Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 18, 1867, Image 2

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    She Republican.
(ironnit 11. (inoM.ANnRR, Ktlitor.
Thursday Morning, April 18, 1867.
VoHenloti" ll'fto C'aiucd IA
Tho Northern Disuiiion'mto have fur
six years repeated that tho Southern
Secessionists were the canso of the
war, with nil its untold evils, and hare
succeeded in ranking a largo number
of our pcopla believe it. lint like
their other crimen, they will within a
lew years, if left alone, confess that
they themselves were the authors
Tho greatest 'boast" among them
Butler charges a portion of Ihb bretb
rcn with murdering a woman, Mrs.
Surratt and little as this political
highwayman and coward is disponed
to do an honorable act or tell the
truth, he blundered into it when he
made this charge, nud history will so
record it.
Great rogues invariably qnarrel and
expose each other. Hence tho day is
fust approaching when the crimes
committed against liberty, person and
property by tbo lenders of the loyal
ists, will bo laid bare by those of their
own kith and kin. Butler, Conover
and detective Baker will yet develop
tho crimes committed after tho war
commenced, and Forney and tho rest
of the blizzards will detail tho cauoo
of it, and who commenced it. In fact
the latter haa already given us the be
ginning of tlio alphabet in the lesson
he intend to imparl to his readers.
Ho is so impregnated with crime- and
toadyism that ho has commenced de
livering himself of very small doses of
his knowledge of tho "great conspira
cy," about which ho has written and
knows so much.
Tho folic wing few lines taken from
the Philadelphia Press of tho 15th, is
the entering wedge to future confess
ion. Head it :
' A nefro haa been Dominated for Mayor of Lynch
burg, Virg inia, ant the bout hern rebela and North
ern jjemooracy art holding up their bandi in hor
ror. If this tilack man could nave been nominated
to thia oSoe seven ycare ago the country would
bare been spared a fearful war, and Virginia would
bare been spared the military district bill.
The fact is thus plainly and une
quivocally stated by the Clerk of tho
liiimp Senato, and amounts just to
this : Hud the pcoplo of tho Southern
.States, previous to 1SC1, nominated
and elected negroes to office, no war
would l.avc been waged against them,
und the great sacrifico of I i to and
treasure would not have taken place,
We have always believed it, and
tinw boldly declare it, and the future
will fully Chtablisli tho fact to tho
i.iiiida of tho mot t skeptical upon this
point, that John Brown, Abe Lincoln,
Horace Greeley, Ym. Lloyd Garrison,
Bcr. Wade, Churlos Sumner, together
with an association of British arieto
crats, and their confederates in this
country and Europe, tonapircd togeth
er to bring about a dissolution of the
Union, and to this end precipitated
the country into a terrible civil war.
But the great vitality of the country,
and ti e deep seated lovo and affection
of its people for Democratio institu
tions defeated these bold, bad men in
their "great conspiracy," and as yet
the peop'e havo only become pnrtiully
debauched, notwithstanding the coun
ter influences of war, military tribu
nals and the knavery and hypocracy
of those who have unfortunately ad
ministered tho affiiirs of State for the
past seven years. But the end is not
yet. These conspirators having failed
in their object to dissolve tho Union
through the instrumentality of war,
havo only charged tho scene. In
stead of feabting the minds of the poo
ple on war, plunder and its exciting
concomitants, they havo rosorted to
tho secict caucus system in the Rump
and our State Legislatures, and in this
secret maimer conceal ever; thing from
tho people. Having failed by the
open and exciting acts of the bold
highwaymen, they arc wry trying tho
strategy of tho midnight burglar. Er.
rrything pertaining to tho union mid
harmony of tho States and tho people
is passed upon in scciot by the l)is
onitm leaders. .Public debate is sup
pressed, exocpt by accident. Military
rule is thrust upon one section of the
country for the purpose of feeling the
public pulse. If no rcstivencss exliib-
its itself, and tho people are foolish I
enough to keep knaves in the govern
ment departments, these lenders will
yet accomplish, in a milder form, that
which they attempted by war, arson
and murder. Although every loyal
throat was rendered honrso over
shouting ''tho war for tho Union,"
yet the wholo aim and object of the
uctors at Washington was a war' for
disunion. We, hope our readers will
bear in mind tho above confession of
the Press. Neither war nor military
fiistriet bills would ever have been
inaugurated bad tho peoplo of the
South made Mayors and Congressmen
out Of negroes. Vide tho Press.
CameiMB county is havo a jail.
iM ell other Cat' Vs do likowis
f flood Joke.
Our readers no doubt remember tho
charges made by loading loyalists in
Jnnuary hint, against Simon Cumer-m,
to tho ttlit l that ho had secured his
election to tho U. S. Senato through
bribery and corruption. This is no
doubt true, littlo as Forney & Co. are
inclined to tell tho truth. A Legisla
tive committo was appointed to hunt
op the bribed and tho briber, but none
were found. Strategy being in the
direct lino of the Winnebago Chief, ho
ho arranged matters that even no
smell of bribery existed on Capitol
Hill. Hcnco tho wiae and sago con
clusion of the committee Tho price
for each loyal member was fixed at
from 83,000 for a General Senator
down to 8100 for tho lowest, but no
money was to bo paid until after tho
expected committee should report, or
n'ter tho adjournment of tho Legisla
ture, so as to defeat all inveBtigations.
