I'loo to tlio cImsiM ni mum- . your ;V:;n:n',!, j ;; (.)., v .'iir , y. ."! ! is tlii-rr N u ('.." in in-. in.i O' I. il.itus in c. j.lMiiiy, liiniM'li.dil iiiuiiM'.r.i tioim, or f;uvorIiientiil rclaliims no one can resist tlio wiles of tlio tli'vil iminfuUv, Mistnin an e'iuililrium of calm, peaceful, humblo resignation and joyfulncss, without gaining wisdom Binl Htrcnth in tlio closet. Wives, do you believe this ? Mothers do you ? Mark well, behold that mother, com ing from tlio closet, with a f'aeo shin inj in holiness as hid that of .Moses when dec-ending the Mount of God. What now? Panoplied? armed with helmet, sword, and shield? her feet shod with tho preparation of the fjos J)cl of peace ? Ratlin is bruised under her feet. Satan finds no lodgment. All his fiery darts ore hurled in vain. Slio is clothed with humility. The graces c.f tho spirit shine forth radi antly ; love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentloness, goodness, faith. Sho goes forth from tlio closet unned. Sisters, mothers, daughters, old und young, fleo to the closet have your regular stated seasons, adhere to them strictly, undevintingly. Let no earthly care deprive you of these. A Lettkr written by Thomas Jkffluson a littlk while beforb ins Death. "This letter will, to you, be r ono from tho dead. Tho writer will be in tho grave before you can woigh its counsels. Your affectionate nncH'Xccllcnt father has requested that I would address to you something which might possibly have a favora ble influence on tho course of life you have to run ; and I, too, ns a name sake, feel an interest in that course. Few words will bo necessary, with good disposition on your part. Adore God. Keverence and cherish your parents. Lovo your neighbor as your self, and your country more than your self. Be just. Be truo. Murmur not at ttio ways of 1'rovidence. So shall the life into which you have entered be tho portal to one of eternal and in effable bliss. And, if to tho dead it is permitted to caro for the things of this world, every action of your lite will be under my regard. Farewell!" Pleasure. I havo run the silly round of pleasure, and have dono with them all. I have enjoyed all the plcasureof the worl J 1 apjiraise them at their veal worth, which is, in truth, very low. Those who havo only seen their outsides always overrato them ; but I havo been behind tho scenes ; I Lava seen all tlioeourso pulleys and dirty-robes which'inovo their gaudy machines ; und 1 have also seen and sinelled tlio tallow candles which il luminate the wholo dazzling decora tion, to th astonishment and admira tion of the ignorant audience. When I reflect on what 1 have seen, what I havo heard, and what 1 havo done, 1 can hardly pcisuaile myself tiiut frivo lous hurry and bustle of pleasuro in tho world had any realty ; but I look upon all thut is past as ono of those romantic dreams which opinion com monly occasions, and I d j by no means desire to repeat the nauseous doso. Chesterfield. In tho "life of fuith," wo do not merely look at the principle of depend ence of God, or of confidence in him, though that may bo the thought im mediately suggested by such words. It signifies much more. It is a life of large and various energies ; for accord ing to tiod, or scripture, faith is that principle in tho soul which not only trusts him and believes him, it is also thai vvjiieh apprehends his way, acts in concert "w ith his principles, and purposes, receive his promises, enjoys his favor, does his bidding, looks for his kingdom, in his strength tains victories, and by his light walks in light , and thus it is ever, though va riously, exhibiting a life according to him, or formed by communion with him. Beauty. One of the great elements of religion is loveof beauty. Kcligion is something inoro than taste, refine ment, or any polished propriety of a cultured class; but it is inscperatoly connected with taste, propriety and refinement. Tho religious act is the beautiful act, the religious spirit is the beautiful spirit, the religions lite is the beautiful life, and tho religious char acter is tho beautiful character; und (Joil, with whom all religion begins and ends, is tho Infinitively Beautiful j Ono, and wo do not know him as hei i and lovo him as we ought, until we sec him as tho perfection of beauty, tho Ono altogether loved. Christianity is broaderthan all 8'H-ts; its blessed influence grows over their petty creed hedges to renoviito tho outlying world, as the sunlight streams across the farm enclosures and city walls and a wholo continent besides. The moral elevation of Jesus is so great that ho overlooks tho walls of all churches and his benignant, spirit ual features al tract thousands beyond all recognized party lines. Ho whs "the Son of man." But for tho thought of Providence, Co would say thut tho world went all wrong; hut it is rather we who do not seo tho right. Wo complain, we get frightened, just as though (iod woro not there. Never let us forget that it is ho himself and not man who guides us; clso there would indeed be reason to