KrriiscAT. Strew oa bet reaee, eoeee, Aad an rr a eprav of jew, la quiet eae Itmarl Ok I would tka t I did too. Bar as ink tbe world required! ta hatned it la aaaura of rift, - Bat her atari wet tired, tired, Aad Bow tney art ktr aa. He? lift wee tarniag. taratr.g. la aaaana af beat aad eatjad. Rut for peace ktr anal a at yearn g, Aad aow peace Upa ker round. Hrr eabiaed, amp W Spirit, II (ottered aad failed for kra, To-atrat it dotk laatnt lb Vaatly Hell of Deal. FlSDISO Fault WITH Childbex. It ia at times necessary to censure and punish. But macb more may be cjd ry cncourpn;r tild--'n when thev Jo well, lift, therefore, more cartful to express your approbation of pood conduct, than your dinapproba- tioaofbad. Aotbingcan moredisen courage a child than a spirit of inces sant iault-nnuing on the part of its pa rent. And hardly anything can exert a more injurious influence npon the disposition both of parent and child. There are two preat motives influenc ing buman actions hope and tear. Both of these are at time necessary. But who would not prefer to have ber child influenced to frood conduct by a desire of pleasing rather than by the tear oi offending ? If mother never expresses ber gratification when her children do well, and ia always cen suring the:n wben she tees anything amiss, ther are discouraged and un happy. Tbey feel that it is useless to try to please. I heir depositions be come hardened and soured by this ceaseless fretting, and at last, finding that whether tbey do well or ilL they are equally found fault with, they re linquish all effort! to please, and be come heedless of reproaches. Hut let a mother approve of ber child's con duct whenever she can. Let ber re ward him for bis efforts to please, by miles and affection. In this way she will clierich in ber child's heart some of the noblest and moat desirable feel ing of oar nature. She will cultivate in him aa amiable disposition and a cheerful spirit. Your child baa been tlirooeh tbe day very pleasant and obedient. Just before putting him to sleep for the night, you take bis hand aodaay: "My son, you have been Tery good to-day. It make me very bappy to see you so kind and obedi ent. God loves children who are du tiful to their parents, and he promises to make them happy J" This appro bation frou his mother is to him a great reward. And when, with a more than affett'onate lone, you sav, '-Good night, my dear son," he leaves the room with Lis little heart full of feel ing. And wben be closes bis eyes for sleep, be is happy, and resolves that he will always trv to do his duly. The Mother at Home. r.EUulolS CiSYI KaATI.. CciWten forced or cant expressions on religious txperier.'-c and no conversation at all, there is golden mean. which every Christian should try to find and fol low, the necessity for which is shown in the following incident: I once knew a young lady who started well in religion, and gave promise of be coming a bright aud shining light in tbe church. "But after a few months, ber ardor abated ; and she was num bered with that class of which tbre are so many in our churcbcs.lukewarm professors. 1 asked ber one day what ! hapinod that her barn was no ' .... - . -i longer tuoea to the songa of Zion She said, "I can hardly tell what is the matter. 1 know that I am not as I once was, but the change has been t-o gradual that I have hardly realized it Sometimes of late I have almost douLted whether religion is at all. I supposed it to be the 'one thing etJul.' I am young and inexperi enced , and of course, look up to those who have been long in the way, and feel quite safe to follow in their foot steps. But wben I meet tbcra day after day and after ktar them talk tbotit thote fAta7f that th-y proftt to efjhtid er of the kighett importance, I am led to think that either they are not sin cere, or else there is no need of mak ing much ado about religion " Not thi Gift, bi t the Motive. The spirit in which our Lord receives tbe girts of Ilia disciples is well illus. trated fcy the following anecdote: A poor Arab traveling in tbe desert met with a stream of clear, sparkling water. Accustomed as he was to brackish wells, to his simple mind it appeared that such water aa this was worthy of a monarch, and filling his leathern bottle from the spring, he de termined to go and present it to the caliph biraK'iC Tbe poor man traveled a considera ble distance before reaching the pres ence of Lis sovereign and laid his hum bit) offering at his feet. The caliph d i . , . . .. - , id not de.ptso tbe little gif. brought to Lira with so much trouble. He or-1 deivd acme of the water to be poured j into a rnn, d-stik it, and thanking the ' Arab wiili a smile, ordered him to be J preset ted a reward. Tbe court- iers around pressed forw ard, earrcr to ' Uste the wonderful . i... ..I tb surprise of all, tbe caliph forbade them to tsach a sioirle dron ,le i Aftee .vT-trL e'"j'ld"P- ; Alter the poor Arab had quitted the royai present ,u, leh, ,nd : f , ierTa'n ?5 hi iers anj llml exp.amed tbe motives of 1.: l .1. . ""i uiaujuci: iarin?tbe travels of the Arab " saij K- .ti,p :.. , , . - ' -.