jx'rpcluil v w as rmli'ly iUI:u ! it. nml thu will mill llio j'nwiir ul'tlio icnilo havo rc-ntlirim'il it nml writ ten tliiii' decree in Moml ; nml, wiiinrr tr Inter, tho will ami tlio mwer hi' the im'i'Io w ill decree tlint tliw p-.wi jn-ir-tinna ulinll not ho (leliienl, tluil lu'iiu tit'iil symmetry mamil, or tlint nicely luljiisteil inncliiiierv deHlroypil J but that llio equality f tho Slntea uiul tlmir rijrht to control hiill'iiiire, tire among ''tho rights and authorities re served to the StJitcs nml tho people, und tiro equally incorporated Willi and CHsentiul to the success of tho gcnpriil Hvstem." May wo not hineerely pray that this decree may not bo reentered in blood 1 She gcpubHcim. c CtEOHUE li. Goohlandkii, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, Feb. 14, 18C7. The Amendments. Wo this week jmbliidi the speech of Senator Wallace, delivered in the Semite on tho 14lh of January, on the passage, in that body, of tho Disunion amendments to the United States Constitution, which fi nnlly passed tho Houso by a party voto on tho Cth instant, and is there fore ratified by tho htjal Legislature of Pennsylvania. An attentive peru sal of Mr. Wallace's speech will give tho reader a clear understanding of this miserable pieco of legislation for tho people of thirty-six States, while thoso of eleven are prohibited from participating. - The slogan cry of protection to American industry, in tho shape of tho tariff bill just passed by the Kiimp is nothing more nor less than a bounty of 100 per cent, to bo assessed and collected from tho peoplo oi thirty two states for tho benefit of tho six New England potato patches a leg gal scheme of highway robbery. Tho same yelp can be put forth with equal grace, by every inmato of u Peniten tiary protection. Iiubbery and ex tortion, whether obtained by foreo or legal process, is a criino. MotiE So. Tho loyalists in Erie county, arrested a number of Demo cratic election officers lint fall, for re ceiving tho ballots of so-called desert ers. At the last term of court in that county, tho Judgo ordered them all to bo discharged and tho indictments quashed. Judgo Johnson evidently never read tho elaborate opinion upon this subject promulgated through the Journal, last fall. If ho did, ho has littlo respect for loyal views. Wo bopo our neighbor will re pruduco that immaculate opinion. Rejections. The Hump Senate has been doing a big job in rejecting a largo number of llio President's np poin'.meids. Tho "hoys in blue" who voted for McClcllnii'jn IMJI, arc treat ed as shabbily as the members of the "bread and butter brigade." (ion. 15. F. Kelley, of West Virginia, Colonel JlcKelvy Marshal, of tho Western district of this Slate, nnd a numbcrof oilier soldiers havo been set aside. Such is loyalty ! Georgo Pcabody has mudo a dona tion of S.'.IUKI.HOO "to lion. It. C, Win throp, of Mass., (ion. Grant, Hon. W. C Hives, ol Yu., cx-Gov. Aiken, of S. C, Charles Macalister, of this State, nnd a number of other gentlemen for educational purposes in thoso sections of our country e Heeled by the ravages of war. This gentleman previously contributed over two millions for edu cational purposes. A Piiotihirapi!. Miicshane, the JLarrisburg correspondent of the Cam bria Freeman, thus dwells upon tho charactci iftic s of .wine of the. members of tho Legislature : A!!c (tin i,y county is rcprr ntnl in llio Si null-1- ItiplmiM uml (tralnim. ami ttttvrtn :ht aims she U well t.tken care i.l. '1 III- tenner has ho, n t-li--l-,l twin', whieh rill.jectt. Ilia eulistitu, fill, to the charge of lli.Ailaty. It. L. Jon.-. eon of Hon. II lency .tones of Head ing, is the yuiirt itirinlirr, anl, hy the way, . rouiifr. timn uf iiukIi pr-'tnisr. ,M.,rn'iw h. Io'wry is the oldest mcinhcr. Ilr is always ,-alm. mifl yet always ruffled. He is eccentric in hip inoi emciits, nil no roan knows nhnt "aiorreic nisi hritiir forih." William A. Wallace, i,f ('lenrfiilil, is the licit I'arlinirnlarian : Mr. William Jcnks, of .led, rson. the hest Ifteician. and Mr. I'nvis, of ll,.rk, I lir most ready .1. l.iil.-i . Mr. IM.,w, ,,f llutlcr, i llio eoflrst mimlior, Mr. Mnnn. nf Pott, r. tlic ln'kkft hipiiiIht, ml Ucv. Mr. h.nnr lj, of W vimnng Die jtmilppt liuiiiliur. Hon. I. "on W. Il.itl. SpekfT of Hie Sonnlp i. qnit-li. hut lwnvB fmnk mul rin.tol, nnd in roti-i.lrn-0 ehr Hull nfthr S.i.nlo. Mr. tirM,S,pak.r of lloi Jloiiip, i h-lii anil fluTK.-ti.-, Imt ur,r of Ihf mntMKTr tiolnllir aaillP t-omiM i rnllcil Stack. James M. Seovel, of New Jersey, has appeared in a new role, in Wash ington. Il is alleged that be teslitiej before the impeachment committer in reference to tho New Jersey Senatori al election. The race of 1 informers" is not likely lo die out, as long us such fellows are in existence. Our loyal Legislature has passed a bill to borrow f ire nly three million dnl tar to pay debts that are over due. This is one of the freaks of our boast ed prosperity $ iS.OOO.tmO short. Tho wifo of General Sickles died in New York, on Wodne.'day last, where she has resided sinco llio Key affair at ' Washington. Itirint ,ruthorllm. A friend in the Southwest has soul us a ivipy (( the Si. Louis C!,rtt'in A'lfve'ite, the organ id' modern Meth odism. We have perused it with some utlonlioii, nnd littlo us we may know wo nro forced to this conclusion : Thai John Wesley and John Fletcher were fools, or tho editors of that paper lire. Our renders aro no doubt aware that in Missouri religion is administered on tho thumb screw plan test oaths und without distinction of nice or color. A certain llro. Haven, nwuy down in Boston, has written a letter to the editor, in which ho gives tho niodo and manner of putting llio Church und Stato on n "high and heavenly level." Ho also states that if tho Church seeks "for human npphiuso und nunioricnl suecesii, it can only bo found in this path" negro equality. In order to quote tho brother correctly wo git o tho following : 'Our churches yet maintain the abomination of a Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. They would yet bo unwilling. 