despair, and to set out like Columbus in fearch of a new world. "If Satan and I ever did sHvo for any word ol God in all my life, it was for this good word of Christ : 'Him that cometh unto mo will I in no wise cast out ;' he at ono end and I at the other. O what work wo made. It was for this that we did so tug ami strive ; lie pulled and pulled ; but, Cod bo praised, 1 overcame him, and got swoelness from it." Bunym. It is consoling to pray, is it not? to bo ablo thus to succor thoso we love, to follow them with our affection even into another life. I pity those who have only tears to bestow upon the dead. It is very well to weep, but not without praying also. Prayer is tho dew of puigittory. Lotus pourit out in floods; we shall do so much good thereby. Simplicity and purity are tlio two wings bv which a man is lifted up tbovo all earthly things. Simplicity i in the intention ; purity in the affec tion. Simplicity teuds to God, purity apprehends and tastes ilim She CUarfictd ajfpuMlfjn. Tliiivs (! ;-l h -i i:iri'ir, lfp J iaMv... .::. . li.rv.-',. -..!,, J2 IT I i i ,1 '! ! I . v. I 'f t I ;n I t.i,', 'J '" Ll JI.1-J Ultti lIlJ H'HU I '' I Ol P.t WOl.lUl, 8 Ou RATES OF AUVEUTISINd, Adt.ilnlttrators'eud E xecutors' notices, euvti, oiium-s, - - Autilors' uolic-s, each, $2 SO 2 ft D I Ml i vo 1 Ml tuitions and li'lrnyA, eat-h, 3 timet, -Oitsolution noiices, cat-u. 3 tunes, Transient advertittelnc-iils, per unrc of 10 lim-e or less, 8 time or he. - For vhi'Ii eutiscqnenl insertion, -Official advertisements, toruncb wjuareof 10 lim-s or loss, H tiuii'ior leu, For vti'-ti S(il,a,'(uniL insertion, Prof-ssiunid curds, 1 year, Lcval o-itici'S, per line, Olutuiry notices, over five linel, per hue, Yeailv adierlisemoule, 1 square, lo 3 do I'o . 3 do Io - i column, Io I do Do - 1 do 1 60 611 6 I'O 16 10 8 00 15 00 2 1) 00 25 00 40 OH li 00 &7)it nbova rates apply only to adveniae menu let tip plain. Advertisement let in large type, or with ruts, or oul of plain suit, will be charged double tbe above rales lor space. JOB WORK. SI.SSKH. Biiiple quire, $2 f0 I 6 quires, per quire, 11 75 3 quires, ptr quire, 2 GO Over 6, do 1 60 naminii ls. t sheet, 21 or li s. $1 Ml I i sheet. 25 or li s, SI tO i sheet. 2b or less, 2 lit 1 sheet, 26 or Its.. S 00 Over 2i of each of above at proportionals raros. UKo. II. 1001)LAMKR, E litor and 1'ruprielor. i'roffiSMonal & .usinc$;j Cants. 6. A. FULTON, TTOUNET At LkW, Curwenstillo, Pa. Otlice in MrUridu's building, on Main st. "Iroiupt attention giveti to the sceuring BLd collection ol Claims, and to all hui ncps. novl l.'liti-Smpd WALTER BARRETT,- VTTORSEY AT LAW Clearfield, Penn'a. Office on FeoonJ street. Not. 21, 1SI.6. evil. a. Wallace, J. BuAEI WALTER, ir. D, biui.es, riANK rmiiiNo. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, VT70RNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, j-a. Leiral business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. May li, 'of.-ly. THOS. J McCULLOUGH, VTTOKNKY AT LAW. Utbrc idjoiniTig tlo Hftnk, former! occupied by J. 1. Mi-lLnaliy, K..f Market itrcet, ClfhrhclJ, V. Will KiouU pruipt'T to CullocLiou, Slo of L&uJi, Ac. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW and RKAL E .STATU Agcct, ClerfioM, Pa. OlLce on Market treet, iippoeite lite jatl. Ktfpectfull; offen b' rricon in aeLltng and buyini? UqiIi in Clearfield and a-lj lining oountiei ; and with an expfrteuro uf oror twenty yean a a Purveyor, flatten himself that be eaa render atiafuotioo. Fob. 'C'.i tf. WM. M. rvlcCULLOUGH, VITORSEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Penn'a. Olhct on Market htreot, one door east of the Clearfield County Dank." May 4, lSOl tf. jons n. ORVia. C. T. AI.EIAMiEII. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, I HUH.Vr.lS A I l.AH, IX. Srpt. 18th IBi'.i ly. Iiclls'onte, Pa. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, I ATE burgeon of tb 8 id Ri'imeiit( Tena'a J Valuntoom. having relumed iruax the Army, otirri bij prtfoioDal icrvicei to the ciUscm uf Clear Gel J and vicinity. I'ritfi'S'ional calli prompt ly attcnrled to. Olfiee on tSeroLd Hreet. (lately occupied by br. WuuJa.) April 4, Ibrtd.-tf. DENTISTRY. J. P. CORXETT,t."TiiT.ofTcrt liti pptfetiinal aervicti to the rill ifni of CurweniTiIle and viciniiv. Odiee in Irug Kttire, eorner Main and Thmnnnn treet. Curweniville, May II. I&fi-Vly.pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCKIVKNKR AND CONVKYANCKH, and Acent for tbe Pur' base and Sale of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention liven to all hu.iness connetted with tbe Co ty oOices. Ofliee Jan. 1, lSM tf. with Hon. Win, A. Wallace JAMES MILES, L I C R N S K D A U C T 1 0 X E R 1 I.ullicrobur, I'enu'a. Will promptly alien 1 In railing all sales, at rcry U..'4l i ..n.n.i.i. ....... A. H.FRANCISCUS&.CO., SI3 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. MxitrPACTL'nani abi Aoekts por tiii Bali or coittKiot:. Not. The rerilar allowances ma le to Pealers In MANILA HOl'l jsn.H-m 11i1n.11 . roni ta ti.anK. FORCEE &, GRAHAM, P Bill II III General Merchandise and Lumber, jn f.rah jnilon. Pen 11 a. JOSEPH II. I1KKTII, Justice of the Peace, and Licensed Con'-iiyaoeer, New Varhihifton, Clearfield county, Pa. T?n 1 la 1 1. JVMRS C. BARRKTr, Justice of the Peace and Licensed Conveyancer, Lutbersburg, Clearfiold county, l'a. Collections snd remit tances proniptlr uude, and all kinds of legal in struments 1 Keciitued on short notice, Lulhsrsliurir. M iv Plh, I Hon tf. J. h. II VI'KIIAV. ami r.i. uiTt iisi.l. 