Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 07, 1867, Image 2

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    . rrr i -1 . -.-,
""C'-'iW.r: 1.. - '.
tiKiiiic.K It. (iooin.ANnm, Kilitur.
Thursday Morning, March 7, 1867.
Cirnco Greenwood is in favor of giv
iug tho ballot to every woman ho
runs a sewing maehino or wash tub.
Thai' sensible.
l.xil rovinu. We learn by thoiVn
ocrat that tho nneient borough of
Doyleslown is giving way to improve
ments this spring. The editor notices
the. putting up of two new bigns the
week previous.
A bill has passed tho lower House
of our Legislature, authorizing the
Kocorder of Deeds in the several coun
ties to receive nnd enter of record nil
Soldier's disehargo papers This is
tho only effective way of preserving
thoso valuable papers.
The President has vetoed tho "mili
tary reconstruction bill," and uNo the
act "regulating the tenure of civil
offices." L'pon the receipt of the
vetoes, tho Hump at once acted upon
the bills and passed them into laws by
tho constitutional number of votes.
The Kadicul Disunionists in tho
Western States aro trying to get their
Legislatures to pass acts prohibiting
Texas drovers driving cattle into
thoso States, in order to keep beef op
to tho present enormous prices. Fut
cattlo can bo bought in Texas and
drove to Illinois and solJ for thirty
percent, less than the ruling price. It
is a grout pity that "loyalists" cannot
environ themselves with tarifTs, em
bargoes and negroes, against the out
side barbarians.
It, f, i i ... ,
jIblral. Her. C liarles Avery, of
Pittsburg, died last week, and kft one
hundred and filty thousand dollars to
tho Oberlin, Ohio, College, "for the tl-
evation of the colored 'people of the
. , , m,
L ...ted Stales and Canada. This is
an institution at which whites and
blacks intermarry, eat, deep and live
together. Had ho stated in his w ill
that this sum was to bo used to do-
, , , .. , ,, , . .
grade tho whites, ho would have slut -
od a probability; but to elevato tlio
blacks, is an impossibility. The testi -
luony and history of thousands of i
years 13 against him.
I)r.FF.TPn. The accursed embargo,
, . , , , . ii
entitled a tarill by Inya i-ts and pub-
J J 1
lie robbers, was gloriously defeated
in the Hump at Washington, on Fl i-
day last, through tho joint effort of
ltr..ri.n .rn lm-nlil nn.l '
... . . -j ,
tho llemocrats. This w ill cause a ti
lnendous howl, laden with a CodrUh 1
nceiit, to come up from the hills of cx-j
tra-loyal 'cw England tho hind of,
tbe oppressor and the bravo-oh. Tho
.1 t- -. i ... . i .,
Ticon n nf llin I inli'il Stint. .a lnu-.i I
tribute enough lo tho New England
States in fish-bounties, tariffs and
frauds-to cancel thewholo National
debt; and yet (!icy cry for more.
TiitTii 1'oit Usct.-Henry Ward
Leccher, a few weeks ago, while get
ting off ono of his politico-religious
harangues, eaid : "It is a bastard
Christianity which builds a colored ! elry and gewgaws at most exorbitant
pew, in tho back corner of the Saiu tu- l"'i-,'- In some instances thoso per
arv sons write for the northern papers,
,r', . . ,, c , .. ,. nnd it is for their interest to have the
This is the first lime this eccentric South dominated by a military force.
un nit: iiii5 iui -1 me iruiu in rcierence
to himself for a long time. Neither
negroes nor poor w hito people can en
ter his ''Sanctuary," because he charg
es S-'jO for tho ' back corner'' pew.
xie ueing a maimnolli"liastard Christ-:
ian" himself, is entirely competent to
give nn opinion upon "this point.
1 am m I
Jl'ST LIKE Til KM. The knavery (:
tho "lovnl" leaders cannot bo better '
.,",., i , , ,
ll nstrated than by the fact that while
tncy are peeking to cnlranclnse the ,
negroes in the Somh, they refuse tin in
the same rights in Ohio and New Yurie.
Tui,.;.i.,i,..,.ri.,.,i.,i f... .
by large majoi ities, last week, refused i
Constitution. While they thus vole
at home, they nevertheless call upon '
their P.iimp brethren nt AVnsliin-ton '
to push on the good work in W
t, , , . ,
'" ,"U!, W1,ul n-'Kh-,
tors 10 accept tinit winch thev refuse.
ei-i . i ,.i . i. .....
m.smay ne".oyat:y, in ,t does ,
eem like honesty. The Golden Puie
A Washington Uair writt-r pavs:
Ihv ll'iu-H fif llcj-rfM-ulnlivrfi vm npftirt), at
Ufval. tLir iinimifix mtb prarer hy tlif t hnj.lnin.
Iter. Ir. IUnntm, wh-i. nimn t ti i xinaiun, pir
h prayer a ...imI.t j.olitniiI tnnr It-iati uwni. Mr
a.nulrd t' thf tttml j n-majr,. f Uitb fc.t- .,f the
bill for the rtmrf cfni-M in rntcninii iit i.i ilin
cm Ptutra, aii aixt iht w.rkmc ihr.nrh
iDrw nT'n ffiuaiivc. n 1,1 in
e.',,t..,v..,.h.,i,iu. juatie, i
t!?lT?.t ':?Vl"""r V'"
all, and In
lioa ; and pmri-J I hat in Un- .itifi'-iMiit rriip thr
jiiruicmy rtoilio ... rune tl.e inn 1. 1,1 a In in..
l.le bin lo a.t nucrt. All on l, tl ,t l tbe
conaiucrauou oi inc inriiai.r inc.
Old "nitk" wiil never lutvo his own
until ho houses about ten regiments
of these politico-religious tl waifs, lie
lias no Letter agents on this continent
than those men w ho have hired and
taken full pay from the Lord, but who
Inhne- nl..a.alv far I.U M a.
ll'Afl'C efofn .ViilnltniMit inoaf
fVrrol f
f hough iH'yro slavery lwi4 reased tu
exist in the 1'nited Stales, many peo
ple nro grossly deceived in to tunny
fuel connected therewith. For in
stance, wo lately hoard a mongrel lie
publican lender charge iniilutloism or
! miscegenation upon tlio Sou'li. The
I follow ing table, taken from the census
I reports, shows the ratio of nnilnttoes
J tootio liuiidred negroes in eueh State :
fcOl'TlirUV St.lTliH
Aliit.jiina 7
I Snliriil'.IDi .LITI-H.
I Celitiirum U.ul
II I l-'onneuticul .id.. 1
Aikxnftrt .....
Mitaiarippi .
H. -.''.l i llliiiou. s.i.j:l
H'. 7" I Indiana '.'. .
O.l'l Iowa .0-
17. Ij Munio .'!.. .1
lS.l.'i ; Miti-mivllurK'tta "I.SIl
H.lll I
New Hump hire .
. KM
Nt-w .
Nuilh Carolina UM'ti ( NYw oik
South Carolina 4.4S Oliii
Tciwici'wc l'eniiavhaliiu.
Toxn. 1.1.7;. j Ithoile Inland.
