T1IK RKl-UHMCAN. TlUHsiiAV:::: :M:mh 1, In 'i. IttVMHrulic Slalr t oiiraiHoii, Tin llt'liirt'Tittir Slnte ('itm Tji h I lit it" meeting, ,.u Jituuarv 2l'lli, nt Hrtrri.bnig, at-pt.l the hil ,milif i.-"!iili.Mi: M. 't Ihf n-ifuliir tiiiirnitlon uf the J'-irtv, fir nomination a .-itiilnlatt lor the SnjifHiu' It.-nrli, ,e tn-M n( lliTiF,'Ui?, on the hlil lMl 'I'l'KS JtvV of June, i7, nt 12 o'clock, m.: mad tliul yai'l r.mvrntk'll 1 eoinjioiicil of t lie usual number of.l.l.'i':ili-. 2,1, In a.hlilion tluritu, 11 it rronnime n.lcil to tlip litliloiirnoy of Pino" lintiiu ti HUtT IIW IT 1 1 et.i-l, in tin" imutl iii.iiiii.T, two .li-lejrnl.a, tit reeo nin.l I'uilion mill iiitlui'tn;i in the party, lor em-li (, (.rti iitiilivc nml Senator in tlo-ir reu'olivi' tlin (,!, wliu h:ill inert in MASS ( ON V KN'I'luN, at llnrrit'iir,r. on iln.v to ho fixed by llli: I'huiriuuu ut tlic Mute 4 cut m I CollIlliitt.T. i'v oijtrof the Iii inovTiitic Stttl? Committee. ' V.I. A. W ALLACE, I'bairuiuu. It. i FoiihTKK, Swrctary. Minnorralic County Minting. In piirsuunco ol the ubovo action of the Stale Cotiimitteo, tlio Ilemoerur-y of t'learficl J county mo i-oqucslcd to assomlilo in tho Court House, on Tucs luy evening, tlio ltUh instant, (court week,) to Bclect three Conferees to meet like Conferees from tho counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk mid Forest for the purpose of choosing three Sen atorial Delegates ; and also, three Con ferees to meet those of Elk and For rest, to select thrco Representative Delegates; and 'to take such other action ns tho exigency of. tho times may demand. G. U. fJOODLANDEU, Chairman Co. Com. W. S. I!iiADi.EY, Secretary. Tde First in iMakkkt. Rc.izcn stoin has just returned from tho city w ith a full stock of clothing, fashiona ble and exceedingly cheap. Give him n call. (.iRaiii:atki.i Wo are pleased to no tico that our young friend Dr. Fred. B. Head, of Grahainton, iast week had tho degrco of Doctor of Medicine con ferred upon him, hy that first class institution, tho Jefferson Medical Col lege, of Philadelphia x. Democratic Almanac. This valu able publication for lGO and ISO" can be had by calling at tho Drug Store of C. D. Watson. A copy for both years mailed to any address on receipt of iJ cents, or either for 25 cent?. No one should bo without this document. It's possession is worth three limes the valuo of tlio money. 6500 Reward. Tho Commission ers of Jefleri'oii County offer a roward of five hundred dollars for the appre hension of Win. I). Graves, charged with bcit'g ono of tho murderers of Mrs. Belt- McDonald. Graves is do-" scribed as about twenty-three jears of ago; five feet ton inches high, rath er slightly built, and a littlo stooped ; light hair, light eye and fair com plexion ; the third finger on right hand crooked, caused by a cut; wears light colored corded pants and vest, black frock coat and low crowned bat. frnrrejon'Unee of the i'l.nrfi.M Ili-roiMiean.) Letter From I'hltipHhurg. l'liil.il'siu uii, .March 11, ls'07. En. Ekithlican Jh tr Sir : Jieing at leisure I thought 1 would drop you a lino. Our thriving town is Klill spreading over tho Mushannon lawn, and tho intended improvements for tho coining summer are extensive, but titlierwiso wo arc like other people, cursed with rogues and traitors gen uine, unadulterated disunionists men with whito skins and black hearts, lilled with tho malice of the boss of Hades. Thoso who wanted to "hung Jeff. Davis on a sour npplo tree'' for violating tho Constitution a few years ngo, are entirely willing that Thud. (Stevens should do tiro same thing, and term him n loyal man. A flour ami feed dealer hero says : ''It don't make an- difference if Congress does violate the Constitution, so that they keep tho Southern people down." lie is h great Unionist., too talks much about his loyalty. Rut of tho inconsisten cies and m-andalism of sonic of our loyal sneaks I will w rile you more in tho future. A young man, fornu ily from McVoy town. probably "controlled by grand moral ideas," broke into Mr. Mont gomery's store about threw weeksago and stole a lot of goods. Ho was ar rested on hist Sumltijl whilst offering to sell some of tho stolen goods. The loyalist alluded to above is also ft MeVeytowner. If theso two wor thies aro a reflex of tho loyalty and honesty of t hat place, wo will try and get along with as few of them as pos biblo. You will hear from mo occasionally. Yours, l'Ul- A. J. Lee, tlio Treasury clerk who absconded with Siis.UUJ in I rensury bonds, has been brought to Washing ton and m.ido a full confession, aver ring that tho theft was not premedi tated, but he had been drinking when ho committed it. All tho money was recovered except f!UM. Russian sheet iron has been manu factured successfully at Yonngstown, Mahoning county. Ohio. l:.r. Wo suppose this isdono on the same principle by which they make Holland gin in .Massachusetts. Tho Ohio mnn is no doubt a twig of tho Plymouth Rocker. Jt sT Like Them. The Legislature of Wisconsin, Ratlienl, has passed a Iik directing the Stato Treasurer to pay the wages of its member anil the salary of ils Governor in coin. Rag for tho people and gold and silver for the office-holders. An impenitent Copperhead, speak nig of Sumner's marriage, wonders il the children will be nip-ii Wc hope Mi.asSnn.ner miittake it info wy vrard head to doubt the fidelity of Lis wife . 