1 fear, to accept a color ed brother of whatever talent us their jiastor. There remuins therefore work und obloquy for tho teachers of this truth even in this city. Tho church, however, over which I was stationed when I received my appointment has taken a great step in this direction, lor it has a class-leader of this hue, w ho was petitioned for by his class and is very popular as a leader. Ho is tho only ollicial, I suppose, of his color over white, members, in our church in the United States. The pastorate is but one Btep higher. When your excellent plan of union obtains, that will come, providing that plan does not shut them up in conferences by themselves. Till then, and as a preliminary to that consummation, we can ull work nnd everywhere to bring the church, stato unci society to this high and heavenly level. Having been very unwillingly con strained to niako those statements, I shall leave this matter fur tho future; unless it should appear in newer forms. The cuuso which I have labored to the measure of my poor ability to niako tho law and action of our church w ill assuredly triumph. It is winning its way in the state, it ill yet, und, though I regret unspeakably lo say it, I fear that it will, afterward, triumph in tho church. It should bo a source of in finite mortification that God's state must follow not lend that of man in tho adoption of his principles in its law. Sho did not ubolish slavery till it had been dotio by tho stato. Sho will not, I fear, abolish its spirit and soul, caste nnd separations based pro fessedly on tho tint of u man's face. Yes, as tho State is thus triumphing over itself, and admitting all its citi zens lo nu equal share in its privileges and houses, so tho church will yet grant those who are of the citizenship of heaven equal rights and rewards. To that end every religious journal and minister should labor. For it ev ery lover of Christ should strive and pnry. For il especially should our joun uls and leaders conspire- If we seek for human applause und numeri cal success, it is lbund only in that path. Which church first tears down theso bnniers, becomes tho master und moulder of llio nation, South and North. Every church will have to abandon all these attempts to keep God's peoplo scpurato, nnd whatever they havo thus laboriously and expen sively builded will como to naught. Shall ours bo tho first in this field? New England with repeated voice bus called her to lliisonly Gospel platform. South Carolina raises her young voico in divine unison. She ulone of all the conferences out of New Knghny has denounced "this distinction in the Church (d'God, in tho Methodist Epis copal Church of God. When will the rest adopt this cry and tho church niovo forward on this only, this in evitably, victorious pathway ? Then shall we enter tho highwny of holiness Unit, if speedily taken, w ill ensuro us tho leadership in all that region, in all tho land. Then will nil that people of every hue riso up and call lis blessed. Yours in tho bonds of tho church and her Master, G Haven. To know exactly how tho editor feels upon this point wo tako the fol lowing from his editorial: "Wo boirourvcrvdcur Boston broth er to remember that wo are a set of intense abolitionists, so far ahead of him Ihut we practice ulul ho picnc li es." Wo wonder how tho brothers and sisters in this section like tho progress of their lloston and Missouri brethren. JtsT Like Them. The Devil al ways finds employment for his child ren. 'I bis is illustrated in tho attempt of the Tribune and our neighbor of the Journal, lo prove tho "disloyalty of the Democratic party." These two newspapers nro ibe only journals we now recollect of, that openly advoc.it I ed secession nnd disunion in 1M10, yet, J they now havo tho iinpuden?o to j charge their own crimes upon the Democracy. This is upon tho princi j pie thnt the meanest w ein the crowd I is ulwnj s pointing out her less frail fcister, for the purpose of attract ing at tention from herself. Tho Nebraska Sin'.o bill has passed both llotmcs hv moro than n two-third vote over tho President's veto. Congress has just appropriated f L.V'O to a Mrs. Perhnm, of Missouri, for acting in the capacity of a spy, during tho war. If ibe Bumpers nro disposed to reward this kind of merit, wo can name them several chaps in this county, who played tho spy and sneifk very successfully. The E.NOI.ISU or It. Tho Washing ton Chronele, insn nrliclcon the course which ought to be pursued (ownrds ; the South, says: "the South must learn j