'i . s fr jV T.iraA.v, r.n Daalerj In Kurcitrn and D'-meatie lerchandiae, Lumber, Ornin, t-e. New Wnhirifrton, October 24, l-'-r-.V-Iy.r.d. Clcarn-id Co , Pa. ( KKATZKU k SOX. MIC H : IUN1, dcalcra in Dry (Jooda Clothini;, Hardware. Cuttlery, Queenaware ! (irweerica, Shinlea. and Prorininna. At the old ' ctand on Front Mreer ahore the Academy. Clearfield, December 13th, lHfli-tf, .!. P. KKATZKK, Tl f r.lU II T, and dca'.cr in Dry flood 1.1.11'iriinc, Hardware, Vjucensware, Urocerica l'rrnrina, Ac. Mark.t .trt, epponU Hie Jll, ClearBetd T. April Siith ISf I, LKON M. COUTIilKT, Mr.HCHAM'. and dealer in Pry Ooodi. IWedy-made Clothing, Umeeriea, Liiiuora, Irut and Medicinea, lluta and Cap, Biol and ShoM, Hardware, Tinware, Ac. trenelnille Clearfield county. Pa. May 2, 'ffi (JLORCR r- W.RDI.E. C II A R N. RFED WIIuI.KSALK OIUiCI.US. Tobacco, Ten, iSpicr.s &c., &c, N R. far. 6th A Marks! 8ls.. Feh. UJH-iOOm. I'll 1 LA LiKLfllU. cyRKNH'9 HOWE. Justice of tiik I'eace. For DarATt'a Township, ill prnmpllv attsnil lo all hnainnts entrustsd to his rare. If. O. Aildress, I'hllipsbnrg Ta, AK "SI lni THOMAS M CUIsMAN, Agent for the Hingur Sewfnc Machlnee. Philips. urc Centre co,, Penn a, Oct. lllh, IvrtS.-tf. JUST EECEIVED, II. W. SMITH & CO.'S, A Fresh Lot of TEAS AND CANNED FRUIT. Also, a mperlor article nf OES'T.'S TATEN'T LEATUEIt BOOTS, All alrea and eitremeiy low. f je20 Every One SnoT'-LP do hi. own JOLtEniNn. 8o go to H. W. SMITH t CO S. and buy an I ..O.N and STO'E; thna saving many a trip toan I r'm the tinnrr'f ; and article that, by being repaired at once, arc made prw. orM IXTBA. FAMU V J fcOl II for tale al !i H. . SMITH A tO'S. Cour.ly Kalicnal Dank. ( I. KAKl 11.1. U, l'A. ' llii Rui'.k ik ni'M , n ai.il rt.'ly l r buslners X Ollice on Sect ued street. In the hui Idnig (or uierly occupied by Leonard, r'mnry ,1 Cu. initiH-Toiia Ann osru aits. J AS. T. Lr.ONAUD, l'ri-8'l. JAS. n. OR All AM, WM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRKIIIT, Jun 331b, f55.tr. RICH Alt l PI1AW. WM. POHTKH. IKO. L. RKK.lt. WM. V. WRKIIIT, Canlnur, Clearfield County Bank. rilHE CleArGoId County ltank an an incur. JL pnrated inttilu(iin baa .e out of eiini'iice by the aurrendiT of Iti rharur on Way M, Ihu.'i. All of atiK-k in owned by the uhucntieri, who will continue tiie haiikiui; buinptig at tbe imue pi ice private btnkers unler the firm name vlihe " CUsirfiuld County llank." We are repomublo fur tho debt of tbe Bank, aud will pay it notei on demand at tbe counter, ltpoiite rueeivod and lnterent paid wben uo aey ia left for a tiled time. Paper Oiauounlvd at iix per cent, ai heretofore Our pernoual revponaibitity ii pledged for at) d&purii received and bupineci trannactcd. A continuance of the liberal patronage of tbe btiineii meu of the county it respectfully aolioi teu. .e rrdiUent, Cnnliier and 0 .Tic em of the late Clenrlield County Uank, we require the Buttg of aid bank tJ he preaonted for rodemption, James T. IieomirJ, Jiichard 8haw, Win. P'Ttcr, Janiea 11. Graham. A.K. V.'ritht, O. L. Heed, William A.Wallace. jrffThe buiinon of the Bank will be eocdue ed by John M. Adaute, Ksq., aa Caihier. Jun 2H,'Hi -tf. C, ft. Pouter, Kdw. Vfrk-, ti. L. R"d. J. 1). M'liirk. A. K. WriRht, Wra A. Wallaeo Hich'd Shaw, J. T. Leoiiaid, J. B. Urflhaai, Eankiii? & Colledion House ( F rOSTES. TEIIES, WTJGHT & CO., Till U V6HV HO, Centre Co., Ta. Hills of Eiehnnj:c. Ntitea ami Oraffa discounted IiKPOSITS HKCKlVtl). Collection! made and proceed promptly remitted Kxchanpe on the Cities con.itnMlv on band. Tbe above Hanking llou-ie li dow open aud roaTy for butnom, Sept. 6, 1 pHiLirairito, Centre Co., Peua'a hotels. The American Hotel, LUMBKR CITY, CI.KAnriEI-D COUTY, TA. rplIITS uni.Tlntd hnvlnj Icai.'d and refitted thii wtU-kriuwii utaii'i. t il.- thia method of bnnsinr bia v t:illie.litn iit t'cfore the public. Hii TALsLb and HAK will L-c aupplii-d w.lii the bent the market alK-rus, A libi ral plinre of puSiic put ronnp in tlicn-iore rtptiott.iHv I i r i 1 1 J. jauM ly:pd J.aSiLS 1.. crUKY. The Eagle Hotel, CURWr.NhVILLE, V. L. W. TEN i:VCK. I'ltofFtcTOH. TIIC nndcrtifrned, bating become proprittor of the above h"U-l, wiiSea to five notice to lite citiiena of thie count y, aa well ai to tlie trartlling public, that the boiue baa bctnretlMed and reltrniahed for the entertain-iif nt of bia Kueati, Ilia table will be furnished with every, lliing the maiket Bfl;rda. At his liar will be fourd tbe bent bmnda of all kinde of tiquori. GOOD b f A D L 1 N G attached, and none kbut careful bottlcn employed. jyM-tf I.. W. TEN EYCK. Railroad House. Blu.ii