1 . - A bill virtually nbolishinfj J iiiiislmient baa pnKeed both cf Ihc I.cgi-lnturo of lllinoi. cnpittil Iloutea .vf.ii',N rr..yis. 111., tiillcM of l.inliiiii n ! "ilium- tur I'i'Hcrli'il iliiKluwul.v A little girl has died nt Albany, N. Y. from eating green-colored candy. J. Ross l'.nnvne reports tho discov ery of ric h mineral resources in Lower Calif'orniil. lion. Robert C. Vinthrop, of Bos ton, hns'contributcd ?;WU to tlio South ern relief fund. Some weeks agoJThad. Stevens said ho was "tired of lite." What, has he and his "yellow gal" fallen out. Connecticut Millerite nro getting their ascension robes ready for June ltilli next, w hen they expect to"gonp." Mrs. Lucy Stone liluckwcll will soon address the New Jersey and Ohio Leg islatures in behalf of woman suffrage. Tho city of Petersburg, Vn., has built two dredging scows, and called ono General Grant and the other Gen eral Lee. Tho colored people of Staunton, Va., aro getting up a petition for the re moval of tlio Freedman'a Bureau from tho South. The annual meeting of tho Bishops of tho Methodist Episcopal Church South, will take place in Nashville on Monday, April loth. "Mrs. Smith, the Court would ask, hnvo you n niarriago certificate r" 'Yes, your honor, threo of 'em, two girls and a boy." Ann Dickinson is running about the country lecturing on "Nmietiung to Do." Let her get married and she will not bo long without it. That relic of barbarism, slavery, still exists nt the South, but the con ditions aro reversed. Tho whites are now slaves and the nigs masters.. A "mush ar.d milk" festival has just been held in tho basement of the Pres byterian church in Coatcsville. A good heallhy entertainment. There aro about forty candidates for Governor of Iowa. Gen. Baker. Congressman Griiiiiol and Col. Mer rill are the leading competitors. Mr. Bright, in one of his luto speech es, said thut one half of Scotland is owned by twelve persons, and one-hulf of England by one hundred unu liny. Tho Supremo Court of Pennsylva nia has just decided that tho shares in national banks are subject to State taxation in tho hands of the share holders. Henry W. T. Mali, for many years past tho Consul general of Belgium to this country, died at his residence in Fordham, N. l ., on Sunday, of heart disease. The Agricultural Department at Washington has received tt supjily o! vcgelubio seeds ami cereals from Eu rope, and is rapidly preparing them for distribution. Tho Louisville Cuurier announces that Gen. X. H. Forrest is now pre paring, and will soon have ready for tho press, a book to bo entitled "I he Memoirs of Forrest's Cavalry." The jewelers in Broadway, New York, aro reported to have sold more diamonds and expensive jewelry since ClirMinn than durin'' mv similar period for two years. Mr. Petroleum and Mrs Shoddy are evidently about. Tho New York Tribune, the organ of those who aro continually clamor ing for protection to homo interests, is minted on ir.-, ported paper. Why don't the white-coated philosopher practice what he preaches I Stolen Bonos. Tho government bonds, amounting to sixteen thous and dollars, w hich were stolen Irom tho residence of Mr. Augustus Range, lint ton wood street, ahovo Seventh Philadelphia, have been sent to the owner, through tho rosiomce. T liern are thirteen cotton factories going in Tennessee. And they are thirteen rebels against tho North, f'nlton factories in the South bode final destruction to New England. The spinsters and tnrff nabobs of Yankee- dom will soon nave nuoiner iu iui war upon the southern people. Tho Boston Vsfnsks: ' If tho pro- sent Congress can abrogate tho pres ent Governments of tho Southern Stnles. whv can t tho next Congress abroguto Governments recognized by this Congress, and ono Congress ni ter another go on in the samo way ?" Tho question is erlinent. Senator Wilson, in a speech some months ago, appeared shocked ot the fact that President Lincoln had been called "an ignorant rail splitter." But this was nnthu'lf as bad us culling him a "Smutty joker," us Bennett did, who is now "hand und glove" with Wilson in ubusing Andrew Johnson. 7V(. bovs under sixteen year of age, now in Washington jail, sentenc ed for larceny, attempted to break out of ono of tho iron clad cells, on the night of the 8lh inst. They wrench ed off the grating of an inner door, rni.H iinllie iron nlatine of the w alls, nnrl limi commenced to attack the bricks and mortar when discovered Tho Philadelphia papers record the arrest of a man named Wooster, in New Jersey, charged with various crimes, esiiet iallv the robbery ot nost- ofliees, including thoso of Port Depos it, Md., Chester, Pa., Salem N. J., Norristown. Pa and Wilmington, Del. whero ho obtained nearly If 11,000 in money and tlralts. On several occa sions'hc made his escape from prison. Shad in Tur. Si scjvf.manna. The first shad caught in the Susquehanna since the alteration of the Columbia dam were netted near Fairview, Cum berland county nearly opposite Jlar riH,iirg on Friday hist. 1 1 is now as certained to be a fact that sliad can come up tho river, and the prospect is that numerous fl-heries will be estab lished. Pike.roi kaiidolher migrating ' e l.An.. ...ii.lc 4l.'.ii fin. I1SU nrC SHIU H. HH" mom' hi. y pearar?"" in great abundance. MAnniAoK or Bi.ooii Relatives. In a recent report to tho Kentucky Legislature, the commissioners of the Kentucky Institution for tho Educa tion and Training of Feeblo minded Children mako a vigorous piotest aSnl"f'1 th ..tt.-rmarrn.