that ir prate, ns in war. the North is tho more jioirrrful." This is about I whnt Itnssia ssys to Poland. Oinirroit'ji l.rglstiiltiif. The llHrrihburg lliiiup has been en gaged for tho wirttiT by Cameron and tho negroes. Tho "whito trash" will have to wait and elect another Legis lature beloro they can have their bus ines attended to. Tho following i a synopsis of the Senato proceedings on tho 5th instant ; Messrs. Connel, White, Shoemaker, Worthington, Cow les, and others, pro senlcd petitions in liivor of allowing colored persons to rido in public con veyances. An net to punish by fine any rail road company that excludes colored persons from its cars was considered. Mr. Wallace, (Democrat,) moved to amend by changing the section so as to ullow colored persons to occupy seats at tho end of tho cars. Mr. White, (Judical,) favored tho bill, but held llnit it was illegal to in indict a corporation for a misdemean or. Souio uuiondincnt seemed to be needed. Mr. Wallace held that 'he duty of the corporation wasdono when it fur nished comfortable seats, and held lur ther that tho colored persons had no right to intrude themselves upon tho scats devoted lo whito persons. Tho amendment of Mr Wallace was lost by 14 nycs to Id nnj s. A running discussion took place ns to the wording of tho section wheth er tho language mildo tho corporation liable or merely its ngents. There ap peared to bo a technical dilliculty in convicting a corporate body of n mis demeanor. Tho mutter was finally adjusted by a proposition of Senator Cowles, to muko the company which shall permit persons to bo excluded liable to an action of debt to the per son aggrieved in tho sum of ?,"()(). This proposition was agreed to by 17 ayes to 14 nays. Mr. Searight, (I)emocrat.) offered an amendment releasing tho penalty in caso any company shall set apart seperate cars for colored persons, or sepcrnto scats nt tho end of tho car. Lost by ii party voto of 18 Radicals to 13 Democrats. Mr. Wallace, (Democrat,) offered tho following : FrovUed, That nothing herein contained shall bo construed to compel tho admission of negroes into berths in sleeping cars, or lo punish any one for tho exclusion of persons of color from curs set apart for tho usoof ladies. Lost 17 nays to 11 yens. Mr. PiioWN,(l!adical.) of Mereer, of fered an amendment, as follows: Fro tided, That nothing in this act shall bo so construed as to prohibit uny of ficer, agent or conductor of any rnil road in this Commonwealth whose cars are now drawn by Rtcnm' power, from setting apart certain cars for the accommodation of particular classes of passengers: Frorided further, That no distinction shall bo made on ac count of race or color. Various Radical Senators urged tho A'ithdriiwul of this amendment, and it was accordingly withdrawn. Mr. Donovan, (Democrat, ) moved to amend by making the penalty 810(1,- UOU lor excluding a negro, and im prisoning tho party who ollends until 1-rcd. Douglass is elected President of the United Slates and Thaddeus Slo vens Vice President. Laughter Hill ed out of order. Mr. M'Conakiiiv, (Iiudical,) moved to refer tho hill back to the committee, in order thai it might bo perfected. On re-nssenibling, the discussion of the act ullowing negroes to rido in the curs was resumed. Tho bill wns favored by llio Jtadieal members, but they did not agreoas to tho proper form in which to place the enactment. Tho Democrat io Sen ators, Mr. Wallace and others, oppos ed tho bill ns an infracliou of (he laws regulating society, and ns breaking down tho barriers which seperalo the classes. Mr. MTamilf.sk suggested that it might bo well to allow the people uf Philadelphia to voto upon the subject, so far its street cars wero concerned. Finally tho Senate, by a voto of 8 ayes to '16 noes, refused to recommit the bill. Tho first section, inflicting f.'iDO pen alty for refusing to carry colored per sons, wns agreed to ayes lli, noes L't. Messrs. M'Cotiaiighy and Shoemaker; Ihiilicals, voted against it on the ground of its improper and illegal framing. The second section, punishing rail road officials who ollend, was agreed to ayes 1, noes 11. The bill was then laid over under the rules until to morrow. Adjourned. Frnni-AR'.' fi, lti7. On re assembling, the discussion on negroes and railroads was resumed and tho act allow ing wenches equal privileges in the cars with whito la dies was finally passed as follows : KirrTloW 1. flf it .ialttl, rf r., Tlint on nni af Iit t!if ti.n;' tlii ti t. any rmln.n I or miln nr rorfomtion within 0'' otinnonwtiillti thnt linil ("1,'lii.lr- or allow In bp rvhi'lr'l hv thrir afft-nta, coii(lii.'torf. or i,ni,loyi'OP from any of llirir pn-nrn-gor car aiiT p-noon or por.on on aroiinl f color or rr"r or tlist fhaM li lofr to enrrv In nnv of Ihpir cur thin .ir, nnv ptTwii or pi-r'nii on ac count of color or rnrc, or (tin rloill lor ii'-h rramma compel or altuppl t inpi'l nnv pi',ti or pornon. lo occupy ativ purtu nliir purl of any of their earn wt apart for the acrotnmoihition of people a" paa acngerK, 'hall lie flccinc.1 guilty of a tm- l'-ineaiior, ami, upon conviction thcrvol, ill he Inihle, in an aol ion of ilcht to the Mi;Ner ai:irrice., in the int. of !K'IM!, the mne lo he reeovcrr'l a. action of ilcht are now hy law reeovcrahlc. Sue. 2. That any