Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 21, 1867, Image 2

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    She gcpuWiran.
v 1 JJ1,Umi
Geoko B. Gooulanukr, fcditor.
Thursday Morning, Feb. 21, 1867.
Doctoring the .rntion.
Tlie politiiul quacks wlio have benji
doctoring the country for tlie, past
five years, ocem to know as little about
the disease to-day as when they took
it in charge We notified the people
then not to trust them because of thoir
unprofessional skill. Had our advice
been taken we would not have three
thousand viillion dollars of a medicine
bill to pay, and the putient still un
cured. Two weeks ago wo volunteer
ed another prescription, which some
what alarmed our sensitive t.eighbor.
He however fails to deny any portion
of our article, but interprets it to be a
threat of war. If it is such, the four
datum was laid by leading loyalists.
It is not tbo first time our Disunion
neighbor treated our "doctoring" ad
ith contempt. In 1SG0 ho was
foolish enough to batter down his ow n
house, and if he pursues his present
cours he will do the same thiug in
1868, and then he will, no doubt, be
ungenerouB enough to charge it upon
somebody else. In 1800 he counseled
the Southern people to secede, but
when they took his advice, ho turned
tail upon them and commenced making
faces at them at a long distance, and
called them bnd names, rebels, trui
tors, &c, and burlesquing the Union
men 8 "Union savers." If the editor
of the Journal construes the language
of such a celebrated loyalist as Air.
Raymond to be a threat against the
peace and happiness of the country,
ie should seo that the members of his
; :.:'y - in tho future, from tel
tru.ii -v.l.ijh tco:i:S to be so
i!iij.u!ui.i.l'!u to liis t:.o'.-.'.
We tins week produce an extract
from the npeech of the celebrated She
nandoah valley racer, Gen. Banks, who
bas certainly imbedded himself into
the affections of our neighbor, as they
both frequently boil over with loyal
ty, they must therefore accept each
c" 'a v ' "v a gospel. Hear what
re ;':-! sn h.i n-M hi tbe T?nmpfn the
0th ksiai.t :
II,- lirv r! Lhl !. fi't ia!.dv i! ifVIm...
were ill .tM'-s. 1 v h i "i ma 1c rwvT
lue dclion ol l j ." pc-pit end of the general gorern
int'u:, aud tln'.T coulj neier cease lo be Stales unli)
the general gorsrnmrnt had consented to thmt con
dition. Tbat consent bad never been given. It
was impossible that the government should go on
for three Tears longer, or two and a half rears, or
two Tears, without approaching the rerge of ruin.
Business was suspended now. The people were
oppressed with taxes. Laborers were thrown out
of employment. Everything was unsettled. The
wisest men could not look to the fnture without
apprehension, if not without fear. The future was
full of danger; and rather than lace tbat danger
for two and a half or three years longer, the repre
ccntatives of the people would be obliged to con
sider tbe condition of the country and what course
of conduct was necessary for tbe safety of the gov
ernment and the interest! of the people.
Gen. Banks is either undergoing the
ordeal of reconstruction, or he was
drunk when he made this speech ; be
cause be tells the truth as effectually
at any "Copperhead" could possibly
do. Neighbor, is Gen. Banks "doctor
ing the Nation" too ?
Our modern loyalists are hard to
understand. They aro unwilling to
accept anything for truth a Democrat
may say, and if one of their brelnren
happens to tell it, they heed it not,
and il brought specially to their notice
they turn it into ridicule. Tho lead
ers of the loyal party are not possess
ed of half the moral honesty attributed
to Dives. When he died and went to
hell, he was not satisfied with a little
water to cool his tongue, but he want
ed Abraham to raise some well known
character from the dead and send him
among his former neighbors, in order
to warn his brethren against that
place. They seem to bo so fully beut
on national plunder and ruin, that we
doubt if the Abraham that went from
Ford's theatre wore to come back
and warn them in language similar to
tbat of Raymond and Banks, ho would
be damned in round terms for his at
tempt at "dectoringthe Nation." But
truth is mighty and must prevail.
Oeatakt Jut. Prmritf..- evrnry nine pt la
oner were directed to be brought up to court lor
trial, and of this nuiulirr abil seventy Are weie
seal ap. A large pnipottioa -a! thee were young
asetl and youlhe, and en Mutually large propoe.
tiea of colored persons wore among incut. The
velvet can, Sr .ma4. sad blue blouse were oonspio.
out In the dress of tbe prisoners, and they were
as motley looking a crew as could well be gathered
The editor of the l'hihid'a Press hns
in the above atatoniont of tho closing
up of tho Court uf Quarter Sessions
of that city, on the 12th, just estab.
Imbed some facts that nro worthy of
consideration. Ho cunnot avoid the
remark, "an unusually largo proper
tion of colored persons were amongst
thorn," and when we examine tho list
and find by tho last census that the
colored population of Philadelphia is
as 1 in 25, and by tho list of convicts
they are 18 colored to 80 whites, or 1
black to 2 whites, ho ma' well begin
to consider, if ho has not dono so ul
rcady, how the list will stand when
all the rights and franchises of the
whites, and a few more, aro pressed
upon them. If three yeurs of emanci
pation bring them up on the criminul
records halfway, will six years mukc
them, though so email in numbers,
equal to the whites in crime ? It is a
question the editor can solve, as he
knows the workings of the colored
If the bureau can do no better for
"Lincoln's pet lambs," it had better
shut up shop.
The .Vlarth of Ifriofssf on. 1
Wendell I'liillips, the notorious li
unionists, who funiUlu'i his pnrty w ith
brains ami venom, is highly pleased
with the Stevens programntoof making
u Polunfl out of tho South, as contem
plated by the military bill of tho Milr
inone, reconstruction committee. This
traitor to bis rHce risks lor the negroes
of tho South n higher sphere in tbo
la HTIt I t. The Wl.wirg
1 It l
I I j) named persons l ave Sled in the omre o(
.1.- M!.. f tA I'l... I.,,,, I
111 III' tO IU itllj 11 I IIHUV. IOIMIJjIH.H, .
Una iiroml iluiiuiin. ( oniM'lhllii' In" ri,b f u. i nurt ,,r Ouerter of
I. .1..1 . n.l .... r..riln .... l(,.n nf thi ' C!rar6.ld counts, their t'"H'lUB and bonds for
1II1IM-I .. I, I.,, . . - - . . , . .. .. t
ses.ii'oe m'M etl""';
inlitled "An Act lo regit
Isle the sals of Intoxicating Liquors," As.t
TAVeaa li esaas.