-e of ncra n m-nr ly roln.ed. It Mi. od t hat tl.e r ,1 n , mnr fillfl with the offnirinp; of Ihoso mnr- nni (lint everr inlrrcf.t of llll- i-intri a. nnd t lint cverv illtoct of nil- man.ty nn.l religion .Wand the lopal prevention 01 unu i mi-i vivvn . rlntiona. Vmo Huowm.ow. tw jum ""no W mnn, wo fou, Inn Ihch mum nuted for re-election ns Governor of Teunesi-ee, by a l.'epubliea i Conven tion, which met at Nashville. As un der the recently enacted laws (1 that Slate most persons of intelligence are disfranchised, and only "loyal" per sons aro allowed to vote negroes and mean w hites, who think a negro bet ter than n white man llrownlow will no doubt bo elected. To make assurance doubly sure, ii legislature of his own choosing, have passed a law organiz ing the militia, which is to bo com posed ol "loyal" negroes and whites, so as to control tho election. And thus that great Stato is to bo afflicted for two years or moro by tho rulo of a man who seems to glory over his own infamy. Tho commissioner of Indian affairs has concluded a treaty with theCber okeo Indians of Kansas, so as to allow tho tribe to sell what is known ns neutral lands (comprising about H00, 000 acres) to tho Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company. An iinmarriej man in Connecticut udvertises for u 5 -0 blondo. 4'lvnrlield Market. Keporh'il wtM-kly fur the Ci.rAnriei.n IUitbucax l.y J. I'. K h .Tf Kit, IrnIcT in I'nr oiU, iru-ct-riei, I'roviiitmn, Ac, Mai ki t at., Cluartield. Ci.KAunti i, March 14, 1H(7. Ale. prtrn $2 ON H"JT. drcKM-d Drirtl, lh 14 i iiiuh, prefn Apple butturjpUi 1 I1U I Ilamj.i'Hgihr cured, UuitiT 40 I hlioulticrt 7 2l IS .train fcl mt(' 4 tilt Muck wheat 1 litirkwhi-at flour Ui, Bwf, dried iUvf, lreh VOti K Hoard, M b Mtii,20 MO Corn, limited 1 Corn. cur.. 5 Hides H ! Urd I Mot pork, bul IS 211 3(1 (Mi . urns ' Onions ! Pot t torn lYaohen, dried, lb.. ! Planter, V1 hbl 2 (III 1 2i 2.i 4 bU 1 id 3 3 Ml i 6 Com iiifal, p nack. 1 75 i lire-.... Chop, fwL . S IHt i lug, i lh , ,lu UU Hail, sack '2 ) ! Hhinglca, l in., M t luverftcud .. CIiccsm Chcrri , H Cliirkeiit, drsd, lh, KRje . I'D VhinirU-,2oin 12 W0 2D i Tiinoihr accd 4 50 26 'i'lillow Of ! Wheat. FlatBet'd. 3 tttt . 4 t'O Flour 15 00 fj lo UU ; Wool Hhv, ton ...".0 0t I M ood, y rd riilladrlphla iirtnrtry Market. Reported weekly for the('i.F4nriEi.v RePt-ai.tri?! by W Ati w Hiii ht A Co., Wholesale (iroccrs and Tea I)ealrr N. K. eorucr Second A Arch slrocta, rhiladelphia. Pnn.ADEi.uiiiA, March 1?, iHtl. Teas are in moderate request at prices for cur-rcn-y a shale lower, ltio Coffee is in limited sup ply and hol lers aro very firm: the lower grades have advanced UJ gold, and prices will we think at least hold their own, if not advance, unless we have very large ruriipta which is not considered prolmMo for nunc time. Hilars are a little easier, with a g'K-1 busings: refined arc sot abiiudnnt, all the refineries not bjing in operation. There hiu been quit? a uiuTctncut in low grade Syrup, and prices are Jlo. jr gi'. Vi'her; medium gra-h-s are moderately active, while choice grades ar- aold at firm prices aUnit as fast as produoid. Molasses ir quiet, except for low grade Cuba which has been actire at at advance of I fa 2c. per gal. 'ot mu h movemetit in It ice. 1 c AH, Young II y son K'iper.or...$ ."'ffl corri:Ki. llio, eomnion T. (( 2 J liood 21 (-o 2. Prime 2 J u Fine Finest...., Ilysou huprrior., FincT. Finest...., Imperial . upeior.l Fine . '!, I J .1 55(1 i; Choice 2i t'm 27j .Tuva, old gov. (.a I. .1 WGul 25 I.ntrnnra .1 oi'(,l 50 .1 bbU, 7 ,.1 2.r.ooi 40 .1 5W(, f-b W a 1'iiran,. Il.mili'liun p ruAit. rmflirl rirriull d Fine do... Finest 1 7U(, 1 eU I..J )unpowltr r-upcrior.,.1 2 'fi,l 41 Ftuc 1 5 (.i I 70 Finest 1 75(.i,2 00 Ill"k Hnperior... P.'ifn.I 00 Fine 1 (Mi.l 2U Finest 1 25M.1 50 Japan riuperior...! 15 Fuio..,.....l 2UM.I 25 I'incft I -oUl I W UU K. Carolina 1 K'O 1M Ka-t Indin... Vty l"t A H I ' ll Mm Ml Kllr C 1 It''!. 14i (.' i ytlli.w... 13 (-J, 14 utiii r. riimnK.B 4fi !! I'ir h"!, f'2 (iid P7I. T'l Prime i t'hutrw hM'it H5 t'lmifrpslr. 1 (Itif'ijl 10 Mul.AHRrA. X. 0., choiw, :(, cs I'cirto Itico... Tf i l0 Culm iiV'ii 6 eiiiladclplila Prolluu Market. R"j.ortil wwklr fur th ri.Kunri.i ItrrraurAJ l.r N. II. liiuiiAM A Co., Pronoun Mrrchanli, No. 171 X. Water ilrctt, I'hiladelphia, I'a. PiMI.AliKl.rillA, March 5, !H(i7. Kluur, i Mm litiuM$l iiitiom. 'r4 i.iia polstwa, MA... Mrreer. Y Mempiirk,V btil.. Idieoii H. V. hmnl. Mi'iiil'lem Hnlrl I.aril llultrr Choice roll Holnl pni'lteil.... K.-f". Y '" l'loeiir, Otlio New York Halt, n k (lpiun(l.'iu'k, Serila t'lover If J nil 2 I 10 12 40 ir. 11! i.i II vn flour.. I'orn meal. J no 4 76 I 1 .14 j is .1 no l :m i z on Vhet Ilvr.. Corn... Ontl Ilmti TrCRTKl CanilleR, liiMnw.... A'ltiinmitine .... Fraihrra FihIi. prr linrrcl M- kenl. Xo.J, He.riT."r twi, Io:m ;tic Iniitp Apple. Y ItU.. lined, V " Ili.ler Oil. V Imle r'pcrul l.urJ t'ni'le prL. 1( riiir.1 pel 2d 1 15 t" 6j (1 no II 11 l to 3 Ii 1 IH IS AV it 52 f,.. 2 On a 5.-, Tiutotbr 5 no Flaxaeitl 3 16 Tnll.iw W ool. Ohio Common Inwaliel 10) -) 4 Pltlvtmrff Market. Pr'pareil "rry wo. for the Cl.Alirin.n Rrrra 1.m:av!v T.C. J cukmi C"mmiion Merchant, No. 2T:i, Lilierly llrei't, l'illliurg. Pa. PlTTl o, .Varrh 12, 1Po7 ri'oi K. I Apple,. 'ft lilll n.i(.(,a ill Sno.a.k.MlllfiiJH ("0 llrirJ applen.prime, 1I .Irnkinii' I.illr Miimuri ami Fat eon 12 26(v Clark a Aldin'n, Fonl'a Crewnt Cily II ya flour, f 1M Corn meal, 'f hu, Iliiokwhent flour, "r kunilrrd Wheal OIIIH lire II.VH t'l'fnj Corn, phrllt'il PotntoeK, ehoiec, Y barrel Oino, Y I'Jirri'l.. T.molhy M-eil.3 26 Clover neeil.. I'lax lo'ril M, ,1.11. 1H., I f.-O') tti an., nnvT IlnlKT, roll. ..!''(( Cheeaa l-l'O r.i:r o v 12 76' Pried liearhea.ltlhii 5" .all. barrel il e 12 60 12 0.1 II 60 J do 1 00 J 76 2 a;. 1 .10 Camlh a No. 3 Maekerel, l barrel I 00 !,ard, choiee Tallow a.t '. Hide ma lioiiMer I0M Ham, .near eured, 12) 101 12 10 16) Mm Pork 22 oa llrooma 2 0(e 60 IttlnedOil 43 CoBe. 2.'K at f.At.'