agent, cori'luctor, or employee, of any rnilroa.l or rmlway corponilion, within thin ( oinnionwealth, who 'hall exclinlc r allow to Ih exclu'lol, or ar.it in the t i-oion, from any of their cam art apait lor the accointmnlatlon nf paa acnevra, any person or perninn on account f color 1 or race, or who liall rctuw lo carry nch pcr.on or perionr. on account of color race, or who phwll throw i any car or carp from the track, thcrchy preveulitiK j pcrr-oua fruin mini?, ihall )e ilecmt.1 fuitty Imtl piy a fine not cxewtline five humlm! (lollara if .'Olii nor lc. than our hun.lre.l ilolhir ifloui or lie linpn'onc'l lor a term not esccctina thru' mont h nor Iim than thirtv ilav", or tioth.al the oVcrctton I ol the court. Those voting in favor of the bill, as 'above, wero Messrs. llighain, Hilling felt, Hrowne, Brown, Colcmnn, Connel, Cow les, Graham, Lnndon, Lowery, Me- Coniuighy, Hidgwny, Shoemaker, j StiilF.intin, Taylor, Worthington, and Hall all Hepubli .ans. Those voting no wero Messrs Pur nett, Davis, Donovan, Glut, Haines, Jackson, James, M'Cnndless, liandnll, Sehall, S'nright, Wallace and Walls all Demoerats.exeept Mr Haines. The Fatriol I. nion says : Negro- ism culminated in Cameron's Senate on tho bill instant. Jiiirtng the (lis-1 cuion of the bill to punish by tino ii ny lailmnd company thai excludes negroes from its car". Senator Wal lace, Demon-ill, inou'd to amend so ns to allow colored pel-ions lo occupy seals lit the cud of tho cars. This was lost ayes 1 1 ; nays Id. Only two Hadicais. had tho manliness to vole for tho amendment with tho Democrats. Senator Searight, Democrat, then moved that railroad companies which set apart Bcperuto cars for tho colored folks, or sepcrnto seats at tho end of the cars, ho released from the penalties. This was lost by u parly votool 18 to 1:1 evert liadieal rutiiuj aaainst sepa rating the neqrors from the white. Senator Wallaco then moved that tho act shall not be soeonslrvcd as to compel llio admission of negroes into berths in sleeping curs, or to punish any ouo for tho exclusion of negroes from cars set apart for ladies. This amendment to was lost : yeas, for it, 1 0 ; nays, against, it, 17. All the votes against the amcndmeitt xtere cant btj Jiadieals ! Comment is unnecessary. These Cameron legislators, who rido in the hindmost cars of tho trains those sel apart, on ull railroads, for tho erente de. la ereine or upon special curs, to which the canaille, w hito or black, never find entrance cure nothing for the mixing up of bluol-w and whites in llio ordina ry cars. As they never enter those cars, of course they cannot bo brought check by jowl with Iho darkies. J.et the people examine this fact, und do lorniino for themselves. .vf;ir,y iTi:.yis. Wm. M. Godwin, chief clerk in the Philadelphia postoflice, died last Satur day. Annie Dickinson has given twos'lvcr goblets to the doctor who cured her, out West. Georgo F.versmnn dropped dead whilo dancing ut n ball in Burlington, Iowa, ono night last week. A colored man has been fined 81 and costs, in New London, Ct., for for "groaning like a 'jiossoiu" in meeting. Tho caucus of democratic members of Congress has concluded not to call a National Democratic Convention. Queen Victoria now weighs ono bun dred and seventy pounds, it is said, und threatens to bo colossal. A tape-worm removed recently from a man in llrattlcboro, Vt., measured Mil inches in length. Thero is a3'ouiig!ady inHarrishurg who can play two pieces at onco on the piano, und ut the samo timo sing a third. A woman in Detroit sold her rag bag for one dollar, and al'iei ward re membered sho had deposited $1'.)0 in it for safe keeping. It is surmised that Ashley and Do-, teclivo Paker will soon be able to re port enough stuff to hang an impeach ment upon. The annual session of the Philadel phia M. 10. Conferenco will bo held at Harrisburg IV, beginning on tho l'.'th , of March. Tho diiepc-d gold mine in thcXirent. West is t (Gold Hill, Nevada. It is feetdeepund husatuuncl lOOfeet deep and has a tunnel 1U(1 li-et long. Tho collections in tho Catholic churches in New York on Christmas, for tho orphan asylums, amounted lo fJI,H.'9,'.s. It is stated that Col. Charles M. Hall, the postmaster of Philadelphia, has. tendered his resignation to tho Presiden t. Tho gardener of Joseph lloiiopnrt bus just died at Kordentown, N. J., leaving his children in comfortable circumstances. A man in Memphis, Tenn., has mudo complaint before u niagislriito that his wifo is in thedaily huhil of cowhidirg him- Poor fellow, A man in New York lias been ar rested for beating his littlo son until tho latter became speechless. Hon. John Morrisscv is said lohiivo lost $400,0011 by the "Cumberland cor ner" smash, in Wall street lust week. A hill has been introduced in the West Virginia Legislature to levy a specific tax on old bachelors, for the support of immigration into the Stato. Charles F. Pirowiio (ArtemtiK Ward) continues in exceedingly poor health in London, nnd fears aro expressed by bis friends regarding his iceover-. 