William Ilelehel Kar'iaus township,
Wtlliatn cchwsm HisJr
11 1 .li.. ...I,,.. ...,,..,,' License, at thsHar.ll
IIVOHMIM , III! llil II 1 W V .'--'... - I.
lino io ins proK'ny , n until p nuiinu
is I'reelrnm search ; no man's chattels
exempt from seisure j no man's liberty
unexposed to assault ; no man's life
safe from peril. An army ollicer, a
soldier, exulted above the law, may
ruthlessly invade a citizen's home and
drag him Irotn the bosom ot lim mmiiy
scale of society than is now enjoyed :Siich a bill makes a mockery of free
Mistaken Philanthropy. A num
ber of political zealots two yenrs ago
hatched a new scheme of cducution,
which, if continued much longer, will,
because of its weight, break down tho
whole educational system of the State:
Wo refer to the expensive scheme of
the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools, run by
Messrs. Curtin and Burroughs. Fur
schooling less than half the number of
children that attended the schools of
this county, these "philanthropic-bug
gers" plundered the State Treasury of
over three hundred thousand dollars ;
and for the next year they ask half a
million more than double the amount
over appropriated for tho education of
the children of tho wbolo State. As
there is a complete system of educat
ing the youth of the State, we see no
cause for this innovation, unless it is
for the patriotic purpose of allowing
u few shodyius the privilege of spend
ing annually a large amount of State
funds. We in this county Inst year
schooled 0,100 children, for $21,000;
while T. II. Burroughs & Co. charged
tho Stato $350,000 for 2,800. This is
corluiuly puying lor somebody's whis
tle. We hope our "honest" Legislature
will give this matter some attention.
We wonder what tho editor of the
Lj coming 'Giuttte pays Mr. Orange
Judd for writing puffs for the New
York jTW, and how much said J'ost
pays said Gazette for publishing the
aforesaid puffs. We presume that if
our friond Huston would find Calvan-
istic newspapers puffing tho works of
Paine, Hume, and their coadjutors, he
would no doubt conjecture onoof two
things: that the puffs were cither to
break down Culvanism or to build up
Puineisin. Whenever we find Dem
ocratic editors eulogising Disunion
newspapers, we always wonder what
they mean. Why not puff the Devil
at once wo mean the Tribune.
by tho middle classes in Kuropo. In
a Into letter to the Jnri'-iSVrtrtTy Stand
ard ho says:
"A military supervision under Con
gressional superintendence, is the best
plan, llencu wo weleomo this bill ot
Mr. Stevens. It must, howover, bo
borne in mind that our Government
will largely take its tone and charac
ter, for .the timo being, from tho lixe
cutive. Tho spirit which he insiiires
will, spite of all opposition, bo felt to
tho extreme edge of tho Republic, will
color and permeate every branch and
tho minutest loaf of the tree. The first
ftep, therefore, inilispensiilile und pre
liminary to all others, is to remove, the
rebel who is now enenmped in the White
House who, aided by soured and re
vengeful politicians in his Cabinet and
by a fossil and servile Bench, baulks
Congress and resuseitites half dead re
bellion. Compared with such colossal
sin and evil as ni i-orrcm, Mayor
Munrot and Surratt are mean game for
a nation to follow."
Nothing but the rank cowardice
that dwells in the bosoms of those po
litical pirates has delayed tho assassin
ation of President Johnson, while the
abrogation of the Supremo Court is
but a question of time.
The New York Express saya upon
this question :
"The two Bills which havo passed
tho Houso of Representatives, Ste
vens' and Klliot's, are Revolutions,
nothing more nor less, utter subver
sions of tho Constitution, and an ut
tcrovcrthrowofthcGoverninont itself,
just as much as tho Revolutions of
Julius, ard Augustus Caviar, or of
Cromwell, or of Napolean, and it
must all end in tho sumo way (or else
there is nothing in the lessons of his
tory) viz : in the Government of this
whole, country by some ono man.
Stevens' Bill makes General Grant
tho Dictator, probably to kill off
Grant, and to get him oul ol tno way
of Butler, whom Thnd. Stevens Inn
alreudy nominated for tbe next Presi
dency, r.lliol 8 mil uisirancinses
nearly nil the whites of Louisiana, and
turns tho State completely over to tbo
negroes, from the Plantations, no more
enlightened thin bo many birbaruns
fresh from Africa. Louisiana is to be
made a Hayti of, and tho mouth of
the Mississippi is to pass from whites
into tho hands of blacks !
'Il will destroy tho property and
tho agriculture of tho State, and in
all probability, in tho strugL'lo of tho
Blacks for supremacy, it w ill lend to
just s'icli scenes as occurred in Hayti
in tlie last century, anil in me cany
part of this.
"How any Republican of tho North
can possibly sanction this litter deg
radation of tho franchise, and agree to
take it into co partnership in tho ad
ministration of this Government ama
zes us! We presume that at heart no
Republican tloes approvo il, but is
whipped into it by party associations
But how can an honest mini bo whip
ped into such a wrong or. irto tho
subversion of the Constitution, which
this establishes a precedent for, here
after to bo applied to other States,
North as well as South, by n majority
in Congress? Tho principles of Ste
vens and Klliot make a thorough con
solidation of this Government, and
annul the States, with all State rights.
Is even a Massachusetts man willing
to establish a precedent that may here
after, in case of another Shay's rebel
lion, or a rebellion sin has that oh Bos
ton Common, in tho matter of the Pu
tative Slave Law, givo a majority in
Conirross a principle that will enublo
that majority utterly to destroy the
institutions. It despises nil the great
safeguards of popular liberty. It
tramples ujion the freedom of tho
press. 1 1 annihilates tho right or free
assemblage. It silences the lips of free
speech, it infringes tho right of tho
people to bear arms. It wipes out tho
guuranty of a grand jury presentment.