Those members seeking a re-election
were offered tho highest price a point
well taken and everything moved as
mcrrj- as a marriage fetid until after
the adjournment, wheu tho buzzards
flocked to the Lochiel for their prey.
Simon having a neat securely in the
Senato at Washington, and holding
tho negotiable paper too, compelled
the old members to discount theirs
fifty per cent., (Middletown rates,)
and the new once seventy-five, with
tho promise of going fifty better on
their return next winter.
This may be properly termed "cheat
ing all around the board,"yet a "grand
moral" committee had the impudence
to report that "nothing was going
wrong," and that "nobody was hurt,"
as the "late lamented" said a few days
before ho doffed a scotch cap and a
military cloak. loyally to-day, as in
the revolution, feasts on corruption
and robs tho people of their treasure
and their liberties.
Relioious.(!) Tho stamp, tax, and
tariff party, havo lately made an ac
quisition to their concern in tho shapo
of numbers. Tho New York Confer
ence, at their late session, adopted a
resolution endorsing the Hump Con
gress and negro suffrago. If our
Methodist brethren continue swinging
they will make tho political circle in
about two years more, when Metho
dist County, Stute and National Con
ventions may be expected, and none
but brethren placed on tho ticket.
We fear the leaders of this denomina
tion are placing tho food so high in
the rude that tho hmbs of tho flock
cannot reach it, and must therefore
become so spiritually depleted that
they must starvo, or bo gobblod tip by
the wolves. What short sighted men
the Wesleys, Fletchers, Chirks, and
their coadjutors must havo been. The
improvements made on their religion
within the past five years is wonder
ful. The children scarcely recognize
their mother. The wisdom of Simp
son & Co. is gigantic, and almost in
comprehensible, so far as truo religion
is concerned. For a body of men
styling themselves christians to en
dorse a set of men who havo made a
haicm out of the departments of tho
government, is rather a strong doso.
More than five hundred concubines
are kept and supported by tho Rump
and their adherents, and yet they are
complimented by a Conference. The
" whore of Babylon" is certainly losing
The pcoplo are no doubt aware that
Simon Cameron's friends, known as
the Pennsylvania Legislature, mljourn
cd and went homo on tho 11th instant.
They made ample provision for plun
dering the people- and the State during
tho next year, and provided for any
contingency that may ariso by bor
rowing twenty-three million dollars.
This is "loyalty" illustrated with all
tho modern improvements, and should
tho pcoplo become rcstivo under the
rule of these political burglars a codi
cil will bo added to tho prou'rammo
dissolving tho Union and turning ev
ery Statu into a Poland of the Russian
Sanctimonious. Tho negroes in
Washington, in view of the municipal
election, are waging a vigorous cam
paign. They hold nightly meolings,
and invariably open and close with
prayer. Zac Chandler, the "blood
letting" Senator from Michigan, was
to speak at one of their prayer meet
ings the othor nighl.but was so drunk
he could not como to time. After the
despatching and reporting of several
committees, Zue was reported ill, and
the stand was occupied al ernntcly by
a black and a white nigger. This, wo
should think, is blending the tho sub
lime and ridiculous, und tho races con
trary to the bills.
The Democrats of Uagerstown,Md.,
on Thursday last, elected their entire
ticket by an average majority of 80.
This is tho iiitt instance in twenty
years. Negro equality was the test.
.All the "wealth and intelligence" of
the opposition lelt the Radicals and
joined tho Democrats; hcnco tho de
cided victory.
President has appointed Col. Petor
Lyle, Cwllcctor; ex-Governor Porter,
Naval officer, and Samuel G. King,
Surveyo of tho Port. They were of
eourso all rejected, because they are
all well qualifiod for their respective
Jury t'onnttslonrri.
Tho party in power devise every
menus to increaso tho fees of tho old
ami necessary officers of government,
and the creation of new ouch, so that
In ten years from this lime they would
have nearly as many ofllco holders as
lax payors, if their subjects aro foolish
enough to continue them in pewer for
that period. Public plunder scorns to
bo the leading propensity of loyalists
and liko their English grandfathers,
they have in a few years succeeded in
posting cither a stamp dispenser or tax
gatherer at every public place.
We direct tho attention of our read
era to tho new Jury Law, which we
publish on our first page this week.
It will bo observed that tho good old
rulo of allowing tho Sheriff and Com
missioncrs to draw tho jurymen bus
been abolished, although it has work
ed well ever sinco our government
had an existence. The present re
formers aro removing every ono of
tho old land-marks, in order to trans-
mit us a despotism, and that of tho
meanest kind. The people of this
country will soon bo the slaves of
oflk-e-holdcrs and demagogues, unless
they become sensible enough to turn
ran nd and deliver tho affairs of state
into the hands of the Democracy.