-v. 1 11 uiB iratt,ern lou.a had become impure ' t it was an iVer I . h I V " 1 th 1 have receir- lt. I Well knew' annll a.. i and di'tasufnl. fat i ir.C Of lore, and aa an. K I !, : 1 it With t.:;. I.7e t .,. ." i L . t . well ner that Lad I Suffered anotl r-r l, i take of it, he would no, have eonial-" ' ed h.sdst; and therefor. I fr. , de ron to tooth the draft, lest the heart of ,h. w .." -sen WOBbat.!.' In anrk i '"l ur Lru receive; o" r T - 1 lor gma. I TBk lf nitxrt If anr on arnnl.l . aau. eland tbedi .iritutr wterfn in. -l ittle c!l - and then that Of ln"l'airyiLaii s IanUter." A man dec moat for bis earn annl J' ar.tnetirres forrrtttpc that he hat a i soul, ia scipaibigint: wilh the if aini Lolpiostlie neejy. rait are rem- (rm in(rocti Tba beet ' llietmctTngothera mer. pathetic, senimemM relijior, of ZZi l.:ZtXZ'.. JXZ', V Bovelift. and that solid, astlptrins ' Tk" ""' r' rrer -eee ke itk I briatianitr which will (i tx,,:,u,r H'.? J! ' "! ,M ,,"' """"i f fcr CtrarfiftJ grp. tuns. Teraea af entri-tr". If paid tandreiicr,ertthia ikiw taoaibt.. fit 0 1 u4 Wloet tn eeontke-... I M If paid afire tht ttpiration r tit ,aliu... I W Rett vf JMwrtWIng, Traaeient adrertmmrau. per tuti of It linn or teea. t timet or Im. f. i ;.0 i or M h tanecqwent ioKYlKva 4 mninninn aaa imlai awtlcea. I o Aaditarr o(ir...,., Ceatioae Bad Krtr,Ti......... Iheenlatioa BoUeet. Local aolieee. per Im. Obitoarv Botion, over Ire hats, per hau.. Proeetioo Cerda, I year YBABIV Anvcurt.aue.Tt. 2 1 40 2 00 14 10 ar. M I f KlM 1 Huam. ........ li Ml 4 column.... 1 ilim.. .. M I I .. .. 7 00 Job Work. BLjlKt. Single quire- : it l ( quiree, 74 I q -ret, per quire, 2 W Ova , per quire. 1 40 BlVBBILLa. i abet, lit 44 4 abet. 14 or bw.(4 40 i enact, Jl or leea, 1 4d 1 abort, 24 or ku, a Oil Over 24 of tack of above at proportionate retea. UEo. B. UOoilLANUbK, Kdilnv and Proprietor. rofrssional & business Card. S. A. FULTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ilollidayabarg, Pa. J-Prompt atteetioa given to (ha ceeoring aad eoUeetion of Claiau, and to all legal bati nnea. aotM-6m:pd WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofica aa Sccoad BL, Cloartcld, Pa. noTll.M Wm A. J. Blake Walter. Wa Pre D. Biritr. k Fieldias. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. tCr-Lagal kaiiaaaa af all kiuda aromptlr aad aeearatalj autadad la. amyli j THOS. J. McCULLOUGHL aliUULI Jll LAW. 0 adjoiainit tka Baak, formerly aeeapiad bj J. b. acaaanj, dmobs at, LiaarBald. P-Will autad proaipllt la tallactiotia, aala af laada, Aa. daclT.Sl JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Real Eatate Ageat, Clearfleld, Pa. Ofipt aa Varkd atratt, oppralu tka jail. -Braptctfally afrra kit atrricta ia aelling aad kaaiaf laada ia Claariald aad adjoining wwaaa; aaa wua aa aipananta of orar taraaty yaara aa a rarrtyor, aattara kiataalf tbal ka eaa raad ar aatUfaetiaa. fcbI8.'J tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. OSet aa Harkal atrtat aaa door tart of tka CI tar laid Lama it Bank. aaaydtt Joba H. Oma. C. T. Altxandtr. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Dellefoate, Pa. arpll15-y DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Lata Sargtoa of tka Md Rtg airnl, PtnniTlrauia olantttra, aain( maratd frvaa tha Araar aSrra kia profaaaiuaal aarrieaa to tka citittoa af Clrartald eaaaty. eT-rrofaanoaal callr inaptly attaaltd to. OSrt aa Sataad atraat, furaaarly aetapitd by Ir. Waada. (apr,' U DENTISTRY. rr J. r. WJK.NttT, DsmrrsT. antra at aroitaaioaal aameaa taa (itiaaaa of Camaoarilla and ritiaitj. OSea ia Drag Store, t am tr klaia and Tkoaeaaa tlraau. auy 11,'SS lj pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER. Agaal for tka Paickjae and Bala af Laada. Clearfleld, Pa, .jp-Projr,t atttatloa giroa la all kaataeaa