She sicpuMiran. Grouch P. (jiiDiu.ANnKn, Kditor. '"CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, April 11, 1867. .In ttutraiir. An clectitin wax held on the Sprn:ue Si Biirnsido Farmon tho 3d instant, for State ollioors and Congressmen. This is ft patch of liind on the Codfish coast, between Massachusetts and Connecti cut, principally inhabited by loyulitts over since before tho involution, and lias lately been known on tlio map as Rhode Island, but now owned in fee simple 1)3' Senator Sprnguo (who is trying to expatriate, his wife, the late celebrated Columbus, Ohio, belle, Miss Chase,) and that fearless negro com mander and Fredericksburg butcher, Gen. fiurnside, who now run the ma chine ostensibly in the interest of loy uldom, but chiefly for their own pri vate ends. l!ut to the outrage: ' While tho pcoplo of this Congres sional district nro compelled to poll 28,000 votes to entitle them to a Con gressman, tho subjects of Spraguo Si Piiriiside.'s dominions polled, on the Id instant, but 11,00(1 votes, and elect ed thereby two loyal Congressmen. AVhat charming music tho note9 of "all men aro created ircc and equal' must make to tho re lined cars of those who so often repeat this Phillipic! In this view of the ease, one Codfish nrisloerat is just equal to five white men in this Congressional district. This kind of aristocracy is an hundred fold worso than tho ' barbarism und slavery" of the South, about which wo havo heard so much from the "wealth und intelligence" of the Codfish coast. If '-nil men aro created frco and equal," why docs it take 28,000 white men in Pennsylvania to elect one Congress man whon 11,000 Khode Islanders can elect two ? . Will some loyalist answer for tho Spraguo Si Purnside farm f W e arc glad to notice, however, that tho votes for tho wbito ticket ut the lato election increased considerably. The Democrats doubled the number of their members in tho House, nnd reduced the aggregate majority nearly one-fourth. (ominttfnMoii off A: ItrnlH I'm. oily. Tho following ad in reference to tho death penalty, has pansed linth branches of the Legislature. There are nmv seventeen persons in tho sev eral jails of this Common wealth, un der sentence of death, some of wloin havo been sentenced for seven year, but for souio informality, or. other causes, tho Governor hits failed tonign their death warrants und they, conse quently, remain in the common jails, where they aro linblo to escape, but tho passage of this act will allow tho Gov ernor to send them to n penitentiary, whoro they will remain until they and their friends establish their innocence: Sua 1. lie it eiiaete.l, Ac, That in cases of q conviction of and sentence for murder in tho first degree, tho Governor may, upon tho petition of Mich person convicted, grunt to such convict a pardon upon such conditions, with such restrictions and such lim itations; as ho deems proper, and ho may issue bis warrant to ull proper oflicers to carry such pardon into ef fect, which warrant shall bo obeyed and executod, instead of the sentence originally nwarded ; and tho terms and conditions upon which such par don is granted shall be specified und set forth in the warrant so as afore said issued ; Provided, Tbut in all eases in which sentence of death shall hereafter lie pronounced, conditional pardon shall be granted, unless a ma jority of tho judges of tho court be fore whom the convict hath boon tried, one of whom shall bo a presidi.ii; or law judge, shall advise and recom mend such conditional pardon. And provide! further, That no right to ex patriate any convict shall exist by virtue hereof. Sue. 2. It shall bo, and it is hereby mado tho duty of the Sheriffs, VVar dens, Juilors, and keepers of prisons, and each of them to whom custody of such convict would bo committed, if the ter ns and conditions of such par don bud been tho scntenco of the court trying him, to restrictions of tho warrant of the Governor, and to do and perform such things in refer ence to his or her continued custody, which it would bo his or her, or their duty to do, if tho terms and condi tions of saiil warrant had been the sentence of tho court in which said convict was tried. Skc 3. When a convict is pardon ed upon conditions to be by him or her peformed, or with resrictions and limitations, tho ollicer to whom the The fr;oU, Hill. TIIK STATM or MIsslsMI'I'l AM) lll'.ollcltA . IN TIIKsri'lll MP. Cot It T. A bill was filed by Judge Sharkey and linhcrt J. Walker in I he Supremo Court of tho I'nit,.,! States on Friday, in which tho totnplnint of the State of Mississippi in behalf of herself and such other States as may bo interested in tho premises, who shall, by consent of tho Court, properly iniiko them- selves parties hereto, against Andrew Johnson, a citizen of the State of Ten nessee and President of tho United States, and nlso against General K. O. C. Ord. Tho Stato of Georgia bus al so filed a similar petition, Charles O'Connor and Jud;;o Pinole appealing us counsel. Tho hearing takes place on Friday. Tho petition sets forth at length the history of tho formation of tho KUite of Mississippi, claiming, besides the protection of tho constitutional rights of a Stato, that there nro compacts, "fundamental, irrevocable and