direct, riilllpabur, Ieim'a. ftOBEHT LLOYD, Pnoi-niETon. KFEPS oonitant'y on band the heft of liquor. Ilia table in alwai aupplifd with the be"t tie Murkn atfxrdi. The travoling public, will do wU to give biinacall. INov 1ft, Ufii To Watermen. EOIUtK FALK Uked ibte method of inform. X in the watermen of Clearfield county (ht he haa rrf.tted and reopened the hotel formerly Irept by K. 6cbrciaer, at Coxestown, where bo will take eapecial paim to render eat infection to all who favor bim wit'u il.ci? putronage. Coieatown, April 12, '65. draly. ool$ and iliors. S LWaUT ANtTlll 5J E IsliO ?. I.1VAIIU MACK tk (()., On Market htrH.oTip tUmr West of I.lo poUlt't Brewery. IIIE proprictore have entered Into the Tool A Fhoe buineM at the above ftand, and are determined to not be ou'done either in quility or price fwr their work. Fperial attention will be paid to mantifartnrinff aewed work. We have on band a large lot of FRENCH KIP and CAl.K HKINS of tb tery beat OjUtlilT. The citiienaof Clenrfield and the virioity, are respectfully In vited to (tire hi a trial. No charge for calli. Cltarlicld, ov. 7. Ieo6-tf. PEACE PRQCLAIMLP, THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOVN?IlIP QUIET. Xt'iJrhf all the Confril)uyIs goin) bark to their old matters; but 'nary one . going to oil Mas&n-hu.wtts, tvhrrc thnj were loved so long and so ir-il, IN f onqnrnee of the abore fact, F. Pnorr, of the old tShort JSho Shop, would annourcn lo his numeroua put run n, and the people of Clear field county at larec, that be bna now a firt rate lot of good meteriat; jimt received from the etit, and ia now prcpured on rhort notice to make, a"d mend boota and i' oca nt hia new Sh'.p in (Jrabama row. lie ta MtifTied t let hecanpleaae, (urilcaa it might be rome intrnely loyal f-tay nt koine Patriitt ). lie ia prepand to a low f r caah orC 'unty Prndnc. don't forget tbe almp uoit door to (Jnthaio A poyinna Mure, on maik et Street I'leariield Pa. A kvpt by a fellow com monly called July IT.oV ly. , 'SH01UYM STUJ1 : yuir""i.Vterests Boots and Shoes Made at Low Prices. rIIiK undnnljrned ia prepared to unnuTatture X everything tn hia line, at the lowest tiurcn, and will wariant h a work to be represented, (lire him a rail, at his shop on Market Mre t. ao?ond door weat of the Poat (UTicc, and he will do alKn hiepownr, to render antijlactini:. F'-me fine tlnitcr t-'p. extra Freneli calf el-.ira, Ac, on hand, rady to be ilnihed on ahort nntirt at low pric. DANIEL CONNELLY. June l.tih.fifi-l vr. A IM10(LAMATI0. GOING IT ALONF.lt Nobody rrolillillcrl from binlne hit sVota and Shor. on arrount ol' Hare or Color. T)EINO thus liberal mindrd, I taks this method I I of InlorroirK Ihe citirrns of t Irnrli-IH and vinnilT.that 1 have opened a shop on Hrfoed si., neit door lo Ihe Ooun'y National Hank, over VYaison'i Itrvg Htore. whore I are prepsrsd tn mske lo ordt-r ev.rythintt in Ihe !IOOT and SU'lK line, out of Ihe best materiel and In Ihe most wtirltmanlise manner, and on short rotioe. All I -k Is a Irnl. D'ne st Cloarflsbl, this eiKhtfrnth flny nf .loir, A. I. lf.. II All BY H'lt-H.' roi'AiiTNr.itsiiip. Thennlerslcnrd have this day formed a Co. pnrlner.hip nnder the firm name of Irnin t Hart. horn, for the transnotton of a (.moral Mor- eh.mhre and I.ntnhcr businrs. A larce and well erli-eted stork or Ooods has been added lo tbo.eilroady on hand at Ihe Comer (More in Ctirwensville nhere we are Dow prepared tn show Cnstomers a rotnplstsd assortment with prlees as low as the lowest. The highest carkel rates psii for Lumbar of all deseripilon. The patronage ol the pnblie fi respectfully oliPlled. FDWABI) A. IKVIK. W. H. HARTSHOllN. Cnrwensvllle, Julj S, Id '6- RUM' HI. Itinltl;a. Iluhhell't, I)reke'e llwf. land' llorrnan, llostrtter'e and Greene's Ovygenaled Hitlers, also pure 1 .iqtlftr, of all kinds f neTieinal perpoir., for salt hy H. I I. J) O Q D I H 8 UCJ CO Narva Timet tc Motiryl ha we I.tliorl leavra riollics I ravca M omen I AND AM. (JUOCEIIS SKMj IT! It Is used hj eult'nu into small shavings and dissolving In hot water, then sek the e othrs rive to (en minutes, and a littli hand rutiliio will timke thnu ns elcan as hours of lisrd mu ehine rul hiUK would do, Willi ordinary suap, and the inosl iL'ih'ete Inline reoeiva no itjurv. We oun rvl'or to tliitUfaiHli of ftiuiilics who are osiiit; il, and who eould not bo persua Jed to do witbjut POnlll.NS' liLUCTHIC SOAI'. ,Tft"fiold bynll trading Omcers throughout lie bints. Manufactured onlv hy DOIIBIIi'S A L0VS. AVholelsle office I 107 Sovth Fifth Etreut, FntLADnrau. O-For sale by Uarlswick A Irwin, CloarOold. tioveiober 7, I hOC-1 0 mo. LEEnmroiirTiirpioiTE THAT THOMAS J. MECATJLEY, mnvrACTURBK or Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, II A9 on band, at his ator and factory, on Alarket east of Second, tlearlie.u, ra Too large i mid best aiaortment of TIIIWAEE AED OTEEB GOODS, WLich will be told. Wholesale and Ri tall, CHEAP FOR. CASH ! STOVE -Fire, ALL SIZES, Always oa band, at lew prises. Huuse wc.k, sucli ss Gutters and Conductors, furuisbed and put npat short aottra and VEaY CHEAP! fJRcpli'lng Protrip'.Iy Douc.