aoaaeelad w tka eaaatj omoaa. Gfltae with Uaa. Ha A. Waliaoa. jaa 1,'Sd- If SURVEYOR. IHB aadertiratd afftrt kia serrieae aa a Bar. A ?r. aad mmj U foaad at kit rwidraea, ia r""" - uttsn aid raack kii amtto to CltarStla directed te CltarSeld, Fa Burf-aaad JAMES MITCHELL. JAMES MILES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Latnenibarg, Peaa'a. WiU proajptlj attend to tailing ealea, at remeoaaoie raxea. LjaaSl ai A. H. FRANCISCUS&Co. (13 Market MU, Philadelphia. Pa, atirrarrt aa tea Aatsra roa Tat gin or CORIKiVE. S . Tkt renter aHevaaett audt to Dealer ia MANILA Rol'K. jao3l-6ea Tkeaaaa U. Fereee. A. A. Orakant. FORCEE t GRAHAM, General Merchandifie and Lumber, jaa (.raJtaaitaa, Peaa'a. JOSEPH H. BRETH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Aad Lieeated Ceareyanter, Kear Waahlngtaa,- Clearfield ea.. Pa. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Aad Lieaaaed Coertyaaeer. I ulbrnbarg, Clearfleld ra Pa. -Co!!eeliae aad reaiiUaaeea proaaptly ade.aadallkiadaaf legal iaatraaaenie eaeeated aa akart aotwa. (ay,'SS tf c. KRATZER L SON. MERCHANTS, atiLaaa ia Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware. j, ui"viiN, roruioaa aaa Skingiaa, Clearfleld. Peaa'a. "" aid tUad aa Froat atraet. aVoea A4"'- de.6Hf rUriDTllDWmmr LHtAP FURNITURE. JOHN GUI.ICiI H i ' ? 'V"" ku " ,TinU - L ert, tbai ka.iag aal.rred b.a ak.p aad erea k.a fatilitiN for ...,.. ka a r?ared taaaakauardtraatk raraitareaa Tr V--' tM ttyi. ..d ' "ad. faraitara, taang akiek are I at ebeaa ratee t aa kaaJ, at kia artaarai af ready BUREAUS AXD SIDE-BOARDS. wrraad Seok-Cate: Centre. Sofa, Pari, B",M "' Eneaa.oa Ial.ii Co, ' reaek.aat. Cwu,rt Jeany-Ltad and elk Bedtue-taj Sci f ,u k,m4 wk..u.( B' rmc,, WMktaadaj Kiting a,a A Ckaira : rpricr itet. eaaa beUoai. aarlir. .i T, ata j-.K..,la)r,y .,ny l.d and STJ!' -.r. :a.da. '-'-. - "iun : Hettiag and An c," ' . aaetae-eeat, eaaa beUoai, aar!or. eoi TZr 'J. .5 "a, .ka .iu w ., i. KZJZX "T - ta - 'iT. i U Til. Van kamk. Hlr J Comxa Kvrar k't.r. . m. . . , ' . . ... .ui.ur, wita a Haawaa akeaeree deaired. Alaa. Uoa P.1..I.. Tka aakecriker alaa ait' aafae- e uktd te eattoaMTi caea. lor r... . I f-t appreeed entry pwdaaa. Caerrt. M.I7 a i "' akea w ewiiaeie lor " ioraitara. dr-Ieejemaer ike tkaa la aa f"'4.' ' aarly apr-oti Jt M. $ardirart ?lmrarr, Ctr. MERRELL & BICLER, fatLtai ia HARDWARE, A la, Maavfketarmaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OK SADDLES, BRIDLES Uaraaaa, Cellar, u., for sal kj MERRELL A BIGLER. pALMERS TATENT UNLOAD Ib Hay Fork, for aala Ij MERRELL A BIGLER QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kail., aU., for aala kr MERRELL & BIGLER, JJAILNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Finding , for aala by MERRELL t BIGLER, ft UNS, riSTOLS, SWOKD CANES For aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. s tuvtis, ur ALL koijts ixn Eitai, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. RON I IRON 1 IUON! IRON Tat aala by MERRELL k BIGLEIl. JJOR.SE SHOES i HORSE SnOE Kalla, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad beat tnafaeure, for aala by MERRELL I BIGLER. piiilBLIS SKEINS AND PIPE Boxaa, for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. JUDDER CUTTERS for salo by MERRELL k BIGLER. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE THAT THOS. J. MECAULEY, kAJCCFACTl'lEI Of Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware HAS aa band, at kia atari and factory, oa Market a., aut af Second. Clearftald. Pa . Tbe largeat and beat aaaortmenl of TINWARE AM) OTHTB GOODS, Which IU be told, Wkoloeale aad RaUil, CHEAP FOR CASH! STOVE-PIPE, ALL SIZES, Alaayt aa hand, at low prleea. Boaaa work, coeb aa Oatten and Ceadnetora, urauita aaa pai npateaort aetlca and VERY CHEAP! Repairing Promptly Dona.- ClearSeld, Hot. II, 18M-y, FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Look to your Interests ! G. S. FLEGAL, Phlllpabarg, tealre ro l'aM MANUFACTURER OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, TT0l'LD reapectfally Inforai bit frleadt aad I tba pablic generally, that ka II a Opened Laro Sales Rooms ta tba korongb af Pbil'ptbarg, Pa., for tka aaa alaeura aad aala of STOVES, TIN AXD SHEET IE OX WARE, Of every deaeriptloa, anafa-lored from tka best aneltnal. aiy varitlr ar Cooking Slorra coaaiata of THE CELEBRATED IROXSIDES. tka keet cooking ttota ia tba tailed Stair a,) Coatlatnlal, LehlKb. Farmer, Daylight, Cbara, at, ana every variety, of tha beat Piuabarg Maaaraclare. PARLOR AXD HEAT1NO STOVES OF tVERY DESCRIPTION, Inelading EPEARS' AXTI DU8T. Sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. Merebaate deeirlng te parabaaa will lad It ta tbeir advantare te eiaanae aiy atoek before pr chaaiag aliawhare. VAII ordtre for Snoattng aal other ark will aa atuaded ta aa Ike aterteal antira. iell -U KT THE BEST." WIIKF.IF.H MIIOVa llithtl Preeninra. Iwk Stit-h SEWING MACHINES. i I-T. inqnirtf in irfcronoe to I hi- "AXo. P ik rnin prom pi (y iniwmi Thry cd be .rucart- tmm m mi cil prtor. HAMILTON. Afrnt. Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. Va-t. )LIir.Rr' IHOI.'n.n.1 are etililM to aa IXCREAM.1) Bdl NTV lot aadrraigncd it l.rrnaird to cx.llt all aath, u well aa the mcrreetd par to Holditra' n i.lowa. All inqomrt aoj eoninnunicationa aa awtird promptlr. lli-harrta reteipttd for. Port tilSVt addreee, I iirwrntt illt, Pa. p4-tf JIUIAH EVANS. Riaa" W. laomla,,, H.bkellla. Drak. e Hoof, lead a Merman, HoattUtr'a and Ureewert - .""w mum wtwe para i.iiaen . it all B. af L aiawi lor mejieiaal parpetea, for aala by ry t'm&t, tnrorrrtm, (fit. niiEiniitirrvALs AT Till CIIKAP STORE OF SII0WE11S& GRAHAM. Fall Goods. New and Very Cheap ! fpilB andtralgaed reepeolfully announce to A tba pt,blla tbal Ibay are bow oFenlng aa titentire aaaortnent of F A L L O0OD8, at Iba aid aland la Grehem'a nrw building, which they offer to tall at eioeedingly low pricea, con ideilog their eolt, for aaab or approved aouatry prodace Thoir Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Sorpfussed. Caitoaiera eaa tbere Ind Callcoet witb faat col ore Mualina, Delalnea, Lowaa, Clotba, Caaal araa, Veetiaga, Ladiaa' Ekawla, OenU' Shawla, Hala and Cape, Boota aad Bhoea, Carpata, and Oil Clotba. Their Stock of Fancy Goods it Unex amined in Style and Variety, Embracing Notioaa, Bcatfa, Head naU, Kaok Ilea, Batckela, Part Monnaiaa, Braabea, Photo graphic Alkaaie, Plpea, Tobaeoo and Segara. Perfamcry of all kinda, ar aaytbing elae In tba I Jiotioa line.,. Auo, HARDWARE, QUEEX8 WARE, GROCERIES, . PROVISIONS! All af tbe keel qnality, aad aeleated wltb tpeclal regard to tba trade af ClearSeld sonaty I EDWARD W. GRAHAM. JOSEPH 8. SHOWERS. Claariald, Sept, !, 18(19. J. P. KRATZER HAS removed to bit aaw wararoomi on Mar ket atraet, Clearleld, Pa , where b baa opeuoa a very urge Clock or DRY GOODS, Merlaoee, Oiagbama, Clotba, Delalaea, PrinU v.naaerea, iipacaa, Btlke, Katineta, Repa, vMHwerea, iwmi, vooerga, aioDalr, Jeana, Unellaa, Maalina, Flaaaala, Bonneta, Rib. bona, Cloaka, Balmoral Bkirte, Hoop, ekiru, rihawlt, Dreaa Trimminga, Bead NaU, Capa, Cereete, Olovea, Collara, Searta, Urenadine Valla, Table Corera. CLOTHING, CoaU, Panta, VaaU, Over-Coala, Oent'a Shawla omrta, jiate, rape, Under-SbirU and Draw era, Boota, Bhoea. Uum Bhoea, Cravata, Ulorec and Collara. UAKDWAKE, (.UKENSWARF, GR0- CfcttlKS t MUSICAL GOODS. GROCERIES, T t.Jt O .r I .. .. - wm, vun,i, oagar, jnoiaaaea.sait, Landlaa, Kice, eiowr, uaooa, run, joaaeeo, Kalaiaa, Curranla, 8 p i c a a, Crackara, Viaegar, Oila, Var Biah. Alcohol. TIN-WARE, OLASS-WAKE. WOODEX- " ARE, and STATION KII Y. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpata, Oll-clotba, Dragget, Looking' Gle.are viecaa, mmi, n aanuoarita, Tuba, Buck eta. Flat Iraaa, Paaa, Window Blinda, Wall-paper, Coal Oil, la. brellaa, Btdcarda, Knivea and forka, Bpoaaa.Croeka, and Biota Blackinc r-All of wkick will be eoldoa the moil r... eonable term a, aad tbe bigheat market price paid ar drain, Wool.aodallkiadeofeonntry produoa. LlearSeld, December 11, 18(15. 0, YES ! 0, YES ! ! TWENTY TER CENT. LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. JOHN S. KADEBACII, HAVINO opened a aew ctorc at the "Blue Ball,'' la Clearlltld aouniv. wlahea to aotifv tbe public that be la determined to aell all kiada aruooda CHEAPER than tha CHEAPEST, la deduct ta tbe county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, While be ia placing oa kia ahalraa a full aeaort mcat af Dry Geoda, tirocerlea, Qaeeaawara, Uardwara, Eartbaawara, Iirori. oila, and PaioU, Medicincc, Ac., Ac., Ac HATS, CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES, Cl all kinda, eonetantly kept oa hand. A general aaaortmenl of READ Y-M ADE CLOTH IX G Tor Men and Boya wear. --AII be be cold at a very LOW PRICK for CASIf, ar eichanged for all kinda af Mark. ling. A"SAWED LUMBER A SI1D.QLE3 takea la cirbaoge far good a. aeai tf J0US