Virginia 17.S1 1 cruioul
I Wim-onon
i i sr
The above table will show where
inulattoism most prevails. We say to
our friends, when an Abolitionist
I charges muhittoisin upon the South-
cm people, show them this. 1 01 lit
them to tho fact that in tho loyal
States of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and
Michigan, two out of every three of
tho negro population are muluttoc
modern Hluck Jteiublicans ; w hile in I
tho Slules of South Carolina, Georgia
and Mississippi, where tho opportuni
ties for ruising this kind of population
is ten-fold, there is but one mongrel
to be found out of every twenty genu
ine no.rocs. The censusof lfil', taken
and compiled by Abolitionists, proves
this fact conclusively; and that of
lx"0 w ill prove it more so unless tho
negro bureau is continued in the
Southern States lor an indefinite pe
riod. Should tho Northern agents of
this concern be allowed to associate
with Lincoln's "pet lambs" until 170,
tho mulatto scare in the South may be
brought up to that of loyal Iowa
or Massachusetts, at ull events.
iMi'CAriiMF.NT. Tho Washington
correspondent of the New Yoik L'x
prtvs, a fcvY days ago, in referring to
this question, said : .
"Tho Impeachment investigation
was very significant. It is well known
i !... 4 1 i ..: tt.. :
ucit; unit me natj nirnai v jaiieu
'. .. , . . .r.. . .
! thus far toobtain any reliable evidence
I 0fljt.;a misconduct on the part of
the President. The testimony they
j have taken is nothing more than bear-
:'V, Mr- Johnson did be-
'ore ho was even tiomiiiutcd for the
Vioc-Presidoncv. P.aker and Jack
, liniltoii say that he wrot a letter
j to Jellerson I'avis, offering to join the
j Confederacy upon condition that ho
r',1."l,,t ",;"10 cretary of War.
j 11ns, 1 believe, was sworn to by I!t-
. kcr ul wion (.aU(,j H jur k.t
: u-r, ,0 said ho thought it could be
! found. Tho fact that tho Committee
have been going along on this sort of
evidence, shows how badly off they
wero lor money and licnco the ne-
;OMsityiort ictlt.,M..vw voteu lo-Oay.
l imagine, how ever, it w in naruiy lie
. ., , .. i ., ,r
sutficient to purchase another ton's
ver, especially in view of the situation
into which that unfortunate individual
I'"" "' n placed, in consequence of his
oflcllCOS. W llU t tile V Wan t is tcl i mo-
! ny fi gainst President Johnson, not Mr.
Johnson, and tliev will linei it if it
tllu.s the entire contingent fund of
tho House lo obtain it. Money is no
object, especially as it comes from the
'aX r'dl.K'" ,.U'"1'K'' W1ilni"!W' liru '"
demand, and must bo bunted up.
Cai our in the Act. Dan Uicc has
written a letter detailing his observa
tions during an extended tour in the
Southern Slates, lie says the .South
ern people arc sadly misrepresented,
principally by a class of fellows noted
in the following paragraphs:
There is a set of traders in some
districts w ho swindle the poor negroes
shamelully hy selling llicin liogus jew
they will, of course, paint horrible pie
lures ot tlio Kiinilued relicts.
"In oiii instance that nunc to mv
know ledge, a trader had sold a breast
pin to a negro for five dollars which
1 - ,l ' i.l j-f l'....!-. li 1
for Hxtt tn cnt. and this man was the
correspondent of tho Chicaro Tritmne,
i" 1'a,1'" Hadical pajer in the North."
W 0 w illingly civdit this, because a
fellow who is iiieim cncuKh to corres-
K'"'1 " "'i''"' ",'"n' '
nhout rascal enough to swim o u dar-
koy. Turiiill ;, to lll0 .,.
.. ..... uw... .. HII "Ul , . l'IIIH-1 iirtu.
stand point, the fellow
who Would
sw indle a poor neirro touhlu't be anv-
thing else than a "loyal" cot resiMMid-
..... ..!' . I? ..K....I .". li.... : .: I .
ienioi a j.:inic.'tl or -an.
A 'Ull 13 1 Iglil.
Tivrr.nANTE ix Massaph, srrrs.
The joint special commitlce upon th ?
subject of 'modify imt the present la w
re"l"'t lin lie "ilo of sjiiriluons li-
'"T-1 toTt,nt "c"? u,i'll'r
certain circiimstHiici R. held their first
meeting in lloston on Tuisday
1. inns t hild, too ther with cx (iov
.. 1.. ... ... .. .
.n-in-w, cotinae; ,r tlio peliliDnere
j ,l,r 1" , . "'"do tho op 'iiing
ar:''m'nt'. 1,0 ""J : .
tl. . .1. : ...
Ail i ni I'Mf! ! cu u-mprronro onu
a licetisn law. ntnl Tir',1 nt
... in ,ni- e, y retiti re
i- . .
lenjrtli to j.rove this, in a historical
sketch of tho ro.-ulatio,, f ,lp Ra!e of
liquor from em ly Colonial times down
to the preset,, tlay. 1 rt '" d to t"e
present prohihiiory law bL ssid Z t
'present proli il i I ory law lit iSjii
; fArrt- mm no ; nW i.f vcar in
: iW.rri of the i omwon.roUii ,iu,i
"ic .iii.i..-. , iminij. TOUT, he
fj-fi riM.iH ,f .lr, .......
,. . t - . " ' "
i ..... . inn ni'iii luk jk l in loonc -
sity of a moral change, and
a moral
i - cureab -
principle in men's minds to secure
slinence di iiiliinir. Ho
i !... ... i . . ii . . r
...... illinium maa couitt iioi ie en
forced except so far as they n fleet
public opinion, and that it is the moral
principle of the peoplo j.ressirg ii, on
i . ' -K
iiiuuicninuiics uno courts fin l nirm.
.that make law t!Tectie"
I.v.. ..
t'lolnr nf thr M tlttmp f'oii
nrtsx nml thr r;rrliar " l.'ir
Tho closing of tho ;i(lth Congress
took place on tho 4th instant, on the
day appointed by the Constitution,
and presented a scone of great inter
est. M no than one thousand ladies
were present, for the purpose of seeing
in a brief space of time the dissolution
of olio Hump Congress and tho organ-
i.ation of another, morodi tificnt than j
its predecessor. During tho last s,-s-j
sion ten States w ere deprived ofrepre- i
seiitation, and now in this "Leper
Itump" no less than 17 States aro un
represented. The was'.o of time for
tho past three months by tho Into
Congro-s, ne.-essilutes premnturo ac
tion, so tho Hadi -al loaders say; but
the following speech of Mr. lirooks,
of New York, and tho protest signed
by democratic mein!crs,cxplnins why
they object to tho present organiza
tion. Their arguments ami fact nro
unanswerable. Where are we drifting
to, and how long will a now free and
independent people tolerate such out
rages on their vested rights !
Mr. lirooks arose and said : If tho
indications I see in thu public press
and elsewhere aro to bo realized ; if
tho process of impeachment is to go
on, or w hat is more revolutionary, tho
suspension of tho PruaiJxnt Vy thr
action of this House, it is revolution, ' plain. Mrs ('has. M. McCulloeh was j 1 us would be tcrriblo inded. Mas
uiid nothing but revolution, call it by dressed in pink silk, with low neck , suchuselts has attempted to monopo
w hatever iiauio you lileaso. Tbe and peplum sleeves, sash of samo ma-' lizo the roisiness of supilving the
c I ..P .1.,. 11 n ... ... ......