It abolishes the exemption of freedom
from seizure and from search. It ab
rogates tho right of trial by a jury of
one's peers in the vicinage of iho com
mission of tho alleged offense. It
tramples upon the prerogutivo of the makes war upon tho Con
stitution, it rebels against the author
ity of the Supreme Court. It invades
the sacrod constitutional rights of the
citizen. It is treason onvelopod in tho
forms of law. It is rebellion wearing
the irarb of legitimate power. It is
usurmttiun assumim; tho sancity of
constitutional enactment.
Rath Kit Mournful. Tho Philadel
phia Tress, of tho 12lh, gets off the
following mournful phillipic on the old
Theatre saint : .
"Had Abraham Lincoln lived until
to-day ho would have been fifty-eight
years ofnge. The country still mourns
bis loss as deeply as when, on the fa
tal night of the 14th of April, 1805,
the pooplo were horrifiod by tho in
telligence of his murder. Though
dead, his works live, and tho kind,
Sjod Biun will never bo forgo'.tcn.
ay by day is his loss made more ter
rible, as tho actions of his successor
become alike more futul lo tbe wel
fare of our country, and more dis
gusting to Americans at homo ana
It is truo, the country still mourns,
not for A. L., however, but on account
of injuries he and his miserable cabal
inflicted upon if, during their theatre
and bachanaliun revels. Tho inhu
man Noro has been anathematized by
his race for holding theatrical perform
anccs while the Roman Capital was on
fire. The junior patronized a similar
disfranclrises ! place while tho life blood of hundreds
. 1 1 ' .
of bis fellow citizens was ebbing out
through tho instrumentality of enlhu
siusts. His crimes will livo while his
Uiry lasts.
Lord Byron "beautifully said : "If a
man be trracious to slranin-rs, it shows
he is a citizen of the world, und ihut
his heurt is no island cut oil from other
laudb,bul a continent that joins tlicni.'
Parld Johnson
I). M. Paulhamua....
W. N. Jerlrles
James I., furry
S. 0. Hepburn
pavid Coplin
T. t. lloalich
John ' hsesrr
I). 8. Hlotner
Lewis i'lubsll
, t'leai field borough,
lleecaria township,
Curwensvllle borough,
, LambsrClty, "
, Pern tewnsblp,
, Uecetur "
. Osoeula borough,
, tlmun township,
New Washington bor.
. Cueington township.
naitciants Liraasa.
Wsa. Albert at tiro.... Dradford towoihlp.
Ident Judi-e ofthe Court of Common Pleas
of the twenty ettb Judicial Hiitrict, cumposed of
the counties of Ulearnelcl, t en tre ana viinum
and Hon. HAMUKL CLYDK and Hon. JACOB
WILIIhLM, Associate Judges of LTcarheld eo.,
bare issued tbeir precept, U ine directed, lor the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's
Cuurt, Conrt of Quarter Kes.ions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Ueneral Jail Prlirery,
at the Court Uouie at Clearfield, in and for the
county of Clearfield, commencing on the Third
Moll lay (IMlli day) of larcu, IrHli, and to
continue one week.
NOTICE 18. tberefora hereby siren, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables,
in and fcr said county of Clearfield, U appear in
tbeir propor persons, with their hulls, Keoords,
Inquisitions, Kxamiaetiona, and other Kemem
braucas, to do tboae things which to their offices,
and in their behalf, pertain to be dons.
U1VKN under my band at Clearhsld, this 26tb
day of January, In the year or our Lord one
thousand eight buudred and siity-seren.
bHiairr'a Orru-a, I JACOB A. UAl'ST,
Clearfield, Feb. 21, ls7. I M.r.Jf.
VimiS lTH ATOR'H MTI t li Notice
is hereby rirru that Mtcrsof Administration
on the estate of Charles Killioi, deceased, late of
llrady township. Cliarliold county, Pa., have this
day born dul) granted to the undersigned, to whom
alf persons indebted to said eetato will please make
payment, and those huring claims or demands will
prison! them for settlement without delay.
Feb. II, lsfi7-tlt. Administrator.
To Bounty Bondholders.
rpHKHE ii now iu tbe County Trrmt-ury monry
X ui.('n'pritf-tl ipplioitblelo the mli'iii)iUiD of
buiimy btioilx, und the County Treasurer baa been
dirvctfd to vy tbe Mine u follow :
lit. HuliUn of bond upon wbicb ft part or the
priiieipftl bu lrrdy bwi paid, n reo.aertt-d to
forthwith prewmt Uivm lor mlviuptioD, with iutur
cft actually accrued.
21. To an amount not exceed. nff two thouiand
do) tart on eavh uf the io of bomU due rtfpect
Uely on tbe lit dart of July and January in each
year, hi a to equally distribute tbe amount
among; the respective boldri; and tbe bolder of
each of laid ivruei are rrtjuMted to present tbe
name and receive the money, with in t ere it actually
By order of the Court.
W. B. URAIU.EY, Clerk.
CoHviaaiovKiia Orrun. I
i'loarflfld. Pa., Feb. 14. 1M7. f
KciTlpts ami tKntllturos
OF ClearSeld eoantj, Psaasjltanla for tn
ysr A, l , liin:
Il W. MUCRB. E.u , Trss.urer ef ClesiSeld tbe roam nwe Ith ol Pern. Iieais,
la sr co unl wild aald county. Iron the 1st day
f Jaauary, A. l. ISM, Mill the Ilk da; el
January, Iff 7 I
To amount reeeired from Collectors for MM, and
and prev loos years, 1 4,N20 T
To am't ree'd from an seated lands, 10,14b II
To am't ree'd from Colleetora' returns, 1st 08
To am't roo d from Collectori oi Siale, I.Jno IS
To am't ree'd from nseated Stale, S,JM 01
To am i ree'd from Kelief fund, 2,M 0
To am't ree'd frcm Collectors on Plate, 61 .10
To am't ree'd from Commissioners' books, 214 0
To am't ree'd from C. Kratter.lata Treas'i, (2 Is
By assessors' wages, $
By agricultural,
11 y election eipenscs. 1.428 74
Hy Commonwealth tosU, 2,13 81
lly constables' returns, 200 40
Hy county inspe, i2 Ot)
Hy court bouse bonds, 2,ioo l
Hy court bouse bunds' coupons, 37V M
By bridge contraoU, , I T 60
By exunsel fees, 276 I'O
lly duplicates, So 00
Hy fuel contract, 00 02
lly District Attorney feea, 116 'S
Hy auditing Protb'y't, 16 00
lly Hberil's fees, e0 34
By Protbonotary'i foes, 47 OS
Hy Coronor's fees, II 60
By Jurors' pay, M70 H
By new books for H reorder, 248 40
By printing, 4.19 .'.0
Hy Commissioners' wages, 1,(1 6 00
Hy clerk's wages, S'4 00
lly foxes and wild eats, 21)0 46
By new books, stationery, Ac, lit 12
Hy furniture, oourt bouseoflijeiJ78 60
Hy eipress and freight, 3d 70
Hy court crier, til 00
Hy janitor's fees, 41 00
Hy merebandieo, 63 17
By postage, 17 17
By new pavement for county, 10. 74
lly work A repairs for eousty, 1" 3
By House of Kofuga, 73 72
By jail expenses, 100 00
By inquesu, 101 60
By Auditors and clerk, til 00
Hy medical attendance at jail, 42 06
Hy road news, 2'7 00
By miscellaneous, 90 26
By justices' costs, 16 16
Hy tipstares, 67 80
Eybiateux, 72 00
By collectors' per cent on eo., 700 60
Vi e, at I'leatltld eoant.
