gWlglcus inUfrtlanj. AHtmn Trembling War tblue awful throne, 0 Lord! in dust my tint I own; Jat'lot and inercy foe bit lilt Contend I Ok I wilt and heal tit strife. The Saviour smiles! upon bit eowl New tide of hope tumultuous roll Hie Toirt proclaims me pardon found, Seraphic transport wiags the eound. Imb has joy unknown in heaven Tat new-born peace of tint forgiven I Tean of inch pure and deep dlifcht, Vt angels! never dimmed jour sigbil Tt mw of old on chaos rise The beauteous pillars of Ibt skies; Ye know where inoro exulting springs, And evening fold her drooping wings. Bright heralds of Eternal Will, Abroad hit errands ye fulfill; Or throned on floods of beam day, Byuiphoniout in his pretence play. Loud il the long the heavenly plain Jl ehtken with tut choral strain And dying echoes, floating far, I) raw music from each floating liar. Bat I amid yourchoiri shall shine, And ail your knowledge shall be mine; Ye on your harpt must lean to hear A secret chord that mint will boar. - He who is at war with his neighbor cannot be at poaco with liiinueU. The religion that is always search ing lor "a hope, is a hopeless religion He that loves himself has only one joy; lie tnat loves Lis neighbors, many. Bclitnon means supreme love to the Supreme, and lore to his creatures for lug sako. When worthy mon fall out, only one of them may be guilty at first ; but it such strifes continue long, commonly both become guilty. But thus God's diamonds ollun cut one another, and good men cause uQlivtions to good men. Time is the seed ot eternity. At the judgment the question which will de cide our destiny will bo no other '.lian this. How have you used your time 1 And the less there remains of this pre cious article the more valuable it should appear. The man who prays well must and does ieel well. 11 in desire for fellow ship with God and his habitual indul gence of that desiro, must needs as similate him more and more to the Blessed Being dear God who made and loveth all. It seems to every thinker of our time that the desire for amusement is becoming the controlling desire of tho people, especially of the upper classes; and that the persistont rejection of thougnt, ana oi subjects of occupntion requiring thought, is fast depriving the people of thought. Those who lower the rulo of faith commonly lower the standard of prac tice. They aro exceedingly ''liberal" towards tho thoatro, tho card-table, the social wine glass, and tho frivolous extravagance of the day. The sancity of the Sabbath and a distinct non-conformity to the world they pronounce "Puritanical." Bcligion comprehenda all the hu man virtues as founded on the Divine perfections, and growing out of these and deriving their supreme value therefrom. Itcligion in its full pro portions cannot exist apart from mor ality. The sweep of practical morals here required, comprehends the entire circumlerenco of human thought and life. b A church organiiod with commit tees sufficient for all inside and outside operations, .and yet without religion enough to furnish motive power, is a cucumber of the ground and ought to be torn down, or blown up, or in some way committed to the cvcrlust ing condemnation. It must, before it can bo a minister of salvation to its placo, be organized with direct refer ence to this local work. The best way to live, is to work for that which givcth life. It is related that tho Earl of Chat ham had promised that his son should bo present at tho demolishing of a wall about the estato, but through acci dent it was pulled down in his ab sence. Ilia Lordship felt the impor tance of his word being kept sacred, o he ordered the wall to be ro-built, that his son might be present when it was again demolished, as he had pro raised. It was not that a child's whim might bo humored, but that his fnith in his father's word might be un shnkcQ, Jesus was pre-eminently sympa thetic with all around him. lie touched hu man life at every point lofty and lowly. He was not afraid to confront a ruler, nor ashamed to pity and heal a beggar. Ho did not draw back his foot when a sinful wo man's warm tears trickled upon it.nor did he refuse a publican's invitation to go and be his guest. This man rr ceiveth tinners" was the sneer leveled at him by the blind itnd bigoted Phari sees. It is a bastard Christianity which "snubs" honest worth in a coaiso coat, or refuses to pity and belter a harlot because Bie has made herself vile. Josus was "separate from sinners" in that ho possessed an un spotted holiness, an