..' ' ... ... "... i
i omminec 01 1 iiiiie.u iiuieni, una 10
. . . .
have t he w id e ( live lou ana control
of the Jirocess of impeachment in this
House. J say, therefore, that tlie most ; pearl in the hair. .Mrs. Senator!!"1'"; mil wnen someoony ciso jiro
serious of :ilf steps is tho organization Sjn-airno w as attired in pink silk, with ' I";s'1' to supply the Southern Stales
of this Jlouso. and in case tho nrece- mi overdress of whito rau.e. llio I wild ice, anil "our ieo merchants"
dent you threaten us with is created
l y you. ami tiio existing 1 rcsnient is i row wliite satin put on tho bias in
deposed, or in caso of the President's i strips of half yard in length, the samo
death, the Speaker of the House bo-! trimming beingon the sleeve and bod
comes tho President of the United i ieo : hair waved and dressed with red
States, so that in point of fact, here
liy our solemn action to-day, we may i tor Kainsey wore a biack velvet robe,
be treating n President of tho Unitod witli low bodice and short sleeves;
Slates. 1 protest, therefore, in the neck and sleeves trimmed with lace
full solemnity of tho occasion ; 1 pro-; ruche and narrow black velvet, coif
tost before my countrv, and in the fure f scarlet fjeraniums. in arl iew el-
presenco of the gentleman from Oliiorv. .Mrs. (Jen. lianks wore hlac'k lace '
Mr. Ashley, who is to be the leader in over a black silk dress ti imined with :
this resolution ; 1 protest most solemn- j crimson satin ; hair dressed with bands '
ly against taking any further steps j f gold. Mrs. Senator 1'oolittlo was '
toward tho organization of this House j attired in ashes of rose silk trimmed 1
until all the States aro fully repre
Mr. Urooks then read tho following
protost :
Whereas, it uppcars by tho records
just nindo that tho following States,
seventeen in number, are not now rep
resented upon the flour of this House,
viz : The Stales of New Hampshire, cluny laco spencer, black lace shaw l, i "'rm oi Quarter Sessions, in Phila
I'hodo 1-laiid, Coniiecticiit, Virginia, and "coi.'fure of blue velvet nnd coral. I delphiii, referred to an increase in
North Carolina, South Carolina, tieor-' Mr. Yonrhccs was atlired in a claret ! ,'1C business of the court during the
gia, Florida, Alabama, Mississip, colored unwatcred moiro antique, ; I'ast few months. He said "A most
Louisiana, Texas, Tt essee, Kt-ii- triMimoil w ith velvet of that shade ; fearful, determined struggle between
tuck', California, Arkansas anJ Ne- Imir unconfiiirJ. Miss Urown, with i right and wrong, virtue and vice, law
braska, States entitled by the act of!jrs. (;(-n. I'ai.ks, woro an ashes of and crime, is now going on, nnd unless
Congress of .March -lib, 11)2, and sub- 'rose silk, white Ineo capf, coitl'uro of! '',0 strong arm of t lie law is exercised
sequent acts, to Pcprcscntatives in : jink vel.'et w ith w hite flowers. Miss ' promptly, ull llial is good w ill lie swept
Congress, as follows: New Hauip- j Mcrritt woro an elcL'ant silk of blue i I''"1" l'e land." He referred to the
shire, i ; Phode Island, - ; Connecii- j nn, ,ruwu sfnpcs trimmed with blue ! Il'li that, for tho first time in ils bis
cut, -1 ; Virginia,'; North Carolina, satin, Ino chemisette, and head dress i toiy, the Fa-tern penitentiary is so
7; South Cnroliua, 4; Ceorgia, 7 ; of silver cord. Mrs. Lew is J. Pavis ' crowded that it has becomo necessary
Florida, 1; Alabama, ti; Mississippi, j was dressed in blue silk, trimmed with 1 1" place two prisoners in some ot the
.1; Louisiana,.); lexas, I; i eniies-1 hointun lace, head dress of blue rib
Bo, S : Kcnliu kv, '.I : Culifo-nia, .'I : : l,n. aw-an's dow n and di .'llnonds M r.
Arkansas, ;! ; Nebraska, 1; in nil
eighty Congressional Jiistricts now
niirejirescnu-d on tho floor of the
House; and whereas, of these unrep
resented States seven aro of the origin
al thirteen that in 177 met in Con
vention and created tho Constitution
of the United Slates, New Hamp
shire, Pbodo Island, Connecticut. Vir
ginia. North Carolina, South Carolina,
lioorgia, the majority of tlio original
Slates; therefore, w e, mcmbei s elect
of the Fortieth Congress, do now en
ter our most solemn protest against
iiny ai d every ne'.ion tending lo the
lei.i.niii'.atioii of ibis House until the
absent States bo more fully repre
sented. Sidled
JAS. I'iROi HCS. N. Y.
W. 1". NIPl.ACK. Ind.
P. VAX T1IAM P, Ohio.
a. ti. tM.tsiu;i:NNi:i:, Pa.
J. M. Hl'.M I'll PKYS, N. Y.
M. C. Kl'lilt, Ind.
STKP1IKN TAl'.iiP., N. Y.
P. M. YAN'ANKliN'. Pa.
1. KWIS W. IJOSS, 111.
F. WOOD, New York,
I. liKT., Peiinsvlvaliia,
w. i: Kinnxsux, n. '.
JulIX FlX, New Yotk.
i.HKifT (i. i;i'i: i. in
F. SlONi:. Marvland.
CI.' I. W. Mopi'iAX. Ohio.
H. P.oYiill. Penn.
F. MrCl'l.l.Ol'till. Md.
i iias. HKX-.MSOX, i'
T. F. NOl'.I.lj. Mis-onri.
W. Ml'NliliX, Ohio.
CHAS. 11 Ali.lIT, X. J.
.1 Ull N V. CH AXPKl:, N. Y.
J. V. 1- l'Ji'l" YN. N. Y.
Ar-Ei-Tlili. i iie stui khoiders of the
Steubeiivillo and Indiana llailroad
j nae iiccepiej tno report ol llie 1 res:-
Jewell, recommending the transfer of
ni and iioci i er, lion. I lumias I.
1 Jewell., reeiim men .1 n
, T," V V::,.V ; '". - '
' ; ' " ' The .!.. -i ,.
ni ?, h, 1 e , 1'"
, 1 ;.
suireniler ol Hienmd seen.e, lo I... tl.
I . 1 . .
. ,. , ,. , ,, ,
ifililv n iini.i ivii l..f .1... Ci....l
..... 1,,111.., inu .'liuin-ll-
!., -"T".r ws con-
M' cmharrassed, and could nt,t
('",lll"''e tl- western part of the road.
,lis wi K"'C tho lVnnsy Ivania IUii
! ''"I "'" " J C
r au' ,,n",'r Un',v ow " '''""'euient,
. Uilvt l ,0 the heart of the west.
I lit- li.l lOW I II .r nolll 1 1111 1 HlllS (if TtUlll-
...I : a ....I a . . ... .
. t-'i-enii- .
i I i ...ot. 1....K
Salade, Wil-
liamsporl; lkury I lerno, llar.leton ;
i David JSifwster, -Mont rose; lletiry
Uuillmnn, on i-lowii j Janus, Walsh.
l'lttstowii: Sainiiil L. tijlick. linn,
vlll... f.. I ... i il t .. .
IT' lX t '"""l-'y.. t oats -
Assessors of Internal 1
" " 1 "" -"""nyo"
WMT.w.r .
ievenue Mi-
n. i una. .tineieentn uistrict;
...... a l- i. x-- i ........' ii
' 1U t- 1?... i r '
:ng. T hird district.