'r. Usher Parsons is the only sur viving commissioned ollieer who serv ed under Cominodoro Perry at Ibe battle of Lake F.rio. Tho table upon which tho Peclara lion of Independence was signed, and tho "Hancock chair," aro hereafter to be kept in lud pemlenco Hall, Phila phia, instead of at Harrisburg. I'uring the, Ilevjlution, Washington said ho was afraid to march his littlo army through Chester County, because of tho Tories. That is now ono ol the si run goal Jncobin counties in llio State. Georgo W. Kilery, the last of seven teen children of Win. Kilery, signer of the Pechii-ation of Independence, died at Newport, I. I., last week. Incens ed had been (vdlector of the port of Newport lor lorty years. Horace Greeley thinks there is moro personality nnd blackguardism in Congress now than when the "chivalry" wero there. There is no doubt of it and yet thero is more cowardice and less tight. Cnpt. W. II. Williamson, of Mobile, has pun base the race horso Harry of the West, and challenges any horso in in the United States to meet him in the spring races for any sum between $10,(10(1 and $J.ri,(MI0. Tho marble statue of Henry Clay, executed in Italy by Hurt, the Ken tucky sculptor,!!!!1" reached New York. It will bo set up in tho Louisville courthouse on the nnniversury of Mr. Clay's birth, April 12th. The citizens of If uncock nnd llrooks counties, (iho Pun Handle,) in West Virginia, it. is stated, nro about to pe tition their Legislature to be dis-an-nexed from that Stato, and to becoyio attached to Pennsylvania. It is stated that President Johnson has accepted an invitation front the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to visit Huston on iho 24th of Juno next, and nssiat in dedicating the new Masonic J einple, il his ollicial duties w mil. lpr- rid ol the horse thieves in Iho interior ol Kentucky. A woman has been brought into court in Northampton, Peitii., on the charge of being n "common scold. A lifleeu-yeiir old youth has been arrested il. i'rovidence,lt. 1, for forging orders on tailors ,ind tradesmen. George B; Weyer has been arrested in Now Brunswick for u murder com mitted nine years ago A fascinating youngrailroad en gineer bus been arrested in St. Louis (or having threo wives too many. At Daiivilleliy., a horso thief named Trowbridgo, was taken from jail on Tuesday night nnd hung by a mob. The daughter id' u chimney -sweep in St. Louis is to havo a grand wed ding. Eight hundred invitation have been issued. A Detroit mini recently sold his wife for (200 to a sailor, unit applied lo u justice to marry him to a girl of sev enteen. Mrs. Louisa Mandel committed sui cide in New York on Friday, because sho feared sho could not bo cured ol rlicuinatism. Win. P. King and Abe Owen, two of tho Kentucky railroad train rob bers, have been sentenced to be hang ed on tho 2-d of March next. A number of citizens of Trenton N. J., havo been swindled out of tw o or three hundred thousand dollars by a fictitious oil company. Tho Salt Lake Vidette. reports the massacre of nine white men in South ern Utah, on the 6lh instant by tho Indians. In Wolcollvillc, Conn., a marriage was deferred by tho unaccountable absence ol tbo bridegroom, who is supposed lo have been waylaid and murdered by a r:val. On Saturday last Governor Geary signed a death wuriant for the execu tion of .Alexander h. Wiley of Luzerne county, fixing tho time on Friday, March loth K. II. Wayland, an Lrio Ilailroad clerk, was arret ted in Hichniond V., on tho Hth on the chargo of having absconded lrom Jersey City with $15,000. jSllenry Gardner, of Klinirn, N. Y., ntl murderer who had a new Irial anted him, has been found guilty the second time, and is sentenced to bo hung on tho 1st of March next. The prisoner manifests no concern for his futo. Jacob F. Hadopp, wos bung nt Norristown on the tith instant, for the murder of a man in November, 1MJ5. Ho mndo a speech from tho scntfold denying his guilt. At lanville,N. J., a woman whogot divorced from her husband, and mar ried another man, has just eloped from him, running uwuy with her first husband. John Grady, Charles Stewart and Tony Canon, threo notorious bank robbers, wero arrested in St. Louis on tho (lib instant, for robbing a banking house in New Orleans of $l),onit. At lianvillo, Kentucky, on Tuesday night, a homo thiol named Trowbridge was taken from tho jail by a mob and hunted. Auburn tho negro murderer ar rested at Portland Maine has confus ed his guilt and implicates Luther P. Verrill, who has been arrested, but denies everything Two men named Hamilton, who a year ago robbed a Wisconsin bank of ono hundred nnd eighty thousand dol lars, havo been arrested at Kl Paso, Mexico, 'and arc on their way to the States. l!ichnrd Lewis, who killed Ucv. Mr. Richmond, near Ponehkecpsie, New York, last s ininier, and who was tried, convicted and sentenced to be hung on Friday, has been respited by Gov. Fen Ion. On the (ilh instant between 12 and 1 o'clock, tho ollico of Leonard W. Jerome, on Wall street N. Y., was en tered by a burglar and robbed of $100,- 000 in 5-20 bonds. Tho detectives have some hope of securing the guilty parties. The Ohio penitentiary has now nine hundred and twenty-five convicts, be ing but seventy-fivo .less 'ban the whole number of tho cells in the pris on. 1 luring the w ar the number di minished to fivo bundled and ninety seven. At the present rate of increase that institution will bo full by mid summer. Thomas A. Colt, a school teacher of Irvington, N. J wastried in Newark on Monday for manslaughter, 'in whip ping a scholar so severly