lbs IVu'leni wealth el I'el.a- i aula bsii,. ,
smlrtrd IbC accounts ol t). M M.,i4f4 l, '
1 .essiiTi r 'if ('Ire. I'M dent v, f,.f tb i,t, V
lHC.0. tlo eirlily Hint Ws fail Its Itrmint, ka ,'
It ws i
T lis amount due the Couaiy lo l,t Stttrk iboa
seed sis bandted and alnely ill dellerasee lottt.
sis eenls.
The amount of ordtrt eilsiaadiag. fi-urtkii.
tend flea banattd and binrty-sla di.llsis aL4
twenty-four cents, of which four tbou.snd tu
hundred dollars an to court boast hi.nris.
Tbe balance due the Connty by Trtssuisr
eight thousand two hundred and slaty-ene dul.'
lars and ninety eenls.
We aleo find a aarplas due the County, 0f
eleven thousand anobandrtd dollars and twenty,
two eeate.
The balance dae tha bounty fuad by Treasurer
thirty Or thousand three hundred dollars and
siity.flve cents.
Witness ear hands, this ?lh day of January
A. D. 1807. CONRAI) HAKKH,
Attest, Commissionsrs.
VT. 8. I!adi ir, Clerk.
We, tba Auditors of Cltarflold oounty, Peno'a,
baviog examined the accounts of 1. W. Moors,
Ksip, Treasurer of Clearfield county, far the year
A. 1. I860, do report thai lb accounts art is
abovt stated.
The amoontdnt the road fund by the Treasursr
ii three thousand six buntred mud seventy-four
dollars and thirty eenta.
?be amount due tbe school fund by tbt Trea
surer is six hundred and sixty-ore dollars and
tight cents.
Wituera cur hands, this 2i,tb day of January,
A. D. 1867. Id. L. C. F.VANtt,
Attest, Auditors.
W. 8. Baint ir, Clerk. fe7 4t
Loyal Piioork.88. In addition to
the Congressional prayer meeting or
ganired at Washington some time
ago, they havo now organized a tein
peranco association, and "long" John
Wentworth, from Chicago, has intro
duced a resolution for the purposu of Massac -unset U (iovcrnmcnl and cstab
"AIIiou Crims." On the 4th of
December, 1802, Thad. Stevens iCo.
nnaniinouslj passed the following res
olution through the ' Washington
"Asaeleesl, That if any person in the employ
"f 'he t'nited 8tatcs, In either tbt legislalivt
o; -r l . .SoH propose to make
r.s-'c- ,.r ,,... . :i fc-. -. ,v ,-'4".", of
nr.i : r 1 r 1 tS- - '. h : ... '. -,f .- :
tS.i r.-!'..::n, l.c ir !I l-n ,--,!i'v o' p. , r mr.."
IfK v i ' n liih crnno" then lode-
ro liio "nitcL'nlv and union of tlie
as they then existed, why
should it bo otherwise now Yet,
these same men nro now trying to do
- ry the Virion. Will some loyalist
;.'ten us upon this piece of InyaJ
raising s committee to investigate and
report the number of members ren
dered unGt to perform their ofliciul
duties on account of the excessive use
of intoxicating drink. If this com
mittee does its duty, and the drunken
members are expelled, tho present
Rump will bo loft without a quorum.
Our State Legislature, iu imitation
of the Rump, has also organized a
temperance league Tho temperance
fanatics having got Sambo out of the
WBy, aro re-mounting the hobby they
rode so triumphantly fifteen years ago.
The tcmperanco lecturer and temper
ance sermons will soon bo tho wholo
stock in trade, and the political clergy
will invest largoly no politics will be
in it of course ; but we had bolter re
member their lies fifteen yenrs ago.
Reported. The committee raised
in the Scnato and House, at Harris
burg, to developo tho bribery of Cam
eron & Co., have at length roportod,
and as was expected, exonerate all.
Xobody bribed. Soino of the loyal
ists, who opposed Simon rathvr en
thusiastically, are not satisfiod with
this whitewashing process, and now
il-vr.!u. 1 :i coiiiinittce to investigate
ti.i' c iin.iiiioiis ol the investigutors.
It is charged that not u witness has
been called before the committee who
had made charges of corruption, but
such only as knew nothing ahottt the
case. This is sotno of the strategy
inculcated during the war, by such
heroes ns Butler find Banks.
On the 10th Instant, by the Rev. J. A. N'tMl,
POOL ; all of this counW.
In Brady township, on the llh instant, Mrs.
BROCK BANK, in the 70th year of her fr.
$fic drrrtUfmcutiS.
CiAl.'TIOi.-All icrsons are hereby cautioned
J eraint pureha-iiig or In any way meddling
with one BLACK llOIISK. (Stallion,) three years
old neit June, now in Hie possession of K. L. Mil
ler, of Bell ti.wo.litp. as the seme belonee lo us.
and is left with him on loan suliject to our order.
Lumber (' A. HILK A Hltu.