'IYii.oji ad I VimMh'."'
All hough tho country is controlled
by "grand moral idea," it still be
comes necessary toorganizo mammoth
charily committees in all-of our large
cities, in order to appease the demands j
of lUminc. mid want in a larizo sci turn
of onr country. Thisisall rifht ; but
I those w ho nro starving, as well as
thousands of others, are probably not
aware that fashion, prodigality and
rascality havo, tho past winter, held
a perfect carnival at tho National Cap
ital. Wo reproduce the following de
scription of a Into fandango, ut which
"loyalty" moved in lull dress. Any
oipo reading it must conclude that
there is nobody starving in this coun
try, and besides "the preachers are
nearly all on our side" tho "grand
moral" hide :
"Secretary JlcCulloch's reception
on Saturday evening was tho most el
egant and fashionablo of the season.
Among the ladies present were Mrs.
Senator Kamscy, Mrs. Senator
Sprague, Mi. tiencral Hanks, Mrr
I Senator Doolit'l" ";-s Frelin -htivscfi !
Miss Morgan. Mrs. Admiral Montgom-
cry, Mrs. Mayor Wulluch, Mrs. Cbns.
M. McCulloeh, Missrown. Mi
,,, i i.. i: .-.Tsuliguislied tier-
Hi,n. -M.S. JuTullocli woro a dark j must havo protection or the Hluo
grecn moiro antipie, with crystal noses will monopolize tho business of
trimmings and pearl buttons, whito supplying Southern States and leave
hieo collar and cuffs; hair dressed "" m i chants out in the cold."
.... ..' ' ...... i
trimmed with !
; w ioic lace : me oou y anil sleeves 01 ,
. . . . . .
; I n i re.s henor IriinniiHl w it i ii uilitor
of tho silk and hice.guld comb set with I
' f Uirt t rimmed with plaiting of liar
1 roo and lilly of the Nile. Mrs. Sena- j
w ith velvet of the same shade and
black lnco. Miss Ki eliiigbiiysei.,danirh- j
tcr of Senator Fn linghiiysi-n, was
dressed in black silk, low boiiice and
short sleeves, trimmed with black
cheiiile frirge, eoitTiiro nf black velvet
and cold. Mrs. Mavor Wullach wore
a wliite tarlatan skirt over bluo silk
Col. Chapman wore a w hito alpaca,
trimmed w ith blue satin, hair waved
and powdered with crystal. Mrs
Franklin Philip wasa'tired in a black
velvet dress, low bodico and short
sleeves, trimmed Withcluny lace, coif
fure ol flowers and curls. Mrs. l'ich-
ardsnn wan dressed in green moire
nntiipic, with black laco shawl, hair
dressed with curls and crimson vel
vet." FnimiTFiT. Fix run. Ffntov. In
, " '"I
tlu caseol Captain deorge Olney, who
is alleged !o have taken bis sieamer !
by force ffnd stratagem from Norfolk, I
il'iliiil, (iovernor Fenton. upon a !
requisition from (iovernor l'ierpont '
of Virginia, issued a warrant forOI-
! nov nrrt'-t. lien the inaUorciinu'
lllier came
e Siinri-ini.
; iM-wre Juilo I.Odliaril. in I 10 Siinrpmi
:.. . .:. 1 . .
tv vester-
iV. ) ney,
re-inia was
. ii.i 111 i.ei n, iii tin!, coy, I'sier-
davJudi-'e 1 lean. in behalf of!
i Iiniii...) I luil n Vir.rini..
I ... l.: .' . '
not reeofftiized as a Stale by Congress
her appointed (iovernor had no status
! to issue a re niisition.iuid the (iovernor
'of a lovnl State could not issue his
! warrant founded l.oon such rri.iti.i.
turn ; and s tho tourl (U'Hiivd lo have I
o 4'nll ti rifii iiiiuii ri li. fnl.i.i.l
case asttdiorned to 10 o'clock 'thi.
morning. If a further adjournment
should bo had till Monday, there will
be time to get nn answer from Cov -
nrmir ...M..i, In I l,t. f..ll.. li
ho (Governor Fenton) believe that
irginm is a Stale n. iho I'nion, nnd
(iovernor I lerpont the legal (.'overnor
thereof f If he don't, his prompt obe
idience to Pi-rpont's requisition belies
his position ; ii ho does, he puts in per
il his loyal Mantling in tho loyal
pnrty wblcli elected dim "loval tloy.
ernort fa h yal Stale." X V. ",ir(.
A I.ottkiiy or Pkatii. In New
York, Mrs Mary (iroelsch. a (iermnn
woman, fil't v-four years of age, com
mitted su'eide by ewallowing a (puin-
' tily of arsenic. Ilcceased had long
been addicted to spending every cent
of money she could raife in the pur
chaso of lottery tickets She vwn
I e"' ,i'r,n,1t" ,l,,k? tl',. U""U T" '
1 r.roriat.vI'.v her husband fir tl.e s,,,.
P"1 1 ol the v- invest the san o
'n purchasing lottery polccs. She
1 teukiii'iii.Llnlutiiii ii'ill. hi l w f ! h t I.
. al
"":-ro'e'inii' ... . ..i.,. ,cn.
but all lo no purpose. Vn ('bristmas
day she tool; nil her husband's best
. ' " . . . ,, 7
y " f. " ' " ""-r..,.,e
l'"'""- ,M .
''n-.l that l. ,,,,I livo h her
" " " ' sepaiaie.
j ,' htm '' o ' e dopon,U i,t and
! low
lowed a tjtiatitity
ha I been pnich'a'sed omc
; viously to kill rats with.
! ,
i af arsenic, which
months pre
i A neu U- n,,.rri...i i. i.. ;., P;....l
ii . ..' mi... ......toning,
, ha, been surprised by tl.e receipt of a
i .t iter m.m a lnrtucr liusnana iu Call-1
fornia, whom (die had supposed dead.
i stutin.' that in . c,.. r -iil.
J a lot of money. 00k out, ' o. 2 1
. i-. ....u..., ,.
sinrneti, l ilt msleail Ol ttleetn- "e'"eiu, i nai innig mows wolilJ Ik- br Iik. J. C. lv. 1 r. t n . " prn.ilc anlc a larec t.w.i....
st'paraliiig they occuided ddler- i 'erecliiirniiiig, and blow hood inuch V""'1 n'1 '"IJ l,'T c- v ' t'leaifieMj w! ' "Alh 11 l t-:. now kept a. a H u t, aitimtc.m
rooms Un Thursday hot , -iiorter nved.-l,,,.-,,,,,,,,, l,uh "T'tX. J 'a - y-12 Trh.":
Isc 1. Ill a tit of ili''itiini aunl. , 1 ' ... I..... I... n... ' . ' " I fir a hoi. I. or dm llm. !,., ...i
HVirtf .Ve-ilf
The Stati'iif M.'i.i''liUM'tts has long
ciio cil a monopoly ul luaniilactimng
in literature, in poetry, and what i
I railed '( 'olonial Jl.rtory," mid in gen
I eral politics an inmiensn amount of
moon - Li nti. As this tiiunalacluro has
'been mainly fir Lome consumption,
ullh the KasL w ind, buck
' w heat c :L s, Hunker Hill Monument,
I baked beans and llo-tou Common, the
; menii" of enabling Massachusetts men
; to fill out their waistcoats to the top
i most button, neither Senator Sumner
nor Senator Wilson bus asked that
the new tarill' shall protect tho manu
facturer of Massachusetts liioonsliinc.