on tho 12th if November last that lio died on the 21st of tbo month. Tho trial w as con cluded on Tuesday, the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty of assault and battery. A man named David Taylor, resid ing three miles from Ciinitlen. N. J., murdered his mother, his wife anil ciyht children, eoniiiosiiiji bis entire family. Taylor was intoxicated, nnd, coming homo at a late hour found his victims asleep, when he cut their throats with u razor. Tho murderer has not yet been captured. A large safe belonging to llio Iun ennnon Iron Company was opened on 1 lin ni ehl of I tin St Ii intf onl uu,l I bed of over $ PI.0OO in greenbacks and jf2,'ill0 in Northern Pennsylvania 10 i per cent, coupon bonds. No. for $000, and Nos. oil, 7ul) and 710, each lor ?.i. I ho money was only received the day before ainl was intend to pay wages with. Tho safe was in a tire proof vault, with threo foot walls and was bored with a drill. No clue has w.n obtained as to who were the robbers. Tlio Kntinnft IgOislnturo has imsod nml ml Iiy wliicli Xhe wonln "wliito innlo" in to bo Htrirkon out of t lie Ion ft! it nt ion oi tlint Stato. Tho nrro - lovini; loyalist will nttonfjtl to do llic f:iino thihir in tlii Ntuto, o ha t nllow "J.incolii'n pot InnthV to vote. Cimom Hoisk Framh Tito ro- i..i. i: t' ioinlitim in roixnrd to tlio Itoslnn i Ciihtom llimso friunlH i rontl y, mul will liiN.l.al.ly Im 8l.mitto. in a low i t diiyfl' It 18 iillltll'lllal'ly acvpro on tllO i uiltniiiiHtrnlion oftlto nfl'airs of1 lliat 'otlico tinder tho lute Jtiulionl ColltTlor j (iooilrich, nnil will, no tlmtlit. create :qnito a m-iipation ir. tlio "Hub of the J fnivcrto," well as outsiilo of thnt ;r.gtuoont;;cny. P ri-aific. coinii, Wnri'vlrahia (or the : ar A. U I -'ili .- It. W. MOOHK, l.., Trua.urcr nt OarlUU cotiiity.ln the Ctimiiioriwa llli i f t'onriM IvariU, In account Willi tald county, from lha lit itaj ol January, A. L. IS'iii, until Ilia 7ib d uf January, Sii7 1 liKirort ' To amount rcctited from Colloclnn for lBd. and ami nrovlooa ..r.. tls?ll 5 To ain't rco I from unneatcd Ian la. III, Jit :i;i To c:u't ree'd front Colleotori' rcturni, IH.i (i-i To ain't ree'd Irom Collector! on Stale, I,?"n 1 To ain't ree'd from unicated on Suta, 3,333 03 To ani l rre'd from Keller fund, 2, "22 Oil To aui't ree'd frr.in Collector oo Ftate, M ;i0 To aiu't reo'd from l-oiarniMiotier' liookl, 214 I'll Tu ain't roc'U trout C. Kratler.lala Troa'l,62 J4 ... 1 cnKOiruH. Ily at'CMorj' wager, $ 01) lly agiicultural, 1 1' I) 00 liy election eipenica. 75 lly Commonwealth curia, 2,H;t S:f lly rooKluhlci' return, 40 lly county map, 4.'3 ')0 i!y court houau bom!, 2. .'.oil CI) lly court holme bond' coupoti', 'Alt 00 !y bridge contract, 3.H7&0 lly ct uritel feca, 275 uO lly duplicate. Si) I'O lly fie-l contract, ' tun t,l lly lliMrict Atuirney feel, 115 t0 lly auditing froth') I llcg.ai'l, 15 (10 lly Sin rill 'a free, I-Ml 34 lly Proibonotary' fee. 4.-7 VS lly Coronor' fco, 21 50 lly Juror' pay, 3,470 1)1 lly new bock for Itecorder, 2IS 40 lly printing, 4 i .'.0 lly L'ointnleeioner' wage", 1.115(10 lly clerk' wa-o, 8'4 00 lly luxe and wild cat. 2VI 45 lly new book, atutlunety, ktt., II.'.G I3 lly furuilure, court houieAotiueaS 50 lly exira and freight, UK 70 lly court crier, 6(1 (It) 1'Jt jnnilor' lee, . 43 (ill lly meeehandiao, 53 37 Hy pottage, 17 17 ly new pavement for county, 165 74 lly work t repiiir for coui.tr, I' a lly House of heluze, 73 72 lly jail exprntet, lly inquecu, ily Auditor and clerk. 1 10 00 161 5 IjI 00 42 oi 2 '7 00 V) 25 15 1 j j - 'r",d' lly medical attendance, at jail, iiy mineclianeou, vicwa, j "y jeiii eon, j guuu ty r'tate tax, 1-72 0 By collector' ptr cent, on eo., 7V0 5S By eul.octurs' per crtt on H'.ato 55 92 by exoneration on couoty, 704 VII Ily exoneralit na cn State, 45 SD lly Treaa'r' pereent.,receiv'infr45t 41 ! By Treaa'r' per eenl.,payinf, X.-.I u Balance due county, 6,261 1)0 Total, 14,068 US 34,rS 03 ((lief Fund. D. W. MOORE, Kfi., Trrauror nf Clearfleld ccunty, in the Commonwealth of Fcnmylrania, in arctunt witb (ha Belief fund, IIKBTOR. To in'! ne'd from anieatcd land. $2,776 40 To ain't roe'd from culleotori'return. 42 48 To au't ree'd from militia fiutr, 160 33 CREDITOR. By relief order redeemed, $1 H hy exoneration. 3 7S By percentage, receiving, 44 63 lly trrcentoge, paying, IS U-iiaor due fund, 2,022 09 Total, 2.H7I21 2,117(1 21 Homily l'unil. D. W. MOORE. E.q , Treasurer of ClearfiaM county, in lb Cominenwealth of Pcnny Irania, In aecounl with Bounty fund, under act of Aittmblj, nxar j Te amount received from collector for I USA and previous year. $54 7.r'2 2S To ain't roc'. I from nnnealrd land, JJ.J.'H ( 0 To atn'( ree'd from collector' return, fi?0 62 To ain't rco'd from Commt'iiionera' books,, 200 Ol) TRKIiiroR. By bounty bond redeemed,!.':0,"" 00 By bounty cerlifit-ald, 1 ,7-S j 1 6 By intereet coupon, 0,527 01 lly fiercentaxe on bond lafaed, COO By percentage to collcclori, 1,101 91 By exoneration, i.HIPV liy ,ereonlaire, receiving, V7 no By i"rceu(aj!e, paying, 607 12 Balance due fund, 3j,3n0 OA Total, t.1.000 110 B.1,000 Amount due from C'ullrctnra fur h(I(I and prctloua )rara l i 'i r Townil.ip Coll'rt' name. Bounty Slate. Militia. I ISA. Covinft'l 1.