A Lib Then, or Now. Harriet
Beech cr Stowe and her male and fo
malo Abolition cohorts, a few years
ago stated that the "barbarism of sla
very" had made the Southern negro a
sullen, morose, dangerous and igno
rant being; during and since the war
tho military satraps and negro bureau
school marms have eulogized them to
the skies as "intelligent contrabands,"
and that the littlo three year old pick
aninnies will learn their A B C's in
twenty-four hours, nnd are turned
into teachers, surveyors, etc., in one
year, and for general intelligence far
exceed tho "poor whito trash" in the
South. What a pity thry don't ship
a lot of those smart people to Boston
so air to enablo their friends to caress,
kiss and cajole them in pnro Yankee
Connecticut Election. Below we
givo the voto, by counties, for Govern
or, compared with that of 1800, when
English was defeated by 511 votes :
comma. Kniliah. Hawlry bullish. llawley.
Hartford ,.73
Nrw Haren...ll,:u
New London. ,l.'-t
Fairfield 6.477
Windham 2,:l
l.itebSeld.... 4.501
Middlcsci.... 3.0:i8
Tolland 2.UX
44.4D6 43,381 43,4.16 43,97
Majority l,0?i.
The Senato stands, Radicals 11
Democrats 10, Radical majority, 1.
The Houso standi, Radicals, 127
Democrats 111, Radical majority, 10.
Last year their majority on joint bal
lot was 64.
Their. Watchwords. It is but
twelve years ago that "place none but
Americans on guard," was used by
the present leaders of the Disunion
party as the rallying cry of tho whole
clan. But this demagogueish emblem
has been dropped for that of "place
nono but Africans on guard." The
tilts nnd changes of tho Disunion lend
ers aro as lofty as those of tho roebuck
and the moon. Then they were en
amored of "Sam," but now their love
of country is oozing out and "Sum bo"
takes tho place of '.he veteran "Sam
uel" of twelve years ago.
Tho Legislature has repculcd tho
Stato tax la w; anil hereafter each coun
ty will be compelled to pay a certain
fixed sum the aggregate being $:1U0,
000, lascd on population, which as
signs as tho portion of Clearfield coun
ty a sum not excoeding 81,000 per
annum. This wo hope will stop the
miserable habit of assessing property
at one-fourth its value, because of the
State tax.
The Speakership The State Sen
ato previous to adjonrningon tho 1 1th
instant, elected the Rov. J. L-Graham
one of tho Radical senators from Alle
gheny county, speaker, he receiving
every "loyal" voto, while the Demo
crats cast a unanimous vote for our
townsman, Mr. Wallace, who though
defeated for want of numbers, com
mands thrco times tho respect and in
fluence in that body that his success
ful competitor does even among the
Col. John S. Miller hns been reject
ed by the loyal Senntc, as Postmasicr
at Huntingdon. Ho is tho fourth re
jection within the last two months.
From two to threo appointees have
also been rejected for Milton, Danville,
Williamsport, Towanda, and a num
ber of othor Pennsylvania offices.
Dr. Hanker, of Goshen, Uhio, com
mittcd suicide on tho 12th instant, be
cause his children opposed his marry
ing a young widow aged 22. His age
was 71. Ho however made a will
and bequeathed to her a gold watch,
carriage, etc., and requested to be
buried in his wedding suit.
The progress of events U amply
illustrated in the "nutmeg State." At
tho State election on the 1st instant,
the Democrats carried the city of
Hartford by 600 majority, and at the
municipal election, ten days later, they
carried the city by 745 majority.
Hon. U. J. Raymond "the little
viUian, as Grocley 'ealtf bJm baa
I bvnn appointed minister tcvJUatrilt.
Woirrw Ittptibllrnntsm.
In the days of our fathers, when
parties wero divided into Pedum I and
Ami -Federal, and later, when tho
parlies wero known aa Federalists
and Republicans, the idea attached to
an Ami-Federalist or Republican was
just the opposite of tho present day.
Now to be a Republican means to be
a Radical in principle and a Ccntrali
zationist in practice. to abstract Con
st itu'.ionui power from two branches
of tho Government, Judicial and Ex
ecutive, and to confer it upon Con
gress, to in pose taxes without repre
sentation, to punish not alono States
in Rebellion, but States never in Re
bellion, as is seen in the Stato of Ma
ryland, whoso Senator is denied his
place in Congress ini pi y becauso he
is a Domocrat. Ono is almost start
led as ho reads tho burning words of
aslnngton, Jctlcrson, and .Madison,
against such usurpations of power,
and justly indignant as he realizes that
after all it is the minority and not
the majority of American people
who perpotrato theso abuses. In
theso latter revolutionary days we not
only rob Stales of their true position,
but citizens of their legal rights. A
military commander is applauded for
striking down, in his own personal
discretion. Stato und Municipal offic
ers elected by tho peoplo, and for put
ting in their places, in tho exercise of
the same discretion, those who hnp
pen to meet his luncy 1 And this at a
timo of peace, too, and wilh no resist
ance or thought of resistance on tho
part of thoso whose heads aro cut off.
Cromwell attempted no more in En
gland, nor Bismarck, single-handed,
in Prussia, and the rest of Germany
under Prussian control. Our modern
Republicanism is at best modeled af
ter the French' Revolution. Embrac
ing till atheism, all infidelity, all fanat
icism, all radicalism, all the bud feat
ures of ancient federalism, novelties
all, and none of them good ones, it
runs riot in the excesses of a revolt),
tionary spirit. Oh for ono concious
hour of those blessed days when Wash
ington and his cai ly successors presid
ed over the Republic! That hour might
teach tho poople of the dangers which
belong to unlicensed phrenzy, and
which has followed ourcarly history
even as the eurthqtiako sometimes fol
lows tho stillness of nature. To-day
the Constitution, when nut a dead let
ter, is tho object of contempt, when
ever it crosses the path of thoso who
desire to overrule it M. Thiers re
cently closed Iris speech with tho re
mark, for France, which is equally
true of the 30th and 40th CongresB:
"I will add but a single word, there
is not ono single blunder left tho Gov
ernment to commit !" A'. Y. Express.