unworldly aim and unblemished lifo. Ue was tempt! ed, and yet without sin. Tut GosrsL not rmiAcnr.D to tiu Masses. Doubtless churches will in crease according to the demand for them, and the statistics of our cities indicate that at the present timo the large majority do not care to hear tho gospel. How to reach the non wor shiping masses is the gret practi cal question of the day. The statis tics that follow are believed to be sub stantially correct : The population of Boston is 192,000. There are one hundred places of worship, allowing iz bundled scats for each church and 60,000 only get into tho' churchcs.lcaving 132.0LKJ out of church on Sunday. There are 250 chapels and churches in New York city,mnny of them very small ; allowing that there aro sittings lor 700 person in each upon an average, tho churches will accor modate 250,000 poople There arc, probably, including stran ger in transition, 950,000 peoplo in New York every Sunday, leaving 700,000 that cOuld not get seats in church. Allowing 200,000 for those Wiysically incapacitated from attend ing service, and 500,000 remaining habitually absent from church. The churhes in the United States number bout 70.000. Allowing 100 for each, a Urge average for tho country, 7,000, 000 only go tc.ihurch, leaving 28,000,. 0T cut of chr-.j ?arduarf, Jinuarr, ?tr. MERRELL & BIGLER, HARDWARE, Alto, .Uanafaetiireri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLKABriILK, PA. 4 nt? SAiim .p itpimifo A. llaratss, Collars, ate., (or sals hy MERRELL I BIGLEU. pALMER S PATENT UNLOAD- log Bay Forks, for salt by MERRELL , BIGLER. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for (alt by MERRELL 4 BTGLER. TTARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE ii. Findings, for salt by MERRELL t BIGLER Q.UNS, riSTOLS, SWORD CANES For salt by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Eiis, for salt by MERRELL 4 BIGLER JRON1 IRON! IRON 1 IRON For sale by MERRELL 4 BIGLEK. TTORSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE Kails, for salt b y MERRELL t BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best manufacture, for salt by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. TRIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE .a. Boies, for sal by t MERRELL 4 BIGLER. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. KEEP IT BEFORE THE rEOPLE THAT TII0S. J. MECAULEY, mKcriCTiiia or Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware HAS on band, at bis store ana factory, oa Market St., cast of Second, Clearfield, Pa , Tbt largest and best assortment of TINWARE AND 0THEB GOODS, Which will U sold, Wholesale and Retail, CHEAP FOR CASH1 STOVE-riPE, ALL SIZES, Always hand, at low prises. Hoist work, sack ai Getters and Conductors, lurniansa ana put up at short nttiet and VERY CHEAP I Repairing Promptly Dona," Clearfield, Not. 14, lS6J-y, FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Look to your Interests ! G. S. FLEGAL, Phlllptburg, Centre cc. Pa., MANUFACTURER Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, TOCLD respectfully inform kls friends and r the public generally, that ht Has Opened La roc Sales Rooms In tht borough of Phll'pshorg. Pa., for the asea ufaeture and salt f STOVES, Tiy AND SHEET IRON WARE, Of teery drMrlt'.ss, sairfi;i!:4 fr lb, beat material. My variety of Cocking Store! consists of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, ((ht best cooking aura in ibt I nii.4 SiaUe, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight, Charm At and every Teriety, of tht btst Pittsburg Mannfactart. PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Including SPEARS' ANTI Dl'3T. Sold at the lowest Cash Frices. Mtrchantc desiring It parents will (nd It to tntlr advantage to examine my stock before par chasing tlttwhtrc fe.All orders for Pnoutinr and ether work will be atteaded te on tht stories! notice, sell "OKI THE BEST." WIIF.r.irR Ull.eOVS lliirhest Premium, Lock Stilrh, SEWING MACHINES. VIA Inqmrict la reforms tn Ihip A No. 1" Marti in nrortiTitl anaarowi Tl.w (trvcarvtl frvm tit- at ritr prirrp. ctS-tf LnthcTbur)(, !'. Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. 