. llmwn lllf.O lli liii'.l, hard A oore 2 40 3 4o 3 40 1 li 16 2 ti:ab. 2 on i mark .74Cb 1 2 2 i:,!umii. t1' l,ii I i II. rivnipa 7 f 1 00 Iu..Molae 7-'ti 12 II ee 1 (.a I'iJ run it l-KOVlU'iN. T. C JENKINS. C(IMHINKI MUlit IIAXT, iittieii' erti.rn a m-rr.ivr.n op Ft.iU ll. l'IUi ISI"N. AMI ALL KIMif OF HF.Fixr.il "M.S. I lieane.t I lour llouac In I'llti-knrcli. On hand, rrlialdr and w.il known brand. VNa'itJ of Floor pinranlerd. Indureini iiK lo dealrri and i'riri. Current e. nt evrry wei-k. rnreaaara 1-t, 2.1 I in' err Srarrr, ),n it pn r.-in imii. I'a.. ( olunitila Lumber Market. Proui the folumbia Iternld. formal. Mareh 1. I5'. a nna riar.. ( li.rrv ....iii(.i f .11 mi Poplar 2 34 "0 W ahiut pl k .'WM, 74 00 Pieklta. headed .. 1 00 , r,,l.i,,,. f i - " f" ,.,nl1, ;.vm, Jont 1 aeautllnl. 34 00 riui'gluih jl!'"( 4 7 aillMil Ka. Jnt 4 -autiina. 2oin..aawed,?4( ti 10 00 Jcli., A "",',,'1", llunrh I 10 t'O pR 00 Koonna lath a el' 1 01, e h.c'li VO 00 pre.ed fl torir f A-h A o.k.Vs's 40 on hoard. 1 00 Sheriff's Sales. HY VI It It K of imdry writf t4 'r,1itioni ifnnn tPttf"i out ol lh pnurt of Continott ivm uf Clearlielil fi milt, ful to m rtitfrtid thrr will he pted t ITIU.IC hAl.K. (at tin d urt llou In tin borough of ClemtieM, on Monday, the ImMi d ol Mairh. h(1, al I uVlork, p.m-t tti ftdlowitig deieithed Keil Eslato, to wit: A certain tract of land titaafs In Drralur tnwmliip, Ornrllpid nouoty, Pi , bounded: bo ginning nt ru-in lor k. Ihrne north pvrcltei lo pot Inroad; tlieort north M depreaa en ft KM pcreliea to poat ; ihrora south 1 la 7-10pr. to pot t Ihcnee wpt 122 & I U perebei to ilur of brKin'nff rofiiitininn one hundred and aevrn acrea, having about thirty acrea oirareJ, with amull (T t:ome aud liable erected itiefito. raited, uken in cxerolion, and to bt told aa tba property of llnrrey Moora. A i.)o, certain truet ot land ittiaia in Pee tur townabip, Cleartii'ld eouuty, Pa., bnunded ; hot friiiuiiig at a hemlock, thence north 135 perehea lo poat in road ; tbencr north !& dprofi aaa- 126 perchea to pout : thence a4utti l4j 7-10 per. to poat t tbenra weal 1-2 6-10 perch ea to place of brinnitifT, eontaininfr ana hundred and kevrn aerca, having about thirty aorea cleared, witu a mall log bouio and alable arecteu thereon. Heiced, taken in eiccMtun, and to be fold aa the property of Ilarrcy Moore. Alio, a certain tract of land aituate in Peoatur townahip, Clearfield cuunty, Pa., bnunded: be ginning at a beinlook, thence north 135 jsorchea to poat in the read ; tbenra north 5! deprera Hat 125 perches to post ; thence aouth 14.'i 7-10 perches top at; thence wcvt IT2 d-lt) perches to place of bejtimi.nK, aunUinina; one hundred and eeven acrea, having abtut thirty acre a floated, with small log boue and barn erected thereon St-itcd, taken in execution, aud to b aold as the property of Harvey Moore. Also, a certain lot of Und situate in Covington township, (and in tho village of Mulsonhurjrj Clearftuld county, Pa, bounded on tho eaat by an alley, aouth by towuihip road, wen bv lot of I John Uriel, and on the north by lot of Joaeoh Mulson, containing about tw acre, having a two atory dwelling uouao, aiore tome and atuble eroded thereon, beiteti. taken in execution and to be fold as t be property of Patrick T. Jlagerty. Alro, a certain lot uf Und situate in Ctivicgton tcwnahlp, (and in the village ot Mulronburg,) Clearfield county, Pa., bounued on the seat by an alley, south by towobhip rol, weat by lot of .lobn Jiriel, and on the north by lot of Joseph Mulson, containing aaout two acrea, baring a two atory dwelling bouas. store house, and stable thereon erected, fleizrd, taken In execution, and to be aold aa tba property of Patrick T. llagerly. Also, a certain tractor land aituate in 1'enn township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the I east ly land cf Keedtf Wearer,! ulb hy land of Lltsha r entun and K. Uetrrek, and nerth by Und of K. Fenton, eontaining about one hundred and six acres, with forty arret cleared, and bavir.g a two story frama house and log stable creeled thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to ba aold as tba proper; cf (ieorgj L. Fullerlon. Also, a certain tnct of Und aituate in Janei vllle, Bulicbj township, Clearfield county, Pa-, hounded on the aouth by Main stroet, west by John L.itt, north by Simpson k Fl) no, and east by alley, containing one-fourth of an acre, with small fraint houso and atubla erected tbera on. 8eued, Uken in execution, and to bt aold at tbt property uf Jwbn W. Miller. Also, a ce; tain tract of land situate in Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded east by John Olassow, south by John McNeal, west by Win. T. Iiloom, and north by H. Straw, con taining fifty firt acres, with housa and barn erected thereon. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Lafayette Bloom. Ai.ro, certain tract of Und situate in Cbst township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded south by Josiah Lam bourn, west by J. k J. Westovar, north by Jonathan W4 stover, and east by , containing about one bubdred and seventeen acres, wiib one hundred acres cleared, and bav iog two Urge frame housta and two large frame burns arected thereon, eeitei, taken tn fx ecu tion, and to be aold at tbt property of William brans. JMT- Iliddert will tkkt notice that 15 percent. of the purchase money must bt paid when the property is knocked down, or it will he put up agvin for sale. JACOU A.FACST. finaairr'n Ornrs, I Bberiff. Clearfield. Peon's, Keb. KS( H7- COUHT raOCLAMATION. -'rHI-'.HU'i. Hon. FAMfKI. Ll.N.V, Prei 1 f litem Judit nf tlio Court ot Common l'leaf of the twrnlr-ntth Judicial Dialrict, eompoaed of tlia eountita of Clearfield , Cen tra and Clinton and Hon. HAMl'KL Cl.VDB anil Hon. JACOB W 1LM1.I..M, Araoeiata Judsel of ClcarGolil Co., haTo iaiued their precept, lu ma direrled, for thl holding of a Court uf Common 1'leaa, Orphau'a Court, Court of thinner Fe.ton, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Cowrt of ileneral Jail Delivery, at tha Court llou.e at Clearfield, iu and for the county of Charncld, ci lumcneina on thalhlrd .11.11 lay (IHlli a)ol nart li, imn, ana la continue one week. NOTK'K IS. therefore hereby ilren, to tha Coroner, Ju'liera of the Peace, and Comtablei, in and ttr aaid county of Clcartluld, to a pear in their proper peraonl, with their Kolti, jteeordi, luuuiMtlona, Ltaimnaliona, ana other Iteinem- branref, to do thne lhin.t which tn their cfBcea, in their behalf, poruin to be done. UIVt.N under my band at Clearlield, th Ortth day of January, in the year uf cor Lord ota thouaand ciirht buudred anJ aiily-ieven. riiannr a Orrii a. I J AC0U A. FA CST, Clraitlald. Feb. 21. 