unalter able" securing forever to tho State of Mississippi her rights its a State of this I '!!!::;. Such compacts and tho rights ac quired under them, the petitioners be lieve t his court will regard as its duty to maintain and protect, in the same manner, at least, as it would enforce between individuals by injunction or other wise, the specific performance of contracts. The averment is mado that the Con gross of tho United Kmtes cannot con stitutionally expel Mississippi from tho Union, ond that any attempt which practically does so is n nullity, and that tncro is no provision in tho Con stitution of tho United States which subjects her, as a State, to any puins, penalties, or torleilures, as a conse quence of such void uttenmt of a nor tion of her people to withdraw her irotn the Lnion, all powers to punish a Stato by expulsion or otherwise, for any cause, having been expressly re fused in the convention which framed tho Federal Constitution. She avers that her citizens lost none of their po litical rights nor incurred nny penal ties except what might be inflicted on them as individuals by duo process of law, utter trial by jury in courts hav ing jurisdiction of their offenses, and thul disabilities attempted to bo im posed upon her or upon her citizens otherwise than ns aforesaid by aifj body of persons are void, and viola tions of the Constitution of tho United States, as well of tho compact with of the Constitution, Vul of the com pacts aforesaid, and impose no obliga tions :n her people to observe them unless decided to be valid by this hon orable Court, mi J therefore claims, ns she has a right to do, tho del'ib-rato determination of this Court as the tri- imiial organized under t ho Constitu- j of tho present Tory Mongrel party hoii io iicscMu ii uirioiiiiu aim 10 , j. ms pat ty lomnlcil on tho lumlament- I ll . I. .. .1 , ! I I lf . . . . ... I mi uiu uc;uuiieins oi sum i ai lie mul unequal races should have (From the Ol.l liuar I Tfir IHir-j or lite lr Hvrrnry. We note, with tho warmest fcclingd of hope and joy, nunc evidences among that poi tion of tho Itomocratic tires which sustained tho war," that they ucjtin to liitiiiirclicnd t in ret: The .New York I'l ri-.. cm h : The Pulicals in tho Senate l.avu oi I :ilii ly made n mistake in rontirmiig den era I Janu s II. Si. . ilnun. ns Collector t Li II..- -VHt'ntbrt-r.: -1 . io Congressional Invkstmations. Thero nrc no less than eleven Con ( rsional Committees and Sub-Committees reguluily empowered to con duct certain investigations wherever lliey mny chooso to journey, and in vested with absolute authority to com pel the nttendunce of witnesses, and the production of books nnd papers. Each committeo must hnvo its clerk and its stenographers, nnd nearly nil will requirea deputy sergennt-nt-arms, .i ho will not only securo tho attend rneo of witnesses, but will pay all bills from the contingent fund of tho House. The cost of these investigations, and of printing tho reports which will be made, may bo cstimuted at over one hundred thousand dollars. Our Stato Legislature plays tho same game. This is termed loyal economy, j retrenchment and reform. For repre sentatives to rob and plunder the peo ple is now, under loyal rulo, consider ed n virtue. shall, as soon us may bo, after exe cuting tho same, mako return thereof, with his'doings thereon," to tho Secre tary of tho Commonwealth, ond ho shall also filo in the Clerk's oflice of tho Court in which tho offender was convicted, nn attested copy of tho warrant and rcturn.a brief abstract whereof tho Clerk shall subjoin to tho record of the conviction and sen tence. The Showman's Defeat. At the Congressional election in tho Fourth District of Connecticut in 1S05, Hon. John II. Hubbard (1'cpublicnn) was elected by a majority of 2,035. Par num, the loyal humbug, was beaten in tho samo district on Monday, the 1st instant, by 1,015 votes. This shows tho lesson in figures. A good joko played oft" on tho moral party, or their candidate As Hubbard's majority was about tho same as Scodeld's last fall, the w hite people of this district should not despair. If such things can bo dono in tho hot bed of fanati cism, where every church is a political rostrum, why can we not elect a Dem ocrat toCongress in thisdistrict, where tho agents of his Satanic Majesty nro less numerous f So we Go. General Sehofield, tho commander of the Territory of Vir ginia, has issued an order suspending ull elections in bis dominions, stating that nil vacancies will be filled by the Commanding General. This is the by which France, in l'il, was turned from a Republic into an Pm pirc. The orders and bulletins issued by tho oflicers under tho loyal Despot ism bill, sound more like the gongs of ft European Monarch, tbnn tho still Mimll voice of a Stato Governor, du ring the good old days of Democracy. If tho authors lf ''military eommis sions" and ' reconstruction" bills do not end thoir days at the end of a ropo or in a penitentiary, justice will bo cheated out of its leinumulo snbiccts. warrant for that purpose is issued, j Georgia of 102 and with Virginia in iii. ono avers mat, sue lias exhibi ted, her good faith nnd adhesion to the Constitution by electing Senators and Representatives to