-tJ Cle.rf.eld, N'ct. 14, 1C. t, 1807 Philadelphia Si Erie R.R.I 807 This prer.l line traverea tke Norlb"rn and Nnrib weal c unties of .'cuoaylvania to the city of Eria on Lnke Erie. It has hfn K'aatd and Is rprrtitfd br the PENNaVLV AMA A'AlIMiOAU i'OM I A NT. Time of Paaenjrer trains at ST. MAKY'd. Jrac l ahtnard. Erie Fxn-aa Tram 4.14 P. M, Erie MlII Tnin 1 1.32 P. M. 1 rave M eatward. Erie Mall Train 13 M P. M. Er e Express 1 rain 3.15 A. M. Paa-en?er cars r;tn through on the Erie Mail and Exprcri Trains withcut ehn,ngi both way between Philadelphia and Erie. rVctV irl( roilllt'CtfrOU Leave Kew York at 0 a. in.; arrive at Eiie 10 & a. Leave New York at : p.m.; arrive at Erie 7 Iftpm. Leave Erie at V30 j.m.; arrive at S. YorV 4.40 y.m. Ltave Erie at V to m.; arrive at N.York to. lOa.ir No fhuf;c of 1 aio bet. teen I rit A N loik Elegant Sleeping Cars on ail N ijfht train. For information n -pt rt:n ; Pa'fontror hv. nefa. apply at Cor. .Hith nnd Market Si's, Phil'a. And for Freight buince of the Cotnpany'a Amenta S H. Kiti.tan.jr.. Cur. l.Tth and eUatket streota, Philadelphiit. J. W. Kynold. brie. Win. 11ron, ARent, S. C, R. R Haltimor. II. II. ll-.rnTMH. (.Poerat Fficht Aft. Phil'a. Jl. W. ilwii tun, General Tirket Ajft. Pbil'a. A L. TLKK, OeiuraHaperintendentKrie Real Estate for Sale. rIMlK aulcri.K-r oflrri tlo foilowin valuable X Heal Estate ol pm ate aale : .H arrca and 11.1 peruh.-a of farm land, sixty acroa rharfd, and havn-e tlmre-m a (rood fraiue houne and U bant. Tina ia tlia very bt eo-J luod. J-iiimttd in W oo. i ward toitnahip, ouo buU inile front I'ui'y villi-, A1h, KM) nrr of Timber land. tiUi.it,! on M'-rMi'n Hun, in Woodward town.m.p, ono and a half in i Ira from Put'oyville. Alar, two arrcs with a two-str.ry plank brniw ivi'l fmine atitl-lc thrri'ori, situated in Woodward totinahip, on the rad Ifadmir fnmi Typtiia to rimrtii Id town, two mil. from I'uyville ; a f id lottlii'ii fur a trnd'tmn ol a: t .ind. Aixo, (no lota In Vney i 1 le. with six boitana and ono burn rwted tliiTn, the two lots lyins; adj'iinin. 'I be firt No. lo, twine aoornerlot,riih tiwern fiMiid, containing tbrm-lutirtba of an aero, with over .i'0 fttt of bauk on Ctrarficld cmi; rent worth H'J;- pr year. Hct-ond lot. ( No. 1 1,) fit) fret on front alrert and 120 b't ba-k, with two plunk bonxra cna;rd tlirc-n, well auitaUe lor uier pui.h'r or any puidie busincM. he ai'. e projii riy wilt b "dltl at r-atoti-hit- prii-ca and f;iir tcni'S. V. J. Mh'FF, t.-t.3 f.tn-pd Madera P. O., Cl.arHold ew., Pa REMINGTONS' FIRE ARMS. Hold by the Trade ;rnrrallr A liberal lUfcoatit to Ptftlcrs. Army HeTalvcr, 4 100 in. Culibrf. Nary Kevolrcr, Jifi 1 )0 in. ralihre, Ilelt Hfr-.Uur, (e!f corkinr t Nary aallbra, Itrlt HeTolrer. Navy calilre, l'.ilire Hrtolver, Navy aire caiire, Nrw l'orlcet Hevolvor. (wiih ladtng lwr,) l'orket HevoWer, (lf racking.) rtrp-'ariaj; Pintid, (Lfii.it pt ) No. "2 cartridge. Hfpfatin 1'iatol, (Klltot nt.) No 22 eariridre, Vest rocket Piatol. No. '21, :.0 A 1,2 cartridge, un Cane, using No. H2 oartridgr , Single Hnrrpl Shot (.tin. Ueolrina li;le, Zfi ll'' In. eoliltre, Jreorh iHsO tmp N'll", No. .H2 rartridce. l(rrt"h li'.adiop Cnrhino, No. it rartridpe, V. H. Hiilo, (tc; barroM with aal-r hayinct, V. 8, Killed .Mutkst, hpriMrfieUI pnttf-rn. Vpwarda of ilUu furuiM.ed tho I', f, Oot ernment. Our new Ureerh Lesdiug Arms have junt been approved and adopt, for military seMir-n in turopa. K. F.LMINiJ TN A H(.N, liion, Nm Vork. A(;Kars Moore 4 Nirbola, New York; Win. Ked A Son, HoP-t:n ; Jos C tlmhh A Co., Phil adolpbia; I'oulton d- TrimSlo, UaltiRiore; Uinry FoUt.in A Co., New Orleans and Memphis ; Jiihnaiin. Hpencer A Co. Chicairn . h. M. Hum- j if-Co., St. Louii; Albert K. Crone, Han ' Kianrifro. jj4 y HVTKW C'AKKIAOE AND WA'iON JJ Shop, in Cleirfifld. rentjf-rlvania Shop, in ClearfinlJ (TmmediatclT In rear cf .Vacbine Shop,) The suh.rriher would rcspeetfullT Inform the ritisensof Cleartl"ld, and the pnhlic In itenerRl, that he ts prepared to do all kinds of work on CAUiUAiiKS, iu:uhim, WAGONS. SLEIGH1?. SI.KDS. Ir. en short notice and In a workmanlike manner JtJTAW Orders romptlv attonded to uf WM. Mt KNhill i'. Cli'iuficM. Fi'lir'inry Mill, iMiti.-Iy. DRESSMAKING. ETC. Srr.rlAI, NtnUK Parisian MtEfil and rl.tlAK Mukiov. I. n tics rns hove th.ir YU 11, e.ses. Suite, Coals and Hasulnee hendsomelr , Cw,,in"' Parr, Kcuneilv's niirlicsl Ilis made and triirmcd, at the ehottesl notice, at the I eorenr. Uemhnld's lluohu, Halter's Ced l.iver old eslal.liihed stnnd. 