4 l.L SUtl.niF.R OK lNl.n3.'n.1 are il. entitled to an IXC'HEASKII lHH NTY. The anderelgnrd is prepared to enllrot all such Bounties, as well ae the inneraerd pay to tv.l'lirrs' Widows. All inqniriee and eominunieitiona an swered nrnmptlT. Itieehnrrr receipted for. Poet Office e-l.lrces, tarwrnsrille. Pa. T-tf JOSIAII EVAS.i. Uuaa1 U Iotnlnp. Ruhbeirs, Drake's 1W. land's nerrnan, Hosteuer's and Oiyreaated Bittern, alec part Liquars, of all kinds for meeVinal parpoees, for tale by II. at I. IOR H AI.Ii A IIOl'SR and LOT. on Market . at root. In Cltartleld horoogh. At.ptr to WALTER BAKIiR'TT, jnarduarr, Jlnuaif, tftf. NEW HARDWARE STORE Phllipibnrp, Centre County, Fa. G. II. ZEIGLEll & CO., DEALKKS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Vil low and I in Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, ic, &c, fpng allentloaof Msehaniot, Builders, Farm- A crS. Lumbermen, and lluTera renarell U iarlted to the fart that wt art offering a better assortment of goods In cur Una thta can bt found elsewhere la this fart of tht Statt, at Prioei to Bait the Timet. Our stock comprises a general assortmsnt of Tools and Materials ased by Carpenters, Black smiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, As., with large stock of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MINING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROrE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL & CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELED, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, Tl'KPENTINK, BENZINE, VAP.MHES, COAL OIL LAMPS ASD LAHTEEK8 Aa eicellenl assortment of Fine Cutlery, com- prising KNIVES. FORKS. DESERT. TEA, k TABLESPOONS, SCISSORS, RAZORS, 4c. BRITANNIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Boutsbeld, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting Implements of Ibt Is test aid taosl . improved p. Urns. Blacksmiths caa be supplied with Anvils, Bel lows, Vlcss, Sledges, Uassmora, Horse and Mult Shoos, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iroa and Steel. Carpenters and Builders will tnd ia our estak lubxent a superior slock of Planes, Saws, Augurs, Hatchets, tingle, double-bit and pealing Axes, Hammers, Chisels, Files, Binges, Borews, Bolls, Looks, Palleys, Sash, Cord, Ae., Ac Ac Farmers and Raftnea will Ind everything In thtir lint, and chtaper the eaa bt bad tlstwbero. k. Particular attention Is lev" ted t cor stock tf Stovtt, comprising Spear's celebrated Anti-Dust, Coo and Parlor Hot as of all sises. Also, tht Kitgara Cook, Parlor Cook, brilliant, Down, Dtw Drop, Arctic, and Common Egg, Pocket, Aa. All oftbe above goods will be sold cheap for rath. G. II. ZEIGLER k Co. Philipsbarg, UrL 10, I8M-Iy 1SG7 Philadelphia & Erie R.R.18G7 This great line traverses the Northern nnd North west counties of Penney Ivania to the city of Erie on Lake Eric. It has been leased and Is operated bv the PENNSYLVANIA BAILKOAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger trains at ST. MARY'S tad EEATINJ: I.rare F-astw.rd. bt. hlary's. Keeling. Rrle Fipress Train.... 4 14 p. M. t.h.1 A. M. Krit Util Traia Il l P. M. I.2 P. hi. I. cava eotward. Bria Mall Traia 1J.M P. M. 111 A.M. Erie Eiprets Train.... I It A. X. 11.91 A. M. Paeeenger cars run through on tht Krit Mtil and Ksprees Trains without change both wayt bttwtea Pbilldelphla and F.rle. New York Connection. Leave N. Y. at! Ar. at Erie 11a.m. Leave N.Y. at t p. m.) Ar. at Erie 7.14 a. v. Leave Eric at a Bo p.m.; Ar. at N.Y. 4.4(1 p.m. Leave Erie atl.l a..; Ar si N.Y H ie a. m. No change of Cart between F.rle V Bi. Y. Elegant Sleeping Cart on all Night trains. For information respecting Paeaenrer basi. e.. t.le at Cor. 10th and hlarket Si's, Phil s, And for Freight business of tho Company's Agents, 8. B. Kingston. Jr., Cor. 1.1th nnd Mar ket streets, Philsdelphia. J. W. Hrynelde. Erie. W illiam Drown, Agent, N. C. R. R., Ilaltimore. H. II. Houston. General Freight Agent, Phi la, H. W. 0 winner, Ueneral Ticket Agent, Erie, A. L. TYLKH. Qeneral Superintendent. Brit. J) B BINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. Save Tlmel Harca Monrj I jatee l abor I fcavea C'lnthea ! UtTra Moment AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT! It la used by calling into small vhavlnge and di.sol'ing in hot water, then the clothes tve to ten minutes, and little hand ruhbi-g will make tbem as clean ae hours of hard ma chine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabric reeeive ao Injury. We caa refer te thousands of families who are wring it, and who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. er-Sold by all leading Orooert throughout the State. Maiufactured only by DODIIIN'S t LOVE. Wholesale office t 107 Boitw Ftrrti Stuust, PiiiiMtiraii. X-Tr tale by Rartewlek A Irwin, Cletu-Seld. November V, HSg.g mo. OYSTER8! OYSTERS ! ! I AM elirare ia reoei. of the bet (lYSTKRl. which will be served up in the u.ual variety of .irlee. 