Congress, and com plains that they have been wrongfully excluded, and that her people have been compelled to pay tho taxes nnd bear-lhe burdens of government with out representation. Tho act to provide for tho more effi cient government of tho rebel States and the act supplementary thereto, utterly annihilate the State and its government by assuming for Congress i tho power to control, modify and even abolish its government; in short, to exert sovereign power over it, nnd the utter destruction of tho Stato must be tho consequence of their execution. Tho scope of power vested in tho mil itary commanders, so broad, so com prehensive, was never before vested in a military commander in any govern ment which guards tho rights of its citizens or subjects by law. Tho bill of tho complainant con cludes as follows : Now t he complainnnt expressly char ges that from information nnd "belief, tho miid Andrew Johnson, President, in violation of tho Constitution and in violation of tho sacred rights of the Stiiles, will proceed, notwithstanding his vetoes, and ns a mero ministerial duty, to tho execution of said acts ns though the were tho law of the land, which his vetoes prove ho would not do, if ho had any discretion, or that in doing so he performed anything more than a mere ministerial duty. With tho view to tho execution ol stud acts, government within their appropriate spheres by trying these nets bv the '.est of the Const it ii tion, nnd she claims tho exercise of this undoubted right in advance for tho purpose of prevent ing irrepurablo mischiels s gigantic nnd intolerable as thoso which nro threatened. If she should In mista ken in this, and the acts should bo de cided to be constitutional, she will most cheerfully yield implicit obedi ence to all their behests, whatever the consequonco may bo. All sho desires iH to guard her rights ond tho rights of her citizens, and this boon she hopes may bo ncoorded her bel'oro it is too lute, nnd without being subjected to the imputation of improper motives. If either tho Sluto or tho puoplo have constitutional rights, it is u purammii.t duty to preserve them by ail legitimate means. This Court tho State believes to be tho great tribunal for the peaceful set tlement of all constitutional questions, ml cppucinlTy in nil cases in which a liurty, us expressly provided in the fundamental law. In consideration of the promises, nnd inasmuch us com plainant manifestly has no remedy whatever at law, us must be apparent to the Court, und can have redress as a State only through this Court, as provided by tho Constitution, com plainant appeals to tho preventive power of this honorable, Court, exer cising tho jurisdiction of a court of equity, and humbly prays that the said Andrew Johnson, and his oflicers nnd agents appointed for that purpose, and especially General E. O. O. Ord, above named, bo perpetually enjoined nnd restrained from executing or in any manner carrying out said nets, and tbut proocssof injunction and subpti-nn issuo, directed to tho parties aforesaid, and that all other requisito process deemed necessary may bo issucu, and for such other and further relief us may bo deemed proper by this Court, and that tho defendants bo required to answer this bill of complaint, und as in duty bound complainant will ever pray, &c, &c. W. L. Siiarkkt, U. J. Wai.kk.r, Counsel for Complainant. equal .rights, has been laurelling for thirty years to accomplish the over throw of Democratic institutions in .America. Oi iginutiiig, perhaps in un honest misconception, it has been sein ed hold of by ull the Tories and ene mies of popular institutions, to seal tho doom of republicanism in Ihu Now World. It has swept into ils ranks all the debris of Toryism all tho ma lignant old Federals) nnd ull those old Wh igs, who hato n Democrat more than they lovo their country. Ivvery tarillite, und every p :ion tryirg to livo by his wits upon honest men la bor, buvo reinforced it. To fix this multiple alliance of Toryisnif fraud, rascality and robbery of ull kinds up on tho country, is now the great and absorbing object of tho party in pow er. It is scarcely possible, ii'they car ry the next Presidential election, ever to oust them except through revolu lion, and it is doubtful whether such, in .M'W Urlcans. iii-r;i Slei.lniMii fought for his country, us did General object Slooiini, nnd ourhl l.i have boon, as he was, rejeotod. There has been n uiis take, certainly, somewhere. Tho Philadelphia .1 says: The Supreme Court in the "military com-inir-.-ioti" ami 'test-oath" cases) nobly vindicated the Constitution from the assaults of tho Radicals, and the poo. plo nguinlook in that direction for as sistance in preserving the lit'.! of the nation from the acts of political assassins. Hi I 11. . it l I III- t. In! lllUI W l t ui m Jn.l ..I ."IT". - i. .ii I 'l,,, l. .1 Itt I - itwit. t a i.e 'DIN Ml , tur. ti;t., !:. ii. 'I'HIM lit;-.!.. " wiili ii... i..i: '..!. t tl tl.l'jll l.V. : .