11"7. J Skrrif. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. rflHE timt art bard; jvu'd like to know A How jo diij fir yor dollari The way to do it I will hnw, If you will read Lit followi. A man who II?d not far frntu hare. Who wurkfd bard tt hit (rude. Bu' hii a household to eupport That iq'iandcred all he made. I met him nnco. Payi he, "My friend, 1 look thread brar and rough ( I're tried to fret tnyef a uit, Bui ean't tare up enough," rt T, my friend, bow re orb bare yon 1 I'll tell yon hre to gn To ct a unit thai' Uf and and cheap : lo REUEXSIEIN A Co. He took what lillle be bad tared, And went to Krifm-f no A Ilreiberi. And ihere h gut a bandeome mil, for balf bo faid to othera. Kow he 11 borne, be ioolti eo well. And their efieot U foch, That when they Uke ibeir dally meal, Ibey don't eat balf aa much. And now be find on Falurday night. itb all their want rUplted, That he hai money left to aeud, And ome to Uy a aide. Ill pood enoeeni, with cheerful imile, He fcladly tella to all, If you'd rave money, go and bny Your el'ithea al HEIZENbTEIN'fl CL0TUIX0 IIAI.L. Where the ebeapevU flneH and beet Cloth in(t and food Farniahinc t.oodit can be bad to euu very taate and in every Hle aprll, 6 T I?T OK Jl'KOIW for March Term, IPG?. J i art iritora. Ktirraria Tavid Hrar Hnez ratriek tlallagW l.rn ly Thomas l.inra, Itr T .1 Itoyer Hurti'-i.le tlonrph Mt-Kee, William Langlnn, John Fry ( 'Avitiirtttn lr J W rotter, Kruhrn Uider. lew- la n,.vn flrarOell h 11 Mem-ll Curwrnnville lcwi M La port e KriiruKon .Mirlta"l Wiiltrrite Hirnid fn'lcifn Murrv, Frande PiUiot. tirnhfito Th'tma H. Forme (iulirli r-iloti 1' open haven jr.nUn Tolm furry Knot Willmm CoX l.nwrrnee Vulliam Mnp-a Worrin lonrd Kyler (i-tv4iin .lumen Vomit, (Jwrfie Rirharda 1'ikr Andrew J Tout tb O'M ji norm. ."crari .'"hn M-'oy. (iporpe Ft area m Ailam K'"-') lit.-e.rah iiiinrl WiMili-ri.rr, Pimuel Il"lion. .tolin W Kyier, M h l.iimadofi Frn'll'or.l .Inlin Stt-waif, l.lia Ftvv r.radv 1.nnfi Jrf I.inr". J T Ki?k. T Frnnk lti)!i -1. W 1. Porter. (iottr?f Lllinr-T Iturn ifo -W 'nhii'iron l;.ir:.-r, Jacu'j KutTner, Farid Fulton. M.Tttbew IWi-o-T 'he-t (nhn Hunter, alnbn kipn rienrCn-lil .Iorph i Khowers Jnmn A Moore, Frank Mnrt, h U !rtf:in rnrweneviHe A .! Mrandi-r lfentnr Flina Walk, fctephen Kpliart Fix Sti-pben Ft (,irnrd Franeia lloffiir U.ilih J!in W Miller. John 1 1 anna, jr. Jordan Hlerl M Jo,m.n Knoi Hnirr J H'-ppy lwrrnee lhn Umler, 1. K M-CnM-MurK, V C lletoev. Henry Irwin, Amii Ittvtt. Jamnt li ionph erty, ("f John) l.uailier City i.eorpa il Lynn Mi,m (-tunnel Ilm'Vfr. Joaapt.r1 Pofter New tVnhington Witii.t M Uatlty, (lart lev 0-(MHila William Mara I'nicn MiebaH llnhert MeMwH Tarky Vfthw Kohrrt (iF YAM' .MUX FARM & COAL LANDS lit I'ruti Toniichlp flni" mi' ri'i' r, nci'lii.flt In the Imrouph of 1 Clenrlield, ntlera lo a'-ll nt private anle an iuiiried farm, uivltrlnm with a coal vein nt feel tt.u k, (now notkid.l This piopertv is lorntinl on (he tuniiik, one h i( uulc Meet of Peum lib-, and Contains 140 Acres, Seventy of which arc under cultivation, with a !! dwelling home and frntne barn thereon, toirctlWr aith an orchard of large Waring tms, coiiiponed of apple, peneb, pear nnd plumi, with a spring of exeellent water at the door. The unimproved part ip coy en d with Pine, Hemlock, Oak and Chestnut Timber, and adjoint lands of Samuel I)crriok, Jen-iniiih Moore arulMoscph laria, and is within Icpb item half a mile of iriist mill, reboot house, poxt oltcc and cliurches alt ersential in rendering it a desirable property. THK CO Ah MIXKI) on this property Is of a superior quality, tint surpassed in the county, and opened at the turnpike, a here every facility lor its truii-portation is liehUut. TIiohc wifbing to in vert in a property of thin kind, can, by addressing the utidcrnjrned, or calling upon him, at Clearfield, Pa., obtain terms and all incesanrv informniion, fel.L'H..tm:pl TIIM.M AS IiM'tiHr:it'l Y. Farm for Sale. rf M!E undersigned, residing in Lawrence town f ship, now oilers hi ttirm at private sale. It is dtairaiily located, well improved, end within thr fourthsof a mile of a public school house. The p remixes contain s Sixty-five .frrfit, Forty-five of which aro aider cultivation. The improvements eonniit of a lot; dwelling bouse, plus tretl inside and weathrrboarded, loff barn, a fine youur bruring orrhurd nf all kind of fruit, and a Npnng of natur at the door. The title is undi'pa tttble. Possesiou given on the first of April next, if desired. The property w II I sold on easy terms. Kor further partirulara apply on the prem ises, or address the aubsc-iber at Clenrfield. Pa. Fub.21, lNti7.3m. JOHN . DOl'tilltllTY. Real Eslale for Sale. rpilK fiibseriber offers the following valuable X lt ul htate at private sale: l,H Arrra and 113 perches of farm land, sixty acres c lea ml. and having thereon a rood frame )iouc