Pensioning Newspapers. Accord
ing to an act of Congress the Clerk
of the Houso of Representatives is em
powered to authorize two newspapers
in each of the excluded States to pub
lish tho United States laws and do
the official advertising for the govern
ment. Good prices are paid for this
work, and tho weaker class of news
papers struggle for it as it were the
jourr.alistiu elixir of life. Mr. Me-
l herson the House ( lerk, has awurded
this piitronnge to papers in nearly all
of tho Southern States, and wo find
that tho fortunate ones are all of the
extremo Radical type, and nearly all
of them sickly concerns, which could
not long exist without food from some
nn usual quarter. It seems to us that
if the Radicals arc determined to pen
sion the few papers in the South which
arecrgnged in fomenting disturbances
and keeping alivo palitical passion
and hiitreil, it would bo better to make
a direct money appropriation.
The' might as well bo published in
Kamschatka as in tho journals select
ed, so far as their presentation to the
Southern people is concerned. The
said journals have no circulation that
is worthy of tho ln.nic, and the few
copies that they print aro mainly sent
to admiring friends in the North. It
would bo a better plan to keep them
alivo by rations from tho Frcedmcn's
Bureau. Xew York Sun.
Why sot Try Holt f Now that
Conover is convicted of periurw whv
should not Joo Holt, tho head of the
so-called Bureair of Military Justice,
bo put upon trial t Why try and con
vict tho mero tool and agent and let
the princlplo go free 1 All that Cono
ver did was to comply wilh tho do
matids of Holt, llo was furnished
with tho money by Holt, with which
to procuro witnesses, in order to prove
thai Davis wasconnocted with the as
sassination r.f Lincoln. He made such
a bungling job of it.that ho opposed his
guilt, and compelled his employers to
mako a show of virtuo by abandoning
and prosecuting him. Suborners are
every whit as criminal as the princi
pals, anu as richly deserve punishment-
They always flourish where
legal coui U are suiteistnled by lynch
law or military commissions. In such
times and places suborners and com
mon informers, thoso rests of society,
hold the lives, tho rights, tho proper
ty of the rest of community at their
merry, and Holt should, in equal just-
ico, bo tried, nnd compelled to enduro
bis sliarool Hie pumshmeiil. lit.
The Nttiao Experiment Tho
British Parliament cavo qualified no-
gro suffrago to the negroes of Jamai
ca, ns long niro as 1H.S4, and then re
moved the qualification, by decreasing
tbo tax to a very small amount, so
that any working negro could voto.
I lie experiment has worked so bad
ly, as to elicit tho following remarks
from tho Tribune :
"It I. a anraewhat rrnarkatl eoineidenr that
juat at the time when the riarht of tuflmfre haa been
eomerrefl upon the freedmeii or the south, the ne
groei of the mot laumrtr-nt of the lirltnh Went
India pnaaeuiona anoei.n savi aaia smiiianilt
iiirnivrn or tiiit ainnr."
The Government of Jamaica has
been handed over by tho British gov
ernment to a council appointed by tho
Crown, and the Legislature of Jamai
ca is abolished, (negro and all,) and
this too, on the petition of tho people
of Jamaica, to bo rid of the horrible
position, in which free negro suffrago
lias placed them all.
The Lorain (Ohio) News says that
"the young Indies ol that place walk
on their tiptoes, and can't help it, as
their waterfall n the top of their
heads draw tip their back hair so tight
ly that tbev cau'tput thoirbeols down
ssjnarerr withont great pain."
AtriM" Ueorge and Miiir llndtrnl.
1 1 is bar fly necessary to recall what
has been done in Louisiana by the
Military Commander placed there,
and approved by - tho Secretary of
War, under the Military Construction
Hill. Tho authority for this use and
abuso of power was grarted by Con
gress, and Congress is, of course, re
sponsible for tbo conversion of Ten
Stales into Five Military Despotisms,
and for till tho evil consequences to
Liberty nnd Justice to flow from this
act. Such acts, however,, impress us
deeply with tho order of events in tho
curly history of tho Republic. They
curry ns buck to King George and the
Declaration of American Independ
ence, a Stato paper for which Radi
cals profess very great reverence, but
to the real terms and meaning of which
ihcy pay very littlo respect. The
charges made against tho British King
wore thus, in purl, recorded :
lie haa refuaed to paaa lawi for the areommoda
tion of larice diatrtcta of people, nnlets tboee peo
ple would rclinqtiiih the right of repreaenution in
the I.ugiilature a right iueatimable to them, and
formidable to tyrante only.