F, RADEBACU, Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COIKPE THE ClIEAfEfT! A Proclamation against High Prices I T E are aow opening np a lot of the brat and 1 nott ttiux.n.hle tlimla and Warn ever nnerM in thia tnark.t, and at nncf that rvmind one of tlie rnod old dart of riicep tliii,;. Thnaa who lack failh opoa thta point, or dtcu our alle gation tiiperSuour, Bctd but .IT OI H STOIli:, Corner t'runl and Market tl recta, Where lhy can are. fWI. bear and know for Ihrm-m-I te. To fully andtrMaad what are cheap geoda, thia mutt be done. We do ant deem It nrreeaarr to etiameralt and ilraaiee our clock, ll ia ruowu for aa to elate that We have Everything that is Needed and eonnmrd In thia market, aad at prleec that a-toniah bulh old and voene. deoJO JllUhl'll eriAW A Roy. (ITU I-Pereona dcairing to tranwt bull ncaawilh ma at my office, arr kcn-lir notilrd Uat I will n..t he r.,on, wiih ecrtaintr at' home an any dare tieept MllMlAV and MtVh.UA Y. "r-14 W.M. POKTER, f?nn KWantewltl be paid ia (Jreen WUyiwI, to eat perroa who kaa aae.1 Dr. Pumar Pile f!ve atewnling to direcliona and hut But bten cured, Aridrree, ll. . DUX HAM- A CO,, W ilhamwrt, p. abdominal aupparleraof evtry witti iwproTtmtnu, r rait at HART" 1CK 1 IRWIS, JHry Coodj, ftrorrrlfj, Cftr. G OODS REDUCED GREAT REDUCTION IX THE PRICE OK GOODS AT H. W. SMITH & CO.'S PrlnU, that wa formerly told at li tenia, wt new sell at 21 Unbleached Mualina, formerly told at SO, wa aow cell at Jj Bleached Mualina, formerly sold at from to to, we aow tell at SO40 Alpaeaa, formerly told at from 44 to 80, wc aow tall at "5,05 Caealmerea, 10 par cent above coat. nii-vrooi ua J.ainea, at ss Common I)e Lalnea, at 85 And all Dreaa Geodi at tba same rataa. BOOTS AXD SHOES, Of tha beet quality, at an ImmcDtc reduction FISH. We will cell Mackerel, Herring, Ac., AT COST, BEST COAL OIL, 65 CENTS HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of every deeeriptlon, greatly reduced. We cff.r car clock of Dry Oooda at tka above ruree up to tbe let of January, 1607. They are all af the iret quality, New and raabionable. Any one eaa aow kava aa Alpaeoa for the coat oralleLeiaa. Thic offer la made la good faith, ana ail ueatroue or economiilng la the proper manner, bare aow aa excellent opportaaily to euppiy tuemeeivee at the chcapect rataa. Htrlrlly for Cash. aavlg.w II.W6MITH A CO. ANOTHER EXaTOlENf A FALL IN TRICES. New GooJh at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN Bou'.b Second atratt, ClearCeld, Pa. A FRESU ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT ORKATLY REDl'CED PRICES. lam juat receiving and opening a earefbllt v, m..vaHUI cipring a OU mcr (looda of almoat every daKriptioa. --uiui ioriBtnr or J'rlnti nA t, afOatrll- tftf lhak aim aw I a.HJ I a a . ' AUo 4 grtftt Triet of ottful noli obi. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. BonneU, Shawle, UaU aad Capa, Boota and . rge awaatiry.; Hardware. QaeeBaware.Draga.MedleiBcc. 011a A Palate, Carpalc Oil Clothe, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, Foreign and Domcatle, each aa Applet, Peachea, '-"-, naitiaa, urangea and Lemoaa, FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. aiac.erai, 11 aad t harrele, af tbe beat liii7,aii wi waira win aa add at the loweat eaab ar ready pay rricec My old friendi and tbe public aaaerall. ... rcapeetfully invited te call. ej-K. U.-AII kindt .fCJJiJVaad approved C0LSTRY PRODUCE UU. 1. ..than, " ttaa. . ik win ClearSeld, Nov. M, ItSS tf J RICHARD MOSSOP IS NOW Selling, at half their uaual price, DRESS G00D3, CLOAKS AXD SUAWLS, BROWN SDEETIXQ3, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Gootla LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SnOES, BOYS' do d0 uoor SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' DOLLAR. AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS. CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND rOHK, FLOUR AND FEED. do. A. OYSTERS! OYSTERS ! ! TAM alwayt in receipt of tht boat OYSTKIIH, which will be eerved up in the a-iial varieir of til lea. I bare now a warm and coinirll.le room, tiled up for the accommodation of L A HI KM, which departmeat will reeeire particular attention. K0TK 8 JanlO tf I.wi Cream and Oyater SaliKin. Buflale Robea,Knea and Horee Blanketa NovlJ. MKRRKLL BtOI.KR g. pANNfcl) frtl'ITcf all kia da. at V V MB RRELt A KIULER'R T y AFTINif AX KM with Improved "large "ateel Al p"le lor tale at J. P. KRAT7.KR H. C-Qfl A Month I Ageata wanted for at ti Oal fir., wear artiWct, jntt not. Addrei 0. J. OARFi.flty Blldint, Biddcford, Me. May t, ly itat, jHrufla and Irdlrltif. .1 .ri. ir rtit.ti. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, OruKgiKtt, Vtearlleld, Pa. TTAVINO refitted and rtmortd to the room I I lately cceunied by Richard Motion, now oner, low for eaab, a well eelcctcd aaaortiuent of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. AUo, .Patent Medlelnaa of all kinda, Oila, Qlaaa, Putty, Dye Stuffa, Stationery, TOBACCO AND 6E0ARS, Confectionery, Opinca, and the largeat 'etook of vanetiea ever onerea in thia place, and warrant- en to be ot the Peat tbe Market afford. J. O. HARTSWICK, Deo. 13, 185. JOHN IHWIN. MIGS! DRICS! BRIGS! JOSEPH R. IRWIN, On Main St., one door weat of Hippie if- anat'i Btorc, CIRWENSVILLE, PA., Uat aew oa kand a large ateortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyf mutts,, ratent Medicines, Traaaea, ftbouldcr-llrarea, Elaatle Mtock, luga aud rjuiportera, tilaat, Cutty, Ptrfumcry, Toilet Oooda, Confccllontrice, Sploea P....,l T-l n: .. , wibw, vigara, dooaa, Stationary, Peaciia, Pcec, Ink, aad a geaeral variety of Notlonc. Ilia atuok embrace! all artlclcc needed In a temmunuy, la entirely new, and of tha beat euaiuy, ana will Be ei Id at reaaonabla pricec. w. wuw miu. wa gooaa j tney cannot fail o pieaee. doti-tf Awor'n rNiionnori1Tn la a concentrated extract of tbe choice root, co oombiacd witb other Bubatancee or tUII greater alterna. tire power aa to afford an effectual antidote for diaeaaee Saraanirilla ia reputed in cure. Such a remedy ia aurtly wanted by thoee who coffer from Btrumoua com. piaintc, and Ibatona which will accomplish tbeir cure nnuet prove, aa thia baa proved, of Immenae arrviee ta thia large elaaa of our afflicted fellow eitUenc Uow completely thia compound will do It, baa been provea by experiment oa manv of tha worat caaea to be found ia the following oompieinta: bcrofula, bcroruloua Bwallinga and Force. Ekla Dittaeea, Plmplct, Puatblea, Ille cbea. Kruntiona. 8t Antbony'a Fire, Koae or Eryaipelaa, IcUcror Salt Rbeum, Bcald Head, Kingworm, Ac Sjftkitil or Yentrtal OUraM ia txpclled from tbt eyatem by the prolunged uac of thia Karaapa rilla, and the patient ia left in comparative health. 'retale yitraata arc cauaed by bcrofula in tbe blood, and are often loon eared by tLui Extract of Bareaparilla. Do aol reject '.bit Invaluable medicine, became you bate been Inpoaed upon by eomethitig pre tending to ba bareaparilla, while it waa aoL Whan yon bate aaed Arcr'a than, and aot till than, will you know the tiiluea of Saraaparilla. For miuute particular of tbe diieaeee it eurea, wa refer you to Ayer'c American Almanac, which the agent below named will furaltk gratia to all who call for it. Arcr'a Cathartic Pilla. for the cure of Coalite. neaa, Jaundice, byrptpiia, Indigeatbn. liyien tery, Foul Blomach, llcadacba, rilet, Rktuma. tiiia, Heartburn ariaing from Diaordartd Stom ach, Pain or Morbid Inaclioe of tba Bowela. Flatulency, Loaa of Appetite. Liver Complaint, Dropay, Wonna, (lout, Nturalria. and aa a Din. atr Pill, are aaequalled, Tbey are angar coated, to tbal tba moat aeaai tire eaa take them ailb pleaaura, and tbey are the heat Aperient in the worm for aui iu. u,lu. aea of a family pbyaie. rrcpared by Da, J. C. Avta A Co., Lowell, Mate, aad aold by C. D. Wataon, Clearltldi W. V. melt, Ulen Hepa; Jotepb It. Irwia and Irvin A Ilarttbnrn. Curwenivillei Ki-k Hn... cer, Lumber Clly. mar7-z Good .cws for Mothers. MOTH EPS. art yoa oppreaaed with anxiety for jour little onei ? Are toar ii..b.n auo beartt broken by tbtir erica I be yea awake ib tnt morning unrefrcthed aad arprthenaivc t If aa, procure at once a bottle of l)r Laos'. In. fenl remedy and yoa will bare no Bare weary houre of watching and anxiety. Dr. Leon's Inlant Eemedv Uaa atood tha teat of yaara. Thouianda of nuraea ana mother! bear wunett that il aever failt to give relief If naad in teaeon. It it a mild, vet aura and eneedt rare fnt Calu. r and Windy Paina, and la lataluabla for all com. plainU incident to Teething. Bold by all DrurriiU tbrourh out the Sutee. Addraaa all ordera to ZlkULER A SMITH, Bole Proprietor, aoU y 187 North third Si, Pbiledelpbia. A Groat Discovery. ONE of the greateat and moat awful diacorarire in mcxlicai ecirnce waa mailt lit Ihoeclcbraled Ir. J. Human, or Paria, Chief Plivaiciaa to tht Imperial Inlinnary of Kmnct. in lull. Timet who hare hcra alDicled with the naii.ful ri.n. i,..