and lor barn. Tlus is the very best coal land, httnnted in Woodward township, one half wile from Ptieyvi!le, Also, KM Acrea of timber land, situated on Morran's Hun, in Woodward township, one and a half mile trom Ptiscyvillle, Alfo, two acres, with a two -story plank-house id frame stahle thereon, situated in Woodward township, on tbo road leading from Tyrone to Clcailieid town, two miles irom ruftcyTiue; a gooo loeatiou for a tradesman of anv nut. Also. t no Tot tn Pum lllc.with ix honaea and one barn erected thereon, the two lots lying adioitunt:: theflrxt. No. 10, Inii r a corner lot, a ith tuvern sijind, containing thre4;-fourths of an acre, with over .'100 feet of bank on Clearfield Creek; rent worth I25 per vear. Hecond lot, Ko. 11, 60 feet on Front street and 120 feet haek, with two plank houses erected thereon, wall suitable for mercantile or any public business. &-The above property will lie sold at rensona ble prices and fair terms. C. J. MIFF, o:M fiin p i Madera P. O., Ch arfu ld co., Pa, TIMBER AND COAL LAND F VHIV.tTE &.tL:. ffUR nbertlMT, TTfi'lii.j? in Tnion township. 1 CU arfl td county, l'enn'a, offt ra (be following tiacii ol land at private ajle, vix: No. 1 Contains 110 Acren. And allewanee, aixty n-Te of whi'-b are elenred mi l und'T gotui cultivaiien.hr.vinsr thrrun erected a dwelling liuuee. Karn and outhuuac. aud a larfre Wniinjr oiehard of clioice fruit, a Rood apring ol wai'-r, and oume tiLt-lUut TIMliKlU No. 2--Contain3 123 Acres, And allowance, ten nrM elared, erd hsvinc thereon cr-'ft'd a dwllmc hn"c nn1 HAW MILL. Timber and lna ean !? rin fnim the mill. There new two million tret ui pine fimur aione on iu: trnet. i be nuole ik nnticnaia wiLfi COAL AM) IKOX OKE. The Atlantis and tlrat HVtiB ratlrond and tue innluw railroad hate bulb lurrrycd thpir mulct thrmtirli thcao lands. Nil byttcr Jim-pert la new offfird, al auch ra annntilo rnlra. For further particular., ad'tix-iia th. iindcrfncd, at Kockum (m.t cln.-e. Jan::-:: JOHN lillEf.Sl.r.M. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE OK RENT. riHK underpinned will ecll or rent bor farm, tituatcd in MorvaviHe, 'U arfirld eoiintv. I'a. 'lhu farm eontaina ON K lUM'HKll Al'HKS. a ud ia well adupted to fumiirg or gnuing, and at prcjunt ia iu a good atale of cuMtt'ttion atd wrH witcrfd: having thereon one pood TWO SToliV KAIiM 1U)1K and a two and-a h.ilf atory bmiae, rry Inrpe, and well arranged for keejiing puldic. The nreen?ary outlmildinp- are rompli-te, Alao. a romplfte nrrehandiee hTnKK llnM, in which hna neon and ia now a general "ortnietit of nier ebindiae; convenirnt to each houc if a apring of running water, which waa never known lo lull. There ia alo erceU-d tlirnon a email tarn, with itfttilinff auflicienl for twelve horoa. For further partirulara and trnne, addreaa Ihe undTPigned at I'learficld Urulf, I'a-, oreall on hr at .larra itlc. JanlO-.lin Mra. l. W. TllitMlOX. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT riUVATC SALE. PIIIE undTBigned, repiding in Urndy'townabip. I now offer one of Ihe brat T I Si II K H end toAL tracta of land for aale in that acHmn of the eouuty. Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance, Forty five of whi-b In under cultivation, with houaa and edible I hereon, and an orebnrd of lOtj hearing fruit treea; the Lalance ia havi)y t i in 1 err ed. At Iraft one m-fittn fret of I'liie and two hundred thousand of oaU. The whole hin.r un derlaid with a four foot vein of em I. Tliia tja'l ia aiiiutrd wiihin one mile of l,inher(.urg, ad joininr land" of Jim ph l.mea. l'aran. Whitehead and I'eiita, a nuHie road rtwu a Uirouzh it, a feh'xd bouae i iolr 1 on the one corner, mtd an axeellent aprtnit of water. Kvrry r.iilro.nd furvt-y niad'-tlmmti thia aeetioa haa Keen loeitcd on this liuid. Any further inforinntion in reference to Ihe propertv, terma. Ar., ean he hal by calling on or ddrei"ing the eubeertber, at Kutherphurg. Clear tic Id eoitntT, I'a. Janl'l-aTm JAMES MU.ES. Town-Lois for Sale. MHE nndiTignf-d, n-aitling at tlrn H-ipe.otT.-Ta I ( prMnte asle, on reason able tmn, hlXTV-1-1'K i t.iWN I, ('IS. aituate and being in the new addition ma lt to the village of (Men Hope. Also, Thirty-Five Acres of Land, Adjoining the aaine. All will be mU tgtber or eepar.i!", to auit purrliawra. Anv fur! her inform niion enn be nMiunM by addreaiing him, at (ilea llopf, Clearlield countv, iVnn'a. nnv2H.Hm '.ll.UKMIAH COOpKH. liOTElL7OR"SALEr IN Sl;V IHIM.POUT. r"1HK nndrraignM, drfirona of mining to lb I W'fit, r-riiTs at privne a.ile a lare two- alnry 1 HA.MK 1HM V., now kept a Hotel, fituaieon Mnin atreet, in the vi;l-i;:f of New .Mil'porl, Clear field ei-iinty, Vn. Tiic buildme i well arranged for b.i'el, or dwellms h-.t:e nnd aioee-nwin. with all the neecF'ir omtnuobn at:a'-belt in good order, together Htiii Four Lots cf Grcuud. I nt ftw pr ipertiea po-aens Mjnal adyantae aa a hnMne t..ni to ihi. It wiil le aold put rn-h in bmd.and tin-l-nlan in pimncnt. Any fnr'iiT inf'rc nti-T an lw nb ttiiin'd bv e-tllinir on or a l lrefitg tin enhariil.er, t New Sld'p trt, Clearfield eonnte. I'enn n. ,lan:iU:mpd I. AAlid.S WISE. 1 1 1 1 1 : -oi iiTiii riiiPioji n.r IS of . i.r. l. rMiir.lv, I". t'atliariue An'' l.r hrr r,"Al tritn,! JhIid llartl:tv, Nn.;..1, Mi.r. T.,lff.: Al. ml p. aar ilirnrr-c. Nrwl.m (Mi'ir llow Ant.a. 'flip nnlrr.icni.(l I'ctmini-.ii'nr. rpniplr lo tulip lr.riln.iny in llii rAr, will artrn.l tn thp fH ttra nf a" aj.'