SW and burner. "A litl I aoacenee now i Ihca ll rellahed by the beet of lacn." To prevent flips from pcttinj At your bacon in summer cut it i" tlio ppring. Whv is a lady of Jnnhion like a mo CMstuUporUman f Uccauso elie bags the bare. Why should the birds feci deprcned early in a summer morning? Because their bills are all over dew 1 'Isn't there an awfully strong smell of pips in the air f asked Smith of Jonos. "Yes," replied Jones, "thut's becoueo tho wind is from the sow west." Weak doses of washboard are now recommended to ladies who compluin of dyspepsia. Young mon troubled in the samo way may bo cured by a strong preparation of wood-saw. "I don't liko to patronize this line," said a culprit to tho hangman, who was adjusting tho noose around his neck. "O never mind this once," re plied the hangman, "it will soon sus pend its operation." A Yankee girl, who wished to hire herself out, was asked if she had any followers or sweethearts. After a little hesitation, she replied : "Well, now, can't exactly esy. I be a sorter cour- teo, and a sorter not. Jtcckon more sorter yes than a sorter no." r A daily newspaper man, who has just gone out of the traces, says he is becoming quite well acquainted with his family, lle'shortly discovered, to his great surprise, that his daughter could play quito well upon the piano, lie never had time to discover the fact before Between two of the shining lights of an "im-town church" in Louisville, a gentleman of seventy and a lady of ntty-lour, bymetuuJ hres were lately kindled, but the "old man" cruelly extinguished the flames, and the heart broken matron sues for breach of promise. A Western farmer, being obliged to sell a yoke of oxen to pay his hired man told him he could not keep him any longer. " Why," said the man, "I'll stay and take some of your cows in place of money. "But what shall I do," said the far mer, "when my cows and oxen are all gone V "Why, yon can work for me and get them back." As Ilion as a IIoosiiead. An arch little fellow told his pretty cousin that ho could jump as high as a hogshead in the yard, full of rainwater. "Im possible," said Bhp. "Well," said he, "if you will go out with mo I'll prove it to you." They together went, and the lad jumped up about a foot, snick ering all tho while. "Why, that isn't a quarter as high as the hogshead," said the little girl. "Well," said tho boy, "you may see if the hogshead can iump higher, if you havo a mind to. Jut 1 don't believe the hogshead can jump as high as I can." Man Under tiii Bed. Most of the the unmarried ladies enjoy a pleasant delusion. They seem to think that men have a m.-inia for getting under beds. Accordingly very few of tliem retire for the night without first going through the ceremony of looking tho: iV Delightful as are tho illusions of hope which beguile us for years, we have never known but one instance in which tho search was rewarded by success. Thediscovery was announced by a little stream of delight, and the lucky lady was congratulated bv her companion with tho remaik, "Well, Jano, I am glad you have found one for to my certain knowledge you have been looking for him for theso twenty years." A handsome young girl was setup with one night by a noble specimen of the true American, with a scissors in his vest pocket I mean a dry good's clerk ; and the mother hearing something pop, rose from her couch under tho impression that her eldest boy was holding a wild revel on the root beer in the west room. But, on opening the door, she discovered it was bugging and kissing which awak ened her from her peaceful repose. "My darter, my darter !" this fond parent did cry. "0 that I should live to see this doin'sin my house !" "I know,mother," this sweet maiden did to her mother quick reply, "that it's improper, but it's so oriul soothin." Some "old fogy" perpetrates the following : riRKini in l'To. Man to the plow, Wife to the cow, Girl to the yarn, Hot to the barn, And all duet nettled. neurit in B67. Man a mere show, Girls at piano, Wife mlk and latin. Boy Greek and Latin, And all hand! gaietted. A western cotcmporary, after read ing tho above, advoeatos the es tablishment of Seminaries for young ladies where spinolog-, knitologv, weaveology, cookology,ic., can bo taught the graduates to receive the degree of F. 1. W., or Fit for Wives. Paying Likk a Sinner. Several Tears ago, in North Carolina, where it