KI-'-iawTtH'Sl VITK'K. Notice is hereby
given that the following accounts have been
caainincd and pasted by me, and remain filed of
record in this oOioe for tbe iuspoc-tion of heirs, lega
cies, creditors, and all others in any other wsy in
terested, and will be presented tot he next Orphans'
Court of t'lcarAcld county, to be held at the tknjrt
House, in tbe borough of Clearfield, oolnmcucillg
on tbe third Monday of March, 1M57 s
The partial account of Charles Ploan and Crre
ntns Howe, administrators of Jamb lieerhart, late
of the township of Haratnr, dorra-cd.
feliil-.U I. t). IIAIlUKIt, Rrgi-tcr.
Hull some ot'ner in its stead r
"The census of ISOO shows tho fol
lowing lo bo the population of Louisi
ana :
Whites -3i7,65
of which U!),0(Woro in New Or
leans alone.
Nineteen-twotitifths of whom aro
disfranchised by Elliot's Bill, leaving
to govern tho hlnto :
Free Blacks 1MI7 IVV.W
Mtllatlocs S2,2
And out of the city of Now Oi lcans
tho Whites havo only ' to offset
airninst 825,IKMI Mucks in other parts
of the State 1 And of tl ei,o 85,00t"
nearly all aro disfranchised by tho
Hlliot Bill 1
"It is to be hoped perhaps in vain
that such men as Sherman, Fessen
den, and Trumbull, who know better
thnnall this, will do as Henry Clay,
or Daniel Webster, or Lewis Chss, or
Stephen A. Douglas, if living, would
have done : set their faces against such
monstrosity in government."
The Washington Intelligencer terms
those enactments "military suljuga
tion bills," and says :
"The blackest record ever mado by
an assembly of tho representatives of
a free people stained the proceedings
of the House of Representatives on
tho ltith. Never, in the most tyran
nous hour of the Long Parliament mis
rule; never, amid tlie utmost subser
vience to tho royal mandate of an
English kitiir; never, in tl.o most
blood-thirsty epoch of a Trench con
vention, did the representatives ot a
of Clearfield county, Pennsylvania
A Farm and Tavern Stand in Bloom
Township, Clearfield County.
I ) Y an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield
I 1 countv. the asidersigned Tru.tce appointed
by the Court, will opose to Pulilio Falc, at the
Court House, in the borough ol llcameiu, on
Saturday, Starch O, IMiT,
All that tertain tract of land situate in Bloom town
shiti, Clearfield countv, Pcnnsvlvania. bounded an.l
described ae follows, to wit : Beginning at a post.
funmrl) a Hemlock, (now don.) tbe same being
a corner of oth-r land of J since Bloom : tht-nor
South one hundred and ninety-three perches to a
post i thrnee West fitly seven perches to a pile of
stones thence North one hundred perches to a
title oak i tiicnce Kast by lands of licorge Rob
es is 1 Co. one hundred and ninety two perches to
tbe place of ticginnitig ; containing
186 AcreB and 169 Perches.
(fating and exi-cpting nineteen acres and one
hundred and nine erehee, which Janes Bloom, iu
his life lime, eouvrvrd to Mary Ann Lines, by
deed dslcd 2lh March IS1, recorded in deed
book"II,"l.aire S.'.l.) Being part of a larger tract
of land. No. WIS I, surveyed for Joseph peaeon In
i pursuance ol a Warrant dated the iMh tM-ptcuiber,
! l'tM, and the same premises conveyed to the said
James Bloom, in Ins life time, by Aletamler I ooa.
hy deed bearing dale the J.'ld October, IK.4. record
ed in deed Iniok "P." toMtc VT. Ou the land is a
And outbuildings, occupied by Hon. Jaince Bloom
in his lifetime: being directly on the Susquehanna
and Welerford turnpike, and a most elligsl.le loca
tion for business.
TKRMS OP SALE: One third id1 the purchase
money to be paid in cash, one-lhiiil in one year
with interest, and the remaining third afler tbe
death ol Mary Bloom, widow of Hon. James Bloom,
decensed, wilh interest payable annually lo her,
during her lite. The two last payments lo be se
cured hy bond end mortgage on the premise.
Feb. 14, M7. Tmlee.
UAFTIX I AMIS with twprovel lsnre steel
,,,tor sile at J.J K HAT. V.H.
"I A K I Kl I R 1 I T Peaches A pples Prunes
1 cherries Currants Citrons Rsisins just
received at J. P. KHATZKK'K.
KACIIK6 will be sold low hy tbe
Hy eoliectora' per cert, oa Slate Oi Si
By eionorationa on county, 704 00
By eionerctit-n on Huts, 4S 80
By Trees'r's per cent., reoelvtng4M 41
Uj Treaa'r'i per eenL.paying, 16109
Halanea due couciy, 8,201 00
4,0S Ot 14,001 (I
Relief Fund.
D. W. MOORS, Est)., Treasurer of ClearleU
county, la the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
In a ccunt with the Kelief runo,
To am't ree'd from unseated lands.
To am't ree'd from collectors ' returns,
To am't ree'd from militia fines,
By relief orders redeemed, $1 hi
By exonerations, S 70
By percentage, receiving, ' 44 08
By tcreentage, paying, 13
t:,77l 40
41 48
109 33
Balance due fund,
3,979 21
Catharine Antes,
by her next friend
John Barclay,
Xo.iJ.Mar. T.,1CJ
Al. subp. sur divorce.
Xcwton Goo.lfellow Antes,
Tbe undersigned Commissioner, appomled to
take testimony in Ibis case, will attend to the du
ties of bis apMiinlment, at his residence at Morris
dale, on Thursday, the 14th day of March, IK67,
at 10 o'clock. A. M., when and where all pcrsous
interested may attend.
February 21, 1K07-M. Commissioner.