1 here now a warm and eomh.rlfthle raim. fitted up for the aoenniiuiHUtirtn of I. A 1J I KM, which d"Tertuirut will receive particnlsr attention. HOIK'M JenlO-tf Ice Cream and Or.ter Saloaa. U" ROPF.I ,f al' sises. for s.t. .1 Put. !,. Mt BtLL BI1LEB. PtH e'toofls, f.rorfrtf. ftr. FKKSII ARRIVALS AT Til K cnkAP Toll It OP SHOWERS & GRAHAM. Fall Goods. New and Very Cheap I rpFlB nnderslgaed respectfully annonnrt to -A. tht pibllt that they are now opening an citensivt assortment of F A L L O 0 0 D 8, al tht olttand In firahaai's new bjllding, which they offer to sell at sxceedtngly low prices, con- sidsring their tost, for cash or approved country produce. Their Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Customers ean thtrt Sod Calicoes wilh fast col. ors ; Muslins, Dslalnes, Lawns, Cloths, Cassl mercs, Vestlngs, Ladlst' Shawls, dents' Shawls, Hats and Caps, Soou and Shoes, Carpets, and Oil Cloths. Their Btock of Fancy Goods i TJoez amrled in Stylo and Variety, Embracing Notions, Starfs, Head nets, Neck ties, Satchels, Port Monaaies, Brushes, Photo graphic Albums, Pipes, Tobacco and Segars Perfumery of all kinds, or anything else in the Kotlon lint. Also, HARDWARE, QUEENS WAKE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! All of the best unsllty, and selected with special regard to tht trade of ClearSeld county I EDWA3D YY. GRAHAM. JOSEPH B. SHOrTERS. Clearfield, Sept. It, 1861. J. P. KRATZER TT AR Mnrif.rl I. kt. t.MMM. U.. " w - - asiem aaa. m weliwivuiall VU i t - XX ket ftrMt, Clearfield, Pt , whr h hu vptjuea Tr imrgt iiock 01 IRY GOODS, Meriaoea. Oinahams. Cloths. Delaines. Prints f. ........a Al...... K.ll.- O-.l I) nincN, . i . c-Bimvia, nvps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mobsir, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Boeneu, Rib. bont. Cloaks, batmoril Skins. Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Iress Trimmings, Head Kate, Cape, Corsets, i loves, Collars, Scsrls, Orenadiae Vails, Table Covers. CLOTHING, Coats. Pants, Vests, Over-Costs, dent's Shawls fcbirta, HaU, Caps, Inder-Shirtt and Drawers, Boots. Shoes. Uuui Shoes, Crsvata, O loves and Collars. HARDWARE, yUKKNSVYARE. GRO CERIES A MUSICAL GOODS. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, 8ngar, Molessee.Salt, Csndles, Rica, flour. Bacon, Msh, Tobacco, Kalsins, Currants, Spices, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WAUE, and STATIONERY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drugget, Looking Glaisee Clocks, Churns, VTsshboards, Tubs, Buck ats, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, I'm. brellas, Bsdeords, Kaivee and Forks, Spoons. Crocks, and Stove Blacking. All of which will be sold on tht most rea eoneble terras, and tbs highest market price paid or tiraln, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. Clearfield, December 13, 18fii. 0, YES ! 0, YES ! ! TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. JOHN S. RADEUAC1I, TTAVIN'O opened a new store at tht "Bint 1 A. Ball," In Clearfield eountv. wisbee to notifv the public that he it determined to sell all kinds of Hoods CUnAPKK thaa tht CHhAPESI, in defiance to the county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, V bilt bt It placing oa hit shslrtt full assort ment of Dry Goods, Orueerlee, Qneeatwara, Hardware, Fartheawart, Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Mtdieiata, Ac, At, da. II ATS, CArS, BOOTS k SHOES, C all kiaJs, aomtantly kept oa hand. A general assortmsnt of READ YM A 1) E CL O TH IS G For Msa and Boys' wear. -.ll to bt told at a vary LOW PRICE for CASH, r tichanged for all kinds af Markttlng. X6AWKD Ll'MBER A SUIVOLES taken In tiehan gt for goods. tJtle-tf JOnS B. RADBBACH. Down I Down! I THE "LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COI RXR THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "IVE are now opening up a lot of the beet nnd 1 f most seasonable tioods and Wares ever offered in this market, and at prices that remind one of the good old days of cheap things. 