Hut it the Hadicnlsof thutsectioii, who
labor under the present delusion thai
they control creation, should happen
to fancy that sunrise, which strikes
Capo Cod before it lights up New
York harbor, can somehow be made
to pay toll to Massachusetts, we shall
certainly have a protective section for
suiinuo in the tarill lull. J ho next
'.hing to do, is the decidedly cool prop
osition of the Massachusetts ice deal
ers liienioriulizini' tho I.egisluture to
suggest to Congress that "ice must be
protected." The lloslon.Mni'ii' savs
I1'"' "n"f dealers m ice sec danger in
the new tarill bill, which proposes to
i Hdmit ice from tho Hntisli Provinces
Til-!''" Danger to whom? Of what
1 "tun . i ..tri.: :a, , .
Southern States w ill, eonstitmional
, I. ...... ... 1 u
... . ......- .-ui.n i
I....... 1 I.. i. i . I ! - I. . .
l' "ecu icii uui in neeom a lonir
lilllu. nominally for relusing to be sup
. Ifthev havo baked bean "merchants"
Jtn Massachusetts nobody is a dealer
there) are likely to bo left "out in the
cold," there is an immediate proposi
tion to tax the whole ice-eonsiimiiiL'
eommuiiity fur tho benefit of "our
merchants." If niivtliiritr mull be
cooler, it is the opinion of "tho totn
mittece" of the ulireaid "merchants."
'The committee," says tho Juiirnal,
'are of the opinion that the imposition
01 a small duty would not nfl'ect the
l"'"'c to eonsunicrs in Massachusetts."
Probably not; but how about the
I"'1'0 "utsido of Massachusetts!' If
these protectionist would only pro-
1' to l,,x themselves mid let other
p''l alone, protection generally
would be nioro popular than it is.-
1 . W orld.
John Urotrn'n Soul.
Juilire Ludlow, in adilrcs-oni' the
'jury at the opening of the February
eclls; and the saddest lad ot all is,
that over two-thirds of the inmates
aro under twenty five years of nge.
This may bo attributed to a want of
proper training of our yoiing men
and to the destruction of the appren
tice system. Neither parental disci
pline nor the firm band of n master
restrain the voungof either sex. This
1 ' ,ru'y " ieph)nthlo jiicluro of the
moral advancement and success ot
Puritanism. The great controlling
moral influence tlio pulpit nmt
bear the rrreater share of the respoji-
- . -' ,.' ,,: . ', "f-
plained ol. 1 ions disposed clitin'h - go -
vr placing every (smtidenco in the
purity andinfalliiii lily of their "spirit-
UI' l-'llides and less in theirown sense
' duty, were easily lead by a fashion-
sminiv lor tno siuto ol mine's con
' '" " pnsiuii., anu iritiingiy
scandalized only when called udoii to
1 i'1'11 I''orn, a:iU I I: triMmirly
i .WHimiz.t-'ti oiiiv wnoii ctniod unon t
defend in open court. Tho ironcrul
! o ,e, s, of' tho church, the alLdon-
, m.'lit ol christianil y to preach liolitics.
IJ..!-.....! i : .I TL. ' I
lU.'lit of christianilv lo oreach nolllii'u
I the turning of llie current of love into
; vilwt hate, of reverence of the Pcily
: f.l... "... ..n.L
"'it" I'laspbcniy these arc the leadiliL'
agents in (ho carnival of crime that
, rules in this nu'e of John Jtrownism.
I Cm l.D-w ll irri no l N Scil.ol..-It is
nni.ouneel from Cincinnati that a
ase wn.c.i nas i i.cen penning in the
i i i .i i . . . .
! ' , mat cuy against a
srnoiii teaeiier as oecmeo on .altll'
day la-t, tho judgment of the court
being that any corporeal punishment
of a by a tea. . is tin a l'l. Tho
, . -
Ul t IMuii I XOlH rnlcd tho tcuclu r fl Oin
any ihar'-c vl (iuil, ill -tempered or
...'I. d w- i i
cxe. ssne punishment. i;h regard
to tins subject, a correspondent of the
niiSLon i r iiisci ii.i aiska t "Aro wo civ -
out I
and snvs llie inniiii'v ix . oil.. I
.till Slls lilt, lUipillJ IS tailed
y tne lnct that since the com
plaints aroused by tho (lugging ufi
young ladies in the M.-issai-hn-ettH 1
kilnoily ....... I ,.l ..... : l . .
' I'liiiiniiint'iii
has beell adop o l tllCie, Which COD-
sists 111 opening tho childs innu;h
liiiing ii with cayenne pepper, 'iho
correspondent who makes ihis stale
iia i.t may well ttsk, 'Are wo civilized!''
A (lo id Will. We heard tho other
j Jay "'" that once lived within a
''umd miles of Toledo, who was
I l ....
I tHvS('S-(Nl Ol A I il I. I ( I'd t . I T 1 1 I ill I 1 1 L- n
i , - - -v-, , , -.....
all men, he their properly
irge (ip
small, he had to tlie, though dying he
Ukl Wliai inosl men won l tin : I10 e t
a Will liClllleat illl.r ll.-llt Hi Ihh wen I i
VUeingch.niless) to l.n, wil' bei use j
as long as sho reinained Hiuglf, the)
otner nan 10 no given In r when she
Iu tlrarfit-ll ls.r..n(rh, on the ii of 'ar. h. lrr,
of eoii.n.ii.ii,i,, Jlt ANMli NLW.soX, in tbe
i.i. . ... i....
n, ,t re, u.-ncc or her ron, Riimiin Mmanr.
f.r. i ,.,,,,-e. ,, ,be4,b i a aria
in the T."d year of ber ape.
In I'lki'lown.bip.on theSlthnf Kibrnarv. lsr",
at tbe rcii leai . of ber eon. J AM: OWl.NS aged
. T rear", It motithe, and I J It..
I . marries ngai.i. If mich C, were more i PZT T".r: rf. f ' ,
-Admtiirmrnts. j
nCTI l it. CI.
(ivm I!,.' W
I r. a'dll)
I. Ml OlO C'M ..f
.i. I'. K it n 7i:it.
r rm I II .in.. Iln Kf,il
Si. I f Hii.i i ..ul l c. ut
.1. V. hl!.All.!t'S.
I II-. i,
Ol I!
. HI.
I I ll..i, nl"B I'll iMI. l
J. I', kit l.l.ll s.
uii'l I I' '-'i r, ..r
.1. 1'. KIIA1.I-T. s.
pule Hi
iVKU SI. I.!) mi J 1 1 .MOT My Sl.lli j..-t
V r.
r--"'o-. Ml J I . hn A I .Ml s.
TAI.I. VM'kll
.t- t in up at
.1. I'. KliAI.i.l; :
il'TION All MTiui(ii arc li' n-l'V chuIjomi
J nr'.u lurriiniti it in i'lIui tuq l'r n r
tn'it J'rumiKry Notf. t-alliriK ur tUfr-1 tin
Wi Alar ii, I t7, mid ifivrn u Jtn iinnh Huittr ami
1 lutinu Ht illv. 1Y ilif niiih riiii'-l , a I m tor
r-tu-nr-t roDfiilfrution fr tin until nnt, u ui
ilt-U-raiincU D'tt I'i tlif nit nil", anla fotiip'-llt-J
y fi, 1'. LA.S.-lihKUV.