10SI t beslnut street. ! "' Jane's and AVer's mediel.ies of eveii kind I r'anrj and plain l'sns, Msn ila tirn.inents. ; dress and elonk hmton". llihhns, Clunnj and itliilpnre l.nees. Iluple and llimp Hre.s Trim-iQl I wiers, with a larre rarie'T of 8lsleand Pence j Uoeds.fiom Si to percent Irss than elsewhere. i Aim. recivtnr dt-ilv. I ens re.hioa tn tissue . paerr. ft.r l,.li.. .nt Phildten. llrM.as. feci. o( I's Herns for Merchants aad Drcsmskers now ! dr. at Mrs. M. A. lllNliKH's. jT4.1 Will Chrslnnt st . Philadelphia N'OTICI' IVrsonp d'irinp lo lrni,.nft luini nesswith me al my olh--e, are h-rl'r e.ilifird Ihet I v. ill nut le found with eertaintv st home on any davs es-rpt M'"SPAV and P M I KI"A V. rT- -p' tf- WM. PFTFR. LIIilRELL & EI8LES, l)LAl.l l. IN IIAUDWAKE. AllO, am rAi'ti litis or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. jo".7-y l!l rAHFIKI D. PA. xa) rr ol"' k a inM.Ks, uiudlLs HAUNKSS, t'OLLAUS, Kit-., For .ale ty MK1!1!KI,L4 llHil.ICli. Fa" L .M "h UrS 1 ' A ri K N ' I ' I'.N LoaTT- JMJ JtAY KOKKS, For lo l.y K KKKKM, I'.KJI.KR. O I L, I'Xl N ', 1' U T TV, Ci iJX W, NAII.S, .Vc, For inle ly MUUiEU, & IilGLF.U. HAHNEbS 'J'KIMMINd'S i SllOli FJNUIXdS, Fnrealol.y MEHKKLI. Jt IilGLER. &c, Ac, Fnt snlfl.y M DKUKI.L A BIOI.FIR. STOVliS, UK ALL HOJiTS AM) SIZKS. Forsnlcr S!i;i:i.KL, .t RI01.FU. uTon ! irnxN'T ThoYTTijonT Foraalol.jr MEKRLLL & IJKil-FK. ii u 'tis e s" llu (T 1 0i ITbITUk KAILS, Foraalnbv MliKKKI.I, 4 niOLER. FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Look to year Interests ! G. S. FLEG AL, riilllp.Lurg, Centre county, I'enu'a, WANCl'ACTL!ia.R 0 Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, "XlTOVLr) resjieetfullv infuna bis f.-ianJs aad IT it pMie (CLersllv. tint he Has QriKii) Larhe Salis Roovs In tie boroogh of riiii:(,iVuje Pa , f,r tie mia vf.etura and Sj.le rf sto rt:s, TIX AND SHEET WARE, Of overj dascrlpli. n. miti'if.cttiri & fror the lsl msteiial. Mv variety er euuiin stoves eon si'Uuf It, celebrated IronO'l.. the best eof.aine: stuvesia the I'nitf-rl .Slates ; Continental, Lehigh, Farinsr, lierlifht, Charm, 4c, and ever variwj of the BEfeT FITTSRURO MANUKACTCRS. farUr uj Heulin? Stores of every deaeriplivn, including flpears' AMI lnsu Bold it the Lowest Cash TricM. Morcbanu desirteg te purchase will ond It to their advantere toeiaraiin mj stock before ur chasing el.cwLoro. WAller.lcra for KP0UTINM and OTFTKR WOHK mil be attended lu oa tie bOOHTK.I N"T'C-B. .epii.tf now to save mm. Tba times are Lard ; you'd like to oaaw How you may sav j ur iMlars Tha wat to do it I will show, Ii j-oo will read what followa. A uian who lired not far from brs W bo wirtted hard at bis trade. But baJ a bouteboId to rurport, Tbat Buandrrcd all bt uada. I met bim oore, aan he, "my frltnd, I !ook tbroadhura and roujib ; I'vs tried to yet mjaelf a suit. But cao't aava up tnough," Fays I, any friend, how touch bars joi 1 l'tl tHl tou nbere to go. To fet a nut tlmt'a simd and ebea& At lti:i .I..Ni I i.l NdX and Co. IU took what little be had sarpd. And went to lUlzr ntciii A. ISiothorsy, And tl.er be pot a handfome suit, For half ho paid to others. Now be is home, be 0f 'Kf l0 weH ( Aod tbi-ir rfTert issucb, Tbat whan they uks ttioir daily an sals, 7bey dctt't eat haif so much. And now be finds on Faturdny nlghl Kith all ll eir wants stiphd ; Tli at he has money left to spend. And tome to lay aai ie. Ilia pood sueeraa, with rbasrful fails. He p!adli teMs to all ; If you d aava MnpT, pa and boy, Your clothes at Ki-tifiiatcinthiitiliig HalL Where the rbrnpest. finest and best Clothina and (i-'od Kurniibinp Uooda can be bad to suit trery laMe, and in ee"y ityla. ' April II, IhM tf ir. iimi)gi -1 J9 (Store oti dcor Kast of Cicarflold Hoaae,) Market St., Clearfield, Ta. KrepH on lmnd a full nHsrirtment oi GENTS rUKNISUINU GOODS, ru"h aa StiirU. Linon Pinl Woolon lirtu-r Shirta, drawers and sorka, neck ties, pocket bandksr ebiefa plovea umbra) in;., r ta Ac. in frrat tarifty. Ol pirct (inti.lit krrpa the beot 1 loths of ail Mtade and e.d"r." fiifh a BLACK l)IHKh 1-TIIK VKKV bpl rrr;e, rimry C'ii!"-itnor in prmt earier; Alo, rrctn'h Cn'iliiip, IVtivor. i'ilul, Cliin tliiiln, atnl Kiicott V4T cnatinjz, h', nf uliii'h will . snIJ (Ux'.ip fur ( ah j anrl maile tin aroorilin); to tlie lutpsl Sivlcs lij' Ksporiencetl Wotkmin. Also Acnt for Clinrficl l rn., fir I. M. Sincr. if Co, cat rlimlcl Sewinn Uacliinos. !( PHIffiE (jlcBtfit'lil, l'onn'a, Nov. 1, l"iG5.-tf. OX HIS OWN HOOK. w F. CLARK. IVTOrM) rearretftjlly annnnnre to ths oiti V irr.s of tlenrfialj srd vicinity, that be na" tben ihe rooms t ntierly oenpied by H, A. (Janlin, in tirahaiu'a Kow. i t m rH t over II. P. Naoif's Jewrlrr store, and will eon tin us the TAI LOIJlXCt r.l'SLNLSS. A full assorlment of f;l"ths, ras.iiner.s and Vestinps eiinstjintly en hand, and icsde to order on the shortest notice. Particular attention will he Riven lo f VTTI Vli Men's, !-' and Children's elu'.umjr, in the roust fashionable slvlis. Uive bim a cell. dcrn.tf W. V. CI.ARK. inmtid and nitcrt'iiiid sjilrre, fimm, F.nR W lifh Currant", t.i. loflie and ine);er nf lte hes: nu.lite. I or sale te 11. 4 I. Clrailield, January Hull, I s i'fj. I)urr Liberty ltlte I rad. The Whites, the mol duriilile slid the ni-.sl eci ncn icnl, 'Irv it ! Manufactured onl,v hr Zir.iM.en a Sairn. W holcrile liruj. Paint ft illsss lacier". No. 111? North Third Ft., I'hil'a, Msrcr II, I m;." It. I f"r ' n.T II. I. ' " r: r liOO '' ' 1 everjwhereto sell our mi aov.n '-" '"'win Marbmea. Three new kinds. In- " ' t ' ' rw DT'' Jeirs. Aoore tnlnrr or l.rce r.