(..ii . i c.jii .it.... i ,. in . ' l tti'.i,-, i , , illi.iir.. tli-h j mi! m,'l i mm.' . k, I . m. 1 i- "ii.! ,ii,f.. i' I i. .,;.! . i i i.t i-ttrti. '1. ill 7 !:i.t, J ril IO l!l-- M(.t t Chief Justice Chase has prepared and will soon in printed form a circular stating tho qualifications re quire I for registers in bankruptcy, w hicli will nllord a clear idea of the character of the gentlemen whom ho will select for that sorvice. A drunken man attempted to drive a wagon, containing bis wifu and four children, acres a swollen stream in Phelps county, Mo., u few days ugo, when tho wagon was upset by tho current, nnd three of the children were dro.vucJ. Omaha City, Nebraska, elected a majority of tho ItaUicsl nominees at At majority of 40U, Tho Detroit J'rrc Press monstrous crimes as they have com " ouuijunu-iy puiiiHneu ; ino cnartor election last spnn mini, navies iiiH-u ineir cup OI iniqui ty to tho full, the puoplo rise and visit upon them a swill and terrible retri bution. Their greenback falsehoods may explode, however, at any time, and tho people roused from their leth argy by the sharp pangs of financial sullerings, may hurl them from pow er ero they aro a ware; but no matter bow tho final eutu-ilropho comes, whether thisyear, next, or a fewyears heiioo, tho Democracy of the North should not lose a moment in pcrfect ingan immediate organization of Vig ilance Committees, or Minute Men. If we tlo not intend to wait until we aro bound hand and foot, until our lives, our property, our liberty, and 0, ti, v ttr.l.-r. -H JoMJ'h Co.-TI.I.Tllii ,,- 'I'll i.t i i .1 : t. -r .... .... ... ' "I ( tl'l.i fOUIil. 1. I.ULMlii, ; IIIIUIII I. .tnltOu.l, j v.. j .. U, it.m t. tVm. AW.'.lt an, I dun. j . l;..l.ukr, K,iii,i.. twga ll..h:iifW. .Vuw, Mareh 21, lei;, iktp I'luiieif , inr rininnniita .V til iHtj. ji (:ihii,.. , m jlliljtlllliMil ill II, 11 f-HM.. " w h, r.i(iu;u a ni:i.i,iNi; Allurui-ta lr jk. , Tlif claim iu llin enw in lo hnn.ln I ,;'t 1. F. El.W i.ll.Lh,' pr.M'.-et l'ruii..,.,,r; I N Till; OI It I )! LUMMOX PI t. J ol I tears-kl aouin.v, taii?lrai,ia . JVijlitl Jluilir, .No. , J.iimarv t. rm, l-r v Puiij.tMia nir .liviini'. . I.ivina Baraa. I T,i farina Ham.. -.4 iuu are li.rrl.y oottliril Ihu l.hjli liun,, tlu'j iir...t-u..-,llil. itt-iiu,,,,;,, tlif('uurl..l Cm,.' l'l.-an of uid rounly. prrlug Ihni, f.,r Dii- n,. in ft.rtb in ..ill ,i4,iWii. iu- mar Ik ditvamii. . .ir . ti.ii.i. 01 inainiU'tu.T iy Oir mill iil,t.Jaiu 1 j tho flection this spring l.fioO votes ' f'1 "li j'uu, ibe in.i 'Loin, iiunn. were polled, and the D;,.,ocrats elect-! t7Z cij their entire ticket by an average ; ouuut.v, m 1 1..1.1 imriit-w u iii o.iri a. "iiiy of Junr, I S07, al.d alum ci.ui'. it I b'. whjr Kli.iuh i;uma .liuulti aut lK. StlVS OI: Intin thr I.uiiiIh uf ni.tpimttiiv n.u.tu.t.. - .. jirowniowscoloredcompetitorlor the jakoh a. a, n. Governorship, that "unlike liiownlow . NOR MA I Qf"Hnfif lie is negro from necessity, and not rpHyJ from choiiti. " I ..:n- . -.1.. ...... ... . . 1 .. " '""'. I i" 'oi iuy 111 Airil. and totilit 1 ... I - .1 't 1 ill ftuh.1111. vl.n n..Lii '1 I... l j in 11 merer connneu in me 1 incin- .,, , ,,, " 7 -''"" an rmm natijuil under sentence ofdeath gives ; e.n r.-,.iu in"Cer 0,.. oZZ1? notice that he does not wish losee vis- i -iiiir miin mr clmrgo or tint of nre a h. itors unless they tiring cigars with I OT 01 them. Tr.n or rriTM: T.....1 A man bv ft, t.mA r.f M.-l-riM baa .. ... " ".'wi.J-il,.n pO-i.TlH W oar wives and daughters even, aro ut Ji was a bird-catcher by trade the mercy ol a brutal soldiery, then let us arouso ! There is not a moment to be lost. There ought to bo a Dem ocratic Convention in every Slate at the curliest practical poriod, to make arrangements for a full nnd complete organization, and togivo fair notice to the tyrants at Washington that we do not intend to submit to tho programme imposed upon tho Southern Slates. Kvory county, every town, every school district, ought to bo organized forthwith. When Patrick Henry sounded tho buglo blast that roused our forefather to arms, ho declared "that the clanking of tlwir chains li rit-lu r it. uii,.t.,u...... .1.. 1 just died nt Gosport, in Hampshire! Pntii..n ..ion.a'iK, j.j n ,t j.ur. '.C",',, .; ouniy, a., nt tho ugo ol years. I. V ,l""'i" on- c-. mine t l.;.l .... il.- I... t . ""'u or pain lua'haiir, al'i III aiiiani- .1..I u....u lb' l.jymiiit of an itlar.t K-.,rl.,.r I ongrcssuid its best to protect wool j inwD,.iiar.,rir wn,, ,,or ,n: and woolens; but it failed to protect! v n-4ii u." 'Jf'- hVV"KI1- (,- f' ,, ' ti.t-it, ,11 w a-IIDillt- I. M:ir.:,-. 1 II 1'. Facetious. Tho A'biny Journal, tho Stato organ of New York loyal ists, attempts to bo sporlivo over tho Connecticut election. It says : "The llirnm-rali all ovrr tho P:at am inliilant. Ko una tilamra Ihrm. Their nuaro.a in Connroti out it tho 8rit victory linrathr Itnitlr of Hull Hun." Yes, brother Dawson, Fredericks burg, Pull Run No. 2, nnd several oth er catastrophes will overtnko you bo fore tho "irropressiblo conflict" is fully stnyed, and the country again deliver ed into tho hands of tho Democracy, w hich is tho only party fit to govern a Republic. S 1; n a a tt St. M a iu k CoNovtn Tho Ledipr nnd the Press uro dis cussing tho merits und tho demeanor o jonn n. iMirrait ami Jienry k-ould bo heard on the plains of , Mario 01.0 the nllcgcd murderer of I loll To.d:l.. t) bo ,L..lrJ l.iiw.itln nml I l,n aII.. I l,n ,...,.,. In . t . .. . tt"'i".i, i.tit. iu viiuvi biiv llllllvnn IO I provo him so. The Ledger more tuo is mild in its sympathy with Surratl. Tho Press is ecstatic in ils praises of St. Marie, whom it describes us "un honest straight forward man," nnd, ! being a Canadian Creole, "a fervent ' r: .1 .i ,1 . it - . 