Ciciirfi-li, March .1, lsf.7. Dmr7
A'luiiiii-lf.itioii h.ninj; vu liia
iiii'li-ictkni'il nn tlio rt.ilc vi' li-r U'ilic,
ir'ti, lait of Uiifiirm tnKnuhip, t'lcnTlieM c(unty,
hII 'tti t)im iiiti'lw-il to p:in i-KtAfv will inuLo tin
nu.i:4te iuvuiciil,uii l (tno litt villi rlai m naiunt
I hi Htiiuv ill irim:nt tlii'i tlv nutlii niiialcij
iur t-.'itl. iiirnt. Ja-LI'll . IA
mir, -oi:ij AUimiii inlnr.
VIllMMlUT()im NOTICi:. Votii-e I
ii hert-oy given that lettr-n of Adminiatra- j
tiuii, on Iks eUtc of June Oweii, ricceaKd, I
lute uf I'tke township, Clenrlield county, 1
hare Ihii dny bin duly grantvd to the undi-T-1
incd, to wbotn all periuui iudrbtd it) vmd en j
tute will iilrane inakd payment, and tbe baring I
c.uiiu. or douiuoJ will prtn-nht id cm f.,r usuU- j
ment without delay. JOHN OWKXS.
marT fi:pd Ailmtiii-tMitor.
1)111 M1 II ITDKri NOTIt l .U tt r
of A.lmtni.riioi, h-iM.irc granted the
miti-.r-iiriu'd on the cftMtcuf lUrttiij inrk, dv'd
Intpu! Urullord towiixbii. kuriu-ld i-mnty, I'..
-II p. r- ni ind. I.Ud l. .id miMW will m .'kc tu -
1:.,U payment, nnd thouc having irluiiitf iifrAinut
" r
Joii.s L. W ll.SU.N,
u - .
tii.i iioN ov i.(tm:hiiii.
li I". iii,rln.'tilim liertoiors tii.titii; 1.-
I'- H. I'"' r. J. 1. M liiik, K.lmnl I'. rks.
U. 1.. n...l, Ki. liarJ Slmw, A. K. W'njcnt, J. T.
L.-onanl. Jm.. II. liruliMiu, ainl W in. A. ttuilM-.
in thu lUnkinit hu-im-M. u'. I'liill;ni.utir, t t-nlrc
eomitr, I'a., if tliii rlur I,, micinvl ron-
nl. '1 holjiiim j will he r.m.lii. U'.l a. Iicrelofore
at I liu rami- jiln.-v. un l. r lie till., ol I ...i.r. r. rk
4 to. ( . I'.. KK'IIAIII) ,-IIAW.
Jli.MiilUK. J. T. I.KON ttitl.
i:iW. I'KI'.KS. HM, A. WI.I.AfE.
111.11. .(1... l L' li 111. - ii r
ti. L. l;l.i:i). ilanh j, IsoT.
i. .... -i ii .-v .... a. n. ii lunii i.
C. I!. Fo.t.r. I! Iwanl I'eikr. J. II. M'tiirk.
Ihnkln & Colk'ttion House
S'uris-.sorr. tu Foeter, Perk, W rilit k Co.,
rtilllj.sbiirj;. Centre coM I'a.
A Y Hl'-tiK nil the biiiK.. of a HrtiiVing limine
1 ti.iii-i.'U j iirmiii.ti. and ui-in I lie- fivi.ruMe terni m.rT-tf
P n E Bodfrnin', dC.-tm hi terricet at a f-ur-1
vtur, and may b found at hip reinlonr, in
LaMwrrnre t wnnti.. Lct'.eri will nacn lim
dirffii-.J to CtYarficId, Pa.
mr7 m:M JAMFS MlflTKLL.
R. R0B1S0N & CO.,
('ropers nml Turk rackrrs,
Icn1.rri in Iin anil i:i'U,
Family Hour of the Best Eranda,
ltar-in, llr.mii, nu I Mumiilrrr; Lir-1, Mrnt
J'uik, t'tii-iM,t H. nn. K itTi nr, )rii' l f ruit,
Tartnin ami Lai i Oil, hrud l(cf, Ac.
No. iAft I.lbrrl) ircet, (Ucd Trout,)
irarT-lT IITTM;U1(1. I'A.
IUi.l's Mills, 1( Co., Pa.
IVKKV nT a firat--lna in.lilulli.n. affi.nlint
J tl.e ).t Ut-itiliia t.itli'i.e ir. .iat .a,a; l.r e.I-l-.;.-.
Im.iiii .... iir tn- liiiiff.
W ti'ile i-ni ii.i-a tor tiic Fuminrr Trnn. nf ftrr
1 un. nib. . i j ',o
. ttra ohnii a.
W'-Ncil l nn iH fiiu Mnv li, l'ir. fv-nd for
a rirrular. K.i. OH II LAW SOX, 1'rin..
uiar7-oiii i.l Antiatuan, I'a.
Sheriffs Sale.
I Y VIHTI B of a writ of IVarfiliW Frpna.
) iaaaril out of tha Court of Common Plraj
ul Olrai rnuiit.r. anil to ana Hirprtail, there
ill henioard to I'fllLIC SALE, at tha Ccurl
lloo ia Ilia bornitjh of Clrarfield, on ThurfUlij,
tha Slat dar of March, ISf.?, it 1 o'clock, p. m.,
tha lollnwtnir prur.cilv, to wir : '
A certain tract of land aituata In Karthaui
tonnahip. Clrarneld coontr, I'a., bounded at by
ww nanip. ciearnld county. Pa., bounded eaat l.y
1 land of t.lard M'Carrcy, aouib by Jacob Ml.
; 'h"'' "'! ' J"-3 Vi and on the wr.t and
j .Ti'1'1"'
Alan, one other tract ot lamlaiiune in Karibaua
'"""'hip, bounded at by ud of K. M iian-er.
m l Larin; a tao-.tory log hiu.a ami barn
I'd thereon.
f .D l L-iTin? uu.atorv l.r hiu.. n,t
r" (-a ipronn.
! . '"'" o'n" fr, nt Three im, in Kart.
; I't t'ircr Jlmire, Weal and north br Iraae Ms.
' bt o:irer Jlmire. w...i ..,,1 ..nh k. I..'., u .
'"'.'. "inainin one hundred acrea, b injr
j 0.n'.:!;r;r,",h. proTeHy'ofTiY.r.vlcu.".'1
: l-'l.kee. eaaiai.inw ... i....i-..i i . .
' irliid.lera wilt notice ihai'li n.r'r.i
lice U
at be
or it
! of ,h ?" m mey mint be paid when the i
1 L'!!?!r!:,.".,k"0'k'"1 do:r: "I' I
snsmrr a Orru k.
I fcl.enff.
Cleartli ld, J'enn'a, .Mnr. 7, 1?
Aycr's Susaparilla, )
la a c. ncentialcd eilia"! of tha
r j ... v...i.-ui,.i,.i eaiia-i ot trie
rf choice root, rocimbined with other
v Vjaubnancea of anil ureatrr allerna-
tire power a; to anord aaelteetiial
antidote for di.caar Samanarilla
' T'P'"" '""' 8"rh i aurcly
; 'XL V IZ "'ZZZ ":T...'T. .