Farm for Sale.
pliin, now offpr hii fnvrin iHif wilr. !l i
(.1'H.raM.T ltrlM, wrll in.prortxl.tntl Vithin ihw
fourth of ft mile uf ft juhlio tchool h'mi-R. Thr
pTTtimcfl contain
Sixty-five .frrf,
FortT-flrt of which n nndrr rithiTtion. The
improTrmmtl eoniint ftf t lf dwrllinfr bouM, pln-trrf-J
in'irle ftOfi wnathrrhnnnlrft, loff bttm, ft An
Tonnr lHr.nt otrhanl tf ftll hind of fmit, und a
iiring of wtr at th 4ior. The titlf it vnhrpn
tnhte. PontrM.oft firm o ihf (Irrt of April nrxt,
if dririrM. Tb ruirL will be k11 ob eu,r
t?rm. For further pnrti-ulftr pp'T on theprrra
or RfitlrrM th iijWr.bir t ClfmrflfM,
Fh.2lt IKM-llni. JHIN D. IMH (iill.UTV.
j rp-f or dnirn at
I UUjVUU for which Die hij;i
will hr piiil lif J. 1
cut murks, prtt
lM.IIT IIOHMI.M pK Hl.lU-Thn,n.
j drrnijcnnl hitt now on hand ft lot uf ItUltSEH
ol Urjt" mc, nuitiihl? for loffffing or waroning
purpomii, which he will 111 at ti'sftonahl mttt,
lie aluooffm for anW THHKK M.KUillS, on
itmilar trrmo. Tbow in need of either, ran call
perMmallj or ftddrraa him, at Clearfl'ld, Pa.
novUMf JAM KS L. l.KAVY.
l OK I.1.-A UOl'Slvand LOT. on Market
X atreet. in i'learflt'ld bomujrh. Anplr to
nov21 tf
Att'y at Law, Clearfield, iVnn'a.
XTT1CR TO rttr.niTOH. ClearOeld
County, sst In the matter of the estate of
Adam Jury, late of the tnwnship of tiirard,
county of Clearfield, deceased :
In the Orphans' Conrt of the raid county, re
specting the apportionment of real estale approved
and set out totliewtdow.undertheactof Assembly,
vis : All tbe right, title and interest of the said Adam
Jury, deceased, io sixty Ore acres and one hundred
and forty-one perches of land, situate in tiirard
township, in said county, appraised and valued at
100 00, the Conrt made tbe following order:
' January 2j, 1K07 Report read and confirmed
" ai s, and ordered thai publication in one news
" paper published within the said county, lor at
" least three weeks previous to nc,t term of said
14 Conrt, and unless sufficient reasons are filed on
" or before the first dnv of next term, the same will
" be confirmed absilnlelv." Pv the Court.
f.1.21 St I. Ii. BAROER. Clerk of O. C.
i'iin! l.olnri.w l.'iriil.'tig nlinvrmAn,
1-'. T. lin rn ii iii, l-c-on nuiiiinaletl by
i";io WiyaliBli of the Fourth Congroo
fiinnol district of Conncc'.ioiit for
neat in the Rump. "Grand moral
ideas" will yet crowd oul Juhn ilor
riesojr. 11 ay aw m
GoU is rjuoled at 131.
M orr IOYALTT. Oporgo Carle
ton, a In vol Government Agent at
Mempliia, Tenn., has been arrested for
ember.zling fivo hundrod and sixty
thouoand dollurw, government funds.
He is "loyal" of eouwe, as no rebd or
copperhead could get his hands on
such a pile as that. We wonder if he
is any relation to the "Book Con
corn V
people stamp themselves with floater lZ
IKnomy. 1 lie lull, Which pnXBOil by a n ihefollnwingdce-ribednetennallimpcily.nnw
Vote of 109 to 5.1, llltllds one third tlf tin the pi.nsri of Mrs. .Mtirlsh C. llohison, al
tho poopla of this country over to mi
itnry trovcrnnient. Tor tho rulo ol'
law, it substitute the will , l' an ollicer.
For thetribunal ofajudjre, it furtiislies
a druin-hcml court martial or a mili
tary coiuniifiuion. For tho process of
a court and the peaceful visit of a
fiherilT, it proffers tho order of a petty
satrap and the presence of a squad of
bayonet. It ignores the Chief Ma
gistrate of the United States. It In
vests a general with absolute power
over one third of his countrymen. It
erects subordinate .dictators, armed
I with unbridled power, from tho Toto-
the Mi. Vernon House, in Lnuiwr City, vis ; 1 sol
I cupboard, 1 s.nk. ft rr,-ek.,ea. tf.ble, 1 douhtrsy,
9 chairs, I dot. luir bottles. 2 lumps, 4 dislirs, lot
I cttps and sineers, lot sua dishes, lot dishes, I
rl.w.1, knivM ,.J ...La hnltir k.t anil siimr
snoous, I sell carvers, 1 dining tabic, bed slead and
betiding, 1 sheet tine, I side lamp, lot carpet, 1
bed steed and herlding. I bed sleed and cord, tS
yards carpet, I bed stead and bedding. I pr. bed
steads, 1 nr. bed steads and bedding, I mirror, I pr.
bed ateads, I chatnhors, bed eteed and heading.
btl atesd and bedding. 1 cook store, I parlor store,
7 yards Harriet, bed alead and bedding. I pr. bed
steads, 1 pr. ned eteed and bedding, I pr. bed
steads and bed-ling, I pr. bed ateads, I pr. bed
steada, 1 stand. I cow, pr. beu steads and liedding.
bed alead aad bedding, as the same hctonga lo me,
and is left with her eahicct to mv order.
Lum' ct Ti'v, Feb. tl, If. l-l.
OP all ROHM for March Term, l!R7.
Jteccaria lavid Bear
llogss Patrick tiallaghcr
Ilradv Thomas Lines. lr T J Hover
lltimsidc Joseph McKee, William Langtlon,
John rrv
Covington Ir J VT Potter, Reuben Rider, Lew
is I'lunrll
Clearfield L R Merrell
Curwensville lwis .M Lapnrle '
Ferguson M icbael Witherile
Uirard Anderson Murry, Francis Rilliot,
tlrahara Thomas II. Forcee
tlullch Caleb Coenhavcn
Jordan John Curry
Knot William Cox
J,ewrenee William Mapca
Morris Ionian! Kylcr
Osceola James Young, George Richards
Pike Andrew J Toser
Tusvia ji-anaa,
Beccarla .lohn McCoy, licorge Pckree
Rloom Adam Korb
lloggi Hanioel Wnolcntcr, Samuel Kobison,
John W Kyler, M L Lumadoc
llradford John Htewart, Klias fmeal
llrady James Nelson, Jesse Lines. J T Kirk,
T Frank Risbel, W L Porter. George Kllinger
llurii.ide Washington Gardner, Jaoob RiifTner,
Parid Fullon. Mttllhcw Pentico
Chest lohn Hunter, John Kirm
Clearfield Joseph 8 bowers, James A Moore,
Frank Hhort, 1. I) Morgsn
Cnrwcnsville A J lirancker
Iecalnr Klias Walk, 8tei.he Kepbali
Tnx Slephen Fot
Uirard Francis linear
Gulirh John W Miller. John Hanna, jr.