1. 1 . t irienuoi uiu u nion. 11 seems to ns , ,.,.; ,.,. ,,r ,iu,;. ,1.... .,- OS- on the plains of the South, und they will soon bo heard here, unless wo speedi ly prepare lor the worst. Do you r-ay tbut there is no danger f How many pcoplo supposed even twelve months ago, that this parly could or would have consummated the 1 )ltOI,MAI.S.-.S.-,l.-tl l'n 1 ci'ivM n,,tti jjti, itir,., r,,r th.t r'trnn 01 a mw MKTilOlHST l ilt IU Il.inttii-lx.roo iu of ( liarf t-lii, in avcttnlantw will filatis It. it t-11 at the of J. 1J. M. Lually, i:... fart of thr miitt-iial if on the prmin'l. Ily ooli-r of the ll'iard of Trnip . I'll 1-34 OKO. W. lull KM, ("1ALTIf). All r-iTuniip arc litirl.y "Diilt'tn'-ti J a?ainl part.-hAinic or in anyway tmll!intr Willi ItMir broan 1111J Imo Ii:iy Mt'l.KS, (in ail n.t liiul'.) Iiarnr.s. wn-.n an. I ..iiittu.-nl. ni.w in pot...-.t(.Q of Juin.-i H. A.laii.ft. of l'l.ilitl.u.p. t'c-ntre Co., I'a., a' the aau:e bt-longH to, au.l m kit auh hitn'ru' to uiy onkr. a.rll :il-i.rt. D. W. HOLT. g SlO.Mll .l AlAliAr.l uuoer.aiiv akin. lolled the M...l,l I'. -.r: j .'i-iiiiiik- 01 Amem-A ; del ttutl Itt Oriy S;, ra- I l'"i u!.Sk.'t.-liei, Arehitf-t-tiirr an 1 ... , It I (,:,, Oili. Varnishes, Faiuts. Bruthei, T I. FT ircuvvd ami fttr .ale rheiij. l.y a.rll-lf JOSLI'H K. lltWIX, Curweni iile, I'a. taking into view tho peculiar attitude of these two individuals, that u dis cussion of this kind might bo spared. There is a man, however, ns to whom wo should very much like to have the views of tho ''loyal" press. We refer to Judgo Holt's intimate friend, poor Sin 1 ford Conover, who helped hang Mrs. Surratt, und who is now under conviction for perjury in the District ol Columbia. Ho was no doubt once "a fervent friend of the L nion." Cer- gracod tho city of Washington before tho ides of March1 And will not a party that w ill deprive one set of men of thoir liberties do tho samo to others? Do these men now hate the Democrats of tho ISorth quite ns inucn us inoy uo the people of the South J And what, then, will restrain thorn from placing us in the samo po sition? Only this, (he trout of jminr. They will do it if they dare, and thov will dare to do it if they seo that we tainly.ha iscntilled to lovul avmiiiilhv. I i i.i.-r . 1,. - .. . -----rf-- j , ii-iion riiuii, ui smvisii submission. I notice is not soon taken of. a,,d take no means to vindicate our tins meritorious and persecuted indi- ri ,,,u ft .uill8l Uieir usuriml ioa ? To Vidnal. we nntv (enl il nnr ilntv th I 1 . f .... 1 ... 1 . . , too lotevsHineu is 10 be lorearmed. il somn mil hiifit uIii-a iniittii-iulM il.n ..... 1 11 havo been liirnished us, to call atten tion to his case. Tho story of Sanford Conover is full of interest. Age. Bad Memory or Pi G'en. Put Icr declared the hanging of Mrs Sur rutt by court martial authority, tho murder of an innocent woman. "What does ho think of the hanging of Mum ford, ut New Orleans, accused of pull ing down u United States flag but which net it was asserted was com mitted by a mere youth of sixteen the said Andrew Johnson bus assigned 1 years of ago, who was afterwards kill military commanders to iho several cd in tho Confederate army. If our A Plain Fki.low. Pill Fletcher, a Tennesseo nigger, at ono ot Pev Prownlow's black-nnd-tan meetings nt Chattanooga, last week, said that if he was fit to vote ho was fit to sit on a jury and hold oflice. Pill is exactly right; but wo say that he is fit for neither. How is it with you, Prother I Row ? Is "William Fletcher entitled The fate of Robespierre nnd bis clan ! 10 11,0 Pm" Iolll,t''" r'l'ts and ass.v should bo a lcson to Stevens, S;im- j cin,io,"8 " nre" " 0 may be consid ncr & Co. ' ' orc(l impudent for asking such a qucs- j tion, but wo would like to know. I Secretary Stanton bad tho impu jdenco to recommend to tho Rump j Senate tho naiuo of that celebrated I tool of despotism, ex-Provost Mar shal Fry, for a Prigadier generalship in the regular army, but ho wus re jected. This is ono act wo can ap prove. Fry's "cake is dough," while his friend Conklin, from Jy'ew York, remains in the Rump. CONNFCTICIT Pl.roNSTr.lCTr.ID. Tho people of this State havo adopted the truo modo of letonstrnction, by delivering the affairs of tho Slate, on the 1st instant, into the hands of 'be old 'Fninn Savers." Loyally t'iirro,ns in tho days of Washington, was compelled to tako w ings and fly iway. The Democracy on that tiny leaned out every department of the .ate government. . l.ik-tho utory of! . shipwreck,, not a Shoddyito, nrgro 1 A loyal exchange says: -'Tho Do rt r, or disnnimiist is loll to till thdmooraey nro after the ncrrro." This ,..!e. Yet, the shoddy organs any thmjmay bo truo, nnd caused by a "milita- j acn'ustiinld widi.l men of the party hardly view ! ry necessity." We know- however riot v'o'f" liVi'ai 11 its a victory. Vi o Uo not exactly that somebody else was after tho "pet how the PaJ'cats can stand such I lambs" long before "tho Democracy," - : -Tics, but we feel suro tho Demo, but