-tr ir ii-inni P "1- The sv.T mactiinej sold in I'nitrd Htales f..r lee than 40, whirh are ffllf fteeeserf If ' way between Cleaiheld nnd Curwens'rill. is nr.. PPlJ'li "Ith any additional infoeroation de lln. tA'k.la U n . a t,.L i - r . . .... . . ' . i r i , , , ..,..-.-. t-incr To , ei.d Peeheldr. A I other cheep i mnrhires are ieri'nwnrsrd the eWrr or are hll,i.srml, line snd iwip. i,.oeuient. II- n.traled eirenler. sent raee. Addr.ss. or rail j epon rhaw A Cltrk.at Bi-ld.ford, Mslna, or I n,;'' til. May l, 15M.!,. NEW HARDWARE STORE rhilipslurf, Coatro d., Ta. G. H. ZEIGLSR & CO., DKAI.F.K4 IX Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, &c. T IIE attention of Mechanics, Iiuililers, rertn- ers, l.unihertnen, and iJuyers (renerall.v, ir litvi'ed o the fdet tbat we are ottering a be'ler assortiuent nf froode In uur line, thon can be louud elsewhere in this ptrt of the btate, at Fricei to Suit the Timet Our stock eomprlses a ireneral assortment of TOOLS and MATKltlAL.-; used hv Carpenters, Hlacksmilbs, Carriage aud v ejfon Makers. Join ers. Ac, le.; together with a large stuck of IKON, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MIXING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, KOPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL, 4 CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELLED, FINISHED, AXD PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, . LARD, LINSEED, COAL, LUBRICATING AND FISH OILS, U'ftPESIL'K, Br.NZINB, VAKSIkHES, COAL-OIL LAMPS & LANTERNS. An eseelleU assortment of FIN'S CCTTLEET. eonptisinie Knives, Focks, Itesrert, Tea, aad Telle !roou&s, b'eiraore, Kaxora, Ac. ERITTASIA .ND SILVEP. PLATED (TAKE. TIN WAKE IN GREAT VARIETY and best Manufacture. HwoiebbM, Iiorticultural, Farm'nf aed Itafliti Ittlsmenls, of the latest and moel inprored atterba. BlacksmiUii caa be lappltsw wlib ANVII, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES. HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, And all kinJi of IRON AND KTEEL. Carpenters and Builders will find la one estab lishment a superior sto-:k of Planes, Sjws, Avgrrs, Ilatchils, Single, IhubU-Bit and Pealing Axes, Hammers, Files, Hinges, . Chisels, Screws, Bulls, Locks, Pulleys, Sish, Cord, c, 4c. Farmer and Rifteasa will find everyiklcg in Ibeir liae, and eLeaper loan ean be bad else where. nr-re-ticn'er attention Is Invited lo OUR STOCK OF STOVES, Comprising F pear's Celebrated Antl Pust, Cook and Parlor Etoves, of all sites. Also, TIIE MAO All A COOK, TAULOR COOK, BRILLIANT, DAWN, DEW DROP, ARCTIC AND COMMON EOO, POCKET, 4c, Aa fiAU of the nbove Goods will be old CHEAP FOR CASn.ej G. II. ZK1GLER tJ- Co. Pkillpshnre;. OcL 10, lS5n.lv O, YES1 O, YES! TWENTY TF.R CENT. LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THB COUNTY. JOnN S. RADEBACn, nAVINU opened a new store at the ''Flue lull," in Clcarnrtd eountv, wishes lo notify the puhlie thut he is determined to sell all kinds of Hoods CIIKAPKR than the CliEAPLsI, in dtnence to tb eenntr. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, Wkile ht It p'aolng na bis shelves a full assort ment of Ptry Goods, Ovwe.ries, Queen.w.ra, Hardware, Partbecware, Drugs, Oils, and PainU, a'edieines, x Ae., Ac., A a. HATS, CAPS, HOOTS k SHOES, Of 11 k;.r.li, toQunt,; kept oi bund. A cntrtl ftfTtmrit of READ Y-M ADE CLOT II IX a, For Mea and Itoet' woar. (""All lo be sold at a eery LOW PP.ICF for CASH, or eachariRed for all kindl of Marketing. ;r-PW T.D I.r.!nKR A tUISULES takej in rl hano lor goods. e irt if JOHN ft. R APF.rtACH Grape Vines for Sale 4 I.l, th-, leading hirdy Tar,e;i-t first . V t'laiily. l unci r I, I year old, cents, or f'O per 10(1 t'nTrnrd, 2 ers nd, S(l crnts. or f :0 p,r 100 Itrherra, I yr.r old. iO ems , best white grape. I.ma, I year lid, H 60 ; bet anihor grape. Any oiher varieties hilow K n,rv n.;AB . Orders snlirilrd as ooa as eonvrniret, end in r.t.iion. hy A.M. HILLS. I t'leerflell. Pa., Aosut 12, 15Sil-if. I N. It. Vines ready fi r remoral hy the I ;th i of Octi.her. ; 1I l.4l;l it i ii vi ni nvt I ; liwi I.of.t.v lh...j...!...j i esianiisneu a nursery, on ihe Pike, aboat hall s-d and Ilwarf,) Evc'jreen., Fhml.hery, ilrere Vmes, Gooseberries, Lewlon Biackherry, Straw, hrrry erd haspberry tine. AIo, FiberUa Crab irect, Q,iino. end early scarlet I'.heobarh, io Ordej promptly attended to. Addre. f.ft. i V..1t. J. P. WKliSHT, r,rw,MrC!a. FRESH ARRIVALS, THE CHEAP STORE OP showers & graham. Fall Goods, New and Very Cheap 1 S1I0V, KH.-t A UKAHAM respeetftiUy ta. nounre j the public tkat the; are Bow tug an eilensire assortment of FA I.L GOODS, At tke ft Id tur. J in tiittl.aiu' rw buiMitf vrhielt Iht-T cflrr l tl Rt tnt).cLinirt7 pr.r ttieril'K Iheir crnl !y f.r rhh or ; ;.