is customary for tho tavern-keepers to charge the ministers nothing for lodging and refreshments, a preacher presumingly stopped at a tavern one evening, made himself comfortable during the iiiiriit, and in tho innrninrr entered tho stage without offering pay for his accommodations. The landlord soon came running up to the stane, and said : "There is some one who has not settled his bill " The pnssengers all said they had, but the preacher, who said he understood that he never charged ministers any. thing. "What? yon a minister of the gos pel a man of God f" cried the inkeep er ; "you came to my house Inst night ; you sat down at the table without a blessing ; I lit you tip to your room, and you went to bed with- out prayinglo your Maker(for I stood there until you retired ;) you rose and washed without prayer, ato your breakfast without saying grace; and as you came to my house as a sinner, and eat and drank like a sinner, you liar got to pay like a sinner 1" Krltflloua nisrrtlnnit. Diving and finding a pearl in the era, lllame tut (he oeoui, the leull il In thee!" "Have enmmuuloa wltb tw, lie familiar with ene, Ileal Jutlly ith mil, .Sj'eae rei7 aoaf." Keep a good conscience. Guilt breeds discontent and remorse. The cheerful nnostlo said, "This is our re joicing, even tho testimony of our consciences. Men call sin an accident. It is ig norance; it is infirmity; it is tempta tion ; it is this, or that other periphra sis or softening phraso. But tho apos tle wants the minds of thoughtful men to be fixed on the exceeding sinfulness of sins lie desires that it should be understood that such is the universal it', the unity, tho solidarity of God's law, that tho man that attempts to striko the crystal orb in one point strikes clear through it. Little Acts. God does not require great things of us, "for lie knowcth our frame ; He remembereth that wc are dust." 11 o only asks that wo shall serve Him in tho little, every -day acts of lifo. Jesus served God as truly, when, as a boy, Ho worked for his father, as when in latter lifo "lie went about doing good." It is not the act but the consecrated spirit which at tracts the approval of God : A eervant with tbii eleuae Makee drudgery divine: Who eweepi a ruoui, ea for the laws, Makei that and the action flue." Humility. A farmer went with his son into a wheat field, to see if it was ready for tho harvest. "See, father !" exclaimed the bov, " how straight theso hold their heads. They must be the best ones. Those that hang thoir heads down I am sure are not good for much." The father plucked a stalk of each kind, and said : "See here foolish boy! This stalk that stood so straight and high is light-headed, and almost good for nothing ; while this, that hung its head so modestly, is full of the most beautiful grain." Want of Sociability. A corres pondent of tho Lutheran and Mission ary thus illustrates the secret of the want of growth in many churches : "I have been sitting near some folks for years, and wo moet every Sunday in the aisles or in the vestibule, but they havo never said 'good morning, or good evening,' nor 'how do you do?' not anything. They never smiled at me, they never looked even as if they knew mo. I tried formerly, and more than once, to look as if wc knew each other, and attempted to get up a sort of smilo of recognition ; but they look ed like the Egyptian Sphinx, and 1 gave it up as a hopeless caso." Tm Loss op A Soil 'What if it be lawful to indulge in such a thought what would bo the funeral obsequies of a lost soul? Whcro shall we find the tears fit to bo wept at such a specta cle? or could we realize, the calamity in all its extent, what tokens of com miseration and concern would be deemed equal to the occasion ? Would it snflice for the sun to veil his light and the moon her brightness? To cov er the ocean with mourning, and the heavens with sackcloth ? Or, were the whole fabric of nature to become ani mated and vocal, would it be possible for her to utter a groan too deep, or a cry too piercing to express the mag nitude and extent of such a catas trophe ? Make personal effort for the salva tion of others. Accept and create op portunities for leading or pointing oth ers to Christ. Gratitude to your Sa viour and love for souls will lead you to this. You may find in this labor of lovc.crosses to be borne, but the di rect returns of light and strength in your