.Inrdsll R"lert M Johnson
Knoi llenrv J ploppv
Lawrence J,.bn Holler, t, K McTutlmigh. V C
Heist y, Henry Irwin, Amos Rccd, James H Ilongh
erty. (uf Jnbnl
Lumber City fleorre H I.ytle
Morris Snmucl Hoover, Joseph Poller
N w Washington William MeherToy, Robert
tiM,la William Mays
l aion Michael Hubert
Wiki I ward Parley Mahew
J.t: 21
liounlv Kund.
D. W. MOORK, Esq , Treasurer of Clearfield
county, la tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
In account wita Bonaty fund, aader act of
Ta amount received from collectors for 1SA6 and
previous years, f M TiJ IS
To am't reo'd from anseatcd landa, J7,1S I'S
Tiam't ree'd from collectors' returns, S20 S2
To am't ree'd from Cnmmisiotiera'booki,l,til) (0
By bounty bonds redeemed,! ., 00
By bounly eertificalea, 1 ,884 IS
lly Interest coupons, 9,127 01
By percentage oa bonds Warned, S US
lly percentage to collectors, 1,101 04
By cionsrations, 6,341 00
Uy percentage, receiving,, 927 00
By percentage, paying, 607 IS
Balance due luad, ,! 6J
ToUl, 93,000 99 93,900 99
Amount due from Collertora for 1BU6 and
prevloua jeara.
Township CoU'ra' name, i Bounty
Covingt'a J. Barmoy,
Huston, John Tylar,
f SI4 04
614 Oil
Bute. Milltli
119 08
IS 91
4i 6S
nunty Pin a urea.
Am't of oatataading court bouse bonds, $4,500 00
Am't of outstanding county orders, 90 24
Am'tdusf'munseated lands, $7, 4.14 Sfi
Am't due from Treasurer. 8,201 90
Am't of surplus due county, 11,100 23
Total, I5.c9 4S 15,66 46
Htiunly Fnnd.
Am't of cntstanding B.unty bonds, $132,295 00
Am't due from colleotors, $(114 04
Am't due I at unseated lands, 2C.020 96
Am't due from Treasurer, Si .loo So
Am'tof indebtedness of fuud.Til.J 35
Clearfield Academy.
Ect. F. I. HAEEIS05, A ST., Principal
rrUK THIRD SESSION of tb prwent Mhol.
X. Mtio yea r of tbii ioititutiiim will commcne
od MONDAY, Fbru-rjf 11, 1807.
f apllf eta. ntr ml may time. 1 nev will b
cbftrfced with tuition from tbt tin tbejr enter to
tbe cioee of the beuioo.
1 he eouree of .nitruetlon embrmcea every tbioe
to eluded In tborcugb, precticel end aceuie
plitbed edueetioD for both texee.
1 be jfriDcipi, DaTiDf oaa tie adraDtaeeof
much experience labia profeeaion. avinrea pa
renU aod guardiaaa that hie entire ability and
energiea will be devoted to the moral and neo.
Ut training of the youth placed vnderhia cbar.
Orthography. Heeding. Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per but ion (11 weka) . f 00
Grainiuar, Oeograpbj, Arithmetic, and
H tutor - - - - -f6 06
Algebra. Geometry. Trigonometry, Men-
enratioo, burveymg, f biloeopby. Fhai
ology, C be in ia try, heuk Keeping, Botany
and Phyiical Geography - - - $0 00
Lafin, Greek and Frvoch. with any of the
above Branebee .... $
iNo deduction will be made for abtenre.
ffrtit further partienlan inquire of
Rer. K L. HARBISON, A. M.,
Clear6eld, Feb 7,JhftT tf, Prineipel.
riHR wndemgned, deairmia of moving to tbe
X Veet, offen at private tale a large two-elury
FRAME llOl'KR. now kctit at a Hotel, ailn&trnn
Mato etrrH, in (be viilag uf New Millieri, Clrar
flfld county, S'a. The building ia well arrsng-d
fur a hotel, or dwelling houw aud fture-rM.m, with
all tbe nevaaaTT outbuilding! attached, in good
order, togttbrr with
Four Lota of Ground.
But few properties poaeeea equal advantage aa a
bnainraa ataod to tbia.
It will be told part each In hand, and thehalanee
in paymetita. Any farther infitracation oan be ob
taiord br palling on or a4i mining the pnbaohtter.
at New Slillpiirt, Clearfield oounty, iVi.u'a.
Jan3l U. A A RON WIPE.
vaTuableeal estate
frMIE nndersigned, residing In Bradv'lownslilp,
I wow offers one of the best TIMBER and
CO A L tracts of land fur sale in that section af tbe
Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance,
Forty-Bve of whleh la nnder cultivation, with
house and stable thereon, and an orchard of 100
bearing fruit trees ; the balance ia heavil, timber
ed. At least one million feet of Pine and two
hundred thousand of oak. The whole liem; un
derlaid with a four foot vein of enal. This tract
is aitnated within one mile of Luthersliurg, ad.
joining lands of Joseph Lines, Carson, Whitehead
anil rents, a jiutiiio road passes through it, a
school houae is located on the one corner, and aa
exoellent spring of water. Kverv railroad curve,
madrtti rough this section has lieen located on this
land. Any further information In reference to the
property, torma. Ac, can be had hy calling on or
addreasing the auneorilMr, at Lntheraburg, Clear-
uem oounir, re,
148 73
i::,29i oo I32,s oo
Road Fund.