He baa naade iudirea dependent on hil will a,!eo,
for the term of their olhue, aud Ibe amount and
partnrnt of tbeir aalariee.
lie haa erected a tnullitndeof now oiTieea, and
tent hither ewarma of oftieera, to haraaa oar peo
ple and eat out our aubataooe.
llu baa kept amoujt ni, in time of peaor, fund
ing aruiieR, without tueenoaent ol our leitinturre.
He bju affected to render the nilitAry independ
ent of, and aunertor to, theeivil power.
He bae combined wilh othrre to auhjeet na to a
juriadiction foreijrn to our oonatitution and unae
knowletljred by our lawa, giving his ajevnt to tbeir
pretended acta of lefrialation
Fur quartering largo bodiea of armed troopa
among ua ;
For imiioeing Uvea on as without anr eoneitt
For depriving ua, in many eaaee, of the right of
trial by jury j
For taking away our r barter r, aooliihlng our
moat vaJoablo Uwa, and altering fundajneuUlly,
Ibe rorms of our govcrnmente ;
'or turpeoding our own legiilaturca, and declar
ing tbemaelvet invented with power to kgiflate for
na m all eaaea abuaocver.
And it was forcibly added that
a prince wboea character la thut marked by eve
ry act wnlek may denue a tyrant, uolit to be
the ruler af a free people.
Now, every one of these several
Declarations appear as if written for
our own day and time. I hey are
painfully applicable to the condition
of the South, to the action of Con
gress, and to tho eternal principles of
truth. J lie more wc Hunk ot what
Congress has done the more we feel
amazed that so many of our people
silently look on, while tho precepts
tnd example of our fathers are thus
trampled in tho dust.
The 1'ublle Otbt.
Tho following is the official state
ment of tho public debt of tho United
States on the 1st instant:
ft per ct. bonds 07-C!',"., 850 00
0 per ct. bonds '07-Oc, I.r.42,U41 80
6 perct. bonds of 1S1, 288,7 fa.uVO 00
0 per ct. 5-20 bonds, JM,o(12,000 00
Navy pension fund, 12,.'0U,000 00
Total, . 1.4!)0,..:1.M1
C-per ct. bonds, 812.922,000 00
3 yr. comp. int. notes, 13P,U25,(W0 00
3-year 7-30 notes, 582,330,150 00
Total, 734,2fU,70 00
Matured debt not pre
sented for payment, 12,825,058 32
United States notes, (375,417,249 00
Fractional currency, 9.217,404 90
Gold certific's of deposit, 12,500,000 00
Total Debt,
$2.('G3,7 13,374 08
Coin, f 105,050,470 22
curency, 34,328,824 5
140.2H5.3O3 74
Ain't of debt, less cash
in "treasury, 82.523.428.070 34
Tho foregoing is a correct statement
ol tho public debt of tho United States,
as appears from the books and treas
urer's returns in tho Department on
the 1st of April, 1807.
llitin McCi lliicu,
Secretary of the Treasury.
ftarThe real fanatical Tankeo clo
ment which now litis control of the
whole power of our government, was
never yet known to do a good thing.
ii tlio wnolc raco was swept away,
tho world would miss them only from
nn absenco of the evils they work.
They havo a certain kind of power,
or rather force, tho motives of which
aro self-will and selfishness. A self
will which stops at no obstacle, and
a selfishness which would break a
world in pieces, to make a stool for
a fool to sit upon.
It is rumored that Rarnnm issodis
gusted with his defeat in Connecticut,
that ho intends to sail for Mr. Sew
ard's new Russian possessions with the
first steamer. Tho country, lays the
Day Hook, affords a splendid opening
for Itarnum'a genius. It is filled with
greasy "What Is I Is," sea horses, seals.
Arctic dogs, whito bears, foxes, and
blue men 1 J usl the place lor Ilarnum.
The Maryland Question. The
iiallimoro Sn estimates tho vole of
tho Slate of Alary land at the election
held on Wednesday on the question
of hohpng a Stato Convention to he
as follows: For the Convention, 7,531 ;
against the Convention, 650. The
Convention will bo held on the second
Wednesday in May, to amend tbo
Stats Constitution.
Now that Mrs. Surratt has been de
clared by the highest Radical author
ity innocent ol the crimes for which
sho was banged, what reparation will
her murderers ninke her broken-hearted
orphan daughter f They should at
least give up the body of their victim
to her friends for interment, and we
hope they will do so at oneo.
Gratitudk.-A (Tenth-man in Worces
ter, Mass., won ?5,(ino on the election
in Connecticut, nnd on Tuesday of
lust ttfck, gave tho workmen in his
employ some four bund rod in num.
her a holiday, paying them full price
for their time, besides firing a salute
of one hundred guns. Thut is the
right kind of gratitude, and evidently
was appreciated by his workmen.
A Gipaoy wnnin promiextl lo show
two joiiiijr ladies their htir.lHtid's ftiees
in pail nl water. They
ii, i
lOtiked And I
exclaimed: "Why. wo eo onlv our
faroa." "WelltbtwefnceswiUhi.
hnabjnd'ti when yon gH irriM!"
The t.nxtaronl ot the South.
There is it lot, of lo 'fers in Wash
ington, without i Imiiicter enough to
iivc at home, ami too liiry In work
abroad, who havo constituted them
selves into what is Culled "Tho Souh
ern lb-publican Association," the chief
of whom seems .o bo "Gen." Jack
II ami I ton of Texas, a lirigrtdicr, who
received Federal pay, during tho civil
war, neverto fight, but ever to talk.