1 hnee who lack faith upon tiiis point, or deem our alle gatione superfluous, ueed hut f.if.f- ,ir in STont:, Comer Front and Market streets Where they ean sco, feel, bear and know for them selves. To fully understand what are cheap goods, this mast be doif, V t do not dtfra It nrcfaftar r (a ff.ninn.t mud itrniiit nr Mwk. Ii it mvagh for to itt that We have Everything that ia Needed and consumed In this msrket, and at prices that astonish both old and young. Wo are, lush of g-Mt. suited for holnlav presents. J'VKi'H SIIAW t SOV. t I'MIMXTRATtWN XOTIt I' Notice i I' herrhy glren thai leltersuf Administration oa the eetate of Charles gilliox. deeeaeed, late of town.hip. Clearfield owunlv. Pa., have this day been dnly granted to the undersigned, to whom . , - Ratq eeiare win pieaee sill, psrment. and thnee karmg elainis or drmaads will tireeeut Ihcm ft,, .i ji. CURISHAN Kulin, Feb. H, iacr-t. A luiinitrtr. s7tTH I'UIWis dr.iring to tranvet hu.l 1 nesswith me at my office, are herehv notified thst I will ant he found with eertaintv at' homo on any days rieept M"NDAY aod f VI I'lllM V. Pry ttood, ftromlrj, tf tr. GOODS R E DUCE D ! GREAT REDUCTION IN TUB TRICE OF GOODS AT H. W. SMITH & CO'S. Prltlta, that wt formerly told at 25 cents, wc now sell at 31 Unbleached Musliua, formerly sold at SO, wt now tell at 3.1 Illearlied Muslim, formerly told at from li to 40, wt now tell at 2tf.O Alpacas, formerly told at from ii to 80, wa now sail at 35 (a OS Caselsnerrs, 10 per cent above tost A II-Wool Do Lainea, at 85 Common Ie Lainea, at 45 And all Dress Goods at tht taut rattt. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of tht btst quality, at an Imiaantt rtdutlloa. FISH. Wa will tell Mackerel, Htrrlng, As., AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST EUAWLS, ETC., Of every description, greatly reduced. Wt offer our stock of Dry Goods at Ibt abort figures ap to the 1st of January, I8C7. They are all of the first quality, New and fashionable. Any nut caa bow hart an Alpacca for tht cost of a Dt Laina. This offer Is mads hi good faith, and all desirous cf economising la tht propsr manner, bars aow an tietlitnt opportunity to apply themtslvcs at tbt chtapttt rates. Wlrlctly fur Cash. no5.y H. W. SMITH A CO, ANOTHER EXCITEMENT A FALL IN PRICES. New Goods at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Bwvnv miri, vieBrnciO, r. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GREATLY REDl'CKD PRK'I. lam justrtcelving and opening a carefully ttltcted stock of fashionable Spring A Sum. mar Goods of almost every description. A beautiful assortmsnt of Printa and Dry goods, of tht ewest and latest ttyles. Also great variety of aseful notion. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnsts, Shawls, lists and Caps, Boots and Shots, (a large qaantity ) llardwart, Uutensware.Urngs.iledieines, Oils A Paints, Carrels Oil Cloths, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, Foreign and Domestic, such as Apples. Peaches, vHiraui., rrunes, tiemas, urangei and Lemons, . FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. Mackerel, In ) and. barrels, of tht beat quality, all or which will bt told at tht lowest cash or ready pay nricas. My old friends and the nubile re-pe dMl t Invited te call. nwv-n. ii. ah mnai 01 UKAXtni approved COUSTHr PUOUVCE taken in . . ... IRWIN. Clearfield, Nov. 28. JICIIARD MOSSOl' IS NOW Selling, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING. GENTLKMEN'S FURNISHING Good. LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' do do HOOP 6KIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND TORK, FLOUR AND FEED, Ac. Cloal, M hale and Linseed Oils. Family Dy, ) varnishea aad paints af all kinds ground In til Pee salt ar H. A I. 1)re l iberty IVhlte Lead. preferred by all prrclicsl Painters I Try il ! and yon will bava aa other. Manufactured only by Ztaai.aa A Pinrrnj.Wholeeale llrug. Paint a lllass Ilealers, KcUI North Third St., Phila. March ll. ait ly. ufThla Robca.Knc, end Ilors, rtlansets - iwrmiri,!, iitiiLKR Ft. C AkKKI) I-HI IT af all klnds.'al MR RKKI.L A BIOl.ER'S AFTIN'i AXKS with impmrcf Isnre eieel pole lor sale at J. P. K RAIZI.H'S. IHST UrAl.rrV IIP I f;t:-'.wi kept . for tale by II. W.JMtTII a OO? G not. tHIIJt Is bed at MEr;rE4.4.nHER'i. .1 nt.rt. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, itrttirKM, i'lenrflhf, Va. nAVINU refitled and removed to tht rocm lately occupied by Richard Mosx.p, now viler, low f cash, a well selected assortment of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Modicines.of all kinds, Oils. Glass, Putty, Dya Stuffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEGA IIS, Confectionery, Spires', and tho largest ttoek of vsrieties ever offered in this place, and warrant ed to bt of tht best the Market alTunls. J. . HART.VriCK, Do. 13, ISdi. JOHN 1KWI.V. MIGS! DRUGS! DRUGS ! JOSEril R. IRWIN, On Main St., ont door west of Hippie a raust's Stort, CURWKNbVII.LE, PA, Hat aow on hand a largt assortmsnt of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Mlniilder-Hrarea, ICIaatlc Ktork Uif7a and siupportera, t.lasa, futty, Ptrfomtry, ToilttGoods, Confeetionerles, Spices Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Hooks, Stationery, Pencils, Psns, Ink, and a general variety of Motions. His stock tmbraett all artlclss needed in a community. It tntirtly ntw, and of the best quality, and will be s Id at reasonable prices. Call and axamiat tbt goods ; they eannot fail to pleaaa. deci-tf Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, la a oonentrtd x tract of tht cbolet root, to eonbiMed with otbtr ub.uoeci of still (rrtr I term,, tivt iiwr ai to (lord an effeatual aotidot for diue 6Mparill li repnUd Ia curt, burn a romedy u surely wanted by thoM who ufffr from Strumoyi com. plainti, and tbalon wbich will aceoinriliih their ear must prove, ae tbii hae prorrd, of iaavnn afrvice to ihii targe elm of onrifflicted fellow. eiiueol. Uow completely tbii com pound will do it, bat been proren by experiment on nmny of the wore! eaeei to be found in tba following complaints: Kcrufula, Scrofulous Swellings and Fires. Fkin DUeae, Fiieples, Pustules, Bio ches, Eruptions, Bt. Anthony's Fire, Kose or Kryilpelas, letter or bait Rbeua. braid Head, Ringworm, Ac. Sypkitii or Yenertnl lira is expelled from the it tlrm by the prolonged use of tbii SarMpa rilla, and the patient is left in comparative health. ft mult are caused by (Scrofula io the blood, aod are often soon cured by tits Extract of earsaperiUa. Do not reject :bii invaluable medicine, because yon bare been iu posed upon by something pre- tending to ba tianaparilla, while it was not. When you bava used Ayer's then, and not till then, will you know tba vliluei of Sartape rilla. ror minute particulars oi tne diseares it cures, we rrftr you to Ayer's American Almanac, which tht sgent below named will furnUh gratis to all wbo rail for it Ayer's Cathartic Pills, for the cure of Coftire- oesa, Jaundice, Iyipepsta, Indigeflun. lysen. tery, foul stomach, Jleadacne, I ilea, 11 be u ma tir ia. Heartburn arising from Diserdered 8iom. ach, Paio or Morbid Inaction of iba llowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite. Liver Complaint, iJmpnv, Worms. Oout, IS'earalgia, and as a I'm. acr Till, are uetHjaalled, They are sus?ar coated, ao thai the most sens! live can take tbem with pleasure, and they art the osst A portent in tbt world for all tbt purpo ses of a family phytic. Prepared by Dr. i. C- Atrr k Co., Lowell, Mai., and sold by C. D. Wutaon, Clearfield; W. C. Me's, Glea Uepe; Jnsepb H. Irwin and Irvin 4 HerWbnro, Curweniville Kirk 8pen- oar, Lumber City. roarr-Zm Dr. LEON'S CELEBRATED PEEPABATIONS. The Perfection of Medical Si-ienct. DH.LKON'8 ELECTRIC II AIR KEXEWEH. It It a poiiilre curt for Baldness. It restores grey hair to its original color. It is a tonio, not a dyt, and acta upon tht at. eretions. It Immediately arrests falling out of tht Hair. It alltriatee Neuralgia and Headache. It radically cures dandruff and humors. It keeps the tcalp hralthr. clean and eenl. It is an elegant and exquisitely frsgranl bsir uressmg. It restores, rultirttes and beaollOes the hair, It hsrsh hslr triihle nnd lustrous. Dr. Leon e Electric Hair Kenewerhas enjoyed a high local representation for many years. Its wonderful rcstoratiee and ineigoreting properties are wall known to the Medical Faculty of Phila delphia. Using fully satisfied of tba merits of Lena's Electric Hair Kenewer, we hare procured eaclus Irt ownership and art determined that every household in our lead shall hart opportunity to reap its boncAu. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy. A most delightful and cOcacious curt fr tht rarious ills to which Infsnts and tonfg children erteohject. ISVALUAHLK t'OR TKKTIIISG CUILlih'ES! It softens tht gums, shales In flaminailoo, Invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and It a turt and speedy cure for colic, cramp and windy pains. A most el cellent preparation for children of a restless and ire' tut Dabit and in all ce-ei or Looseness.Uriping Vomiting or other icward grief, il gives immdi ate eaet. I ted for more than half a ternary in the practice ot one of tba most eminent pbysi cisns of Philade Ipbia. In now placing this article within the reach nl all onr countrymen, wt wonld remark that we know II to be a remedy of unrivaled eacellence and that It hat proved in thousands of eases, as wt art resolved it ihall In millions, a priceless noon, eor sate oy vruggiets everywhere. Address all orders to ZEIGLER A SMITH, i Sole Preprieto,-s, 137 North Third street, Philadelphia. Silver Wash Powder. 