.i'ilm;i., at tii. rr.iH.':i fct M'rri dnlr. nn ThnriiT. Ilir Mlbiliirnf Marn. iMiT. al t aVIm-li. A. M.. whm an.t hrr all .mn Int.iTtMl mnv altin-l. J. DIAMOND AI.I.rnnT. Frl.marr II, ISfiT-t. Commi.pinTii'r, r MC I'.R 1 1 t e had at mkm;fll A Ft )LFR $. RICHARD HOSSOP, HKA1.F.H IX FOREIGN and POMESTIC GOODS MCSUXS liKI.AINKS CMltUKUS Kt t nt nt SMimtion ScnRHlinn (IlKHlinn ricew rirt iritt jrii'(H Al.I'ACAS Jiut received it MOSSO is: 01 NT. II A MS CHINTZ Scnaatma Spnantion Hcnuation Sensalien SensHlion jirlrw iirw yncn iricfln PHI NTS GLOVKS CKAVATS i MOSSOKS' SHAWLS t Srnniilion pricui Heinalioa nricef BONNKT9 t Cdl-OltKI) I nt Krntslion price? MUSLINS I All to be al uussw . I.INKN at Sentmlion HpiinRtion SunnatioD Kntatiun beniation price, jirict price, pric. CKASU at CUKTAIXS at rAlll.KC'LOTflSat KKINUE at at at at price. al MUSSOW, LACE IliiSIEUY KIHItoNS rnmtion Hcnonlinn heuaulioo pric1, pricpn price. 'IlilMMINGS of all kind i. at Sensation price. in auy quail ty I Ainavaon nana at h.kvu-.- CASS1MKHKS nt IS A TTI NETS at Sen,alion price, price, price, price, price VriiHatioD Sciiiatinn Senaution 8enatinn SeoMfction TWKKDS at J LASS at VKSTIXOS at SUIUTINOS at price. al MOSSOI'l?. CLOTH IXuch aa Coma, Fanli, Vena, Voder Sliirta, Flannel Sbirlt, ikiola, Slioea, at aeuaatioo price lluu aud Caps, Now for aale al UOSSOPS'. HARDWARE! nuh aa Snvs.naila Fork a, Knives, Sj.ikea, Uingoa, LIQUORS, anch aa Wine, liran.ly, O in, W h iakejr, ( 'oftiic. elc, etc., FRUITS, auch aa i'runea, RaUina, Figs, FilbnrU, 1c. at lenaatioD price at uossors'. at aenalion price) al aennation pricet at Mossors. GROCERIES, aajrl Flour, 11 a m a, Shoulder,, Sugar, Molufa, Cutiee, Tea, Crack era, at r-oniation pricei Siiicea, Candle, aA Oil, etc, etc Alaraya at MOSSOrS'. DLACKISQ at ton. t ion prion Utif'KS al aeniion irice TDW DEM at .enrution price, HUT at acnutiun price LKAI) ut aeriKulion price. CAl'S at aina(ion price. Al Ilia. ator. of UIC11AUU MOSior, MUfeSOI' Alwnra keep' on hanu ! araotlmpnt of all kinds of pooda rprjuirecl lor the aci-ommodalion of the puUic. Nor. 12, l.ir.s. E V S TO K HAND N E W U OO DS I JOS. SHAW & SON Hare just cteneJ a Niw Srotii, on Main St., Ci.nrii.D, Vi., latflr occupied by Wo. F. IllWIX. Thoir atock onaiati of Go(tr:li of tba beat (jualitjr, QuF.E.NswARE, Boots and Slioe?, and tvery article necraarr Tur - one' comfort. Call and examine our a'.oclc t'doie ur cliaiinp oUaarhprp. May 9, lSO'i-tf. MUSIC STORE. T M. GRFEV baa opened bit Mufio Store ), one door Woft of W. Lewii' Hook Flore. wnre be keeps ennatantl; on hand Steinway 8ona and (Juehle'a Piano Manufaeturinf Com pany'i 1'ianoa, Maaon A Ilaoitln'i Cabinet Or e;ana and Carhart, NeeObam A Co 'a, Melodeona; linilara, Violina, Fifre, Flntea, Uttttarand Violin atrinfra. Wu-ic Booka nlden Chain. Golden Shower, Gulden Conaer, Gulden Trio, Afl.. Ao. Sheet Muale He la eontaot!y reeivinr, from Philadelphia all tba latent tnuic, whlvh pcrene at a dif lance wiaLin .', ean order, i nd have them ent by n ail, at publifher'a prieea. Pianoa and Orjtcna warranted f jf five ye ara. Thoae wiahtna; to buy anyof the above article! are invited to eall and examine mine before ( ar cbBMi-jr eUewbere. My prieea are the fume at in New York and 1'hiladelphia,' CireuUre of Iiiatrumrnta rent promptly upon ap- lie tion, with any addinonnl information denircd. 11- M JRt:i;J( Hill atreet, Huntingdon. Pa., One door weat of Lewia' Hook Store. Or Mixa K. A. I. IMMKH, Cleatfield, A rent for Clearfield eonnty. Pa. dfe .!. pi.t.I 1 i K'v- 11 I ItH Ml'I'K Notieeiaherehv (riven that the f -llowine aoeountt have been eiiuinued and paeed I y me, ani remain tiled of record in t Ilia olliee tor the inspect mu oi ncira, u gn etea, errdilora, and all nthera in any other way in terested, and will be prewnled loth next Orphan' Court of Cb-nrfield county, to lie held at the Co art Hour, in the borough of Clearfield, commencing on the third Monday nf March, Im?: Th partial aeonnt of Charla Sloan and Cyre nina Howe, adtnini'trator of Jaetib tiiarbart, late of the townuUip of lpHir, deeraed. feh?1..tt I. . IMKt.KU.EcgiHer. 1 l( i:H) NOlIt IX-Ths followinir 1 J named peraona have Died In the office if Ibe Clerk of tha Court of Q -tarter rea'iona of Clearlield eonnty. their petitime and bond for licante, at the March aeaiiot-e rtest, ajrreeahlT to the act of Aa aetnblr, entitled "An Act to regu lata the ealo of Intoxicating Liqaon," Ae.i TAVtna i.i('r.Kft. William Tlelehel Kartbani towmblp, William fehwem. Itradv I'avid Johnaon 1. 11. Pdu'hamm.... W. N. Jefl He Jamea L, Curry , F. C. II epbnrti , Ivid Co- lin T. F Jloalich John ' heeaer Cleatfield borough, Peeffaria toa na hip, Cnrwenaville borough, Lumber City, Pern tawnphfp, lieentur Otppola broncb, f'nion townfhip, New Mafhingtnn bor. Covinfton township. Woodward M Lumber Cite borongV Pike townahip. tfiilieb t owl i hi p. Covington towr.fhlp. I.ura'mr City bnronb. Itofc town-hip. pMJICt Clejrfifld Voru.tth. Cmwi neville borough. t tearfirld ' KartSiui townhip. Utadf I. ;. I'lotner I.ewia riobell ienrp Ha feet r A. II Farewell" Law. Sil;e John V. llb'oin I.aivrenea Flood Marie I Hobmeon Kdward A lert J. S. iLiilrhmigh .lobn A M"tn h. W. Ten El fit... Peter A. tlaulm Uubei t J. I'nynei Fredrii k Krh Faroiiel lln Will am H. icktnon. Anaonvii, Jordan tp. PeeeiH twnahtp. iriM !iriLR i.ti th. Wm Albert A- Hro.. .. PmHf..tJ town-blf. Wi.liim S. Sankey K rtKai towmhip. Claiuut BarmT. Cov'njton t wntiip. Feb J.