. iHaiiui-, ( luin-nv uii ii im HrrvmpniQ uiptr
pui-c muf-I .r..vo, m tl.ii h pr.ivrrl, oi immont
mre tw ,hU IBr cUp$ "fouraffltctcd Miow-
! ri.i Ho m-inpletclv tliii eomnound will
d b pron tl,,,arB vm'm
of the wor.t can a lo be lound in the followng
' "I'l"'"'
I . '""'""i Mroru.mii fwethnra and Sorea. Kkln
, M,e..ea, I'uaplea, 1-u.lulea. lo ehei. Kronlion..
St. Anlliuny'a bire, Hoae or Kry.ipelaa, Tutturor
Salt Khcuin. Fcalil Head.
Sjt''" X "
the .yalcm by the prnlnnj
Kitigwuroi, Al.
iacn.e ia exnelled lYnm
. J ""'oi i.r.i.n,.o uaeoi una .-araapa-
tli;a. ai .1 llie patieut lelett in comparatire ha.lih.
!' ...n. aro cauaed by ficriifula in the
blood, and are oftrn anon cured by tlia Kiliact '
ol Saranparilla. j
In. nut rij. ci :hia inraluakle medicine, I ecaui.
you have been in pneod upun by Something pre-
tendine to be Snr.ararilla. white ii ... I
When ym have uard Ajcr'a tarn, and not till
then, will y iu know tbe eliluea i.f .Sara.ip.rilla.
1 Z
; ."b ,
. u. ... p . 01 tne ai.ra.ri 11 ruiea,
we ref. r you to Aycr'e American Almanac, whirb
Ibe aitcnt b. low na-ied will furr.iab gralia lo all
wha rail lor it.'i Calliailic Pilla. for lb. enr. .f c..:...
ul'"' i'yrppaia. lndif;sati m. Dyaen.
i,'', He,rib
........... .',,..u... 11, nraitrnc, I Ilea, lineietia-
urn Iron. Diaord.Ted Slom.
' 'h, I'.in or Morbid lo.eii.,. .r .1,. i 1.
I Haluleney. L.n. of Api etile, Liver Complaint
ria.u'cney. i.oia 01 Anietlle. Liver Comnl
r .V. e'u.iu j S ' " I
1 bey are anr.r coet-d, ao that tl ,. 1
I r '' "'" "a pi.aanre, and
1.M 1I.IN Ml in rona an-In n i,. e.i.iin,,..!
aca.u.t pnirha.. i 2 or in AliT Wnv .n..l.lli.,
""" " " l . i. '...-i.. o. nun .ii, tli-oo vela
old nrl Jim,., n.iw in t h.- p.i..o..i,.ti n( K. I,.' Mil.
lor, nf UillMwnalilp, aa the Mine ImIoi.j;. o
an. I ia hi! with h:in on I. .1111 ml,;..-! lo our
1-uinh.r l ily. IVI. :'l-.'a p. A. II1LI-; t into.
...l i'i i. i. ..,.:,. . .. . a
C Sf.n I-KMT of aM kind., nt
wuiuii.LL UtiLrirs
flT RftlM.S of al .i.e.
I al.ea, f . r ealit at
Dee. I.I, 1C.
il" Ktl.L A l'lOLLK.
ShcrifT's Sales.
1)T VlltllKi.l unliy ni. f r. ,.J
1'ii-a of rirnitit-l 1 ri iin'T. n I tu m s A.trn.j
ILcre will . (i. M'lil.lT KaI.K, b h.
1 (' xirt lluiifp In t. b-.r .uh uf rirMr.t-M, ,
- il I-,
I itr.iit, 'IrhiI, l' ,
C""I( At bl'll tofk, ItiI.t'f .:M1
1 :
1 IJ-'. M-rv:t,il to -rt ; .Ulii I
... ;
i to )mi-! ; itirtir-o frt b Hi ur r I.
i of hfitiunin, Riii.Utiiinc urn buiidrfd t.-i
icn, bttiiiij abi-til Ituriy cri clrieJ, .,(,
ti i); li. Lou. kuul flnlii ererlrd Oierci ..
1 ht-iip I, Uknti In eioruiion, nj to be ao!d m l.,,
" I m.prtjr of llnrTey Alo-r.
J I A .... - . . ... i 1 -: i .
I fi-"', cetiaiu irnti hi mn'i vitUMir id Uffiltr
I liwnhi., Clearftt lil eouuty. I'., l-our in ;
! ginning at a hemlock, I he tic north I i& pct, ,
: lo poii to roa J ; Ihtnrt north -I'ict w , .,.
I '2ii perchei to ut ; thencfl n-uth It - 7 I u ,, r
i to putt ; then re wfnt I'J'ii l)Mhi : ) ;t(f
J of hi ffinatnj:, cuuttuii. ut, I tt- u
I ar.rvi, buvtu about Ihittjr acre rw nr-!,
j kmall l')C boue ao1 ttahl arrcud Hi-rtu
Htueii, Ukon in tiecution, aod to lt tola at ua
1 ro-rljr of llarvej Jilo( re.
I Ai.u, a caruio tract cl land iitote In UtcaMtr
i towofbip, CJearfielJ eouoty, Pa., bounded: U
l fEinuioK at a hemlock, thouce north X erciitf
to popt iu iho road; tlienca north 6ofr..fl
; t4i 1?S perchrf to pout; thenre i.uLli 140 7 10
1 (irobei to i at ; thenou wot 12? i 10 r-rchi to
plat-a uf bi iuuitig. coiiUioinf oue hundred ami
I fovrii acrci, hftiiuc ili ut thiriy arree cleared.
witb t.a'AU h..u,e and barn erected (hereon,
hvizt'd, Ukn in execatton, and to be aoid ti
property ul Harvey loure.
A two, a certain lot of hind riluate in Cotii(rlen
townflup, (nnd in the Tillage i f MuUonliurg.)
CleaifKld ci-uniy, Fa , bounded on ibe lit by
an after, eoutb by towurhtp road, weit by lut of
John Lnel, and on the north by lot of Joeeph
MuUou, eoniatning anout two a- r, having a two
fiory dwelling buo, itore bouie and tbl
' m l,J taron. rMed. tkn in rxerulit'n and
w !" 'w,u int !''I,"J ratnra i. Jiagor'y.
I Ah ' "riiU" l"1 u1 imumttwm uriEiiU
ul 1 1, (and in the Tiliatfe of WnUonbarg.)
i t-ltarneij county, Ia., bounded on the ae by
I "ulu v roati, w y iul wf
Mui.on, conuininff about twu acr.f , haTinr a in
t.rjr dwelling houto, iiora boasu, and itabla
Ihurbun cr.cui. HiEd, taksn in execution, and
Iv b aold II the properly c.l I'ntrick T. llt-riy.
Alio, a ofrlain tract of li.nd kituau in l'toa
I toa-nthip, t'learrivU eounty, ra., boanJ).d oa taa
; eil I jr land if Heed & tt eartr, a-ulh ty land of
tii.Ln toniun and s. lii-in. k.anJ m rlta a; land
of K. Fentgn, ei.ntinin about tag hundred and
I itx icn-i, wilti lorty acre, eleartd, and bari;.. B
; iwo-itorj frame Injure and log rtabk eretled
thereon, belted, talen in txjcutioa, and to U
io J al tho .r i..'r: of Gi-otfi L Fullerlon.
I Alii, a certain t'rict of l.nd lilcate I. J.n...
rille. euli-b toanrhip, Clearfield coantr. Pa..