8aves time, labor, monev. Mthi e.,1;, pastime and Monday a festival, bold every where. Try It. noll-ly A Great Discovery. ONE of the greatest and snort discoveries in medical science was made hv thecelchrstrd lr. J. lnmss, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Imperial Infirmary of France, in 1 SHI. Thnsewho hate hern afflicted with the painful disease known as Piles, and effectnsltr cured I,t the ue of lilt HI MAS' FHKM'll I'il.b rMLVK. eannot ik too highly of the benefits conferred upon them hv in. um ui mis remeny. ll nss never been known to fail in effecting n permanent cure in a single case. In Ibis repeot It surpasses all other modi eines of the kind, ll will do just whal it i-recommended fori if net. the money will he refunded. One or two buses is sufficient to effect a permanent cure in four or sii dnys, if the directions on Ihe boiee are followed. Price, one and two dollars per no, according In sise. Sent by mail or cspreas lo anypart of Ihe 1'nited Pistes or Canada, ekild hv I'mggi'ts generally. A lihere.1 disennnt made to the A-ldrcse Ii. 8. M X II AM A CO., W i!liamiMirt, 1'a., sole Pruprieturs and Manutse. turer? fur Ihe I'nilcd Htste. and Csnads. d.S.v QKHfV nKWAHOwill he paid in Drecn 0'V'Vliscks to any person who has ueed lr. Iuroas' Pile Salve according to directions and has not been cured. Addrees, 1). 8. I) I MUM A CO., deci-ly VillimrHirt, Pa. ITl II I lit II I ITCH 1 SCRATCH I SCRATCH I SCRATCH 1 WllKATON'8 OINTMENT III Cure tlic llrh Dt Hour. VLSO, turet Salt Kheum. tleers, Chill.lslns aad all Eruptions of the Fkin. Priet oil eenu. Fur tele bv nil Itrnptlsts. By tsnding etaty cents to WEEKS A PUTTER, solengents, 17 Washington street, Boston, ll will be fur warded by mail, Iree of postage, to any part of tht Vnltrd States. Fur talc at llartswirk A Irwln a, Clearheld, Pa. July U,.18d ly Troaara and abdominal supporters of taery kind of tht Intest improvements, fr sole at the Drug Store ofIIAKTSWCK A IRWIN. IJI'RU i.iniCIITV IIITsTl.liAI) Will dt snort and better work, al a oet, than any other. Try III Manufactured oniyny ItlULMt 8.M I HI. W holeralt Drug, Paint and nist Pealers.Nn. 1ST North Third faila. March 11, 1My C. H. Fmlrr. l.daard I'eihs. J. 1. M tjiik. Hanking (oll('clioii House tir FOSTER, PERKS & Co., buixwMtrs t F.istcr, lJerk, Wright A Co riilllkburfr, Centra co Pr, "1ITIIKKF. all (lie btnlnot- of a JUnking House will tw tmnra U'l prouij.lly aud up'a tii iiiont fuvoraiile trrtus. bmr7-tf County National BankT" l I.KAId'li.I.D. I-A. TIII3 Bank Is now open aod ready for bail, ness. office on Hecoud street, in the build. ing formerly occupied by Leonard. Finney A Co, MRBf-rORt aau nrm-aae. JA8. B. OKAI1AM, HICHAM) SHAW, WH. A. WAI.I.AI.K. M HcmrKt A. K. WRIUUT, OfcU. L. KLEU. D. W. MOOKE. JA3.T. LEONARD ju28,HCJ Cashier. Pratideat, Clearfield County Bank. rpilK Clearfield County Back an loeorpora. X intuiution hae gone out of atuteoei bv tue lurrender of iu e barter, on May 2, IHfti. All ita atoek ie owoed hy the alcribr, wha will eootiuue the HeDkmg bu..nen at tba cane plare, ai rirate bankera, under the flrin naioe ot the "Clearfield County bank," We are re epoDi.Me tor tba dsbti ot tne batik, auJ will pit ita tott on ilemaod at the eounter. iJepotiti rcoeived aLd to throat pti J when mjney U left Tor a fiied time. .Paper a.eeouuted at nx per oent. ai heretofure. Our pertoaej repniib.lity ia pledged fur ail lopoiiu ia:cived aod buiinesi trani eled. A conuouauue of the liberal pat rontge of the buiioen men of the raaoty ia re ffacuully eolici'cd. At Preeidwat, Caebtcr aad vtlieerj of tre lata Clearfield County back, wa the notei f taid tUaak to be preeeaud for redeeoptiou. JAB. T. LtONAED, IlICUABD BHAW, MM. POKfKK, JAri. B. iK&UAM. A. K. WK1UHT, ii. L KK1,1, M X, A. WALLACE. The bnifneaa of the Lank will ha eondnetxl hy Joba il. Actio..., fctq., u Caebier. (juDB,'fli glottis. Railroad House. WAIN STKEET, PUILIP8BLBO, PA. THE undersigned keep, coasuntly on hail the of Liquors. Ill, taolo i, always supplied wrth the best the market afforda. lb, traveling public will do well to give him a slL norl.'O. KOUhllT LLOVIt. Susquehanna House. COXtKTOWN, DAl'PBIN CO., PA. rpilE undersigned takes this method of la, X forming the Watermen of Clearfield county, that ho has refitted acd re-oenod the hotel for. merly kept by E. febreioer, at Coiestown, wbert bt will takt spceial paint to rtndcr tatislaction to all wbo favor him with their pstroosge. lit hat blown all tht rock, out of tht nttr and planted snabbing posts for half a mile above hi, place ,'? ULOl'.UE FALK. The American Hotel. J l Mlltg CITY, CLEABF1ELD CO., PA. InRwndertigned having leased and refitted . this well-known stand, lakes this method of bringing hi. establishment belora the pablie. 