-. at Pilct, and ttTectuallv cured l.t the net of llR HI-MAS' FRENCH PILE SALVE, eaanot ,,.k too highly of the bencflte ennrcrrrd upon then by the atr of tlni rvmedv. It baa ntrrr hen known to fail In edccling a permanent cure in a tingle eaec In thia ir.pect ll turpaaec all olhrr medi cinre of the kind. Il will do juat what it it rv,m. mended for; if net. the Burner will K. r...j One or two boiee iaaufficient lo effect a permanent cure In four or cix dare. If the direction, on tht Ixixea are followed. Price, one and two dollera per kfi. UHinlilia In C . I . anypart of the Toiled Htalea or Canada, bold bv Drurtiatt ccnerallv. A lilierel ,1,.,,,.. nc irauc. nnnrraa u. h. HI Mi l U i rn Wilh.m.port, l'a tola Pniprirtnra and Manufac ture! lor the ijiitrit Mate and Canaila, di-r Na mora llald lleadal Ko more Cray lial Dr. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWTR. IK pronounced by all who bate awd it the very beat preparation fur tht Hair. It ia a n.lil.. cure for Baldnnt, eradicate! Ilandrul and Ha mora, atopa the Hair from falling out, aad tpeed lly rettorea Oray Lecka to their original bat and It operate on tbctecretiona aad mi. ike .l..j. iih new life and eolorinn m.u.r Tk,. faded ot gray hair will alwaya be brought bark by a few ai'l'licat ioaa, to iu youthful abundance. ueiiij aaa co:or. It makec the hair cofL aloear. .u.. ant lo the touch, and eaty to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable lockt become meiat, pliant and i. to remain ia any deiired poiitica. At Uir Dreetioe ia baa aa ecual. The alu . enormoua, and il ia a aniveraal favorite with old mi young oi ootn ecztt. Sold 7 I'v-rgl'ja tbrcagboat tba Vnited Platte. Addreaa alleonirre to ZIGULKR A CMITn. flole Proprletora. aoU y 117 NwikTblrd St., Philadelphia. CONSUMPTION CAN BECURED. The True llcmedv at laat Hierovcrrd ' I'I'UAMS FHVSU. MEAT CURE, 1)REPARKD fn.ra tht formula of Pmt tcau, of Pari., cure. Oonnimption. Lung llit-t.-., ty.pcp.i M.niMiu.. (leneml liehihtr and all ninrl.,,1 ondilinn, of the .v.tcm dtpundi nt on d. (ioiini y of vital fur, h it' pica cent to tarlc. and a ai.,,,1, botti. .,11 ,tinr; lh, mo,t k.-,,t,cal or iu virtue a. the greet heeling remedy T the aga. 1 , hoitl,. , , ,, , v. bcnl by Kipreat. Kolil by .. . X. c. t'PHAM. No. :i South Eighlb Street, Philadelphia. And all principal Circular, tent : . fel.i'S-Sm onver Vraih Powder, Satee lime, labor, money. M.kea wa.hlng a paatim and Monday a featiral. Bold avert, where. Try It. ' Addrem all ordera to the Mtnnratturert. ElKill.KR A S.Miril. Cbrmlit. and W boltaala Irurrl.t. 1S7 Konh Third St, Philadelphia. ITt H I ITt II I ITCH i SCRATCH ! SCRATCH I 8CRATCH I WHKATON 8 OINTMENT Ul Cr tha lick In am iloara. A VT,! S,lt . Tlcrw, ChilKl.lna, J. a. atd all Rrwpniont of tha fikia. Prlca to 171 Waakl.e.. a -a . ' . " . " " ma v- I Ik T. iflll tCanks. C. K. Foaier. Kdward lvk TTTr- uuiiAiu aiumTUOIl House or FOSTER, PERKS A rn Huceeaaort to Foattr, Perkt. Wrirhi t r ' Plillltabuiir, Centra co. Pa -WYOTL-t.W a a ur.nn an inc bnrincn 0fa Banli,.. n. cld promptly and ulo.T moat fatorahla ternia r! , niarT i County National BankT CI.EAKFir.LD, PA. mmi vi. i. - . . . . hw u(-n ana reauy for h..i acre. Office on 8 eond at-ett. in tbe biTl. ing formerly occupied b Leoaird Vi.... , . aiRacvoaa amu orrirara. . - a I . u. mhauah, KICHARD SnAW WM. A. WALLACJC, WM. PORTE ' A. K. VTRIOUT, 0K0. L. KKLD. D. W. MOORE, JAS. T. LEONARD. Ju!8,ej Cctbicr. Prandial Clearfield Countv Bank. rpilei Claariald County Hank ia b !,, 1 ted lnatitution baa gone cut of eiiatenta ei tbe eurrenderof iu charter, on May 1 njV All iu atook ia owned by the aubecriber't, who hi. weuKiug oufeineaa at tba ai ol the "Clcaroeld County Bank." We art m aponaioie lor taa acuta ot the Hank, aad will PIr iu notee on demand at tbe eoonur. Dtpce receivtd and interact paid when monev i. ur, a Bied lima. Paper diecounted at all per tent, aa heretofore. Our pcrconal reaponaibilitt , pledged fur all jOepoaiu icccired and buiinati tram 'tied. A continuance of the liberal pu. renege of tbe buainept men of tbe countv i. . tpeounlly colieiud. Aa Praaideat, Caabicr aad obeera of tra lata Clcarbeld Cvanty bank, wa require tha aotea of aald Uaak ta be praaenud for redemption. JAB. T. LKONARD, RICHARD SHAW WM. PORTER, JA8. B. GRAHAM A. K. WK101IT, O. L. REKD. ' WM. A. W ALLAC8. The buaineaa or the Baak will be conducted bt Joba M. Adama., Kaq., aa Caabicr. (Jun28,', Railroad House. MAIN STREET, rillLIPSBURO, PA. THE naderaigned keepc ccnaUntly oa hacd tha beat of Liqaora. Ilia table ia el.... aupplied with tha beat tba market effort1!. 