-61. Huston, Total, J. Darmoj, John Tyler, - 16 0 (itos f6M0! - 26 6(1 614 01 16 l 45 69 County l-'lnniirra. Atn't of outstanding eourt bouse bonds, $4,&"lt 00 Am'( of outstanding county order, 116 24 Am'l due f'tu unsealed lan.lsl7.4.(4 Ml Aia't due from Treasurer. t,26 1)0 Am'l of vurplus dut county, ll.luO 22 Total, l,n6 40 ri,66 46 lloimty Fund. Am'l of outstanding Bounty bonds, tt?!,295 CO Am I due from collectors, $114 04 A m l due rm unseated )anJ.2H.(Iii 06 Atn't due from Treasurer, l.1iil 6j Am'tof inittbte Jnesof fund,7ii,.1j li Tutal, D2,2'.i; 00 l:i2,21IJ 00 Itnad l-'uiids D. W. MOOPE. Ksej., Trca-urerof ClearSeld Co., B,, In account with different townships for Itoad nnd, for the years ISM and IsOj, tifBToR. To amrrtint duo townabipa from last settle ment, To amount received from nnaealed lands. To amennt reci Ived from collector' $210 37 I0,9.,0 70 returns. Townships. Am'l pd. Pal. due US 73 lleccaria, $171 On $44 IV Bell, 3f0 SO Hogg., 4 0. Bloom, 116 00 Bradford, So HO Brady. J.97 07 Iliiinside, lf2 0 Chest, 120 40 (ovinglan, 6& 4S hecatur, SCO .IS Kerguon, 15 OH Koj , 2s2 t.' llirard, 210 00 Goshen, 250 00 llrahira, " IIS 11 ilulieh, S.mi on lluilon, 2,4 i0 00 Jordan. IS7 OS KarUiaua, SS.i oo Knox, 2s.s (io tiawrtnee, 22 OS Morris, ISil SI I'enn, (IS 50 1'ike, l .'. 00 1'i.ion. 201 71 Woodward, 105 00 Balance, 3.074 .10 104 41 ISo 74 H i 43 71 371 SI o n 177 i'3 IKS 23 114 02 4V VS 4 .12 T2S :i 201 ST I5.i 44 .11 2S 32.1 40 S I V) 04 SSI 26 S5 SS 4'2 13 ir 76 52 4 1? 4 IS 201 ( TuUl, 1 1 ,300 M rhwi fund, D. W. MOOUK, Kpq , Trc.Mirer fr ClMrfteld fouitr, H . io ccount with diflrrrnl town ihijf ft.r School lund Tr the years l fM A I8fti MUMR. . To mount du townthipi front lul orttl rnu To two nt rwfirpd from nfetd To naionnt roiTd from eollfctort' .Ut 4t rtornn. 141 ?J Towntihipf. It rr art it, H-ll, Ain't pd. . II 77 IK Hi hk 171 (ill is n 4HJ Ai :ii 17 41 ;.. 71 V4 1 n 5 J7 hi Tii al Del 44 . I.l 1,IM J7 19H UT 2VU f .1 1T.i MIA M 7T 71 Hill Kll III Kl Hlj K UK tl m oi K.l. du. .11 t ?K V4 il J.. I flu 18 n 7 4 10 Ol III 14 t Si ; Itiuum. ' ,,"r.!. j Hpi,. ' rbmt. j ditinrton, Jrr Foi!U,0' (i,',h. i trhin. ! llnston, ! J""1". lM.h"", wdoi, Lawrence, ' Morw., 10, t,t 7 4 4 74 II Kl II 74 42 l lid 07 'ena, Piae, t'nion, Woedword, llalaaea, OP j t,ul ''!. 1 "V " A , ' bundrtd anj ninny lix d J:,,,, Tba aruntint of order tint ala r..V r, jr. f M"1' " and n.neiy ,, ,i, . Ik t '"I t, ' iwtmy-iour cenie, 01 wnicn ,, M. )t which f i i i i j .ii - but lfftl dotlar nr in c uri ti' i)c The Imiwurt dn il '.niiiy lV 'iH.ati:tf. Iphl Ih'iiifnnd I w hutvtr ? i,J i ti; .0f e Ur and ninety tenn. H e nlu fitid a purplun duo tli (', ,ai tT f levn tlinuiaiid one huodrrd ditilan or. I K'tu two efntn. ' ' Tho balinfo du ) bottntjr fufd iy Tr asu. Ciiitjr fivt ihouvwnd th re huud.f J J ,UT tmy-ftvo centi. Witiimr,ur bnJ) thir 2t h tr.y rf .lr,Ujr. A. I). 1SC7. CON It A f I ; A K y ( 1 t S. W(ii;KLI. ' llt.NHV NT.M;, W. ti. IlKAm.rr, Clerk, We, the Auitilori of t Ifarfield coutilr, Vvnt'. huvinff exmiiined iho ftcroumi of 1, W. ;uiirf Ke-ti , Trra.urifr of CJtMirfield Cduulv, tor lit ( A. 0. Ihrtii do rfpert tint the accouim r a, above futoii. The atnuuiit due the road fund by the Trramrt it? .hue ihnuttaRd lii hunlrcd ftud mveiuj Ux dulUr and tbirty rent. Ibe arn- unt due the achoo funi hy the Trfi purer 11 ma hutiuriu ard tixty one uulUri au tmt eeuu. Witnfru onr bandti, this ?,-.th 4uy of JnncaM A. l, 1807. M. h. V. KVAXS L. F IKWIN',. J. A. L. FtKGAL, Atipft, Au.liK.n. W. H. IHftAnt.rr, C1.rk. r-br 4t ClearfieidAcademy. n T TT 1 TT)TPiMT a IsT i riHK THIKO PRSSIO.Vof the present afho J. aHe year nf tbia Iuatilul.ua will Cbtntocart ou mu.mmi, rehruarr li, Pupiif can enter at anr time. The will ht charged with tuiriun froia the time thrj eciertt the cluao of the beat-ion. T he eourae of instruct. wn etnbraoee trtry thity luciuuca in s inuruaD, (irciicai and ace oil pi i 'tied education lor both reica. The Principnl, bnrinif had the adrantc' murh exporiece in his profefhii.n, afurc u refit anJ jruani ana that hie frit ire al'ility ar,j enerrtea wiJl bo devoted to (be moral and inr 11 training of the yubth plared OTidr bit rharrr ItKMNOK ItlllOM. Orthojtraphy. Heading. Writing, and Primary nrunineuo, per prtMon (il WfCltPj . f Grammar. Ueograj.liv, Arithmetif. and JJutor . . . . . . jfi Algebra, oeoraptrr, j npnnome trj, Mm. ruration, )?urTeyine, I'liiloforiby. Thiii- ology. Chemistry, book Keeping, Botany nnd .'hyriral iepraphy - - - 19 6; Latin, (Jretk nnd French, with any of the a Ho re Lrnnchea - - - - $'2 ' jr-r-$o drductioit will be me fur al.Lre jf-"rir further parti -ulur inquire of Hr. 1. 4m M A KKIajoN. A. M., C1earBe1d( F. b 7, lff-r If. rrio-ipnl. HOTEL FOR SALE, IN Xi:V MILLPORT. riMK undfrrign, dfir-UJt of inoini; tf Went, nflorc at ri nto a hi irt two-t.rt Miiin irTt, in the vilhigc of Ni w Millpr.rt, Clear fluid connty, Va. The huildinjr is wril arnuijH for a hotel, or dwelhim h-uM! and tyrp-ro'.iB, witb all the D'-nt'Miary ou(luiliiiigs attached, in g-l order, t'gLhtr with Four Lots of Ground. Hut few propcrtiea puicRis equal aJvantapi ai a buinei' ti.ml tt tine. It will U Md part m-h (n batil. and the bn'nt in payment a. A iy further irif'.rL niun wn le ol taiixd hy e;.11iiir on or a.ldrcninjt the fri'r, at New Millport. I'learfitld dutniv, I'euti 'n. Jttii.H -;iiiK.