11 i, Table and liar will be supplied with tht best tht marktt affords. A liberal share of public pat ronage it therefore respectfully solicited janSt-ly.pd JAMES L. CI RET. The Eagle Hotel. CCRWENBV1LLE, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. fpiIK nndersigned hiving become proprietor X of tht above hotel, withes to give aotict to the rilisrnt of this eonnty, at well ss to the trav. cling public, last the house hat been refitted and rerurni.lled fur tbt entertainment of hit guests. Hit tahlt will ba furnished with tvtrvthing tht market affords. 11 is Bar will contain the best brands cf liquors. Uood stablirg attached, aad Bono but careful hostler, employed. Jyll-tf L. W. TEN ETCK. goots and jphocs. STID1 YCIRITERESTS. BOOTS & SH0 HS made at LOW PSICE3 fpiIE undersigned I, prepared to manufacture X everything in hit line at tht lowest figures, lit will warrant hit work to bt aa represented. He respectfully tolicitt a call, at hit tbop on Market street, eeeond door west of the po-t office, where bt will do all in his power to render tatit faciion. Soma tnt U alter tops, extra French Calf eklns, Ac , on band, ready to bt finished al short notice and at low prices. junI3,6 y DANIKL CONSBLLT. A PRO(LVHAT10. G0ISG ITJUOSEI! Suboily Prohibited from Buying my IioiJf and Shoes on account of Racs or Cvtor. BEING thu. liberal nin led, I take this method ol informing the eitirens of Clearfield tnd vicinity that I have opened a shop on Second tt, nest dnor to tht County Nalionr.l Bank, over Watson 'I Drug Slors, where I am prepared to make to order tveryth'ng in tht Boot ani Shot lino, out or ihe best material and iu tht moat workmanlikt manner, tni on short notice. All I ask it atrial. Dons at Clcarfitld, this 15, b dor of JuW, ISfifi, HARRY lioSS. TEACE PROCLAIMED. THE WAR 0TIR IH CLEAHFIELD. KXOX TOWVSniP QUIET. X,car1y all the Contrabands going back to their old masters; but 'nary ont going to old Masfachusetts, uhert they ir ere loved so long and so veil. IN consequence of the above facts. P. BflOIlT, of the old "Short Shot Shop," would an nounce to hit aumerou, patrons, and tht ptopla of Clearfield county nt large, that ht baa now first rata lot of good material, Ju,t received from the Kast, and is prepared on snort notice to mas and mend Boots and Shoes, at his new shop ia llraham's row, Ue it satisfied that ht ean pleaea all, (unlet! it might besoms intensely loyal slay, at home patriots.) He 1, prepared to sell low for Cash or Country Produoa. Hon't forget the Shop neat door to Showers A Uraham'a stora on Market sheet, Clearfield, Ps and ktpt by a, fellow commonly called JySVi-7 "SHORTT." MW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, EDWARD MACK & CO . Oa Market ttrtet, rne door west of Llcpoldt'e, rewery. TI1K proprietors have entered intt tht Boot and Shoe business al lha above stand, and are determined not to be outdone either in quaU uy or price ior ineir worn, ppeclal attention will ba paid la manufacturing sewed work. Wa hart on hand a large lot of French Kip and. Calf Skins, of the very beet quality. Tba elll aens of Clearfield and vicinity are respectfully Invited to give us a trial. Ko charrt fur calls. ev7,'-tf CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. The True at last lliarnvered ! rniAM'S FliESII MEAT CURE, IJrthl'Alil.D from the rormnla of Prnt Trout, eenu. of Pari, cures Consumption. Lune t),.. eases, Itrxn-hilis, Dyspepsia. sUismiiup, tieneral Debility and all conditions of the systim. dependent on deficiency of vital Inrco. ll is plea sant to lastc. and a sint-le bottle will romince tht most skeptical of its virtue as lha grest healing remedy of the age. (I a bottle, or 111 bottles foe $-, bv-nt by Eiprcss. Sold by S. C. I 'l'IlAM. No. 15 South I'.iehlh Street, Philadelphia. And all principal lirugjitts. Circulars snot "W. febSCSra On Molllhl Agents wtntid for ei'rea. OV.J lirlp new wrhcifs. Just out. Addrcrl O. T. f) ARF, City llwUdikg, r.ldd.fnrd. May f Ui.i,