own soul will amply repay -ou. Strength in the physical world springs from struggling. There is weakness in tho limb that has not carried a bur den. The power of that Christian is undeveoped, who has not had sovere battles with the enemy, or who has not performed trying duties for the cause. God will richly bless you in these attempts to extend His King dom. You will learn to delight in it. You will bo securing a starry crown. Young converts, persons who are just beginning in earnest a Christian lifo, usually are full of Christ, are en thusiastic in their utterances, and aro fond of giving expression to their new found love or acal. Too often, how ever, in tho later struggles either of lifo, of Christian experience, or of faith, men full off, so that you do not know them to be Christians unless you meet them in tho church. There aro hundreds of professors of religion that you would not know to be such. There is nothing wrong about them, they have no vice, they aro guilty of no crime, but there is no power, no warmth, no beauty, no attractiveness in thorn. They either never knew, or have quite forgotten, that, aside from certain great staplo Christian qualities of truth, and sincerity, and divine love and reverence, and obodicnee, there is to bo unfolded a beaut'. We aro passing toward that rest ourselves. l)o not regret it il tho eyes grow dim. You will see belter by and by. If tho car is growing heavy, do not be sorry. If your youth is pass ing, and your beauty is fading do not mourn. Jf your hand trembles, and your foot is unsteady, with ago, be not aepresseu in spirit. M ith every im pediment, with every sign of the tak ing down of this tabernacle, remem her that it is striking tho tent that tho march may begin, and then when next you pilch your tabernacle it shall bo on undisturbed shores, and that there, with eyes unwet with tears, through an atmosphere undimmed by clouds, and before a God unveiled and never to bo wrapped in darkness any more that there, looking back upon this world of ignoraneo and suffering and trouble, and npon the hardships of the way, you will, with full and discern, ing reason, lift up your voice and give thanks to God, and say, "Thore was not one troublo too much ; there was not one burden too heavy ; there was not one sorrow too piercing." And you will thank God.iu that land, for the very things that wrings tears from your eyes in this. Look, then, to that bettor land, out of all the trouble of the way, sigh for it, pray for it, and enter into it, ?hr Ctwflcld jSrpuWirau. Trrmi f Hub- rlpltoti If U It. tlvKr hIhr thnw nioitht...t3 If paid kfier lhr mi4 htorr $ aiotth...,, t i If (Mild mftrr th x. ration of mi moaltti... I tW Halra uf AdrrrtUliig, Trii ft ml ftilvvrtiM-mrtita, W Mjuivuf 19 lintr Im, I tiraei or a f 1 60 Kr mm b wtieqni!it inaertion - Admiuiitratori' anJ KivruturV oti. I M AiihioiV nficft 3 to Caution! ftnl Krlrava. 1 i d l'i-iiuhn potior,, I W Loral ttoiioca. ur line 14 (Mutuary no, ,-, over five liura, per line...... 10 l'ruluiiiuuaJ I'anU, 1 year I 00 YKANI.Y allVRBTIRKHRara. 1 quart $H 00 I t rolurao $25 00 lMuareaH IL 00 I i column.. 40 00 3 KfuarM ?0 00 I chIUiud.. 74 00 Job Work. l.AKkl. Single qnirr... $3 AO I 0 qulm, fierq'iire.fl 75 3 quirei, par quire, 2 00 Over 6, per tjutrv.. 1 60 HAinaiM.a, i ihw-t, JS or tail, $ I 60 aliocl, 7b or Irii.M M i iheet, 2e or Iron, 1 60 ahwt, 26 or lent, 8 00 Over lit of can-u ol above at proportionata rate . KJilor and t'mprietor. i'rofrgsiocnl & usiiifss (Cards. S. A. FULTON, ATTORN E Y AT LAW, CurweiMvllle, Pa. Office la Mellrlile'l Building , on Main Street ""Fruirpt attention given to tbe eeeuring and collection of Claiuia, and to all legal buit eu. uU-ai:pd "WALTER BARRETtT ATTUHNEY AT LAW. OSoe on Second St., ClearSeld, Pa. otl,M Win. A. Wallare. Win. II. Bigler. J. lllake W alien. Frauk Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. ar Legal bmineai of all kindi promptly and accurate! attended to. aae la-7 THOS. J. McCUlTloUgH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSoe adjoining the Dank, formerlj oeenpied hj J. B. McKualljr, Heeoad it. Clearfield. jOVtrWill attend prompt! to collection!, tale of lend., it. docl7,l JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Katate Agent, Clearfield, Pa Office oa Market itreot, oppcglto the jail. ' p9 Reepeetfull efferg hit eerrioei la rolling ana nulng laade tn ciearfleld and adjoining counties: and with an experience of over twenty can ei a enrveor, flalterc bimetU tbat he ran nnder eatiefaction. frb2S,'A3-if WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Office oa Market vtreet one door eaut of the Clear field Count Bank. ooa4,'64 John 11. Orria. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA II', lle-llefonte. Pa. rrplS.'ti. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lata Surgeon of the 63d Beg men I, Penniylvauia oiuoteera. baving retarntd Irvai Ue Amy, offon hit profefiional eervicei to tbe eitiieiu of Clearfield ceuotj. ttProfraional calli prom paly atteaJed U. Office oa Beoond itreet, fur marl oecMpied by lr. Wooda. , aprypQ U DENTISTRY. J. P. CORXETT. DiKTrsT. offer hit profemional eorvieel to ' tba citueoa of Cnrweuevitlo aod vicinity. Offioa ia lrug Store, c orner Maia and Tbonipeoa atraetr. mar 11,'M ly:pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER. Agent for Ike Paichi and Silo of Land. Clearfield, Pa. -Prompt attention given ta all fcuineet connected with the count oSco. Office wltb Hon. Wa. A. Wallace. jaal.'DH.tf JAMES MILES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Lutlirrtburg;, Peua'a. fl-Will prompt! attend to calling eelet, at reaeonalile rwtee. Ijen.Hl Ita A. H, FRANCISCUS&Co. SI3 Market HU, Philadelphia, Pa. ammcTi-KKni ana Aoxara roa mi Pali or VOKIKtVE. NoTr.Tbe rreular allowaocei made to Ilealere in MANILA KIll'K. o:il Cm Tbomal II. Forcoe. A. A. Uraham. FORCEE & GRAHAM, ikiii ia General Merchandise and Lumber, Jmi.l) (irahauton, Penn'a. JOSEPH H. BRETH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Licenced Convoaneer, New Vaetilnp;lnii, Clearfield ra , Pa JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Lice n led Coaveyaneer, I.Dtlienbur, Clearfield, c, P. Collwt tone and remittance promptly toad, and all kinds of legal lofUamenU eieeeted oa ibort aotiee. may9,'66 tf C. KRATZER &, SON, MERCHANTS, nil li ni in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Culler, Qaeentararo, Orocenea, Proriiioni and Shinglel, Clearfield, Penn'a. Mr-At the old '1 tend oa Front ctreet. at ore the Aoadem. ldecll,' tf DRUGS ! DRUGS! DRUGS! JOSEril R. IRWIN, Oa Mala BU, one door a-eet of Hippie d Pauit'i Steve, CVUWE.NSV1LLK, PA, Hal aoer oa hand a large aiiortnent of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Truaaea, Phnnlder-tirarea, I'.laalle Mtork Inga and Muppnrteru, Olaaa, Putt)', Perfuner, Toilet Qnodi, Confectionerlee, Spieei Canned Fruit, Tobaero, Cigara, llooki, Stationer, Penclle, Pern, Ink, and a general rariel of Notioni. nil itork embrarei all arllclel needed la a eomraunit, la entirely new, and of the belt ejuelit, and will be Id at reaeonahle pricea. Call and examine the goodij tbe cannot fail to pleaic. dect-tf "VOTICIi. I'erennl dreiring to trannaet buni X neepwiih roe at try olhee, are hereli notilicd tbat I will not be frmnd wltb eertaintr at home on anv dave eirept MONDAY and HATI KIlAY KeptSII-tr vtm. PCU.TEB. OYSTERS! OYSTERSTT 1AM alware in receipt of the beet OYSTKHS, whii b will be eerred up in the neual variety of eltlee. I hare ma . w.nn . n.l .nr...Li ailed op for the aooummodation of LA III M, which '" " iomme pertiruiar aiientlun, HOTK 8 Janl-tf loc Cream and Oveter Saloon. 4 DMlMwTHATon-H MiTIC IV-Kotioe a- " ) p.. n.iminieiraiion on the eilale of OharlM r,illiu, dceeaeed, late of uraov townHiiip, i.iearnohi count, I'a., hare tttia dev been dul grantrd to the undernigned.to aboai all pcreoni indrlitrd to mid eatate will pleaar make parment, and tuoee baring clairaior drmandj will prceent them for cettlenicnl without delay. . CUHIST1A.N KORB, Fell. 14, l(IT-rlt. Adlninintnitor. 1.1 RUT UH 4L1TV OKeHINr.l.ltkM 'nialeHj H. W. gMlIH CO, Hardttarf, Jlnuarf, (f!tf. " MERRELL & BIGLER, aaaiaac i HARDWARE, Alec, Maaufaetareri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CI. lARFIKLD, PA. LOT OF SADDLKS, BUIDLES, Ilaracea, Collar!, etc., for aale by MEItRELL i BIG LEU. pALMEIlS PATENT UXLOAD- Ing Ha Forki, for late hj MEItHELL & BIGLER. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kalli, etc., lor lale 1 MERRELL t EIGLEE. TTA1JNESS TimiMLNGS iSIlOE Fladingi, for tale b MEuliELL i, BIGLER Q.UNS, PISTOLS, SWOKD CANES For aalc h k MEERELL eV BIGLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AND Biiee.for aale b MERRELL i BIOLER. TRON! IRON! IRON! IRON1 For tale b ' MEKRELL & BIG LEU. TTORSE SUOES 4 HORSE SHOE XX Kalle, for .ale k MERRELL k BIGLER, pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES . And boat manufacture, for ia le b MERRELL A. BIOLER. qMIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE x Bcica, for aale 1 MERRELL & BIGLER. JODDEK CUTTERS for sulo by MERRELL I BIGLER. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOfLE TUAT THOS. J. MECAULEY, l TACTl tn or Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron M are TTAS oa hand, at nil cton and factor, oa IX Market it., eaet of Second, Clcarteld, Pa, Tba largeit aad beat auortmeat af TINWiRE AND OTHER GOODS, Whlek wilt U cold, Wboleiale aad ReUil, CHEAP FOR .CASH! STOVE-rirR, ALL SIZES, Alwai ca hand, at low pricea, Boaeo work, each ai Outlere aad Cea doctor!, rurnubea ana put ap alitor! aottec and VERY CUEAn -Repairing Prompt 1 Dona.V9. Clear. Id, Nov. 14, l8a , FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Look to jour Interests ! G. S. FLEGAL, Phlllpaaurg, Centra r Pa MANUFACTt'ftER OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, "IITOIILD reepeetfull Inform kit frlendi and V I tbe public geBcrall, that he Has Opened Larue Sales Rooms la the borough of Phll!piburg. Pa., for the man ufacture and aale of STOVES, TIN AXD SHEET IROS WARE, Of ever deiorlf tlou, manufactured from the belt material. M rariel of Cooking Slovri coniiiU of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, (the. belt cooking itove la tbi 1 ailed Statu,) Coatiaental, Lehigh, Farmer, Paylight, Charm, Ac. and ever rariel, of the belt Pituburg Manufacture. TARLOR AND IlEATIKd STOVES OF EVERY DESCU1PT10S, Including BPEARS' ARTI Dl'ST. Sold at tho Lowest Cah Prices. Merchant! deilring to parchaee will tnd tt to their odvantara to examine ear itock before pur. chaiing eliewhcra. ejuAll orden for Fpontlng and other work will be attended to oa the ihorteit aotiee. ael! "GET T U K BK8T." HHr.nlKH V UIIl) llirbeet Prjlninm. Lock Slitrh. SEWING MACHINES. VLL tnquiriM in frfrrrn to tbi 'A No. 1" Mtvhine roptlT -vnitwrrrd. Thfj cm be jiruooml fro to tn tt nly prinom. wtS-1f LuU.cmWf, Pfc. Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. VI, l, SU1I.DIP.RH OK lWl-,l-4t3 are entitled to an lM ltKA.-l.il lltll'NTY. Tiie andenigned ip prepared to collret all eurh Ronntiea, ae well ai the increaeed pay tn Soldieri' Widow. All tnautrice end eonmuniratinn aa ewrred promptly, llierbarge receipterl furt Poet Office addreti, Varweniyille, pa. erpi tf JlkMMl KV AM. nun' (. lonlnra. llubbell'i, Drakea Hoof. a uv wan. vernaa, nopiriier . mi ureene Oiygenated Hi Hen, aleo pure Liquera, of all kihu. iur eivaioinai pwrr".e., iwr ey M. tt 'vOfa MoMhl A gentc wanted for urn. OeJlF rt'tWr mm arttree, juet out. Addrccn 0. T. OARSV, Cltj Ballding, Biddiford, ale. f t arduarf, iTinuarf, ?tr. NEW HARDWARE STORE Philipibnrp, Centre Connty, Pa. G. II. ZEIGLEll & CO.J DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood, Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, 4c. fpni altealloaof Mechanic!, Builden, Farm X an, Lemboraea, and Bucra general I, il Invited to the fact that wc arc offering a belter aHortment of goodi In our Una than can be found cliewherc ia toil part of the Bute, at Prices to Suit the Times- Our itock conprliei a general aieortment of Tooli and Material! nied b Carpenter!, Vlack rmlthi, Carriage and Wagon Makeri, Ac, with a large atoe k of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MINING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROPE, CHAINS, ' GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL &. CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELED, FINISHED & TLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TURPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAX OIL LAMPS AHD LAHTER5S. Aa excellent aeeortmeot of Fine Cutler, eoav priiiag KNIVES, FORKS, DESERT, TEA, 4 TABLESPOONS, SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ao. BRITANNIA 4 SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE h GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Household, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting Implement! of the latcit at.d moei Unproved piteroa. Blackamitbi eaa be rupplied with Anrili, Bel le wi, Vlcae, Sledgei, llammera, Iloraa aad Mule Fhoea, Hone Naili, aad all kindi of Iron and Eteel. Carpenter and Builden will Ind