( U. AAK').N WfSK. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT riUV4TH SILF, 'pilK uri-li rsijrnrj, n.si lini; in Bra'lvl,.insl,:.i, I nun ilor5 ne of Die Ixal IIM;.I: anl t'dAL trai'ts of laii,l for salr in tlial s-ctiuu ot tlie CHinty, Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance, Forty-fire of whirh is wn.liT cultiv.i.tiim, ith house ami stalile th,iniii. ami an urvhnrtl of 10(1 iH-aritie fruit lrr; the li.ilau.'e ir tiiavily timl.er eii. Al one million fri't of 1'inr amt two hunln-il tliousnn,! of oh'i. Ttie wlvlc Ii, inruo ilirlaiil villi a four foot rein of roal. Tins tr.t is situati-d within wis nole of l.iilhi tsImit-c. al joiiuni lanil of .lo.r,h l.iuos. Corson, tt hid io-a l tni IVnil. a til,lir roa.l l,a-srs tlin ujrli it, a school bouar is lo, aii'.l on llic oni- rornrr, anil au cxrrllrnl sprin- of aator. Kvrrv rnilroa.l surviy nia'li'thniusth this section has Ui'n lo,-atnl on tin's lonit. An.v lurtli.r information in rrfrn-nce totii projwrtjr, ti ruis, c, run W liu.l l.v pnllin. u ur a l.lrisnii; the iil.s,T.Ur, al l.u'hi'ralmrg. I'ksr ficlil county, Ta. tanil .tin JAMES MM.KS. 1MH r a 1. 3'. nearly ncwS'iKA.M KM; INK nj IKI 1.1 H. with fiinc. Kiiginc.lO l .irsa power, lloilcr 411 horse i.uw. r. W ill l solil kit cheap. Ahlnss, W.A. i W.J. M VAMliAI.. ' Jan 1 0-1 m Milmv. Mtflin county. I'a. OYSTER sTo YSTERS ! ! 1AM alaaya in receipt of the lmst tlYeTKRS hu h will he acrvi-,1 up in the uiml vsriilynf slylr. I have now a warm atol eomr..ri!tl'le n,m. litlcl up for the acvoniiuo.latioii of I. A III l. wloili (li'iamii( nt will receive particular aiN-iiiiMQ. i,uri:. jiinle tf h-v Cream anl Oyster Ps!on. ViiMiMsrit a rotes xnn 'uri.rV.7r. of A'linin tration havim heen rrai-tct tli uiole-icneJ on the estate or holier! J. allain. tlee',1. late ol Clearfiel.l borouirh, I learhel.l eouiity. all persona in'l-lile. to anid estate will ninkc in mrilialr payment. anil thoar havitu claims acsiirt the Bailie will prrecnt them properii autl'i'iit icalej for Kttlemeiit, litolltili W.' HIlt l.M. A.liniiii.'rsl -r. A Great Discovery. ONK of the greatest Hn,t Qi,.t usrtul iliseoTerisi in molten! science was tnailc hv thecelehrateil lr. J. Iiiiinaa, of Paris, Chief Pllvsieian to he luisrriat Infirmary f Kiwiice, in lMi'l. Tliosewhs have hein altlictcd with the painful iliaeasc known as Piles, an. I cffccliiallv enre,l hv the use of 1'K 1MS- HtKM II PI l.K SALV K. ennnut .r. loo hiuhly of the hened! eoiuTr,, up -n tli.-n If the use ol this rcincily. It has never he n kn .ao In f sill In rrlertinK pi nnaiuiit chit in a sinrle case. In this rc.peet it surpin.,s all oilier medi cines of the kin.l. It will do jut what il tsrecir men. led for : if mt, the money will lie rvfumscl. line ot two hoxc is sufiirienl loetTe.1 a pennarent cure in four or six ilays. If the ilirectmns on thr twite, are fi llowrM. Trice, one ami two ilollars pi ba. smorUmal l ei.e. Sen! hv mail or eipres. I anr par! of the ftiitej Stales or Cana.la. ,S,M by I'mcci-t gent rally. A lil.ernMiseoiinl made to the trade. A. I. less I. S. IHMMM A fn. W illiam.porl, I'a., Me Proprietors and JManufne liners to, the I ii il, , ,ialv an l Canada. d ' A VALUABLE FARM YOll SAI.F. 01 KKNT. 'I'lIK nn.lersirned will s. II or mil her farir, 1 situat.,1 in Miirysville. Clearfield eoun'v. l's. llic fann contains UN K HlMiliKD ACI1KS end is well adapted to Tnmiinc or crnrinj. and ft prvscnt is ina (r'"d state of culiim'ion an I well watered ; hai inn thereon one (rood 1 W tl -rTnllY I-A IIM lllll si; and Iwo and a half slorj loins'. j i' ' ' wen .rranretl lor keeping pul.li,-. ,, ,nir' are cunpii te. Also, a We, the fVmmt'i''iM f I'i a, l tt.a I oiMieu wealth ol I'eM v Ivn,,,. lH aioiio'd lha ace, oin!" of li. n y TreaAUrrr '( f Irathc'.l eo,,n . f r ri , ., 1M.I, do certify thai we f n-l ti e a ,. , Iowa: Tlit amount iliia lha Countr to 1 r fi'-. lllVOtSLl 1 nerenan ll-c M U H S Kt l(I.M . inwliiru ' v "il" licen .nd is HOW . rencr! u...lo..ni ,.f teer cnaiolise: conieiuent lot h house is a sorinc of rnnmnf water, which was never known to fail. Ihere is also erected thereon a small harn. wilh slalihnu suftieicnt f.,r twelve horses. 1 or lurlli!-r partleiilars and term, address the un ler.ign.d t I Icarfield llodjro, I'a.. orciill en her at Man-, ills, jsnlll 3iw .Mr.. K. W, TllllMPSON. Si ()() AHIW OnTnitrsdiTevenint. .. 1 VfHecetl.r I I, a nian.eiimtliisnameal James I hestiml. Inn I a man fi.,n, the unde-irned. to ride n.e mtlrs. lo Hi ll,.m'., j ,h .,iiin.t ri'tnrn the next mornine. Wlore 7 eVIock. whks) he fjilesl to d. The said t he-lmit is ahout live lert ten in. he, hii-l,,,a, cmplexion.and wears hoa.r lile.k whukera. and had on a , t ,U.K crc al. I.la. k pants, and wrc a cap. The mare is a ilaik ehe.lnut n.rrel. w ith while lace. on. fore loot white, and 7 rears old. 1 he al,,,,. ,r,,rd wiil Ke pan! for Ihe return of the mure and thi, ; or ,i for tha n-turn of the mare, and .11 f,.r ihe ppr..'.en.i ofthethsef. Ui:,i v. i.tll: ill:T. dc-2ll Cleai lieid. I'a. R ir ii op i s Iee. 1.4, lsrs. of .1' si.es, for ule al 11 8 HKI.U A 1IIULKR. 'rae and alidomlnal inj'purlcr of every X kiod nf the latest lieoe . ,,.,. Is. for isle at the l'nif Slot of IIAIir.SW U K 1 lHIWS. 1 n Riu r.itit: to i. . U,7;:1,VW oitUlLi.1, 1 t f 5LLR 3.