D. W, II OOP X, Xs.i., Treasurer of ClearOeld oo.,
Pa., In aooount with dioereut townships for
Head and, for tha Tears IB64 and ISti,
To amount du townships from last aettle-
ent, (3111(7
To amount received from annealed
lands. I0,j0 70
To amount rectlvei from eolleetors
Am i pd. Bal. due.
$.171 ll l
40 Oi
II) 00
811 00
307 07
HI 08
120 40
Si ii
300 38
It 00
283 i
210 00
2 Ml 00
113 II
l.MI 00
1,4. 'iO 00
l7 03
3i 00
tsi 00
2Ji 93
IK0 84
108 60
281 74
104 00
t,i4 30
194 41
134 74
68 04
43 71
271 83
2118 80
177 03
194 23
114 01
40 Ot
4 83
T?8 fj
2l 37
166 44
II 38
323 40
28 13
01 04
6 88
482 13
2 71
42 84
164 18
201 00
11.300 80
1 1 ..not 8
Rrttonl Fund.
D. W. MOOrtK, K.q, Treasurer cf Clearteld
eontitv. Pa, ia account with different towa
abips for&ohool lund for the jeers 1S04 A 1804
To amount due townsbipa from last settle
ment, $378 46
To amo nt received from anecated
lands, 11,190 08
Tc amount received from collectors'
1AM always in receipt of the best OYfTEBS.
which will be served up in the usual variety uf
styles. 1 hare now a warm and comlnrtaWe room,
Oiled up for the accommodation of 1.AMKS, which
department will receive particular attention.
jenln-t Ice Cream and Ovster falonn.
"I ) AFTINt! ll(.PB aillirea-lorealeat
1al1'ala Robee.Kaee and Hnrse Blanketa
Novli. 'i. MKRRKLI. BllU.FRH.
Rata' Ut. nomiiigo, Habbell's, Draae'a Href,
land. Oerwiaa, Uoaletter'a and Oreeae's
Oiygeaaied Blttera, also para Liqners, of all
tinitfor atfirinal purperei, foria'iehj H. d I.
Hurnsi je,
I ergusoa,
Am't pd.
877 It
146 88
1T3 00
1X0 02
870 .".8
4.'iJ 6
2" I V
617 41
Sl8 71
64 22
Id) 26
887 62
70S II
V1 44
601 16
1,1 1-6 17
108 01
Tvo os
16 S .Ml
666 61
776 71
140 60
111 66
66.1 68
613 II
161 16
12,77! 61
Bal. das.
61 60
18 04
II 14
I 60
18 06
20 67
40 M
10 03
16 14
7 64
106 6
76 46
16 4
8 74
41 6t
120 07
146 71
A Great Discovery.
ONE of the gmeteat and must neuliil discovarira
in medical science was made hv theeelebratrd
Pr. J. liiimaa, of Paris, Chief l'liysirtan to the
Imperial Infirmary of France, in 1861. Those who
hava been afflicted with the painful disease known
as Piles, and effeetuallv cured br the use cf 1R
IH'MAS' r RKNCIl 1'iLK PALVK, cannot spesk
too highly of the bent file conferred npon thru by
the nse of this remedy. It has never been known
to fail in cflec'ing a permanent cure in a single
case. In this respect it surpasses all other tardi
cinee of tlie kind. Il will do just what it isrecom
mendod foe: if net, the money will be refunded.
One or two boxes is sufficient tu effect a permanent
cure in four or aix dsra. if tbe directions on the
boxes are followed. Price, one and two dollars per
box, according to site. Kent bv mail or eipress to
any part of the I'nitcd States or Canada. Sold by
Urnggisls grnerallr. A liberal discount nisde lo
the trade. Address I. 8. IU'MIAM A CO,
Williamspart, Pa., anle Proprietwra ami Msaafat
turera for the I nited Slates and Canada. d.i -y
rpHK nndersigned will nil or rent her fsrm,
1 situated in Marys.-ille, ClearAeld countv. Pa.
Tha farm contains ONE 111 MIRED ACRES,
and ia well adapted to farming or grating, and at
percent Is in a good state nf cultivation and well
watered; having thireoa one good TWO STi'RV
FARM Hill SK and a two-and a-hair story house,
very large, and well arranged for keeping' pul lie.
The necessary outbuildings are complete. Also, a
complete merchandise STORK KtH'.M, 1n which
has been and is now a general assortment of mer
chandise ; convenient to each house is a spring of
running wator, which waa never known to fail.
There is also erected thereon a small barn, with
stabling sufficient for twelve horere. For further
particulars and terms, address the undersigned at
i learneiu nritlgr, fa., or call on her at Maivsville.
janl0-3ra Mrs, 8. W. THOMPSON.
C1 AUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or In any way meddling
wilh the fallowing deeciihed personal property, vit;
One brown mare, one brown horse, one set double
harness, two two-horse wagons, one pair twin sleds,
one timber sled, one wind mill, buggy and saddle,
now In the possession of Nathaniel A. Warren, of
Hoggs township, as the same belongs to me, and ia
kn with him on loan, subiect to mv order.
il.l.UM SIUKME!..
Morria township, Feb. 7, I867 .1t:d.
riU'H S i PI a, H III 1 1) KS I WAt Troeetini
1 of the UirrctiM-aof the I'hllipsburg A Susque
hanna Tnrnpike Road Companv, held al Philips
hurg. February 4, lSli7. it was resolved to deelara
a dividend of three dollars jier share, puvable on
and a'er the 1st of Nan-h next, at llu ir orBce, at
which the store holders will Isiie nmiee.
11 orl -r of tl.e
B. IUUTSHORN, rrcsidsnt.
K. F. l.l ovn, SeoreUry. fnl,71' p.
R0.KT ROPM af al tisea, for !e at
flntaaew and akdamlnal swpotiersil every
JL kind f tha latest Improvements, for .ale at
UieJru Flora of BARTSW1CK A IRWIN.
C-1 KOCr.RIK.O lo Is bad at
J MIHI: Kbt. A B 1 Jl.FR'S
1)rw Liberty While 1 cad. -pre (erred by
all prrotical Painters I Try it '. and you will
have no ether. Mann(aetnrd only hy lint
A Sa.lia. Wholesale Itiag. Paial a tilass liealers.
Ko.lH7 North Third Sl. Phi I a. March ll,'6Aly.
CANl.l rRtHTof all kiads7al