Through tho negroes of the South,
tho Lazznroni expect to govern 1 10
whiles of the Sou h, and hence, are
only conAonl with such liillsus those
Iho House has just passed, called the
Louisiana Dili, (from Mr. Klliot of
Mush.,) which strips the while men ot
Louisiana of all influence in the Gov
ernment, and clothes only the negro
with power.
This "General" Hamilton has re
cently introduced into this organiza
tion, embodying tho Klliot idea, in the
support ol which he is reported as
follows :
"Governor Hamilton supported this resolution
in a practical review on tiie tardy leg illative pro
ccediufra upon Iheiuhject of recimitructiun. Tbii
body had praetimlly evaded the whole mailer af
ter eo many month of prvcra.tination. He bad
loat all hope of juatioe to loyal men until there
wai some diacnmination between them and rebela.
Freeident Johnnou wan leaa ai ururper than Con
greaa waa an oppreaeor, and the boutb eould not
be restored by tbr pn-.ent bill paaaing that body.
Neither tlrcely nor lteecber ar.uld any longer be
eooa.dcred rep eenialire mem of tha Republican
party i they wen behind the timea; and it was
the duty of the aeaoeiation to ciprrae ilerlf ean
didly. He believed that CoUjtrru waa aowiug the
aeed of another revolution. How long and bloody
it would be, the future alum can determine."
Thus, these Revolutionists, as in
tho French Revolution, devour one
another. Hamilton here devours Gree
ly and Boechcr, and Congress, while
nil devour tho Executive and Judicial
branches of the Government.
Ex-Admiral Semmes says in his
salutatory in tho Memphis Bulletin :
"Sinco we laid down our arms at
Appomattox Court House, tho whole
United States, has becomeour country.
Tho Confederate flag having been
rolled up in honor, and consigned,
along wilh the brave men who perish
ed beneath its folds, to the keeping of
history, tne old nag lias become our
flag ; but along with the old flag wc
claim the old Constitution."
Samuel Ketchum, Ex-Treasurer of
Coshocton Count-, Ohio, indicted for
embezzling, forgery and perjury, and
Jim Brown, his accomplice, for embez
zlement of public funds alone, aro out
on bail in the sum of $14,000. Several
years ago tho office of the Treasurer
was roblicd of a large sum of money
and tho Treasurer waa found gagged
and bound in a chair. Recent disclo
sures have led to the belief that he
wus knowing to the robbery, hence
bis indictment.
In the galleries of the Houso of Rep
resentatives, at Nashville, Tennessee,
a short time since, there were 153 nc-
Sroes, nnd only 17 whites. This is
rownlow's Legislature. Rut the ne
groes in tho gullery, with all theirsuf
locating stench, aro a thousand times
moro to bo respected than tho white
negroes on the floor below.
Hon. James A. Bayard has been ap
pointed U. S. Senator from the Stuie
of Delaware, in room of Hon. George
R. Riddle, deceased. Mr. Bayard was
formerly one of tho Senators frcm
Delaware, and resigned his seat in
1804, rather than take tho test oath.
Ho is an able and experienced states-
mar, and a truly putmt c man.
The Missouri Democratic State Con
vention on the 8th nominated Andrew
Harding for Governor, Judge W. B.
Kinkead for Lieutenant Governor,
and John M. Harlan for Attorney
Democratic papers in Connecticut
cay that Culfax and Dcming wero so
auro of Deming's return to Congress,
tiiat Colfax iiroiniRod to "leave a hole"
fur liim in tlio Military Committee.
Married in Williamson, Mass., Mr
William Williams anil Miits Lizzie
Williams. For particular aee small
If you wish to make an auolitioniM
look ns if he had lost nil hi friends
ask him if ho has heard from Connec
ticut. On Ilia ?6th of March, HST, llATTflEW C.
youo at ion of Eiuna, and Uaar V. AnonT,
aged 1 month and ?? dnya.
Druvat babe I lion kaa't left ua,
Here thy loa we dcerly frl.
But 'tis tliid that bath bereft ua,
lie can all our eorrowa beal.
jjlcu? dmtisrmcnts.
Iron City Hotel.
rvh, ewWr-rther respectfully invitee tha pa bile
M and travelinff ooaimonlty ta give hint a eall.
Lumbermen are particularly invited. Preach,
German and Knirluh pkrn in the b'ue. t'ba'K-
e moderate. Apr, IS if. J. M. WKAVKK.
VI DITOK' MHCI .-IU th. natter of
the estate of llinry Crowell, of Itradlord (p.,
Uttteaactl. All pernoni intereatcd are hereby noti
fied that tha uudereirned auditor, appwinicd by
tho Court to make di.pofliiion of munt-va remaining
in the banda of Joha Crowell, adtniniatrator ot
ilenry Trowell, deceased, will attend to the duties
of bis appointment at hia nfhoe in CIcarnoM. on
t-atunlav, tbe 4tb dav or Mr, l"C,j, at 2 o clock,
aprlS-.1t Auditor.