they seem to have been ns unsuc 1 ils will imt complain if a few more ,'cesful in securing sambo as they nro in restoring tho Union. districts to carry them into complete ana mil execution, and lor this pur pose has nssignod General K. O. C Ord, a citir.en of tho Stato of Mart- land, to tho command of the States of Mississippi nnd Arkansas, whom coin pluinant prays may bo siado a defend ant to this bill, and served with nil proper process, etc.; and complainant lurthnr avers that tho said tionernl K. O. C. Ord will speedily enter on tho dischurgeof said duties unless restrain ed by this honorablo court. And complainnnt would further show that many looal fiuestioiiH must arise under these bills if tho govern-'. , J. ment contemplated by them bo carried , out, which sooner or later must come I , . '" before this Court for final adjudica tion, nnu 11 is nelieved these lulls will bo nlilmately tleclitea uncouslitiitiuniil in their whole length and breadth, njid as a consequenco nil acts that may havo been dono under them must be memory is correct, (Ion. Sutler sta ted in a speech, after his return from New Orleans, that ho should not, prob ably, have hung Mumford il it bad not been said bo flared not do it, und executod the culprit to let the people witness his resolution. It is the only time ho ever did manifest resolution during tho war ; and this, wo pre sume, w as caused by tho youthfulnoss of his subject, A correspondent writing in regard to ono of ourcity church sextons, says: "A gentleman who came in Into told mo that ho saw tho portly nutocrnt his court outside, surrounded oron young men, joking and making pleasant (parly') arrangement s for next week." This, if true, is lii;-Mj- imiirtnrwr ft ml alifinM K loulcu! after. Protestant Churrhman. Mr. Povcrly Tucker still remains declared void, even to the constitution j nl ' p '; nether to oniie inmiu n, uiu I'lllicil ntaios or iiot. He was waitinir to hear aifnin we uro worthy of the name of men. Wo entreat, then, those gentlemen of our own Slate, who huva the con trol of the party organisation, to set this ball in motion. Tho time is most opportune to arouse a spirit and an en ihusiusm which will revolutionize tho Suite. A most important election is to come oil' this year, und, with prop or exertions, wo could easily curry tho delegates for the Stato Convention. Tho importance of this cannot bo over estimated. If tho Abolitionists have the revision of tho Constitution, as now seems probable, thov will ilonlit. less introduce such test oaths in it as will deprive twenty or thirty thousand of our citizens of tho right of su II nine. nut, even if nothing of this kind w ere at slake, the importance of immediate organization would not be at all de creased. Tho steady march of tho Mongrel party to a realization of their object which aio nothing less than tho overthrow of American society, civilization, anil tho downfall of the splendid system of ifovornmot.t bo-, queathed to us by our fathers are LIVERY STABLE. ffllTF nnd -rijrnrd hv-'f ?hvc to inform th pufc- lie tlwt h ic now iuHv d It WAiuunn iUie nil iu the mije of rurhi..tfi llurw t I'.ujrjicn, ha.) ilt i onl Hitmen, mi the f.().irU'!t imiifit am, on n ti'ontMf trrm. Hriiicoi on Ltut trtct, betnoi'ii Third mud Fourth. i.j;n. W. GnAMIAHT. Oarfii-M, April 11, fu. 18G7 spimngT 1807 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, K. M S.iT, T i 211 X. Tliir.I St, 1'IltLADKI.l'IiIA. Vt air now j'irpuif, villi our a.iu! rxirnsirr anil well Baiittt it'm-k to oltfr f.tia iii-lu.'cintnti U. CASH lil VKKS. ,,.rll If DR.EXEL &, Co., So, 31 touth Third Hlrrrt, PMIa irl.lila, li.i.vni:its, And Dealers in Government Securities. Ailii-ation hy mail i)l roi-rive finitnit a!ton tion, ami all iiilnruiatittn rlioorfnlly lun:i-bil. Oitk-ri iiilicitftl. nprl I -tf A Farm for Sale. I'lH. mWrilntr 'fl--r. li.f fsirni, in 1 Irmtii-M roiinlv ., u,Iun, lu,lui:Iiif .,rMIOj au.l Litciary Oiwii, (ii.tlu.liin (,.-,m J,.,.,r " Ht.llttlJB ,.U'J,!,;,, niutii'. Ltir.trian Ktrrrim. .Muno, Airiwinc',,. "J ui" i-m aumuri, ami prulunt-ly ari -,.-.,..,,. ittu.-iintrtl WIIU I.IHIV l.L'ra UIJ ! nu-), u..i-1'ul nui n imble I'ntlrriK. Fnil.r.n k'.: j.-t-irr, ami a mnitai.t nit-r, r.,n i ,.,,,,. p, ellii'l, Willi itllii-rtucliilandMili-rlaiuiiir lileriton u it-riti)ii ol nlinrmrut. crtmuraital ia-i.v oi i.-isu. can nl!.,ri In jti aitli.tul tlicM,, Ali-nOilv. Smjlt riipir,. .'Id rriitu: Itai-k miinlw aa a,irimrna. I cm-iui-: rill.or uiaili J frn-. y cat It ?-, wnu a vajiiahlc .rcuuuu tw.i ni,i(i, i;,.jn ititt-tj ,.j,it r, ct , init cttjiii-s, m:, on.l i.i.nlt. fn'ramm. tor alului at f". c;wh, with thi- tint i.rt uiitiTn. to rnr-h ltiltfrilK.r. Aa.biis W. Jt.NMXii-! IH:M(il;i:?T. - t A''. 47:1 llfiatiaar. N. 1". frirnin-'t'i Months ami Ynurj mrm-.-,t.i-i:b-tt. ft, with th lTcmiiiici foriatli. BE AL'S LATE POWEL'3 EMBEO0ATI0S. For all illrrara. incitlcnt to r.i.,, fallla, ana Human r'li'h, rentirir.y tha iita ol aa fltcmil appliraiius. rjMin rr rnopcuml prrj itcd lir a prariiM: J. rkcmiM, having a full kmiwl.-ilo rall tat me liral Tirtu.i o( cai-h iucH.linl that rntitn into It cnmpohitiim. ii warrtinlcil to exfeei ar,y thii r of tlic kind crrr Ti-t i.lli-r.