ta oar citab. liihment a inperior itock of Planet, Bawa, Aagen, Batch eta, liogli, double-bit aad pealing Aiei, llammen. Cbliele, Filea, Hingei, Sorewi, Bolte, Lock i, Pullei, 8aih, Cord, Ac, Ae, Ac. Farmer! aad Raftmca will Ind averthing la their Una, aad cheaper than eaa ba bad eleewher. . Particular attentioa U lav'ted to our Mock of Florae, oompriiiog Spear 'e celebrated Aati-Duit, Cook and Parlor Sterol of all ilea. Aleo, the Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, iJrilltant, Dawn, Dew Id op, Arctic, aad Cemmoa Egg, rocket, Ac All of the abort gooda 111 ba Bold cUrep for raah. G. II. ZEIGLER k Co. Pkilipiburg, Oct. 10, 1888 1 prepared w a cafe leaeee of A trial of maev care hai eeubluhed the fact, that tt li more efficacioui ia pulmnnar aSeeliom than an other reaed. Iu oficar hai now beoome to general! known, that it I. JuetlT regarded la man eouatrlei at a medicine of indlrpeneable acrceeit. In Ureat Britain. r ranee ana uerman, ancrc medical eel. Doe baa reached iu higheat perfection, it ii proecribed la domettie practice, aad conitanil ated la the ennici, In kotpitali, and other public lonitutioni, where II ii regarded b theatteac'ing pbtiriani ai the moit epeed and agreeable remedy that can be employed. Pearcel any neighborhood can befoand where well known eneea of dieeaied lunge, which bad baffled the clorte of the moil ikilliul and cipcricnced doeton, hare rot been permanently cured by iu Tbeie reeulti arc the moit conrineirg proofi of tbe euporior curative propertiel of tbit preparation ; and to them the autbori point with peculiar atti.factioa. While It it moit powcrlul agaioit confirmed dieeaeei.Jit tieitremel gentle at a medicicc la lofene aad oath, being cjuit karmleie to uvea the young. eit, when dminirtereu juiiidiouiy, Tbii heaitk-mtorer aoeompliilci even more by prevention than euro. If taken In ceaeon. It hrali all Irritation! of the throat and lunge, whether ariiing from Coldi cr Courha. or frtim other raueei, and thnt nrereut that lima trl f painnii eno. incuraoie nieeuee. which would ariie Irom tbe argleot or them. Hence no family tbould be without it. Infloenta, Croop, lioarae nete, Whooping Cough, Pleuria, Incipient Con untption, and other uSectioni of tho broalking orgene. gin way before thia pre eminent oom binetion of medioal virtuea. Pretiared by Da. J. C Am 1 r. t..ti Maw., and eold by C. D. Watana, DearSeld ; W. 0. Me'i, Olra liepe; Joeeph R. Irwin and Irrl.i A H en. horn. Curwenirillei Kirk Rn.. err, Lumber Cit. JinlO 2m E W STOKE AND N EV GOODS ! JOS. SHAW & SON Hare juet oi ened a Niw Sto, ooMainSt.,Ct.irnLD, Pa., lalelr oceuplej by Win. F. IRWIN. Their itock coniiili of Gacx tarKi of the beat quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, and overy artiola naoruari for ace's comfort. Call and zamine our atock before pur- cUainK eli.wbeir. May 9, 1800-lf. 's'tOn RKW " he paid ia Green 'hack! to any ereon who hae weed lr. Dumai' Pile Salve aoeording to direclinnr and lial aot bcrn cored. AddreM, J , . 1. S. Pl'NiTAM A 00 decS-lT Viilliemmnrt P. c ANN CD F ft lIT of all klad.. at MBREU blQLJi-S TTfk Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, l yJr p loothing eipectorant, I jry to meet tbe urgent need ill 1 1 " "''able cure for di M the throat and lunga. dF tfdods, Crorfrirs, (?tf. GOODS REDUCED I GREAT KEDUCriON IN THE PRICE OF GOODS AT H. W. SMITH & CO.'S. Prluta, thai wc former! cold at li ecoU, we bow cell at Ut llubleacbed Muallua, formerlcold at SO, wc now aall al 83 lllearhed Muallua, formerl cold at from 14 to 40, we aow cell at SOa 40 Alpaeaa, former! told at from 44 to SO, wc now ecH at 5(a,6.1 Caaaiaierea, 10 per cent above coit AU-Wool lie Laiuea, at S3 Com mou I)e Lalnea, at S3 And all Preil Qoodiat the aamc ratal. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the beet eaallt, at aa ImmcBic redaction. FISH. Wc will cell Mackerel, Herrleg, Ac, AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Or ever deccripUoB, great! reduced. We offer car Itock of Dry Qoodt at the above Sgurei ap lathe let of January, 1 867, The arc all af the Snt quality, New and faabionabla. An ana can aow have aa Alpaeea for the eoet of a Pe Lalac Thia effor ii made la good faith, aad all doiiroai af eooaomiilng la the proper maaaer, hare aow aa exoolleat opportunity to rappl tbemeelrci at the ebeapeet re tel. (Mrlctly for Caah. aorlg. H. W. 6MITH A CO, ANOTHER EXCITEMENT' A FALL IN TRICES. New Goods at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN, ovm.u oeeuaa oirvei, iioarnoie, ra. A FRESU ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. lam Jutt receiving aad opening a carefully elected itock of faehlonable Spring A 8um. near Uoodi cf almoit ever deacriptioa. ijiriiaja a?dasTsjr A beautiful eiiortment af Print! and Dry goodi, of the Bcwcet aad latcit etylee. Alee a great variety of ateful aotioni. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. BoaaeU, Skawli, lieu aad Capa, Boot! and Shoei, (a large quantity ) Hardware, Queeniware,Drugi.Medioiaei, Oili A PainU. Carpeta Oil Clothe, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, Forciga and Domeitic, each ai Applet, Peacbea, Currantt, Prunes Kaiiini, Orange! and Lemoni, FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. Mackerel, la i 1 aad i harreli, cf tbe but quality, all of whirb will be cold at tbe loweit caib cr ready pay pricea. My old frieudi and the public generally, arc reipeetfully invited to call. -N. B. AllkindiofOtiJVaad approved COrATiKJ''ilOH'CA-tak,. i, cch.ngefo, 0o,'''-. . WM- R1. ClearSeld, Kov. g, lms tf JI CHARD MOSSOP IS XOW Felling, at half their aiual prioe, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Goode LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SflOES, BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS. BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CCFF3, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND FORK, FLOUR AND FEED. Ao. Ac. Ao. Coal, W hel and Llnwed Oili, Family !, Tarniihea aad pa in la ef all kladi ground la ail For call by H. A I. 'IVBaaoa and abdominal terror ten of every aw -mw i mi nwn ioipn.vernente, ror tele at the Drug Store ef HARISWICE AJRWIN. r-eROCERIEStotehadat MKHFSL A MII VI'I r l iberty tVhlta 1 cad.-preferred be all an etlnml P.lnt.M 1 T.. lil.-J. :n r ' - um , we win Bare bo other. Manufactured only by ZiaeLia omiT, ooieeaie irug. I'aint I uia Dealera, No, 1.17 North Third St.. I'Mla March 11. .!. I)IKK LI It KK IV Mill IK LKAlC Will da ...A W... w , Coit, than any other. Try It! Mann fee lured only by IK1ULKR A SMITH. Wholeeale Drug, . ..... man wiaee ireairra,a. t7 norta Third at FbUh- Majchlk.lfDf.le ej National Bank. i.r.ARPiKi.n, pa. 'PHIS Benk li aew opea aad read for boil. X nan. Office oa tierond itreet. in the uuila. ing formerly occupied by Leonard, riauey A Ce. Mnicroai aan nrpiraet. JAS. B. flRAHAM, RK'IIAKD FIIAW. WM. A. WALLACE, WM. POIITKH, A. K. WRIUIIT, QUO. L. REED. D.W.MOORE, JAS. T.LEONARD. ja2S,'aj Cathier. Preitd.tt. Clearfield County Bank. flMIK ClearSeld County Bank mm ca I o corpora- l led inititution eat gone out of ciliteuet be tbe lurrenderof iu eberter, on May 11, 1S, All iu Moek il owned by the lubKribere, wbo will continue tbe Hanking batmen at the tame place, ci private Bankeri, under the firm name ol the "ClearSeld County Bank." We are re ipontible for the debit ol the Bank, end will pa iu notei on demand at tbe ooualer. lepnm received and interact paid when money ia left for a Saed liinc. Paper diaoounud at ux per ocni. ei beretofore. Our pereonal reipontibility ia pledged for all lopoiita reoelvod end bueineee1 tranaioted. A conliouanee of the liberal pat ronage of the buiiacri men of the count ii re ipecuully lolieiud. Ae Preiideot, Llatbier and odloerj of tre late ClearSeld County Bank, we require tbe uotei of laid Bank to be predated lor redemption. JAS. T. l.KONARD, RICBARD 8HAW, WM. PTIRTEK, JAS. B. ORAUAM, A. K. WR1UUT, . L. REKU, WM. A. WALLACE. The buiinaaa of the Bank will be conducted by Jobs M. Adaml., iq., at Caihier. L)unJ,'6i C. H. Fotter, Edw. Perki, (I. L. Reed, J. 1). M'Uirk, A. K. Wright, Wm. A. Wallace, Rieh'd hhaw. 1. T. Leouaxd, J at. B. Uraham. Banking & Collection House OF F08TEE. PEEKS, WEIGHT & CO , Pblllpeburg;, Centre ro Pa. Bllli of Eiohanf e, Kotei and Drafu Diaeoantcd. Uepoeiu raeetvod. Colloetioac made, aad prooeede promptly remitted. Exchange aa tbe Cm ce eoaitant! ca haad. The above Banking tioaec ii aow open and ready for attained. Mp6.'Si JtOtflS. Susquehanna House. COXESTOWN, DAVPniS CO., PA. THE underlined takee tbii method of la forming the Watermen of ClearSeld county, that be hai refitted aaW reopened the hotel for. mcrly kept by K. Shreincr, at Coxeitvwa. where he will take epeeial paini to render Mtufactioa to all who