1,, traveling puuita will do well to giro him a call. Susquehanna House. COXESTOWN, UAUrniN CO., PA. TDE VBderalgned Ukec tbic method of I,, forming tbe Watermen of CleerBeld count; tbal ba baa refltted atd re-opened the hotel for. mcrly kept bt K. Shreincr. at Coie.ii... .k be will take cpecial paint to randtr catitfactio te all who fator him witb tbtir petronagt. 11a baa blown all the rocke oat of tbt rittr aad planted anubbing potu for half a milt abort hie place. feblo, '71 0EOKQI f ALL The American Hotel. LCMBER CITT, CLIARrilLB CO., PA. THE andertignid ktr keg leaeed aad rtlrttd tbia Wtll known etaaiL ula Ikl. ...,u..j . bringing bia eaublkaraeat be lore tbepuoiic. Ilia Table and Bar will be aupplied witb tbe beat tbe market affbrde. A liberal abarc of aublie HL ronage ia therefore cecpcctfully aolicitrd. JAMKS L. CURST. The Eagle Hotel. CI'nWrNSVII.I.K, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. Tl? "''aTaa having beeoma propritter X of tkc above batel, wiabae to give notice u tbe titiaeae of thia conntv. at w.ll .. t. ,k. , """ puoiit.iaat taa aoatc baa bten rcttud aad reformatted for the cnteruinment of bia gociu Hia ubla will ka furaiahed witb cverytbiag tha market nflorde. Ilia Bar will contain the beat brandi or lieuora. Good itobling attached, aad one out careiul aoaucra employed. J -tf L. W. TEJf ETCK. ?oots ana jjhofi. STIDI 01RITERESTS. BOOTS & SHOES made at 10WPMCI8 TOE anderalgned la prepared to manufacture everything ia bia line at the loweat faarea. He will wariao hie worte to ba-aa aepreaeaUd. He retpectfully aolicim a call, at bia abop ea Market a I reel, eeeoad door weat of the pott effioai. where be will do all ia kit power to render aatia factio. 6om, Sac Oaitc, topa, axtra Calf bkina, Ac . oa kand. ready to ka Initbed at abort notice and at low price.. a aaaM.'W-y iiAMEL CCINXELLT. A PR01'LAMATI0. OOIB 0 IT AIOKSII Xubody Prohibited from Buying my Boots and Shoei on account of Ran or Color. IEIKQ thut liberal minded, I take thia method 1 af informing the citiient of n....u ..j vicinity that I baveopeBcd aabopan Second at. neit door to tba County Katlonnl Bank, aver W ataoa Drug 6tora, where I am prepared ta make ta order everything In tba Boot and Shoe line, out of tba beet material and ia the mod workmanlike manner,. nd an abort aoUec. Ail 1 a ... a (rial. Doac at Clearncld, thia ISih day of July, lgda. MakKV R033. PEACE PR0ClUiD. THE WAR 0V1EHT C LEAST-ELD. KXOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xearly all the Contrabands going bad to their old masters; but 'nary one going to old Massachusetts, where thiy were loved so long and so well. 1! enneeqaenc af the above facu. F. FI10RT of tha eld "Short shoe Shop." would aa- oT Clearteld Beauty at Urge, that ba kaa aow a i"01 ra material, Ju.t received froa tbe Kaat, and ia prepared ananort notice to make aud mend BooU and Shoea, at hie aaw eboa ia Qrakam'arow, Ha la aatialed tbal be eenpl.att all, (ailtaa It might btaoma inteneely loval aut .1 bom. patriot. ) He ia prepared to cell :. fir Caab or Country Produoa. Doa'i foit.t tha door to Ebowera A Graham atora. an Market etreet. Clearn.ld, Pa. aad kept by cl fellow commonly called ' JyJ6,J.y "BHORTT. MW BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. ID WARD MACK & CO . Oa Market treet, ena door waat ot Llepoldt -Brewery. THE proprletora bate entered lute the Beet and Shoe buiintaa at tbe above aland, ana are determined aot to be outdone either ia aaal- will be puid to maanfaetaring ecwed work. Wa ? "d ' of rrenoh Kip an A t air Skint, of tba very beet quality. The clii- rr.Ta!l. y"4 " T'''"''T ra retpectfully I f S t " ' tri,L """n . Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME IJIUSTKT. TOE andtrtigned, bating eetabli.btd a Nar- Clearlltld and Oarwenatllla, ie nrentred lo r.t niab ... kind, of FRUIT TREKd.ed aad warf ) Evtrgrwena, Sbrabberv, Urapa Vieet. Oteberrica, Blaeberry. S.wb Vol nee, and earlv eoriel Hknk.rk a. ni... promptly attended to. AddreM, M.. J. D. WRIanT. Z Carw,a,t,, p.. 1;k;iit Ho8hi. kiwi ai.itkc... I J i drrtit-nrd baa now on hand lot nr ItfiHsr aiae. auilable f,- lo,;. purpoare, which be will tell ,t r.. II. al-ooffor, rt nlr THCKK ftl.tlt.IIS. ca hoe In wned of either, eaa cell t mm, ei Clearncld, Pa. J I"!" I. I TAVT