-J to tl,r l r a- an external applioaiion f .r the dinraura ft ahich it in rt-coaiinetidctl. IVe are .aliiSfd Ihu it will woik iti own luai ioio rba ct-niitlence f all wlio ue it, and t,oi aho try il one. will caver lia wiiknit it, and thfrrftira wa relr oa eiperi.tico aa tl,e hut ti of ita OKtiulueta! 4t h prnount'i l ly 1'arrierJ. and all wlia bnrv tries it. to he ll, t.f .t applieati.m ertr uetl, Thi! Kniltrttpaiinn haa tieen put up orir figii tears, ai d il ii only ttiroiiRh tbe increasing . u:ai.d and urifout request ot my friends and tLo Fill'lie thai I find it f,,rth as llio rrand-rain.,1 .1 sent lor tl,a rarioyn difea.aa to whien (bat I aidilc and Ufefui ariraal, the berae, ii io jt j .Many remedial have l;ten offered io Uia 1'ub j lie nndor different forms, aome of these an io- jiuttu., oinei. ai oest oi i lit le tiite, and msny wbollj Id-proper to aniver tbe purpoios for wtieh tbey are recommended. A judirions ai.d reallj ureful cnmpoiition, frra from llioe I'hj.rtion.., lint tbt-refure nug been desired by many (rentieroen who bore valuaMe bnrae, and ara uiiwiliiut. to trtul the ui tnite raie of deiigninr and pretended Farrier. Their wi.het ara at lcij:th lolly gmlifiid. by (Dr. Ileale) beinif prer.iltd upon ta allow thil'rilua lle l.uibrr:.l.,D (wb eb bas proved ro efficae oai to Ilia larit a.i iliseaiei) to ba pr.parej a; d ri'lll. sui'seriliitr on-r li.s fsirni. in Kiiot le I leoin.-i.i eoim.v. fa., at private aaK II bronchi "til In the public. ....... rn. i tti rnm 11,11 f.nil: Ull I Olirt-ll .nt. tutiil.tin. III! . r n.u . 'l-1. t ... tlHI'll-! . in. .,. I Has ritcniirel oied by pritveuientl eiiiiftct of a c-ted Miw-niill. l.t- ins hnutie, hank harn and other out hoi! linir,wilh a a?itod orebard an.l a variety of oilier fruit i trees. 1 here ant sixti.'ii aere. undei iinproveioeiit, and the balatiee is well tiiiili ivd. Tin. valushle ! lirt'perly will lie sold on rensnnalile terms. Furl further information applr to j JAMliS J. JACKSON", aprll .lepj ClraifivM rniint.T, I'a. ' pink g i: o v i: ACADEMY AKD SEMINARY. I'lMt Onovc Mills, Cfmiil Co., !'. 1. I, THOMAS, A. M., I'linrlpal. IIIS InMitiition, nrjraoiretl in li.'i Address all orders ta I'll. EDM I'XD TIKALE, apr4,7-ly 03 FouOi f econd 81., I'bila., I'a. 1 r( Pl K VHAIlCwiVaM scenr. 1 1 everywhere to sell our mrnevri. 2ll e?ewin Marhinea. Tkree new t der and upper feed. Font on trial. Wsrrn l. i liveyeir.. A ht,. a s'l.ry r eiuuii.. .i,. The only ma.-hine. ,,,1,1 j l'i.,,j v,,v, lor Ira. than $10. which are MiUmWI.i Howe. M lueler A W ilion, tinner A I'.aker, Sim; r A Co.. and l a.belder. AH oilier cheap m,. chi.ii s ara ilr,-..,rf,. ,n, the .,1rr or ae ii tmWe fo arresl, fine and imprisonme-it. III,.,. 'H.Uircul"r "" frM- Addraai or call uion MIAV A CI.AKK. at liid.ller.trd i.i-.'-. Its THllirv-ria.T -session the twentv -fourth I opn Chicago, Illinois. majlS,'f.(l-ly and luiti Kneli.h ttraliehi-R. j-II. pircn on applicntion. liioirsh.itiuti aprll iituler nnt.ettl .... II ' S....I. IVnStlllS enough W hy WO xlinultl IllSO IIO , and continue five nit.i.lhs. lionr.lti,,, ' uniuin a jrrunu cllort tosuvo it. lion tho iiiuikd liuntj of nittrtiitl Ihw is nn on uh, it will ho too Into to roniHt. W e olmll neither gather strongth hy innc tion nor gain sdhorcnts hy suhmix. sion- Jivory retition adnionmhcs us to nrtrnnir.n nt nnra nnd oonlroiit our rn nnes ns ovory truo niun meets It is foe. llio Alongrels hio luiittoring out JO.SMPII KUXZ'S EW CL0T1I1(J sTom: CLKAkl'lELP, PA. DRESS-MAKING. ' Si I- P ATf N .r.l I ' A .NO CLOAK JltMMi., fil, j "'''' l"cn,-, uitf. Coat., ni.. I ,a . it , , soaielv nude aul tr u n 1, ,. i' .. .-- . ,, ,.,'.' Hoe. at Ihe old asuhliehi-il stan I, : 1f i street, Philadelphia. j Fancy and pUin Fans, Wanlil'.a Ornainen Press and cloak r.iinn,, ll,l,(,,, ciuny sad tlliipure I, seel, l'n -le .n.l ill !... a inr. 'ii'eriier take. Ihu mcth.t.1 of annniineinr I lot. with a lnrre vari.i. ,,f j v I. to tho Cllisensof Cleailleld and ihe iml.l - , tiood.froui !.i to .11 ..... l....,'. 7 . ' . t ., ..." .... tti.s (itr.uscr, lie name suit hhnuld trnnapirc. P'to iroiiiit ori;iiiiir.ntion i "perly termed hy (h ISoalon Pntl, "i.ugo Cirgiini.i'.l hyrtH-rtiey." Ajt, An inhtininn mother in Hnrlftirtl. (''nn., Untweek lient her son on the '"'et with which mny ho formed under them Tho mischiefs that must result front such a stato of things uro inculciilitlilo. Suits without iiuinue'r, not only in re gard to rights of property, but for punishment inflicted without uulhor ity, a total diHorgnni.ution of tho presi nt government. Inuainiich as no elections can ho held to till tho .State ollices, a state of nnarchy must inter vene until the goveriiniont can again ho reorganised hy tho pcoplo, nnd therefore, pulilie policy, llio good or der of society, and tho ssfuty of a peo plo call loudly for speedy redress, and mo complainant aim) elmrges that tins hill is tiled its. n hill M' peitco and to prevent cntlless MiiU nnd controver sies, iimsniiu li ns tho execution of the nee such an ci. files, va- iliL'tttion as to (list u rh the gid order of society hy sg grieved parties to Beck redress iigiiinnt olllcers and others, who mny commit trespasses Bjraitmt the intioeetiL To prevent such evils is ono of tho common grounds of equity jurisdic tion, and tho cnuinltiimint livers that this appeal is mado to this honorahle t ourl in good luith.nnd not from fat from his family ond friends. The let ters ho hnd addressed to tho Govern ment at Washington remained nnan swered, nnd he did not know what to do. It was propnhlo ho would go to llavunn nnd thenco to Canada. aencnUlv, that h. ha. in,l e.l . u,. .. ...l ' AI... - " ' L V". '? '''" "'"'."inermg excuses for tho vilo act ,1' CLoT , N(. . . ' ... " " ' r,Ttr. fT U4 , . V Tf hd''., V iCVe'.' "s, theuinrty chiets. The Pomocra's ! V'pvic.. iv LNTLKMhN : s! f r-f u.ereh,V. re.. nnVers m aro iiidiguant, and ready for revolu-j J-1 Ji.n I.S1IING GOOIis, i"'"- " Mrs. m. a. iiixukii s. tion. ays the great poet : Voutl,.' and B,.,-.' .iis, the !.... s,vi,., r m . 