-t..tt II F. ETZWKII.FR. Clerk. Clearfield Nursery. F.NCOURACK IIOMK INDl'STRY. rni. undcraJcned, bavin a etahlinbd a Snr. L ery on the Pike, aut half wa? between Clearfield and CgrweriFvlUe, i prepared to for nub all kinda of FKl'IT Tb KKS, Standard and daarf.) Kverpreena, hhrubbery, (itapa Yinea Uon. l.erriee, I. aw ton lilarkberry, Mrawberry, and Hasberry Yinea. Alio. Siberian '"rah 1 roe a. Quince, and ear'y eeirlet Hhnbarb, Ae. Orrtrra promptly atten-leJ 1 Addreia, J. I. Hi U II I. t l CLEARFIELD STORE i: a it Philipsburg, Pa. arii.i tA ar. BKTTa. ainacil I. aria. imiM r. wiArta a M l t rcatiLl J'. w.iietts,$co.9 (Kuceataor, to Munaoa A lloo.i) Ifaa ioat reef irad a Urrr and well an. Iccicd Mock of all kiud of Stnplc Ktioda, ucli aa Dry Goods, Clothing, Ttoota and Slinoa, I lata nl Cap, o tiota, Hardware, IS Mil j, Uila, l'iiinis. lueenswure, Grocarica. Klnur, Hucon. Kid. 4c, which are are otle-ing at grratly reduced pncea, 1-or Lash or in Exchange for Lumber and bhinglea. We liope lo make II 10 tne aavaniage oi Timlicr Men, in the lower entl of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to get their anppliea from this point, being on the lino ot- Kail Koiid cm boll pnoda on better teruia than at any point id Clearfield county, and we aie lellirjg our tStock at eucii prineeaa lomake it an object lothoebjy inn cooda in this market to deal with u, 8 T i r - t . ! I A.- Advances oi uuuus, i ecu, uu, made on account of Square Timber, which we will either aril on cooiuiiaaion or buy at fixed ratea. Flour of different Brand, can be bad at all limea at very low ptioea, al the Clear lield Store, rhilipsliurg, I'enn a. l)rv Ooods Notion,, &c, in preat ari- ets.attbe Intvenl price for Ca.au, at tha Clearfield Store, 1'lnlipi.burg, I'enn a. Salt by the back or load, chear than can lie bad any where elie, at the Clear field Ktore. Philipfburg, TetiD'a. Call anil Examirje the atock of pooda. at the Clearfield Store, at rhilipaburg, Ta. Hipheat price paid in Good, or Ct.h for Luciher and Shin;lea at the C'leai field Xtore. Fhilipfbuig. Fenn'a. The cbeapeat ponda of all kinds are to be had at the Clearfield Store, at Fhiliptburg. Call and aee if our goodaand tirioea don't aoot I he timea. V. W. BETTS. k CO. rhilipaburg. Xoaember 15th, 1HC5 if. WINTEIUOODS. moat Kttr torc a rnii.AiLiMiia. Aa Cheap aa the t'heapeat and Good aa the IteaU . C. kRATZER & SOX, Have jnrt reeetred, and are opening, at their Old ?tand on Front Street above tba Academy, a large and well ae h'cted aiaiartmect cf SEASONABLE GOODS, which they ara aclliDg at rcry low ratal. Head the following catalogue and proit therely. v: O o p J N n 73 Especial paina bat been taken tn thp election Vz:'9 Oooda, whi inrf1at Kinbroidurlee Millinery C-"da, Printa, Kerchief. Nubiea. G I uvea, Ac FOR GEXTLEMEN. Alwave on band IHack C!tha Fanet and Blaek Cart-imerea, hatinet. etc. Keady Mado Cluthinj ol all kinda. BOOTS A3 1) SnCIS. i ECKTIES. and a Tarltj of otlirr article., wbich tbej will .til at a amtill adranca on eoit !Ht3T SAihI3 QS'S-St. Parucular attei.ll.iti I, invited lo lli.lrl .Uirk of Carpata, Cutt.ra, ..itom.in In Krain, aunrrnna anli.h lncrain and Dru.-rl.. Flour and Table Oil I'lotha, Window shads, and It all .per., ale. FLOUR. BACON, fiih Salt Plaatrr. Atiiilra. Trachea and Prune, keft conatnnily.cin band ALSO, in Stnre a Hi of large and amnll Clover aeeil. We Intend to mnke it an object for Farm era and Mechanics io buy from ua; heeaurewe will eil our goodf aa bw aa they ean ba bought in the county and pay tha tary bigbrM prioa for all k nda of country pro duce Vi wi) alao exchanpe poodi for School, Hoan and Cotxrr oidera ; fchinftle, Board i, and nil kin!a nf .Manufactured Lumber. Clearfioia, March 14, lM-G. GREAT EXCITEMENT SECOND STREET, ('LKAiua.ui, Pinn'a. NEW FIRM. NEW AMUNGEMEN'TS and Nac Goods AT VEHY LOW TlilCtS. The undpmpni'rl liaving formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile l.uioneaa, wou ii fuel fu 1 1 y invite the attention of the l.i hi 10 prucralljr to their fpletuJul asrortemnt nf Merchandise, arliich now being SOLI) VEHY LOW FOR CASH. 1'Urir atock oiinsi, in part of Dry Goods, nf the beat o'li.lity, Midi aa Trinla, De I.ainea, Alpnooni, Mt-iinna, Gingham, Jlushna Hleaclie I anil unbleached, Drillings, Tickinpa, Cotton ami Wo.il Flanaela, Salinella, Collenalea, Ciiniereat Latliea' Shaala, C.'aK.Ntiaia" and lltio.la, lUlmo ral at:J Hoop S k 1 1 1 . io ic, all nf which WILL BR SOLI) LOW FOR CASH Alti, a fine a.anrtment of men 'a Ilraar era arid Shirt a, llata A ( ap. Iiool & Shoea Qitrcnsicarc, Glaaaware, llnrilwaro flioreripa ami -pioa. il? ALL KINHS INSIIORTA GKNKHAL ASSORTMENT of every ilimg ti.tiHlly kepi ia a re Kill Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CAS!' or approved country produce. WRIGHT A FI.ANHiAN. flearfiehl. .laminr 10th, iMifi tf. Clearfield Academy. Kev. P. L. aAHaiSOS. A il.. Trincipal ritHK THIRD SK'SlflVef th, rr'rciil ,rho. X a'lte ypar nfthi, Inrtilntioa will cfiuitnriice uu MuMlAY, IVWuarr II, l''7. Pupi! ean entpr at any tiiua. Tlt.y H! ba eharcfd witti tiiuh'Q froia tba tinae tfacj aaler to tb. lo.a of Lh tfp.i.n. Ilia CKlr.eol in. Iran ion ernVraer, evpry tbita; !nr!iitl4 In a thormili, fra, iiral antf acedia ilich.J .lu.atin tor bulh turf. Tha Prinrljial. 1 arit 5 t ad Ibe ailrantat a nf mnrli esfpriifuca In hi. prut, mm, armr.. pa rent, and cuard an. tl'at hi. rnlira ability and enrrioa will bo devoted t" lb, moral and rorn lal Iraiuirp 'f tl.a tnutb li.fl priti-r hi. ihare, 1 l.ltM-a or 1 I I IKIM. OrtbopraihT, Kradinr. Writira. and Trlraarf Aritlimctio, per hra.ion ( II a a.) - $j tl flramniar, lloograrby, Arlihiutir, and llintory $ 00 Algebra, (leometrT, Trigonometry, Men litration. l-ur.e) ii't:, I'hilo, -'by. I'hMi oh'S.T. rhetriotrr. Hook kfiitig, Uutany and Pby.ieal eorro by - . . II Latin, flreek ar.d I nnrb, ilb any of tha abot-e rtrantlea ... - 111 00 TNo drdnetinn ill be ma.le f -r nVfnce, ffir Oirlher )iarirnl' Irqnir, of Br. !. 1.. IMKUIbOS. A M.. eieirOeld. Feb T, OW Print Inal f ft Month l-Acent want. d for . SUll M'f't mrt.rin. Jo.t oil. A.l.lrea o. r. r, ir. tV, 'i'y l'o;Mi"(f, Pl.'d. ford. Ma, May I a, Jy.l'.