CI Al'TIO X.AII peraona are hereby enntiunrd
) a.-am.l iha.iur. or in any way meddline
with Iho following Jiereonal prertv, new in poa
aranion of I'.b.ticrer Mc.Maalcrs, ol liurasidc town
ship: I mall black Itud hor', I sorrel stncl horse,
I eorre! hone. 1 roan boi ae. I hay mare. I lor aled
and chain, 4 hoga, I aett of double harness, aboul
u bushela of r, and a lot uf atore goods, as the
same belonga to us, and ia 1. ft with hltn on I n
Real Estate for Sale.
fpilE aubaeriber Bow offers hia premises at prl
1 rate sale at a bargain. It e m-i.l. of FORI V
jrea of land. T W KN 1 V KI V K of a Inch are ele.e.
ej and under eulliat:on, bavii, thereon ereeted
a plank frame bouse, bam, and I lie other necessary
oul-bntldinirs : together with a good spring of wa
ier. a Hewniig on ueru of eO Dull ln s, ai.d aWat
4.IHH1 feet uf timlier. Two-thirds of the improved
portion is aowed with Clover and Timothy. The
property ia situated In l-gffs townhip,' on the
Philipahnrg and Corwensi ille turnpike, one-haaf
mile east uf bUJierille. For lunher particulars
Inquire on the prctoic, or address tua li dcreign-e-l
at Clearfield llridge P. O.
aprM tf JQllX T. ASSET.
1)ltt)l'tW t..."eered Prop,T.lsTinie"r..
eetrrd Until Anrll So. f:. for the ereetioa
' e " ir i iioimsi mini IMS u-ehareagk
of CleartVld. in aeoor.leae. with sJaos to k.
al the oftee of J. B. MrKtiallj, Lkj. Part of tbe
material is on the ground.
Ky enl-r of Ibe of Tm.te.s
aprll S tlrfi. W. kllr.K. ..-,
1 ho ttrnt ha la now fully fin-pM.! i. .rtoriiUlf
nit hi th ftnrof 1iimitmij nor-, i.Htf,,,
ctauuiv mm. iiatmsm, vu iiw auonon p'jiicaj u.J
on rraunU lnm. JttttiUeuog ua Lucuh: tix.s.t,
between TbirJ mud Fourth.
CkftHlvld. April 11, lii7.
("1 AI'TIOV All iirun art hfrljrhiufiun
J pitrrhninfr or in it.v ny fm-d iiu.t
wi'b four bruwn it id two bay Ul'j.h, iiu .,
mule.) barm at, wutua nd tquifMitrn i, nuw iq
poiteMinii of isxttir M. A'lttMi", of Pliilipibur;,
Ontr Co.. Pa., m tiwi Mine bloogt to mf &ni m
left with turn tuject to my orUrr.
j.prll-ait il. p. W. K0LT.
Oil Varnishos. Fainti Irnhes,
T L"8T iwuivetl asti tor unlr rVp dr
ti JOLI'il U. lHtVJN.
( urweti'vilir, Pa.
Fim tiiiovg Mills, tie tub Co., Pa.
J. tU THOMAS, A. .M.t PHnrlpal.
FTMIIS Institution, organised in 1862, will op
JL its TUiRir-rinsr Kai.n th twenty-fourth
u n tier jirrMrtit control on Wednesday, April
S4, lftU?, and emit in uo fiv mnnthi. Ilorltng
aud tuition, hugliah bratioheft, iMr. Inlornation
gifcn on applicutiuu. aprll
FTMIE iubacriWrUkcMhii method of annoanclng
J to th ettiirniof Ctoruld and tb public
(tiuvrally, that tto baa juat opened a lryr ttock nf
Toutbf and Rovt' Puita, tb later stTlef of llati
and Op, acd iiOO'li aud 8HOKB, all of whir
ha will di'poac of at a tnlic above rott. Iln
can be found on Market atreat, betwoca Third at4
fronrth, in tbt rooia formerly occupied by illiaia
Huffman, where he to licit the ritiifn t.i eall and
esamiue bit ttoe JOLPH KL .NZ.
( Ir&rfield, April 11, 18C7.
E WI.Ji; t tryoa ), ta varcaaaa CLOTri-
Inn, HATS i CAI-f, r Furaittiinj tiocxlr.
Xrw and Cheap CUthiur tore, whera will bt
found eonvrantly on hand a lara and weW aa.
laeted aftorttnent of Fina Bc Cafwiovtra ituta,
aad drabi. brown, light, and io fct
Adapted In all saMSoaa ot tka yrar t al. Halna.
Orawara, Collara, aad a larf a aad wrll allrd
a.tururrol of Ina HaT4 and CI Pi, of tha
vrv latcat atylaa arH in farl avarything thai
na bs called fur ta hia lioa, will bt luraiaH4
at tha vary lowaal oily prieta, aa they bar, braa
parcbaaad at tbt lowait poaiibla Sfurai, aal
will ba auld in tb, san, way ty
la tha Post COca Baildlog. Phi.''. Pa.
r'ail aad Weekly papera. Mafttint. ; ai,
tare aeortmt of tha la'ent and beat Nwr,f,
Juki Book a, sle,, coBtuntly on hand at
Jo tha Pott Oflloa Puitdinc.
a wil l Pnilipibarj, Pa.