- BUY GO Ob i CANNOT I;K SL'I.PAS.SLU! Cottoroer cho lbrefiiidf CAMCOl'.S Willi EAST COLORS! ML'.SI.INSt DLI.AIXS! I.AWNgl CLOTHS I CA.SSJMEKS! VESTINIW LAlIES'Ki'lA WL j ! WESTS' 8 U AW L3 HATS A CAPS I TliOTS 4 SUOli CAKP KT.S A Ol L-C LOT IIS I OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMINED IN STYLi AND VARIETV. ftnbmrinp NOTIONS I NOTIONS J NOTIONS .Scrl'n! Head-Nets I J'eck-Tien SatcLulb ! I'crl MonnttiuH ! J3ruabee Plint)f;rajliie Albume ! riPEi, tobacco h skgausi FEKFUMEHY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything tine in the Motion Line ! ALSO, HARD-WARE ! QUEENSWAEE! GROCRRIES AND PROVISIONS ! AH nf tbe best quality, end selected witk aa saieJ regard to tbe trad of Clearfield eonnty. JfiF.PH 8. fcllOw'ERP. PDWARD W. UKAUAV. ClearC!d, 8srt. I, IBS". Cheap Furniture! DTwSIitKS to infurm hi old friradf and mb V incf that, btvinjr enUrjfed fait php Bd iurrewtMi fail fciiitin for mniufrtttric. b U now pre pt red to nik to order furnitar iir ht di rei. In rood itjl nd tt cfarap rutn fr C&ith. He mutV.j fau on hand t fail "Furl (aro Koaai," a rirird (tiortmeiit of Rfftdj-nidt F'jrnituri, among vbicii art Bureaus and Si Jo-Boa rda, WaHrohai acl Lot-k Cavp : CLlr, Pofa, Pailtr HrpkkfaRt and Dm ire xtcniioB TablL Comnioa. French-Post, cottars, Jenny iiad aLd other Bedsteada. SOFAS i,f n) I. KINDS, VoKK-TANDS -HAT-HACKS W ASU-STANDS, Aa. Hocking and Arm Chaira, B rlcg Seat, ( are-Bottom and Parlor Cluklrt and Common and other Chair. X O O liIS (i-O LASSES Of Ttry detcriplicn on band, and new f laMat fur old fratser, which will be put ia oa ve ry rraftogaMt termt on uboA notiee. He aleokrepf on han. orfurniafaea te or der, Fair. Corn lluiV, Hair and Cott'.n tip Alattref?!. COFFINS. Hfevfrj kind. W.J. to e-der, and funerals attended wltk a H.arse, Thenerer desired. Alee, llouae Painting done leorder. TLe entseriher also ciasufaetures, aad a el een.tantly en hand, Hement'i Patent Wuhlnif Ka-hin. Tha best oi.w in use. Tfcuee nsmg Ibis tLatktna aeear need be wiibcrat clean el. -thee I He also kaa Klycr'8 Tatcnt Qiurn, A enpeiler art ele. A family using this Ckara never need be without butter! All tiit abnta and reany other article! ar fur nl.bed to customer ebean f.ir Caen or lcbao.;od for vt need country jrodue. Cb.rry, Mania, 1'iflar, Linweod and etber Lauber raitabi for CsViset work, taken in exchange for furviiiur. "snieaiber th abon It en Market street, Cl.arflrld, Fa.. aad nearly ofposita the '0)d Jew Store" jous ULLKH. Nov. it. Iff J.-y X NEW FJU 31. HARTSWICK & LWIN J Umggis:s, ClcnrficIJ, Fcnn'a. Having refilled and remored to th rocss latelj occuiid ly Kirliar.l Uoaerp, Bow Ciller, Insr for caab. well t lfr'.e J assortment ol Drugs and Ciicmical?, Also, Latent Llwuiciflra of k!l kimU, Oi lilass Fully, Dye Stuff. Slationarj, Tobacco nnd Sognrs, Confactionary, Spire, and a larger lock of varieiie ever cllered in thia I lace, and warr.mtail lo be) of the Ivest the Market nfTorda. J. O. llART.sWICK. Dr-c. 13. 'Ci.-tf. JOHN IKWIN. Accidents 1 Accidents I North American Transit Insurance Co. Prineipal Cffte. 131 8. th SL, Fhil a. (harlcred Cai'Hai March 30. lte $S(K,IHK rpni only Aeeident Insuran Ceapaay ef X Pennsylvania. Annual P.liriea i.sued acalnsl all Aeeidsats at neeedinly l.w rates. Insurane eSeeted ia any sum front t'.C0 to I10.CCJ. No medical sl aTination required. Compensation given ch werk In rare ot injury. This eouipany has raid tnsny losses, prrnptly end ttiifaetnrily, aud lis Offierrs and lireclors are widely and laeorably known thrcughonl the Slat. treicat T,eui I.. nm.t, PresidrnU Henry C. llrnen. Srrrelary. .'aairs M. Cenrsd, Treasurer. K. S. Kerler. lisreral Apent. PtucToas Lewis L. Iloort, l.;e tten'l Tirket Ajrer t Penn'a r.ailr.ia I Co.; M.lihew Haird. firm of M. W. Mnltiirin A Co. rtiiiad e; e-aniuel C. I'elmer, Cashier C ommereial Net. ll.r.k, I'hil'a; Mich.rd Wood, firm Hood, Msrrh A Heiward, No. .'." Market si, I'hil'a; James M (onrad. firm (rrad A Wa'.lnn, e.M Wurket st, Thlid a ; J. F. hirp.ley, Contin.nlal Hole!, " II. U. Leifrnnrj;, ;J7 A S."W Poek st, " Leorpe Mari n, fiim Vartia. Ti e t Co, Ht. I!J Cnesnul St. I'hil'a; Tench l,ewi". In l....rl Sup'l l'a. Kailroad i H. O. f mneiscos, Utnra Apenl Penn'a ltailro.d Coinpsry. Policies tuned end informnion furri.hcd hy JOHN L. ClTll.K, Acent, P-lf t'leatfield. Pa anisic stoiIeT 5 M. G I.KKN K hits ojionca hi Mu. ) if Storo, one dixir tot of V. Lewis' flock 8ti re. where he keps eonstently on ! bard Sleinwev A Sons " cinnwey ,-o! ana lis, hie s l'ir.ne Msn- - M,r.nK 1.1'mj'sni s t'l.nr.s, Me..on A llticlin I'nhinet llrpsrs and Csihsrt, Ketdhatn to.' Melodeons; lltiliars. Violins, Pifes, Kluleli tioitarand Violin strings. Mrsir Itfose l),.ld.n Chnin. Oolden fhea.r, (lolden Consar, Golden Trio, Ao., Ae. BT Misie. He Is eonMarilr eeeelvirg front Philadelphia all th latest m'neie, which persons at a distanr wirhieg, ean order, and hsTt e! !hie by mail, at rab'ieher' piires. r-riano and Organ Warranted lor tta jeer. Ihosewlshing to hoy any ofthe ahnve a'lif If ar inviied to call and eiarein aiine letnrr f ur ehasing elsrwh.re. ?.ly prieet ar th ten a I Vork and Philadelnhta. -'".,", sn.unnienie arnt promptly apa B. M. OHKKXP. Hill street. llnnltn.iStin. l'a. One door wesi ot Lewit' lionk Store, or V's E. A, P. KINDER, Clearfield, Pee n. Itf.tif Ar'rl f. r Clo.rflrldoo.. Penn'a. FtHiiea-HCtrillKS,, " mMit rrcaij'S.