favor him with their patronage. lie baa blowa all the rocke oat of tbe river and planted anubbing poete for half a mile above btc place. febls,'7 UEORtiR FALK. The American Hotel. LUMBER CITY, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. TBE endenigned having leaeed and retlted tbii well-knoea itand, ukei tbii method of bringing bit eiublubmeat botorethepuulic Hn Table and Bar will be anpplted with tbe beet tba market afforda. A Lberal abara af public pat ronage li therefore reipeetfully collated. jeu2M,.pd JAMES L. CLRRT. The Eagle Hotel. ClRWESbVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. r'SBK andertigDed baving become proprietor A. of the above betel, wtrhee ta give Betid u the eitiieni of tbii county, at well ai ta the trav eling public, that the boutc hai baea refitted and refurnirhed for the entertainment ef hit rente. Uii table will be fumiihed with ererything the market afforda. Ilia Bar will eonteia the belt brandi cf liquorc. Oood atabling attached, and none but earelul boitlere employed. J.'H tf L. W. 'EN ETCE. . Railroad House. MAIS STREET, rUILIPoDlBQ, PA. Till endenigned keepc eonitantly aa land' the beet of Liquorc. II n table if alweye upplicd with the Wit tbe market etforda. Tbe traveling public will do well to give hint a ralL aovl.'ci. BOHtKT LLOYD. ?.oots ana hors. STID1 VOIR l.VTERLSTS. BOOTS & SHOES nutde at L0WPEICE3 TBR endenigned it prepared to ttanafactare everrthing ia hit line at tbe lowed figurea. lie will warrant ail work to be at repraeenteo. He reipeetfully aoliciu a call, at bit ebop on Market itreet, leoond door weetof tbe p notice, where he will do all in bit power to render aatii faction. Some fine Gaiter tope, extra French Calf bkint, Ae , on band, ready to be tabbed av hort aotiee aad at low pricei. jun 13,6(1 y DAMKL C5SSELLT. A rE0fUMAT10.. OOI50 IT AIONSit Xobody Prohibited from Buying my Boots and Shoes oh account of Ract or Color. BEING thus liberal minded, Itakethli method of loforoiirg the eitiieni of Clearfield end vicinity that I have opened aihop on rieeoudtt, next door to the County hatloaul Bank, ever Watioa'c Drug Store, where I am prepared ta make to order everything in the Boot and Shoe line, oat of tbe beet material and ia the moet workmanlike manner, and ea abort notice. All 1 atk la atrial. Done at Clearfield, thia 19ih day of July, I'M, HARRY PEACE PROCLAIMED. THE WAR OTOE IK CLEAEFIELD. KXOX TOVTXS1IIP QUIET. Xearly all the Contrabands going back to their old masters; but 'nary one going to old Massachusetts, when they were lorcd to long and so veil. ITS eonieqeence af the above facte. P. 8I10RT, of the old "Short Shoe Shop," would an nounce t hie nnmeroai patron a, aad the people nf Clearfield eoaaty at mrgi, that bo hue aow a Iret rate ret of good materiel, ja.t re eel red from tb. k -.1 ..J .. nuuHJ i . . . ' r"t- - .wn BUUr, p. BMI and mead Boole aad Sboei, at bia aew chop ia Uraham 'i row. He U tatiificd that be eaa nleaee all f,.).. tt nlk. L . iH. i. i ,r . , - - - - - kh.w u ipu n ivjmi eiey. at borne patriote.) He le prepared to cell low for - " m tvmvw. vni lorget lac Shop aexl door to Showere A Uraham'l ttore, oa Market etrcel, Clearfield, Pa4 aad kept by a fellow comment called jjju, a.j "SIIORTY." M BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. ESWASD MACS ft CO.. On Market ctreet, cue dooa weal ai Liepoldt'r srewery. TI1K proprletore bare entered Into the Bool aad Shoe builneee at the above eland, and are determined not to he outdone either ia qual ity or price for their work. Special attention will be paid'u menaferturing tewed work. We beve oa haad a large lot of French Kip aad Calf Skine. of tba eer kM ..)., vw. i,i. lent of Clearfield and vioinily are reepectfully ' " give ae a trial, ite cnarge lor CaiU. ITt H I ITt ll I lTt ll 1 SCBATCH! SCRATCH ! SCBATCH t WHEATOS S 01STMEST M 111 rare the Itrh la die lloan. V LS0.,n!! S" tlreva,Cbilblaia, J Bad all Krnrttifrt,. nf L. in- .A ---r " - cut, mm ev ceute. For aale by all Drogtl.ia. By lend. eg f.VV"t,WSEIi8 ''""KR.ee.leageMc, 1" bl,"' '. Boctoa, It will he for warded by mail, tree of po.tage, to en part cf the I cited Statee. Pet aale at H.ri.wiek A Irwi.a, Cleeraeld, Pa, J.i. it uui. 11 AFTIN.I AXKS with teopmrrd l.nre etecl u . I'. MtAlItll. RaKT af al' tl.ee, for lale BP Dec. II. lm, ME ' BELL A BIOLKR. KAFI1SO RPrE-aU iieea-e-o, aale at J. r. EBAIZER 1- County