1W1 oiiii st..J'i.ils l,lphi Fell boa "1 here is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken al the Hood, Loads on to fortune." """ ' "I ""I i'1'i'iand Mini s, nil of which i 1", ne win itispew of at a trifle aline cost. ,, ' II s Il I, this audacious net, is tho gulden mo A letter from Pishop .S,evfns ,1 . !lu',l'1 10 Sl'" l "d tlnect it ted rehrunrv 21 . Ni e i ! I"'per channel. Iho South is neuitti is so milt hnvs deterniiiied llroat fills N'nnr N'e.t.te .tliiisflvoi.l. I'J l.'l,n,,l oppression, rivetllio chains ing Kngland This will hrintr mo home I ' -V'W ")'"n ""' 11 .a.l,00P 0 W",IJ hvtho Kith or Il'iI. nf M,,v. in '""Iu i"" savage ntrocuics ol npprcs- . " . O.,., tl. .......... . I... I - . . to arrange lor the duties ol tho Con- " uranium .narael slreet. belween Third ami . I,. . . , .... , , r""""t ""' "'"l" loimerlv iHH.iipied hv And tl.o saying is ns truo of oliticnP H"ffmn. when, he solicit. The eii,,e. f;,,.i, pin in s sb oi men. now, while pulilie ! ."""" ' joskpii Kl z. sentinieiu is snncKcil and paruli.ed hy i'ch improved that I ,,'ll'ls- It rc.naius for thoso who (I). Y.)to sail from ?? ',hr' ' .in.,l,, ?ori1' ,0.r"mo !. on the 27th of i , , . 1 " 1 m r Iftitlicr strap so cruelly i tious motives, or from a spirit of instil. venlion. Tho ipiarrel between tho loyal May or nnd Polite Commissioners of St. Louis has culminated in a publication of a series of chargoa by the Mayor against the integrity of tho Commis sioners. They aro charged with im morality and other olTences, while in turn they chargo tho Mayor with falsehood nnd malice.' v '!, Pil-lt. A quarrel about ten cents resulted in the murder if A met TlvL-n !, ClearfieJil, Apiil 11, ISl',7. THE LATEST OUT I M0.NET SAVED lTM0NF.V MAPK? 1R WISE! If too wish In purehs.a CI-OTH-) lug. HATS 4 CAP.-', or Furni.hii-s Uuods, TO C. II. MOOP.K'S Kcw and theap Cl.lhin( nr, where will h, foiind ccnilantly on hand a I. re. ,nd well sa leoied assortment of Fins ni.ok Casiiurra lu.u brown, light, and in fset Bltilv I toe rt.tiLl 1... I..... A ...... I. . . i ""j niti.-ti, i.e. et.ii.v i-iiuii;n and drab vindicate their ri.rliis l,iln il.o !,,.. I '' the power. " Where the people aro ALlj KINI,V5 OK CLOTHING sheep, tho rulers u ilj t,e Wolves." ' A.lspted to all seasoni of the year - ,.o irl, A 77V', T . ! "'"" Cul1""' ' W. nd'-ell '..lecrd A pay and festive preacher in Itich. "orimeni of na hats and caps, of the mond, Indiana, is undergoinir the slow I IT7 tllT'n 'J'!" ! "Jl '.1 f"' '"oii' Of ih.i ornient of a chun-hSri?., on IheUnwVl.; charrro of having pr-jr.iised to marry . I"'"-""""! ai tin lo.e.t i ..s.ib.a s,res, and t , '" H. VOOVR, Is the Poll OIBca nsildlui, Phili ibarf, pa. Hats, AT STVI, V. S or Bonnets. and 11.! n i; c i: 1 y e n . .w.l'?".'o M. i, KLcins. KEW CAKBIAGE & WAGON SHOP 1 N C I. E A H K I E 1. 1), r a, (ImioodinlelT in rear of .Machine Phcp.) r,'IK .'lil'icrit er would respeelfutle Inf.rni llis cllirme . f ClearClil. and the poMte in c-o-oral, that ha is prep rod to do all kinds of woik OB I arrlasee, Uusmes. Waeona, Sleuths, Sledl. c na ihnrt nt, r and on!,. terras, ami In a wotktnnnltke nunner. r--All orders promptly af ended t". -UT W ,M. M N hi 11 1. iweivo flittercnt women. The con I tiaotwasa little too heavy for tho susceptible preacher, and he neeord-1 ingly jilted the round dor.e,,, marrying i 0,000 rODNDS WOOL WANTED. II1 Vii the Hnl :n.vt,. nf f l. atliil.l smt ssoiuiam, 'i,iii,tc. :RY J. St.i.ppv X ,..,; ,.):;:,r.-..aS til e Colli, lit. ti,,, ,.,,,!..., .,.. I,, l:S P'"!"'" o, e i! l:;z 1- tl lUilV ,,,),. i.s for ItlmtitwaswithdiniiMilty h was re. ordination to law but ml . h 1 n i- r,., Aiuer Jlvko by George W. Pundolph, In C'1 - " - W tlial tLctri viola ioi j w'k W hrt ! fcderau SeuoUry Jf V . I ! ,. . i the lth insant. , " A ; m:vs. flail? and Weekly nepers. Mne.tln.. . - I '.,..,. V I' ii. , 1' , ""I" ".eonment ot ins latest and belt Novels George W. Luildolph, formerly Con- J Books, ac.consi.nilr on h.nd at ' I.I j al ar, died on c. il. mookkh. i a ma post otiief liuiltlinif. I ll' ll-tstitt k I iovei.,:. r.i,,.,!.,.,, all of Ihe he.- 1 -. Iiire ll.vlle.ire-Itei .nAM.n ' I Il l ISO';,., p Lii'l'd .-- vt.. AH , "'"" ."'"' "! .l l.-atlowilh ii, :. Am i. r Oier Inli.rmilion ean Ik. oi,i,i,, i v a-IHiecirr i ih,-m at !w Millport, t ( e,.m;iv, I'a. I "''-'--ill 11. J. ci."l'i i a a. .tine!., I Ui.uel. -kin-, eiol is : '. - I Illillili... l.onrnnlel I'.iitul' . nie nit' liiitei-iurt i in III ' full l,r,IH- let 1 1"