InTR AY. Cana Urtpaaainfr on tit prrmiaef
j of the tubecriher, in I'rc&tur twnb p, on er
about tha firat of March laat, a rrd and white f pot
ted Bull, tuppoeed to be about tbrc rears vid.
Tha owner w owners ara hereby notified to CAtine
forward, prora property, pay charg- , and taka
him away, or be will be told ai the law dim-t.
apr-3t-pd E. ii. UKAKHAKT.
X Till'. COI MT I iF 1'OMHtlft FLLA4
of Ctairtield ooanty, PrnnavlYania t
uinua vtupdward.
No. 13. Sryt. trrm, I'd
Foraifu attachment.
Wm. Abbott and Cbaa.
nbaker, jramiahea.
Now, March II, lt.G7. the Plaintiff cnlora a n'
for tba Protbunotary tu aiavaa daiua-a on tua
judgment in thia paw.
. Attorney a lur Plaim.
Tbt elaim in this ease ii two knn lrrd dollars.
aprt,lf7-Ct J'rulbsnstary.
i 0? eo partuerslup heretofore existing Si
twecn C. R. Poster, J. t. it tiirk, Edward Pert',
. U Reed, Richard frhew, A. K. Wright, 1. I.
Leonard, Jus. B. Uraham, and ta, A. Wallace,
in the Bankiu; business, at PhiH:psburg, Centra
aounty. Pa., ia thia day Uiseolvod ny mutual con
aent. The buaineas will ba eouducle-J as heretofore
at tha eauie place, un ier the title of Foater. Perks
A Co.
J. I N i.lRK.
.1. t. leonard,
wm. a. Wallace,
a. k. vtriu1it.
Alareh i. 1-I6T.
n Ts Ayer'g SarsaparillQ,
1 i f' f Is a concentrated ealraet of tha
I i VT ,c0,c,r0,'por",ak',l,'',botbtl
LJ Vyaubstancea of still greater alterna
I"war as to afford aa eteetual
aatidote for diseases Parsaparilla
ia reputed ta aura, rwch o re tardy ia aarrly
wanted by thoea wba suffer from stirumous eoia.
p1ainta,and that one which sriil accompli. b ttiiir
eara moat prove, aa tbia haa proved, ot iftrarne
service to this large elaaa of oar afflicted tallow
eititens. How ouiaple'ely thia evaipiaad will
do it, hat been proven by eaperiment oa many
af tha worst rasea ta he louad la tha following
cotnp'aintB -
tJcrofula. Srrofa'.oua Swellings and Sores, r-kia
Diseases, Pirn) les, Pu.ti.le, Llo rbes, Eruptinc,
Si. Aotbony'e Fire. Hose or Kryeipelae. Tvtter af
6alt Kbcam, Sesld Head. Ringworm. 4e.
A'y;Aiisee Feesrenf Uttrot is expelled from
tha system by tbe proloug.d aseof ibi. tSarsaoa
rtlla. and tbe patient is lelt in comparative ketta.
'sssiie i'l'eeitses ara eeused by lierwtala ia the
blood, aad ara ultra boo a cansd by tbta Eatre.-t
uf harsaparilla.
Do not reject this Invalaah.e medielna. hscausa
yo have beea in posed apoa by something pra
teading to ba tiarsapahlla, while it waa a .
baa joa have ased Ajar a-then, and not till
tbea. will yon know tba iluoi of Sara.parilla.
For minate particulars of th diseaeaa it aarea,
we reler you to Ayrr'a Aweriraa Alman.c, which
the agert below named will lural.k gratis to all
who eall for it.
Ayer'a Cathariie Pilla. for tha ear of Costive.
oca. Jaundice, liyspepata. Indigs.Ujn. Ujsjo-
.t.j, ro, roomaca, neao.ctie, II..S. Ilbee ri.
turn, Heartburn arising Irons Disordered Slum,
ach, Paio or Morbid inaction of the Bowels,
Klet.leaey, Lose of Appetite. Liver Camaiamw
llrop.y, orma. Uoat, Neuralgia, aud sa a Uia
aer I'uL are aaequalled.
They are sugar coated, so that the moat arnsi
tiva e.a uke them with pleasure, aad they are
tka best tperienl ia the world fur ail lbs p.rp.i
ses of a family phyaie.
Prepared by Ua J. C. Avaa k Co.. towel!,
Mesa., and sold by C. I). aia..n, Clee'lda. W.
C. .Veta, uiea Hep) Joseph H. l, a and
Irvia k liarl.bora, CuxwsaaTille; Kea Soee.
eer, Lumber City. aa.rf m
IHE eul.acriWra, ia view af coming et.n's,
design adopting a new sv.tem of d ong
n.-.s on and aOer the lal of .Mv nejl. lak ihal
date we will adopt the CASH SYSTEM, and all
work must therefore be paid for lietbre lea :u
the shop mmg this difti rime, however, it is
of nur oustomera: that our prieea will he T b.MV
PL It t I T. 1.1 ISS than is now charged fol work.
TeT-Tbow knneiug themx-hra indehtiJ, and
KhoM W k aocouuta hare aeS beea se-le-l. are
etpeottd to oiih. forward aad a.ake setthiocrt
briorr the time aU.te iudieatrd. V t ho tlM "S
hints will not he l-rgi.tien.
CirSeld. VajeJi Jl, !(,? tf