivTa
1 tqntr ?H H
t Vfiufttrt. if 00
ft eolumD fZi
ft column 40
I column 74
Riorl quir.. MM qoirn, twqulrf ' "
I qmrM,pr quire, t QU ( Over fi . ; .
n a si it 1 1 1
ft the, or 1m.!I i0 I ft . 5
ft nheet, 2S or Iim, 2 60 I tliiU,
OrerZi of men orniwire at prrnmrtMii. r ;
K'llntr nd Proprietor.
yrofrssional & usiarss Cards.
Clearfield, Pa.
OBoa with J. B. MrBnalljr, Eaq., erer Plr.t '
ttonal Uatk.
eXT-Prompt attenttoo fire t
of Bounty. Claim Ao,aud In u, i r . - .
March s, 17 I;.
llollidayeburg. Pa.
ffW-Prompt attention tirw to the leearlnc
aaa aolleetion of Claiml, aod to all legal bnii
neai. ' novH-om.pd
OCoe ea Seaoad BL, OaarSeld, Pa. aorll.M
Wm. A. Wallase. fa. D. Dicier.
J. Illake Waltera. Frank Fielding.
Clearfield, Pa.
M-Leral bneineaa of a!l kinda promptly and
accurately attended to. neyla-y
OSot adjoiainf lha Bank, formerly aeeapied be
J. b. MoKnally, Seeond ah, Clearteld.
VWIII attend promptly to collection!, eala
eflaodi, e. decl7,Z
And Real Estate Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
Office aa Market it reel, oppcalM lha Jail.
- Reipertfolly olfera kii aerricea in telling
and ba)in( lasda In Clearteld and adjoining
oonntiea ; and with aa eiperiene of orer twenty
yeare aa a aarreyor, flattora himaalf that ha can
renter aarirfaelioa. lft-b28.'6J tf
Clearfield, Pa.
Oftce oa Market utraot ana door aaetof tba Clear
laid County Bank. aay,'S(
John II. Orria, C. T. Alexander.
nellefunte. Pa. iep1s,'6-7
Laic 8urfoa of tfat 914 Reg mtoU PeoDfjlTiii
VolHotoert, haviof returned fro th Army,
eft feii prrMioav Mmo). to tb ciUitci
of Clrfill eetjnty.
ie-r HrTfFfionl nllf promptly itten Jed to.
Ofte on fiMond street, formerly oet.piod by
Dr. Wood. (aprVC6-a
J. P. COHNETT. Piwttst,
offers bis professional wrvicM to
tba eitisfoi of CurwensrilU and
vicinity. Ofteo in Drug Btort, corner Main tod
Inonipton street. may ll.'Oft-ly:pd
Af ant for the Patehaaa and gala of Landa.
Clearteld. Pa.
Prompt attention (iren to all boalnen
eonaaHod with the eoanty odeee. Offip. with
Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. Janl.'ftO-tf
1867 s prix g . 1867
Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods,
No.. 2.1J. 2.17, 2.1 A 241 K. Third SU,
We are now prepared with onr tuual fltrnrfre
and well-aeeerted ttnek to offer extra indnrmrnta
to CASH BUYERS. aprll-lf
No. 31 Houth Third Btreet, PMIadelpliU,
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application hr mail will reeetra prompt atten
tion, and all information chcorfullv furnithrd.
Order aolicited. aprll-tf
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Pemi'a.
tecuWill eterute join in hie line promptly and
in a workmanlike manner. apr,o7
THE aoderiiffned offer, hli eerrieea aa a Rar
eoTor, and may ba fnaad at hit raaidenen, la
Lawrence t.-wn&hip. Letter, will reach him
directed to Clearteld, P.
aart-em.pd JAMES MITCHELL.
l.uthrraburg, Pciia'a.
r-WII! ncmptlj attend ta eallin aalea, ai
reaeonahle rates. jan.11 3
til Market ( Philadelphia. Pa.
ait riTinr. aid Aoaira mi ran Faii or
Korr. The rf ilnr tUowaiKYl made to IValen
in MANILA ItUl K. n:il-6a.
Thomas H. Forrre. A. A. Urahaa.
(llLlti ia
General Merchandise and Lumber,
JanS) (irahamton, Penn'a.
And Lleenaed Coneeraner,
New Waahlnctoa, Clearfield to , Pa.
And Llreaaed Coareyancer.
Latherebnrg, Clearfield Pa.
JHB"-Celleitioae and remittance, promptly
made, aad ell kinda nf legal Iniirnmenta elected
an abort notiaa. (y,'6 If
ratLtaa ta
Dry Goods, Clothing;, Hardware,
Catlery, Qaeentwa te, flroetiiea, rorUteai aad
I'leartield. PeH"a.
-AI tba aid eland oa Front rtreet. atoea
tba Academy. (deoIt,' lf
FT ROPr.8 ef al' lre, for ' at
Pee. 1, Kb RLLL A ElULIR.