I. .. ...
i ui.u
b. umled on the muth Ij Main atreet, vail Ij
John Liti, north bj iuipiH.n A Flvna, and aait
by at!..yf enntainitig one fourth of an acre, with
mall fraina ho-jMi and atbla tracud thera
an. Bcixeii, taken iu execution, ami I ha aoldal
tbe propertj of J.,kn W. Millar., a ce tain traet of land litaata in Jordan
town.tiip, Clf-arfWd ecualr. Pa., bounded eaet
by John, a.iutb by John McNeaL we.l
by Win. T. lil-Hiin, and a.irlh by 11. blni, eon
laining filly fira arrea, aiih h iua ai.J tarn
erei'tei thereitn. brireil, taken in eierulion. and
I to be rold aa the property of Lafatette Muoiu.
Also, a c-rL.ia tract of land anuata in Cfarat
lown.L.p. I't'.-ariie; 1 cuuiitT, I'a., fcoutded aoatb
bjr Ju.iah weal by J. A J.,
niitth by Jonalhaa Wcatovcr, and cait by ,
cotitaititQjr aluut one Lnndrcd and seventeen
acrea, aritu one hun lreil acraa cleared, and bar
ilia; two larr frame b.uxi and Iwolarre frame
baroa errro-d thereon, r-'eiaei, taken In execu
tion, and to be iujj aa the rjieiijr of William
T--HiJ.lera ill take notice that IS percent
of tbe purcba.e niotier inuat be paid when the
property It knocked down, or it will be put up
tgsiu for aa!c. J ACOU A. FAl'ST,
Hnrnirr'i Orncr, I Sheriff.
ClearBeld.l'cnn'a.Ki'b 2i, 1?(I7. J
Tit 1
J nntne
1Mriiii;s.ih( Mtowint
tned pcraotii bare 6led In the ofiea of
tlic Clerk of tbe Court of Quarter rHaaraaa ef
('Icarneld cnutitr, tbeir petiiiona and bonda for
Licenae, at lb? Murth ecr.iorf next, agreeably
to the act of Aaaemblr. entitled "An Act lo regu
late Ibe aale of Inluxicittnff Lirjuorf," Ac.:
TAVKtta tleaaaxa.
Witliuro ITricbel Kuri haua towrtahip,
William SVhwrm Ittaiy
Darid Johi.aon Clearfield bnrougri,
1). II. raitlUamua licccarta townrln.
W. X. .Irllrica I ura crii-Tille burauU,
Jain-.'a L. Curry LuuitrCiTy,
H. C. Ileii'iurn I'ern taan.bip.
llavid CiMilin....
T. F lloaliih
John hecsrr
1. S. Pl itner
Lewia I'lubell
lieorpe Uaerty.n
A. II Farewell
Law. Fikea
John V. llloom
O.ce.ila borough,
t'nion towo.hip,
New Waaliinfctoa bor.
Covington tuwnaLip.
Lumber Citr liorongb.
Pike townabip.
ljulicb towcahip.
Lawrence Flood-
Coringlirti Wwt..Mp.
Maria C. Hobinaon Lumtiar Cny bor il
KJw.rJ A bert...,
Hot t-Hfllfhl
J. s.!i...
John A. Stein
L. W. Ten Kvex
l'ett-r A. tlaulin....
Hubert i. Hnynee ..
Frederi t k koi b
Samuel llo'e
Karthaui tcwnrfalp.
Anonvule. Jordan 1j
1 aui H. lirkinttiD. Berciria townibip.
V'm. Albert t l.n'orJ tonb!f'
Vtlliain S. iv.t.k 7..... K rihu township.
Clatiliu laeinni'j (Tn tnn t-.wrj,biP.
Kh. 2.xt U. K. klZWliil.KK,CIrk.
"lIlirjir.iH, Hon. FAMl'KL LINN, Proa
1 idcrit Jii'ljt of the Court of Cotuinoa 1'leat
of the tweuW bfth Juilirittl Itinricl, eumraaed af
1 tli ecuntipg of neart'ifM . On tro and Clinton
I 1;"n' l A Ml" El. CLYDE and linn. JACOB
hiiv iMM,'j'
i bld'n'.,"
I I Lll 1 LM , Asaocinle Juiltca of CI. arfield Co..
ibeir precept, to me directed, lor tha
i Court of Couiuion l'leaa. Orlihau'a
I -'.". -'ourt of yaarter hai.Be. Court of Over
and Terminer, and Courl of Ocneral Jail bcliverr
al the Court llcu.e at ClearCtid, and fur the
coniitj: of Cli-arnetd, cnmmencinir, on tha illiral
Motile) (Irtih tlajjol March, Islit, and la
continue one week.
KoTICK IS, therefore kerebj firen, to the
Coroner, Ju'tiftre irf the Peace, ard Cunatablea,
in and tr ra'd couiily of Ciraili, 1.1, lo appear in
tneir proper p-raona, with their Holla, liceorde,
Innui.iliona. Kt animation., an.1 ..ih.r li..
brnncoa, to do thine thiniri which to their officea
1 and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
I U1VEN under mi hand at O.I. .s
day of January, in the year of our Lord one
,'nu"".V V'1 ';-"'
, rHrr.i ri urru a,,ieti. Fol. 21, 1m
I n tut. cm iu tr tiMMii. picas
of t'li-aifii-1'1 c iiinty, l'cnn.vlv.n
mharine Antra,
by her next friend
John Hnrrlai ,
No. 43, Mar. T., 1S8T
At. euSn. Bur ilirim.
Newton (ioodf. llnw Antra.
The iitiilnreiencl lonmii.'.aioner. appointed to
toke tctiu'iinv 111 I In. eaa-, will attend to the da
livB of 111. appointment, at bia craiilcnce at Morria.
ilnle, on Thnralnr. tlie 14th dnv nf Man h, K7
at 10 aVlmk. A. M. wh-n ami win re all p'iraona' nin.T allciiil.
J. t liAMOND Al.l.poKT.
F.l.rna!-f 51. Isr.r-'il. 'ommi..iot.
Town-Lots for Sale.
'. rPHI'- nnd.ri.;Kni'.l.ivn.iiir at tilcn ,,.,e olTera
j I at pi it nto, nax.naMr tinn., SIXTV",
; ' " '' 1 ' i."i s. .itiuiio and hcniir in the uctl
.l.litii. mo le to the tillage of tilcn Hope.
I 11. mi w a .
1 ivi-; 1
O, lUiny-JTlVO ACreSOl LflTlfl.
f J a 'r i-nine. a.i will lie ,.!J toffefher or
i ,'l"r'1". '" auil pun-haarra. Any fnrlhcr inform.
nt..m ran W nhtaineil l. a.l.lera.10. ---
' '","'' '""n'-1'l county. I'rnn'a.
ii.i..,..,nt J III i: M I A 11 COliPl;il.
ait tne nn-enry ..uO,u,i,l,i.. attnehod, in eood.
older, lii.-i iliir Willi .
Four Lo'.s of Ground.
lint few p...p,rtica poas-a a.lvanHr,, ,t a
nnsinc.a -l:'n,t to I.,,.,
It will be ....t part cn-h In bind. and ll,ol.',anco
in pa. nu m.. Ay U:n, r inlurtration c:m brob
tnincil by cilliiis o r Mr, , ,,,.riWr
al ! Millport, licnrti.ld rminlv, I'cnn'a :ii.ei.d ii. a llo tt sk.
' lluflalii nohra Knc, ardllnra. Plarketi
i JJ oli, MERKELL at BIOLKR fl.